PREVIEWS VOL. XI #6 PREVIEWS PUBLICATIONS PREVIEWS PRIMO FLYER #8 (PREVIEWS VOL. XI #8) The Unique Boutique for Discriminating Collectors! Previews Primo is the monthly publication featuring some of the very best and most desirable items from Previews! This issue highlights items in the August 2001 catalog for October/November/December shipping! Digest, 5x8, FC MSRP: PI PREVIEWS VOLUME XI #8 Previews is your ultimate source for news and information on the comic book industry. In it, you'll find all the merchandise available from your local comic book specialty retailer shipping in approximately two months. Everything you need in order to enjoy the comic book hobby is right here under one smashing cover! Hundreds of comics from a myriad of publishers, merchandise, and exclusive editorial content available nowhere else! Catalog, 8.5x11, 400+pg, PC $3.25 PREVIEWS CONSUMER ORDER FORM BOOKLET VOLUME XI #8 Previews makes it easy for you to order every item in the catalog with this separate order form publication! Use the order form to tally up your order and make sure that everything you want is accounted for! This issue ships in late July 2001 for items on sale in September 2001. Comic-sized, 62pg, PC MSRP: PI PREVIEWS ADULT VOLUME XI #8 Inside each issue of Previews Adult you'll find additional artwork and information not found in Previews. Plus, Previews Adult features editorial coverage of the adult industry — with its own "Mature Readers" news page! NOTE: Due to customs and international restrictions, adult material may not be available in some international markets. Please check with your local comic book specialty retailer for availability. ADULT MATERIAL Catalog, 8.5x11, 24pg, b&w MSRP: $0.75 DARK HORSE BLAST OFF!: ROCKETS, RAYGUNS, ROBOTS, AND RARITIES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE OF SPACE TOYS HC by S. MARK YOUNG, STEVE DUIN, and MIKE RICHARDSON; introduction by HARLAN ELLISON Who could have believed that a toy robot made in Japan from scrap tin would one day fetch nearly $70,000 at a Sotheby's auction? Blast Off! chronicles the golden era of space toys, an age of imagination unbound by the more mundane realities of space travel ushered in by Sputnik and the Space Age. Containing hundreds of striking color photos of some of the most beautiful and ofttimes bizarre toys ever created — many never before seen in print — Blast Off! unearths the nearly lost histories of these space treasures and the companies that created them. Not limited to the presentation of these unique and fascinating playthings of the past, Blast Off! includes one-of-a-kind prototypes, original packaging and instructions, glimpses into ultra-rare Japanese robot catalogs, long-lost advertisements, vintage comic-strip and pulp-magazine art, and items of every description from every corner of the globe. Blast Off! covers extensively some of the most profound toy and space phenomena of the era, from Buck Rogers to Flash Gordon to the "Space Opera" programs of the infancy of television to a blow-by-blow account of the greatest Tin Robot auction in history. Blast Off! is an essential resource not only for the collector, but for anyone with an appreciation of pop culture — or just plain fun! • Introduction by award-wining author, futurist, and cultural commentator Harlan Ellison. On sale September 26 HC w/dust jacket, 256pg, FC, 8 1/2" x 11" . . . $34.95 OUTLAW 7 #1 (OF 4) by LOGAN LUBERA and CRAIG YEUNG; cover by LOGAN LUBERA Sheriff Ricco Rossovich is a no-nonsense guy in a weird world of injustice. After he's forced to investigate the third in a series of grisly murders, Ricco must follow a strange trail of clues. Suprisingly, the trail leads to members of his old battle unit, who now seem to be marked for death! Meanwhile, a rogue group of heroes — using the outlawed magical power known as Mana — arrive in the town of Ash with their own brand of trouble in tow. How many of Ricco's friends will die before he can solve this deadly mystery? What part will the Mana Rogues play in solving the case? Why is everyone on the trail of a simple, young farmer named Bayman Ford? Could he be Ash's greatest saviour...or its greatest nightmares made whole?! On sale August 22 FC, 32pg (1 of 4) . . . $2.99 LITTLE ANNIE FANNY VOLUME 2: 1970 – 1988 TP by HARVEY KURTZMAN and WILL ELDER Dark Horse concludes its complete reprinting of Playboy's legendary Little Annie Fanny strip, with an even bigger second volume, at the same price as the first. Picking up where the first volume left off, this collection follows the strip through to its end in 1988. Ralph Nader, the women's movement, Star Wars, and Arnold Schwarzenegger all fall victim to the merciless and masterful satire of Kurtzman and Elder. The first volume was a smash hit, and the second includes all the same goodies, with never before seen production art and behind the scenes info about Hefner, Kurtzman, Elder, and the host of cartoonists who contributed to this revolutionary comic. On sale September 19 SC, 240pg, FC . . . $24.95 DARK HORSE MAVERICK THE HORROR OF COLLIER COUNTY TP created, written, & illustrated by RICH TOMMASO Everyone knows that the state of Florida can be a pretty scary place — swamps, alligators, bugs the size of small cars, zombies … zombies?! Escaping the stresses of city life, a young single mom visits her own mother in the hurricane state, only to find more tension — and of a seriously freakish nature. Writer/artist Rich Tommaso has an inviting, clear-line style and a knack for blending the creepiness of everyday existence with the surreal feel of a '50s creature feature. With a weed-whacker for a weapon and the world against her, this punk-rock mommy will take down every zombie in the state of Florida, if need be. Is Florida really haunted by the undead? Or is it just the recent presidential election that makes it seem so?! SPECIAL ADVANCE SOLICITATION On sale August 15 144pg, 6x9, b&w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.95 HELLBOY: CONQUEROR WORM #4 (OF 4) created, written, & illustrated by MIKE MIGNOLA The "Angel of Death" reveals the future history of man while Roger and Hellboy hatch a desperate plan to destroy the conqueror worm. On sale August 8 FC, 32 pg (4 of 4) . . . . . . . . $2.99 THE RING OF THE NIBELUNG: GOTTERDAMMERUNG #3 (OF 4) adaptation created, written, & illustrated by P. CRAIG RUSSELL Siegfried hands Brunhildé off as a bride to another man, but the Valkyrie won't be so easily discarded. The entire clan of the Gibichung are up in arms over accusations of rape and infidelity, as different players conspire to get possession of the ring. The fate of the gods is in the hands of men, for once. On sale August 8 FC, 32 pg (3 of 4) . . . . . . . . . $2.99 USAGI YOJIMBO #51 created, written, & illustrated by STAN SAKAI The adventures of the highly skilled rabbit ronin keep rolling. But where this story goes, who knows? Has Usagi gone to the netherworld? The previously un-bested bunny might be "dead," but his gruff hippo counterpart still has his life and will stop at nothing to save the thief Kitsune from certain death. Fortunately, Gen might get a little help from the "ghost" of his old friend. Sound confusing? Well, these mysteries will be resolved, and we might find out a little something more, such as the identity of Kitsune's patron. Eisner Award-winner Stan Sakai keeps your head spinning in this second chapter of "The Shrouded Moon." On sale August 22 b&w, 24pg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.99 JOSS WHEDON'S FRAY #3 (OF 8) by JOSS WHEDON, KARL MOLINE, and ANDY OWENS; cover by KARL MOLINE As a professional thief, Melaka Fray has seen her share of danger and excitement. But is she ready for the challenges facing a Slayer? This issue, Melaka learns some of the history of the Slayers and comes to understand a little about what it means to her. Ready or not, here she comes! She's taking on the forces of darkness like no one else can. This Fourth of July, Fray has got more fireworks than your Uncle Al's barbecue! • Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, makes his comics debut with this epic, new, eight-issue series! On sale August 1 FC, 32pg (3 of 8) . . . $2.99 PLANET OF THE APES: THE HUMAN WAR #3 (OF 3) by IAN EDGINTON, PACO MEDINA, and JUAN VLASCO; cover by J. SCOTT CAMPBELL The fate of humankind is decided in this gripping finale! Shiva's ape army seeks to deliver a killing blow to the integrated human and ape rebellion by utilizing the most terrible weapon on their planet — nuclear power! As both sides race to find the wreckage of the spaceship Oberon, Attar, the wise, semi-retired gorilla general, wonders if Shiva's fanaticism and hatred for humans will spill over to ape kind. If so, it would lead to her tyranny over the entire Planet of the Apes! On sale August 1 FC, 32pg (3 of 3) (Campbell cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (3 of 3) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 DARK HORSE EXTRA #38 Calling all Manga fans! Be sure to "Rally" around Dark Horse Extra #38 'cause we're giving you a killer Gunsmith Cats poster in celebration of our upcoming October trade paperback and special issue! Also this month, C. Scott Morse gives you a sneak peek at his upcoming NEW series, Ancient Joe! Did we mention this issue also has the must-see conclusions to strips from Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes and Joss Whedon's Angel? All this, plus the dish on every upcoming Dark Horse August title and the latest news from Get in the loop and be in the know with Dark Horse Extra! Dig it? On sale August 1 FC, 4pg, 14-3/4" x 21-1/2" folded to 14-3/4" x 10-3/4" . . . PI SPYBOY: BET YOUR LIFE VOL. 3 TP by PETER DAVID, POP MHAN, CARLOS MEGLIA, and NORMAN LEE; cover by POP MHAN A deadly nerve gas and a plot against the United Nations puts SpyBoy and Bombshell hot on the trail of the insidious Madam Imadam, head of the international Palindrome terrorist organization! Their search leads them to the exotic city of Marispan, where Butch is on vacation with his mother, Barbie Q is doublecrossed and fights for her life against a diminutive, cyborg samurai, secrets about Alex's mother come from an unexpected source, and Sean Fleming gets lucky (sort of). A mysterious city and a casino filled with spies and danger…what more could a SpyFan ask for? Collects issues #7-9 of the ongoing series. On sale September 26 SC, 80pg, FC . . . $9.95 THE TENTH: BLACKOUT TP by TONY DANIEL At last, the early and hard-to-find issues of the hit series The Tenth are being collected in a high-quality, affordable format! Collecting issues #1-5 of The Tenth (regular series), Blackout plunges our heroes deep into the secrets and mysteries of the evil Rhazes Darkk and his plans for global domination. Can Espy del Toro and The Tenth keep control of their supernatural powers and defeat Darkk's evil supermonsters? Watch as the sexy action and dark adventure unfold! See why The Tenth remains a sellout success — don't miss out on this series a second time! On sale September 12 SC, 128pg, FC . . . $14.95 VIDEO NOIRE TP by carlos trillo and EDUARDO RISSO A seedy private eye is hideously murdered after taking tawdry, career-threatening photos of the beautiful host of a popular children's show. When the P.I.'s associate searches for the answers behind his friend's killing, he is drawn into a netherworld he never imagined existed and discovers truths he wishes he'd never found. Penned by CyberSix creator Carlos Trillo and illustrated by acclaimed 100 Bullets artist Eduardo Risso, Video Noire is a taut, hard-edged journey into violent passions, forbidden obsessions...and ancient evil. Video Noire is another exciting Venture graphic album, published in collaboration with Strip Art Features, and available for the first time in an English-language edition! FOR MATURE READERS On sale September 12 SC, 96pg, b&w, 7" x 9 1/2" . . . $9.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #36: FALSE MEMORIES PART 2 (OF 4) by TOM FASSBENDER, JIM PASCOE, CLIFF RICHARDS, and JOE PIMENTEL; cover by CLIFF RICHARDS Dawn has vanished without a trace and the Scooby gang has no clue where to find her. As they try to deduce her whereabouts, Buffy turns Sunnydale (and a whole lot of vampires) upside-down in her search. Spike suspects that Dawn's disappearance has something to do with a former Slayer turned vampire, the deadly Yuki Makumura. It looks like this Vampire Slayer must go up against a Slayer Vampire. Could things get any worse? Don't ask! On sale August 29 FC, 32pg (2 of 4) (Richards cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (2 of 4) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: OZ #2 (OF 3) by CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN and LOGAN LUBERA; cover by JOHN TOTLEBEN With the help of a wizened Tibetan Monk and the beautiful, young demon-girl, Oz hopes to gain control over the wolf half of his nature. As the weeks draw closer to the next full moon, Oz prepares to meet his worst enemy: himself. Dark forces are on the move. Will Oz defeat the twisted minions or will he become the latest addition to the demons' nightmare menagerie? On sale August 15 FC, 32pg (2 of 3) (Totleben cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (2 of 3) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: PAST LIVES TP by CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN, TOM SNIEGOSKI, CHRISTIAN ZANIER, and CLIFF RICHARDS A huntress is stalking demons in L.A. Normally this would be a good thing, except she's leaving survivors and telling them Angel sent her. Now Angel has an army of demons on his tail, hell-bent on revenge. What's a vampire to do? And how long can his human companions, Cordelia and Wesley, remain safe? Meanwhile, monsters are fleeing the carnage in L.A. and seeking refuge in Sunnydale, where they're being dealt with by the Slayer. Buffy, Giles, and the gang learn about the havoc, and Buffy determines that she must go to Angel's side to lend a hand; a decision that does not sit at all well with Buffy's vampire-hunting boyfriend, Riley. Collecting issues #15-16 of Angel and issues #29-30 from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. On sale September 19 SC, 96pg, FC . . . $12.95 AKIRA BOOK 4 TP by Katsuhiro Otomo Set off by the bullet of a would-be assassin, Neo-Tokyo has been leveled by Akira's godlike psychic fury. Now cut off from the rest of world, the Great Tokyo Empire rises, with Akira its king, Tetsuo its mad prime minister, and a growing army of fanatic acolytes. Forces on the outside still search for a way to stop Akira, and the answer may lie in the hands of the mysterious Lady Miyako, a powerful member of Akira's psychic brotherhood. But the solution to harnessing Akira may ultimately be more dangerous than Akira himself! On sale September 19 SC, 400pg, b&w . . . $27.95 THE DIRTY PAIR: SIM HELL REMASTERED #4 (OF 4) by ADAM WARREN; new color by GURU eFX; front cover by ADAM WARREN; back cover by BRUCE TIMM This four-issue miniseries, now in state-of-the-art full-color, reaches its grand finale, as Kei and Yuri struggle with the villainous Kevin Sleet through a nightmarish cyberspace battleground, with the very fate of civilization hanging in the balance! Thrill to gun fetishism, savage beatings, rogue nanotechnology, and even a brief visit to Hell itself! Wheee!!! • Includes a "bonus art" section of never-before-seen artwork by writer/artist Adam Warren. On sale August 1 FC, 32pg (4 of 4) . . . $2.99 SHADOW STAR TP by MOHIRO KITOH; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS From a dying planet shall come the children of light...While on vacation on a small island, young Shiina Tamai dives under the water near an old shrine and discovers an unearthly starfish-like creature. She nearly drowns but is rescued by the silent, wide-eyed little animal, who Shiina befriends and names Hoshimaru. To Shiina's surprise and delight, the creature changes shape, lets Shiina stand on him, and the two fly off into the clouds. But what looks to be a young girl's ultimate fantasy soon takes a darker turn as Shiina and Hoshimaru become entangled in a struggle between rival extraterrestrial factions who battle in the skies upon huge alien beasts called Shadow Dragons, with the fate of Earth hanging in the balance. On sale September 5 SC, 192pg, b&w, 6" x 9" . . . $15.95 OH MY GODDESS! PART XI #1: BANPEI IN LOVE PART 1 (OF 2) by KOSUKE FUJISHIMA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Banpei the robot is Skuld's best friend in the world. After all, she made him! But when Banpei suddenly starts misbehaving, Skuld discovers there's one programming bug no one can fix — Banpei's in love…with a sassy advertising doll! And the only thing Skuld can fix now is herself... On sale August 1 b&w, 40pg (1 of 2) . . . $3.50 BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL #59: SECRETS PART 2 (OF 4) by HIROAKI SAMURA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Anotsu Kagehisa came to Kaga to bring another sword school under his wing. But now the shoe is on the other foot — instead of finding a welcome, he's found a dojo full of angry young men who don't want to take orders from an upstart, unless he can prove he's tougher than the best of them! Anotsu's long road to Kaga ends in an unexpected battle to the death, with a furious swordfighter who moves as fast as lightning! Nominated for a 2001 Harvey Award for "Best Presentation of Foreign Material"! FOR MATURE READERS On sale August 8 b&w, 32pg (2 of 4) . . . $2.99 GUNSMITH CATS: MISTER V #11 (OF 11) by KENICHI SONODA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS It takes more than an out-of-control 18-wheeler to stop Bean Bandit and Rally from getting their man! But now that they've got the counterfeiter Jim Macks, what next? Macks is Bean's client, but he's Rally's bounty target! And they've still got their friend Misty's kidnappers on their tail! It's the endless runaround of a bounty hunter's life, and as Rally's 23rd birthday approaches, Chicago's fastest draw is looking for a reward that isn't counterfeit! It's the final regular episode of Kenichi Sonoda's long-running hit, Gunsmith Cats! • This may be the end of Gunsmith Cats for now, but fan-favorite Kenichi Sonoda continues to produce GSC tales while focusing on his current ongoing Japanese hit, Exaxxion, coming soon from Dark Horse! Watch for details in future issues of Previews! FOR MATURE READERS On sale August 15 b&w, 40pg (11 of 11)…$3.50 SUPER MANGA BLAST! #15 by MOHIRO KITOH, MAKOTO KOBAYASHI, YUZO TAKADA, and HIROYUKI UTATANE & YO MORIMOTO; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS If you're not reading Super Manga Blast! you're missing out on some of the best comics from Japan! Shadow Star gets the spotlight this month, with 50 pages of kick-ass story! Shiina's father may start believing in angels, 'cause there's one flying outside his fighter plane — and it's got a rapid-fire Vulcan cannon…! In Club 9, Haruo discovers the ghost of a dead student in her dorm room — and it's got the hots for her! Maybe it's time to move in with her sexy friend Aki! Seraphic Feather continues as Kei apparently returns from the dead (again!) and secrets are uncovered about the mysterious explosion on the moon! Plus more 3x3 Eyes and What's Michael?! FOR MATURE READERS On sale August 29 b&w, 128pg . . . $5.99 (Price still in question) LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 13: THE MOON IN THE EAST, THE SUN IN THE WEST TP by KAZUO KOIKE and GOSEKI KOJIMA; cover by BILL SIENKIEWICZ Yagyu Retsudo is a man on fire. For years he's been planning the destruction of Ogami Itto, the Lone Wolf. Ogami is a one-man army, having cut down all of Yagyu's sons — except one, who's been sent to avenge his brothers or die trying! Meanwhile, the toughest cop in Edo, now retired, has the chance to take in the killer of a lifetime, Ogami himself. But is he up to the task? And Daigoro, the Wolf's cub, finds himself in adventures of his own, befriending a rich family and their spoiled son, and mysterious female falconers! It's all in a day's work for Lone Wolf and Cub… Don't miss out on the best-selling graphic novels of the year and a series that belongs on every bookshelf! • Nominated for a 2001 Harvey Award for Best Presentation of Foreign Material! • Now featuring classic, stunning covers by master artist Bill Sienkiewicz (Ultimate Marvel Team-Up, Elektra: Assassin), re-worked and improved by the artist himself, in their greatest presentation ever! FOR MATURE READERS On sale September 26 SC, 320 pg, b&w, 4" x 6" . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB RELISTS LONE WOLF AND CUB VOLUME 1: THE ASSASSIN'S ROAD TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 304pg, b&w, 4" x 6"(STAR11783) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOLUME 2: THE GATELESS BARRIER TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 304pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR11929) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOLUME 3: THE FLUTE OF THE FALLEN TIGER TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 320pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR12325) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 4: THE BELL WARDEN TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 320pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR12326). . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 5: BLACK WIND TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 288pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR12634). . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 6: LANTERNS FOR THE DEAD TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 288pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR12817) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 7: CLOUD DRAGON, WIND TIGER TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 320pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (DEC000032) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 8: CHAINS OF DEATH TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 304pg, b&w, 4" x 6" . . . $9.95 ************************* POP-OUT PEOPLE™ FUTURAMA! SIMPSONS! Dark Horse continues its line of fun Pop-Out PeopleTM! Pop out each character, put 'em on their bases, and stand em up in front of cool scenery. Arrange these on your desk, dashboard, computer, bookshelf, or wherever you need some fun. Each element is printed on both sides in full color, and each set comes with its own custom 2-sided diorama. Collect 'em all. FUTURAMA #2: "LOVE'S LABOURS LOST IN SPACE" EPISODE POP-OUT PEOPLE™ We meet Zapp Brannigan and his disgruntled sidekick, Lieutenant Kif Kroker, when the Planet Express crew travels to Vergon 6 to rescue some animals. In order to secure Brannigan's cooperation, Leela agrees to visit him in his private quarters. Overwhelmed with pity at Zapp's feeble attempts at seduction, Leela sleeps with him. The crew does manage to rescue many of the animals on Vergon 6, and Leela befriends a tiny creature who produces enough dark matter to power their ship back to Earth. On sale July 18 FC, pop-out characters . . .$2.99 (each) SIMPSONS #2: "A FISH CALLED SELMA" EPISODE POP-OUT PEOPLE™ Troy McClure discovers that an ongoing romantic relationship with Selma Bouvier is just the thing to kickstart his sagging acting career. With Selma at his side, Troy's popularity with the public soars, and he's offered the starring role in "Planet of the Apes, the Musical." On sale July 18 FC, pop-out characters . . .$2.99 (each) JURASSIC PARK III POP-OUT PEOPLE™ The perils of the prehistoric have once again been brought to life by the magic of the movies. In July, Universal Pictures and Steven Spielberg return to Jurassic Park. We know you'd like to go there too, and we are offering an opportunity to bring 'em back alive with our Pop-Out People. One set utilizes high resolution photos of the actual dinosaur models created for the film. The second set features fabulous illustrated interpretations of the dangerous denizens of Jurassic Park. Each element is printed on both sides in full color, and each set comes with its own custom 2-sided diorama. Collect 'em all. Each dinosaur in the set is approximately 3" tall, On sale July 18 Jurassic Park III #1, FC, pop-out characters (Art) . . .$2.99 (each) #2, FC, pop-out characters (Photo) . . .$2.99 (each) PLANET OF THE APES LIMITED-EDITION ATTAR STATUE Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes promises to be one of the most exciting movie releases of 2001 and Dark Horse is proud to be a part of it. Burton's unique vision translates into every visual element of the film, from the costumes to the characters themselves. Dark Horse presents a finely detailed, fully painted cold-cast statue of the gorilla general, Attar, a central figure in Planet of the Apes. The statue captures him in a savage battle, with the might and power of his great strength on full display. He'son a battlefield littered with the remnants of his adversaries' weapons and armor. The talented team at Gentle Giant Studios has captured a dynamic moment in the life of a great character. On sale September 19 12" tall, fully painted, limited-edition, packaged in a full-color collectors box. . . $150.00 PLANET OF THE APES POP-OUT PEOPLE™ Now you can collect Planet of the Apes art Pop-Out People based on characters from this summer's hit movie! Pop out each character, put 'em on their bases, and stand em up in front of cool scenery. Arrange these on your desk, dashboard, computer, bookshelf, or wherever you need some fun. Each element is printed on both sides in full color, and each set comes with its own custom 2-sided diorama. Collect 'em all. On sale July 18 Planet of the Apes Pop-Out People™ FC, pop-out characters (Art) . . .$2.99 (each) R. CRUMB'S KITCHEN KUT-OUTS MAGNET SET Pull up your socks and grab this set of R. Crumb's bright and colorful Kitchen Kut-Outs magnet! Bob Dill the Singing Pickle, Bad Guy Billy Beercan and their friends will be more than happy to stick your shopping list to the fridge. There are eleven big, thick magnets that won't slowly slide down the fridge and will hold that dorky photo of your kid sister firmly to the freezer door . R. Crumb and "cute" aren't normally associated but this item will appeal both to hard-core Crumb collectors and little old ladies alike! On sale October 17 FC, 11 piece magnet set, 13" x 10" . . . $19.99 CLASSIC COMIC CHARACTERS #25: ALBERT STATUE Perhaps the only Alligator known to smoke cigars, and most certainly the biggest perpetrator of misadventures in Okefenokee Swamp, Albert was never much of a wall flower. His vainglorious personality was the perfect counterpoint to the gentle, philosophic Pogo in Walt's Kelly's well-loved comic strip "Pogo". He is truly a classic comic character and we are pleased to bring him to you. Sculpted at Yoe! Studios. Because this piece is limited allocation may occur. On sale October 3 5" tall, packaged in full-color tin box w/certificate, pinback button, and info booklet. Limited to only 600 numbered copies . . . $49.99 DARK HORSE STICKER COLLECTION Stick em here, stick em there, stick 'em everywhere! We took some of the best Dark Horse characters and made em really sticky. Like Tony Millionaire's Sock Monkey, Dark Horse's own Bombshell and The Nevermen, plus our perennial faves Bettie Page and Charles Atlas. Stick 'em on your backpacks, books, and buddies! Stick up your doors, desks and dorms! Stick it! Stickers sold individually. On sale August 22 Sock Monkey sticker #1 (Sock Monkey 3 panel), FC . . . $1.99 (each) Sock Monkey sticker #2 (Sock Monkey head shot), FC . . . $1.99 (each) Bombshell sticker #1 (Shy mini-bombshell), FC . . . $1.99 (each) Bombshell sticker #2 (Angry mini-bombshell), FC . . . $1.99 (each) Bettie Page sticker #1 (Devil Bettie), FC . . . $1.99 (each) Bettie Page sticker #2 (Black Bettie), FC . . . $1.99 (each) Bettie Page sticker #3 (Leopard Bettie), FC . . . $1.99 (each) Bettie Page sticker #4 (Red Bettie), FC . . . $1.99 (each) Charles Atlas sticker #1 (posing on yellow), FC . . . $1.99 (each) Charles Atlas sticker #2 (posing on red w/sword), FC . . . $1.99 (each) COLLECTOR'S GUIDE TO MARX PLAYSETS VOL. I Dark Horse is pleased to be distributing an amazing set of VHS video tapes for toy collectors. Produced by vintage toy expert Rusty Kern, the series will prove indispensable to collectors, dealers, or anyone with even a casual interest in this fascinating aspect of the hobby. The first volume takes the viewer on a 45-minute look at one of the key types of collectible play sets — the Marx Bros. playsets. Over 22 great playsets are detailed, including Captain Gallant, Untouchables, Operation Moonbase, Bunker Hill, and Legend of the Alamo. "Sensational! I loved it!" — Frank Rice, Chief Designer, Marx Playsets On sale August 1 Collector's Guide to Marx Playsets Vol. I VHS video . . . $21.99 THE PLAYSET SPECTACULARS VOL. II From Ben Hur to the Alamo! Actual explosions leap from the screen as this dynamite series by Rusty Kern continues. Vol. II covers Walt Disney ("Davy Crockett") Alamo set, the Marx Alamo, Robin Hood, Remco's Big Caesar Roman Warship (3 feet long and motorized!), miniature Marx Knights & Castle (hand-painted individual pieces), Vikings & Knights playset, which is assembled on video — a rare opportunity. The video also includes a valuable "collector's basics" segment on how to buy playsets. This second volume runs 50 minutes and proves to be one of the best playset reference guides. Much better than a book or price guide. On sale August 15 The Playset Spectaculars Vol. II VHS video . . . $21.99 STAR WARS #33: DARKNESS PART 2 (OF 4) by JOHN OSTRANDER, JAN DUURSEMA, and RAY KRYSSING; cover by JON FOSTER Bad things are happening on the prison planet of Kiffex. A Guardian outpost on the planet has been overrun by the vampiric Anzati and weapons from the outpost have spread to the inmates. When Jedi Quinlan Vos, a direct descendant of the Guardians, is summoned to help investigate the disaster, he cannot refuse. But the Jedi, who is struggling with the draw of the dark side, may be in for more than he bargained. Fortunately, Quin has the help of his scheming Devaronian pal Villie, his former Master, Tholme, and unexpected support in the shape of a small blind cook. Quin will need all the help he can get to survive this mission and avoid falling into the darkness... On sale August 22 FC, 32pg (2 of 4) . . . $2.99 STAR WARS: INFINITIES — A NEW HOPE #4 (OF 4) by CHRIS WARNER, DREW JOHNSON, and RAY SNYDER; cover by TONY HARRIS In this altered Star Wars timeline, Luke Skywalker fails to destroy the Death Star, and the Rebellion is seemingly crushed. Overcoming his raging emotions, Luke escapes to become a Jedi Master after finding Yoda and completing his training. Imperial forces thrive throughout the galaxy, and Leia Organa undergoes a dark transformation while Luke plunges headlong into the heart of the Empire in a final attempt to rekindle the Rebellion. Brother battles sister, and a dying Jedi Master squares off against an entire world in this final issue. Star Wars: Infinities... the possibilities are endless! • Bonus! Star Wars: Infinities — A New Hope #4 contains an Obi-Wan promo card from the upcoming Star Wars Evolution card set for Topps! On sale August 1 FC, 32pg (4 of 4) . . . $2.99 STAR WARS: JEDI VS. SITH #5 (OF 6) by DARKO MACAN, RAMON F. BACHS, and RAUL FERNANDEZ; cover by ANDREW ROBINSON The devastated planet of Ruusan has endured much during the war between the Jedi Army of Light and the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness. Its forests have been decimated and its inhabitants mercilessly slaughtered. The war is not over yet and many more will suffer before it ends. Of three young cousins sent to Ruusan, one will willfully join with the dark, one will seek out the light, and one will fulfill a destiny that none could have possibly foreseen. Don't miss this pivotal chapter in the story that tells of one of the darkest times in Star Wars history! On sale August 15 FC, 32pg (5 of 6) . . . $2.99 DC COMICS Sometimes the best man for the job is a boy. NINJA BOY Journey to a mystical, ancient Japan where fast-paced martial-arts action and adventure are executed with an exciting manga flair! White-hot artist/cowriter Alé Garza (E.V.E. Protomecha) proudly launches a new ongoing series from WildStorm — NINJA BOY — featuring the debut of cowriter Allen Warner and inks by Dan Norton (GEN13). NINJA BOY stars Nakio, the youngest member of the Mugen ninja clan, who is being trained in their secret arts. But in his heart, Nakio dreams of becoming something...more. All this is put aside when Nakio's first solo mission fails. The evil Lord Mikaboshi has set a trap for young Nakio, who barely escapes with his life, only to find his home has been destroyed. Nakio must now journey to the center of the Old Forest to find a way to defeat the powerful Mikaboshi. Accompanied by his friend Sake — a furry, foul-mouthed woodland creature — Nakio must overcome Mantis Gods, Spider Queens, and black magic to find those who will battle by his side…that is, if master assassins Zensho and Raishu don't catch him first! NINJA BOY is the first of several Asian-themed titles to come from WildStorm Productions, with two more titles — TALE WEAVER (by Brian Haberlin Studios) and MECHANICA (by Marv Wolfman, Conor Libby and others) — to debut later this year. For a sneak peek at NINJA BOY, check out a preview at! This project is supported with a 4-color poster and house and trade ads (and the NINJA BOY/OUT THERE flipbook preview). NINJA BOY is an ongoing series from WildStorm Productions, edited by Aaron Watanabe. The 40-page issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores August 15 with cover price of $2.95 U.S. Subsequent issues will be 32 pages with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. They've lost their lives. Will they also lose their souls? DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN Throughout the history of the DC Universe, many DC heroes have faced the ultimate challenge and paid the ultimate price…in death. Now, Deadman, the Ghostly Guardian, has the chance to avert the final fates of four DC heroes who died in combat in DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN — a 5-issue weekly series in August written by Steve Vance (SUPERMAN, INC.) with covers by José Luis García-López & Kevin Nowlan. DEAD AGAIN finds everyone's favorite dead acrobat, Boston Brand — a.k.a. Deadman — at critical moments in DCU history. In DEAD AGAIN #1 (with art by SUPERGIRL's Leonard Kirk & BATMAN: OFFICER DOWN's Rick Burchett), a mysterious force summons Deadman to help prevent the heroic self-sacrifice of Barry Allen — the Flash — during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. Failing this, Deadman's task is to escort the Flash's soul to "the light." An easy task, if not for the unexpected appearance of a dark force named Darius Caldera… Caldera is dying and he knows it. In fact, he knows exactly when he is fated to die. But Darius has a plan: to capture the souls of the world's greatest heroes and use them to build the ultimate offering to the forces of hell, in exchange for immortality. In DEAD AGAIN #2, Deadman is summoned to an abandoned warehouse just in time to observe the torture of Jason Todd — the second Robin — at the hands of the Joker, in an issue illustrated by Jim Aparo (artist of BATMAN #428, where Todd died) & Burchett. Deadman tries to intervene, but the fate of Robin's life is preordained. The fate of his afterlife, however, is another issue entirely. In #3 (art by Kirk & Burchett), a battle rages though the streets of Metropolis as Superman and Doomsday fight to the death! It's a death Deadman can't prevent. But he can make sure the soul and body of the Man of Steel aren't used to further the forces of evil. In DEAD AGAIN #4, the battle royal continues as Mongul teams up with the Cyborg Superman to kill Hal Jordan and destroy Coast City, in an issue illustrated by Mark D. Bright (artist of GREEN LANTERN #46, which dealt with the fallout of Coast City's destruction) & Burchett. Can Deadman manage to save the life of Earth's Greatest Green Lantern? And if he that necessarily a good thing? In the surprising conclusion in #5 (art by Kirk & Burchett), Deadman discovers the shocking secret of who has been sending him on these missions to save the doomed heroes over the years and why — and he may not like the answer. Only Deadman stands in Caldera's way — one (dead) man against Hell's Finest! DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN leads into an ongoing DEADMAN series this fall, written by Vance and featuring the U.S. debut of the amazingly talented artist Josep Beroy. This project is supported with a 4-color poster and house and trade ads. DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN is a 5-issue weekly miniseries co-edited by Andy Helfer and Mike McAvennie. Issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores August 1, and each issue is 32 pages with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JIM LEE CREATING WONDER WOMAN Last month, DC Comics announced the details of the long-anticipated