PREVIEWS VOL. XI #5 PREVIEWS PUBLICATIONS VIDEO VAULT: ANIME BACKLIST SUMMER 2001 CATALOG If you love our Video Vault: Anime Backlist catalog features hundreds of the hottest titles available for fans of every age, including everything from action and adventure to comedy and erotica. Many of these titles are dubbed in English or, for the purist, in their original language with English subtitles. It's like finding the coolest video store on Earth… but without the crowds! Catalog MSRP: $0.75 PREVIEWS PRIMO FLYER #7 (PREVIEWS VOL. XI #7) The Unique Boutique for Discriminating Collectors! Previews Primo is the monthly publication featuring some of the very best and most desirable items from Previews! This issue highlights items in the July 2001 catalog for September/October/November shipping! Digest, 5x8, FC MSRP: PI PREVIEWS VOLUME XI #7 Previews is your ultimate source for news and information on the comic book industry. In it, you'll find all the merchandise available from your local comic book specialty retailer shipping in approximately two months. Everything you need in order to enjoy the comic book hobby is right here under one smashing cover! Hundreds of comics from a myriad of publishers, merchandise, and exclusive editorial content available nowhere else! Catalog, 8.5x11, 400+pg, PC $3.25 PREVIEWS CONSUMER ORDER FORM BOOKLET VOLUME XI #7 Previews makes it easy for you to order every item in the catalog with this separate order form publication! Use the order form to tally up your order and make sure that everything you want is accounted for! This issue ships in late June 2001 for items on sale in September 2001. Comic-sized, 62pg, PC MSRP: PI PREVIEWS ADULT VOLUME XI #7 Inside each issue of Previews Adult you'll find additional artwork and information not found in Previews. Plus, Previews Adult features editorial coverage of the adult industry — with its own "Mature Readers" news page! NOTE: Due to customs and international restrictions, adult material may not be available in some international markets. Please check with your local comic book specialty retailer for availability. ADULT MATERIAL Catalog, 8.5x11, 24pg, b&w MSRP: $0.75 PREMIERE VENDORS DARK HORSE COMICS BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: OZ #1 by CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN and LOGAN LUBERA; cover by JOHN TOTLEBEN His name is Daniel Osbourne, but we know him as Oz, friend to the slayer, Buffy Summers, and victim of a terrible curse. Every time the moon is full, Oz transforms into a bloodthirsty werewolf. On a quest to conquer the beast within, Oz journeys to Tibet in search of a monk called Shantou, who could possibly teach him to control his darker half. With the aid of a beautiful Chinese demon-girl, Oz manages to find Shantou — who he must now save from a force of unspeakable evil. This three-part thriller is brought to you by the most prolific of Buffy authors, Christopher Golden, and Buffy newcomer, Logan Lubera (Outlaw 7). On sale July 18 FC, 32pg (1 of 3) (Totleben cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (1 of 3) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL #58: SECRETS PART 1 (OF 4) by HIROAKI SAMURA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS A new story arc begins for the Eisner Award-winning series! Anotsu Kagehisa's long journey has brought him to the wooded hills of autumn, to the gates of the Ibane dojo of the Shingyoto-ryu sword school, and to a world of doubts. First there's the beautiful young woman in the woods who seems to speak in riddles. And then the man he's come to see, Ibane himself, is nowhere to be found. What the head of Itto-ryu does find, though, is a dojo full of angry sword students who don't want to take orders from an upstart from Edo, and demand that he prove himself worthy to lead them. At the point of a sword! FOR MATURE READERS On sale July 11 b&w, 32pg (1 of 4) . . . $2.99 DARK HORSE MAVERICK DARK HORSE MAVERICK 2001 featuring SERGIO ARAGONÉS, DUPUY & BERBERIAN, WILL EISNER, DENIS KITCHEN, MIKE MIGNOLA, STAN SAKAI, MATT WAGNER, & J.R. WILLIAMS cover art by FRANK MILLER In this second annual anthology of creator-owned coolness, we've roped a few wayward, unpredictable colts, corralled them with some solid but imaginative workhorses, and even had some of those fancy European ponies brought to the Dark Horse ranch for the best ride of the new millennium! Okay, horseplay aside, Matt Wagner visits the Grendel universe with another chapter of the Hunter Rose legacy, Sergio Aragonés rolls out an autobiographical anecdote in his trademark style, Will Eisner tells a tale of fleeting triumph, and young Usagi learns a valuable lesson in a story by Stan Sakai. All the way from France, Angoulême Grand Prize winners Charles Berberian and Philippe Dupuy send their charming and funny Monsieur Jean for your reading pleasure. Jogging in from the outfield, Denis Kitchen provides a hilariously absurd story called "My Five Minutes with God," and J.R. Williams provides his take on a Greek myth with "Skinboy: Sisyphus Revisited." Rounding out the edges we have a pin-up by Hellboy artist Mike Mignola and a cover by the ever-smoking Frank Miller, colored by Eisner Award- winning digital artist Laura DePuy. It's 48 pages of pure genius, and it's coming your way in July, the perfect month for a good read in a shady spot. BE ADVISED: CONTAINS SOME CARTOON NUDITY. On sale July 4 b&w, 48pg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.99 MIKE ALLRED SPECIAL ADVANCE SOLICITATION THE COMPLETE MADMAN VOLUME 4: HEAVEN AND HELL TP created, written, & illustrated by MIKE ALLRED Frank Einstein has never led a normal life — as far as he knows — but lately his topsy- turvy times have been undeniably loony. In this fourth collection chronicling the life of comics' coolest undead guy, Frank goes from holiday giddiness to super-secret paranoia, friends become enemies, and sworn enemies become … saviors? In this tome of 136 colorful pages, Frank makes amends with a beatnik ghoul, meets Santa Claus, gets his house fixed up, and goes on an unexpected adventure. It turns out fellow undead foes, Mattress and Crept, have gotten themselves in a snag, and it's up to Frank to find out what's up. Mysteries are explained, but there's plenty of confusion to take its place. It's a kooky book — take a look! INTRODUCTION BY STEVEN T. SEAGLE On sale August 1 136pg, FC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$17.95 SAKAI • RUSSELL • MIGNOLA USAGI YOJIMBO #50 created, written, & illustrated by STAN SAKAI Usagi? Dead? Oh, no! This can't be. But there he is, lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood, dead at the hands of Yakuza thugs. This may be the darkest hour yet. And it's all because of that foolish Kitsune, the thief/street entertainer, who crossed the wrong people. Usagi was only recently coming to terms with his rash decision-making problem. Now it seems like he's only got a "ghost" of a chance to achieve that greater depth of patience. Join us for the most shocking issue of Usagi Yojimbo yet. On sale July 18 b&w, 24pg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.99 THE RING OF THE NIBELUNG: GOTTERDAMMERUNG #2 (OF 4) adaptation created, written, & illustrated by P. CRAIG RUSSELL Mankind's greatest hero, Siegfried, is wooed by love and lust to make a pledge which will condemn his beloved Valkyrie and bring the attention of Wotan. Violence and ill- conceived marriages go hand in hand as the magical Ring is once again exchanged. There is only one last chance to avoid the death of man and gods alike. P. Craig Russell's graceful adaptation of the Germanic opera cycle continues on its journey of innocence, greed, and the glistening beauty of a time when Gods walked the earth. On sale July 11 FC, 32pg (2 of 4) . . . . . . . . . $2.99 HELLBOY: CONQUEROR WORM #3 (OF 4) created, written, & illustrated by MIKE MIGNOLA The conqueror worm arrives, transforming Nazis into frog people and preparing to bring about the downfall of mankind. Meanwhile, Hellboy falls through a floor and encounters a cabinet full of human heads, and Roger gets a beating. On sale July 11 FC, 32pg (3 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . $2.99 F5 ORIGIN by TONY DANIEL and RICH BONK; new wraparound cover by TONY DANIEL Finally available through comics shops, Dark Horse presents a brand-new edition of the hard-to-find F5 Origin one-shot special, originally available only through Featuring an exclusive story not included in the original F5 series from Image Comics, a brand-new wraparound cover by Tony Daniel, and new character-profile pages, this special edition is sure to excite Tony Daniel fans old and new. No F5 collection is complete without this issue — don't miss out! On sale July 25 FC, 32pg (one-shot) . . . $2.99 JOSS WHEDON'S FRAY #2 (OF 8) by JOSS WHEDON, KARL MOLINE, and ANDY OWENS; cover by KARL MOLINE Fray's world has been turned upside down. After finishing a routine breaking and entering job, she's returned to her apartment to find an eight-foot-tall demon. Now she's got another job proposal put in front of her, and her life will never be the same. Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, makes his comics writing debut with this epic, eight-issue saga of a young girl in a futuristic world where monsters are all but unheard of — and now she's got to chase them all out of the shadows. On sale July 4 FC, 32pg (2 of 8) . . . $2.99 DARK HORSE EXTRA #37 It's the heat of July and do we have some saucy little firecrackers for you! Dark Horse Extra #37 brings you the explosive continuing sagas in strips from Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes, Joss Whedon's Angel, and the action-packed Star Wars! And speaking of war, how's this for a battle: the Man of Steel vs. the Alien of TERROR? This month's poster gives you a sneak peek at our upcoming Superman/Aliens 2 crossover, co- published with DC Comics. All this, plus the dish on every upcoming Dark Horse July title and the latest news from Be a true patriot — pledge your allegiance to Dark Horse Extra! On sale July 4 FC, 4pg, 14-3/4" x 21-1/2" folded to 14-3/4" x 10-3/4" . . . PI PLANET OF THE APES #2 (OF 3) by IAN EDGINTON, PACO MEDINA, and JUAN VLASCO; cover by J. SCOTT CAMPBELL Taking place after astronaut Leo Davidson's adventure on the ape world, the anti-human forces of Shiva's ape army seek to exterminate the integrated human and ape resistance led by the chimp leader, Seneca, and the human, Esau. Meanwhile, a double-agent walks a dangerous line, working for the ape army while smuggling arms and provisions to the rebels. When this agent is exposed, secrets are revealed that force both sides into a race against time for the ultimate weapon in the war…and for the chance to rule the Planet of the Apes! On sale July 4 FC, 32pg (2 of 3) (Campbell cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (2 of 3) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 AVAILABLE NOW GIVE ME LIBERTY TP (DELL EDITION) by FRANK MILLER and DAVE GIBBONS A young girl from the ghetto struggles against impossible odds to save the world from the Fat Boy Burger corporate army, the Aryan Thrust, and the meanest Mr. Clean ever... the Surgeon General! That young girl is Martha Washington, and she redefines heroism in the Eisner Award-winning story, Give Me Liberty. Give Me Liberty set the stage for the Martha Washington Goes to War series. With the Dark Horse version long out of print, we have purchased a quantity of the Dell version of Give Me Liberty which is exactly the same as the Dark Horse version save for a change from white to black for the cover. And, did you notice that price? Only $16.00! FOR MATURE READERS SC, 216pg, FC . . . $16.00 ********************* ADRENALYNN: WEAPON OF WAR TP by TONY DANIEL and MARTIN EGELAND The hit miniseries is finally available in one volume! During the Cold War, the Russians created the perfect covert weapon — incredible strength, speed, and stealth within a single human body. After several prototypes are hidden away in the U.S., Project Adrenalynn discovers a teenage girl named Sabina Nikoli — and turns her into the ultimate weapon! Now, she's been found in the U.S. and reactivated to search and destroy the killer prototypes…but once her job's done, her creators want her dead as well! Featuring characters from the hot series The Tenth, Adrenalynn: Weapon of War is a wild ride like no other! Adrenalynn has been signed to a major motion-picture deal by producer Joel Silver (The Matrix, Lethal Weapon), with the lead role to be played by none other than Christina Ricci (Sleepy Hollow, The Opposite of Sex)! On sale August 8 SC, 96pg, FC . . . $12.95 THE TENTH: RESURRECTED #4 by TONY DANIEL and ROMANO; covers by TONY DANIEL and ROMANO Esperanza comes face to face with Rhazes Darkk, the man responsible for infecting her with alien blood. Will Espy avenge her parents deaths, or will the alien blood force her to ally with Darkk to keep the species alive? Is there still a human under the massive muscles and teeth known as the Tenth? Will the doomsday cult help Rhazes realize his dream of an alien race on Earth, or will one of its members have a change of heart? All these questions answered and more in the conclusion of The Tenth: Resurrected! On sale July 11 FC, 32pg (Daniel cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (Romano cover) . . . $2.99 ANGEL: HUNTING GROUND TP by CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN, TOM SNIEGOSKI, ERIC POWELL, BRIAN HORTON, and PAUL LEE There's a killer tossing dead bodies out of L.A. sewers like hot potatoes, and all the evidence points Detective Kate Lockley towards one man: a certain vampire named Angel. But Angel knows there are a lot more monsters in L.A — he just doesn't know which one's trying to set him up. In "Lovely, Dark, and Deep" (from Dark Horse Presents, colored by Matt Hollingsworth) Cordelia lands the starring role in a Blair Witch rip-off about three filmmakers searching for the legendary Helm of Haraxis. But what she doesn't know is that the film is a sham and the Helm's the real thing. Angel, who smelled a rat from the beginning, has to rescue Cordelia and her fellow filmmakers from a cabal of Hollywood demons and angry forest spirits, who all want to keep the Helm of Haraxis and the power it gives them. On sale August 22 SC, 80pg, FC . . . $9.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #35: FALSE MEMORIES #1 (OF 4) by TOM FASSBENDER, JIM PASCOE, CLIFF RICHARDS, JOE PIMENTEL; cover by CLIFF RICHARDS Remember that time when Buffy's little sister Dawn first found out that Buffy is the Slayer? And then when Angel almost killed Dawn, because no one had told her that he'd turned evil again? And who could forget the time Dawn loaded up on band candy? Buffy and the Scooby Gang all have memories connected to Dawn, and only Buffy and Giles know they're not real. But Dawn is turning up other little secrets from the past, including a previous vampire slayer who met the worst fate imaginable — and still suffers under the curse. A new four-issue series kicks off where we find out just how much trouble a little sister can cause. On sale July 25 FC, 32pg (1 of 4) (Richards cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (1 of 4) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL: THE GATHERING TP by HIROAKI SAMURA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS The immortal samurai, Manji, and his charge, Rin have lost their best chance to avenge the death of Rin's parents at the hands of Anotsu Kagehisa's renegade sword school, the deadly Itto-ryu. Manji and Rin's alliance with the mysterious Mugai-ryu assassins has failed, and now for Rin to pursue her parents' killer, she must pass through the Shogun's checkpoints that control the roads out of Edo, a task she must perform without Manji, who is one of the most wanted men in all Japan and she is sure to be detected. When Manji discovers Rin has gone, he faces the impossible choice of storming the checkpoint by force or leaving Rin to face Anotsu and his trained killers alone. And when Rin is falsely named as an accomplice in a savage murder, the stakes are raised ever higher as she faces even greater odds to fulfill her blood oath! Collecting issues #1-8 of The Gathering series. FOR MATURE READERS On sale August 15 SC, 208pg, b&w . . . $15.95 DOMU: A CHILD'S DREAM 2ND ED. TP by KATSUHIRO OTOMO; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS A twisted old man, gifted with extrasensory powers, silently holds sway over an entire block of apartments. The occupants are puppets for him to control. Life is his to give...and to take. But suddenly there is a new voice in his head, and before he knows it, a young girl with her own battery of psychic abilities has arrived to challenge him! Soon, the sprawling complex becomes a battleground between two minds possessing incredible, unimaginable power. Winner of Japan's Science Fiction Grand Prix award, the first graphic novel ever awarded such an honor, Domu comes from the boundless imagination of Katsuhiro Otomo, renowned creator of the internationally acclaimed graphic-fiction epic, Akira. A work of rare strength, Domu is both visually stunning and emotionally gripping, a terrifying tale of the paranormal set amongst the human isolation of modern urban life. On sale August 8 SC, 240pg, b&w, 6" x 9" . . . $17.95 THE DIRTY PAIR: SIM HELL REMASTERED #3 (OF 4) by ADAM WARREN; color by GURU eFX Kei and Yuri discover the twisted, perverse secrets behind Kevin Sleet, mastermind of their virtual-reality entrapment within SimNet! Watch as the Dirty Pair face bizarre head- games, dozens of kinky simulated Keis and Yuris, and gigantic — uh — egos! It's the series that helped make Adam Warren a superstar, back and better than ever! In addition to all-new front- and back-cover art, each issue also features never-before-seen Dirty Pair bonus material by writer/artist Adam Warren (Gen 13, Battle Chasers, etc.) and friends! On sale July 4 FC, 32pg (3 of 4) . . . $2.99 GUNSMITH CATS: MISTER V #10 (OF 11) by KENICHI SONODA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Rally's walked right into a trap, a gauntlet of bombs that would do her partner Minnie- May proud — which means only Bean Bandit can pull their pal Misty out of the clutches of the counterfeit gang and get his hands on Jim Max. But that's easier said than done — because while our heroes and the gang members have been shooting it out, Max has hit the high road in a stolen van! Next month prepare yourself for the final, roller-coaster- ride chapter of the ultimate Gunsmith Cats story! FOR MATURE READERS On sale July 18 b&w, 40pg (10 of 11) . . . $3.50 SUPER MANGA BLAST! #14 by MOHIRO KITOH, MAKOTO KOBAYASHI, YUZO TAKADA, and HIROYUKI UTATANE & YO MORIMOTO; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Club 9, continues as Haruo lives the dream of every Japanese country girl: to go to the big city! And Haruo's new friends at college are everything you'd expect of big-city girls, especially the super-sexy Aki. But she's got bad news for the bouncy newcomer! This issue also contains four What's Michael? stories, in which our favorite feline hits the streets for excitement, and ends up with more than he bargained for. Plus: the origin of Catzilla! And, of course, SMB!'s other regular features continue: 3x3 Eyes (Pai fights for control of her demonic power!), Shadow Star (Shiina has to spend her birthday visiting her cold, cruel mother), and Seraphic Feather (Sunao watches as Number Four blows away Kei — awakening her awesome power!). FOR MATURE READERS On sale July 25 b&w, 128pg . . . $4.99 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 12: SHATTERED STONES TP by KAZUO KOIKE and GOSEKI KOJIMA; cover by FRANK MILLER and LYNN VARLEY A woman driven to insanity by the murder of her child and her own subsequent rape, and the horribly burned husband seeking her revenge; unseen samurai under the thumb of a power-hungry woman; a beggar ronin seeking the downfall of his greedily ambitious wife; a good-for-nothing beggar willing to use a child to make easy money; a lady magician threatened by swindling gangsters: all of these people have something in common — the need to regain their honor, and this quest almost always means death. Ogami Itto, a wandering ronin on a road to vengeance, has been paid to put these folks back on that path, at any cost. For this grim samurai and his infant son, there is nothing left in this world except honor, vengeance, death, and blood. Fortunately, there's plenty of each to go around… FOR MATURE READERS On sale Auguest 29 SC, 304pg, b&w, 4" x 6"…$9.95 CYBERWORLD PORTFOLIO One of Dark Horse's best-selling items last year was the fantastic Cybergirls portfolio by Masamune Shirow, the world-renowned creator of Ghost in the Shell and Intron Depot. We are thrilled to offer a brand new companion portfolio, Cyberworld. The Portfolio contains six 13 1/2" x 10 3/8" oversize full-color plates featuring Shirow's sexiest science- fiction women, plus explanatory notes on separate sheets. It's packaged in a deluxe illustrated folder for safe storage and handsome presentation. FOR MATURE READERS On sale June 27 Six 13 1/2"x 10 3/8" color prints . . . $19.99 CLASSIC COMIC CHARACTERS #26: NANCY STATUE The art style of Nancy is graphic communication stripped down to the core. Iconic, minimalist, with a simple storytelling sequence that could be immediately comprehended as easily as a stop sign on the road. Although simply rendered, Nancy was able to communicate a wide range of emotions. She was especially endearing when angry, which was easy to see, since she would eject pen-and-ink droplets in every direction! Because this piece is limited allocation may occur. On sale September 5 4" tall, packaged in full-color tin box w/certificate, pinback button, and info booklet. Limited to only 600 numbered copies . . . $49.99 CLASSIC COMIC CHARACTERS #27: SLUGGO STATUE Nancy's ragmuffin pal, Sluggo, was a reliable comic foil in cartoonist Ernie Bushmiller's multi-decade succession of corny jokes. Wearing raggedy, patched-up clothing and sporting a low-brow cap, the young lad lived in a broken-down house, seemingly without adult supervision. As he lazily meandered through life, young Sluggo met the challenges of a hand-to-mouth existence, as well as the annoyances of authority, with a happy-go- lucky attitude that belied his low estate. No matter what kind of trouble they got in to Nancy was always Sluggo's "goil" and they continue to appear in newspapers today walking in step, side by side. Because this piece is limited allocation may occur. On sale September 5 4" tall, packaged in full-color tin box w/certificate, pinback button, and info booklet. Limited to only 600 numbered copies . . . $49.99 DARK HORSE DELUXE BOMBSHELL T-SHIRTS Bombshell has quickly made a place for herself among Dark Horse Comics' SpyBoy fans. Beautiful girls who kick butt seem to grab attention these days — now you can gear up in a tough and sexy way with a whole line of Bombshell T-shirts. We made sure to include a few designs made just for the female form, too. On sale July 25 MINI BOMBSHELL W/GRENADE/RINGER TEE/WHITE W/PINK/YOUTH S-XL…$17.99 BOMBSHELL W/KANJI/BABYDOLL/PINK/ S-L…$17.99 BOMBSHELL W/KANJI/RINGER TEE/WHITE W/PINK/ADULT/ M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 MINI BOMBSHELL W/GRENADE/PLAIN TEE/BLACK/YOUTH/ S-XL…$17.99 BOMBSHELL W/KANJI/RINGER TEE/WHITE W/BLACK/ADULT/ M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 SHY MINI BOMBSHELL/BABYDOLL/WHITE/ S-L…$17.99 ANGRY MINI BOMBSHELL/SPAGHETTI STRAP TANK/PINK/ADULT/ S-L…$17.99 ANGRY MINI BOMBSHELL/RINGER TEE/WHITE W/ORANGE/YOUTH/ S-XL…$17.99 NEVERMEN T-SHIRTS Never let it be said we didn't give you variety, style, or at least something pretty different to wear on your chest. Dark Horse Comics' own Nevermen are now disappearing from the racks on a new line of T-shirts. Get 'em before they were never here. On sale July 25 NEVERMEN 4 PANEL/PLAIN TEE/ASH/YOUTH/ S-XL…$17.99 NEVERMEN 4 PANEL/PLAIN TEE/NAVY/YOUTH/ S-XL…$17.99 NEVERMEN SILHOUETTE W/HAT/RINGER TEE/WHITE W/BLACK/ADULT M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 NEVERMEN X3/PLAIN TEE/CHARCOAL/ADULT/ M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 MONKEYS W/LOGO/RINGER TEE/WHITE W/BLACK/YOUTH/ S-XL…$17.99 POP-OUT PEOPLE Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Planet of the Apes! Dark Horse continues its line of fun Pop-Out PeopleTM! Pop out each character, put 'em on their bases, and stand em up in front of cool scenery. Arrange these on your desk, dashboard, computer, bookshelf, or wherever you need some fun. Each element is printed on both sides in full color, and each set comes with its own custom 2-sided diorama. Collect 'em all. On sale July 18 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER POP-OUT PEOPLETM FC, pop-out characters (Art). . .$2.99 (each) FC, pop-out characters (Photo). . .$2.99 (each) On sale July 18 PLANET OF THE APES POP-OUT PEOPLETM FC, pop-out characters (Art) . . .$2.99 (each) FC, pop-out characters (Photo) . . .$2.99 (each) TREASURE CHEST OF FUN MAGNET SET A treasure chest of fun! X-Ray Specs! Joy Buzzer! Secret Spy Scope! Whoopee Cushion! Trick Black Soap! Onion Gum! Surprise Package! Worms! Dark Horse takes this classic ad page, familiar to comic readers for decades, and turns it into a cool set of magnets. Each ad has been restored to its original brilliance, perked up with a little color, and made into an individual magnetic beauty. Loads of laughs! On sale September 19 FC, 10 piece magnet set . . . $12.99 GUNSMITH CATS STATUE This cold-cast resin statue of the Gunsmith Cats features outlaw bounty-hunters Rally and Minnie May poised for action on a strip of asphalt. This powerful crime-busting duo from Kenichi Sonoda's manga masterpiece, Gunsmith Cats, is sculpted by Sam Greenwell of Acornboy Studios, and the paintmaster was created by Mr. Tsuyoshi Maeda of Kotobukiya Co. in Japan. This pair is guaranteed to knock your block off! On sale August 29 8" tall, fully painted and assembled . . . $150.00 STAR WARS #32: DARKNESS #1 (OF 4) by JOHN OSTRANDER, JAN DUURSEMA, and RAY KRYSSING; cover by JON FOSTER The saga of Quinlan Vos, a troubled Jedi still trying to regain stability after having his memory erased, continues in this latest Star Wars story arc. Despite his successful mission on Dathomir, the Jedi Council still feels that he walks dangerously close to the dark side. Kiffex, a prison planet under watch by the Guardians, is suddenly thrust into chaos when an unidentified enemy decimates a security compound. Quinlan Vos is specifically requested to investigate because of his Guardian ancestry, and he soon finds himself on another suicide mission. Developing subplots first introduced in "Twilight" and "Infinity's End" and debuting new Star Wars characters, this beginning salvo of "Darkness" sets the stage for a harrowing tale of horror and adventure. On sale July 25 FC, 32pg (1 of 4) . . . $2.99 STAR WARS: EMISSARIES TO MALASTARE TP by TIM TRUMAN, TOM LYLE, ROBERT JONES, JAN DUURSEMA, WALDEN WONG, JOHN NADEAU, and JORDI ENSIGN; cover by JASON HURST In a time after the events of Episode I — The Phantom Menace, half of the Jedi High Council travel to the exotic world of Malastare to negotiate a peace treaty between two of that planet's warring factions. But the whole affair is being manipulated by a secret, third party out to assassinate the Jedi! Add in the fact that Malastare is one of the few planets to allow the dangerous sport of Podracing and you can be sure that the Jedi are in for some extreme action! This story features many familiar characters from The Phantom Menace and continues the ongoing adventures that bridge the gap between Episodes I & II! On sale August 29 SC, 132pg, FC . . . $15.95 STAR WARS: INFINITIES — A NEW HOPE #3 (OF 4) by CHRIS WARNER, DREW JOHNSON, and RAY SNYDER; cover by TONY HARRIS In an altered Star Wars timeline, the Death Star is never destroyed and the Rebellion is seemingly crushed. The Empire's strong presence throughout the galaxy leads to the formation of a new Senate, filled with Imperial puppets. Han Solo and Chewbacca watch in amazement as the newest Senator from the planet Coruscant, the Imperial throneworld, is announced – Leia Organa! Hope springs on Dagobah, as Luke Skywalker nears the completion of his training with Jedi Master Yoda. But can any amount of training prepare him for the combined dark forces of the Emperor, Darth Vader, and Leia, Vader's new apprentice? In Star Wars: Infinities, the galaxy is re-imagined with massive changes...and the possibilities are endless! On sale July 4 FC, 32pg (3 of 4) . . . $2.99 STAR WARS: JEDI VS. SITH #4 (OF 6) by DARKO MACAN, RAMON F. BACHS and RAUL FERNANDEZ; cover by ANDREW ROBINSON The war between Jedi and Sith continues to rage on the planet of Ruusan, consuming all in its path. The battle between good and evil has claimed soldiers on both sides and now the rage boils over and starts to consume the planet itself. Ruusan's forests and countryside become victims of the war along with innocent bystanders and the native creatures called Bouncers which occupy the sky above the planet. In the midst of the firestorm, cousins Tomcat and Bug find it difficult to reach any common ground and continue to grow further apart. Meanwhile, their missing cousin Rain's Force powers grow as she struggles to find her way back to her family. On sale July 18 FC, 32pg (4 of 6) . . . $2.99 DISNEY'S ATLANTIS THE LOST EMPIRE Adapted from the animated feature film by Greg Ehrbar; by CLAUDIO SCIARRONE, SONIA MATRONE, and MATTEO DE BENEDITTIS; cover by MIKE MIGNOLA In the flash of a giant wave, the mighty kingdom of Atlantis disappeared into the sea. For hundreds of generations, the lost empire has remained hidden at the bottom of the ocean. Now a young man named Milo Thatch has discovered the secret of Atlantis, and a fantastic journey is about to begin. This greatly anticipated adaptation of Disney's Atlantis The Lost Empire features a cover by comics luminary Mike Mignola, whose artistic vision inspired the animation for the film. In this graphic novel, Mignola includes a special sketchbook section — giving us a look at some never-before-seen designs from the production. On sale June 6 FC, 56pg . . . $6.95 DARK HORSE/DYNAMIC FORCES EDITIONS BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: OZ #1 GOLD FOIL PHOTO COVER Oz's quest to control his darker side is told in this tale! You won't see this story on TV or in any Buffy novel, the first issue of this three part thriller is commemorated with a gold foil logo from Dynamic Forces! Also available as in a signed edition, autographed by Christopher Golden, and limited to 1,000 copies . GOLD FOIL PHOTO ED—FC, 32pg . . . $12.95 SIGNED GOLD FOIL PHOTO ED—FC, 32pg,. . $24.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: WILLOW & TARA SPECIAL RED FOIL PHOTO COVER One girl's envy of Willow and Tara's friendship threatens to unleash new horrors on Sunnydale, and neither Buffy nor the rest of the gang are around to help the young witches! Dynamic Forces red foil photo edition, FC, 32pg, limited to 300 copies . . . $16.95 THE TENTH: RESURRECTED #1 GOLD FOIL COVER Commemorate the first issue of Tony Daniel's best known character with a beautiful gold foil cover edition! Dynamic Forces gold foil edition, FC, 32pg, limited to 500 copies . . . $12.95 STILL AVAILABLE: WITCHBLADE/ALIENS/DARKNESS/PREDATOR: MINDHUNTER #1 GOLD FOIL COVER Dynamic Forces gold foil edition, FC, 32pg . . . $12.95 Dynamic Forces gold foil limited-edition, FC, 32pg, signed by David Quinn and Mel Ruby . . . $29.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: SPIKE & DRU — ALL'S FAIR EXCLUSIVE FOIL PHOTO COVER Dynamic Forces excluxive gold foil photo edition, FC, 32pg . . . $14.95 ************************ DC COMICS JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOE KUBERT CREATING BATMAN It was one of the most talked-about announcements of the year 2000, and now it's one of the most eagerly awaited projects of 2001. Living legend Stan Lee — the co- creator of X-Men, Spider-Man, the Hulk and the Marvel Universe — joins forces with DC Comics to present Lee's alternative interpretations of DC's finest super-heroes in JUST IMAGINE..., a series of stand-alone Prestige one-shots teaming one of the comic-book world's most beloved storytellers with some of the medium's greatest artists. The adventure begins in July as Lee joins with another legendary creator, Joe Kubert (illustrator of SGT. ROCK, ENEMY ACE, Tarzan, Fax from Sarajevo, and the soon-to- be-reprinted TOR), to present the remarkable new character — Batman — in JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOE KUBERT CREATING BATMAN. And it's a Batman unlike any seen before. JUST IMAGINE...BATMAN introduces Wayne Washington, a black man framed for armed robbery. Consumed with thoughts of revenge against those who framed him, Wayne is freed from prison with a powerful physique and a bold new purpose. While seeking out his enemies, he gains wealth and popularity as a masked wrestler called "Batman," attracting the attention of Reverend Darrk, a mysterious villain who will play a role in subsequent JUST IMAGINE... one-shots. Each issue of JUST IMAGINE… has a cover by the book's interior artist but also features a back cover illustration by Adam Hughes (WONDER WOMAN). Plus, every issue contains a backup story focusing on the everyday lives of ordinary people affected by the emergence of the new heroes in the JUST IMAGINE... universe cowritten by Lee & movie producer Michael Uslan (Batman, Swamp Thing), with art by a variety of talents, among them Michael Wm. Kaluta (who illustrates the first installment), and the Hildebrandt Bros. The first six JUST IMAGINE one-shots are scheduled to be released monthly, introducing Stan's take on Wonder Woman (illustrated by Jim Lee & Scott Williams), Superman (illustrated by John Buscema), Green Lantern (illustrated by Dave Gibbons), the Flash (illustrated by Kevin Maguire) and a team book uniting them all, JLA (illustrated by Jerry Ordway). Then later in 2002, another six JUST IMAGINE... books are planned to be released, introducing (among others) Stan's takes on Robin, Catwoman, and, yes, an issue that could only be called CRISIS. This project is supported with a large 4-color poster, a smaller window poster, header cards, and house and trade ads. JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOE KUBERT CREATING BATMAN is a 48-page one-shot in the Prestige Format edited by Mike Carlin. It arrives in comic-book shops July 4 with a cover price of $5.95 U.S. OUR WORLDS AT WAR: ALL-OUT WAR! June's "Prelude to War" is only the setup. In July, it's "All-Out War" as Imperiex, Darkseid, and other mysterious forces collide towards global armageddon. Superman once again must face Doomsday, the deadly force that "killed" him, while witnessing more allies fall in the maddening chaos. In SUPERMAN #172 (written by Jeph Loeb with art and cover by Ed McGuinness & Cam Smith), the Man of Steel is at ground zero witnessing the aftermath of Imperiex's first strike. He goes toe to toe with one of Imperiex's destroyer probes — but stopping it comes at a price...and this is only the beginning! Then in ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #594 (written by Joe Casey with art by Mike Wieringo & Lary Stucker and cover by Wieringo & Terry Austin), Lex Luthor has given the order for Doomsday to be released from his prison on the moon. Who's crazy enough to actually do it, and how does this cost Superman an ally? And what happens when Superman finally confronts the true Imperiex? In SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #116 (written by Mark Schultz with art by Doug Mahnke & José Marzan, Jr. and cover by Mahnke & Tom Nguyen), Superman deals with the aftermath of Doomsday's release and the confrontation with Imperiex, only to find himself at odds with his ally Darkseid and his own solution to ending the War. Another hero dies, as a traitor prevents important information about another enemy from getting to Superman. Finally, in ACTION COMICS #781 (written by Joe Kelly with art and cover by Kano & Marlo Alquiza), the Man of Steel is torn in many directions as Imperiex's probes continue to ravage Earth. Meanwhile, Lois and the President confront their unearthly terrors; the MASH unit in space faces its own assault with only the injured JLA able to protect it; and two heroes sacrifice themselves as another part of Superman dies as well. Four other DCU titles tie into the war in June (not featuring the full war trade dress): In YOUNG JUSTICE #35, the young heroes confront their own nightmares about what's happened in the War as they must find a place for themselves in the coming battles. In SUPERBOY #90, Superboy, Serling and Heat Wave fight for their lives in the War, holding the fate of Guardian and his many proto-clones in their hands. Then in BATMAN #593, the sole alien survivor of a crashed spaceship from the War seeks sanctuary in Gotham — but how will the Dark Knight react to it? SUPERGIRL #60 finds the War well under way as Supergirl must catch up to and stop an Imperiex probe from laying waste another town — Linda Danvers' hometown, Leesburg! And in WONDER WOMAN #172, the War hits Diana hard. Witness the battle from Wonder Woman's point of view and the terrible pain she suffers at the hands of Imperiex. This project is supported with house and trade ads. All Superman titles and WONDER WOMAN #172 are edited by Eddie Berganza with a cover price of $2.25 U.S. each. YOUNG JUSTICE #35 is also edited by Berganza, with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. SUPERBOY #90 and SUPERGIRL #60 are edited by Mike McAvennie with a cover price of $2.25 U.S. each. OUR WORLDS AT WAR SPECIALS Four more extra-sized Specials in July (all with covers by Jae Lee) show the effects of the War on the rest of the DC Universe. First, in JLA: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 (written by Jeph Loeb with art by Ron Garney — his first work for DC — and Mark Morales), Imperiex has initiated his first strike. Now Earth's first line of defense, the JLA, goes full throttle against him and his probes. But what happens when the World's Greatest Heroes are not enough? Witness the full impact on Earth as the War against Imperiex begins and one battle is quickly lost in a big way! Then in NIGHTWING: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 (written by Chuck Dixon with art by Rick Leonardi & John Lowe), the love that blossoms during war is explored as Nightwing and Oracle, searching for answers to an alien mystery, are thrust into a deadly gauntlet through time! Dick and Barbara can't find a moment of rest as everyone from '30s gangsters to cavemen are serving as hitmen for a sinister hidden foe! Just how are they going to get out of this one? In JSA: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 (written by Geoff Johns with art by Javier Saltares & Ray Kryssing), it's time to call in the reserves...all of them! When President Luthor sends the JSA to take out Imperiex's base — a battleship the size of Jupiter — Sand fills out the ranks with Power Girl, the Ray, the Shining Knight, and a dozen others. But the horrible secret of Imperiex's power may prove too much for the JSA allies to handle. Finally, in WONDER WOMAN: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 (written by Phil Jimenez with art by Cliff Chiang & Wade Von Grawbadger), the Amazons have just gone through their own civil war, only to find themselves in the midst of an intergalactic one. As the War rages on, the Amazons explore Wonder Woman's history — from how Hippolyta changed the outcome of the great battles of World War II, to Diana's own role in the current cosmic struggle. JLA: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 is a 48-page one-shot edited by Dan Raspler with a cover price of $2.95 U.S. NIGHTWING: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 is a 48- page one-shot edited by Michael Wright with a cover price of $2.95 U.S. JSA: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 and WONDER WOMAN: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 are 48- page one-shots edited by Peter Tomasi with a cover price of $2.95 U.S. each. THE WAR HITS THE FOLLOWING TITLES IN JULY: In stores July 4: SUPERMAN #172 JLA: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 *YOUNG JUSTICE #35 In stores July 11: ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #594 NIGHTWING: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 In stores July 18: SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #116 JSA: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 *SUPERBOY #90 In stores July 25: ACTION COMICS #781 WONDER WOMAN: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 *BATMAN #593 *SUPERGIRL #60 *WONDER WOMAN #172 (* denotes a tie-in issue that will not carry the full "Our Worlds at War" trade dress) PROMETHEA BOOK TWO HC The second volume of the critically acclaimed, multiple award-winning series PROMETHEA is every bit as good if not better than the first volume — and we don't make that statement lightly! PROMETHEA BOOK TWO is a 176-page hardcover from AMERICA'S BEST COMICS, written by Alan Moore and illustrated by J.H. Williams III, Mick Gray, and José Villarrubia, with a cover pencilled by Williams and painted by Villarrubia. BOOK TWO follows Sophie Bangs, the latest in a long line of Prometheas, on a winding journey of discovery as she continues to learn the secrets of the Immateria...and herself. Her transcendental adventure brings young Sophie to realms of magic and wonder that none have experienced before. Collecting PROMETHEA issues #7-12, BOOK TWO contains such fan-favorite stories as "Rocks and Hard Places," where Sophie learns about the Promethea named Bill, and "Sex, Stars, and Serpents," where Sophie learns some…er…valuable lessons. Moore, the most lauded writer in the history of comics, along with the fan-favorite art team of Williams & Gray, combine their talents for a unique vision in comics that Entertainment Weekly has given an "A-" — describing the creative team as "seemingly hell-bent on reinventing the art of comics storytelling." This project is supported with house ads. PROMETHEA BOOK TWO is a 176-page hardcover from AMERICA'S BEST COMICS, arriving in comic-book stores July 11 with a cover price of $24.95 U.S. BATMAN: EVOLUTION TP No Man's Land has ended, and Gotham City is whole once again. But the wounds of No Man's Land run deep, and an old foe of Batman's is set to take full advantage of Gotham's fragile state. BATMAN: EVOLUTION is a 224-page trade paperback reprinting the lead stories from DETECTIVE COMICS #743-750 — the first major story arc by writer Greg Rucka (DETECTIVE COMICS, Whiteout) and artists Shawn Martinbrough (CREEPER) & Steve Mitchell (DETECTIVE COMICS). EVOLUTION features additional art by John Watkiss, William Rosado, and Phil Hester, plus a brand new cover by Dave Johnson (100 BULLETS). Gotham City is split into two bitterly divided factions: OG's (original Gothamites) and the DeeZee's (No Man's Land deserters). But while Batman and Commissioner Gordon struggle to maintain order, a new force threatens to consume Gotham — and perhaps the world! One of the Batman's greatest enemies returns with new, demonic cohorts. His name: Ra's al Ghul! And only the Dark Knight stands between the Demon and his plans of conquest! BATMAN: EVOLUTION is a 224-page trade paperback arriving in comic-book stores July 25 with a cover price of $12.95 U.S. A new crimefighter takes aim… NIGHTWING: THE TARGET Dick Grayson has adopted numerous identities over the years: as one of the Flying Graysons, as Robin the Boy Wonder, as Nightwing, and even as Batman (when Dick temporarily assumed the mantle of his former mentor). Now Dick finds himself forced to take on yet another persona in NIGHTWING: THE TARGET, a 48-page Prestige one-shot by writer Chuck Dixon and penciller Scott McDaniel — reuiniting the classic creative team from the first few years of NIGHTWING! Joined by inker Aaron Sowd, THE TARGET combines Dixon's trademark crackerjack action with McDaniel's dynamic storytelling talent, while delivering a tale important to the Nightwing mythos. When Officer Dick Grayson is framed for a brutal murder by his fellow Blüdhaven police officers, his life quickly unravels. As media scrutiny intensifies, Batman demands that Dick give up his Nightwing persona, lest some zealous reporter puts two and two together and realize that Dick and Nightwing are one and the same. But Dick is determined to clear his name, and in order to do so he must adopt an all-new heroic identity: "The Target." But can the Target accomplish the job as well as Nightwing? This project is supported with house and trade ads. NIGHTWING: THE TARGET is a 48-page Prestige one-shot edited by Michael Wright, arriving in comic-book stores July 25 with a cover price of $5.95 U.S. THE INVISIBLES: ENTROPY IN THE U.K. TP The long-awaited collection of Volume One of Grant Morrison's groundbreaking THE INVISIBLES is made complete with THE INVISIBLES: ENTROPY IN THE U.K. — a 232-page trade paperback reprinting issues #17-25 of THE INVISIBLES Vol. 1. It's written by Morrison (JLA, The New X-Men) and illustrated by Phil Jimenez (WONDER WOMAN) & John Stokes (AMERICAN CENTURY), Tommy Lee Edwards (Gemini Blood), Paul Johnson (THE BOOKS OF MAGIC), Steve Yeowell (SEBASTIAN O) & Dick Giordano (THE SANDMAN), and Mark Buckingham (DEATH: THE HIGH COST OF LIVING) & Mark Pennington (SHADE, THE CHANGING MAN), with an all-new cover by Brian Bolland. ENTROPY IN THE U.K. finds King Mob in the hands of the Conspiracy, being tortured for the secrets of the Invisibles while the rest of his cell joins forces to find him. This leads into deeper and more deadly places than either conspirator or rebel anticipated, and it's up to young Dane McGowan, the newest Invisible, to come to the rescue — that is, if Dane can stay ahead of the masses of armed Conspiracy thugs running him down. Also included in this volume is the origin of Boy, and the terrible secret that drove her from law enforcement to the cause of anarchy! This project is supported with house ads. THE INVISIBLES: ENTROPY IN THE U.K. is a 232-page VERTIGO trade paperback suggested for mature readers, arriving in comic-book stores July 11 with a cover price of $19.95 U.S. 100 BULLETS #26 "A rarity" — Entertainment Weekly on 100 BULLETS. Hailed as one of the most innovative series of the past two years, it's no wonder VERTIGO's 100 BULLETS has garnered several award nominations, much critical acclaim, and a legion of rabid readers that continues to grow each month. Now a host of comics' finest artists (and fans of the series themselves) are contributing their considerable talents to 100 BULLETS #26 — a special issue that acts as the perfect jumping-on point for new readers and provides important pieces in the puzzle that has kept fans coming back month after month. Written by Brian Azzarello (HELLBLAZER), 100 BULLETS #26 is designed as a story within a story. The framing sequence is by regular series artist Eduardo Risso and features the ex-patriot/conspiracy nut Mr. Branch (from issues #12-14) as he relates what he's learned about The Trust and The Minutemen to a Parisian prostitute one night after the wine has flowed much too freely. Each main character in the series is then showcased with pinup-style pages combining text with the eye-catching artistry of Frank Miller (BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS), Jim Lee (DIVINE RIGHT), Dave Gibbons (WATCHMEN), J.G. Jones (Marvel Boy), Paul Pope (HEAVY LIQUID), Lee Bermejo (SUPERMAN/GEN13), Tim Bradstreet (HELLBLAZER covers), Joe Jusko (Punisher/Painkiller Jane), Jordi Bernet (Torpedo), and Mark Chiarello (BATMAN/HOUDINI: THE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP) — an impressive list of some of comics' heaviest hitters who've come on board to make this issue truly special. While Branch provides insight into what lurks in the heart of Agent Graves and the rest of this series' characters, he's stalked by two mysterious individuals out to stop his own heart from ticking. 100 BULLETS #26 is topped with a striking cover by Dave Johnson (DETECTIVE COMICS). This issue is supported with house and trade ads. 100 BULLETS #26 is a 32-page issue edited by Will Dennis and is suggested for mature readers. It arrives in comic-book stores July 4 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. Betrayal! JLA: TOWER OF BABEL TP The JLA is the single most powerful group of super-heroes ever to be assembled — and they're dropping like flies. But the secret behind their defeats involves one of their own! JLA: TOWER OF BABEL is a 160-page trade paperback written by Mark Waid and illustrated by Howard Porter & Drew Geraci, collecting the "Tower of Babel" storyline from JLA #43-46. Batman's Secret Files on the Justice League have fallen into the hands of one of his oldest and deadliest foes — Ra's al Ghul! After causing all language everywhere to be perceived as meaningless babble, Ra's al Ghul begins picking off the JLA members one by one. Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, the Flash, and Plastic Man are being led into traps specifically engineered to counteract their remarkable abilities. Can the JLA overcome the traps in time? And when the JLA faces its greatest challenge — possible treason within its own ranks — can Batman's hand in their betrayal ever be forgiven? TOWER OF BABEL features a new cover by Porter & John Dell and also contains JLA #42 — a tale guest-starring the Atom written by D. Curtis Johnson and illustrated by Mark Pajarillo & Walden Wong. Plus, two tales from JLA Secret Files #3 are reprinted: "Blame," by D. Curtis Johnson, Pablo Raimondi, Claude St. Aubin & David Meikis, and a "Lost Pages" segment by Mark Waid, Steve Scott & Mark Propst. Finally, two stories from JLA 80-PAGE GIANT #1 are also included: "The Green Bullet" by John Ostrander, Ken Lashley & Ron Boyd starring Batman and Superman, and "Revelations" by Christopher Priest, Eric Battle & Prentis Rollins starring Wonder Woman and Aquaman. This project is supported with house ads. JLA: TOWER OF BABEL is a 160-page trade paperback arriving in comic-book stores July 18 with a cover price of $12.95 U.S. Delusional fantasy has never been more entertaining! FANBOY TP What happens when you take a comics fan with an overactive imagination and undeveloped social skills and give him his own comic book? You get Mark Evanier and Sergio Aragonés' FANBOY, that's what! Now all six issues of this hilarious, aptly-titled miniseries are collected into a single volume, with a new cover by co-creator Aragonés and an introduction by the Fanboy himself! FANBOY, a 144-page trade paperback by writer Evanier and artist Aragonés (the co-creators of Groo), stars Finster, a mild-mannered comics shop employee and high- school dreamer who finds the imaginary worlds of comics more compelling than drab reality — except, of course, when it comes to trying to get the most popular girl in school to go out with him. Finster's quixotic advances not only open him up for endless abuse, but also blind him to the affections of the only girl not printed on wood pulp with whom he has a relationship. Who helps him to see the truth? Why, his comic-book heroes, of course — drawn by a host of the medium's most famed and acclaimed artists! And we're not kidding about the amazing talents involved here. Behold the exciting roster of big names: Neal Adams, Brent Anderson, Jordi Bernet, Will Blyberg, Dave Gibbons, Joe Giella, Mike Grell, Matt Haley, Russ Heath, Phil Jimenez, Gil Kane, Frank Miller, Jim Mooney, Kevin Nowlan, Jerry Ordway, Wendy Pini, Steve Rude, Marie Severin, Bill Sienkiewicz, Tom Simmons, Dan Spiegle, Dick Sprang, Bruce Timm, and Bernie Wrightson — not to mention the amazing cover art from the original six issues by Aragonés, Ordway, Gil Kane, Kevin Maguire, Joe Kubert, Bob Kane, and Brian Bolland! This trade is…dare we say it?…a fanboy's dream come true! This project is supported with house ads. FANBOY is a 144-page trade paperback arriving in comic-book stores July 4 with a cover price of $12.95 U.S. Prepare for the resurrection of Clan Gamorra! CYBERNARY 2.0 The lost daughter of Kaizen Gamorra returns to the WildStorm Universe! Yumiko Gamorra is reborn as the new Cybernary — a hunterkiller cyborg infused with state-of-the-art nanotechnology. Is she merely the scion of WildStorm's worst tyrant…or is she something much more powerful? CYBERNARY 2.0 is a 6-issue miniseries from WildStorm Productions, bringing the next generation to the forefront. Written by Joe Harris (X-Men: The Search for Cyclops) with arresting art by Eric Canete (MR. MAJESTIC, WILDCATS: LADYTRON) & Juan Vlasco (GEN-ACTIVE), CYBERNARY 2.0 emerges from the devastating destruction caused by the Authority. Yumiko now must rediscover herself amid the chaos of Gamorra City and her own fractured mind. Meanwhile, dark forces will take control of the power left in the wake of would-be world conqueror Kaizen Gamorra's death — that is, unless Yumiko can claim the throne for herself! But will the world tolerate the rule of another member of Clan Gamorra? Lines are drawn and war is imminent, as the fate of Gamorra's dark legacy hangs in the balance! This project is supported with house and trade ads. CYBERNARY 2.0 is a 6-issue miniseries from WildStorm Productions edited by Aaron Watanabe. Issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores July 25 with a cover price of $2.95 U.S. WILDCATS: SERIAL BOXES TP AND WILDCATS #25 When writer Joe Casey and artist Sean Phillips took over WildStorm's flagship title WILDCATS, we told you it wouldn't be your average super-hero team book. We just didn't prepare you for the shocks and surprises that were to come for the WildCats team. WILDCATS: SERIAL BOXES is a 144-page trade paperback from WildStorm Productions written by Casey, with art and a new cover by Phillips. Collecting the controversial "Serial Boxes" storyline that forever changed the WildCats, this trade reprints WILDCATS Volume 2 issues #14-19. A young serial killer named Slaughterhouse Smith sets out on a vendetta against Jacob Marlowe...and anyone who shares his name! One by one, people with the Marlowe name are being murdered viciously across the U.S., and the bloody path is leading towards Halo Industries in L.A. — even though Jacob Marlowe doesn't exist anymore. That doesn't prevent Spartan — who's adopted the name Jack Marlowe — or any other WildCat members who have used Marlowe's accounts from escaping the bloodbath to follow. The entire WILDCATS cast is drawn into this modern horror story — a relentless tale of violence and retribution — where no one gets out unscathed. Also in July, look for the special, extra-sized WILDCATS #25 — celebrating WildStorm's flagship title. This issue, also by Casey and Phillips, contains a 32-page story that pits Spartan, Grifter and a new ally, Tony Pacheco, against the Smack Fairy's L.A. drug trade. But what is Pacheco's dark secret? And back at Halo, what is Noir up to now — and should we be afraid? This project is supported with house ads. WILDCATS: SERIAL BOXES is a 144-page trade paperback from WildStorm Productions, arriving in comic-book stores July 18 with a cover price of $14.95 U.S. WILDCATS #25 is a 40-page WildStorm Productions issue edited by Scott Dunbier arriving in comic-book stores July 4 with a cover price of $3.50 U.S. SILVER AGE SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET Look! Up in the's a bird! It's a plane! It's... the SILVER AGE SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET! Based on the classic look of Superman from the Silver Age of comics, DC DIRECT is very proud to present its first action figure of the Man of Steel. This set features figures of both Superman and girl reporter Lois Lane — both featuring multiple points of articulation and set on a pegged base for displaying these iconic figures from the past! Superman stands approximately 6.625" and comes with two removable capes (one for standing, the other with a special "flying feature"), two sets of hands ("catching" hands and "flying" hands), and a chunk of Kryptonite. Lois Lane stands approximately 6" and comes with two sets of hands ("rescue me" hands and "pencil and pad" hands), a cloth skirt and removable handbag. The set also includes a 5.8" tall American flag that fits into a hole on the display base, and is packaged in a 4-color window box. SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE (1960s) DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET is advance-solicited, arriving in comic-book stores November 7. Consult your retailer for pricing information. HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC "I just feel there's something I'm missing. Something beneath it all, which no one here seems able to teach me." — Tim Hunter. "Well, you won't find it by frittering away your time on silly adventures — or for that matter by bedding pretty young witches." — Merlin. Meet the new Timothy Hunter. Older. Wiser. More powerful. But just because he's the most powerful mage the world has ever seen doesn't mean he has all the answers yet. HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC is an ongoing series from VERTIGO, by THE NAMES OF THE MAGIC team of writer Dylan Horrocks, artist Richard Case and cover painter John Bolton who return to take Tim on all-new adventures that will probe the very nature of magic and the universe. At the end of THE NAMES OF MAGIC, we left Tim Hunter on the verge of a new life as he began his studies at the White School. HUNTER picks up the story three years later. Tim is now 17 going on 18, and one of the best students. With the proper training, all the forms of magic come easily to him. However, he hasn't been back home to Earth since he entered the school, avoiding the life and friends he left behind. As the series progresses, Tim wanders through a cosmos of magical realms while searching for the way to grow up. HUNTER #1 opens in an unlikely locale: Gemworld, where Tim encounters Kalesh, a member of the Lakelanders. Kalesh is on the run from a war between her people and the Berjini, a sinister tribe of sorcerers. The conflict turns out to have serious repercussions for Tim — and the underlying structure of the way magic works. This first 6-part storyline introduces Tim, the White School and his fellow students, while visiting realms both familiar — Gemworld and Skartaris — and unknown. As he faces war on Gemworld, magic over the Internet, and the continuing threat of the Lotus, Tim is aided by his owl familiar Yo-Yo, who now channels the spirit of Merlin. We're also introduced to Tim's fellow students — Marynda, a young mage from Gemworld, Giannino Bernardi (who studied with Aleister Crowley), Ernie Gates, a cybermage from New York City, and many more. This project is supported with a 4-color medium poster and house ads. HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC is an ongoing series from VERTIGO edited by Heidi MacDonald and is suggested for mature readers. Issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores July 11 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. BATMAN & SUPERMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SETS This holiday season, celebrate in style with the World's Finest super-heroes, as DC DIRECT introduces its first in a series of ornament sets! Advanced-solicited and set to arrive in late October, these ornament boxed sets come just in time for you to decorate your home in a festive way. Leaping into the holiday season is the BATMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SET starring the Dark Knight! This set features two stunning resin ornaments: the first a powerful portrayal of the Caped Crusader (approx. 3.5") and the other the universally recognized Bat-symbol (approx. 2.625" wide). For the night before Christmas, at least, you'll know just where to find Batman. Then, who better to lead the charge towards the jolliest of seasons than Superman with the SUPERMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SET! This handsome set also contains two distinctive resin ornaments: one featuring the figure of Superman in flight (approx. 3.5") and the other the distinctive "S"-shield logo (approx. 2.625" wide)...and in this case, the "S" doesn't stand for Santa! The BATMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SET and SUPERMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SET are advance-solicited, sold separately, and arrive in comic-book stores October 31 with a price of $24.95 U.S. each. THE ESTABLISHMENT DEBUTS IN THE AUTHORITY #24 As the new Authority faces great challenges and inner turmoil in the "Transfer of Power" storyline, another new team is ready to make its presence known — the Establishment! Debuting in an 8-page bonus backup feature in the extra-sized THE AUTHORITY #24, the Establishment is introduced to readers of THE AUTHORITY at no additional cost. The backup feature is written by Ian Edginton (X-Force) and illustrated by Charlie Adlard (BATMAN: SCARFACE — A PSYCHODRAMA), the creative team on the upcoming series THE ESTABLISHMENT. If the Authority is a team working outside the system, the Establishment is the system — delivering super-hero action with a British attitude! Join Charlie Arrows, Paul Frost, Ian Hotspur and others from the team as they explore the twin unseen worlds of British pop culture and the Empire's version of the WildStorm Universe! THE AUTHORITY #24 is a 40-page WildStorm Productions issue edited by John Layman arriving in comic-book stores July 4 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. "The Establishment" backup feature is co-edited by Layman and Jeff Mariotte. LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES VOL. 11 HC LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume 11 is a 228-page hardcover that marks an important chapter in the evolution of the Legion into one of comics' most enduring and fan-favorite super-teams. Volume 11 reprints the Legion stories from SUPERBOY #203-212 — and at the time these mid-1970s issues were published, the Legion had already become popular enough that their logo shared equal billing with Superboy's. Volume 11 features stories written by Cary Bates and E. Nelson Bridwell, plus comics work by a teenaged writer from Pittsburgh named Jim Shooter. Also, stepping into the very large artistic shoes of his predecessor Dave Cockrum, newcomer artist Mike Grell unveiled what would become his trademark brand of powerful graphic storytelling, giving the series a whole new excitement and vibrancy. Cockrum and Grell are joined by legendary artists Curt Swan, George Klein and Nick Cardy who also provide art in this volume. One of the first things to happen with the Legion in this archive? The heroic death of a Legionnaire! With this dramatic beginning, the Legion enters into one of its most memorable periods — featuring such stories as "Massacre by Remote Control," "The Legionnaire Nobody Remembered," "Brainiac 5's Secret Weakness!," "The Legion of Super-Executioners," "Welcome Home, Daughter...Now Die!," "The Rookie Who Betrayed the Legion," "Lightning Lad's Day of Dread," "Vengeance of the Super- Villains," "The Legion of Substitute Heroes," and many more! LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES Volume 11 is a 228-page hardcover arriving in comic-book stores July 11 with a cover price of $49.95 U.S. OUR WORLDS AT WAR: ALL-OUT WAR SUPERMAN #172 WRITTEN BY JEPH LOEB; ART AND COVER BY ED MCGUINNESS AND CAM SMITH In stores July 4. Superman is at ground zero witnessing the aftermath of Imperiex's first strike. He goes toe to toe with one of Imperiex's destroyer probes — but stopping it comes at a price...and this is only the beginning! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 JLA: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 WRITTEN BY JEPH LOEB; ART BY RON GARNEY AND MARK MORALES; COVER BY JAE LEE In stores July 4. Imperiex has initiated his first strike on Earth. Now Earth's first line of defense, the JLA, is going full throttle against him and his probes. But what happens when the World's Greatest Heroes are not enough? Witness the full impact on Earth as the War against Imperiex begins and one battle is quickly lost in a big way! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 48 PG. $2.95 ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #594 WRITTEN BY JOE CASEY; ART BY MIKE WIERINGO AND LARY STUCKER, JR.; COVER BY WIERINGO AND TERRY AUSTIN In stores July 11. Lex Luthor has given the order for Doomsday to be released from his prison on the moon. Who's crazy enough to actually do it, and how does this cost Superman an ally? And what happens when Superman finally confronts the true Imperiex? For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 NIGHTWING: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY RICK LEONARDI AND JOHN LOWE; COVER BY JAE LEE In stores July 11. The love that blossoms during war is explored as Nightwing and Oracle, searching for answers to an alien mystery, are thrust into a deadly gauntlet…through time! Dick and Barbara can't find a moment of rest as everyone from '30s gangsters to cavemen are serving as hitmen for a sinister hidden foe! Just how are they going to get out of this one? For more information, see the feature article. Look for a signed version in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. FC, 48 PG. $2.95 SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #116 WRITTEN BY MARK SCHULTZ; ART BY DOUG MAHNKE AND JOSE MARZAN JR.; COVER BY MAHNKE AND TOM NGUYEN In stores July 18. Superman deals with the aftermath of Doomsday's release and the confrontation with Imperiex, only to find himself at odds with his ally Darkseid and Darkseid's own solution to ending the War. Another hero dies as a traitor prevents important information about another enemy from getting to Superman. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 JSA: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY JAVIER SALTARES AND RAY KRYSSING; COVER BY JAE LEE In stores July 18. It's time to call in the reserves...all of them! When President Luthor sends the JSA to take out Imperiex's base — a battleship the size of Jupiter — Sand fills out the ranks with Power Girl, The Ray, the Shining Knight, and a dozen others. But the horrible secret of Imperiex's power may prove too much for the JSA allies to handle. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 48 PG. $2.95 ACTION COMICS #781 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY; ART AND COVER BY KANO AND MARLO ALQUIZA In stores July 25. The man of Steel is torn in many directions as Imperiex's probes continue to ravage Earth. Meanwhile, Lois and the President deal with their unearthly terrors, the MASH unit in space faces its own assault with only the injured JLA able to protect it, and two heroes sacrifice themselves as another part of Superman dies as well. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 WONDER WOMAN: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 WRITTEN BY PHIL JIMENEZ; ART BY CLIFF CHIANG AND WADE VON GRAWBADGER; COVER BY JAE LEE In stores July 25. The Amazons have just gone through their own civil war, only to find themselves in the midst of an intergalactic one. As the War rages, the Amazons explore Wonder Woman's history — from how Hippolyta changed the outcome of the great battles of World War II to Diana's own role in the current cosmic struggle. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 48 PG. $2.95 DC UNIVERSE: BATMAN BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #145 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY JIM APARO AND JOHN CEBOLLERO; COVER BY CEBOLLERO In stores July 4. The conclusion to the 4-part "The Demon Laughs." The Joker is dead — and we're not joking! But there's one chance to revive him: a bath in the Lazarus Pit! Will Batman dump his greatest nemesis into the pit and give new life to the Clown Prince of Crime? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 STAR OF THE MONTH DETECTIVE COMICS #225 (MILLENNIUM EDITION) WRITTEN BY JOE SAMACHSON, EDMOND HAMILTON, JACK MILLER, AND BOLTINOFF; ART BY JOE CERTA, SHELDON MOLDOFF, RUBEN MOREIRA, BOLTINOFF, JOE CERTA, AND CHARLES PARIS; COVER BY WINSLOW MORTIMER In stores July 18. Reoffered to coincide with the release of the MARTIAN MANHUNTER PEWTER FIGURE, this special Millennium Edition features the first appearance of J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter! (STAR 12011D) FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ******************************* DETECTIVE COMICS #760 WRITTEN BY GREG RUCKA AND ED BRUBAKER; ART BY SHAWN MARTINBROUGH, DARWYN COOKE, JESSE DELPERDANG, AND CAMERON STEWART; COVER BY DAVE JOHNSON In stores July 11. Batman faces off against the sinister Mad Hatter as Montoya and Allen are trapped in a jail cell and a precinct full of cops fall into Hatter-induced chaos. Plus, "Trail of Catwoman" continues in the backup written by Ed Brubaker (BATMAN) and illustrated by Darwyn Cooke (BATMAN: EGO) & Cameron Stewart (DEADENDERS). FC, 40 PG. $2.50 BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #19 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON AND MARK SCHULTZ; ART BY DICK GIRODANO AND CLAUDIO CASTELLINI; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores July 18. What's it like to be a small-time hood in Gotham City, with the spectre of the Batman haunting every street corner, alleyway and rooftop in the city? Follow a mook named Titus as his truck-jacking scheme is unhinged by "The Factor of Fear" — by guest writer Chuck Dixon (NIGHTWING, ROBIN) and guest artist Dick Giordano (BATMAN: HOLLYWOOD KNIGHT). Plus, a black-and-white backup "The Call," written by Mark Schultz (SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL) and illustrated by Claudio Castellini (DC VS. MARVEL). FC, 40 PG. $2.50 BATMAN #593 WRITTEN BY ED BRUBAKER; ART BY SCOTT MCDANIEL AND KARL STORY; COVER BY MCDANIEL In stores July 25. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! As Batman hunts for the mysterious Zeiss, a new presence in Gotham City lurks in the shadows: an alien. Hunted by the government, the sole survivor of a crashed spaceship from the War seeks sanctuary — but how will the Dark Knight react to it? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 AZRAEL: AGENT OF THE BAT #80 WRITTEN BY DENNIS O'NEIL; ART BY SERGIO CARIELLO AND JAMES PASCOE; COVER BY SCOTT MCDANIEL AND CARIELLO In stores July 11. Scott McDaniel (BATMAN) makes his debut as new cover penciller! A criminal posing as Azrael has left a strangely easy trail for Jean Paul to follow. Will our hero have an unexpectedly easy time this issue, or is he walking into an ingenious trap? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 BATGIRL #18 WRITTEN BY KELLEY PUCKETT; ART AND COVER BY DAMION SCOTT AND ROBERT CAMPANELLA In stores July 4. Batgirl and Robin combine forces to stop a trigger-happy drug cartel. But what started as a simple stakeout turns into a high-octane shootout with a new super-villain called Deadeye! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 BATMAN BEYOND #23 WRITTEN BY PAUL STORRIE; ART BY CRAIG ROUSSEAU AND ROB LEIGH; COVER BY DARWYN COOKE In stores July 25. There's a new "King" in town, and he's putting together a new Royal Flush Gang. Is Batman playing with a full deck when he asks "Ten" to help him take down this dangerous and motley crew? FC, 32 PG. $1.99 BATMAN: EVOLUTION TP WRITTEN BY GREG RUCKA; ART BY SHAWN MARTINBROUGH, JOHN WATKISS, WILLIAM ROSADO, PHIL HESTER, AND STEVE MITCHELL; COVER BY DAVE JOHNSON In stores July 25. Batman and Commissioner Gordon struggle to maintain order as a new force threatens to consume Gotham. Ra's al Ghul, one of the Batman's greatest enemies, returns with new, demonic cohorts. And only the Dark Knight stands between the Demon and his plans of conquest! Reprinting material from DETECTIVE COMICS #743-750. For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 224PG, FC $12.95 BATMAN: GOTHAM ADVENTURES #40 WRITTEN BY SCOTT PETERSON; ART BY TIM LEVINS AND TERRY BEATTY; COVER BY BOB SMITH AND BEATTY In stores July 4. Mr. Freeze is back in Gotham City, and he's looking for a way to bring about a new Ice Age. But he's not working alone this time — there's a mysterious person who has gotten Freeze to implement this latest plan. Batman must figure out what Freeze is looking for, what he's trying to do and who's got the influence over Freeze to push him toward this mad plan. But time is running out. FC, 32 PG. $1.99 STAR OF THE MONTH BATMAN: SON OF THE DEMON SC WRITTEN BY MIKE W. BARR; ART AND PAINTED COVER BY JERRY BINGHAM In stores July 18. One of Batman's greatest enemies, Ra's al Ghul — the Demon — is spotlighted in two new trade paperbacks offered this month: BATMAN: EVOLUTION and JLA: TOWER OF BABEL. Now this classic graphic novel is reoffered again, depicting the Dark Knight…working together with Ra's? SON OF THE DEMON shows a major turning point in Batman's relationship with Ra's and the Demon's daughter, Talia. (STAR 00042D) SC, 7X10, 80PG, FC $9.95 ******************************* BIRDS OF PREY #33 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY BUTCH GUICE; COVER BY PHIL NOTO In stores July 25. Things are really heating up between Black Canary and Ra's Al Ghul! Hot, as in Lazarus Pit, that is! For what good's a bride if she's a mere mortal? Meanwhile, Talia's getting pretty steamed about these developments herself, and Oracle starts assembling a team to get Canary out of her truly ludicrous predicament! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HARLEY QUINN #10 WRITTEN BY KARL KESEL; ART AND COVER BY TERRY DODSON AND RACHEL DODSON In stores July 11. Reintroducing the original, accept no substitutes, Batgirl! But how can that be possible when Barbara Gordon, the original Batgirl is wheelchair-bound? She'd certainly like to know, and so would Nightwing, Robin, and a certain new hero out there named — you guessed it — Batgirl! Meanwhile, Harley's still in the clutches of Killer Croc; Bo and Surly of The Stooges have a tender, defining moment; and the Quinntets get a new member: Matches Malone! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 NIGHTWING #59 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY RICK LEONARDI AND JESSE DELPERDANG; COVER BY J.G. JONES In stores July 11. "Where's Freddy Minh?" Bludhaven's crimefighters — both costumed and non-costumed — have never laid eyes on the city's most notorious mobster. But Nightwing aims to find him…even if it means sneaking into the lair of the enemy. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 NIGHTWING: THE TARGET WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY SCOTT MCDANIEL AND AARON SOWD; COVER BY MCDANIEL In stores July 25. The original NIGHTWING creative team of writer Chuck Dixon and penciller Scott McDaniel reuinite as Dick Grayson is framed for murder! Forced by Batman to give up his "Nightwing" persona, Dick adopts a new heroic identity as "The Target" in order to clear his name. For more information, see the feature article. Prestige Format. FC, 48PG $5.95 STAR OF THE MONTH NIGHTWING: ROUGH JUSTICE TP WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART AND COVER BY SCOTT MCDANIEL AND KARL STORY In stores July 25. Reoffered to coincide with the release of NIGHTWING: THE TARGET, this trade paperback collects some of the best Nightwing stories by THE TARGET creative team of Chuck Dixon and Scott McDaniel. Reprinting NIGHTWING 9-18, ROUGH JUSTICE continues the adventures of the former Robin, guest-starring his former mentor Batman! SC, 7X10, 224PG, FC $17.95 ******************************* ROBIN #92 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON AND SCOTT BEATTY; ART BY MANUEL GARCIA AND ANDREW PEPOY; COVER BY PETE WOODS AND PEPOY In stores July 18. Robin returns from the Himalayas and has his first run-in with Batman and Spoiler since the Dark Knight betrayed Robin's secret. Tim's long absence from school explodes in his face, prompting a visit from his father. Meanwhile, Spoiler faces her personal nightmare when…oh, read the book to find out! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 DC UNIVERSE: SUPERMAN SUPERBOY #90 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY AND EDDIE BERGANZA; ART AND COVER BY PASCUAL FERRY AND KEITH CHAMPAGNE In stores July 18. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! Superboy, Serling and Heat Wave fight for their lives in the War, holding the fate of the Guardian and his many proto-clones in their hands. In the meantime, Superboy's growing rogues gallery of General Good, the D.N.Angels and Amanda Spence will see to it that the Kid doesn't walk away from this one! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERGIRL #60 WRITTEN BY PETER DAVID; ART AND COVER BY LEONARD KIRK AND ROBIN RIGGS In stores July 25. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! With the War well underway, Supergirl must catch up to and stop an Imperiex probe that could lay waste to another town — in this case, Linda Danvers' hometown, Leesburg! Needless to say, failure is not an option! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERMAN ADVENTURES #59 WRITTEN BY DAN JOLLEY; ART BY NEIL VOKES AND TERRY AUSTIN; COVER BY MIKE MANLEY AND AUSTIN In stores July 18. In "Ghost Flowers," a mysterious presence stalks a young woman through the streets of Metropolis. But when the Man of Steel tries to protect the woman, he can't! The presence is mystical in nature…and Superman is powerless against magic! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 STARS OF THE MONTH SUPERMAN: END OF THE CENTURY HC WRITTEN BY STUART IMMONEN; ART AND COVER BY IMMONEN AND JOSÉ MARZAN, JR. In stores July 11. This beautiful Superman hardcover is reoffered again, with story, pencils and painted art by the talented Stuart Immonen and inks by José Marzan, Jr. END OF THE CENTURY is a powerful and shocking story that carries readers from a Metropolis on the cusp of the new millennium back to a tragic past in which the seeds of a dark destiny were first sown. Featuring Superman vs. Lex Luthor vs. the Contessa! (STAR10504D) HC, 7X10, 96PG, FC $24.95 SUPERMAN, INC. WRITTEN BY STEVE VANCE; ART BY JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA-LÓPEZ AND MARK FARMER; COVER BY GARCIA-LÓPEZ AND KEVIN NOWLAN ELSEWORLDS. In stores July 25. This Prestige one-shot is reoffered again to give new readers an opportunity to enjoy this overlooked gem. In this Elseworlds tale, a young baby from Krypton is raised not by Jonathan & Martha Kent, but a number of foster homes — where he uses his newfound abilities to become the ultimate hero of the modern world: a basketball superstar! Written by Steve Vance and gorgeously illustrated by José Luis García- López & Mark Farmer. Prestige Format. FC, 64PG $6.95 ******************************** DC UNIVERSE STAR OF THE MONTH ALL STAR COMICS #3 (MILLENNIUM EDITION) — CHROME COVER WRITTEN BY GARDNER FOX; ART SHELDON MOLDOFF, BERNARD BAILEY, SHELDON MAYER, MARTIN NODELL, EVERETT E. HIBBARD, CREIG FLESSEL, HOWARD SHERMAN, AND BEN FLINTON; COVER BY HIBBARD In stores July 25. There are lots of good reasons to get this special Millennium Edition issue! First, it features the very first appearance of the original super-team, the JSA! The famous cover to this issue is also the inspiration for the JSA BOOKENDS, to be released the same week. This is also a limited chrome cover version — so get it while you can! Note: quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. (STAR 10993Z) FC, 64 PG. PI ******************************** FANBOY TP WRITTEN BY MARK EVANIER; ART BY SERGIO ARAGONÉS WITH NEAL ADAMS, BRENT ANDERSON, DAVE GIBBONS, MIKE GRELL, MATT HALEY, RUSS HEATH, PHIL JIMENEZ, GIL KANE, FRANK MILLER, KEVIN NOWLAN, JERRY ORDWAY, STEVE RUDE, BILL SIENKIEWICZ, DICK SPRANG, BRUCE TIMM, BERNIE WRIGHTSON, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY ARAGONÉS In stores July 4. The hilarious adventures of Finster, the ultimate comics fanboy, are collected in this trade paperback containing the complete FANBOY miniseries. Finster finds comfort in the imaginary world and help from his favorite super-heroes, illustrated by a host of the medium's most famed and acclaimed artists! For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 144PG, FC $12.95 STAR OF THE MONTH THE FLASH ARCHIVES VOL. 2 HC — RELIST WRITTEN BY JOHN BROOME; ART BY CARMINE INFANTINO, JOE GIELLA AND MURPHY ANDERSON; COVER BY INFANTINO AND GIELLA In stores July 4. Reoffered to coincide with the release of the SILVER AGE FLASH DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET which features action figures of the Barry Allen Flash and Wally West in his first Kid Flash outfit. This hardcover archive reprints THE FLASH (first series) #109-116, which includes the first adventures of Flash and Kid Flash together! (STAR 10830X) HC, 7X10, 224PG, FC $49.95 ********************************* THE FLASH #176 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY SCOTT KOLINS AND DOUG HAZLEWOOD; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores July 25. In "The Rainmaker," Linda is protecting a baby who seems to have meta-human powers…and the Weather Wizard wants complete control of the tot! Can the Flash keep the kid and Keystone City safe from blizzards, howling winds, tornadoes, and hurricanes? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 GREEN ARROW #6 WRITTEN BY KEVIN SMITH; ART BY PHIL HESTER AND ANDE PARKS; PAINTED COVER BY MATT WAGNER In stores July 25. "Quiver" continues, guest-starring Batman, Black Canary and Arsenal! The Emerald Archer and the Dark Knight face off against the Demon Etrigan in order to learn the secret of Ollie's apparent resurrection! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 GREEN LANTERN #140 WRITTEN BY JUDD WINICK; ART AND COVER BY DARRYL BANKS AND RICH FABER In stores July 4. Kyle's powers have been rapidly increasing in ways that he's not quite comfortable with. When he calls upon Alan Scott — the original Green Lantern — for help, the last thing Kyle expects is to get in a knock- down fight with the Golden Age hero. It's the old versus the new, in a fight that doesn't go the way either of them expected. All this, and a birthday rave for Terry you won't soon forget! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 IMPULSE #76 WRITTEN BY TODD DEZAGO; ART BY CARLO BARBERI AND JUAN VLASCO; COVER BY BARBERI AND WAYNE FAUCHER In stores July 11. Bart Allen is utterly depressed about losing his best friend — so much so, that he wants to give up being Impulse! But what about that new power of his? And what about the reappearance of his old foe, White Lightning? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 JLA #56 WRITTEN BY MARK WAID; ART BY MIKE S. MILLER AND DAVE MEIKIS; COVER BY BRYAN HITCH AND PAUL NEARY In stores July 25. "Terror Incognita" Part 2 of 4. The return of the JLA's foes, the White Martians, takes a deadly turn as the JLA finds its effectiveness nullified by enemies who can predict their every move! They do have one thing in their corner, though: Fire, the weakness of all martians. But why are the White Martians unaffected? Plus, amidst the chaos of battle, the Atom is missing! Has the Mighty Mite fallen to the enemy? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 JLA: INCARNATIONS #3 WRITTEN BY JOHN OSTRANDER; ART AND COVER BY VAL SEMEIKS AND PRENTIS ROLLINS In stores July 11. The untold tales of the World's Greatest Super-Heroes continue with the story of an early adventure on the JLA's new headquarters — their famous satellite, orbiting the Earth from 22,300 miles up. But when one Leaguer — Green Arrow — feels that living so far away distances the League from the people that most need their help, the others don't agree. And when Lex Luthor and the madman named Kobra enter into a dark alliance to destroy the satellite, the discordant League is hard-pressed to stop them. FC, 48 PG. (3 OF 7) $3.50 JLA: TOWER OF BABEL TP WRITTEN BY MARK WAID, D. CURTIS JOHNSON, CHRISTOPHER PRIEST, AND JOHN OSTRANDER; ART BY HOWARD PORTER, STEVE SCOTT, MARK PAJARILLO, PABLO RAIMONDI, ERIC BATTLE, KEN LASHLEY, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY PORTER AND JOHN DELL In stores July 18. After causing all language everywhere to read like meaningless babble, Ra's al Ghul begins picking off the JLA members one by one. The JLA unravels even further when the Leaguers discover a betrayal by one of their own. TOWER OF BABEL collects JLA #42-46, as well as stories from JLA Secret Files #3 and JLA 80-PAGE GIANT #1. For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 160PG, FC $12.95 JSA #26 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY RAGS MORALES AND MICHAEL BAIR; COVER BY MORALES In stores July 18. Hawkman continues to re-evaluate his role in the JSA, and his relationship with Hawkgirl — but he's unprepared for Kendra's next move. Plus, Sand introduces the team to its new curator and Atom Smasher challenges Black Adam to an arm-wrestling match…with disastrous results. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 JSA SECRET FILES #2 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS, DAVID S. GOYER, D. CURTIS JOHNSON, J.H. WILLIAMS III, WILL PFEIFER, AND VARIOUS; ART BY JAVIER SALTARES, DEREC AUCOIN, RICK BURCHETT, RAY KRYSSING, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY STEPHEN SADOWSKI AND MICHAEL BAIR In stores July 4. A prophetic dream sets the stage for the next chapter in the incredible adventures of the JSA! While Black Canary and Nemesis (from last year's JSA Annual) discover the return of a classic villain in a foreign land, Sand has a vision of dead members of his team warning of the grave trials that lie ahead (written by Geoff Johns & David S. Goyer with art by Javier Saltares and Ray Kryssing). Plus: Meet Roulette, the dangerous new villain the JSA will confront in the upcoming "Let the Games Begin" storyline (written by Johns with art by Derec Aucoin); discover the plans Director Bones and the D.E.O. have for the team (written by D. Curtis Johnson and J.H. Williams III with art by Rick Burchett); and learn whats on display at the JSA museum (written by Will Pfeifer). Also: Profile Pages of the team's members, allies and enemies, by a roster of artists that includes Rags Morales, Tim Bradstreet, J.H. Williams III, Matt Haley, and more! FC, 64 PG. $4.95 JUST IMAGINE… STAN LEE WITH JOE KUBERT CREATING BATMAN WRITTEN BY STAN LEE (LEAD STORY) AND MICHAEL USLAN (BACKUP); ART BY JOE KUBERT (LEAD) AND MICHAEL WM. KALUTA (BACKUP); COVERS BY KUBERT AND ADAM HUGHES In stores July 4. One of the most eagerly-anticipated projects of the year arrives as living legends Stan Lee and Joe Kubert present a Batman unlike any seen in comics before! The first in a series of stand-alone one-shots introduces Wayne Washington, a black man framed for armed robbery. Consumed with thoughts of revenge against those who framed him, Wayne is freed from prison with a powerful physique and a bold new purpose... a purpose he acts out as a masked wrestler called "Batman." Plus, a backup story (cowritten by Lee & Michael Uslan with art by Michael Wm. Kaluta) focuses on the lives of the everyday people in the JUST IMAGINE... universe. For more information, see the feature article. Look for a signed version, as well as a rare, "Re-Marked" Head Sketch version in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. FC, 48 PG. PRESTIGE FORMAT $5.95 LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVES VOL. 11 HC WRITTEN BY CARY BATES, JIM SHOOTER AND E. NELSON BRIDWELL; ART BY MIKE GRELL, DAVE COCKRUM, CURT SWAN, GEORGE KLEIN, AND NICK CARDY; COVER BY COCKRUM In stores July 11. The latest LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES ARCHIVE reprints material from SUPERBOY (first series) #203-212, where the Legion entered one of its most memorable periods! Witness "The Rookie Who Betrayed the Legion," "The Legion of Substitute Heroes," "Braniac 5's Secret Weakness," and the death of a Legionnaire! For more information, see the feature article. HC, 7X10, 228PG, FC $49.95 LEGION WORLDS #4 WRITTEN BY DAN ABNETT AND ANDY LANNING; ART BY RICK LEONARDI, JAIME MENDOZA, AND AL WILLIAMSON; COVER BY JOHN CASSADAY In stores July 18. Our journey across the galaxy continues, heading for Xanthu, homeworld of Star Boy and the Uncanny Amazers. A year ago, Star Boy left the Legion and took his girlfriend Dreamer back to Xanthu. But now the planet is caught in the middle of a war with the invading forces of Robotica! Aided only by fellow former Legionnaire XS and the Amazers, Star Boy and Dreamer, they find themselves outnumbered, outgunned and unable to get help from any other world! In the backup feature (illustrated by Rick Leonardi and Al Williamson), we take a closeup look at Star Boy and Dreamer's past...and future(?) together. FC, 48 PG. (4 OF 6) $3.95 MARTIAN MANHUNTER #34 WRITTEN BY JOHN OSTRANDER; ART BY EDUARDO BARRETO AND RAY KRYSSING; COVER BY TOM MANDRAKE In stores July 4. Presenting a tale from the days when Mars still pulsed with life, before J'onn J'onzz came to Earth. Darkseid has conceived of the Anti-Life Equation and has attacked Mars seeking its solution. Now J'onn, alone and friendless, comes to Apokolips to return the Martian captives and keep Darkseid from his goal. Once there, he'll find treachery, alliances, and something more! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ORION #16 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY WALTER SIMONSON; COVER BY SIMONSON In stores July 18. Orion no longer exists in the DC Universe as we know it! Trapped eternally on the Abysmal Plane, the New God encounters Clockwerx — and learns of a new threat to time and the universe! And that's when things start getting really crazy! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE SPECTRE #7 WRITTEN BY J.M. DEMATTEIS; ART BY MANUEL GARCIA AND MARK PROPST; COVER BY RYAN SOOK In stores July 4. "The Redeemer," Part 2 of 3. Propelled by forces beyond his control, the Spectre is isolated in the far future of the Earth — a time when the world has been blasted to a cinder. But all is not as it seems, for when the spirit of Hal Jordan returns to the present, he learns to his horror that his niece, Helen, is responsible for the destruction. How is this possible — and how does it involve the bizarre cosmic stranger known only as Monsieur Stigmonus? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE TITANS #31 WRITTEN BY JAY FAERBER; ART BY PETER GRAU AND JIMMY PALMIOTTI; COVER BY J.H. WILLIAMS III AND MICK GRAY In stores July 18. The Titans attempt to delve ever deeper into the secret lives of the kids who have come to stay with them, even as Argent begins digging into the secrets of Epsilon's past. Plus, the introduction of a new villain into the Titans pantheon: Theta! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 WONDER WOMAN #172 WRITTEN BY PHIL JIMENEZ; ART BY JIMENEZ AND ANDY LANNING; COVER BY ADAM HUGHES In stores July 25. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! The War hits Wonder Woman hard. Witness the battle from Diana's point of view and the terrible pain she suffers at the hand of Imperiex. Can the injured Amazon save the Paradocs MASH unit before it's destroyed by more Imperiex probes, killing tens of thousands of innocents? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 YOUNG JUSTICE #35 WRITTEN BY PETER DAVID; ART AND COVER BY TODD NAUCK AND ANDY LANNING In stores July 4. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! With War broken out, the young heroes confront their own nightmares about what's happened, as they must find a place for themselves in the coming battles. Wonder Girl seeks to get the former Arrowette back in costume. But all of the team soon is drafted to do something none of them wanted. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 DC: BEYOND THE UNIVERSE STARS OF THE MONTH IRONWOLF: FIRES OF THE REVOLUTION SC WRITTEN BY HOWARD CHAYKIN AND JOHN FRANCIS MOORE; ART MIKE MIGNOLA AND P. CRAIG RUSSELL; COVER BY MIGNOLA In stores July 4. Old heroes never die…and some of them live forever! Howard Chaykin's revolutionary character returned in this epic graphic novel that combined science-fiction, fantasy, vampire lore, and a Restoration flavor to create a unique experience. Written by Chaykin & John Franicis Moore with art by Mike Mignola & P. Craig Russell. (STAR00457D) SC, 7X10, 104PG, FC $14.95 PLOP! #1 (MILLENNIUM EDITION) WRITTEN BY SERGIO ARAGONÉS, SHELDON MAYER, FRANK ROBBINS, STEVE SKEATES, AND VARIOUS; ART BY ARAGONÉS, BERNI WRIGHTSON, GEORGE EVANS, AND ALFREDO ALCALA; COVER BY BASIL WOLVERTON In stores July 4. Reoffered to coincide with the release of the FANBOY TP, this Millennium Edition reprints the first issue of the Magazine of Weird Humor! Featuring story and art by FANBOY's Sergio Aragonés and others, PLOP! blends humor and horror in a unique comics series. (STAR 11198D) FC, 32 PG. $2.50 *********************************** CARTOON CARTOONS #7 WRITTEN BY JOE EDKIN, SHOLLY FISCH AND MICHAEL KRAIGER; ART BY GARY TERRY, SCOTT MCRAE, VINCENT DEPORTER, ANGUS BUNGAY, DAVE SIMONS, TIM HARKINS AND MIKE KAZALEH; COVER BY VAN PARTIBLE AND JEFF ALBRECHT In stores July 18. Oh, Mama! Johnny Bravo makes friends with the coolest dude in town — only to watch his Mama fall head over heels for him! Plus, new tales starring Ed, Edd & Eddy, Cow and Chicken, and Courage the Cowardly Dog. Featuring cover pencils by Johnny Bravo creator Van Partible! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 DEXTER'S LABORATORY #25 WRITTEN BY GENNDY TARTAKOVSKY; ART AND COVER BY TARTAKOVSKY AND BILL WRAY In stores July 25. Special 25th issue! Dexter lives every kid's dream when he gets to team up with his favorite action hero of all time — Action Hank! When an international spy renders Hank helpless by shaving off his famous beard, it's up to the boy genius to help out — and join Hank for an all-out action battle. Featuring art and story by Dexter's Laboratory creator Genndy Tartakovsky! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 LOONEY TUNES #80 WRITTEN BY JENNIFER MOORE, SEAN CAROLAN, EARL KRESS, AND FRANK STROM; ART BY DAVID ALVAREZ, LEO BATIC, HOWARD SIMPSON, AND MIKE DECARLO; COVER BY NEAL STERNECKY In stores July 4. Lola Bunny sets out to beat the pants off the pizza-slinging competition in the Miss Delivery Girl Pageant; Pete Puma slinks into Foghorn Leghorn's territory; and Sylvester and son learn things the hard way at the local library! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 THE POWERPUFF GIRLS #17 WRITTEN BY JENNIFER MOORE AND SEAN CAROLAN; ART AND COVER BY PHIL MOY In stores July 18. Professor Utonium tries to read his Girls a bedtime story. But Blossom, Buttercup and Bubbles all want to make this fairy tale into a fearsome one. Red Riding Hood will never be the same after getting the Powerpuff treatment! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 SCOOBY-DOO #50 WRITTEN BY DAN SLOTT; ART BY JOE STATON AND DAVE HUNT; COVER BY STATON In stores July 11. Special 50th issue! Five freaky monsters have just been caught and it's Mystery Inc. under the masks! What's going on? And what will happen when the gang winds up in the same prison as every single criminal they've ever foiled? This issue features tons of cameos by your all-time favorite Hanna-Barbera cartoon stars! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 WILDSTORM THE AUTHORITY #24 WRITTEN BY TOM PEYER; ART AND COVER BY DUSTIN NGUYEN AND RICHARD FRIEND In stores July 4. Featuring an extra 8-page backup debuting THE ESTABLISHMENT, at no additional cost! Tempers flare as the New Authority face their first challenge; a threat of their own making so big, it endangers the power structure of the entire world. The New Authority has one chance to make things right, and if they don't, the people who decided to get rid of the original Authority might just decide it's time for history to repeat itself. Plus, an 8-page backup debuts THE ESTABLISHMENT, written by Ian Edington (X-Force) and illustrated by Charlie Adlard (HELLBLAZER, Nobody). For more information, see the feature article. FC, 40 PG. $2.50 BAY CITY JIVE #3 WRITTEN BY JOHN LAYMAN; ART AND COVER BY JASON JOHNSON AND SEAN PARSONS In stores July 11. Ain't nothin' what it seems in the double-crossin' climax of WildStorm's free-wheeling '70s-cop comedy/adventure. Four mystical statues have fallen into the possession of a madman with plans to create Hell on Earth. To stop him, Sugah Rollins has to team up with the crotchety cop who's been making his life a living hell. Time is running out, a biker gang and an army of karate assassins stand in their way, and it's turned out that Sugah's closest ally is a traitor. All this, plus the requisite damsel in distress, weird science gone awry, and a wild high-speed chase through the streets of San Francisco! FC, 32 PG. (3 OF 3) $2.95 CYBERNARY 2.0 #1 WRITTEN BY JOE HARRIS; ART AND COVER BY ERIC CANETE AND JUAN VLASCO In stores July 25. The lost daughter of Kaizen Gamorra returns to the WildStorm Universe! Yumiko Gamorra is reborn, rising from the ashes of destruction caused by the Authority, as the new Cybernary — a Hunter Killer cyborg infused with state-of-the-art nanotechnology. Is she merely the scion of WildStorm's worst tyrant or something much more powerful? For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. (1 OF 6) $2.95 GEN13 #67 WRITTEN BY ADAM WARREN; ART BY ED BENES AND VINCE RUSSELL; COVER BY WARREN In stores July 18. Not long ago, scheming techno-villainess Ivana restored a weakened Caitlin Fairchild to superhuman status — on the condition that poor Caitlin thereafter owed her a single favor, to be rendered "no questions asked." Well, it's now time for a reluctant Fairchild to pay the piper in "The Cold Air on My Behind," a self-contained story of deception, betrayal, and lethal Gen-Active manifestation! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE MONARCHY #5 WRITTEN BY DOSELLE YOUNG; ART BY JOHN MCCREA AND GARRY LEACH; COVER BY MCCREA In stores July 18. "The Boy Who Talked to Spiders." A terrifying new storyarc finds Jackson King and Christine Trelane going to hell and beyond, with the key to their success resting in a burned out house on the banks of the Mississippi. There they uncover the secret history of former StormWatch Weatherman Henry Bendix, revealing disturbing new revelations. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 MONSTER WORLD #3 WRITTEN BY SCOTT LOBDELL; ART AND COVER BY CARLOS MEGLIA In stores July 11. Scattered around Monster World, our kid heroes find themselves in some interesting predicaments. Julie Nulie, for instance, is the new leader of the Black Onyx nation and she's about to lead it into war against the Vampire Nation. Dex is getting the full-scale tour of Monster World from Total Awe, the werewolf. Geo and Ling, underwater, have run afoul of the Fishpeople. And Dallas…well, he's in big trouble. Meanwhile, ominous forces converge at the Bridge of a Thousand Bones...and it looks like war! FC, 32 PG. (3 OF 4) $2.95 OUT THERE #3 WRITTEN BY HUMBERTO RAMOS AND BRIAN AUGUSTYN; ART AND COVER BY HUMBERTO RAMOS AND SANDRA HOPE CLIFFHANGER PRODUCTIONS. In stores July 25. After bonding while investigating an abandoned mine outside the city, Mark, Jess, Zach, and Casey begin to come together as friends. But once they're back at school, their social differences threaten to tear them apart. Can they repair the rift in time to stop the invaders from the Draedrealm? This issue will ship with a variant cover. All orders will be comprised of covers by Bruce Timm (50%) and Humberto Ramos & Sandra Hope (50%). FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR TREK®: DIVIDED WE FALL #3 WRITTEN BY JOHN ORDOVER AND DAVID MACK; ART AND COVER BY ANDREW CURRIE AND RICHARD BENNETT In stores July 11. The exciting crossover between Star Trek: The Next Generation® and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine® continues! The truth about Verad's plot against joined Trill is revealed — and Ezri Dax turns out to be one of Verad's first targets. With a highly communicable airborne virus racing across the Trill world, Verad on the run, and Ezri down for the count, will the U.S.S. Enterprise™ be able to come up with a solution before the Trill population is decimated? FC, 32 PG. (3 OF 4) $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION® — THE GORN CRISIS HC — RELIST WRITTEN BY KEVIN J. ANDERSON AND REBECCA MOESTA; PAINTED ART AND COVER BY IGOR KORDEY In stores July 25. While the Dominion War rages, nearly every available ship in Starfleet becomes involved in the struggle with one notable exception — the U.S.S Enterprise™! Captain Picard and his crew are fighting a vicious war involving an old Federation enemy, the Gorn — who are using the War as a distraction for their own purposes. Written by Star Trek novelists Kevin J. Anderson & Rebecca Moesta with beautiful painted art by Igor Kordey. (STAR 12056D) HC, 7X10, 96PG, FC $29.95 ************************************* STEAMPUNK #9 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY; ART AND COVER BY CHRIS BACHALO AND RICHARD FRIEND CLIFFHANGER PRODUCTIONS. In stores July 18. Our heroes journey to the Chasm Community, a mining facility built in a hole where Stonehenge is supposed to be. When Cole searches for the Engine and Fiona's body, he instead finds himself face to face with the Chasm leader — the ex-slave turned entrepreneur, Mambutu X. Plus, Vicki's made a deal with Faust to let her bring Absinthe the Engine. But will she betray Cole, or is there more to her mysterious double-dealing? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 WILDCATS VOLUME 2 #25 WRITTEN BY JOE CASEY; ART AND COVER BY SEAN PHILLIPS In stores July 4. A special, extra-sized issue of WildStorm's flagship title! This issue contains a 32-page story that pits Spartan, Grifter and a new ally, Tony Pacheco, against the Smack Fairy's L.A. drug trade. But what is Pacheco's dark secret? And what is Noir planning back at Halo? For more information, see the feature article. FC, 40 PG. $3.50 WILDCATS: SERIAL BOXES TP WRITTEN BY JOE CASEY; ART AND COVER BY SEAN PHILLIPS In stores July 18. The controversial storyline that changed the WildCats forever is collected in SERIAL BOXES, reprinting WILDCATS Volume 2 issues #14-19. A young serial killer named Slaughterhouse Smith sets out on a vendetta against Jacob Marlowe...and anyone who shares his name! The entire WILDCATS cast is drawn into this modern horror story — a relentless tale of violence and retribution — where no one gets out unscathed. For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 144PG, FC $14.95 STAR OF THE MONTH WILDCATS: VICIOUS CIRCLES TP WRITTEN BY JOE CASEY; ART AND COVER BY SEAN PHILLIPS In stores July 18. Reoffered to coincide with the release of WILDCATS: SERIAL BOXES, this trade paperback reprints WILDCATS Volume 2 issues #8-13, the first six issues by the current WILDCATS creative team of writer Joe Casey and artist Sean Phillips. (STAR 12587D) SC, 7X10, 144PG, FC $14.95 *********************************** AMERICA'S BEST COMICS PROMETHEA BOOK TWO HC WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART BY J.H. WILLIAMS III, MICK GRAY AND JOSÉ VILLARRUBIA; PAINTED COVER BY WILLIAMS AND VILLARRUBIA In stores July 11. The second hardcover volume of the critically acclaimed, multiple award winning series PROMETHEA collects issues #7-12. Find out why Entertainment Weekly has given this series an "A-" — describing the creative team of Alan Moore, J.H. Williams III and Mick Gray as "seemingly hell-bent on reinventing the art of comics storytelling." For more information, see the feature article. Look for a signed and "Re-Marked" version in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. HC, 7X10, 176PG, FC $24.95 TOMORROW STORIES #12 WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART RICK VEITCH, KEVIN NOWLAN, AND JIM BAIKIE; COVER BY VEITCH In stores July 25. AMERICA'S BEST COMICS' first crossover story appears this issue! Alan Moore writes and Rick Veitch illustrates a tasty team-up — Greyshirt and Cobweb — in a dynamite double length story! Also running around this issue is kid scientist Jack B. Quick (illustrated by Kevin Nowlan), and, heaven help us, the First American (illustrated by Jim Baikie)! FC, 32 PG. $2.95 TOP TEN #12 WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART AND COVER BY GENE HA AND ZANDER CANNON In stores July 18. It's the bittersweet "season finale" to TOP TEN. The acclaimed series reaches its brain- bending conclusion as the officers from Precinct 10 are sent out on a disturbing case to bring in a dangerous team of super-thugs. Plus, some loose ends that have been dangling about since the first issue are wrapped up. Stay tuned for upcoming mid-season spin-offs and future seasons of TOP TEN. FC, 32 PG. $2.95 HOMAGE COMICS DESPERADOES: QUIET OF THE GRAVE #3 WRITTEN BY JEFF MARIOTTE; ART AND COVER BY JOHN SEVERIN In stores July 4. Tom Miggs, still seeking revenge for the death of his son Jimmy at Gideon Brood's hands, makes a new acquaintance: Sheriff Bart Kelton, who hates Brood for reasons of his own. But there's no guarantee that Gideon will live long enough to fall into Miggs's trap, since he's got the grave-robbing, double-dealing outlaw Clay Parkhurst to contend with. Meanwhile, Betts searches for Maria in a hostile town, and Abby and Race are stranded in the desert. FC, 32 PG. (3 OF 5) $2.95 VERTIGO 100 BULLETS #26 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY EDUARDO RISSO, FRANK MILLER, JIM LEE, DAVE GIBBONS, J.G. JONES, PAUL POPE, TIM BRADSTREET, LEE BERMEJO, JOE JUSKO, JORDI BERNET, AND MARK CHIARELLO; PAINTED COVER BY DAVE JOHNSON In stores July 4. A special issue designed as a starting point for new readers! "Mr. Branch and the Family Tree" follows Paris-based conspiracy nut, Mr. Branch (from issues #12-14), as he relates tales of the various main characters of the series. Series artist Eduardo Risso provides the framing sequence, with illustrations showcasing each main character by: Frank Miller, Jim Lee, Dave Gibbons, J.G. Jones, Paul Pope, Lee Bermejo, Tim Bradstreet, Joe Jusko, Jordi Bernet, and Mark Chiarello! For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR OF THE MONTH 100 BULLETS: SPLIT SECOND CHANCE TP WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY EDUARDO RISSO; COVER BY DAVE JOHNSON AND RISSO In stores July 4. Reoffered to coincide with the release of 100 BULLETS #26, this trade paperback features the first appearance of the narrator of #26, Mr. Branch. SPLIT SECOND CHANCE reprints issues #6-14 of the acclaimed VERTIGO series that Paul Dini calls "a masterpiece of brilliant character work and stunning visuals." (STAR 12483D) MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 224PG, FC $14.95 ********************************** AMERICAN CENTURY #5 WRITTEN BY HOWARD CHAYKIN AND DAVID TISCHMAN; ART BY MARC LAMING AND JOHN STOKES; PAINTED COVER BY JOHN VAN FLEET In stores July 18. Harry Kraft trades the sticky jungles of Guatemala for the steamy sheets of Hollywood. Hired as a studio security guard, Harry saves a starlet from her rapacious costar, the Mob moves West, and and a publicity- hungry Senator uses the "Red Menace" to start an investigation that will send ripples down the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 CODENAME: KNOCKOUT #3 WRITTEN BY ROBERT RODI; ART BY LOUIS SMALL, JR. AND MARK FARMER; PAINTED COVER BY J.G. JONES In stores July 25. "Little Orphan Angela." Heartache tinges the satire in this stand-alone issue, as Angela is forced to make a momentous decision. Having broken her ties with both G.O.O.D. and E.V.I.L., Angela St. Grace flees to New York, where she tries to live a normal life. But the secrecy and danger of her old life catch up with her, threatening her newfound normalcy — and her budding romance with an average, decent, caring man. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE CRUSADES #5 WRITTEN BY STEVEN T. SEAGLE; ART BY KELLEY JONES AND JASON MOORE; PAINTED COVER BY DUNCAN FEGREDO In stores July 4. In the final chapter of the first storyline, pure pandemonium pervades San Francisco. Radio shock jock Anton Marx eats crow; his sometime girlfriend Venus witnesses a series of brutal attacks; and the Pope and his wayward apostles converge in the church — only to have their meeting adjorned by a vicious but unlikely suspect. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HELLBLAZER #164 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY MARCELO FRUSIN; PAINTED COVER BY TIM BRADSTREET In stores July 25. "Highwater," Part 1 of 4. John Constantine has faced all sorts of devils through his sordid career, but never ones like these. In the Pacific Northwest, he finds himself face to face with the twisted side of the American Dream; a group of alleged "patriots" bent on the extermination of everyone who doesn't fit in to their view of what America is. It's evil at its most banal, and, as history has proven, most seductive form. And Constantine feels its pull... MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC #1 WRITTEN BY DYLAN HORROCKS; ART BY RICHARD CASE; PAINTED COVER BY JOHN BOLTON In stores July 11. Tim Hunter returns! Older. Wiser. More powerful. But still without all the answers. HUNTER begins an all-new ongoing series where Tim's adventures bring him to realms both familiar — Gemworld and Skartaris — and unknown, aided by his owl familiar Yo-Yo. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE INVISIBLES: ENTROPY IN THE U.K. TP WRITTEN BY GRANT MORRISON; ART BY PHIL JIMENEZ, TOMMY LEE EDWARDS, PAUL JOHNSON, STEVE YEOWELL, MARK BUCKINGHAM, JOHN STOKES, DICK GIORDANO, AND MARK PENNINGTON; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores July 11. The long-awaited collection of Volume One of Grant Morrison's groundbreaking THE INVISIBLES is complete with this 232-page trade paperback reprinting issues #17-25 of THE INVISIBLES Vol. 1. King Mob is in the hands of the Conspiracy while the rest of his Invisibles cell gathers forces to come to his rescue. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 232PG, FC $19.95 STAR OF THE MONTH THE INVISIBLES: APOCALIPSTICK TP WRITTEN BY GRANT MORRISON; ART BY JILL THOMPSON, CHRIS WESTON, JOHN RIDGWAY, STEVE PARKHOUSE, PAUL JOHNSON, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores July 11. Reoffered to coincide with the release of THE INVISIBLES: ENTROPY IN THE U.K. TP, this trade reprints issues #9-16 of the first volume of THE INVISIBLES — focusing on the mysterious origin of Lord Fanny, the transvestite shaman. (STAR 12993D) MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 208PG, FC $19.95 ******************************* LUCIFER #16 WRITTEN BY MIKE CAREY; ART BY PETER GROSS AND RYAN KELLY; PAINTED COVER BY CHRISTOPHER MOELLER In stores July 11. "Triptych: The Ancestral Deed" — the third of three linked but freestanding stories. Having succeeded in creating his own cosmos, Lucifer now re-enacts Genesis to builda race of beings in his own image. But every garden needs its serpent, and an old adversary infiltrates Lucifer's Eden with an agenda of corruption and ruin. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 OUTLAW NATION #11 WRITTEN BY JAMIE DELANO; ART BY GORAN PARLOV AND GORAN SUDZUKA; PAINTED COVER BY GLENN FABRY In stores July 18. "Hate, Murder and Revenge." With Story hung up in the plot and Gloves gloating, it's up to Ruth to put a twist in the bad guy's tale. Things turn around quickly, and now it's Gloves who's facing a cruel and unusual taste of Johnson justice. The swamp of ugly violence threatens to suck everyone down. But, with Sonny still in jail, Story isn't ready to abandon his claim on the moral highground. Lucky for Kid Gloves…or maybe not. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE SANDMAN PRESENTS: DEAD BOY DETECTIVES #2 WRITTEN BY ED BRUBAKER; ART BY BRYAN TALBOT AND STEVE LEIALOHA; COVER BY DAVE MCKEAN In stores July 18. The mystery heats up as the mysterious Marquez de Marquis reveals to our young, and very dead, detectives Charles & Edwin that they are on the trail of an immortal killer who must drain his victims lives to stay alive. The boys get a bone-chilling history lesson and learn more about their own ghostly abilities as they close in on their prey. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (2 OF 4) $2.50 SWAMP THING #17 WRITTEN BY BRIAN K. VAUGHAN; ART BY GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI AND MARC HEMPEL; PAINTED COVER BY GREG STAPLES In stores July 11. The conclusion to the 7-part "Red Harvest." In the mind-boggling finale, all the threads of the past year converge into an explosive showdown. Tefé tries to rescue her foster parents, the Conways, from psychotic killer Romero. We discover the truth about Heather's father, Senator Strand. The secret identity of the DDI Director who's been trailing Tefé for a year is revealed. And the final fates of several members of the cast are decided. And finally, can the original Swamp Thing let all this go by without making an appearance? MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 TRANSMETROPOLITAN #47 WRITTEN BY WARREN ELLIS; ART BY DARICK ROBERTSON AND RODNEY RAMOS; COVER BY J.G. JONES In stores July 11. The City has been designated a disaster zone. And disaster zones are always visited by presidents. And so, for the first time since the Election, it looks like President Gary Callahan and Spider Jerusalem will come face to face again — except Spider's no longer an accredited newspaper journalist, and he can't get into press conferences. You think that's going to stop him? MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 MAD MAD MAGAZINE #408 WRITTEN AND DRAWN BY THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS In stores July 4. Celebrate Independence Day with the Magazine that's more American than Apple Pie!! This issue contains our second annual "Worst Things About…" series with "The 50 Worst Things About Sports!" MAGAZINE, 48PG, PC $2.99 MAD XL #11 WRITTEN AND DRAWN BY THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS In stores July 11. The artist spotlight this issue shines on George Woodbridge. Also, Duck Edwing's complete Invisible Man gag collection, and the films of Harrison Ford are lampooned! Plus, more MAD Marginals XL, More Best of the Web and more's Readers' Choice poll winners. MAGAZINE, 96PG, B&W $4.99 DC DIRECT BATMAN AND ROBIN: DETECTIVE COMICS #38 STATUE SCULPTED BY TIM BRUCKNER; BASED ON ART BY BOB KANE Advance-solicited; in stores October 24. In the beginning, Batman fought the war on crime alone. Then, in a single, tragic moment, young circus acrobat Dick Grayson saw his parents die...and was taken under the protective wing of the Dark Knight! The BATMAN AND ROBIN: DETECTIVE COMICS #38 STATUE is a hand- painted, cold cast porcelain statue that recreates the cover to DETECTIVE COMICS #38 that introduced the Boy Wonder to the world. Sculpted by Tim Bruckner, this statue is approximately 8.75" tall and 6.5" in diameter. Comes with a DC Comics Certificate of Authenticity. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The BATMAN AND ROBIN: DETECTIVE COMICS #38 STATUE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. STATUE $195.00 BATMAN MINI-STATUE SCULPTED BY WILLIAM PAQUET; BASED ON DESIGNS BY SIMON BISLEY Advance-solicited; in stores October 3. As Gotham City sleeps, Batman stands watch over its law abiding inhabitants. Based on the original full-sized statue sculpted by William Paquet and designed by Simon Bisley, comes the BATMAN MINI-STATUE. This hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain statue features Batman ready to spring into action against whatever danger awaits him and stands approximately 5.375" tall x 3.75" wide x 4.625" deep. This statue is packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The BATMAN MINI-STATUE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. STATUE $39.95 BATMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SET Advance-solicited; in stores October 31. DC DIRECT introduces its first in a series of ornament sets! Leaping into the holiday season is the BATMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SET, starring the Dark Knight! This set features two stunning resin ornaments: the first a powerful portrayal of the Caped Crusader (approx. 3.5") and the other the universally recognized Bat-symbol (approx. 2.625" wide). For the night before Christmas, at least, you'll know just where to find Batman. Retailers, please note: The BATMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SET is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ORNAMENT SET (X2) $24.95 SUPERMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SET Advance-solicited; in stores October 31. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and who better to lead the charge towards the jolliest of seasons than Superman! This handsome ornament set contains two distinctive resin ornaments: one featuring the figure of Superman in flight (approx. 3.5") and the other the distinctive "S"-shield logo (approx. 2.625" wide)...and in this case, the "S" doesn't stand for Santa! Retailers, please note: The SUPERMAN ORNAMENTS BOXED SET is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July- released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ORNAMENT SET (X2) $24.95 HARLEY QUINN SNOWGLOBE SCULPTED BY SAM GREENWELL; BASED ON DESIGNS BY TY TEMPLETON Advance-solicited; in stores November 21. Harley Quinn's in the money...and it's raining down all around her in the HARLEY QUINN SNOWGLOBE! Harley is depicted in all her glory in a hand-painted cold-cast porcelain statue inside a snowglobe atop a Jack-in-the-Box themed base featuring the grinning face of her beau, the Joker. The snowglobe, based on the Batman: The Animated Series characters, features a bobbing Harley on a spring, miniature plastic money that floats around the globe and a metal handle that plays the song "We're in the Money" when turned. Designed by Ty Templeton and sculpted by Sam Greenwell, the HARLEY QUINN SNOWGLOBE is approximately 7.25" tall by 3.5" wide by 3.5" deep. Comes with a DC Comics Certificate of Authenticity. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The HARLEY QUINN SNOWGLOBE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance- solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. SNOWGLOBE $99.95 MR. MXYZPTLK STATUE SCULPTED BY BARSOM; BASED ON DESIGNS BY EVAN DORKIN Advance-solicited; in stores November 28. Direct from the Fifth Dimensional realm of Zrfff...he's the magical imp whose name is on everyone's tongue (where it stays since no one can pronounce his name!)...Mr. Mxyzptlk! Superman's impish nemesis sits poised comfortably on a cloud, ready to make life tough for the Man of Steel with his magical mischief. The MR. MXYZPTLK STATUE, featuring Mxyzptlk seated on a cloud over an S-shield base, a snap of the fingers away from trouble, is a hand-painted cold-cast porcelain statue standing approximately 6" tall x 6" wide x 5" deep. This statue comes with a DC Comics Certificate of Authenticity and is packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The MR. MXYZPTLK STATUE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. FC, STATUE $49.95 THE SANDMAN: DANIEL ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited. In stores November 21. Daniel, successor to Morpheus, the Sandman of the Dreaming and one of the Endless, reveals himself to mankind in this all-new action figure. The DANIEL ACTION FIGURE stands approximately 6.625" tall, features multiple points of articulation, comes with a bouquet of poppies and a skull, both which can be held in Daniel's hands. The figure can be posed on the included pegged base. Packaged in a 4- color blister pack. Retailers, please note: THE SANDMAN: DANIEL ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI THE SANDMAN: DELIRIUM ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited. In stores November 21. Feeling a little...disoriented? Could be that Delirium, sister of Morpheus, is near. And you won't have to travel to the Dreaming to find her with the new DELIRIUM ACTION FIGURE. Delirium stands approximately 5.5" tall, features multiple points of articulation and comes with a sculpted fish attached to a wire to create the illusion of floating. Delirium stands on the included pegged base. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: THE SANDMAN: DELIRIUM ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI THE SANDMAN: DESIRE ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited. In stores November 21. You're going to really, really want this one! It's Desire, joining fellow members of the Endless family, sister Death, brother Morpheus, sister Delirium and Daniel, as an action figure. The DESIRE ACTION FIGURE stands approximately 5.875" tall, features multiple points of articulation and can be posed on the included pegged base. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: THE SANDMAN: DESIRE ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July- released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI THE SANDMAN: MORPHEUS ACTION FIGURE — VARIANT VERSION In stores July 25. Offered separately for the first time, DC DIRECT offers the variant version of THE SANDMAN: MORPHEUS ACTION FIGURE. This beautiful action figure portrays the master of Dreams wearing his Sandman helmet. This figure also comes packaged with a removeable cloak and Matthew the Raven (who can be attached to the Sandman's arm). Note: Quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. ACTION FIGURE PI STAR OF THE MONTH THE SANDMAN: MORPHEUS ACTION FIGURE In stores July 25. The standard version of THE SANDMAN: MORPHEUS ACTION FIGURE is still available and has all the features of the variant version, but comes with a regular Sandman head instead of the helmeted head. Note: Quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. (STAR 10450Z) ACTION FIGURE PI ******************************** SILVER AGE SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET SCULPTED BY TIM BRUCKNER Advance-solicited; in stores November 7. Look! Up in the's a bird! It's a plane! It's...the SILVER AGE SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET! Based on the classic look of Superman from the Silver Age of Comics, this deluxe action figure set features action figures of Superman and Lois Lane, both featuring multiple points of articulation, set on a pegged base measuring approximately 6" wide x 3.24" deep x 6.25" tall for displaying these iconic figures from the past! Superman stands approximately 6.625" and comes with two removable capes (one for standing, the other for flying), two sets of hands and a chunk of Kryptonite. Lois Lane stands approximately 6" and comes with two sets of hands, a cloth skirt and removable handbag. The set also includes a 5.8" tall American flag that fits into a hole on the display base. Packaged in a 4-color window box. Look for a signed version in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. Retailers, please note: The SILVER AGE SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE SET (X2) PI SUPERMAN: PEACE ON EARTH SIGNATURE SERIES SIGNED PRINT BY ALEX ROSS Advance-solicited; in stores August 29. The second in a series of exclusive signed prints by Alex Ross! This limited edition print features Alex Ross's stunning portrayal of Superman flying across a blue cloud sky, taken from the critically acclaimed oversized painted graphic novel SUPERMAN: PEACE ON EARTH and features new background art (not created by Ross). The SUPERMAN: PEACE ON EARTH SIGNATURE SERIES SIGNED PRINT BY ALEX ROSS is a limited edition print, 10" by 16" (mounted in a 16" by 20" mat) and is signed by the artist. Comes with a DC Comics Certificate of Authenticity. Retailers, please note: The SUPERMAN: PEACE ON EARTH SIGNATURE SERIES SIGNED PRINT BY ALEX ROSS is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance- solicited. Orders must be placed with those for July-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. PRINT, 16X20, FC $99.95 STAR OF THE MONTH WILDCATS VOLUME 2 COVER #1 POSTER ART BY TRAVIS CHAREST In stores July 4. Reoffered to coincide with the celebratory release of the extra-sized WILDCATS #25, this beautiful poster captures the striking image from WILDCATS Volume 2 #1 by artist Travis Charest. Note: Quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. (STAR 09270X) POSTER, FC $8.95 ******************************* HAWKMAN STATUE SCULPTED BY SAM GREENWELL; BASED ON DESIGNS BY JOE KUBERT Pre-solicited; in stores November 14. Hawkman takes to the skies again! The Hawkman of the Silver Age is back as a hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain statue, designed by Joe Kubert — the artist whose work on the character in the 1940s and 1960s has long been considered the definitive portrayal. The HAWKMAN STATUE features the Winged Warrior in joyous flight, winging his way through the clouds and stands approximately 11" tall x 6" wide x 6" deep. This statue comes with a DC Comics Certificate of Authenticity and an autographed copy of Joe Kubert's design for the statue, signed by the artist. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The HAWKMAN STATUE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is pre-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for August-released product, solicited in next month's issue of Previews. STATUE $195.00 SPECIAL EDITION SANDMAN MERCHANDISE SANDMAN PRAYER CANDLES Previously available only from Hot Topic! Illuminate your prayer time in style with these one-of-a-kind Sandman candles. Choose from the Death Prayer Candle and the Dream Prayer Candle. Light them up and wait for your prayers to be answered! Scheduled to ship 05/09/01. (4980) DEATH PRAYER (SACN7401)—Candle $13.99 DREAM PRAYER (SACN7400)—Candle $13.99 SANDMAN T-SHIRTS Previously available only from Hot Topic! All black, and 100% cotton, these tees feature hot art from The Sandman. Choose from three different — but all totally awesome — designs: Steps, The Dreamer, and Death (baby-doll fit). Scheduled to ship 05/09/01. (4980) SANDMAN: STEPS—T/S LG $16.95 SANDMAN: STEPS—T/S XL $16.95 SANDMAN: THE DREAMER—T/S LG $16.95 SANDMAN: THE DREAMER—T/S XL $16.95 DEATH BABY DOLL—T/S SM $16.95 DEATH BABY DOLL—T/S MD $16.95 DEATH BABY DOLL—T/S LG $16.95 IMAGE COMICS THE 10TH MUSE #5 (W) Marv Wolfman (A) Ken Lashley (I) Diginks An on-going series. The Muse is taking her first the Savage World. There she will team up with the Savage Dragon to track down the Mighty Minotaur. There is no telling what can happen when these two heads collide. This is the start of a new story arc. This book will ship with two covers: Direct Cover A - Ken Lashley; Direct Cover B - Erik Larsen. FC, 32pg $2.95 A DISTANT SOIL #33 (W/A) Colleen Doran Celebrate A Distant Soil's Anniversary! As the rebellion makes its final stand against the Hierarchy, rival factions threaten to tear the liberation movement apart! The Irishai want the young Avatar Liana for the Warrior caste, while the Resistance want her destroyed once and for all! And Liana is still the prisoner of the Hierarchy! Also in this issue, come celebrate A Distant Soil's birthday! In June of 1991, Colleen Doran began self-publishing her epic story, and was later adopted by the nice boys at Image! Join us as "Empty Love" writer, Steve Darnall skewers A Distant Soil in his trademark witty, urbane manner in this happy birthday salute! Illustrated by Colleen Doran, natch. B&W 48pg $3.95 AGE OF BRONZE #11 (W/A) Eric Shanower An on-going series. Paris and Helen finally enter Troy only to meet frenzied outrage from Kassandra, the prophet doomed never to be believed. Despite Kassandra's screams of protest and desperate appeals to her twin brother, the Trojan King has her dragged away to confinement. The celebration of Paris and Helena's marriage continues with a little blood… and a little sex. BW, 24pg $3.50 THE AGENCY #1 Minotaur Press (W) Paul Jenkins (P & I) Kyle Hotz If you thought Blade Runner and Seven were dark and disturbing, you haven't seen anything yet!! From Paul (Witchblade) Jenkins comes the newest must have Top Cow series, The Agency!! A futuristic tale of special operatives, designed, built and trained to handle the cases which the police cannot, only they do it on THEIR terms and at THEIR cost or they don't do it at all! Consisting of one of the most outrageous and deadly groups of characters ever created, the Agency will keep you on the edge of your seat and supply the thrills to keep you wanting more! Drawn by the incomparable Kyle Holtz, the Agency is ready to take you on and take everyone else OUT!! FC, 32pg $2.50 ARIA: THE SOUL MARKET #4 (W) Brian Holguin (A) David Yardin (Cover) Jay Anacleto Final issue. The Soul Market is now open for business... In a remote country estate in upstate New York, a unique emporium hasset up business: The Soul Market. On display, the imprisoned souls of mortals held inside portraits, sculptures, and photographs ... all to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The mastermind behind this bizarre enterprise is the notorious Faerie called Goodfellow. But what does he hope to gain from this auction of souls? Lady Kildare intends to find out. FC, 32pg $2.95 CLERKS: THE COMIC BOOKS TPB (W) Kevin Smith (A) Jim Mahfood, Phil Hester, Ande Parks THE "SUMMER OF SMITH" CONTINUES! First it was a hit movie. Now it's a much- demanded trade paperback. Get the whole CLERKS story in this essential new edition of laughs and profane liberties. Writer/Director Kevin Smith (CHASING AMY, DOGMA, Green Arrow, Daredevil) stuns us with three all-new adventures of Dante, Randal, Jay & Silent Bob, and the Quick Stop Mini Mart customers who first appeared in CLERKS, his surprise critical and commercial debut film. These tales follow the exploits of America's favorite slacker icons as they seek out the rarest of Star Wars toys, become employees of Kris Kringle, and get the scare of their lives in a crucial, much-talked-about, lost sequence that did not make the original film's final cut. Presented in black and white to coincide with the film, also in black and white. Celebrate Image's "SUMMER OF SMITH" by snatching up the very first pairing of Green Arrow's Smith, Hester, and Parks. SC, 7x10, 96pg, b&w $10.95 THE CREECH: OUT FOR BLOOD #1 Todd McFarlane Productions (W/A) Greg Capullo (C) Tyson Wengler "Out for Blood - Book 1" The biggest and baddest is back and ready to go ballistic. Greg Capullo, Spawn artist supreme returns to his original creator-owned project with a vengeance and to the man- monster that has wowed fans for years! FC, 48pg $4.95 THE DARKNESS #40 Top Cow Comics (W) Paul Jenkins (P) To Be Named (I) To Be Named (C) Matt Nelson Darkness falls? The 40th issue of the Darkness is guaranteed to be a shocker as Jackie Estacado finally acknowledges his love for his childhood friend JENNY. Will he make the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE for the one he loves? DEATH, BLOOD, GORE, SEX and fun are only a few of the elements that will make this the most un-&%#@&^%-ing believable issue of the Darkness yet! FC, 32pg $2.50 DOUBLE IMAGE #5 CODEFLESH— (W) Joe Casey (A) Charlie Adlard Pyromania in sunny L.A. On second thought, make that seedy L.A. Cameron Daltrey has sacrificed his relationship to indulge his passion for busting heads. Is it all worth it? And follow a typical super-powered lowlife named Rotor as he reaches for dignity one last time. Casey and Adlard deliver the goods once again! TRUST IN ME— (W) Larry Young (A) Aman Chaudhary This self-contained, fully-painted thriller by the writer of Astronauts in Trouble and the artist of Frightening Curves takes you through the fragile psyche of a lonely widower and pokes unceremoniously into the corners of his tastefully appointed farmhouse. From the innocuous beginning at the front door of his home to the inevitable finale beneath the linoleum-floored kitchen, the down-and-dirty experimental style of the storytelling in this one guarantees you a veritable NAIL-BITING experience. FC, 32pg $2.95 FATHOM: KILLAN'S TIDE #4 Top Cow Comics (W) Michael Turner & Bill O' Neil (P) Talent Caldwell (I) Jason Gorder (C) Peter Steigerwald The most talked about mini-series of the year reaches it's finale as the rift within the Dissidents hits the breaking point. Now, as they tackle their most ambitious anti-human mission yet, each opposing faction seeks to destroy the other. Ripples from this power struggle threaten to tear apart the Council while Killian's relationship with his brother – and everyone else -- will never be the same again! FC, 32pg $2.95 ELECTROPOLIS #2 (W/A) Dean Motter A bi-monthly, six issue pilot series. "The Infernal Machine" Episode 2—Things are heating up in the city where "Every Day is the Day After Tomorrow" as Anesta Robbins and robot Menlo Park suddenly find themselves investigating the decades-old murder of their late boss, private eye Jacob Ladder. Police inspector Johnny Picasso also seems interested in re-opening the case, with no shortage of suspects. During a visit to the Color Bar nightclub for the Steppe Sisters Soviet Swing Show, fetishist femme fatale Tess LaCoyle flirts with Menlo, until she is kidnapped from right under his metal nose. There also seems to be some trouble brewing downtown between Mayo Gernsback, the Electricians Union and the power company. All this spell trouble for the citizens of Electropolis. Written and Illustrated by Dean Motter (Terminal City, Mister X, The Prisoner). Colored by Chris Chuckry (Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker, World's Funniest) FC, 32pg $2.95 HELLSPAWN #12 Todd McFarlane Productions (W) Steve Niles (A) Ashley Wood "Monsters and Miracles" An evil will be born from the belly of a young mother possessed. From this birth will be spat the Hellspawn's torment and rage, and the greatest challenge of Spawn's existence. The Powers are surfacing, crawling from the cuts and wounds of the dying, eager to claim the throne vacated by Malebolgia's demise. But there is another presence on the scene, standing between Spawn and his destiny. A hero lost in the fabric of time and the imagination whose time to re-emerge has come! FC, 32pg $2.50 JERRY GARCIA W/SOUND McFarlane Toys Item #12160-5 Jerry Garcia is best known for his work as lead guitarist, singer and songwriter for the Grateful Dead, the most successful touring band in American history. Beyond his musical prowess, Garcia touched millions of lives with his down-to-earth personality and lack of rock-star ego. This statuesque boxed Jerry Garcia action figure from McFarlane Toys includes guitar, custom base and a sound chip. (CAUT: 4) Figure PI KABUKI AGENTS: SCARAB #8 (W) David Mack (A) David Mack & Rick Mays A bi-monthly, on-going series. Finally revealed! The long awaited answer to the question posed at the end of Kabuki Metamorphosis (Issues1-9): "Which Noh Agent died in Kabuki #9?" Featuring guest appearances by every one of the Noh Agents, in this issue we finally see what was never shown in any previous Kabuki book. One of them dies in this issue. No joke. No Dream. No gimmick. One of the Noh Agents is gone forever. This issue includes special Kabuki scenes ILLUSTRATED by DAVID MACK! Mack returns as ARTIST for a segment that intricately weaves this issue into Metamorphosis. Plus: The revelation of last issue's mystery guest. A ghost from Scarab's past in Japan's criminal subculture collides with her present assignment as a government operative in this pivotal concluding issue to the Scarab story line. "Even if I didn't know David, I would buy every single comic he releases. I am in awe of his constant excellence. there is more artistic invention in one Kabuki page than most comic artists muster throughout their entire careers."—Brian Michael Bendis (Powers, Ultamate Spiderman) b&w, 32pg $2.95 LITTLE RED HOT: BOUND #1 (W/A) Dawn Brown A bi-monthly, three issue pilot series. Chane races through the foggy streets of London, desperate to escape a persistent bounty hunter. She is in quite a different place than when we last left her. She lives her life restrained, afraid, bound. There is a hefty price on her head, and rookie hunters Vincent and Bea Price are cunning enough to capture and contain Chane. They ask for her help to recover a runaway child in exchange for keeping her safe from the authorities and other bounty hunters. Chane's history is the key to identifying and locating this child. This new FULL COLOR mini-series is the long awaited follow up to Dawn Brown's Xeric awarded debut, Little Red Hot: Chane of Fools. FC, 32pg $2.95 MAGDALENA: BLOOD DIVINE TPB Top Cow Comics (W) Marcia Chen (P) Joe Benitez; Brian Ching (I) Joe Weems; Jason Gorder; Danny Miki (C) Tyson Wengler; Jonathan D. Smith; Matt Nelson One of Top Cow's most controversial mini-series ever is collected together for the first time in the Magdalena: Blood Divine Trade Paper Back. Follow the Magdalena as she investigates a mysterious murder which leads her into a confrontation with a group of age old evil, the vampire. Can she survive a foe that is already dead? Plus, included in this special TPB, the Magdalena takes on the Angelus in a story taken from the hard to find half issue. All encompassed by a new cover by series artist Joe (The Darkness) Benitez, the first Magdalena TPB is sure to leave you thirsting for more! SC, 7x10, 112pp, FC $9.95 MECH DESTROYER #3 (W) Robert Chong (A) Jae Kim (I) JK Studios A bi-monthly, four issue pilot series. Reese Taylor is on a mission to prove himself to anyone who may have doubts about him. He infiltrates the enemy base to find the "Furies" who have been captured by the Jådak Overlords. Now, Reese must put his life on the line to rescue the mysterious captives. But unbeknownst to him, the Jådaks have devised a special plan to spoil any rescue attempts. Will Reese once again outwit the Jådaks, or will his luck finally run out. FC, 32pg $2.95 MIDNIGHT NATION #9 Joe's Comics (W) J. Michael Straczynski (P) Gary Frank (I) Jason Gorder (C) Dan Kemp David and Laurel finally reach their destination: the Big Apple, New York, where the man who stole his soul offers something far darker in exchange. And David begins to fall prey to the call for chaos, becoming something dangerous to everyone, especially Laurel. FC, 32pg $2.50 POWERS #14 (W) Brian Michael Bendis (A) Mike Avon Oeming (C) Pat Garrahy An on-going series. "GROUPIES!" Part 3 This murder solved!…? The spectacular conclusion to POWERS most baudy storyline. As a super-hero who often hooked up with super-hero groupies, has been found dead. Walker and Pilgrim solve the case … but wait till you see what they discover. As suprising a chapter in the Powers series as you are going to find. Nominated for two Harvey awards for comic excellence-best new series and best new talent. FC, 32pg $2.95 RANDY O'DONNELL IS THE M@N #2 (W) Tom DeFalco (A) Ron Lim (I) Robert Jones "The Chosen!" A complete self-contained story. Though he still loves playing video games and reading about other super-heroes, Randy O'Donnell realizes that the people of Bollucidar may have made a slight mistake when they choose him to save their world. Sure, he has super-powers and a fancy costume, but he definitely lacks the necessary skills and experience. Unfortunately, his plan to quit the hero biz and go back to being an average American teenager suddenly gets put on hold. Tesca has been accused of trying to assassinate the young king of a nearby city-state. She's been tossed into a dungeon and will soon be executed unless Randy can find a way to save her. Accompanied by Gemel the barbarian, Randy O'Donnell sets out to discover if he really is The M@N! FC, 32pg $2.95 RISING STARS #1/2 Joe's Comics (W) J. Michael Straczynski (P) Christian Zanier; Ken Lashley (I) Livesay (C) Matt Nelson; John Star The legacy of Rising Stars continues as Top Cow proudly re-presents the hard to find sell out issue, Rising Stars 1/2. Telling the story of a young boy who believes he is one of the Specials, this touching tale is not to be missed. Complete with a beautiful new cover illustrated by ongoing Rising Stars artist Brent Anderson, make sure to pick up this special 1/2 issue and complete your Rising Stars collection today! FC, 24pg $2.95 SAM & TWITCH #24 Todd McFarlane Productions (W) Todd McFarlane (A) Alex Maleev (Color) Jay Fotos "The Jon Doe Affair" Part V CONTINUING ARC WRITTEN BY TODD McFARLANE Sam narrowly escapes the killer's trap. Killer? Or killers? One of the federal agents investigating the case isn't so lucky and winds up in the morgue. Meanwhile, Sam ponders the role his new girlfriend might play in these events and wonders if perhaps he was meant to live his life alone. If the killer (or killers) has his way, Sam might not live long enough to find out. FC, 32pg $2.50 SAVAGE DRAGON #88 by Erik Larsen. To Challenge the Gods! The Dragon vs. Thor, God of Thunder! He came to Earth to rape and pillage and the Dragon's determined to stop him! Also-- A threat to the continued existence of this Savage World! Herakles and gods galore! The Dragon caused the planet wide disaster and now he's determined to fix it as his travels lead him to the hidden city know as God Town. More pieces of the puzzle that is Dragon's life fall into place. More questions are answered. And more action-packed epics abound! This (and EVERY) issue of Savage Dragon is COMPLETELY accessible to old and new readers. Savage Dragon comes with our Highest Possible Recommendation! FC, 32pg $2.95 SPAWN #112 Todd McFarlane Production (C) Todd McFarlane and Brian Holguin (P) Angel Medina (I) Danny Miki (Color) Brian Holguin (Cover) Greg Capullo "The Kingdom, Part Vl" LANDMARK SPAWN ISSUE The morning after... The Night of the Cleansing -- when the Children of the Kingdom rain harsh judgment down upon the city of New York -- has come and gone. Last issue, Spawn stood alone against an avenging army of 777 supernatural assassins. Now, see who is left standing and who is lost forever to the darkness. Don't miss the stunning revelations and unexpected twists of this landmark issue! FC, 32pg $2.50 SPAWN ULTRA ACTION FIGURES SERIES # 19 McFarlane Toys Dark Ages-The Samurai Wars Hellspawns have existed throughout history. Feudal Japan was no exception. Spawn Series 19 translates the core Spawn comic book mythos into a Japanese setting. All incredibly detailed and articulated. The line includes: Samurai Spawn, Lotus the Angel Warrior, Dojo, Snake Assassin, and Jackal Assassin. (CAUT: 4) Figure PI SPAWN SERIES 19 JYAAKU THE NIGHTMARE DELUXE BOX McFarlane Toys This item ships six per case. (CAUT: 4) Boxed Figure PI SPAWN: THE DARK AGES #29 Todd McFarlane Productions (W) Steve Niles (P) Nat Jones (I) Kevin Conrad (Color) Todd Broeker "Stonehaven, Part ll" The manure hits the windmill as the flesh-starved dead of Stonehaven come back for revenge. Surrounded and trapped in the last standing building, the innocent citizens turn to their only hope: the Hellspawn and his unwilling partner, Cogliostro. The odds are against them. The dead cannot be stopped, unless the key to their rage can be unearthed and the curse unlocked. In Covenant's eyes, the answer lies right at their feet. FC, 32pg $2.50 TOMB RAIDER #15 Top Cow Comics (W) Dan Jurgens (P) To Be Named (I) To Be Named (C) Jonathan D. Smith Lost in the abyss of personal tragedy, Lara must not only wrestle with the ominous Lucifer Text, she must also evade a mysterious new enemy who'll stop at nothing to follow her every move. "Without Limit" takes Lara on a very personal journey that may well throw the world into the grips of evil! FC, 32pg $2.50 WARLANDS: AGE OF ICE #1 (W) AdrianTsang (A) Pat Lee (I) Rob Armstrong Re-immerse yourself in the fantasy world of WARLANDS once again as a new epic saga begins two hundred years after Malagen and his Vampire armies were defeated. Even the full might of the Dataran horde however, pales in comparison to the danger now facing the collective kingdoms of Warlands. After the Ice Dragon Eganko was defeated, it plunged into the depths of the Eastern Sea, and is now slowly freezing the world's oceans. Faced with utter ecological disaster, a band of mismatched mercenaries and would-be heroes embark on a quest to not only save their homes from destruction, but all life itself... NOTE: This issue will ship with 3 covers by Pat Lee. When placed side by side, the covers will form one large, complete image of the Warlands: Age of Ice characters. FC, 32pg $2.95 WARLANDS: AGE OF ICE #1 EXCLUSIVE HOLOFOIL EDITION Warlands: Age of Ice # 1 is also available in a wrap-around Gem holofoil cover by Pat Lee. FC, 32pg $7.95 WITCHBLADE #50 Top Cow Comics (W) Paul Jenkins (P) Brian Ching (I) D-Tron (C) Steve Firchow Top Cow's flagship title reaches its 50th issue and the Witchblade will never be the same again! Sara is given a clue as to the true nature of the Witchblade as she is brought into the confidence of an ages-old Masonic group who are preparing for what they believe is Armageddon. In this special anniversary issue, readers will finally be given a clue as to the true origin and intent of the Witchblade, PLUS, one of Sara's old friends makes his return! FC, 48pg $4.95 MARVEL COMICS MARVEL COMICS Marvel Knights DAREDEVIL: YELLOW #2 cover by tim sale jeph loeb/tim sale The award-winning team of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale takes on Daredevil! Rocked by the events of last issue, Matt Murdock sets out for vengeance! But will he learn that justice and revenge are not one and the same? Plus: Matt meets the most beautiful girl in the world! (Marvel Memo: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders for this issue are cancelled.) 7-59606-05093-2-00211 3.50 DAREDEVIL #20 painted cover by david mack bob gale/phil winslade/james hodgkins • THE SCOOP: If not for the reboot, this would have been DD's 400th issue — so we're celebrating with a new arc written by Bob Gale, a biweekly shipping schedule, and a bonus story scripted by Stan "The Man" Lee! • THE STORY: When a rich man decides to sue Daredevil for property damage, he hires Matt Murdock as his attorney. Wait a minute, Matt Murdock is Daredevil! So how can the Man Without Fear be in two places at once? Plus: a very special back-up tale that guest-stars Spider-Man, is penciled by legendary DD artist Gene Colan, and is scripted by none other than Stan Lee! • THE CREATORS: Written by Back To The Future screenwriter and Batman: No Man's Land scribe Bob Gale, with pencils by Phil Winslade (DAREDEVIL/SPIDER-MAN)! • THE FORMAT: 40 pages, with ads. 7-59606-04706-2-02011 3.50 MARVEL KNIGHTS MAGAZINE #4 This 80-page, full-color magazine features reprints THE PUNISHER #4 (by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon), DAREDEVIL #4 (by Kevin Smith & Joe Quesada) and INHUMANS #1 (by Paul Jenkins & Jae Lee)! 7-59606-05121-2-00411 3.99 PUNISHER #2(A) painted cover by TIM BRADSTREET garth ennis/steve dillon/jimmy palmiotti • THE SCOOP: This month the Punisher is appearing in ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM- UP, so it's only fair that Spider-Man swings by to return the favor! • THE STORY: It's an odd couple for 2001 when the grim Frank Castle and the wise- cracking wall-crawler unite against an unstoppable human weapon! It's the team-up everyone wants to see... and it just might get us all fired! You see, this is Frank's book — and Frank's world — so who knows if Spidey can survive it! • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05113-7-00211 2.99 PUNISHER #2(B) It's "2-For-2" time with a variant cover by Steve Dillon! 7-59606-05113-7-00221 2.99 ELEKTRA #1 cover by greg horn brian michael bendis/chuck austen • THE SCOOP: Dig Tomb Raider? Love La Femme Nikita? Then you'll die for Marvel Knights' newest ongoing — and non Comics Code — series written by Brian Michael Bendis! • THE STORY: She was killed, but got over it. Now the enigmatic assassin named Elektra begins a new life! In the deadly world of international espionage, Elektra is a hot commodity — and the top-secret organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. wants her for a mission so dirty that no one else could even think of pulling it off! But Elektra can't be bought, bribed or threatened. And if she takes the job, she'll do it her way, no matter how many people may die! Following the winning Marvel Knights formula of matching cool creators with hot characters, this new monthly series will deliver plenty of action, intrigue, and sex appeal! And while a censored portion of this debut issue will run in Wizard #118, this comic will show you what they couldn't! • THE CREATORS: You know how popular Bendis is, and after this issue you'll all remember the art of Chuck Austen, an animator from Fox's "King of the Hill!" And feast your eyes on those lush, computer-rendered covers by Greg Horn! • THE BOSS SPEAKS: "Elektra is absolutely the most complex, breathtaking and sultry character in the Marvel Universe," stated Bill Jemas, Marvel's President of Publishing & New Media. "She's all things to all people: a villain and a hero; a sympathetic character, yet reviled and misunderstood; fearless, but not infallible. As a fierce, uniquely multicultural character, she was truly ahead of her time. The time is right for Elektra to return to the pop culture forefront and reclaim her crown." • THE FORMAT: The first issue of this monthly series is 48 pages, with ads. Subsequent issues will be 32 pages, with ads. • MARVEL MEMO: Hey, retailers, a censored version of the first 22 pages will appear in June's Wizard #118... so you know a huge audience will be chasing this one down to get the uncut version! 7-59606-05132-8-00111 3.50 GHOST RIDER: THE HAMMER LANE #2 cover by Trent kaniuga devingrayson/trent kaniuga/danny miki Flaming skulls! Burning chrome! High adventure and extreme vengeance! Ghost Rider is back — and Johnny Blaze isn't happy! Sure, turning into a demonic biker was fun at first, but now Johnny's alter-ego is getting out of control! And as the bodies pile up, Johnny comes to a hard decision — one that may mean his death! And, Retailers, don't forget the first 7 pages of issue #1 will be previewed in Wizard #117... so everyone's going to want this! 7-59606-05103-8-00211 2.99 DAREDEVIL #21 painted cover by david mack bob gale/phil winslade/james hodgkins • THE SCOOP: It's DD vs. Matt Murdock as the Hot Summer Knights deliver twice- monthly madness! • THE STORY: The Jester is out of jail — and someone's hired him to deliver a nasty message! So what's his connection to the case that has Matt Murdock prosecuting his own alter-ego? The Jester might be laughing, but Daredevil sure isn't! • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-04706-2-02111 2.99 FANTASTIC FOUR: 1 2 3 4 #1 cover by jae lee grant morrison/jae lee • THE SCOOP: The colossal creative team of Grant Morrison (NEW X-MEN) and Jae Lee (SENTRY) craft the ultimate FF book! • THE STORY: Each chapter will focus on one member of our cosmic quartet, starting with the tortured monster known as the Thing — who faces a strange challenge from none other than Doctor Doom! And don't worry, Mr. Fantastic, the Invisible Woman and the Human Torch are all here too! FANTASTIC FOUR: 1234 is a heart-felt tribute to a heroic legacy, and it's also an action-packed ride through the Baxter Building as you've never seen it before! • THE CREATORS: The JLA, Marvel Boy, the X-Men... now super-scribe Grant Morrison turns his hand to comics' first family — joined by the unique illustrative style of Jae Lee! You've heard Grant's wild ideas for the FF — so what will he deliver here? • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this four-part, monthly limited series will be 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05086-4-00111 2.99 MARVEL KNIGHTS #15 cover by trent kaniuga & danny miki chuck dixon/eduardo barreto/Nelson What is the sinister S.H.I.E.L.D. conspiracy that has bound Black Widow and Dagger into a web of deceipt? Will Daredevil and the Punisher finally duke it out? And when the dust clears, will the Marvel Knights still be a team at all? 7-59606-04878-6-01511 2.99 X-Men THE EXILES #2(A) cover by mike mckone & mark mckenna judd winick/mike mckone/mark mckenna Blink and the Exiles must save a world — but at what cost? Who will cross the line... and which Exile will be cut by it? The team attempts to complete their first mission — but tragedy lies ahead! 7-59606-05108-3-00211 2.25 THE EXILES #2(B) It's "2-For-2" time with a second cover by J.H. Williams III! 7-59606-05108-3-00221 2.25 ULTIMATE MARVEL MAGAZINE #7 ULTIMATE X-MEN #7, ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #8 and ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP #3 (featuring Spider-Man and the Hulk) are reprinted in this 80-page, full- color magazine! Plus: more news on our movies! 07146-01849-06 3.99 UNCANNY X-MEN #396 cover by ian churchill joe casey/ian churchill/mark morales "Poptopia" part two of four! The X-Men's London adventure continues as Chamber, the former Gen Xer, enjoys the fruits of the celebrity lifestyle — but will they leave a bitter taste? Or will he turn his back on Xavier's dream? Meanwhile, under the city, the Children of the Atom confront the self-styled "genetic cleanser" known only as Mister Clean! 7-59606-02461-2-39611 2.25 X-MEN: THE HIDDEN YEARS #22 cover by john byrne john byrne/john byrne/tom palmer In this final issue, the X-Men unite with the Fantastic Four! 7-59606-04799-4-02211 2.50 NEW X-MEN 2001 ANNUAL cover by leinil yu grant morrison/leinil yu • THE SCOOP: The all-star team of Grant Morrison and Leinil Yu present the first story to appear in Marvelscope! • THE STORY: Somone is seizing huge tracts of the Mongolian tundra — and they're not above exterminating the region's indigenous people to get it! At the heart of this terrifying conspiracy lies a rusting death camp — and at its heart waits the story's greatest mystery. Who is the Doomsday Mutant? Plus: Domino and the all-new X Corporation! • THE FORMAT: Introducing Marvelscope, the format that truly delivers that "widescreen" feel by creating a stapled spine not on this 48-page Annual's vertical side, but on it's horizontal top! So when you fold it open, you're going to get some huge panels, people! 7-59606-05137-3-00111 3.50 CABLE #95 cover by michael ryan robert weinberg/michael ryan The Dark Sisterhood saga concludes with an astonishing surprise ending! It's the final battle between Cable and the foe that can predict his every move: the dastardly Dark Mother! 7-59606-01362-3-09511 2.25 X-TREME X-MEN #3 cover by salvador larroca chris claremont/salvador larroca In the aftermath of their battle with the mysterious Vargas, one X-Man lies near death, while the surviving teammates hunt their new adversary. But considering the outcome of that first encounter, even if they do find him — what then? 7-59606-05109-0-00311 2.25 NEW X-MEN #116 cover by frank quitely grant morrison/frank quitely/tim townsend The conclusion to "E is for Extinction!" If one immensely powerful foe wasn't enough, the X-Men must also fight a supremely powerful — and all-out evil — new villain! It will be a battle that will cost one member of our uncanny team immensely! "Wow! This made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up with excitement! I had hoped that Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely would do a good job with this title, but this exceeds any expectations I ever had. Outstanding, highly recommended — as in, don't miss it! Grade: A+" -Jim Shorr, Comics Buyer's Guide 7-59606-01772-0-11611 2.25 ULTIMATE X-MEN #8 cover by adam kubert mark millar/adam kubert/art thibert • THE SCOOP: "Weapon X" continues! • THE STORY: As the X-Men investigate Logan's past, the team is confronted by another member of the Weapon X Program! And watching from the shadows are two even more dangerous operatives! • THE BUZZ: "Mark Millar has looked to the X-Men's origins and intensified the nastier sides of the racism analogy, making for not only a fun read, but an intelligent one. Adam Kubert's angular, kinetic art matches the intensity of the script perfectly." -Don MacPherson, Comics Newsarama 7-59606-05047-5-00711 2.25 THE BROTHERHOOD #3 cover by bill sienkiewicz x/essad ribic/kent williams A new message from X: "Genetic testing in schools to ferret out those young men and women who may be mutants? This will prove to be your greatest mistake. Already, you have pushed one more to us. His powers have manifested — and he will return your prejudice in kind. You have been warned. To the demagogue Ludlum: continue to spew your racist rhetoric at your own risk. For every word you utter, we will take action. For every anti-mutant phrase that you speak, another human will pay the ultimate price." 7-59606-05114-4-00311 2.25 WOLVERINE #166 cover by j.h. williams iii & mick gray frank tieri/sean chen & barry windsor-smith/norm rapmund • THE SCOOP: Sabretooth, Maverick and Barry Windsor-Smith return in this double- sized thriller! • THE STORY: Wolverine discovers the person who's been pulling the strings — and now he's going to cut them! Plus: a special five-page section by Mr. WEAPON X himself, Barry Windsor-Smith! • THE BUZZ: "Sean Chen's work on this book continues to impress me... WOLVERINE is a title that definitely looks to be headed back to the top of the heap." -X-Fan • THE FORMAT: 48 pages, with ads. 7-59606-02254-0-16611 2.99 X-FORCE #118 cover by mike allred peter milligan/mike allred The new era continues as Peter Milligan (Human Target) and Mike Allred (Madman) bring a shocking new vision to X-FORCE! When the squad embarks on a top-secret mission to extract a young boy from the clutches of an "evil dictator," they soon discover that all is not as it seems! Meanwhile, an internal power struggle threatens to tear apart the team as U-Go Girl and the Anarchist spar with the team's leader! "Of all the new takes on the X-titles, this is the one that has me most intrigued. Both Milligan and Allred are known for their quirky, offbeat comics, and I can't wait to see what plans they have in store." -Worlds of Westfield 7-59606-01766-9-11811 2.25 X-MEN UNLIMITED #32 painted cover by jill thompson Think disco is dead? Think again, baby! In our first story, Jill Thompson and Will Pfeifer go behind the strobe lights and roller skates in "Beyond The Music: Dazzler!" Next, Jim Pruett and Mike Deodato deliver a Nightcrawler solo tale! Plus: a never-before-seen Magik pin-up by Bill Sienkiewicz! 7-59606-01406-4-03211 2.99 Spider-Man ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #11 cover by mark bagley brian michael bendis/mark bagley/art thibert • THE SCOOP: It's not over until Spider-Man gets revenge against the Kingpin — and the fat man is about to sing! • THE STORY: Humiliated by a prior defeat, Peter Parker sets out to topple the Kingpin. But will our young hero's burning desire for vengeance instead place him into the ham- like hands of Wilson Fisk? Plus: what is the aftermath of the Green Goblin's attack on Midtown High? • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05031-4-01111 2.25 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #33 cover by j. scott campbell j. michael straczynski/ john romita jr./scott hanna The new era continues as writer J. Michael Straczynski takes the reins of Marvel's flagship title! Still reeling from the questions posed by the enigmatic Ezekiel, Peter Parker digs deeper into his roots, searching for a deeper understanding of his powers, and, ultimately, himself. Meanwhile, the morbid Morlun prepares to make his move on Spider-Man! 7-59606-04716-1-03311 2.25 SPIDER-GIRL #36 cover by pat olliffe tom defalco/pat olliffe/al williamson As the gang war heats up between Canis and the Kingpin, Spider-Girl gets some help from a very unexpected source. Plus: Mary Jane suddenly falls ill and Normie Osborn learns the identity of Mayday's stalker! 7-59606-03503-8-03611 2.25 PETER PARKER, SPIDER-MAN #33 cover by humberto ramos paul jenkins/mark buckingham/wayne faucher On the anniversary of Uncle Ben's death, the web-slinger heads where he always does: the Ballpark. There he'll reminisce about the man whose words formed the mantra of his life — and about the day when fate dropped out of the sky and landed on young Peter Parker's head... literally! 7-59606-04717-8-03211 2.25 TANGLED WEB #4: SEVERANCE PACKAGE painted cover by eduardo risso greg rucka/eduardo risso • THE SCOOP: In this self-contained story, crime novelist and red-hot comics writer Greg Rucka (Detective Comics) and acclaimed artist Eduardo Risso (100 Bullets) spin a tale of one of Spider-Man's most infamous foes: the Kingpin! • THE SET-UP: Some creators have never worked for Marvel, but that doesn't mean they don't have a Spider-Man story they've always wanted to tell! TANGLED WEB opens the door, letting today's hottest writers and artists take a hard look at the shadow that the web-slinger casts over his "friendly" neighborhood. • THE STORY: Cochrane's life is a daily game of Russian Roulette. In a city where a guy in tights can swing down and ruin any criminal's day, Cochrane has the most dangerous job of all: he works for the Kingpin! And everyone knows how the portly crimelord deals with failure! And when Cochrane's big heist is thrwarted by the wall- crawler, his worst nightmare comes true. Now he's summoned to a midnight meeting with the Big Boss himself. But what's waiting for him may not be quite what he expects! • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05106-9-00411 2.99 ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP #6: SPIDER-MAN & THE PUNISHER cover by bill sienkiewicz brian michael bendis/bill sienkiewicz • THE SCOOP: Our young wall-crawler leaps into the cross-hairs of the Punisher! • THE STORY: What if there was a man incarcerated in Ryker's Island whose all- consuming obsession was the total elimination of the criminal element by any means necessary? And what if he escaped? Well, there is and he has! Now, the former police officer and current vigilante named Frank Castle prowls the streets, gunning down the Underworld! And if a certain young web-slinger gets in his way... well, there's a bullet with Spider-Man's name on it, too! • THE CREATORS: Written by Wizard's "Best Writer of 2000," Brian Michael Bendis — with art by the legendary Bill Sienkiewicz! • THE BUZZ: "ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP is an undeniable success. Imagine combining the industry's best creators with some of comics' most popular characters and just telling good stories. No gimmicks. No continuity issues. Just fun comics. Great comics... They didn't reinvent the wheel here, they've just made it better." -Andrew Goletz, • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05088-8-00611 2.25 Marvel Heroes FANTASTIC FOUR #45 cover by carlos pacheco & jesus merino carlos pacheco, rafael Marin & jeph loeb/jeff johnson In the aftermath of the Negative Zone saga, one member of the FF has been radically changed! You'll see a new costume and a new identity for one of our intrepid explorers — but we can't reveal who it is or how the changes happened! All we can say is if you've ever been even a casual fan of the Fantastic Four, you'll want to read this! 7-59606-04456-6-04511 2.25 THOR #39 cover by barry windsor-smith dan jurgens/stuart immonen/wade von grawbadger Surtur walks the Earth! Will the flaming giant's sword bring about the end of times? And will Thor — separated from his Jake Olson persona — be able to do anything to stop it? Wait'll you see that cover by Barry Windsor-Smith! "Each month I'm looking forward to picking this one up. As far as I'm concerned, THOR has earned a spot among the current Marvel greats. By the power of Mjolnir, Make Mine Marvel!" -Chris Carle, 7-59606-03506-9-03911 2.25 BLACK PANTHER #34 cover by sal velluto & bob almond christopher priest/j. calafiore/john livesay What is the Man-Ape's plan for T'Challa? And why is Everett K. Ross paid a pleasant visit by Henry Peter Gyrich? "Mixing super-heroism with political high adventure and a dash of the Marvel Universe gives readers the comic book equivalent of a Tom Clancy novel." -Comics Buyer's Guide 7-59606-03876-3-03411 2.50 DEFENDERS #7 cover by erik larsen/klaus janson erik larsen & kurt busiek/erik larsen/al gordon The Defenders confront a threat to all reality in the sky citadel of the Red Raven — and also attempt to restore Namor to the throne of Atlantis! "This book really makes me smile... it's simply a fun book by talented people who are in on the joke." -Dan Coyle, 7-59606-05063-5-00711 2.25 FANTASTIC FOUR 2001 cover by kevin maguire & wade von grawbadger carlos pacheco, rafael marin & jeph loeb/ kevin maguire/wade von grawbadger • THE SCOOP: Galactus! Kevin Maguire! Cool! • THE STORY: The Devourer of Worlds is back... well, at least his head is! Why does his cranium crash into Times Square? And what does it have to do with Franklin Richards, Frankie Raye (the former Herald known as Nova), and a new villain named Abraxas? Find out in the Annual that kicks off a big story that rockets right into FANTASTIC FOUR #46! Plus: Jeph Loeb and Leinil Yu deliver a six-page bonus story called "Dragon Man For All Seasons!" • THE CREATORS: Written by the ongoing title's regular team of co-plotters Carlos Pacheco, Rafael Marin and scripter Jeph Loeb — with pencils by Kevin Maguire and inks by Wade Von Grawbadger! • THE FORMAT: 48 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05094-9-00111 2.99 IRON MAN #44 cover by keron grant frank tieri/keron grant/rob stull Iron Man's new armor is revealed! With the Mad Bomber still on the loose, Tony Stark gets ready to do some serious damage of his own! Just wait until you see the new suit — after all, you helped design it via a Wizard contest! 7-59606-04457-3-04411 2.25 UNIVERSE X: IRON MEN painted cover by ALEX ROSS jim krueger & alex ross/ brent anderson/tom palmer • THE SCOOP: The UNIVERSE X spotlight swings on the Master of Magnetism! • THE STORY: On a planet where everyone is a mutant, can Magneto be a hero? Like the 4, SPIDEY, and the BEASTS specials, this one-shot expands the world of EARTH X! • THE FORMAT: 48 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05004-8-00111 3.99 AVENGERS 2001 ANNUAL cover by ian churchill kurt busiek/ivan reiss & ian churchill/norm rapmund • THE SCOOP: Spinning out of the monthly AVENGERS series, this Annual reveals the fates of Goliath, the Wasp and Iron Man! • THE STORY: There's one Hank Pym too many — and that spells trouble for both Goliath and the Avengers! But now, in the midst of a worldwide battle, both Hanks are on the verge of death — and the only person who can help may be... Triathlon? Plus: in a special back-up story penciled by UNCANNY X-MEN's Ian Churchill, we answer a hotly debated question: now that they're back from the Heroes Reborn world, why isn't Tony Stark still a teenager and Janet van Dyne a giant bug-woman? • THE FORMAT: 48 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05101-4-00111 2.99 CAPTAIN AMERICA #45 cover by dan jurgens & bob layton dan jurgens/dan jurgens/bob layton Beginning "America Lost," the last arc before this series's big changes! Picking up several weeks after last issue's confrontation with Connie Ferrari, can a troubled Cap puzzle out the mysteries of the missing S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier? 7-59606-04455-9-04511 2.25 CAPTAIN MARVEL #21 cover by chriscross & anibal rodriguez PETER DAVID/chriscross/anibal rodriguez Think your comic book retailer has problems? Marlo's chief competitor has just released the mother of the greatest monster in history! But Captain Marvel has more immediate problems, as Rick Jones becomes unglued as a result of his new status quo! "This is one of the funniest titles, month in and month out, thanks to the witty dialogue by Peter David and great facial expressions by artist Chriscross." -Wizard 7-59606-04815-1-02111 2.50 FANTASTIC FOUR: THE FANTASTIC 4TH VOYAGE OF SINBAD cover by pascual ferry & tim townsend chris claremont/pascual ferry/ scott hanna • THE SCOOP: It's magic and mayhem in the Mighty Marvel Manner with the fabulous Fantastic Four! • THE STORY: The Thing, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic and the Human Torch battle their way through a mystical realm on the hunt for four amazing artifacts! But that's easier said than done when facing the horrible Hydra, the ravenous Rukh and the menacing Mogul, tyrant extraordinaire! Perhaps the legendary Sinbad can lend a hand! • THE CREATORS: Writer Chris Claremont (X-TREME X-MEN) returns to the FF — and transports them into the genre he loves, swashbuckling high adventure! His imagination comes to life through the energetic art of Pascual Ferry (Superboy)! • THE FORMAT: This square-bound bookshelf one-shot is 48 pages, with no ads. • MARVEL MEMO: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders have been canceled. 7-59606-04456-6-04511 5.95 FANTASTIC FOUR: THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMIC MAGAZINE #8 cover by keith giffen & bruce timm Kurt Busiek joins Marvel's celebration of the Fantastic Four's 40th Anniversary by scripting this issue! Guest-starring the Avengers! 7-59606-05064-2-00811 2.99 INCREDIBLE HULK #30 cover by brian haberlin paul jenkins & sean mckeever/ joe bennett/tom palmer Paul Jenkins' final story begins! The ravaged body of Bruce Banner quits — leaving the Hulk no other option but to turn to his greatest nemesis! And don't miss a daring look at the Hulk in STARTLING STORIES: BANNER #1! 7-59606-04745-1-03011 2.25 MARVEL MASTER PRINTS • THE SCOOP: The greatest heroes! The best artists! The House unveils a set of 12 collectible mega-cards! • THE GOODS: Want incredible images to cover your walls? Ready to trade colossal- size cards with your friends? Measuring 6.5" x 10", each card will be laminated on both sides to ensure a long life! This inaugural set kicks off with: Wolverine by Bill Sienkiewicz, the Avengers by Alex Ross, Elektra by Greg Horn, Captain America by Travis Charest, Wolverine by Frank Quitely, Spider-Man by John Romita Jr., Daredevil by David Mack, Black Widow by J.G. Jones, Spider-Man & DD by Alex Ross, the Hulk by Kaare Andrews, Punisher by Tim Bradstreet and that smokin' liplock between Logan and Jean Grey by Ian Churchill! And this is just the beginning: watch for more sets on a quarterly basis! • MARVEL MEMO: Retailers, check upcoming issues of Diamond Dateline for your Marvel Master Print promo card... and attendees of this year's Wizard World can get one too! 7-59606-05128-1-00111 1.50 each (S.R.P.) THUNDERBOLTS #54 cover by patrick zircher & al vey fabian nicieza/patrick zircher/al vey The 3rd pod opens — and a 25-year-old riddle is solved! First, the Fixer stole Ogre's identity — now he's after his most prized possession! Who or what has been concealed within the Ogre's mysterious pod — and why may it spell the end of the human race? "This is easily one of Marvel's most consistently rewarding titles." -Jason Cornwell, 7-59606-09566-3-05411 2.25 AVENGERS #44 cover by andy kubert KURT BUSIEK/manuel garcia/karl kesel Thor goes berserk — and an Avenger falls! Earth's Mightiest Heroes strike back on three different fronts! Meanwhile, Kang the Conqueror maneuvers his pieces into position for a final attack! "AVENGERS could be used as a textbook on how to write a super hero series... this is where I tell you to rush out and buy this comic book." -Tony Isabella, Comics Buyer's Guide 7-59606-04458-0-04411 2.25 DEADPOOL #56 cover by georges jeanty & jon holdredge buddy scalera/georges jeanty/ jon holdredge It's the moment that all you die-hard DEADPOOL fans have been waiting for: Wade Wilson and Siryn finally go on a date! Plus: a prelude to what could be the biggest storyline in 'Pool's life! 7-59606-03703-2-05611 2.25 STARTLING STORIES: BANNER #1 cover by richard corben brian azzarello/richard corben • THE SCOOP: Introducing STARTLING STORIES, the new imprint that lets the industry's top talents cut loose on their favorite heroes! Up first: the Hulk as interpreted by Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets, Hellblazer) and Richard Corben! • THE SET-UP: STARTLING STORIES will force you to re-think the most familiar Marvel characters, asking questions that, let's face it, we've all asked. Don't worry about continuity, don't stress over rules... just get ready to be amazed! • THE STORY: What would you do if you knew you were a ticking time bomb? If you knew that your continued existence meant limitless death and destruction? What would you do if at any moment you could transform into the rampaging monster known as the Hulk? You see, nerdy scientist Bruce Banner has a big problem. When he loses his cool, the 98-lb. weakling transforms into a 1,000-lb., green-skinned engine of devastation! Relentlessly tormented by his monstrous "id," and vigilantly pursued by an elite military unit headed by the enigmatic Doc Samson, Banner has no where to hide — and that's when the real trouble starts! • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this four-part series will be 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05106-9-00411 2.99 UNIVERSE X #12 painted cover by alex ross jim krueger & alex ross/ doug braithwaite/bill reinhold The penultimate chapter! The Silver Surfer, the Iron Avengers, the Sentinels and Magneto unite to battle the Absorbing Man! Meanwhile, Peter Parker, Venom, Sgt. Cage and the rest of New York's heroes struggle in vain against a dying world! Then the action continues into next month's UNIVERSE X: X! 7-59606-04897-7-01211 3.50 U.S.AGENT #3 cover by jerry ordway jerry ordway/jerry ordway/karl kesel It's the U.S.Agent's worst nightmare: he's being replaced by Captain America! Betrayed by those closest to him, will John Walker throw in with those responsible for his disgrace? 7-59606-05110-6-00311 2.99 Marvel/Dynamic Forces ELEKTRA #1 Signed by writer extraordinaire Brian Michael Bendis! Marvel's hottest, most dangerous woman — in her own ongoing series! This new monthly features plenty of action, intrigue, and style in the Marvel Knights manner, including an all-new look for the criminal cartel called HYDRA! $19.99 MSRP. Limited signed edition! Extremely limited re-marked edition signed by Brian Michael Bendis and re-marked by painter Greg Horn! $69.99 MSRP STARTLING STORIES: BANNER #1 Signed by writer Brian Azzarello and artist Richard Corben! Brian Azzarello's first work for Marvel features everyone's favorite Green Goliath, the Incredible Hulk – who also happens to be Bruce Banner! With Marvel's current track record of getting hot new writers to work on classic characters, this issue is sure to sell out, so get the Dynamic Forces signed edition now while supplies last! $39.99 MSRP. WOLVERINE #166 Signed by writer Frank Tieri with artist Sean Chen! The team that brings you this special story signs Wolverine's double-sized special issue! $39.99 MSRP. Extremely Limited. Re-sketched edition with a Wolverine "Head Sketch" by Sean Chen $69.99 MSRP! ELEKTRA FULLY PAINTED LITHOGRAPH! Elektra strikes in an "electrifying" lithograph created exclusively for Dynamic Forces by hot up-and-coming painter Greg Horn! Featuring the master assassin with her Sais in her hands, this Marvel Knights masterpiece focuses on Elektra descending onto the roof of a building — with the sun glaring behind her beautiful, but deadly body! This litho is sure to be one of the premiere "femme fatales" in your collection! Measures 18 by 24 inches and printed on 80-pound Gallerie Art Silk stock. $24.99 MSRP. Limited edition! Signed by hot new painter Greg Horn $39.99 MSRP Extremely limited re-marked edition $89.99 MSRP ELEKTRA PREMIERE LIMITED EDITION LUNCHBOX Featuring fully painted art by cover artist Greg Horn! One of comicdom's deadliest assassins meets one of its hottest collectibles! Sleek and deadly, Elektra can capture your mind, your body and possibly your heart, but with this cool collectible lunchbox you'll be able to hold on to her for years to come. The true fan will want more than one of these beauties, which feature an incredible beach scene on one side and a striking silhouette evening scene on the other. Measuring 6 5/8" x 7 15/16" x 3 7/8" these lunchboxes normally retail for $19.99 each, but we are offering a special introductory price of $15.99! $15.99 MSRP Limited Edition of just 7,500 Collectible Lunchboxes. ULTIMATE X-MEN PREMIERE LIMITED EDITION LUNCHBOX Marvel's #1 group of characters is being presented in the #1 new collectible! This Ultimate collectible lunchbox features images of the ULTIMATE X-MEN featuring art by the Ultimate artist... Adam Kubert! And if that isn't enough, these lunchboxes go for $19.99 each, but for the first few we're bringing them in at the introductory price of $15.99! $15.99 MSRP. Limited Edition of just 7,500 Collectible Lunchboxes. DEATH OF ELEKTRA COMMEMORATIVE LITHOGRAPH! One of the most monumental events in the history of comics as chronicled by master storyteller Frank Miller — The Death Of Elektra! Very few stories in the '80s touched our hearts as fans as much as this one did! The classic cover stating no more than "One of them Dies!" Dynamic Forces is very fortunate to be working with Frank Miller to turn this epic image into lithograph! $19.99 MSRP. ULTIMATE X-MEN #7 Signed by artists Adam Kubert and Art Thibert! The Weapon X story Premieres in this issue! Explore the past of the most popular X-Man of them all – Wolverine! Who is the man named Logan? Where is he from? How did the unbreakable metal adamantium get bonded to his skeleton? Don't miss out on the beginning issue that can bring out the mysteries that have been hidden for years! $39.99 MSRP. Limited signed edition! Also available as a "Re-Marked" edition with a head sketch at $69.99! SPIDER-MAN/DAREDEVIL #1 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE SKETCH COVER "FULL BODY RE-MARKED EDITION!" Signed by writer Paul Jenkins and signed/re-marked by artist Phil Winslade! One of the most rare and limited items ever offered! Spider-Man/Daredevil not only signed but each copy also features a full body sketch by artist Phil Winslade! And it's limited to just 74 copies in the ENTIRE WORLD! $99.99 MSRP. Limited to only 74 units in the WORLD! Re-Marked and Hand Drawn Sketch shown. EARTH X #1/2 LIMITED EDITION COMIC The hard-to-get mail in edition comic needed to get in on the ground floor of Alex Ross' earth shattering series! This story is not available anywhere else, and is now being brought to you by Dynamic Forces with a beautifully painted cover by Alex Ross! $12.99 MSRP. CLASSIC X-MEN LITHOGRAPH! Signed by co-creator Stan "The Man" Lee! The Original X-Men as commemorated by Steve Rude in one of his awesome paintings! In honor of co-creator Jack "The King" Kirby! Featuring Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Angel, The Beast and an image of Professor X calling them all to battle! Signed by co-creator Stan "The Man" Lee, this limited edition signed litho is a true painted Marvel Masterpiece! $99.99 MSRP. WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT BLACK BULL JUST A PILGRIM #5 Cover by JOHN McCREA Written by GARTH ENNIS Art by CARLOS EZQUERRA Colors by PAUL MOUNTS The pulse-pounding conclusion! Who will live and who will die in the all-out battle that ensues between the refugees and the bloody buckers? Witness the all too gruesome details! Find out what happens to Billy, Carla, John and Dirk. See the Pilgrim and Castenado as they finally meet face to face in "Pilgrim's Progress." It's amazing action- packed sci-fi written by by Garth Ennis with art by Carlos Ezquerra. Long-time Ennis collaborator John McCrea (Hittman) provides this issue's cover. You'll have to kill yourself if you miss this issue. It's another one of Garth Ennis' fantastic finales that surprises and satisfies. Brilliantly colored by Paul Mounts and edited by Jimmy Palmiotti (co-founder/editor Marvel Knights), ask for your copy of Just A Pilgrim #5 now! In stores July 11, 2001 FC, 32pg $2.99 WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT WIZARD: THE COMICS MAGAZINE #119 Wizard Entertainment and Marvel Comics team-up for a special world premiere comic publishing event as Wizard #119 will present the first 22-comic book pages of the all-new Marvel Knights Elektra #1 by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Chuck Austen! Marvel's hottest and most dangerous woman returns with a vengeance! Elektra cover artist Greg Horn paints an amazing Elektra cover to honor this preview. BEGIN THE ADVENTURE HERE FIRST — ONLY IN WIZARD #119! JOE MADUREIRA's Battle Chasers returns! Now at Image Comics, artist Joe Mad talks to us about how he plans to publish Battle Chasers more frequently and what fans can expect to see in future issues of his all-new series. Joe draws a dazzling cover to this issue of Wizard that features the voluptuous Red Monika sitting atop Calibretto. We reveal more Spider-Man movie news than any other magazine. Get the latest info on production, special effects and more. Plus, learn more about the future of the red hot Ultimate Spider-Man comic books. Wizard Magazine is the only place to get all the news you need to know about your favorite comic books, artists and creators along with information on related media like movies and television. Check out the Top 10 Hottest Comics and find out how comics are trading in the current market place with our price guide which includes data on CGC (Comics Guarantee Corp.) graded books and more! EXCLUSIVES: PUNISHER #1/2 comic book offer from Marvel! Readers have asked for it and Wizard #119 will deliver this exclusive tale from the current no nonsense continuity! Magazine (Battle Chasers cover by Joe Madureira) $4.99 Magazine (Marvel Knights Elektra cover by Greg Horn) $4.99 Magazine (Ultimate Spider-Man/Wolverine cover by Andy Kubert) $4.99 WIZARD KEVIN SMITH SPECIAL EDITION Hot off the success of the all-new Green Arrow series for DC Comics and the forthcoming premiere of the new feature motion picture, Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, Wizard Entertainment presents our first-ever KEVIN SMITH Special Edition. Meet Kevin Smith in our exclusive Q&A on everything—movies, comics and more. From how he got started in filmmaking working with stars like Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, to his work with Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti on Daredevil, to the Clerks comics, Green Arrow and new Image titles! Go behind the scenes and preview his next film Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back. Get a report from the set and see pictures from the film. Visit the View Askew offices in a special photo feature. Meet the staff. Meet Kevin's friends too! People like Jason Mewes, Alanis Morisette, Shannon Doherty, Salma Hayek and others. See the world according to Kevin Smith with his views and quotes on everything from Star Wars to Spider-Man. Behold the Ultimate Kevin Smith-ography, with a rundown of each Smith film and information on all the secret references throughout all of his films. Get a complete list with pictures of all of Smith's published works (movies, comics, animated projects). There's tons of additional stuff, including a "Day In The Life of Jason Mewes," a centerspread pull-out poster map of Kevin Smith's New Jersey, a How To Draw Bluntman And Chronic feature. The magazine wraps up with a "Message to the World," where Kevin writes his 20 rules he'd like fans to follow throughout life. EXCLUSIVES: FREE Kevin Smith Bumper Sticker! Magazine (Kevin Smith other stars photo cover) $4.99 Magazine (Bluntman & Chronic cover by Mike Avon Oeming) $4.99 TOYFARE #49 ToyFare: The #1 Action Figure Magazine presents the world premiere of the new Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon action figures designed and scuplted by Art Asylum in our June issue! See how these super articulated figures got made from start to finish, from concept art to final sculpting and painting. Go Lego! Lego-mania continues to explode as the company presents its debut into action figures with Bionicals. Get the lowdown on these new figures with pictures and find out if these figures will incorporate classic Lego concepts. This month's specialty toy price guide spotlights statues and mini-busts! From the hot Marvel busts from Bowen Designs to the coolest statues from Moore Creations, you'll see which statues are red hot and which are still afforadable. Spidey and the cast of TWISTED MEGO THEATRE get into more hysterical trouble in another all-new sensational episode. Our IMPORT REPORT looks overseas at new toys from Japan and other countries. See the Import Product of the Month, Japan's Top 10 Hottest Toys, a spotlight on an amazing foreign toy line and the hilarious Horrible Knock-Off of the Month! ToyFare's MARKETPLACE gets you inside the latest trends, happenings and more. Get the latest Good Tip/Bad Tip, Regional Reports, a Short Pack Breakdown, the Top 10 Hottest Action Figures and more! ToyFare has the most complete full-color action figure price guide. It doesn't matter if you're a casual toy fan or an obsessive super-collector, you can't afford to miss this issue of ToyFare: The #1 Action Figure Magazine! EXCLUSIVES: Limited Edition The Simpsons Boxer Homer figure offer from Playmates Toys. Our third ToyFare exclusive Simpsons figure is not a repaint, but an all-new figure! Not available anywhere else, he comes in collector friendly color packaging with exclusive Boxing Gloves that really fit on his hands! Magazine (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon cover) $4.99 Magazine (Bionicles Toys cover) $4.99 INQUEST GAMER #76 InQuest Gamer #76 is our annual swimsuit issue! See gaming's hottest characters from Magic, Dungeons & Dragons, Lord Of The Rings and many more as you've never seen them before. Our cover will feature a gorgeous Serra Angel by JOE LINSNER (DAWN)! Get the Top 5 Magic by spell type and how to build better decks using these cards in our 6-page Ultimate Magic Cards feature.The best Creatures, Sorceries, Instants, Lands, Enchantments and Artifacts are waiting in this issue. This month's specialty price guide will feature Mage Knight Lancers. Get the latest prices on the mounted and flying figures along with more on the ultra-rare units. See which ones are the hottest. The InQuest Gamer redesign continues. Every issue now has 100% more Magic Stumpers, 300% more Killer Decks across a wider range of collectible card games and listings for the Top 100 Hottest CCG card prices! Play your best with InQuest Gamer! Get the essential info you need as we provide the most complete news and previews on all of the latest Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z price guides. InQuest Gamer is THE ONLY MAGAZINE THAT FEATURES THE MOST COMPLETE MAGIC PRICE GUIDES and resources to put you at the top of your game. CONTESTS: WIN a complete set of Mage Knight figures! That's over 100 figures direct from the Rebellion and Lancers sets by WizKids! Magazine (Swimsuit cover by JOE LINSNER) $4.99 JUST A PILGRIM LIMITED PREVIEW EDITION WIZARDWORLD.COM EXCLUSIVE COVER Preview the the first seven pages of Just A Pilgrim #1 the second launch from Black Bull with exclusive material that will not appear anywhere else. See dramatic conceptual artwork by Carlos Ezquerra, one of the co-creators of Judge Dredd, who has most recently collaborated with Ennis on Adventures In The Rifle Brigade. Go behind-the- scenes of this all-new series with exclusive Ennis/Ezquerra interviews conducted by series editor and Marvel Knights co-founder Jimmy Palmiotti. See character sketches and cover layouts by J. G. Jones along with cover previews by Glenn Fabry (The Preacher), Steve Dillon (The Punisher) and Mark Texiera (Black Panther). b&w, 24pg SRP: $7.00 TOYFARE EXCLUSIVE ACTION FIGURES PATRIOT UNMASKED From J. Michael Straczynski's hit Top Cow comic book Rising Stars comes this all-new Patriot figure with a newly sculpted unmasked head and battered body made just for ToyFare Magazine. Made in conjunction with Dynamic Forces, Palisades Marketing and Top Cow Productions, ToyFare is proud to present this stunning Patriot variant which will arrive in a special collector box Figure PI OFFERED AGAIN O/A DAREDEVIL FIGURE From the brilliant imagination of Stan Lee comes Daredevil: The Man Without Fear in his original red and yellow costume. This Silver Age classic hero is finally immortalized as a super posable (with 12 points of articulation) ToyFare exclusive figure from Toy Biz. This Daredevil steps right out of the pages of Daredevil #1, coming equipped with his red billy club. Start or complete your Marvel Silver Age collection now. Get this ToyFare exclusive figure in a special collector box while supplies last! Figure PI ********************** COMICS SECTION AAAARGH! COMICS DESPERATE TIMES VOLUME 2 #5 by Chris Eliopoulos Continuing the ever-growing humor comic book series. It's a comic strip, it's a comic book — whatever you want to call it, its funny! Readers are clamoring for this book, selling out three issues in a row! A great book to show to people not familiar with comics. b&w, 24pg (Note Price) $2.95 AARDVARK VANAHEIM CEREBUS #268 by Dave Sim & Gerhard LATTER DAYS: Part 3 of 35 — "Lo, There Shall Come Three Wise Fellows!" Okay, so Five Bar Gate turned out not to be Cerebus's destiny after all. Really at a loss, now, the little guy heads back down into Cirinist territory figuring that that will be the easiest way to commit suicide. However, he didn't reckon on Gorowitz, Horowitz, and Feinberg showing up. Includes five pages of "Aardvark Comment." The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues… t-minus 32 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 STARS OF THE MONTH CEREBUS TP'S by Dave Sim Dave Sim's Cerebus began as a parody of Conan, but has expanded and grown into much, much more! Intellectual, entertaining, and thought provoking, Cerebus is the longest running independent b&w comic being published today! 248-536pg. 7x10, b&w VOL. 6: MELMOTH (STAR00431) $17.00 VOL. 7: FLIGHT (STAR00543) $17.00 VOL. 8: WOMEN (STAR00849) $17.00 VOL. 9: READS (STAR01063) $17.00 VOL. 10: MINDS (STAR01916) $17.00 ******************** ABSTRACT STUDIOS TERRY MOORE'S PARADISE, TOO! #2 by Terry Moore Since Terry just can't stop drawing cartoons, they've decided to keep publishing them! Now, in a regular bi-monthly series, Paradise Too! collects all the cartoons and comic strips Terry draws on a daily basis that never make it into SIP. The first issue was a roaring success, now issue #2 brings you more of the characters you love… Kixie the high-maintenance fairy; Plato the love-sick polar bear; Morris the ugliest little dog in the world, and many more! If you like the humor in SIP, you owe it to yourself to read Paradise Too! b&w, 24pg $2.95 STRANGERS IN PARADISE VOLUME 3 #42 by Terry Moore SLUMBER PARTY! In a strange turn of events, all the SIP girls end up at Casey's house for the evening, and before you know it, it's a slumber party! Katchoo, Francine, Casey, Margie and yes, even Tambi, in a night filled with T-shirts, bunny slippers, and a scathing review of love and mankind as seen through the eyes of the SIP girls! Come on, admit it, you've always wondered what Tambi looks like in a nightie! Well, here's your chance to find out. It's a perfect evening until Freddie and Chuck crash the party and all heck breaks loose! Trust us, this is one party you don't want to miss! b&w, 24pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A TERRY MOORE'S... PARADISE, TOO! #1 by Terry Moore They're funny, they're rude, and they're wildly imaginative — they're Terry Moore's comic strip art, and they're offered for the very first time in this special one-shot issue! Terry Moore's… Paradise, Too! contains the best of Moore's pre-Strangers in Paradise work and much of it reveals early developmental versions of SiP's Francine and Katchoo! This collection of Moore's early work has been a top fan request for years. Don't miss it! b&w, 24pg $2.75 ************* STAR OF THE MONTH STRANGERS IN PARADISE VOLUME 9: CHILD OF RAGE TP by Terry Moore Collects Strangers In Paradise #31-37 of Volume 3. Katchoo struggles to fight her way out of the excessive life of hi-tech crime without endangering the lives of her friends, Francine and David. But her deadly rival, the psychotic beauty, Veronica, has other plans for the threesome. When Katchoo and Tambi team up for a brilliant takeover of the Big Six syndicate, Veronica seizes Francine and David in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse! (STAR12777) SC, 7x10, 144pg, b&w $15.95 ************** AC COMICS MEN OF MYSTERY #32 This issue spotlights the Ajax Heroes of the 1950s with a feature article on Phantom Lady, Black Cobra, Samson, Red Rocket, Wonder Boy, and The Flame. "The Flame's Field Day" is a complete Flame adventure that is reprinted to represent this series. Also on board is Mr. Scarlet from Fawcett Comics who meets Hitler is this WWII tale; Steve Ditko's Tales of the Mysterious Traveler brings the strange story of "The Heel and the Healer." The origin of The Black Rider is this issue's rarest offering. Also included is "The Mercury Man" by Rocke Mostrosario, a forgotten super-hero from Charlton Comics. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Germany. b&w, 52pg $6.95 BEST OF THE WEST #23 The eerie rider of the Western plains must face "The Freaks of Fear!" by Dick Ayers. Can even the Haunted Horseman survive this unnatural terror? The odds seem impossible that The Durango Kid could live through "The Showdown at Doom Canyon!" by Fred Guardineer. Only death itself offers a way out for Redmask as he rides "The Doom Trail!" by Frank Bolle. Big Bill Laramee aims to make Black Diamond "The Last Notch" on his gun handle in a thriller by Pete Morisi. An avenging spirit awaits The Lone Rider as he stands up to "The Curse of the Cat!" b&w, 44pg $5.95 FOX PHANTOM LADY CLASSICS PAK #3 Collects Good Girl Quarterly #6-7, and Golden Age Men of Mystery #3 and #6. Pak (x4) $21.95The original sexy "good girl art" heroine of the 1940s, The Phantom Lady stars in stories drawn by Matt Baker, Jack Kamen, and others — one in full color! Plus, lots of her pals are here, including Yankee Girl, Miss Masque, Mysta, Sky Girl, and Wally Wood's Chiquita, all in color. Great Golden Age heroes abound as well, like The Black Terror, The Green Mask, Mr. Scarlet, Golden Lad, Captain Flash, The Avenger, and Commando Yank. All in full story reprints, reproduced as they appeared in the 1940s! ACETYLENE COMICS VESPER #2 Police Detective Sabina Reeves, aka Vesper, has lost her partner on the squad … shot dead by unknown assailants. In tracking down her fellow officer's murderers, Sabina comes across a mysterious and lethally armed gunslinger … who is as beautiful as she is dangerous. Covers rendered by Hannibal King and James O'Barr! FC, 32pg $2.50 BUGGS #1 A young American research team, led by Nicholas Steel, has been caught up in a nuclear radiation experiment in Chernobyl that has been going on since the bombing of Nagasaki during World War II. The Soviet Union began trying to combine the resiliency of insect DNA with that of humans to create a race that could be the victor in a nuclear holocaust. After successfully escaping, the team is forced back to Chernobyl to recover a teammate turned into a freakish insect hybrid. Covers by Greg Titus. Bimonthly. b&w, 32pg $2.50 ACG COMICS GIL KANE'S STAR HAWKS TWIN-PACK #7-8 A twin-pack including the unreleased issues #7 and #8 of the classic series! Real sci-fi adventure in the tradition of Star Wars, featuring the great art of comics legend Gil Kane! Pack (x2), b&w $5.90 TOTAL WAR #1 A full 64 pages honoring one of the Iron Men of the industry, Sam Glanzman! Includes rare and exciting war stories from his years at Charlton Comics… many unseen for over 40 years. Come read between the lines and discover one of comics' finest creators! b&w, 64pg $5.95 HEROES INK #1 A fun collection of 60s super-heroes from the Charlton and the ACG archives, presented in the giant format of yesteryear! Kirby inker Chic Stone brings you Nemesis, and Captain Marvel artist Pete Costanza follows true with Magicman and the Fighting Five! Get ready for some rare prototype mystery stories that have just come to light. A fun collection from the ACG/Charlton archives! b&w, 64pg $5.95 STAR WESTERN #5 A special issue of Star Western honoring the Lone Ranger's trusted companion, Jay "Tonto" Silverheels! Included is Mr. Silverheel's biography, plus a great selection of Western stories from the ACG archives featuring Apache Red, Cheyenne Kid, Indian Jones and more! A fun issue honoring TV's first Native American hero! RES. from Previews Vol. X #10 (Oct00) b&w, 64pg $5.95 ACE MCCOY COLLECTED EDITION TP art by Frank Frazetta A very special limited publisher's archives collection, featuring all five issues of Ace McCoy, beautifully bound together with a matte finish cover! The collection will be limited to no more than 1,000 copies. An affordable collectable form the ACG archives! SC, 7x10, 160pg, b&w $12.95 DICK TRACY CRIMEBUSTER COLLECTED EDITION TP A special limited publisher's archive collection featuring the full run of Dick Tracy Crimebuster! As an added bonus, Crimebuster #1 will also be added to the collection! All issues are beautifully bound with a matte finish cover in trade paperback format. Quantities will be limited to orders received. A guaranteed collector's item from ACG! SC, 7x10, 298pg, b&w $19.95 HERBIE COMMEMORATIVE FIRST DAY STAMP AND COVER With a special limited edition stamp being produced by the Canadian Postal Service, Herbie the Fat Fury will be the first character from an alternate publisher with a First Day of Issue cover! First Day Covers have long been a cherished collector's item with stamp collectors, and now this cover is being made available to comic book shops an in an exclusive offer, limited to only 1,000! This set includes a special color decorated envelope of Herbie, the Stamp, and a 4 ¼" x 8 ½" protective sleeve. Stamp & Cover $8.50 AIRWAVE COMICS VLADIMIRA #1: THE BEGINNING by Maurizio & Andreoli, & Hoover The life of a vampire is a dark and a twisted lifestyle. One that is forced upon you when you fall victim to the thirst. Countess Vladimira has denied her traditional roots as a vampire and chosen a different direction. In this first chilling issue, a series of events changes the life of Vladimira! Mira has been a vampire for over 200 years, but instead of the traditional life, she has donned the vampire personality for a horror show. She is visited by a mysterious stranger one night, who informs her that her father's time is coming. Her father, Count Vladimir Tepes Dracul — otherwise known as Count Dracula — has returned! With the return of her father, Vladimira is forced into that dark and twisted world of a vampire! Story is by Richard Maurizio and Rick Andrioli, with art by veteran artist Dave Hoover. Features a stunning cover by fan-favorite Dan Bereton (Nocturnals). Look for a special variant photo cover featuring the Countess! b&w, 32pg $2.95 AIT/PLANETLAR STAR OF THE MONTH FOOTSOLDIERS VOLUME 1 TP by Jim Krueger & Mike Oeming The first four chapters of Jim Keueger's (Earth X) cult classic are collected here, featuring superb artwork from Mike Oemings (Powers), and sporting the original cover by Alex Ross. In a future oppressed by a police force that keeps a law no one can possibly live under, a new hope is unearthed when three boys are chosen by a mysterious old man to exhume a forgotten legacy. They go to find the graveyard of super-heroes and rob the graves. Features an introduction by Jeph Loeb; appendices for each chapter; and never-before-seen Mike Oeming art and stories. (STAR12809) SC, 7x10, 152pg , b&w $14.95 ***************** ALCHEMY TEXTS OCTOBRIANA 30TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL by Short, Bryan, Akthar, & Nixon Witness the Russian She-Devil battle the re-animated corpse of Lenin in Red Square and fight to free the Beatles from the clutches of Russian witch Baba Yaga in all-new comic strip action illustrated by artists Shaun Bryan, Andy Nixon, and Rehaan Akhtar. Also featuring full background articles on "the Spirit of the October Revolution" herself. All wrapped up in a stunning full-color Shaun Bryan cover! b&w, 32pg $2.99 ALTERNATIVE COMICS OPPOSABLE THUMBS VOLUME 1 by Dean Haspiel Award-winning cartoonist Dean Haspiel's new solo series is about a born-and-bred New Yorker, and the trials and tribulations of living in the big bad city which serves as the backdrop for the informed, existential expression in his sociological comics. Taking its lead from the pages of the critically-acclaimed two-man anthology Keyhole (with Josh Neufeld), Opposable Thumbs promises to be the new leader in autobiographical storytelling. Cardstock covers. Special introduction by autobiographical comics legend, Harvey Pekar, illustrated by Josh Neufeld. b&w, 48pg $4.95 AMAZE INK/SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS Amaze Ink SLEEPING DRAGONS #4 by Kevin Mason & Alex Szewczuk In part three of "Becca's Scarecrow," the city of Gan's festival kicks into high gear with the advent of Carnival, and that means a day on the town for knight Philip, archer Becca and little Jared. However, with the approach of night, events take a dramatic turn for the worse, as the nocturnal predators known as the Crough once again strike at the city of Gan! Two-hundred years ago, an entire legion of knights was barely enough to stop the Crough — this time there is only one. Will Philip and Becca be able to rise to the challenge? b&w, 24pg $2.95 Slave Labor SLOW NEWS DAY #1 by Andi Watson A new, six-issue mini-series from the acclaimed creator of Skeleton Key, Geisha, and Breakfast After Noon! Slow News Day is the story of an American in England: Katharine Washington arrives from California expecting the social whirl of London and work on a national newspaper. However, she's disappointed to find the Wheatstone Mercury is far away from the bright lights of the capital and has no fashion column or foreign correspondent. There is only one reporter, the curmudgeonly Owen Holmes. Why is she here, and what will she make of the important issues of the day? The Old and New worlds collide as they report on the school football team and escaped Coleonyx. b&w, 24pg (1 of 6) $3.50 CHARM SCHOOL #4 b Elizabeth Watasin This time, it's Charm School: Vampire Dragster Dean. Watch out, wheels and hearts are burning! The Werewolf gang challenges Dean's vampire crew to a Hellfire drag race, but on Sweetheart's Day! Will a hotrod come between Dean and her sweetheart, Bunny? And does this mean that Fairer Than finally has a chance with Little Salem's cutest teen witch, because The Dark Faerie is stepping in! Find out what happens to the Twilight World's favorite teen couple in "Hot Roddin' To Hell and Back!" MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $2.95 DORK #9 by Evan Dorkin Like some undead creature of legend, rising from the crypt once a year to spread terror and mayhem — it's the return of Evan Dorkin's notorious award-winning humor anthology, DORK! Well, okay, it's nothing like some creature of legend; it's just a comic book. Here's what's in Dork #9: an all-new Eltingville Club fanboy nightmare strip! The first new Murder Family episode in over three years (concerning Texasville drifter Harlan's blood-soaked April Fool's gags!); an all-new Fun strip (featuring Myron the Voodoo Doll, Phil the Disco Skinhead and the final Latchkey Kids installment!); The Island of Misfit Candy; and a bunch of other rigamarole, crafted with care to confuse, anger, and delight. The sole reprint is "The Soda Thief," Dorkin's well-received three- page autobiographical strip taken from last year's acclaimed Streetwise anthology. Can you stand the majesty that is Dork #9? More new stuff than ever, and more gags than any other humor book out there! MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $2.95 DR. GRAVE #6 by Ed Vis The sixth and final issue in the Dr. Grave series finds our hero in contest with an ominous band of wizards bent on harnessing the corrupting power of an occult relic, "The Corns of St. Lucius." But in order to utilize the heinous power of the corns, first their secret location must be discovered. This hellish trio of evildoers will go to any lengths imaginable to extract this vital bit of information from its sole possessor, Dr. Grave. Can he survive their diabolical plans? Find out! b&w, 24pg $2.95 HIGHWAY 13 #3 by Les McClaine The conclusion of the excruciatingly exciting two-parter, "A Tale of Midways and Molemen!" Captured by the evil molemen and their carnie accomplices, Rick and Garth must find a way to free themselves and the children used as slaves by the molemen, before all of them end up on the dinner table! Fans of nail-biting tension and adventure won't want to miss this one! Also in this issue: a second story featuring the Explorers into mystery! Before Rick and Garth traveled the highways in search of adventure, Rick's uncle John Rogers and his two assistants led the way, researching for Killington's Road Guide to the Unnatural! "Dead Men Tell No Tales" is a gripping look into Rick's family history that no Highway 13 fan will want to miss! b&w, 24pg $2.95 LIFE OF A FETUS #7 by Andy Ristaino In this special issue, Little Billy writes and draws a tale of scientific "research" and self- discovery, as Billy and Dr. Otto infiltrate T.H.E.Y. headquarters, the mysterious organization behind much of the strangeness that is Andy Ristaino's sprawling epic. Things just might become a little clearer in this issue — or they might become as confused as Billy's own drawing of his brainstuffs featured on the cover (turn the image sideways!). b&w, 24pg $2.95 LITTLE GLOOMY #6 by Walker , Jones, & Drake THE MYSTERY OF THE INVISIBLE MEN: Part 1—Gloomy has been kidnapped by the Invisible Men! Are her friends rushing to save her? Well no, actually. They don't even know she's missing. Besides, they've got their hands full subduing Gloomy's rampaging doppelganger, Shelly. Who are the Invisible Men? What is their evil plan? Why is Shelly so crazy? The mystery of Frightsylvania continues to unfold as an all-new Little Gloomy storyline begins. Now rendered in Creepy Green by cover colorist Michael Drake! b&w, 24pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC #5 NEW PRINTING by Jhonen Vasquez "An Ascent in Hell." Once again, we are pulled deep down into the nasty, seething dark places that exist in the world, but rather than being seen through the badly wired brain of the unfortunate NNY, it is seen through the eyes of some escaping prisoners. All this from the disembodied brain in a jar that goes by the name of Jhonen Vasquez. b&w, 24pg $2.95 O/A JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC #7 (CURRENT PRINTING) by Jhonen Vasquez More homicidal madness with that squeezable, huggable psychopath! b&w, 24pg $2.95 ********** THE PANTS ANT TROUSER HOUR #1 by Ian Carney & Woodrow Phoenix From the creators of Where's It At, Sugar Kat?, Pants Ant is a super-insect who fights pants-related crime in the pants-obsessed city of Gaberdine, Pantsylvania. Now a new menace is threatening the city's leg wear — a monstrosity known as "the Giant-Sized Pants Thing," the dreadful result of pants science gone awry. But Pants Ant is faced with a dilemma: if he destroys the creature, he will lose the only woman he has ever loved! It's and hilarious 48-page one-shot featuring one of the best-loved characters from the hit series Sugar Buzz! A must-read for everyone who has ever worn pants! b&w, 48pg $4.95 STARS OF THE MONTH DREADSTAR VOLUME 3: PLAN M TP by Jim Starlin This book collects the first six issues of the original and long out-of-print Dreadstar series. Follow Dreadstar and company as they attempt to end the 200-year war between the Instrumentality and the Monarchy. While on the run from Lord High Papal, Dreadstar's band of outlaws must cut a deal with the Monarchy's King Gregzor and get the assistance of the Commune before they can launch their ultra-secret scheme to bring peace to the universe known only as… Plan M. (STAR12712) SC, 184pg $16.95 FUN WITH MILK & CHEESE TP by Evan Dorkin A carton of hate, a wedge of spite, satire and mayhem combine in a brand-new printing of Fun with Milk & Cheese. This book collects the first four issues of the Eisner Award- winning series from Evan Dorkin. (STAR01158) SC, 60pg, b&w $11.95 JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC DIRECTOR'S CUT TP by Jhonen Vasquez This is the current printing of the ever-popular Johnny the Homicidal Maniac trade paperback. Not something to be without! (STAR07025) SC, 7x10, 168pg, b&w $19.95 LENORE VOLUME 1: NOOGIES TP by Roman Dirge Here's a new printing of this trade paperback, collecting issues #1-4 of Lenore, plus a few new pages by Roman and friends. (STAR09903) SC, 7x10, 112pg, b&w $11.95 *********************** AMP COMICS SHADES OF BLUE #2 by Harris, Nacion, & Grucel Reluctant superhero Heidi Paige takes her new powers out for a spin at the Homecoming Dance. But our hero's in for a shock when Heidi has to go toe-to-toe with a surprise villain. b&w, 24pg $2.50 AMRYL ENTERTAINMENT THOR: THE ROCK WARRIOR ONE-SHOT SPECIAL EDITION by Mike Hoffman Skull-busting post-apocalyptic barbarian thrills as Thor himself blasts his way past nefarious Mongol warrior women and deadly hordes of sub-men to an ultimate confrontation with the evil voluptuous Witch-Queen Pantera! Features an incredible new cover painting and includes a Certificate of Authenticity. Bagged and boarded for protection. Limited to 500 copies. b&w, 32pg SRP: $8.95 ANCIENT STUDIOS LEAGUE OF SUPER GROOVY CRIMEFIGHTERS #5 by Jan-Ives Campbell, James Taylor, Michael Kelleher Scott Simmons has been captured by the Syndicate of Evil Bad Guys, and only his former enemies, the League of Super Groovy Crimefighters, can save him! Will he survive Dr. G.E.D.'s nefarious death trap? Without their super-powers, what can the League do against their arch-enemies? Do they even want to save Scott after he defeated them twice? Regardless of who wins, the five-issue story arc ends here! b&w, 32pg $2.95 ANDROMEDA ENTERTAINMENT FIRST WAVE: HEART OF A KILLER #2 SIGNED EDITION by James Anthony & DanParsons Writer James Anthony and artist Dan Parsons have signed a limited number of the concluding chapter of Andromeda Entertainment's First Wave series. These autographs are from the folks who were not able to attend the handful of sci-fi and comic shows presented in 2001. Each collectible issue comes bagged & boarded with a Certificate of Authenticity. Cover by Matt Busch. (CAUT: 2) FC, 32pg $9.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A FIRST WAVE: HEART OF A KILLER #2 Both versions of the exciting first chapter in the First Wave series are available again for a limited time! Get in on the ground floor of the Sci-Fi Channel's original paranormal series as Cade Foster (Sebastian Spence) is lead to Riker's Island by the mysterious writings of Nostradamus to uncover an alien experiment. What he finds may destroy him and end his quest to save earth from the Second Wave! This issue features an interview with actor Sebastian Spence and rare photographs from episodes of the third season! PAINTED COVER—FC, 32pg $3.99 PHOTO COVER—FC, 32pg $3.99 ************************ Exiled Studios GREG LAROCQUE'S THE EXILED ZONE #2 by LaRocque, Snead, Castillo, & Parsons Crybaby and the Out-of-Towners have shattered the dimensional barrier between Earth and the Dreamworld. During the resulting aftershock, New York is rocked by a horde of demons whose sole purpose is to eradicate the alien visitors and anything that gets in their way. Mirage is haunted by dreams of her sister Victoria and must find a way to save her from the horrors that stalk her in the Dreamworld. Amongst the chaos and destruction, the Iron Angel is born, and no force on Earth can escape her despair-laced destiny! Greg LaRocque (First Wave) is the man who revolutionized DC's Flash series. Together with Vince Snead (Forty Winks) and Cesar Castillo (Exiled), he brings a fantastic dream world to life with innovative stories, beautiful art, and a love for sequential storytelling! Also available as a Deluxe Edition featuring an amazing wraparound cover of the entire Dreamwatch cast by LaRocque's protégé, Cesar Castillo! REG.—b&w, 32pg $2.99 DLX.—b&w, 32pg $3.99 PlanetMatt Entertainment MATT BUSCH'S DARIA JONTAK: WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD by Matt Busch She's back! After taking the galaxy by storm, the sexy sci-fi siren returns to finish what she started! Weaponless, stranded on an alien planet, and hounded by a physically and mentally scarred detective, Daria Jontak must use all of her skills and sex appeal to find a way back to the life she lost on Yonta I. Join the misadventure with the serialized exploits of Daria told the way it was meant to be, in a collected comic book format! These adventures have never before been collected into a complete sequential package, and now Star Wars cover/poster artist Matt Busch has added all-new material to the mix! Additional material includes "behind-the-scenes" sketches, production notes, and a rare look at the storyboards for Daria Jontak the Movie! Join Daria and her strange and sexy cohorts in the conclusion to this epic tale of passion, power, and pandemonium! Fully painted cover of Daria striking a Barbarella-inspired pose by Busch! Also available as a Deluxe Edition featuring Busch's Daria Jontak ode to the pulps! Inspired by the adventures of Buck Rogers, this edition features Daria with laser pistol drawn and ready for action! MATURE READERS REG.—FC, 32pg $3.99 DLX.—FC, 32pg $4.99 ANTARCTIC PRESS ASRIAL/CHEETAH: DRAGONBLADE #1 by Ben Dunn & Fred Perry The Dragonblade, owned by the first Dragon Emperor, is on Britanny Diggers' list of "things to get." She and her sister, super-scientist/archeologist Gina Diggers, attempt to find it first because legend has it that it will grant the owner one wish. However, for that very reason, a web of other fortune-seekers is also vying to find it before they do. Meanwhile, Asrial learns of a possible ancient Salusian city that may have been built on Earth 50,000 years ago. When Asrial heads towards the possible site, she arrives smack- dab in the middle of a treasure-hunting free-for-all that eventually leads to the dreaded Dragon Maze! This issue is available with two covers, one by writer/artist Ben Dunn, the other cover by co-writer Fred Perry! BEN DUNN COVER—FC, 32pg $3.95 FRED PERRY COVER—FC, 32pg $3.95 CYBERTRONIAN TRG: AN UNOFFICIAL TRANSFORMERS RECOGNITION GUIDE VOLUME 2 This special Transformers: The Movie volume covers Generation 1 series 3 in its entirety! There's full-color pics of all your favorite Transformers, from Air Raid to Wildrider. Features variations, character bios and backgrounds; a Series 3 checklist; a full-color accessory guide; and a comprehensive list of Transformers: The Movie artifacts! Add to that continuing complete comic and TV episode guides, and you'll see why this series is more, much more, than meets the eye! Quarterly. SC, 7x10, 96pg, FC $24.95 GOLD DIGGER VOLUME 2 #24 by Fred Perry AP Core Title! Ace is invited to participate in a military air show by his good friend Colonel Falcon, and brings Penny, Gina, and Charlotte along to enjoy the show. But at the nearby military prison, Dark Bird and her band of mercenary cohorts, the Night Flight, make ready their escape using a transport plane and an escort fighter! When Dark Bird is injured in the break-out attempt and is unable to fly the escort fighter as planned, the only one with the experience to fly it is the boot recruit, Skippy. Chaos ensues when the escape leads the desperate group of ex-cons right over the air show, and Ace attempts to bring the prison break to a crashing end. But Ace didn't account for Skippy's astonishing flying skills... or her huge crush on him! FC, 24pg $2.95 HOW TO DRAW MANGA COMPILATION TP Issues #1-4 of AP's How to Draw Manga series are sold out… so AP compiled the first four issues into one easy-to-use trade paperback! Giving you more value, this compilation has 128 pages for a price any pocketbook can handle. See the skills exhibited by Ben Dunn, Fred Perry, Adam Warren, and Joe Wight as they present a comprehensive guide to mastering the manga style. Each featured artist has his own exclusive special comments. Some topics covered in the series include: figure study, costumes, mecha, comic story-telling, and composition. Miss class the first time? Then take the refresher course now, while you still can! SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $17.95 HOW TO DRAW MANGA COMPILATION—LOOSELEAF VERSION & BINDER Also available is a special loose-leaf version of the How to Draw Manga compilation. Want to collect all of Ben's or Adam's sections in one area for quick reference? Or perhaps all of the pages on drawing faces? Well, now you can! Pages for this version are printed at 8 ½" x 11" and are hole-punched for placement in a three-ring binder. Also available is a one-inch binder perfect for storing the Looseleaf Version of the How to Draw Manga! The binder also comes with a special cover insert by Ben Dunn and Fred Perry, so it'll look great on your shelf, desk or drawing table! LOOSE-LEAF—128pg, b&w $17.95 BINDER PI MANGAZINE #24 All the hijinks of Ninja High School; all the action of the "Families of Altered Wars" saga; all the outlandish exploring of Gold Digger; all the holy heroics of Warrior Nun Areala! All this, plus extra stories and art to round out the biggest package of anime- and manga-inspired adventures in America! Wrap it up in a spectacular cover by Joe Wight, and you've got Mangazine! As always, more than 100 pages of comics and new features every month! Squarebound. SC, 7x10, 140+pg, PC $8.99 NINJA HIGH SCHOOL #86 by Ben Dunn w/Hiro-san AP Core Title! Asrial has been Queen of the Conglomerate for over four years. Times have been hard for her and her people. The mysterious disappearances of her father and mother loom over her head as those around plot her downfall. Now, planets are threatening to secede, even as Asrial longs for a simpler time on a small, backwards little world and for the love of her prince, whom she can never have. FC, 24pg $2.95 PEARL HARBOR: THE COMIC BOOK #2 by Ted Nomura AP Core Title! In recognition of the upcoming 60th anniversary of the event (and based on newly discovered and declassified information), Pearl Harbor: The Comic Book will present the most accurate account of the events of December 7, 1941 to date, adding lesser-known stories and events which lead to the even greater disaster of the "Second Pearl Harbor" against the U.S. Forces in the Philippines just a day later. Written and drawn by Luftwaffe/World War II/Kamikaze: 1946 artist Ted Nomura, the graphic novel will be augmented by the coloring magic of Antarctic Press' own Guru EFX digital graphics team! Part 2 covers the tragedy that followed the attack. No fictional characters will be used in this special true-to-history edition, because truth is indeed stranger than fiction! FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $3.95 WARRIOR NUN AREALA: DANGEROUS GAME #1 by Anthony D. Zicari & Craig Babiar AP Core Title! Having finally put the Ghosts of the Past to rest, Eleanore hopes to now move forward. Unfortunately for New York City's resident Warrior Nun, she's going to learn the hard way that you don't always get what you want. Eleanore seems to have made quite a few enemies in her short stint as a Warrior Nun… and someone — or something — has taken out a contract on her! This brings out all the baddies, each one gunning to be the first to take her down and collect the prize! Enter the assassin SharpShooter, a vigilante with a perfect record for getting the job done… and a flair for the eccentric. Tracking Eleanore across New York City, he tags her with a poison dart, then explains to her that she has less than 72 hours to live. Her only hope of survival is to follow his clues, hunt him down, then defeat him for the antidote. Poisoned, fighting off hallucinations, hunted by the various denizens of Hell, and racing against time itself, Eleanore will face her greatest challenge to date! b&w, 24pg (1 of 3) $2.95 ANTI-BALLISTIC PIXELATIONS GREMLIN TROUBLE VOLUME 3 TP by E.T. Bryan & Elizabeth Bryan Collects Gremlin Trouble issues #13 through #18. Features the Goblin army's encounter with the Tuberian Warrior Horde in the Gremlin-Goblin war, Cypher and Pentangle's excellent adventure with the Skystone in Fairyland, and the secret of the TJG-469. SC, 148pg, b&w $12.95 GREMLIN TROUBLE #27 by E.T. Bryan & Elizabeth Bryan As the Dark Forces prepare for the final all-out offensive, the Toxic Jingle Generator is in the hands of the Dark Forces. Cypher rides to Fairyland in order to retrieve the TJG, and Pentangle flies to Gremlinland to rally their forces. There Pentangle finds a deadly mystery and must actually think for herself. b&w, 24pg $2.95 ARCHIE COMICS ARCHIE #512 by Various & Stan Goldberg "The Shtick Is King" (written by George Gladir): You know it's gonna' be a long, hot summer when Archie needs a new gimmick to get the girls! "The No-It All" (written by Craig Boldman): Archie will go to great lengths for a date with Shelly... and even greater lengths just for the opportunity to be turned down by her! "Sound Decision" (written by Bill Golliher): Is that the sound of the cavalry coming? No, it's only Archie's new volume-blasting, ear-bursting car studio! "The Empire Builder" (written by Kathleen Webb): When Archie gets hooked on a computer simulation game, his parents wish it would simulate a desire in their son to enjoy the sunny summer outdoors! FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE #513 by Various & Stan Goldberg "Mumps The Word" (written by Greg Crosby): Archie feigns illness to see whether Betty or Veronica will be more sympathetic — but will even Archie grow "sick" of the attention he gets?! Plus, "Back Attack" (written by Craig Boldman): Archie learns that opposites retract when he creates a magnetic back brace for Mr. Lodge! FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE & FRIENDS #50 by Dan Parent & Rex Lindsey The first part of an all-new Josie epic, to be continued next issue! In "I'm going to Josieland," Josie & the Pussycats become the main attraction at an amusement park the Cabots inherited from their great uncle. Of course, Alexandra plans on using her ownership of the park as leverage to join the band... and that's a sure way to turn a musical attraction into a house of horrors! Can the Pussycats dodge the latest sour note to come their way? FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE'S WEIRD MYSTERIES #16 by Paul Castiglia & Fernando Ruiz "The Faculstein Monster": When most of the gang gets detention, wise-guy Reggie muses that a monster combining all the faculty's traits might be interesting... not realizing there's a mad scientist in earshot only all-too willing to oblige! FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE DIGEST #183 by Various The adventures of America's favorite teen continue with new stories and classic tales by various talent, including Stan Goldberg, Henry Scarpelli, Jon D'Agostino, and more! Digest, FC $2.19 ARCHIE'S DOUBLE DIGEST #127 by Various Double your pages, double your Archie and double your fun in this double digest full of new stories and classic tales by various talent, including Stan Goldberg, Henry Scarpelli, Jon D'Agostino, and more! Digest, FC $3.29 BETTY #102 by Kathleen Webb & Stan Goldberg "Missing the Kiss (instead of Kissing the Miss!)": It's a party of two when Betty and Archie keep slipping outside of Chuck's party to admire the moon! "The Real Swinger": Betty is torn — she's completely absorbed in relaxing in her hammock — but how can she relax when Archie's stuck working at his parent's garage sale? FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA #165 by DeCesare & Webb, & Jeff Schultz "A Raft of Trouble": Veronica's luxury raft is missing the greatest luxury of all — the ability to float for any amount of time! "On the Wings of a Butterfly": Betty and Veronica set a butterfly free — free to soar through Lodge Mansion, as it flies in the opposite direction of the window! FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA DIGEST #123 by Various Bright and brassy, bold and beautiful, blonde and brunette — teen dream queens Betty & Veronica romp through this collection of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $2.19 JUGHEAD #139 by Craig Boldman & Rex Lindsey "No Fear": Be afraid... be very afraid.... because Jughead is out to prove to Trula Twyst that he's not afraid of girls! FC, 32pg $1.99 JUGHEAD WITH ARCHIE DIGEST #168 by Various If you think Archie gets into trouble on his own, check out the action when he teams up with Jughead! Featuring new stories and classic tales by various talent, including Henry Scarpelli, Stan Goldberg, Jon D'Agostino, and more! Digest, FC $2.19 JUGHEAD'S DOUBLE DIGEST #79 by Various It's double decker sandwiches and double-trouble as the irrepressible Jughead tilts the laugh-o-meter in this uproarious collection of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $3.29 LAUGH DIGEST #168 by Various The timeless high school hijinx of the entire Riverdale gang are highlighted in this hilarious collection of new stories and classic tales by various talent, including Henry Scarpelli, Stan Goldberg, Jon D'Agostino, and more! Digest, FC $2.19 PALS-N-GALS DOUBLE DIGEST #60 by Various The spotlight is on the wonderful cast of Archie supporting characters, in this double digest featuring new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC (Note Price) $3.29 SABRINA VOLUME 2 #22 by Mike Gallagher & Dave Manak Based on the all-new animated series from DIC airing on the ABC and UPN networks! It's another magical day in the life of everyone's favorite almost-a-witch, Sabrina, and her wacky teenage aunts and uncle! And don't forget Salem. Will Sabrina steal another spell from her aunt's "Spookie Jar" and turn her Junior High upside down? Is Archie's hair red? FC, 32pg $1.99 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #100 by Bollers, Lim, & Amash This is it! The one for which fans have been waiting! The senses-shattering 100th issue of Sonic! In "Reunion," Sonic and Princess Sally reunite for the first time since Sonic was divested of his knighthood… but it's not quite what the heroic hedgehog had in mind! Ironically, it all takes place in that mechanized metropolis of Robotropolis, but that's not the most shocking surprise: the bittersweet reunion is made even more so by the loss of one of Knothole's own! It's a milestone story not to be missed! Plus, another thrilling Knuckles back-up story by Ken Penders! The recent exploits and intrigue of everyone's favorite echidna collide in one combustible story, as Knuckles faces off against Dimitri and the Dark Legion! The fate of literally everyone on Mobius hangs in the balance, not to mention Knuckles' family and friends, helplessly trapped in another zone! FC, 32pg $1.99 VERONICA #116 by Dan Parent Part one of a two-part story continued in Veronica #117! "The Big Storm": The weather threatens to rain on Veronica's parade — or more specifically, her mega-pool party! But Veronica refuses to give in to Mother Nature, and puts a tarp up over her pool. Well, they say you shouldn't fool with Mother Nature, and after all her soggy friends have left, Veronica is swept up in the excitement.... literally... as the floodgates open and take her splashing through town on an inflatable chair! Will Veronica's hopes and dreams go down the drain?! FC, 32pg $1.99 VERONICA #117 by Dan Parent Part two of a two-part story continued from Veronica #116! "The Big Storm": Stranded at Archie's house after her rip-roaring ride through the flooded streets of Riverdale, Veronica soon turns Archie and his parents into her personal servants! Help is on the way, as Veronica's parents make their way to Archie's house. But the flood prevents them from leaving, so now the Andrews have to put up the entire Lodge family! Will they be able to put up with them, is the question! FC, 32pg $1.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ARCHIE & FRIENDS #47 by Various A collection of classic Josie tales that perfectly capture the spirit of the movie! "Gimmick Happy" finds Alex, the girls' hapless manager, trying to push yet another gimmick on the girls; "Maid Of Money" features Melody in a priceless dress... made of money!; "The Eyes Have It" shows the painful... and often hilarious.... results of embellishing the truth; and "Costume Capers" details the bands' adventures as they jet off to their latest music video shoot! FC, 32pg $1.99 Re-live Archie Milestones! O/A ARCHIE #500 by Angelo DeCesare & Stan Goldberg "The Big Five-Oh-Oh!": This special issue kicks off with Archie on his way to a taping of the Ohver Weeply talk-show, where his family and friends are remembering all the times he messed up! "Happy Anni-Worse-ary": It's another typical day in the life of America's favorite teen — 500 fold! Witness Archie thrown out of Mr. Lodge's house for the 500th time... making a date with both Betty and Veronica on the same night for the 500th time... getting detention for the 500th time... getting tricked by Reggie for the 500th time... and the list goes on. FC, 32pg $1.99 O/A VERONICA #100 by Various "I Need My Own Space": Veronica learns the latest space shuttle mission needs volunteers. She doesn't stand a chance — until someone realizes the publicity value in launching "the first teen in space!" As Veronica learns all about space travel, her fellow passengers learn all about modern teenage girls. With her newfound celebrity, will Veronica ever come back down to earth? FC, 32pg $1.99 Catch up on the misadventures of the fiery red-headed vixen, Cheryl Blossom! O/A CHERYL BLOSSOM #6—FC $1.50 #7—FC $1.50 #8—FC $1.50 #9—FC (Note Price) $1.75 #10—FC (Note Price) $1.75 Get caught up in twice the action with Sonic 48-page specials! O/A SONIC IN YOUR FACE SPECIAL CURRENT PRINTING #1 FC $2.25 O/A SONIC PRESENTS KNUCKLES CHAOTIX SPECIAL CURRENT PRINTING #1 FC $2.25 O/A SONIC VS KNUCKLES BATTLE ROYAL SPECIAL 2ND PRINTING FC $2.25 ************ ASIAPAC BOOKS THE CELESTIAL ZONE #14 An Onerous Battle… The explosive clash between Xue Wu and Red Phoenix atop a cliff ends in a landslide! And as Xue Wu falls to his certain doom from the cliff, Chi Xue arrives on the scene and discovers the injured Red Phoenix. Elsewhere, during a game of chess, Tian Yuan realizes that Wei Qi is not as ruthless as Xuan Hua Divine had made him out to be. Also, after breaking through the Eight Sky Ways Map, the destructive forces led by Moon Monarch and her allies are faced with the Nine Heavenly Swords formation set up by Wang Chan and company. (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x8, 152pg, b&w $9.95 ASTONISH COMICS HEROBEAR T-SHIRT #4 What if your best friend was a super-hero polar bear named Herobear? You'd be named Tyler and you'd be the luckiest kid in the world. Well... now you can be just as lucky to have this new image of Herobear as he stands tall and strong on this blue T-shirt from Astonish Comics. It's bold and simple and fun, so don't miss out on this popular image from the hit series Herobear and the Kid! ADULT XL SRP: $17.00 KID'S LG SRP: $17.00 HEROBEAR AND THE KID #4 by Mike Kunkel Did you ever have a really great story to tell? Well, following the adventure with X-5, the story of a kid and this Herobear is all over the school. Everyone saw the battle the night before. Everyone. But Tyler can't give away his story, or rather his secret... that it was him with Herobear. Which doesn't help when you want to impress the lovely Vanessa. Also, Tyler soon learns some new secrets and stories about the house he's living in, Herobear, and about his grandfather. Come follow Tyler's childhood, and remember yours! b&w, 32pg $3.50 ZOOM'S ACADEMY FOR THE SUPER GIFTED #2 by Jason Lethcox Can this really be happening?!? Summer can't believe that she has actually arrived at the mysterious island that houses the secret super-hero school! In this exciting follow-up to Zoom's #1, live the adventure through Summer's eyes. Imagine registering at a school and finding that the school uniform consists of a cape and boots! You always knew your Dad was a teacher... but, with "Super Powers?" Why does the school have a single alien occupant? What would your classes be like? And why does a "long-lost" friend believe there is something darker underneath it all? Don't be tardy... enroll in Zoom's Academy today! b&w, 32pg $3.50 AVATAR PRESS COVEN: DARK SISTER #1 by Matt Martin The next Coven saga begins with the awe-inspiring art of Matt Martin! This series introduces Eden, a powerful black magic sorceress who shares a horrible secret with Spellcaster, they are sisters! But instead of the love of a mother that made Spellcaster the white witch she is, Eden claims to have been deserted and left to learn her magical heritage on her own. She has been slowly mastering the black arts and now finally has her hands on a legendary Spellbook as well! But a time-altering spell that went horribly awry leads to total chaos in New York. Bits and pieces of dozens of time periods have all been deposited right in Times Square, leading the most incredible conflicts ever! Dinosaurs running rampant, Nazis fighting Al Capone's gang, knights attacking tanks, and the Coven are right in the middle, being hunted down by Eden! Available in a Blue Leather and Wraparound cover, with artist covers by Matt Martin, Andy Park, and Al Rio! PARK COVER—FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $3.50 RIO COVER—FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $3.50 MARTIN COVER—FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $3.50 WRAPAROUND COVER—FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $3.95 BLUE LEATHER COVER—FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $25.00 AVENGELYNE: DRAGON REALM #2 by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon Avengelyne's most epic adventure wraps up in this unbelievable action issue drawn by the red hot Rick Lyon! Avengelyne has finally found a way to get back home from the overwhelming Dragon Realm, but opening the portal doesn't go as planned. Sure, she is back in modern day London, but a huge fire breathing dragon came through with her! The casualties mount as London burns and Avengelyne is saddled with the job of killing it before his rampage goes any further. Is the Earth Angel up to the task? RIO COVER—FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $3.50 MARTIN COVER—FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $3.50 MYCHAELS COVER—FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $3.50 SHAW COVER—FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $3.50 WARREN ELLIS'S BAD WORLD #3 by Warren Ellis & Jacen Burrows Warren Ellis wraps up his twisted look at the disturbed people on the fringes of the world around us and the insanity they bring to us all! Unleashed by the creative team of the critically acclaimed Dark Blue, Bad World is a three-issue decent into the foulest reaches of the world we live in. From the criminally insane to the staggeringly deviant, bleeding- edge writer Ellis and masterful artist Burrows deliver a series that promises to verbally stun and artistically overwhelm you. A world of beauty in the eyes of many, but to Ellis a world filled with evil, sin, decay and filth. A Bad World indeed. Also available in an eye-popping wraparound cover! MATURE READERS REG. COVER—b&w, 32pg (3 of 3) $3.50 WRAPAROUND COVER—b&w, 32pg (3 of 3) $3.95 THRESHOLD #42 Mike Wolfer (Stranger Kisses) continues to unravel his twisted opus of Razor gone berserk. The transformation has taken place and now Razor has all the powers of Widow as well! This new spider-Razor is on a mad quest to mate, and she must be stopped! Widow and Pandora guest star in this insanely over-the-top tale of bad girls gone worse! Writer Robert Lugibihl and newcomer Clint Hilinski start a new Pandora tale of the past this issue where we find our Girl of Myth trapped is found on a pirate ship and out on the high-seas of adventure! Filling out the stellar lineup is the return of Medora in a new tale drawn by Mike Delaney. Threshold continues rockin' the free world as the longest running American anthology! NOTE: The Medora Nude Cover Edition and the Razor Nude Cover Edition are not available in Canada or Hong. MATURE READERS RAZOR COVER—b&w, 48pg $4.95 PANDORA COVER—b&w, 48pg $4.95 MEDORA NUDE COVER—b&w, 48pg (CAUT: 3) $6.00 RAZOR ADULT COVER—b&w, 48pg (CAUT: 3) $6.00 AVENGELYNE: DRAGON REALM BONDAGE EDITION #1 by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon Hot new painter Lloyd has rendered this lovely cover of the Earth Angel chained up for a dragon's feast! The Avenging Angel gets a taste of sword and sorcery when she is transported to a world filled with insidious evil and horrific creatures... a world known as the Dragon Realm! As Avengelyne is swept into this barbaric world she faces brutish warriors and powerful rulers. But those mortal foes are nothing compared to the vicious lizards that rule this land. Can she possibly fight off a huge fire breathing dragon? This edition is limited to just 1,500 copies. FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $5.95 AVENGELYNE: DRAGON REALM PRISM FOIL PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE EDITION #1 by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon This Previews Exclusive Prism Foil Edition is limited to just 500 copies. All copies ship bagged and boarded with a Certificate of Authenticity. Cover by Al Rio! FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $12.95 COVEN: SPELLCASTER BIKINI EDITION #1/2 by Christensen, Seifert, & Rio Sean Shaw provides this sexy variant of Spellcaster taking some time off. Don't miss this sultry edition of the blockbuster re-launch of Coven! The all-new action start right here with this special issue featuring new color art by Al Rio! When the forces of Hell have trapped the soul of her mother, Spellcaster is ready to unleash all of her magic to get it back! Limited to 1500 copies. Cover by Sean Shaw. FC, 16pg $5.95 DEMONSLAYER: VENGEANCE ROYAL BLUE EDITION #1 by Marat Mychaels Royal Blues are the ultimate collectables, limited to a scarce 100 copies! All copies ship specially packaged to prevent damage with a Certificate of Authenticity. This first mini- series unleashes the sexiest artwork from Marat Mychaels yet and a sultry new costume! Jaclyn faces a world of trouble as Asmodeous and his demon army have set out to destroy her once-and-for-all armed with two powerful new allies. Can her skills as the Demonslayer help her against Xan, who was once slated to be a Demonslayer himself? FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $75.00 DEMONSLAYER: VENGEANCE RUINS EDITION #2 by Marat Mychaels Marat has pulled out the stops on this sexy variant cover featuring Jaclyn amidst the ruins of a lost city. Xan unleashes his secret plan to get vengeance on Demonslayer once and for all with a shape shifter who turns into a clone of Demonslayer! Even her closest allies can't tell them apart and it's the cat fight of the year as the stunning Jacyln has to fight a mirror image of herself in a battle to the death. This variant cover is limited to just 1500 copies. FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $5.95 BASEMENT COMICS ART ADAMS' CAVEWOMAN PRINT by Art Adams Basement Comics proudly presents this all-new, limited edition Cavewoman art print done by one of the hottest names in the comics industry—Arthur Adams! Art is universally known for his ability to draw incredible women, big apes and huge dinosaurs, so a special Cavewoman print was the perfect fit for him! With Basement's re-launch of Budd Root's Cavewoman: Pangaean Sea this month, they wanted to pull out all the stops with this new art print… and they did just that! Join in the fun and pick up one of these great art prints featuring Meriem, Klyde and one huge dinosaur! Each limited edition piece measures 11" x 14" and is printed on high-quality 80lb white enamel stock, packaged in a large gray collector's envelope imprinted with the Cavewoman logo and is absolutely suitable for framing! Limited to 750 copies. Print, 11x14 $16.00 CAVEWOMAN: KLYDE & MERIEM SPECIAL EDITION DEMULDER COVER Klyde & Meriem inker Kim DeMulder render this sexy new special cover entitled "Catch Me If You Can." The book has two Cavewoman stories, each telling a different tale. This special edition is limited to only 750 copies worldwide. Each issue is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity, and is bagged and boarded for its protection. b&w, 32pg SRP: $8.95 TIGRESS TALES #1 SPECIAL GOLD FOIL EDITION This book features two stories: a Tigress story and the introduction of Mike Hoffman's anti-heroine of a post-apocalyptic West — Madame Tarantula! Hoffman has painted this Tigress cover to commemorate this edtion that's limited to only 300 copies worldwide. Each issue is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity, and is bagged and boarded for its protection. b&w, 36pg SRP: $12.50 CAVEWOMAN PANGAEAN SEA #0 ORIGIN ISSUE by Budd Root Budd Root is back with the re-launch of the bi-monthly Pangaean Sea storyline: the longest Cavewoman storyline ever! The lovely and adventurous 'Lil' researches the Cavewoman she has discovered during her time spent in the 'Age of Dinosaurs' which gives an amazing and insightful look into Meriem's/Cavewoman's past. This origin issue that will bring Meriem through Heaven and Hell! b&w, 32pg $2.95 BLACK DAZE PUBLISHING BALLAD OF UTOPIA VOLUME 1 TP by Barry Buchanan & Mike Hoffman Collecting the first three published issues with the yet-unseen fourth installment, The Ballad of Utopia gallops into the 21st century as a series of graphic dime novels! A murder has occurred in the small southwestern town of Utopia — stage station keep Charlie Burnette is shot dead and discovered by deputy sheriff Samuel David. It's just one less bullet to Utopians until an autopsy reveals Charlie's very weird secret and the killing takes on a whole new twist. Sam, embroiled in this bizarre murder mystery, enlists the aid of the enigmatic bounty hunter Brigham Love, and together they wade through the quagmire of intrigue! SC, 88pg, b&w $8.95 BLACK LIBRARY WARHAMMER MONTHLY #44 Treachery! Felled by an ambush, Interrogator Gravier wakes to horror as Dan Abnett's Inquisitor Ascendant continues to descend into the heart of darkness! The trap is sprung in Titan: Ground Zero, and Imperius Dictatio is the catch! In Darkblade, Malus, betrayed and left to his doom, must protect his men from the enemy… and himself! And the City of the Damned is on the hunt for new prey: Ulli and Marquand themselves! All this, plus features, interviews, letters and more from the murderous worlds of Warhammer! (CAUT: 4) b&w, 40pg $2.95 INFERNO! MAGAZINE #25 This issue of Inferno! Magazine is a Warhammer Fantasy special with awesome fiction charting the length and breadth of the fantasy world. Gav Thorpe explores the murky isle of Albion and the mysteries that lie within its shores; while Graham MacNeill takes you to the icy land of Kislev where an Imperial envoy discovers that the frozen land has an explosive underworld. Paranoia runs rampant deep down beneath the waves as a crew of dwarfs search for a long-lost sunken temple; and the mighty Ralph Horsley delivers the second part of his carnage-crammed illustrated feature on the epic war against Chaos. Savage adventure all the way! b&w, 68pg $6.95 BLATANT COMICS BLACK PLAGUE #1 by Paul Southworth Spreading wanton hilarity like an infectious gut-rotting virus, it's Black Plague! Read with bated breath as world's only disease-spreading super-hero (and his brother, Jimmy the Leper) battle the insidious Blitzkrieg, a nazi squid trapped inside a mason jar and bent on Aquarian genocide! Whether he's giving his enemies the Ebola virus or cancer of the buttocks, Black Plague stands as a shining beacon of truth, justice, and Super-hero- Transmitted Diseases (S.T.D.)! WARNING! Side-effects may include: insane laughter and soiling of undergarments. Created by Paul Southworth, cartoonist of the popular daily webcomic, Krazy Larry! b&w, 24pg $2.95 SUPEROSITY #1 by Chris Crosby One of the most popular and critically-acclaimed comics on the web runs in the direction of print! Chris Crosby's Superosity comic strip has been published daily at for over two years, and the site currently receives over 2 million hits a month. In this jam-packed first 48-page issue, meet the citizens of Super City: Chris, the crazy, lovable doofus who wears a bright orange cape for no apparent reason; Boardy, his super-intelligent talking board; Bobby, Chris's evil little brother with aspirations of teen idoldom; and the rest! Here are 98 individual strips (14 weeks worth of material) that will show you why all the cool kids on the Internet are achieving Superosity every day! b&w, 48pg $2.95 BLUE LINE PRO COMICS BLOOD AND ROSES: TIMELORDS EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW See never-before-seen sketches and character designs in the Blood and Roses: Timelords Exclusive Preview, a sneak-peek of all the time-traveling action for the brand-new B&R comics coming soon! The spectacular artwork by Star Wars artist Joe Corroney and an in-depth interview with B&R creator Bob Hickey, make this book one not to miss! Also includes guest illustrations by Leanne Buckley, Paul Sizer, Andy Lee and more. Plus: As an added bonus, the History of the Sacred Universe. A great jumping-on point for new readers. Includes a full color poster by Bob Hickey inserted inside. b&w, 32pg $4.95 PARTS UNKNOWN: HOSTILE TAKEOVER #2 SIGNED by Beau Smith & Brad Gorby. Originally published by Image Comics, Hostile Takeover #2 comes autographed by the colorful Parts Unknown creator, Beau Smith! Each issue is signed, bagged, and includes a Blue Line Pro Certificate of Authenticity. Limited to 300 copies. b&w, 32pg $9.95 BONGO COMICS SIMPSONS COMICS #60 by Rogers, Ortiz, & Morrison In this corner, Walyon Smithers! Sychophantic lickspittle and lackey extraordinaire. And in this corner, Marge Simpson! Homemaker, loving mother, devoted wife. Prepare for a domestic squabble of Springfieldian proportions, as these two tangle for the love and devotion of one man… Homer Simpson! FC, 32pg $2.50 STARS OF THE MONTH SIMPSONS COMICS #50 by Matt Groening & Bill Morrison To honor each of the Simpsons titles released over the past seven years, this issue includes stories about the Simpsons, Bartman, Radioactive Man, Itchy & Scratchy, Lisa, and Krusty the Clown — with some extra material thrown in. See Chuck Dixon tackle Bartman; Scott Cunninghamtakes on Itchy & Scratchy; Hilary Barta debuts as a Radioactive Man artist; and Gail Simone deftly handles Lisa Simpson. (STAR12773) FC, 80pg $5.95 SIMPSONS COMICS SIMPSORAMA Discover the mystery of Ned Flanders gone bad! Get cabin fever when the Simpsons stay in Springfield's Bio-Dome! Marvel at Bart and Milhouse taking on the big boys with their very own super-hero! Chill out with Homer inheriting the Duff beer empire! Reprints material from Simpsons Comics #11-14. (STAR12796) SC, 7x10, 128pg, FC (Note Price) $11.95 ******************* BROADSWORD COMICS TAROT: WITCH OF THE BLACK ROSE #9 by Jim Balent "Return Of The Dark Witch" Part 3: The ultimate battle of Good vs. Evil comes to a crescendo as Tarot finds herself in a clash between sword and sorcery with the apocalyptic Headless Horseman! Battered and beaten the heroes must choose between death or the Dark Side! Shipped equally with two different covers by Jim Balent! Also available as a Deluxe Edition, featuring a Jim Balent black-and-white pencil litho of the deliciously dangerous Dragon Witch, first featured in Tarot #5. Litho measures 6 ½" x 10" and is signed by Balent and numbered to 500. REG.—b&w, 32pg $2.95 DLX.—b&w, 32pg (CAUT: 2) $19.99 ROLL-ON OILS FROM THE TAROT FRAGRANCE COLLECTION These long-lasting perfume oils are easy to pop in your pocket or keep in your purse! Each roll-on bottle has 1/3 fluid oz. of Magickal Elixir. Choose from the following scents: Tarot: Spiritual & Romantic (rose & amber scented) or Dragon Witch: Warm & Witchy (heather & dragon's blood scented). (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America. DRAGON WITCH—Bottle $28.00 TAROT—Bottle $28.00 RAVEN HEX T-SHIRT & TANK TOP Jim Balent's Raven Hex, the Dark Witch, sits on her throne, contemplating your fate! Printed on a black 100% cotton short sleeve T-shirt, this is the first design in the new Tarot Tee Collection! Also offered on a sexy spaghetti strap tank top for all the witchy women out there! T-SHIRT—L-XL $19.99 WOMEN'S TANK & PANTY SET $34.99 BUD PLANT GLAMOUR INTERNATIONAL #10 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 12x12, 84pg, PC SRP: $19.95 GLAMOUR INTERNATIONAL #11 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 12x12, 84pg, PC SRP: $19.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE GREAT PULP HEROES SC by Don Hutchinson Here is an affectionate look back at the outsized heroes who once occupied the imagination of millions of loyal readers. The Shadow, Tarzan, Doc Savage, Captain Future, The Spider, and Zorro. They were the original super-guys — godfathers and inspiration to the likes of Superman, Batman, and James Bond. Fascinating and informative, The Great Pulp Heroes is a lively and entertaining history of those fabulous characters, of the gaudy, glorious magazines that spawned them, and of the amazing wordsmiths who churned out their monthly adventures. Originally published at $14.95! SC, 276pg $9.95 ********************* CARTOON BOOKS BONE 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION WITH PVC #1 To celebrate the milestone, Cartoon Books is putting together a fun-filled tenth anniversary extravaganza issue! Packed with goodies like a fully painted Fone Bone PVC figure, a full color Phoney Bone Gazillion dollar bill, and an illustrated eight-page commentary by comics historian R.C. Harvey. This is no ordinary Bone #1! Besides creating a new cover and writing a new afterword, cartoonist Jeff Smith has completely overhauled Bone #1, digitally remastering the story from the original artwork and presenting it in never-before-seen full color. The results are startling! No one will recognize this book! (CAUT: 4) FC, 32pg + PVC $5.95 BONE VOLUME 7: GHOST CIRCLES HC A long dormant volcano explodes, freeing the ancient evil known only as the Locust, and filling the land with soot and ash. Alone and frightened, the Bone cousins, Thorn and feisty old Gran'ma Ben must fight the elements and the rat creatures as they struggle to reach the glorious city of Atheia. A pivotal and surprising new novel in the adventures of the Bone boys, caught between their desire to get home and a sense of duty for their newfound friends. HC, 160pg, b&w $24.95 BONE #44 The Bone cousins, along with Thorn and Gran'ma, are whisked away to a strange rooftop eatery (where Smiley doesn't like the weird cuisine very much!). There they have their first encounter with a shadowy underground movement working for the return of the Queen...Part Two of the final trilogy begins! Sweeeeeet! b&w, 24pg $2.95 STARS OF THE MONTH BONE VOLUMES 1-6 HC'S Follow the adventures of the three Bone cousins — Fone, Phoney, and Smiley — as they strike out from Boneville to find their destiny. VOLUME 1: OUT OF BONEVILLE (STAR01136)––HC $19.95 VOLUME 2: THE GREAT COW RACE (STAR01464)––HC $22.95 VOLUME 3: EYES OF THE STORM (STAR02560)––HC $24.95 VOLUME 4: DRAGON SLAYER (STAR06528)––HC $24.95 VOLUME 5: ROCKJAW MASTER OF THE EASTERN BORDER (STAR07902)––HC $22.95 VOLUME 6: OLD MAN'S CAVE (STAR09915)––HC $23.95 ************* CASTLE RAIN ENTERTAINMENT JESTERCROW #3 by Michael Angelos, Scott Lee, & Janine Johnston After returning home with Oktobercrow, Jester is immediately thrown into the fire. A new assignment has been thrown to him –– a very dangerous quest to find the missing Zoev staff. Jester joins his former pupils and rival, Nestercrow, on the mission, along with Grand Wizard Motu. After successfully reaching their location safely, Jester and the others discover a tempest portal hidden beneath the ground. As Motu confronts the tempest, he is taken over by something that only Jester can see — a mysterious being who may hold the key to the Zoev staff as well as the answers that Jester has been seeking. b&w, 32pg (3 of 3) $3.25 CHANTING MONKS STUDIOS WITCHWORKS 2001 PORTFOLIO Bernie Wrightson teams up with Ken Meyer Jr., Quinton Hoover, Louis Small Jr., and Randy Zimmerman to bring you this eight-plate portfolio in which each artist presents his own rendition of witches! Each plate measures 8 ½" x 11" and is perfect for signing and framing, and comes packaged in an illustrated 9" x 12" envelope. Available in two editions: Regular featuring no nudity, and Adult, which loses the clothing and features an original and different illustration by Bernie Wrightson! NOTE: The adult edition is not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. REG.—Portfolio, 9x12, b&w $12.95 ADULT—Portfolio, 9x12, b&w (CAUT: 3) $12.95 BERNIE WRIGHTSON'S FRANKENSTEIN T-SHIRT #2 You've read the book and have the prints. Now you can show off Bernie Wrightson's infamous Frankenstein illustrations in public. The second in a series, this all-white cotton tee bears the phrase "She Was There." Available in three sizes, Bernie's black-and-white work is printed on top-of-the-line tees, and is printed to last. Comes with a commemorative embossed postcard printed exclusively for the series. L-XL $19.95 XXL $21.95 CHAOS! COMICS *********** Check out the Apparel and Miscellaneous Merchandise sections for more Lady Death/Medieval Witchblade products from Comic Images & Mobtown Enterprises! *********** LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE #1 by Brian Augustyn & Romano Molenaar The crossover event you never expected has arrived! Two of today's most celebrated comic femme fatales join forces when Brian Pulido's Lady Death and Top Cow Productions' Medieval Witchblade meet for the first time ever! When all Hell lets loose, can these two women set aside their differences, find a common ground, and defeat a sinister enemy? Or will their combined efforts fail?! Find out what happens! Written by Brian Augustyn — it's the perfect story for all Lady Death and Witchblade fans! Ships with a 1:4 variant cover by Marc Silvestri. FC, 40pg $3.50 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE PREMIUM EDITION #1 cover painted by David Michael Beck Get the dynamic premium cover to the crossover event of the year — Lady Death/Medieval Witchblade #1! Featuring two of the sexiest divas in comics today, one kneeling with sword in hand, the other standing overhead. They're ready for battle! Don't be caught short on this one, comics fans! FC, 40pg $9.99 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE SUPER PREMIUM EDITION #1 cover painted by David Michael Beck Get the stamped foil cover super-premium to the crossover event of the year! This tantalizing cardstock cover features the 2 divas of comics and is limited to 1,000 copies! FC, 40pg $20.00 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE POSTER illustrated by Marc Silvestri Lady Death, Medieval Witchblade, Marc Silvestri — what more could you ask for? Get the poster to the crossover event of the year! Both Lady Death and Medieval Witchblade are featured here with art taken from the variant cover of Lady Death/Medieval Witchblade #1. Poster measures 24" x 36" and is suitable for framing! Poster, 24x36, FC $8.00 LEGEND OF THE SAGE #1 by Augustyn, Molenaar, & Arnold Chaos! presents a mythical world of fantasy like you've never seen! Victoria Noble never fit in, living in a world of hard realities and harder lessons. She's a dreamer and a romantic. Residing in New York City, Victoria far prefers to live in her books of fantasy and myth, never expecting that her two worlds are about to clash. Though no one on earth realizes it, the world and another co-exist, separated by a gossamer-thin intra-dimensional barrier. That other realm is a wild, primordial one, in which magic and myth reign supreme. An evil wizard-king schemes to merge the two realities, which will destroy Earth in the process! Only a chosen visionary, one who can see in both worlds can save the day. To her surprise, Victoria is that one champion. It's a battle between realms to save the entire multi-universe from evil sorcery! A tale of belief and heroism that will open your imagination! FC, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.99 LEGEND OF THE SAGE PREMIUM EDITION #1 cover penciled by Ale Garza The premium cover features the young heroine, Victoria Noble, carrying a book in one hand, sword in the other as mythical creatures of fantasy revolve around her! FC, 32pg (1 of 4) $9.99 JADE #4 by Sniegoski & Golden, Lashley, Arnold, & Fotos This is it, the pulse-pounding final chapter of the "Turn Loose the Dragon" saga! Suddenly in touch with her humanity again after 400 years, how will the vampire sorceress, Jade, cope with the burgeoning threats posed against her criminal empire by the resurrected White Dragon and the anti-crime organization, Kuei? This issue has it all as a trusted subject, within Jade's ranks, is revealed as a traitor! Mr. Ko hatches a mad scheme to take the White Dragon's power as his own, and Jade is forced to embrace the one thing in all the world that she despises most if she is going to be victorious against those that threaten her plans for China — she must embrace technology! Catch this nail- biting conclusion to the high-octane, martial arts epic! Cover by Ken Lashley, Curtis Arnold, and Fotos. FC, 32pg $2.99 JADE VARIANT EDITION #4 cover art by Wilson Tortosa & Jonathan Balaos The Jade #4 variant edition of this action-packed, technological thriller features a dynamic manga-styled cover with Jade wielding her mighty sword! Stunning to say the very least! Quantities are limited! FC, 32pg $7.50 LADY DEATH: ALIVE! #4 by Pulido & Kaminski, Reis, & Pimentel The ground-breaking Lady Death: Alive! series concludes in explosive fashion! This is it Diva of Death fanatics — Lady Death discovers the mysterious secrets behind the powers that brought her to her strange new world — and faces one of the greatest of its Dark Forces, a merciless new enemy who knows all of her secrets! Will she remain alive or will Lady Death's fate take another course? Find out what happens — you won't want to miss this one! FC, 32pg (4 of 4) $2.99 LADY DEATH: ALIVE! VARIANT EDITION #4 painted cover by Scott Lewis Kneeling down with sword in hand, the sultry Lady Death is ready for swordplay on this variant cover to Lady Death: Alive! #4! She may look genteel but don't tempt this diva! An eye-catching painted cover by the talented Scott Lewis. Quantities are limited! FC, 32pg $7.50 PURGATORI: THE HUNTED #2 by Joshua Dysart & Fabiano Neves Purgatori is trapped! Trapped in human form, trapped in Los Angeles, trapped by dangerous hi-tech vampires that close in on her from all sides! With no memory of who she is or how she can tap into her awesome powers, Purgatori is forced to rely on instinct alone to survive! Think she'll prevail? We can promise you one thing: Hollywood has never seen a night like this! Chaos! is proud to present the conclusion to the series by writer Joshua Dysart (of the cult-hit Violent Messiahs) that will change the Demon Goddess forever, and set the stage for an even grander battle to come. Purgatori: The Hunted — expect the unexpected! Cover by Romano Molenaar. FC, 32pg $2.99 PURGATORI: THE HUNTED VARIANT EDITION #2 cover penciled by Daerick Gross Purgatori, shown here as her human counter-part Sakarra, lies seductively gazing at you as the centerpiece of this polished pencil, white variant cover to Purgatori: The Hunted #2! Quantities are limited! FC, 32pg $7.50 LADY DEATH: TRIBULATION #1 SIGNED CHROME EDITION cover by Ivan Reis & Joe Pimentel Get the exclusive chromium edition of Lady Death: Tribulation #1 signed by Chaos! master Brian Pulido! A sexy collectible for any fan of the Diva of Death! Limited to only 1,000. Limited quantities remain! (CAUT : 4) FC, 32pg $21.00 INSANE CLOWN POSSE: THE PENDULUM #10 by McCann, Beck, & Florea The demon Killnor finds himself in the hot seat as Mr. Gray and his Stress Team attempt a full-on military assault of his corporate headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. But have the commandos bitten off more than they can chew? Meanwhile, the Wicked Clownz, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, are wondering how to kick Killnor's butt themselves. They call forth the Dark Carnival's Riddlebox for help — and the Riddlebox's response is unexpected and hella fresh! All this, plus faith-healing Jesus, the demon Jaxxsin and a bar fight in a strip club! It's knuckle-cracking, face-whacking action! Juggalos, you don't want to miss this issue! Cover by Jerry Beck, Sandu Florea, and Colorgraphix. FC, 32pg $5.99 LADY DEATH: ALIVE! ASHCAN artwork by Ivan Reis & Joe Pimentel Get a glimpse of the inner workings of Lady Death: Alive! #1 with this ashcan. Flip through the 12 pages and you'll be presented with preview artwork and layouts of the ground-breaking comic that reshapes the life of the famous Diva of Death! Limited to 999. Ashcan, b&w $6.00 CHASTITY: SHATTERED ASHCAN penciled by Adriano Batista Chastity returns to her roots... in ashcan format! The sweet, but deadly vampire assassin is here within these 12 pages that feature preview artwork of her newest series! A fiendish complimentary item to the actual story of Chastity: Shattered! Limited to 999. Ashcan, b&w $6.00 JADE #1 ASHCAN artwork by Ken Lashley & Curtis Arnold The fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping Jade series gets the ashcan treatment! It's 12 pages showcasing cutting edge artwork and sketches of the martial arts epic! A must-have for devoted action and Jade fans! Limited to 999 copies. Ashcan, b&w $6.00 BAD KITTY #1 SCRIPT by Brian Pulido Own the script treatment to Brian Pulido's latest female sensation, Bad Kitty! Each and every page of this 32-page script for Bad Kitty #1 is very detailed and the perfect item for up-and-coming, cutting-edge supernatural writers! Limited to 3,000 copies! The script is also available in a Premium Edition, signed by Brian Pulido and limited to 250 copies! REG.—Script $4.99 PREMIUM—Script $20.00 LADY DEATH: LOVE BITES DIE-CUT STICKER Lookin' for a heartbreaker? Lady Death is that and more on this die-cut sticker featuring art from the seductive cover of Lady Death: Love Bites #1 Premium Edition. Stick her anywhere 'cause this diva is to die for! Vinyl Sticker $3.50 CHASTITY BEACH TOWEL If you're lookin' to dry off with a fine femme fatale, look no further! Introducing the 100% cotton Chastity Beach Towel featuring the Chastity Coppertone inspired image from the Lady Death Swimsuit 2001 #1 issue. This towel is super hot! Towel $40.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ETERNAL TOYS DARK ALLIANCE LIMITED EDITION UNPAINTED FIGURES Eternal Toys and Art Asylum, sculptors of the Silent Screamers action figure series, brings four titans of the Chaos! Cosmos to your toy collection! The Dark Alliance action figure series is an awesome line of action figures bringing the major players of Chaos! Comics to life! This series includes Lady Death, Lucifer, Jade, and Chastity. Each figure stands approximately 6" tall and comes packaged individually boxed. These are the real deal Chaos! fans! Each unpainted figure is limited to 2,000 pieces. Don't miss 'em! CHASTITY—Figure $12.95 JADE—Figure $12.95 LUCIFER—Figure $12.95 PURGATORI—Figure $12.95 O/A INSANE CLOWN POSSE: PENDULUM #4—KILLERS IN THE MIST by McCann, Beck, & Florea The Wicked Clownz turn the tables on the Stress Team as the elite police hunters become the hunted. Firing smoke grenades to facilitate their retreat, the Stress Team has one objective: get out alive. But Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope aren't going to make it easy for them. Each issue features an ICP CD single that is available nowhere else! So what are you waiting for, Juggalo? Get down with the clownz! Cover illustrated by Jerry Beck and colored by Jason Jensen. MATURE READERS FC, 32pg/CD $5.95 O/A INSANE CLOWN POSSE POSTER #2 illustrated by Jerry Beck & Sandu Florea; colored by Jason Jensen All right, Juggalos! Line up and get this poster of the most wicked clowns ever to walk the earth! Plaster this bad boy on your wall and worship the spirits of the dark carnival! Measures 24" x 36" and is suitable for framing! Comes rolled and tubed. Poster, 24x36, FC $7.95 O/A CHAOS! COMICS PRESENTS: JADE PREVIEW BOOK PREMIUM EDITION Gaze into her eyes and you will never be the same! This variant edition features a gorgeous cover by Ken Lashley. Jade's hypnotic stare will capture your imagination. With vivid imagery of Chinese dragons wrapped around her, Jade's oriental style is simply unmatched. Limited to 2,000 copies! PC $6.00 O/A LADY DEATH: TRIBULATION #1 POSTER painted art by David Michael Beck Lady Death fans, add some "tribulation" to your walls with the Tribulation #1 poster, featuring the cover to Lady Death: Tribulation #1. Strong and fearless atop Vassago, her ferocious stead, this poster screams, "Don't mess with Lady Death!" She is definitely all business, and may she have mercy on anyone who gets in her way! Poster, 24x36, FC $7.99 O/A PURGATORI VS. VAMPIRELLA #1 PREMIUM EDITION Featuring a mouth-watering cardstock cover by a mystery guest artist, and limited to just 3000 copies! Celebrate the battle of the new millennium! FC, 32pg $9.99 O/A LADY DEATH SERIES I CHASE CARDS Get the six official chase cards from the 1994 Lady Death Series I Card Series. These cards by Krome Productions are a treasure to find, so get them while you can! Featuring cards by Joseph Linser, Steven Hughes, Greg Capullo, Adam Hughes, and Jim Balent. All six cards in one shot! Card Set (6) $25.00 O/A LADY DEATH VANITY PLATE Express your road rage with the new Lady Death Vanity Plate from Chaos! Comics! The 6" x 12" vanity plate features the Lady Death logo in vibrant gold against a black background. With a baked enamel finish and raised lettering, this vanity plate will send a clear message to your fellow motorists: "If you don't want Lady Death riding your tail, then get off the road!" Vanity Plate $9.95 O/A LADY DEATH: THE RECKONING TP by Brian Pulido & Steven Hughes; colored by Jason Jensen The series that started it all for Lady Death! Issues one through three in their entirety! Discover how the beautiful young woman named Hope is transformed by insurmountable odds and tragic circumstances into Lady Death, the ravishing seductress of the netherworld! SC, 7x10, FC (Note Price) $15.00 STARS OF THE MONTH LADY DEATH: THE RECKONING TP—ENCORE EDITION by Brian Pulido & Steven Hughes; colored by Jason Jensen The revised edition also includes the hard to find Lady Death #1/2 which chronicles the fate of Lady Death's Mother at the hands of an evil sorcerer and the Lady Death Swimsuit Special featuring the Diva of Death as rendered by today's top artists! (STAR01197) SC, 7x10, FC $12.95 LADY DEATH: BETWEEN HEAVEN & HELL TP by Pulido, Hughes, & Jensen Since Lady Death conquered Lucifer, the Father of Lies, she's ruled Hell with an iron fist for over 400 years. But the mental manipulations of the sensual and vampiric Purgatori reveal that Lucifer was never defeated at all! It was all just a game! Lady Death was just his pawn. Learning the whole truth of her tortured past — and Lucifer's role in it — Lady Death relinquishes her identity, surrendering to the darkness and becoming the voracious Lady Demon! (STAR01941) SC, 7x10, FC $12.95 LADY DEATH: THE ODYSSEY TP by Brian Pulido & Steven Hughes; colored by Jason Jensen In a frozen tundra, Lady Death meets Agony, a battered fallen angel. In a scavenger- ridden desert realm, she faces Macabre and Malady, fallen warrior angels. In the "Cremation Grounds" of the Hindu Gods, she battles Kali, who is intent on eating her! In the end, it appears that the ravishing seductress finds home amid a peaceful realm, but Asteroth, Lucifer's destroyer of destroyers, shows up intent on annihilating her! (STAR06112) SC, 7x10, FC $9.95 *************************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A AFTERMATH #1 ASHCAN YELLOW EDITION This is the official ashcan of Aftermath #1! Made in the old-school style, this 12-page ashcan contains character sketches, art pages and more! This yellow standard edition is limited to 800 copies, and is serial numbered! Ashcan $10.00 O/A LADY DEATH VS. PURGATORI #1 by Pulido & Kaminski, & Deodato, Jr.; colored by Roy Young The ultimate down and dirty bitch-fight grudge match — plus a cast of thousands! Purgatori and Lady Death lead their armies into all-out battle against each other in total, scorched-Earth warfare. No quarter will be given or asked-neither the Queen of Blood nor Death's chosen Avatar will stop until the final death-blow has been delivered! Who lives? Who dies? Painted cover by Dorian Cleavenger. FC, 40pg $2.95 ************************* CLAYPOOL COMICS ELVIRA #99 by Strom, Day, & Lachance Elvira is substitute teaching at an all-girls school, which puts her in the hot seat when one student develops a deadly, sorcerous crush on a local bad-boy rock star. It's all in "One Fright Stand!" Also, a furry rodent kicks off an ancient Egyptian terror in "Seeing a Large Bat On a Hot Tin Roof Sundae," by Jo Duffy, Richard Howell, and Kim DeMulder. Color photo cover of Elvira. b&w, 32pg $2.50 SOULSEARCHERS #49 by David & Howell, Bigley, & DeMulder "And Then There Was... One!"—A ditzy angel named Nadine comes to Earth to help stabilize the balance of power. But will that be enough for the Soulsearchers when they're plucked one by one from their earthly lives by the hellish forces that want to destroy Baraka? Cover by Amanda Conner and Steve Leialoha. b&w, 32pg $2.50 COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND EXPO 2000 ANTHOLOGY cover by Daniel Clowes Daniel Clowes, the acclaimed cartoonist behind the new Ghostworld movie, provides a beautiful cover for the new EXPO 2001. The annual EXPO books are the biggest and best anthologies that comics has to offer, bursting at the seams with new and innovative talent. Last year's collection garnered rave reviews and nabbed a prestigious Harvey Award Nomination for Best Anthology. And EXPO 2001 promises to be even better. Weighing in at a massive 352 pages, this year's book includes contributions from dozens of the best alternative cartoonists from the U.S. and abroad, spiked with a couple of surprise guests we dare not mention! Like the convention for which it's named, EXPO 2001 benefits the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and helps protect free speech in comics. And at only $7.95, EXPO 2001 is the best way to sample the incredible diversity that alternative, independent, and small press publishing have to offer. SC, 7x10, 352pg, b&w $7.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A EXPO 2000 ANTHOLOGY Charles Burns captures America's love affair with alternative comics in a creepily beautiful cover for Expo 2000! The Expo 2000 anthology is the latest comic collection from SPX: The Expo, which has raised more than $15,000 for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund since 1997. Weighing in at a massive 352-pages, this year's book is not only the biggest, but the strongest, with contributions from Chris Ware, Seth, Adrian Tomine, Craig Thompson, Lewis Trondheim, Brian Ralph, James Kochalka, and literally dozens more cartoonists from the U.S. and abroad. Like the convention for which it's named, Expo 2000 presents the cutting edge of comics today. And at only $6.95, it's the best way to sample the incredible diversity that alternative, independent, and small press publishing has to offer. Support the CBLDF, read a great book, and feel the love! Squarebound. SC, 7x10, 352pg, b&w $6.95 *************** OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS #2 What's the strangest thing that's ever happened to you? That question was put to some of today's top comic writers and artists, and this book is the result! Occupational Hazards #2 brings you more true-life tales of comics industry weirdness by Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Wagner, David Mack, Walt Simonson, Joe Kelly, and many more. Experience bizarre encounters with fans! See what happens when you mix comics and alcohol! Bear witness to collaborations from Hell! Read Occupational Hazards and see what it's really like to work in comics… if you dare! Published by Rick Beckley and CD Comics as a benefit for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. b&w, 32pg $2.95 COMIC CAVALCADE *************** Please refer to the Avatar Press listing in the COMICS section for Coven: Dark Sister #1 in this month's Previews. **************** COVEN: DARK SISTER #1/2 by Matt Martin The all-new Coven saga begins right here! Matt Martin is unleashed on this mini-series that introduces Eden, who may just be Spellcaster's black magic sister! In this special prelude to the series, Fantom loses control over her blood cravings with disasterous results while Scratch is loosing his faith. It seems the Coven are falling apart. But Spellcaster needs them back together because Eden has brought anarchy to New York! The Al Rio cover is limited to just 4000 copies; the Sean Shaw, Raptor Attack, and Matt Martin covers are limited to just 3000 copies. AL RIO COVER––FC, 16pg $3.95 SEAN SHAW COVER––FC, 16pg $3.95 MATT MARTIN COVER––FC, 16pg $3.95 RAPTOR ATTACK COVER––FC, 16pg $4.95 WITCHBLADE #45 DEMON EDITION cover by Keu Cha Keu Cha is burning up the charts with his art on Paul Jenkins' stellar Witchblade run. He took the time out of his busy schedule to produce this sexy exclusive cover! Limited to just 4000 copies, all copies ship bagged and boarded. The rare Ruby Red Edition is limited to just 500 bagged and boarded copies. REG.––FC, 32pg $5.95 RUBY RED––FC, 32pg $29.95 SHI: AKAI #1 VICTORIA CROSS EDITION by Billy Tucci Billy Tucci himself provides this exclusive new cover that features the first appearance of Victoria Cross! Victoria will be getting her own series this fall, so don't miss out on the chance to get her introduction! Limited to just 500 copies, all copies ship bagged and boarded. The rare Ruby Red Edition is limited to just 250 bagged and boarded copies. REG.––FC, 32pg $5.95 RUBY RED––FC, 32pg $29.95 DEMONSLAYER: VENGEANCE #1 FIRE & ICE FOIL SET by Marat Mychaels This special foil set of the Variant Fire and Ice covers features the Fire cover with burning red foil and the Ice cover with frigid blue foil. Limited to just 500 sets, all copies ship bagged and boarded. FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $24.95 COMIC LIBRARY INTERNATIONAL COMIC LIBRARY INTERNATIONAL VOLUME 8 by Various This issue features the ongoing adventures of Yambar and Broderick's El Mucho Grande—Wrestler for Hire as he takes on the gods of Asgard and Suicide Blonde, who battles in future space to make sure the world is once again safe for chocolate; Nate Peikos' Lint McCree, whose paranormal detective adventures will keep you on the edge of your seat; Robb Bihun's The Hoon and his quest for yet another hot-and-spicy calzone; Glenn Whitmore's Captain Clockwork, with another tale of retro/futuristic importance; and Mike Bocianowski's Chuck, the Ugly American defuses a domestic squabble (while babysitting a teenager who messes up his bathroom)! Also returning to this issue of CLI is Scott Roberts with his Spirit spoof, The Secret; Pam Bliss with Sparky the Dog; Wes Alexander with Stormfield; and Aaron Bordner with his sexy, prehistoric Lost at the Earth's Core! As a special bonus, this volume also contains Lazy Flight, a reprinting of the very first stream of consciousness storyline by Harvey Award-nominee Scott Mills. SC, 152pg, b&w $13.95 COURAGEOUS MAN'S CAVALCADE OF JUSTICE by George Broderick, Jr. Compiling Courageous Man's many appearances from the past four years! Culled from the pages of the long-sold-out Son of Rampage, Comics 'r Dead, Certified Cool and Moordam Christmas Comics, plus his own three-issue series and appearances in Indy Buzz, 2 Fun Flip Book, and select volumes of Comic Library International. Fast friends like Snide Butler, Stedfast, Police Commissioner Lonsdale and Officer Irwin Lipschitz, join C.M. and his kid sidekick, Spunky (the effervescent prepubescent), as they meet new allies Flamenco Hombre (the Courageous Man of Mexico!), Impressive Man (the Dour Dynamo), and Jingo Jones: Super Patriot (the greatest hero of World War II, and C.M.'s dad!)… and the villains? they're here, too! Courageous Man arch-foe, The Felonious Monk (a beatnik gorilla), Signor Bombacelli (the mad bomber of Milan), Puncheroo (the Man of 1,000 punches) and even a giant robot gorilla hand are skulking around! SC, 152pg, b&w $13.95 COMICS CONSPIRACY THE GENERIC COMIC BOOK #3 by Miers, Santos, Lean, & Thomas The breakout spoof with the nameless super-hero is back, sporting more laughs than a drunken talk-show host! Stuffing his bed with pillows (so his Mom will think he's safe in his bed when he's actually out fighting crime!), the hero finds more adventure than he bargains for when he meets his first true mistress of the night; a bad girl so twisted she makes all the others look... generic. Will she break his heart… or break his b@!!$? b&w, 16pg $1.95 COMICSONE.COM SARAI VOLUME 1 #1 by Masahiro Shibata In the future, rampant genetic disorders wreak havoc on humankind. Teenagers turn into grotesque monsters when they hit 18, and growing old is no longer a luxury — and only one kind of warrior has the power to stop it! Sarai's got it all. She's a sexy new kind of "peace officer" — a guard-maid who can kick butt, clean house, and bring justice to a bleak world. If humanity has one last hope to heal itself and return to normal, Sarai is the catalyst! MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 194pg, b&w $9.95 TOMIE VOLUME 1 #2 by Junji Ito Tomie's not dead yet. No matter how many times you cut her up, bury her, or drown her, she comes back for more! Every inch of her is a droplet of hellish flesh, and she doesn't know the meaning of the word "forgiveness!" Junji Ito's masterpiece mingles modern sensibilities with gut-wrenching psychosis — and best of all, Tomie's not your ordinary monster! Her human emotions and desires make her more terrifying than any horror movie character! (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 248pg, b&w (2 of 2) $9.95 WEED VOLUME 1 #2 by Yoshihiro Takahashi Weed and GB get down and dirty to free a puppy from the control of three vagabond mountain dogs! As the battle heats up, humans invade the God Utopia in Ohu, armed with guns. The men claim the dogs have been murdering humans, but would Weed's father Gin let his own troops maul people? (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 238pg, b&w $9.95 MAICO 2010 VOLUME 1 #3 by Toshimitsu Shimizu In this third volume, Maico and Rie pair up to form an android crime-fighting team called Cherry Mates! Together, they foil crimes and repel repeated attacks from giant robots sent by the Sugita Corporation. On the steamier side, the gang plays a few exciting rounds of strip mah jongg; Masudamasu gets nostalgic in her high school uniform; Akai gets touchy (literally) with Matsuo at a cocktail party; and Matsuo renews his dedication toward Maico... although his heart lies with someone else! Also: Masudamsu revisits more of her torrid history, and offers more clues about why she created Maico. This is definitely the most revealing chapter of Maico 2010 (in more ways than one!), and has to be seen to be believed. MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 184pg, b&w (3 of 4) $9.95 KAZAN VOLUME 1 #3 by Gaku Miyao Kazan, Fawna, and Arbey find themselves lost in a deep canyon far from the light of day. There they meet a reclusive tribe that offers to take them in, and a young girl who shows them a dangerous way back to the surface. Once free of the canyon, the weary troupe comes across a public hot spring. But their rest is short-lived, however, when Fawna's innocent demonstration of her water powers shocks and terrifies the other bathers, who believe her to be a demon responsible for many other kidnappings. Kazan must convince the crowd — and himself — that Fawna is not the demon they seek. But when a mysterious woman sends an elite squad of warriors to capture Fawna, they trigger a full response from the Fawna, which results in a flood that she herself can barely control! SC, 7x10, 188pg, b&w $9.95 CPM MANGA ASTRA #1 by Robinson, Cohn, Oishi, & Tanaka; cover by Balent Astra is a funny, sexy science fiction story about the beautiful Princess Astra, the heir to the throne of a planet entirely populated by women! All the men had died off, but fortunately there was preserved a supply of the necessary agent to make more kids (only of the female variety). But after many generations, the supply is about to run out, and Astra sets off on a voyage into space to search for a new supply of the precious bodily fluids that will enable her people to continue to reproduce. But of course Earthlings have their own ideas about how people should reproduce, and interstellar misunderstandings lead to laughs in this screwball sci-fi comedy. The story is brought to life by Japanese good girl comic artist Shojin Tanaka. The alternate cover is rendered by Jim Balent. Also available as a Limited Signed Edition. Each signed comic comes in a pack with a copy of the first issue with Jim Balent's sensual cover, and a numbered certificate of authenticity. REG.––b&w, 32pg $2.95 SIGNED––b&w, 32pg(CAUT: 2) $29.95 AQUARIUM VOLUME 1 TP by Tomoko Taniguchi Tomoko Taniguchi, the popular artist of the monthly series Princess Prince and the romantic graphic novel Call Me Princess, returns with the all-new Aquarium, collecting #1-6 of the comic series. A young girl named Naoka fails the competitive exam for the high school she wanted to attend. Her hobby has always been going to the aquarium to see the fish and dolphins, and she spends more time there to find solace after her disappointment. At the aquarium, she meets a boy, Haruki. At first he tries to befriend her, but she is not able to return his friendship because she is still saddened by her failure. If you have ever experienced disappointment and the fear of change and new love that it can bring, Aquarium will touch you like few other works. Tomoko Taniguchi's elegant style is at its most moving and expressive in Aquarium, which also includes two additional stories, "Fly Away Stewardess" and "Your Kingdom," plus an all-new introduction by Lea Hernandez (Rumble Girls). TP, 176pg, b&w $15.95 DARK ANGEL #27 by Kia Asamiya Dark is in the fight of his life with the strangest and meanest bandit gang imaginable. If the Terminator were female with a Cyclops eye, then that would be the gal Dark's friend Sen takes on. Sen gets it on, with a full suit or armor, and when she blasts the female bandit it turns out that was no lady — that was a cyborg! The action gets hotter as the desert sands swirl around Dark, Sen, and the mysterious burnoosed stranger as they battle the meanest bandits ever to take on a band of heroes. Dark Angel is the hottest fantasy action adventure manga around with gorgeous art and pulse-pounding storytelling by manga superstar Kia Asamiya (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Nadesico, Batman). b&w, 32pg $2.95 GEOBREEDERS #29 by Akihiro Ito Fans who love Merle the Cat-Girl from Esacaflowne will love Maya, the Phantom Cat Girl, from Geobreeders. This is Maya's story arc, and she's the damsel in distress who gets saved by a whole gang of other damsels (or gunsels?), the women of Kagura Security! Geobreeders is a fun and action-packed book with gorgeous heroines, wise- cracking, sharp-shooting female detectives who take on bad guys and bad ghouls with equal aplomb. One part X-Files (the supernaturals are part of government and corporate conspiracies), one part Buffy (or maybe four parts if you count all the beautiful Kagura girls!), and one part John Woo movies for action, Geobreeders is like nothing else in comics — fun, exciting and fabulously action-filled. b&w, 32pg $2.95 LODOSS WAR: CHRONICLES OF THE HEROIC KNIGHT #11 by Ryo Mizuno & Masato Natsumoto Lodoss is the cursed and haunted isle where elves, dwarves, priests, and hero knights fight the forces of evil to keep the kingdoms of Lodoss free and at peace. The Heroic Knight of this series is the brave but inexperienced Spark leading a group of brave warriors to reclaim the Crystal Ball of Souls, stolen by the evil sorcerer Vagnado. After an attack by Dark Elves (who also carried out the theft), Laina, the beautiful leather-clad adventuress, has been grievously wounded, and the lovely Neece, the Elf, uses all her magical skill to save her life! Lodoss is a huge international anime hit, loved by fans everywhere, and writer Ryo Mizuno has created an exciting new series with wonderful complex characters, plus action-packed art by Masato Natsumoto! b&w, 32pg $2.95 MARTIAN SUCCESSOR NADESICO #26 by Kia Asamiya It's the climax of Kia Asamiya's exciting and hilarious space adventure. At last the mysteries of the Yamato Clan and Yurika Misamaru's accession to Shaman Priestess will be revealed. At last the secret of the Jupiterian menace that led to the building of the Nadesico is revealed. It's the climax you've been waiting for, and special in this issue, to celebrate and reward fans of the series as it comes to its incredible climax in this issue and next, is the second of two full-color reproductions on the inside covers of the fabulous Captain Government Animated Series Posters from Nadesico! CPM will not be publishing these posters in color again, and fans can get these color images only here! Nadesico is a great sci-fi adventure comedy by manga superstar Kia Asamiya (Dark Angel, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Nadesico, Batman), and fans can't miss these last two issues with their special features! b&w, 32pg $2.95 MAXION #20 by Takeshi Takebayashi In this issue of one of the best good-girl art mangas around, the mysterious new student Ukita reveals his sinister plans. The handsome Yuichiro loves both Maki and the magical Shion, but now Ukita has revealed himself to be an evil supernatural emissary. He hypnotizes Yuichiro, and Shio is horrified when her dearest friend threatens to force himself on her! It's a frightening issue that leads to further complications in the tangled, supernaturally cursed love lives of this appealing triangle. Takeshi Takebayashi's beautiful women have the open, appealing, girl-next-door quality of your favorite TV heroines, like Buffy, the Charmed girls, and the Dawson's Creek kids, with great romantic supernatural plotlines that will keep you on the edge of your seat! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 PRINCESS PRINCE #10 by Tomoko Taniguchi Princess Prince is both a charming fantasy and adventure story. In this issue, follow the adventures of Brandon Walts, the romantic bandit who menaced and became friends with Princess Laurie and Prince Matthew. Like all Japanese shoujo (women's and girls comics), it's not just a fun and romantic adventure, but also a story with fully-developed characters in romantic situations. This is the second of four issues containing never- before-collected stories set in the Princess Prince universe, and is a humorous and romantic romp through the countryside controlled by Brandon's bandit gang. Taniguchi's style is at its liveliest and most engaging in this series. b&w, 32pg $2.95 Manga-18 UROTSUKIDOJI: RETURN OF THE CHOJIN #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL RES. from Previews Vol. IX #8 b&w, 32pg $2.95 CROSS PLAINS COMICS NECROTIC: DEAD FLESH ON A LIVING BODY GN by Scalera, Swank, & P. Quinn What happens when the dead won't stay dead? Freed from his burial tomb after decades of death, archeologist Marshall VanderGott awakens to a world he does not recognize. Although he's been deceased for nearly 70 years, Marshall finds himself imbued with newfound strength and stamina, and is once again ready to join the land of the living. But rather than fight crime or do something similarly unselfish, Marshall decides to trod a different path and lead "the normal life." He soon falls in love. Things go well until a terrible secret from Marshall's past resurfaces — the ancient Curse of the Mummies — and torments Marshall and those he loves in ways both horrifying and fatal! The dead never rest. Perfect Bound. MATURE READERS SC, 64pg, FC $6.95 CROSSGEN COMICS THE FIRST #9 by B. Kesel, Sears, & A. Smith There's a stranger running wild through Elysia, and the event sends shockwaves through the entire city! Among the few not caught up in the disturbance are Gannish, Yala, and Persha, meeting to exchange secrets, yet Yala may not let Persha leave with hers... Meanwhile, an even greater event occurs ... the alliance of Seahn and Ingra. FC, 32pg $2.95 MYSTIC #14 by Marz, Peterson, & Dell The battle between Animora and Giselle reaches its climax, with the fate of all Ciress hanging in the balance! When not even the aid of the other Guild Masters is enough, Giselle's only hope of victory is to lure Animora to the spirit plane, where she must face her alone! FC, 32pg $2.95 SIGIL #14 by Waid, Eaton, & Hennessy Last issue, Sam was forced to make a horrifying choice –– and now, Sultan Ronolo must pay the consequences! In order to get to his foe, however, Sam will have to battle his way single-handed through Ronolo's protectors –– the entire Planetary Union army! Action! Action! Action! FC, 32pg $2.95 CRUX #4 by Waid, Epting, & Magyar Gammid and Galvan can pool their power to raise the continent of Atlantis — but not without leaving themselves totally defenseless against the Negation! That leaves Capricia, Tug and Zephyre to handle an alien invasion of unprecedented proportion — and those are NOT good odds! FC, 32pg $2.95 SCION #14 by Marz, Cheung, & Hillsman Trapped in the very heart of Raven power and suffering wounds that not even his sigil can heal, Ethan's life hangs by a thread. His only chance of survival? Ashleigh, the sister of Ethan's most hated enemy. FC, 32pg $2.95 SOJOURN #1 by Marz, Land, & Geraci CrossGen's newest monthly series debuts, featuring stunning Greg Land artwork! Graced with the enormous power of the sigil, the warlord Mordath has returned from the dead and cast his shadow over the Five Lands. The archer Arwyn holds the key to ending his evil, but only if she can overcome the tragedy threatening to destroy her before the quest even begins. FC, 32pg $2.95 MERIDIAN #14 by B. Kesel, McNiven, & Simmons Ilahn runs amok through "Heaven," to the consternation of Rho Rhustane, who must save Elysia from the Sigil-Bearer. Hesperia, the new home of the refugees from Meridian, faces its first crisis and finds at the heart of the trouble... the Muse of Giatan? And Sephie gives the cavern-dwellers a gift from their past, and receives from them a gift from hers... and a symbol that will define her future. FC, 32pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SIGIL #4-7 by Kesel, B. Lai, & R. Lai Follow the adventures of Samandahl Rey, a veteran soldier and blood-gamer who mysteriously became one of the Sigil-Bearers. Don't miss his space-faring adventures in issues 4-7, offered again for the first time! FC, 32pg $2.95Ea. *************** CRUSADE ENTERTAINMENT FIRST WAVE/SHI #1: VOICES OF THE DEAD (PART 2) by Busch & Vaughn, Johns, & Busch Can Ana Ishikawa, Cade Foster, and Jordan Radcliffe rescue Ana's friend and defeat the latest experimentation by the alien menace know as The Gua? It's all-out bone-crunching, alien-smashing action in the conclusion to the first-ever crossover between Crusade's Shi and Andromeda Entertainment's First Wave, that began last month in Shi/First Wave #1: Voices of the Dead. Based on Billy Tucci's time-tested superstar, Shi, and the Sci-Fi Channel's hit series, First Wave, this two-part mini-series is the perfect jumping-on point for new readers! Offered with a choice of covers by Shi creator Billy Tucci and painter extraordinaire Matt Busch (Star Wars, First Wave). TUCCI COVER—b&w, 32pg $2.99 BUSCH COVER—b&w, 32pg $2.99 SHI/RAF VICTORIA CROSS SIGNED AND NUMBERED LITHOGRAPH by Billy Tucci This beautifully drawn piece joins the seductive sohei with the saucy spy by a windswept scarf. Simple pencil lines are tinted red for color and effect. Signed and numbered, limited to 499 copies. (CAUT: 2) Lithograph, 11x17 $34.99 SHI: AKAI #1 SIGNED AND NUMBERED ASHCAN by Billy Tucci The latest addition to the Crusade Collectables ashcan collection is Shi: Akai #1, featuring both of the issue's variant covers as one special wraparound image! Tucci's beautiful pencils are highlighted in soft red tones to emphasize the title. Each copy is signed and numbered, and is limited to 499 copies. (CAUT: 2) Ashcan, b&w $9.99 SHI CRUISER MUG Perfect for the morning coffee or a cool drink on a long drive, this pearlescent mug is topped with a red lid and decorated with the face of Shi! This insulated 16oz. cup has a closable lid, double lined walls, and is designed to fit most car cup holders. (CAUT: 4) Mug $8.99 SHI SHOT GLASS Sleek black with a Shi symbol of blood red! You've asked for it, now it's here. The Shi Shot Glass adds finesse to your collection of after-hours glassware. (CAUT: 4) Shot glass $9.99 SHI'S SWORD IN THE STONE LETTER-OPENER Exquisite, functional, and collectible, this samurai sword rests in a stone, branded with the Shi symbol. The perfect desktop accessory, you'll swiftly slice open your mail with the skill of a warrior! Each piece comes signed and numbered by Shi creator Billy Tucci. Limited to 250 pieces. (CAUT: 4) Letter-Opener $74.99 SHI SPORT SHIRT This sleek black garment features the Shi symbol embroidered in vibrant red. Fun and sporty! Hanes shirt with placket, pearl buttons, welt collar, rib knit cuffs, and double- needle hem. (CAUT: 4) L-XXL $29.99 OFFERED AGAIN OA/ SHI: YEAR OF THE SERPENT TOUR BOOK by Billy Tucci If you missed it before, here's your last chance to get the 2001 Tour Book for the convention season. Cover provides each fan with the opportunity for his or her customized cover. Perfect for signings. And inside, the book is full of what's coming up the pike at Crusade! Shi G-I, The Undaunted, RAF Victoria Cross, and more! b&w $4.99 ************************* DANCING ELEPHANT PRESS KANE #32 by Paul Grist Forty years ago, Tilly Atkins, pilot of the famous bi-plane The Queen Jane, disappeared on a flight from New Eden. The same night, five million dollars were stolen from the New Eden City Bank. Even though the thieves were caught, the money was never recovered. Whatever happened to The Queen Jane? And why is a recently released bank robber so keen to find the answer to a 40-year-old riddle? (CAUT: 4) b&w, 24pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A KANE BOOK 4: THIRTY NINTH by Paul Grist Collects issues 13-18 of the critically acclaimed crime comic. This book gives you a chance to meet the boys (and girls) in blue who police the streets of New Eden as the story focuses on the different Officers who make up the 39th Precinct of the NEPD. Featured Officers include Kate Felix on her first visit to the 39th Precinct (when she was only four years old), Perez and Donahue on a routine patrol of the city streets, and Sgt. Nelson of the Angel squad as he hunts down a sniper who has been attacking the city police! (CAUT: 4) SC, 200pg, b&w $19.95 ************** DANGLE TROUBLETOWN #7 MANIFESTOS AND STUFF by Lloyd Dangle These manifestos detail how V-capital, E-business, and G-landlords conspired to drive the disgruntled cartoonist into a windowless backyard shack. Dangle's biting cartoons also take aim at reality TV, manipulative pets, "Seattle man," Napster, Tiger Woods, and another millennium of mendacity. This issue also features another unusual cover –– a trademark of Troubletown books –– it looks like wood veneer! Troubletown is a popular weekly feature carried over 25 alternative publications nationally. Manifestos and Stuff is the seventh in a series of collections of the Troubletown strip that began running in 1988. SC, 32pg, PC (Note Price) $6.95 DARKCHYLDE ENTERTAINMENT DARKCHYLDE REDEMPTION #3 by Randy Queen In the aftermath of her showdown with the child killer Silencer, Ariel tries to gather her senses after the startling revelation that came to light during their battle. But unfortunately, there's not time to contemplate when Baby Boo and Flatulence arrive at "Jeremy Spencer's Carnival of Fools" and somehow manage to get the ring of Solomon working again –– just long enough to enslave War and Piece, that is! Betrayal and revelations abound in issue #3, with story and art by Randy Queen! FC, 32pg $2.95 DEAD DOG COMICS MYD-EVIL #1 by DeMoss, Kurth, Mojo, & Nguyen In the dark ages, a team of the mightiest warriors fought to save a kingdom from an army of demons, witches, and banshees. Only problem was the failed. Now they rage a personal war against an evil wizard who is slowly conquering the world. Lots of magic, bloody steel, and non-stop action make this mini-series a must-have part of any comic collection. These limited edition originals set up new worlds and characters of the strange and amazing new world of Dead Dog Comics. FC, 32pg $2.95 BAD COMPANY #1 by DeMoss, Kurth, Mojo, & Nguyen In a world of high-tech espionage and bug money corporations, a group of spies and assassins play a game called Bad Company. He who claims the biggest prize for the biggest corporation ranks the highest rating and walks with the biggest pay-off. Only some times the mission may be worth even the best player's life. In this action-packed episode, the number one player is out to claim a bio mechanical suit for a high paying customer and has been set up to be killed by his partner. Revenge becomes the name of the game all around in the highly collectible and limited edition #1 issue. FC, 32pg $2.95 DEVIL'S DUE PUBLISHING MISPLACED #1 by Joshua Blaylock Taken from Earth long ago by a race of spooky hi-tech gargoyles, Alyssa Summers has finally escaped. While she's content working at a local comic shop and going dancing, her captors have other plans. Misplaced deals with starting life anew, carving your own niche in a new environment, and taking a fresh look at things, even when the odds are stacked against you. b&w, 32pg $2.95 DMF COMICS, INC. DEMENTED: SCORPION CHILD #5 by Jaime Antonio & Jason Park Fun! Action! Excitement! Super-heroes! Aliens! Cyborgs! Mechs! All secrets are revealed! This is it! The final issue and conclusion of the Demented saga! With time running out, McVain and the rest of the renegades known as the Silly Rabids — Wetjuice, MegaBalls and Kid Rice — wage war against the government to reclaim the corpse of the almighty Red Thunder! Every page is packed with intense action, and with the Justice Keepers and the psycho cybernetic Victor Saun thrown into the mix, there's no telling who will come out on top! The final battle begins! MATURE READERS FC, 32pg (5 of 5) $2.95 DOGSTAR PRESS LOST BOOK OF ELVEN EROTICA VOLUME 1 SIGNED AND NUMBERED by Melanie Klegerman SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL FC, 32pg $7.50 DORK STORM PRESS DORK TOWER #16 by John Kovalic Trader of the Last Orc: Hell is other people... or other people's convention booths! Has Igor bitten off more than even his fanboy mouth can chew as he volunteers to help Pegasaurus Games at Big Con? With Matt in Artist's Alley trying to get That Grrrl off the ground, this is not your average con! Now, what's Gilly doing wandering right in front of Matt's booth... and does Kayleigh know? A special fifth birthday issue, celebrating the first-ever Dork Tower comic strip! Join the celebration! Plus, PvP, Nodwick, Wild Life, and Murphy's Rules! Also included is another great free Dork Tower game too! b&w, 48pg $2.95 DORK TOWER POSTER by John Kovalic A huge full-color poster featuring one of the most-requested Dork Tower reprints of all time: the first Pegasaurus Games strip from Dragon Magazine and Dork Tower #9! Whether shop keeps everywhere want these for themselves or their store walls, for their customers or for prizes and give-aways, these eye-catching posters will be a sure-fire fan pleaser! Ships folded. FC, 36x24 $3.95 PVP #3 by Scott Kurtz Anime Spectacular: Rampaging robots, magic wielding schoolgirls, and adorable Skull- chan? Take a look at the PvP offices through anime colored glasses as what PvP would be like as a Japanese manga is contemplated. And see the staff of PvP magazine as you never have before and then stick around for another month's worth of hilarious comic strips from the popular website. Plus, backup stories featuring Dork Tower and Nodwick! b&w, 32pg $2.95 DRAWN & QUARTERLY THE GOLEM'S MIGHTY SWING by James Sturm In the 1920s, The Stars of David, a Jewish baseball team, travel from town to town to play local squads. They all traditional sport beards, a gimmick to attract patrons. When financial difficulties threaten to end their season, they cast their lot with a Chicago promoter, Victor Paige. After seeing the German silent film Der Golem, he has one of the Stars of David don the costume. Using newspaper articles and broadsides, Paige aggressively trumpets the coming of the Golem and proceeds to transform a baseball game into a mythical pageant. He fills the stadium but also stokes the flames of anti- Semitism. SC, 112pg, PC $12.95 LONG TIME RELATIONSHIP HC by Julie Doucet Legendary cartoonist Julie Doucet's series of bold lino-cut prints are collected here for the first time ever. The book is divided into six chapters, each focusing on a theme; one is a series of eerily compelling portraits based on a dozen family photographs Doucet found discarded in a garbage can in Berlin. In another series, Doucet explores gender issues as no one else can with 20 hilarious, somewhat unflattering portraits of the "modern man." She deftly explores other themes, ranging from fortune cookies to female sexuality, and everything is neatly encompassed in this sharply-designed art book. Doucet is internationally renowned for her wry, sexually-charged work. Available in Regular and Deluxe Signed and Limited hardcover editions. (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS REG.