JUST IMAGINE... project — twelve one-shots teaming comics legend Stan Lee (co-creator of X-Men, Spider-Man and the Hulk) with some of the industry's greatest artists to present Stan's take on the names and concepts of the greatest heroes of the DC Universe. Now, following Stan's incredible collaboration with Joe Kubert on an all-new, all-different Batman, Stan Lee joins WildStorm Productions co-founder Jim Lee (no relation!) to create a Wonder Woman unlike any seen in comics before! Inked by Jim Lee's DIVINE RIGHT collaborator Scott Williams, JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JIM LEE CREATING WONDER WOMAN introduces a fiercely beautiful, uncommonly brave heroine in the jungles of Peru. Maria Mendoza is a young idealist angered by the way her homeland has been stripped of its ancient treasures, its people cruelly mistreated by the hated Senor Guitez. When Maria's father — a respected judge — dies for defying Guitez's cruelty, she flees, only to discover an ancient artifact — a golden staff — that connects her more fully to her people's long- buried heritage, transforming her into a paragon of power the likes of which the world has never known. But can even the so-called "Eighth Wonder of the World" stand against Guitez's power, especially when he is transformed into a deadly creature by the ministrations of the devilish Reverend Darrk? Like all the JUST IMAGINE titles, the WONDER WOMAN one-shot includes two stunning covers — one by Jim Lee & Williams, the other by Adam Hughes (the DCU's WONDER WOMAN) — and a backup "On the Street" story written by Michael Uslan (with dialogue by Stan Lee). This issue's backup tale, which looks into the world around the emerging heroes, is illustrated by another living legend of comics, Gene Colan (Daredevil, BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS), with inks by Tom Palmer (X-Men: The Hidden Years, Avengers)! This project is supported with house and trade ads. JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JIM LEE CREATING WONDER WOMAN is a 48-page one-shot in the Prestige Format edited by Mike Carlin. It arrives in comic- book stores August 15 with a cover price of $5.95 U.S. OUR WORLDS AT WAR: "CASUALTIES OF WAR" The death toll rises, allies turn against one another, and more surprises reveal themselves in "Casualties of War" — the third and final month of "Our Worlds at War." Superman is left with no choice but to deliver himself into the hands of Lex Luthor, becoming part of the "Metropolis Project," as the Man of Steel and Strange Visitor provide an unexpected means of stopping the War. But in doing so, has Superman become an even greater danger to the Universe than the War he's striving to end? These devastating changes to the DC Universe continue in SUPERMAN #173 (written by Jeph Loeb with art by Ed McGuinness & Cam Smith), ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #595 (written by Joe Casey with art by Mike Wieringo & José Marzan, Jr.), SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #117 (written by Mark Schultz with art by Doug Mahnke & Tom Nguyen), and ACTION COMICS #782 (written by Joe Kelly with art by Kano & Marlo Alquiza). Three extra-sized Specials in August (with covers by Jae Lee) also detail the final events in the War throughout the rest of the DC Universe. In THE FLASH: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 (written by Geoff Johns with art by Angel Unzueta & José Marzan, Jr.), the Scarlet Speedster encounters the deadliest enemy the world of Apokolips has to offer. Pushing himself to the limit, Wally outraces the New God called Black Racer — who is death himself! In HARLEY QUINN: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 (written by Karl Kesel with art by Steve Leiber, Paul Chadwick, Amanda Conner, Paul Grist, and Aron Wiesenfeld), the insanity of Harley Quinn's world collides with the metamorphic sanity of Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen in an explosive way! Finally, in WORLD'S FINEST: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 (written by Jeph Loeb with art by Ed McGuinness, Doug Mahnke, Mike Wieringo, Cam Smith, and others), the aftermath of the War and the toll it's taken on the heroes is examined. The dead are buried as Superman tries to deal with what he's become, and he's not alone. Guest-starring Wonder Woman, the JLA and Young Justice! Some major sacrifices are then made in other DCU titles that tie in to the War, including YOUNG JUSTICE #36, IMPULSE #77, SUPERBOY #91, BATMAN #594, WONDER WOMAN #173, and SUPERGIRL #61. THE WAR HITS THE FOLLOWING TITLES IN AUGUST: August 1: SUPERMAN #173 *YOUNG JUSTICE #36 August 8: ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #595 THE FLASH: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 *IMPULSE #77 August 15: SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #117 HARLEY QUINN: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 *SUPERBOY #91 August 22: ACTION COMICS #782 *BATMAN #594 *WONDER WOMAN #173 August 29: WORLD'S FINEST: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 *SUPERGIRL #61 (* denotes a tie-in issue that will not carry the full "Our Worlds at War" trade dress) SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS II In the popular SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS miniseries, writer/artist John Byrne (X-Men: The Hidden Years, WONDER WOMAN) introduced readers to an Elseworld where Superman and Batman made their debuts in the years they first appeared in the real world (1938 and '39, respectively), shaping the history of the Earth in thrilling and unexpected ways. A truly generational saga, the story spanned centuries, as both heroes experienced triumphant success and heartbreaking tragedy. Now, Byrne reenters the world of GENERATIONS to reveal the milestone moments in other DC heroes' careers (during that same period) in the 4-issue Prestige miniseries aptly titled SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS II. In GENERATIONS II #1, readers witness Hawkman flying into battle alongside the Blackhawks at the height of World War II, with Golden Age versions of Superman, Green Lantern and the Spectre joining the fray. Even as a classic Superman foe is revealed playing a pivotal role in the Nazi onslaught, other forces manifest, as Wonder Woman leaves Paradise Island for the first time and Lois Lane finds herself caught in a fight between Batman and Robin and criminal genius Lex Luthor! Then the story skips ahead 11 years, as the Justice Society of America and Batman investigate the mysterious "Demon Head" organization; Lois Lane gives birth to Supergirl; Green Lantern Abin Sur meets GL Alan Scott; and Wonder Woman suffers a devastating personal tragedy. Future issues of GENERATIONS II leapfrog through the decades — spanning into the distant future — as the legacies of Superman and Batman inspire teenaged heroes to form their own super-hero team (the Justice League of America); a romance develops between Batman's successor and the alluring Batgirl; the ghostly Deadman takes Batman into the mind of the Joker; and much, much more! GENERATIONS II takes DC's greatest heroes through adventures that celebrate every era of super-heroic storytelling. It's a ride not to be missed! This project is supported with house ads. SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS II is a 4-issue Elseworlds miniseries in the Prestige Format edited by Mike Carlin. The 48-page issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores August 1 with a cover price of $5.95 U.S. ANGEL AND THE APE Angel O'Day is a topnotch private eye by day, and a club-hopping "it" girl by night. Her sidekick, Sam Simeon, is the strong, silent type — an aspiring cartoonist who is trying out for a new book at DC Comics. Oh yeah, and he's also a giant ape. You got a problem with that? ANGEL AND THE APE is a 4-issue miniseries written by Howard Chaykin & David Tischman (AMERICAN CENTURY), with art by Philip Bond (HELLBLAZER SPECIAL: BAD BLOOD) and outrageous covers by Arthur Adams (Monkeyman and O'Brien) — updating the DC Comics classic…VERTIGO style. When sexy lingerie model Bambi Dextrous disappears, Angel and Sam are called in to solve the case, and a satirical romp ensues through an urban playground of nightclubs, strip bars, photo shoots, nail salons run by ex-Viet Cong guerrillas, and shoe stores. From Torso van Morso, king of scanty skivvies, to B.J. the midget assistant, the goofy cast of characters leads our detectives into a mystery that's as hilarious as it is baffling. As this miniseries unfolds, we'll learn the answers to lots of questions: Will Sam's new comic ever get published? Will the parties responsible for Bambi's disappearance ever show up? And most important of all, will Angel ever find the perfect outfit? This project is supported with house and trade ads. ANGEL & THE APE is a 4-issue miniseries from VERTIGO edited by Heidi MacDonald and is suggested for mature readers. Issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores August 22 with a cover price $2.95 U.S. ADVENTURES IN THE RIFLE BRIGADE: OPERATION BOLLOCK High action meets low comedy once again as the Rifle Brigade returns in a new and even more outrageous adventure! Writer Garth Ennis (PREACHER, Punisher) and artist Carlos Ezquerra (Just A Pilgrim) are joined by cover artist Glenn Fabry to bring you ADVENTURES IN THE RIFLE BRIGADE: OPERATION BOLLOCK, a 3-issue VERTIGO miniseries that's funnier — and grittier — than the original. Adolf Hitler's mythical missing…um, testicle has resurfaced in a remote Middle Eastern kingdom. Imbued with occult powers, it has become the ultimate weapon — and whatever army possesses the "bollock" will sweep all before them. And so, as the war in Europe draws to a close, the Allies and the Axis are in a race to find Hitler's detached private part. The fate of the world may well depend upon these raiders of the lost bollock! Ennis and Ezquerra, the team that brought you the original RIFLE BRIGADE miniseries (as well as Just A Pilgrim and BLOODY MARY), pit Captain Darcy and his boys against an old enemy who returns to bedevil them. But even they might get beaten to the prize by a wily American archaeologist-adventurer who's got his own eye on the ball. Just who will prevail? This project is supported with house and trade ads. ADVENTURES IN THE RIFLE BRIGADE: OPERATION BOLLOCK is a 3- issue VERTIGO miniseries edited by Tony Bedard and is suggested for mature readers. Issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores August 8 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. BATMAN: OFFICER DOWN TP Commisioner James Gordon. He's one of the most respected men on the Gotham City Police Force. He's a trusted aide to Batman in the fight for justice. He's also a loving father and all-around good man. But a sudden attack by a foe from his past will leave Gordon at death's door… Three shots in the back. Officer down. BATMAN: OFFICER DOWN is a 168-page trade paperback collecting this year's electrifying sold-out storyline, reprinting BATMAN #587 (by Greg Rucka, Rick Burchett & Rodney Ramos), ROBIN #86 (by Ed Brubaker and Jacob & Arnold Pander), BIRDS OF PREY #27 (by Chuck Dixon, N. Steven Harris & John Nyberg), CATWOMAN #90 (by Bronwyn Carlton, Mike Lilly & Wayne Faucher), NIGHTWING #53 (by Devin Grayson, Burchett & Ramos), DETECTIVE COMICS #754 (by Nunzio DeFilippis, Michael Collins & Jesse Delperdang), and BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #13 (by Rucka, Burchett & Ramos). Also included are the original covers of these issues, plus a new painted cover for this volume, all by astonishing newcomer Durwin Talon. The Dark Knight's greatest ally has fallen, and Batman has sworn to bring the gunman to justice — beginning his hunt with the only eyewitness to the crime: Catwoman! But the trail to Gordon's attacker is riddled with more intrigue than Batman could have predicted, as the clues start unraveling the terrible truth of the assailant's identity. As Gordon lies near death, Batman — with the aid of his protégés (Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, Azrael, and Oracle) — must solve one of their most challenging and personal cases: Who fired the shots on Gordon and why? Continuing the chronicles of Batman's quest for justice, BATMAN: OFFICER DOWN features an all-star cast of writers and artists, and the Dark Knight as you've never seen him — powerless, as his best friend lies near death! BATMAN: OFFICER DOWN is a 168-page trade paperback arriving in comic- book stores August 29 with a cover price of $12.95 U.S. BATMAN: ORPHEUS RISING You may think you know all the costumed heroes and villains of Gotham City, but there is one person who has kept to the shadows more effectively than even the Dark Knight himself. His name is Orpheus. But is he on the side of the angels? Or is he something to be feared along with Gotham's other notorious psychopaths? Orpheus's true motives lie at the heart of BATMAN: ORPHEUS RISING — a riveting, spine-tingling 5-issue miniseries written by Alex Simmons (Blackjack) and pencilled by Dwayne Turner (Spawn: The Undead). Simmons and Turner are cocreators of Orpheus — a character who will become an important figure in Gotham City — and are joined by inker Danny Miki (Spawn) while Turner provides covers for the miniseries. A rash of police shootings has escalated the tensions between the Gotham City Police Department and local street gangs, and caught in the middle is a neighborhood terrified of both sides. But as Batman investigates the shootings, he discovers more than just trigger-happy gangbangers. There's a new costumed figure in town — cloaked in shadows and following the course of the Dark Knight's investigation at every turn. But is this stranger a hero or a villain? Just who is Orpheus, and what is his connection to the shootings? And will Batman discover the truth before another of Gotham's finest falls? This project is supported with house ads. BATMAN: ORPHEUS RISING is a 5-issue miniseries edited by Michael Wright. Issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores August 22 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. THE SPIRIT ARCHIVES VOL. 5 HC The comprehensive collection of Will Eisner's indelible creation, the Spirit, continues with THE SPIRIT ARCHIVES Volume 5 — a 224-page hardcover reprinting the newspaper Spirit sections from July 5 to December 27, 1942. This volume of THE SPIRIT ARCHIVES finds more of the famous Spirit strips written and drawn by Eisner, as well as strips executed by the more-than-capable members of Eisner's staff — during the period when Eisner was spirited away by the United States Army for the duration of World War II. But with writers like Manly Wade Wellman & William Woolfolk, and legendary artists like Lou Fine & Jack Cole at work, the quality of the weekly Spirit newspaper sections certainly did not falter. But don't take our word for it; see for yourself in this meticulously reconstructed, gorgeously presented hardcover collecting rollicking stories like "The Royal Flush Gang," "Ebony Meets Frankenstein," "The Return of Scar Cainam," "Espionage in Egypt," "The Mock Invasion," and the memorable "Improve Your Memory in Ten Easy Lessons." Also included is a special introduction by comics historian Ron Goulart, who profiles the creators and traces the history of The Spirit during this run. THE SPIRIT ARCHIVES Volume 5 is a 224-page hardcover arriving in comic- book stores August 22 with a cover price of $49.95 U.S. SUPERMAN: ACTION COMICS ARCHIVES VOL. 3 HC In this newest volume of the SUPERMAN: ACTION COMICS ARCHIVES, Superman begins to face foes who would monopolize his time for decades to come: costumed villains! SUPERMAN: ACTION COMICS ARCHIVES Volume 3 is a 240-page hardcover reprinting the Man of Steel's early adventures from ACTION COMICS #37- 52, written by Jerry Siegel, with art by Joe Shuster, Fred Ray, John Sikela, Leo Nowak, and others. This volume displays Superman in all his glory as he moves away from fighting the blackmailers, grifters, and corrupt politicians of his earlier years and takes on a prehistoric caveman on the streets of Metropolis; lions and tigers in the depths of the jungle; the devilish Domino and his amusement park terror; Luthor and his mighty Powerstone; the Trickster in his first appearance; the self-appointed Emperor of America; the Puzzler; and much more! In addition, the art in this volume reflects the style made famous by the Max Fleischer-directed animated cartoons featuring Superman. With all this and an introduction by movie producer and comics historian Michael Uslan, SUPERMAN: ACTION COMICS VOL. 3 is this season's feel-good hardcover! SUPERMAN: ACTION COMICS VOL. 3 is a 240-page hardcover arriving in comic-book stores August 8 with a cover price of $49.95 U.S. Crime is a Disease. THE FLASH: IRON HEIGHTS The Flash always has been known for his colorful Rogues Gallery. But where do these villains go when the Flash ultimately defeats them? The worst offenders are imprisoned in Keystone City's answer to Gotham City's famous Arkham Asylum — a dark, nightmarish penal institution named Iron Heights, governed by a mysterious warden who rules it with an iron hand. THE FLASH: IRON HEIGHTS is a Prestige Format one-shot that explores this unique prison and the criminals who dwell within its walls. Written by Geoff Johns (THE FLASH, JSA) and illustrated with incredible detail by Ethan Van Sciver (IMPULSE, JUSTICE LEAGUES) & Prentis Rollins (JLA: INCARNATIONS), IRON HEIGHTS is a novel-length thriller that has a major impact on THE FLASH's monthly title. When an outbreak of a deadly disease threatens the prison population, only the Flash — and his friend and former Gallery member Piper — can quell both the epidemic and the ensuing riot. But what is the warden's role in all this madness? And will being back in Iron Heights prove too much for Piper? IRON HEIGHTS introduces several new Flash villains who cause major pain for the Scarlet Speedster in his regular title in the months to come. This one-shot also includes "dossiers" of Flash foes past and present — a must-have for any Flash fan or new reader who wants to get up to speed with the Fastest Man Alive! This project is supported with house and trade ads. THE FLASH: IRON HEIGHTS is a 48-page Prestige Format one-shot edited by Joey Cavalieri, arriving in comic-book stores August 8 with a cover price of $5.95 U.S. The wait is finally over. STORMWATCH Volume 5: FINAL ORBIT TP The missing Warren Ellis STORMWATCH trade paperback is finally here! For the past two years, fans who missed out on Ellis's stellar run on STORMWATCH, including the many fans of THE AUTHORITY seeking their favorite team's backstory, have been without convenient access to one of StormWatch's most crucial chapters: its ending, and the demise of some of the most beloved members of the team. Written by Ellis, STORMWATCH: FINAL ORBIT reprints the hard-to-find STORMWATCH Volume 2 #10 & 11, the final two issues of the series (illustrated by Bryan Hitch & Paul Neary, with additional art by Michael Ryan & Lucian Rizzo) which serve as bookends to the shocking, controversial, and out-of-print WILDC.A.T.S/ALIENS one-shot (illustrated by TOM STRONG's Chris Sprouse & TOMORROW STORIES' Kevin Nowlan) that is also included. WILDC.A.T.S/ALIENS, which pitted WildStorm's flagship super-team against Dark Horse Comics and 20th Century Fox's deadly Aliens, did something that most inter-company crossovers never do: it made a difference! The in-continuity tale had a lasting and devastating impact upon the WildStorm Universe, as the Aliens massacred many members of the StormWatch team on their orbiting SkyWatch headquarters, while the WildC.A.T.S. were deployed to end the Alien threat before it reached Earth. FINAL ORBIT plants the seeds for the birth of both THE AUTHORITY and THE MONARCHY, and features an all-new cover by Hitch. This project is supported with house and trade ads. STORMWATCH: FINAL ORBIT is a 96-page WildStorm Productions trade paperback, copublished with Dark Horse Comics. It arrives in comic-book stores August 29 with a cover price of $9.95 U.S. WILDSTORM SUMMER SPECIAL It's the tenth anniversary of the formation of Gaijin Studios, and the talented artists of Gaijin are bringing together three of the most talked-about writers in comics to celebrate with the WILDSTORM SUMMER SPECIAL — a 48-page Prestige Format one-shot coming this August! For the first time in over a year, white-hot PLANETARY and THE AUTHORITY writer Warren Ellis returns to one of his most remarkable creations ever — the alien- augmented King of the Cities, Jack Hawksmoor — teaming up with artist Cully Hamner (THE AUTHORITY ANNUAL 2000). This Special also finds acclaimed writer Paul Jenkins (The Sentry, The Inhumans) and artist Georges Jeanty (Bishop) spotlighting another unusual Authority member, the nanotech-enhanced Engineer. Finally, hit writer Brian Azzarello (100 BULLETS, HELLBLAZER) and artist Brian Stelfreeze (GEN- ACTIVE) choreograph a ballet of death featuring the sword-wielding Wildcats member Zealot. With inks by Karl Story, colors by Stelfreeze and a standout cover by Adam Hughes, this is one sizzling, star-studded Prestige Format Special too good to miss! Adding to its must-have value is a pinup gallery by Gaijin artists past and present, and friends of Gaijin Studios — a roster that includes Jason Pearson, Joe Philips, Jason Martin, Chris Sprouse, Tony Harris, and more. This project is supported with house and trade ads. WILDSTORM SUMMER SPECIAL is a 48-page WildStorm Productions one- shot in the Prestige Format edited by John Layman, arriving in comic-book stores August 22 with a cover price of $5.95 U.S. TOM STRONG BOOK ONE TP Since the debut of writer Alan Moore's AMERICA'S BEST COMICS line, readers have thrilled to the adventures found in its ongoing series: TOM STRONG, PROMETHEA, TOP 10, and TOMORROW STORIES. Now new readers (as well as those who were with us from the beginning) can catch up with ABC's foremost science hero — the one who started it all — in TOM STRONG BOOK ONE, a trade paperback reprinting the first seven issues of the popular ongoing series. Topped with a new cover by series artists Chris Sprouse & Al Gordon, TOM STRONG BOOK ONE's title character is a timeless wonder who could have sprung straight from the pulps of the '20s and '30s. A physical and mental superhuman, Tom's complex history is revealed not only in the collection's first story, "How Tom Strong Got Started," but in issues showcasing an incredible cast of characters — Tom's beautiful wife Dhalua, daughter of a mighty chieftain; Tom and Dhalua's illustrious daughter, Tesla; the enhanced ape King Solomon; and, of course, Tom's robotic valet, Pneuman. Joined by guest artists Arthur Adams, Dave Gibbons, Gary Frank, and Jerry Ordway, Moore, Sprouse and Gordon recount Tom's remarkable exploits over a nearly century-long career. Tom and his allies face a range of enemies that includes the ruthless, Moriarty-like foe Paul Saveen; the mechanized Az-Techs; a prehuman monster called The Pangean; the Modular Man; and Nazi super-woman Ingrid Weiss, who regards Tom not only as an enemy...but as an ideal mate. Featuring battles in other times, in other realms and on other worlds, the TOM STRONG BOOK ONE trade paperback proves that, when it comes to science heroes, Tom Strong is America's Best! This project is supported with house and trade ads. TOM STRONG BOOK ONE is a 208-page trade paperback from AMERICA'S BEST COMICS, arriving in comic-book stores August 1 with a cover price of $14.95 U.S. SWAMP THING: A MURDER OF CROWS TP Swamp Thing continues his journey of self-discovery, dubiously aided by mystic John Constantine — as Swamp Thing is revealed to be an elemental whose power spans the globe. SWAMP THING: A MURDER OF CROWS is the fourth collection of writer Alan Moore's classic run on THE SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING, a celebrated tenure that brought a new level of sophistication to the comics medium. This volume features the artistic talents of Stephen Bissette, John Totleben, Stan Woch, Ron Randall, and Alfredo Alcala, reprinting SWAMP THING ANNUAL #2, THE SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #43-45, and SWAMP THING #46-48. Swamp Thing's voyage takes him from the most visceral horrors of a haunted house to breaking his earthly roots and traversing the afterlife. A MURDER OF CROWS continues the evolution of Swamp Thing from a mire-dwelling man-monster to a powerful elemental being with a potential to exceed the bonds of the Earth itself, with sophisticated tales of horror including: a passage through heaven and hell (with guest appearances by Deadman, the Phantom Stranger, the Spectre, and the Demon); a horror- spun crossover with the epic 1980s DC maxiseries CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS; and Swamp Thing's first audience with his brethren — the Parliament of Trees. These are the stories that changed American comics forever. This project is supported with house ads. SWAMP THING: A MURDER OF CROWS is a 192-page VERTIGO trade paperback suggested for mature readers, arriving in comic-book stores August 1 with a cover price of $19.95 U.S. GREEN LANTERN: NEW JOURNEY, OLD PATH TP Writer Judd Winick — famous the world over as one of the roommates on the second season of MTV's The Real World — has taken the comics world by storm as the brilliant creator behind the Eisner-nominated The Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius and the Eisner and Pulitzer Prize-nominated graphic novel Pedro and Me. Now Winick brings a fresh new energy to Kyle Rayner, the current Green Lantern, in GREEN LANTERN: NEW JOURNEY, OLD PATH — a 192-page trade paperback reprinting GREEN LANTERN #129-136, the first eight issues of Winick's much-talked-about run. Joined by the art team of Darryl Banks & Rich Faber — with additional art by Mark Bright, Dale Eaglesham, Andy Smith, Jordi Ensign, and John Lowe — Winick delves into his first super-hero work with the skill of a seasoned veteran, combining ring- slinging action with Winick's trademark characterization and humor. Winick is a perfect fit for the continuing adventures of Kyle Rayner — a Green Lantern trying to find his own path through the standards and traditions of old. In NEW JOURNEY, OLD PATH, a madman wields the power of the ultimate weapon! Nero, an escaped mental patient, is bequeathed a Yellow Lantern ring from the Qwardians. Possessing the mind of a demon and the skill of an artist, he wreaks havoc in New York and could possibly decimate the planet! With the JLA pushed to the limit trying to contain Nero's hordes, Kyle stands alone against a maniac whose power could surpass his own! This project is supported with house ads. GREEN LANTERN: NEW JOURNEY, OLD PATH is a 192-page trade paperback arriving in comic-book stores August 15 with a cover price of $12.95 U.S. The Fairchild of Steel? SUPERMAN/GEN13 TP WildStorm's premier super-teens make their way to Metropolis and get into super- sized trouble in SUPERMAN/GEN13, a 96-page WildStorm Productions trade paperback collecting the popular miniseries that featured the meeting readers demanded! Written by Adam Hughes (GEN13: ORDINARY HEROES), with art by Lee Bermejo (ACTION COMICS, RESIDENT EVIL: FIRE & ICE) & John Nyberg (GEN13) and a new cover by Bermejo, SUPERMAN/GEN13 finds the Gen-Actives standing on the sidelines during the Man of Steel's latest super-heroic tussle. When Superman gets knocked through a few buildings, Fairchild places herself in the line of fire and takes the brunt of the impact. Relieved to find the unfamiliar redhead unharmed, the Man of Steel rushes back to battle — but not before leaving his cape wrapped around the dazed Fairchild. After the fight is won, Superman and the Gen-Actives are surprised to find that Fairchild has disappeared, taking Superman's cape along with her. Unbeknownst to them, Fairchild has come down with a case of amnesia and made a surprising — and breathtakingly incorrect — realization when she awoke with the S-emblazoned cape: She must be Supergirl! Can Superman, Grunge, Burnout, Roxy, and Rainmaker find Fairchild before her case of mistaken identity develops a body count? This project is supported with house ads. SUPERMAN/GEN13 is a 96-page WildStorm Productions trade paperback, arriving in comic-book stores August 15 with a cover price of $9.95 U.S. DEXTER'S LABORATORY #25 That genius kid Dexter has come up with his most incredible and inventive idea yet! For the milestone 25th issue of his own comic, he's managed to shrink the price down to a mere two quarters! That's right! DEXTER'S LABORATORY #25 is coming to comic-book stores for the unbelievable price of only 50 cents! To help celebrate this occasion, Dexter's Laboratory creator Genndy Tartakovsky steps in to write and illustrate a book-length adventure, joined by cowriter Paul Rudish and inker Bill Wray! In "Stubble Trouble," Dexter lives every kid's dream when he gets to team up with his favorite action hero of all time — Action Hank! When an international spy renders Hank helpless by shaving off his famous beard, it's up to the boy genius to help out — and join Hank for an all-out action battle. Help support a young kid genius by buying more than one copy of DEXTER'S LABORATORY #25 — because at only 50 cents, this super-special issue is just too good to resist! DEXTER'S LABORATORY #25 is a 32-page issue edited by Joan Hilty, arriving in comic-book stores August 22 with a cover price of only $0.50 U.S. Note: This issue is a resolicitation. All previous orders have been cancelled. DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN #1 WRITTEN BY STEVE VANCE; ART BY LEONARD KIRK AND RICK BURCHETT; COVER BY JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA-LÓPEZ AND KEVIN NOWLAN In stores August 1. A mysterious force summons Deadman to help prevent the heroic self-sacrifice of Barry Allen — the Flash — during the Crisis on Infinite Earths. But the unexpected appearance of a dark force named Darius Caldera has complicated matters that go beyond life or death. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. (1 OF 5) $2.50 DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN #2 WRITTEN BY STEVE VANCE; ART BY JIM APARO AND RICK BURCHETT; COVER BY JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA-LÓPEZ AND KEVIN NOWLAN In stores August 8. Deadman is summoned to an abandoned warehouse just in time to observe the torture of Jason Todd — the second Robin — at the hands of the Joker! Deadman tries to intervene, but the fate of Robin's life is preordained. The fate of his afterlife, however, is another issue entirely. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. (2 OF 5) $2.50 DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN #3 WRITTEN BY STEVE VANCE; ART BY LEONARD KIRK AND RICK BURCHETT; COVER BY JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA-LÓPEZ AND KEVIN NOWLAN In stores August 15. A battle rages though the streets of Metropolis as Superman and Doomsday fight to the death! It's a death Deadman can't prevent, but he can make sure the body — and soul — of the Man of Steel aren't used to further the forces of evil. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. (3 OF 5) $2.50 DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN #4 WRITTEN BY STEVE VANCE; ART BY MARK D. BRIGHT AND RICK BURCHETT; COVER BY JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA-LÓPEZ AND KEVIN NOWLAN In stores August 22. The battle royale continues as Mongul teams up with the Cyborg Superman to kill Hal Jordan and destroy Coast City — unless Deadman can stop it. And if he does manage to save the life of Earth's Greatest Green that necessarily a good thing? For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. (4 OF 5) $2.50 DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN #5 WRITTEN BY STEVE VANCE; ART BY LEONARD KIRK AND RICK BURCHETT; COVER BY JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA-LÓPEZ AND KEVIN NOWLAN In stores August 29. The surprising conclusion finds Deadman discovering the shocking secret of who has been sending him on these missions to save the doomed heroes and why — but he may not like the answer. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. (5 OF 5) $2.50 OUR WORLDS AT WAR: CASUALTIES OF WAR SUPERMAN #173 WRITTEN BY JEPH LOEB; ART AND COVER BY BY ED MCGUINNESS AND CAM SMITH In stores August 1. With all the death around him Superman has no choice but to deliver himself into the hands of Lex Luthor and become part of the "Metropolis Project," as the Man of Steel and Strange Visitor form a new, living weapon. Will Imperiex finally fall to the sacrifice made by the heroes? For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #595 WRITTEN BY JOE CASEY; ART BY MIKE WIERINGO AND JOSÉ MARZAN, JR.; COVER BY WIERINGO AND JAIME MENDOZA In stores August 8. The War worsens as Superman is M.I.A. and Darkseid decides to attack Earth, which had been his ally! Will our planet fall to the fury of the Parademons? Unless Luthor makes an unholy alliance with an unholy dictator, Earth might not stand a chance of surviving this latest attack. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 THE FLASH: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY ANGEL UNZUETA AND JOSÉ MARZAN, JR.; COVER BY JAE LEE In stores August 8. As Darkseid's forces attack, the Flash encounters the deadliest enemy the world of Apokolips has to offer. Pushing himself to the limit, Wally outraces the New God called Black Racer — who is death himself! Guest-starring Wally's former Titans teammate, Cyborg. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 48 PG. $2.95 SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #117 WRITTEN BY MARK SCHULTZ; ART AND COVER BY BY DOUG MAHNKE AND TOM NGUYEN In stores August 15. Guest-starring the Captain Marvels, the Atom and Wonder Woman. It is perhaps the darkest hour of the War as heroes have fallen and allies have turned against one another. And there is more death to come. Is it any wonder that Superman has fallen into despair? Unable to tell friend from foe, he's about to shed all his humanity to end the war once and for all! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 HARLEY QUINN: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 WRITTEN BY KARL KESEL; ART BY STEVE LEIBER, PAUL CHADWICK, AMANDA CONNER, PAUL GRIST, AND ARON WIESENFELD; COVER BY JAE LEE In stores August 15. Featuring art by Steve Leiber, Paul Chadwick, Amanda Conner, Paul Grist, and Aron Wiesenfeld! The insanity of Harley Quinn's world collides with the metamorphic sanity of Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen in an explosive way! Jimmy's returned to Earth with information vital to the war effort, but tragically, he's landed in Gotham, where no one believes him. Now he has to depend on Harley to get him to Metropolis in one piece. Poor guy. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 48 PG. $2.95 ACTION COMICS #782 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY; ART AND COVER BY BY KANO AND MARLO ALQUIZA In stores August 22. Having undergone a radical transformation, the new Superman now may have the power to actually stop the War. But in doing so, has he become a greater danger to the Universe? It all ends here one way or another! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 WORLD'S FINEST: OUR WORLDS AT WAR #1 WRITTEN BY JEPH LOEB; ART BY ED MCGUINNESS, DOUG MAHNKE, MIKE WIERINGO, CAM SMITH, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY JAE LEE In stores August 29. The aftermath of the War and the toll it's taken on the heroes is examined in this grand finale to the epic event. The dead are buried as Superman tries to deal with what he's become. Guest-starring Wonder Woman, JLA and Young Justice. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 48 PG. $2.95 DC UNIVERSE: BATMAN BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #146 WRITTEN BY DOUG MOENCH; ART AND COVER BY BY BARRY KITSON In stores August 1. Part 1 of the 3-part "Bad," featuring artwork by Barry Kitson (Empire). Jordy is big and simple. A true innocent, he loves dogs and children — and never would even think of using his enormous strength to hurt even a fly. But deep inside Jordy, something lurks...something bad. Can Batman remove the Bad without destroying Jordy? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 DETECTIVE COMICS #761 WRITTEN BY GREG RUCKA AND ED BRUBAKER; ART BY SHAWN MARTINBROUGH, DARWYN COOKE, AND JESSE DELPERDANG; COVER BY DAVE JOHNSON?? In stores August 8. Bruce's bodyguard Sasha Bordeaux has thirty days to prove her worth, or she's fired! Meanwhile, Internal Affairs heats up the M.C.U., and you won't believe whom they're after! Plus, "Trail of the Catwoman" continues in the backup written by Ed Brubaker (BATMAN) and illustrated by Darwyn Cooke (BATMAN: EGO). FC, 40 PG. $2.50 BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #20 WRITTEN BY DEVIN GRAYSON, JULIUS SCHWARTZ AND DAN RASPLER; ART BY ROGER ROBINSON, CHRISTIAN ALAMY AND JOHN FLOYD; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores August 15. Bruce Wayne makes a trip to Metropolis for a meeting with Talia, the new CEO of LexCorp — but it doesn't turn out as planned, and Batman has a run-in with Superman! Meanwhile, Dick Grayson and Batman both have to deal with the possibility that all of Grayson's family isn't dead after all, when a man claiming to be Dick's grandfather comes to town. Plus, a Batman Black and White backup "Soldier King," cowritten by DC legend Julius Schwartz & JLA editor Dan Raspler and illustrated by Christian Alamy (ENEMY ACE: WAR IN HEAVEN). FC, 40 PG. $2.50 BATMAN #594 WRITTEN BY ED BRUBAKER; ART BY SCOTT MCDANIEL AND KARL STORY; COVER BY MCDANIEL In stores August 22. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! In the conclusion to the 2-part "Sanctuary," Batman searches for the mysterious alien who has sought refuge in a Gotham Cathedral, while a showdown looms with Lew Moxon's deadly bodyguard, Zeiss! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 AZRAEL: AGENT OF THE BAT #81 WRITTEN BY DENNIS O'NEIL; ART BY SERGIO CARIELLO AND JAMES PASCOE; COVER BY SCOTT MCDANIEL AND CARIELLO In stores August 8. Imprisoned by a scientist who wants to learn just what makes him tick, Azrael faces a series of challenges designed to test him to the utmost. How will Jean Paul survive the grueling examination? And will anything in his training prepare him for the shocking discovery that ends the issue? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 BATGIRL #19 WRITTEN BY KELLEY PUCKETT; ART AND COVER BY BY DAMION SCOTT AND ROBERT CAMPANELLA In stores August 1. An oath that "Nobody Dies Tonight in Gotham" proves tricky as an execution is scheduled at an upstate prison. Will Batgirl allow a death-row killer to die? The answer may surprise you! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STARS OF THE MONTH BATMAN: A DEATH IN THE FAMILY TP WRITTEN BY JIM STARLIN; ART BY JIM APARO AND MIKE DECARLO; COVER BY APARO In stores August 8. Reoffered to coincide with the release of DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN #2, this chilling trade paperback recounts the tragic events that led the maniacal Joker to brutally and viciously murder Jason Todd, the second costumed crimefighter to use the name Robin. (STAR11484) SC, 7X10, 144PG, FC $12.95 BATMAN: ARKHAM ASYLUM SC WRITTEN BY GRANT MORRISON; PAINTED ART AND COVER BY DAVE MCKEAN In stores August 8. Reoffered to coincide with the release of THE FLASH: IRON HEIGHTS, this haunting and disquieting look into the insane inhabitants of Gotham City's legendary asylum is masterfully written by Grant Morrison and evocatively painted by Dave McKean. (STAR00029) MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 128PG, FC $14.95 ************************ BATMAN BEYOND #24 WRITTEN BY HILARY BARDA; ART BY CRAIG ROUSSEAU AND ROB LEIGH; COVER BY DARWYN COOKE In stores August 29. Final issue. There's something curious about Mom's new boyfriend. Could it be the claws, the fangs or the glowing eyes? That's right, it's the issue you've been waiting for as "Terry's Mom Dates a Splicer!" But what does Batman have to say about it? FC, 32 PG. $1.99 BATMAN: GOTHAM ADVENTURES #41 WRITTEN BY SCOTT PETERSON; ART BY TIM LEVINS AND TERRY BEATTY; COVER BY BOB SMITH AND BEATTY In stores August 1. Batman's giving his all to help one of Gotham City's denizens get on the straight and narrow. Unfortunately, the subject of all of his efforts couldn't care less whether or not he was on the right side of the law…or the right side of the Bat. Batman may have to deal with someone who's too lethargic to care about redemption, when dealing with "The Man Called Joe." FC, 32 PG. $1.99 BATMAN: OFFICER DOWN TP WRITTEN BY GREG RUCKA, ED BRUBAKER, CHUCK DIXON, BRONWYN CARLTON, DEVIN GRAYSON, AND NUNZIO DEFILIPPIS; ART BY RICK BURCHETT, JACOB & ARNOLD PANDER, N. STEVEN HARRIS, MIKE LILLY, MIKE COLLINS, RODNEY RAMOS, AND VARIOUS; PAINTED COVER BY DURWIN TALON In stores August 29. Commissioner Gordon's been shot!! Batman, sworn to bring the gunman to justice, begins his hunt with the only eyewitness to the crime — Catwoman! Collecting the sold-out thriller that had readers on the edge of their seats, this volume reprints BATMAN #587, ROBIN #86, BIRDS OF PREY #27, CATWOMAN #90, NIGHTWING #53, DETECTIVE COMICS #754, and BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #13. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 168 PG. TRADE PAPERBACK $12.95 BATMAN: ORPHEUS RISING #1 WRITTEN BY ALEX SIMMONS; ART BY DWAYNE TURNER AND DANNY MIKI; COVER BY TURNER In stores August 22. A rash of police shootings has escalated the tensions between the Gotham City Police Department and local street gangs. But as Batman investigates the shootings, he discovers more than just trigger- happy gangbangers. There's a new costumed figure in town. But is this stranger a hero or a villain? Just who is Orpheus, and what is his connection to the shootings? For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. (1 OF 5) $2.50 BIRDS OF PREY #34 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY BUTCH GUICE; COVER BY PHIL NOTO In stores August 15. Power Girl, Blue Beetle and Militia guest star as Barbara prepares for an all-out rescue mission to save Canary, who's in some really deep waters right about now! And speaking of deep waters, there's a pool of the stuff waiting for her, and three deadly enemies ready to give her the dunking of her life! The surprising conclusion to this story arc has consequences that will change Canary forever! And we do mean forever! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HARLEY QUINN #11 WRITTEN BY KARL KESEL; ART AND COVER BY BY TERRY DODSON AND RACHEL DODSON In stores August 8. Guest-starring Nightwing as a…carjacker? What could lead him to such a dastardy deed? Why, Harley Quinn, of course! How will our hero, er, villain escape this one? Meanwhile, Oracle is determined to stop Harley once and for all, and she's not the only one. Nix and Buster are scheming against her, Matches Malone is about to strike, and let's not even talk about the Stooges. This story builds towards our catastrophic, oversized twelfth issue — so don't miss this action-filled prelude! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 NIGHTWING #60 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART AND COVER BY BY TREVOR MCCARTHY AND JOHN LOWE In stores August 8. Featuring the brand-new art team of Trevor McCarthy & John Lowe! Officer Dick Grayson finally receives his badge! Now all he has to do is live through a full-on gunfight with Transbelvan mobsters and a meeting with a secret society…of cops?!? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 ROBIN #93 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART AND COVER BY BY PETE WOODS AND ANDREW PEPOY In stores August 22. A deadly face from Spoiler's past returns to haunt her while Robin makes a horrendous discovery about two of his classmates, one of whom is his closest friend. The truth about Brentwood Academy comes to light; a familiar face or three crawl out of the woodwork with repercussions that will last into next year; and there's a giant gunfight in a hotel, no less! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 DC UNIVERSE: SUPERMAN SUPERBOY #91 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY; ART AND COVER BY BY PASCUAL FERRY AND KEITH CHAMPAGNE In stores August 15. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! The earth-shattering events of the War have taken their toll on everyone, prompting Superboy, Guardian and Serling to each write about what they've seen and the tragedies they've experienced. Within these three letters are resolutions of internal conflicts, questions raised over what's occurred during the War, and fears over what the future has in store. Plus, the Dog of War, Krypto! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERGIRL #61 WRITTEN BY PETER DAVID; ART AND COVER BY BY LEONARD KIRK AND ROBIN RIGGS In stores August 29. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! The War may have come to an end, but Supergirl certainly won't forget about it any time soon. As if she hasn't had enough trouble in her life lately, she comes into conflict with an alien scavenger who's picking from the carnage! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS II #1 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN BYRNE; COVER BY BYRNE ELSEWORLDS. In stores August 1. Re-enter the world of SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS in this thrilling new miniseries! The lives of Superman and Batman are just part of the rich tapestry writer/artist John Byrne explores in this sequel to the first GENERATIONS epic, as landmark moments in the careers of Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and the entire Justice Society of America unfold. For more information, see the feature article. Prestige Format. FC, 48 PG. (1 OF 4) $5.95 STAR OF THE MONTH SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS TP WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN BYRNE; COVER BY BYRNE ELSEWORLDS. In stores August 1. Reoffered to coincide with the release of SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS II, this generation-hopping trade collects the complete Elseworlds miniseries by John Byrne that saw Superman and Batman making their debuts in the years they first appeared in the real world (1938 and '39, respectively)! (STAR10803) SC, 7X10, 192PG, FC $14.95 *********************** SUPERMAN: ACTION COMICS ARCHIVES VOL. 3 HC WRITTEN BY JERRY SIEGEL; ART BY JOE SHUSTER, FRED RAY, JOHN SIKELA, LEO NOWAK, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY SHUSTER In stores August 8. The latest ACTION COMICS Archive Edition reprints material from ACTION COMICS #37-52, where Superman begins to face who will monopolize his time for decades to come: costumed super-villains! The Man of Steel faces off against Luthor, the Trickster, the Top, the Puzzler, and more! For more information, see the feature article. HC, 7X10, 240PG, FC $49.95 SUPERMAN ADVENTURES #60 WRITTEN BY JORDAN B. GORFINKEL; ART BY MIN S. KU AND TERRY AUSTIN; COVER BY MIKE MANLEY AND AUSTIN In stores August 15. Wouldn't it be great to be Superman's Pal? Jimmy Olsen used to think so, but now he's convinced that's the only reason people ever talk to him. Desperate to get noticed without Superman's influence, Jimmy inadvertently joins a band of "Roughnecks!" FC, 32 PG. $1.99 STARS OF THE MONTH SUPERMAN: THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN TP WRITTEN BY DAN JURGENS, JERRY ORDWAY, LOUIS SIMONSON, AND ROGER STERN; ART BY JURGENS, JON BOGDANOVE, TOM GRUMMETT, JACKSON GUICE, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY BOGDANOVE AND DENNIS JANKE In stores August 15. Reoffered to coincide with DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN #3, this epic trade paperback recounts one of the most incredible comic-book battles ever, as Superman confronts the unstoppable Doomsday — and the DC Universe loses their Man of Steel. (STAR10826) SC, 7X10, 168PG, FC $9.95 SUPERMAN FOR ALL SEASONS HC WRITTEN BY JEPH LOEB; ART AND COVER BY BY TIM SALE In stores August 29. Before the legend, before the icon, before the Man of Tomorrow…there was Clark Kent. Experience the majestic tale of his transformation from country boy to the world's greatest hero, in this beautiful hardcover by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, the acclaimed writer/artist team of BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN! (STAR10152) HC, 7X10, 208PG, FC $24.95 ************************* SUPERMAN/GEN13 TP WRITTEN BY ADAM HUGHES; ART BY LEE BERMEJO AND JOHN NYBERG; COVER BY BERMEJO WILDSTORM PRODUCTIONS. In stores August 15. WildStorm's premier super-teens make their way to Metropolis and get into super-sized trouble in a meeting readers demanded! When Superman gets knocked through a few buildings, Fairchild places herself in the line of fire and takes the brunt of the impact, knocking her out. When she awakens, she has amnesia and mistakenly believes herself to be Supergirl! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 96 PG. TRADE PAPERBACK $14.95 STAR OF THE MONTH SUPERMAN: THE RETURN OF SUPERMAN TP WRITTEN BY DAN JURGENS, KARL KESEL, LOUIS SIMONSON, ROGER STERN, AND GERARD JONES; ART BY JURGENS, JON BOGDANOVE, TOM GRUMMETT, JACKSON GUICE, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY VARIOUS In stores August 22. Reoffered to coincide with DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN #4, this gripping trade paperback recounts the tragic events that led to the complete destruction of Hal Jordan's hometown, Coast City. SC, 7X10, 480PG, FC $14.95 ************************ DC UNIVERSE STAR OF THE MONTH CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS TP WRITTEN BY MARV WOLFMAN; ART BY GEORGE PÉREZ, DICK GIORDANO, MIKE DECARLO, AND JERRY ORDWAY; PAINTED COVER BY PÉREZ AND ALEX ROSS In stores August 1. Worlds lived. Worlds died. And the DC Universe was never the same after this epic, earth- shattering saga that saw the deaths of many DC heroes. The CRISIS trade is reoffered to coincide with the release of DEADMAN: DEAD AGAIN #1, where the Ghostly Guardian makes an attempt to save the life of Barry Allen, the Flash. (STAR12226) SC, 7X10, 368PG, FC $29.95 ************************ THE FLASH #177 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY SCOTT KOLINS AND DOUG HAZLEWOOD; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores August 29. An old friend of Wally West becomes the portal to another universe! Now an interdimensional menace threatens all of Keystone City and the Flash must race to save the day in this truly bizarre story! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 STAR OF THE MONTH THE FLASH AND GREEN LANTERN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD TP WRITTEN BY MARK WAID AND TOM PEYER; ART BY BARRY KITSON AND TOM GRINDBERG; COVER BY KITSON In stores August 15. This exciting collection features untold Silver Age adventures of the Barry Allen Flash and the Hal Jordan Green Lantern. It's the perfect companion piece to the set of Green Lantern and Flash villains action figures coming the same week! (STAR12954) SC, 7X10, 144PG, FC $12.95 ************************ THE FLASH: IRON HEIGHTS WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART AND COVER BY BY ETHAN VAN SCIVER AND PRENTIS ROLLINS In stores August 8. When an outbreak of a deadly disease threatens the prison's population, only the Flash and Piper can quell both the epidemic and the ensuing riot. But what is the mysterious warden's role in all of this madness? Introducing several new Flash villains who cause major pain for the Scarlet Speedster in his regular title in the months to come! For more information, see the feature article. Prestige Format. FC, 48PG $5.95 GREEN ARROW #7 WRITTEN BY KEVIN SMITH; ART BY PHIL HESTER AND ANDE PARKS; PAINTED COVER BY MATT WAGNER In stores August 29. "Quiver" continues with a very special issue! Green Arrow's finally starting to get some insight into the questions surrounding his return. The only problem is that each answer is starting to lead places that even Oliver Queen may be afraid to look into! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 OFFERED AGAIN GREEN ARROW "QUIVER" PARTS 1-3 WRITTEN BY KEVIN SMITH; ART BY PHIL HESTER AND ANDE PARKS; PAINTED COVERS BY MATT WAGNER The first three issues of the hottest-selling comic-book in years are still available! Popular filmmaker/comic writer Kevin Smith is joined by artists Phil Hester & Ande Parks and cover painter Matt Wagner to return once-dead Oliver Queen to his former glory as the Emerald Archer — Green Arrow! Note: Quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. O/A GREEN ARROW #1 (CURRENT PRINTING) Retro-solicted. In stores July 18. "Quiver," part 1. Oliver Queen was killed in an explosion years ago. So who's the guy with the bow and arrow fighting crooks in Star City? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 O/A GREEN ARROW #2 (CURRENT PRINTING) Retro-solicted. In stores July 18. "Quiver," part 2. Oliver Queen is back! But why is his memory so spotty? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 O/A GREEN ARROW #3 (CURRENT PRINTING) Retro-solicted. In stores July 18. "Quiver," part 3. Ollie confronts the Black Manta in Star City's harbor. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ************************* GREEN LANTERN #141 WRITTEN BY JUDD WINICK; ART BY DALE EAGLESHAM AND RICH FABER; COVER BY EAGLESHAM In stores August 1. Green Lanterns Kyle Rayner and Jade take on a mysterious and quick-moving arsonist who's trying to set New York ablaze. But the beings responsible for torching Manhattan are more than capable of taking on two Green Lanterns! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 GREEN LANTERN: NEW JOURNEY, OLD PATH TP WRITTEN BY JUDD WINICK; ART BY DARRYL BANKS, MARK BRIGHT, DALE EAGLESHAM, RICH FABER, ANDY SMITH, JORDI ENSIGN, AND JOHN LOWE; COVER BY BANKS AND SMITH In stores August 15. Writer Judd Winick — the creator behind the Pulitzer Prize-nominated graphic novel Pedro and Me — brings a fresh new energy to Kyle Rayner, the current Green Lantern, in this trade paperback reprinting GREEN LANTERN #129-136. A madman named Nero wields the power of a Yellow Lantern ring from the Qwardians. With the JLA pushed to the limit trying to contain Nero's hordes, Kyle stands alone against a maniac whose power could surpass his own! For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 192PG, FC $12.95 STAR OF THE MONTH GREEN LANTERN: BAPTISM OF FIRE TP WRITTEN BY RON MARZ; ART BY DARRYL BANKS, PAUL PELLETIER AND ROMEO TANGHAL; COVER BY BANKS AND TERRY AUSTIN In stores August 15. Reoffered to coincide with the release of GREEN LANTERN: NEW JOURNEY, OLD PATH TP, this trade paperback collects GREEN LANTERN #59, 66, 67, 70-75. BAPTISM OF FIRE continues the adventures of Kyle Rayner, who must come to terms with the awesome might of the power ring he wears and the daunting legacy he must uphold. (STAR09191) SC, 7X10, 208PG, FC $12.95 ************************* IMPULSE #77 WRITTEN BY TODD DEZAGO; ART BY CARLO BARBERI AND JUAN VLASCO; COVER BY BARBERI AND WAYNE FAUCHER In stores August 8. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! Impulse goes to War…and is affected by the carnage in a shocking and unpredictable way! This story will change Bart Allen dramatically, and his life will never quite be the same after this… FC, 32 PG. $2.50 JLA #57 WRITTEN BY MARK WAID; ART AND COVER BY BY BRYAN HITCH AND PAUL NEARY In stores August 29. "Terror Incognita" Part 3 of 4. The White Martians continue their assault on the League and on Earth! With the planet's ecosystem in complete upheaval and no hope for victory, the League has no choice but to retreat to Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Has the JLA finally admitted defeat? Or is there another plan? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 JLA: INCARNATIONS #4 WRITTEN BY JOHN OSTRANDER; ART AND COVER BY BY VAL SEMEIKS AND PRENTIS ROLLINS In stores August 1. The untold tales of the World's Greatest Super-Heroes continue as the League reaches its breaking point. The League has grown in size to its largest membership yet, but the personal problems of the heroes have made Green Lantern, the Flash, Elongated Man, Zatanna and the others unmanageable and ineffective as teammates. Aquaman must make a painful decision on whether or not to disband the League. But is the world ready for Justice League Detroit?!? FC, 48 PG. (4 OF 7) $3.50 JSA #27 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY RAGS MORALES AND MICHAEL BAIR; COVER BY MORALES In stores August 15. Captain Marvel visits the JSA to deal with Black Adam, and the big confrontation that's been brewing finally erupts! Plus, Dr. Mid-Nite and Mr. Terrific discover a startling revelation about the health of one of their teammates, and a new Chairman is elected under less-than-friendly circumstances. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 JUST IMAGINE… STAN LEE WITH JIM LEE CREATING WONDER WOMAN WRITTEN BY STAN LEE (LEAD STORY) WITH MICHAEL USLAN (BACKUP); ART BY JIM LEE AND SCOTT WILLIAMS (LEAD), WITH GENE COLAN AND TOM PALMER (BACKUP); COVERS BY JIM LEE AND ADAM HUGHES In stores August 15. The most surprising project of 2001 continues as comics legend Stan Lee presents his take on Wonder Woman — illustrated by Jim Lee! In the jungles of Peru, beautiful idealist Maria Mendoza is powerless to save her father from a local tyrant. But when she discovers an ancient artifact — a golden staff — that connects her more fully to her heritage, she becomes a paragon of power the likes of which the world has never known. For more information, see the feature article. Prestige Format. FC, 48PG $5.95 LEGION WORLDS #5 WRITTEN BY DAN ABNETT AND ANDY LANNING; ART BY STEVE DILLON; COVER BY JOHN CASSADAY In stores August 22. Steve Dillon (PREACHER, Punisher) illustrates this issue's lead story! Welcome to Steeple, a rocky, barren planet devoid of life, save for a small colony devoted to peace and prayer, and home to former Legionnaire Karate Kid — who over the past year has continued his own spiritual journey. Unfortunately, his road to self-discovery becomes extremely bumpy when a friend falls at the hands of a dangerous escapee from prison-planet Takron-Galtos! The backup story focuses on U.P. President Leland McCauley's bodyguards, the Oversight Watch! FC, 48 PG. (5 OF 6) $3.95 MARTIAN MANHUNTER #35 WRITTEN BY JOHN OSTRANDER; ART BY EDUARDO BARRETTO AND RAY KRYSSING; COVER BY TOM MANDRAKE In stores August 1. From J'onn's life on Mars comes the story of his first confrontation with his brother, Malefic. The hunt brings J'onn to Venus as he learns the terrible price of being a Manhunter. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ORION #17 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY WALTER SIMONSON; COVER BY SIMONSON In stores August 22. The conclusion of the Abysmal Plane story finds Orion confronting the menace known as Clockwerx. The fate of the universe now rests on Orion and the Anti-Life Equation! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR OF THE MONTH PLASTIC MAN ARCHIVES VOL. 2 HC WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY JACK COLE; COVER BY COLE In stores August 22. Reoffered to coincide with the release of the PLASTIC MAN PEWTER FIGURE, this Eisner- nominated volume features more outrageous, over-the-top stories of everyone's favorite pliable hero. Reprints POLICE COMICS #21-30 and PLASTIC MAN #1 HC, 7X10, 224PG, FC $49.95 ************************ THE SPECTRE #8 WRITTEN BY J.M. DEMATTEIS; ART BY RYAN SOOK AND JIM ROYAL; COVER BY SOOK In stores August 1. "The Redeemer," Part 3 of 3. It's the end of the beginning as The Spectre finds himself at a crossroads! Hal Jordan's life is torn apart as two of the people closest to him are taken away in a crashing, deadly instant. Is the mysterious Monsieur Stigmonus behind it all? If so, will the Spectre follow the path of vengeance…or redemption? It's a decision that will change the Spectre's future. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE TITANS #32 WRITTEN BY JAY FAERBER; ART BY MIKE COLLINS AND BUD LAROSA; COVER BY KIA ASAMIYA In stores August 22. The titans have something the DEO and Dakota Jameson want, and they're willing to destroy Titans Tower to get to it! Beginning the story behind the mysterious super-powered kids who just won't go home! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR OF THE MONTH WONDER WOMAN #1 (FIRST SERIES) (MILLENNIUM EDITION) WRITTEN BY WILLIAM MOULTON MARSTON AND VARIOUS; ART BY H.G. PETER AND ART HELFANT; COVER BY PETER In stores August 8. Reoffered to coincide with the releases of the SILVER AGE WONDER WOMAN AND WONDER GIRL DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET and the WONDER WOMAN TIARA, BRACELETS AND EARRINGS PROP SET, this Millennium Edition reprints the first issue of Wonder Woman's first ever solo title! (STAR11298) FC, 64 PG. $3.95 *********************** WONDER WOMAN #173 WRITTEN BY PHIL JIMENEZ; ART BY JIMENEZ AND ANDY LANNING; COVER BY ADAM HUGHES In stores August 22. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! The War has taken a turn for the worse, and the Amazons must ally themselves with the fiend who once decimated half their number — Darkseid. This is only the beginning of the sacrifices the women of Paradise Island will make this issue. Guest-starring Titan members Troia, Tempest, Starfire, and Raven. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 YOUNG JUSTICE #36 WRITTEN BY PETER DAVID; ART AND COVER BY BY TODD NAUCK AND MARLO ALQUIZA In stores August 1. An "Our Worlds at War" tie-in! The team is behind enemy lines. Young Justice goes to pick up the remains of the Suicide Squad at the JLA Watchtower, but soon are on a wild goose chase trying to rescue Steel from the Black Racer before being shot down over Apokolips. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 DC: BEYOND THE UNIVERSE THE SPIRIT ARCHIVES VOL. 5 HC WRITTEN BY WILL EISNER, MANLY WADE WELLMAN AND WILLIAM WOOLFOLK; ART BY EISNER, LOU FINE AND JACK COLE; COVER BY EISNER In stores August 22. The comprehensive and complete collection of Will Eisner's indelible creation, The Spirit, continues with THE SPIRIT ARCHIVES Volume 5 — reprinting the newspaper Spirit Sections from July 5 to December 27, 1942. Featuring the talents of Eisner, Lou Fine, Jack Cole and others. For more information, see the feature article. HC, 7X10, 224PG, FC $49.95 DEXTER'S LABORATORY #25 WRITTEN BY GENNDY TARTAKOVSKY AND PAUL RUDISH; ART AND COVER BY BY TARTAKOVSKY AND BILL WRAY In stores August 22. Special 25th issue, for only 50 cents! In "Stubble Trouble," Dexter lives every kid's dream when he gets to team up with his favorite action hero of all time: Action Hank! When an international spy renders Hank helpless by shaving off his famous beard, it's up to the boy genius to help out — and join Hank for an all-out action battle. Featuring art and story by Dexter's Laboratory creator Genndy Tartakovsky! Note: This issue is a resolicitation. All previous orders have been cancelled. FC, 32 PG. ONLY 50¢! LOONEY TUNES #81 WRITTEN BY SHOLLY FISCH, FRANK STROM AND DAVID CODY WEISS; ART BY DAVID ALVAREZ, JOHN COSTANZA, WALTER CARZON, HORACIO OTTOLINI, AND MIKE DECARLO; COVER BY ALVAREZ AND DECARLO In stores August 1. Bugs Bunny trespasses on Yosemite "Strongman" Sam's turf in the wild and wooly "Hare Strike;" Porky Pig gets big trouble instead of his mail in "Postage Stumped;" and Daffy Duck "fowls" up Elmer's TV show in "Bye-Bye Birdhouse!" FC, 32 PG. $1.99 THE POWERPUFF GIRLS #18 WRITTEN BY BRETT LEWIS; ART BY CHRISTOPHER COOK AND MIKE DECARLO; COVER BY PHIL MOY In stores August 15. The day is saved, but all is lost! After messing up a smackdown with the mighty "Cater- Pillager," Bubbles runs away! When the monster makes a comeback, it looks like Townsville's on the ropes for sure! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 SCOOBY-DOO #51 WRITTEN BY TERRANCE GRIEP, JR. AND BARNEY TOPPER; ART BY KAREN MATCHETTE, DAN DECARLO AND DAN DAVIS; COVER BY JOE STATON AND DAVE HUNT In stores August 8. "The old gods lay claim to this place — begone!" An ancient Chinese god of revenge is haunting a troubled family business — but that's not the only mystery in this tale! Plus, Mystery Inc. comes to the aid of a pop star who's about to become a fashion victim…literally! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 WILDSTORM THE AUTHORITY #25 WRITTEN BY TOM PEYER; ART AND COVER BY BY DUSTIN NGUYEN AND RICHARD FRIEND In stores August 8. The new Authority cracks the riddle of Re-Space, and launch an offensive against those responsible for the chaos back on Earth. But it may be too little, too late, as tempers flare, one member goes M.I.A, and the pressure of new responsibility drives another to break down. All this, plus special surprise guests and…the return of Jenny Sparks?!?! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 CYBERNARY 2.0 #2 WRITTEN BY JOE HARRIS; ART AND COVER BY BY ERIC CANETE AND JUAN VLASCO In stores August 22. The lost daughter of Kaizen Gamorra returns to the WildStorm Universe! Yumiko's rebirth has not gone unnoticed. A young clan lord plans to make his own mark on the world and Yumiko is the key! First he must find her, and for that he'll need the talents of an unusual cyborg named MechaMax. It's cyborgs versus Cybernary below the ruins of Gamorra as Yumiko tries to unravel her tangled memories. FC, 32 PG. (2 OF 6) $2.95 GEN13 #68 WRITTEN BY ADAM WARREN; ART BY YANNICK PAQUETTE AND VINCE RUSSELL; COVER BY WARREN In stores August 15. Part 1 of the 2-part "Slave to Love," tying into THE AUTHORITY! What starts out as a humorous exploration of the tormented "relationship" between hormone-addled Grunge and his long-suffering, kinda-sorta girlfriend Freefall, becomes twisted — as the two become unwitting pawns in a scheme to destroy the Authority's dimension-hopping Carrier. This issue answers the burning question: "What was up with the Authority's Swift hooking up with Grunge?" FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE MONARCHY #6 WRITTEN BY DOSELLE YOUNG; ART BY JOHN MCCREA AND GARRY LEACH; COVER BY MCCREA In stores August 15. "Making the Metropolitan," Part 1 of 3. If Jackson King's plan for world salvation rests on having the perfect team at his side, what's he doing in Hollywood courting "The Last Angel" — a down-on-his-luck adventurer who spends more time nursing his wounds than protecting the innocent? The answer is guaranteed to surprise you as King gives a hard-luck hero a brand-new lease on life! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 MONSTER WORLD #4 WRITTEN BY SCOTT LOBDELL; ART AND COVER BY BY CARLOS MEGLIA In stores August 8. The planet-shattering conclusion brings total war, as the forces of Monster World meet at the Bridge of a Thousand Bones with our kid heroes in attendance and leading the charge! Trouble is, they're not all on the same side. And if anybody wins, that means someone has to lose… FC, 32 PG. (4 OF 4) $2.95 NINJA BOY #1 WRITTEN BY ALLEN WARNER AND ALÉ GARZA; ART AND COVER BY BY GARZA AND DAN NORTON In stores August 15. White-hot artist Alé Garza's wild new ongoing series debuts! Journey to a mystical, ancient Japan where fast-paced martial-arts action and adventure are executed with an exciting manga flare! Nakio, the youngest member of the Mugen ninja clan, must journey to the center of the Old Forest to overcome the evil Lord Mikaboshi. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 40 PG. $3.50 OUT THERE #4 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AUGUSTYN; ART AND COVER BY BY HUMBERTO RAMOS AND SANDRA HOPE CLIFFHANGER PRODUCTIONS. In stores August 29. While Zach, Casey, Mark, and Jess spend time with their families, the stage is being set by Draedalus to tear open a rift between El Dorado City and the Draedrealm. And he wants those meddling kids dead! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 PLANETARY #15 WRITTEN BY WARREN ELLIS; ART AND COVER BY BY JOHN CASSADAY In stores August 1. For Elijah Snow, it's time to look at everything that Planetary has encountered during the past year and start piecing it all together. Who is the Hark Corporation? Why do they sometimes work with the Four? And the biggest question of all: Why are the Four currently in Australia, building a giant gun atop Ayers Rock? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR TREK®: DIVIDED WE FALL #4 WRITTEN BY JOHN ORDOVER AND DAVID MACK; ART AND COVER BY BY ANDREW CURRIE AND RICHARD BENNETT In stores August 8. The exciting crossover between Star Trek: The Next Generation® and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine® concludes! Moving uninfected Trill into quarantine is a big, dangerous job — especially when it turns out that the quarantine locations just might be the most dangerous spots on the planet! Beverly Crusher comes up with a unique — and risky — way to discover a cure for the retrovirus. But will she deliver it on time? And will it even matter, when it's learned that the virus is only one of the problems facing the Trill? FC, 32 PG. (4 OF 4) $2.95 STORMWATCH: FINAL ORBIT TP WRITTEN BY WARREN ELLIS; ART BY CHRIS SPROUSE, BRYAN HITCH, MICHAEL RYAN, KEVIN NOWLAN, PAUL NEARY, AND LUCIAN RIZZO; COVER BY HITCH In stores August 29. The missing Warren Ellis STORMWATCH trade paperback is finally here! Reprinting the hard-to-find STORMWATCH Volume 2 #10 & 11, the final two issues of the series which serve as bookends to the shocking, controversial, and even rarer, out-of-print WILDC.A.T.S/ALIENS one-shot that is also included. FINAL ORBIT plants the seeds for both the birth of THE AUTHORITY and THE MONARCHY. For more information, see the feature article. Co-published with Dark Horse Comics. SC, 7X10, 96PG, FC $9.95 STAR OF THE MONTH STORMWATCH: A FINER WORLD TP WRITTEN BY WARREN ELLIS; ART BY BRYAN HITCH, MICHAEL RYAN, PAUL NEARY, AND LUCIAN RIZZO; COVER BY HITCH AND NEARY In stores August 29. Reoffered to coincide with the release of STORMWATCH: FINAL ORBIT, this trade immediately precedes it. A FINER WORLD reprints STORMWATCH Volume 2 #4-9 by PLANETARY writer Warren Ellis and the JLA art team of Bryan Hitch & Paul Neary, and features the first appearance of Authority members Apollo & Midnighter. (STAR10050) SC, 7X10, 144PG, FC $14.95 ************************ WILDCATS VOLUME 2 #26 WRITTEN BY JOE CASEY; ART AND COVER BY BY SEAN PHILLIPS In stores August 1. The WILDCATS cast begins to crumble from within, with deadly showdowns and bloody wars you thought you'd never see! The battle for ultimate control of Halo Industries reaches its climax this issue! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 WILDSTORM SUMMER SPECIAL WRITTEN BY WARREN ELLIS, PAUL JENKINS AND BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY CULLY HAMNER, GEORGES JEANTY, BRIAN STELFREEZE, KARL STORY, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY ADAM HUGHES In stores August 22. Three of the most talked-about writers in comics team up with the talented artists of Gaijin Studios to bring you this star-studded Special. The Authority leader Jack Hawksmoor is spotlighted in a tale by Warren Ellis, Cully Hamner & Karl Story. Another Authority member, the Engineer, gets the focus in a tale by Paul Jenkins, Georges Jeanty & Story. Finally, the Wildcats' sword-wielding Zealot is featured in a story by Brian Azzarello, Brian Stelfreeze & Story. Plus, pin-ups by Jason Pearson, Joe Philips, Jason Martin, Chris Sprouse, Tony Harris, and more! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 48 PG. PRESTIGE FORMAT $5.95 AMERICA'S BEST COMICS PROMETHEA #16 WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART AND COVER BY BY J.H. WILLIAMS III AND MICK GRAY In stores August 22. Nominated for 5 Eisner Awards — including "Best Continuing Series!" Stacia, the replacement Promethea and temporary guardian of New York City, has a close encounter of the violent kind...with The Five Swell Guys! Meanwhile, Sophie's wanderings continue through the other realms, this time to the turbulent and treacherous land of emotion. FC, 32 PG. $2.95 TOM STRONG #15 WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART AND COVER BY BY CHRIS SPROUSE AND AL GORDON In stores August 29. It's the return of the magnificent Val Var Garm, the man of molten lava who so entranced Tesla in issue #8. In this full-length story, Val Var Garm kidnaps Tesla and takes her to his fantastic underground realm. Tom must somehow find a way to rescue her — but does she want to be saved? It's a tale of passion in a story we call "Hearts of Fire!" FC, 32 PG. $2.95 TOM STRONG BOOK ONE TP WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART BY CHRIS SPROUSE, AL GORDON, ARTHUR ADAMS, DAVE GIBBONS, GARY FRANK, AND JERRY ORDWAY; COVER BY SPROUSE AND GORDON In stores August 1. Catch up with AMERICA'S BEST COMICS' foremost science hero — the one who started it all — Tom Strong! A physical and mental superhuman, Tom's complex history is revealed in this trade paperback that collects the first seven issues of TOM STRONG. For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 208PG, FC $14.95 HOMAGE COMICS DESPERADOES: QUIET OF THE GRAVE #4 WRITTEN BY JEFF MARIOTTE; ART AND COVER BY BY JOHN SEVERIN In stores August 1. As the miniseries by Jeff Mariotte and the legendary John Severin hurtles toward a staggering conclusion, what was already bad news turns worse for everybody. Gideon Brood, on the run from a war party with Clay Parkhurst, finds out why they're being chased...not that knowing will help any. Abby and Race, on Brood's trail but no closer to finding him, are forced to seek refuge. And Betts is drawn into a trap. Will there be anybody left alive by next issue? FC, 32 PG. (4 OF 5) $2.95 VERTIGO 100 BULLETS #27 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY EDUARDO RISSO; PAINTED COVER BY DAVE JOHNSON In stores August 1. Nominated for 4 Eisner Awards! "Idol Chatter." In this stand-alone issue, Agent Graves unexpectedly encounters a man from his past, but this is no ordinary man. This man was once a hero, the idol of millions, and unbeknownst to anyone but he and Graves, the recipient of Graves' mysterious attaché. This chance meeting leads to a confession, and may reveal the hidden truth behind the greatest conspiracy in American History. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ADVENTURES IN THE RIFLE BRIGADE: OPERATION BOLLOCK #1 WRITTEN BY GARTH ENNIS; ART BY CARLOS EZQUERRA; COVER BY GLENN FABRY In stores August 8. High Adventure meets Low Comedy as the Rifle Brigade returns in a new and even more outrageous adventure! Hitler's missing testicle, imbued with occult powers, has resurfaced in a remote Middle- Eastern kingdom and has become the ultimate weapon. Captain Darcy and the Brigade must face an old enemy in order to retrieve it. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (1 OF 3) $2.50 AMERICAN CENTURY #6 WRITTEN BY HOWARD CHAYKIN AND DAVID TISCHMAN; ART BY MARC LAMING AND JOHN STOKES; PAINTED COVER BY JOHN VAN FLEET In stores August 15. Harry Kraft's swapping spit with a sexy starlet and a man-hungry mom, but the joke's on Hollywood's top comedy team — who'll do anything to break their studio contract. And who kidnapped the six- year-old Mexican girl? These dark secrets light up Tinseltown and turn the spotlight on a super-hero marked for death. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ANGEL AND THE APE #1 WRITTEN BY HOWARD CHAYKIN AND DAVID TISCHMAN; ART BY PHILIP BOND; COVER BY ARTHUR ADAMS In stores August 22. Angel O'Day is a top-notch private eye by day, and a club hopping "it" girl by night. Her sidekick, Sam Simeon, is the strong, silent type — an aspiring cartoonist who is trying out for a new book at DC Comics. Oh yeah, and he's also a giant ape. You got a problem with that? Updating the DC Comics classic…VERTIGO style! For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (1 OF 4) $2.95 CODENAME: KNOCKOUT #4 WRITTEN BY ROBERT RODI; ART BY LOUIS SMALL, JR., YANNICK PAQUETTE AND MARK FARMER; PAINTED COVER BY JOE CHIODO In stores August 29. "St. Grace Under Fire." In this stand-alone issue, Go-Go Fiasco takes us on a "fleshback" to the sexy Seventies, where we discover how Angela's mom, the original Girl Who Made G.O.O.D., and Damon Devlin, her arch enemy, first met and fell in lust. Watch the sparks fly as these two heat up the Cold War! MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE CRUSADES #6 WRITTEN BY STEVEN T. SEAGLE; ART BY KELLEY JONES, JASON MOORE, MARK BUCKINGHAM, AND RON RANDALL; PAINTED COVER BY JON J MUTH In stores August 1. A compelling "jump-on" point for new readers, as the second crusade begins! The blood of bystanders flows right alongside the blood of the damned. How far is too far for an 11th century Crusader to go in order to right a wronged 21st century society? Plus: the brutally religious Pope meets a new Russian crime czar who's looking to fill a void of vice. Meanwhile, Radio maven Anton Marx shows a softer side to girlfirend Venus. But is it an attempt to prove his love or just a wolfish plan to cover a secret second life he's keeping from her? MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HELLBLAZER #165 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY MARCELO FRUSIN; PAINTED COVER BY TIM BRADSTREET In stores August 29. "Highwater," Part 2 of 4. John Constantine has stared into the abyss countless times and never blinked, but when the abyss turns out to be his own soul, all bets are off. It's all too easy for the spiritual grifter to pass judgment on others, but when he's forced to face himself in the mirror, he may not like who's staring back. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC #2 WRITTEN BY DYLAN HORROCKS; ART BY RICHARD CASE; PAINTED COVER BY JOHN BOLTON In stores August 8. Kalesh, the girl from Gemworld Tim rescued in the first issue, enters the White School — her education anything but smooth. As they grow closer, Tim starts to get involved in the war on her homeworld. But in taking on Kalesh's problems, is Tim just running away from his own? MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 LUCIFER #17 WRITTEN BY MIKE CAREY; ART BY PETER GROSS AND RYAN KELLY; PAINTED COVER BY CHRISTOPHER MOELLER In stores August 1. Nominated for 5 Eisner Awards — including "Best New Series!" "Dalliance With the Dead," part 1 of 3. Sword fights and seduction become the entertainment as Lucifer organizes a grand ball to celebrate the completion of his new kingdom. As word spreads about his cosmos, adversaries choose either to become one of the Morningstar's inhabitants or join forces for a full frontal assault. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 OUTLAW NATION #12 WRITTEN BY JAMIE DELANO; ART BY GORAN PARLOV AND GORAN SUDZUKA; PAINTED COVER BY GLENN FABRY In stores August 15. "Temptation." At a whistle-stop called Temptation, Story Johnson waits for a train. Still a little high from his victory over Kid Gloves, he thinks he's ready for a final high-stakes poker-game with Asa Arizona. But a nurse called Dolores knocks him a little off track and Story finds the deck stacked against him. But a quitter never wins and Story is playing for the freedom of his son; he's not going to fold now, even if he has to bet the farm. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE SANDMAN PRESENTS: DEAD BOY DETECTIVES #3 WRITTEN BY ED BRUBAKER; ART BY BRYAN TALBOT AND STEVE LEIALOHA; COVER BY DAVE MCKEAN In stores August 22. As the Marquez de Marquis helps the fledgling detectives Edwin and Charles further develop "haunting" skills, Charles begins to suspect that all is not what it seems with their mysterious tutor. Is he really after the killer of runaway kids or are his motives more sinister? And just as our intrepid duo closes the net on the suspected killer, Mad Hettie suddenly reappears to cast the boys' deductions in further doubt. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (3 OF 4) $2.50 SWAMP THING #18 WRITTEN BY BRIAN K. VAUGHAN; ART BY GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI AND MARC HEMPEL; PAINTED COVER BY JOHN TOTLEBEN In stores August 15. In this issue, two legends return: essential Swamp Thing artist John Totleben paints the cover, and the original Swamp Thing returns to confront Tefé over her deeds. Tefé counters him with an even more pointed question: If Swamp Thing is a god, why doesn't he try to end human suffering? In this emotional story, the true purpose of both Swamp Thing and Tefé will be revealed. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 SWAMP THING: A MURDER OF CROWS TP WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART BY STEPHEN BISSETTE, JOHN TOTLEBEN, STAN WOCH, RON RANDALL, AND ALFREDO ALCALA; PAINTED COVER BY TOTLEBEN In stores August 1. The fourth volume of Alan Moore's award-winning run on SWAMP THING reprints SWAMP THING ANNUAL #2, THE SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #43-45, and SWAMP THING #46-48. Swamp Thing's voyage takes him from the most visceral horrors of a haunted house, to breaking his earthly roots and traversing the afterlife — continuing his evolution from a mire-dwelling man-monster to a powerful elemental being, with a potential to exceed the bonds of the Earth itself. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 192PG, FC $19.95 STAR OF THE MONTH SWAMP THING: THE CURSE TP WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART BY STEPHEN BISSETTE, STAN WOCH, JOHN TOTLEBEN, ALFREDO ALCALA, AND RON RANDALL; COVER BY SIMON BISLEY In stores August 1. Reoffered to coincide with the release of SWAMP THING: A MURDER OF CROWS, this is the third trade paperback collecting the critically-acclaimed Swamp Thing run by Alan Moore, featuring the first appearance of John Constantine. Contains SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING #35-42. (STAR12425) MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 192PG, FC $19.95 TRANSMETROPOLITAN #48 WRITTEN BY WARREN ELLIS; ART BY DARICK ROBERTSON AND RODNEY RAMOS; COVER BY J.G. JONES In stores August 8. Year Four comes to an end the hard way. Spider has the worst deadline in the world; if he doesn't get the Smiler within a year, he won't be able to get him at all. The beginning of TRANSMET's final year is all laid out here. And the only way Spider's going to leave this series is as a winner — or dead. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 MAD THE MAD BATHROOM COMPANION NUMBER TWO TP WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS; COVER BY MARK FREDRICKSON In stores August 22. Flush with success from our first MAD BATHROOM COMPANION comes the second movement in the series with an all-new color cover by Mark Fredrickson and an introduction by film critic Gene Shalit! This hilarious volume is packed with the best short pieces from MAD MAGAZINE, featuring the work of Sergio Aragonés, Al Jaffee, and the Usual Gang of Idiots and containing such classics as "The Lighter Side of…" and "Spy vs. Spy." Each article guaranteed to be readable in one sitting! If you thought the first BATHROOM COMPANION was fun, just wait until you get a load of NUMBER TWO! SC, 5X7, 228PG, B&W $9.95 STAR OF THE MONTH THE MAD GROSS BOOK TP WRITTEN ANDILLUSTRATED BY THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS In stores August 22. Reoffered to coincide with the release of THE MAD BATHROOM COMPANION NUMBER TWO TP, this volume is a regurgitation of the finest disgusting material from MAD Magazine — where every gag is guaranteed to make you gag! Included is a special bonus 16" x 21 ½" pull-out poster. (STAR12609) SC, 8X11, 160PG, PC $9.95 ************************ MAD COLOR CLASSICS #4 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS In stores August 8. In this issue: First-time full-color versions of MAD's E.R. spoof, plus the appropriately timed reprinting of our "2001" spoof ("201 Minutes of a Space Idiocy"). Plus, classic Don Martin color gags and other fun stuff! MAGAZINE, 48PG, FC $3.99 MAD MAGAZINE #409 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS In stores August 1. Hey! It's our annual August-shipping issue! Guaranteed to have a hilarious parody of some recent blockbuster movie. But which movie will it be? We ain't telling! It's going to be a laugh-out-loud issue just full of surprises! MAGAZINE, 48PG, PC $2.99 DC DIRECT GREEN LANTERN OVERSIZED POSTER BY ALEX ROSS PAINTED ART BY ALEX ROSS Advance-solicited; in stores September 26. The GREEN LANTERN OVERSIZED POSTER BY ALEX ROSS is the first in a new series of oversized posters of the greatest heroes of the DC Universe. Leading off the series is acclaimed artist Alex Ross's full-figure painted rendition of the greatest Green Lantern of all time, Hal Jordan. This enormous poster is a whopping 22" by 58". Retailers, please note: The GREEN LANTERN OVERSIZED POSTER BY ALEX ROSS is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for August- released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. POSTER, 22X58, FC $19.95 HAWKMAN STATUE SCULPTED BY SAM GREENWELL; BASED ON DESIGNS BY JOE KUBERT Advance-solicited; in stores November 14. Hawkman takes to the skies again! The Silver Age Hawkman is back as a hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain statue, designed by Joe Kubert — the artist whose work on the character in the 1940s and 1960s has long been considered the definitive portrayal. The HAWKMAN STATUE features the Winged Warrior in joyous flight, winging his way through the clouds and measures approximately 11 1/2" tall x 6" deep (overall). This statue comes with a DC Comics Certificate of Authenticity and an 8 1/2" x 11" print of Joe Kubert's design for the statue, signed by the artist. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The HAWKMAN STATUE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for August-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. STATUE $195.00 JSA: POWER GIRL ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores December 12. Born ages ago in ancient Atlantis, the infant Kara was sent ahead in time by her sorcerer grandfather to save her from a foe's plan for vengeance. Now Power Girl, super-powered femme fatale and one-time member of Justice League Europe, is part of a trio of new JSA action figures. Power Girl, features multiple points of articulation and a non-removable soft vinyl cape and a non-removable belt, and stands approximately 6 3/8" tall. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The JSA: POWER GIRL ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for August-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI JSA: SOLOMON GRUNDY DELUXE ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores December 12. In the 19th Century, a man is murdered and buried in a bog. In the 20th Century, that same man is granted a strange, second the slow-witted, monstrous behemoth known as Solomon Grundy! Invulnerable to harm and possessing near-limitless strength, Solomon Grundy is an almost unstoppable foe for even the mightiest of heroes. The SOLOMON GRUNDY DELUXE ACTION FIGURE features multiple points of articulation and a removable club in his left hand, and stands approximately 7 1/2" tall. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The JSA: SOLOMON GRUNDY DELUXE ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for August-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI JSA: WILDCAT ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores December 12. When boxer Ted Grant's friend and mentor was murdered by crooked gamblers trying to fix a fight, he vowed to find the killers. Donning the garb of Wildcat, he joined the fight against evil, both alone and as a member of the JSA, and delivered a knock-out punch to crime. The WILDCAT ACTION FIGURE features multiple points of articulation and stands approximately 5 3/4" tall. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The JSA: WILDCAT ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance- solicited. Orders must be placed with those for August-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI SILVER AGE GREEN ARROW AND SPEEDY DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET Advance-solicited; in stores December 5. From the Silver Age of comics come two of DC's classic heroes: Green Arrow, the Emerald Archer, and his young sidekick, Speedy! Together, these legendary heroes took up bow and arrows to combat crime — modern day Robin Hoods in pursuit of justice! Now these bow-slingers are reunited in the SILVER AGE GREEN ARROW AND SPEEDY DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET, featuring both heroes in their classic costumes of yesteryear. Green Arrow stands approximately 6 1/4" tall and Speedy stands approximately 5 1/2" tall. Both action figures feature multiple points of articulation and non-removable quivers. This deluxe set comes with a boomerang-arrow and a grenade-arrow, and individual bows for each figure. Also included is an approximately 3" wide model of Green Arrow's Arrowcar and a 2 1/2" wide Arrowplane. The plane is featured on a non-removable stand. Retailers, please note: The SILVER AGE GREEN ARROW AND SPEEDY DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for August-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET PI SMALLVILLE PVC SET Advance-solicited; in stores December 5. Rocketed to Earth as an infant from the doomed planet Krypton, the baby Kal-El was found and raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent, a farm couple from Smallville. Now to coincide with the launch of the upcoming live-action Fall TV series, Smallville, on The WB Television Network, teenaged Clark Kent, his family (Ma and Pa Kent), his friends (Lana Lang and Krypto), and his deadliest foe (Lex Luthor) are together in this deluxe box set of seven hand-painted PVC figures...including the Boy of Steel himself, Superboy! Figures range from approximately 2 1/2" to 4 3/8" tall. Packaged in a 4-color window box. Retailers, please note: The SMALLVILLE PVC SET is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for August-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. PVC SET (X7) $39.95 WONDER WOMAN PEWTER FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores November 28. Wonder Woman becomes the eighth figure in the DC DIRECT line of fine pewter figures based on the heroes of the JLA. The WONDER WOMAN PEWTER FIGURE stands approximately 4" tall and is set on a pewter base emblazoned with the logo of the JLA. Retailers, please note: The WONDER WOMAN PEWTER FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for August-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. PEWTER FIGURE $24.95 STARS OF THE MONTH THE SPIRIT STATUE SCULPTED BY WILLIAM PAQUET; BASED ON DESIGNS BY WILL EISNER In stores August 22. Reoffered to coincide with the release of THE SPIRIT ARCHIVES VOL. 5 HC, Will Eisner's indelible creation, The Spirit, comes to life in a gorgeous statue that stands 12" high x 5 1/2" wide x 3 1/2" deep on an engraved base of "The Spirit" logo. There is no doubt this statue has captured "the spirit" of Denny Colt's masked alter ego. (STAR12974) STATUE $195.00 TOM STRONG DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET In stores August 1. Reoffered to coincide with the release of TOM STRONG BOOK ONE TP, this is the first deluxe action figure set featuring characters from AMERICA'S BEST COMICS! Standing 6 1/4" tall, the Tom Strong action figure comes with a propeller-powered flying backpack unit, gun, and holster. This set also comes with Tom's trusty servant, Pneuman, standing 7" tall. Packaged in a 4-color window box. Note: quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. (STAR11700) DELUXE ACTION FIGURE SET PI ************************ IMAGE COMICS AGENCY #2 Top Cow Comics (W) Paul Jenkins (A) Kyle Hotz (C) Matt Nelson Houston we have a problem. The Agency is following a killer, a serial killer with a very famous M.O. God's Man plagued the world five years previous with his murder spree. It seems as though he's back. But how can this be when he's been locked securely away for last five years? Who's doing the killing? How do they know all the grisly details of the original murders? And how can you even think to miss out on the second exciting issue of Paul Jenkin's Agency?!? FC, 32pg $2.50 BLUNTMAN AND CHRONIC GN (W) Kevin Smith (A)Michael Avon Oeming / Mike Allred Popular film director/writer Kevin Smith (Chasing Amy, Dogma) brings his world famous slacker creations Jay and Silent Bob as their "super-hero" personals: Bluntman and Chronic! Specifically timed to coincide with the release of Kevin's new film: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back! (August 2001) This story is culled directly from what will become one of the summer's biggest smash releases! A photo cover ensures instant sales from film and movie buffs. With art by Eisner Nominated artist Michael Avon Oeming. SC, 7x10, 96pg $12.95 ARIA: THE SOUL MARKET # 5 (W) Brian Holguin (A)David Yardin (C) Avalon Color A six issue mini-series. What Price a Soul? The malevolent trickster called Goodfellow has stated his terms: Kildare is to protect him from the nameless Dread which is following him, bent on revenge. In exchange, Goodfellow will release the soul of Thomas, a past lover of Kildare's, a soul he now literally holds in the palm of his hand. The bargain seems simple enough, but Kildare has known Goodfellow long enough to ever take him at his word. Plus, it seems, Kildare has a few tricks of her own up her sleeve. FC, 32pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN: O/A ARAI: BLANC & NOIR#1 Jay Anacleto's stunning artwork showcased in a gorgeous black and white format under a new cover. An art fan must have. BW 32pp $2.50 ****************** ARIA / ANGELA : HEAVENLY CREATURES LIMITED COLLECTORS PACK Get the blockbuster of last year! Issues #1 and #2, plus a random chrome cover. All contained in a specially printed and foiled collectors pack limited to 1000 and autographed by writer Brian Holguin. Each pack features exclusive, never seen before art on the front and a limited edition museum mini-print that is also signed and numbered. FC $35.00 CLIVE BARKER'S TORTURED SOULS McFarlane Toys Item #17800-5 Here it is, perhaps the scariest, most disturbing line of action figures ever released. Straight from the minds of Todd McFarlane and Clive Barker, Tortured Souls features six never-before-seen characters: * Talisac * Lucidique * Venal Anatomica * Mongroid * Agonistes * The Scythe Meister Each figure comes with a portion of a Barker novella. Buy all six to complete a Clive Barker original prose story available nowhere else. (CAUT: 4) Figure PI DISCIPLES #3 (W) Chris Dows and Colin Clayton (A) Laurence Campbell (I) Larry Shuput A bi-monthly series. Two of the Disciples are sent to Las Vegas to find a stolen artifact. Although unsure of what they're looking for exactly, they know who has it, but unknown to them, they are walking into a trap. The other Disciples know full well what could happen.if the artifact is uncovered, it could take two more of its members away...but this time, not in death, but in allegiance to the Templars. FC, 32pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN: O/A THE DISCIPLES #1 Start this series from the very beginning with our exciting first issue! FC 32pp $2.95Ea. ****************** THE DOLLZ #3 (W) Randy Green & Thomas Sniegoski (A) Randy Green (I)Rick Ketcham A bi-monthly series. They were created by the mysterious Dollmaker to perform a mission of utmost importance. A classic battle of good against evil is about to unfold and its up to the Dollz to save us from the encroaching darkness. Also, the mystery of Joe, agent of the One World Order, continues to deepen as he faces a startling revelation about his humanity. And what of Annika, the Senator's daughter? In the clutches of the Church of the Most Holy Transformation, she begins a rite that will change her forever. FC, 32pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN: THE DOLLZ #1 (RANDY GREEN COVER) Begin your mission with our spectacular first issue. FC 32pp $2.95 ********************* GO GIRL! #4 (W) Trina Robbins (A) Anne Timmons Cowgirls and rustlers and aliens, oh my! When Lindsay and her mom decide to vacation at a dude ranch owned by Janet's old crime-fighting partner, they haven't reckoned with a scary hired man and mysteriously disappearing cattle. Lindsay does some sleuthing and discovers that the truth is out there! Award-winner Trina Robbins (Inkpot, Lulu awards) joins Eisner nominee Anne Timmons and prize-winning letterer Tom Orzechowski (Every award in comics!) to produce a critically acclaimed comic for girls and the boys who like them. b&w, 32pg $3.50 HELLSPAWN #13 McFarlane Productions (W) Steve Niles (A) Ashley Wood (Cover)Ashley Wood "Heaven & Hell"—The biggest and most-anticipated event of the year! A word spoken. A flash of blinding light. A mysterious hero from the past returns. The New York City streets are suddenly alight with chaos. The Hellspawn stands poised for combat with a Hell-born she-demon called Haella, who challenges the rightful successor to the throne. When the hero emerges, he will stand between the combatants and the history of the Hellspawn will be forever changed. FC, 32pg $2.50 KABUKI #1/2 (W/A) David Mack Previoulsy only available from a Wizard Magazine mail-in offer. This rare Kabuki story with all new painted art from David Mack and includes both Wizard covers. And for the first time ever in the English language, the entire Kabuki spotlight published in the French EKLIPSE Magazine. David Mack is a two time Eisner nominee for BEST PAINTER. If you enjoy his work on the new Daredevil storyline, this issue is a great introduction to Kabuki. The story reads like a poem, the art is like a dream, and readers are searching for this rare Kabuki #1/2 story! FC, 32pg $2.95 KID ROCK ACTION FIGURE McFarlane Toys Item #12180-3 Kid Rock's Devil Without a Cause album was certified platinum five times over and his newest record, The History of Rock, has spawned several hit songs. Kid Rock is a pioneer in the rap/rock subgenre and has a look — the hat, the strap T-shirt, the street image, the trademark guitar — that translates well into a McFarlane Toys action figure. Includes guitar and custom base. (CAUT: 4) Figure PI KIN: DESCENT OF MAN TP Top Cow Comics (W) Gary Frank (I) Jason Gorder; Lee Townsend (C) Bongotone Neanderthal man lives among us. Or at least he did until his discovery by the sinister S.I.A. who proceed to ruthlessly exterminate these ancient people in pursuit of their strange and potent technology. Now, one Neanderthal survivor, along with his desperate group of friends, must then try to right the wrongs done to his people and prevent the Neanderthals' power from falling into the hands of evil! One of last years most intriguing series is collected here for the first time with an added six new pages of art and story plus a brand-new cover by artist and KIN creator Gary Frank! SC, 7x10, 176pg, FC $19.95 LAST SHOT #1 (W) Locke (P/I) Long Vo A bi-monthly ongoing series. "Foodchain – Part 1" Oftentimes, the person holding the biggest gun decides who lives or dies. The continent of Nsen runs on a justice system enforced solely by gunners-- bounty hunters who have modified their bodies with crude cybernetic weaponry. We follow the gunner, Revolver, to Hamilton City, only to find himself up against the biggest gun of them all; Krayde / The Cannon. Dead-Alive contracts, wild outlaws and kinetic gun slinging action accent this medieval western punk universe, where the gun is law and greed reigns supreme. It hurts to get shot by a cannonball. Note: This issue includes a full 24-page story in full color plus a bonus gallery of full color illustrations and development sketches. FC, 32pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN: O/A LAST SHOT: FIRST DRAW Are you still looking for more info about this bright new series? Check out our self contained , original, introductory one-shot. It's available right now. FC 32pp $2.95 ********************** MIDNIGHT NATION #10 Joe's Comics (W) J. Michael Straczynski (A) Gary Frank (I) Jonathan Sibal (C) Matt Milla At last: David comes face to face with the man who stole his soul, the man he has traveled three thousand miles on foot to confront...only to discover that his is not the only life on the line. He may recover his soul, but the price may be more than he wants to pay! FC, 32pg $2.50 MR. RIGHT #1 (W) Tom DeFalco (P) Ron Frenz (I) Sal Buscema A Bi-Monthly Series. While attempting to develop a technology that allows a computerized construct to assume physical mass, Professor Poindexter Click unintentionally designs the ultimate super-hero program. But Mr. Right is little more than a soulless animatronic until he bonds with a young video gamer. Since Jeffrey "Player One" Lopez actually believes in heroes, he somehow transforms Mr. Right into a real person. Mr. Right can only exist in a physical state when Jeffrey is sitting at the computer keyboard or is operating his portable game player. Unfortunately, this relationship presents a grave danger to the boy. Jeffrey and Mr. Right are somehow linked physically as well as psychically. If Mr. Right is punched, Jeffery also feels the blow. If Mr. Right is cut, Jeffrey also bleeds. If Mr. Right should die, so would Jeffery! Mr. Right is a fist-swinging super-athlete along the lines of Daredevil and Captain America, and his adventures will be similar in tone to comics like Spider-Girl and the Tom DeFalco/Ron Frenz versions of Thor, Spider-Man and Thunderstrike. This title is just perfect for fans of video games, action comics and split-second excitement. Our debut issue features THREE complete stories! "Do The RIGHT Thing!" Your saga begins here as we reveal the origin of Mr. Right, introduce our cast of characters and pit our hero against the sinister Big Brother and his super-elite Strikeforce. "Family Matters!" When Detective Sarah Lopez discovers that someone has been murdering the members of Hardcore Continental Wrestling Federation, Mr. Right is forced to climb into the ring and deliver his own brand of justice. BONUS FLIP-BOOK Randy O'Donnell Is THE M@N in "Who's The M@N?" (5 pages) (W) Tom DeFalco (P) Ron Lim (I) Robert Jones Our two new action heroes meet in our standard all-out action manner! This is it! The M@N takes on Mr. Right and we promised that super- hero team-ups will never be the same again! OBERGEIST: RAGNAROK HIGHWAY #4 Minotaur Press (W) Dan Jolley, Tony Harris (A) Tony Harris (I) Ray Snyder (C) Matt Hollingsworth As we learn the brutal facts of Dennis Faircloth's background, Jürgen and Elsa's cross- country trek leads them into a Neo-Nazi ambush... and Elsa delivers an ultimatum concerning Jürgen's real identity. It's truth at the end of a shotgun as "Ragnarok Highway" continues. FC, 32pg $2.95 POWERS #1/2 (W) Brian Michael Bendis (A) Mike Avon Oeming (C) Pat Garrahy Something you don't see everyday- A super-hero is found weeping over a dead super- villain. And detectives Walker and Pilgrim are going to find out why. But that's just half the story. The first half of this comic is a representation of the critically acclaimed short story from the Wizard edition of Powers , but the second half of this, the image comics edition, is all new. as the Shark is put on trial for his treacherous crimes. This issue takes you further into the world of powers unique justice system than any issue so far. Two halves of a big, big story for the first time anywhere. Also, a brand new cover by Mike Oeming and a brand new maniacal letter column by writer Brian Bendis and much more. And by much more, we mean a couple of house ads. FC, 32pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN: O/A POWERS #7 This special self-contained story features Warren Ellis, the comic book character, and is the issue that immediately follows the POWERS: WHO KILLED RETRO GIRL? TPB. FC, 32pg $2.95 ********************** RISING STARS #17 Joe's Comics (W) J. Michael Straczynski (A) Brent Anderson (I) Marlo Alquiza The final act begins in the story of the Specials. This issue marks the start of the arc that will follow the remaining Specials through their later adulthood and eventual deaths. We jump forward another dozen years, and see the effects that the Specials have had in their campaign to change the world, whether the world wants to be changed or not. But now the world has the tools to begin fighting back.... FC, 32pg $2.50 RISING STARS TPB #2 Joe's Comics (W) J. Michael Straczynski (P) Lashley/Zanier/ Stuart Immonen/ Brent Anderson (I) Livesay/Alquiza (C) Brett Evans/Dan Kemp TOP COW is proud to bring you issues 9-15 of the critically acclaimed series RISING STARS. This second story arc written by J.MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI (BABYLON 5, CRUSADE) continues the tale of the Specials as they wage war between themselves and the rest of the world. With an all new cover by current series artist Brent Anderson (ASTRO CITY), this great collection is the perfect way to revisit your favorite Rising Stars moments or finally piece together those missing issues. SC, 7x10, 192pg, FC $19.95 SAM & TWITCH #25 McFarlane Productions (W) Todd McFarlane (A) Alex Maleev (Color) by Jay Fotos (Cover) by Ashley Wood "The Jon Doe Affair, Part Vl" SHOCKING FINALE TO TODD McFARLANE'S STORY ARC Traitor in their midst? As Sam ponders why he was chosen to receive messages from the killer, the entire case is about to blow up in his face. Sam and Twitch narrow their pursuit, homing in on a murderer who seems to know too much. Where is this information coming from? The inside? The end comes crashing in as Sam and Twitch attempt to wrap up one of their most exciting and unnerving cases. Don't miss this one! FC, 32pg $2.50 OFFERED AGAIN: O/A SAM & TWITCH #20 & 21 Featuring Parts 1 & 2 of "The Jon Doe Affair"! FC 32pp $2.50Ea. ********************** SAVAGE DRAGON #89 by Erik Larsen. An ongoing, monthly series. Panic in Detroit! Because you demanded it (and you know who you are so don't try to deny it)-- The Deadly Duo are back! The Motor City's lovable lunkheads are out to aid the Savage Dragon against the awesome menace of Neutron Bob, the living bomb-burst! This can't possibly mean things will be any easier for ol' Fin-Head! The Dragon discovers that Detroit has miraculously survived the great disaster unscathed—what sinister secret saved Motor City? More pieces of the puzzle fall into place. More questions answered. And more action-packed epics abound! Another issue of Savage Dragon that's COMPLETELY accessible to old and new readers and self-contained at that! A great jumping on place for new readers. Savage Dragon comes with our Highest Possible Recommendation! FC, 32pg $2.95 SHIDIMA #6 (W) Adrian Tsang (A) Warui Namakemono (I) Ramil Sunga An ongoing, monthly series. A clash of both swords and ideals meet head on as Aldaran is forced to fully commit himself to the task of toppling the empire as the carefully laid plans Aldaran originally hatched to free Kameko from the clutches of the emperor disintegrate into near open- warfare in the surrounding countryside of the Imperial City. This time however, with one of Shidima's most infamous swordsmen standing in his way, its Aldaran who has to worry about surviving the encounter... FC, 32pg $2.95 SPAWN #113 McFarlane Productions (W) Todd McFarlane and Brian Holguin (A) Angel Medina (I) Danny Miki (Color) Brian Haberlin(Cover) Greg Capullo The Kingdom, Part VII—A STUNNING CONCLUSION The stunning conclusion to the seven-part Kingdom epic -- revelations, regrets and rebirths. In this final chapter of a groundbreaking story line, all is revealed about the true nature of Spawn's most surprising foes to date. The lives of all those around him will be touched, tormented and, for some, changed forever. Guest-starring NYPD detectives Sam and Twitch. FC, 32pg $2.50 OFFERED AGAIN: O/A CREECH #1-3 While Spawn artist Greg Capullo works on CREECH: OUT FOR BLOOD, get reacquainted with Greg's original and now classic CREECH series. The all-new, bi- monthly CREECH: OUT FOR BLOOD returns next month in Previews. FC 32pp $1.95/$2.50 ****************** SPAWN: THE DARK AGES #30 McFarlane Productions (W) Steve Niles (A) Nat Jones (I) Kevin Conrad (Color)Todd Broeker (Cover) Ashley Wood "The Beast of the Wood"—At last, the Beast is revealed. After burying the Necroplasm at the Stone Circle where he first met his fate, Covenant returns home from the battle with the Living Plague and finds his newly formed encampment destroyed. For 13 nights, the soldiers and farmers who had stood by the Hellspawn fought and died at the hands of a mysterious attacker. Now Covenant comes face to face with the Beast of the Wood. Without his Hell-born powers, does Spawn stand a chance of survival? FC, 32pg $2.50 TOMB RAIDER #16 Top Cow Comics (W) Dan Jurgens (A) Andy Park (I) Jonathan Sibal (C ) Jonathan D. Smith Lara Croft gains a mysterious new ally as she embarks on what could be her most dangerous mission ever. Lara has long gathered precious objects of the past, but what happens when she encounters an object from...the future? Tomb Raider kicks into high gear in the exciting, life altering first chapter of the four-part epic, "Pieces of Zero". FC, 32pg $2.50 UNIVERSE #1 Top Cow Comics (W) Paul Jenkins (A) Clayton Crain (I) Jonathan Glapion (C) Steve Firchow The first issue of Top Cow's Hell series is here and the world as we knew it will never be the same again! A tormented priest learns that he is the deciding factor in a huge spiritual war. But who do you pray to when you don't know whose side you're on? This premiere issue begins to unravel the mystery of what the Triad of Powers, The Darkness, the Witchblade, and the Angelus are really about!! Come along for an incredible ride as we turn our world upside down and witness the unthinkable as Top Cow goes to Hell!!! FC, 32pg $2.50 WARLANDS TPB VOL. I (W) Adrian Tsang (A) Pat Lee (I)Alvin Lee Welcome to Warlands. A fantasy world of Myth and Magic set against the backdrop of a world in the grip of a global-scale war against the Vampire Hordes of Datara. Bent on the conquest of the entire realm, Malagen the Black, Kahn of Datara, embarks on an unholy war to obtain the legendary Darklyte armor, an artifact fabled to the nexus of all manner of magical energy. Join our heroes in the ashes of their ruined homeland as they struggle against the dark to save their world from total annihilation. SC, 7x10, 192pg, FC $19.95 OFFERED AGAIN: O/A WARLANDS #7-10 Complete your saga through Warlands Vol. 1 with the rest of the story. Warlands #10 includes a bonus Shidima debut story! #7-9—FC, 32pp $2.50 #10—FC, 32pp $2.95 ********************** DYNAMIC FORCES RISING STARS ACT 1: THE LEATHER BOUND EDITION Signed by creator/writer Joe Michael Straczynski! One of the best read comic series today is collected in one of the most prestigous formats today - the DF Leather Bound edition! Issues #1 - #8 encompass Act 1 of the Rising Stars Trilogy, and here's your chance to get the extremely limited Leather Bound Edition! Extremely limited edition, there will only be 3,000 of these made! HC $89.99 RISING STARS ACT 1: LIMITED DF LEATHER BOUND EDITION. Also available as a DELUXE "RE-MARKED" Edition with a head sketch by artist Livesay and signed by Joe Michael Straczynski. Extremely limited to just 999 units! Allocations may occur! HC $149.99 UNIVERSE #1 DF EXCLUSIVE ALTERNATE/CHROME COVER With a DF Exclusive Cover by "Top" Top Cow artist Marc Silvestri! The Top Cow Universe will never be the same after this book! DF presents our limited edition cover drawn by Top Cow founder Marc Silvestri! Also available signed by writer Paul Jenkins, or in a Chrome edition. REGULAR—FC $6.99 SIGNED—FC $29.99 CHROME—FC $19.99 TOP COW #1 "5 STAR" STARTER SET Featuring Inferno #1 DF Exclusive Alternate Cover PLUS 4 more random limited edition #1 comics ranging from Midnight Nation to Fathom and more at the introductory price of $14.99! Set $14.99 RISING STARS #1 DF EXCLUSIVE "SKETCH" ALTERNATE COVER COOL PAIR With a DF Exclusive Cover by Kea Cha! Being Commemorated by Top Cow in this hot new series of Black and White Editions! And DF has the extremely limited exclusive "Sketch" cover! This historic sold out first issue of this incredible series is coming with a bonus book at no extra cost! FC $6.99 RISING STARS #2 GOLDEN BONUS SET Featuring the sold out 2nd issue - which is one of the hottest back issues in comics today - featuring the DF Limited cover. But since this is a "golden" opportunity for retailers, DF is adding in a 2nd Foil Edition Comic at no extra cost! That's at least an addition $10.00 value to double your pleasure on this limited #2! FC $6.99 RISING STARS SOLID WHITE AF ULTRA LIMITED EDITION ANNIVERSARY SET A mysterious force penetrates the Earth's atmosphere and plummets into a quiet mid- western town. What the people of Peterson, Illinois, will soon find out is that the 113 children conceived that heated summer night, are special. They can do things no one else can, or thought possible. Together, they can help make the world a better place. Apart, blinded by the desire for power, they may just destroy the world. Patriot – He can bench press 2500 pounds, his IQ is 240 . . . and he can fly. Once a corporate symbol for Nexuscorp, now he's teaming up with the government to take down the rest of the "specials." She appears as the most beautiful person in the world to whoever is looking at her. Between magazine covers and modeling assignments and talk shows, she lives in a mansion with the most powerful men in the world. With the war coming, will her power be enough? He can see things no one else can and can trail anyone without being seen. He uses his talent to paint to finance his crime fighting – but in the end, his painting and crime fighting are one and the same – both are attempts to create order and find meaning in his life. The government's hunt for the specials has caused mousy Stephanie Maas to retreat behind her alter personality, Critical Mass. She is all power, all anger, all vengeance, out of control and she's taking over Chicago! Plus as an extra added anniversary bonus, you will receive two random Rising Stars Limited Edition Comics at no extra cost! Each figure is limited to only 1,500 Sets of the Solid White Editions! Figure Set $69.99 TOMB RAIDER #0 DF EXCLUSIVE "RUBY RED" EDITION The limited DF #0 issue with less than a thousand to go around in the world! Limited to only 999 DF"Ruby Red" Editions! FC $14.