––HC, 152pg, FC $19.95 DLX.––HC, 152pg, FC $29.95 SUMMER OF LOVE HC by Debbie Drechsler The entire "Nowhere" comic book series is collected together for the first time in this handsome cloth edition! Debbie Drechsler pens this moving story of a young girl coming to terms with her sexual identity after she moves to a new town and awkwardly tries to make friends at high school. The painful teenage experiences of broken love and alienation are eloquently explored here by Drechsler and her drawings are printed in somber hues of green and brown. Drechsler won two Ignatz Awards for this story, including "Best New Talent"and "Best Artist." Available in Regular and Deluxe Signed and Limited hardcover editions. (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS REG.––HC, 144pg, PC $24.95 DLX.––HC, 144pg, PC $34.95 STARS OF THE MONTH DRAWN & QUARTERLY VOLUME 3 #1 edited by Chris Oliveros Nominated for four 2001 Harvey Awards—Best Single Issue, Best Foreign Material, Best Anthology, and Best Publication Design! Find out why this was one of the breakthrough book collections of 2000 with this outstanding, best-selling "coffee table" edition, featuring a complete Dupuy & Berberian novella, a 30-page retrospective of Frank King's pioneering strip, Gasoline Alley, covers and endpapers by Chris Ware, and plenty more! (STAR11458) SC, 9x12, 176pg, FC $24.95 **************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A PAUL IN THE COUNTRY by Michel Rabagliati Nominated for Best New Talent! Michel Rabagliati's exceptional talents as both a writer and artist are evident in this, his first-ever comic story. Paul is now an adult, and as he travels for a weekend holiday in the country with his four-year-old daughter, he thinks back to his own childhood, a time when everything was seemingly different. b&w, 32pg $3.50 O/A THE EXTENDED DREAM OF MR. D by Max Nominated for Best Foreign Material! Spanish cartoonist Max chronicles a man's disturbing dreams as he slips in and out of consciousness in a hospital ward over a period of forty days. The story here is vividly told in Max's crisp, expressionistic drawing style and features impressive covers by this master cartoonist. MATURE READERS SC, 112pg, b&w $12.95 ********************** DYNAMIC FORCES SHIPPING IN AUGUST 2001 EARTH X WOLVERINE MEGA-BUST Alex Ross' Earth X trilogy reaches new heights with each follow up series! Ripped from the pages of this series comes an exciting new cast of characters presented in an ongoing line of Mega-busts from Dynamic Forces! To launch this line, Dynamic Forces proudly presents one of comicdom's most popular mutants, Wolverine, a.k.a. Logan! An introspective Wolverine is sculpted wearing his bomber jacket as seen in the new Paradise X series (which was inspired by the classic Days of Future Past storyline!). Alex Ross personally designed, sculpted in meticulous detail, and beautifully painted the first busts in the series! Measuring 4 ½" tall (not counting the base!), this limited edition mega-bust comes in a special edition collector's box with a Certificate of Authenticity! This premiere mini-bust of Logan is destined to be one of the most collectible items for years to come! Do not miss this premiere piece of history! Also available is a Previews Exclusive special edition Earth X Wolverine Mega-Bust, limited to 1,200 pieces and including a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Alex Ross and Dynamic Forces president, Nick Barrucci, and featuring "battle-damaged" variant parts. (CAUT: 2 & 4) REGULAR EDITION—Bust $39.99 SPECIAL EDITION—Bust $60.00 DAN BERETON'S NOCTURNALS GUNWITCH MEGA-BUST Straight from the pages of Dan Bereton's Nocturnals, the Gunwitch is deadly and quicker than lightning, dispatching evildoers without a sound, save for the boom of his smoking pistols. Now thanks to Dynamic Forces and sculptor Beverly Gilroy –– with direction from Bereton –– comes this undead avenger. Armed to the teeth, the Gunwitch protects home, office, or saloon at nearly 6" tall, and is supported by its own base. Sculpted by Beverly Gillroy and designed by Dan Bereton. (CAUT: 2 & 4) Bust $39.99 TOMB RAIDER: THE MOTION PICTURE WALL SCROLLS Award-winning actress Angelina Jolie is Lara Croft! Having invaded everyone's game modules, Lara Croft is now set to take the world on with her first major motion picture! Don't miss out on this limited edition wall scroll featuring Angelina Jolie as the Tomb Raider! Choose from two different, fantastic images! Measuring 29" x 40", these scrolls will look perfect on any wall! (CAUT: 4) #1––Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.99 #2––Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE ALTERNATE COVER Lady Death faces off with the Medieval Witchblade! This historic issue coincides with issue #50 of Witchblade to become on the hottest collectibles of the year! And to top it off, Dynamic Forces has a cover painted by Greg Horn! Also available signed by Greg Horn or with a special fiery red cover! (CAUT: 2) REG.––FC $6.99 SIGNED––FC $29.99 FIERY RED––FC $14.99 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE LITHOGRAPH The first Top Cow and Chaos! Comics crossover features the first licensed litho featuring both Dames that cause distress! Painted by newcomer Greg Horn, this beautiful Lithograph features Lady Death and Medieval Witchblade riding horseback with spear and sword in hand — wreaking havoc as they go! Measuring 18" x 24" and printed on 80lb Gallerie Silk Paper, this initial litho has an MSRP of $24.99, but this month is being offered at the "Introductory Price" of just $19.99! Also available is a Re-Marked Edition with a lovely Lady Death Head Sketch. This edition would usually have a standard MSRP of $89.99, but it is being offered at the introductory price of $59.99 for this month onlyLimited to only 499 Re-Marked Editions! (CAUT: 2) REGULAR—Lithograph SRP: $19.99 RE-MARKED—Lithograph SRP: $59.99 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE LUNCH BOX What happens when you get the two hottest femme fatales from two hot independent publishers in a one-shot spectacular? You get one of the hottest limited edition collectible combos of all time! And this limited edition lunch box is perfect for showing off both your Chaos! and Top Cow pride! This totally enticing lunch box measures approximately 6 ½" x 8" x 4", and weighs 15 ½ oz. (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $14.99 CHAOS! 6-LUNCH BOX CONFIGURATION 2 This configuration features four Lady Death/Medieval Witchblade lunch boxes, a Purgatori lunch box, and a Chastity lunch box. Plus, as an extra added bonus, you will receive two limited edition Lady Death/Medieval Witchblade Emerald Green Foil Editions! (CAUT: 4) Lunch Boxes $89.94 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE LEGEND OF THE SAGE #1 RED FOIL COVER The Legend of the Sage is the newest creation from Brian Pulido and Chaos! Comics! And Dynamic Forces is joining the party by bringing this limited Ruby Red Edition! (CAUT: 2) FC $12.99 PURGATORI WALL SCROLL A striking image of Purgatori stretched across this cloth wall scroll! Measuring approximately 29 ½" x 40", and printed on cloth, this wall scroll is placed in between two dowels! (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll $19.99 DYNAMIC FORCES DARKCHYLDE REDEMPTION #1 DOUBLE PLEASURE PACK The sold-out first issue to Darkchylde: The Redemption #1 is added to the extremely limited Dynamic Forces cover! With Darkchylde being so hot, this issue is smokin'! And, as an added bonus, you will receive a copy of the standard edition to issue #1! (CAUT: 4) Pack $6.99 DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE #2 DELIGHTFUL PACKAGE This girl is a dream and the series that reintroduced her proves it! The hard to get second issue comes to you, and to make is even more delightful, Dynamic Forces is adding two additional Darkchylde books! Pack $6.99 WITCHBLADE #50 COMMEMORATIVE LIMITED EDITION LUNCH BOX Witchblade fans don't have to wait until Halloween to celebrate with lots of goodies because they're being showered this summer with lots of limited edition collectibles including this unbelievable lunch box! Coinciding with the monumental issue #50, is destined to be a collector's classic! Measures approximately 6 ½" x 8" x 4" and weighs 15 ½ oz. (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $14.99 FATHOM TOTAL TURNER LIMITED EDITION LUNCH BOX Featuring fantastic Mike Turner art on this fabulous Fathom lunch box, you'll be able to display this baby while eating lunch from all sides! This fantastic Fathom lunch box measures approximately 6 ½" x 8" x 4" and weighs 15 ½ oz. (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $14.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE WITCHBLADE MILLENNIUM EDITION CARDS MEGA ANNIVERSARY BONUS The extremely successful Witchblade Millennium trading cards featuring the talents of Mike Turner, Keu Cha, and so many Top Cow artists and friends are available for this final offering! Each box comes with two signed cards by the creators as well as an original hand drawn sketch card in every other box! Limited to 7,000. As a bonus, this special offer will ship with two free boxes of trading non-Dynamic Forces cards to celebrate Witchblade #50! Box PI WITCHBLADE CARD BINDER BONUS PACK The premiere Witchblade limited edition binder with a signed Keu Cha signed card! And, as an added bonus, Dynamic Forces has added in an additional Top Cow comic! Each binder comes with eight pages. Pack $39.99 DYNAMIC FORCES TALES OF THE WITCHBLADE #1/2 GOLD FOIL EDITION This extremely rare #1/2 issue features one of the hottest women in comics! The prelude to Tales of the Witchblade #1/2, this comic has been out of print for years and is now available through Dynamic Forces! FC $19.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE FEAR EFFECT #1 FOIL COVER From Eidos' hot selling video game comes the comic story as told by the writers and artists from Top Cow! Don't miss out on this limited edition one-shot with gold foil enhancement! (CAUT: 2) FC $10.00 DYNAMIC FORCES SHIDIMA #1 FOIL EDITION The first issue of Pat lee's hottest new sensation is complimented with a Dynamic Forces exclusive foil cover! Less than 1,000 around! (CAUT: 2) FC $12.99 STAR OF THE MONTH ALEX ROSS SUPREME STATUE Alan Moore's Supreme as meticulously designed by Alex Ross and exquisitely sculpted by Joe Devito. This awesome statue features not only Supreme, but also his super dog Radar. Measuring almost 8" x 9", with a base measuring approximately 5" x 9", this statue will be the prize jewel in your collection. To top it all off, Alex Ross has taken one of his designs and painted it to create a commemorative print (signed by Ross) to be added in with every statue as a bonus for all of his fans! (STAR12126) Statue $149.95 ***************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A JOE JUSKO'S NICK FURY LITHOGRAPH! Joe Jusko paints Nick Fury! A beautiful "James Bondesqe" montage featuring Nick Fury, Dum Dum, a beautiful S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and some of Fury's greatest enemies from the LMD to Hydra! This lithograph is one of the greatest pieces of artwork that you have ever seen! And wait till you see this art printed on 80LB gallerie art silk paper! Measuring approximately 18" by 24", this lithograph will be an incredible addition to your collection! Lithograph $19.99 *************** JUST IMAGINE… BATMAN #1 SIGNED Signed by Stan Lee and Joe Kubert! Just imagine… Batman introduces Wayne Washington, a black man framed for armed robbery. Consumed with thoughts of revenge against those that framed him, Wayne is freed from prison with a powerful physique and a bold new purpose. While seeking out his enemies, he gains wealth and popularity as a masked wrestler called Batman, attracting the attention of Reverend Darrk, a mysterious villain who will play a role in subsequent Just Imagine… one-shots. Also available as a Signed and Remarked edition with a Batman head sketch! (CAUT: 2) SIGNED $89.99 REMARKED $149.99 PROMETHEA BOOK 2 REMARKED HC Signed by J.H. Williams, Mick Gray, and Jose Villarrubia! Written by Alan Moore, Book 2 follows Sophie Bangs, the latest in a long line of Prometheas, on a winding journey of discovery as she continues to learn the secrets of the Immateria… and herself. Her transcendental adventure brings young Sophie to realms of magic and wonder that none have experienced before. Collecting Promethea issues #7-12, Book 2 contains such fan- favorite stories as "Rocks and Hard Places," where Sophie learns about the Promethea named Bill, and "Sex, Stars, and Serpents," where Sophie learns some… valuable lessons. (CAUT: 4) HC $89.99 NIGHTWING: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 SIGNED Signed by cover artist Jae Lee! The love that blossoms during war is explored as Nightwing and Oracle, searching for answers to an alien mystery, are thrust into a deadly gauntlet through time! Dick and Barbara can't find a moment of rest as everyone from '30s gangsters to cavemen are serving as hitmen for a sinister hidden foe! (CAUT: 2) FC $19.99 SUPERMAN AND LOIS LANE 1960'S DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET SIGNED Signed by Silver Age Julie Schwartz! Based on the classic look of Superman from the Silver Age of comics, DC Direct presents its first action figure of the Man of Steel. This set features figures of both Superman and girl reporter, Lois Lane –– both featuring multiple points of articulation and set on a pegged base. Superman stands approximately 6 ½" tall and comes with two removable capes, two sets of hands, and a chunk of Kryptonite. Lois Lane stands approximately 6" tall and comes with two sets of hands, a cloth skirt, and a removable handbag. The set also includes a 5 ¾" tall American flag that fits into a hole on the display base, and comes packaged in a four-color window box. (CAUT: 4) Set $69.99 STARMAN #80 SIGNED Signed by writer James Robinson! With Jack safely back in Opal City in the present, he must face his greatest challenge yet –– turning his back on the city and Starman lineage for the sake of his young son. Jack says farewell to Opal's colorful cast, as the saga of this Starman comes to a close. But before the end, Jack selects who should take over the cosmic power, and the fate of an O'Dare unfolds. The 48-page finale to one of the most beloved series of the last decade is now available signed by James Robinson! (CAUT: 2) FC, 48pg $19.99 GREEN ARROW #2 SIGNED Signed by artists Phil Hester and Andy Park! The second issues are always harder to find than #1's, and with this issue featuring the return of Ollie Queen, fans will have swiped all existing copies. Here's your chance to get a first printing of one of the hottest books in the country today! Limited to 299. Also available as a Remarked edition with a Green Arrow head sketch. SIGNED (CAUT: 2) $39.99 REMARKED (CAUT: 4) $69.99 EDDIE CAMPBELL COMICS STAR OF THE MONTH FROM HELL TP by Alan Moore This bedtime graphic novel, which is the basis for the major motion picture coming this fall, features the story of Jack the Ripper, the most infamous serial murderer of all time. Alan Moore names Dr. Gull as the villain and creates the most compelling and terrifying psychological study ever undertaken in a comic book. All the conspiracies and cover-ups are considered and bound together in this vortex of terror. (STAR10647) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Australia. MATURE READERS SC $35.00 ******************** EL CAPITAN BOOKS MURDER ME DEAD #7 by David Lapham Out of prison, broken and confused, Steven Russell is obsessed with one thing — finding Tara Torres. Where is she? What has become of her and the money she has taken? The more he learns the more nightmarish the answers appear! Watch a man on the edge of sanity sink further and further into darkness. Finally forced to turn to his greatest enemy for help, is this a search for love and happiness or for cold-blooded revenge? David Lapham will twist your heart till ya just can't take it anymore. MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg (7 of 8) $2.95 STRAY BULLETS VOLUME 3: OTHER PEOPLE HC by David Lapham Other People collects the entire third story arc of David Lapham's critically acclaimed continuing series, Stray Bullets, collecting issues #15-22 the way they were meant to be seen! This larger-than-life hardcover features never-before-seen scripts, character sketches, and other behind-the-scenes extras. Volume 3 weaves together the sick and depraved lives of ordinary Americans. Watch as they follow down the path of sin, crime, and emotional vampirism! With startling realism, these new characters slowly weave their way into the lost lives of an old familiar cast like Virginia Applejack, Beth, Monster, and Amy Racecar. Eisner Award-winner for its beautiful style and design, this hardcover is a perfect introduction for new readers and an absolute must for every true Stray Bullets fan. MATURE READERS HC, 9x12, 264pg, b&w $34.95 EXHIBIT A PRESS SUPERNATURAL LAW #31 by Batton Lash In the Nevada desert, attorneys Alanna Wolff and Jeff Byrd take a gamble as they follow "The Trail of the Trial of the Mummy!" The Counselors of the Macabre represent a pharaoh whose court case began over 2,000 years ago! Plus, a guest artist pin-up, letters page, recommended reading, and more! b&w, 24pg $2.50 FALSE IDOL STUDIOS 7 GUYS OF JUSTICE #10 by Brian Joines, Joshua Rowe, Michael Thomas, & David Elder A new storyline begins as the obligatory "New Nazi" tale kicks into gear. Is the Axis Empire being reborn in Big City? A bottled head and its two accomplices seem to think so. Will the 7 Guys of Justice be able to stop the rise of this new evil empire? And who are the two mysterious heroes waiting in the wings? Will one of them fill the vacancy in the 7 Guys line-up? b&w, 30pg $2.00 FANBOY COMICS FEATHER #1 by Steve Uy Last October, Fanboy ran an online talent contest and discovered up-and-coming artist Steve Uy. Here we see the fruits of Steve's labor, his first comic book, Feather! From the publisher that brought you the hit series Sidekicks, and introduced you to Harvey Award- nominee Takeshi Miyazawa, comes this new fantasy adventure tale! Sehven's father was a dragonslayer who was killed by one of the very beasts he sought to slay. When his brother Clip refuses to fill his father's shoes, Sehv vows to become a great dragonslayer like his dad. However, there are two small problems Sehv must deal with in order to keep his promise. First, no one has seen a dragon in years, so he has to find one to kill, that is, if they even exist anymore. And then there is Leeka, his best friend. Leeka claims she is a dragon, and even has the wings to prove it! But if she is indeed a full-breed dragon as she claims, can Sehv kill his best friend? b&w, 32pg $2.95 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS THE COMICS JOURNAL #236—CREATOR'S RIGHTS ISSUE From time to time, comics creators feel that they have rights. In the first of a special two- issue focus, the Journal looks at past and present struggles between creators and corporations. Featuring, word-for-word, the horrifying, hilarious, depressing, educational trial of Marv Wolfman vs. Marvel Comics. Also, Superman, Skippy and Mickey Mouse: the intellectual properties that launched a thousand legal briefs. The new wave of copyright wars and how they could affect the comics industry. To organize or not to organize? Plus, TCJ continues to provide you with all the hard-hitting news, insightful criticisms, and generally witty commentary that has made them one of the best in the business for almost 25 years! MATURE READERS Magazine, 120pg, b&w $5.95 LOVE AND ROCKETS VOLUME II #3 by Los Bros. Hernandez Marked by TIME Magazine as one of the top 100 innovators to look out for, Los Bros. Hernandez' continue with the alternative series that started it all. This issue, in Gilbert's "Julio's Day," Julio gets a break from the horrors of childhood and focuses on his sister Sofia's horrors: unrequited love, mysterious neighbors, and food poisoning; plus, his baby brother Benjamin is born — will he also live under Julio's unlucky star? In Jaime's new "Maggie" episode, Maggie and the Frog Mouth go sunbathing, and whenever the Frog Mouth's around you never know what's going to happen! Finally, in the latest chapter of Mario and Gilbert's action thriller "Me for the Unknown," Lillard goes for a new identity with mixed results. Deluxe paper, cardstock covers. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $3.95 MEATCAKE #11 by Dame Darcy In Dame Darcy's neo-Victorian world of two-headed beauties, mermaids and deathly adventures, the horrible and shadowy people are the most seductive. Most recently seen in Alan Moore's Tomorrow Stories, Dame Darcy continues to delight us with her wicked sense of play with more Meatcake! This issue, Hindrance and Perfida reclaim their ruby choker stolen by a criminal lady and find Richard's husband in the process, Tommaso Nicolao lends his dark pen to lithely illustrate a tragic ghost story, and fine, delicious recipes from the Latchkey Kids Cookbook. Plus, the beautiful continuation of the watery "Planet Blue" story. Pull the candelabra close and enjoy your copy today! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $3.95 THE NIMROD #6 by Lewis Trondheim The internationally renowned Harvey and Eisner-nominated series returns with a brand- new issue! Picking up where The Nimrod #1 left off, this issue features the further autobiographical adventures of Lewis, told in his inimitable, crisply-delineated anthropomorphic style. In addition to details about Lewis's life as a cartoonist, this issue includes a long flashback to a summer camp-based childhood adventure, drawn in the style of his popular "little kid" stories that appeared in early issues of Measles; here, the recent release of the movie The Exorcist leaves an indelible impression on his young mind. Plus, two more "Fables," including a full-color one on the back cover. b&w, 24pg (Note Price) $3.50 STAR OF THE MONTH SAFE AREA GORAZDE—THIRD PRINTING by Joe Sacco Safe Area Gorazde is the long awaited and highly sought after 240-page look at war in the former Yugoslavia. Sacco spent five months in Bosnia in 1996, immersing himself in the human side of life during wartime, researching stories that are rarely found in conventional news coverage. The book focuses on the Muslim-held enclave of Gorazde, which was besieged by Bosnian Serbs during the war. Sacco lived for a month in Gorazde, entering before the Muslims trapped inside had access to the outside world, electricity or running water. Introduction by Christopher Hitchens, political columnist. (STAR11624) MATURE READERS HC, 7x10, 240pg, b&w $28.95 *************** SCHIZOPHRENIA by Vaughn Bodé The 11th and final volume in Fantagraphics' acclaimed "Bodé Library" focuses on Bodé's introspective, personal stories. Presented in a smaller, more intimate format than earlier volumes, it reprints his long out-of-print early caveman masterpiece "The Man," as well as the autobiographical title strip "Schizophrenia" (in full-color for the first time), plus a wealth of rare and hard-to-find illustrations, strips, and other goodies — including at least a few surprises for even the most hardcore Bodé collector. MATURE READERS RES. from Previews Vol. IX #10 (Oct99) SC, 120pg, PC $14.95 SKIN DEEP HC by Charles Burns Charles Burns is the Harvey Award-winning cartoonist and illustrator whose work became legendary in Art Spiegelman's RAW magazine. Skin Deep is the third volume of a hardcover series of four volumes, reprinting his acclaimed oeuvre up to his current magnum opus, the ongoing Black Hole comic book series. Skin Deep includes Burns' popular character, Dog Boy (a red-blooded, all-American boy with the transplanted heart of a dog), and the classic strip "Dog Days," in which a hash-slinging vixen wags her tail at the fearful hero. The book also collects "Burn Again," which features a strange fella named Bliss Blister, claiming to bring the Word of God, but some fear he brings something evil and profane. In "A Marriage Made in Hell," a young wife's flesh tingled with passion, but the sight of her made her husband's skin crawl. Was the love-knot she tied really a hangman's noose? These tales of doomed romance set a tone for the rest of Skin Deep! In addition to the work collected, Skin Deep features new covers and endpapers, as well as several pages of new illustrations reprinted from Burns' sketchbooks, as well as covers and other illustrations from foreign editions of Burns' work that have never previously appeared in the U.S.! HC, 96pg, b&w $24.95 PENNY CENTURY #1-7 PACK by Jaime Hernandez See what Maggie and Hopey were up to between volumes of Love & Rockets! Jaime Hernandez has received two Harvey awards for this series (Best Artist and Best Single Issue) so far, and is bound to make another showing this time around! MATURE READERS Pack (x7), b&w $20.00 BLACK HOLE #5-8 PACK by Charles Burns One of the most beautiful and creepy comics series ever created! Sex, drugs and teenagers with two mouths make up the dark, dark world of Charles Burns' mind. If you like that tingly feeling you get just after twilight, then Black Hole is for you! This pack contains all issues published by Fantagraphics. MATURE READERS Pack (x4), b&w $17.45 WEASEL #1-3 PACK by Dave Cooper This alternative masterwork delivers a surreal cornucopia of oddly designed tales for all of you (adult) kiddies. With such features as "Ripple" and "Television Program X-32b," there's no doubt Weasel (and its creator, Dave Cooper) will be the comic to compare with all future comics! MATURE READERS Pack (x3) $14.50 STAR OF THE MONTH THE COMPLETE CRUMB COMICS VOLUME 14 SC This is the long-awaited volume of the highly acclaimed (and multiple-award-winning) collected series that delves into what many lovers of Robert Crumb think is the most creatively fertile period of his career to date. Can you say weirdo? (STAR11678) MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 144pg, PC $18.95 ************** FRANK #1-4 PACK by Jim Woodring As all Frank readers know, any attempt to describe the stories contained within the pages of these comics is futile, but it's assured that these rank with the very best ever produced! Get aboard this incipient runaway train of creepily ecstatic cosmic charisma, and prepare yourself for the comic experience of a lifetime! Pack (x4) $14.80 LUBA'S COMICS AND STORIES #1-2 PACK by Gilbert Hernandez Start with two equal portions of Fritz and Petra (Luscious Luba's two lickable sisters), add an issue's worth of the delightful Pipo, and you have the sexiest pack from Gilbert Hernandez since Birdland! MATURE READERS Pack (x2) $7.00 THE STRANGE CASE OF EDWARD GOREY—SECOND PRINTING by AlexanderTheroux This is Alexander Theroux's second monograph for Fantagraphics Books (following The Enigma of Al Capp), on the world-class cartoonist and illustrator whose wide-ranging career spans 50 years and nearly 100 books, as well as books he's illustrated by such authors as Raymond Chandler, Lewis Carroll, and Samuel Beckett. Theroux's essay combines an insightful artistic analysis, a personal reminiscence of the artist he's known for over 25 years, an intimate familiarity with his oeuvre, and an authoritative overview of Gorey's career, written in the author's justly celebrated, delightfully playful and precise prose style. Drawing on exclusive interviews with Gorey over the years, Theroux explores Gorey's artistic impulses, his vast and eclectic interest in popular culture, his acerbic and eccentric opinions on films, literature, and politics, and examines the nooks and crannies of Gorey's career. Above all, Theroux's essay is a loving tribute from a lifelong admirer. (STAR11831) SC, 6x9, 96pg, b&w $7.95 Eros Comix ON YOUR KNEES BOY by Molly Kiely SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 OUTRAGE! #2 by Dementia SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $2.95 SEXY SYMPHONY #3 by F. Solano Lopez SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL FC, 24pg $3.95 SPACE STATION 6969 by Steven Knopenberger SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $3.95 SIN METAL SIRENS by Sandra Chang SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 THE TRAPDOOR SPIDERWOMAN by Roger Wormburper SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 WERE-SLUT #2 by Chiba Jirö SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 COUNTDOWN SPECIAL 6-PACK by Hiroyuki Utatane SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x6) $20.65 OFFERED AGAIN O/A TECOPA JANE by Molly Kiely SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 64pg, b&w $10.95 ************* CRYSTAL BALLS 4-PACK by Steven "Noppie" Noppenberger SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x4), b&w $11.00 STAR OF THE MONTH SHEEDEVA GN by Sandra Chang SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR06234) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 128pg, b&w $16.95 ******************** FUNK-O-TRON BATTLE POPE: MAYHEM #2 by Kirkman, Roberts, & Moore The mayhem continues! HellCorp's assault on our favorite Pope escalates, with all of the major baddies returning, including the Zombie King! Battle Pope and Jesus find themselves surrounded by hordes of demons. Their only means of escape? Kicking butt, of course! During all this carnage, the apartment building Pope lives in is destroyed, leaving Pope and all his neighbors looking for a new permanent residences… and let's just say it's a tad more "Pope-ly." And during all this, Pope and Jesus still find time to cuddle. No, really. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (2 of 2) $2.95 DOUBLE TAKE #1 by Various Featuring two titanic tales presented in blazing full color! "Codename: Mayday" (written and drawn by Jonboy Meyers, inked by Serge LaPointe) details the exploits of WWII British super-spy, May McAllister, a.k.a. Mayday. Join her as she attempts to stop the Third Reich from stealing ancient holy relics to aid them in conquering the world! Plus, "Evil Waise" (written and drawn by Jason Craig, inked by Ricky Chan & his Couch Potatoes) tells the tale of one man's ordeal to create a new future in a ruined world, and make amends for his past in the process. Plagued with horrible visions and hated by all, Justin Waise must find a way to rebuild his life not only for himself, but for all of those around him… but can he even trust himself? MATURE READERS FC, 32pg $2.95 GEMSTONE PUBLISHING THE BIG BIG OVERSTREET PRICE GUIDE VOLUME 31 It's the Overstreet Price Guide Volume 31 in a special limited edition! This 8 ½" x 11" version is limited to 2,000 copies and features stay flat spiral binding, larger print, and room for notes. It contains only the pricing, top ten charts, and selected glossary matter. This version of the Guide is essential for all comic book specialists! Features John K. Snyder III's Fantastic Four #1 re-creation on the front cover and Murphy Anderson's Detective Comics #31 re-creation on the back cover! SC $35.00 STAR OF THE MONTH HAUNT OF FEAR ANNUALS The same 32-page EC comics you've come to know and love, conveniently re-bound into squarebound "EC Annuals!" Each hefty softcover volume contains five complete EC comics— including covers—presented in chronological order. #1 (STAR00834) $8.95 #2 (STAR00961) $9.95 #3 (STAR01835) $10.95 #4 (STAR06873) $12.95 COMPLETE HAUNT OF FEAR SET All 28 issues reprinted in five volumes — another EC hit! (STAR01957 Set (x5) $100.00 HAUNT OF FEAR LIBRARY ALBUMS Now available individually! Each hardcover album reprints classic EC covers in full-color, and the great, gruesome interiors in crystal-clear black-and-white! VOL. 1 (STAR01385) $20.00 VOL. 2 (STAR01386) $20.00 VOL. 3 (STAR01387) $20.00 VOL. 4 (STAR01388) $20.00 VOL. 5 (STAR01389) $20.00 THE LITTLE LULU LIBRARY VOLUME VI HC Marge's Little Lulu transmogrified into one of the all-time great comic book series, thanks to the comic genius of John Stanley! This hardback set is similar to the EC Library in format, and reprints story pages in brilliant, large-size black and white (covers used are in full four color). Extensive editorial and biographical data are sprinkled throughout the volumes. This three volume set is in its own decorative slipcase and include issues 68-87. Set $130.00 ************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE VOLUME #31 by Robert M. Overstreet; Covers by Murphy Anderson & John K. Snyder III Enter a new era of collecting with The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide! The 31st edition offers a choice of covers by Silver Age legend Murphy Anderson (recreating Bob Kane's cover to Detective Comics #31) and John K. Snyder III (recreating Jack Kirby's cover to Fantastic Four #1), along with an amazing assembly of articles about the comics and their creators. In addition to the best-researched pricing in the hobby, you'll find market reports, key sales, in-depth historical information, tips on grading, and the most complete record of comic books from the 1800s to the present. You'll also find features on the 40th anniversary of Marvel's landmark Fantastic Four #1; Wonder Woman's 60th anniversary; profiles of cover artists Murphy Anderson and John K. Snyder III; a look at the phenomenal Platinum Age success of The Brownies; and the work of the hottest creator in comics right now, writer-artist Brian Michael Bendis! This edition also includes an updated directory of fan websites and much more! Since 1970, only one comic book price guide has been dubbed "the Bible" for casual and die-hard collectors alike. While others have come and gone, The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide has become the premiere reference source for the hobby, covering more than a century of comic book history! (CAUT: 4) DETECTIVE COMICS COVER—SC $22.00 DETECTIVE COMICS COVER—HC $30.00 FANTASTIC FOUR COVER—SC $22.00 FANTASTIC FOUR COVER—HC $30.00 ************** STARS OF THE MONTH HAKE'S PRICE GUIDE TO CHARACTER TOYS––THIRD EDITION Presented in a new, larger 8 ½" x 11" format and 928 pages, this book is the definitive visual guide and checklist for character toys! This edition includes more than 10,000 photos, more than 360 unique categories and more than 220 different types of items! It's all in Hake's Price Guide To Character Toys! Toy Story, Uncle Scrooge, Pokémon, Small Soldiers, super-hero resins, Batman, Muhammad Ali, Disneyana, Superman, Spider-Man, Roy Rogers, Buck Rogers, KISS, Mickey Mouse, The Lone Ranger, Puppet Master, Elvis, The Phantom, X-Men, Charlie Chaplin, The Cisco Kid, Donald Duck, Captain Marvel, Laurel & Hardy, Howdy Doody, Planet of the Apes, MAD, Hopalong Cassidy, Captain America, toy guns and more! From the publishers of The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide! (STAR11611) SC, 928pg $35.00 PHOTO-JOURNAL GUIDE TO MARVEL COMICS VOLUMES III: A-J HC Ernie Gerber's fantastic photo-journals are a serious collector's dream come true and they're also the best visual reference available on comics! The Photo-Journal Guide to Marvel Comics Volumes III is a 11" x 14" hardcover book that illustrates the lavish history of Marvel Comics by showing reproductions of each comic book cover in full color! (STAR00178) HC $29.95 ******************* HAMLYN DURHAM RED: SCARLET CANTOS BARGAIN BOOK by Dan Abnett & Mark Harrison The first Durham Red collection to appear in book form, this is sure to delight. It also represents something of a landmark in its use of a bold mixture of painter and computer- assisted art. (CAUT: 4) SC, 96pg $10.99 ABC WARRIORS KHAOS AND HELLBRINGER BARGAIN BOOK 2000 AD's top team of Atomic, Bacterial, Chemical robots star in this graphic novel collection featuring their baptism as agents of Khaos in Kronicles of Khaos! This explosive novel demonstrated the thin line between artificial intelligence, human intelligence, and pure metal madness. (CAUT: 4) SC, 192pg, FC $15.99 HARRIS COMICS DIGITAL VAMPI #1 by Bogart, Haberlin, & Avalon Studios The future is here. And comics will never be the same. Digital Vampi combines the look and feel of Final Fantasy's state of the art 3-D graphics, the like of which has never been seen in comics, with a suspenseful story. Vampi and the reader are immersed in a new and deadly reality where nothing is sure and everything is deadly. 3D art and rendering by Brian Haberlin and Avalon studios from a story by Brian Haberlin and David Bogart. Also available as a limited deluxe edition. REG.––FC, 32pg $2.99 LTD. ED.––FC, 32pg $9.95 VAMPIRELLA LIVES DELUXE HC by Ellis, Conner, & Palmiotti The series that redefined Vampirella as a modern horror icon is beautifully re-presented in this deluxe hardcover format. Warren Ellis' visionary work on Vampirella Lives set the stage for the current Vampirella series and has only been available on the back-issue market. This hardcover features a new cover and art by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti, and includes a new lithograph plate by Amanda Conner. Contains Vampirella Lives #1-3 written by Warren Ellis and artwork by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti. Featuring a new explosive cover by Conner! (CAUT: 4) FC, 80pg $19.95 VAMPI: TAINTED LOVE COMIC-SIZED ASHCAN by Conway & Lau Vampi returns in a new story arc with issue #10 in August, titled Tainted Love. Written by David Conway with artwork by Kevin Lau, this full-size comic will preview pages and sketches from the series. Limited to only 1,500 copies! b&w, 16pg $5.95 VAMPIRELLA FAN CLUB 2001 All new goodies for this year's Vampirella fan club kit! Includes the exclusive Vampirella Sketchbook filled with never before seen artwork by Mike Mayhew. In addition, it includes an all-new 11 x 17 poster, a randomly inserted exclusive holo-metal trading card, an all-new limited edition Vampirella Giant-Sized Ashcan, four quarterly fan club newsletters, and registration certificate and membership card. The Deluxe Fan Club Package includes all items above and as a special bonus the Vampirella Sketchbook is signed by Mike Mayhew! REG. $24.95 DLX. (CAUT: 2) $39.95 CYBERFROG: AMPHIBIONIX 2001 by Van Sciver CyberFrog is back in an all-new adventure! Art and story by CyberFrog creator Ethan Van Sciver (Impulse). b&w, 24pg $2.99 HEAVY METAL PROHIBITED II HC With Prohibited II, Luis Royo brings us his boldest images, his most sensual representations, his most explicit pictures. One of the most praised illustrators of the time, Royo opens the door to a world where everything is impregnated with eroticism, a place where there are no rules. Prohibited II includes the latest work by Royo, drawn specifically for this book and also includes an erotic tale written by the author, and comes shrink-wrapped, and with bonus postcards. Prohibited II is the second volume in a trilogy. MATURE READERS HC, 48pg, FC $14.95 HUMANOIDS PUBLISHING THE METABARONS #14 by Alexandro Jodorowsky & Juan Gimenez The Metabaron Steelhead returns as a war is erupting on the planet Philodendra, but what sacrifice has he made in order to join the fray? Steelhead's plot to achieve victory brings armies from across the galaxy down on him and his wife's people. If the gambit pays off, will Steelhead be able to overcome the tragedy that is the fate of the Metabaron Clan? Is this finally where the warrior's bloodline comes to an end? FC, 32pg $2.95 THE TOWN THAT DIDN'T EXIST HC by Pierre Christin & Enki Bilal A new album from the creator of The Nikopol Trilogy, Enki Bilal, and his collaborator on The Hunting Party and The Black Order Brigade, Pierre Christin. The town of Jadencourt has fallen on hard times. The people are poor, the workers at the factory are on strike, and the aristocrat who was keeping the factory open has passed away. Just when things seem like they can't get any worse, it is revealed that the factory has been left in the care of the aristocrat's estranged granddaughter. When the granddaughter tells the townspeople of her vision for their future, it is something that they never would have thought possible… (CAUT: 2) HC, 8x11, 56pg, FC $14.95 THE INCAL ART PRINT SET by Moebius, Janjetov, & Ladronn This beautiful set of four prints is comprised of work by the incredible artists that have made The Incal one of the best-selling science fiction epics of all time. There are two pieces by the legendary Moebius, one by Incal penciller Zoran Janjetov, and one by current Incal cover artist Ladronn. Each of these prints measures approximately 11" x 17" and are all suitable for framing! The series is sequentially numbered and limited to 500 sets. (CAUT: 2) Set (x4), 11x17, FC $16.95 STAR OF THE MONTH FROM CLOUD 99 #1: MEMORIES HC by Yslaire The first volume of this three-part series tells the story of Eva Stern, a 98-year-old psychoanalyst, who receives strange anonymous e-mails. It features a series of altered photographs that seem to have no apparent link except for the fact that they depict tragic events of the 20th century and the almost obsessive representation of flying beings. As the months pass, the messages begin to have more and more to do with Eva's own past... a past that symbolizes the complex aspirations of a humanity ever more in search of itself. A spellbinding journey through the 20th century by one of the best-selling authors in Europe. (STAR11798) HC, 8x11, 64pg, FC $14.95 ************************ I BOX PUBLISHING THIEVES & KINGS #36 by Mark Oakley It's winter time in Oceansend, and Heath, Rubel and Kim have been forced to live in the streets! Dodging the forces of the dread pirate Black Casper and the vile machinations and ever growing power of the dark witch Locumire, this, the first episode of the fifth story arc of Thieves & Kings, launches the tale into unexpected directions. Set within the Dickensian alleys and canals of the old city, the three friends must depend on their wits and upon one another in order to survive amidst that cast of new and dangerous characters populating the gritty underside of Oceansend. RES. from Previews Vol. XI #3 (Mar01) b&w, 24pg $2.50 IDEA & FANTASY WORKS UNO FANTA: THE ART ASHLEY WOOD HC by Ashley Wood Ashley Woods has become on of the industry's most acclaimed artists. For the first time ever, his work is featured in an art book of his own. Wood's unique blend of traditional and computer illustration has lad him to work on a variety of projects with clients as diverse as recording artist Ice T, DreamWorks, Random House, Warner Brothers, and TSR. His work can currently be seen in the monthly pages of Hellspawn. Filled with never-before-seen art, this full-color, 8 ½" x 11" hardcover book features work from Wood's upcoming projects and many examples of this striking illustrations of women. This is a must-have for the library of anyone who loves art. HC, 96pg, FC $29.99 ILLUSTRATION STUDIO WORON'S WORLDS #1––REVISED EDITION This comic begins the collection of Steve Woron's best artwork beginning in 1987. Aside from compiling this female fantasy artist's most acclaimed Betty Page, barbarian, and romantic fantasy pieces, it will feature this next installment of an updated Woron checklist. Also featured is Part 1 of Grunge Bunny, a product of animal testing gone wild. Woron's Worlds #1 is available with two different covers: the Tame, all-ages cover featuring "Tropical Temptress," and the Adult cover, featuring "Fatal Promises." Both contain a new unique Guest Artist Gallery of three additional pages! NOTE: The Adult version is not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. MATURE READERS TAME COVER $3.25 ADULT COVER (CAUT: 3) $3.25 INSIGHT STUDIOS GROUP GRAY MORROW: VISIONARY HC Gray Morrow is one of the Grand Masters of fantastic illustration. Beginning with his early science fiction cover paintings for pulps, digests and paperback books, he set a new higher standard for detail, technique, and design. His designs and posters for motion pictures were often more exciting than the films they promoted, and with an incredible run of over 100 cover paintings, he helped to define our vision of the sci-fi heroes. Gray Morrow: Visionary presents a huge sampling of his very best paintings, illustrations, comics and personal works in a high-quality art book. This book brims with color and even includes a complete Buck Rogers story, fully painted by Gray! With foil-stamped covers, fine color reproduction, and sewn binding, this is an art book that you need to own! Also available as a Deluxe Edition, which includes a special color bookmark and an added color plate, signed by the artist. It also features a distinctive embossed seal and is numbered in a limited run of 400 copies. (CAUT: 2) REG.––HC, 9x12, 96pg, PC $29.95 DLX.––HC, 9x12, 96pg, PC $49.95 LIBERTY MEADOWS #21 by Frank Cho Liberty Meadows keeps the cat fights on the inside of the issue the most requested Liberty Meadows story of all time begins: "Evil Brandy!" Don't you dare be left out on the wacky excitement as Ralph, the midget circus bear, works to develop a better toilet seat! This psychologically-impaired animal is about to stumble upon a doorway between his world and that over-used Trek dimension, the Mirror Universe! You wanted more Brandy? Well, now get set for confusion as you are forced to read page after page covered in drawings of two Brandys! And two Franks! And, there's the new, cat-fight- free, cover by Frank Cho? How about the comments by Frank Cho? How about the first- ever presentation of the uncensored versions of these strips? Just image what the world's newspapers don't want you to see! It's all included in the strips that originally ran from November 14th, 1999 through January 2nd, 2000! b&w, 32pg $2.95 IRONCAT THE VAMPIRE DAHLIA #3 From the creator of Vampire Miyu comes this tale of Dahlia the Vampire! Everyone is leery of the new students in school because of the tragic incidents at their previous schools, so they become closer with each other. When another girl sees them together, she spreads rumors all over school. Unfortunately, she is going to learn the hard way that it's not polite to gossip... MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (3 of 6) $2.95 FUTABA-KUN CHANGE! VOLUME 6 #6 It seems all is not well between Misaki and Futaba. After discovering Futaba-kun's gender-bending secret, Misaki's faith and trust in both male and female Futabas was shattered. Now many past oddities (such as Misaki's own gender mix-up) fall into place as she drowns her sorrows with Negiri, trying to reconcile her bruised heart and her continued feelings for Futaba. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 VAMPIRE YUI VOLUME 2 #6 Yui gets sick and faints when she finds out that another vampire victim has been discovered. While in the infirmary, she meets boy who introduces her to a new student. This new guy seems strangely familiar to her and something about him is both charming and unsettling. When the other boy becomes the next victim, the new student's true colors are shown. b&w, 32pg $2.95 Sexy Fruit OGENKI CLINIC VOLUME 7 #7 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.95 JAY COMPANY RISING STARS PREVIEW BOOK 1999 MEGA CON GOLD FOIL EDITION by J. Michael Straczynski & Keu Cha Sci-fi legend, J. Michael Straczynski, debuted his comic vision Rising Stars at the Florida Mega Con in 1999 with this exclusive Gold Foil Prelude edition. The only way to get this rarity was to attend the show –– until now! The original, complete and lettered story is the premium collectible in one of the nest comic series of the new millennium. FC, 22pg MSRP: $14.95 MAGDALENA VS. ANGELUS WIZARD #1/2 FOIL EDITION by Marcia Chen & Brain Ching One of the most rare Top Cow books of all time, this extremely limited mail-in offer is now available through Previews! This scarce edition pits the two bad girls of Image in fierce battle, setting the stage for future confrontations in the Top Cow Universe. Available with the alternate Gold Foil cover by Brian Ching. FC, 22pg MSRP: $19.95 ULTIMATE CHURCHILL COLLECTOR'S SET by Jeph Loeb & Ian Churchill The Ultimate Churchill Collector's Set features the now classic run of his first creation, The Coven. With Ian Churchill's rise to fame with the Uncanny X-Men, fans can see why Churchill is the top of the fame with his sexy renditions of the Coven girls and action series. These issues also feature chilling stories by Wizard Top Ten writer Jeph Loeb (Superman). This special set of four comics comes with all three variant covers of the very first Coven series, with a special bonus book of the Coven: Black & White special signed by Ian Churchill! FC, 22pg MSRP: $24.95 KENZER & COMPANY DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: IN THE SHADOW OF DRAGONS #3 by Walpole, Brase, Fidler, & Plemmons "Through the Darkness of Anasteo"—As the travelers make their way towards the Caverns of Anasteo, Lucien receives a secret order regarding his companion Kiernan. Will a hero fall to a surprise ambush within the caverns? And will the attacker be their worst enemy, their closest friend, or an unstoppable monster? Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger cloaked in white awaits the arrival of Rel Astra's heroes with unclear intentions. Don't miss the newest issue of this fantastic series! Bi-monthly. FC, 32pg (3 of 8) $2.95 KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE #57 "The Scrying Game"—Knights of the Dinner Table is the longest running comic book on the subject of games and gamers. The principal characters — B.A., Brian, Bob, Dave, Sara and the dastardly Black Hands — play numerous characters in their role-playing games. But their essential characteristics and hilarious interactions always shine through whatever roles they're playing. In addition to the comics, KoDT features articles geared to a gamer's perspective. A fantastic and hilarious slice of (fantasy) life in strips. b&w, 32pg $2.95 KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE: HACKMASTERS #8 by Vega & Various Two EverKnights are dead. Sturm Pyre has a termite infestation. Kevlar, Steve, Stubby and the Priestess are in the dark clutches of the renegade HackMaster, Poadrus. Skraag Fallow is really pissed off. Join the fray this July as the "Hack" hits the fan, pitting brother against brother in a knockdown, drag-out, no-holds-barred, rock'em sock'em rumble that will change the face of the HackMasters of EverKnight forever! Well, at least someone's face will get rearranged! Be there as the body count rises and another EverKnight bites the big one in "Death in the Family!" b&w, 32pg $2.95 KITCHEN SINK PRESS OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE SPIRIT: THE NEW ADVENTURES by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Cover by Dave Gibbons. Will Eisner's beloved classic character, The Spirit, returns in a full-color! The series features stories by the finest contemporary artists and writers, each with a unique take on the seminal work of comics' master storyteller. In different stories that explore the shadowy origin of the Spirit from distinctly unique viewpoints, Moore and Gibbons ask the questions "Who is the Spirit? Where did he come from? And how the heck does he keep the streets of Central City free of crime with just his two fists and a flimsy blue mask?" #1––FC, 32pg $3.50 #2––FC, 32pg $3.50 #3––FC, 32pg $3.50 #4––FC, 32pg $3.50 #5––FC, 32pg $3.50 #7––FC, 32pg $3.50 ******************* LAST GASP, INC. OFFERED AGAIN O/A DISCIPLINE VOLUME 1—NEW PRINTING by Xavier Duvet SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR07971) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 48pg, FC $12.95 O/A DISCIPLINE VOLUME 2 by Xavier Duvet SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 48pg, FC $12.95 **************** LIGHTSPEED PRESS FINDER #23 by Carla Speed McNeil Magri White has a whole world in his head. It's what he's been raised to do ever since he exhibited a talent for it. As far as he's concerned, he isn't a person, he's a place. A place where thousands of people throng to visit and explore via virtual reality. What's Magri to do when he finds out that the "house" he's spent his whole life building is haunted by something he didn't put there? Inside his very expensive piece of psychic real estate is a ravening monster bent on its total destruction. Very odd haunted-head story with dream sequence. b&w, 24pg $2.95 LINSNER.COM DAWN: PIN-UP GODDESS by Joseph Michael Linsner Thirty-two pages of Linsner doing what he does best — Dawn! The Horned God, Darrian Ashoka, and the entire cast of colorful characters come to life in over two dozen brand- new, cover-quality paintings exploring and illuminating Dawn's world. Part classic cheesecake, part mystic journey, the spirits of Alberto Vargas and Joseph Campbell come together in this Linsner-created artistic manifesto! The fans have been asking for this book for over 11 years, and now they're finally gonna get everything they've been dreaming of… and much more! More than a pin-up book, more than a comic book — it's a complete cosmic rebirth experience! FC, 32pg $2.95 LONE STAR PRESS STRANGE HEROES #3 by Bill Willingham, Derec Aucoin, Bobby Diaz, & Sam de la Rosa In Spellbinder, Tommy Bowen has brought the captured baby grendel that was terrorizing Town Lake home with him. Now he has to get rid of it. But first, her has to survive a dinner date. In Otherland, Maria Arevalo and her rescuer, Richard Trent, called Tankaura by the natives, are stuck in the temple of the dragon, and they're both in big, big trouble. b&w, 24pg $2.95 MEATHAUS COMICS MEATHAUS #4 by Metaphrog Continuing with the new popular format, the New York City crew of cartoonists brings you the newest installment of illustrated debauchery and meat madness. Contributions include 200 Xeric Grant recipient Farel Dalrymple (Pop Gun War) and award-winning illustrator Tomer Hanuka (Bipolar). Cover by Theo Edmands. b&w, 48pg (4 of 12) (Note Price) $3.50 MID-WEST COMIC COMPANY APHRODITE IX #2 ALTERNATE BLUE FOIL COVER David Finch's incredible exclusive Mid-West Comic Co. alternate cover to Aphrodite IX #2 with a royal blue foil stamped logo. Limited to 1,000, comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. Comes bagged and boarded. SC SRP: $15.99 FATHOM: KILLIAN'S TIDE #1 MEGACON 2000 EXCLUSIVE EDITION If you didn't make it to Florida last year for the 2000 MegaCon, then you probably missed out on this edition. This convention exclusive edition was limited to just 1,000 copies. Each issue features a holofoil stamped logo and convention exclusive symbol. Comes bagged and boarded. SC SRP: $19.99 FATHOM: KILLIAN'S TIDE #1 TURNER COVER CALDWELL SIGNED AND NUMBERED EDITION Can't make it to conventions? Never off work to meet your favorite creators at the local stores? Are you trying to get your favorite creators' signatures and just can't? Well, your search is over for fan-favorite Talent Caldwell's signature. Talent has exclusively signed 200 copies of the one for 25 Michael Turner incentive cover to Fathom: Killian's Tide #1. Each copy is signed and numbered, and includes a numbered Certificate of Authenticity. Comes bagged and boarded. SC SRP: $19.99 NO HONOR #1 TURNER GOLD FOIL ALTERNATE COVER EDITION The hot first issue of Top Cow's new hit series with an alternate cover limited to 4,500 copies. Featuring a beautiful cover by Michael Turner (Fathom) with colors by Peter Steigwald. Each issue has a gold prismatic foil stamped No Honor logo. Comes bagged and boarded. SC SRP: $9.99 OBERGEIST RAGNAROK HIGHWAY PREVIEW MEGACON 2000 EXCLUSIVE GOLD FOIL EDITION Top Cow Productions made available at MegaCon 2000 this limited edition convention preview. Each convention exclusive preview was limited to just 1,000 copies with a gold foil logo and convention exclusive symbol. Each preview features artwork and story concepts for the hit series by Dan Jolley and Tony Harris. Comes bagged and boarded. SC SRP: $10.99 TOMB RAIDER #11 MID-WEST ALTERNATE GOLD FOIL EDITION Mid-West Comic Co. exclusive cover by Billy Tan with a gold foil stamped logo. Limited to just 1,000 foil stamped editions. The Mid-West exclusive covers to issues #11 and #12 fit together to form one giant image of Tomb Raider packing some big guns and getting ready to do battle. With only 1,000 foil editions, these bad boys won't last long. Includes a Certificate of Authenticity. Comes bagged and boarded. SC MSRP: $15.99 TOMB RAIDER #12 MID-WEST EXCLUSIVE VARIANT COVER With the Tomb Raider movie coming out June 15, everything related to Tomb Raider is hot! The Mid-West Comic Co. exclusive Tomb Raider #12 is no exception. This limited edition exclusive is limited to only 2,500 copies. Top Cow superstar Billy Tan has worked you this awesome alternate cover. What's unique about this alternate cover is that not only does it make one beautiful stand alone alternate cover, but it fits with issue #11 to create one giant super-sized image of this hot video game character turned movie superstar. Comes bagged and boarded. SC MSRP: $9.99 WITCHBLADE #1/2 AND #1/2 VARIANT GOLD FOIL COVER SET Sara Pezzini is a New York City homicide detective and bearer of the powerful and mysterious weapon known as the Witchblade. Ian Nottingham is an assassin in the employ of the villainous Kenneth Irons. Irons' obsession with the Witchblade has led to numerous encounters between Sara and Nottingham, leaving Ian with a supernatural attraction and control over the Witchblade, and some may say, over Sara as well. Thus begins the saga! Each Witchblade #1/2 set includes the alternate #1/2 cover that was originally only available as a retailer ordering incentive until now, and the regular #1/2 edition. Featuring story by David Whol and art by Brian Ching. Set (x2) MSRP: $19.99 MONKEYSUIT PRESS MONKEYSUIT VOLUME 3: VIVA LA MONKEYSUIT by Various The Monkeysuit comics revolution continues to gain momentum with Viva La Monkeysuit, the third volume in this critically-acclaimed anthology series by New York's premiere animators and underground comics creators. At a whopping 176 pages, Viva La Monkeysuit is packed to bursting with 18 diverse, entertaining, and totally brand-new stories, featuring the work of Mo Willems (Cartoon Network's Sheep in the Big City), Chris McCulloch (Fox's The Tick), Prentis Rollins (JLA, Batman: The Ultimate Evil) and 16 other new and familiar artists that are sure to persuade you to join the Monkeysuit Revolution! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Germany. MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 176pg, b&w $11.95 NBM BONEYARD #3 by Richard Moore The Mayor and the townsfolk whisk Paris off to a celebration in his honor, where he learns that the Mayor has jumped the gun and given the wrecking crew the go-ahead to start leveling the cemetery without Paris' authorization. Joined by Edgar the raven, who's come to tell him that the 'dozers are rolling, Paris races to put a stop to things before it's too late! Also, the true force behind the drive to level the cemetery is revealed... and it's worse than Paris — or anyone else — ever would have imagined! MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A BONEYARD #1 AND #2 Michael Paris inherits what turns out to be a cemetery putting a curse on its little town. The townspeople want it razed. Michael, after meeting its monstrous but quirky and ultimately likable denizens, may not be so sure... The buzz on this new series has been mounting! b&w, 24pg $2.95Ea. ***************** CITIES OF THE FANTASTIC: BRUSEL by Schuiten & Peeters Finally, a new title in the obscure and mysterious Cities of the Fantastic series (Great Walls of Samaris, Fever in Urbicand, The Tower). Mr. Abeels runs a flower shop about to enter modernity: imagine, through the miracle of plastics, flowers that never fade! His novelty is snatched up by the ambitious city planners of an all-new Brusel. No more lack of hygiene! No more dusty old buildings! All is razed and enormous new skyscrapers are erected at blistering speed! Never mind the disruptions and uprooting of people's lives! Who needs to preserve and live in history? Hurrah for modernity! Abeels falls in love with a renegade woman who fights the extensive redesigns and ends up having to play both sides carefully... Another retro, sci-fi city in the large inter-connected firmament created by Schuiten & Peeters, full of classic European elements a la Jules Verne, including amusingly idiosyncratic bureaucracies. This world has been so successful in Europe as to elicit a life-size roving exhibition recreating it, even metro stations in Paris and Brussels designed after it! HC, 9x12, 120pg, FC $19.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A CITIES OF THE FANTASTIC: THE GREAT WALLS OF SAMARIS TP A world that is not what it seems... SC, 9x12, 48pg, FC $9.95 O/A CITIES OF THE FANTASTIC: FEVER IN URBICAND TP Eugen Robick designs the perfect city until a foreign element invades, a grid of beams which grows to gigantic proportions, throwing all well-laid plans into disarray but somehow making everyone realize the error of their ways... SC, 9x12, 96pg, b&w $12.95 O/A CITIES OF THE FANTASTIC: THE TOWER TP Giovanni Battista has dutifully kept up his portion of an immense Babel-like tower. Isolated for some time without contact, he senses something wrong and descends back to his civilization and human contact only to find the idiotic and self-aggrandizing bureaucracy that built the Tower then abandoned it before it was finished. An ironic parable for the ambitions of man. (STAR06470) SC, 9x12, 112pg, PC $14.95 **************** Eurotica CASA HOWHARD VOLUME 1 SC by Baldazzini SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL SC, 64pg, b&w $10.95 STAR OF THE MONTH HORNY TAILS by Richard Moore SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR12964) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 96pg, b&w $12.95 ***************** NEW ENGLAND COMICS THE TICK COLOR #4 by Silvia, Kazybrid, & Shima The climactic conclusion of the three-issue story arc, "Rocket Men from the Moon!" Crazy Blue Rocket's former sidekick, Johnny Wingless (formerly thought dead, too) has gone over to the evil side! From his secret rocket base on the Moon he launches wave after wave of massive explosive missiles to destroy The City. Can The Tick, Arthur and their super-hero teammates prevent the end of "life as they like it" on Earth!? Find out by reading the senses-shattering finale in The Tick Color #4! The Tick's universe has been forever changed by the most awesome force in comics: the power of full color! FC $3.95 THE TICK'S INCREDIBLE INTERNET COMIC #1 by Gabe Crate Born on the Internet, but now brought to readers in glorious color on the printed page, The Tick's Incredible Internet Comic #1 offers two excellent all-new full-color adventures of The Tick with heavy focus on his sidekick, Arthur! In the opening tale, The Tick celebrates Arthur's birthday by shopping for a present. But unbeknownst to The Tick, the store he visits is secretly owned and operated by his archnemesis Toy De Force, nefarious vendor of murderous playthings! In the main story, The Tick and Arthur are having company over for dinner: Arthur's "other" sister Alice and her husband, Errol. Errol just happens to be a millionaire –– not to mention a self-styled super-villain! Does Arthur get along with his brother-in-law? Well, when The Tick asked this question, Arthur answered in terms The Tick could understand: "Tick, the Slot Jockey of Doom is my arch-enemy!" Having an arch-enemy in the family can only happen in the world of The Tick! SC $3.95 IN-COUNTRY VIETNAM #5 by Rick Ledwell A Marine sniper team has been inserted into territory held by the North Vietnamese Army. They set up shop on a hilltop overlooking a stream that the NVA uses to infiltrate into the South. Unknown to the Marines, the area around them is infested with the enemy. As soon as they start shooting, Communist forces descend upon them. Read this exciting story of evasion and escape in the thick steaming jungles of Vietnam! SC $3.50 WAFFEN-SS #5 by Rick Ledwell Operation Citadel: The Real Turning Point of WW2––It was to be the most perfect operation ever mounted by the German Wehrmacht. They assembled their elite battle- hardened divisions and equipped them with the most advanced tanks and guns. Two- thirds of the Luftwaffe's entire available airpower was enlisted in support. Hitler was so certain that "Operation Citadel" would succeed that his order for the operation ended with "Victory at Kursk will be a beacon for the whole world!" Unfortunately for the Fuhrer and his hard-pressed soldiers, events turned out quite differently. Rudolf Rosser and his "Lucy" ring of spies operating out of Switzerland, assisted by high-level "moles" in the German High Command, had been supplying Moscow with invaluable intelligence. This information was so "hot" that Stalin's generals were reading Wehrmacht operational orders sometimes even before they reached German commanders. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Germany. SC $3.50 NI-COLA PRODUCTIONS CAPTAIN COSMOS: THE LAST STARVEYER GN by Nicola Cuti & Joe Staton Lost in Transit: Retro space hero, Nick Cosmos, returns home just in time to witness a horrifying teleport accident that sends his little daughter hurtling through space! With no more than a jumbled signal to follow, he rockets through the void for a rendezvous he could never have predicted. Also collected from issues Captain Cosmos #0 and #1: "Never Leave Me" and "The Beast from Hyperspace!" Plus, informative, photo-filled articles on classic 1950s TV space shows! Square bound, with a heavy cardstock cover. SC, 7x10, 88pg, b&w $9.95 NICKELODEON RUGRATS COMIC ADVENTURES VOLUME 3 #4 Nickelodeon's too-cool toddlers return in their latest issue featuring games, puzzles, and an all-new Rugrats adventures! Magazine format. FC, 32pg $2.95 ONI PRESS NOCTURNALS: THE DARK FOREVER #1 by Dan Brereton It's been a long time coming, but Dan Brereton's spook-arific heroes have assembled for a brand-new, feature-length adventure! Following the events of the acclaimed Black Planet mini-series, the Nocturnals have disbanded into the twilight in pursuit of various personal quests. Now, under the eye of a new and ominous constellation in the night sky, they find themselves drawn back to Pacific City as an ancient menace rises from the ocean's depths threatening to claim the town and its citizens! The team must now find their old groove and reunite to prevent a disaster that makes "biblical proportions" seem small. Doc Horror, Starfish, The Firelion, Polychrome, Raccoon, Gunwitch, Halloween Girl — they're all here. But will this new calamity be too big for even the mighty Nocturnals to handle? A pioneering painter and innovative comics creator, Dan Brereton (Giantkiller, JLA: Seven Caskets) brings you Nocturnals: The Dark Forever in living, painted color. This is the comic fans have been waiting for! FC, 32pg (1 of 3) $2.95 BREAKFAST AFTER NOON TP by Andi Watson Rob Grafton and Louise Bright are in love and engaged to be married. When they unexpectedly find themselves unemployed, marriage plans are derailed as they suddenly have to rethink the direction of their lives. While Louise turns to school, Rob maintains a staunch desire to regain his old job, but when the plant itself is closed down and hope is lost, Rob's depression not only keeps him from finding another job, but ends up repelling Louise, as well. Set in contemporary England, Breakfast After Noon is a unique comic book treat, choosing to focus on the twists and turns of real life rather than convoluted plots or the smoke-and-mirrors of the fantastic. From Andi Watson, the Eisner-nominated creator of Geisha and Skeleton Key, comes the most involving comics experience to hit the shelves in years. MATURE READERS SC, 6x9, 200pg, b&w $19.95 JINGLE BELLE: THE MIGHTY ELVES ONE-SHOT by Paul Dini & J. Bone Santa's daughter is back, and she's making the best of her summer vacation. She's joining the North Pole Hockey League as part of the team her daddy sponsors — The Elves! Of course, she's none-too-happy about it! The Elves are the worst team in the league, and she's only doing it as part of her therapy, to work out her aggression and angst. The kicker comes, though, when Jing discovers she's actually pretty good at it, and starts targeting the best players from the opposing teams like a deadly ice-assassin! Jingle Belle: The Mighty Elves is the latest story from Paul Dini, the talented writer behind Batman: The Animated Series and Shazam: Power Of Hope. Joining him this time around is J. Bone of Solar Stella and Alison Dare fame! Consider this your second Christmas! b&w, 32pg $2.95 BLUE MONDAY: ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS #4 by Chynna Clugston-Major The final issue of the second series! Nominated for two Harvey awards, Chynna Clugston-Major is indie comics' brightest hope, and Blue Monday the series IS too cool to be certified! Bleu thought that she'd overcome the humiliation of being the Traci Lords of her high school by taking advantage of Alan's crush and stealing back the illicit videotape of her bathing… but things haven't been going right. The giant, talking Otter spirit that has been following her around like some deranged version of a Jimmy Stewart movie has made her think that maybe she's going crazy, and when the dang thing follows her out on her and Alan's date to a Marilyn Monroe film fest, it all starts to go downhill. Which is all too good of news for Victor, who is waiting in the wings for when Alan screws up. See the conclusion of the latest story arc in comics' most hilarious teen comedy, Blue Monday. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (4 of 4) $2.95 QUEEN & COUNTRY #3 by Greg Rucka & Steve Rolston There is a bounty on Tara Chace's head that has already led to one open attack in broad daylight. MI5 realizes the only way to neutralize this threat is to lure her enemies out from hiding, and this means using Tara as bait. But how can Tara and the other Minders do this without turning London into a battleground, or without violating MI5 orders not to use guns? After all, you can't take knives to the OK Corral and not get your head blown off! An all-new tale of espionage and adventure from Greg Rucka, the award- winning writer of Whiteout and Detective Comics, with art by newest kid on the block, Steve Rolston and covers by Tim (Daredevil: Yellow) Sale and Matthew (Preacher) Hollingsworth. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH NOCTURNALS: BLACK PLANET by Dan Brereton You interested in the new Nocturnals series? You ever read the original story? No? Well, why not order all of it at once? This classic trade paperback collects the groundbreaking six-issue series published by Malibu Comics. Meet Doc Horror, Halloween Girl, Gunwitch, Firelion, Starfish, and the rest, as they battle gangsters, evil aliens, and the government that wants to destroy them. This fully painted story features brand-new pages, pin-ups, and an extensive gallery of Dan Brereton's sketchbook. (STAR08600) SC, 7x10, 184pg, FC $19.95 ****************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A NOCTURNALS: TROLL BRIDGE by Dan Brereton & Various Halloween Girl loves the holiday that inspired her name. She loves trick-or-treating, and most of all, she loves candy. But when she takes Halloween too far, searching for treats in the most remote home she can find, only tricks await! The Devil's Lantern takes her beyond the Troll Bridge, a dimensional portal to who-knows-where. It's up to Doc Horror and his Nocturnals to track Eve down and bring her back home, but her trail could lead through any number of spooky, infinite worlds, with untold dangers, wonders, and ugly creeps waiting to greet them at every stop! Written by Nocturnals creator Dan Brereton, this special one-shot adventure is illustrated by twelve different artists: Arthur Adams, Joyce Chin, Stan Sakai, Stephen DeStefano, Jay Stephens, Adam Warren, Eric Jones, John Heebink, Kieron Dwyer, Ted Naifeh, Jill Thompson, and Bruce Timm. It features cameos by some of those artists' best known characters, including Usagi Yojimbo, Jingle Belle, Li'l Gloomy, and the world of Scary Godmother! All tied up tight in a new, painted cover by Brereton and presented in glorious black, white, and orange! b&w, 48pg $4.95 O/A QUEEN & COUNTRY #1—CURRENT PRINTING by Greg Rucka & Steve Rolston Here it is! A brand-new, ongoing bimonthly series from Greg Rucka, the writer of Detective Comics and Eisner-winning creator of Whiteout. Tara Chace goes by many names. You know her as Lily Sharpe, the cool as ice British spy from the pages of Whiteout, but the guys on the other end of her rifle don't know her at all until it's too late. Tara is in Kosovo to take out several key political figures. She has no back-up and no aid, and once the assassination is complete, she's on her own to get out of the hotbed she's in the dead center of. Queen & Country is the new espionage comic from Greg Rucka, illustrated by Steve Rolston with covers by Tim Sale. MATURE READERS B&w, 32pg $2.95 O/A SOULWIND V: THE AUGUST ONES by Scott Morse Soulwind is an epic adventure spanning time, space, and all realms of the imagination. In the final chapter of the series, never before published, the legend draws to a close. Vol. V picks up in the spring of 2001, and the elderly Sophie has come to terms with the fact that her days are near an end. Taking hold of a destiny she's lived in denial of since her youth, she buys tickets for a trip to the Far East…a trip she'll be accompanied on by two very old friends. It's the last leg of their journey…and the stunning destiny of The August Ones. Finally, the conclusion for which the fans have been waiting! By Scott Morse, the Eisner-nominated creator of Volcanic Revolver and Smack Dab. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $8.50 O/A BLUE MONDAY: ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS #2 by Chynna Clugston-Major It's ska, lies, and videotape! Alan and Victor have made an illicit video of Bleu in the bath, and now it's made her the talk of the school. To send things further askew, as Clover and Bleu seek revenge on the pair of hormonal half-wits, Alan discovers blooming feelings for the blue-haired one. But can she ever trust him after this betrayal? And will Erin be able to capitalize on all the shenanigans to serve her own goals? Find out in the second issue of the second series of the greatest new comic of the 21st Century, Blue Monday! Created by Russ Manning Award nominee, Chynna Clugston-Major! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (2 of 4) $2.95 O/A THE MARQUIS: DANSE MACABRE #5 by Guy Davis The final issue! Vol De Galle is dragged into Hell by the Misere, but instead of damnation he finds terrifying answers to himself and his growing insanity. After hunting the escaped souls of Hell, the Marquis has now descended into their world, but will he find his way out again? The conclusion of Guy Davis' acclaimed mini-series, The Marquis: Danse Macabre is a unique take on horror comics from one of comics' most unique creators. As a special bonus, the scenes in Hell will be printed in black, white, and red! Cover by Kelley Jones (The Crusades). MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (5 of 5) $2.95 ******************* PENNY FARTHING PRESS DECOY ONE-SHOT #2 by Courtney Huddleston, & Various He's lean and he's one mean symbiotic fighting machine! That's right, Decoy's back to fight the homicidal tendencies of the masked man himself –– the assassin you love to hate, the infamous Methane. What's a hired gun to do when he's in high demand? He does what he knows best: murder. But this time, Decoy, Luck, and Tessa have a little bit of help in stopping Methane's madness. Complete with an awesome David Finch cover, this one-shot will hit right between the eyes. PC, 32pg $2.75 OFFERED AGAIN O/A VICTORIAN ACT I TP by Lover Kindzierski & Marlaine Maddux The Victorian is an epic tale of confrontation between two men from the past who are about to collide in the present. The first act (issues #1-7) sets the stage for this test of will and is collected in this trade paperback. Readers can now experience this lavish story that comes from the very essence of Victorian England, and impacts readers with its vivid storytelling, zesty artwork, and strong entertainment value. Adding to the excitement, is some never-before-seen material detailing the behind-the-scenes origin hero. Plus, a free issue of the new The Victorian Sourcebook polybagged with the trade as a free bonus! Cover by Bob Larkin. FC, 24pg MSRP: $24.95 ************** PEREGRINE ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT INDEPENDENT VOICES #3 by Various Once again, Peregrine brings together an all-star team of independent comic creators for its annual charity benefit book, the proceeds from which will go to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The cover features the first-ever collaboration between Joseph Linsner (Dawn) and James O'Barr (The Crow). This issue also includes stories from the creators behind Elfquest (Richard Pini), Astounding Space Thrills (Steve Conley), Boondoggle (Steve Stegelin), Books of Lore (Jason Alexander), and more! MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A INDEPENDENT VOICES #2 by Various Peregrine Entertainment's second annual benefit book, featuring the now-famous "Censorship Sucks" cover by Joseph Michael Linsner. Contributors include Philip Xavier, Steve Stegelin, Eric Powell, the Fillbach Brothers, and Eva Hopkins. The issue also features stories from Peregrine's own Books of Lore, Forty Winks, and Buzzboy. MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg $2.95 *********************** RADIO COMIX FURRLOUGH #103 by Various Furrlough — your only monthly source of anthropomorphics! Daphne Lage and Jose Calderon's high fantasy adventure "Tall Tails" continues to thrill and delight with more intrigue and danger! Also this issue, "Ebin and May" by Christina Hanson and Ed Garcia continues to deliver medieval romance as you like it! Patrick J. Moran's zany "Tunesia" rounds out the issue, with more wacky mouse mischief. Cover by Christina Hanson. b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 HIT THE BEACH ANNUAL 2001 by Various Get your flip-flops and beach towels ready! Hit the Beach returns with its annual dose of furry fun-in-the-sun featuring all your favorite anthropomorphic artists in one handy volume! Forty-eight fun-filled pages of pin-ups and comics by all your radio faves from the United States, Canada and Japan, including Scotty Arsenault, Dr. Comet, Megan Giles, Daphne Lage, Naginata Matsurino, Daria McGrain, Mark Moore, Richard Moore, Joe Rosales, Ted Sheppard, Ayumi Shimano, Diana X. Sprinkle, Brian Sutton, Trump, and many more! Cover by Japanese artist Yamaneko-ya! b&w, 48pg $3.95 XENO'S ARROW BOOK 2 #4 by Greg Beettam & Stephen Geigen-Miller The crew arrive on Teeko World, a polluted world-city so overrun by industrialization and consumerism that the planet is encircled by a ring made up of obsolete appliances. Clemens quickly disappears to find some "connections," while Kobb and Z'nyd'n are sent shopping for supplies. Kobb proves incapable of performing even this simple task without getting into trouble, and the two are soon involved in a mad, guns-blazing chase through a city mall. Meanwhile, Xeno and Okiris, too bored to stay aboard the shuttle, decide to do a little sightseeing wearing "clever" disguises. They, too, quickly find themselves in an absurd amount of trouble. This issue presents a new world, new adventures, and new characters, as Xeno's Arrow: Book 2 moves into an exciting new phase. Bi-monthly. b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 MILK #24 by Various SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 ROBIN AND CINDY COMIX #1 by Darin Brown SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.99 WILD ZOO #7 by Naganita Matsurin SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 REBELLION 2000 A.D. #1249 Fiercely individual in outlook, Britain's award-winning weekly sci-fi, fantasy and horror anthology continues to mine a seam of cutting-edge futuristic action, scathing satire and pitch-black humor. This is the comic it's cool to be seen with! Prog 1249 sees the run of stories wrap up before the big Summer Offensive: Judge Dredd creator John Wagner crafts another thrilling slice of crime-busting future justice for the no-nonsense lawman; cursed Earth Tyrannosaur Satanus gives one last roar of triumph in Satanus Unchained by the Predator: Nemesis team of Gordon Rennie and Colin MacNeil (Conan, Legends of the Dark Knight); vampire and werewolf clash for the final time in A Love Like Blood by John Smith (Vampirella, Scarab) and Frazer Irving; and micro-defense droids Banzai Battalion hang up their guns, courtesy of Robo-Hunter creators John Wagner and Ian Gibson (Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire). (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 32pg, PC $3.25 2000 A.D. #1250-1252 The action goes into overdrive in Prog 1250, as an all-new batch of stories kicks off a red-hot July! Highly-acclaimed writer Garth Ennis (Preacher, Hitman) returns to 2000 A.D. for a 12-part Judge Dredd epic, reuniting with artist Carlos Ezquerra (Just A Pilgrim, Adventures in the Rifle Brigade). Expect the unexpected as reality in Mega-City One goes "Helter Skelter!" Also making a welcome return is vampire bounty hunter Durham Red, as Dan Abnett and Mark Harrison premiere The Vermin Stars, the eagerly awaited follow-up to The Scarlet Cantos! Plus, Robbie Morrison and John Burns fire off another dispatch from the frontline as Russian rogue Nikolai Dante plunges once more into war in The Romanov Empire; clone soldier Tor Cyan fights to find the secrets of his past courtesy of John Tomlinson and Kev Walker; and John Smith and Steve Yeowell (The Invisibles) regroup those foxy investigative space vixens Pussyfoot 5! (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 32pg, PC $3.25Ea. JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE #80 John Wagner and Richard Elson craft the fourth part of Judge Dredd: Lawcon as the deep-space drama reaches its blood-soaked conclusion, plus another chance to read classic Strontium Dog tales by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra, and much, much more! (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 48pg, FC $6.95 REEVOLV COMIXPERIMENTS TROG #1: THE BACTA TANK BOTCH-UP by Mike Bennewitz Introducing Trog, the newest mutation in the evolution of comix! Come get in trouble with Trog as he explores the dark, musty R&D labs of Mammalgam Amalgamated. It's high-tech versus low-tech in this unique comic. Created with photographs of puppets and computer graphics, Trog has images like no other comic around! The Bacta Tank Botch- Up is the first part of a full-length graphic novel coming from the mind of Mike Bennewitz. b&w, 32pg $4.95 RENAISSANCE PRESS THE FORBIDDEN BOOK #1 The Forbidden Book is your portal to worlds where magic is alive, and much more than an illusion. This is a dream/magic story that is unlike anything else that has ever been published in comics. This 120-page squarebound anthology is packed with eight more short stories by some of the most respected talents in the comic industry! The theme is magic in all its many forms, and within that realm creators are free to explore where they will. Marv Wolfman and Craig Taillefer tell a tale of how magic came to evolve into something far different; writer Jean-Marc Lofficier and artist Philip Xavier explore the world of a wandering African shaman; Colleen Doran spins a yarn about magic, love and revenge; Mark Sherman and artist Stephen Blue tell a modern Lovecraftian tale of a man trying to gain possession of a legendary book; novelist James Lowder and artist Richard Pace take you to a world where magic is alive… and addictive; Dennis Fujitake spins a surreal yarn about a hapless scribe getting sucked into an enchanted world; Michael Cohen tells a tale of a young girl, a lemur, a mysterious stranger, and the wind spirit that drives them to an odd fate; and newcomer David Gaddis shows why he is soon going to be a significant creative force in the comic world! SC, 7x10, 120pg, PC $9.95 SANKNIGHTS WORLD OF NEB #1 by Benjamin Carrasquillo, Austell Callwood, & Khiri Samay Enter the world of peace as vengeance and hatred start to rip it apart. Lord Sefi has returned from his banishment within Endless Chaos with a quest of total annihilation. Now as prophecies of doom unfold, five warriors must mold powers sent to them from the heavens in hopes of ending Sefi's rein before their world is left in total destruction. MATURE READERS FC, 24pg $2.95 SHANDA FANTASY ARTS KATMANDU #25 by Carole Curtis & Various Shanda Fantasy Arts' series reaches its milestone issue! If you've been wondering what all the excitement is about, this is the issue to join in. Carole Curtis's tale of nomadic feline Native Americans has been running for eight years and this issue is a special one. Several artists join together to bring to life a book length tale of desert battle. Also features the first anthropomorphic photomorph cover by Kishma Danielle. MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg (Note Price) $4.99 MAGIC CARPET #4 by Pleger, Curtis, & Various Journey to the places where only children go in SFA's all-ages anthology. Regular features like "Newt Nutria," puzzles, games, and others make this a fun romp for the young'uns! RES. from Previews Vol. X #11 (Nov00) b&w, 48pg $4.99 SHEBA VOLUME 3 #1 by Walter Crane IV Not all mummies are decrepit, brainless corpses bent on revenge! Meet Sheba, Cleopatra's deceased pet kitty. It's 1799 AD and the second Caesar has invaded Egypt, causing havoc and plundering her treasures. With the remains of the pharaohs disappearing and battles on the front doorstep of the pyramids, what's a cat mummy to do? Anything she can, lest she get ground up into medicine to sooth the diminutive dictator's upset tummy! b&w, 48pg $4.99 CIRCLES #1 It's springtime in Boston and Marty Miller is looking for a new apartment. Welcome to 6 Kinsey Circle and spend some time in the lives of the six gay guys who live there. This new semi-annual series features the talents of Andrew Frensh, Steven Domanski, and Scott Fabianek. MATURE READERS b&w, 40pg $5.00 United Publications TALES OF PERISSA VOLUME 1 by Brock Hoagland & Vicky Wyman Brock Hoagland invites you to join Perissa (newest member of the Assassins Guild) and her customers, as she entertains herself on some of the most exotic and hazardous missions in this first collection of five short stories. Set within a wonderfully crafted fantasy world, The Tales of Perissa is filled with magic, monsters and the mayhem of everyday life. Beautifully illustrated by Vicky Wyman (Xanadu, Ever-Changing Palace). b&w, 80pg $4.95 SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT SCARY GODMOTHER: WILD ABOUT HARRY TP by Jill Thompson It's the first-ever Scary Godmother trade paperback! Harry the werewolf is the very definition of the phrase "freeloading bum." So when his fed-up mother kicks him out of her basement and forces him to fend for himself, Harry avoids finding an apartment and a job by preying on the hospitality of the other Fright Side residents. But it only takes the obnoxious Harry a few hours to destroy his neighbors' good will, which leaves him back where he started. Desperate, Harry grudgingly takes a job with Bug-a-Boo's boss as a replacement monster to scare some local lumberjacks. The results are, of course, completely unexpected and nothing short of hilarious! This volume collects the entire Wild About Harry storyline from Jill's popular three-issue mini-series of the same name, as well as a few extra surprises! b&w, 80pg $9.95 SCARY GODMOTHER #3 by Jill Thompson It's convention season, and the fairy Tinkaree not only wreaks havoc at the first annual Witches Conference disguised as the Scary Godmother; she even has the audacity to charge five bucks for her counterfeit autograph! And where exactly is the real Scary Godmother during all this? Meanwhile, Bug-a-Boo and his parents finally reach the Crater of the Giant and have a few drinks in the shadow of the beanstalk at Jack's Giantkillers Inn. Back in the Fright Side, Orson struggles with Summer Ghoul, and Hannah (who's still at summer camp) provides the readers with a new craft-making lesson. b&w, 24pg (3 of 6) $2.95 POISON ELVES #66 by Drew Hayes As a way of recovering from their recent encounters with an e'jja, a demonic hunter and a haunted house with an attitude, Wisp suggests to Lusiphur and Jace that they join in the local Festival of Goblins celebration. Wisp's protectors take up his suggestion with perhaps a little too much gusto and get predictably trashed. Unfortunately, the hunter seizes this opportunity to return with a pack of actual goblins (ironic, isn't it?) so he can capture Wisp when he's vulnerable. MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH THE PORTABLE DAWN by Joseph Michael Linsner Ever wanted to impress your friends with a handy selection of the very best Dawn paintings in one portable collection? Well, wish no more! The Portable Dawn measures a compact four by five inches and is packed with 64 full-page paintings by Dawn's creator, Joseph Michael Linsner. This volume includes many new, previously unpublished paintings — all in full color and all focusing on the goddess known as Dawn! Painted by Joseph Michael Linsner. (STAR11304) SC, 4x5, 64pg, FC $9.95 CRYPT OF DAWN TP by Joseph Michael Linsner & various Welcome to Dawn's Crypt. Enter if you dare and witness stories of cosmic significance! There're also a few about sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll, but you wouldn't be interested in that, would you? Okay — so those are pretty much the themes that are explored in this first-ever collection of the very best of Crypt of Dawn's cutting-edge short stories. Read some Linsner classics, such as Death and Vicariosity, as well as the epic collaboration between Sirius Publisher Robb Horan and Joseph Michael Linsner, entitled Culture! All this, along with stories by Dark One, Mark Crilley, Jason Alexander, and your host, Dawn herself! (STAR11097) SC, 7x10, 168pg, b&w $19.95 ****************** EMPTY ZONE VOLUME 2 PACK by Jason Alexander contains issues #1-8. Pack (x8), 24pg, b&w $23.60 STAR OF THE MONTH POISON ELVES VOLUME I: REQUIEM FOR AN ELF TP by Drew Hayes The first volume in the high-quality, trade paperback reprints #1-6 of Drew Hayes' breakthrough I, Lusiphur comics, the pre-cursor to Poison Elves. The painted cover is provided by Janine Johnston. (STAR01803) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 144pg, b&w $14.95 ***************** POISON ELVES #22-24 PACK by Drew Hayes Contains issues #22-24. Pack (x3), 24pg, b&w $7.50 POISON ELVES #32-35 PACK by Drew Hayes Contains issues #32-35. Pack (x3), 24pg, b&w $7.50 SOARING PENGUIN MEANWHILE #4 It's the extra-large, 96-page British comics extravaganza! Featuring a Strangehaven story and full-color cover by Gary Spencer Millidge, this perfect bound title boasts stories by Bill Naylor (Garth), Frazer Irving (2000 A.D. Future Shocks), David Hailwood, Stuart Giddings, Richard Hayes, John Maybury, Neill Cameron, Graeme Reid, and many more. (CAUT: 4) b&w, 96pg $9.95 METROPOL COLLECTED EDITION VOLUME 3 TP by Ted Mckeever A city striken by a mysterious plague-like epidemic. People die in thousands. Choas erupts as monsters and demons roam the streets killing even more humans.The alocalypse has begun. Yet salvation is here as the angels who watch come to fight the hordes of hell and protect mankind. This collected edition conatains the director's cut of Metropol and Metropol AD plus pages from Mckeever's sketchbooks. Presents chapters 7-9 plus eight original covers art. b&w, 96pg (3 of 5) $11.95 SOUTH JERSEY REBELLION PRODUCTIONS TONY DIGEROLAMO'S THE FIX #1 by Tony DiGerolamo & the Fraim Brothers Based on the novel coming from Padwolf Publishing! When Fix's car begins repairing and driving itself, he soon discovers that it is an undead auto and that sex with his girlfriend in the back seat is 10 times better! Can Fix give up amazing vampire sex before his car's evil machinations run amok in New Jersey? b&w, 33pg (1 of 4) $2.50 STUDIO CHIKARA POP PARODY ANNUAL #1 by Bill Maus with TR3 The first Pop Parody Annual features the all-night party of a certain Gotham vigilante who must loosen up his uptight super-hero pals such as the No-Armed Green Archer and the Martian Head Hunter, right down to Under Woman and Stupid-Man! The manor gets trashed. The cave gets a new hold, and the city goes to chaos! The Party Knight has come and it's Millah time! The second story is the long awaited "Battle Flavors." It has swords, magic, and lots of Crimson Apple Monika in her adventure to capture an enchanted scoop from the floating 31 flavored ice cream prison! b&w, 24pg $3.95 ALICE COOPER EVOLUTION This book chronicles the origin of the band from their early days in Phoenix, Arizona to their rise as a supergroup and to Alice's equally successful career as a solo artist. This 48- page book features biographical text and photographs illustrating the evolution of Alice Cooper from 1969-2000. RES. from Previews Vol. X #10 (Oct00) SC, 8x11, 48pg, PC $12.95 STUDIO G 7TH SEA "PRELUDE TO RUIN" POSTER by Travis Moore & Ben Peck A Previews Shared Exclusive! Straight from the covers of the 7th Sea: Prelude to Ruin mini-series, this full-color poster depicts the final battle of Bonnie McGee's crew with the bloody Captain Reis! Used for each of the covers, this original painting was illustrated by series penciller, Travis Moore and fan-favorite Ben Peck. Fans of the comic series and card game alike will want this full size poster for their collection! FC, 16x28 $6.00 TITAN THE BALLAD OF HALO JONES VOLUME 1 TP by Alan Moore & Ian Gibson Meet Halo Jones. She's going out... and out... and out! Escaping the Hoop, Manhattan Island's land of mindless leisure, is just the first step in a cosmic adventure that will take Halo to the farthest ends of the galaxy, through war and peace, trial, despair and triumph. You've never met anyone quite like Halo... and you never will again! From comics master Alan Moore (Watchmen, America's Best Comics) and artist Ian Gibson. "Possibly the first feminist heroine in comics," wrote the Observer of Alan Moore's epic tale of one woman's search for her place in a galaxy out of control. Originally published in 2000 A.D. and then collected by Titan Books, this classic tale of future alienation and an individual's struggle for freedom remains a timeless testament to the genuis of Moore. Beautifully illustrated by artist Ian Gibson, this is the ultimate sci-fi opus. Don't dare miss it! (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 192pg, b&w $19.99 JUDGE DREDD: THE EMERALD ISLE GN by Ennis, Dillon, & Coleby Judge Dredd: he is the law! In the vast, overpopulated sprawl of future metropolis, Mega- City One, the Judges are all that stand between order and chaos. From the Preacher team of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, comes this full-color graphic novel from the pages of 2000 A.D.! Features an all-new cover by Preacher cover artist, Glen Fabry. (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 80pg, FC $14.99 TOKYOPOP PRESS Comics CARDCAPTOR SAKURA #18 by CLAMP Sakura is having a very weird day. First she wakes from a really strange dream and then she gets a lecture from Kero. But none of that matters because Yuki has agreed to go with Sakura to the local festival. Everything is wonderful until Sakura's strange dream starts to come true! b&w, 48pg $2.95 MIRACLE GIRLS #10 by Nami Akimoto During a production of Alice in Wonderland Mason Templar reveals his powers to levitate. When Mika, Toni, Chris and Jackson confront Mason the twins are forced to reveal their powers. b&w, 32pg $2.95 SAILOR MOON #33 by Naoko Takeuchi Luna may be a very special cat but even she has lessons to learn about love when she meets a young but ailing astronomer named Kakeru. Kakeru has discovered a comet streaking towards Earth and names the comet after the mythological Princess Snow Kaguya unaware that it heralds the return of the real Princess Snow Kaguya after 450,000 years. b&w, 48pg $2.95 SAINT TAIL #9 by Megumi Tachikawa Lina is still suspicious of Meimi and is keeping a close eye on our harried thief. How can Meimi escape her gaze long enough to turn into Saint Tail and rescue a stolen dress? How can she be in two places at once? With some help from Seira, Meimi does just that! b&w, 32pg $2.95 SMILE VOLUME 3 #8 The critically acclaimed SMILE is the first all-shoujo anthology in America. It features four diverse titles that will appeal to a wide variety of readers: Sailor Moon Stars (by Naoko Takeuchi): Sailor Moon is forced to battle the Sailor Scouts and Darien, causing their destruction. Despondent, weakened, and all alone, Sailor Moon finally comes face to face with Galaxia; Peach Girl (by Miwa Ueda): Not so peachy… after a painful breakup with Toji, Momo's life starts to fall apart. Her schoolwork begins to suffer and she discovers that Sae has nominated her for all of the schools swimming events. If she competes her skin will get even darker, and if she doesn't compete the whole school will hate her; Clover (by CLAMP): More of Sue's tragic fate is revealed. Why is she journeying to Fairy Park? What's supposed to happen when she gets there? What deal did Sue strike to escape her cage?! The Wizards explain all; Juline (by Narumi Kakinouchi): Madam Black Pearl extends invitations to the princesses of the three sacred treasures to meet with her at the Black Pearl Temple. Beyond the obvious threat there is something Juline and Bakuya find very familiar about the Black Pearl Guardians that leaves them no choice but to accept! Magazine, 128pg, b&w $4.99 Graphic Novels SAILOR MOON VOLUME 10 POCKET MIXX TP by Naoko Takeuchi The number one selling Japanese series is now the most popular comic book for girls in the world, and the star of a hit show on Cartoon Network! Sailor Moon, the fantasy adventure of a young girl who discovers that she is the defender of Love and Justice, is an international phenomenon that keeps getting bigger! Four of the Scouts have been captured! How can Sailor Moon rescue them and their souls from Mistress 9? Help comes from an unexpected source as Hotaru fights with Mistress 9 for control of her body. But will she protect Rini and her Silver Imperium Crystal?! SC, 4x6, 168pg, b&w $9.95 SORCERER HUNTERS VOLUME 4 MIXX MANGA GN by Satoru Akahori & Ray Omishi Not many people have to save the world from their families… Nevertheless, for our Sorcerer Hunters, it's inevitable. Carrot and the gang have relatives who have gone astray. Now the Sorcerer Hunters are the ones being hunted! Will they be able to reconcile with their families or will their filial bonds be shattered forever? Sorcerer Hunters is a dark comedy adventure based on the popular Japanese TV series. With romantic misadventures and disturbing monsters, Sorcerer Hunters is leading the way in Japanese comics for mature readers! SC, 6x8, 200pg, b&w $12.95 STARS OF THE MONTH SORCERER HUNTERS VOLUME 1 MIXX MANGA GN It is a merciless world where sorcerers wielding magic are in complete control. In the Spooner Continent, powerless commoners spend each day tyrannized by these sorcerers. To put an end to the never-ending series of malevolence, Big Mama sends out an elite group of warriors — the Sorcerer Hunters. Fighting for human survival are Carrot Glasé, Marron Glasé, Chocolate Misu, Tira Misu, and Gateau Mocha. While Big Mama wants to defend the world without total destruction, she is opposed by Zaha Torte, who wants to end the chaos by a more radical means… Collects stories form Mixxzine Vol. 2 #4-6 and TokyoPop Vol. 3 #3. (STAR12374) SC, 192pg, b&w (Note Price) $12.95 JULINE VOLUME 1 MIXX MANGA GN by Narumi Kakinouchi In a faraway village, in a magical land, nestled between the majestic Sleeping Dragon Mountain and a small stretch of sea live the daughters of the biggest martial arts school — Juline, Bakuya, and Seka. Join the girls on a wondrous quest to locate the village's warriors who are mysteriously disappearing. Filled with combat, adventure, and enough kung-fu action to knock you to tomorrow, Juline will give boys and girls a page-turning adrenaline rush. This volume contains Juline episodes first published in SMILE magazine Volumes 2.4-2.8, in their entirety. (STAR12763) SC, 5x7, 165pg, b&w $9.95 MIRACLE GIRLS VOLUME 1 MIXX MANGA GN by Akimoto Nami Meet Toni and Mika — identical twins as different as day and night. Toni is a star athlete, out-going, and popular. Mika is shy, quiet, and academic. Although they look like ordinary junior high school students, when they unite, these wonder twins produce Miracle Powers. Telepathy, teleportation, and magic are all used to help the girls get through the day. Nobody knew about Toni and Mika's Miracle Powers until a creepy teacher discovers their secret. Can the twins keep their powers a secret or will they be exposed to the world? This volume collects the Miracle Girls episodes first published in Miracle Girls #1-3, in their entirety. (STAR12680) SC, 5x7, 190pg, b&w $9.95 **************** TONY RAIOLA RIP KIRBY VOLUME 11 AND 12 by Alex Raymond Alex Raymond's last creation before his death — it's a fresh new Raymond who describes the elegance of the women and the world of the late 1940s with a very professional black-and-white style. VOL. 11: MAN'S BEST FRIEND—SC, b&w $9.50 VOL. 12: PACK OF LIES—SC, b&w $9.50 TOP SHELF PRODUCTIONS MEPHISTO AND THE EMPTY BOX by Jason Hall & Matt Kindt The Pistolwhip Boys' exciting premiere continues as they conjure up a moody and enigmatic tale of one man's obsession with lost love and newfound magic. On the night of their wedding, John and Carolyn Flynn attend the performance of a stage magician called Mephisto. But what dark and sinister secrets does Mephisto's devilish magic box hold for the newlyweds that will forever change their lives? The curtain is rising on another thrilling act of the Pistolwhip Boys' debut performance on the Top Shelf stage. b&w, 24pg $3.95 PISTOLWHIP GN by Matt Kindt & Jason Hall Tune-in your dial to the smashing Top Shelf debut of two young upstarts and witness with wonder as the lives of morally ambiguous characters collide in a train wreck of a graphic novel called Pistolwhip! A naïve bellhop's struggle towards a life's ambition… an expatriate musician on the run… a young woman's battle with her paranoia and her past… and the mysterious figure who wants to control their lives. Set in an exotic atmosphere of a by-gone era, Pistolwhip is a marvelous tale crafted with a crime noir feel and an artistic style reminiscent of the best European graphic novelists. SC, 8x10, 128pg, b&w $14.95 STAR OF THE MONTH SPEECHLESS: TALES FROM THE SYSTEM HC by Peter Kuper Speechless: Tales From The System is a coffee-table art book of one of the most significant activist artists of our generation. Spanning three decades, Speechless covers the career of artist Peter Kuper from his co-founding days of World War 3, to Rolling Stone's "Comic Artist of the Year, to major magazine cover illustrator and beyond. This hardcover collection includes dozens of unpublished illustrations and wordless comics, rendered in Kuper's unique stencil-style, the same style that helped to revamp the look and feel of the world renowned Spy vs. Spy. Speechless will also include essays and anecdotes on his experiences as a comic art expert in a landmark obscenity trial; a step- by-step discussion of the process of illustrating covers for magazines; commentary on creating the very first comic strip to appear in the hallowed New York Times; and tales of harrowing travels spanning the globe. (STAR12830) HC, 9x12, 112pg, FC $19.95 ****************** TWOMORROWS PUBLISHING PRIME8: CREATION #1 by Jon & Andrew Cooke, Knowles, Quick Behind a spectacular Neal Adams wraparound cover, you'll discover that evolution is not only inevitable, it's evolving right in your face! The only survivors of Operation: Bruteforce team up to become Prime8, the ultimate simian fighting force! Through biogenetic engineering and a mystical force known only as "Dian," the Prime8 team is created by covert military operatives to serve as simple jungle grunts for foreign skirmishes. But problems arise when Silverbak, gorilla primutation leader, and his crew — Gltch (chimpanzee), PrimusOne (orangutan), Re:Jkt (spider monkey), Ryot (baboon), Imp (aye-aye), Jen-X (unknown), and Otto (human) — become too smart for their "superiors." Narrowly escaping extermination, the group makes its way to New York City, where the stage is set for the ultimate confrontation in the world's greatest arena — Madison Square Garden! Reserve a front row seat for Prime8: Creation and witness the return of great fun to comics! Created by the editor of the Eisner Award-winning magazine Comic Book Artist, and featuring Prime8 pin-ups by some of the greatest names in comics: Barry Windsor-Smith, Bruce Timm, Walter Simonson, and Sergio Aragonés! b&w, 64pg $3.95 VAMPEROTICA ENTERTAINMENT VAMPEROTICA DARK FICTION #1 Featuring the Vampress Luxura! This new mini-series delivers more of the heart- pounding photos, comics and gothic art that readers have come to expect from Vamperotica. This issue features two Vampress Luxura comic stories: "Labor of Love" and "Something Rotten." This issue's "Vamp of the Month" is international adult star Lisa Anne. The special art feature for this issue is the incredible digital art of Dark Day Production's Tony Mauro! Cover features art by Vamperotica creator Kirk Lindo. Also available is an Adult edition featuring a photo cover of Lisa Anne. NOTE: The Adult edition is not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. MATURE READERS REG.