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A WITCHBLADE LITHOGRAPH BY KEU CHA Showcasing incredible art by ongoing artist Keu Cha! This litho measures 18" by 24", is printed on 80 Lb. Gallerie Silk paper, and will look bbbeeeaauuuutttiiiffful on your wall! Just take a look, because seeing is believing - and believe me, when you see this in full size, you will be awestruck! Litho, 18x24, FC $19.95 WITCHBLADE/DARKMINDS DOUBLE PLEASURE PACKAGE Since it's Witchblade Month (and with the upcoming TV series coming out), and Pat Lee is launching an all new series on Warlands, DF is bringing the original Top Cow/Dreamwave Studios crossover – the Witchblade/Darkminds DF Gold Foil Cover - to your door at this special price of just $10.00 each! But that's not all! DF is also adding in the regular cover as a bonus to "double your pleasure" in collecting. So don't miss out on this incredible package! Pack $10.00 TOMB RAIDER/WITCHBLADE ONE SHOT BLACK COVER BONUS SET The DF Cover to Tomb Raider Witchblade #1/2 and as an extra added bonus you will receive the extremely limited and originally mail order only limited edition black cover to Tomb Raider/Witchbalde - the original book that started the Tomb Raider comic revolution going! Set $10.00 FATHOM 5 TIMES THE CHARM #1 FANTASTIC PACKAGE Featuring the DF limited edition cover to Fathom: Killian's Tide #1 as well as the two covers by Talent Caldwell and creator/writer/artist Michael Turner, and as an extra added bonus, fans will receive 2 additional limited edition Top Cow comics! Pack $11.99 RISING STARS #9 DF LIMITED DAVE GIBBONS COVER The battle for Chicago began in this issue, the same issue that started the second story arc with an amazing cover by Dave (Watchmen) Gibbons! Also available signed by Dave Gibbons (all the way from the UK)! REGULAR—FC $6.99 SIGNED—FC $29.99 THE DOLLZ #1 DF EXCLUSIVE COVER Signed by writer Tom Sniegoski!This ultra hot #1 issue signed goes for $24.99, but DF is introducing it this month at the "Introductory Price" of just $18.95! Limited to only 500 signed Editions! FC $18.95 MARVEL COMICS X-Men THE EXILES #3 cover by mike mckone & mark mckenna judd winick/mike mckone/mark mckenna Reeling from last issue's tragedy, the Exiles must take part in one of the most infamous moments in X-Men history: the trial of Phoenix! But this time it's the Exiles who are the bad guys! Hey, maybe that's why Wolverine is so mad! All this, plus a new member joins Blink's band of reality-hopping mutants! 7-59606-05108-3-00311 2.25 UNCANNY X-MEN #397 cover by ian churchill joe casey/ian churchill Chamber feels the squeeze of tabloid scrutiny as the X-Men continue their search for the helpless mutants surviving in the London underground. Will they reach them before the unstoppable genetic cleanser -- Mister Clean -- does? More mysteries behind this sadistic new adversary are revealed in chapter three of "Poptopia!" 7-59606-02461-2-39711 2.25 CABLE #96 cover by michael ryan robert weinberg/michael ryan He's fought the worst despots ever to walk the Earth. But now Nathan Summers is about to meet his strangest adversary, whose origins he could have never dreamed. Who is "Old Man Coll"? And what terrible lesson wil he impart to Cable? 7-59606-01362-3-09611 2.25 CYCLOPS #1 cover by mark texeira & jimmy palmiotti brian k. vaughan/mark texeira/ jimmy palmiotti • THE LOWDOWN: The X-Men's leader is on his own! • THE STORY: The mutant named Scott Summers heads to the Great White North, but what villains wait for him in the snowy lands of Canada? And who is their mysterious benefactor who will stop at nothing to ensure Cyclops' demise? The leader of the X-Men has gone solo — but can he survive on his own? Find out in the first issue of this all-new four-part adventure! • THE CREATORS: Writer Brian K. Vaughan (Batman, Swamp Thing) lends his talents to one of Marvel's mightiest mutants. And with the art of Mark Texeira (SABRETOOTH), this one's a sureshot! • THE WRITER SPEAKS: "My girlfriend has never read an X-Men comic, but she did see and enjoy the movie," said Vaughan. "I want this story to appeal to her, and the millions of other new fans who liked the film or own the DVD, without alienating the die-hard readers who will undoubtedly love Grant Morrison's and Joe Casey's take on Scott. It's a globetrotting adventure that asks, 'When you take away Cyclops' friends, family, and most importantly, his team... what's left?' Hopefully, the answer will surprise readers." • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this four-part, monthly limited series will be 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05117-5-00111 2.50 X-TREME X-MEN #4 cover by salvador larroca chris claremont/salvador larroca Still reeling from their tragic first encounter with the mysterious and deadly Vargas, the X-Treme team renews their quest to find Destiny's missing Books of Truth. But what they don't know is that this enigmatic enemy already has a volume! Now that Vargas holds the road map to their very future, how can they hope to find the other books before he does? And soon a wild card will be dealt -- a joker in their deck that could change everything! 7-59606-05109-0-00411 2.99 NEW X-MEN #117 cover by frank quitely grant morrison/etan van sciver/ tim townsend As protesters lay siege to the Xavier Institute, The Beast makes an astonishing discovery — one that will have immediate and terrible repercussions for him... and for billions of others! Meanwhile, at a time when the team most needs to stay together, Cyclops and Phoenix continue to drift apart! "Insightful character interactions, clever dialogue, and the power of new ideas... Hyperbole cannot do this one justice. Grade: A+" -Comics Buyer's Guide 7-59606-01772-0-11711 2.25 ULTIMATE MARVEL MAGAZINE #8 ULTIMATE X-MEN #8, ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #9 and ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP #4 (featuring Spider-Man, Iron Man and the pencils of Mike Allred) are reprinted in this 80-page, full-color magazine! Plus: the latest on Marvel's movies and licensed products! 07146-01849-09 3.99 ULTIMATE X-MEN #9 cover by adam kubert mark millar/tom raney/scott hanna • THE LOWDOWN: Nick Fury gets the Ultimate treatment as "Weapon X" rockets on! • THE STORY: While Professor X and his X-Men are "re-educated" in the Weapon X facility, the nation's most dangerous spy is asked to lead a group of Weapon X mutants on a top secret, Third World mission. His name is Nick Fury -- and he's none too comfortable with how the government is treating his super-powered colleagues! But with the interests of the Free World at stake, does he have a choice? • THE BUZZ: "Say what you want, but the Ultimate X-Men are a hundred times hipper than their predecessors." -Wizard • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads... with that nice cardstock cover and slick pages! 7-59606-05047-5-00911 2.50 DEADPOOL: AGENT OF WEAPON X #1 cover by barry windsor-smith frank tieri/georges jeanty/jon holdredge • THE LOWDOWN: Why has the title of this book changed? And how has this story jumped straight out of the pages of WOLVERINE? • THE STORY: Deadpool finds himself the candidate for a brand new — but extremely dangerous — job! Hopefully he'll survive the interview with... well, that would be telling! Just when you thought this book couldn't get any crazier, WOLVERINE writer Frank Tieri comes on board for a four-part adventure that will turn 'Pool's world even further on its head! • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-03703-2-05711 2.25 ROGUE #1 painted cover by julie bell fiona avery/aaron lopresti/randy emberlin • THE LOWDOWN: The X-Men's Southern star soars solo! • THE STORY: When Rogue joined the X-Men, they said they could help her, could make her a better person by understanding her powers. She's faced a fatal, brutal, mutant power, which must be controlled at all costs. The unanswered questions are: how do the X-Men actually help her? How does she cope with being a mutant with a terrible, potentially fatal power... does she view herself as a hero or a menace or a fraud? How does she cope with her fears of abandonment from her past experiences as an orphaned child? These questions, and others, will be addressed in the course of this series, which will see Rogue thrust into wildly different situations -- crises that will demand she learn how to trust herself, as well as others. Unencumbered by monthly continuity, this all-new adventure will give readers an in-depth portrait of one of Marvel's most popular characters! • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this four-part, monthly limited series will be 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05112-0-00111 2.50 THE BROTHERHOOD #4 cover by barry windsor-smith x/leonardo manco/jimmy palmiotti • THE SCOOP: A new story arc! A new artist! • THE STORY: An excerpt from the ransom note delivered to millionare Malcolm Reeves: "We have your daughter, and though she was born to be one of us, we'll return her to you only after our demands have been met. For the hate-spewing bigot you are, we know you donate millions to butcher-doctors that perform untold atrocities on young mothers and their "unwanted" babies. Now the Brotherhood would like to see your generosity. If you don't contribute to our worthy cause, you can be assured of two things. One, the world will know that your only offspring is what you've conspired to kill: a mutant! And two, you will see your daughter again, when she returns -- as your assassin!" • THE BUZZ: "Why it's cool: because the 'bad guys' get their say! Plus, it's written by the mysterious X, whose identity even Marvel ain't lettin' on about. What more of a hook could you want?" -Wizard • THE CREATORS: Enigmatic writer X is joined for the next four issues by penciler Leonardo Manco (DOOM) and cover artist Barry Windsor-Smith! 7-59606-05114-4-00411 2.99 WOLVERINE #167 cover by barry windsor-smith frank tieri/dan fraga/norm rapmund • THE LOWDOWN: Patch returns! Viper strikes! Taskmaster attacks! It all goes down in part one of "Blood Sport!" • THE STORY: Wolverine returns to Madripoor — and right into the dangerous arms of his villainous "wife" Viper! What villain has lured Logan back to his old stomping grounds — and into the battle-to-the-death tournament known as Blood Sport? • THE CREATORS: Frank Tieri continues his brutal run on WOLVERINE, teamed with guest-penciler Dan Fraga! And we've even got a cover by WEAPON X artist Barry Windsor-Smith! • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-02254-0-16711 2.25 X-FORCE #119 cover by mike allred peter milligan/mike allred The team faces internal crisis as the new era roars on! When the Orphan discovers the disturbing reality behind the X-Force's mission to free Paco Perez from his captors, he must also face a gut-wrenching decision! Meanwhile, U-Go Girl must ask herself exactly how far she's willing to go to become team leader! "You gotta check out the boldest redirection of a mutant title in a quarter-century." -Comic Shop News 7-59606-01766-9-11911 2.25 Spider-Man AMAZING SPIDER-MAN THE COLLECTED EDITION This 96-page one-shot reprints AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #30 - #32, the first three critically acclaimed -- and sold out -- issues by J. Michael Straczynski and John Romita Jr.! 7-59606-05149-6-00111 3.99 ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #12 cover by mark bagley brian michael bendis/mark bagley/art thibert • THE SCOOP: The conclusion to ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN's first all-new story arc! • THE STORY: Our teen sensation wants a rematch with the Kingpin -- but to get it, he'll have to go through Wilson Fisk's henchmen: Electro and the Enforcers! • THE BUZZ: "The best thing about this series is the sense of Peter Parker's inexperience. He's new at this game... his exuberance, tempered with a constant sense of 'What the hell am I doing?' captures the feel of a teenage super hero better than any other book on the market." • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05031-4-01211 2.50 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #34 cover by j. scott campbell j. michael straczynski/john romita jr./scott hanna It's wall-to-wall action as Spider-Man, armed with new knowledge about himself and his powers, squares off against the enigmatic and lethal Morlun! "J. Michael Straczynski, creator of 'Babylon 5,' has taken over the reins of Marvel's venerable web-slinger... the results: the best issue of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in years -- if not decades! Straczynski is taking the wall-crawler in some amazing new directions!" - 7-59606-04716-1-03411 2.25 SPIDER-GIRL #37 cover by pat olliffe tom defalco/pat olliffe/al williamson The fans saved her series from cancellation -- but will Spider-Girl survive the return of the Green Goblin? As the war between the Kingpin and Canis heats up, the Green Goblin returns! Plus: Mayday meets the daughter of the Black Cat -- and one of the original Spider-Women confronts Peter! "Female readers are still an untapped source by most companies in this industry, but this book is hitting that market." 7-59606-03503-8-03711 2.25 PETER PARKER, SPIDER-MAN #34 cover by humberto ramos paul jenkins/mark buckingham/wayne faucher With great power there must also come great responsibility, but what if one does not want the power in the first place? Spider-Man faces off against such an individual, when a new foe takes it upon himself to cleanse the city — literally! 7-59606-04717-8-03411 2.25 TANGLED WEB #5: FLOWERS FOR RHINO painted cover by duncan fegredo peter milligan/duncan fegredo • THE SCOOP: Beginning a self-contained two-part story, in which writer Peter Milligan (X-FORCE) and artist Duncan Fegredo (Clerks) spin a touching tale of one of Spider- Man's most misunderstood foes! • THE STORY: They call him the Rhi#A big lug in an impenetrable -- and irremovable -- suit. He runs into things, he knocks 'em down. That's what he does. Until he runs into a certain wise-cracking web-slinger, who knocks him down. So what's it like to walk in the Rhino's size 17 shoes? What's it like to wake up every morning knowing that Spider- Man is out there, waiting to drag your grey butt into jail? And what's it like when you finally figure out the key to solving your predicament? • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05106-9-00511 2.99 ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP #7: SPIDER-MAN & DAREDEVIL cover by bill sienkiewicz brian michael bendis/bill sienkiewicz • THE SCOOP: First he targeted Spider-Man... but now the Punisher sets his sights on Daredevil! • THE STORY: Last issue the one-man-army named Frank Castle escaped from prison and began his mission to wipe out the men responsible for the death of his family! Now one of the guilty party seeks legal protection from attorney Matt Murdock. But it may only be Murdock's alter ego, the vigilante named Daredevil, who can save his client from the Punisher's wrath — but then again, maybe not! And guess who's caught in the middle? That's right, our young wall-crawling Spider-Man! • THE CREATORS: Written by Wizard's "Best Writer of 2000," Brian Michael Bendis — with art by the legendary Bill Sienkiewicz! • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05088-8-00711 2.25 Marvel Knights DAREDEVIL: YELLOW #3 cover by tim sale jeph loeb/tim sale The award-winning team of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale takes on Daredevil! The new firm of Nelson and Murdock needs clients — so howzabout the Fantastic Four? Meanwhile, the early days of DD's career continue as the Man Without Fear follows the trail to his father's killers! Plus: a classic enemy makes his first move! 7-59606-05093-2-00311 3.50 DAREDEVIL #22 painted cover by david mack bob gale/phil winslade/james hodgkins • THE SCOOP: The bi-weekly madness continues as DD's crazy court date grows near! • THE STORY: It's the strangest legal case of the century: lawyer Matt Murdock vs. his alter ego, Daredevil! If he's going to defend himself against, well, himself, DD needs a lawyer... but it's Murdock himself who may have to settle! • THE CREATORS: Written by "Back To The Future" screenwriter and Batman: No Man's Land scribe Bob Gale, with pencils by Phil Winslade (DAREDEVIL/SPIDER- MAN)! Plus a painted cover by David Mack! • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-04706-2-02211 2.99 PUNISHER #3 painted cover by TIM BRADSTREET garth ennis/steve dillon/jimmy palmiotti Frank Castle is headed for the South Pacific — for his kind of fun in the sun! The Punisher is tracking an international cartel that's resurrected an old enemy — and the trail leads to the scumhole called Grand Nixon Island! What will the one-man-army do on an island full of mercenaries, criminals and psychos? Figure it out! 7-59606-05113-7-00311 2.99 MARVEL KNIGHTS MAGAZINE #5 This 80-page, full-color magazine reprints THE PUNISHER #5 (by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon), DAREDEVIL #5 (by Kevin Smith & Joe Quesada) and INHUMANS #2 (by Paul Jenkins & Jae Lee)! Plus: the latest in the Marvel Knights Survival Guide... and babes! 71486-03923-09 3.99 ELEKTRA #2(A) cover by greg horn brian michael bendis/chuck austen Elektra's red-hot new series rocks on! Why has the super secret spy organization called S.H.I.E.L.D. hired our sexy assassin? And has the subversive terrorist cell known as Hydra infiltrated her employers? Surrounded by evil, and left no one to trust, it'll take all of Elektra's "ninja whamma-jamma" to ferret out the answers and survive this deadly mission! 7-59606-05132-8-00211 2.99 ELEKTRA #2(B) It's "2-For-2" time with an alternate cover by Mr. ELEKTRA ASSASSIN, Bill Sienkiewicz! 7-59606-05132-8-00221 2.99 GHOST RIDER: THE HAMMER LANE #3 cover by Trent kaniuga devin grayson/trent kaniuga/danny miki His name is Gunmetal Gray, and he's been hired to kill Ghost Rider — but you won't believe who his employer is! And while a supernatural, flame-skulled demon is pretty hard to kill, the ex-stunt rider named Johnny Blaze is totally mortal! Will Ghost Rider's crusade for vengeance run out of gas just as it's begun? And don't forget that the first 7 pages of issue #1 was previewed in Wizard #117... so everyone's going to want this! "Yeah! Ghost Rider once again has his own series and is back with a vengeance! I love the hard, detailed look of this comic book -- and the fast-paced story. I sure wouldn't want to meet this guy in the dark! Grade: A" -Comics Buyer's Guide 7-59606-05103-8-00311 2.99 DAREDEVIL #23 painted cover by david mack bob gale/dave ross/james hodgkins • THE SCOOP: It's two doses of DD a month! • THE STORY: Attorney Matt Murdock is forced to prosecute his secret identity, Daredevil — but he's convinced that someone may have framed them both! So is there really an old enemy behind it all — or something even stranger? • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-04706-2-02311 2.99 FANTASTIC FOUR: 1-2-3-4 #2 cover by jae lee grant morrison/jae lee The ultimate FF story continues by the colossal creative team of Grant Morrison (NEW X-MEN) and Jae Lee (SENTRY)! With her husband Mr. Fantastic locked away in his lab, and her brother the Human Torch out partying, it's time for the Invisible Woman to step into the spotlight and jet out of town! But can a member of the world-famous Fantastic Four enjoy a peaceful vacation? Several of the FF's greatest foes don't think so! 7-59606-05086-4-00211 2.99 Marvel Heroes FANTASTIC FOUR #46 cover by carlos pacheco & jesus merino carlos pacheco, rafael Marin & jeph loeb/ jeff johnson/joe weems Continued from FANTASTIC FOUR 2001, it's part two of the epic Abraxas Saga! One step closer to Armageddon, the FF hunt for clues to one of the most dangerous cosmic beings they've ever encountered! But what threat is so dire that it requires the assistance of cosmic crusaders such as the Silver Surfer, Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock? "Carlos Pacheco and Jeph Loeb have really hit on the themes of family and larger-than- life adventure responsible for the property's initial popularity in the '60s, while maintaining a modern, intelligent tone." -Comics Newsarama 7-59606-04456-6-04611 2.25 THOR #40 cover by tom raney dan jurgens/stuart immonen/ wade von grawbadger • THE SCOOP: Everything changes as Thor and the fire giant Surtur collide in cataclysmic combat! • THE STORY: The searing Surtur stands ready to bring about the end of the world! Asgard's legions strike valiantly against him! But, in the end, a god must fall -- ushering in a new and startling status quo for this title! You've been warned! •THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-03506-9-04011 2.25 BLACK PANTHER #35 cover by sal velluto & bob almond christopher priest/j. calafiore/john livesay "Gorilla Warfare" continues with the battle of the century! In this corner we have M'Baku the Man-Ape, and in the other... Henry Peter Gyrich?! Meanwhile, the Defenders battle... a magically-modified Everett K. Ross?! Think you know the winners in these bouts? Think again! "BLACK PANTHER is the best written book published by Marvel. It is a consistent, intelligent read." 7-59606-03876-3-03511 2.50 DEFENDERS #8 cover by erik larsen/al gordon erik larsen & kurt busiek/erik larsen/al gordon The curse has once again brought the Defenders together — but the Silver Surfer is missing! Dr. Strange, Namor and the Hulk blast off into space in search of their comrade — and run afoul of a star-born menace! Meanwhile, Nighthawk, Valkyrie and Hellcat hunt the Headmen -- but what they find instead might spell doom for the entire world! "DEFENDERS is thoroughly accessible, and provides a good bridge into the Marvel Universe for the younger set." -Comics Newsarama 7-59606-05063-5-00811 2.25 IRON MAN #45 cover by keron grant & rob stull frank tieri/keron grant/rob stull Locked in the fight of his life, Iron Man uses all of the features of his new armor! Who is the Mad Bomber? What is the fate of Tony Stark's alter-ego, Hogan Potts? Will even Iron Man's newly-designed armor be enough to defeat a titanic triple threat? Find out in the pulse-pounding conclusion to "The Big Bang Theory!" 7-59606-04457-3-04511 2.25 CAPTAIN AMERICA #46 cover by dan jurgens & bob layton dan jurgens/dan jurgens/bob layton Iron Man and Captain America have found S.H.I.E.L.D.'s missing headquarters, but to get the Red Skull, Cap must enter the Heli-Carrier alone! Meanwhile, Nick Fury investigates a small town in the Gulf of Mexico which has seen an alarming number of race riots! The mysteries mount as "America Lost" carries us ever closer to Cap's upcoming jump to the Marvel Knights! 7-59606-04455-9-04611 2.25 CAPTAIN MARVEL #22 cover by chriscross & anibal rodriguez PETER DAVID/chriscross/anibal rodriguez In an attempt to restore Rick Jones to his proper age, Genis heads for Kree space to enlist the aid of... the Supreme Intelligence?! Geez, he really should have thought this one through! "Peter David writes another brilliant issue... this is still the jewel in Marvel's crown." -Comics International 7-59606-04815-1-02111 2.50 FANTASTIC FOUR: THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMIC MAGAZINE #9 With all of reality in the hands of Dr. Doom and the Cosmic Cube, can even the mighty Thor save the day? Erik Larsen, Keith Giffen, Ron Frenz, Bruce Timm and many more mighty men of Marvel continue the FF's 40th Anniversary Celebration! 7-59606-05064-2-00911 2.99 INCREDIBLE HULK #31 cover by avalon studios paul jenkins & sean mckeever/ joe bennett/tom palmer Bruce Banner is gone — now only the Hulk remains! The descent into darkness brings the Hulk face-to-face with an old enemy, one with the solution to all of the gamma goliath's problems -- that is, if he's willing the pay the terrible cost! "Paul Jenkins is doing what he does best with this series: breathing new life, meaning and emotion into the character... Jenkins' Banner is a well-rounded, sympathetic character, both our focal point and our entry into this weird world of raging brutes and multiple personalities." - 7-59606-04745-1-03111 2.25 THUNDERBOLTS #55 cover by patrick zircher & al vey fabian nicieza/patrick zircher/al vey The resurrection of the mysterious being long hidden in pod #3 spells the end of Mt. Charteris — and possibly the Redeemers! We could tell you more, but not without spoiling the surprises that await! Plus: an obscure Marvel hero drops dead! Really! 7-59606-03566-3-05511 2.25 CAPTAIN AMERICA/NICK FURY: THE OTHERWORLD WAR cover by leonardo manco peter hogan/leonardo manco • THE LOWDOWN: The Red Skull! The Howling Commandos! Clea and the Ancient One? Marvel celebrates Captain America's 60th Anniversary with a wild new tale of World War II action -- spiked with magic! • THE STORY: Unveiling one of Cap's most offbeat adventures! Captain America and Sgt. Fury join forces to take out the hated Red Skull, who has stolen a mysterious secret weapon! But when the Nazi booty triggers a gateway to the Dark Dimension, Cap and Fury find themselves face-to-face with unimaginable horrors -- girded only by their two- fisted resolve! The Allies won World War II -- but can they win this Otherworld War? • THE CREATORS: Vertigo scribe Peter Hogan (The Dreaming) pens a tale of the supernatural, brought to vivid life by Leonardo Manco (DOOM)! • THE FORMAT: 64-page bookshelf one-shot. 7-59606-05150-2-00111 6.95 AVENGERS: THE ULTRON IMPERATIVE cover by barry windsor-smith kurt busiek & roy thomas/paul smith/jorge lucas & tom grummett • THE LOWDOWN: A brand-new follow-up to the recently collected, incredibly popular ULTRON UNLIMITED saga -- as told by an all-star list of AVENGERS creators past and present! • THE STORY: Kang revealed the portents in AVENGERS #42 -- and now, a new form of robotic life walks the land, patterned after Earth's Mightiest Heroes! Does this herald the resurrection of the undying Utron -- or something even more sinister? Plus: a pin-up section by AVENGERS alumni, including a never-before-published piece by Barry Windsor-Smith... who also illustrates our cover! • THE FORMAT: 80-page one-shot. 7-59606-05151-9-00111 5.99 IRON MAN 2001 ANNUAL cover by avalon studios Chris claremont & frank tieri/ michael ryan/sean parsons • THE SCOOP: Two complete adventures in one Annual! • THE STORIES: Trapped in a hostile foreign nation and hunted by the authorities, Tony Stark fights for his very survival -- and he doesn't even have his armor! Then, in our second story, Tony faces a final confrontation with his former friend Tyler Stone -- who has an unusual request for our armor-clad hero! All this, and a computer-rendered cover by Avalon Studios' Brian Haberlin! • THE FORMAT: 48 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05143-4-00111 2.99 AVENGERS #45 cover by andy kubert KURT BUSIEK/manuel garcia/karl kesel The second stage of Conqueror's invasion begins as the battle-weary Avengers jet off to Washington D.C., where the government unveils its ominous and unsettling solution to the Kang question! Plus: Thor and Firebird have a heart-to-heart talk, Triathlon and Jack of Hearts hit the town, and Hank Pym chooses a costumed identity! "Again Kurt Busiek delivers the goods with his excellent mix of character development and an encyclopedic knowledge of the Marvel Universe... if you like traditional superheroics, then this is the team book to buy!" -Comics International 7-59606-04458-0-04511 2.25 STARTLING STORIES: BANNER #2 cover by richard corben brian azzarello/richard corben Continuing STARTLING STORIES, the new imprint that lets the industry's top talents cut loose on their favorite heroes! Up first: the Hulk as interpreted by red-hot writer Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets, Hellblazer) and comics legend Richard Corben! Having located the green-skinned monstrosity in the New Mexico desert, Doc Sampson prepares his troops for a High Noon showdown. With a 1,000 Blackhawk helicopters at his disposal, the mysterious government agent has a formidable arsenal, but he's brought along a secret weapon -- just to be safe! 7-59606-05123-9-00211 2.99 Marvel Trades MARVELS TP new cover by alex ross. It's back, the evergreen story by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross! 7-59606-10049-1-00115 19.95 DAREDEVIL VISIONARIES: KEVIN SMITH TP new cover by joe quesada The instant classic by Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada is back in print! 7-59606-10737-7-00113 (star10159) 19.95 WOLVERINE TP Back in print: the classic story by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller! 7-59606-35277-7-08110 (star00375) 12.95 DAREDEVIL/SPIDER-MAN TP painted cover by alex ross • THE SCOOP: The wise-cracking wall-crawler and the grim Man Without Fear unite in this Marvel Knights adventure! • THE STORY: There's trouble brewing in the Big Apple, bringing together the spectacular Spider-Man and Daredevil! Who has united three of DD's most unusual foes? Why are they after the Kingpin? And just how different are Spidey and DD? Find out in this twisted tale by writer Paul Jenkins and artist Phil Winslade! • THE FORMAT: 96-page trade paperback. MARVEL MEMO: This item was solicited in May. Please use MAY011697 to order. 7-59606-10792-6-00111 12.95 FANTASTIC FOUR: FLESH AND STONE TP cover by carlos pacheco • THE SCOOP: Carlos Pacheco and Jeph Loeb join the FF family! • THE STORY: Superstar artist Carlos Pacheco brings a style and elegance to everything he draws, and his current run on FANTASTIC FOUR is no exception! With co-plotter Rafael Marin, scripter Jeph Loeb and inker Jesus Merino, the brilliant storyteller puts the First Family through their paces as they face the Grey Gargoyle, Diablo, the Trapster.. and even bankruptcy! This collection reprints FANTASTIC FOUR (Vol. 3) #35 - #39. • THE BUZZ: "Writer Jeph Loeb recently joined the red-hot tandem of Carlos Pacheco and Jesus Merino to make up the FF's best creative team since John Byrne's run." - Wizard • THE FORMAT: 112-page trade paperback. MARVEL MEMO: This item was solicited in May. Please use MAY011699 to order. 7-59606-10793-3-00111 12.95 CAPTAIN MARVEL: FIRST CONTACT cover by chriscross • THE SCOOP: Collecting the first six issues of the critically acclaimed series in one handy trade paperback! • THE STORY: From the pages of AVENGERS FOREVER comes... a really screwed up hero! Rick Jones, long-time super hero sidekick, is trying to sort out his life and get back together with his estranged wife. There's only one problem: he has to share a body with Captain Marvel! This hilarious collection reprints CAPTAIN MARVEL #1 - #6 — plus the Wizard #0 issue! • THE BUZZ: "Peter David's flair for dialogue — whether witty or thought-provoking... makes for a consistently excellent read, and Chriscross's respect for the material shines through in his delivery of the visual side of the story." -Comics Newsarama • THE FORMAT: 160-page trade paperback. MARVEL MEMO: This item was orginally solicited in May. Please use MAY011696 to order. 7-59606-10791-9-00111 16.95 SPIDER-MAN VISIONARIES: JOHN ROMITA, SR. new cover by john romita, sr. • THE SCOOP: The House celebrates the art of a master! • THE STORY: We're honoring John Romita, Sr.'s legendary work by gathering together a special selection of his classic Spidey tales, including some that John picked himself! He even drew a new cover and wrote the introduction! This must-have volume reprints AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Vol. 1) #39 - #42, #50, #68 - #69, and #108 - #109! • THE FORMAT: 192-page trade paperback. MARVEL MEMO: This item was orginally solicited in May. Please use MAY011700 to order. 7-59606-10794-0-00111 19.95 AVENGERS: CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGERS TP cover by george perez • THE SCOOP: It's the next volume of great AVENGERS issues by Kurt Busiek and George Pérez! • THE STORY: Why can't Earth's Mightiest Heroes catch a break? First, New York City honors the Avengers -- and the Grim Reaper spoils their parade! Then munitions master Moses Magnum sets his sights on our team! And then they're attacked by the awesome Avatars of Lord Templar! But even when Wonder Man, Triathlon and the Vision join the team, Hawkeye quits! It's one trial after another as we collect AVENGERS (Vol. 3) #8 - #15 in one big book! • THE FORMAT: 208-page trade paperback. 7-59606-10798-8-00111 19.95 DAREDEVIL: MAN WITHOUT FEAR TP cover by john romita, jr. It's back, the classic 160-page trade paperback by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr.! With the popularity of Daredevil and Elektra at an all-time high, this collection will be red hot! 7-59606-10046-0-00113 (STAR00862) 16.95 ESSENTIAL HULK VOL. 2 TP • THE SCOOP: The jade giant stars in his second ESSENTIAL! • THE STORY: The first appearance of the Leader! The origin of the Abomination! Collecting TALES TO ASTONISH #92 - #101 and INCREDIBLE HULK #102 - #118! • THE FORMAT: 528-page trade paperback. 7-59606-10795-7-00111 14.95 NICK FURY: AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. TP cover by jim steranko The classic 248-page trade paperback by Jim Steranko is back! 7-59606-10747-6-00113 19.95 NICK FURY: SCORPIO TP cover by jim steranko The classic 96-page follow-up to NICK FURY: AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. is back in print! 7-59606-10766-7-00112 (STAR12529) 12.95 THOR: ACROSS ALL WORLDS TP cover by andy kubert • THE SCOOP: Collecting the great run by writer Dan Jurgens and artist Andy Kubert! • THE STORY: The Dark Elf known as Malekith hungers to conquer fabled Asgard -- and he'll unleash the freezing power of the Cask of Ancient Winters to do it! Meanwhile, sensing opportunity, Ulik the Troll leads his army against the Realm Eternal! But with Thor tending to matters on Earth -- and mighty Odin fast asleep -- it's up to Lady Sif and the alien Beta-Ray Bill to save the day! • THE BUZZ: "Jurgens does a great job and seems to be having an enormous amount of fun... and Kubert's art is amazing, capturing the majesty of Thor and his Asgardian brethren wonderfully." -Comics Buyer's Guide • THE FORMAT: 208-page trade paperback. 7-59606-10796-4-00111 16.95 X-MEN: VIGNETTES TP cover by john bolton • THE SCOOP: Collecting the classic short stories by the titanic team of Chris Claremont and John Bolton! • THE STORY: The X-Men have been called many things: Outlaws. Freedom Fighters. Mutants. But what of the individuals themselves, away from their masks, when they're not saving the world? What of their friends, families, and lovers? This beautiful, soulful collection -- reprinting the bonus tales from CLASSIC X-MEN #2 - #13 -- showcases some of the most inspired stories ever told of Marvel's ever-popular mutants. • THE FORMAT: 160-page trade paperback. 7-59606-10812-1-00111 16.95 Diamond Select MARVEL SPIDER-MAN 2002 WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select release! Spider-Man the comic icon has seen many of the top artists throw their hat in the ring, rendering that classic red-and-blue outfit (and once even black) which we have all grown to love. This calendar features twelve of the most popular of those images, several from his new hit series Ultimate Spider-Man! Fans have been flocking back to Spider-Man, and the rest of you that never left know why this calendar is the must-have calendar of 2002! 12 months of Spidey… 'Nuff Said! Also available as a special edition limited to 300 pieces, each featuring an exclusive numbered mini-print, reproduced from an original sketch by Mark Bagley, and hand-signed by the artist. Calendar: $13.99; Special Edition: $24.99 X-MEN 2002 WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select release! Everyone's favorite mutants can now appear on your wall each and every month with this 12" x 12", 12-month wall calendar! Popular in film and print, these are some of the most famous and beloved characters in the Marvel Universe! This calendar features many of the most popular images, as well as many from the new hit series, Ultimate X-Men. While most mankind may fear them, the true fans of the Marvel Universe know the truth: that the X-Men are our best defense against Magneto and all others who might seek to enslave mankind. They are the best there is at what they do! Also available as a special edition limited to 300 pieces, each featuring an exclusive numbered mini-print, reproduced from an original sketch by Adam Kubert, and hand- signed by the artist. Calendar: $13.99; Special Edition: $24.99 ALEX ROSS 2002 WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select release! Here it is fans, the one calendar every Marvel fan has requested for years! It's the Marvel Universe through the artistic eye of Alex Ross! This calendar features some of Alex Ross's most popular images, from the hit series Marvels as well as his own Universe X saga. Throw in some of his harder-to-find works, and you have the hottest calendar of the 21st century! This calendar will feature many of Marvel's most popular characters, as only Alex Ross can portray them! 12 months of fine art for your home or office. Excelsior! Also available as a special edition limited to 300 pieces, each featuring an exclusive numbered mini-print, reproduced from an original sketch by Alex Ross, and hand-signed by the artist. Calendar: $13.99; Special Edition: $29.99 PUNISHER #1 POSTER A Diamond Select release! Here it is, True Believers, the return of The Punisher as only the famous Tim Bradstreet can portray him! One of the most popular cover images of last year is presented as the first in a new monthly Marvel Poster series, created exclusively for the specialty market by Diamond Select! Fans have been requesting the return of the Marvel Poster program for years, now their wish is our command! And what better to lead off with than the series that re-launched The Punisher into the spotlight?! Poster: $5.99 Dynamic Forces ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN & WOLVERINE PAINTED LITHOGRAPH Matt Wagner, the artist with the golden touch. He is the artist who drew the sold out first issue of Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #1 and is one of the top artists in the comics industry! Dynamic Forces is pleased to present one of Matt's paintings featuring Spider-Man and Wolverine in this "ultimate" lithograph featuring two of Marvel's top heroes. Printed on 80-pound Gallerie Art Silk stock and measuring approximately 18" by 24" this lithograph will be an "amazing" addition to your collection! Limited Edition Lithograph. Signed and "Re-Marked" with a Wolverine Head Sketch by painter Matt Wagner, limited to only 199 worldwide! REGULAR—FC, 18x24 MSRP: $19.99 RE-MARKED—FC, 18x24 MSRP: $89.99 ROGUE #1 SIGNED Signed by writer Fiona Avery and artist Aaron Lopresti! The limited Dynamic Forces signed edition of Marvel's favorite southern mutant! Limited signed edition. Re-marked by artist Aaron Loprestri SIGNED—FC MSRP: $39.99: RE-MARKED—FC MSRP: $69.99 CYCLOPS #1 SIGNED Signed by artists Mark Texeira and Jimmy Palmiotti! The one-eyed wonder's newest adventures signed by two ultra cool artists! Limited signed edition. Re-marked with a Cyclops head sketch. SIGNED—FC MSRP: $39.99: RE-MARKED—FC MSRP: $69.99 MARVEL KNIGHTS #1 DYNAMIC FORCES LIMITED EDITION COVER BONUS BOOK PACKAGE The Dynamic Forces Cover to the ongoing series painted by Mark Texeira and Jimmy Palmiotti with a bonus Marvel Knights limited edition tour book! Tourbook MSRP: $10.00 X-MEN: EVOLUTION LUNCHBOX PREMIERE EDITION On the way to the next stage of Evolution, even the mighty mutants have to eat lunch! And what better way than with the Dynamic Forces Limited Edition X-Men Evolution Lunchbox! Lunchbox MSRP: $16.99 MSRP ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP #1 DYNAMIC FORCES LIMITED "RE- MARKED" EDITION Signed and re-marked by artist Matt Wagner! Featuring a Spider-Man re-marked head sketch on each cover by artist Matt Wagner! Limited to 99 units worldwide! FC MSRP: $89.99 ROGUE MOVIE PREQUEL X-MEN X-CITING BONUS PACKAGE The Dynamic Forces cover to this sold out special is available featuring an exciting bonus book in each package! FC MSRP: $6.95 ALEX ROSS TRIBUTE TO JACK KIRBY LIMITED EDITION CAPTAIN AMERICA LITHOGRAPH One of the most unbelievable collaborations of all time! It took two generations of artists to create this fantastic piece of art, which originally appeared in the "Jack Kirby Collector!" Also available signed by Alex Ross! REGULAR—Litho MSRP: $24.99 SIGNED—Litho MSRP: $49.99! *********************** WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT/BLACK BULL ENTERTAINMENT Black Bull Entertainment SHADOW REAVERS #1 Cover by KEVIN MAGUIRE Alternate Cover by TOM DERENICK Written by PAT McCALLUM and MIKE SEARLE Art by NELSON and GREG LUSNIAK Colors by BRIAN HABERLIN and PAUL MOUNTS Wizard: The Comics Magazine Editor-in-Chief Pat McCallum, the creator/writer of ToyFare's Twisted ToyFare Theater, teams with InQuest Gamer Editor Mike Searle and artist Nelson (Black Panther) for Shadow Reavers, Black Bull Entertainment's latest launch, following the smash-hit Just a Pilgrim. In the nightmare world of Shadow Reavers, the question isn't if the world will end…it's how. The Warlocks—a dying race of beings corrupted by magic—are manipulating the creatures of myth & legend into waging war on mankind. As judgment day approaches, a small band of soldiers start down a doomed path in their battle to save humanity…even though they've lost their own. Shadow Reavers features fast-paced, over-the-top action and the in-your-face artwork by Nelson, who's called his work on this title "the Fight Club of comics." Meet the Shadow Reavers on August 22, 2001. FC, 32pg $2.99 Wizard Entertainment WIZARD: THE COMICS MAGAZINE #120 Wizard Entertainment and Marvel Comics team-up for a special world premiere comic preview as Wizard #120 will present a FREE Paradise X comic book by ALEX ROSS. Get an advance look at the characters in this all-new Marvel series with stunning artwork by Ross. Get even more Ross coverage inside this issue with a special feature on modeling for Alex Ross. Learn the complete process that Ross goes through in creating a painting. From initial composition, wardrobing and photography to the sketching and final painting. Joseph Michael Linsner paints an all-new Dawn cover for Wizard #120. This issue will have an amazing sketchbook feature with never-before-seen Linsner artwork featuring his newest creator-owned properties along with top name heroes. Wolverine's origin is to be revealed by Marvel at last in a six-issue mini-series. Get a detailed behind-the-scenes exposé on the events and controversy that lead to this event. From the closed door meetings with Marvel President Bill Jemas and Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada to the selection of Paul Jenkins to write this landmark story. Artist Adam Kubert draws a brand new Wolverine to commemorate the origin revelation on this month's cover to Wizard #120. Get a mid-season report card on the comics of 2001 so far. Category by category, we'll pick the Best Sci-fi, Horror, Fantasy and Superhero books out today. This issue will also look at Manga, War and Movie-based titles. More cool stuff in this issue will include a report from the set of the new Kevin Smith film, a Hot Seat interview with Witchblade actress Yancy Butler and more. Wizard Magazine is the only place to get all the news you need to know about your favorite comic books, artists and creators along with information on related media like movies and television. Check out the Top 10 Hottest Comics and find out how comics are trading in the current market place with our price guide which includes data on CGC (Comics Guarantee Corp.) graded books and more. Magazine (Dawn cover by Joseph Linsner) $4.99 Magazine (Wolverine cover by Adam Kubert) $4.99 WIZARD TWISTED TOYFARE THEATRE COLLECTERS EDITION By tremendous popular demand, Wizard Entertainment presents the first ever TWISTED TOYFARE THEATRE trade paperback! This 104-page book collects the best and funniest episodes from ToyFare magazines monthly Twisted Mego Theatre (TMT) comic strips. In addition to the strips, this book will present a feature on the origin of the series along with the very first Twisted Mego Theatre story ever and the Top 10 Greatest TMT Moments! Plus, learn about the coolest stories that we were forbidden from printing in ToyFare. See hilarious outtakes from the making of TMT, like when some castmembers partied a little too hard before the photo shoot to do their photos. Filmmaker and toy fan Kevin Smith writes the introduction to this landmark collection. Hear from the cast members themselves, as they speak to you about being a part of the Twisted ToyFare team every month! Prestige Format. FC, 104 pages, ............................................ $9.99 TOYFARE #50 ToyFare: The #1 Action Figure Magazine presents the world premiere of the new Simpsons alien action figures—Kang and Kodos on the cover. As Simpsons toy mania continues to grow, ToyFare reports on the phenomenon. Find out which Simpsons toys are the hottest and how to get them and learn which new ones are on the way. Meet special effects master Stan Winston, the man responsible for spectacular creatures and effects in top films like Terminator 2, Jurassic Park and Aliens. Take a tour of his motion picture design studio and preview his new Creature Features line of action figures based on updated versions of classic monsters from films like The Day The Earth Stood Still, War of the Colossal Beast and others. Find out the biggest action figure secrets from the past 50 years of toy making as ToyFare travels through time, decade by decade, revealing interesting and vital info that you won't want to miss. Zach, the official ToyFare spokesdog and America's favorite malamute for six years running, says goodbye in this issue with his very last column. This month's specialty toy price guide spotlights Star Wars figures! From the first film straight through The Phantom Menace, you'll see which ones are red hot and which are still afforadable. ToyFare's MARKETPLACE gets you inside the latest trends, happenings and more. Get the latest Good Tip/Bad Tip, Regional Reports, a Short Pack Breakdown, the Top 10 Hottest Action Figures and more! ToyFare has the most complete full-color action figure price guide. It doesn't matter if you're a casual toy fan or an obsessive super-collector, you can't afford to miss this issue of ToyFare: The #1 Action Figure Magazine! EXCLUSIVES: Limited Edition Just A Pilgrim Mini Bust offer from Black Bull Entertainment. Garth Ennis' top-selling Pilgrim is immortalized in an all-new mini bust created by Moore Creations for Black Bull and available in this issue of ToyFare. Magazine (Simpsons alien toys Kang and Kodos cover) $4.99 Magazine (Stan Winston Creature Features toys cover) $4.99 INQUEST GAMER #77 InQuest Gamer #77 is our annual GEN CON issue! Get a first look at the Top 25 Hottest New Games, see the new releases that will be unveiled at this four-day super convention and hear from industry insiders on what will happen next. As Apocalypse marks the conclusion of Magic's Invasion block, InQuest Gamer #77 looks at which block rules the Magic roost by building the ultimate killer decks from each era and pitting them against each other untill you learn which one rules them all. Will it be the Urza Block, Ice Age or Mercadian Masques? Magic goes ape, as this issue presents "Planet of the Apes" Magic cards. Enter the Mage Knight Mega Battle. Four factions enter, only one leaves! The armies of Atlantis Guild, Elemental League, Necropolis Sect and Black Powder Rebel battle one another in a fight to the finish with the winner being the Ultimate Mage Knight Army! Get the Top 5 Magic cards by spell type and how to build better decks using these cards in our 6-page Ultimate Magic Cards feature.The best Creatures, Sorceries, Instants, Lands, Enchantments and Artifacts are waiting in this issue. The InQuest Gamer redesign continues. Every issue now has 100% more Magic Stumpers, 300% more Killer Decks across a wider range of collectible card games and listings for the Top 100 Hottest CCG card prices! Play your best with InQuest Gamer! Get the essential info you need as we provide the most complete news and previews on all of the latest Magic: The Gathering and Dragon Ball Z price guides. InQuest Gamer is THE ONLY MAGAZINE THAT FEATURES THE MOST COMPLETE MAGIC PRICE GUIDES and resources to put you at the top of your game. Magazine (Mage Knight cover) $4.99 INCREDIBLE HULK #181 WIZARD ACE EDITION By popular demand, the Wizard ACE Editions are back with one of the most requested Marvel comics that fans have asked to get an ACE of—Incredible Hulk #181, with the very first appearance of Wolverine. Current Wolverine artist Sean Chen illustrates a dramatic all-new cover that takes full advanatage of the acetate process to create a two part image that will make this comic a must-have for all Wolverine fans. In addition to the classic tale of Wolvie's first appearance fighting the Hulk and the Wendigo by Len Wein and Herb Trimpe, this ACE will feature additional pages from Incredible Hulk #180 with Wolverine's first cameo appearance. Supplies will be limited of this landmark Wizard ACE Edition. FC SRP: $13.99 O/A WIZARD ALEX ROSS MILLENNIUM EDITION LIMITED DELUXE HARDCOVER FREE LIMITED FOIL EDITION OF ALEX ROSS' FIRST MARVEL COMIC BOOK—OPEN SPACE #0! Wizard Entertainment proudly presents the Wizard Alex Ross Millennium Edition Limited Deluxe Hardcover. This expanded 120-page hardcover book is lavishly illustrated with hundreds of Ross' paintings. Meet Ross in an exclusive in-depth interview. Learn about his influences, his early days as an unknown artist and how he first started to get work in the comic book industry. Then follow his career to its brilliant heights. Behold many of his unpublished works and see him at work on new material. Top it all off with an amazing Alex Ross-painted crossover cover featuring theKingdom Come Superman with the Earth X Captain America and you have the ultimate Alex Ross event that only Wizard could publish! FREE LIMITED FOIL EDITION OF ALEX ROSS' FIRST MARVEL COMIC BOOK—OPEN SPACE #0! Before Marvels, Ross did this special story just for Marvel that was never published. Get the limited version only with this hardcover edition! HC, 7x10, 120pg, FC (NOTE PRICE) $24.99 TOYFARE EXCLUSIVE ACTION FIGURES! O/A TRINITY FROM THE MATRIX From the blockbuster hit film The Matrix, comines this exclusive Trinity action figure. This ToyFare limited edition from N2 Toys features a newly sculpted head without sunglasses. Complete your Matrix action figure collection now and get this ToyFare exclusive figure in a special collector packaging! This figure will be an extremely limited edition that will only be offered while supplies last! Figure PI WIZARD AUTHENTIC PRODUCTS JUST A PILGRIM #3 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION The origin issue! And considering this is written by Garth, you know it will be extraordinairy (and a hot back issue)! Limited to only 999 DF/WA Blue Foil Editions! Also Available signed by writer/creator Garth Ennis! REGULAR—FC $14.99 SIGNED—FC $39.99 SHADOW REAVERS #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION Black Bull follows up with their hit series, Just A Pilgrim with the all new one, Shadow Reavers! FC $14.99 UNIVERSE #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION The Top Cow Universe will never be the same after this series! Written by one of the hottest writers in comics today . . . Mr. Paul Jenkins! Limited to only 999 DF/WA Blue Foil Editions! FC $16.99 TOMB RAIDER #12 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION The special anniversary issue commemorated in limited edition blue foil! Limited to only 999 DF/WA Blue Foil Editions! FC $14.99 FATHOM: KILLIAN'S TIDE #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL SIGNED EDITION Signed by Top Cow newcomer, Talent Caldwell! DF and Wizard are proud to have Top Cow's newest talent (pun intended) signed his first professional work! MSRP on this puppy is $24.99, but DF and Wizard are offering it this month only at the "Introductory Price" of just $16.99! Limited to only 999 signed DF/WA Blue Foil Editions! UNISIGNED—FC $10.00 SIGNED—FC $16.99 LADY DEATH: LOVE BITES #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION Signed by writer Len Kaminski! She can bite me anytime! (oh, that's not a selling point). Well how about this? There's only 150 of these puppies in the world! Limited to only 150 signed copies. FC $29.99 JUST A PILGRIM 6 CARD LIMITED EDITION SET Featuring one card signed by Garth Ennis! The commemorative 6 Card Boxed set is now available signed by creator Garth Ennis! Limited to only 500 signed sets. SIGNED—Card Set $29.99 UNSIGNED—Card Set $14.99 LADY DEATH: ALIVE #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION First she bites, now she's alive. What's next? Oh yeah, this one is limited to only 250 units IN THE WORLD! FC $19.99 JADE #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION Chaos! comics newest vixen joins the Dynamic Forces/Wizard Authentic program! Limited to only 150 DF/WA editions. FC $16.99 TOMB RAIDER #11 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION Signed by writer Dan Jurgens! Part 1 by Dan Jurgens and Billy Tan is available signed by the "super" writer who launched this top selling comic series! Limited to only 499 DF/WA Blue Foil Signed Editions! FC $29.99 DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE #1/2 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION Signed by creator/writer/artist Randy Queen! The rarest Darkchylde book of all time is now available signed by the man who brings Ariel to our dreams (I know he does for me), Randy Queen! Limited to only 199 DF/WA Blue Foil Editions! SIGNED—FC $29.99 UNSIGNED—FC $12.99 O/A DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION The second rarest Darkchylde book of all time is given the royal treatment with a special Blue Foil logo on the DF limited edition cover! FC $12.99 THE DOLLZ #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION Randy Green's The Dollz is causing quite a stir! If you missed out on the regular edition of the first issue, here's your chance to get the DF/WA limited Blue Foil Edition! But don't wait, this one will fly! FC $14.99 COMICS SECTION AARDVARK VANAHEIM CEREBUS #269 by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 4 of 35 — "If Cerebus Be Bound…" Don't you hate titles like that? Shouldn't there at least be multiple choices attached to it? Like :If Cerebus be bound then a) this be a parody, b) this be slapstick, c) this be the work of those wacky wise fellows, or d) all of the above. Anyway, the answer is (d). Includes the latest installment of "Aardvark Comment" and a Jeff Smith update. The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues… t-minus 31 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 STARS OF THE MONTH CEREBUS TP'S by Dave Sim Dave Sim's Cerebus began as a parody of Conan, but has expanded and grown into much, much more! Intellectual, entertaining, and thought provoking, Cerebus is the longest running independent black-and-white comic being published today! SC, 7x10, b&w VOL. 11: GUYS (STAR06972) $20.00 VOL. 12: RICK'S STORY (STAR08468) $17.00 VOL. 13: GOING HOME (STAR10981) $25.00 ******************** ABSTRACT STUDIOS STRANGERS IN PARADISE VOLUME 3 #43 by Terry Moore Things heat up when Francine spends time with David and Katchoo in the "Tropic Of Desire." This is one issue you do not want to miss! Sun, private beaches, long cool drinks, and close quarters bring pent-up desires to the surface in this long-awaited issue that will make your pulse race! b&w, 24pg $2.95 THE COMPLETE STRANGERS IN PARADISE VOLUME 3 PART 3 HC by Terry Moore One year in the making! This latest edition in the Complete Strangers in Paradise Deluxe Hardcover Series is the fifth book in the series, collecting issues #26-38, making up the ominous "My Other Life" and "Child of Rage" story arcs! A special color section features the original cover art for every issue plus notes and illustrations from Terry Moore's sketchbook during the making of these issues. The Complete SIP books are handsome, high-quality editions designed for even the most discerning bookshelf. It's been one year since the previous edition was released, so this new book is sure to be a hot item! Don't miss it! Color slipcover, gold foil embossed hardcover and special color interior section. HC, 7x10, 272pg, PC $49.95 AC COMICS WESTERN MOVIE HERO #2 Film star Monte Hale is literally "the last of the Silver Screen cowboys," and he's in the spotlight this issue! A text piece on Monte's career includes an interview by Bill Black, filmography, and lots of photos. "Monte Meets The Undertaker" (art by Carl Pfeufer). Other film favorites represented include: Tim Holt in "The Desert Doom!" by Frank Bolle; Tom Mix in "The Two Way Crime" by Carl Pfeufer; and Lash LaRue in "House In The Desert!" Color photo cover of Monte Hale! NOTE: Early solicitation. On sale in October. (CAUT: 2) b&w, 44pg $5.95 MEN OF MYSTERY #33 This patriotic theme issue presents red, white, and blue-clad heroes of the Golden Age of comics, skillfully reproduced from ancient comics in sharp images! The Flagman and his kid sidekick, Rusty, battle a Hitler and Mussolini in Nazi-occupied France! The Eagle and Buddy, the daredevil boy, fight sabotage at sea when Nazi's sink the Navy's secret submarine... the PX-1! Miss Victory (a.k.a. Joan Wayne) pits her prowess and pulchritude against "The Devils With Wings," led by Garto, King of the Falcons! Sexy art by Nina Albright! And even though The Dart (a reincarnation of the ancient Roman racket-buster, Cassius Martius), throws off the color-scheme by wearing a yellow, red, and green costume, he and Ace, his kid sidekick, struggle against injustice to save a life-giving serum from destruction! Classic reprints from Fox and Holyoke titles available only in Men of Mystery! Cover by Bill Black. (CAUT: 2 & 3) NOTE: Early solicitation. On sale in October. Not available in Germany. b&w, 52pg $6.95 BAKER'S BABES SUMMER FUN PAK #1 Matt Baker is Golden Age comics' undisputed master of glamorous, sexy good girl art, and his work headlines an economy-sized package of 24 stories chock-full of busty, leggy lasses like Tiger Girl, Sky Girl, Camilla, Sheena, Futura, Gale Allen, Mysta of The Moon (from Fiction House), Cave Girl, and Nyoka! Plus: Lost World, Captain Science, Interplanetary Police, Mars God of War, and much more by such artists as Reed Crandall, George Evans, Bernie Krigstein, Joe Doolin, and Wally Wood! Pack (x5), b&w $21.00 ACETYLENE COMICS VESPER #3 Politics at the Council heat up as they set Vesper in search of Gustavo, a former KBG trained agent who is now running arms… and is guilty of the murder of a Council member. The only problem: Vesper's in no shape mentally to fulfill her contract. Recovering from the loss of her partner last issue, police detective Sabina Reeves, otherwise known as the masked vigilante Vesper, looks for the murder of a local priest revered for his teaching style where he makes his students learn one new word at the start of every day. Can Vesper continue to juggle her day job as a cop and maintain her obligations to work as an assassin for the Council? Does she even have a choice? FC, 32pg $2.50 VESPER ORIGINAL MINI-SERIES #1-4 PACK Former CIA operative Sabina Reeves is trying to make the transition to public like with her slew of secrets… including a mission of personal redemption! A child of one of the government's top covert agents, Sabina grew up around the world. Her father always made sure she was trained with the fighting skills to defend herself. Following her father's footsteps, Sabina got cold feet… things become too dangerous as innocents got hurt in her crossfire. Now she is their champion, a police detective by day, and social vigilante by night. One rub to the deal: she's still on call to the Council, a mysterious group that oversees her exit from the CIA, and when they come calling, Vesper's bullets go flying! Pack (x4) $7.50 ACG COMICS HEROES INK #2 A '60s collection of super-heroes, including Nemesis, Magicman, John Force, and the Super Squad Fighting Five. Solid artwork by Kirby style inker and penciler Chic Stone. Also featuring Captain Marvel artist Pete Costanza, Spider-Man's Steve Ditko, and more. As an added bonus, get a free comic book with the origin of Charlton's super squad, The Fighting Five. b&w, 96pg $5.95 GIL KANE'S FIRST MUTANT #1 Six months before X-Men #1, Dell Comics produced the first Mutant strip of the Silver Age. Created during the cold war, he is recruited by a government agency to fight America's enemies. A spy and a super-hero strip with great art by Gil Kane (Green Lantern). b&w, 32pg $2.95 PLANET COMICS #2 The second smash issue of early Fiction House sci-fi action. Adventure and beautiful women make the contents of this great collection of early comic art. b&w, 64pg $5.95 GOLDEN AGE #1 WITH COLLECTOR PIN This collection of the Golden Age features Mr. E, Ibis, The Invincible, Golden Arrow, Black Dwarf, and introducing a Golden Age Canadian hero called Freelance. As an added bonus, it comes with a Mr. E collector pin similar to the Pep giveaways of the 1940s. b&w, 64pg w/pin $5.95 BEYOND SPACE LIMITED PUBLISHER'S COLLECTION A special publisher's collection of ACG's published science fiction including art by Ditko, Wood, Jones, and more. Also includes the classic "First Trip to the Moon." The collection is specially bound in a matte finish. b&w, 160pg $10.95 ADHESIVE COMICS TOO MUCH COFFEE MAN MAGAZINE #12 Self-love. Sex, sex, sex, and more sex. All in the form of self-love. Remember your first lover? Most likely is was yourself. This magazine focuses on self-love. Interviews, articles, and comics make the magazine a solid read for the bathroom, bus, and bedroom. It includes a feature with Sexy Puppets, an interview with a dominatrix, and numerous reviews. Magazine $4.95 ALCHEMY TEXTS OCTOBRIANA SIGNED PACK This pack contains issues #3-5 of the 1997 Octobriana series. Each issue is signed by publisher John Short, writer Stuart Taylor, and artist Blake O'Farrell. Pack $5.99 ALTERNATIVE COMICS TRUE SWAMP: STONEGROUND AND HILLBOUND by Jon Lewis The saga of the swamp continues with 64 all-new pages of unforgettable characters, insightful wit, lush imagery, and really weird plotlines. Lenny the Frog seeks an apprenticeship with one of the swamp's most eccentric visionaries; Miln the tortoise investigates rumors of a crow-and-possum duo that make routine trips to the afterworld; and Cartucci the Vole fixes his feverish collector's eye upon the treasure entombed beneath the Hill of Natural Science. Come submerge yourself in the mysterious waters of Jon Lewis's uniquely compelling world! Cardstock covers. MATURE READERS b&w, 64pg $4.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A TRUE SWAMP: UNDERWOODS AND OVERTIME by Jon Lewis Jon Lewis's beloved and much-missed True Swamp returns with 64 pages of story, picking up where the original series left off! Designed to be just as readable to brand-new readers as the old faithful, this tale of Lenny the depressive frog; Hale Marmot (the swamp's only inventor); Nikolas, the whatever the heck Nikolas is; Cartucci, the gossip- mongering bog vole; and Miln, the death-fixated, scholarly tortoise will envelop the reader with lushly-rendered, intricate swamp settings, uproarious humor, and the special brand of psychodrama that comes with being a thinking, talking amphibian. MATURE READERS b&w, 64pg $4.95 ********************** AMAZE INK/SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS Amaze Ink OFFERED AGAIN O/A PATTY CAKE & FRIENDS VOLUME 2 by Scott Roberts These 48-page volumes are a great introduction for fans young and old alike, to Scott Roberts' acclaimed series about the adventures of a young girl named Patty Cake, presented through Roberts' observant, satirical, and comical perspective! #1––b&w, 48pg $4.95 #2––b&w, 48pg $4.95 **************** Slave Labor SCREAMING KITTY #1 by Dan Gregor Screaming Kitty begins his manic antics right here, along with Skelly Underpants, a flying monkey, Devil School Girls, and other bizarre creations from new talent Dan Gregor! Screaming Kitty learns about the rigors of the Comics Industry, builds a Giant Robot, re-enacts Hamlet, and wrestles the TV Champ of the World in 24 pages packed with action, education, and a little bit of screaming! b&w, 24pg $2.95 PRIVATE BEACH #3 by David Hahn To get paid to hang out at a trendy nightclub and mingle sounds too-good-to-be-true, right? Trudy thinks so too, but decides to go in for a job interview at the Heaven's Rift nightclub and at least see what it's all about. She meets the club's manager, Mr. Morgan, and though she is still not sure what the catch is, Trudy figures that for $27 an hour, nothing could be that bad… Also this issue, Trudy, Sharona, and Junior pay a visit to their good friend Sam Murphy. There, Trudy discovers the maximum setting of her own personal nausea-o-meter! b&w, 32pg $2.95 THE WAITING PLACE VOLUME 2 #10 by S. McKeever, Norton, & Sismik Intrusions: Part 2—As a child, Cullen Cole felt he could never compare to his charismatic, extroverted older brother, Christian. Now that Cullen's finally finding his place in Northern Plains, will his brother's arrival ruin everything? Also, can an obsession with the past pull you into the abyss? It's Part 2 of the introspective sci-fi serial, "Tower." b&w, 24pg $2.95 WITCH VOLUME 1 TP by Lorna Miller Experience the artistic tour-de-force of Lorna Miller's original Witch graphic novel, brought back into print by Slave Labor and collecting her early work before her new quarterly SLG series. Introduction by Peter Bagge, who writes: "anger and frustration at various indignities both large and small are what seem to be at the bottom of most of her tales, coupled with a healthy artistic ego that she keeps in check with a self-deprecating sense of humor... I'm gonna be keeping up with everything Ms. Miller has to offer, and if you're a wise comics shopper you'll do the same!" MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 80pg, b&w $11.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A DORK #8 This issue marks a return to the anthology gag-strip format that made Evan Dorkin a household name in one out of 10 comic shops, and four out of five mental wards! PC, 24pg $3.50 O/A JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC #3—NEW PRINTING by Jhonen Vasquez The third issue of Jhonen Vasquez's cult-classic series returns with a new printing! b&w, 24pg $2.95 O/A THE MONSTERS IN MY TUMMY by Roman Dirge This is the current printing of Lenore creator Roman Dirge's dark storybook about the demons inside him, featuring some of his finest art ever! b&w, 48pg $5.95 O/A PRIVATE BEACH #1 by David Hahn The response to this series has been SLG's best surprise of 2001. Here's a second chance to try out this great new series from David Hahn! b&w, 32pg $2.95 *********************** STARS OF THE MONTH FILLER BUNNY FIGURINE by Jhonen Vasquez Filler Bunny — the bunny, the genius, the legend. Now, for the first time ever, you can get your hands on a genuine recreation of this American Classic of comedy. You can throw it against a wall and possibly even break things, all the while imagining the miserable pain this cute little bunny is enduring! Filler Bunny comes packaged in a plastic tube. He is about 6" tall, and made of hard plastic, and not squeezable! (STAR12988) Figurine SRP: $12.95 JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC HC––-NEW PRINTING by Jhonen Vasquez Slave Labor reprints the popular Johnny the Homicidal Maniac hardcover collection for the latest members of this rising star's fan base! (STAR12966) HC, 7x10, 168pg, b&w $35.95 THE WAITING PLACE VOLUME 1 TP by Sean McKeever, Brendon & Brian Fraim Collecting the first six-issues of volume one of the acclaimed dramatic series! Get to know Jeffery, Jill, Lora, Scott, Cullen, Kyle, Jeremy, Juston, Chris, Steven, and Matt the Anarchist as they spin their wheels in the dead-end midwest town of Northern Plains. This collection of the 1997 series also includes promotional art by Brendon and Brian Fraim, a new cover by Volume 2 artist Mike Norton, and an introduction by Paul Jenkins. (STAR13127) SC, 7x10, b&w, 144pg $15.95 ****************** AMP COMICS SHADES OF BLUE #3 by James Harris, Rachel Nacion, & Cal Salyton Think being a substitute teacher is easy? Tell that to Miss Dessa White, the newest member of the Harrington High community! Or try telling super-powered student Heidi Paige who finds out what happens "When Substitutes Attack." b&w, 24pg $2.50 ANARCHY STUDIOS VAMPI #10 by Brian Haberlin & Avalon Studios The countdown to Vampi's year-end spectacular has begun! Vampi reverts to a merciless killer, unhindered by conscience or compassion, and abandons her mission to find the cure for vampirisim! Crazed with a renewed lust for blood and revenge against her former allies, Vampi is now driven by a single purpose: to kill Jacob — and anyone else that gets in her way! Regular cover by Kevin Lau, Deluxe Limited Edition cover by Stephen Platt! REG.—FC, 32pg $2.95 DLX.—FC, 32pg $9.95 VAMPI #1/2 by David Conway & Kevin Lau Presented by Harris Comics and Wizard Press, this comic features an all-new story by writer David Conway and artist Kevin Lau, and includes a special sketchbook section. The special variant edition features a foil-enhanced cover by Lau. Offered exclusively by Anarchy Studios and limited to only 1,000 copies! Also available as an Exclusive Variant Edition, previously offered though Wizard. REG.