—b&w, 32pg $2.95 ADULT—b&w, 32pg (CAUT: 3) $3.95 VAMPEROTICA: TALES FROM THE BLOODVAULT PREMIUM SIGNED EDITION This is the official movie magazine special of the Vamperotica: Tales from the Bloodvault movie! This magazine-sized special contains photos from behind-the-scenes, and information about the lead actors, actresses and director, Kirk Lindo. It also contains the original Vamperotica comic story upon which the movie is based. This special comes signed by Kirk Lindo and several of the actors that appeared in the movie. MATURE READERS Magazine, b&w $6.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A VAMPEROTICA TALES FROM THE BLOODVAULT DIRECTOR'S CUT VIDEO SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL VHS (Note Price) $15.99 *********************** VANGUARD PRODUCTIONS THE JOHN BUSCEMA SKETCHBOOK HC The John Buscema Sketchbook presents a collection of the artist's personal drawings and studies. Done for his own enjoyment, practice, or self-expression, the art offers a unique appreciation of his draftsmanship and creativity on a variety of subjects. Accompanying text by Buscema addresses both his career and his technique. Also available as a Deluxe Signed and Numbered edition. Both are gold-foil embossed and feature leatherette hardcovers and a smythe-sewn binding. REG.—HC, 7x10, 200pg, b&w $27.95 DLX.—HC, 7x10, 200pg, b&w $39.95 THE ART OF NICK CARDY HC This hardcover book is sure to please collectors, historians, and fans! Nick Cardy has been a cartoonist and illustrator for over 50 years. Features a complete recollection of his work, including art from strips, magazines, posters, and books, all easily located by year. Includes a forward by Mark Evanier, an interview with Cardy by Jon Cooke, and a afterward by Kurt Busiek. Also available as a Deluxe Signed and Numbered edition. Both are gold-foil embossed and feature leatherette hardcovers and a smythe-sewn binding. Early solicitation. Scheduled to ship in September. (CAUT: 2) REG.—HC, 8x11, 176pg, b&w $29.95 DLX.—HC, 8x11, 192pg, b&w $39.95 VIZ COMMUNICATIONS ANIME ART GALLERY: THE ART OF RANMA ½ art by Rumiko Takahashi It's Ranma ½ like you've never seen it before! You've seen the animated series. You've read the manga. But do you know everything about Ranma ½? Presented here for the first time in English, The Art of Ranma ½ combines both original artwork by acclaimed manga artist Rumiko Takahashi, and character information on nearly every outrageous character that graces this series — Shampoo, Mousse, Ryoga, Akane, Genma, Happosai and more! Page-after-page features beautiful, full-color, full-page artwork of all your favorite characters in watercolors, pastels and colored pencil. Ever wonder what a day in the life of a half-boy, half-girl martial artist is like? Take a walkthrough of Ranma's typical day and see how he fends off fanatical suitors and still gets his homework done. Also included are detailed charts on every love triangle both boy and girl-type Ranma has been involved with, plus info on the dizzying array of martial arts featured throughout the series. Check out this book and see why Ranma ½ has become one of Japan and America's most beloved series! SC, 128pg, FC $24.95 ANIMERICA VOLUME 9 #7 The best magazine for anime fans! Fascinating features on the latest and greatest anime, exclusive interviews, news on what's new in Japan and what's arriving soon in America, plus exclusive columns, interviews with voice-actors, anime reviews, video games, model kits and how to build them, anime soundtracks, and Leiji Matsumoto's Galaxy Express 999 manga. Remember, If it's anime in America, It's gotta be Animerica! Magazine, 96pg, PC $4.95 ANIMERICA EXTRA VOLUME 4 #8 The anime fan's comic magazine! The greatest shojo and shonen manga! A brave young swordswoman who wants to be a prince; an artist, his kissin' cousin, and a doll that came to life; adventure in a fantasy world not unlike ancient China; crime and mystery in the Gothic metropolis of Steam City; and a girl who came from a video tape. 128 pages of beautiful art and stunning stories, plus fan art, manga features and more! Fushigi Yûgi: Hotohori and Tamahome face off in battle and soon things turn deadly. Can Tamahome remember his love for Miaka before it's too late? Video Girl Ai: When Yota runs out of bed to help a stricken Ai, Nobuko begins to question whether Yota really loves her at all. Steam Detectives: Every corner of Steam City is going to feel the Earth shake when Goriki and Shadow Bolt III battle in the canals of the dark city! Revolutionary Girl Utena: Utena rejects Touga's romantic advances, but that doesn't stop him from inviting her and Anthy to the ball. Marionette Generation: Izumi is no good in a fistfight, especially over a girl! Meanwhile, Kinoko gets the eerie feeling that someone is watching her… Magazine, 128pg, b&w $4.95 PULP VOLUME 5 #8 The only true adult-oriented manga magazine in America! Pulp has 184 pages of sexy, tough, surreal, violent, hilarious manga, plus columns and features written by some of the premier experts in Japanese pop culture. This month we focus on American manga. That's right! American manga! Make sure to check out the special collector's cover by one of America's best manga artists. Banana Fish: Papa Dino and Arthur break off their meeting to find Ash while Yut Leung confronts Dr. Dawson about Banana Fish… Voyeurs Inc.: Ken interrupts a kinky couple in the park mid-intercourse, but this time he might have gone too far when a local gang hassles him about it. Dance Till Tomorrow: With only one week before Suekichi's wedding to Miyuki, everybody and their uncle seems to have a word of sage advice for him! Cinderella-Chan: Cinderella's father has risen from the grave and he's out for love! Soon, Cinderalla is saying 'hello' to her new stepmother and two stepsisters. Even A Monkey Can Draw Manga: It's easy to draw poses, look and see! Uzumaki: The local prankster's got a crush on Kirie… but after he is involved in a hideous accident, his parting gift of a Jack-in-the-Box takes on disturbing implications. MATURE READERS Magazine, 184pg, b&w $5.95 STRAIN VOLUME 5 TP by Buronson & Ryoichi Ikegami From the creators of Sanctuary and Fist of the North Star! Framed, nearly executed, and exiled to Malaysia's slums, Japanese assassin Shingo Kusaka joins a group of outcasts in the fight against his elder brother Shunichiro, a power-hungry aristocrat, and the monolithic Chinese Sai crime family. The prize: a gigantic oil strike in Borneo — money and power enough, perhaps, to realize the dream of a united Asia. The current owner: the Kusaka corporation. But who will claim it? Kusaka's CEO, the ruthless Shunichiro, has just resigned in favor of Shingo, the "adopted" black-sheep younger brother whom he long tried to kill. Shunichiro has conceded his great secret — it's Shingo who is the natural son, not him. Blood will tell, but how much more must be spilled? Who will tie the skein of the "strain?" This graphic novel contains installments from Pulp Volume 4 #9 through Volume 5 #3. MATURE READERS SC, 4x6, 216pg, b&w $16.95 EAGLE VOLUME 18: FRAME-UP by Kaiji Kawaguchi Seattle and the Northwest have become the latest political hotseat as a labor strike between union workers and an aerospace giant threaten to throw the region's economy into turmoil. With General Grant posing a real challenge in the race for president, Yamaoka sees the dispute as a good way to even the playing field. But what does a New York senator know about labor disputes and how can he even get the two sides to talk? b&w, 104pg $6.95 MAGICAL POKÉMON JOURNEY PART 5 #1 by Yumi Tsukirino Hazel and her Pokémon are taking a walk near the sunflowers one day when they meet just about the brashest, most violent Oddish who ever lived! Then, Arbok asks Wigglytuff out on a date like no other — a run around an obstacle course! Can Arbok go the distance or will Wigglytuff's challenge have it making tracks in the opposite direction? Squarebound. (CAUT: 3) b&w, 40pg (1 of 4) $4.95 POKÉMON ADVENTURES PART 5 #1 by MATO Blue encounters Agatha of the Elite Four in an abandoned seaside power plant and gets more than he bargained for! Just as Agatha is about to declare checkmate, salvation comes from the most unexpected direction! Then, Yellow's on a mission to collect more Pokémon and he's got his sights set on capturing Caterpie! Squarebound. (CAUT: 3) b&w, 48pg (1 of 4) $4.95 POKÉMON ADVENTURES VOLUME 3: THE SAFFRON CITY SEIGE TP by Hidenori Kusaka & Mato Red and Blue return home only to find Pallet Town deserted and Professor Oak kidnapped by the nefarious Team Rocket! To save the citizens of Pallet Town and perhaps the world, Red, Blue, and the nice-yet-untrustworthy Green must team up to invade Team Rocket's HQ in Saffron City. Inside the city they face the full brunt of Team Rocket's might, three powerful Pokémon trainer ringleaders: psychic-powered Sabrina; electrifying Lt. Surge; and the toxic ninja Koga. To complicate matters, Team Rocket seems to have gotten their hands on the three legendary bird Pokémon Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos! Can these three upstart trainers foil Team Rocket's plans for world dominance and rescue the citizens of Pallet Town at the same time? (CAUT: 3) SC, 4x6, 224pg, b&w $13.95 POKÉMON STORYBOOKS Viz presents two new Pokémon Tales, a series of colorful board books written and illustrated by some of Japan's greatest artists. Created with the care and attention you expect from any classic children's book, these stories will delight Pokémon-loving kids and parents alike! POKÉMON TALES VOLUME 19: DON'T LAUGH CHARIZARD Charizard's got a fiery personality and the breath to match! Wherever this fire-breathing Pokémon goes, things are always being set ablaze when he laughs. What better way to use his breath for good than to heat a spring for his friends to play in! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America. SC, 4x6, 17pg, FC $4.95 POKÉMON TALES VOLUME 20: ONIX UNDERGROUND Other Pokémon may like playing in the sun with their friends and trainers, but Onix is perfectly happy exploring everything the underground world has to offer. Join Onix as he digs his way through Diglett tunnels, subways, and more! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America. SC, 4x6, 17pg, FC $4.95 *************** INU-YASHA PART 6 #3 by Rumiko Takahashi While searching the temple for a way to stop the demon Suijin, Miroku and Sango discover a woman only inches in height who claims to be the real Suijin! Is this pint-sized priestess friend or foe? Meanwhile, Inu-Yasha and the possibly false Suijin tangle underwater while Kagome and the village boy scramble to steal the demon's enchanted spear. b&w, 40pg (3 of 15) $2.95 RANMA, PART 10 #4 by Rumiko Takahashi Furinkan High's going to have some stiff competition this season! Out-of-town Seishun High School has been winning a surprising number of sporting events lately with the help of martial arts cheerleading master Mariko Konjo. To put Furinkan back on top, Ranma has no choice but to challenge pom-pom wielding Mariko to a cheerleading battle royale! b&w, 32pg (4 of 11) $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH RANMA 1/2 VOLUME 17 TP by Rumiko Takahashi Arrogant swordsman Kuno is found with amnesia and a watermelon on his head — and all of a sudden he's stronger than Ranma! Can Ranma and Akane find out what happened to him… on an island inhabited by nothing but watermelons? Then, 10 years ago, Ukyo prepared a special okonomiyaki sauce that Ranma secretly ruined. Now, out of guilt, Ranma agrees to let Ukyo stay at the Tendo house, setting the stage for a showdown with his other fiancée, Akane! This volume collects Ranma 1/2 Part 9 #1-6 (first half) in one convenient volume! (STAR12825) SC, 4x6, b&w $15.95 ******************** AQUA KNIGHT, PART 3 #5 by Yukito Kushiro The ultimate battle between this world and the underworld is on! With the living core of Alcantara's Zyfort out of control and on the warpath, Ruliya has no choice than to call upon the forces of Death Himself one more time. After the fight, Alcantara decides it might be time to call it quits, but is a mad scientist ever really reformed? b&w, 48pg (5 of 5) $3.50 CERES, CELESTIAL LEGEND #2 by Yû Watase Aya and her twin brother's trip to the Mikage House seems to have been no party after all, but rather a test. When Aya exhibits supernatural abilities, the family decides she is too dangerous to live any longer. Will Aya's father actually kill his only daughter, or will the man in black rescue her again from certain death? b&w, 32pg ( 2 of 6) $3.25 DRAGON BALL PART 3 #14 by Akira Toriyama Goku and General Blue's mad chase takes them right out of Dragon Ball and into Penguin Village, the set of Akira Toriyama's original hit humor manga, Dr. Slump! Meet incompetent inventor Senbe Norimaki and his android "daughter" Arale! In this surreal sci-fi setting, Goku must face his final confrontation with the Red Ribbon's evil General and save the lives of his new friends! 16 extra pages for the same great price! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. b&w, 48pg (14 of 14) $2.95 DRAGON BALL Z PART 4 #8 by Akira Toriyama Vegeta thought he was the strongest in the universe. He killed Zarbon and Dodoria, and he nearly killed Goku. But the Ginyu Force's indestructible muscleman, Reacoom, can stand up to his mightiest attacks — and as they trade rock-shattering blows, it's Vegeta who is being slowly, painfully pulverized! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. b&w, 32pg (8 of 15) $2.95 DRAGONBALL Z VOLUME 5 TP by Akira Toriyama In This Volume: In the aftermath of his titanic battle with Goku, Vegeta retreats from Earth, vowing revenge. In search of a way to resurrect their dead friends, Kuririn, Gohan, and Bulma repair an ancient alien spaceship and go into space in search of Namek— Piccolo's home planet where the wish-granting Dragon Balls were originally made. But Namek has become a battleground, where evil emperor Freeza and his minions are slaughtering the peaceful Namekians to fulfill Freeza's wish for immortality! Stranded on a planet full of enemies, the three astronauts radio back to Earth begging for a hospitalized Goku to come to their aid — but "help" comes from an unexpected source as Vegeta, now stronger than ever, turns against his former master Freeza in order to get the Dragon Balls for himself. But are Vegeta's intentions any less evil than Freeza's? This graphic novel collects Dragonball Z Volume 3 #1 through Volume 3 #6. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. SC, 4x7, 184pg, b&w $12.95 STAR OF THE MONTH DRAGONBALL Z VOLUME 4 TP by Akira Toriyama With the mighty Kaio-ken amplifying his strength, Goku fights Vegeta in a desperate battle to save the world –– only to find that the elite Saiyan warrior is even stronger than his new techniques. To break a temporary stalemate, Vegeta transforms into a giant ape, a King Kong who breathes energy blasts with the force of a nuclear bomb! In desperation, Goku calls upon the Genki-Dama, the "spirit bomb," drawing power from the Earth, its people, plants, and animals, in an effort to defeat his colossal foe. But alone, even Goku is not enough. The last worn-out survivors, Gohan, Kuririn, and cowardly Yajirobe, must rush back into the fray to stop their unstoppable foe... as the enraged Vegeta vows to not only wipe out the human race, but destroy the planet Earth itself! (STAR12848) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, Australia, the U.K., and New Zealand. b&w, 192pg $14.95 ****************** EL HAZARD PART 3 #1 by Tsubura Hidetomo Ifurita and Makoto square off against the male demon-god only to find their attacks having the same effect as mosquito bites! Meanwhile, the front lines of Roshtaria are under attack by the Shadow Tribe's other demon-god, and all Fujisawa and the Priestesses can do is watch in disgust. Can anything be done to stop the Shadow Tribe and end their control over the demon-gods? b&w, 32pg (1 of 6) $2.95 GUNDAM WING: EPISODE ZERO #4 by Sakura Asagi & Akemi Omode After his parent's death, Trowa Barton was adopted by a traveling circus family and raised as a soldier in an anti-Federation resistance movement. One day, during a dashing raid, Trowa meets a kindred spirit: an orphaned girl whom he takes in out of sympathy. Can this girl be trusted in the heart of the resistance, or has Trowa inadvertently given haven to a spy? b&w, 32pg (4 of 4) $2.95 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION BOOK 6 #1 by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto; original concept by Gainax Shinji is confronted by the one thing for which no amount of NERV training could prepare him — normal life! High-school romances, interpersonal relationships… everything that comes with being a teenager! But danger lurks not too far away, and Ritsuko and Gendo are planning for the introduction of Unit-03. Who will pilot the untested Eva? REG.––b&w, 40pg (1 of 4) $3.50 COLLECTOR'S ED.––b&w, 40pg (1 of 4) $3.50 NO NEED FOR TENCHI! PART 11 #4 by Hitoshi Okuda Tenchi and the group race to save Ayeka and her stricken ship as both plummet towards the event horizon of a black hole! With time running out, it's up to Ryoko to bring the princess back from this death trap. But with Ayeka still under the influence of Garyu's mind control — on top of her normal rivalry with Ryoko — and she won't go without a fight! b&w, 48pg (4 of 4) $3.50 SILENT MOBIUS: ADVENT #1 by Kia Asamiya It's been a year since Roy's mysterious death and Katsumi's disappearance, but out of the blue the team members of A.M.P. receive a mysterious e-mail… from Katsumi! When she asks for a rendezvous in a junkyard the girls can't help but be suspicious. Is this the same Katsumi that the team once knew? b&w, 40pg (1 of 6) $3.25 STARS OF THE MONTH SILENT MÖBIUS TP'S by Kia Asamiya The supernatural science-fiction thriller by Kia Asamiya (Steam Detectives, Martian Successor Nadesico) returns! Meet the A.M.P. (Abnormal Mystery Police), six young women skilled with psychic and super powers, prepared to do combat with the worst demons, dragons, and megadynes that 2026 Tokyo has to offer! (STAR08932) VOL.1 (STAR08932)––SC, 6x9, b&w $16.95 VOL.2 (STAR09207)––SC, 6x9, b&w $16.95 VOL.3 (STAR09290)––SC, 6x9, b&w $16.95 VOL.4 (STAR10919)––SC, 6x9, b&w $15.95 VOL.5 (STAR11982)––SC, 6x9, b&w $16.95 SANCTUARY TP'S by Sho Fumimura & Ryoichi Ikegami Sophisticated crime drama by Sho Fumimura and Ryoichi Ikegami, artist of Crying Freeman, Samurai Crusader, and Mai The Psychic Girl. Two handsome, ruthless young men vow to transform the destiny of Japan by any means. As children, they survived the horrors of the Cambodian killing fields together. Now, are they powerful enough to rise to the top of the Japanese Parliament and the Yakuza crime syndicate? VOL. 1 (STAR00920) $16.95 VOL. 2 (STAR01632) $16.95 VOL. 3 (STAR01633) $17.95 ******************* VIZ IN MAGAZINE VOLUME 13 #7 Your monthly guide to new releases from Viz Comics, Viz Video, and Viz Music, Viz-In Magazine is North America's manga and anime connection! Don't miss this free monthly full-color poster and sneak peeks at your favorite graphic novels, videos, music, and merchandise. Tabloid MSRP: $0.00 WARP GRAPHICS WOLFSHADOW: ELFQUEST SUMMER SPECIAL 2001 #1 by Wendy Pini, Sonny Strait, & Richard Pini Thousands of years ago, the Wolfriders fought a terrible war against the trolls for possession of the Palace of the High Ones. The elves won… but in the process, a terrible betrayal was done. Now, in the safety of a new home in a new land, that deep hurt boils to the surface to render Skywise –– the stargazing fun-loving companion and advisor to Chief Cutter –– a snarling, mindless creature who knows neither friendship nor love. Feared dead by Wolfriders and captured by a motley gang of human mercenaries, Skywise is doomed to spend the rest of his days caged like the beast has had become, a sideshow freak. But Cutter, Skywise's brother in all but blood, won't believe that his friend is gone –– physically or spiritually. Risking his own safety, he sets out to find and rescue the stargazer. But even if he succeeds, he must still restore his companion's mind, and of that, there is no guarantee. And as a bonus, comes with a full-color centerspread of the Wolfriders as you've never seen them before by Wendy Pini and Sonny Strait. b&w, 48pg $3.95 WCG COMICS ROB HANES ADVENTURES #4 by Randy Reynaldo Rob Hanes is sent undercover to wartorn Balkans to find out who is brazenly ignoring U.N. sanctions to supply a local Eastern European warlord named Vojislav Bolkan with furl for his private militia. The prime suspect? An oil company executive named Anthony Cromwell. As a private investigator for Justice International, Rob has met his share of unpleasant characters, but none quite as insufferable as Cromwell –– and what's worse, Cromwell is married to an old friend of Rob's, Caroline Wilde. So when Cromwell is kidnapped, and no one seems willing to rescue the unlikable businessman, Rob agrees to track him down as a personal favor to Caroline. Helped by a beautiful Russian doctor, Rob risks his life and limb to find Cromwell, but is torn between his loyalty to Caroline and his responsibility to expose the truth about Cromwell's illicit activities. b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.75 WHITE LIGHTNING PRODUCTIONS BLUE EYES VOLUME 1 #1 by Tohru Nishimaki SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg (1 of 5) $3.50 YOUNG-KINNAIRD PRODUCTIONS THE VILLIKON CHRONICLES VOLUME 1: ASCENSION OF THE EXPATRIATES TP by Bryan Kinnaird & Roy Young Based on the award-winning motion picture screenplay! An innocent soldier is banished to a dark world inhabited by maniacal criminals, fugitive slaves, vampirical beings, and dinosaurian beasts. Mistaken to be the leader of their prophesized escape, Captain Kort Villikon leads a penitent colony of convicts on a crusade to flee from an inescapable prison world. Fate guides him on a ten-year crusade through hostile alien landscapes, encountering mystical beings, and technological abominations. The journey proves to be catastrophic to his soul, and poisonous to the conspirators responsible for his banishment. An imaginative science fiction portrayal seasoned with haunting, computer graphics- enhanced visuals, action and adventure, gothic eroticism, and metaphorical relationships to biblical creed. Also available as a Premium Signed edition! MATURE READERS REG.––SC, 7x10, 72pg, FC (1 of 2) $7.99 SIGNED ED.––SC, 7x10, 72pg, FC (1 of 2) $12.50 ************************************ MAGAZINES SECTION PREMIER VENDORS COMIC BOOK MARKETPLACE #84 Comic Book Marketplace, the magazine for serious collectors, returns with the spider- bitten issue fans have been clamoring for! Marvel's webbed wonder, Spider-Man, takes the spotlight in this special issue of CBM, beginning with and interview with acclaimed artist, John Romita, Sr.! Want more Spidey? Take a quick look at all of the Spider-Man #1's over the years, and a long overdue review of the forgotten Spider-Man… it started in 1977 and has featured that talents of three Silver Age legends. What's more, it's Stan Lee's longest run on Spider-Man — by far! CBM talks to Larry Lieber and Romita about the ongoing Spider-Man newspaper strip! Plus Neglected Ditko! Do you know the legendary Steve Ditko's overlooked 1969-1974 work at Charlton? Find out all about it in this issue of CBM! And don t miss our inside look at Gray Morrow: Visionary, the exciting new book about the work of illustrator Gray Morrow! Comic Book Marketplace is back — now edited by Russ Cochran! ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: The returning features you love… * EXPANDED Market Reports! * Nolan s Notebook! * Adventures into Weird Words! Plus a whole new slate of regular columns… * Comic art report by Russ Cochran * Comic character statues * Archival issues * Golden Age and Silver Age inspiration CBM #84 (Cover A Spider-Man) $5.95 CBM #84 (Cover B Gray Morrow) $5.95 CBM #84 (Cover C Steve Ditko) $5.95 MAGAZINES SECTION COMIC MAGAZINES ALTER EGO #9 This issue spotlights Jazzy Johnny Romita! Behind a colorful all-new Romita cover is the longest Alter Ego interview yet — with a wondrous webful of unpublished art of Spider- Man, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, X-Men, you name it — from one of Marvel's most important artists ever! And, on the flip side (featuring a new cover by Dick Giordano), Just Imagine! What If all of Roy Thomas' dream projects of the '80s & '90s had come true!? Featuring rare and never-seen art of The Invaders, JSA/All-Star Squadron, Captain Marvel, and others by Dick Giordano, Herb Trimpe, Jorge Santamaria Garcia, Jesus Merino, Dave Hoover, Mark Beachum, Rick Hoberg, Don Newton, Steven Butler, Rafael Kayanan, and more! Plus, great 40s artist Mort Leav, Fawcett Collectors of America with C.C. Beck and Marc Swayze, and more fabulous surprise features on the Golden and Silver Ages of Comics! (TwoMorrows Publishing) Magazine, 100pg, b&w $5.95 COMIC BOOK ARTIST #14 This issue: Tower Comics: Years of Thunder! It's a celebration of the great 60s comics of Wally Wood & Company, as we look at the short-lived but passionately remembered Tower Comics line! Behind a new Dan Adkins T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents cover homage to the late, great Wally Wood, CBA interviews Dan, Al Williamson, Len Brown, George Tuska, Larry Ivie, Russ Jones, Mike Esposito, and others on their tenures at Tower! Plus there's a look at the 1980s revival of the characters, a definitive Tower checklist, and discussion of the art of Tower's other fine contributors, including Woody, Steve Ditko, Reed Crandall, Gil Kane, Manny Stallman, Mike Sekowsky, Ogden Whitney, Chic Stone, and others! Added features include articles on Mighty Comics, C.C. Becks's Fatman, and more! Eisner Award-winning editor Jon B. Cooke keeps the lightning striking in July! (TwoMorrows Publishing) Magazine, 116pg, b&w $6.95 COMIC RELIEF #143 Your favorite funny strips in one magazine including Dilbert, Doonesbury, Life in Hell, For Better or For Worse, Sylvia, and many more. Plus, humor features from Dave Barry and Joe Bob Briggs, to Ask Dr. Science and Weird News. Completely ad-free! (Page One Publishers) Magazine, 100pg, b&w $4.95 COMIC SHOP NEWS #734-737 Comic Shop News is the most popular weekly newsletter about comics. Each issue is full color, 8-16 pages with CSNsider, news, interviews, color art, and CSN Comics — an original Sunday-style comic. Only CSN has a complete monthly checklist, which includes Previews order numbers, plus exclusive CSN Hot Picks! "Fab Firsts" — a monthly checklist of all the first issues due for the month — is also included. Sold in both 50- count and 100-count bundles. (Comic Shop News) Tabloid, FC PI Ea. COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE #1444 Celebrating 40 years of the Fantastic Four! In 1961, a quartet of intrepid adventurers went into space where they were battered by cosmic rays. They returned as Marvel's first Silver Age super-team, and now CBG pays tribute to four wild decades! All this, plus columns by Tony Isabella, Andrew Smith, Mark Evanier, and Peter David. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE #1445 Reviews, reviews, reviews! CBG's readers have spoken and this issue features nothing but reviews! Even regular columnists Andrew Smith, Mark Evanier, Peter David, and Tony Isabella will devote their columns to reviewing material and CBG's panel of retailer reviewers will look at comics scheduled to ship in September. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE #1446 A compendium of collections! Trade paperback and hardcover collections of popular mini-series and story arcs have been proliferating in the industry. This week, CBG turns the spotlight on books that are books. Learn what criteria determine a collection's contents. Take a look at upcoming graphic novels. Plus, columns by Mark Evanier, Peter David, Tony Isabella, and Andrew Smith make this an issue you'll want to collect as well. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1447 Saluting senior super-heroes! 1941 was another banner year for the introduction of characters, and comics historian Ron Goulart gives CBG the lowdown on several who hit their 60th anniversary in 2001. In addition, columns by Peter David, Tony Isabella, Andrew Smith, and Mark Evanier make this a can't-miss issue. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS INTERNATIONAL #135 Now featuring Jim Kreuger's Appendix to Marvel's Universe X each issue, Comics International enters its 11th year of up-to-the-minute award-winning U.S. comics news coverage – over 20 pages per issue – plus reviews of over 100 current titles, new title previews, close-ups, regular columns on investment tips, comic-to-film adaptations, fantasy news, toy news, international festival guide, US and world store details, publisher index, in-depth Q&A with many answers by top professionals, heated comics debates, internet news overview and reviews, full listings of over 300 coming comics from the top 25 publishers — with full credits and story synopses, top 100 sales on last months comics plus Judge Dredd Megazine editor and Warrior/Marvelman/V for Vendetta co- creator's monthly industry overviews. (Comics International) Magazine, PC $2.25 COMICS REVUE #184 Featuring: Tarzan at the Earth's Core by Burne Hogarth! Also featuring: Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray, Flash Gordon by Dan Barry, Casey Ruggles by Warren Tufts, Alley Oop by V. T. Hamlin, Modesty Blaise by Peter O'Donnell, Steve Canyon by Milton Caniff, Barnaby by Crockett Johnson, The Phantom by Lee Falk & Ray Moore, Gasoline Alley by Dick Moores, Krazy Kat by George Herriman, and Buz Sawyer by Roy Crane. (Manuscript Press) Magazine $5.95 CRACKED MAGAZINE #360 Cracked is America's number one humor mag, offering the best in illustrated parodies by the top artists in the business! Each issue of Cracked features spoofs of the biggest blockbuster movies along all of your favorite features such as "Shut Ups," "Backwash," and more, plus all of the best Cracked characters — Sylvester P. Smythe, Simpy Dumpkins, Klugg the Caveman, Wedgie Boy, and Joe Studd! (Media Corps) Magazine $2.95 DRAW! #2 Back for its second issue, DRAW! is filled to bursting with more great interviews and "How-To" demonstrations from some of comics' and animation's top pros! This issue includes a cover by and interview with Cartoon Network's Genndy Tartakovsky, the man behind Dexter's Laboratory and the upcoming stylish, action, sci-fi show, Samurai Jack! Inking tips and tricks with Klaus Janson, who's inked just about every book, character and penciler from the Dark Knight to his current work on The Defenders! A chat with artist Phil Hester on creating and self-publishing comics like The Wretch and The Coffin, to mainstream success on The Green Arrow and conquering Hollywood! An in-depth interview and How-To by Steve Conley, the artist behind the award-winning on-line comic, Astounding Space Thrills, and one of the chief architects behind the on-line portal and the Toonarama internet comic strip syndicate! And to top it off, the second installment of "Secrets of Drawing Sexy Women" by Bret Blevins, reviews, links and more! (TwoMorrows Publishing) Magazine, 88pg, PC $5.95 FUNNY TIMES JULY 2001 Funny Times features the best cartoons and stories by America's funniest cartoonists and writers. Besides well-known features such as Dave Barry, Molly Ivins, Life in Hell, Lynda Barry, Nicole Hollander, and also the most interesting and funny new talent. The monthly format allows for topical political humor and social satire. (Funny Times) Magazine $2.95 SKETCH MAGAZINE #9 It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's Ed McGuiness! The artist behind the Man of Steel starts things off with bang in this power-packed Kryptonite-free issue of Sketch, with a comprehensive interview on his contribution to the industry. From his extensive work on titles like Vampirella and Fighting American, to his position as the top artist on Superman; how has he done it? Ed discusses his clean style of illustrating and how he landed the largest and most famous superhero of all times. In addition to the interview, Sketch will supply all the "How To…" and fill the niche of comic book creation with columns on the comic industry such as inking, coloring, writing, pencilling, promoting, packaging etc. written by some of the most respectable professionals in the business. Sketch is the trade publication of the comic industry offering comic book creators a forum to swap tales and secrets. The material in Sketch is never dated, thus each article offers fresh information that can be used over and over again. (Blue Line Pro) Magazine $5.95 COLLECTOR MAGAZINES ACTION FIGURE NEWS & TOY REVIEW #106 This issue features a special pull-out guide to Galoob's Star Wars Micro Machines and Action Fleet toys! Plus, AFN goes to the movies, with coverage of all the movie-related toys coming soon, including: Planet of the Apes, Jurassic Park III, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and Gladiator, and the next installment of Lee's "Best of the '80s." Also, a vintage Hot Wheels review and giveaway, and breaking news on Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Image, G.I. Joe action figure lines, and all the regular AFN monthly features! (Action Figure News & Toy Review) Magazine, FC $5.95 BECKETT SPORTS CARDS MAGAZINES These magazines cover the superstars of sports and sports-card collecting with insightful articles and colorful action photos. Regular features include looks at the most popular players and cards; tips on card collecting; and "Readers Write," a forum for readers. Plus, one of the hobby's most reliable and relied-upon price guides for cards. (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) BASEBALL (#197)—Magazine, FC $4.99 BASKETBALL (#133)—Magazine, FC $4.99 FOOTBALL (#137)—Magazine, FC $4.99 HOCKEY (#130)—Magazine, FC $3.99 RACING & MOTORSPORTS (#84)—Magazine, FC $3.99 SPORTS COLLECTIBLES & AUTOGRAPHS (#124)—Magazine, FC $3.99 BECKETT DRAGONBALL Z COLLECTOR #9 The latest issue of Beckett Dragonball Z Collector magazine is here! Each issue includes price guides and checklists, new release information, video game tips and tricks, coverage of all characters, contests, web site reviews, merchandise and cartoon reviews, and much more! (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 94pg $4.99 BECKETT POKÉMON COLLECTOR #23 Each issue of Beckett Pokémon Collector offers fresh, creative, and fun articles and columns on the latest and greatest Pokémon products on the market. Fans and collectors will be able to find out not only the value of their collectibles, but also where to find conventions and shows at which they can buy, sell, or trade them, and tournaments where they can play Pokémon! Plus, readers are offered words of wisdom from some of the best and most knowledgeable writers in the toy industry. Monthly. (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 72pg, FC $4.99 MARY BETH'S BEAN BAG WORLD JULY 2001 #107 Mary Beth's Bean Bag World remains the top source for hot news in beanbag plush collectibles and is now produced under a license from Ty, Inc. This colorful bean bag extravaganza keeps readers coming back for more with the best coverage of bean bag news, events, charities, and contests. Bean Bag World gives readers of all ages loads of color photos and expert advice from Mary Beth Sobolewski, Editor-In-Chief and renowned staff writers such as Claudia Dunne, Peggy Gallagher, Sara Nelson, Janet Leopold, and many more. Don't miss out on the most accurate price guide around. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 148pg, FC $5.99 MARY BETH'S TEDDY BEARS & MORE DECEMBER/FEBRUARY #109 The publishers of Mary Beth's Bean Bag World and Editor-In-Chief Mary Beth Sobolewski invite you to take a peek at their latest creation, Mary Beth's Teddy Bears & More. This unique publication is created for the true teddy bear connoisseur as well as the serious collector of other handmade plush. The targeted reader is the kind of collector who sees teddy bears as works of art worth investing in and preserving. Mary Beth's Teddy Bears & More provides the reader with a variety of information from the world of teddy bears and other fine plush. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 MODEL MANIACS #3 From the creators of Chiller Theatre Magazine! Each issue is printed on glossy stock and features articles and how-to features for modelers of all ages and skill levels. Plus, each issue includes regular columns, reviews, and more! (Chiller Theatre, Inc.) Magazine $5.95 MODELER'S RESOURCE #41 Hilber Graf joins a gorilla hunting party in his latest outing as he creates a Planet of the Apes diorama, just in time for the Tim Burton movie! Bill Craft chases a phantom in his latest encounter of the "Lair of the Craftbeast!" Then it's all Magic, Fantasy, and Monsters with sculptor Daniel Horne! Also: Mark Fergel takes on the Gunstar for sci-fi modelers everywhere; Fred DeRuvo reviews the Dick Tracy Space Coupe and Forgotten Prisoner re-issues from Polar Lights; and all the regular features— "Kits that Time Forgot," reviews, how-tos, profiles, and more! (Modeler's Resource) Magazine $5.99 NON-SPORT UPDATE VOLUME 12 #4 For the first time ever, Non-Sport Update offers two different covers! Choose from Planet of the Apes or late KISS drummer, Eric Carr! No matter which cover you choose, you'll get the same great features and promo cards! Read about the Planet of the Apes set from Topps, the Eric Carr Commemorative set from Studio Chikara, and much more! Regular features include: "New Card Review," "Non-Sports Shorts Timeline," "We Hear You," "Finders Keepers," and the "Promo Column." There is a 30-page price guide in each issue. Bimonthly. (Non-Sports Update) PLANET O/T APES COVER—Magazine, 88pg, PC $4.50 ERIC CARR COVER—Magazine, 88pg, PC $4.50 POJO'S UNOFFICIAL POKÉMON NEWS & PRICE GUIDE #108 H&S Media Inc. has joined forces with, the hottest Pokémon website, to create PoJo's Unofficial Pokémon News and Price Guide. It provides the most comprehensive, current and in-depth coverage of Pokémon card and video game strategies, as well as up-to-the-minute Pokémon news and information. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 116pg, FC $5.99 SPORTS CARDS MAGAZINE #10 Each month, for six months, Fleer and Sports Cards Magazine are teaming up for six exclusive trading cards, available only with the magazine. The design of the cards is "Greats of the Game," honoring, for the first time, current players. This edition includes part of this series. (Krause Publications) Magazine $3.99 TOMART'S DISNEYANA UPDATE #42 This issue features Disney movie posters, a major feature on animation maquettes from Pinocchio, Fantasia, and other early Disney cartoons and features. Plus, a sneak peek at the new Tokyo Disney Seas theme park pin trading being added to Disneyland Paris. In addition to the regular departments, this issue contains the 43rd chapter in the history of Disney Merchandising. (Tomart Publications) Magazine, FC $6.00 TOY CARS AND MODELS MAGAZINE #8 AUGUST 2001 Each issue of TC&M delivers comprehensive features and step-by-step how-to articles geared towards the die-cast and scale model enthusiast. Don't miss out on all the up-to- date and easy-to-follow pricing, new releases, plus a huge buy-and-sell marketplace! (Krause Publications) Magazine, FC $4.50 TOY SHOP #259-260 Find the toys you want! Thousands of collector toys, models, dolls and related items are for sale in the pages of Toy Shop every issue. You'll find classified ads indexed alphabetically by category, making it easy for you to locate items of collectible interest. Containing more than 115 separate classifications, Toy Shop puts the entire spectrum of collectible toys and models at your fingertips every issue. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.98Ea. TUFF STUFF #9 SEPTEMBER 2001 The monthly price guide contains prices for sports cards in singles, packs, boxes, and sets, along with prices for racing, draft picks, limited edition collectibles, and promo cards. Plus, autographs and memorabilia, as well as a Kenner Starting Lineup section. Also, lively feature stories, the latest in hobby news, and regular monthly columns from experts in the field. (Krause Publications) Magazine $4.99 GAME MAGAZINES DRAGON #287 Dragon Magazine is the only magazine solely dedicated to D&D, so there's no coincidence that it's the finest role-playing game magazine in the industry! This magazine will feature things that are sure to excite D&D fans. (Curtis Circulation) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 DUNGEON #88 The official source for the third edition of D&D adventures! Dungeon Adventures #88 offers all-new adventures for all levels of play, each complete with maps, NPCs, new treasures and weapons, and more! (TSR) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 132pg $5.99 GAMES UNPLUGGED MAGAZINE #9 Summer Alert! This issue features Games Unplugged's guide to hot new releases ready to hit Origins and Gen Con! And in "ConStruction," expert con-hand Carl "Con Man" Cabanas, shows us what's involved in running a convention. All this, plus SnarfQuest and over twenty reviews! (Dynasty Presentations, Inc.) Magazine $2.99 NEXT GENERATION MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2001 The most complete source for video gamers! Includes articles and reviews on the newest video games, covering the various outlets, including PlayStation, Dreamcast, Xbox, and PC games, along with company and technology news. (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC $5.99 PC GAMER MAGAZINE WITH CD-ROM SEPTEMBER 2001 The world's best-selling PC games magazine! This is the ultimate strategy and tips guide, with over 392 cheats, codes, and tips for all the latest games. Plus, reviews and previews of games, as well as articles covering everything in the PC game field. This issue comes with a special 2001 calendar from Empire Earth, along with a CD-ROM that has demos of eight games! (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC w/CD-ROM $7.99 POJO'S VIDEO GAME REVIEW SUMMER #107 Things have heated up even more in the video-game market since Sony's PlayStation 2 joined the ranks of top gaming systems. Clearly you need help wading through the vast number of games out there competing for your attention. This magazine provides the answers you need to see what's worth playing. Included are game previews and reviews, tips, a buyer's guide, and information on gaming networks. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 132pg, FC $6.99 PSM MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER #10 100% Playstation… 100% Independent! PSM Magazine is the place to turn to for everything in the world of PlayStation and PlayStation2! Each issue include the latest news from the U.S. and Japan, software reviews and previews, strategy guides to the hottest games, cheats and codes, letters, and exclusive covers illustrated by some of the comic industry hottest creators! (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC $4.99 SCRYE VOLUME 8 #6 This issue of Scrye features your guide to the latest information on Mage Knight: Rebellion armies, strategies, figures, and new releases! Check out the latest Homebrewed Rules for your favorite games! Don't miss out on the latest Scrye contests! Scrye always has the coolest prizes for the most winners! Scrye is the guide for all Collectible Card Games and Collectible Miniature Games! Get the latest news on games in development in our On Deck section; check out the hottest strategies for new releases in First Cut; hone your skills for survival in our Mastyr section; and tweak your decks with advice on stellar new deck combinations from ScryeLab. Check the value of your cards against their price guides for Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon, Mage Knight: Rebellion, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dragonball Z, and many more! Don't miss out on the latest news in Card Collector Confidential! Check out the winning decks in the Winner's Circle! Plan your gaming schedule with the Scrye Convention and Tournament Calendar! And laugh along with us at the latest humorous concoction in John Kovalic's Dork Tower. (Krause Publications) Magazine, FC $4.99 STAR WARS GAMER MAGAZINE #6 Star Wars Gamer brings you new articles and adventures for the Star Wars role-playing game, LucasArts electronic game coverage, and new Star Wars fiction by best-selling authors, all the while exploring new corners of the galaxy! This is the only magazine that puts you in the heart of the Star Wars galaxy! Bimonthly. (Wizards of the Coast) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 102pg, FC $6.99 WHITE DWARF #263 White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premier magazine, crammed with news, gaming articles, pictures of great painted Citadel Miniatures, and much more! Each month, White Dwarf contains all the latest information about the Games Workshop hobby including the lasts news releases of Citadel Models, in-depth features on armies, painting guides, modeling tips, rules clarifications, battle reports, and loads more. White Dwarf is the guide to the Games Workshop hobby and always contains new and views of use to beginners and seasoned gamers alike. (Games Workshop) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Magazine $4.99 GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINES CASTLE OF FRAKENSTEIN PRESENTS: THE NEW ADVENTURES OF FRANKENSTEIN TOME #3 — BONES OF FRANKENSTEIN Each issue features a Frankenstein feature-length novel with illustrations. Not a comic book, these are the "true, authentic and authorized editions," most of them have never been published in the U.S. in any form! In the murky shadows of Crovakia, Rogaro the wizard and the mad military man, The General, bring the bones of Victor Frankenstein back to life and force him to create six new immortal, military-motivated monsters! Will the original Frankenstein survive Tome #3? Find out in "Bones of Frankenstein" by Donald F. Glut and Rick "Spine" Mountfort! (Dennis Druktenis Publishing) Magazine, b&w (3 of 11) $7.00 CINEFANTASTIQUE VOLUME 33 #4 The adventure behind-the-scenes of Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire, was almost as great as the one that will wind up on movie screens this summer. Seeking to break away from old formulas, directors Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise spun a tale that harkens back to the company's classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and brought in Hellboy creator Mike Mignola to add his own, unique stamp to the film's visuals. Now, Cinefantastique will take you inside the production of this animated epic, showing how Mignola's celebrated style has been brought to life by the Disney artists. Also included will be exclusive interviews with many of the main participants, as well as features which highlight the story with art that will trace the genesis of the project from Mignola's pen to the finished film: the first 70mm, animated epic Disney has offered in over 15 years! Plus: more-in-depth coverage of all the summer blockbusters, including Jurassic Park III, Planet of the Apes, and Rollerball! (Cinefantastique) Magazine $5.95 CINESCAPE #55 Summer's not just the hottest season of the year. It's the hottest time for sci-fi movies! Planet of the Apes, Jurassic Park III, Steven Spielberg's A.I., Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, and other genre offerings are hitting theaters this summer, and Cinescape will take fans behind-the-scenes on many of these films. Packed with color photos, interviews and sneak previews of other upcoming blockbusters, Cinescape's summer issue is a must- read for sci-fi fans! (TotalFan.Com, Inc/Fandom) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 CULT MOVIES MAGAZINE #35 This issue: Godzilla! The Mummy! Boris Karloff! More Bela Lugosi! Spaghetti Cinema! Dracula Invades England! Plus: Forrest J. Ackerman's Journal Update, book and video reviews, sci-fi news, and much more! (Cult Movies Productions) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 90pg, b&w $4.95 CULT TIMES #71 The month ahead of cult TV starts here! Plan your viewing with Cult Times' "Out of the Box" –– the indispensable listing guide of cult television programs to watch out for on terrestrial, cable, and satellite. Read interviews with the stars and features on cult shows currently airing in the U.K. Take a light-hearted but informative look at a classic series in the "Instant Guide" and review the highlights of the previous month's viewing in "Times Past." Cult Times is the complimentary magazine to TV Zone, and together they provide the ultimate guide to the many worlds of cult television. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 DARK SIDE #92 Italian composer Alessandro Alessandroni and Hannibal actress Julianne Moore are just two of the interview subjects in the hot new issue of Dark Side, the UK's most fright- packed magazine! Also profiled are the staff of Anchor Bay, America's top DVD label for collectors of the bizarre and fantastic! All this, and much more from the worlds of dark fantasy and horror! (Stray Cat Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 DOCTOR WHO IN-VISION #97 This issue's serial continues the Doctor and Ace's journey back to London in 1963, where his adventuring began. There, he must deal with some unfinished business involving his old adversaries, The Daleks, and their creator, the evil Darvos! (Jeremy Bentham) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $6.00 DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE #307 Doctor Who Magazine is the only official source for news, features, interviews, and comic strip action devoted to BBC Television's immortal traveler in time and space! A classic First Doctor adventure is featured in this issue's Archive, and the comic strip exploits of the Eighth Doctor continue in Part Two of the all-new comic strip adventure, "The Way of All Flesh!". (Panini Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 52pg, FC $6.60 DREAMWATCH #84 Ever wondered where to get some of the best in news, interviews, and reviews? Every month, Dreamwatch features over 100 pages covering all things in fantasy and sci-fi entertainment! This issue: an exclusive visit to the set of Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes; an interview with Liv Tyler of Lord of the Rings; Angelina Jolie discusses Tomb Raider, sex, and tattoos; the latest Buffy news; X-Files revelations; Fox's Dark Angel; and more! Plus, regular columns, and more! (Titan) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.99 FANGORIA SEPTEMBER 2001 #206 This issue features a cover and feature story on John Carpenter's sci-fi/horror chiller, Ghosts of Mars! Also: continuing coverage of that space-bound Vorhees boy in Jason X, and a visit to the set of Snoop Dogg's new horror film, Bones! All this, plus the latest horror news, gossip, and video, DVD, and book reviews! (Starlog Group) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg, FC $7.99 FARSCAPE MAGAZINE #2 The second issue of Titan's sensational Farscape magazine brings you closer than you ever thought possible to the eclectic crew of Moya as they continue their fantastic third season! In this issue of the official Farscape magazine, Claudia Black spills the beans on the behind-the-scenes stories from Farscape; Executive Producer David Kemper reveals his plans for the show; and poses the question: "What The Frell Does That Mean?!" All this plus news on everything Farscape and a free poster! Also available with a Previews Exclusive cover! (Titan) (CAUT: 4) NEWSSTAND ED.––Magazine, 68pg, FC $5.99 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE––Magazine, 68pg, FC $5.99 FILMFAX #86 Coming up in the next few issues will be interviews with Cliff Robertson, John Agar, the stars of Dark Shadows, Ben Johnson, and many others! Expect Filmfax's usual entertaining mix of interviews and features on the worlds of science fiction, horror, film noir, westerns, comedy, and classic television! (Filmfax) Magazine $7.50 FORTEAN TIMES #149 Become a student of American iconoclast Charles Fort with this expansive guide to the bizarre. Features news, reviews, and research on strange phenomena, experiences, and curiosities from the intricacies of crop circles to phantom hitchhikers. It's wild, it's funny, it's open-minded yet skeptical — and it's true! (JB Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg $4.95 G-FAN #52 This issue, get the latest info on the latest entry in Toho's long-running kaiju series, Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Monster Super Battle; a retrospective on Yog, Monster From Space; a special fiction section for summer reading; plus news of Ultraman's return to the U.S. market, and much more! (Daikaiju Enterprises Ltd.) Magazine, 84pg, PC $4.95 GIANT ROBOT #22 Like a supreme sushi chef, the only Asian pop culture magazine that matters keeps on rolling! From martial arts movies to underground music to junk food, it's all here. In this issue, GR interviews action movie god Jackie Chan, yakuza film master Beat Takeshi, Japanese design superstars Groovisions, Wong Kar-Wai's ace photographer Wing Shya, and underground filmmaker Jon Moritsugu. Plus, enter the legendary Kowloon Walled City, visit the psychedelic Tiger Balm Gardens, make a violin, be a hand model, and get a colonic! (Giant Robot) Magazine, 88pg, b&w $4.95 GRAPHOTISM #26 This issue features the usual round up of the international graffiti scene, fashion, music, urban sports, design and street-level lifestyles. All brought together via a worldwide picture gallery, interviews, investigative journalism, photo essays, news and reviews, and contests and give-aways. (Diamond UK) Magazine $11.00 HEADPRESS #22 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Diamond UK) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 6x9, 160pg, b&w $14.95 HIGH TIMES SEPTMEBER 2001 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (High Times) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, 134pg, FC $4.99 JUXTAPOZ AUGUST/SEPTEMEBER 2001 Each issue, Juxtapoz examines the rich and varied world of popular art from photography and graffiti, to essays on great artists and traditional arts around the world. (High Speed Productions) Magazine $4.95 LOCUS #486 The science fiction and fantasy community's journal, with news and reviews on new and upcoming releases, as well as articles and columns by noted authors. (Locus Magazine) Magazine, 70pg, b&w $4.95 MAD ABOUT MOVIES #2 From the publishers of Midnight Marquee! This issue of Mad About Movies is jam- packed with articles and features on such classic movies and stars as: John Wayne, Kay Kyser, The Big Sleep, and Laurel and Hardy! Plus: classic movie reviews, and much more! (Midnight Marquee) NOTE: Originally solicited as Midnight Marquee Monsters #65—all previous orders are cancelled. RES. from Previews Vol. X #12 (Dec00) Magazine, 66pg, FC $6.00 MOVIE IDOLS #24 The Film Review poster magazine! Each issue is packed with dozens of color photos of the hottest TV and movie stars today, and folds open to a huge 33" x 23" poster! (Visual Imagination) Magazine, FC $3.99 ORIENTAL CINEMA #20 Pulp Cinema of Japan! Featuring Weather Woman, Scorpion's Revenge, and more! Plus: Rare Japanese monsters, anime & superheroes! Also inside: Hong Kong action movies, Korea's new Yongary movie, and much more! Color cover, glossy paper! (Draculina Publishing) MATURE READERS Magazine, b&w $5.95 PARSEC VOLUME 4 #4 Jungle Women Special! Interviews with TV's Sheena Gena Lee Nolin, Lost World's Jennifer O'Dell, and Beastmaster's Marjean Holden! Plus: Planet of the Apes' Krull — Cary Tagawa; Behind-the-scenes of Jason X as our favorite undying fiend heads for the future; Lexx's perpetual schlub, Stanley Tweedle, as the giant bug heads for season four; Deep Space Nine's bartender extraordinary Armin Shimerman; Callaghan's Bar creator author Spider Robinson on his latest novel, The Free Lunch; and columns by author Robert J. Sawyer; television's The Conspiracy Guy, and comic expert Mark Askwith, as well as regular columns on the Internet, gaming, non-sport cards, animation, music and videos! (Parsec) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 104pg, PC $4.25 PENTHOUSE SEPTEMBER 2001 For the past three decades, Penthouse has informed, intrigued, and entertained. Just mix beautiful women and mind-boggling photography with thought-provoking exposés, along with the latest in fashion, movies, books, spirits, and fitness, and you've got one of the best men's magazines on the planet. SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (General Media Publishing Group) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, FC $8.99 PLAYBOY MAGAZINE & SPECIALS The largest-selling, most respected men's magazine in the world — the one that gave you centerfolds, bunnies, and Jenny McCarthy! Millions of adults love Playboy's engaging mix of fun, fiction, superstar personalities, sports, top-name interviews, and sensually provocative photos of the most beautiful women in the world! Also available: Playboy Presents; Playboy's Private Collection; Playboy's Book of Lingerie, featuring tasteful photos of some of the world's loveliest ladies modeling sexy intimate wear; and Playboy Special, featuring themed layouts – from College Girls to the Girls of Summer! SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Warner Publisher Services) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. ADULT MATERIAL MAGAZINE (SEPTEMBER)—Magazine $4.99 LINGERIE (NOV/DEC)—Magazine $6.99 PRIVATE COLLECTION #26—Magazine $6.99 SPECIAL (SEP/OCT)—Magazine $6.99 PROTOCULTURE ADDICTS #67 This issue spotlights the classic TV series Gundam M.S. (a.k.a. First Gundam, which started on Cartoon Network in early June and will be released by Bandai Entertainment on DVD in August), and on two recent anime TV series of great interest: Argento Soma (an Evangelion-like anime produced by Sunrise and directed by Kazuyoshi Katayama, known for his work on The Big O, Those Who Hunt Elves, and Giant Robo) and Vandread (a space and mecha adventure produced by Studio Gonzo who also animated Blue Submarine No. 6 and Gate Keepers). It will also feature Anime World articles (Conventions reports, The Modern Japanese Music Database Part 11), short overviews of recent anime shows (Anime Stories on Gakko no Kaidan, Genso Maden Saiyuki, Gundress and Tri Zenon), the usual reviews (of the latest Anime videos, Manga, live- action movies and Model Kits), and the latest news! (Protoculture) Magazine, 60pg, PC $4.95 PSYCHOTRONIC VIDEO #35 This issue's featured interviews include: Jeremy Slate of Hell's Angels '69; Anna Lisa from The Three Stooges In Orbit; Paul Koslo from The Omega Man; Donald Jackson, Director of Hell Comes To Frogtown; and Tom Desimone, Director of Concrete Jungle! All this, plus surprise rock-and-roll features, hundreds of reviews, rare illustrations, and the usual columns! (Psychotronic Video) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.00 RUSH #109 Formerly published as To the Maxx! Rush embraces and celebrates the lifestyle of the modern man, and includes features and departments covering women, sports, gadgets, sex, drinks, diets, entertainment, health, humor, fashion, travel, and more! Rush also features photo spreads of the sexiest women in the world, including the most desirable supermodels, movie, and television starlets. Rush is the handbook for every man's life. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 144pg, FC $5.99 SCARY MONSTERS MAGAZINE #39 The Mad Mummy (super-collector/SFX artist, Bob Burns) graces the cover of this issue, which includes: a photo-filled feature on Bob Burns; a vintage Mad Mummy article from the pages of Fanastic Monsters of the Films #4 from 1962; Part Three of "Vampire Over London: Bela Lugosi's Last Dracula Tour"; Part Three of "Something in the Shadows: The Dark Fantasies of Val Lewton," examining the Lewton classics The Ghost Ship and Curse of the Cat People; and much, much more! (Dennis Druktenis Publishing) Magazine, b&w $6.95 SFX #80 The smashing, spirited sci-fi magazine from Britain! This magazine asks and answers the burning questions on all sci-fi fans' minds. And, late-breaking news; in-depth interviews; behind-the-scene reports; multi-media reviews (books, comics, games, videos, TV); and much more. What more could a sci-fi fan want? (Future Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.75 SFX COLLECTOR'S SPECIAL—STAR TREK: VOYAGER COMPLETE GUIDE This spring, after seven seasons, the last episode of Star Trek: Voyager will be broadcast in the form of a two-hour finale featuring the Borg! To celebrate seven years of Star Trek: Voyager, SFX presents the first-ever episode guide to cover every single episode of the show! Written in SFX's usual no-holds-barred style, every episode will be covered in depth with full cast and crew listings, plot summaries, reviews and ratings, and extra features such as trivia, choice dialogue, and a directory of terms, places and races. Plus: interviews with the stars and major behind-the-scenes staff members, features on the making of the show, contests, and exclusive bonus art cards! No Voyager fan will want to be without this commemorative edition! (Future Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.75 SHIVERS #92 Every month, Shivers contains an exciting mix of interviews with the creative people of the horror world. Regular features include write Kim Newman's outspoken opinion column, Ingrid Pitt on horror fandom worldwide, and a favorite fright from the archives in "The Fright of Your Life." Plus, up-to-the-minute news and reviews of all the latest horror on DVD, film, and TV, as well as a pull-out poster of the cover artwork! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 SPECTRUM #27 Spectrum's renowned annual analysis of Buffy the Vampire Slayer returns with a detailed look at the Fifth Season, including an episode guide and commentary on each episode! Also, reviews and an episode guide for the second year of Roswell; plus the usual insightful articles and reviews from the worlds of film, comics, and cult TV! (Win-Mill Productions) Magazine, b&w $4.95 STAR TREK COMMUNICATOR #135 Star Trek 35th Anniversary special issue! This issue looks at all the wonderful ways in which Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future is alive and well. Star Trek Communicator talks to Executive Producer Rick Berman and gives you an early look at the new Star Trek TV series! Voyager will soon finish, but Communicator gives it a final hurrah with a Year-in-Review and Season's Secrets feature. And there's much more Trek, including the real adventures of Captain Sulu, the results of the Favorite Episode Fan Poll, and the debut of the new Fan Spotlight column! (Star Trek Fan Club) Magazine, FC $4.95 STAR TREK MAGAZINE #29 This magazine brings you the very best, new, up-to-date, in-depth news and information on Star Trek every month, complete with unique new pictures. Every 112-page issue brings you spectacular gatefolds with detailed technical drawings and full-color artwork, plus full analysis of the characters, races, starships, as well as 24th century technology. (Fabbri Publishing, Inc.) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.99 STARBURST #276 With nearly 25 years of publishing behind it, Starburst continues to offer its unique blend of the latest news, features, and interviews combined with a look back at science fiction classics of the past. Plus, the finest reviews section known to man, with the cream of films, books, soundtracks, television, comics, and DVDs all scrutinized for you. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 STARLOG #290 The science fiction summer continues as Starlog goes behind-the-scenes on the season's biggest sci-fi and fantasy films! In this issue: Starlog gets into extreme extreme sports with the ultra-action Rollerball remake! Also: genre veteran John Carpenter exorcises the Ghosts of Mars; Eddie Murphy is a cosmic gumshoe in Pluto Nash; and much, much more! (Starlog Group) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.99 TOMB RAIDER MAGAZINE #5 This month, the official Tomb Raider magazine not only has Lara Croft, but Aphrodite IX too! That's two chaotic comic strips in one cool mag, dedicated to the greatest video game heroine of all time! Available in both Newsstand and Previews Exclusive cover editions! (Titan) NEWSSTAND ED.—Magazine, 52pg $4.99 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE—Magazine, 52pg $4.99 TOON MAGAZINE #26 TOON Magazine is dedicated to the world of animation in all its forms, As well as the latest news, reviews, and interviews, TOON discusses the things that other magazines gloss over or skip altogether! TOON likes to think that "they don't have the same old articles on the same old cartoons." In this issue, TOON covers the new X-Men series as well as a detailed article on the Mighty Heroes, and much more! (Black Bear Press) Magazine, 64pg, PC $5.95 TV ZONE #141 Up to the minute news, features and interviews, plus continuing coverage of popular cult TV shows like Stargate SG-1, Xena: Warrior Princess, Angel, Star Trek: Voyager, Farscape, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Doctor Who. Also, our ongoing episode guides to popular series and answers to readers' questions in "Memory Alpha," along with regular news, reviews, and interviews. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 TV ZONE SPECIAL #42: STARGATE SPECIAL Following up the sell-out success of 2000's TV Zone Stargate SG-1 Special, comes a second 100-page issue centered on the hit TV series! Featuring new interviews with cast and crew members, a look ahead at upcoming episodes, and a full guide to the Gate, this is an indispensable magazine for all fans of fantasy television! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg, FC $7.99 ULTIMATE DVD #20 As the DVD market continues to grow, Visual Imagination's entertainment magazine — now in its second year — is devoted solely to this format. Every issue contains the latest news, DVD reviews, star interviews, production notes, and a diary of forthcoming releases. Plus, a look at the latest players. Not to be missed! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $5.99 VIDEO WATCHDOG #74 If you're into horror, science fiction, or fantasy films; Hong Kong action cinema or 60s sexploitation; or other cult movies with an alternative bend, Video Watchdog is the magazine for you! Each 80-page issue is jam-packed with in-depth reviews of all the latest releases on VHS, DVD, and LaserDisc, including coverage of rare mail-order and import titles. Want to know if a new release is complete, correctly letterboxed, or otherwise worth your investment? Only Video Watchdog gives you the lowdown — regularly comparing new releases to earlier versions, and illustrating reviews with actual frame enlargements to show you what you're getting! And each issue is built around compelling feature articles about exciting releases, restored footage, lost classics, career interviews, and other essential reading! Now monthly! (Video Watchdog) Magazine, 80pg $6.50 WICKED #8 Wicked is the bi-monthly magazine devoted to the best in dark genre and horror entertainment in film, television, and new media! Plus: the next installment of "Don't Get Me Started," the exclusive column by B-movie star Bruce Campbell! Magazine, 84pg $6.95 WRAPPED IN PLASTIC #54 The world's longest-running Twin Peaks magazine continues its coverage of the ground- breaking series, including updates on current projects by David Lynch (Mulholland Drive), Mark Frost (All Souls), and the actors! Plus, The X-Files, and the usual letters and news updates about all things Lynchian! (Win-Mill Productions) Magazine, b&w $4.50 WWF MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2001 The official magazine of the WWF for anyone who can smell what The Rock is cooking! Want the latest scoop on Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and all of your favorite WWF superstars? The background on the hottest feuds? An update of WWF news, tours, and merchandise? Then turn to the WWF, your pipeline to the World Wrestling Federation. (Kable News Company) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $4.99 WWF RAW MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2001 Exploring the rawer side of the WWF! Featuring the stunts they can't show on TV, backstage info on the wrestlers, pin-ups of stars like The Undertaker, Mankind, and HHH, plus bonus provocative pin-ups of the ladies of wrestling. Hey, why should wrestlers get all the posters? So are you man enough for Raw? Officially licensed by the WWF — and that's the bottom line! (Kable News Company) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS Magazine, FC $3.99 XPOSÉ SPECIAL #16: MAGIC SPECIAL This Xposé Special takes an in-depth look at the world of witchcraft in the company of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Willow and Tara, as well as the Halliwell sisters of Charmed. There's also a look back at events in the Charmed sisters' lives thus far, plus episode guides and features on all the best Fantasy TV and film around, including The X-Files, Xena: Warrior Princess, Angel, Beastmaster, The Immortal, and Sheena! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg, FC $7.99 ***************************** BOOKS ART BOOKS BODY PAINTING HC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Bud Plant) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL HC, 10x12, 96pg, FC $19.99 STARS OF THE MONTH THE BORIS VALLEJO PORTFOLIO TPB By Boris Vallejo He's considered first in the ranks of "heroic fantasy" illustrators! Here are 28 dramatic paintings that have a touch (or more) of eroticism. Among the included works: "Egyptian Warrior," a vision in bronze; "Tattoo" where the dragon etched into an arm morphs into the real thing; and "Discus Thrower," which shows a silvery, robotic man in outer space striking the classic pose of an ancient Greek athlete. Originally published in the UK in the early 1990s! (Sterling Publishing) (1-855857-92-8/STAR12888) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in the U.K. SC, 9x12, 64pg, FC $21.95 CRUEL & UNUSUAL: GREG LOUDON SKETCHBOOK by Greg Loudon If you like your temptresses torrid, and your pleasures naughty, then Greg Loudon's Cruel and Unusual is what you need. This commercial artist with a dark compulsion creates pin-up art of fabulous babes and blood-sucking female vampires. In this collection, he let it all out. Prepare for his feverish imagination and ability to render females of every description. (SQP) (STAR12846) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS TPB, 8x11, 64pg, b&w $9.95 DARWERKS ART OF BROM TPB by Brom One of this generation's most popular cult fantasy artists, Brom has a distinctive and disturbing vision. From his dark imagination have emerged paintings that bring us face to face with the beautiful, the deadly, and the bizarre. One hundred and fifty full-color reproductions offer a glimpse into the mind and soul of this dark master whose work has enhanced books, comics, games, and videos, ranging from Dungeons & Dragons to Doom II. Among the material included are some hitherto unpublished early works; covers such as the deeply unsettling Fire Clown, and horror-filled Rat's Den; and trading cards in a variety of genres, including the collectible Dark Ages. (Sterling Publishing) (1- 85585-836-3/STAR12893) TPB, 9x11, 128pg, FC $21.95 DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS VOLUME 3 Selling your soul to the Devil has never paid such delicious dividends! Here is a collection of satanic sirens who use their under-worldly charms to entrance and entrap mortal men to their eternal doom. This is the latest in one of SQP's most popular line of books — fiery females in bed with the Dark Lord himself! As with all the Gallery Girls books, this one is loaded with incredible illustrations by such talents as Arantza, Mitch Byrd, Mike Hoffman, Tomas Giorello, Fastner & Larson, Llopis, Pelaez, Maraschi, and Blas Gallego. Cover painting by Dorian. (SQP) (STAR12981) MATURE READERS SC, 64pg, b&w $9.95 **************************** DINOTOPIA DELUXE HC S&N WITH PRINT By James Gurney A superlative deluxe edition of possibly the most important and successful children's illustrated book of the 1990's, Dinotopia offers us a guided tour of a mysterious land where dinosaurs and humans have lived in harmony for thousands of years. This beautiful volume, Gurney's first signed and limited edition book, is bound in leather with gilt titles, enclosed in an extremely heavy slipcase with a "dinosaur skin" textured finish with matching endpapers and a special gold-embossed signature plate. Additionally, an 18" x 19" signed and numbered "Skybax Rider" print is also included with this fantastic art book. (Bud Plant) (CAUT: 4) HC, 11x10, 160pg, FC $120.00 HAUNTED HOUSE OF LINGERIE VOLUME 3 TP Beware of things that go "BUMP" in the night! Silky insanity and satin made satanic, the undead crave panties, and the gorgeous girls who wear them! Or so it would seem, as writer/artist Rich Larson creates his third installment of the Haunted House of Lingerie! This latest macabre mix of horror and erotica also contains a secret origin tale of the House itself, illustrated by Fastner & Larson! Rummaging through an underwear drawer was never this forbidden or fun! (SQP) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC $9.95 STARS OF THE MONTH RICH LARSONS HAUNTED HOUSE OF LINGERIE VOLUME 2 Zombies in their underwear? The undead modeling bras? Ghostly apparitions in their unmentionables? No! This is the second collection of Rich Larson's bizarre gallery of scantily-clad cuties doing their best to escape the clutches of would-be monsters! The first volume of this strange little exercise met with resounding success, so for Rich's fans, here is another helping of silk, satin, and insanity! (SQP) (STAR09813) MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 72pg, b&w $9.95 FASTNER & LARSON: ARCHITECTS OF FANTASY VOLUME 1 For almost 20 years, the airbrush team of Steve Fastner and Rich Larson has created some of the most imaginative fantasy illustrations ever committed to paper. This paperback collection of some of their finest works showcases paintings originally created for science-fiction and fantasy paperbacks, album sleeves, comic and card projects, and fantasy portfolios. (SQP) (STAR02834) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 72pg, b&w $9.95 ************************* TO BE CONTINUED… VOLUMES 16 & 17—HISTORY OF MOVIES THROUGH POSTERS TP A veritable trip through the time tunnel of Hollywood and popular culture, these coffee- table books are printed in the finest quality to appropriately spotlight the vintage images captured in all their original vibrant colors! Volume 16 introduces over 100 of the greatest 1930s and 1940s movie chapter serials, as shown at Saturday Matinees, including all of the comic character serials, while Volume 17 highlights over 250 horror/sci-fi posters and lobby cards spanning through the 1950's and 1960's, plus 100 complete sets of 8 lobby cards! (Bruce Hershenson) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: All original posters and lobby cards showcased in these editions will be auctioned off via the Internet at the end of June, 2001. VOLUME #16 $20.00 VOLUME #17 $20.00 VINTAGE HOLLYWOOD POSTERS IV TP This auction catalog from Bruce Hershenson, who previously printed catalogs for both Christie's and the Howard Lowery auction house, contains a selection of rare movie posters and lobby cards from every decade and genre from the 1910s to the 1960s. Included are rare, never-before-scene treasures as a window card from The Lost World, a Houdini serial poster, a previously unknown 1917 Charlie Chaplin poster, as well as a collection of over 25 Buck Jones posters, and Abbott and Costello one-sheets, Title and best scene cards, and much more! (CAUT: 4) NOTE: All original posters and lobby cards showcased in these editions will be auctioned off via the Internet at the end of June, 2001. TP $20.00 MOVIE POSTER 3 BOOK SET All three of Bruce Hershenson's auction house books, highlighting the immense collection of original posters and lobby cards to be auctioned off via the Internet by June's end, are offered together at a reduced price. Included in each volume are details on the outcome of all auctions. (CAUT: 4) Set $49.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ANGEL #9: "BRUJA" MMPB by Joss Whedon & David Greenwalt Los Angeles is stunned when a woman who confesses to the murder of her own son attacks a priest. At the same time, Angel Investigations turns up reports of a maniacal woman showing up everywhere, floating in and out of gang fights, playgrounds, and flophouses populated by teen runaways. She is a bruja – a witch, and the embodiment of La Llorona – the "Weeping Woman" of Spanish lore. Now Angel must race against time to resolve this supernatural mystery involving a phantom whose mere touch brings death itself! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-0701-6) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 240pg $5.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: LOST SLAYER #1—"PROPHECIES" YOUNG ADULT MMPB by Christopher Golden The first installment of an all-new serial novel! Buffy Summers' adjustment to life at U.C. Sunnydale has not gone smoothly. She feels awkward, insecure, and a bit jealous that Willow's all over the college life. So when the spirit of deceased Slayer Lucy Hanover appears to Buffy in a dream with news of impending danger, the timing couldn't be worse. But matters don't get any better when, due to a mistake of her own doing, Buffy is catapulted into the body of her 24-year-old-self, a prisoner in an alternate reality that is terrifying beyond her worst nightmares, for in this world, vampires reign supreme! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1185-4) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 128pg $2.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SCRIPT BOOK SEASON 2 VOLUME 1 TPB by Joss Whedon Powered by a combination of razor-sharp wit, pop-culture references, unmistakable Slayer-slang, and an all-encompassing irony, a Buffy the Vampire script is always a red- hot commodity. Inviting readers on an insider's journey through Sunnydale, The Script Book includes the original shooting scripts of the first six episodes of the second season by the Emmy-nominated Joss Whedon and his crack team of Buffy writers. Note: Also available are the currently released Season 1 Volume 1 & 2 Script Books. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1014-9) (CAUT: 4) SEASON 2 VOLUME 1—TPB, 8½x11, 352 pg $14.00 SEASON 1 VOLUME 1—TPB $14.00 SEASON 1 VOLUME 2—TPB $14.00 COLLECTING OFFERED AGAIN O/A GREEN'S GUIDE TO COLLECTING TV, MUSIC, & COMIC BOOK ANNUALS TPB by Paul Green & Laura Taylor This comprehensive guide serves as both a perfect introduction to the U.K. annual and informed listing and price guide. Spanning the 1950s to the present, Green's Guide features articles on the real Ghostbusters, Roy of the Rovers, "Look In," trading on the net, and a pop music annual cross reference, together with interviews with U.K. artists, collectors, and dealers. The co-author Paul Green worked as both a staff artist and freelancer for a number of U.K. annual publishers. (GT Publications) (CAUT: 4) TPB, 6½x8½, 160pg $24.00 ***************************** MCDONALDS COLLECTIBLES HC If ever you needed a definitive McGuide—this is McIt! Here are all the premiums you can shake a patty at in full alphabetical order, illustrated with over 1,000 full-color photos! Discover the early days and the story behind the creation of Ronald McDonald and the Happy Meal. Explore the details of all the toy promotions. This guide covers every aspect of McDonald's collecting! (BP63) (Diamond UK) (CAUT: 4) HC, 9x12, 256, FC $ TRANS MANUAL: TRANSFORMERS 1984-86 IDENTIFICATION GUIDE by Mark Kimmel Simply put, this is a comprehensive reference guide to aid serious collectors in sorting and organizing their Transformer toy collection! The first Gen 1 figures are shown in full-color, with all parts clearly show, along with important information from their Tech Specs, weapons, and accessories. Additionally, this guide provides information focusing primarily on American variants of many Transformers, detailing variances in color, sculpting, stickers, and more. (CAUT: 4) SC, 8½x11, 76pg, FC $20.00 COMIC THEMES ASTERIX AND THE ACTRESS HC by Goscinny & Uderzo The first new Asterix book for five years sees Asterix and Obelix celebrating their joint birthday party back in the Gaulish village — and some surprise guests have been invited! Meanwhile, Julius Caesar has to deal with an old enemy, Pompey, who is looking for supporters among the legions stationed in Gaul. And just what part do two old friends play in the story — Tremensdelirius, from Asterix and Caesar's Gift, and the lovely Panacea, firth encountered in Asterix and the Legionary? After many exciting adventures, all is finally revealed! (Sterling Publishing) (CAUT: 4) HC, 8x11, 96pg, FC $12.95 BEFORE THE ANIMATION BEGINS HC by John Canemaker New low price! This is the absolute best collection of rare, never-before-seen art by all the masters of the early Disney cartoons. Born of daydreams, meditations on color, character, and form, and sheer inventiveness, Disney's pioneering animated films began in the imaginations of the "inspirational sketch artists." For the first time ever, this chronicles the lives and work of these noted artists, from the '30s to the present, revealing extensive details about their lives and interactions with the studio, and Walt himself. Includes rare and previously unpublished works by Kay Nielson, Albert Hunter, Gustaf Tenggren, Mart Blair, Ferdinand Horvath, Eyvind Earle, and Ken Anderson. (Bud Plant) (CAUT: 4) HC, 12x12, 210pg, FC $24.99 CRACKING ANIMATION: THE AARDMAN BOOK OF 3D ANIMATION HC The Aardman Studios are, without a doubt, the biggest success story in the new wave of British animation. First creating Morph for the BBC, then finding worldwide fame and Academy Awards for their Wallace and Gromit shorts. At the heart of this book is a guide by Peter Lord, co-founder of Aardman, to the processes of 3D animation. It culminates in a practical and fully illustrated step-by-step description of how to create characters, a storyboard, and sets. Writer Bill Sibley sets the history of the studio with over 300 illustrations in a lavish production. (BP60) (Diamond UK) (CAUT: 4) HC, 10x10, 192pg, PC $26.99 THE GREAT COMIC ARTISTS 2 by Ron Goulart Ron Goulart is one of America's foremost comics historians and here he present 56 essays on comic art superstars, each illustrated with a handsome full-page sample of the artist's work. Featured in this long out-of-print volume are such Golden Age greats as Carl Burgos and Creig Flessel; timeless artists such as Will Elder and Dan Spiegle; those who defy category like Sergio Aragones, R. Crumb and jean Giraud (Moebius); and a selection from a more recent crop of hot talent including Arthur Adams and Dave Gibbons. (BP47) (Diamond UK) (CAUT: 4) TPB $10.99 STARS OF THE MONTH PEANUTS 2000 TPB by Charles Schulz Celebrate the 15th anniversary of Peanuts — and the life of its creator — with the only collection of the last years of the strip, including Schulz's unforgettable farewell. Featuring Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the Peanuts Gang! (Random House) (STAR13003) TPB, 8x9, 112pg, PC $9.95 ************************** TOTH: ONE FOR THE ROAD TPB by Alex Toth Take a nostalgic look back to the great old days of hot-rodding, dry lake racing, and hot rod humor with the one and only Alex Toth! Journey back to the days when life was good, gas was cheap, and bop talk like "Daddy-O," "Dig," "Kat," "Real Gone," "Square" or "Hep," were the norm. Only Alex Toth can bring back the feeling of those warm, hazy, lazy days of summer. This volume of memorable art and illustrations will surely rekindle the spirit of hot rods that has been a part of the American culture for decades! (Manuel Auad) (0-9669381-1-9) (CAUT: 4) TPB, 8x11, PC $24.95 ULTRA-GASH INFERNO TP by Suehiro Maruo The Japanese manga comic boom is gaining ground in the West, both in terms of sales and media interest. Suehiro Maruo represents the cutting-edge, adult end of the manga spectrum, with influences ranging from 19th century Japanese atrocity prints (Ukiyo-e) to Western film-directors and pop stars such as David Lynch, Andy Warhol, and the Sex Pistols. Maruo's graphic art is renowned for being graphically precise, visually striking, and extreme in nature. Now, international audiences can appreciate his work in this compendium edition collecting nine of his graphic-novellas, all never-before-translated and published in English. This volume serves as both a long overdue introduction to Maruo's vast catalogue of work as well as a revelatory cross-cultural event in comic-book publishing! Translated by James Havoc and Takako Shinkado. (1840680393) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS TP, 7x10, 216pg, b&w $17.95 FANTASY / SCI-FI BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: ENDGAME TP by Richard Hatch & Stan Timmons Original Battlestar Galactic star Richard "Apollo" Hatch (the actor, not the Survivor!) follows up his successful Battlestar Galactica novels Armageddon and Warhawk (co- written with Christopher Golden), with this all-new adventure, co-written with Stan Timmons (Heavy Metal 2001: F.A.K.K.2)! Cover painting by Matt Busch (Star Wars, First Wave). (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1326-1) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 320pg $14.00 BILL THE GALACTIC HERO by Harry Harrison It was the highest honor to defend the Empire against the dreaded Chingers, an enemy race of seven-foot tall lizards. But Bill, a Technical Fertilizer Operator from a planet of farmers, wasn't interested in honor – he was only interested in two things: his chosen career, and the shapely curves of Inga-Maria Calyphigia. Then a recruiting robot shanghaied him with knockout drops, and he came to in deep space, aboard the Empire warship Christine Keeler. And, from there, things got even worse! From the sweltering fuse room aboard the Keeler, where he loses an arm while blasting a Chinger spaceship, to the Department of Sanitation far below the world-city of Helior, where he finds peace, job security, and unlimited trash – here is Bill, a pure-hearted fool fighting a deluxe cast of robots, androids, and aliens in a never-ending losing battle to preserve his humanity while upholding the glory of the Empire! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-2376-3) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 192pg $12.00 BRUCE LEE: GHOST OF THE DRAGON TP by Mike Baron Is Bruce Lee alive and well and living in San Francisco? In the fog-shrouded streets of San Francisco's Chinatown, he moves with the quickness and silence of a shadow, striking at those who prey on the weak, then disappearing into the night. Some say he's the ghost of a dead man who has never found peace; others insist he's flesh and blood. But whatever he may be, they all agree on one thing: The Dragon Lives! Has legendary martial arts master Bruce Lee come back from the dead? And for what reason? The answers may be found in his first adventure, when he comes to the aid of Chinese laborers being smuggled into the United States by the notorious Fi-Gong Triad. Bruce soon discovers that his second life might become even shorter than his first! The first in a new series fully authorized by the Lee Estate and Universal Studios! (Pocket Books) (0- 7434-1323-7) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 320pg $14.00 THE CROW: HELLBOUND TP by A.A. Attanasio A dark, exciting novel based on the hugely popular comic book icon, the Crow. A demon named Dren escapes from hell and must save one soul on Earth before his own can be redeemed. He chooses an unlikely savior in Billy, a young hoodlum in love with his childhood sweetheart, Amy. All Billy wants is enough money to move away with Amy and have a better life. But the odds are against them, as Nadja, a dark conjurer in league with Lucifer, wants Billy's soul for herself and will stop at nothing to get it. When Billy is killed in a ritual sacrifice, only the Crow can bring him back to wreak havoc on both the mobsters on Earth and the lord of darkness below. (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06- 107350-4) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 256pg $14.00 DIABLO BOOK 2: THE BLACK ROAD MMPB by Charles L. Grant Since the beginning of time, the forces of Order and Chaos have been engaged in an eternal struggle to decide the fate of all Creation. That struggle has now come to the Mortal Realm, and neither Man, Demon, nor Angel will be left unscathed! Continuing the dark fantasy novels of dungeons, demons, and heroism set in the horrific computer game setting of Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo. Written by veteran dark fantasy and horror writer, Charles L. Grant! (Pocket Books) (0-671-04154-1) (CAUT: 4) MMPB $6.50 ETERNALLY BAD: GODDESSES WITH ATTITUDE TP by Trina Robbins In this wickedly funny, irreverent tribute to mythological "bad girl" goddesses from around the world, Trina Robbins, the author of Tomorrow's Heirlooms and The Great Women Superheroes, tells 20 nasty, bitchy, utterly enjoyable tales of mythical proportions. From the Sumerian deity Innanna to Lilith to the Norse goddess Freya, Her goddesses sleep with dwarves, slip drugs into drinks, have catfights with their sisters, kill, get even, and generally raise hell. (Publishers Group West) (1-57324-550-X) (CAUT: 4) TP, 7x7, 220pg $15.95 THE LAST VAMPIRE HC by Whitley Strieber The eternal heroine of Whitley Strieber's classic novel The Hunger, Miriam Blaybock, returns! Her insatiable hunger has never ceased. For centuries she has gained the wisdom of God and the wit of the Devil. For centuries she has traveled the world undetected. For centuries she has felt safe… until now. Interpol agent Paul Ward knows vampires. He has battled and cleansed continents of their exquisite poison. He knows where they hide, when they feast, and their weakness. And, what's more, he knows Miriam Blaybock. Elusive and toxic, she has escaped his complex network of hunters for years. Seductive and cunning, she has become his obsession. Now, predator is about to become prey… killer to become lover. Good and Evil will become inexorably entwined. The endgame begins for the last vampire! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1720-8) (CAUT: 4) HC, 304 pg $24.95 THE MAMMOTH ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION by George Mann The ultimate, most comprehensive guide to all aspects of science fiction in a single mammoth volume! From Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, and Arthur C. Clarke to Chelsea- Quinn Yarbro and Roger Zelazny, from science fiction authors worldwide to the directors of sci-fi films for movies and television like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Trek, from the magazines that publish them and the Hugo and Nebula awards that honor them, this encyclopedia offers the most concise, clear, and comprehensive guide currently available to one of fiction's most popular and intriguing genres. Richly informative, this volume presents science fiction as it appears in film and the print media, including entries on important illustrators, authors, classic landmarks, and bibliographies, plus a brief history of the genre, tracing its evolution from origins that precede the twentieth century. (Publishers Group West) (0-7867-0887-5) (CAUT: 4) TP, 608pg $12.95 PHANTOM LADY TP by Cornell Woolrich Scott Henderson is a hapless soul and condemned man beleaguered by a dead wife and the police demanding to know his alibi. The only hope of his innocence and ultimate salvation lies in the dim memory of a woman cast in a pumpkin-hued hat complete with a huge feather he chatted with in a bar after a supposed argument with his wife. But because he hasn't a name nor a solid description, save for the hat, the police aren't quick to believe him, and when witnesses to their conversation all claim she was never there, his world spirals into an inexplicable nightmare. A thrilling suspense novel by the critically acclaimed author of The Bride Wore Black and Rear Window, Cornell Woolrich, sporting a cover illustration by legendary genre artist Jim Steranko! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-2373-9) (CAUT: 4) TP, 224pg $12.00 WARHAMMER 40K: HONOUR GUARD MMPB by Dan Abnett Commissar Gaunt and his Ghosts are back in action at the forefront of battle on a vital shrine-world of the deepest tactical and spiritual importance. But the vile forces of Chaos will never allow them to hold their prize for long and, as the counter-attack rages, Gaunt is sent after the most priceless relic of all: the remains of the ancient saint who first led humanity to these stars! The fourth volume in the outstanding Gaunt's Ghosts series from Dan Abnett. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1167-6) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.95 WARHAMMER: LORDS OF VALOUR MMPB Edited by Marc Gascoigne & Christian Dunn In the grim fantasy world of Warhammer, the savage warriors of bloodthirsty gods terrorize the land wherever their armies tread. But the human realms have their own shining defenders. Noble men of epic deeds, sworn to fight to the death for those under their protection. Lords of Valour is a storming collection of all-action fantasy short stories set in the never-ending war between the champions of darkness and light. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-116-8) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 288pg $6.95 WILD CARDS VOLUME 1 TP Edited by George R.R. Martin The alien virus arrived on Earth just after World War II, and the world was never the same. For those who become infected, there are two results: death, or transformation. And depending on the recipient, death is sometimes the preferable outcome. Only a few lucky ones become super-human "aces", while the rest are turned into horrible, grotesque "jokers." It's a strange and wonderful, terrible and terrifying world that, in a twist of fate, could lie just outside your door. A world of Wild Cards! This trade paperback edition of the legendary series features stories by such acclaimed authors as Roger Zelazny, Stephen Leigh, Melinda A. Snodgrass, George R.R. Martin, Edward Bryant, Leanne C. Harper, Victor Milan, John J. Miller, Lewis Shiner, Howard Waldrop, and Walter Jon Williams. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-2380-1) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 320pg $14.00 MOVIES / TV / MUSIC THE BEATLES by Marvin Martin The most important and influential band in the history of rock 'n' roll, The Beatles changed popular music forever. Their fresh, engaging songs and extraordinary personal charm attracted an enormous and enthusiastic fan following causing scenes of wild adulation and utter pandemonium never before seen! This book provides an intimate look at the people and their music including an official U.S. discography and two 8-page b/w photo sections. (BP58) (Diamodn UK) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 208pg $10.99 CREEPSHOWS: THE ILLUSTRATED STEPHEN KING MOVIE GUIDE TP by Stephen Jones From the award-winning author Stephen Jones comes this definitive illustrated guide to all 50-plus film and television productions taken from the works of master storyteller Stephen King. Featuring exclusive commentary from Stephen King, this volume includes in-depth coverage and the inside stories of classic films as Stand By Me, The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Carrie, The Shining, Salem's Lot, and more! (1-84023-3095) (CAUT: 4) PB, 192pg, b&w $25.99 DARK SHADOWS MEMORIES—35TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION TP by Kathryn Leigh Scott This fully illustrated tribute to the legendary gothic television series, Dark Shadows, incorporates many of the fascinating facts, anecdotes, and trivia that has delighted fans in Kathryn Leigh Scott's personal accounts in My Scrapbook of Memories of Dark Shadows, delivering all-new text and photos. Included is a forward by Lara Parker, who portrayed Angelique on the series. (Publishers West Group) (0-938817-60-4) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 276pg $19.95 HENSON'S DESIGNS AND DOODLES TP by Alison Inches This delightful collection of Jim Henson's early drawings, virtually none of which have never been published before, serves as a map to the boundless imagination pf the artist whose characters have educated and enraptured children of all ages for generations. These early posters, storyboards, and set and puppet designs celebrate the Muppet creator's unique genius and wild sense of humor. (Abrams) (0-8109-3240-7) (CAUT: 4) TP, 8x10, 128pg $24.95 NO STRINGS ATTACHED: HENSON'S CREATURE SHOP by Matt Bacon This is the real inside story of Jim Henson's Creature Shop, detailing the incredible workings of the world's most famous animatronics company. It covers their work from the award-winning visual effects on Babe to such diverse movies as The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Gulliver's Travels, The English Patient, and The Flintstones. A delightful book which is crammed full of colour photos of the film sets and pre production shots. (BP52) (Diamond UK) (CAUT: 4) TP, 11x12, 192pg, FC $25.99 MTV UNCENSORED HC MTV Uncensored raids the vaults of MTV's thousands of hours of exclusive interviews and performances for the shocking truth, and the dirt, behind the success of the world's most unmistakable pop culture machine: Music Television. Whether you grew up watching Martha Quinn or Carson Daly, love the videos of Duran Duran or Britney Spears, this book is a must-have for MTV addicts, both past and present! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-2682-7) (CAUT: 4) HC, 9x10, 288pg, FC $40.00 PETER CUSHING'S MONSTER MOVIES TP Edited by Peter Haining Peter Cushing has appeared in a host of the most famous horror films of the 20th century; as Baron Frankenstein, as Dr. van Helsing, tracked Abominable Snowmen, battled the evil Mummy, and faced the Gorgon. In this collection, Peter Cushing has selected a group of weird and macabre stories all linked to highlights of his screen career. In a fascinating introduction he explains some of the pleasures and pitfalls that acting in horror films can bring. Edited by the knowledgable Peter Haining, and illustrated with an 8-page section of stills from some of Peter Cushing's best known films. (BP59) (Diamond UK) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 208pg, FC $7.99 TIM BURTON: A CHILD'S GARDEN OF NIGHTMARES TP by Paul A. Woods Tim Burton, the cinematic genius behind Batman, Sleepy Hollow, Ed Wood, Mars Attacks!, and Edward Scissorhands, is a product of 1960s "monster culture." This definitive study of the "misfit manchild" of Hollywood's dark cinema tracks Burton's life and work through articles, interviews, commentary, and prose spanning his years as a malcontent animator at Walt Disney Studios through his creation of the pop-gothic aesthetic that is marks all of his work. (Publishers West Group) (0-85965-310-2) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 160pg $16.95 THE VIDEO HOUND'S SCI FI EXPERIENCE SC Over 1200 of the world's wildest and weirdest films are listed. From the Amazing Colossal Man to Zardoz. On the way, the book includes coverage of sci-fi TV series like The Twilight Zone, The Prisoner, and The X-Files. All this, combined with 125 of the best stills, a galaxy of movie quotes and tag lines, fan clubs, web sites, director and category indices, make this a commanding volume! (BP61) (Diamond UK) (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x7, 446pg, b&w $15.99 PULP HEROES PULP MASTERS TP Edited by Ed Gorman and Martin H. Greenberg A pulp-packed volume of hard-boiled crime writing from the authors who made the mold and mastered the form. John MacDonald, James M. Cain, Donald Westlake, Lawrence Block, Mickey Spillane, and Harrington Whittington – distinguish this exciting and exemplary anthology showcasing six masters of pulp fiction at its most powerful and suspenseful best. (Publishers West Group) (0-7867-0873-5) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 432pg $14.00 THE SPIDER #31 THE CHOLERA KING TPB by Norvell Page The Spider searches for the hidden terrorist when New York City becomes a quarantine- area, forcing the populace to choose between death from slow thirst, or disease-ridden drink. (CAUT: 4) TPB, 128pg $10.00 STAR TREK STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES, GATEWAYS BOOK ONE—"ONE SMALL STEP" MMPB by Susan Wright Having defeated the hostile computer program guarding an abandoned Kalandan outpost, Kirk and his crew are exploring the artificial planetoid in hopes of discovering the secret of the Gateway that has hurled the Enterprise over nearly 1,000 light years. Unfortunately, the reactivated Gateway has attracted the attention of various alien explorers, including a race that claim to be none other than the Kalandans themselves! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1854-9) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 STAR TREK: CHALLENGER, GATEWAYS BOOK 2: "CHAINMAIL" MMPB by Diane Carey Twenty years ago, in the space near Belle Terre, a caravan of alien vessels disappeared into a gigantic Gateway. Now the descendents of those aliens have returned, armed with incredible new weapons and abilities. Already struggling to maintain peace in the troubled sector, Captain Nick Keller of the U.S.S. Challenger must now cope with a fleet of warlike aliens driven by their own fanatical agenda. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1855-7) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 STAR WARS STAR WARS: GALACTIC PHRASE BOOK & TRAVEL GUIDE TPB by Ben Burtt From renting a landspeeder to bargaining with a Hutt, this official resource book explains what to say and how to say it for intrepid travelers in the Star Wars galaxy. Also includes an exclusive behind-the-sounds look at the Star Wars movies. (Random House) (0-645- 44074-9) (CAUT: 4) TPB, 4x6, 192pg $8.00 STAR WARS: THE NEW JEDI ORDER, EDGE OF VICTORY 2—"REBIRTH" MMPB by Greg Keyes The brutal Yuuzhan Vong are scouring the universe to slaughter. With no help from the divided New Republic, the Jedi stand alone against their seemingly invincible foe. And with unrest stirring within their own ranks, they find peril everywhere they turn. But the fiercest battle is coming –– one in which it is hard to know who will survive. (Random House) (0-345-44610-0) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 4x7, 304pg $6.99 SUPER-HEROES STAR OF THE MONTH BATMAN: NO MAN'S LAND MMPB by Greg Rucka Leveled by a massive earthquake that left thousands dead and millions wounded, Gotham City has been transformed in a lawless wilderness – a No Man's Land of anarchy completely cut off from the outside world. In the midst of this chaos, Police Commissioner Jim Gordon and Batman must over come their differences and work together to restore order… and stop the rampage of psychotic criminals such as the Joker, the Penguin, Two-Face, and Poison Ivy! (Pocket Books) (0-671-77455-7) (STAR12839) MMPB, 496pg $6.99 ********************* SABLE MMPB by Mike Grell Jon Sable's life as an African game warden ended in a torrent of flames and bullets when poachers extracted their revenge, killing his wife and child in the process. But Jon Sable survived, and is now hungry for vengeance of his own. Sable found his way to New York, where he did his best to surpass the savage within him. But an enemy with an old score to settle is out to kill him, and Sable's inner-animal resurfaces. (St. Martin's Press) (0-812-56550-9) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 384pg $6.99 X-MEN: SHADOWS OF THE PAST MMPB by Michael Jan Friedman Long ago, the alien Quistalian leadership ordered its agent, Lucifer, to conquer Earth. A young Charles Xavier stopped him, but the victory cost him the use of his legs. Now, Professor X claims he has evidence of a massive secret Quistalian invasion plan. To stop it, he orders the X-Men on a series of urgent missions to three abandoned Quistalian facilities –– one in the Andes, one in central Africa, and one in Antarctica. The purpose is to seize key pieces of alien technology from the scattered sites and assemble that technology into a defense weapon to stop the Quistalian invasion. But is the invasion a lie? Does Professor Xavier have a different, hidden agenda? Normal human Jeffery Saunders seems to have the answers to the troubling questions of Professor X's bizarre behavior. But his answers don't make things easier. If anything, they only make things worse for the X-Men. Meanwhile, the countdown for the invasion continues. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-2378-X) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 4x7 $6.95 CALENDARS DAWN 2002 12-MONTH WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select Release! and Diamond Select have joined forces to fill you office or room with 12 months of Dawn! The cover image to this calendar has never been published before and the 12 featured images are some of the most popular ever, and they'll be seeing print in their revised form for the first time here. What better way to pass those hot summer months or cold winter night's than with gorgeous Dawn art by her creator Joe Linsner. Also available is the ultra limited Special Edition Calendar, limited to 300 pieces and featuring an original Dawn sketch created especially for this project, reproduced as a numbered mini print, signed by Joe Linsner himself! (Diamond Select) (CAUT: 4) REGULAR––Calendar, 12x12, FC $14.99 SPECIAL ED.––Calendar, 12x12, FC $34.99 FATHOM 2002 12-MONTH WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select Release! For the first time ever, 12 months of Fathom! Michael Turner's aquatic beauty helps you pass the month with twelve beautiful images all personally selected by the artist himself! Many of these images are hard to find and are being reproduced for the first time! Also available is the ultra limited Special Edition Calendar, limited to 300 pieces. A special original Fathom sketch was created especially for this project and will be reproduced as a mini-print signed and numbered by Michael Turner! (Diamond Select Toys) REGULAR––Calendar, 12x12, FC $14.99 SPECIAL ED.––Calendar, 12x12, FC $34.99 WITCHBLADE 2002 12-MONTH WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select Release! For the first time ever, 12 months of Witchblade! Top Cow's top heroine appears for the fist time in her own calendar, and each month will seem to pass a little faster when you can look forward to another great image of Sara Pezinni, personally selected by the artist himself! Many of these images are hard to find and are being reproduced for the first time! Also available is the ultra limited Special Edition Calendar, limited to 300 pieces. A special original Witchblade sketch has been created especially for this project and is reproduced as a mini-print signed and number by a surprise Top Cow artist! (Diamond Select Toys) REGULAR––Calendar, 12x12, FC $14.99 SPECIAL ED.––Calendar, 12x12, FC $34.99 BEST OF TOP COW 2002 12-MONTH WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select Release! Can't decide upon your favorite Top Cow beauty? We can't blame you, DST couldn't decide either… so they brought them all together along with The Darkness for one great calendar! Top Cow's top hero and heroines appear in this calendar including The Darkness, Fathom, Witchblade, and Aphrodite IX, for the fist time a monthly calendar. Comics fans, if you buy just one calendar this year, this is the one! Each Top Cow artist has chosen their favorite images to make this all-star team! Many of these images are hard to find and are being reproduced for the first time! Also available is the ultra limited Special Edition Calendar, limited to 300 pieces, and featuring an original Aphrodite IX print created for especially for this project. Signed and number by David Finch! (Diamond Select Toys) (CAUT: 4) REGULAR––Calendar, 12x12, FC $14.99 SPECIAL ED.––Calendar, 12x12, FC $34.99 HELLO KITTY 2002 WALL CALENDAR After taking the calendar world by storm last year, the "it" girl is back! A favorite of kids, teens, and adults for decades, Hello Kitty stars in her second annual wall calendar, which again features a 12" x 12" tear-out poster and more than 75 color stickers that correspond to Kitty's cosmopolitan travels. (Abrams) (0-8109-7913-6) (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 12x12, FC $10.95 LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RINGS DAILY 2002 BOX CALENDAR AND DATEBOOK The motion picture trilogy Lord of the Rings is an epic saga of good and evil and the most eagerly anticipated movie event of the new millennium. Director Peter Jackson's interpretation brings to life J.R.R. Tokkien's classic tale. Full-color stills from The Fellowship of the Rings are featured in this daily box calendar, along with quotes and trivia. Also available is The Fellowship of the Rings 2002 Datebook, featuring the wonderful stills from the movie, while keeping you organized and in dates in check! (Cedco Publishing) (CAUT: 4) BOX CALENDAR (0-7683-4460-3) $11.99 DATEBOOK (0-7683-4376-3) $12.99 MICHAEL WHELAN DRAGONS & MYSTICS 2002 WALL CALENDAR Michael Whelan has been a Hugo Award Best Professional Artist-winner 14 times and a recipient of the Howard Fantasy Awards three times. He stands at the top of his field, illustrating the finest covers on the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. His book covers include illustrations for Stephen King's Dark Towers, Piers Anthony's On a Pale Horse and the fantasy series Xanth, and Edgar Rice Burrough's The Martian Tales, among many others. Whelan's artwork is exceptional, and his is well-noted among critics for his remarkable craftsmanship, technical skill, and powerful compositions. Most recently, Whelan has been adding new paintings to his body of work, some of which is featured in this calendar. (Ronnie Sellers Productions) (1-56906-330-3) (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 12x12 $12.95 ULTIMATE UNOFFICIAL ANIME 2002 WALL CALENDAR This is the calendar that is "WANTED!" Voted for by consumer response to last year's calendar this is the selection YOU asked for! A year's worth of glorious illustrations that every Otaku would die for from all your favorite shows including Card Captor Sakura, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Rurouni Kenshin, Ranma 1/2, Blue Submarine No. 6, and many more! Spiral bound/shrinkwrapped. (Diamond U.K.) (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 17x12, FC $12.99 ZAP COMIX 2002 WALL CALENDAR In 1968, there was a revolution going on. Radical politics, civil disobedience, hallucinogenic recreation, free love, rock 'n roll, and … Zap Comix, the comic book that introduced "Mr. Natural" and became compulsory reading for the counterculture. The Zap Comix calendar features 12 of the best covers from the early years, including R. Crumb's cover for issue #1, and many of the same artists who have contributed over the years, including Gilbert Shelton, Victor Moscoso, S. Clay Wilson, Rick Griffin, Spain Rodrigues, and Robert Williams. (Ronnie Sellers Productions) (1-56906-355-4) (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 10x14 $12.95 ************************ INTERNATIONAL SECTION DOCTOR WHO DR. WHO UNEARTHLY CHILD STATUE What better place to start than at the beginning? This first in a range of individually hand-painted statue dioramas, depicting memorable moments from the Dr. Who series, features the very first episode, "Dr. Who –– An Unearthly Child." This diorama is lovingly sculpted and come in a fully labeled box with a Certificate of Authenticity. A plot synopsis is crafted into the diorama. Painted and ready to display. (133/WHOD01) (CAUT: 4) Statue $180.00 FRENCH IMPORTS DBD: DOSSIERS TILLIEUX SPECIAL SET This set features two different volumes of DBD (Dossiers de la Bande Dessinnee), both focusing on the work of artist Maurice Tillieux. Set consists of two 9" x 12" volumes — hardcover and softcover — 48 and 32 pages respectively. French text. (133) (CAUT: 4) Set (x2) $21.99 MEMORY: MILO MANARA HC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (133) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL HC, 9x12, 170pg, FC $25.00 GERMAN IMPORTS CARL BARKS' ENAMEL PLATES SET These enamel plates were used in the 1950s as covers for the weekly German edition of Mickey Mouse. The set includes two enamel prints of the original oil paintings, "Luck of the North" and "Vacation." Measuring approximately 20" x 21". Also included are two reproductions of the original covers as heavy paper prints measuring approximately 10" x 7" which was the size of the original German magazines. this beautiful box set is limited to 555 copies. (133) (CAUT: 4) Set (x2) $275.00 CARL BARKS' KUNST AUS ENTENHAUSEN/ART FROM DUCKBURG HC This gallery features 30 color pictures illustrating a lighthearted look at the history of art. With impressions of famous paintings but featuring Disney favorites, such as Daisy Duck as Mona Lisa. German text. (133/3770404165) (CAUT: 4) HC, 9x12, 64pg $22.99 CARL BARKS' COVERS PORTFOLIO This book contains 24 full-color plates used in the 1950s and '60s as covers for the German edition of Mickey Mouse, reprinted without German text. The plates measure approximately 12" x 16". Limited to 1,901 copies. (133/377040640) (CAUT: 4) SC $110.00 COMPLETE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 1963-1967 #5 GERMAN EDITION SLIPCASED SET These reprints covering 1963-1967 by Marvel Deutschland are completely in German and are unopened and in their original shrinkwrap. This slipcased set consists of 14 comics: Amazing Spider-Man #33-55, Amazing Spider-Man Annual #4, and Daredevil #17. (888) (CAUT: 4) Set (x14) $49.95 *************** ITALIAN IMPORTS FANTASTORIA HC by Luca Tarlazzi From a master of comics comes the most incredible book of illustration of computer graphic and 3-D. Between history and imaginary, Luca Tarlazzi merges his ability with the icons of fantasy illustration giving life to Fantastoria. Minimal Italian Text. (133/8883551012) (CAUT: 4) HC, 10x13, 70pg, FC $42.99 GIOVANNA CASOTTO EROTIC COMIC STRIPS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (9133) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x8, 30pg, b&w $15.99 SECOND BOOK OF JOHN WILLIE HC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (4528/88-8275-039-6) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL HC, 10x12, 128pg, b&w $30.00 SPANISH IMPORTS COLLECTIO MARK EDWARD SMITH SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (133/8883550110) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 6x8, 110pg, b&w $29.99 EL VIBORA #252 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (9046) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Comic, 68pg, PC $7.99 KISS COMIX #112 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (9046) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Comic, 68pg, PC $7.99 ANIME BOOKS CARDCAPTOR SAKURA MEMORIAL BOOK This 151-page book includes everything you need to become a Cardcaptor expert –– illustrations, official artwork, character info, highlights, official merchandise, and an interview! (8193) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 151pg, PC $44.99 GRAVITATION TV ANIMATION FAN BOOK If you're a fan of "Gravitation" –– the monthly manga serialized in the magazine Kimi to Boku –– then this book is for you! Everything you ever wanted to know about Eiri Yuki, Syuichi Shindou and Hiooshi Nakano and their band Bad Luck is all right here! Comes with a folded color poster! (8193/4-06-324535-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 85pg, PC $33.99 SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO CHRONICLES 1974-2001 SC This book chronicles the history of the legendary manga/anime The Space Battleship Yamato. Covers TV anime, movies, merchandise, books, and games based on the Yamato world. The complete character guide contains more than 1,000 characters. Includes a mecha guide, staff, and cast list, and more! Japanese text. (7819/4-8124-0700-1) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x8, 216pg, FC $46.99 HOW TO DRAW MANGA SERIES STARS OF THE MONTH HOW TO DRAW MANGA VOLUME 1 ENGLISH EDITION Now translated into English! This authentic instructional book is aimed at the advancement of manga and was prepared by a group of assistants to the popular manga artist Yu Kinutani. Volume one begins with the use of drawing utensils and covers character faces, full bodies, arms, legs, etc. Everything is presented using easy-to- understand "block" method of instruction. Many issues are addressed, including how to produce the wrinkles in clothes, how to make wavy hair, and what defines a character. English text. (8193/4-88996-04202) (STAR10173) SC, 7x10, 124pg, b&w $16.95 HOW TO DRAW MANGA VOLUME 2 ENGLISH EDITION Here's the second volume in the popular "How-To" series and it's translated into English! This second authentic instructional book is intended for beginners of the manga craft who want to improve their artistic techniques for drawing exciting manga stories. Chapter one focuses on "background management basics"; chapter two covers "tone techniques"; and chapter three features "expressing light and shadows". Highly recommended for all aspiring artists. English text. (8193/4889960449) (STAR12107) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 124pg, b&w $18.95 HOW TO DRAW MANGA VOLUME 3 ENGLISH EDITION Now translated into English! The popular "How To Draw Manga" series continues with volume three, which provides more advice to aspiring manga artists. Chapter one covers interiors and exteriors and provides tips for placing characters into scenes and backgrounds. The second chapter features how to draw mechanics. Chapter three covers drawing nature scenes and animals. The fourth chapter features "How to create a short manga story." English text. (8193/4889960457) (STAR12106) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $18.95 ***************** HOW TO DRAW MANGA: TONES BISHOUJO This book teaches techniques and uses of shading with screen tones, an important tool used by all manga artists. In this book, learn to give depth to skin and clothes by using shade, create realistic skylines, cut tones for the best results, give texture to a variety of materials, and create awesome lighting and special effects. Japanese text. (42/4-7661- 1113-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 134pg, b&w $24.99 ILLUSTRATION BOOKS ELYSION OFFICIAL VISUAL BOOK Elysion is the second game title release by Terios, the creators that produced a game Magical Kanan. In this game, the player becomes a doctor who is invited to a paradisiacal island Italy where a mafia godfather lives. The player is to choose one of the four attractive maids and ask her to cooperate with his to uncover the conspiracy behind the island. Meanwhile, the made may fall in love with the player. Superb bishojo characters. Color reversible fold-out poster. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-707050-5) (CAUT: 3 & 4) MATURE READERS SC, 8x12, 96pg, FC $35.99 FUTURE GRANDPRIX CYBERFORMULA SET A guidebook on realistic F-1 car race OVA by Sunrise. Story by Hajime Yadate (Gundam), character design by Mutsumi Inomata (Patlabor). This graphic book includes a full-color booklet featuring a cell art story guide, and character/mecha introduction, and the official book is the black-and-white booklet that contains a character guide, car stats, race courses, and more. Slipcased. Japanese text. (7819/4-89601-471-5) (CAUT: 4) Set (x2) $64.99 HIME KURIGE ILLUSTRATION COLLECTION SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-9402-1387-9) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 112pg, FC $46.99 HITEN MUMA RG VEDA ILLUSTRATIONS SET An authorized Chinese version (the Japanese version is long out of print) of RG Veda illustration box set by CLAMP (Rayearth, X). Contains a black-and-white manga booklet and a hardcover illustration collection. Highly recommended for fans of CLAMP's artistic style! Chinese text. (7819/957-643-104-2) (CAUT: 4) Set (x2) $99.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A KEN ISHIKAWA ILLUSTRATION COLLECTION 2: JASHIN New lower price! The second collection of illustrations spotlighting the works of Ken Ishikawa, a veteran shonen manga artist. Having been an art assistant for Go Nagai (Mazinger Z), Ishikawa's work is very heavily influenced by Nagai's art style. Japanese text. (7819/4-89601-445-6) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 8x12, 72pg, PC $29.99 O/A KEN ISHIKAWA ILLUSTRATION COLLECTION 3: MAJIN New lower price! The third of three-part illustration collection dedicated to the works of Ken Ishikawa, a veteran shonen manga artist who has worked closely with Go Nagai (Ishikawa was an assistant to Go Nagai). This collection features more of his masterpieces set in the samurai era. Highly recommended for manga fans and art fans alike. Japanese text. (4-89601-454-5) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 72pg, PC $29.99 ***************** KYOUHAKU SC SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87709-499-7) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 90pg, FC $40.99 RIN SIN ILLUSTRATIONS SC This book is packed full with illustrations on games, videos, and magazines! Includes a folded color poster! (8193/4-87709-496-2) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 95pg, FC $49.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A VIPER GTB RISE AFTER OFFICIAL ART BOOK SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-054-6) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 96pg, PC $24.99 O/A VIPER SERIES IV OFFICIAL ART BOOK SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-054-6) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 110pg, PC $24.99 VIDEO GAME BOOKS BOUNCER MAXIMUM SC Bouncer is a popular fighting game featuring attractive CG characters. Full color character guide, game tips, six original short stories based on the game, and more. Japanese text. (7819/4-925075-87-X) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 290pg, FC $35.99 EVE VISUAL FAN BOOK SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (8193/4-8402-1794-7) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 127pg, FC $42.99 SISTER PRINCESS VISUAL BOOK Adorable role playing videogame involving 12 cute sisters. Chapters are devoted to each individual sister, featuring profiles and tons of great illustrations. Includes a color pin-up and a sheet of character stickers. (8193/4-7577-0260-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x10, 98pg, PC $34.99 MANGA 20 MENSO NI ONEGAI #1 by CLAMP A manga by CLAMP! Akira is the third grader at the luxurious CLAMP Academy. He is an apt pupil, but as the night falls, he becomes the Man with 20 Faces, a great thief specialized in works of art. Follow Akira's flamboyant theft and his puppy love with Miss Utako, the richest kindergartener in the world. Cameo appearances or some of the CLAMP Academy Detective Agency characters. Cute shojo manga. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713394-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 190pg, b&w $10.99 3X3 EYES MANGA #34 Yazo Takada's popular manga series continues. Sazan Eyes is a superb supernatural adventure story with a nice blend of humor, romance, and violence. The story centers on Pai, the last of mysterious race of immortals-the Sanjiyan Unkara, who is seeking an ancient supernatural artifact, the Ningen, which can change her into a true human being, which is her fondest wish. Seeking the help of Yakumo Fuji, an ordinary 16-year-old and the son of an archaeologist who devoted his life to the secrets of the Sanjiyan. Yakumo agrees to set off with Pai on what will be one fantastic journey of a lifetime! But will the journey be cut short as they find themselves caught in the middle of a secret war between opposing occult forces? Japanese text. (7819/4-06-336873-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 224pg, b&w $10.99 CHOBITS #1 by CLAMP The latest work by popular manga artist group CLAMP (Cardcaptor Sakura). In this world, CLAMP ventures into a market quite new to them: young male readers. It's a near future where personal computers are shaped into beautiful androids. One day, a poor young student Hideki finds a super-cute bishojo PC in a dumpsite. The only sound the girl PC can make is "Chii…," so Kideki names her Chii. Chii has no OS, and no software. Japanese text. (7819/4-06-334883-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99 CITY HUNTER MANGA #5 Ryo Saeba, a famous and talented detective, is very nice and loves women. Along with his assistant Karoi, they take upon the task of solving many cases. The classic manga series is re-presented in a new, lower priced format! Japanese text. (7819/4-10-77009-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 D4 PRINCESS PHASE #4 Driss is the third and youngest princess of the Drill Empire. When a princess reaches her 13th birthday she is sent to a foreign country for seven years of combat training in order to qualify as a member of the royal family. Driss chooses the Eastern Country, but she has a secret purpose in mind. She's looking for her eldest sister who mysteriously disappeared and was accused of killing 2,500 people at her coronation. Also includes a character data section. Excellent story and art that follows the girl's rite of passage. Recommended for bishojo fans. Japanese text. (7819/4-9402-1732-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 210pg, b&w $11.99 EAT-MAN MANGA #12 Meet Bolt Crank, code-named Eat-Man, a roaming mercenary with cool charisma and a very strange habit--he can absorb, and then reassemble, the qualities of whatever he eats! Follow the bullet-munching hero's exciting adventures as he rescues beautiful women, saves innocent people and liberates kingdoms! Artist Akihito Yoshitomi is a newcomer with an excellent storytelling ability and dynamic art. Japanese text. (7819/4-8402-1674- 6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 194pg, b&w $11.99 ESCAFLOWNE MANGA #5 A Japanese high-school girl Hitomi is drawn into a middle-age-ish other world, where one kingdom invades the neighboring countries. Hitomi happens to have a special power to inject energy into a fighting mecha, and is asked to protect the country with Barn, the prince of the invaded kingdom. Thus starts the story of her love and adventure. Illustrated by Katsu Aki, a popular and talented bishoujo manga artist. Based on the TV anime version (following the basic storylines). Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713169-5) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $11.99 FIST OF THE NORTH STAR MANGA #5 by Tetsuo Hara One of the strongest fighters, Kenshiro fights to save the weak and defenseless, who fall prey to the scavengers and warlords who rule the post-apocalyptic wastelands of the not- too-distant future. This is the original manga serial, first published by Shuei-sha, which introduced the "Fist of the North Star" and the Road Warrior-inspired dark future that would later inspire a hit anime and follow-up manga by Buronson. Japanese text. (7819/4-10-770008-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 IRON, MUSCLE, AND CONCRETE #2 by Taiyo Matsumoto Two boys, Kuro and Shiro, are violent and everyone is afraid of them. When a gangster orders them to sell drugs in the city and they refuse, violence abounds. Cutting-edge, alternative manga! Japanese text. (7819/4-09-194732-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x8, 210pg, b&w $16.99 JINKI #2 by Shirou Tsunashima The latest manga by Shirou Tsunashima (Life Errors)! Aoba is a lonely teenage girl who is good at building plastic model robots. One day, she is kidnapped by her own mother to the jungles of South America, where an organization called "Angel" is preparing a robot named Moribito ("the Guardian") against ancient jin-ki ("human machines"). Follow Aoba's exciting adventure! Great shonen manga with a classic robot anime taste! Japanese text. (7819/4-7575-0409-8) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $11.99 THE LAST MAN #11 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-06-339631-5 (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 5x7, 224pg, b&w $10.99 LOVE HINA #7 by Ken Akamatsu This is the highly popular shounen manga/TV anime. Keitaro Urashima is a loser high- school graduate who fails the entrance test to Tokyo University three times. He goes to live in his grandma's hotel to save money, but he didn't know the hotel is now turned into an all-girl dormitory! This is a cute love comedy. Japanese text. (7819/4-06-312827) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 200pg, b&w $7.50 STEAM DETECTIVES #8 Kai Asamiya's (Silent Mobius) offbeat series continues. In this tale of a past that never was, set in the Age of Steam, masked dandies, dastardly super-villains, and sentient machines stalk a Japanese Gotham City by night. Will the sharp wits and quick reflexes of mystery solving gumshoe named Narutaki, along with the talented nurse Lin Lin, be enough to thwart the evils and unravel the mysteries of this strange world? Japanese text. (7819/4-09-873057-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $8.99 TALES OF DESTINY #1 by Mao Kuon The manga adaptation of a sword and sorcery RPG, characters designed by Mutsumi Inomata (Patlabor). Follow Atan Aileron and his talking sword on their exciting adventure. Mao Kuon's shoujo manga taste artwork builds on Inomata's cute character deign. Recommended for both game and manga fans. Japanese text. (7819/4-7575-0397- 0) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x8, 200pg, b&w $15.99 GUNDAM GP: GUNDAM PRODUCTS 1979-2001 SC An exhaustive overview of the tons of Gundam merchandise released since the inception of the franchise in 1979. The stylish and colorful retrospective also contains a 14 page tour of the Bandai plastic model factory, documenting every stage of the model kit's production. Includes a 24 page booklet entitled, "Back to the '80s" focusing on the products released during that decade. This is a must have for all Gundam-manaics! (7819/4-7577-0415-1) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 120pg, FC $44.99 GUNDAM WING FILM BOOK A great cel art book featuring the TV series and its OVA "Endless Waltz." Includes a story guide, character/mecha official art, and more! Japanese text. (7819/4-7511-0239-7) SC, 6x8, 180pg, FC $31.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM ILLUSTRATION WORLD SC New lower price! Features illustrations from the original Gundam, Z-Gundam, Gundam- ZZ, Char's Counterattack (Movie), Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket, Gundam F91, Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. Illustrators include Kunio Okawara (the mecha designer: the original Gundam), Yoshikazu Yasuhiko (the character designer), Haruhiko Mikimoto, Hajime Katoki, and more major Gundam staffs. A must for Gundam fans. (7819/4896012127) (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 144pg, FC $29.99 **************** JAPANESE TOY PUBLICATIONS D.D.D. VOLUME 7 The latest issue of Dengeki Dabsters Departmentstore presenting original sculptures by some of the biggest names in Japanese model making. This issue spotlights "2001: Space Girls" in a 14 page pictorial of various female works of art, all with a sci fi flavor. Also featured are works by master sculptor Susumu Sugita and his newest project Saiten Taisei (Holy War), including a serialized manga story written and drawn by Sugita himself! 130 pages of cutting-edge figures! Japanese text. (7819/4-8402-1768-8) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 8x12, 130pg, PC $37.99 DENGEKI HOBBY AUGUST 2001 This magazine features illustrated articles on scratch-building and customizing model kits of robots, figures, military vehicles, and more. Also covered are current toy releases from the U.S. and Japan, convention coverage, and more! Japanese text. Monthly. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 290pg, PC $15.99 FIGURE KING ENCYCLOPEDIA #45-46 The latest issue covering American and Japanese figures, toys, and various premium/crane toy items. Each issue is jam-packed with the latest release information, plus interviews, anime reviews, figures, and more! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: In an effort to be more timely with Figure King's publishing schedule, we are offering two issues this month. #45 SC, 8x11, FC $18.99 #46 SC, 8x11, FC $18.99 HOBBY JAPAN JULY 2001 The key source for modeling in Japan (where the art of model kit building and customizing has reached an art form in itself), Hobby Japan covers almost every aspect of modeling in every issue. Filled with hundreds of full-color pictures and illustrations. Japanese text. (544) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10, 400pg, PC $14.99 HYPER HOBBY VOLUME 33-35 Japan's monthly magazine on toys, models, and collectibles! Packed with full-color pictures of the latest and greatest toy releases from some of Japan's favorite manufacturers. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: In an effort to be more timely with HH's publishing schedule, we are offering three issues this month. Vol 33 SC, 8x12, 138pg, FC $13.00 Vol 34 SC, 8x12, 138pg, FC $13.00 Vol 35 SC, 8x12, 138pg, FC $13.00 MODEL GRAPHIX AUGUST 2001 A monthly Japanese magazine for modeling fans. Tons of cool super car and robot models. Now available through Previews every month! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8.5x11.5, 168pg, PC $15.99 MAGAZINES ANIMAGE #278 Animage is an excellent source for all the latest news on Japanese anime. Each issue is packed with full-color and black-and-white pages, giving you the latest scoops on the hottest anime around. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $11.99 AX ANIMATION MAGAZINE FROM TOKYO AUGUST 2001 An excellent monthly anime magazine published by Sony Magazines. This indispensable anime publication features superb full-color pages, the latest anime news from Japan, and a short manga serial. If you like Newtype then you'll love this one! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $13.99 DENGEKI ANIMATION MAGAZINE AUGUST 2001 This expanded monthly publication offers an informative look into the latest anime programs and SFX from Japan. Also includes a serialized manga story. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $12.99 MONTHLY COMIC DRAGON AUGUST 2001 Here's a new monthly manga anthology featuring some of the most exciting manga stories around today! Read the latest stories such as Olfina by Kitsune Tennoji, Tenchi Muyo!, Ranto Mashoroku, and more. Printed on traditional multi-colored paper in black- and-white (and some full-color pages), each issue averages about 400 pages. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10 $12.50 MONTHLY MAGAZINE Z AUGUST 2001 Here is another big, beautiful phonebook-style monthly manga anthology featuring manga stories such as Kamen Rider Spirits, the Devilman "Amon," Chic Academy, Wildarms, and many more! (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 670pg, b&w $9.99 NEWTYPE AUGUST 2001 Newtype has been covering the anime scene for over 10 years now, and the magazine remains a must for serious anime fans. Covers everything new and cool that's happening in the world of anime. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $10.99 NEWTYPE.COM SEPTEMBER 2001 From the publishers of Newtype comes a unique new internet-oriented anime magazine featuring a CD-ROM (Win/Mac), which contains special links for readers-only web contents (Japanese text). Also features great color pages. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, FC $14.00 SHONEN ACE MAGAZINE AUGUST 2001 A monthly manga anthology magazine featuring some of the finest Japanese manga stories being produced today. The line up includes such popular titles as Macross 7 Trash, CLAMP's new Angelic Layer, MPD-Psycho, Welcome to Lodoss Island, B'T X, and many more. Printed on traditional multi-colored paper in black-and-white (and some full-color pages), each issue averages about 500 pages. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $8.99 MAGAZINES (ADULT) All Adult Magazines feature Japanese text: SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL BUG BUG CG AUGUST 2001 $14.99 LEMON CLUB AUGUST 2001 $7.99 PA PI PO AUGUST 2001 $8.99 PENGUIN CLUB AUGUST 2001 $8.99 APPAREL DRAGONHEAD T-SHIRT Belching smoke and lashings of tongue are just two of the dangers involved in tackling this end of a dragon. They don't use their mouths for words very often, but when they do, it spells fear! With all hose colors on a black T-shirt, this one is so life-like he would even give St. George a hard time! (133/NUFF02) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 FIVE STAR STORIES T-SHIRT Mamoru Nagano's complex and intriguing saga centers around The Joker System of five stars in a cross formation situated far away where no one will ever know. Here the super weapon Mortar Headds controlled by their artificial girl-children start to take over. This pentagonal constellation story has only just begun! (133/NUTS116) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 GUYVER SHOW YOUR METAL T-SHIRT Looks like these guys have been called up for some Mega Smashing action against Chronos Corp! Make sure you keep them on the outside of your shirt as then have been known to eat their host alive if they lose their metal! All action full frontal shirt on 100% cotton. (133/NUTS121) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 LAPUTA WINDOWS OF ADVENTURE T-SHIRT Having caught the unconscious girl who fell from the sky what was Pazu going to do? Have an adventure, of course! Miyazaki tells the story of Sheeta, owner of the blue levitation stone, and Pazu, a young boy from the small mining town of Slag's Ravine. Their escapes and recaptures, their travels and adventures, and their arrival in the legendary floating island in the sky, Laputa. It is a story that carries a message of hope that you can carry on your chest with this 100% cotton white shirt. (133/NUTS117) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 URUSEI YATSURA SNAP SHOTS T-SHIRT Here's everyone's favorite female alien, Lum, from Rumiko Takahashi's popular Urusei Yatsura in her favorite attire of a tiger-skin bikini keeping guard over her favorite snap shots. Has she finally been framed? Or is that just your chest behind her? (133/NUTS124) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 CD-ROMS (ADULT) X CHANGE CD-ROM SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7865) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL CD-ROM (Win95/98) $34.99 **************** MERCHANDISE SAILOR MOON KEYCHAINS Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts can go anywhere with you as these cute and collectible keychains! Choose from Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Venus. These SD versions of your favorite characters measure approximately 3" tall and are molded in durable rubber with a metal keyring. (4632) (CAUT: 4) SAILOR JUPITER—Keychain $4.50 SAILOR MARS—Keychain $4.50 SAILOR MERCURY—Keychain $4.50 SAILOR MOON—Keychain $4.50 SAILOR VENUS—Keychain $4.50 SAKURA WARS PENDANT SET Sakura sets out again with her companions to fight off the demons and devils. Iris just cannot leave her teddy Janpol behind but who would deny the French girl that pleasure when she really is such an adult. Ri Kohran and the other girls are there to protect her anyway. PVC pendants measure 6" x 2". (133) (KR82) (CAUT: 4) Set $23.94 TENCHI MUYO KEYCHAINS The second series of keychains based on the Cartoon Network sensation Tenchi Muyo is here! Choose from Kiyone, Minoshi, Nagi, and Washu.. These SD versions of your favorite characters measure approximately 3" tall and are molded in durable rubber with a metal keyring. (4632) (CAUT: 4) KIYONE—Keychain $4.50 MINOSHI—Keychain $4.50 NAGI—Keychain $4.50 WASHU—Keychain $4.50 TOTORO MUSHROOM PLUSH: SUN ARROWS Ever wondered how Totoro keep dry in that ever so rainy forest? Here's Chibi and Chu Totoro hiding under a mushroom till it clears. They have been out playing with the two little human girls Satsuki and Mei and got caught in a shower on the way back to their tree. Even woodland spirits need to keep dry to be at their best! Measures 6". (133/PT127) Plush $29.99 PORTFOLIOS CRISSE: TELLOS: MAIDEN VOYAGE PORTFOLIO This is the portfolio version of Image Comics' Tales of the Tellos: Maiden Voyage rendered by Didier Chrispeels –– a.k.a Crisse. Includes 27 plates, 24 of which are in full color, in a full-color folder. Measures 9" x 14". (133/2-914082-37-1) (CAUT: 4) Portfolio $49.99 MILO MANARA'S LEGAMBIENTE 2000 PORTFOLIO This unusual creation's images were commissioned for the Italian Green Party (Legambiente) to welcome the new millennium. The portfolio has been lovingly put together, mostly by hand, in an original print run of just 799 copies signed and numbered. Fewer than 200 remain and are still on open sale in Europe so hurry! The portfolio itself is a work of art and consists of an outer cardboard folder, an inner cloth folder with a 3" x 4 ½" color inlay, and an inner card folder containing the nine images. The images themselves are printed in full color on heavy art stock (Fedrigoni) that almost replicate the originals. The first image is signed in full by Manara whilst the remaining eight are initialed in the bottom left corner. All are numbered from 799 in the bottom right corner. On the back of each image are printed the production details (printer, binder, print run etc). A real joy to behold. SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (133/EDPF01) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Portfolio, 10x14 $150.00 TANINI LIBERATORE'S PENOMBRE PORTFOLIO What dark and sinister secrets lurk in the deepest recesses of the mind? What denizens dwell in these shadows and only occasionally come into the light? From the creator of 'RanXerox' and many other strange tales comes this brooding series of previously unpublished images to haunt your imagination. These nightmares have been lovingly brought together in a cloth bound portfolio on heavy stock and have been signed and numbered out of just 399. Not all of them remain so hurry and order your worst fears now! SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (133/EDPF02) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Portfolio 12x16 $125.00 **************************** TRADING CARDS COOL COLLECTIBLES 1961 WORLD CHAMPIONS NEW YORK YANKEES CARD SET This set of 37 different full-color, 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards feature what is considered to be the greatest baseball team of the modern era, the 1961 New York Yankees. The set includes Yankees legends like Mickey Mantle, Lou Gehrig (who hit 61 home runs in 1961), Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford, Tony Kubek, Elston Howard, Clete Boyer, Frank Crossetti, Johnny Blanchard, Bill "Moose" Skowron, and 27 other 1961 World Champs! The back of each card features an in-depth bio of the player, as well as player stats for the 1961 season, and career totals! Celebrate the 40th anniversary of one of baseball's greatest teams! (CAUT: 4) Set (x37) PI BABYLON 5 SERIES II PREMIUM CARD SET Here is the spectacular second series of Babylon 5 cards featuring a set of 60 different full-color, 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards! Includes Bruce Boxleitner as President John Sheridan, Tracy Scoggins as Captain Elizabeth Lochley, Mira Furlan as Ambassador Delenn, Steven Furst as Vir, Bill Mumy as Lennier, Andreas Katsulas as Ambassador G'Kar, Peter Jurasik as Ambassador Londo Mollari, and Jeff Conaway as Security Chief Zack Allan, along with the rest of your favorite friends and foes of Babylon 5! (CAUT: 4) Set (x60) PI ORIGINAL 1986 GARBAGE PAIL KIDS SERIES 4 CARDS This original box contains 48 unopened packs of 1986 Topps Garbage Pail Kids, a total of 240 cards! Freshly assembled from wax boxes 14 years old, cards include Garbage Pail Kids favorites like Holly Wood, Bushy Bernice, Hy Rye, Max Axe, Hip Kip, Rock E. Horror, Unzipped Jack, and No Way Joe! This is a hard-to-find, complete, original box from an early series of what has become a true piece of Americana, those wacky Garbage Pail Kids! (CAUT: 4) Box PI ORIGINAL ALIEN 1979 PREMIUM CARD SET This set of 84 different full-color, 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards feature scenes from the movie that started it all, the original Alien! This set features Sigourney Weaver as Ripley, Tom Skerritt as Captain Dallas, Harry Dean Stanton as Brett, John Hurt as Kane, Veronica Cartwright as Lambert, and many more of your favorite characters! Put together from packs over 20 years old, these cards feature all the gore, suspense, and excitement of the original motion picture, as mankind comes in contact with this new unknown species of aliens! (CAUT: 4) Set (x84) PI PLANET OF THE APES ARCHIVES VOLUME 1 CARDS Celebrate the original Planet of the Apes with the first series to contain all five original Apes movies: Planet of the Apes, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. Also included in these boxes are chase cards, an Apes poster gallery, a mini-set featuring a card from each Apes film that Roddy McDowall appeared in, called "Roddy Revealed," plus rare Planet of the Apes autograph cards! 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. (CAUT: 4) Box PI PLANET OF THE APES ARCHIVES PREMIUM CARD SET It's the set that started it all! The Planet of the Apes set that contain all five of the original Apes series: Planet of the Apes, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, and Battle for the Planet of the Apes. Cards feature: Charlton Heston as Taylor, Roddy McDowall as Cornelius, Kim Hunter as Zira, Linda Harrison as Nova, and more! Catch all the drama and excitement from these classic cult films! (CAUT: 4) Set PI SPORTS CARDS 23 KT GOLD COLLECTIBLES 2001 DALE EARNHARDT 4-CARD SET Fully authorized and licensed by Dale Earnhardt Inc., this four-card set features UV coating and high-gloss on both sides, along with full-color photos, career stats, biographical information, and career highlights. (DESRCRDSET) (CAUT: 4) Set (x4) MSRP: $9.99 FLEER ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, INC. FLEER 2001 LEGACY MLB CARDS With one autographed Major League Baseball, and three Game-Used or Autographed Rookie cards (numbered to 799) in every box, this is a 100-card set that's not to be missed! The 3-tiered "MLB Game" issue features stars like Griffey, McGwire, and Piazza! (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI FLEER 2001 GENUINE NFL CARDS The National Football League comes to life in these cards! This 150-card set features rookie cards, with a swatch of a player-worn jersey, special die-cut insert cards, an Autographics or Genuine Coverage PLUS card in every box, and more! Tons of inserts! (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico Box PI FLEER 2001 TRADITION NFL CARDS This set features a vintage feel, look, and design, including "Team Action," and "Dual Rookie" cards, cartoons, and traditional-style inserts! Special features include Player- Worn inserts, Rookie Stickers, Event-Used footballs, Leather Helmet cards, Turf cards, and "Original Art of a Champion" autographs. NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI HIGHLAND MINT NBA BIG 3 PHOTOMINTS The top three players of the New York Knicks, Los Angeles Lakers, Indiana Pacers, Minnesota Timberwolves, and Portland Trailblazers are immortalized in these full-color 8" x 10" photos. Beautifully matted and framed with a Certificate of Authenticity and a 24kt. gold-plated team coin! (CAUT: 4) KNICKS—Photomint PI LAKERS—Photomint PI PACERS—Photomint PI TIMBERWOLVES—Photomint PI TRAILBLAZERS—Photomint PI NBA 3-COIN 76ERS BRONZE SET This bronze set of three coins features two current members of the Philadelphia 76ers – superstar Allen Iverson, perennial all-star Dikembe Mutombo — and a 76ers team coin. No fans of the pride of Philly should be without these! Coins come displayed in a velour jewelry box with a Certificate of Authenticity. All coins are individually numbered. (CAUT: 4) Set (x3) PI NBA 3-COIN LAKERS CHAMPIONSHIP BRONZE SET The NBA Champions of 2000, the Los Angeles Lakers are saluted with this bronze set, featuring team captain Shaquille O'Neal, Kobe Bryant, and a "Lakers NBA Champion" coin! Coins come displayed in a velour jewelry box with a Certificate of Authenticity. All coins are individually numbered. (CAUT: 4) Set (x3) PI PACIFIC TRADING CARDS PACIFIC 2001 DYNAGON DMX NFL CARDS The base set is comprised of 250 cards, made up of 200 Veterans and 50 Rookies. Includes Variation cards, Signed and numbered cards, Autograph cards (2 per box!), and numerous inserts! 5 cards per pack. 22 packs per box. (CAUT: 4) Box PI TOPPS COMPANY TOPPS 2001 BOWMAN CHROME MLB CARDS The base set consists of 350 cards, featuring 110 Veteran, 110 Prospect, and 110 Rookie cards. Includes Autograph cards, numbered cards, two parallel sets, chrome refractor cards, and numerous inserts, including: Bowman Chrome Rookie Reprint Relics, Bowman rookie cards reprinted on chrome technology, from 1996 and earlier; and MLB Rookie-Season Worn Jerseys, featuring Mike Piazza, Dave Justice, Sean Casey, Richie Sexson, Carlos Delgado, and Chipper Jones! MSRP: $3.00 per pack. (821-01H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside of North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI TOPPS 2001 STADIUM CLUB NFL CARDS This 175-card base set features 125 Veterans, the top players in the game utilizing portrait style photography; and 50 Rookie cards, printed on Liquid Glass coating in 20-point stock. Features 11 awesome inserts, including Pro Bowl-worn Jersey cards, All-Pro Autographed Jersey cards, and more! 12 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $2.50 per pack. (304-01H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI TOPPS 2001 GALLERY NFL CARDS The 150-card base set consists of 100 Veteran cards, considered the top players in the game, utilizing portrait-style photography that will be reproduced in a painting by Bill Goff; 40 Rookie cards, the top 2001 NFL rookies in photos from the NFL rookie shoot and NFL mini-camps; and 10 Retired Player cards, a selection of 10 players from the pool of Team Topps. Features several inserts highlighting some of the best NFL players ever! 4 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $3.00 per pack. (920-01H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI THE UPPER DECK COMPANY OFFERED AGAIN O/A UPPER DECK 2001 GOLF CARDS The Upper Deck Company is proud to present the premier edition of 2001 Upper Deck Golf. A collector's dream come true, this set includes true rookie cards of some of the games' most talented golfers. Add authentic player-worn golf shirts, autographs, and cut signatures, and this set has everything golf fans and collectors could ever hope for, including Tiger Woods! The 200-card base set consists of 47 Regular Cards, 18 Young Guns Cards, four Upper Deck Foresome Cards, 18 Defining Moments Cards, 20 Tour Tips Cards, 18 Legends Cards, 18 Leaderboard Cards, 18 Golden Bear Cards, 34 Victory March Cards, and five Checklist Cards. 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. Contents subject to change. MSRP: $2.99 per pack. (17441) (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI *************************************** UPPER DECK 2001 SP AUTHENTIC MLB CARDS The annual hobby favorite is back in 2001 with an all-new look and some exciting changes! The 180-card basic set includes 45 rookies serially numbered to 1,250 plus 45 superstars serially numbered to 1,250 as well! All 180 basic cards are paralleled and numbered to 50 as well. Inserts feature names like Griffey, A-Rod, Mantle, DiMaggio, and many others, and feature gold versions, game-used jerseys, and vintage SPA cards! Every box contains one Mickey Mantle bonus pack! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK DECADE MLB: THE 1970S CARDS The decade that produced many of the greatest memories and players in Major League Baseball's storied history is being commemorated in the inaugural edition of Upper Deck Decade: The 1970s. The 180-card basic set takes a look back at the players who defined the decade, from Hank Aaron to Reggie Jackson, from Nolan Ryan to Tom Seaver. Features several 70s-inspired inserts! Every box contains one "Joe DiMaggio Pinstripes" exclusive bonus pack! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 MVP NBA CARDS The most popular-priced product on the market today has just been taken to a whole new level! This is the new MVP! MVP Basketball is power-packed with game-used items! The basic set features 220 cards, including 50 Rookie cards of this season's draft class! 8 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 PROS AND PROSPECTS NBA 2001-2002 CARDS Look for the hottest rookie cards on the market, with the release of 2001-2002 Pros and Prospects Basketball! The 131-card base set includes 35 Rookies, numbered to only 1,000, and six Rookies featuring a swatch of player-worn jersey, numbered to only 750! There are several inserts featuring swatches and even gold versions! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001 VINTAGE NFL CARDS Following the tremendous success of the inaugural releases of Vintage in baseball and hockey, Vintage Football is sure to build on what collectors have now come to love in a throwback-style product. A huge, 300-card basic set, printed on thick, old-style card stock will bring collectors back to a time when collecting cards was a much simpler hobby. There are 100 different rookie cards, all with the look and feel of yesteryear. Also includes several NFL inserts! 10 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001 GRADED NFL CARDS The groundbreaking release of UD Graded Football last year may have raised some eyebrows, but it will be nothing compared to the 2001 edition! The base set includes 147 different cards, with 102 being Rookie cards! There is a graded Rookie card in each pack, and each rookie will have from two to four different versions of a rookie card! The first 21 players have two different Rookie cards, each numbered to 900. The next level features 10 players, each with four different Rookie cards, including a signed version and a jersey version, each numbered to 750! There's also a third version that's identical to the previous, except that each card is numbered to only 500! 5 cards per pack. 6 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 VICTORY NHL CARDS Collectors looking for comprehensive base sets need look no further than the new Victory Hockey! This huge, 440-card base set contains all of your favorite NHL stars, plus a ton of NHL rookies. In addition, there's a subset entitled "Gordie's Greats," featuring Hall of Famer Gordie Howe, and a parallel set to the 440-card set called "Victory Gold." Serious hockey for the serious collector! 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 PROSPECTS NHL GAME-USED EDITION CARDS Get a piece of tomorrow's stars today, in the first-ever release of Upper Deck Prospects Game-Used Edition Hockey! The basic set consists of 45 of the top names in the Canadian Hockey League, and inserts that include signed cards and Game-Used jersey cards! A must for any true hockey fan! 4 cards per pack. 6 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK AUTHENTICATED MLB PLAYMAKERS The bobble-head craze is in full swing, and MLB Playmakers are here to help you get in on the action! MLB players available include: Derek Jeter (home uniform); Pedro Martinez (away uniform); Cal Ripken, Jr. (away uniform); Nomar Garciaparra (away uniform); Alex Rodriguez (home uniform); Mark McGwire (away uniform); Mike Piazza (home pinstripes); Ken Griffey, Jr. (home uniform); Sammy Sosa (away uniform); and Ichiro Suzuki (home uniform). Each MLB Playmaker comes with a special trading card! (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. DEREK JETER (16930)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 PEDRO MARTINEZ (16936)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 CAL RIPKEN, JR. (16934)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 NOMAR GARCIAPARRA (16931)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 ALEX RODRIGUEZ (16932)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 MARK MCGWIRE (17187)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 MIKE PIAZZA (16933)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 SAMMY SOSA (17188)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 ICHIRO SUZUKI (17214)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 KEN GRIFFEY, JR. (17213)—Playmaker MSRP: $9.99 NON-SPORTS CARDS ARTBOX ENTERTAINMENT OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE SIMPSONS COLLECTIBLE FILM CARDS Each film card is a reproduction of the cast and scenes of The Simpsons TV series produced on transparent acetate, and held rigid for viewing by a high-quality card stock frame! Each film card can be viewed by itself or, for high-quality viewing, fans and collectors can use the official Artbox Film Card Viewer. This exclusive limited Hobby Market edition set contains 45 regular film cards, and 10 "Homey Isle" foil chase film cards. 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (14310) (CAUT: 4) Box PI O/A THE SIMPSONS COLLECTIBLE FILM CARD VIEWER No collection of The Simpsons Film Cards would be complete without a trusty Krusty Brand Film Card viewer. The Artbox Film Card Viewer provides an enhanced viewing platform for The Simpsons Film Cards, adding brightness and depth to all of the film images. (14370) (CAUT: 4) Card Viewer PI *************************************** DART FLIPCARDS, INC. O/A SHREK CARDS From the upcoming film of the same name comes the Shrek cards box! There are two different levels of bonus cards, six "Special Cell Animation Cards" (1:15), and six "Unique Stand-Up Cards" (1:10). 6 cards per pack. 30 packs per box. SRP: $2.49 per pack. (21120) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI O/A SHREK COLLECTORS ALBUM So you've got all these great Shrek cards just piling up in a shoebox. What's that about?! You need the Shrek Collectors Album! Display your cards prominently with the only album suitable! (21124) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Album MSRP: $14.99 *************************************** ILLUSTRATION STUDIO FULSOM BEAUTIES CARD SETS An accomplished artist, Steve Woron now brings his creative eye to photography, setting his viewfinder on some of the most gorgeous, busty models to burst into the card collector's market! Shot on exotic locations, these babes are eye-poppers that bounce with nothing but "up-front natural" beauty. The set consists of 12 full-color cards, plus two bonus Fulsom cards. Also available as a special signed set, featuring three cards signed by three girls, as well as a bonus card. The signed set contains 16 cards total. (CAUT: 4) MATURE AUDIENCES REGULAR—Set (x14) PI SIGNED—Set (x16) PI MORE THAN A HANDFUL CARD SETS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 4) ADULT MATERIAL REGULAR—Set (x21) PI SIGNED—Set (x21) PI INKWORKS JURASSIC PARK III 3-D CARDS Inkworks offers all-new, all 3-D trading cards, featuring the exciting action and adventure of the newest feature film, Jurassic Park III — one of the most successful film franchises of all time! The trading cards showcase a new technology featuring bright colors and clear pictures, that when seen through special 3-D glasses, add a new dimension to trading cards — allowing the dinosaurs to jump right off the page at you! Plus, this new technology allows collectors and fans to enjoy the cards – they look great with or without the glasses! Look for "Movie Action," "Dino Field Guide," and "Behind the Scenes" cards, and much more in this 72-card set! Full-size collector glasses in every box! 36 packs per box, 7 cards per pack. MSRP: $1.99 per pack. (8970) (CAUT: 4) Box PI CARDS INC. COLLECTABLES THUNDERBIRDS 10-CARD PREVIEW SET This 10-card set is a "countdown to action", featuring Tracys and the entire Thunderbirds team! Limited to 1000 sets worldwide. (CAUT: 4) Set (x10) PI THUNDERBIRDS CARDS All the exploits of the heroic Tracy family are captured in this card set! Join Virgil, Scott, and the rest of the space-travelling heroes as they save the world from destruction over and over again! 5 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. (CAUT: 4) Box PI THUNDERBIRDS CARD BINDER Collect and protect your Thunderbirds trading card series with this high quality deluxe storage padded binder! (CAUT: 4) Binder PI RITTENHOUSE ARCHIVES BLACK SCORPION 6-CARD PREVIEW SET Based on one of the Sci-Fi Channel's hottest new shows, and limited to only 2,001 sets, this set features images of series star Michelle Lintel, who plays heroine Darcy Walker (Black Scorpion). Lots of babes and outrageous costumes! (CAUT: 4) Set (x6) MSRP : $12.00 WOMEN OF BABYLON 5 IN MOTION PREVIEW CARD SET This all-lenticular card series features all of the show's major female characters, including Delenn, Susan Ivanova, Lyta Alexander, Na'Toth, Elizabeth Lochley, and more! (CAUT: 4) Set (x9) MSRP : $24.99 TOON'S STATION SILLY CDS PREMIERE EDITION CARDS Silly CDs are hilarious parodies of some of the most popular CD album covers ever made. The original creative minds and artists from the famous Wacky Packages are the creative minds and artists for these brand-new cards! That's right, Jay Lynch and John Pound anchor the team, along with Tom Bunk and others, to create this ongoing series of 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards, stickers, and puzzles, poking fun at the most popular, pompous, or controversial performers of all time. Includes "Base," "Sticker Chase," and "Puzzle/Checklist" cards. 5 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $1.99 per pack. (CAUT: 4) Box PI TOPPS COMPANY TOPPS PLANET OF THE APES MOVIE CARDS Prepare yourself for the all-new Planet of the Apes! Straight from the theatres and into your hands come these cards, featuring a new re-imagining of the classic sci-fi cult film. Topps brings all the action, thrills, and gruesome ape encounters from the new Tim Burton film in this deluxe 72-card set. Includes autographed and foil-embossed cards, as well as "Movie Memorabilia" cards, which include actual relics from the Planet of the Apes movie set! 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: 1.99 per pack. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI THE UPPER DECK COMPANY MAGE KNIGHT CARDS Upper Deck Entertainment is proud to announce Mage Knight Rebellion Trading Cards, a complete compendium card series that compliments the outstanding collectible miniature game from WizKids. More than just a trading card set, every card features never-before-seen artwork of Mage Knight characters from each faction, comprehensive battle stats to aid in army construction, and insightful information to the Mage Knight universe. Look for a special Mage Knight figurine, inserted one per box! 24 packs per box. SRP: 2.99 per pack. (18056) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI ********************** APPAREL SECTION PREMIERE VENDORS GRAPHITTI DESIGNS CLERKS LUNCHBOX Leave for work packing with this colorful new Clerks Lunchbox. Features the art of Chris Bailey (Animated Clerks TV series) in full-color on a 0.23m tin box. The images are presented in a bas relief fashion on both front and back to make this one of the neatest lunchboxes you'll ever see. Please note that you'll have to supply your own drinks 'cause no thermal liquid container (OK, a Thermos), is included. Be the hit of the school playground with Randal, Dante, Jay and Bob in tow!! color, approx.. 8" x 6 3/4" x 3 3/4"...................$19.95 O/A CLERKS LOGO T-SHIRT Dante and Randall are marking their territory with the Clerks Logo T-shirt. Features the logo from the movie screenprinted in color on a white 100% cotton shirt. L-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 STRAY TOASTERS LTD. EDITION HARDCOVER BOOK by Bill Sienkiewicz Available for the first time ever, the Stray Toasters Limited Edition Hardcover Book is here! (finally)! Written and painted by Bill Sienkiewicz way back in 1989, this 208 page book was originally published as a trade softcover by Epic/Marvel Comics. Sold out and unavailable for many years, Graphitti Designs through a special arrangement with Bill Sienkiewicz is producing 1000 copies that will be available only in this special signed, hardcover format!! Features new dustjacket and signature page artwork by Sienkiewicz, smyth-sewn hardcover binding with debossed cover, special endpages and lots of good memories. Wonder no more why Sienkiewicz has always been held in high regards by both comic fans and professionals. This is Bill Sienkiewicz at his finest!! Quantities are limited with orders subject to allocations based upon orders received. PLEASE NOTE that this book was originally offered for shipping in July 2000 is being re-offered . All prior orders will be cancelled. Ltd. Hardcover Book, 208 pg,...................$69.95 STRANGERS IN PARADISE TRIANGLE T-SHIRT Terry Moore provides us with art for the new Strangers in paradise Triangle T-Shirt. Features Terry's design screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Katchoo, Francine and David have all the angles covered. S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 MAD LOGO WOMEN'S TOP O/A MAD LOGO T-SHIRT For that wacky woman in your life, we've got the new Mad Logo Women's Top. Features the classic Mad logo screenprinted in red and black on a white 100% cotton top. Traditional T-Shirt is also available!! XS-L $17.95 (Women's Top) S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 SUPERMAN SILHOUETTE T-SHIRT The Man of Steel's profile take center stage this month on the new Superman Silhouette T-shirt. Screenprinted in full-color on a stone-washed blue 100% cotton shirt. Superman shines!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 O/A GOLDEN AGE GREEN LANTERN T-SHIRT O/A NEW GREEN LANTERN T-SHIRT Golden Age G.L. features the classic lantern screenprinted on a red 100% cotton shirt. The New G.L. features the Kyle Rayner design on a black shirt. A Lantern double- header!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 AUTHORITY LOGO T-SHIRT The stylish graphics from one of the hottest Wildstorm/DC Comics books can now be yours on the new Authority Logo T-Shirt. Features the Authority logo screenprinted in two-colors on a black 100% cotton shirt. S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 SANDMAN VI LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT O/A SANDMAN VI T-SHIRT The popular design by Dave McKean returns in a warmer-version with the new Sandman VI Long-Sleeve Shirt. Features Dave graphics screenprinted in color on the front of this black 100% cotton shirt. Printed on both front and back, and available also in short sleeve. McKean and Gaiman at their finest!! L-XL $26.95 (long-sleeve) XXL $29.95 (long-sleeve) S-XL $20.95 (short-sleeve) XXL $23.95 (short-sleeve) WOLVERINE: ALERT T-SHIRT He's poised and ready for action, he's on his toes on the new Wolverine Alert T-shirt. Screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton shirt, find out what's going on and why Wolvie is knee-deep in doo-doo!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN: EYE T-SHIRT The Green Goblin is coming your way on the new Ultimate Spider-Man Eye T-shirt. Screenprinted in full-color on a red 100% cotton shirt, be prepared for the Spidey/Goblin showdown!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 ELEKTRA III T-SHIRT Catch a double dose of her return with the new Elektra III T-shirt. Screenprinted in full- color on a black 100% cotton shirt, this is a perfect companion to the first issue of the new series from Marvel Comics. S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 X-MEN: EVOLUTION LOGO T-SHIRT Professor X's students going through some radical changes once again with the X-Men Evolution Logo T-Shirt. Features the "evolution" logo screenprinted in full-color on a navy blue 100% cotton shirt. Change is good!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN I LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT O/A ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN I T-SHIRT A warmer version of one of our newest and most popular designs can be yours with the Ultimate Spider-Man Long-Sleeve Shirt. Screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton shirt, you can never be too warm and you can never get enough Spidey!! Also available in short-sleeve. L-XL $23.95 (long-sleeve) XXL $26.95 (long-sleeve) S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 OFFERED AGAIN With the release of Kevin Smith's Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back scheduled for August 10th (mark your calendars), now's the time to stock up on all the cool View Askew movie-related goodies. O/A JAY & SILENT BOB ACTION FIGURES The Jay and Silent Bob Action Figures are back in stock!! Each generously articulated and containing lots of cool accessories. (Please Note that figures are individually carded but sold as as a set) Figures Set (x2) SRP: $39.95 O/A CLERKS: THE LIMITED HARDCOVER BOOK by Kevin Smith, Jim Mahfood, Phil Hester & Ande Parks Clerks: The Limited Hardcover Book written by Smith with art by Jim Mahfood, Phil Hester, Ande Parks, is limited to just 2500 copies, each hardcover book features n illustrated, individually-numbered signature page, signed by Smith and Mahfood. Check out the TPB version of this book in the Image Comics section this month!! Ltd. Hardcover Book, 96 pg, b&w $59.95 O/A CLERKS T-SHIRT The Clerks T-Shirt features Randal, Dante and their friends by Jim Mahfood screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton shirt. L-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 O/A TOTAL WHITEOUT LIMITED EDITION HARDCOVER BOOK by Greg Rucka and Steve Lieber The definitive adventures of Carrie Stetko have been complied in the new Total Whiteout Limited Edition Hardcover Book. Limited to only 500 copies, only a very small quantity signed by Rucka and Lieber, quantity remain. Don't be left out in the cold, order your copy now!! HC, 7x10, 240pg, b&w $59.95 O/A BATGIRL SYMBOL WOMEN'S TOP Features the simple gold-colored bat screenprinted on a black, 100% cotton women's top. Very cool!! XS-L $17.95 (Women's Top) O/A GREEN ARROW T-SHIRT Features the art of Matt Wagner screenprinted in full-color on a forest green 100% cotton shirt. A bullseye every time!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 O/A ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN LOGO T-SHIRT Feature the new Ultimate Spider-Man logo screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% heavyweight cotton shirt. The Ultimate Spider-Man is here!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 O/A WOLVERINE FACE T-SHIRT Features the art of John Byrne screenprinted in full color on a black 100 cotton shirt. Watch those nails!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 ********************* COMIC IMAGES CENTRAL PARK MEDIA ANIME PIN-UP BEAUTIES: SUMMER VACATION T-SHIRT There are seven girls, all in bikinis, all at the beach, waiting for you. The lovely anime pin-up beauties are at it again! Surf's up, and these ladies are ready to take a swim. Throw on this cool gray T-shirt and catch some rays. (59/10705) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $20.95 CHAOS! LADY DEATH AFTERMATH #1 T-SHIRT It's the beautiful and deadly Lady Death, with an image straight from the cover of Aftermath #1! Wearing just about nothing but a couple of skulls, it safe to say that being bad never looked so good! Wear this black T-shirt and support the dark side. (59/10706) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $20.95 LADY DEATH MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE #1 T-SHIRT From the crossover event you never expected but secretly hoped for, two of the industry's sexiest characters (Chaos!'s Lady Death and Top Cow's Medieval Witchblade) team up in one of this summer's eagerly awaited comics. Can these ladies put their differences aside and stand together to face a common foe? This black T-shirt with a striking battle image by Romano & Novin shows us that the two femme fatales are going to set things right, or die trying. (59/10708) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $20.95 LEGENDS OF THE SAGE #1 PREVIEW T-SHIRT It's the cover of the very first Legends of the Sage! This black T-shirt will make you the envy of all your friends, guaranteed! Be the first on your block to brandish a little stylistic support for this breakthrough fantasy series! (59/10707) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $20.95 CROSSGEN CROSSGEN MERIDIAN T-SHIRT Ilahn, Minister of Cadador, and his niece, the beautiful Sephie, daughter of Meridian, are profiled on this white T-shirt. The fate of Meridian rests between these two people. It's as if you're obligated to wear this! (59/10701) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $12.95 XXL $16.95 CROSSGEN SOJOURN T-SHIRT Mordrath rules Sojourn with an iron fist. Therefore, to look upon Sojourn is to look upon Mordrath. How about you try to make a good first impression, and get dressed in this Sojourn white T-shirt? It's got Mordrath's picture on it. He's gotta like that! (59/10702) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $12.95 XXL $16.95 SQ PRODUCTIONS LADY PIRATE T-SHIRT She's neither a Pirate of Penzance, nor a Pittsburgh Pirate. She's a lady pirate, and you'd be wise not to cross her. Straddling some looted booty with her sword held high, this is one female that doesn't take any guff from anybody! Grab this Fastner and Larson- designed white T-shirt and go for what's rightfully yours! (59/10704) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $20.95 REVENGE IS SWEET T-SHIRT As drawn by Blas Gallego, revenge certainly appears to be sweet! Staring straight at you and licking her bloody sword, the warrior woman on this black T-shirt is self-assured, and sure to get whatever she wants from you! (59/10703) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $20.95 ******************* APPAREL SECTION ANIME CHI-CHIAN T-SHIRT From the hit comic book from Slave Labor Graphics, to the Internet madness courtesy of the Sci-Fi Channel's web site, Chi-Chian is now here to put clothes on your back via this 100% black cotton t-shirt. (8343/2586) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 NINJA T-SHIRTS Show your true ninja colors with either the 100% cotton black Ninja Collage T-shirt, or the 100% cotton white Ninja Scroll T-shirt, both which identify you as a member of the feared black hand! (8343) (CAUT: 4) NINJA COLLAGE (2585)—L-XL $16.95 NINJA LOGO (2597)—L-XL $16.95 SAMURAI X BLOOD NIGHT T-SHIRT This black t-shirt displays an image on both the chest and sleeves! You'll be looking mean, baby! No one's going to give you any lip if they catch the Mr. Samurai here on a bad day! The smell of blood is in the air. (7296/8000111) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 SAMURAI X KENSHIN SLASH T-SHIRT Hah! Some unlucky fool gets gutted on this radical athletic heather t-shirt with images and Samurai X logo on the back and chest! Here's one guy whose appetite is "cut" in half! (7296/8000211) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 SHIROW IMAGE T-SHIRT New shirts from Ghost In The Shell artist, Masamune Shirow! Beautiful and dangerous, Major Makato Kusanagi operates in the shadows, like all of Public Security Section 9, to weed out the corrupted. On these first in a series of full-frontal design 100% cotton %- shirts, you must decide what is human, and what is not! (CAUT: 4) SHIROW I (SH01)—L-XL $16.95 SHIROW II (SH02)—L-XL $16.95 WICKED CITY BROKEN GLASS T-SHIRT Those invading your personal space should watch where they're going, unless they want to be cut by the shards of broken glass all over your chest courtesy of the bullet hole on this wicked black 100% cotton t-shirt! (8343/2601) L-XL $16.95 BRUCE LEE BRUCE LEE DRAGON EYES T-SHIRT Once he sizes you up, it's all over. The Little Dragon has taken you out on this grey T- shirt, and you don't even know it yet. (559/89-301-44) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 BRUCE LEE DRAGON'S ROAR T-SHIRT Hearing the ear-piercing wail from the Little Dragon meant that you should get your funeral arrangements in order. You had approximately 2 seconds to live. So let everyone know that your temper is likewise on a short fuse when you wear this blue 100% cotton t- shirt. (559/89-301-46) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND CBLDF AMANDA CONNER "CAT-GIRL" T-SHIRT "Who you tellin' to shut up?" Not artist extraordinaire Amanda Conner! Not that inimitable inker Jimmy Palmiotti! And certainly not this cute, comics-loving cat-girl! She's ready to rumble to protect her right to say and read whatever she wants. That's why she's down with the Comic Book legal Defense Fund, comics' first and best defense against the forces of censorship and repression. Stand strong with Conner and Palmiotti with this cool new black 100% cotton shirt from your friends at the Fund. (8945) (CAUT: 4) WOMEN'S TOP—L $20.00 T-SHIRT—L, XL $20.00 FRANK MILLER "BAND-AID" T-SHIRT The return of a classic! Frank Miller is once again poised to take the comics industry by force with The Dark Knight Strikes Back! His stunning work — from the Dark Knight and Daredevil to Sin City and 300 — speaks for itself. And so should you! Miller created this image for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, offering a chilling reminder of how censorship not only ties us down, but makes us deaf, dumb, and blind as well. Long out of print, this remains one of the CBLDF's best-selling — and most provocative — t- shirts. Full confrontational color on a black shirt, 100% cotton, 100% censorship-free. (8945) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $20.00 THE CROW PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE CROW ICON BABY DOLL T-SHIRT When you see this blood red logo, you know it means Eric Draven and his later descendants can't be far behind. This red Crow logo on a black 100% cotton T-shirt is perfect for the young fans that want to believe in justice from the grave! (350) (CAUT: 4) OSFA $19.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE CROW JAMES O' BARR LOGO BANDANNA Need to look "with it" at the next convention, or Small Press Expo? Show your admiration for James O'Barr's legendary goth book The Crow with this Previews Exclusive bandanna that totally rules! (350) (CAUT: 4) Bandanna $5.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE THE CROW CEREMONY T-SHIRT Sporting artwork from the first printing of The Crow in the trade paperback format, this T-shirt image is one instantly recognized by Crow fans around the world. A wonderful four-color image from James O'Barr on a 100% black cotton T-shirt! (350) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $18.95 XXL $19.95 DC SUPER-HEROES SUPERMAN CLOSE-UP TIE Big Blue's somber countenance is displayed bright and close-up on this highly collectible dinner tie. Okay, maybe it's not something ideal for a wedding, but it's definitely suited for those blowout fanboy fests! (8751/135710) (CAUT: 4) Tie $15.00 DRAGONBALL Z DRAGONBALL Z INTRO CELL T-SHIRT Watch the sparks fly as your friends throw pencils at you for being first to scarf up this latest Dragonball Z T-shirt! Hah! You're Mr. Fashion. That's right. You're on the cutting edge, baby. Let them be the ones to play catch up and buy this black t-shirt with a Dragonball Z image on both the front and back. (7296/2409711) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 DRAGONBALL Z TRUNKS SAGA T-SHIRT Bust out as a bad boy with this navy T-shirt that sports a Dragonball Z logo and an image depicting Trunks on both the back and chest. Sweet! (7296/2409911) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 EDWARD SCISSORHANDS PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE CASTLE WITH TEXT T-SHIRT The legend of Johnny Depp's ginsu-fingered character, Edward Scissorhands, continues to live on this black T-shirt that pictures the cold castle home of the tragic and tormented boy. Text from the opening lines of the movie is printed across the front. (4866/8506) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 EDWARD SCISSORHANDS STANDING T-SHIRT Edward comes to your house ready to chop down your overgrown hedges via this dreary black 100% cotton t-shirt! (4866/8508) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 FARSCAPE FARSCAPE SHIPS OF FARSCAPE T-SHIRT Strike a pose with this t-shirt featuring the ships of Farscape: Moya, Talyn, and Prowler— all taking a ride on your midriff! (870/FS-T11) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.00 GUNDAM GUNDAM CASUALTIES T-SHIRT The body count is going to exceed all expectations when you arrive showing off this heavy duty black Gundam shirt that features an image on the back and chest! (7296/2602111) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 GUNDAM DEATHSCYTHE FLASH T-SHIRT Deathscythe comes calling as a high-tech reaper on this 100% cotton t-shirt that features an image on the back and chest! (7296/2601811) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 HORROR EVIL DEAD GROOVY T-SHIRT Ash and his trademark utterance of "groovy" are splashed across this T-shirt like viscera spilled in a slaughterhouse. Evil Dead mania lives on via this black 100% cotton t-shirt. (6028/139-001A) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 FRIDAY THE 13TH HAPPY CAMPERS T-SHIRT Stupid teenagers who don't have a clue about Jason and his bloodthirst are about to get their just desserts on this doomsong black T-shirt that screams with impending horror! (6028/526-004A) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 HALLOWEEN MIKE MYERS T-SHIRT "The Face" is coming to your town. He's going to wipe out all teenagers that dare to open doors while eerie soundtracks play in the background! Mike's back for the gore on this black 100% cotton T-shirt! (6028/010-001A) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 R.I.P. GLOW IN THE DARK BOXERS Looking to be the bad dude at bed time? Want to put a scare into your honey when the lights go out? You'll truly be able to make it a fright night when you sport a pair of these glow-in-the-dark boxer shorts. (6505/MBS-HWN-01) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $8.95 LOONEY TUNES LOONEY TUNES ATOMIC TAZ T-SHIRT The original furry madman with the whirlwind temper is back! He's positively atomic, baby, on this sharp-looking black 100% cotton T-shirt that features a big image of Taz on the chest! (6242/LWHK11B) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 LOONEY TUNES MARVIN THE MARTIAN GLOW T-SHIRT Oh! All you Earthlings make him so…angry! Marvin's positively glowing with frustration on this 100% cotton black T-shirt because you short-sighted humans don't see the practicality of blowing up the Earth! (6242/LUHM11B) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 MARVEL SUPER-HEROES SPIDER-MAN SENSE TIE Wear this Spider-Man tie, and acquire the precious spider "sense" that makes you aware of falling rocks and shrapnel flying at your head. Essential arachnid attire! (8751/251148) (CAUT: 4) Tie $15.00 SPIDER-MAN VENOM AND CARNAGE T-SHIRT Peter Parker has his hands full as the drooling Venom and maniacal Carnage try to pull him apart like a wishbone on this bright scarlet 100% cotton T-shirt! (559/21-301-285) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 MISCELLANEOUS CANNABIS BOXERS T-SHIRT There's no reason to not be happy when in your underwear. Proclaim a lifestyle that's self-evident when you don a pair of these nifty Cannabis boxer shorts. (6505) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $8.95 SONYA BLUE GLASSES AFTER DARK T-SHIRT Martin Emond's astonishing artwork for the Nancy Collins classic comic book comes back from the crypt on this black and beautiful 100% cotton T-shirt! (8343/2590) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 MOVIE/TV BILL & TED'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE T-SHIRT Before he was Neo, Keanu Reeves was part of the burnout twosome, Bill and Ted. They rocked the house, dude, declaring what was cool—and what sucked. Long before there was Beavis and Butthead, there was Bill and Ted! And if they said something was "bogus," or "excellent" that was all she wrote. The vote was cast! Celebrate those favorite 80s pop icons with this radical 100% cotton T-shirt, man! (7866/5503) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 GREMLINS GIZMO JUNIOR T-SHIRT He was the cutest thing to come along since the guinea pig. Everyone wanted him as a household pet! There was no denying that Gizmo was the star of Steven Spielberg's Gremlins. And here's the old furball making an encore appearance on a 100% cotton glitter transfer. (4866/4100) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 GREMLINS STRIPE JUNIOR T-SHIRT Stripe was not out to win any popularity contests. His main goal in life: destroy everything in sight—and laugh about it! This is one mohawked marauder who believed in the high life. Show him off on this red ringer 100% cotton t-shirt! (4866/4106) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 JACKASS SKULL/CRUTCHES TWO DIED EMBOSSED DOG TAG Wear a piece of the rage! Celebrate the King of Pain with this new silver dog tag chain! You'll get the looks and the hooks—Jackass skull icon on one side, with cross crutches on the other makes this an accessory you'll never take off! (870/JD-DTAG1) (CAUT: 4) Dog tag $6.50 LOST BOYS SAYING T-SHIRT This T-shirt is a nostalgic look back at one of the most popular vampire films of all time. True to the Lost Boys credo, this shirt invites you to "sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire." (4866/4152) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 LOST BOYS SUTHERLAND'S HEAD SHOT Kiefer Sutherland shows how he's the best choice to be the poster child for Colgate toothpaste on this smoking black 100% cotton T-shirt! (4866/4153) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS T-SHIRT Enter the world of SpongeBob Squarepants, and immerse your brain on cruise control wackiness! This gonzo-fun cartoon is the hottest thing since Ren & Stimpy. And you can show your support for the show with these sweet 100% cotton T-shirts that make you part of SpongeBob's clan! (6242) (CAUT: 4) KARATAY (SBCV11A)—L-XL $17.95 MALIBU BOB (SBBQS1Y)—L-XL $17.95 MUSIC PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE LUKIC FIEND SKULL BABY DOLL T-SHIRT Artist Butch Lukic brings to life the Fiend Skull, a piece of Misfits trademark signature art that is now available on this two-sided collectable baby doll cotton T-shirt! (4959) (CAUT: 4) OSFA $20.00 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE MISFITS DEATH NOTE T-SHIRT It's been 25 years, man! The Misfits are still rocking the house and contributing towards the decline of western civilization! Celebrate these hard rockers with this T-shirt that screams "turn it up!" (4959) (CAUT: 4) XL-XXL $20.00 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS OFFERED AGAIN O/A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS SALLY SITTING ON BED BABYDOLL T-SHIRT Sally from the animated movie Nightmare Before Christmas is depicted sitting on a bed, looking down and depressed. The sleeve features the movie title. This baby doll T-shirt is one size fits all. (6242/MTBGS2W) (CAUT: 4) Shirt $17.95 O/A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS SANTA JACK T-SHIRT Isn't Santa supposed to be fat and jolly? Not this one! Jack is dressed in a Santa suit, and even has a bag of toys, on this white T-shirt. (6242/0AMS082) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 ********** PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS LET SALLY IN BABYDOLL T-SHIRT How can you not let this little girl into your heart? She's the picture-perfect image of love wrapped in razorwire. A heart-throb honey sewn up with string, Sally presses against your heart via this Previews Exclusive 100% cotton T-shirt! (6242/MTEQS1B) (CAUT: 4) Shirt $17.