—FC, 24pg $9.95 O/A VARIANT––FC, 24pg $19.95 ANDROMEDA ENTERTAINMENT FIRST WAVE: HEART OF A KILLER VOLUME 1 TP by James Anthony, Dan Parsons, & Matt Busch The Sci-Fi Channel's original paranormal series First Wave launches into comics in grand style with the controversial Heart of a Killer story arc collected for the first time. Cade Foster is drawn to Riker's Island by a series of unexplained deaths and the mysterious quatrains of the 16th century Nostradamus. Once inside the walls of the institution, he uncovers the alien conspiracy, but can he expose their activities before they can turn the entire population of inmates and guards against him? Also includes a gallery of pre-production sketches by Star Wars artist Matt Busch, an issue of the Paranoid Times newsletter, an interview with series creator Chris Brancato, and a special forward by Sebastian Spence. b&w, 64pg $8.95 FIRST WAVE: GENESIS OF A GENIUS by James Anthony, Michael Malbrough, & Matt Busch Crazy Eddie Nambulous was fighting a war to reveal the truth behind the conspiracies long before he knew about the GUA invasion. Before Cade Foster and Jordan Radcliffe were exposing the hidden enemy, a paranoid computer genius turned protons into prose and the Paranoid Times was born. How did one social outcast become the brains to Cade and Jordan's brawn in the fight to save the human race from the First Wave? Crazy Eddie's prophesized link to the Twice-Blessed Man and his gift for paranoia are uncovered in First Wave: Genesis of a Genius. Also includes an illustrated First Wave Season II Episode Guide, and an interview with Crazy Eddie (Rob LaBelle). Available with a painted cover by Matt Busch and with a photo cover of Crazy Eddie (LaBelle), Jordan Radcliffe (Traci Lords), and Cade Foster (Sebastian Spence). PAINTED COVER—b&w, 32pg $2.99 PHOTO COVER—b&w, 32pg $2.99 FIRST WAVE: HEART OF A KILLER #2 SKETCH EDITION by Anthony, Parsons, Busch, & Malbrough Up and coming artist and colorist Mike Malbrough has drawn an original sketch on the front cover of a very limited number of First Wave: Heart of a Killer #2, which included his first work on the series. Each one has been resketched and comes bagged and boarded for protection. (CAUT: 2) FC, 32pg $19.99 Exiled Studios GREG LAROCQUE'S THE EXILED ZONE #2 SIGNED EDITION by Greg LaRocque, Vince Snead, & Cesar Castillo Greg LaRocque (Flash, First Wave) is the man who revolutionized DC's Flash series. Together with Vince Snead (Forty Winks) and Cesar Castillo (Exiled), he brings a fantastic demon world to life with innovative stories, beautiful art, and a love for sequential story telling. Join him on this ride of a lifetime for true comic book enthusiasts. Signed by Greg LaRocque and Cesar Castillo. b&w, 32pg $14.99 ANTARCTIC PRESS GIGANTOR #12 by Ben Dunn & David Hutchison Badge of Danger: Part 2—Ugablob's scheme to brainwash Dr. Brilliant is underway. Gigantor and company race against the clock to save the Doctor. Can they stop Ugablob once and for all, or are they already too late? This is the final issue of the Gigantor maxi- series, so be sure you catch it! Bimonthly. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. b&w, 24pg (12 of 12) $2.95 GOLD DIGGER VOLUME 2 #25 by Fred Perry AP Core Title! Gina and Britanny journey to Thailand, where Gina hopes to uncover the lost secrets of the Nomad Artificers, who built a civilization on Earth — or rather, inside the Earth — millions of years ago. Unfortunately, both are trapped in a gigantic device called "The Wheel of Eternity" when they enter the ruins. They have to figure a way out before they run dry of supplies each wondering what the other will do when it comes down to that last can of tuna! FC, 24pg $2.95 HOW TO DRAW MANGA #7 Antarctic Press continues its series of how-to-draw-manga guidebooks! Ben Dunn, Fred Perry, and Joe Wight continue to present a comprehensive guide in mastering the manga style and will emphasize layout in this issue. Each featured artist will have his own exclusive special comments. Some topics we will cover in the series are advanced figure study, costumes, mecha, comic storytelling, and composition. b&w, 32pg $4.95 LUFTWAFFE: 1946 COMPILATION TP by Ted Nomura; cover by Ben Dunn The Luftwaffe: 1946 series started by Ted Nomura, with copious help from Ben Dunn, is still a cult-success, and this giant, 600-page edition collects all of the original and second series in chronological order, a total of 22 issues, with additional pages from Tigers of Terra and other series to provide the full picture! There'll also be new pages, never- before-published, included to fill in the historical gaps. Topping that off will be full biographical data on the main characters and the profiles of their aircraft, some with all- new material. All in one huge, convenient package! The Luftwaffe: 1946 Compilation will be the authoritative source of its field in all altered histories. SC, 7x10, 600pg, b&w $49.95 LUFTWAFFE: 1946 TECHNICAL MANUAL VOLUME 6 by Miranda, Mercado, & Nomura This final installment of the original Luftwaffe: 1946 Tech Manual will consist of all the advanced "Turbojager" (jet fighter) projects, from the matured He-280 and Me-262s, to the desperate gamble of the He-162 "People's Fighters" to the advanced Ho-229 flying wing and the Focke-Wulf Ta-183, father of the MiG-15 and F-86 fighters of the Korean War. The main focus will be a profile of the vast list of advanced Turbojager projects, from the mini-fighter to the supersonic, with all details provided by the famous "Reichdreams" team of Miranda/Mecardo of Spain. In addition, profiles of the alternate versions of the Turbojagers in the Luftwaffe: 1946 series by Ted Nomura will be depicted, including details from the upcoming Tigers of the Luftwaffe anthology series, which itself will include regular installments of new "Reichdreams" material. Quarterly. b&w, 64pg (Note Price) $5.99 LUFTWAFFE: 1946 "AIR RAID" 6-PACK Take cover with this great deal from Antarctic Press! They're offering a six-pack of Ted Nomura's era-spanning Luftwaffe/World War II/Tigers of Terra comic series. Each package will include six different issues in an inexpensive set perfect for any war and alternative history fan! Pack (x6), b&w $5.99 MANGA EX #4 by Various It's the latest issue of Antarctic Press' mighty comics anthology, Manga-EX! In this issue: enjoy a sneak peek at the retro-stylish Hep Squad; Solomon Russell continues to fascinate; and Rob Zajaczkowski's over-the-top fantasy tale The Chosen Warrior, heats up! James Croley's Witch Hazel, a stylish post-apocalyptic tale, wraps up; John Gonzales returns with another installment of Max Rocket, and Ian Wells' The Moors Code roars on! Not surprisingly, many of your faves are back: Hiro-san returns with both Armary (with David Hutchison), and Little Hu (with Holly Daughtrey), and Kyle Carrozza's manic comedy, Claire's Stupid Life, continues as Claire endures more well-deserved unemployment. Also, special guest-artist, The Mighty Mole Cricket, makes an appearance! Bimonthly. b&w, 96pg $6.95 MANGAZINE #25 by Various All the hijinks of Ninja High School, all the action of the Families of Altered Wars saga, all the outlandish exploring of Gold Digger, and all the holy heroics of Warrior Nun Areala! All this plus extra stories and art to round out the biggest package of anime- and manga-inspired adventures in America! Wrap it up in a spectacular cover by Joe Wight and you've got Mangazine! As always, more than 100 pages of comics and new features every month! SC, 7x10, 140+pg, PC $8.99 NINJA HIGH SCHOOL #87 by Ben Dunn w/Hiro-san AP Core Title! Earth is being invaded by the ravenous Shallrams, a race that devours all before them. Our only hope lies in five individuals with the skills needed to defeat the invaders in the ultimate contest of the culinary arts... the Battle Chefs! Sammi stars in this epic three-part story of action, adventure, and appetites… HUGE appetites! FC, 24pg $2.95 TIGERS OF THE LUFTWAFFE #1 by Ted Nomura & Various AP Core Title! An all-new, expanded anthology series from the creator of Luftwaffe/WWII/Kamikaze:1946 series! The term "Tigers" was used by the Luftwaffe of World War II to address their most aggressive pilots. This first issue introduces the most famous and aggressive true top ace of all, Erich Hartmann, who shot down 352 enemy planes (confirmed), and was called the "Black Devil" by the Soviets for his black-nosed Messerschmitt Bf-109. To be told in six parts, the true survivor story of the "Black Devil" will explain why the Soviets put a price on his head and illegally kept him a prisoner 10 years after the war! Also included will be the return of the popular Luftwaffe:1946 series and the new Tigers of Terra series, Luftwaffe: 2040! Also, fan art, and a regular short- story series by Belgian talent, Marcel Magnette. Plus, technical and historical profiles, including new "Reichdreams" files from the famous Miranda/Mercado team! Cover by Ted Nomura. b&w, 48pge $5.95 TIGERS OF THE LUFTWAFFE T-SHIRT by Ted Nomura Show your grasp of alternate history with this dynamic T-shirt depicting the aerial combat scene from the cover of Tigers of the Luftwaffe #1! L-XL $17.99 XXL $18.99 WARRIOR NUN AREALA: DANGEROUS GAME #2 by Anthony D. Zicari & Craig Babiar AP Core Title! For Whom the Bell Tolls—The hunt continues! The dramatic events that unfolded last issue come to a head as Eleanore races against time to track down the vigilante known only as "Sharpshooter!" He holds the antidote to the poison that courses through her body, and without it she cannot survive. However, Eleanore is not only the hunter but the hunted too, as the very legions of Hell and the undead nip at her heels, all of them wanting a piece of the bounty placed on her head! b&w, 24pg (2 of 3) $2.95 Venus Comics HOW TO DRAW HENTAI #2: FIGURE DRAWING SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $4.95 ARCHIE COMICS ARCHIE #514 by Greg Crosby & Stan Goldberg "Mumps The Word": Archie feigns illness to see whether Betty or Veronica will be more sympathetic — but will even Archie grow "sick" of the attention he gets?! FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE & FRIENDS STARRING JOSIE & THE PUSSYCATS #51 by Dan Parent & Rex Lindsey The Conclusion of an All-New Josie Epic Begun Last Issue! "I'm Going to Josieland": Last issue, Josie & the Pussycats became the main attraction at an amusement park inherited by the Cabots. Hoping to use ownership of the park as leverage, Alexandra insists on joining the band, but the band refuse. Alexandra fights back by starting her own band — Alexandra and the Alleycats! She doesn't realize she's a Z-ticket attraction! Will the amusement park close early for the season?! FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE'S DOUBLE DIGEST #128 by Various Double your pages, double your Archie and double your fun in this double-digest full of new stories and classic tales by Stan Goldberg, Henry Scarpelli, Jon D'Agostino, and more! Digest, FC $3.29 OFFERED AGAIN O/A BEST OF JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS VOLUME 1 TP Previously offered in Previews Update #464! The Archie comics that inspired the hit movie! Grab yourself a backstage pass and rock around the globe with the greatest all-girl band the world has ever known! Witness the group's formation and the first time they wore their cat suits! Travel to Tinseltown as the girls shoot their first movie! Help them solve intriguing mysteries and relive the antics that have made them the most popular fictional band in comic and cartoon history! SC, 96pg, FC $10.95 ******************* BETTY #103 by Golliher & Gladir, & Goldberg "It's in the Jeans" (by Bill Golliher & Stan Goldberg): Proving once again that one person's garbage is another one's gold, Betty takes a pair of jeans discarded by Veronica and starts a whole new fashion craze by sewing up denim scarves, purses, belts and backpacks! "Strange Change" (by George Gladir & Stan Goldberg): It's a case of double date dilemma deja vu when both Betty and Archie make dates with two people for the same night — including each other! Someone better get a pocket planner! FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA #166 by Various "The Coordinator" (by Kathleen Webb & Jeff Schultz): It's a makeover takeover when Veronica appoints herself coordinator of back to school fashions for her friends at Riverdale High! "To Chad and to Chad Not" (by Craig Boldman & Stan Goldberg): After numerous requests, Veronica finally agrees to meet up with Chad, a boy in third grade summer camp who pulled her pigtails. Will memory lane be memory lame? "Taps" (by Kathleen Webb & Stan Goldberg): When Betty wears a pair of tap shoes to school, the other girls must keep in step and get pairs of their own! Can Veronica handle someone else starting a fad for a change? "Trying to Make Up" (by Kathleen Webb & Stan Goldberg): After imposing her fashion sense on her friends in the story, "The Coordinator," Veronica runs through town with her new make-up kit, trying to put a pretty face on things! FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA SPECTACULAR #50 by Dan Parent "Friends Til The End!": Betty and Veronica's "perfect" friendship is put to the test when they win a "Best Friends in America" TV show contest. Unknown to each other, they've submitted very different definitions of friendship in their award-winning essays — a fact the TV crew sent to film a typical day in their lives is all too aware of! Can reality TV cancel Betty and Veronica's long-running friendship? FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA DOUBLE DIGEST #100 by Various Bright and brassy, bold and beautiful, blonde and brunette — teen dream queens Betty & Veronica romp through this collection of new stories and classic tales by Henry Scarpelli, Stan Goldberg, Jon D'Agostino, and others! Digest, FC $3.29 JUGHEAD WITH ARCHIE DIGEST #169 by Various If you think Archie gets into trouble on his own, check out the action when he teams up with Jughead! Featuring new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $2.19 LAUGH DIGEST #169 by Various The timeless high school hijinx of the entire Riverdale gang are highlighted in this hilarious collection of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $2.19 PALS-N-GALS DOUBLE DIGEST #61 by Various The spotlight is on the wonderful cast of Archie supporting characters, in this double digest featuring new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC (Note Price) $3.29 SABRINA VOLUME 2 #23 by Mike Gallagher & Dave Manak Based on the animated series from DIC airing on the ABC and UPN networks! It's another magical day in the life of everyone's favorite almost-a-witch, Sabrina, and her wacky teenage aunts and uncle! And don't forget Salem. Will Sabrina steal another spell from her aunt's "Spookie Jar" and turn her Junior High upside down? Is Archie's hair red?! FC, 32pg $1.99 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #101 by Bollers, Lim, & Amash After the catastrophic events of the epic Sonic #100, Sonic and his friends find themselves living in a world that bears no resemblance to the one they've always known. Who — or what?! — is responsible? Also, Knuckles stars in "Replacing Reality" (by Ken Penders): Can it be so? Has Knuckles aligned himself with Dimitri and the Dark Legion? And can he really be serious about reversing history without considering the repercussions? Could it possibly tie in to the intrigue Sonic and his friends have recently found themselves in?! Plus, Beginning a new feature highlighting characters, objects and events that have shaped the Sonicverse! FC, 32pg $1.99 VERONICA #118 by Dan Parent It's diamonds, caviar, and cellular phones — a typical day in the lifestyle of the rich and richer: Veronica Lodge! FC, 32pg $1.99 STAR OF THE MONTH SONIC THE HEDGEHOG FIRSTS TP by Various Included in this slick volume are: "Don't Cry For Me, Mobius!" (by Michael Gallagher & Scott Shaw!): The first Archie-produced Sonic comic story, originally published in Sonic The Hedgehog #0 and the Sonic The Hedgehog #¼ ashcan! "Rabbot Deployment" (by Michael Gallagher & Dave Manak): The first comic book appearance and origin of Bunnie Rabbot from Sonic The Hedgehog #3! "Lizard Of Odd" (by Gallagher & Manak): The first time in comics that Sonic is transformed into Super Sonic, from Sonic The Hedgehog #4! And "This Island Hedgehog" (by Mike Kanterovich & Ken Penders, and Dave Manak): The first comic book appearance of Knuckles, originally presented in Sonic The Hedgehog #13! Prestige Format. (STAR06846) FC, 48pg $4.95 ******************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #50 by Various "The Big Goodbye": The stunning conclusion to the "Endgame" saga ends in high fashion with everything and the kitchen sink. Learn the real origin of Dr. Robotnik! Thrill to the wildest battle scene this side of a steel cage match! Witness the final, ultimate showdown between Sonic and his deadliest arch-villain! Gaze in awe at the spell-binding surprise ending! Behold the comic jam featuring every Sonic creator who has worked on the comic series — with a walloping 28 pages of story! FC, 32pg $1.50 O/A SONIC & KNUCKLES SPECIAL #1—CURRENT PRINTING by Various It's always madness and mayhem when these two team-up! Don't miss one of their most popular specials ever! FC, 48pg $2.25 O/A SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #6 by Various Due to popular demand, Sonic #50 is restored to its full, originally-intended double-size length, including scenes that just couldn't fit in the 32-page version! Written by Ken Penders, Michael Gallagher, and Karl Bollers, with art by Patrick Spaziante, Dave Manak, Sam Maxwell, and more! New additional pages written by Ken Penders with art by Steven Butler (Spider-Man)! FC, 48pg $2.25 O/A SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #7 by Ken Penders & Jim Valentino Special cross-over featuring ShadowHawk, the Savage Dragon, the Maxx, Union, and Velocity! "Parallel Paradigm": On a quest to retrieve the stolen Chaos Emerald, Sonic and his friends hit the Cosmic Interstate and wind up in a world unlike any they've ever seen before! It's a head-on collision with the world of Image, and that can only mean excitement! FC, 48pg $2.25 ********************* AVATAR PRESS COVEN: DARK SISTER #2 by Matt Martin The Coven is back, and the mini-series of the summer concludes with another issue of insanity! With one stunningly powerful blast of black magic gone horribly awry, Eden has brought the past back to life, smack in the middle of New York City! As the Coven tried to regroup in order to rescue Fantom, chaos in the streets causes more than a few delays… such as dinosaurs trying to eat Spellcaster! Is Sasha ready for the challenge of facing off against a master of the mystic arts who has a Spellbook just as powerful as hers? This series is over-the-top action as only carnage master Matt Martin can bring to the page. This issue features four different cover versions by Al Rio, Sean Shaw, Rick Lyon, and Matt Martin! RIO—FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $3.50 SHAW—FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $3.50 MARTIN—FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $3.50 LYON—FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $3.50 DEMONSLAYER: PROPHECY #1 by Marat Mychaels The Demonslayer is back in an all-new full color special by creator and artist Marat Mychaels! Jaclyn has finally accepted her role in the war between humanity and the demons. Her relationship with Michael is stronger than ever and life finally appears to be going well for the young Demonslayer. However, her importance in the large scale of the war may be completely hidden to her and the extent of her powers unrevealed. A mysterious new player in the game, Ebon, storms into her life, bringing with him carnage and an ominous prophecy of the future. If you haven't tried out one of the most talked about titles of the year, this is the perfect issue to do so! This issue features four different cover versions by Marat Mychaels: Regular, Celtic, Hell on Wheels, and Leather (limited to 350 copies)! REG.—FC, 32pg $3.50 CELTIC—FC, 32pg $3.50 HELL ON WHEELS—FC, 32pg $3.50 LEATHER—FC, 32pg $25.00 DEMONSLAYER: RAVE by Marat Mychaels The hot series spins off this special pin-up book featuring plenty of all-new, ultra-sexy pin-ups as well as every cover and rare advertising piece by the artist and creator of Demonslayer, Marat Mychaels! You won't want to miss some of the ultra-scarce early Demonslayer promo pieces collected here in color for the first time! This is the ultimate Marat Mychaels collection of art and a must-have for fans of sexy female art! This issue features three different cover versions by Marat Mychaels: Regular, Bad Schoolgirl, and Silent Moment! REG.—FC, 32pg $3.50 BAD SCHOOLGIRL—FC, 32pg $3.50 SILENT MOMENT—FC, 32pg $3.50 THRESHOLD #43 by Mike Wolfer, Clint Hilinski, & Mike Delaney Mike Wolfer (Stranger Kisses) brings his twisted opus of Razor gone insane to a head in this intense issue! Pandora may be the last hope to stop the new Spider-Razor from propagating a whole new race of Arachnapeople! Widow wants nothing more than to help, but she may have her hands full with the newly awakened Poizon! Writer Robert Lugibihl and newcomer Clint Hilinski bring on the old salty dogs of the sea as Pandora has lost her memory and is being used by a group of treasure hungry pirates! Rounding out the stellar lineup is a hilarious new Medora tale drawn by Mike Delaney. Threshold continues rockin' the free world as the longest-running American anthology! This issue features four different cover versions: Razor (by Matt Martin), Pandora (by Pat Meadows), Medora Adult (by Mike Delaney), and Razor Adult (by Mike Wolfer). NOTE: The Medora Adult cover and Razor Adult covers are not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. MATURE READERS RAZOR—b&w, 48pg $4.95 PANDORA—b&w, 48pg $4.95 MEDORA ADULT—b&w, 48pg (CAUT: 3) $6.00 RAZOR ADULT—b&w, 48pg (CAUT: 3) $6.00 RAW MEDIA QUARTERLY #10 by Al Rio, Pete Ayala, & Various SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL BEACHUM—b&w, 32pg $3.95 RIO NUDE—b&w, 32pg $6.00 AYALA NUDE—b&w, 32pg $6.00 AVENGELYNE: DRAGON REALM #1/2 DYING BREATH EDITION by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon Check out Matt Martin's hot new cover on this special edition! Avengelyne returns with this new mini-series featuring the stellar artwork of Rick Lyon! In this special issue, you get the exclusive prelude tale that leads directly into the mini-series itself, a story not available anywhere else! This special edition featuring a variant cover by Matt Martin, is limited to just 1,500 copies. FC, 16pg $5.95 AVENGELYNE: DRAGON REALM #1/2 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE PRISM FOIL EDITION by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon Don't miss out on the next red-hot Prism Foil edition! This Previews Exclusive Prism Foil cover by Al Rio is limited to just 500 copies. All copies ship bagged and boarded with a Certificate of Authenticity. FC, 16pg $12.95 AVENGELYNE: BAD BLOOD #1 RUBY RED EDITION by Christiansen, Seifert, & Lyon A special warehouse find of this ultra-limited edition! This Ruby Red foil was originally created for a special convention edition but was never distributed… until now! The first Avatar Avengelyne mini-series gets started with a bang when the vampires Ravening have need of the pure blood of an angel! Cover by Al Rio. Limited to 500 copies, all copies ship bagged and boarded. FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $19.95 FAUST: BOOK OF M #1-3 SET by David Quinn & Tim Vigil First printings of this full color three issue series are now available in one bagged set for those that missed it the first time around. David Quinn and Tim Vigil rip into the past of the mysterious M and his concubine of pain, Claire. Vigil's art is stunning as always and Quinn's horrific storytelling was nominated for a Bram Stoker Award. Limited to 500 sets. MATURE READERS Set (x3), FC $9.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A FAUST HORNBOOK 99 by David Quinn & Tim Vigil Special preview of Faust #12! With the Faust movie coming out soon, you don't want to miss out on having this definitive guide to all things Faust related. From creator interviews to in-depth descriptions of all the Faust books so far, this is an indispensable guide to the worlds of Quinn and Vigil. Also features a picture gallery of all the Faust- related covers and variants. MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 96pg, b&w $8.95 **************************** STAR OF THE MONTH WARREN ELLIS' DARK BLUE GN by Warren Ellis & Jacen Burrows Collected in one volume, Warren Ellis' critically acclaimed Dark Blue is available as a deluxe graphic novel illustrated by Jacen Burrows with full gray tones! Violent, disturbed cop Frank Christchurch has too many problems. He has a partner who's convinced he's mentally ill, a commanding officer on smack, and a killer whom no one else seems to want to catch. The pressure of his savage life is triggering murderous outbursts and hallucinations. Frank Christchurch is on the way down. And he might take everyone with him. Nothing is as it seems. All-new afterword by Warren Ellis. (STAR13064) MATURE READERS SC, b&w, 72pg $8.95 ***************** BASEMENT COMICS CAVEWOMAN PREHISTORIC PIN-UPS BOOK 2 Basement Comics present the second in a two volume set of pin-up books featuring some of Budd's best and most sought after work ever! You'll see page after page of pin-ups and commissions that Budd has done in recent years with many of these pieces never seeing print before this. Fans of Cavewoman will need to get this must-have book featuring a combination of black-and-white and color artwork, as well as many mature audience-only pin-ups that were deemed too spicy or erotic for the regular Cavewoman title. The best in Cavewoman artwork appears here! SC, PC $4.50 CAVEWOMAN PREHISTORIC PIN-UPS BOOK 1 SPECIAL EDITION Budd Root provides this incredible cover for this special edition of Prehistoric Pin-ups Book 1! Entitled "Upwind 2," Meriem seductively readies herself to pounce on her next victim! This issue features all kinds of great Cavewoman pin-ups you'll not want to miss! Limited to only 750 copies worldwide! Each issue is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity and is bagged and boarded for protection. SC, PC PI CAVEWOMAN: KLYDE & MERIEM SPECIAL GREEN FOIL EDITION Very limited, very cool. This great book is the second in a set of two special covers commemorating the new hit book Cavewoman: Klyde & Meriem! This book has two top- notch Cavewoman stories inside. This edition is limited to only 450 copies worldwide! Each issue is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity and is bagged and boarded for protection. SC, PC PI BIG CARD COMICS MIGHTY EYEBALL #6 by Rurik Tyler It's a rescue mission gone bad! The evil Slickshift is smashing Eyeball with warclubs made out of his own sound effects! Eyeball counters by playing his own secret self help tapes. And then a clever idea leads to a stunning victory! Also includes an Industry Mystery Quote, a Strunk Chomper Blueprint, and a series checklist. b&w, 16pg $2.69 BLACK BOAR PRESS WHITECHAPEL FREAK by David Hitchcock The poor and the destitute litter the streets, workhouses full, there was no way of scrapping a living. With typhoid and cholera rife in the gutters, it was hard to survive from one day to the next. September 8, 1888. Now the womenfolk have yet another predator to content with… brutal murders of local prostitutes have become a trademark of a madman the papers have named Jack the Ripper. A Traveling Curiosity Show is in the area. Is the Ripper among those freakish characters? This story keeps you guessing who did it and entertained with the unique and freaky characters, while tackling prejudices and staying realistic. MATURE READERS b&w, 40pg $2.95 BLACK DAZE PUBLISHING BALLAD OF UTOPIA VOLUME 1 TP by Barry Buchanan & Mike Hoffman Collecting the first three published issues with the yet-unseen fourth installment, The Ballad of Utopia gallops into the 21st century as a series of graphic dime novels! A murder has occurred in the small southwestern town of Utopia — stage station keep Charlie Burnette is shot dead and discovered by deputy sheriff Samuel David. It's just one less bullet to Utopians until an autopsy reveals Charlie's very weird secret and the killing takes on a whole new twist. Sam, embroiled in this bizarre murder mystery, enlists the aid of the enigmatic bounty hunter Brigham Love, and together they wade through the quagmire of intrigue! RES. from Previews Vol. XI #5 (May01) SC, 88pg, b&w $8.95 BLACK LIBRARY WARHAMMER MONTHLY #45 In this issue, through quakes and storms, vermin and the dead, dashing bounty hunter Kal Jerico will make it through, in Gordon Rennie and Wayne Reynolds' highly popular strip! Ulli and Marquand break some serious puritan skulls in the earth-shattering continuation of Mordheim: Crusade! Finally the epic Daemonifuge returns, with Ephrael Stern as you've never seen her before! All in this latest issue, packed full of dark action from the savage worlds of Warhammer! b&w, 40pg $2.95 BLUE LINE PRO COMICS LITTLE WHITE MOUSE: ENTROPY DREAMING #1 SPECIAL EDITION by Paul Sizer A great jumping-on point for new readers and an extra bonus for longtime fans, Little White Mouse: Entropy Dreaming #1 is the next chapter in the life of Loo, the heroic teenage girl stranded on Satellite 713, an automated mining satellite three light years away from her home. The countdown of Satellite 713's system shutdown begins in earnest, as Loo must figure out how to get off the satellite before all the life support systems deactivate! As a bonus, this issue includes extra pages of new story and art that reveal new secrets about the LWM series. Plus a new color cover by Paul Sizer and back cover by comics great Chris Sprouse (Tom Strong)! b&w, 32pg $2.95 PARTS UNKNOWN: HOSTILE TAKEOVER #3 SIGNED EDITION by Beau Smith & Brad Gorby Originally published by Image Comics, Hostile Takeover #3 comes autographed by comics' own "real man," creator Beau Smith (Guy Gardner, Black Terror). Each issue is signed, bagged, and includes a Blue Line Pro Certificate of Authenticity. Limited to 300 copies. b&w, 32pg $9.95 BONGO COMICS BART SIMPSON COMICS #5 by Simone, Bates, Costanza, Kelly, & Morrison In a tale from the wild, wild west, maverick government agent Bart Simpson, along with master of disguise Martimus Prince, must put a stop to the world–threatening and earth- shattering schemes of Dr. Ralph Braneless. In other stories, Lisa matches wits with Principal Skinner in a Springfield Elementary whodunit, and Bart and Milhouse take the school day off. FC, 32pg $2.50 FUTURAMA COMICS #5 by Rogers, Cooke, & Morrison Fry competes on a game show hosted by Morbo in order to save Professor Farnsworth and Planet Express. However, he finds himself in way over his head when a hostile takeover creates a power play that might end up pulling the plug on Fry's lifeline. FC, 32pg $2.50 SIMPSONS COMICS #61 by Boothby, Gonzalez, & Morrison Bart finds himself in control of Springfield's print media and begins to publish all the news that's fit to print his purposes. But when the headlines go spinning out of control, half of Springfield is left in ruins, and only Bart can piece it back together. FC, 32pg $2.50 STAR OF THE MONTH SIMPSONS COMICS & STORIES #1 by Matt Groening Matt Groening's first Simpsons comic book (from early 1993) can be yours — only from Previews and the Star System! This issue features the senses-shattering origin of Springfield's own costumed crusader, Bartman, as well plenty of laughs with Homer, Marge, Lisa, and Maggie! Also, Itchy & Scratchy's handy hints for power tool safety! Polybagged with a full-color poster of Bartman and Radioactive Man! (STAR03518) FC $2.95 *********************** BON-VUE ENTERTAINMENT BETTY THE BONDAGE GIRL GN by Lee SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w $8.95 BONDAGE ISLAND #1 by Lee SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w $9.95 DAPHNE #1 by Brain Tarsis SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL FC $19.95 DEE'S DIARY #1 by Jorge SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w $8.95 DEE'S DIARY #2 by Jorge SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w $8.95 KOMIC FANTASIES VOLUME 2 #9 & #10 by Various SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL #9––PC, 44pg $6.95 #10––PC, 44pg $6.95 LAYTEXIA #1 by Lee SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 54pg $9.95 BUD PLANT OFFERED AGAIN O/A TARZAN IN COLOR VOLUME 2 by Hal Foster Originally published at $35.00. The magnificent Tarzan Sundays Sept. 1932-Aug. 1933. Tarzan discovers an ancient Egyptian civilization. Disguised as the Got Throth, he helps restore a princess to the throne and saves his friend Von Harben. Stunning work by Foster, as he warmed up to creating Prince Valiant for just four years later. Published by NBM in 1993. HC, 10x14, 64pg, FC SRP: $11.95 O/A MARILYN SPANISH GIRL PRINT by Earl Moran Originally published at $139.95. This is a delightful, sexy painting of Marilyn Monroe, who posed several times for Moran. This captures her youth as well as her voluptuous, sensual appeal, in a sexy, revealing open vest and short shorts. This is an excellent, high- quality lithograph on heavy paper. Includes Certificate of Authenticity, which is numbered from a limited edition of 7,500 copies. Print, FC, 17x24 MSRP: $12.50 O/A MOEBIUS FUSION SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL HC, 9x12, 128pg, FC SRP: $14.95 O/A PAUL GULACY'S STAR PRINT by Paul Gulacy Drawn and published 20 years ago, a powerful early work brimming with erotic appeal. This is a stirring, stylish rendering –– strongly influenced by Steranko's cutting edge style. Red, white, and blue is the theme for this full-length portrait of a long-haired, buxom beauty in skimpy red leather and sultry dark glasses. Gulacy combines sizzling realism and flat, pure design and color into a dynamic work. Published by Point blank in 1982. Print, 16x20, FC SRP: $19.99 ***************** CALVARY COMICS GLORY TO GOD #1 by Alec Stevens, Scott McDaniel, Sergio Cariello, & Various This all-new anthology features stories form the Bible, historical accounts, and modern- day testimonies. Moving and inspirational. b&w, 28pg $2.00 CAPTION COMICS HELDEN #1 by Ralf Paul Who does not know the legends of famous adventurers, wizards, and mythical creatures? At all times, there have been brave men and women who show the way as shining examples and who let us dream of being immortalized in the songs of the bards and in the books of historians. And that is how the fantastic adventures of a very special man and his six friends found their place in the huge libraries of the world of Madira. Helden is a pure fantasy action comic, which is based on a real played and existing role-playing circle –– a German counterpart to AD&D. FC, 32pg ( 1 of 6) $2.95 CARTOON BOOKS BONE VOLUME 7: GHOST CIRCLES TP by Jeff Smith A long dormant volcano explodes, filling the land with soot and ash, and freeing the ancient evil known only as the "Locust!" Alone and frightened, the Bone cousins, Thorn, and feisty old Gran'ma Ben must fight the elements and the rat creatures as they struggle to reach the glorious city of Atheia. A pivotal and surprising new chapter in the adventures of the Bone boys, caught between their desire to get home and a sense of duty for their newfound friends. SC, 7x10, 160pg, b&w $16.