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS OOGIE BOOGIE ROLL T-SHIRT It's party time, Oogie Boogie style. Eat some crawlin critters and roll the dice, bone daddy, as you prepare to offer tribute to the king of closet nightmares on this 100% cotton T-shirt! (6242/MTEJ12B) (CAUT: 4) L-XXL $17.95 PLANET OF THE APES PLANET OF THE APES TRIBAL LEATHER WRIST BAND If you want to "go ape," and rule the human race like Astronaut Leo Davidson does in the Planet of the Apes movie, get accessorized with this cool 2-inch black leather wrist band with red embossed design. Snap closure gives the option for snug or loose comfort! (870/POTA-WRIST1) (CAUT: 4) Wrist band $11.00 SIMPSONS SIMPSON HOMETOWN LINE-UP PUNKS T-SHIRT These are the rumble boys. The earth-shakers in Springfield. If anyone's starting some trouble in the neighborhood, it's this motley crew! Wear these Simpson TV show characters on your chest via this 100% cotton T-shirt! (559/95-301-38) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 SIMPSON SIMPRANOS T-SHIRT A beautiful parody of HBO's "Sopranos" family, here are the Springfield residents doing their best to look Italian on this black 100% cotton T-shirt! (559/95-301-74) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 STAR TREK STAR TREK 35TH ANNIVERSARY STEEL BLUE T-SHIRT No mid-life crisis here! Kirk, Spock, and the Enterprise-1701 are celebrating 35 years together! Here you find the best photo-realistic imagery available on a smoking blue cotton T-shirt! (870/ST-T91) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.00 TOMB RAIDER PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE LARA CROFT GUN T-SHIRT Lara is not one to enter a hostile situation unarmed. On the contrary. This little lady knows how to wield a firearm like an expert marksman! Don't get in her crosshairs, or you can kill your mortal shell goodbye. Lara brandishes her trusty pistol on this black 100% cotton T-shirt! (6028) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE LARA CROFT DOG TAG Ever wonder about the birth identification for the world's super heroine? Here it is! This double-sided dog tag has the plated information embossed on silver metal and hung on a beaded chain to boot! The latest rage based on the movie Tomb Raider! (6028/TR- DTAG1) (CAUT: 4) Dog tag $7.00 TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMER ORANGE LOGO AUTOBOT T-SHIRT They are the protectors of the human race. They are the Autobots. And their leader, Optimus Prime, wants you to join them in opposing the Decepticons wearing this Autobot symbol on your chest via this charcoal-colored 100% cotton T-shirt. (559/78- 301-149) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 TRANSFORMER ORANGE LOGO DECEPTICON T-SHIRT Beware, puny ground-walkers. The menacing Decepticons have come to steal every gas station in town! Try to drive around without any petrol. Ya-hah-hah-hah! Give three cheers of diabolical glee for the Decepticons with this charcoal-colored 100% cotton T- shirt that champions the bad guys. (559/78-301-148) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 UNIVERSAL MONSTERS UNIVERSAL MONSTERS FRANKENSTEIN GLOW IN DARK T-SHIRT Ol' Transistor Neck is getting ready to break bad on all the little girls in your town who come bearing flowers. They, too, may end up as lilli pads once the Universal Monster Frankenstein comes tromping into the woods. Wear this T-shirt to display everyone's favorite science experiment gone wrong! (6242/MSWR11B) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 UNIVERSAL MONSTERS FULL MOON WEREWOLF T-SHIRT When the moon was full, Lon Chaney Jr. turned into the man-eating werewolf! No one was safe. And no one left their doors unlocked! Pay tribute to the poster child for a bad hair day with this cool 100% cotton T-shirt that commemorates the Universal Monster, the Werewolf! (6242/MSWN11B) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 UNIVERSAL MONSTERS SCARY MUMMY T-SHIRT He's come to warn you to not play with matches! Else you will wind up looking like the Bandage Man from Hell, just like the Universal Monsters Mummy pictured on this scary- looking T-shirt from beyond the grave! (6242/MSWT11B) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 XENA XENA CHAKRAM BROWN LEATHER EMBOSSED LEATHER WRIST BAND Get banded like the warrior princess with this brown 2" leather wrist band articulated with the new chakram design and Xena: Warrior Princess logo. Double closure fasteners make it an easy fit for you to wear and tear. (870/XE-WRIST1) (CAUT: 4) Wrist band $11.00 *********************** TOYS SECTION BARBIE 40TH ANNIVERSARY KEN DOLL This collector's edition commemorates Ken doll's 40th anniversary! And Ken is dressed for the occasion, in an elegant black tuxedo, complete with a white satin shawl collar and pink boutonniere. Ken also comes with a boxed mini replica of the very first Ken doll wearing his red bathing suit and yellow towel from 1961. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (744/50722) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Doll SRP: $48.00 BARBIE 2001 DOLL Barbie looks magnificent in a dazzling organza gown and 2001 tiara. Her long, full dress is accented at the waist with a satin bow and finished with scallop edging at the hem. To complement her gown, Barbie wears matching seafoam colored evening gloves and pumps. Her finishing touches include crystal drop earrings and the spectacular rhinestone tiara. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (744/50841) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Doll SRP: $64.00 BURBERRY BARBIE DOLL This Burberry Barbie Doll celebrates the proud tradition of the Burberry of London fashion label with an exciting new ensemble. A chi and classic tan, double-breasted trenchcoat, lined with signature Burberry plaid, sets the tone for a fresh approach to fashion. A long sleeve black heresy sweater is a dramatic contrast to the stroking Burberry plaid kilt. The final perfect accessories include a matching plaid scarf with red reverse, a plaid messenger bag, and black shoes with spats. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (744/29421) (CAUT: 1 & 3) Doll SRP: $70.50 HOLIDAY ANGEL 2 BARBIE DOLL This doll brings together three popular collecting themes –– the holiday season, angles, and Barbie! Barbie is a beautiful angel wearing a stunning ensemble inspired by the festive hues of the holiday season. Her red and golden gown is accented with a white bodice and sleeves and a distinctively textured white fabric that flows beneath the long red skirt. Completing Barbie's ensemble are delicate golden wings, a ribbon chocker, and a shining golden halo. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (744/29769) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Doll SRP: $45.00 COMIC BOOK HEROES STAR OF THE MONTH MARVEL HISTORY: THE DARK SIDE FIGURES A Previews Exclusive! Take a walk on Marvel's Dark Side with this all-new series of action figures, made up of newly-cast and "farmed" pieces! Marvel Comics has always had a thing for monsters and the weird, and this series serves up a quartet of supernatural thrillers to add to your collection! This series may include: Man-Thing (with owl & badger), Vermin (Spidey's rat-like nemesis), Astral-Form Dr. Strange (the good Doctor gets ghostie with it), and the Dread Dormamu! All four figures come packaged on "Dark Side" blister cards. Available now! (49/47800) (STAR12821) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $9.99Ea. ***************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE GEN13 12-INCH SERIES I FAIRCHILD FIGURE A Diamond Select offering! Fairchild of Gen13 comes to life as this 12" action figure, complete with a removable cloth outfit and 14 points of articulation! Fairchild comes decked out in a one-piece legless jumpsuit with three removable armbands, boots, thigh belt, and a big gun! Also available is a special variant version of Fairchild with a ponytail only found in case lots. Each figure comes in collector-friendly re-sealable plastic tray packaging, along with an exclusive, limited edition Gen13 Chromium cover comic book in a protective Mylar sleeve! Available now! (4667) Figure SRP: $29.95 O/A GEN13 12-INCH SERIES II ACTION FIGURES A Diamond Select offering! Featuring removable cloth outfits and 14 points of articulation, this second series of 12" figures includes: Rainmaker, decked out in a one- piece jumpsuit with removable boots, kneepads, and wristbands; and Burnout, dressed in a one-piece jumpsuit. Plus, as an added bonus, each figure comes in collector-friendly re- sealable plastic tray packaging in a colorful window box. Available now! (4667) BURNOUT—Figure $29.95 RAINMAKER—Figure $29.95 ***************** STARS OF THE MONTH JLA CLASSICS GIFT SET #3 A Previews Exclusive! This year's gift set will include an open-face package — no fifth panel cover to obscure the contents! This set will include two exclusive figures, available nowhere else: The Joker and Lex Luthor! Also included are Martian Manhunter, Superman, and Zauriel, each with their own exclusive comic art background stand! Available now! (6245/26024) (STAR10179) Set $45.00 JLA YOUNG JUSTICE GIFT SET #4 A Previews Exclusive! This set spotlights the kid sidekicks and younger members of the superhero set… Young Justice! Included is Robin, Superboy, and Impulse, plus hardlight, holographic doppelgangers of Aquaman and Martian Manhunter! Each figure comes with its own exclusive comic art background stand! The entire set comes packaged in a window box without fifth panel cover, similar to the JLA Set #3. Available now! (6245) (STAR10180) Set $45.00 MARVEL HISTORY: THE DARK SIDE FIGURES A Previews Exclusive! Take a walk on Marvel's Dark Side with this all-new series of action figures, made up of newly-cast and "farmed" pieces! Marvel Comics has always had a thing for monsters and the weird, and this series serves up a quartet of supernatural thrillers to add to your collection! This series may include: Man-Thing (with owl & badger), Vermin (Spidey's rat-like nemesis), Astral-Form Dr. Strange (the good Doctor gets ghostie with it), and the Dread Dormamu! All four figures come packaged on "Dark Side" blister cards. Available now! (49/47800) (STAR12821) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $9.99Ea. ******************** PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE DARK ALLIANCE SIGNED FIGURE SET A Previews Exclusive! A Diamond Select Offering! From Eternal Toys and Art Asylum comes this Previews Exclusive series of the first four Dark Alliance action figures — Purgatori, Lucifer, Jade, and Chastity — all mint on card and signed by Chaos! Comics head honcho, Brian Pulido! Available individually, or as a set! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4667) FIGURE SET (x4) SRP: $75.00 CHASTITY—Figure SRP: $19.99 JADE—Figure SRP: $19.99 LUCIFER—Figure SRP: $19.99 PURGATORI—Figure SRP: $19.99 SPIDER-MAN CLASSIC BUMP AND GO FIGURES Spidey and Venom hit the streets astride their "bump 'n go" motorcycles, each featuring a seated figure, working headlights, and realistic racing sounds. Each cycle travels forward until it meets with an obstacle, then it changes direction and keeps on haulin'! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. Blister card packaging. (49/48675) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $6.99Ea. SPIDER-MAN CLASSIC VEHICLES WITH FIGURE Take Spidey to where ever the action is in these feature-filled Spider-Man vehicles, each with its own exclusive 5" Spider-Man figure! This series may include: Spider-Man Web Jet (with spring-loaded canopy and ejector seat) and Spider-Man Web Runner (with long- range projectile blaster. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (49/47465) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Vehicle SRP: $9.99Ea. SPIDER-MAN CLASSIC WATER WARS FIGURES These 6" tall, fully poseable Spider-Man action figures each come dressed in exclusive aquatic gear for underwater adventures, and feature stylized backpacks and guns with water-shooting action — over six feet! This assortment may include: Water Web Cannon Spider-Man, Sea Snake Venom, Hydro-Disc Spider-Man, and Aqua Splash Scorpion. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (49/47870) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $8.99Ea. X-MEN CLASSIC ROLE-PLAY SETS Young X-Men fans can adventure in their neighborhood or backyard as Cyclops or Wolverine with these kid-sized role-play accessories! This series may include: Cyclops Role-Play Electronic Visor (with "optic blast" light and sounds) or Wolverine Role-Play Electronic Claw (with motion-activated electronic sound and extending claws). Boxed. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (49/44265) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Role-Play SRP: $11.99Ea. X-MEN CLASSIC SENTINEL ROBOT PLAYSET Terminate All Mutants! This massive, 14-inch tall Sentinel robot figure comes complete with an ejecting chest plate (revealing a cavity which holds one X-Men figure — not included), knee targets (which when hit, cause the figure to topple over), a firing projectile arm, a retractable hook (perfect for capturing X-Men action figures), and more! Boxed Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (49/49320) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Playset SRP: $13.99 X-MEN CLASSIC VEHICLES WITH FIGURE Cyclops and Wolverine can get to wherever Professor X needs them most using these X- Men-styled vehicles. This series may include: Cyclops Solo Blackbird jet (with spring- loaded canopy and ejector seat) and Wolverine 4x4 (with flip-open hood & grinder, rear claw gripper, and claw projectile blaster). Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (49/43300) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Vehicle SRP: $9.99Ea. X-MEN: EVOLUTION BUMP AND GO FIGURES Wolverine and Sabretooth from the FOX animated series, X-Men: Evolution, take their ongoing rivalry to the streets astride their "bump 'n go" motorcycles, each featuring a seated figure, working headlights, and realistic racing sounds. Each cycle travels forward until it meets with an obstacle, then it changes direction and keeps on haulin'! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. Blister card packaging. (49/44270) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $6.99Ea. CTHULHU CTHULHU MEDIUM & SMALL PLUSHES If you're just not "evil enough" to handle the full-sized Cthulhu plush, then here's two new sizes, perfect for any Lovecraft/Chthulhu fan! Choose from a "Medium" version, roughly ¾ the size of the original plush Great Old One, or the all-new, take-him- anywhere, bean bag-sized extra-dimensional horror! Both dolls are totally cute, and totally squeezable, and ready to reclaim our world! Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (4231) MEDIUM (PR001)––Plush $15.99 SMALL (PR006)––Plush $5.99 DIE-CASTS JOHNNY LIGHTNING AMERICAN CHROME SERIES 4 DIE-CASTS Get ready to roll out with these red-blooded road-huggers! All die-cast cars come with clear windshields, "Real Wheels" for tires, and Chrome rim color. This series may include: '53 Buick Super (Gunpowder Grey), '55 Chrysler C-300 (Cameo White), '55 Crown Victoria (Tropical Rose/Cameo White), '57 Lincoln Premier (Seascape Blue), '58 Chevy Impala (Matador Red), and '53 Buick Super (Mint Green). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/31004) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING BASSIN' USA SERIES 2 DIE-CASTS Nothing goes better with bass fishing than a rock-steady Chevy truck and a beautiful fishing boat! The Bassin' USA line features the truck/boat/trailer combos of some of Bass fishing's heavy-hitters! Each set comes with a different colored Chevy Silverado, bass boat, and trailer, all with hard tires. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/48410) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $4.25Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING LIGHTNING BRIGADE 4 DIE-CASTS Out past the booming thunder come these fine-tuned war machines with attitude! Where applicable, all die-cast vehicles features clear windshields and "Real Wheels" for tires. This series may include: CUCV-II Cargo Troop Carrier (Gulf Armor Sand), WWII MB Jeep (Flat Bronze), M1A1 Abrams Tank (Gulf Armor Sand), WWII CCKW 6x6 (Olive Drab), WWII WB-54 Ambulance (Olive Drab), and WWII M2A1 Half-Track (Olive Drab). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/30504) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $4.99Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING MOPAR MUSCLE RELEASE 2 DIE-CASTS Big cars that tear up the asphalt without thinking twice. All die-cast cars come with clear windshields, hard tires, Silver Chrome rim color, and raw chassis. This series may include: '71 Plymouth Roadrunner (Hemi Orange), '69 Dodge Charger (Shelby Red), '71 Plymouth Duster 340 (Plum Crazy), '70 Plymouth Hemi Cuda (Lemon Yellow), '69 Dodge Daytona (Medium Green), and '70 Plymouth Roadrunner (Sublime). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/23701) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTING MUSCLE CARS IV SERIES 4 DIE-CASTS This series features six classic street beasts that scream quality — all the paint jobs are authentic MusclePaint colors mixed from the manufacturer's original factory formulas! All have 100% die-cast metal bodies, chassis, and opening hoods. This series may include: '68 Pontiac Firebird (Slate Blue), '68 Mercury Cougar GT-E (Dark Moss), '64 Pontiac GTO (Saddle Bronze), '70 Mercury Cyclone GT (Starlight Black), '69 Chevy Nova SS (Olympic Gold), and '67 Olds Cutlass 442 (Snow White). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/20403) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTING SURF RODS SERIES 5 CARS Rippin' curls… wild bikinis… beach parties. And a wicked set of wheels to tool around town. Johnny Lightning pays homage to the surfer lifestyle of the 60s with these die-cast replicas of cool rides from surfing's golden era. Featuring 100% die-cast bodies and chassis, these classic cars are fun, fun, fun! This fifth release may include: '63 Pontiac Tempest Custom (Light Blue), '70 Dodge Dart Custom (Pale Orange), '60's VW Thing (Snow White), '57 Chevy Bel Air Convertible (Primer Red), '55 Chevy Cameo Truck (Starlight Black), and '60's Studebaker Truck (Flat Black). Each model includes a bonus decal. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/29405) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $3.50Ea. OFFERED AGAIN O/A JOHNNY LIGHTNING V.I.P. SERIES 1 CARS Join Pamela Anderson and company in this series of die-cast cars as featured in the hit syndicated adventure series, V.I.P.! This is the rare, limited edition run featuring the "recalled" trading card considered too risqué for the general public! Collection may include: Ford Mustang (Daytona Yellow), Jaguar Convertible/Top Down (Blue Fire), Jaguar Convertible/Top Up (Blue Fire), Mazda Miata (Champagne), Plymouth Prowler, and Dodge Viper. Blister card packaging. (744/35600) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North American and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots—please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Cast SRP: $4.25Ea. ***************** JOHNNY LIGHTING V.I.P. SERIES 2 CARS More hot cars driven by the hot ladies of Pamela Anderson's hit syndicated adventure series, V.I.P.! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/35601) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $4.25Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTING SNAP PAK PROTECTIVE CASES Protect your mint-on-card Johnny Lightning collectibles with these durable "Snap-Pak" protective cases! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/55101) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Cases SRP: $5.25Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTING 6-CAR CLEAR CASES Hold and protect six loose Johnny Lightning or other die-cast cars with this special clear case! And they're stackable too! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/55304) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Cases SRP: $6.25Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTING 3-IN-1 SHOWCASE DISPLAYS This display case can be used in three ways: to display one large. 1:24 scale car; three 1:43 scale cars; or nine 1:64 scale cars! Removable dust cover, with optional three-tier step platform. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6243/55301) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Cases SRP: $6.25Ea. DRAGONBALL Z DRAGONBALL Z SERIES 5 FIGURES From the hit anime Dragonball Z comes the next series of collectible figures! Choose from Dr. Gero with brain and jewel, Gohan in Piccolo's clothing, Teen Trunks in Saiyan armor, Super Saiyan Vegeta in Saiyan armor, and Super Saiyan Goku in an orange gi. Each figure comes with a collectible metal medallion! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (8827/63200) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $7.99Ea. DRAGONBALL Z 9-INCH COLLECTOR EDITION FIGURES Poised for action, these 9" figures of your favorite characters from Dragonball Z will make you wish you had Saiyan abilities! Choose from Goku with torn clothing, Android 18, Super Saiyan Vegeta, and Super Saiyan Gohan. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (8827/61100) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $14.50Ea. DRAGONBALL Z STRIKING Z FIGHTERS FIGURES These Striking Z Fighters have all the best moves! Don't let them catch you by surprise! Choose from some of the toughest fighters: Super Saiyan Goku Double Kick, Super Saiyan Vegeta Flip, Super Saiyan Side Kick, and Piccolo Airplane Kick. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (8827/61000) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures $7.99Ea. DRAGONBALL Z SECRET SAIYAN WARRIORS FIGURES Ever miss that transition to Saiyan? Now, you can see it anytime with these Dragonaball Z figures that change from their normal form to Super Saiyan forms! Choose from Goku to Super Saiyan Goku, Gohan to Super Saiyan Gohan, Vegeta to Super Saiyan Vegeta, and Teenage Trunks to Super Saiyan Trunks. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (8827/62300) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures $11.50Ea. DRAGONBALL Z VEHICLES Walking is out of the question for the Z fighters! Have them travel like a real Saiyan with this cool vehicles scaled for use with the DBZ figures (included)! This series may include: One Wheel Bike, Jet Momonga, Vegeta's Saiyan Capsule, and Capsule Corps. Bike #67. Each vehicle comes with a 5 ½" figure that fits on it. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (8827/41230) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures $15.50Ea. HORROR ON THE EDGE RETURN OF THE FLY 12-INCH FIGURE It's science gone awry with this 12" collector's edition action figure, based on the 1965 sci-fi film classic, Return of the Fly starring Vincent Price! This 12" ultra-articulated figure has realistic hair and a cloth outfit, plus a highly detailed display base. The figure comes packaged in a collector's box featuring original artwork from the 20th Century Fox film! Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (4556/6970) (CAUT: 4) RES. from Previews Vol. XI #4 (Apr01) Figure $25.50 SILENT SCREAMERS: THE GOLEM DELUXE FIGURE From the 1915 silent classic, Der Golem, comes the title creature — a clay statue brought to life by a rabbi in 16th century Prague to save the Jews from the ongoing, brutal persecution by the city's rulers. Fully poseable, the figure stands approximately 7" tall and features a detailed display base with opening doors! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4830) Figure $24.99 ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS OFFERED AGAIN O/A ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN DELUXE ACTION FIGURE Bigger than big! Larger than large! Here's the adorable "Bumble" himself, the Abominable Snowman, from the Rankin/Bass Christmas classic! Stands 8" tall and fully poseable! (6243/6754) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $9.99Ea. O/A ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS REINDEER ACTION FIGURES From the Rankin/Bass Christmas classic comes this all-new line of cool action figures, bringing Rudolph and the rest of the cast of characters to life! Figures range in size from 3½" to 7" tall, with from five to ten points of articulation, each with its own character- specific accessories. This assortment is scheduled to include: Rudolph (w/light-up nose!), Herbie, Yukon Cornelius, Clarice, and Sam the Snowman. Blister card packaging. (6243/6753) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $5.99Ea. O/A ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS CLIP-ONS Figures done as clip-ons from the holiday classic, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Remove the clip, and it makes a great Christmas ornament. An assortment of the 12 most popular characters: Rudolph, Herbie, Sam the Snowman, Santa, Yukon Cornelius, Clarice, Misfit Train, Spotted Elephant, Misfit Doll, Charlie in the Box, King Moonracer, and The Abominable Snowman. (6243/6750) (CAUT: 3 & 4)NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is ordered in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Clip-on MSRP: $3.50Ea. ***************** MILITARY FIGURES ELITE BRIGADE U.S. ARMY SOLDIER HBTS 1943 FIGURE This G.I.'s uniform us made out of Herringbone Twill, better known as HBT's. HBT's were not the original working uniform. In Africa, soldiers found that the HBT was much more practical tan the original all wool uniform. This example is from the 1944to early 1945 European theatre. M43 NBT green fatigues with chest and thigh pockets come with brown buckle top boots, MI Garand belt with pouches, first aid pouch, canteen and cover, M7 knife and scabbard, and Mi rifle with adjustable leather sling. Worn by a resin-headed figure. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (7093/GIEDF06A) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $63.99 ELITE BRIGADE AFRIKA CORPS INFANTRYMAN GREATCOAT FIGURE The soldiers of the Afrika Korps were well equipped for duty in the desert. Not only did they have access to large stocks of tropical uniforms, but they also had uniforms for the cold desert hours of darkness. This figure wears the chestnut brown "wolly" greatcoat, tropical trousers, breadbag, entrenching tool with tropical tan cover, helmet, web belt, KAR 98 rifle, ammo pouches, and bayonet and scabbard. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (7093/GIEDF47A) (CAUT: 4) Figure $72.99 GI JOE ALPHA 2001 WAVE 3 FIGURES Each figure comes with authentically styled uniforms and accessories. This wave is scheduled to include: Night Attack (Caucasian), Night Attack (Hispanic), Vietnam M-60 Gunner (Caucasian), and Vietnam M-60 Gunner (African American). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/81160.86) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP:$16.99 GI JOE DELTA 2001 WAVE 2 FIGURES Each figure comes with authentically styled uniforms and accessories. This wave is scheduled to include: M.O.P.P. Marine (a Desert Storm-era Marine complete with Level 4 Anti-Chemical Suit, weapons, helmet, and more. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/8157595) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP:$26.99 GI JOE ECHO 2001 FIGURES These top-of-the-line, highly collectible figures celebrate America's military heroism like no other figures can! This wave is scheduled to include: Roy Benavidez, Vietnam Wall Memorial (African American), Vietnam Wall Memorial (Hispanic), WWII Paratrooper (with working chute). Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/8158595) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP:$32.99 GI JOE 2001 MISSION GEAR ASSORTMENT From WWII to Desert Storm, each Mission Gear set features a host of costume pieces and accessories that add realism to your Joes. This assortment is scheduled to include: Vicker's Machine Gun Emplacement (Pearl Harbor Commemorative Set). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/57081) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Accessory Set SRP:$9.99 GI JOE MILITARY DIORAMA SET ASSORTMENT Create realistic battle scenes with these historic diorama sets, filled with set pieces, authentic gear, and accessories to recreate key moments from famous military campaigns. This assortment is scheduled to include: Pearl Harbor Set. Closed box packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/57759) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Diorama Set SRP:$14.99 MOVIES AND TV FUTURAMA CHEF BENDER FIGURE Previews Exclusive! Futurama's wacky, drunken robot Bender is offered in a chef version! With a removable chef's hat and apron (which reads "Kill All Humans"!), Bender is ready to stir up a heaping plateful of trouble! Chef Bender also comes with a mini Bender toy and a bottle of Old Fortran malt liquor. Sculpted by Matt Krivicke, Chef Bender has six points of articulation and bendable legs. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (4151) (CAUT: 3 & 4) Figure $14.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A MYSTERY MACHINE PLAYSET WITH FIGURES What's the grooviest vehicle around? That's right, it's the The Mystery Machine, the way-out van owned by Scooby and the gang! Now you can create your own mystery- solving adventures with this Mystery Machine playset! The top opens up, the back comes down, and the front doors open up to allow you place figures inside the van for ghost- breaking adventures. The playset comes with Scooby, Shaggy, and Fred figures that are fully articulated, poseable, and can be placed inside the Mystery Machine! Open display box. (6351/02736920) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Playset (w/Figures) $25.00 *********** SCOOBY-DOO SUPER POSEABLE FIGURES Super-poseable Scooby-Doo is back, and this time he's brought along the whole gang! Scooby also comes in two new groovy poses and outfits –– Surfer Scooby and Karate Scooby! Also available are Regular Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Fred, and Daphne. These 6" infamous crime fighters are fully poseable and ready for any mystery solving adventure. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (6351/02738420) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $5.99Ea. SOUTH PARK TALKING TIMMY PLUSH Timmy!!! From Comedy Central's hit animated series with an edge comes this plush doll of the phenomenon that is Timmy! Equipped with his wheelchair, Timmy also talks –– and you'll never know what'll come out of those crazy South Park kids' mouths! Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (6125/04628) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure $20.99 MUSIC OZZY BLIZZARD OF OZ DELUXE FIGURE Specialty Market Exclusive! It's the largest, most poseable Ozzy figure ever! Standing 12" tall and armed with a huge crucifix, Ozzy as the "Blizzard of Oz" comes dressed in a white outfit, with cloak, belt, and cross on chain. Also features realistic hair. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6125/99010) (CAUT: 4) Figure $60.00 STAR WARS STAR WARS BASIC FIGURE COLLECTION I 2001 WAVE 2 This wave of all-new figures features characters from the original Star Wars Trilogy as well as Episode I! Collection 1/Wave 2 may include: Crusade Obi-Wan, Mechanic Chewbacca, POD Figure, and Bespin Escape Leia. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/84445) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. COLLECTION I—Figure SRP: $7.99Ea. STAR WARS BASIC FIGURE COLLECTION II 2001 WAVE 2 This wave of all-new figures features characters from the original Star Wars Trilogy as well as Episode I! Collection II/Wave 2 may include: Sabe (Queen Amidala's Decoy), Ketwal, Bespin Security Guard, and the #1 Fan Choice Figure, Duro. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. COLLECTION II (8161595)–Figure SRP: $7.99Ea. WRESTLING WWF RULERS OF THE RING 3 FIGURES Who will be the Ruler of the Ring? Find out in this all-new series of action figures, featuring some of the top grapplers of the WWF! This series may include: Raven, Lita, Steven Richards, Perry Saturn, Prince Albert, and Eddie Guerrero! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (4301/W93040) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $7.50Ea. ************************ STATUES & MODELS ANIME AMAZING NURSE NANAKO BUST The most powerful weapon of the 21st century! Or not… When Dr. Kyoji Ogami, the world's leading bio-engineering scientist, transplants the brain of his nurse into the body of the Venus 2000, the ultimate cybernetic combat robot, the result is the Amazing Nurse Nanako! Now you can add a colorful and sexy bust of the cyborg nurse to your anime collection with this latest release, standing ??" tall and mounted on a sculpted base. Bust comes packaged in a collector's window box. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (8644/20003) (CAUT: 2 & 4) Bust $45.00 OFFERED AGAIN TRIGUN RESIN BUST Vash the Stampede is a gunfighter so unbeatable, he has a $60,000,000,000 bounty on his head. But good thing that the bounty doesn't apply on this particular head! Sculpted by Gabriel Marquez, this 5"-tall resin bust of Trigun's ultra-cool hero will practically come to life on your shelves! Is Vash a lady-killer, a magnificent fighter, or simply just an idiot? You decide! Painted and ready to display. Available now! (8644) Bust $35.00 ******************** COMIC BOOK HEROES APHRODITE IX STATUE She's perfection in an imperfect world… gorgeous, intelligent, strong, capable, and indestructible. What is her origin? Who or what is she? This August, Moore Creations proudly brings you the mysterious Aphrodite IX in exquisite detail, sculpted by Clayburn Moore. Fully licensed by Top Cow Productions, this 12" cold-cast porcelain statue will seduce collectors, just as she does her human prey! Dressed to kill in bandoleer, armored boots, and mini-skirt, this android-with-an-attitude is limited to 4,000 pieces. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (8734) Statue $175.00 STAR OF THE MONTH LADY DEMON RESIN STATUE A Diamond Select offering! Lady Demon — the mysterious and beautiful creature from Hell, once thought to be a part of Lady Death and betrothed to Lucifer — now possesses the soul of a mortal woman. You can now possess her as a beautiful cold-cast resin statue, expertly crafted by master-sculptor Sam Greenwell. Standing over 15" tall, Lady Demon stands atop a demonic base and stares mesmerized at her sensual reflection in an actual mirror. Brought to you by Eternal Toys and Diamond Select Toys, Lady Demon comes packaged in a custom box with a Certificate of Authenticity. Limited to 3,500 pieces. Also available as a deluxe Special Edition (ready to display) that's limited to only 400 copies. Painted and ready to display. Available now! (4667) REGULAR (STAR12863)—Statue $175.00 O/A SPECIAL EDITION (20106)—Statue $300.00 ************************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A PURGATORI RESIN STATUE A Diamond Select Offering! Purgatori, the vampire goddess, is immortalized for eternity as this magnificent cold-cast resin statue, sculpted by Sam Greenwell (Lady Death: Dark Millennium sculptor). Alluring, yet deadly, Purgatori stands over 20 towering inches of exacting detail. Personally overseen by her creator, Brian Pulido, Purgatori comes on an Egyptian-themed base and with two sets of wings — one set with wings up in defiance, and the other with her wings down and wrapped around her breathtaking figure. Brought to you by Eternal Toys and manufactured by Diamond Sect Toys and Collectibles, this stunning statue comes in a custom box with a Certificate of Authenticity. Also available as a Ruby Sapphire Special Edition that's limited to 300 pieces and including a certificate signed by Pulido and Greenwell. Both editions are fully painted and ready to display! Available now! (4667) O/A REGULAR—Statue $175.00 O/A SPECIAL EDITION—Statue $300.00 ************************** DAREDEVIL RED MINI-STATUE This is the first in a new series of Marvel mini-statues by Bowen Deisgns; this one a miniature version of the hit, previously offered Daredevil Statue, inspired by the style of Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti. Old Hornhead is back (again!) with a vengeance, courtesy of Randy Bowen! Daredevil in his red costume is brought to three-dimensional reality as this 8 ½" tall statue, limited to 4,000 pieces. If you let the first, 1/8 scale version escape your grasp, don't let this affordably-priced mini-statue of DD pass you by! Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (8824/DDREDMINI) (CAUT: 2 & 4) Mini-Statue $45.00 THE RHINO MINI-BUST Since his first appearance in Amazing Spider-Man #??, the raging Rhino has had many costume changes over the years. However, no one have ever surpassed the original version as designed by comics legend John Romita, Sr.! Now, Bowen Designs presents the next in their line of Marvel Mini-Busts, The Rhino! Based on Romita Sr.'s classic design and sculpted by Randy Bowen, this mini-bust of the classic Spider-Man villain stands 6" tall with display base, and will hold a proud place — wherever it wants! — in your Marvel mini-bust collection! Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (8824/RHINOBUST) (CAUT: 4) Mini-Bust $40.00 GHOST RIDER LEVEL III MODEL KIT Get your creative engines running, because this model kit is screaming for vengeance! This model kit, designed for modelers of an advanced skill level, depicts Ghost Rider astride his motorcycle, blasting his way through a tombstone-strewn cemetery display base! Painting and assembly (with glue) required. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (6393/48660) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Kit MSRP: $14.99 FANTASY DRAGON OF ANGOR RESIN STATUE Streaking down out of the sky, the Dragon of Angor clears the battlefield with his mighty breath of fire! This collectible is sure to be a great addition to any fantasy collection! Hand-painted and crafted of polyresin, this piece stands 12" tall and 9 ¾" wide, and is the perfect gift for any dragon or fantasy enthusiast! Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (4432/FG1359) (CAUT: 4) Statue $65.00 GUNDAM GUNDAM WING DX 1/100 SCALE MODEL KITS Snap-together assembly! For the ultimate, no compromise Mobile Suit, choose the Deluxe (DX) Advanced figure kits! Whether patrolling the Earth's upper atmosphere or engaging the enemy in deepest space, the staggeringly high specifications makes these Mobile Suits ideal for the most demanding missions! Each kit requires no glue for assembly, measures approximately 18cm (7"), and is fully articulated — some with transformation capabilities! This month, choose from: DX Altron Gundam or DX Gundam Deathscythe Hell. Requires no painting or glue for assembly. Available for immediate shipping! (9036) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. DX ALTRON GUNDAM (3526)—Kit $33.99 DX DEATHSCYTHE HELL (3527)—Kit $33.99 GUNDAM WING 1/144 SCALE MODEL KITS Mobile Suit action starts here! Choose from a wide range of 1/144 scale figures, each with its own unique action and transforming features. Just snap the parts together and watch in awe as these imposing figures quickly take shape. Full instructions and stickers are included. Each kit requires no painting or glue for assembly, measures approximately 11cm (4 ½"), and is fully articulated — some with transformation capabilities! This month, choose from: Gundam Mercurius, Gundam Sandrock, Gundam Tallgeese, Gundam Tallgeese II, and Gundam Vayeate. Available for immediate shipping! (9036) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. GUNDAM MERCURIUS (3508)—Kit $10.99 GUNDAM SANDROCK (3505)—Kit $10.99 GUNDAM TALLGEESE (3506)—Kit $10.99 GUNDAM TALLGEESE II (3513)—Kit $10.99 GUNDAM VAYEATE (3507)—Kit $10.99 GUNDAM WING DX 1/144 SCALE MODEL KITS For enhanced features and mobility, choose these high specification Deluxe (DX) Gundam figure kits! Each kit requires no painting or glue for assembly, measures approximately 11cm (4 ½"), and is fully articulated — some with transformation capabilities! And once the finished figures are adorned with the supplied stickers, you'll have yourself one highly-detailed Mobile Suit! This month, choose from: DX Altron Gundam or DX Gundam Deathscythe Hell. Available for immediate shipping! (9036) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. DX ALTRON GUNDAM (3511)—Kit $14.99 DX DEATHSCYTHE HELL (3512)—Kit $14.99 MOVIES & TV OFFERED AGAIN O/A AMBASSADOR G-KAR COLD-CAST BUST New Lower Price! He's the Narn ambassador to Babylon 5, and one of the most intriguing and fascinating characters on the cult classic TV show created by current Amazing Spider-Man scribe, J. Michael Strazynski! This heavy, highly detailed piece is very authentic… it has to be — it was sculpted by the special effects artist who designed the original character! This bust is mounted on a techno-themed sculpted base that features the Babylon 5 logo. Painted and ready to display. Available now! (7278/BA8001) Bust $59.95 O/A STAR TREK: DATA COLD-CAST RESIN BUST New Lower Price! Data, the sentient android "Pinocchio" of Star Trek: The Next Generation, is captured in all his quizzical wonderment through the artistry of sculptor Greg Aronowitz. Measuring 8 ½" tall, this cold-cast porcelain bust comes packaged in a full-color collector's box with a signed and numbered Certificate of Authenticity (signed by Aronowitz, and Star Trek Make-up Director, Michael Westmore). Painted and ready to display. Available now! (7278/ST7002) Bust $59.95 *********************** STARS OF THE MONTH LOCUTUS OF BORG COLD-CAST BUST New Lower Price! How could any Trek fan forget the classic Next Generation two-parter in which Captain Picard was assimilated by the Borg? It was that classic "Best of Both Worlds" cliffhanger that caused Picard to unwillingly help the Borg almost bring Starfleet to its knees! Don't let this momentous (and tragic) tale be forgotten — display this beautiful cold-cast bust to remind you and your fellow Trekkers of that period in Star Trek history when all seemed lost for Captain Picard! Painted and ready to display. Available now! (7278/ST-7001) (STAR07205) Bust $59.95 THE X-FILES: MULDER & SCULLY RESIN BUSTS New Lower Price! These extraordinarily detailed resin busts of FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully come hand-painted, measure approximately 9 ½" tall each, and feature the striking likenesses of The X-Files stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. Each comes in an illustrated collector's box with a Certificate of Authenticity. Painted and ready to display. Available now! (7278) FOX MULDER (STAR08664)—Bust $59.95 DANA SCULLY (STAR08663)—Bust $59.95 *********************** PLANET OF THE APES PLANET OF THE APES: "EFFIGY" RESIN DIORAMA From director Tim Burton's upcoming version of Planet of the Apes comes this resin diorama depicting a scene from the film in which astronaut Leo Davidson and his traveling companions happen upon the scarecrow-like effigies of man, echoing a similar scene from the original sci-fi classic! Utilizing state-of-the-art body scan technology for realistically detailed figures, the diorama stands 8" tall, is fully-painted, and is limited to 5,000 numbered pieces. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6338) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Diorama $38.99 PLANET OF THE APES: ATTAR RESIN BOOKENDS Gorilla General Attar controls the ape forces in Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes. Now, the massive military ape can control your books as this pair of cast resin bookends. A computer scan of actor Michael Duncan Clark in his ape make-up was made, and the result is these collectible 7" bookends, complete with war-sword. Fully-painted and ready to use. Limited to 5,000 numbered pieces. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6338) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Bookends (x2) $43.99 PLANET OF THE APES 8-INCH RESIN STATUES Limited to 10,000 pieces each, these 8" tall, fully-articulated resin statues are fully- painted and ready to display! Each character was scanned on the set using the latest scanning technology for the most detailed and realistic likenesses possible. Choose from: Attar, Major Leo Davidson & Pericles (space chimp), and Thade. Each character comes individually boxed with a base. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6338) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. ATTAR—Statue $24.99 MAJ. DAVIDSON—Statue $24.99 THADE—Statue $24.99 SPORTS NASCAR LEGENDS: RICHARD PETTY 1974 DODGE CHARGER MODEL KIT "King Richard" won many a race behind the wheel of his 74 Dodge Charger, and now Playing Mantis brings NASCAR fans this detailed stock car model kit! Ultra detailed, with authentic team and sponsor decals, this car is a winner! Requires painting and assembly. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (6243) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Model $14.99 MLB PRESTIGE FIGURINES The players in this affordable line of limited edition, hand-painted figurines stand approximately 7" in height. The Prestige Series features current Major League Baseball superstars as well as many of yesteryear's sports legends. Each figurine is individually numbered and comes accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity. Choose from: Cal Ripken Jr., Derek Jeter, Mark McGwire, and Pedro Martinez. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (4385) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. CAL RIPKEN JR.—Figurine $32.99 DEREK JETER—Figurine $32.99 MARK MCGWIRE—Figurine $32.99 PEDRO MARTINEZ—Figurine $32.99 TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMERS: OPTIMUS PRIME BUST The first in a new series of collectible Transformers statues and busts! Optimus Prime is the vaunted leader of the heroic Autobots! Stranded on planet Earth, Prime and his fellow Autobots strive to return to their homeworld of Cybertron. In the meantime, they must protect the Earth and mankind from the constant threat of the evil Decepticons! Standing approximately 8 ¾" tall with the base, this 1/8 scale cold-cast resin bust was designed and sculpted by Raven Hood, and will hold a place of honor in the collections of Transformer fans everywhere! The bust ships in a four-color collectors box. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4372) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Bust $49.99 VIDEO GAMES OFFERED AGAIN O/A RESIDENT EVIL 3 VINYL STATUES From the hit Playstation game Resident Evil 3: Nemesis comes this pair of highly- detailed, fully-decorated vinyl statues! Each is realistically sculpted to replicate one of the characters from the game. Choose from: Jill Valentine (measures 11¾" tall), a member of the S.T.AR.S. special task force of the Raccoon City PD who battles to escape the besieged city; and Nemesis (measures 16" tall), a seemingly unstoppable juggernaut of overwhelming power and speed, it was sent by the Umbrella Co to kill all the S.T.A.R.S team members who know of Umbrella's dark secrets. Each vinyl statue comes packaged in an illustrated collector's window box. Fully painted and ready to display. Available now! (8644) (CAUT: 4) JILL VALENTINE—Statue $29.99 NEMESIS—Statue $49.99 **************************** IMPORT TOYS & MODELS ANIME BASTARD!! MIKAEL ACTION FIGURE Imported from Japan! The next figure in the Bastard!! action figure line is Mikael, one of the Four Great Angels who battles against the Devil to free the other angels being held captive in Hell. She was the angel who took the role of Leader of the Great Angels when Lucifer, who used to hold the position, fell out of favor and was cast into the abyss. Standing approximately 7½" tall, and sporting 4 points of articulation, Mikael comes with a spare hand with which to hold his sword, and include poseable wings with a 12" wingspan! Sculpted by Keiji Iwakura. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4898) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Figure $22.99 SAMURAI X/RURONI KENSHIN ACTION FIGURES Imported from Japan! Based on the popular Japanese movie, anime and manga series Samurai X/Ruroni Kenshin, these figures capture the look and spirits of these characters from the ancient samurai world. Choose from: Kenshin (with sword and sheath), Kaoru (with broom), Hajime (with sword, arms, & fists), and Sanosuke (with Great Sword and variant arm). Kenshin, Hajime, Sanosuke feature seven points of articulation; Kaoru features 10! Figures stand approximately 7" tall. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4368) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. HAJIME—Figure $12.99 KENSHIN—Figure $12.99 KAORU—Figure $12.99 SANOSUKE—Figure $12.99 TETSUJIN 28 CHORO Q Imported from Japan! Classic Super Robot Tetsujin 28 (a.k.a. Gigantor) is now a Choro Q figure! These innovative toys combine the collectibility of an action figure with the play value of a wind-up vehicle! You can transform Tetsujin from robot mode to vehicle, and watch him speed away via his pull-back motor! Also included are mini-figures of his master Shotaro and Mr. Ohstuka. Available in three different colors (orders filled randomly). Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (4671) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Choro Q $6.99 EPOCH AMAZING NURSE NANAKO RED VERSION RESIN STATUE A Previews Shared Exclusive! Imported from Japan! Only 100 copies of this statue were sold in Japan, and now Previews brings the Amazing Nurse Nanako to the rest of the world! Standing 8" tall, the most powerful weapon of the 21st century is depicted in all her glory! Fully painted and ready to display. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4818) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Statue $69.99 G-TASTE NURSE RESIN STATUE & MODEL KIT Imported from Japan! Going to the hospital wouldn't be so bad if your nurse looked like this! This resin statue stands approximately 8" tall and comes painted and ready to display. Available as fully-painted, ready-to-display statue or in kit form. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4818) (CAUT: 4) MODEL KIT $39.99 STATUE $69.99 GAOGAIGAR RESIN STATUES & MODEL KITS Imported from Japan! From the hit robot anime series, GaoGaiGar comes these resin figures of the human stars of the series. Choose from:Mikoto Utsugi or Sakura Isoga. Both are available as fully painted, ready-to-display statues or in kit form. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (6268) (CAUT: 4) MIKOTO ISUGI—Model Kit $39.99 MIKOTO ISUGI—Statue $69.99 SAKURA ISOGA—Model Kit $39.99 SAKURA ISOGA—Statue $69.99 GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES RESIN STATUES & MODEL KITS Imported from Japan! From the SNK video game Garou: Mark of the Wolves, comes this figure of the beautiful B. Jenny. Sitting atop a treasure chest, this is one statue that is worth its weight in gold! Available as fully painted, ready-to-display statue or in kit form. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (6268) (CAUT: 4) Model Kit $39.99 Statue $69.99 FANTASY CHRIS ACHILLEOS BOADICEA STATUE Imported from England! "Boadicea" is the second in a series of high-quality, detailed figurines bringing the fantasy paintings of famed European fantasy artist, Chris Achilleos (Heavy Metal), into 3-D! Poised and pretty, the Queen of the Iceni comes complete with an authentic metal Roman sword and a metal and resin shield. The 12" tall statue rests atop a 1" thick wooden base and includes a Certificate of Authenticity, signed by the artist. Limited to 3,000 pieces. Closed box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (133) (CAUT: 4) Statue $330.00 STAR OF THE MONTH ELRIC RESIN STATUE Part of Kotobukiya's "Art Figure Collection" of cold-cast resin statues, Michael Morcock's fey prince Elric is immortalized as a beautifully painted cold-cast porcelain 12" figurine. Don't be fooled by his delicate features, Elric knows how to use his sword, Stormbringer, to deadly effect! Sculpted by master artisan, Takayuki Takeya. Painted and ready to display. Available now! (8644) (STAR09753) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Statue $240.00 ************************ FRENCH IMPORTS COTE D' AZUR RESIN STATUE Imported from France! Here is the famous pin-up gal from Felix Meynet, a rising French comics artist who knows how to raise the room temperature with cheesecake girls too hot to handle! This meticulous statue stands 8" tall, and depicts a busty redhead with curves in all the right places! Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (133) (CAUT: 4) RES. from Previews Vol. X #10 (Oct00) Statue $148.00 LUCKY LUKE WITH LASSO RESIN FIGURE Imported from France! The cowboy from Europe (with worldwide sales of 300 million graphic novels translated into 30 languages) is now a collectible resin statue, measuring 6" tall with an intricate resin lasso. Comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (133/374) (CAUT: 4) Statue $35.00 OBELIX DANCING RESIN FIGURINE Imported from France! Gaulish strongman, Obelix, is depicted dancing, most likely celebrating yet another victory over their hapless Roman oppressors! This hand-painted resin replica of the beloved Goscinny & Uderzo character stands 7" tall and is ready to display! Limited to 3,000 pieces. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (133/369) (CAUT: 4) Figurine $90.00 GHOST IN THE SHELL GHOST IN THE SHELL FUCHIKOMA RESIN STATUES Imported from Japan! From the anime classic Ghost in the Shell come this trio of highly detailed resin statues of "Fuchikomas," the multi-limbed police robots that patrol the city and are rolled out when the big guns are needed. This month, choose from the following paint schemes: urban camouflage, red, and green, each fully assembled and ready to display. As an added bonus, a scale figure of Lt. Kusanagi's cyborg partner, Bateau, is also included with each statue. Each measures approximately 6" in length. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4368) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. CAMO—Statue $65.00 RED—Statue $65.00 GREEN—Statue $65.00 GODZILLA BANPRESTO GODZILLA PLUSH Imported from Japan! Cute and cuddly, here's a Godzilla plush for every G-fan to enjoy! Created by Banpresto (a subsidiary of Bandai), this 12" tall plush kaiju king was a crane machine prizes in their native Japan. Now you can score one of these plush monsters without the trip to Japan and the level of frustration found in crane machines around the world! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (133/PT129) (CAUT: 4) Plush $34.99 HORROR DOKUMUSHI KOZOU VINYL FIGURE Imported from Japan! From Japanese horror manga maestro Hideshi Hino comes his latest nightmare creation, Dokumushi Kozou! Here's the main character from the macabre manga, who was always picked on by his classmates. Finding solace in his hobby of bug collecting, Doku is surprised when one day he starts to become one! In the end, his family leaves him, and he becomes an insect in body and soul! This hollow vinyl figure measures approximately 5" tall and is randomly shipped in two color versions (Hell Brown or Crazy Purple). Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6268) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Vinyl Figure $12.85 FRANZIN VINYL FIGURE Imported from Japan! Another nightmare creation from Japanese horror manga maestro Hideshi Hino! Based on the Frankeinstein monster character, Hino has taken the iconic creature and arranged him to his own tastes. This hollow vinyl figure measures approximately 5" tall and is randomly shipped in two color versions (Hell Brown or Crazy Purple). Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6268) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Vinyl Figure $12.85 KUBRICKS NEON GENESIS EVANGELION KUBRICK BOX SET G Imported from Japan! The Neon Genesis Evangelion Kubrick series continues with this seventh set of figures! This set includes: Kaworu Nagisa the 5th Child, EVA Unit 05, and EVA Carrier Wing! Display stands with backgrounds included. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4239/MEDKUB44) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Set (x3) $12.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A NEON GENESIS EVANGELION KUBRICK BOX SET A Imported from Japan! This Neon Genesis Evangelion Kubrick Box Set includes EVA-01 Test Type (16 parts to assemble), The Third Child Shinji Ikari (10 parts), and The Third Angel, Sachiel (11 parts). And it also comes with a crystal base with a Diorama graphic card! Packaged in a display box. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4239) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Box Set $12.99 ************************ SPECIAL FORCES SERIES 3 KUBRICKS Imported from Japan! The Special Forces Kubrick series is one of the best-selling lines in Japan! Randomly packaged in single-figure boxes, these Kubricks feature authentically detailed costume pieces and weaponry, replicating the look of today's modern SWAT and Special Forces units. This third series will include: SAT, SWAT, Future Warriors, ESI and terrorist figures. Each figure is individually boxed and will be shipped randomly. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4239) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Figure $3.99 MANGA CANDY STYLISH COLLECTION DOLL Imported from Japan! From the popular Japanese shojo manga series, Buffalo Five Girls, comes this all-new, fully-articulated fashion doll from Medicom! Decked out in a skimpy, cowboy-styled cloth outfit with hat and boots, this figure features 34 points of articulation for ultimate poseability! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4239) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Doll $49.99 DR. SLUMP & ARALE PVC SET Imported from Japan! From Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama comes this figure set depicting characters from his earlier creation, Dr. Slump! The good Doctor resides in Penguin Village, where he has built the cutest little robot girl, Arale. This series is little known in the U.S., but fans of Toriyama and Dragon Ball will definitely want to check out this little-known series! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (133/FF80) (CAUT: 4) PVC Set $27.99 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS JACK COFFIN DOLL WITH BARREL PVC Imported from Japan! The full-sized, 14" tall articulated coffin dolls series for 2001 continue with this third, all-new Jack Skellington collection doll, accompanied by a bonus "Barrel" PVC figure. Jack (and Barrel) come packaged in a coffin box with two die-cut windows and silhouettes of Halloween Town imprinted on the lid! This is the third in a series of coffins that link together to form a Halloween Town scene! Guaranteed in stores 07/11/01! (4672) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Doll w/PVC $54.99 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS JACK SKELLINGTON ACTION FIGURE #4 A Previews Exclusive! Imported from Japan! Here's the latest in our series of Previews Exclusive Jack Skellinton action figures! This fourth figure comes with a black NBX logo and stand, and comes with Oogie Boogie and Mummy PVCs. Collectible blister card artwork and packaging. Guaranteed in stores 07/04/01! (4672/N234) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Figure $28.99 RAY HARRYHAUSEN FILM LIBRARY RAY HARRYHAUSEN CENTAUR & GRIFFIN RESIN STATUES Imported from Japan! They play out their still-life dance of death, just as they did when they first amazed moviegoers in Ray Harryhausen's Golden Voyage of Sinbad! It's the mythical Griffin — part lion, part eagle — versus the horrific cyclopean Centaur! Measuring approximately 10" tall, both hyper-detailed resin statues are fully painted, and feature bases that link together to form a diorama! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4937) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. CENTAUR—Statue $99.99 GRIFFIN—Statue $99.99 SUPER ROBOTs RAIDEEN DELUXE MIRACLE ACTION FIGURE Imported from Japan! Available Again! You may remember him Raideen from the Shogun Warriors comic and toy series of the mid-seventies (where he was known as Raydeen). Now, get to know the real Raideen! Medicom of Japan presents this stunning new deluxe addition to their Miracle Action Figure line! Standing 10" tall, Raideen features a mighty 30 points of articulation(!), and includes the following features: changing face (from "brave" to "screaming"); variant hands (grapsing & weapon); opening face plates; and can transform from robot to "Godbird" mode! Raideen also comes with a full arsenal of weapons — "God Go Gun" (bow), "God Arrow," "God Boomerang," "God Block" (shield), and "God Break" (sword). Plus: each Raideen Miracle Action figure includes figures of pilot Akira Hibiki and Sparkar, and their enemy Dorme. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4239) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore. Figure $29.99 VIDEO GAMES BERSERK RESIN STATUES From the hit Japanese comic and Dreamcast game, the violent world of Berserk is brought to life with these pre-painted cold-cast statues. Each stands aproximately 8" tall and includes a base with plaque. Choose from Casca in Ceremonial Dress or SkelKnight (sculpted by Art of War Studios). Both statues are painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in December. (4368) (CAUT: 4) CASCA—Statue $100.00 SKELKNIGHT—Statue $120.00 RESIDENT EVIL 3 FIGURE 2-PACKS Imported from Japan! From the most recent installment in Japan's Biohazard Playstation game series (known in the U.S. as Resident Evil), comes this series of impressively sculpted and detailed action figure 2-packs, featuring a 7½" tall hero character and a 10" tall monster foe. Choose from: Claire vs. Ivy, Chris Redfield vs. Tyrant, and Claire vs. Nemesis. Figures feature limited articulation. Each set features a piece of the massive Nemesis creature — collect all ten sets and build this 20" monster! Original Japanese window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4368) (CAUT: 4) RES. From Previews Vol. X #11 (Nov00) CLAIRE Vs. IVY (MDF011)—2-Pack $39.99 CHRIS REDFIELD Vs. TYRANT (MDF009)—2-Pack $39.99 CLAIRE Vs. NEMESIS 2 (MDF008)—2-Pack $39.99 SOUL CALIBUR ACTION FIGURES A Specialty Market Exclusive! Soul Calibur is the video game sequel to Soul Edge, and is not only an arcade hit, but one of the best-selling titles for Sega's Dreamcast console! It features powerful warriors battling for possession of powerful spirit swords. Even as Soul Calibur the game was a leap forward in video game technology, so too are the Soul Calibur action figures. Each figure features an average of six points of articulation, as well as wepoans and accessories. This series may include: Nightmare (articulated at the shoulders, elbows, left wrist, and waist), with a sword accessory; Xianghua (articulated at the neck, shoulders, and waist) with 2 swords; and Mitsurugi (articulated at the neck, waist, shoulders, wrists, and knees) and a sword. This offering will include a special limited edition silver Nightmare variant figure available only in case lots! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4818) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $9.99Ea. TOKIMEKI MEMORIAL FIGURE KEYCHAINS Imported from Japan! Based on the Konami video game for Playstation, Dreamcast, and Gameboy (in Japan), these poseable, 3 ½" figural keychains depict the characters of Tokimeki. Each figure features a cloth outfit, several points of articulation, and come packaged in a window box. Eight designs available, shipped randomly. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4847) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. Keychain $3.99 VIRTUAL ON FEI YEN THE TIGER ACTION FIGURE Imported from Japan! From Cybertroopers: Virtual On, the sequel to Virtual On the smash-hit arcade game of robotic combat, comes this all-new variant figure of Fei Yen, the female-form mecha. Featuring 29 points of articulation, this sexy robot features a tiger-stripe design along with a tail. Also included are several optional hands. Sculpted by Katsuhisa Yamaguchi. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4673) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia. Figure $20.99 VIRTUAL ON WINTER WHITE TEMJIN ACTION FIGURE Imported from Japan! Here's another variant Virtual On figure! This time it's the stalwart Temjin, done up in a "Winter White" paint scheme. Temjin includes a display stand, variant head, three pairs of variant hands, rifle and pistol accessories, and removable booster rockets. Sculpted by Katsuhisa Yamaguchi. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4673) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia. Figure $20.99 *************************** PREVIEWS TOY STORE ARMORED TROOPER VOTOMS KUBRICK BOX SET A $12.99 STAR12221 AJARI RESIN STATUE $148.00 OCT992542 ANGEL RESIN BUST $45.00 NOV003077 ARMORED CORE 2 ACTION FIGURE #1 $22.99 SEP003086 ARMORED CORE 2 ACTION FIGURE #2 $22.99 SEP003088 ARMORED TROOPER VOTOMS SCOPEDOG GREEN CHROME FIGURE $74.99 APR005086 ARMORED TROOPER VOTOMS SCOPEDOG RED SHOULDER CHROME FIGURE $74.99 APR005087 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ANGEL 9-INCH FIGURE $14.99 STAR10673 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ANGEL STATUE $129.95 STAR10515 BTVS BUFFY 9 INCH FIGURE $14.99 STAR10637 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER BUFFY RESIN STATUE $129.95 STAR10084 FAMOUS COVERS: BRING ON THE BAD GUYS FIGURES $15.99 STAR12808 FAMOUS COVERS: DIVAS FIGURES $15.99 STAR12391 FREDDY KRUEGER 18 INCH ACTION FIGURE $24.23 STAR12855 GOLDEN AGE PENGUIN MEDIUM RESIN STATUE $35.00 SEP005032 JOJOS BIZARRE ADVENTURE JOTARO FIGURE 2-PACK $29.99 JUL005108 LADY DEATH RESIN STATUE $175.00 STAR12813 LADY DEMON ARTIST PROOF RESIN STATUE $300.00 NOV003081 MAD MAX, THE ROAD WARRIOR FIGURES $9.25 FEB002520 MARVEL HISTORY: FIRST APPEARANCES FIGURES $9.99 STAR10491 MARVEL HISTORY: GREATEST MOMENTS SERIES II FIGURES $15.99 STAR12635 THE MATRIX 12-INCH NEO FIGURE $28.99 STAR12865 THE MATRIX 12-INCH TRINITY FIGURE $28.99 STAR12866 THE MATRIX: AGENT SMITH AS MATRIX FIGURE $10.99 STAR12202 THE MATRIX: NEO VS SMITH FIGURE TWO-PACK $15.99 STAR12867 THE MATRIX SERIES TWO DELUXE FIGURES $9.75 STAR12868 MAZINGER Z KUBRICK BOX SET B $12.99 SEP003070 MORTAL KOMBAT FIGURES $10.50 JUN002680 NBX JACK SKELLINGTON MILLENNIUM EDITION BOXED SET $285.00 MAR005040 RAIDEEN GOLD-PLATED MIRACLE ACTION FIGURE $39.99 AUG002996 RISING STARS ACTION FIGURES $11.99 OCT002019 ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW SERIES I FIGURES $12.25 MAY002583 THE SIMPSONS: WORLD OF SPRINGFIELD WAVE III ENVIRONMENTS $23.50 OCT003091 SKATEBOARDING BART R/C FIGURE $34.50 APR002879 STARK RAVEN SERIES ONE ACTION FIGURES $14.50 AUG002986 STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE BASIC FIGURE COLLECTION 1 WAVE II $9.95 MAY992590 TRANSFORMERS: BEAST MACHINES DELUXE FIGURES WAVE III $11.99 SEP003036 TRANSFORMERS: BEAST MACHINES MEGA FIGURES WAVE III $17.00 SEP003037 UNIVERSAL CLASSIC MONSTER ACTION FIGURES SERIES 3 $11.50 APR002844 UNIVERSAL CLASSIC MONSTER ACTION FIGURES SERIES 4 $11.50 AUG002946 UNIVERSAL MONSTERS INVISIBLE MAN 12-INCH FIGURE $27.99 JUL005038 UNIVERSAL MONSTERS SON OF DRACULA 12 INCH FIGURE $27.99 JUL005037 VANDALA BUST $39.99 STAR11984 VIRTUAL ON: FEI YEN DNA-SIDE ACTION FIGURE $19.99 STAR12649 VIRTUAL ON: FEI YEN RNA-SIDE ACTION FIGURE $19.99 STAR12650 WITCHBLADE RESIN BUST $59.99 STAR12298 WITCHBLADE RESIN MINI STATUE $59.95 STAR10563 WITCHBLADE SNOWGLOBE $139.95 STAR09370 GOLDEN AGE HOURMAN ACTION FIGURE $10.00 OCT000620 GOLDEN AGE SANDMAN ACTION FIGURE II $10.00 OCT000621 GOLDEN AGE DR MIDNITE ACTION FIGURE $10.00 OCT000619 ********************** PRINTS & POSTERS 1000 EDITIONS SHIROW TUBE COLLECTION #2 The stunning artwork of Masamune Shirow is featured in this four-poster tube set. Here is a collection of four images from the legendary manga artist, each measuring 15" x 19". (133/MEP765) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Spain. Set (x4) $19.95 CARTOON NETWORK POWERPUFF GIRLS SCHOOL POSTER The three heroines of the Cartoon Network's smash hit Powerpuff Girls are zipping out of school on this 24" x 36" poster. They must be on their way to saving the world again! (4264/02106) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36 $5.99 ROBOTECH: RICK'S FLIGHT WALL SCROLL The hero of Robotech, Rick Hunter, takes flight in this dazzling wall scroll. Seated at the helm of his fighter craft, the young star of the Macross Saga looks ready for anything! (4977/BANZ0015) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll $14.99 ROBOTECH: ROBOWAR WALL SCROLL All of the thrills and excitement of the Robotech animated series is captured in this wall scroll. Hang this on your wall and watch your room take flight! (4977/ROBOTECH2) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll $14.95 SCOOBY-DOO MYSTERY POSTER Uh-oh! Fred's pointing the way to another mystery, and poor Scooby-Doo and the gang are going along for the ride! This 24" x 36" poster is sure to give you the spooks! (4264/02354) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36 $5.99 COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND CBLDF POSTER SET Fight for your rights with this inspiring poster series from your freedom-loving friends at the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. This set collects all four patriotic posters designed by Randy Dahlk. Censorship may be un-American, but it's still a constant threat, waiting to strike at the comics industry unaware! How can you protect your loved ones and your comics from such a dire threat? By supporting the industry's best defense, the CBLDF. Show your solidarity by proudly displaying these CBLDF posters in your shop, home, school, or office. Set of four full-color posters, each measuring 18" x 24" and printed on heavy cardboard stock. Remember, the CBLDF's success depends on you! (8945) (CAUT: 4) Set (x4), 18x24 $34.95 FARSCAPE FARSCAPE CHIANA WALL SCROLL From the critically acclaimed television series comes this wall scroll, featuring one of the women of Farscape, Chiana. A full-color image measuring 29" x 40". (4464/13505FS) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.95 WOMEN OF FARSCAPE WALL SCROLL Three of the captivating female characters from Farscape are seen here on a 29" x 40" wall scroll. Zhaan, Aeryn, and Chiana stand proudly, ready to be hung on your finest wall. (4464/13502) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.95 GREAT EASTERN BATTLE ATHLETES WALL SCROLLS Three of the rough-and-tumble ladies of Battle Athletes are poised and ready for any kind of action on the first wall scroll, while the second scroll is a bit less confrontational, with the entire cast arranged in a "V-formation," staring back at you. (4632) (CAUT: 4) #1 (GE1076)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 #2 (GE1077)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 DRAGONBALL Z WALL SCROLLS All of the excitement of the animated series Dragonball Z is captured on these two captivating wall scrolls. Bring some of the action of Dragonball Z home with these! (4632) (CAUT: 4) #4 (GE1085)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 #5 (GE1088)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 EL HAZARD 2 WALL SCROLL #2 From the creator of Tenchi Muyo!, Hayashi Hiroki, comes El Hazard, and this wall scroll is perfect for getting you all caught up to the latest happenings in this series! Swords are drawn, and nobody's smiling on this one. Watch out! Grab this 31" x 43" full-color wall scroll and capture the moment. (4632/GE1056) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 SOUL SURVIVORS WALL SCROLL A young woman slips in and out of a coma in the emergency room after she and her boyfriend wreck their car. Convinced that her boyfriend is dead, she is tormented by vivid and terrifying hallucinations fabricated by her guilty conscience. As she struggles to regain consciousness, her friend stands watch nearby and grapples with her own demons… From the film of the same name starring Casey Affleck comes this Soul Survivors Wall Scroll. Perfect for fans of the suspense/horror genre. (4632/GE1326) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 TRIGUN WALL SCROLL #3 From the hit animated series comes this action-packed wall scroll! Vash the Stampede is flying through the air, guns drawn, ready to cause more havoc than ever! This 31" x 43" scroll will have you ducking for cover! (4632/GE1134) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 TENCHI MUYO FOIL POSTERS Now here's something special. From the great animated series come these dazzling foil posters. The colors seem to leap off of these three posters. The first poster has black as its base color, the second green, and the third red, and they go from there, with sparkles and bursts of color shining and flying from every inch! (4632) (CAUT: 4) #1 (PTM3014)—Poster $9.95 #2 (PTM3012)—Poster $9.95 #3 (PTM3017)—Poster $9.95 MARVEL COMICS ALEX ROSS EARTH X #1 WALL SCROLL A six month Previews Exclusive! It's the cover of Earth X #1 come to life! The Alex Ross painting has been brought to a wall scroll to great effect! Relive the excitement of when you first read the comic by picking up this full-color scroll! (4464) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll $19.95 GREEN GOBLIN WALL SCROLL Spider-Man's arch nemesis casts a maniacal glare at you from this frightening, full-color wall scroll. Be thankful you're not the wall-crawler, because you'd have your hands full right about now. (4464/J150) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll $19.95 SPIDER-MAN AND THE LIZARD WALL SCROLL Is Kurt Connors a doctor or a reptile? The line blurs so often, it's hard to keep track. But one thing is certain: when Connors turns into The Lizard, Spider-Man is going to have a problem to deal with. This wall scroll features the legendary web-slinger and his cold- blooded enemy duking it out in broad daylight. The fate of the world is being decided on this scroll. Don't miss out on the outcome! (4464/J160) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll $19.95 TODD MCFARLANE SPIDER-MAN #1 WALL SCROLL A six month Previews Exclusive! From Spider-Man #1, comes this full-color wall scroll, featuring the exacting art of Todd McFarlane! In this illustration, Spidey is encircled by his webs, crawling with spiders, and yet never looked so in control! (4464) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.95 MOVIES & TV BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON 3 GROUP POSTER From the third season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Buffy, Giles, Willow, Angel, Xander, Cordelia, and Spike are all posed on a staircase, looking right at you. This 24" x 36" poster will have you wanting to join the Scooby gang yourself! (4264/02330) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36 $5.99 BUFFY LIFESIZE STAND-UP #2 Buffy herself, the lovely Sarah Michelle Gellar literally stands before you in all her full- size, full-color glory! Stand her next to your television when Buffy comes on, and it'll be like watching the show in 3-D! (865/370) (CAUT: 4) Stand-Up $25.99 ROCK WALL SCROLL From the World Wrestling Federation, it's the "most electrifying man in sports entertainment," The Rock! Pictured in one of his trademark gaudy shirts and standing at 33" x 44" tall, the WWF heavyweight champion looks ready to wrestle you, if you're not careful! (4902/ROC12001) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 33x44 $17.95 TOMB RAIDER LARA CROFT LIFESIZE STAND-UP Lara Croft, as portrayed by Angelina Jolie, casts a side profile on this life-sized stand-up. She's sexy and strong, and it certainly wouldn't hurt your surroundings to have her standing around in them. (865/414) Stand-Up $25.99 PLANET OF THE APES PLANET OF THE APES WALL SCROLLS This summer, Tim Burton, the award-winning director of Batman, Sleepy Hollow, and Beetlejuice, unleashes his creative take on an old favorite, Planet of the Apes. As anybody familiar with Burton's other remakes can attest, this will be no simple re-hash. And not surprisingly, these wall scrolls take the medium to the next level as well. Michael Clarke Duncan's character Attar is featured on one scroll, and Tim Roth's Thade is on another. The third and fourth scrolls feature a menacing ape riding a horse, and an evolutionary diagram of man/ape, respectively. (4464) (CAUT: 4) ATTAR CROSSHAIRS (13752PA)—Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.95 RULE THE PLANET (13756PA)—Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.95 THADE (13757PA)—Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.95 VITRUVIAN MAN AND APE (13754PA)—Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.95 ROCK AND ROLL KISS PSYCHO CIRCUS WALL SCROLL #2 From the album title of the same name comes this 33" x 44" wall scroll of the rock band Kiss. Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss are featured in their legendary "warpaint," ready to rock your world! (4902/KISSN50005) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 33x44 $17.95 ************************* COLLECTIBLES & NOVELTIES AUSTIN POWERS AUSTIN POWERS DR. EVIL RING Hah! It is time to pass the mantle of Dr. Evil onto yet another prodigy. Cast from the original movie prop, you can don this classy ring of doom and demand everyone pay you … one million dollars. (4464/10003) (CAUT: 4 ) Ring $11.95 AUSTIN POWERS ELIMINATOR PANEL This is an 11.5" wide replica of the prop used in the Austin Powers movie. This panel features actual audio voice clips taken from the film! Very cool, baby! Shag-rific! Now you can sound like the grand villain himself when you go to wipe out your henchmen who don't give in to your demands. (4464/10061) (CAUT: 4) Panel $89.95 CHAOS! LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE BELT BUCKLE This sweet metal belt buckle commemorates the historic teaming of the girl with the metal arm, and the Lady who champions the netherworld. Celebrate Lady Death and Medieval Witchblade pairing with this hot attractive belt buckle! (4922) (CAUT: 4) Belt buckle $13.00 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE LOGO GOBLET Drink to your conquest on the battlefield with this collectible goblet! Designed to appear as part of the glassware you would use at your victory banquet, this goblet is highly detailed and perfect for cold drinks! (4922) (CAUT: 4) Goblet $20.00 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE LOGO PIN Need to decorate that denim jacket, or headgear? This logo pin is just what you need to stay in fashion. The logo celebrates the titanic teaming of two femme fatales who know how to swing a broadsword! (4922) (CAUT: 4) Pin $3.50 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE SHOT GLASS Down the firewater quickly with this highly-collectible shot glass that features the Lady Death/Medieval Witchblade logo! Sweet glassware that ties in with the monumental comic extravaganza! (4922) (CAUT: 4) Shot glass $6.00 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE CHROME LIGHTER C'mon baby, light my fire. And do it right! Do it with this sleek, collectible lighter that features the Lady Death/Medieval Witchblade logo that commemorates the historic team- up comic that's featured this month in the Previews Comics section! (4922) (CAUT: 4) Lighter $6.00 CLASSICS HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS RETRO LUNCH BOX Remember the Saturday morning cartoon? This combo lunch kit features the original Harlem Globetrotters and their friends from the show! Go on tour with Bobby Joe, Pabs, J.C. Geese, Meadowlark, Curley, Dribbles, and Granny. Lunch box measures 7 3/8" x 8" x 4". Thermos included holds 11 ½ fluid ounces. (4287/11108) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $16.99 MAN FROM UNCLE RETRO LUNCH BOX Join Agents Solo and Kuryakin with this incredible combo lunch kit! You're not just carrying around lunch: you're holding top-secret information that can save the world! Lunch box measures 7 3/8" x 8" x 4". Thermos included holds 11 ½ fluid ounces. (4287/11110) (CAUT: 4) Lunch box $16.99 MCDONALD'S CLASSIC ARCH COOKIE JAR Back in the day before there was Ronald McDonald, there were the original golden arches of heaven. Now that bit of nostalgia resurfaces for McDonald's customers of old via this cookie jar that stands 9" high. Classic memorabilia to commemorate the legendary fast food restaurant. (587/790117) (CAUT: 4) Cookie Jar $54.99 WIZARD OF OZ TOTO COOKIE JAR The brave little mutt that loved to kick around a certain witch's garden is back for more hugs and kisses as a 14 ½ cookie jar. For a cut of the loot, Toto will safeguard your cookies for generations to come. Grandchildren beware: this dog's got it together. (587/783897) (CAUT: 4) Cookie Jar $54.99 HARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER COOKIE JAR Spread the magic around those chocolate chips and peanut butter nuggets for your baked cookie dough goodies with this 8" tall Harry Potter Cookie Jar! Harry helps cast a spell over your favorite treats to keep away the invading sticky fingers! (587) (CAUT: 4) Cookie Jar $49.99 HARRY POTTER MAGIC COVERED BOXES Those secrets of yours need to be kept under lock and key for fear of rival wizards getting the upper hand on your spell craft. Let your personals stay personal by keeping them in these boxes approximately 3" long are adorned in Harry Potter "Scabbers" and "Fat Lady" artwork. (587) (CAUT: 4) SCABBERS (870846)—Box $13.99 FAT LADY (870811)—Box $13.99 HEROES BATMAN SMALL TIN BOX Even the Dark Knight has to break for lunch. Without the go-go juice and munchies, his Rogue's Gallery would run right over him. And we can't have Bats feeling under the weather! Eat along with the Caped Crusader via this collectible lunch box that features top shelf art of the famed Batman, feared by criminals everywhere! (4921/6550) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $9.99 MARVEL CHARACTER LASER KEYCHAINS Have a hard time figuring out which of the Marvel heroes/villains you're going to hang out with for the day? Like to give them all a piece of your precious scheduled time while you're out cruising for some action? Give Venom, Spider-Man, Captain America, Silver Surfer, Daredevil, Hulk, Wolverine, and Thor the chance to catch a ride with you with these highly collectible laser-sculpted keychains! (8182) (CAUT: 4) Keychain SRP: $3.99Ea. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS NIGHTLIGHT Keep your undersea adventures illuminated for all viewers tuning into your SpongeBob fantasies. Your bedroom doesn't have to be cloaked in darkness when it's bedtime. Create a dimly lit stage for your bed using this SpongeBob Squarepants Nightlight! (4838/00181) (CAUT: 4) Nightlight $5.95 SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS 3D FIGURAL PUSH LIGHT It's lovely bubbling along the beautiful bottom of the ocean — especially when you're joined by SpongeBob Squarepants and company! Keep the cartoon funcapades fantasies alive and decorated using this push light that's fully three-dimensionally sculpted to show SpongeBob sitting in a treasure chest full of riches. (4838/00148) (CAUT: 4) Push Light $7.50 SUPERMAN IRRESISTIBLE FORCE WALL CLOCK This quartz wall clock is hand-crafted in the U.S, and offers a high quality collectible for that pictures classic poster art for the Chapter 9 episode of the "Irresistible Force" Superman serial! Fans of Kirk Alyn will flip! (4921) (CAUT: 4) Wall Clock $18.99 HEROES AND VILLAINS BARBARIAN LETTER OPENER This bronze letter opener is shaped in the fashion of a sharp brutal sword that could cut through the thickest of collar bones. The opener, 6" in length, comes in a card for your convenience. Such pointy things should not be handled carelessly! (491/1227) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Spain. Letter Opener $8.50 EXCALIBUR LETTER OPENER When you're not using Excalibur to fight off the cursed Morgana Le Fey and Modrid, Excalibur comes in handy when you're tearing apart those envelopes which beg for your knightly assistance in rescuing the nearest kingdom from the foul clutches of your enemies. The opener, 6" in length, comes in a card for your convenience. (491/1201) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Spain. Letter opener $8.50 ROBIN HOOD LETTER OPENER Open those bags of coin and intercepted mail from the governing tyrants with this 6" Robin Hood-themed letter opener that comes in a card to keep you from poking yourself! (491/1223) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Spain. Letter Opener $8.50 KIT RAE LUCIENDAR SWORD OF LIGHT Designed by fantasy artist Kit Rae, this 33 ¼" long sword with ¼" thickness features an intricately detailed solid metal handle and a 420 stainless steel unsharpened blade. Includes a full-color 18" x 24" art print, "Barlodir Slays the Shadows," and a new chapter in "The Tale of the Swords of the Ancients," printed on parchment paper. The first 100 art prints included with each sword are autographed by Kit Rae. (4792/KR4) (CAUT: 4) Sword $185.99 KIT RAE TALISMAN DAGGER This wizard's dagger is 12 3/16" in overall length with a 3/16" thick blade. It features a flying serpent handle design and a Celtic design deeply etched on the blade. Designed by Kit Rae. (4792/UC970) (CAUT: 4) Dagger $71.99 LORD OF THE RINGS TERRY PRATCHETT LORD OF THE RINGS JIGSAW PUZZLE A Specialty Market Exclusive! This fantastic full-color puzzle offers rich, enchanting art based on the imaginative world that was the setting of J.R.R. Tolkien's literary masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. Artwork for this 1000-piece puzzle is rendered by fantasy artist Peter Pracownick. (133/G539) (CAUT: 4) Puzzle $18.99 MUSIC INSANE CLOWN POSSE LUNCH BOX #2 This must-have item is a bombshell because it features both ICP artwork with their record label logo! Here's a real keepsake, yo, as this full-sized retro metal lunch box is made in an exclusive three-part design. Includes a metal drink container and metal arm to hold the container in place. Numbered and limited to only 6,000 pieces! (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $19.95 PLANET OF THE APES PLANET OF THE APES COLLECTOR'S PINS These pins give you iconoclastic images that personify the Planet of the Apes movie sensation that's set to debut this summer. These pins depict a sword, ape hand, foot, plus characters like Thade, Limbo, Perecles (produced in limited edition brass pin), General Attar, and an ape warrior. Plus, the movie's log is also available! Aside from the Perecles pin, the others are approximately 1" in size, with a shiny-bright finish, with gloss soft enamel, and military clutch. Also available as complete set, including all nine pins. (4464/) (CAUT: 4) APE WARRIOR (13774)—Pin $9.95 ATTAR (13776)—Pin $9.95 FOOT (13780)—Pin $9.95 HAND (13779)—Pin $9.95 LIMBO (13775)—Pin $9.95 LOGO (13782)—Pin $9.95 PERECLES (13778)—Pin $9.95 SWORD (1377)—Pin $9.95 THADE (13781)—Pin $9.95 SET (POTAPINSET)—Pin $88.95 PLANET OF THE APES MOUSE PAD Sweet artwork depicts a grunting General Attar in all his brutish glory! Imagine him giving the command to attack, and wipe out every grungy human in sight on this sweet 7 1/4" x 8 1/4" mouse pad! (4464/13763PA) (CAUT: 4) Mouse Pad $9.95 PLANET OF THE APES ATTAR FIGURAL MUG With 21st century technology, a computer scanned "Attar" on the set of the movie to create this amazing ceramic mug. Limited to only 10,000 mugs! Get it monkey fans! (6338) (CAUT: 4) Mug $15.99 PLANET OF THE APES APE AND MAP STAINLESS STEEL TRAVEL MUG Travel wisely with this stainless steel travel mug that's black and screen-printed with dual-sided imagery from the movie Planet of the Apes. (870/POTASSMUG1) (CAUT: 4) Mug $22.80 PLANET OF THE APES "FIGHTING MONKEY" KEYCHAIN Put the pedal to the metal and flaunt this spiffy keychain sporting art from the Fox release of Planet of the Apes. Featuring a silver, die-cut design with back side logo, this keychain includes a twist ring clasp closure to help hold the keys together. (870/POTAKEY1) (CAUT: 4) Keychain $5.70 PLANET OF THE APES "HEAD TO HEAD" SHOT GLASS Party to the Apes summer flick with this black shot glass featuring the fighting monkeys in a head-to-head pose with blue background accent. (870/POTASHOT1) (CAUT: 4) Shot Glass $5.70 PLANET OF THE APES LUNCH BOXES These upscale full-sized retro metal lunch boxes are made in exclusive three-part designs (just like the ones from the 60s). All lunch boxes include metal drink containers and metal arms to hold the containers in place. Each collectible lunch box is limited to only 5,000 in production! (6338) (CAUT: 4) #1 (BOX1)—Lunch Box $19.95 #3 (BOX3)—Lunch Box $19.95 #5 (BOX3)—Lunch Box $19.95 PLANET OF THE APES MONKEY WINDOW CLING Give the illusion that your car is populated with wild intelligent monkeys who like to govern humans with pitiful shortsighted objectives. Place this 18" x 24" Monkey Window Cling on a car window, and draw everyone's attention! (4464/13767PA) (CAUT: 4) Window cling $9.95 PLANET OF THE APES RESIN MAGNET SET This two-piece resin magnet set comes on a full-color blister card. It features the movie's Planet of the Apes logo, plus the menacing visage of a burly General Attar! (6338) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Set $6.30 PLANET OF THE APES 11 OUNCE CERAMIC MUG You can rule the planet with this 11 ounce ceramic mug bearing art from the Apes film! Just find a willing army of primates who are willing to wipe out a nation of soft-skinned homo-sapiens, declare yourself the sovereign, and march through the rubble sipping a hot beverage from this royal container. (6338) (CAUT: 4) Mug $7.99 PLANET OF THE APES WRIST PAD Rise above the primates who haven't yet learned the art of eating bananas while surfing on the Internet. You're keeping it together with the help of this Planet of the Apes wrist rest! Let the others follow your lead! Measures 18" x 2 ½". (4464/13766PA) (CAUT: 4) Wrist Pad $11.95 SIMPSONS SIMPSONS BART LCD TALKING ALARM CLOCK A Specialty Market Exclusive! Yo, man. If you have any aspirations for hooking school, and spending your personal time clowning around instead of helping Mom or Dad around the house, then you'll want to have this Bart Simpson alarm clock handy. Perfect for waking you up before the old folks get up! Elude those chores, baby! (133/BS40) (CAUT: 4) Alarm Clock $44.99 SIMPSONS DUFF BEER TIN AND PLAYING CARDS A beer tin to commemorate the infamous Duff beer — feared by wives everywhere for making all husbands shirk their lawn duties so as to crash on a couch for an afternoon of …whatever's on TV. This tin comes with a pack of playing cards too! Call the guys over and get a game started! (4921/4783) (CAUT: 4) Tin/Playing cards $6.99 SIMPSONS ROOM GUARDS Specialty Market Exclusives! Keep all trespassers far from your personal space with these collectible Krusty the Clown, and Bart and Homer Simpson room guards! Let none pass who want to annoy you about things like…doing dishes. Throwing out the garbage. Or anything else you deem bogus! Keep the wives and mothers far from your reach! Keep the TV show producers away from your dressing room while you enjoy fatty pork products that are hazardous to your pace maker! (133) (CAUT: 4) BART (BSRG1)—Room guard $33.99 HOMER (BSRG2)—Room guard $33.99 KRUSTY (BSR63)—Room guard $33.99 SIMPSONS RESIN SCULPTURES Specialty Market Exclusives! Lisa is a limited edition 6" marble resin sculpture that's hand-crafted and hand-painted! Little Lisa is the role model for every pre-pubescent girl who's determined to make it in life — despite the wisdom of her Duff beer-bloated father. Then there's the lovable 10" Marge and Maggie. They too have to suffer at the hands of a man who's full time occupation is being a buffoon living on donuts. Both sculptures come with Certificates of Authenticity. (133) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and the U.K. LISA (2504)—Sculpture $157.99 MARGE AND MAGGIE (2502)—Sculpture $228.99 SCOOBY DOO SCOOBY DOO LUNCH TIN Go on your latest ghost caper with the greatest canine detective to take up the time slots on Saturday morning cartoons. Hit the lunch trail with Scooby Doo via this collectible lunch tin! (4921/4120) (CAUT: 4) Lunch tin $9.99 SCOOBY DOO TIN WASTEBASKET At the end of the day, when it's time to throw out the files for all those cases solved with the aid of Scooby Snacks, you'll want to use this Scooby tin wastebasket as your revolving File 13. (4921/4126) (CAUT: 4) Wastebasket $7.99 THUNDERBIRDS THUNDERBIRDS ALARM CLOCK Specialty Market Exclusive! Yeah, you could live between the ticks on your wrist watch, but then that would be boring. Use this Thunderbirds Alarm Clock to keep you on schedule. Plus, you've got some collectible memorabilia that will never go out of style! (133/TB7) (CAUT: 4) Alarm Clock $11.99 THUNDERBIRDS SCOTT TRACY INFLATABLE CHAIR Specialty Market Exclusive! When it's time to relax at night, there's no need to use the floor as a mattress. Use Scott Tracy as your new nighttime pillow via this inflatable chair that feels as soft as the clouds. A great way to stretch out on furniture that's keen on snoozing! (133) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in the U.K. Chair $25.99 TOMB RAIDER TOMB RAIDER "CROUCHING" MAGNET Lara Croft played by Angelina Jolie crouches on this 2" x 3" magnet with the representative Chinese dog in the background! Watch her guard over your own treasures with both guns blazing. (870/TRMAG1) (CAUT: 4) Magnet $3.80 TOMB RAIDER "HUNTER FOR HIRE" PHOTO SET Here is a highly collectible set of five 8" x 10" movie stills for your to have and covet! Fans of the movie, and those who worship the big-lipped Angelina Jolie will not want to pass on these photos that are perfect for framing! (870/TRSET3) (CAUT: 4) Set (x5) $28.50 WACKY WOBBLERS JOHNNY FANG WACKY WOBBLER He's here to take a bite out of your neck, and serenade you with some monstrous rock n' roll. He's Johnny Fang. And he may just be the next undead Elvis! Put him in your room or office where he'll rock the house, baby! (4552/4005) (CAUT: 4) Wobbler $11.00 SURF DUDE WACKY WOBBLER Catch the waves, man, and keep those beach bonfires burning brightly while you suck on some suds with sand comber Surf Dude — who's, like, the ultimate Wacky Wobbler you could have on your volleyball team! (4552/4009) (CAUT: 4) Wobbler $11.00 WINNIE THE POOH WINNIE THE POOH PEZ Chew up some tangy, tasty Pez candy with these Pez dispenser that are crafted in the forms of the Pooh gang! Check out the Piglet, Tigger, Pooh, and Eeyore Pez dispensers! Something to display near your Pooh plushes on that wall shelf! (867/40765) (CAUT: 4) Pez dispenser SRP: $1.05 ************************* SUPPLIES ARMOURGUARD ARMOURGUARD ARCHIVAULTS The brother to the ArmourGuard Transport, as listed in the November Previews, the ArchiVault uses the exact same patent-design, the same used in Mylar, except 17 mils thick. It is also UV internal dineste, to provide protection against indirect sunlight. It also prolongs the life and strengthens the polymer case of which it is constructed. This is the most versatile, useful, capable long-term storage and presentation frame ever devised. Separate lid and tray snap together. Quick, simple, and error-resistant. Acid-free, and archival safe plastic (P.E.T.). GOLDEN AGE (AGA-G)—ArchiVault SRP: $2.97Ea. MODERN AGE (AGA-M)—ArchiVault SRP: $2.97Ea. SILVER AGE (AGA-S)—ArchiVault SRP: $2.97Ea. DISPLAY CASES OFFERED AGAIN O/A STATUE CASES Models, statues, and dolls are among the most priceless of collectibles, but can be fragile and difficult to replace. These statue cases allow customers to display their treasures in all their grandeur while protecting them from the elements and breakage. Each case features golden classic bases and mirrored packs for a full professional display. Available in three sizes: #1 (7" x 9" x 10"), #2 (8" x 9 ¾" x 13 ¼") and #3 (8" x 10" x 15 ¾"). #1 (SUPPLY600/SC-1)—7" x 9" x 10" SRP: $64.95 #2 (SUPPLY601/SC-2)—8" x 9 ¾" x 13 ¼" SRP: $64.95 #3 (SUPPLY602/SC-3)—8" x 10" x 15 ¾" SRP: $64.95 COMIC DEFENSE SYSTEM O/A COMIC DEFENSE COLLECTOR SHIELDS BAGS The Comic Defense System's own 100% pure polyethylene bags! Approximately 3-mil. thick, the 1 ½" fold over flap can be tucked in or taped closed. Sold in packs of 100. NEW (SUPPLY352)—6 7/8" x 10½" PI SILVER AGE (SUPPLY353)—7 1/8" x 10½" PI MAGAZINE (SUPPLY354)—8¾" x 11" PI O/A COMIC DEFENSE SYSTEM PRO-LYTES BAGS Light and durable, these Pro-Lytes bags are the perfect thin storage system for your comic collection! Along with approximately 1 mil.-thick polypropylene, the 1 ½" fold over flap can be tucked in or taped closed. Sold in packs of 100. NEW (SUPPLY350)—6 7/8" x 10½" PI SILVER AGE (SUPPLY351)—7 1/8" x 10½" PI O/A COMIC DEFENSE SYSTEM PROBAGS ProBags are made of super-clear polypropylene with superior preservation characteristics. Approximately 2.4-mil. thick, with a 1 ½" fold over flap that can be tucked in or taped closed. Sold in packs of 100. NEW (SUPPLY355)—6 7/8" x 10½" PI SILVER AGE (SUPPLY356)—7 1/8" x 10½" PI MAGAZINE (SUPPLY357)—8¾" X 11" PI O/A COMIC DEFENSE SYSTEM BACKING BOARDS Back those expensive old comics with an all-white board guaranteed not to prematurely age your investment! Acid-free at time of manufacture, and made of pure virgin 24-pt. Stock! New and Silver Age sizes are sold in packs of 100. The Golden and Magazine sizes are sold in packs of 50. NEW (SUPPLY360)—6¾" x 10½" PI SILVER AGE (SUPPLY361)—7" x 10½" PI GOLDEN AGE (SUPPLY362)—7½" x 10½" PI MAGAZINE (SUPPLY363)—8½" x 11" PI O/A COMIC DEFENSE SYSTEM SHORT TERM BACKING BOARDS These economical New and Silver Age comic-size backer boards help keep those precious comic books from bending! Made of 22pt.-material, and sold in quantities of 1000. NEW (SUPPLY358)—6 ¾" x 10 ½" PI SILVER (SUPPLY359)—7" x 10 ½" PI O/A COMIC DEFENSE SYSTEM BOXES Don't let your magazines and comic books sit around unprotected. Keep them in these boxes with lids, where you know they'll be safe! Boxes feature double-walled bottoms with single-walled box lids. Available in: Long Size (350 comics), Regular Size (200 comics), and Magazine Size (100 magazines). LONG (SUPPLY369)—26 1/16" x 7 ½" x 10 7/16" PI REGULAR (SUPPLY370)—13 1/8" x 7 3/8" x 10 5/8" PI MAGAZINE (SUPPLY371)—15" x 8 15/16" x 11 ½" PI O/A COMIC DEFENSE SYSTEM SAMPLER "Attack!" scream the elements of nature, which seek to chew up your comic collectibles via the destructive nature of dust, grime, and various critters with mandibles! Are you to be so helpless? Nay, friend Hogan! Be a comic book commando and take the fight to the Huns with a Comic Defense System Sampler that helps you archive your possessions for generations of fans to come. This impressive sampler consists of the following: 500 New Probags (6 7/8" x 10½" polyethylene bags), 500 New Boards (6¾" x 10½" all-white backing boards), and 3 Short Comic Boxes (that hold up to 200 comics)! Also includes a copy of Collecting Supplies. (SUPPLY372) Sampler PI ******************************************** GAMES SECTION ALLIANCE GAMES DISTRIBUTORS GAME TRADE MAGAZINE #17 This Origin's issue features an adventure for the Exalted RPG published by White Wolf. Plus, special fiction by Margaret Weis. Release date: July 2001. GTM 17 $1.99 AGENTS OF GAMING DOUBLE TALL HILLS TERRAIN-BROWN (3) Black Hills Terrain Series. Release Date: July, 2001. AOG BH-405 19.95 DOUBLE TALL HILLS TERRAIN-GREEN (6) Black Hills Terrain Series. Release Date: July, 2001. AOG BH-305 19.95 SHOWDOWNS V WOR SCENARIO PACK Babylon 5 Wars RPG Supplement. Release Date: July, 2001. AOG BW-114 16.95 SNARF QUEST CARD GAME DECK AND BOOSTER DISPLAY Based on the decade-spanning comic by renowned fantasy artist Larry Elmore, The SnarfQuest Card Game follows the misadventures of Snarf, the zeetvah on a quest for wealth and fame. Gain allies, encounter monsters, and collect treasure in this innovative game introduced in 50-card "Storydecks" containing complete rules and a specially packaged Snarf miniature. Supplement your game play with the Suthaze and Tellerie 20- card Expansion packs, complete with a unique miniature supplied with each pack. Storydecks come in 5-count displays, while expansion packs are introduced in 10-count displays. Release Date: June, 2001. Deck Display - AOG SN1010-D 74.75 Booster Display - AOG SN1011-D 79.50 ALDERAC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP 7TH SEA NATIONS VENDEL Vendel stands at the forefront of the Thean economy, having thrown off the yoke of their oppressive masters to become the dominant power in northern Theah. The Vesten revere the ways of the ancient gods, using pagan magic to battle against the commercialization of their heritage. Vendel, the final book in the Nations of Theah line for the 7th Sea RPG, contains six new Swordsman schools, star charts, advanced weather rules, investment rules, Vendel astronomy, and other rules for playing in the most fiercely divided nation in Theah. Release Date: June, 2001. AEG 7207 19.95 CASTILLE PERSONALITIES #2 7th Sea Miniatures. Release Date: June, 2001. AEG 70203 5.95 NAGA SHAHADETAS LEGION Legend of the Five Rings Miniatures. Release Date: June, 2001. AEG 50810 9.95 PIRATE NATIONS PERSONALITIES #2 7th Sea Miniatures. Release Date: June, 2001. AEG 70803 5.95 SCORPION BAYUSHI HOUSE GUARD Legend of the Five Rings Miniatures. Release Date: June, 2001. AEG 50910 11.95 WARLORD COLLECTIBLE CARD GAME ASSASSINS STRIKE STARTER AND BOOSTER DISPLAY Alderac Entertainment Group Warlord Collectible Card Game Assassins Strike Starter Display All of the heroes of the Lands of the Accord are slain in a single night. War resurfaces, the land is thrown into turmoil, and the storm is approaching. Assassins' Strike, a 150-card expansion for the Warlord's CCG, contains new specialty classes as the Paladin and Bard, and even more heroes, items, and actions. Release Date: June, 2001. Starter Display - AEG 6103-D 99.90 Booster Display - AEG 6104-D 133.92 WAY OF THE NEZUMI The Nezumi, disparagingly known by the people of Rokugan as "Ratlings", are cunning survivors who have weathered cataclysms that have destroyed entire races. Now learn what it's like to creep alongside them. Way of the Nezumi brings Legend of the Five Rings RPG players the opportunity to play as Ratlings, and includes complete descriptions of the major Ratling tribes, their culture, and their shaky alliance with the Crab Clan.Release Date: June, 2001. AEG 3032 19.95 AMARILLO DESIGN BUREAU, INC. KLINGON B10 FLEET BOX Star Fleet Battles miniatures. Release Date: July, 2001. ADB 0301 39.95 STAR FLEET BATTLE FORCE GAME Release Date: July, 2001. ADB 05911 22.95 ATLAS GAMES OVER THE EDGE: AT YOUR SERVICE At first glance, The Edge is a city like any other. But if you scratch under the surface, you'll find places that are far from "typical": for example, an investment firm run by a 14th century alchemist who discovered the secret elixir of eternal life. At Your Service is a sourcebook of Al Amarjan locations for the Over the Edge RPG, showcasing nearly three dozen unique establishments in the Edge and environs, from Ahmad's Computer Shack in Science Barrio, to the notoriously haunted Wind Farm, and includes Game Moderator aids as detailed NPCs and adventure seeds. Release Date: July, 2001. ATG 2304 19.95 UNKNOWN ARMIES: A WEEP There's no such thing as a safe decision. When the chips are down and you have to make a choice, somebody's gonna get hurt somehow, and you're the one they'll blame. All you can do is clutch your rationalizations to your chest and sprint for glory. Here's six scenarioes of woe and ruin for the Unknown Armies RPG: "Swap Meet", "Garden Full of Weeds", "Stoon Lake", "Drink to That", "A Few Of My Favorite Things", and "The Green Glass Grail". Release Date: June, 2001. ATG 6006 22.95 AVALON HILL HISTORY OF THE WORLD Over seven turns, the major empires of the world wax and wane on the gameboard. Armies build up, only to be surpassed by the next major power. Erect your capital, set loose your armies, capture surrounding territory, expand your powerbase...before you inevitably fall into the scrapheap of history. Release Date: June, 2001. AVH 40196 27.58 CHEAPASS GAMES DEVIL BUNNY HATES THE EARTH Devil Bunny Hates the Earth is another dada-fantasy boardgame featuring a hundred squirrels, a taffy factory, and a Devil Bunny. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what your goal is in this outrageous sequel to the popular Devil Bunny Needs a Ham. A traditional Cheapass Board Game for 2-5 players, packaged snugly in the familiar Cheapass envelope. Release Date: June, 2001. CAG 033 2.00 CLASH OF ARMS SAMURAI & KATANA Players manipulate trade, commerce, diplomacy, advantageous marriages and armies during the great civil war in 16th Century Japan, while following an honorable path and staying one step ahead of the ninjas sent to assassinate them. Release Date: July, 2001. COA 2000702 48.00 THE GRAND ALCHEMIST Gain notoriety! Impress your peers! Steal the formula from your rivals, and turn lead into gold! Keep your wits about you and your fame and prestige is assured! But, be wary, for fame is fleeting in the eyes of the Inquisition, and you may lose more than the riches you've conjured! Don't lose you head in the process! Release Date: July, 2001. COA 2991001 48.00 COMIC IMAGES WWF BACKLASH COLLECTIBLE CARD GAME STARTER AND BOOSTER DISPLAY This all new 150 card game expansion features the WWF's most exciting tag team including the Dudley Boyz, the Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian and RTC. Now any type of match is possible within the world of Raw Deal. Tag-Teams can battle one another in either a 2-player or 4-player game format. Individual Superstars such as the Rock, Kurt Angle, or Chyna can go up against a Tag-Team in a 2-player game. As an added feature, special cards included in the booster packs allow for 4-player games of any combination. Finally, pre-match and mid-match cards enhance the game and add unique twists in much the same manner as actual World Wrestling Federation events. Release Date: July, 2001. Starter Display - CIM 65050-D 120.00 Booster Display - CIM 65051-D 118.45 DECIPHER, INC JEDI KNIGHT CCG: SCUM & VILLAINY BOOSTER DISPLAY This second expansion set for the revolutionary trading card game, Jedi Knights, adds innovative gameplay, characters, and deck types for exciting new flavor to the CCG experience. Release Date: July, 2001. DCR TBA03-D 118.44 STAR WARS CCG: CORUSCANT BOOSTER DISPLAY This second limited edition expansion for the Star Wars CCG focusing on events and environs particular to Episode I is comprised of over 150 cards introducing new and exciting play options to your Star Wars CCG gameplay. Release Date: July, 2001. DCR TBA02-D 98.70 DREAM POD 9 GEAR KRIEG: CAVALIER Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 608 11.95 GEAR KRIEG: GENERAL EARLY (VEHICLE MODE) Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 609 11.95 GEAR KRIEG: LOKI (VEHICLE MODE) Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 610 10.95 GEAR KRIEG: ROUNDHEAD Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 607 13.95 HEAVY GEAR ALLER MAIN BATTLE TANK Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 250 .00 HEAVY GEAR CEF BATTLEFRAME Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 248 .00 HEAVY GEAR CEF HT-72 HOVERTANK Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 247 .00 HEAVY GEAR FERRET Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 249 6.45 HEAVY GEAR RAIDS & RAIDERS This sourcebook for Heavy Gear explores the various raids and commando operations conducted by the Black Talon strike forces and their CEF/Caprice counterparts. Beyond background information on the strike operations and the teams conducting them, the core of the sourcebook contains bundles of tactical scenarios, sample strike forces, special rules, and miniature modeling guides. Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 107 19.95 JOVIAN CHRONICLES: HECTOR Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 420 .00 JOVIAN CHRONICLES: RYU Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 421 .00 TRIBE 8: REVANCHE Following the destruction of Vimary, an uneasy peace is trembling between the Nation and the Eigth Tribe. Koleris Warbands and packs of Gek'roh run rampant across the remains of Vimary, and Westholm has become a fortified and isolated town. When some refugees arrive, bringing news of war, the leaders of the Tribes and the Fallen must take arms again against distant enemies as well as those much closer to home. For Tribe 8. Release Date: June, 2001. DPN 819 18.95 EASY EIGHT ENTERPRISES BATTLE BUILDER CD-ROM The entire Battle-Builder rules are now on CD-ROM! Fans and frequent players of Easy Eight's Battle Builder now have at their disposal everything needed for Battle-Builder conveniently formatted for high resolution printing! Plus, bonus "Bridge At Remelle" scenario, Play Sheets, Night Rules, Para Rules, Weapons Sheets, Catalog, Posters....all indexed and searchable! Release Date: June, 2001. EEE 1011 19.99 CRUSADE FOR EMPIRE CD-ROM EEE 1006 24.99 FURY OF THE FATHERLAND CD-ROM EEE 1008 19.99 GERMAN PIONEERS Armed with a variety of deadly weapons, the Wehrmacht Pioneers are ready to rush forward and deliver a massive punch at the enemy! This Battle-Link unit introduces one NCO Leader with MP-40 SMG, Sturmpistole, one "Flamethrower" Pioneer with Flammenwerfer , one "Grenadier" Pioneer with Kar 98k Rifle and 6 Stick Grenades , one "Demolition Specialist" Pioneer with 3 Demo Packs and Igniters , one "Demolition" Pioneer with Kar 98k Rifle and 1 Demo Pack , plus an additional weapons/hands including Bangalore Torpedo, Teller Mine, Cluster Grenade, Stick Grenade. Release Date: June, 2001. EEE 3016 12.99 GREEN DEVIL ANTI-TANK SECTION These Green Devils are armed to the teeth and ready for Allied armor. Armed with the best in German anti-tank weapons, these bold Fallschirmjagers never let the enemy forget why they are called the Green Devils! This boxed set includes: one Assorted Squad Leader NCO with FG-42, one Rifleman with MP-40 SMG and Panzerfaust 60, one Rifleman with Kar 98k Rifle and Magnetic Mine, one Rifleman with Kar 98k Rifle and Rifle Grenade, and one Rifleman with StG-44 AR. Release Date: June, 2001. EEE 3019 12.99 GREEN DEVIL ASSAULT SECTION Hell hath no fury like the Green Devils! Hit the enemy hard with these five tough assaulting Fallschirmjagers! These Green Devils mean business and give meaning to their infamous nickname as they roll over the enemy. This boxed set includes: one Assorted Squad Leader NCO with FG-42, one Rifleman with FG-42, one Rifleman with MP-40 SMG, one Rifleman with MP-40 SMG, and one Rifleman with Kar 98k Rifle. Release Date: June, 2001. EEE 3018 12.99 GREEN DEVIL COMMAND SECTION Notoriously nicknamed the "Green Devils" by their Allied adversaries for their tenacious defending and combat skills, late-war Fallschirmjagers were some of the best troops the Reich had to offer. Now they can be yours! Lead your Green Devil squads into the fray with the Green Devil Command Section, featuring a battle-hardened Squad Leader NCO, a dreaded MG-42, and three rugged Fallschirmjagers all in Luftwaffe para smocks! Release Date: June, 2001. EEE 3017 12.99 ISLANDS/GLORY CD-ROM EEE 1005 24.99 MEN/HONOR CD-ROM EEE 1007 19.99 NORMANDY NIGHTMARE CD-ROM EEE 1004 19.99 PANTHERS EAST CD-ROM EEE 1002 19.99 RAGE OF THE REICH CD-ROM EEE 1009 19.99 RED DEVILS CD-ROM Battleground Library on CD-ROM! Easy Eight Enterprises announces the release of all of its printed titles, including Easy Eight's Battleground World War II Rules Set and supplements, on CD-ROM for 2001. All Easy Eight titles will now no longer be printed and will only be available on CD-ROM, which includes the re-release of the previously out-of-print titles: Red Devils In The Night, Panthers East, Normandy Nightmare, Islands Of Glory, and Crusade For Empire. All titles are indexed, fully searchable, and high resolution in pdf format. Release Date: June, 2001. EEE 1001 19.99 WEHRMACHT ASSAULT SECTION Leap into combat with the five assaulting soldaten of the Wehrmacht! These tough and tumble troops add an offensive punch to any German Wehrmacht Rifle Squad. Features assaulting poses! All Battle-Link unit Wehrmacht miniatures equipped with full gear (bread bag, gas mask, mess tin, poncho, entrenching tool, canteen). Release Date: June, 2001. EEE 3015 12.99 WEHRMACHT COMMAND SECTION Take charge of your Wehrmacht Rifle Squad with the Wehrmacht Command Section! Featuring a Squad Leader NCO and a MG-34, the five figures of the Wehrmacht Command Section bring a whole new flavor to gaming the soldiers of the Fatherland! All Battle-Link unit Wehrmacht miniatures come equipped with full gear (bread bag, gas mask, mess tin, poncho, entrenching tool, canteen). Release Date: June, 2001. EEE 3014 12.99 EDEN STUDIOS WITCHCRAFT RPG: COVENANT BOOK: ROSICRUSIANS The Rosicrusians: one of the oldest, most powerful, and pure Dark Covenants in the world. They believe in responsibility, and the centrality of magic, and they require absolute obedience to orders, but hardly give any. Are you ready to join the elite? This Witchcraft RPG supplement contains extensive background information on the current affairs and attitudes of the Covenant, and includes character creation tips, hints for Rosicrusian Cast Members, Story plotlines, and a detailed history of the events that shaped the Covenant from formation to the present. Release Date: July, 2001. EDN 04007 20.00 EURO GAMES / DESCARTES A DOGS LIFE In A Dog's Life, each player takes on the role of a junkyard dog. The object? To be the first canine to collect 4 good bones in his den by scavenging from trashcans, frequenting kitchen doors of restaurants, or through other canine-oriented actions. However, competition is rough, and dogs must "mark their territories" and fight bravely against those who would rather steal their bones. Beware the merciless Dogcatcher, as fortunes can change at the flick of a tail. After all, it's a "dog's" life. Comes complete with a gameboard, six unique dog breed figures with description cards, numerous tokens, play markers, one Dogcatcher's Truck, 1 6-sided die, and complete rules. For 2-6 players ages 8 and up. Release Date: June, 2001. EGD 2589 29.95 CIVILIZATION (FRENCH) Release Date: June, 2001. EGD 8550 59.95 SAVANNAH CAFE The Savannah is hot, and the animals are thirsty! So the race is on to the Savannah Cafe for some refreshing drinks, but who will be first? The fast but edible gazelle? The lazy lion with their dangerous fangs? Or the slow hippo with the frightening roar? Each player controls three animals, and with a little luck and a few sneaky tricks, the first to lead an animal to the cafe before it closes for the season wins! Components include a gameboard, 12 animal pawns, 27 movement cards, and complete rules. For 2-4 players ages 7 and up. Release Date: June, 2001. EGD 2619 24.95 FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES DELTA V Release Date: June, 2001. FFG MA-04 19.95 LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS / DISKWARS IMPERIAL EDITION FACTORY SET Release Date: June, 2001. FFG LR-01 52.00 TRAPS AND TREACHERY HC The definitive resource for traps, puzzles, mazes, and other tricks for D20 System fantasy games. Along with complete descriptions and beautiful illustrations of dozens of traps and puzzles, this 176-page hardcover sourcebook includes complete D20 System rules for designing new traps, guidelines for creating memorable puzzles customized to your campaign, new rogue skills, feats, and equipment, new poisons, including supernatural toxins such as MedusaÕs Tears and Demonblood, and rules for creating and using poisons. Release Date: June, 2001. FFG DD-17 24.95 FLYING TRICYCLE LLC BATTLE TOKENS Laser engraved and cut from 1/8" acrylic, these tokens are perfect for marking vehicle and unit status in any modern and sci-fi miniature wargame. Offered in both translucent red and smoke gray, and able to be painted for extra contrast, this batch of 28 unique counters comes stored in a peg hook bag, each containing: twelve numbered tokens 1-6 (x2), two "Falling Back", two "Smoke", three "No Shoot", three "No Move or Shoot", two "Immobile", two "Weapon Destroyed", and two "Vehicle Destroyed" tokens. Release Date: June, 2001. (translucent gray) - FLT 500BTG 5.95 (translucent red) - FLT 500BTR 5.95 GAMES WORKSHOP INQUISITOR: CHURUBAEL Release Date: July, 2001. GAW 70-16 19.99 INQUISITOR: DUKE VON CASTELLAN Release Date: July, 2001. GAW 70-14 19.99 INQUISITOR: SECURITY ENFORCER BARBARATTA Release Date: July, 2001. GAW 70-17 19.99 WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE: DARK ELVES CORSAIRS COMMAND Release Date: July, 2001. GAW 8510F 9.99 WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE: DARK ELVES REPEATER BOLT THROWER Release Date: July, 2001. GAW 8510E 19.99 WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE: DARK ELVES SORCERESS Release Date: July, 2001. GAW 8512E 7.99 WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE: DARK ELVES WARRIORS Release Date: July, 2001. GAW 3049 24.99 WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE: DARK ELVES WITCH KING ON BLACK DRAGON Release Date: July, 2001. GAW 1607 44.99 WARMASTER: WARMASTER BASES Release Date: July, 2001. GAW 66-30 4.99 GUARDIANS OF ORDER EL HAZARD RPG/RESOURCE BOOK Meet Makoto Mizuhara. A typical high-school student who is magically pulled into am alternate dimension, the magnificent fantasy world of El-Hazard. Joined by his school teacher, Mr. Fujisawa, and fellow classmate, Nanami, Makoto is faced with new responsibilities as an emerging hero in the battle against an evil insectoid empire. Based on the anime series by director Hiroki Hayashi, this complete, full-color RPG and resource book introduces complete rules, character bios, setting details, and episode summaries, and stands as the ultimate fan guide to the El-Hazard series. Release Date: July, 2001. GOO 11-001 29.95 GUILDMASTER GAMES EVIL AT DUNSMARCH (D20 SYSTEM) The once great Dunsmarch Keep has fallen to the forces of evil. You are the closest relative to the lord of Dunsmarch, who was slain defending what is yours by right. Can you, along with your closest allies, dispatch the foul minions of darkness to avenge your family, and claim back your Birthright? GuildMaster Games introduces this introductory adventure for 4-8 1st level characters designed for the D20 System fantasy campaign setting. Release Date: June, 2001. GMG 3001 9.95 HOGSHEAD PUBLISHING NOBILIS RPG GAME OF GREATER POWERS Stylish, beautiful, and packed with attitude, Nobilis explores the clandestine war between immensely powerful meta-beings fighting to control the destiny of creation and reality. Players portray one-time humans raised to a higher power, who now work for Imperators, the forces that are trying to protect -- or sometimes destroy -- everything. Originally released by Pharos Press in 1999, this newly revised and expanded edition rulebook is scribed by R. Sean Borgstrom, with support by Bruce Baugh, a longtime industry professional best known for his work for White Wolf on projects such as Wraith: the Great War, Hunter: the Reckoning and Trinity. Release Date: June, 2001. HOG 600 36.95 SLA CONTRACT DIRECTORY Exotic media-darling maniacs, Contract Killers are the superstars of the world of progress. Life as one of SLA's tame murderers is just a heady blend of fame, fortune and adoring fans -- except for Hunter Sheets, Slayer's dirty work, sponsorship duties, lethal secrets and desperate fights to the death in dingy alleys. Included within the pages of this sourcebook for the SLA Industries RPG, you'll find comprehensive information on public perception of a contract killer, what it really involves, the truth therein and the bits that are hidden. Plus classified details on types of contract killers, NPC's, new weapons and equipment, star profiles, adventure seeds, and more. Release Date: June, 2001. HOG 504 19.95 WARHAMMER FANTASY ROLEPLAY: REALMS OF SORCERY First promised in the original 1986 release, Realms of Sorcery is the near-legendary 'vapourware' magic supplement for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. With richly detailed text by renowned fantasy game authors Ken and Jo Walton, this book contains new expanded rules on the existing magic system, indepth information on Colleges and Colours of Magic, new careers and spells, specifics on non-human magic, rules for creating magic items and gaining familiars, and more. Release Date: July, 2001. HOG 207 26.95 HOLISTIC DESIGN AL MALIK SHIPS EMERALD DJINN FLEET Included in this Noble Armada miniatures fleet set you'll find four explorers, four frigates, and four galliots, with new galliot deckplans. Release Date: June, 2001. HDI 0510 29.95 INTO THE DARK A selection of adventures and scenarios set across the Known Worlds of the Fading Suns RPG universe. Release Date: June, 2001. HDI 0247 20.00 KHALSA-BRAIN GAMES FORMULA RACERS MINIATURES PACK (10) Release Date: June, 2001. KBG FR101 9.95 SPELLGROUND ED B. SIGNATURE MAT-GREY Release Date: June, 2001. KBG SG-011 14.95 KOPLOW GAMES PEWTER POLY STANDARD DICE SET (7) Release Date: June, 2001. KOP 10307 25.00 MAYFAIR GAMES HELL RAIL A conflagration of conductors conveying condemned to confinement. Each player fancies himself an engineer of the Hell Rail, conducting the souls of sinners to their torturous abodes in the great Inferno. But, only one of them will triumph and be spared eternal atrocity. For 3-4 players ages 13 and up. Release Date: June, 2001. MFG 0476 15.00 THEOPHRASTUS A fast-paced card game of scientific competition, intrigue and suspense that puts the emphasis on fun. Each player is an applicant to the post of apprentice to the great alchemist and physician Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim. By completing assigned experiments and measuring their potential as alchemists, the applicants seek to impress Theophrastus by closely duplicating his research, or by reducing the quality of a competitor's experiment. Alas, there can be only one apprentice...can you make the grade? For 2-5 players ages 9 and up. Release Date: June, 2001. MFG 0477 25.00 PALLADIUM BOOKS AFTER THE BOMB RPG After a long and painful nuclear winter, the last bastions of human civilization crawl out from the ashes - but they're not alone. A new breed of life dominates much of the world: intelligent mutant animals! Now, humanity is the endangered species! In the wake of the popular Ninja Turtles RPG, After The Bomb relaunches with a completely self-contained game system introduced in a 160-page worldbook complete with updated character creation and revised campaign rules, more mutants, strange powers, psionics, world information, villains, adventures, and more. Completely compatible with original "After The Bomb" sourcebooks and supplements. Release Date: June, 2001. PAL 0503-N 16.95 PINNACLE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP HORRORS OF THE WEIRD WEST CREATURE(D20) Written by Christopher McGlothlin, this 144-page horrific tome gives Marshals a whole stampede of abominations to throw at unsuspecting posses. This monster book converts the many Horrors of the Weird West for use with the new Deadlands D20 core book, and is completely compatible with other D20 System campaign settings and for those who are looking for a few new terrors! Release Date: June, 2001. PIN DL-1111 25.00 PRECEDENCE PUBLISHING BABYLON 5: COLLECTIBLE CARD GAME ANLA'SHOK BOOSTER DISPLAY Not for Earthers who don't speak Minbari, this new expansion set of 150 cards for the Babylon 5 CCG explores the galaxy's toughest guardians, The Rangers. Designed to stop the Drakh menace in its tracks, as well as help players wrest control of the Interstellar Alliance away from their less deserving foes, this series features major character upgrades as Entil'zha Sheridan, President Delenn, Emperor Cotto and Anla'shok Na Ivanova, plus the multi-race Corporate Faction and the much-coveted "Ranger One" are introduced. Additionally, rare autographed cards are randomly inserted throughout, highlighting such prominent cast members as Jason Carter, Richard Biggs, Stephen Furst, and Wayne Alexander. Offered in 24-count, 11-card Booster Pack displays. Release Date: June, 2001. PRE 52210 71.76 STAR LEGIONS STARTER AND BOOSTER BOX Precedence Publishing Star Legions Str Box The Justinian Empire has fallen. Ten-thousand years later, war still rages across the inner galaxies. The fate of a million worlds glimmers in the battle globes of eight warring generals. Only one will be strong enough to forge a new dynasty and a new empire. It is the age of the Star Legions! The first Collectible Miniatures Game based on a foundation of science fiction, Star Legions introduces an exciting, revolutionary miniatures game system, complete with 80 unique pre-painted miniatures built on a free-tracking base detailing offensive fire-power, defensive strategies, movement, and unique skills. Easy to learn, challenging to master, devise armies from units of all eight factions introduced in Starter Boxes containing 10 unique miniatures with complete rules, and supplemented with Booster Boxes of 5 figures. Release Date: June, 2001. Starter Box - PRE 80001 18.00 Booster Box - PRE 80003 6.95 PRINCE AUGUST/MITHRIL MINIATURES BARLIMAN BUTTERBUR & NOB Lord of the Rings 32mm collectible miniatures. Release Date: June, 2001. PRI LR-031 7.99 BILL FERNY Lord of the Rings 32mm collectible miniatures. Release Date: June, 2001. PRI LR-033 7.99 BILL THE PONY Lord of the Rings 32mm collectible miniatures. Release Date: June, 2001. PRI LR-034 7.99 STALKING RINGWRAITHS Lord of the Rings 32mm collectible miniatures. Release Date: June, 2001. PRI LR-035 7.99 STRIDER Lord of the Rings 32mm collectible miniatures. Release Date: June, 2001. PRI LR-032 7.99 REAPER MINIATURES BLACK LEGIONNAIRE WITH GREAT AXE Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02489 2.95 BLACK LEGIONNAIRE WITH SWORD/SHIELD Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02490 2.95 CAVE TROLL CHAMPION Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02488 3.95 GIANT FOO DOG Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02487 4.50 LATHARA/FEMALE SORCERESS Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02493 2.95 LUCIUS PANDERWAGON/ARCH MAGE Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02491 2.95 OGRE MAGE Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02486 5.95 SCARAB BEETLE SWARM Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02492 3.95 SIR AIDAN/KNIGHT OF THE IVY CROWN Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02494 2.95 SIR MALBETH BLACKHAWK/KNIGHT WITH FALCON Release Date: June, 2001. RPR 02495 2.95 SAVANT GARDE ENTERTAINMENT BRAWL/KASANOVA Kasanova is the first licensed deck for Cheapass Games' "BRAWL," the real-time fighting card game. An umbrella-wielding, crime-fighting disco-superstar, Kasanova mixes the forbidden sword arts he gleamed from the legendary tengu in the mountains of Japan with the impossible disco moves learned in the clubs of New York and L.A. to stylishly wipe the dancefloor with any opponent. Kasanova also introduces a dynamic new card type to the BRAWL arena, the "Wild Hit." Release Date: July, 2001. SGE 010 7.95 FROOP Froop is a light and goofy card game of symbol matching, the object of which is to remove all the cards from your hand through sequential placement. As cards are placed, the pile grows, and so, too, do the options of play. Release Date: July, 2001. SGE 004 14.95 STEVE JACKSON GAMES COMBINE SET 9 LASERS AND LASER TOWER Three laser turrets and a huge laser tower (3" tall!) will provide a deadly umbrella over your base area. Cast with both resin and metal parts, and packaged in a reusable plastic box, these finely detailed miniatures add 54 points to your Combine force. Release Date: July, 2001. SJG 10-2109 19.95 FLOOR PLAN 2 GREAT SALT FLATS Huge, flat, and completely featureless. This packet contains six, two-side (hexagonal/squares) completely generic blank sheets that mirror the size of the previous floor plan set, and can be used to expand or customize any Floor or Deck Plan. Release Date: June, 2001. SJG 7302 9.95 FLOOR PLAN 3 UNDERGROUND LAB Once it was a missile silo, ready to spew atomic death. Then the government abandoned it, and the Professor moved in. Now the huge underground silo houses level after level of experiments, cages for beasts or prisoners, and "Things Man Was Not Meant To Know." Or, use the alternate sheets and descriptions to play this as an active missile silo, or a wrecked, deserted military base after some future holocaust. This set includes 8 hexagonal/square maps to fit any campaign, plus a sheet of classic Cardboard Heroes miniatures for your Horror campaign: the mad scientist, his assistants, the ragged survivors who besiege his lab, and the Giant Ants! Release Date: July, 2001. SJG 7303 16.95 FRAG Easy to learn, fast-moving, and fun, Frag is a "first person shooter" game on a tabletop. Move your fighter and frag your foes; draw cards for weapons, armor, and gadgets; move through the blood spatters to restore your own health! If you die, you respawn and come back shooting! Includes two different play maps, counters and figures, plastic bases, cards, and rules for two to six players. Release Date: July, 2001. SJG 1339 34.95 GURPS ATOMIC HORROR 2ND EDITION Out of print for years, this old favorite returns as part of the "Summer of Horror." Alien invaders! Giant lizards from another age! Flesh-eating zombies! Colossal insects! Mad scientists! Blobs! This book contains everything you need to roleplay the sci-fi and horror movies of the 1950s, bringing you all the fun, excitement and adventure of some of the greatest (and some of the very worst) adventure films of all time! Release Date: July, 2001. SJG 6065 22.95 GURPS CABAL The creatures of myth are real. The vampires, the warlocks, the shape-changers and dopplegangers, the ghosts and trolls, and more. They're real, they're here today, and they're organized! The Cabal is the conspiracy, trade union, and mutual-assistance society that allows all these creatures sto urvive in a world of hostile humans.This 128-page sourcebook for GURPS includes a complete alternate history of the world, adventure seeds, occult cosmology, an assortment of artifacts and supernatural creatures, and suggestions for bringing horror and conspiracy into a variety of campaigns. Release Date: July, 2001. SJG 6714 22.95 GURPS CHARACTER SHEETS This pack contains 40 blank forms: 24 copies of the two-sided GURPS character sheet, four pages with grimoire forms on both sides, and four pages with GM control sheets on both sides. As an extra "Summer of Horror" bonus, you'll find a set of Cardboard Heroes miniatures to unleash into your fantasy or horror campaign: a horde of skeletons and mummies, including four undead giants! Release Date: July, 2001. SJG 6420 14.95 GURPS HORROR GM SCREEN Four cardstock pages are all that stand between you and your rabid players! The face of this GM Screen sports full-color art from the four new "Summer of Horror" covers by Christopher Shy, while the back offers a selection of GURPS charts and tables chosen especially for the Horror GM, with special attention to Fright Checks and magic. Also included: a 17" x 22" floorplan of a deserted country farmhouse and a sheet of Cardboard Heroes miniatures heavy on the zombies, because zombies are always prone to attack farmhouses! Release Date: June, 2001. SJG 6417 14.95 GURPS SPIRITS The creatures of the Other World are all around us. Some were once alive, others were created by human imagination and ingenuity, while still others are completely inhuman, thirsting for the souls of the living. GURPS Spirits is a complete guide to the spirit realm and its inhabitants, cataloging the many ethereal spirits and nightmares haunting the known world, and is a valuable resource for enlightened characters who envision spirits, serve them, manipulate them, or fight them! Also included is an expanded version of the ritual magic rules first seen in GURPS Voodoo, a viable system for spirit-mediated magic. Release Date: June, 2001. SJG 6537 22.95 GURPS STEAMPUNK 28MM MINI SET 1 (8) Sculpted by Richard Kerr to complement GURPS Steampunk, this box set showcases the menacing robot featured prominently on the Steampunk cover, his mad inventor, the clockwork cat, and other characters from the rulesbook. Eight figures in all, imaginative, beautifully detailed, and ready for adventure in the Age of Steam. Release Date: June, 2001. SJG 13-0101 19.95 GURPS TDP 4 ASSAULT CUTTER The Assault Cutter is an armored, reinforced version of the Modular Cutter, popular in military applications. This package includes 8 two-sided maps featuring the Cutter itself and seven modules: boarding, ECM, fighter, Marine command, Marine firebase, medevac, and sensor. Also included is a sheet of full-color Cardboard Heroes miniatures to crew the Cutter, including a Rampart fighter to supplement the enclosed fighter module. Release Date: June, 2001. SJG 6622 16.95 GURPS TDP 5 SULIEMAN CLASS SCOUT The 100-ton "Sulieman" is one of the most commonly encountered vessels in Imperial space and on its borders. The Scout Service uses thousands of Suliemans for recon, survey, courier/VIP transport, and liaison duties, while the Sulieman II seeker is the standard mineral survey craft. Because this vessel is so easily available to PCs, this deck plan will be of interest to players as well as GMs, comprising of 8 double-sided hexagonal/square sheets, and includes a set of Cardboard Heroes figures to crew the ship and provide encounters. Release Date: July, 2001. SJG 7205 16.95 Steve Jackson Games GURPS Traveller Planetary Survey 4 The GURPS Traveller Planetary Survey series continues with an in-depth look at Tobibak, a world covered by endless, fathomless oceans. This 32-page sourcebook explores the depths of this vast planet, offering extensive information on the human populations that seek to cooperate with the numerous aquatic races to develop and harvest Tobibak's many resources...where dry land is the rarest commodity of all! Release Date: June, 2001. SJG 6807 6.95 GURPS TRAVELLER PLANETARY SURVEY 5 The "Jewel of Deep Space," Glisten City is the capital of the inhabitable Glisten subsector, site of a Scout base and a major shipbuilding yard, and home of the Mining School of Glisten. Its rich asteroid belts combine an advanced technology with an almost inexhaustable supply of raw materials, thus posing as a major industrial and economic powerhouse in the Spinward Marches. This 32-page survey book for GURPS Traveller concentrates on the five asteroids which make up Glisten City, the government and business center of the system. Trade, scientific investigations, and high-level politics rub shoulders with gritty asteroid miners, huge factory complexes, shipyards, and interstellar intrigue. Release Date: July, 2001. SJG 6805 8.95 GURPS TRAVELLER STARSHIPS From launches to liners, and patrol boats to pirates, a starfaring campaign requires ships. This book offers the "View from the Deck," the experience of being aboard a starship, as passenger or crew. Bridge crews, charters, and salvage operations are included, spiced up with encounters, adventure seeds, and a cast of NPC owners, masters, and crew. GURPS Traveller Starships collects all previously published components in one volume and offers new accessories and design options, as well as descriptions of the technology, and specific details of various ships featuring the Suleiman II-class seeker; Lady of Shalott- class yacht; Animal-class safari ship; Birdsong-class low-tech trader; Kugashin-class lab ship; and Dragon-class SDB and jump shuttle. Release Date: June, 2001. SJG 6804 24.95 MUNCHKIN CARD GAME This new card game captures the essence of the dungeon experience, with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm, or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon. And it's illustrated by Dork Tower's John Kovalic! Release Date: July, 2001. SJG 1336 19.95 OGRE MINI PANEUROPEAN SET2 PANZER CO Build up your Paneuropean force with these hard-hitting reinforcements. Four troops of three units each: six "Jaeger" heavy tanks and six "Hammer" light tanks...12 vehicles in all! The set is packaged in a reusable plastic box and adds 54 points to your Paneuropean force. Release Date: June, 2001. SJG 10-2202 19.95 OGRE MINIATURES BOOK 2ND EDITION A fast, bloody battle game based on the classic Ogre! An "Origins Award" winner, this newly revised edition of the popular rules for miniatures play in the world of cybertanks and GEVs includes separate reference sheets, templates for cruise missile attack and spillover fire, and a full-color unit identification poster that serves as a painting guide for both Combine and Paneuropean forces. Release Date: June, 2001. SJG 7204 22.95 THE UPPER DECK COMPANY, LLC BIONICLE COLLECTIBLE CARD GAME STARTER DISPLAY Once a paradise, Mata Nui has become a place of darkness and fear, ruled by the deadly Makuta. Now six mighty heroes, the Toa, have come to gather Masks of Power, challenge Makuta, and fulfill their destiny. Discover the power of the Kanohi masks, learn the legends, and begin to solve the mystery of Bionicle! From the innovative minds of Upper Deck, in conjunction with the creative legacy of Lego, comes Bionicle, a fantasy trading card game of epic proportions. This incredible series is introduced in three individual "Toa" Theme Decks each containing two 80-card starter decks, a rule booklet, a guidebook to "The Legend of Mata Nul", a game mat detailing a map of the region, and 2 collectible Toa Mask markers. Themes Decks are offered in 6-count displays. Release Date: June, 2001. UDC 17661-D 89.94 TUNDRA SALES ORGANIZATION BROTHERHOOD OF PROPHECY (D20 SYSTEM) The Brotherhood of Prophecy is a reclusive religious order whose members lreside in a keep with neither windows nor doors. The King's messengers have been unable to contact them for months, and all who have tried have failed to return or have been found near death with a raving madness. A reward is being offered to anyone who can discover the truth, yet even greater rewards may lie behind its silent walls for any enterprising adventurer. A D20 System adventure for 1st to 3rd level characters. Release Date: June, 2001. TSO SGL1001 9.95 LEGACY OF ZORRO RPG Zorro, originally created by pulp author Johnston McCulley, first appeared in the novel "The Curse of Capistrano" in 1919. Since then, Zorro has appeared in more than 40 books and dozens of films. Now Gold Rush Games captures the swashbuckling excitement and romance of this era with the introduction of the official "Zorro" adventure game. Working in tangent with Zorro Productions, Inc., this comprehensive 32-page guide to 1820s Spanish California and the world of Zorro offers with an accurate description of the official origin of the legendary character, and includes detailed rules incorporating the simplified "Instant Fuzion" game system, character creation, an introductory adventure, and cutout figures. Release Date: June, 2001. TSO GRG3001 9.95 U.S. PLAYING CARD COMPANY DISNEYS ATLANTIS PLAYING CARDS Disney's newest animated feature film takes action-adventure to the next level...inside earth! All the excitement and unique graphics and characters from the film are captured on these quality playing cards, providing a fun format for all card games. Release Date: June, 2001. USP 664R 3.25 WINNIE POOH/TIGGER TOO PLAYING CARDS Disney's most popular classic characters of all time - Winnie the Pooh and all his friends - appear on this collector tin and playing cards! Pooh's appeal is universal and enduring, and the loveable images portrayed on these cards will enhance the fun in any card game. Release Date: June, 2001. USP 663R6 3.25 USAOPOLY DUNGEONS & DRAGONS CLUE Step into the fantasy and fun of the Dungeons & Dragons CLUE game and uncover the mystery of who killed the Archmage of Korinon. Name the murderer, locate the room where the Archmage was killed, and discover the magical weapon used for the foul deed! Solve the mystery in traditional CLUE fashion with a fantasy twist! Release Date: July, 2001. USO C05 29.95 WHITE WOLF PUBLISHING BITTER CRUSADE Release Date: July, 2001. WWP 02833 15.95 EXALTED STORYTELLER COMPANION Release Date: July, 2001. WWP 08801 15.95 MIDNIGHT SIEGE Release Date: July, 2001. WWP 02422 17.95 NIGHT ED 3RD QTR 2001 (FREE) Release Date: July, 2001. WWP 05820 .00 PREDATOR & PREY MAGE BK 5 Release Date: July, 2001. WWP 11704 6.50 RAPPAN-ATHUK III (D20 SYSTEM) Release Date: July, 2001. WWP 08362 14.95 SWORD/AIR (D20 SYSTEM) A D20 System adventure for character levels 10th-16th. Release Date: July, 2001. WWP 08355 11.95 WWP 2001 JULY-DEC CATALOG (FREE) Release Date: July, 2001. WWP 05775 .00 WINNING MOVES CANDYLAND CARD GAME Children can play all their favorite card games with the familiar faces of their Candyland friends. Intoduces rules for six unique games including "Find Frostline," "Old Licorice," and "Capture the Castle." For 2-6 players, ages 4-7. Release Date: July, 2001. WIN 1050 5.00 COOTIE CARD GAME Children will love building and matching colorful "Cooties" in this card game version of the classic Cootie game. Includes rules for four different games: "You've Got Cooties," "Squash the Cootie Bug," "Catch a Cootie," and "Build a Bug." For 2-6 players, ages 4-7. Release Date: July, 2001. WIN 1051 5.00 PIZZA PARTY GAME Join the party, join the fun! Players flip over pepper, onion, mushroom and pepperoni pieces to "build" their own pizza slice. Uncover a "switch" piece and swap slices with another player. The first player to complete a pizza slice with all six matching toppings wins! The Pizza Party game has all the ingredients for fun! For 2-4 players, ages 4-8. Release Date: July, 2001. WIN 1048 15.00 RACKO PLUS CARD GAME A specially designed deluxe version of the wildly popular game Racko. Play Racko the traditional way, or enhance game play with the special bonus cars and supplemental rules. Contained within you'll find: premium-quality Racko cards with high gloss finish, four deluxe translucent plastic racks with gold embossed number stamping, bonus cards and rules for Racko Plus version. For 2-4 players, ages 7 and up. Release Date: July, 2001. WIN 1047 13.00 RUBIK'S SNAKE PUZZLE A twisting puzzle challenge that takes the form of thousands of shapes. Solve one shape and move onto another, or devise your own creation to defy your friends. Rubik's snake - it'll charm you! Release Date: July, 2001. WIN 5002 10.00 TRIVIAL PURSUIT BIOGRAPHIES GAME This special Trivial Pursuit edition contains 1200 challenging questions pertaining to unique and intriguing individuals from all scopes of life. Everything needed to play is included, or you can use the cards with your favorite Genus edition to create a fresh, new mix of questions. Release Date: July, 2001. WIN 1070 15.00 WIZARD'S ATTIC A DISTANT ECHO (FOR D20 SYSTEM) In light, feel courage! In shadows, stand ready! Twin cities, two nations, vying for power, and survival, against a seemingly endless wave of invading goblins. Drawn into a nation of intrigue and unrest, you and your wayward party of adventurers must stand-fast against the raiding hordes, and seek out the enemy within that is supplying the goblins with its weaponry, stolen from the nation's coffers themselves. The first in the Twin Sword War series of D20 System fantasy adventures set in the war-torn world of Axandar. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA VGC1101 8.95 AGONE RPG At the dawn of time, the Muses breathed life and magic into Harmundia. But, amidst this golden era, the Masque surfaced, causing a Great Eclipse to darken the sky as Twilight descended upon the world, enslaving all mortals 'neath its shadowed veil. In time, the humans and the nine lingering races defied the dark, divining the Twilight Realms in its wake. Now, the Masque has returned, his dark essence slowly creeping into the Realms, threatening to consume them all in the fires of war, setting Harmundia ablaze. Discover a heroic fantasy world of intrigues and marvels, where weapons clash and spells thunder. Learn to master the four Magical Arts and the Ascendancy as a minstrel, or explore the shadows as an ellusive assassin. Wander the realms searching for adventure as a brawny ogre, a mysterious black fey, or a plotting medusa. Equipped with efficient, flexible, and comprehensive game mechanics, Agone offers a gaming experience ripe with heroism, dazzling magic, and fierce action. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA MLM6083 30.00 CASTLE DUNMERE (FOR D20 SYSTEM) A haunted estate. The disappearance of the family heir and only living proprietor. A centuries-spanning legend that refuses to die. Dark secrets and shadowed mysteries abound at the famous Dunmere Castle. Are you daring enough to bring them to light? A D20 System fantasy adventure set in the Hero's Journey campaign setting for characters level 5-7. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA CIT002 8.95 CODEX OF ERDE(HC)(FOR D20 SYSTEM) Explore the fantastic World of Erde, Troll Lord Games' official D20 System fantasy campaign setting. Within the pages of this 200-page sourcebook, players will find extensive detail on the histories, countries, and personalities of the lands in the age After Winter's Dark. Comes complete with D20 stats, monsters, spells, deities, races, classes, magic items, and the Codex of Erde. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA TLG1010 29.95 CORUM/HEROIC ADV. ACROSS FIVE PLANES This supplement for the Elric RPG brings to life the World of the Five Planes in which Michael Moorcock's Corum novels tale place. It is a time of strife, where heroes have plentiful opportunities to take part in epic adventures to change the face of their world. The speculative background provides ample geographic, historical, and cultural information for not only the civilized and barbaric Mabden, but also for several of the unique Elder races, and is complemented with details on new weapons, skills, wild sorcery, a bestiary, pregenerated characters, and a variety of notes concerning campaign and story creation for Corum's world. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA DCS2000 24.95 DUNGEON ARCHITECT BOOK OR MAPS V1 This series of detailed dungeon maps with generic descriptions allows for easy conversion into any game system or campaign setting. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA BGU1007 12.95 KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY: FARMAGEDDON The Big Red God is not happy! Vor wasn't invited to the Annual God Picnic, and that means Farmageddon, just like the Apocalypse, only smaller! Appease Vor! Dodge Random Acts of Gods! Eat Sacred Babies! Destroy the Four Livestock of Farmageddon! Join the Kobolds Jihad! A riotous expansion for Kobolds Ate My Baby. Release Date: July, 2001. WZA 9007 2.95 KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY: NECRO-GROUNDHOG OF THE AWFUL King Torg has a demon stuck in his teeth, and it's your job to deal with it! Giant undead rodents, broken shovels, mind-altering swamp gases, and about 30 other reasons you should buy this new stand-alone sequel to Warlock of the Extremely High Tower of Painful Mystical Death. A solo adventure for use with Kobolds Ate My Baby! Third Edition. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA 9011 5.95 MODERN KNIGHTS Welcome to the New Today! The year is 1999, and the Third Heroic Age is winding to a close, not so much with a bang, but a shallow wimper. The last decade has been a boom time for superhuman activity, but a quieting down trend is evident, as fewer and fewer paranormals are surfacing, and those few icons remaining are but shadows of a dying past. Time has a way of changing things, and this era is no different. But, time has an uncanny way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it, and if one grows too complaisant with the world around them, the past can kill you in one, swift stroke! It's an interesting time to be a superhuman, and you know what they say about living in interesting times...Release Date: June, 2001. WZA PHR10103 18.00 PIT OF LOCH-DURNAN (FOR D20 SYSTEM) Loch-Durnam, a forested town shrouded in mist and mystery. Now, its secrets may surface as Goblins have occupied "The Pit", a series of caverns that house hidden gold mines, and the town's twin brother mayors seek adventurers to do what they cannot. Drive the goblins back whence they came, lest they unearth the treasures of The Pit, and the secrets Loch-Durnam have kept buried for centuries. A D20 System fantasy adventure for 2nd-4th Level characters produced by Mystic Eye Games. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA MYG0002 11.95 RULES TO LIVE BY/SUPERNATURAL (LARP) Rules To Live By: Supernatural is the first supplement to Interactivities Ink's genre- independent system for LARP (Live Action Roleplaying). Within the pages of this companion manual you'll find comprehensive information on conjuring Magic, including alchemy, enchanting objects, and rituals, as well as incorporating Psionics into your live- action campaign with a complete list of mental powers and details on the dangers of backlash. Also included are rules defining Sanity and Fear checks, tips on generating supernatural creatures and abilities, character templates, a supernatural bestiary, and a resource for Weird Science gadgets, research, xenobiology, and more! Release Date: July, 2001. WZA IAI0002 18.00 SCAUM VALLEY GAZETTEER SOURCEBOOK From Kaiin, at the mouth of the Scaum, to the foothills of the Maurenron mountains, the River Scaum winds past Arch magicians manses, through the Valley Graven tombs and past villages and towns ripe for exploitation. An excellent resource for the itinerant traveller or Almery grandee down on his luck, as the perils of the road, sources of illicit income, and strange custom are all elucidated in this sourcebook for the Dying Earth RPG. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA PEL005 24.95 SECRET AT GREENROCK (FOR D20 SYSTEM) Jakam Goldspin, supervisor of the dwarven digging operations for the Wardred Mining Company, made un unexpected discovery: the entry to an immense, uncharted cavern. Charged with an expedition of eight sturdy dwarves to explore its hidden depths, they departed with adventure and treasure on their mind...and were never heard from again. Now, your party has been commissioned to learn the fate of this lost crew, and discover the hidden secrets that lie deep within the core of Greenrock. A D20 System fantasy adventure set in the Hero's Journey campaign setting for characters level 5-7. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA CIT001 8.95 SWORDS STONES AND SORCERY RPG Gods and Messiahs! False prophets and demons! Good and evil! Fight the eternal battle in the Swords, Stones, and Sorcery RPG! Based on a highly-detailed series of rules that stress roleplay over standard hack-n-slash fare, this innovative game introduces a comprehensive character generation system, a decisive combat system, and a skill-based magic concept rooted in the foundation of "Mana". Release Date: June, 2001. WZA SET0001 20.95 WITCHFIRE 3 ALL THE KINGS MEN (D20) Release Date: July, 2001. WZA PIPWF003 9.95 ZYGORT INVASION A future of war and uncertainty plagues the Earth, as an alien presence threatens its very existence. The evil Zygortians seek to rid the universe of humanity, but find themselves challenged by the Earth Defense System and a group of Earth's best fighter pilots. Prepare yourself for the Zygort Invasion! Governed by a simple set of rules offering both fast- play and detailed, strategic simulation campaigns, this boxed board game provides everything you need to thwart the Zygort Invasion with a comprehensive rulebook, counters, a die, and a 4-page hex board perfect for tactical movement and embattlements. Release Date: June, 2001. WZA NVR0010 4.00 WIZKIDS LLC GREAT FIRE DRAGON WizKids unveils a new style of Mage Knight figure for their revolutionary collectable miniatures line. The Great Fire Dragon boasts a 9" wingspan and stands a mighty 6" tall, towering over the existing Mage Knight miniatures. Mounted on a 6" long game base containing four combat dials of abilities enhancing battlefield staying power, this imposing, limited-issue piece brings a unique scale to the game, bridging the gap between elaborate miniatures, exceptional toys, and action figures. Release Date: June, 2001. WIZ 400 24.95 VIDEOS VIZ VIDEO CERES CELESTIAL LEGEND VOLUME 1 DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From Viz Video! Mikage Aya, an independent young girl, is shocked when her sweet sixteen birthday party turns into an execution -- her own, as her family has decided she's too dangerous to them to be allowed to live. That's because she is descended from a "Tennyo," a woman from the heavens, and her heavenly blood would like nothing more than to exact revenge on the Mikage clan for a centuries-old betrayal. She discovers she possesses destructive telekinetic powers beyond her control, and even a sexy alter ego by the name of "Ceres", a heavenly angel. Her life becomes even more complicated when she falls for a mysterious but handsome young man named Tooya, a man who could be either her assassin or her savior. Originally titled Ayashi no Ceres, this is the latest series released by one of the most prominent shoujo manga artists in Japan and creator of Fushigi Yugi, Yuu Watase. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (VIZ ACV-01) $29.99 DUBBED (VIZ ACD-01) –VHS $19.99 RANMA ½ MARTIAL MAYHEM VOLUME 9 BATTLE FOIS GRAS VIDEO SUBTITLED From Viz Video! Meet Picolet Chardin, gourmand par excellence and Ranma's latest challenger. If Ranma can't defeat this one, he'll suffer a lot more than just upset stomach. Then, what is the "Parlay du Foie Gras"? If it makes everyone so nervous, can Ranma use that to his advantage? Approximate running time: 52 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. VHS (VIZ RMMS-009) $28.95 RANMA ½ MARTIAL MAYHEM VOLUME 10 VIDEO SUBTITLED At last, Akane's inability to swim has caught up with her! Taking lessons from coconut- headed Principal Kuno may not be her first choice, but when you're swimming with sharks (and psychos!), you've got to hang on to whatever help you've got. AND THEN: In homage to the classic American movie Shane, perennial lost boy Ryoga Hibiki wanders into a scene straight from the Old West. Ryo-o-ga, Come ba-a-a-a-ck!! From Viz Video! Approximate running time: 52 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. VHS (VIZ RMMS-010) $28.95 RANMA ½ RANDOM RHAPSODY VOLUME 3 VIDEO DUBBED From Viz Video! Monster of Watermelon Island! The residents of the Tendo Dojo take a family vacation to a local beach, only to find Kuno washed up on shore wearing a watermelon on his head. Even more confusing, Kuno seems to have lost his memory and gained incredible skill, making him possibly more powerful than Ranma! The key to this mystery lies on the deserted Watermelon Island. Approximate running time: 78 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. VHS (VIZ RMMS-010) $28.95 ********************** ANIME ANGEL LINKS VOLUME 3: BROKEN ANGEL DVD From Bandai Entertainment! Change is in the air at the Links Group, and everyone's life seems to be at a turning point. A shipment is stolen right outside the gate of the Links Group, and Meifon is determined to get it back. This time, however, it's strictly a ground caper and she and Kosei set off alone, and face a Tao Master! And later, Valeria, who was once a protégé strategist for the awesome Einhorn Empire comes face-to-face with an old comrade who offers her a deal. Meifon receives a visit from a long-lost Uncle, but this family reunion ends in tragedy. And, once again, Meifon struggles to come to terms with the terrible destiny that is unfolding before her. Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (PNE BN-0987V) $29.98 ANGEL SANCTUARY VIDEO AND DVD From U.S. Manga Corps! God is dead, and the end is coming unless the fallen angel Alexiel can reawaken and prevent it. But years ago, as punishment for her defiance to god, Alexiel's body was sealed in a crystal, while her soul is continually reincarnated as a human being that will die a young and violent death, again and again, as an outcast from society -- despised and rejected. This time Alexiel's soul have been reincarnated into a delinquent teenaged boy named Setsuna Mudou -- the Messiah prophesied to save humanity in the Black Book of Revelation. However Setsuna does not care for the coming battle between Heaven and Hell but only for the love of his blood sister Sara Mudou. Beginning the story of angels, demons and a lost God. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DUBBED (CPM USM-2042) –VHS $19.99 DVD (CPM USM-2047) $29.99 ARC THE LAD VOLUME 3 VIDEO AND DVD From A.D. Vision! Chimera: kidnapped children with sacred powers, converted by a corrupt government faction into deadly and obedient assassins. One such child is the pyrokinetic Elk, who escapes, becoming a rookie bounty hunter. Along with the help of Master Hunter Shew & Shante, Elk seeks the murderer of his family— Arc the sky pirate and captain of the Silver Noah, and prevent the rogue government from continuing their inhuman experiments. Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DUBBED (ADV AR-003D) –VHS $19.98 DVD (ADV DVDAR003) $29.98 ASSEMBLE INSERT VIDEO AND DVD From Right Stuf Distributors! The local cops have a problem: the Demon Seed – a small, but surprisingly capable gang with a charismatic leader. Their mecha body suits allow them to undertake spectacular crimes that regularly rampage the city and totally humiliate the local police. Now Chief Hattori must find the perfect crime-fighter so super, so fantastic and captivating that even if they don't beat the Demon Seed gang, the public won't care! An Idol Singer! Enter Maron Namikaze. Cute and innocent; she can't sing or dance, but she has the only talent the job really requires: super-human strength! Now Hattori and his crew must mold her into the perfect Idol Singer and turn Maron into their ultimate weapon against the Demon Seed's onslaught! Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. DUBBED –VHS (RST RS9007) $19.98 DVD (RST RDVD9008) $24.95 BIG O VOLUME 2 DVD From Bandai Entertainment! As Paradigm City's top negotiator, Roger Smith lives a very exciting, but dangerous life. When a series of accidents begin plaguing the city's police force, all clues point towards a "ghost". Fed up with Dorothy's piano playing, Roger takes her to see his friend Instro, an android who is a very gifted concert pianist. However, can Roger protect the City from Instro's creator while keeping his identity as the pilot of the Big O a secret from the inquisitive Angel. Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (PNE BN-1836V) $24.98 BAOH DVD From AnimEigo! BAOH must live! A secret organization called "Doress" has funded the development of a genetically engineered parasite code-named "BAOH." Organisms infected by BAOH become living survival machines, virtually indestructible, able to mutate their body structure to meet any threat. Properly controlled, the BAOH parasite could all Doress to control the World. BAOH must die! Unfortunately, their first human guinea-pig, a young man named Hasizawa Ikuroo, has managed to escape, along with a young girl Sumire, who has a strange precognitive gift. Unless Doress operatives can find and destroy Ikuroo before the BAOH parasite fully manifests, their evil dream will become naught. But BAOH, comfortably hiding in Ikuroo's brain, won't make it easy. Approximate running time: 50 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. DVD (ANI AV200062) $24.95 EL HAZARD OVA DVD BOX SET From Pioneer Entertainment! Encounter a world of wonder and fantasy! Three high school students and one of their teachers are mysteriously transported to the magical world of El Hazard. There, they discover hidden talents, lost technology, an empire of sentient bugs, and enough adventure to fill a lifetime! From the writer of Tenchi Muyo and the animation studio behind Bubblegum Crisis, Tenchi Muyo, and Ah! My Goddess comes another side-splitting comedy of epic proportions filled with beautiful women, strange enemies, and action-packed adventure! The long awaited DVD compilation of the seven original El Hazard OVA's and the four OVA's from El Hazard 2 is finally here! That's over 4 hours of fantasy excitement! Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (PNE 10405V) $119.98 GETTER ROBO RESURRECTION VIDEO AND DVD From A.D. Vision! Now the shadow creeps across the moon. The faint echoes of evil laughter are heard. Terrified voices whisper of the Invaders. Mankind cowers under the malevolent eye of an extraterrestrial menace beyond any nightmare. Their only defense is the Getter Robos! The only man that can bring them back lies rotting in the Earth, Or does he? Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DUBBED –VHS (ADV GR-001D) $19.98 DVD (ADV DVDGR001) $29.98 HERMES WINDS OF LOVE VIDEO SUBTITLED From Vanguard International Cinema! Directed by Tetzuo Imazawa (Transformers, Digimon) and incorporating stunning CGI animation, this mythic tale of ancient Greece spanning 4300 years ago explores the adventures of young Hermes, prince and prophesied hero of Crete. Enamored by the captive Princess Aphrodite, he rescues her from exile, ultimately uniting in marriage. Yet, his life comes to a turning point as Opheallus, Creator of the World, appears before him bespeaking him to defeat the evil King Minos, and free the good people of Crete from his tyranny. Legends are forged as Hermes must triumph over almost insurmountable odds to defy the face of evil and carry his world from the brink of destruction. Approximate running time: 117 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. VHS (DIA VF0145) $29.95 MAGIC USERS CLUB EPISODES 5 & 6 DVD AND VIDEOS From Anime Works! The Magic User's Club includes the most powerful and skilled magicians in the world. Nanaka has always had stability, Takeo experience, Aburatsubo skill, and Akane natural power. Unfortunately, they were all captured by the alien menace, and only Sae Sawanoguchi, the upstart apprentice member, stands between Earth and certain destruction! Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (MDB MTD-4008) $24.95 DUBBED –VHS (MDB MT-4006) $19.95 SUBTITLED –VHS (MDB MT-4007) $19.95 MARTIAN SUCCESSOR VOLUME 11 CODE OF HONOR VIDEOS From A.D. Vision! An alien visitor is the trigger that ignites the final phase of the war with the Jovians. As betrayals and deceptions threaten to destroy the last fragile chance for peace, the crew of the Nadesico makes a fateful decision: to end the fighting, no matter what the cost! That means a return to Mars, and to get there, they have to fight they're way through both the Nergal and Jovian fleets! Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DUBBED –VHS (ADV ND-011D) $19.98 SUBTITLED –VHS (ADV ND-011S) $29.98 MAZE COLLECTION DVD From Software Sculptures! Transported through time and space, Maze wakes up with amnesia in a zany fantasy world, only to find herself surrounded by evildoers and babysitting a spoiled young princess. Luckily, she has developed explosive superpowers to help her cope. But, these new powers come with a price...every night, she transforms into a lecherous man! All 8 volumes of the hilarious anime series is collected for over 10 hours of zany excitement! Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (CPM SVS-6180) $129.99 ORIGINAL MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM VOLUME 1 DVD AND VIDEOS From Bandai Entertainment! In the year 0079 of the Universal Century, the Earth Federation and its space colonies are engaged in an apocalyptic war. The rebellious Principality of Zeon, using humanoid fighting machines called mobile suits, has all but vanquished the Federation. Now the Federation's last hope is the prototype mobile suit Gundam. When a twist of fate makes young civilian Amuro Ray the Gundam's pilot, his own battle begins - a struggle not only for the Federation's survival, but for his own. Approximate running time: 125 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. UNCUT (PNE BN-1770V) –DVD $24.98 DUBBED (PNE BN-1760D) –VHS $14.98 ORPHEN VOLUME 1 SPELL OF THE DRAGON VIDEO AND DVD From A.D. Vision! When the prestigious university of magic in the land loses Orphen, their most talented student, they'll do anything to get him back. But Orphen has bigger plans than majoring in spellcasting – namely tracking down a mysterious dragon, The Bloody August! Together with his young apprentice, a spoiled heiress, and two cranky trolls, Orphen must battle both the Bloody August and his old teachers, advanced sorcerers who possess frightening powers and even more dangerous secrets! Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. Note: Re-solicited from January Previews DUBBED –VHS $19.98 DVD $29.98 POKEMON JOHTO JOURNEYS VOLUME 43 & 44 VIDEOS AND DVD From Viz Video! From Viz Video! In Volume 43: What does a clumsy but well-meaning Blissey have to do with Jessie's secret past?! Before Ash can appreciate the answer, he finally reaches the next Pokemon gym in Violet City only to face Team Rocket. In Volume 44: Misty becomes the baby-sitter for a crybaby Marill, but its cry is more dangerous than most Pokemon's attacks! Then, Togepi teams up with a wayward Sentret to take control of Team Rocket's latest invention: the Arbo-Tank. Do Ash, Misty, and Brock have a chance against an armored Togepi? Next, Ash and his friends arrive at the ancient valley of the Charizard, but can Ash's Charizard be admitted into the company of such high-level Pokemon? Approximate running time: 70 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. VOLUME 43 (VIZ PK-43V) –DVD $24.98 VOLUME 43 (VIZ PK-43) –VHS $14.98 VOLUME 44 (VIZ PK-44V) –DVD $24.98 VOLUME 44 (VIZ PK-44) –VHS $14.98 PROJECT AKO UNCIVIL WARS DVD From US Manga Corps! A-ko and B-ko are bounty hunters on an untamed world. When a young heiress, C-ko, falls out of the sky and into their hair, they find themselves battling space pirates and galactic police for custody. Their high-pitched, hungry charge holds a secret – the spirit of an ancient evil – and is the center of a plot to destroy the universe! Approximate running time: 104 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. DVD (CPM USM-2072) $29.99 ROBOTECH THE MACROSS SAGA VOLUME 1 FIRST CONTACT DVD From A.D. Vision! When a mysterious battleship crashes onto Macross Island in the South Pacific, the future of mankind is changed forever. Realizing that there are hostile forces in the universe, the people of Earth race to rebuild the SDF-1 as their first line of defense against a possible alien attack. But even as they struggle to master the science of Robotechnology, the vengeful Zentraedi armada is approaching the Earth! Approximate running time: 150 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. DVD (ADV DVDRT001) $14.98 ROBOTECH THE MACROSS SAGA VOLUME 2 TRANSFORMATION DVD From A.D. Vision! The danger continues to mount for the survivors of Macross City and the crew of the SDF 1 as the ship's arrival on Mars sets up a new turn of deadly events. Under constant attack by the giant Zentraedi, hounded at every turn and desperately short of resources, the humans wage a desperate battle for survival. But in the shadow of war, the power of love takes on an unexpected significance, for it is the strength of the human heart that may turn the tide of the battle! Approximate running time: 150 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. DVD (ADV DVDRT002) $14.98 ROBOTECH THE MACROSS SAGA 1 ROBOTECH LEGACY 3 DVD SET From A.D. Vision! This special 3-disc DVD set not only includes the DVDs for Robotech The Macross Saga: First Contact and Robotech The Macross Saga: Transformation, but also a special edition Extras disc. This bonus disc will contain the English version of Codename: Robotech (75min.), an audio commentary track by Carl Macek (Story Editor for Robotech) and abundant production sketches, plus an international clip featuring French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese audio tracks. Over of 5-hours of Robotech excitement! Release Date: June, 2001. DVD Set $44.98 RUROUNI KENSHIN VOLUME 10: LIFE AND DEATH DVD AND VIDEOS From Anime Works! Kenshin's swordsmanship has always been the strongest, but he is not a true master of the Hiten Mitsurugi Style. As a young revolutionary, Kenshin abandoned his martial training prematurely, in order to become a killer and tread the dark path of the Battosai. Finally, Kenshin is determined to finish what he started, reuniting with his former master, Seijuro Hiko. But his new trial will not be easy, and the odds are stacked against him. Ice and fire join in an unholy alliance, as Shishio strikes a deal with none other than Aoshi Shinamori. Aoshi is willing to throw his soul away for a chance to defeat Kenshin, but that's not all. He's also willing to fight Misao and the new Oniwaban group, and kill them if necessary! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (MDB RKD-2009) $24.95 DUBBED –VHS (MDB RK-0318) $19.95 SUBTITLED –VHS (MDB RK-0318) $19.95 SAILOR MOON FIELD TRIPS VIDEO DUBBED From A.D. Vision! Adventure can happen anywhere, especially when you're Sailor Moon! First, a trip to a finishing school turns into a nightmare when it's discovered that the teacher really wants to finish off her students! Then, an avalanche threatens to disrupt the scouts' skiing trip, a hunky ice skating star turns out to be a pawn of the evil Negaverse, and a lake creature tries to wreck Selena's family vacation! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. VHS (ADV VMN-009) $12.98 SAILOR MOON TRIALS AND TROUBLES VIDEO DUBBED From A.D. Vision! Poor Serena! Things are bad enough when the evil Queen Beryl tries to recapture the seven who found the Rainbow Crystals, but when the Sailor Scouts start arguing among themselves things begin to go seriously wrong. When the forces of the Negaverse finally manage to break into our universe, Sailor Moon has to face off against Beryl, her "doom and gloom" girls, and Tuxedo Mask! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. VHS (ADV VMN-010) $12.98 TENCHI MUYO VIDEOS DUBBED From Pioneer Entertainment! Tenchi Muyo! follows the exploits of Tenchi Masaki, a curious teenager who resides at a family shrine with his father and grandfather. When he accidentally releases the legendary monster imprisoned beneath the shrine, Tenchi discovers that the "monster" is actually a gorgeous galactic space-pirate named Ryoko. Soon, many other "alien" visitors invade Tenchi's shrine, including Aeka (a princess from the planet Jurai), Sasami (Aeka's cute little sister), Mihoshi (a Galaxy Police Officer), Ryo-ohki (a cat-rabbit, or cabbit) and Washu (the most clever scientific genius in the galaxy). Tenchi Muyo! offers perfect blend of comedy, action, romance, and drama, which has made it one of the most popular anime series in North America. Approximate running times: 75 minutes. VOLUME 6 (PNE 71481D) –VHS $14.98 VOLUME 7 (PNE 71482D) –VHS $14.98 VOLUME 8 (PNE 71483D) –VHS $14.98 VOLUME 9 (PNE 71484D) –VHS $14.98 URUSEI YATSURA TV SERIES VOLUME 3 DVD SUBTITLED From AnimEigo! Princess Kurama is awoken by the kiss of her future husband, but her Prince Charming is Ataru! Making the best of things, Kurama decides to remake Ataru into a perfect husband, even if it kills him. Megane plots to discredit Ataru with Lum, and sets him up for the Mother of All Zappings! In a hilarious parody of the world's first Novel, "The Tale of Genji," we go back to Heian period Japan, where pre-incarnations of everyone battle baby-nappers from the future, and time gets royally screwed up. Tsubame, Sakura's fiancee and aspiring black magician, matches wits with Cherry and turns a nightclub into "Disco Inferno". Meanwhile, Kurama's dad agrees to teach Ataru, the secret of swordsmanship - if Ataru will teach him about babes! This volume collects episodes 9-12. Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. DVD (ANI AV000103) $24.95 VAMPIRE PRINCESS MIYU VOLUME 1 & 2 DVDS From AnimEigo! Western vampire lore takes on a heavy atmosphere of gothic surrealism with an Eastern Flavor in this elegant story of Miyu, the child-like vampire who brings eternal peace to those who seek escape from their anguish. Is she friend, or fiend? As the demonic forces of the Shinma strive to obtain a foothold upon the mortal plane, spiritualist Himiko seeks the truth. Volume 1 introduces the first two episodes, "Unearthly Kyoto" and "A Banquet of Marionettes,", while Volume 2 collects episodes "Fragile Armor" and "Frozen Time." Approximate running time: 50 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. VOLUME 1 (ANI AV201070) –DVD $24.95 VOLUME 2 (ANI AV201071) –DVD $24.95 VERY PRIVATE LESSON DVD & VIDEO DUBBED From Anime Works! Oraku is a lucky man. He has a comfortable job teaching at a local High School. He has Satsuki, a fellow teacher whom he hopes to marry someday. He has Aya, a beautiful student who has fallen in love with him. Aya loves nothing more than to come on to Oraku, and lounge around his apartment half naked. Unfortunately, Aya's father happens to be wealthy because he is a major crime boss, and he will have Oraku slowly murdered if Aya doesn't remain pure. This means that he must not only restrain himself, but also protect her from the hordes of men and woman at school who'd love to get their hands on her body. And of course, if Satsuki or any of the other teachers find out that Oraku is living with one of his students, he will be permanently dismissed from the teaching profession. Oraku is so very lucky. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (MDB AWD-0107) $24.95 DUBBED –VHS (MDB AW-0106) $19.95 VOOGIES ANGEL DVD From Anime Works! From Masami Obari - the influential mind behind the Fatal Fury series - comes Voogie's Angel! In the year 2020, Earth is conquered by a malevolent alien life form. The last remnants of humankind barely escape death by hiding in the oceans and creating underwater "Aqua-bases." One hundred years later, in an attempt to retake their world, the human survivors create a deadly strike force composed of one human and four, cybernetically enhanced, voluptuous young women. They are: the motherly Midi, the spirited Voogie, the hard-hitting Rebecca, the innocent Merrybell, and the pensive Shiori. Specially trained and armed with the latest weaponry, they carry out guerrilla attacks against the alien invaders. Earth's last hope - Voogie's Angel! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (MDB AWD-0109) $29.95 ADULT ANIME COMPLETE ADVENTURE KID DVD SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (CPM A18-2088) $29.99 DRAGON RIDER VOLUME 1 VIDEO SUBTITLED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL VHS (MDB KV-0115) $24.95 LADY BLUE DVD SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (CPM A18-1835) $29.99 TEACHERS PET THE TRAINING VIDEO DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL DUBBED (CPM A18-2048) –VHS $29.99 TOKIO PRIVATE POLICE COMPLETE DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (MDB KVD-0117) $29.95 DUBBED –VHS (MDB KV-0116) $29.95 ANIMATION BATTLE OF THE PLANETS VOLUME 1 DVD AND VIDEO From Rhino Home Video! In "Attack of the Space Terrapin", Center Neptune, a world defense base constructed off the West Coast 900 fathoms beneath the surface of the ocean is attacked by a monster radio-controlled by Zoltar, leader of the alien Spectra invaders, seeking to wrest control of the precious Vitaluman mined there. But, standing in his way are the invincible, transmutable G-Force: Keypop, Jason, Princess, Tiny, Mark, and their robotic protector, 7-Zark-7. Then, in "Rescue of the Astronauts", G-Force must rescue two astronauts, hijacked by Zoltar, who have stumbled upon startling evidence of giant alien bases, underwater, on Mars. Their only hope of survival rests in the Fiery Phoenix! Thus begins the cataclysmic Battle of the Planets, with the entire galaxy hanging in the balance! Approximate running time: 60 minutes. DVD (DIA R297008) $19.95 VHS (DIA R397008) $9.95 BATTLE OF THE PLANETS VOLUME 2 DVD AND VIDEO From Rhino Home Video! In "The Space Mummy", 7-Zark-7 discovers a new planet, much like Earth, hidden behind Venus, named Zarkadia in his honor. But, lately, mysterious plane crashes have been occurring there and G-Force is sent to investigate. What they discover is beyond their scope of comprehension, as a colossal Plutonium X- powered mummy wreaks havoc upon them and the people of Zarkadia. Then, in "The Space Serpent", Zoltar has commissioned a massive space serpent with an insatiable appetite for crude oil to attack Earth's oil refineries, causing major earthquakes and upheavals. Can G-Force hope to defeat a monster that can literally reassemble itself when attacked, and will they be forced to resort to their ultimate secret weapon? Approximate running time: 60 minutes. DVD (DIA R270009) $19.95 VHS (DIA R370009) $9.95 DEXTERS LABORATORY GREATEST ADVENTURES VIDEO From Warner Home Video! For Dexter, every day is a great day for Science! A diminutive, red headed boy genius, Dexter lives in a quiet suburban neighborhood with his Mom, Dad, and older sister Dee Dee, and often slips away to his fully equipped Secret Laboratory to utilize his technological abilities to solve problems ranging from saving the world to thwarting schoolyard bullies. Dee Dee does not share Dexter's passion for science, preferring instead to dance or eat cookies -- she usually manages to throw a monkey wrench into the works. Created by cartoonist Genndy Tartakovsky, Dexter's Laboratory began life as one of Cartoon Network's World Premiere Toons, and returns with a vengeance in this Creator's Top Choice Compilation. Join Dexter as he takes science to a new level! Approximate running time: 80 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. VHS (DIA H1792) $12.95 HANNA BARBERA CARTOON CRACK UPS DVD AND VIDEO From Warner Home Video! Get ready for a totally digital crack-up, as seven of your favorite animated greats come together for the first time ever on DVD! The episodes featured in this compilation are The Flintstones: "The Swimming Pool," The Jetsons: "A Date With Jet Screamer," Scooby Doo: "Jeepers It's The Creeper," Huckleberry Hound: "Spud Dud," Yogi Bear: "Bear Faced Disguise," Pixie and Dixie: "Heavens to Jinsky," and Top Cat: "Maharajah of Pookajee." Additional features include The Flintstones original pilot, a character animation gallery, and a jukebox containing original cartoon themes. Approximate running time: 108 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (DIA DVDH1788) $14.98 VHS (DIA H1786) $14.93 SHADOWRAIDERS VOLUME 6 FINAL CONFLICT VIDEO AND DVD From A.D. Vision! When the evil Beast Planet attacks, the planets of Rock, Ice, Fire and Bone must band together to fight a seemingly indestructible enemy! Join Graveheart and his rock-hard right-hand partner, Jade; Ice King Cyros and his impetuous daughter Zira; young Prince Pyros of the Planet Fire; and the shifty reptilian leader Femur of Planet Bone as they face the universe's greatest danger! Approximate running time: 118 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. VHS (ADV SR-006D) $14.98 DVD (ADV DVDSR006) $24.98 ASIAN ACTION THEATER BRUCE LEE DVDS AND VIDEOS From Fox Home Video! "The essence of fighting is the art of moving." No words were better spoken than by the man himself, Bruce Lee, and there is no better forum to exemplify his words than in his movies. As in his teachings, Lee broke from tradition in his film career, bridging the gap between martial artist and film star with graceful fluidity. Considered by many as the greatest Martial Artist of the 20th century and the "FATHER" of the Modern Action Movie, Lee's prominence lives on even after his untimely death in 1973 through his classic cinematic achievements. Fast, furious, and utterly fantastic, now's your chance to experience the excitement that is the legacy of Bruce Lee! Approximate running times: 100 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. FIST OF FURY (DIA 2001801) –DVD $19.98 FIST OF FURY (DIA 0612230) –VHS $9.98 GAME OF DEATH (DIA 2001798) –DVD $19.98 GAME OF DEATH (DIA 0612430) –VHS $9.98 RETURN OF THE DRAGON (DIA 2001804) –DVD $19.98 RETURN OF THE DRAGON (DIA 0612330) –VHS $9.98 THE CHINESE CONNECTION (DIA 2001415) –DVD $19.98 THE CHINESE CONNECTION (DIA 0612130) –VHS $9.98 LAST DRAGON VIDEO AND DVD From Columbia Tri-Star Home Video! Taimak Guarriello stars as a young man searching for the "master" to obtain the ultimate level of martial arts mastery known only as "The Glow". His quest is hindered by the presence of Sho'nuff (Julius Carry), a Harlem nemesis seeking to challenge his skills, and Eddie Arcadiana (Christopher Murney), a ruthless, obsessed music promoter who's kidnapped a beautiful singer named Laura (Vanity). Approximate running time: 108 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. VHS (DIA 03996) $14.95 DVD (DIA 05985) $19.98 LEGEND OF BRUCE LEE DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From Tai Seng Marketing! The legend of Bruce Lee continues in this exciting, action- packed kung fu thriller! Bruce Li is an admirer of the legendary master who immerses himself into the deadly disciplines of Kung Fu, as he searches for the real reasons behind Bruce Lee's untimely death. With solid fights and dazzling choreography, The Legend of Bruce Lee is a full-throttle display of awesome Chinese Chieh Chuan Kung Fu! Approximate running time: 85 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. DVD (DIA 92824) $14.95 VHS (DIA 92823) $9.95 NEW BIG BOSS DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From Tokyo Shock! Willpower is the key to winning. With enough willpower, one can achieve victory over anything, even aging and death. However, at what point does the price of victory outweigh the reward? When the computer hacker Ben Chan tracks down a legendary underworld boss known as the Old Man, he aims to find the limits of his own willpower. Before he knows it, Ben is drawn into the story of this unknown soldier and his bloody rise to power. In this remake of the classic Bruce Lee film, neither war, death, nor history can stand before the strength of one man's body and soul. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (MDB TSD-0110) $24.95 VHS (MDB TS-0109) $19.95 PARASITE EVE VIDEO SUBTITLED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL VHS (ADV LA-014) $14.98 SUMO VIXENS VIDEO DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL VHS (DIA APC-1982) $29.95 UNDRESSED FOR SUCCESS DVD AND VIDEO SUBTITLED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (DIA APC-2089) $19.99 VHS (DIA APC-1993) $19.99 VICTIM DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From Tai Seng Marketing! The great Sammo Hung (Martial Law) directs and stars in this renowned kung fu classic! Portraying Chan, a cheerful but naïve kung fu fanatic whose purpose in life is to find his ultimate opponent, he finally meets his match in a mysterious fighter (Leung Ka Yan), who eventually drags Chan into his own path of violent bloodshed and ruthless revenge. Approximate running times: 90 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. DVD (DIA 92834) $14.95 VHS (DIA 92833) $9.95 FANTASY / SCI-FI BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA SPECIAL EDITION DVD From Fox Home Entertainment! Directed by John Carpenter in 1986, and billed as "a mystical-action-adventure-comedy-kung-fu-monster-ghost-story", Big Trouble in Little China stars Kurt Russell as Jack Burton, a tough-as-nails, hard-edged truck driver who stumbles upon the sinister goings-on in the Chinese underworld. Martial arts, gunfire, and magic ensue as Jack, teamed with his kung fu fighting friend Wang (Dennis Dun), must rescue two green eyed gals (Kim Cattrall, Suzee Pai) unfortunate enough to have fallen into the clutches of the evil Lo Pan (James Hong), cursed by an emperor and a god, who must walk the earth without flesh till he can find a green-eyed woman of suitable spirit to appease Chendai. Included in this 2 disc special edition you'll find deleted scenes, commentary by John Carpenter and Kurt Russell, a special effects montage with commentary by Robert Edlund, trailers, a music video, and more! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. DVD (DIA 2001438) $26.98 FARSCAPE VOLUME 5 VIDEO AND DVD From A.D. Vision! This volume contains 2 complete episodes. In "DNA Mad Scientist," Namtar, a mysterious DNA researcher, holds high the promise of helping Zhann, D'Argo and Rygel return to their home worlds. Caught up in the excitement, they begin to turn against one another, with no price seeming too great for the opportunity to venture home. How selfish will their sacrifices be? Then, in "They've Got a Secret," while trying to clear the ship of all Peacekeeper devices, D'Argo inadvertently causes an extremely strange reaction within Moya, at the same time driving himself into an inexplicable delirium. If that wasn't bad enough, Pilot falls unconscious, and the DRD's transform into deadly predators, attacking the crew with chilling resolve. As they race against time to correct the problem, the crew is in for a shocking surprise! Approximate running times: 100 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. VHS (ADV FS-005) $14.98 DVD (ADV DVDFS005) $24.98 EROTIC SURVIVOR COLLECTORS EDITION VIDEO AND DVD SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL VHS (DIA SC8014) $29.99 DVD (DIA SC1014DV) $29.99 GLADIATOR EROTICVS COLLECTORS EDITION VIDEO AND DVD SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL VHS (DIA SC8015) $29.99 DVD (DIA SC1015DV) $29.99 SPACEMAN DVD AND VIDEO Abducted by aliens as a child, Spaceman (David Ghilardi) returns to Earth reprogrammed as an unstoppable warrior-drone. Desperate to fit in, he find work as a Mob hitman, but becomes a target when his outer-space code of honor botches a major hit. With Mafia assassins and corrupt FBI agents on his tail, he embarks on a quest to find his long-lost mother. Written and directed by Scott Dikkers, Spaceman is an action-packed popcorn movie that updates the Saturday matinees of the 9150s with a brutally ironic twist! DVD $24.95 VHS $14.95 SWORD AND THE SORCERER DVD AND VIDEO From Anchor Bay Entertainment! A kingdom ruled by evil! A princess enslaved by passion! A warrior driven by justice! Lee Horsley is Talon, a daring mercenary with a three-bladed sword who rediscovers his royal heritage when he is recruited to help a princess (Kathleen Beller) foil the designs of a brutal tyrant (Richard Lynch) and Xusia (Richard Moll), a powerful sorcerer seeking to conquer the land. Brutal battles, luscious maidens, savage monsters…what more could you ask for in an epic fantasy?! Approximate running time: 99 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA SV11363) $24.98 VHS (DIA DV1332) $9.99 V THE ORIGINAL MINI-SERIES DVD From Warner Home Video! A science-fiction favorite invades home entertainment's out- of-this-world format! They come in peace – to enslave mankind! Aliens place our world in a hammerlock of fascist rule, and valiant freedom fighters battle to save our race from extinction. Marc Singer, Jane Badler, and Robert Englund star in this thrill-a-minute original mini-series written and directed by Kenneth Johnson, and available for the first time on DVD. A behind-the-scenes documentary, director commentary, gag reel, and a widescreen format are but a few of the surprises waiting for you in this DVD offering. Approximate running time: 197 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA DVD11489) $19.98 FROM THE BOX OFFICE OFFERED AGAIN O/A DUNGEON & DRAGONS MOVIE DVD From Warner Home Video! Action and adventure come alive in this movie adaptation of the legendary roleplaying game! Two thieves (Justin Whalin, Marlon Wayans) lead a band of adventurers on a crusade against Profion (Jeremy Irons), a savage magician who plans to overthrow the Empress Savina (Thora Birch). This exciting story features thrilling sword fights, spellcasting, evil wizards, and dozens of dragons! Included in this incredible DVD offering, you'll find exciting features as a widescreen version, two feature-length audio commentaries, two original documentaries, 11 deleted scenes with optional director commentary, theatrical trailer, a DVD-ROM with a complete Dungeon & Dragons role-playing game and fully playable game demo of Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, and much more! Approximate running time: 107 minutes. DVD (DIA DVDN5245) $24.98 ************************** CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON SPECIAL EDITION DVD From Columbia Tri-Star Home Video! Renowned Director Ang Lee weaves this early 19th century Chinese tale of martial arts hero Li Mu Bai (Chow Yun Fat) who is preparing to settle down to a life of mediation and a long delayed personal with his dearest contemporary and star-crossed lover, Yu Shu Lien (Michelle Yeoh). Even with the imminent threat of his arch-rival, Jade Fox, lingering in the shadows, he passes on the 400-year-old sword, Green Destiny, to Shu Lien for safekeeping. In taking the sword to Beijing, Shu Lien is thrust into the dual life of Jen (Zhang Ziyi), by day a well-behaved governor's daughter, by night a skilled thief and martial arts mistress in training. Stealing the fabled sword for her own machinations, Jen's desperate search for a life of freedom draws everyone into a cauldron of good verses evil. Now, Mu Bai must return to the life he yearned to escape, and reclaim the sword of his birthright. Thrilling action, gravity- defying fight scenes, awe-inspiring visuals, powerfully emotional resonance, and unrequited love are but a taste of what this epic Academy Award winning masterpiece has to offer. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (DIA 05990) $27.96 SHAFT SPECIAL EDITION DVD AND VIDEO From Paramount Home Video! Crooked cops on the take, small-time drug lords, sleazy informers, and sadistic rich kids ready to kill -- for police detective John Shaft, it's just another night in the underbelly of New York City, another shift facing down cops and criminals who want him dead and a legal system that thrives on money, not justice. Academy Award nominee Samuel L. Jackson stars in this John Singleton directed, action-packed, contemporary tribute to the 1970's cult icon, Shaft. NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic specialty stores. Approximate running time: 99 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA 336194) $29.99 VHS (DIA 156283) $14.95 SNATCH SPECIAL EDITION DVD From Columbia Tri-Star Home Video! Stealin' stones and breakin' bones! Written and directed by Guy Ritchie (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), Snatch follows the story of Turkish (Jason Statham), an unlicensed boxing promoter who is pulled into trouble when he becomes involved with big time criminal Brick Top (Alan Ford), who wants to arrange a fight and fix it. Meanwhile, a diamond theft goes down but the 84 karat stone goes missing, leading Avi (Dennis Farina), the planned recipient of the gem, to venture to England searching for it, with the help of his two bruiser cousins, Doug The Head and Bullet Tooth Tony. Fates collide as the two situations blend into one deadly chain reaction of events. Heists, scams, crosses and double-crosses pepper this cult film, bursting with frenetic energy! Approximate running time: 103 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (DIA 06253) $27.95 HORROR ULTRAVIOLET DOUBLE DVD AND VIDEO SET They look like us. They act like us. For centuries vampires have co-existed in harmony with humans…until now! Policeman Michael Coleman (Jack Davenport) is unwillingly thrust into the nightmarish world of vampires when he discovers a secret government organization operating undercover within the police force when one of his colleagues goes missing, thus setting the stage for this dark, stylish vampire thriller produced by British television for the X-files generation. Collecting all six 1-hour episodes! DVD SET $39.95 VHS SET $39.95 WILLIAM SHATNER IN INCUBUS DVD AND VIDEO From Winstar TV & Video! William Shatner stars as Marc, a soldier of pure heart who has just returned home injured from the war, who quickly becomes the target of Kia (Allyson Ames), a beautiful female demon whose grown weary of taking the lives of corrupt men. Seeking to seduce him, Kia ultimately falls in love, angering her sister demon and forcing her to summon the Incubus to wreak revenge. Directed by Leslie Stevens (The Outer Limits) and filmed by Academy Award winning cinematographer Conrad L. Hall (American Beauty) in 1965, this chilling black & white classic is a must- see for any film buff, psychotronic, and horror aficionado. NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic specialty stores. Approximate running time: 76 minutes. Release Date: June, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA FLV5274) $24.98 VHS (DIA FLV1661) $19.98 WOMEN IN FURY DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From Shriek Show! The Brazilian Jungle's Wildest Creatures! Covering for her brother, who killed a Brazilian drug lord, Angela Duvall is sent to a women's prison. Trapped behind bars, Angela's beauty excites the passions in her fellow prisoners and the guards alike. Unfortunately, she also catches the eye of a group of inmates who work for the man her brother murdered. In order to live long enough for her brother's confession to arrive, she must escape with her fellow prisoners into the dark Brazilian jungle! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB SSD-0104) $24.95 DUBBED –VHS (MDB SS-0103) $19.95 KEVIN SMITH DOGMA SPECIAL EDITION DVD From Columbia Tri-Star Home Video! When two banished angels (Ben Affleck and Matt Damon) find a way to get into heaven, their plan threatens to destroy existence! In an effort to save the world, the Voice of Heaven (Alan Rickman) enlists the help of a cynical mortal (Linda Fiorentino), two unlikely prophets (Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith), a thirteenth apostle (Chris Rock) and a sexy former muse (Salma Hayek) to prevent the angels from reaching their unholy destination: New Jersey! Approximate running time: 128 minutes. MATURE AUDIENCES Note: Re-solicited from January Previews DVD (DOG-01) $29.98 WRESTLING FMW VOLUME 7 & 8 UNCUT DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED Experience the originators of hardcore wrestling! Before pretty boy commercialism found Wrestling in the U.S., FMW was writing the manual! With technically more advanced matches, athletically and acrobatically superior wrestlers, and pioneering innovators in style and technique, FMW brings you the ultimate in no-holds-barred, no-wimps-aloud, fire-breathing, body-branding, barbwire wrestling mayhem! In Volume 7, the six-man tag team "Yokohama Dearthmatch" featuring Cactus Jack, Terry Funk, and Mike Awesome against Onita, Tanaka, and Kanemura is highlighted among eight other matches, while Volume 8 showcases the masked Mexican Lucha Libre and Japanese wrestling sensation, Hayabusa, the Flying Assassin! Release Date: August, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE VOLUME 7 (DIA TPDV952) –DVD $24.98 VOLUME 7 (DIA TPVH953) –VHS $19.98 VOLUME 8 (DIA TPDV962) –DVD $24.98 VOLUME 8 (DIA TPVH963) –VHS $19.98 AUDIO IRRESPONSIBLE CAPTAIN TYLOR OVA SERIES SOUNTRACK VOLUME CD Forty tracks of pulse-pounding music and audio clips from the Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVA series are captured on this special CD offering! Release Date: June, 2001. CD (RST RCD9302) $14.98 IRRESPONSIBLE CAPTAIN TYLOR TV SERIES SOUNTRACK VOLUME 1 CD Experience the thrill of fifteen tracks of exhilarating music from the Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV series collected for your listening pleasure! Release Date: June, 2001. CD (RST RCD9301) $14.98 TOON IN SATURDAY MORNING CDS From Rhino Audio! A memory-spawning medley of some of your favorite and most- beloved Saturday morning cartoon opening themes. Revisit the little cartoon buff festering within us all! ACTION PACKED ANTHEMS CD (DIA TOON-01) $16.98 FUNNY BONE FAVORITES CD (DIA TOON-02) $16.98 PREVIEWS VIDEO SHELF In-Stock Videos & DVDs At press time, these items are in stock now and available for order. Please check with your retailer for availability. Star Code Previews Title SRP STAR12781 THUNDERBIRDS SET 1 DVD $39.95 STAR12748 AD POLICE VOLUME 1 VIDEO/DUBBED $19.98 STAR12755 CUTEY HONEY COLLECTION VOLUME 2 DVD $29.98 STAR12759 FARSCAPE VOLUME 1 DVD $24.98 STAR12811 GASARAKI VOLUME 3 BETRAYAL DVD $29.98 STAR12765 LOST UNIVERSE VOLUME 4 VIDEO/DUBBED $19.98 STAR12818 LOST UNIVERSE VOLUME 5 VIDEO/DUBBED $19.98 STAR12820 MARTIAN SUCCESSOR NADESICO VOLUME 8 VIDEO/DUBBED $19.98 STAR12871 SAMURAI X VOLUME 1: "TRUST" DVD (MR) $29.98 STAR12965 JOHN WOO'S A BETTER TOMORROW 2 WIDESCREEN DVD (MR) $24.98 STAR12897 JOHN WOO'S A BETTER TOMORROW WIDESCREEN DVD $24.98 STAR12799 AGENT AIKA: "FINAL BATTLE" VIDEO/DUBBED $19.99 STAR12945 AGENT AIKA: "NAKED MISSION" DVD (MR) $29.99 STAR12703 COMPLETE SHAMANIC PRINCESS DVD $29.99 STAR12961 HARLOCK SAGA: "CLASH OF THE SPACE PIRATES" VIDEO/DUBBED $19.98 STAR12969 MAZE: "BEAUTIFUL STRANGER" VIDEO/DUBBED $19.99 STAR12725 MAZE: "SHOCKING TRANSFORMATION" VIDEO/DUBBED $19.99 STAR12949 DR. 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