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A BONE COUSINS: HANGIN' OUT POSTER by Jeff Smith The Bone cousins share a peaceful moment of contemplation deep in the heart of their new home –– the forest! This is number four of four posters in the 1996 poster series, and the only one to feature all three Bone cousins! FC, 24x36 $5.95 O/A HOODED ONE: THE EVE OF BATTLE POSTER by Jeff Smith Relive the night before the battle! This dramatic full-color poster celebrates war in all its glory! FC, 24x36 $5.95 O/A FIRST ENCOUNTERS: FONE BONE & THORN POSTER by Jeff Smith A powerful new poster! The incredible artwork from the cover of Image Bone #2 –– in a giant full color poster! Relive the fun and awkward moment when Fone Bone's life changed forever — the moment he met Thorn! FC, 24x36 $5.95 *********************** CHAOS! COMICS LADY DEATH/BAD KITTY #1 by Len Kaminski. Cover by Adriano Batista, Curtis Arnold, & Hi-Fi Chaos!' most popular characters of 2001 unite in this fantastic first issue! Lady Death, the herald of death, is now mortal and stranded in New York. Catherine Bell aka "Bad Kitty" is a former detective on the run. The Mastrodecasas are a mob family, returned from the dead as poltergeists. When Kitty stops the Mastros from murdering Lady Death's new found friend, all Heck breaks loose in Hell's kitchen! Will Lady Death fire automatic weapons? Can Lucky the cat survive the menace of the Ghost Hound? An adventure sure to thrill veteran and new readers alike! FC, 32pg $2.99 LADY DEATH/BAD KITTY #1 PREMIUM EDITION cover by Scott Lewis Heaven can wait –– 'cause with this painted premium edition featuring Lady Death and Bad Kitty seductively posing together, everyone will feel like they're on cloud nine! The two divas join forces within the Chaos! Cosmos, and this painted cardstock cover is to die for! Limited to 3,000 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 VANDALA II #1 by Peter David & Ed Benes Industry veteran Peter David (Supergirl, SpyBoy) brings to you an all-new Vandala one- shot! Vandala, the last living Valkyrie is intent on erecting a new Shining Realm amidst the harsh squalor of the darklands. Her only ally is Ravenheart, a warrior whose touch means certain death. They face opposition on all fronts, but that is nothing compared to the insidious treachery planned by the diabolical Pagan, The Court Jester of Hell. Will our heroes heed the warning signs or will all of Vandala's hopes and dreams crumble before they are given life? Guest starring the Hells Bells: Demonica and Diabolica! A tale of fantasy that will touch your heart! FC, 32pg $2.99 VANDALA II #1 PREMIUM EDITION cover by Matt Hughes This sexy painted premium cover features a tantalizing image of the Lady Death's striking winged sister, Vandala. How good can a powerful angel look? Check this cover out and see! Limited to 3,000 copies! FC, 32pg $9.99 PURGATORI: DARKEST HOUR #1 by Joshua Dysart, Fabiano Neves, Romano Molennar, Phyllis Novin, &Colorgraphix The Los Angeles dawn breaks, a mortal woman lays dying in it's golden light. Her name is Sakkara and she carries deep inside of her the sleeping demon Purgatori! Even now, as she struggles to live, fallen angels, powerful vampires, and a warrior from a once proud, now crumbling kingdom, are mobilizing to hunt down the woman who would be the Blood Goddess. Chaos! Comics is proud to present the story of one woman's struggle to overcome mortal fear and regain her rightful power in a world that wants her dead. From Joshua Dysart, writer of the cult hit Violent Messiahs, comes a new kind of Purgatori parable: the tale of Darkest Hour! FC, 32pg $2.99 PURGATORI: DARKEST HOUR #1 PREMIUM EDITION cover by Ricky Carralero Ricky Carralero paints a stunning premium cover of Purgatori as her sultry human counterpart Sakkara –– in a pose reminiscent of Betty Page! Believe us, this painting is enough to kick start any man's heart into overdrive! Sexy and tasteful, it's limited to only 3,000 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 LADY DEATH'S BLACK BOOK VOLUME 1 by Ivan Reis, Joe Pimentel, & Roy Young. Own the perfect pocket-sized art book for Lady Death! That's right, this "Black Book" contains a miniature gallery of 64 cover images and sexy pin-up shots of Lady Death collected in this flip-through, compact, square-bound book! Features gorgeous Lady Death art by Ivan Reis, Brom, Mike Deodato Jr., Steven Hughes, David Michael Beck, and Justiniano! The sweet part is Lady Death can go everywhere you go! FC, 4x5, 64pg $9.99 LADY DEATH'S BLACK BOOK VOLUME 1 PREMIUM EDITION by Steven Hughes, & Jason Jensen The dynamic premium covered edition containing a pocket size gallery of Lady Death pictures features a striking image by Chaos! fiend favorite Steven Hughes! Lady Death is soaking it up enjoying a sensual blood bath! Limited to 1,000 copies. FC, 32pg $14.99 LEGEND OF THE SAGE #2 by Brian Augustyn, Romano Molenaar, & Curtis Arnold Chaos's new realm of fantasy continues! In the next chapter of the epic mystical saga, the only way to destroy earth is to find and obliterate the world's mystic axis, which anchors it in time and space. Though no one on earth believes it, they are under secret siege as the forces of Magos search and destroy everything in their path. Meanwhile, under the tutelage of a magical mentor, Victoria learns of her destiny and begins the quest to save many worlds. It's an adventure that will open the imagination in all of us! FC, 32pg $2.99 LEGEND OF THE SAGE #2 VARIANT EDITION cover penciled by Daerick Gross This variant, penciled cover edition features a beautifully drawn Victoria Noble as the engaging centerpiece, leaning tastefully against a gothic-like tree! Surrounded by little creatures from another world –– fantasy and reality never looked this good! It's so real, you'd think it was an actual portrait! FC, 32pg $7.50 THE MUMMY: VALLEY OF THE GODS ASHCAN art by Mat Broome The Mummy saga rises from the desert with this collectible ashcan! Flip through the 12 pages and you'll be presented with preview artwork and layouts of the comic inspired by the blockbuster motion picture: The Mummy Returns! Limited to 999. Ashcan $6.00 PURGATORI: THE HUNTED ASHCAN art by Fabiano Neves Check out Purgatori as her human counterpart Sakkara within this 12 page ashcan that features preview artwork from her newest series –– The Hunted! A fiendish complimentary item to the actual story of Purgatori as she becomes mortal in present day L.A.! Ashcan $6.00 PURGATORI #1/2 CHROMIUM SIGNED EDITION cover by Peter Vale & Al Rio; colored by Roy Young Get the exclusive chromium edition of Purgatori #1/2 signed by Chaos! master Brian Pulido! A sexy collectible for any fan of the Vampire Goddess from Hell! Limited to 1,000 copies! Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. (CAUT: 4) FC, 32pg $21.00 LADY DEATH: THE CRUCIBLE #1 SCRIPT by Brian Pulido Own the script treatment to Brian Pulido's first, and biggest diva of them all –– Lady Death! Each and every page of this 32 page script of Lady Death: The Crucible #1 is very detailed and is a great gift for soon to be cutting edge supernatural writers! Comes with complete dialogue and comic book layout info! Limited to 1,000 copies! Script $4.99 LADY DEATH: THE CRUCIBLE #1 SCRIPT PREMIUM EDITION The creator and visionary behind Lady Death, Brian Puldio, signs the premium edition of the Lady Death: The Crucible #1 script! Witness all the fine detail and dialogue in this awesome script that's limited to 100 copies only! Script $20.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A INSANE CLOWN POSSE: THE PENDULUM #5 "ROAD RAGE" by McCann, Beck, & Florea Boo-Yah! Out of the mean streets of Southwest Detroit, onto the hellish highways of heartland America come the Wicked Clownz! With the faith-healing priest Jesus onboard, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope head face-first into adversity as they seek out their ultimate foe, demonic overlord and shady businessman Killnor! Nipping at their heels are Twizted and the Stress Team — both with deadly unfinished business! And, as if that were not enough to get a clown down, the heroes must deal with a whole city of thugs, thieves and liars. Pulse-rushing, rib-crushing, blood gushing spectacle, Plus, the coming of The Carnival of Carnage! Each issue features an ICP single that is available nowhere else! Grab some Faygo and neden and go for it, homies! Features four pages of preview story and art from upcoming Chaos! titles. MATURE READERS FC, 32pg $5.95 O/A INSANE CLOWN POSSE POSTER #3 illustrated by Rob Brown Straight from the pages of The Upz & Downz of the Wicked Clownz, this one will scare the bejeezus outta' ya', and ward of evil spirits too! Featuring the twisted art of Rob Brown, this poster measures 24" x 36" and is suitable for framing! Comes rolled and tubed. Poster, 24x26 $7.95 O/A PURGATORI: THE DRACULA GAMBIT #1 by David Quinn & Brian LeBlanc In celebration of the 100th anniversary of Bram Stoker's Dracula! Purgatori, the primal vampiress, aspires to be a force of nature... a goddess. But Count Dracula, the fierce and proud warrior prince, the unparalleled lord of vampires, forwards an agenda for mankind that is all his own. This bloody pair has danced outside each other's grasp for centuries. Tonight they collide — and the consummation of this "tango of treachery" will send aftershocks throughout the Chaos! cosmos! "Tonight," lusty Purgatori promises, "The Count's legend must die that mine may flourish!" The Dracula Gambit gets under the skin of Chaos!'s premiere vampire, providing new insight into her character and her bloody journey toward empowerment, while celebrating the centennial of Bram Stoker's classic novel. Painted cover by Brom. FC, 32pg $2.95 ***************** PURGATORI: THE DRACULA GAMBIT #1 PREMIUM EDITION painted by Brian LeBlanc This premium version with a cardstock painted cover features the many images of Dracula himself! It's Purgatori vs. Dracula, and by the looks of the cover, he's one villain that will be tough to defeat! Be afraid… very afraid! FC, 32pg $9.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A PURGATORI LITHOGRAPH This archival quality limited edition lithograph illustrated by Jim Balent measures 16" x 20" and is suitable for framing. Lithograph, 16x20, FC $25.00 **************** STARS OF THE MONTH PURGATORI COLLECTED EDITIONS by David Quinn, Al Rio, & Brimstone Once she was a slave. Now she aspires to be a Goddess. In her heart burns the anger of every woman ever betrayed. On her quest for power, the blood-lusting vampire Goddess Purgatori scours the city and confronts her enemies. VOL. 1 (STAR11028) $5.95 VOL. 2 (STAR11305) $5.95 VOL. 3 (STAR11401) $5.95 VOL. 4 (STAR11515) $5.95 ******************* OFFERED AGAIN O/A JADE #1 PREMIUM EDITION by Ken Lashley, Curtis Arnold, & Jay Fotos The seductive oriental style of Jade is captured stunningly on this premium cover by hot new artist Ken Lashley. With her back turned, Jade stands tall wielding her mighty sword looking over her shoulder. Her message is clear... you will be dealt with! It's no question this deadly dame is ready for some high-octane action! Printed on cardstock, this edition is strictly limited to 3,000 copes! FC, 32pg $9.99 O/A LADY DEATH: ALIVE #1 PREMIUM EDITION by Mike Weiringo, Rob Stull, & Jason Jensen Check out this stylish premium cover with a framed Lady Death image over laying a stunning visual backdrop dressed with many deadly skulls and a special fifth ink! It's one attractive looking cover! Can life get any better? Printed on cardstock, limited to 2,500 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 O/A CHASTITY: SHATTERED #1 PREMIUM EDITION cover by Mike Weiringo, Rob Stull, & Jason Jensen Chastity, the sweet but deadly vampire assassin, is just a tease on this premium cover. Surrounded by a vibrant background that includes masks and bats, Chastity is positioned in a circular frame ready for action armed with two deadly swords! Printed on cardstock with a special fifth ink and limited to 2,500 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 O/A EVIL ERNIE: STRAIGHT TO HELL #1 LIMITED CHROMIUM EDITION by Brian Pulido, Justiano & Jason Jensen This primo, limited edition of Evil Ernie: Straight To Hell #1 features a radical wraparound chromium cover by fiend favorite Chaos! artist Justiano and is strictly limited to 10,000 copies. Comicdom's #1 bad guy journeys straight to Hell on a mega murderous rampage! Comes bagged for protection during shipping. FC, 32pg $19.95 O/A PURGATORI VANITY PLATE Express your road rage with the new Purgatori Vanity Plate from Chaos! Comics! The 6" x 12" vanity plate features the deadly Purgatori logo in blood red against a black background. With a baked enamel finish and raised lettering, this vanity plate will send a clear message to your fellow motorists: "If you can read this, then you better start driving faster!" Vanity Plate $9.95 ******************** STAR OF THE MONTH CRYPTIC WRITINGS OF MEGADETH TP It's a mind-warping visual assault as Chaos! adapts the lyrics of the Grammy nominated, multi-platinum metal band Megadeth in Cryptic Writings of Megadeth! See killer songs such as "Peace Sells," and "Wake Up Dead," come into life in this unblemished collection! Experience the birth of Vic Rattlehead in "Skull Beneath the Skin!" Witness havoc in such songs as "Rattlehead," "Good Mourning/Black Friday," "Killing Is My Business...," and many more! It's rock 'n roll for the eyes –– Chaos! style! Also included, Cryptic Writings cover gallery. (STAR08587) FC, 108pg $12.95 ********************* CLAYPOOL COMICS ELVIRA #100 Super-special 100th issue! Special features! More story pages! Elvira's passing the milestone of one hundred monthly issues at Claypool. Does this issue also celebrate her passing from this life? Many, many guest stars from Elvira's eventful history gather to observe "The Death of Elvira!" by Frank Strom, Tod Smith, and Louis Lachance. It's not a hoax, not a dream, and has very little to do with "Red Elvira-ite." Then, the Mistress of the Dark narrates the origin of Bela her shape-changing pet; actually, several origins, each done in a different art style, in "That Old Familiar Feeling," featuring art by Ronn Sutton and Bruce Patterson, Amanda Conner and Bill Anderson (children's storybook version), Richard Howell and Allen Milgrom (Simon & Kirby romance-comic version), and Steve Leialoha (Walt Kelly-style version). Also, to top off the fun, Elvira helps Spooky Suzie move into her new mansion — in a neighborhood so quiet and cozy that it creeps Elvira out, in "Suburban Fear" by Kurt Busiek with a super-special art job by the avatar of the "Archie"-style of art, Mr. Josie himself… Dan DeCarlo! With a super-cool ink job by Terry Austin. b&w, 32pg $2.50 DEADBEATS #49 Finally, the horrors that stalk the town of Mystic Grove have a place to roost. Evil squatters have taken possession of the mansion that Dr. Ralston plans to buy, and they're using it as the site to terrify both the living and the undead. All are at risk, from young hero Kirby to the vampire princess Brittany, to the malicious Deadbeats themselves. One thing is clear: not everyone will survive the horror that waits in the "House of Fiends!" by Richard Howell and Ricardo Villagran, and a cover by Howell and Steve Leialoha. b&w, 32pg $2.50 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ELVIRA MISTRESS OF THE DARK VOLUME 2: DOUBLE DELIGHTS TP This collection includes groundbreaking humor achievements by Kurt Busiek, Jim Mooney, Frank Strom, Tom Simonton, Louis Lachance, Neil Vokes, John Heebink, Frank Springer, Art Viscardi, John Nyberg, and Dan Schaefer. This hefty and hilarious collection includes "The Children of the Night, What Crummy TV Shows They Make" (in which Kurt Busiek and Neil Vokes introduce Dracula into the Claypool universe), and the two-part "Phantom of the Soap Opera" (which was covered by the soap-opera industry press). The rest of the line-up spotlights each and every aspect of Elvira's adventurous life, with stories such as: "Invasion of the Astro-Execs," "Mummy Dearest," "Mars Needs Guitars," "Little Miss Marketing Ploy," "Something Wicked This Way Hops," and "The Most Happy Felon." Also debuting a brand-new photo cover of Elvira, and featuring an introduction by Mark Evanier. SC, 7x10, 152pg, b&w $12.95 ******************** COM.X PUNCTURE #4 by Russell Uttley & Ben Oliver Puncture battles The Canimal's killers and he himself becomes victim to The Canimal's true purpose. A Knight Of The Lord awakens and with his dying breath delivers the word that will curse Puncture and his kind for all time. In a mighty blood war The Holy Word scourge Eastern Europe of Na Eth Nov'ar. Through the mist a recognised shadow appears... FC, 40pg $3.99 BAZOOKA JULES #4 by Neil Googe Now in the new bumper sized, perfect bound, premium format! The chase is on as Jules tries to put some distance between her and the "Family", but a wrong turn soon leads to a deadly game of cat and mouse. Lost in the tunnels of Calibre Bays' metro system, Jules must face the deadly "Mess". Enter Eddie, whose intervention quickly turns into his own desperate fight for survival. Hoisted into the air, his battle becomes a roller coaster ride over the rooftops of Calibre Bay. FC, 40pg (4 of 6) $3.99 COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND BUSTED! #12 The Newsletter of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Pledge Allegiance! Do you believe that free expression is the right of every American? Do you believe that comics are an art form capable of expressing ideas and emotions? If you answer yes to these two simple questions, then the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund needs you! Busted! provides the inside info on all attempts to restrict expression in comics, with detailed case updates, incident reports, and much more. Plus, Busted! now gives you twice as many pages in each comic-sized issue. It's the perfect way to show your support. Cover by Brian Rood. Tabloid, 16pg MSRP: $0.00 COMIC CAVALCADE DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE #4 FEAR 2001 EDITION Randy Queen provides the all-new exclusive cover on this sequel cover to the sold-out, ultra-collectable first Darkchylde series Fear Edition, and this one is even more limited! This cover is limited to just 3,500 copies. All copies ship bagged and boarded. FC, 32pg $5.95 DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE #4 FEAR 2001 RUBY RED EDITION Here's the lastest in Comic Cavalcade's line of ultra-rare Ruby Red Editions, and the first ever for Darkchylde! Limited to 400 copies, all shipped bagged and boarded. FC, 32pg $29.95 WITCHBLADE #45 DEMON PLATINUM EDITION Cover by Keu Cha Keu Cha is burning up the charts with his art on Paul Jenkins' stellar Witchblade run. He took the time out of his busy schedule to produce this sexy, exclusive cover! Don't miss this rare Platinum Edition, limited to just 750 copies, all shipped bagged and boarded. FC, 32pg $15.95 AVENGELYNE: DRAGON REALM #1 VENOMOUS EDITION by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon Al Rio shocks the Avenging Angel on this startling exclusive new cover! The Avenging Angel gets a taste of sword-and-sorcery when she is transported to a world filled with insidious evil and horrific creatures... a world known as the Dragon Realm! Limited to just 1,500 copies! FC, 32pg $5.95 AVENGELYNE: DRAGON REALM #1 VENOMOUS EMERALD FOIL EDITION by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon This special foil edition is limited to just 400 copies. All copies ship bagged and boarded. Cover by Al Rio. FC, 32pg $13.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A VOODOO #1 JASON PEARSON COVER This special edition of the sold-out first issue of Alan Moore's Voodoo #1 features an exclusive new cover by superstar Jason Pearson! This excellent collectable is limited to just 4,000 copies! All copies ship bagged and boarded. FC, 32pg $5.95 ****************** COMIC LIBRARY INTERNATIONAL BOONDOGGLE VOLUME 1: GOING NOWHERE TP by Steve Stegelin CLI's latest "SoloVision" project! This compilation of the fan-favorite series Boondoggle allows readers old and new to visit with Steve Stegelin's pop-culture addicted, musically- obsessed small town denizens! Chaos and commentary reign at every corner and crossroads — from the bus stop to Ska-punk concerts, in restaurants and convenience stores — ultimately exploding with both hilarious and dramatic results. In addition to collecting all seven long out-of-print issues of Boondoggle, Going Nowhere features a brand new-story that ties up all the loose ends from the series, paving the way to all of the new on-line and print Boondoggle stories! SC, 7x10, 152pg, b&w $13.95 COMICS CONSPIRACY THE EXEC #1 by Miers, Paul, Maranto, Blond, & Rio Jack Pierce begins his last day of work much like any other: a skirmish in the outer office, a bloodbath in the boardroom… then he breaks for lunch. Welcome to the world of The Exec! When corporations achieve sovereignty, the term "Corporate Warfare" takes on a whole new meaning! Executives are above the law, and business decisions are accompanied by the sound of gunfire and explosions. Jack Pierce is a hotshot executive/executioner in a society where people are defined by their assets… and income level literally determines whether one is regarded as predator or prey! Work for the right company and you can get away with murder. Work for the wrong company… and you're dead before the first paycheck is cut! FC, 32pg $3.95 COMICSONE.COM FLESH-COLORED HORROR #1 by Junji Ito Flesh-Colored Horror is a collection of bone-chilling vignettes, centered on what at first seems like ordinary people… Tales of obsession, love, loss, beauty, and the perversities of nature will leave you afraid to turn off your lights before you go to bed! MATURE READERS SC, 248pg, b&w $9.95 KAZAN VOLUME 1 #4 by Gaku Miyao Kazan has been separated from his friends, and now he's got to face the desert sands alone. Again… he encounters other wandering souls and even makes a new friend, a black horsebird that's as much a rebel as Kazan himself. Will he ever meet back up with the people he started to care about? And, is his father really dead? SC, 7x10, 188pg, b&w $9.95 MAICO 2010 VOLUME 1 #4 by Toshimitsu Shimizu A runaway Sexdroid descends on Maico, Rie, Masudamasu, and Matsuo and brings plenty of danger along for the ride! It seems she's escaped from the military's clutches, and a whole herd of deadly mechs are on her cute little tail. A relaxing day out at the baths turns into a blood bath as Sugita and a prized robot bust up the place. And, hey, exactly how does Masudamasu know Sugita, anyway? MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 184pg, b&w (4 of 4) $9.95 SARAI VOLUME 1 #2 by Masahiro Shibata This is the second book of an ongoing series, which features the bodyguard maids Sarai and Flicker. This book continues where the first book ends, as the bodyguard maid duo are still employed by Mother Wistable, but end up endangering their employer by getting framed for a bizarre and gruesome murder. As a result, the duo along with Mother Wistable and her aid Richelle must fight for their lives against the evil Barosso, an angry mob, and stone zombies. MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 204pg, b&w $9.95 WEED VOLUME 1 #3 by Yoshihiro Takahashi Weed and GB get down-and-dirty to free a puppy from the control of three vagabond mountain dogs! As the battle heats up, humans have invaded the God Utopia in Ohu, armed with guns… The men claim the dogs have been murdering humans, but would Weed's father Gin let his own troops maul people? (CAUT: 4) SC, 238pg, b&w $9.95 CPM MANGA ASTRA #2 by Robinson, Cohn, Oishi, & Tanaka Jerry Robinson, creator of The Joker, collaborator with Bob Kane in the earliest years of the Batman, has created a new comic book series in collaboration with top Japanese creators! Astra is a funny, sexy science fiction story about the beautiful Princess Astra, the heir to the throne of a planet entirely populated by women! When all the men of her planet were killed in an interplanetary war, the people of the planet Eros survived by artificial means. But their supply of precious bodily fluids is nearly gone, and Astra goes to find a man! She meets up with Yosuke, a rough-and-tumble Earthling who wants to sweep her off her feet. But she has been warned by her mother, the Queen, about the wiles of men, and she's not about to give in! The story is brought to life by Japanese good girl comic artist Shojin Tanaka, creator of Metal Boy and Shibuya Honky Tonk, published in the Weekly Playboy manga anthology. The alternate cover is by Red Sonja artist Frank Thorne! b&w, 32pg $2.95 DARK ANGEL #28 by Kia Asamiya Kia Asamiya (Nadesico, Batman) unleashes "fists of fury" in this issue, as one of the Gairana bandit gang launches detachable mailed fists at Dark and his ally, the mysterious stranger in a burnoose! And at last, the stranger reveals himself, and a heck of a fighter he is: Tan, the White Lion, a powerful fighter in armor! It's an all-out desert fight, and Dark and his friends may not survive it. Dark's beautiful spirit helper Kyo is a helpless victim of these evil criminals and it seems impossible to rescue her while the fighting continues. As the battle rages on, will she die… nailed to a stone wall? Dark Angel is the hottest fantasy action adventure manga around with gorgeous art and pulse-pounding storytelling by manga superstar Kia Asamiya b&w, 32pg $2.95 DARK ANGEL VOLUME THREE TP by Kia Asamiya The sexy Phantom Saint Leen is the star of this exciting graphic novel, the third in the Dark Angel series! Kia Asamiya's art has never been more exciting, his women never more beautiful, his stories more action-filled than in this powerful story arc. The beautiful Leen has undertaken a quest to recover the golden orb that was the rightful possession of her ancestors of the House of the Blue Dragon. But the gorgeous and deadly Nie, the Black Dragon, was secretly consumed with jealousy when Leen became Phantom Saint, and has conspired to murder Leen and take her kingdom! Asamiya brings in fascinating characters from Greek mythology, including and evil shifting-goddess who nearly defeats Leen and her friends. Don't miss the exciting climax of one of Asamiya's best stories ever, featuring powerful, beautiful, and magical woman at war! SC, 7x10, 176pg, b&w $15.95 GEOBREEDERS #30 by Akihiro Ito The gorgeous Kagura girls look just as good when they're snow bunnies as when they go to the beach! There's action in the ski lodge and on the slopes as they head for an alpine resort to chase the evil supernatural Phantom Cats! And they're good at shooting wrongdoers from snowmobiles as well as jet skis! b&w, 32pg $2.95 LODOSS WAR: CHRONICLES OF THE HEROIC KNIGHT #12 by Ryo Mizuno & Masato Natsumoto Arriving at last in the beautiful city of Roid, the pilgrims from Flaim believe that their mission is nearly completed, as they will soon meet with King Etoh. But it turns out that Marmo is menacing Roid, and its skeletal warriors are attacking the city's Pharis monastery — under the leadership of a Dark Elf! b&w, 32pg $2.95 LODOSS WAR: DEEDLIT'S TALE #1 by Ryo Mizuno & Setsuko Yoneyama Deedlit the Elf — the most beloved character in all of fantasy manga and anime — at last stars in her own series! Fans will go wild for this exciting new series starring top Lodoss favorites, Deedlit and Parn, the Heroic Knight! Not only is this the first Lodoss series to star Deedlit — it is also a series illustrated by famous shoujo artist, Setsuko Yoneyama, creator of the Endless Waltz shoujo series! As fans expect from Lodoss, this series is action-packed as Deedlit and Parn join forces with a movement to free an oppressed village from aristocratic overlords. But it's also a moving shoujo comic, with plenty of character development, as Deedlit and Parn share a cottage near the village, and their relationship grows and deepens. The issue includes an interview with famed voice actress Lisa Ortiz, who is not only Deedlit, but also Lina Inverse from Slayers! b&w, 32pg $2.95 LODOSS WAR: DEEDLIT'S TALE #1 SIGNED & NUMBERED EDITION by Ryo Mizuno & Setsuko Yoneyama CPM Manga celebrates the new Deedlit's Tale series with this special, limited edition — signed by Deedlit herself! Strictly limited to 500 copies, this special edition comic features and alternate photo back cover signed and numbered by voice actress Lisa Ortiz! This special back cover edition ships in a pack with the regular edition, the special signed edition with the picture of Lisa, a Certificate of Authenticity, and an extra bonus, two more comics from the other Lodoss series Heroic Knight and Grey Witch featuring Deedlit covers! (CAUT: 2) Pack (x2), b&w $14.95 MAXION #21 by Takeshi Takebayashi Takeshi Takebayashi's beautiful women are some of the loveliest girls in manga, and his art only gets better with each delectable issue! Now, after mysterious student Ukita hypnotized Yuichiro and got him to attack the beautiful Shion, Maki is horrified by her sometime boyfriend's behavior. Ukita takes this as his chance to pull Maki into his evil web as he begins romancing her as she turns against the raging Yuichiro. It seems the complications never end in the romantic and supernaturally cursed lives of the beautiful women and handsome young men of Maxion! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 PRINCESS PRINCE #11 by Tomoko Taniguchi Princess Prince is both a charming fairy tale and an adventure story, and an anthology of amazing and moving fantasy tales. In this issue, Tomoko Taniguchi turns to Indian mythology for her inspiration in a romantic tale of star-crossed lovers and cross-cultural magic that will move you deeply. Like all Japanese shoujo (women's and girls comics), it's not just a fun and romantic adventure, but also a story with fully developed characters in romantic situations. This is the second of four issues containing never-before-collected stories set in the Princess Prince universe, each one featuring all-new covers, never published anywhere before and especially drawn for CPM Manga by the writer/artist! b&w, 32pg $2.95 STARS OF THE MONTH LEGEND OF LEMNEAR VOLUME 3 TP by Kinji Yoshimoto & Satoshi Urushihara The conclusion to the Legend of Lemnear saga! This fantasy adventure manga classic stars the lovely Lemnear, the orphan daughter of a champion swordsman who taught her all his skills and who grows up to be a powerful woman warrior who proves her mettle to become the Champion of Silver of her homeland, the ancient city of Canan. In this final volume of her adventures, the evil Varohl brings Lemnear's dearest friend, Mesh, the Champion of Bronze from Canan, back from the dead to meet Lemnear in a final battle! (STAR12898) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 176pg, b&w $15.95 MARTIAN SUCCESSOR NADESICO BOOK 2 by Kia Asamiya Set in 2142, Nadesico is a fast-paced, offbeat, science fiction manga. When Mars is attacked by alien invaders, the United Earth government deploys the large battleship Nadesico into space to fight the alien menace. Manned by a mostly female crew led by the lovely captain Yurika Misumaru, the Nadesico also has the accidental hero, Akito Tenkawa. In this volume, Akito searches Mars for clues to his past. When the Nadesico's crew is reassigned, Yurika receives a mysterious summons... a call to her as the Shaman Queen of the Yamato Pantheon! (STAR13166) b&w, 208pg $15.95 ****************** Manga-18 LA BLUE GIRL: THE MANGA #1 by Toshio Maeda SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.95 UROTSUKIDOJI : RETURN OF THE CHOJIN #3 by Toshio Maeda SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL RES. from Previews Vol. IX #9 (Sep99) b&w, 32pg $2.95 CROSSGEN COMICS THE FIRST #10 by B. Kesel, Sears, & A. Smith Persha and her father have never met face-to-face. So she slips through the Eidolon to stage a meeting that will change both their lives. Meanwhile, Seahn "convinces" a few of his fellow First to join his crusade to overturn Pyrem's rule, no matter what it takes, and Gannish's quest leads him to a small, semi-populated world battling the Negation. FC, 32pg $2.95 MYSTIC #15 by Marz, Peterson, & Dell Still exhausted from her battle with Animora, Giselle retreats to her Sanctum on the moon accompanied by Genevieve and Thierry Chevalier. Romance begins to blossom — but is the object of Thierry's affections Giselle or Gen? Meanwhile, the eternal spirit of the Dark Magi Guild has been released and spreads its evil as it searches for a proper host. FC, 32pg $2.95 SIGIL #15 by Waid, Pelletier, & Perkins The outcome of the Union/Saurian war comes down to one man's decision! It's up to Sam to take a gamble that could spell Union victory — or cost the lives of thousands of soldiers! His choice will surprise you — but not nearly as much as it will stun the Planetary Union! FC, 32pg $2.95 CRUX #5 by Waid, Epting, & Magyar In order to reconnect with friends and loved ones, each of the lost Atlanteans must undergo a Ritual of Memory — a remembrance of times past that will stir within each of them either a cherished moment of joy... or a grim tragedy that can never be forgotten. FC, 32pg $2.95 SCION #15 by Marz, J. Cheung, & Hillsman While Bron seethes over their escape, Ethan and Ashleigh head north toward the Underground's Sanctuary. The tension between the two — romantic and otherwise — is interrupted by a confrontation with Lesser Race outlaws so savage they escaped from the genetic labs before ever being put to use as Raven shock troops. FC, 32pg $2.95 SOJOURN #2 by Marz, Land, & Geraci The classic fantasy of CrossGen's newest monthly series continues as Arwyn plots her revenge against the Mordath, the undead warlord who was responsible for slaying her family. If the price of vengeance is her life, so be it! FC, 32pg $2.95 MERIDIAN #15 by B. Kesel, McNiven, & Simmons Jad receives a strange summons that forces him to leave Hesperia behind. Sephie's crusade picks up steam and a new crew of volunteers, including the fiery Sabette, all willing to risk the wrath of Ilahn to pursue the dream of a Demetria open to free trade. Ilahn, meanwhile, has returned from "Heaven" with plans for Demetria that start with the destruction of Meridian. FC, 32pg $2.95 CROSSGEN CHRONICLES #4 by Waid, Pérez, & Perkins Mark Waid and George Pérez together for the very first time! Roiya recounts Sam's first encounter with Tchlusarud: Sam is in command of an elite Union Army strike force, but his troops are ready to mutiny unless Roiya can find some way to reach Sam and find out what really makes him tick… FC, 48pg $3.95 STAR OF THE MONTH MYSTIC VOLUME 1 TP by Crossley, Dell, Lipka, Marz, McNiven, Smith, & cover by Linsner Reprinting the first story arc contained in issues #1-7, this trade paperback tells the story of Giselle, a carefree party girl who, on a planet rife with sorcery, wants nothing whatsoever to do with magic. Her sister Genevieve stands poised to become one of the seven guilds that preside over the world. But a mysterious stranger grants Giselle the sigil, a mark granting her access to unlimited power. The sigil somehow traps within Giselle not only the eternal spirit of the Nouveau Guild, but the spirits of all the guilds. Find out how Giselle handles this new power and unwanted responsibility, which puts her at odds with the Guild Masters, who are desperate to get back what is rightfully theirs, and her own sister. Also included is a complete cover gallery, and humorous anecdotes by Ron Marz, Brandon Peterson, and the rest of the creative team on the creation of Mystic. (STAR13168) SC, 7x10, 176pg, FC $19.95 *************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A MERIDIAN #7 & #8 by B. Kesel, Middleton, & Vines; colored by Morry Hollowell Ilahn's met his match in an ambitious newcomer to Cadador, but is he charming her, or the other way around? Sephie must help with the work while figuring out a way to help the workers and then plan her own escape. FC, 32pg $2.95Ea. O/A SCION #7 & #8 by Marz, Leonardi, & K. Kesel; colored by Paul Mounts As thoughts turn to revenge against the East, Ethan is forced to make a decision that could mean turning his back on his family forever. Bron's crusade brings him face to face with Ashleigh, the mysterious benefactor of the Underground, and their clash reveals stunning secrets about both of them. FC, 32pg $2.95Ea. ******************** CRUSADE ENTERTAINMENT SOME TROUBLE OF A SERRIOUS NATURE by Billy Tucci, Richard W. DeMot, ,& Robert Burden To the terrified Japanese, it was the "Whistling Death." By the end of the war, the F4U Corsair had established an astonishing 11:1 "kill" ratio… an incredible combat record that remains unchallenged to this day. But on the day the Second World War ended, one of these unfortunate warriors found its way to the sleepy Arkansas town of Hockey Jock… and into Some Trouble of a SeRRious Nature! Some Trouble is Billy's directorial debut and is written with its original author Lt. Cmdr. Richard W. DeMott. Cmdr. DeMott logged over 800 hours in the cockpit of the F4U during World War II, shot down four Japanese planes and earned the heralded Navy Cross for leading a Corsair squadron in the dive-bombing and sinking of the Japanese battleship Haruna. The live-action comedy will be filmed this summer on Long Island and will use an authentic WWII veteran F4U Corsair, a full-scale static replica, and painstakingly detailed digital model. The full-color comic will be a hybrid of Billy's detailed sequential art with the film's actual digital Corsair created by Inky Dinky Animation (CGI Shi, The Undaunted). This hysterical piece of aviation history will also showcase a copy of the Lt. Cmdr's original letter, behind-the-scenes photos, script notes, and lots more! FC, 32pg $3.50 OFFERED AGAIN O/A MANGA SHI 2000 A.D. #1 by Tucci & Mishkin, & Orfalas Armageddon has come, and Ana Ishikawa's futuristic cousin Yukio, finds herself in a world of death and destruction. As the shattered survivors rise from the ashes, the master computer of the dreaded, COMSAFE Corporation arrives at the only logical conclusion — humanity must be protected from its own self-destructive nature. And anyone who tries to resist is a renegade, to be hunted down, imprisoned… or destroyed! But some spirits are indomitable. Some still cling to the belief that there is more to life than can be processed by a computer. But one very special warrior will stake the future of the human race on the power of her faith! Incredibly detailed anime-style illustrations by Jason Orfalas and story by Billy Tucci and comics' legend Dan Mishken complete this exciting and thought provoking view of the future! FC, 32pg $2.95 O/A MANGA SHI 2000 A.D. #2 by Tucci & Mishkin, & Orfalas Yukio battles her way through a world of dread and wonder! COMSAFE's giant killer Dreadnoughts and Trackers stalk the ruins. Freakish mutants, implacable droids, battleships, jet planes and aircraft carriers all retrofitted with hyper-futuristic technology, crazed scientists and horrifying monsters. FC, 32pg $2.95 O/A MANGA SHI 2000 A.D. #3 by Tucci & Mishkin, & Orfalas The forces of humanity gather together for the epic final battle… Armageddon II! This stunning conclusion strikes at the heart as Yukio realizes that she this is a suicide mission and must decide whether to save herself or the world! FC, 32pg $2.95 O/A MANGA SHI 2000 A.D. COLLECTED SIGNED AND NUMBERED SET by Tucci & Mishkin, & Orfalas This three-pack is limited to 299 sets and includes all three issues of Manga Shi 2000 A.D. plus an added variant edition, all signed by Manga Shi 2001 creator Billy Tucci! Set (x4) $19.99 ********************** SHI: TIGER BABY LIMITED EDITION LITHOGRAPH by Billy Tucci Now you can own this limited edition, high-quality lithograph printed on 11" x 17" heavy duty water color paper. Each lithograph will be signed and numbered by Billy Tucci and is limited to only 299 copies! (CAUT: 2) Lithograph, 11x17, FC $39.99 THE SHI COLLECTORS SIGNED POSTER SET by Billy Tucci This set of three out-of-circulation posters are all signed by Billy Tucci, and include such famous images "Shi/Tomoe—War!," "Shi: Heaven and Earth," and "Shi Rising" (the cover to the classic Way of the Warrior #5). All posters come rolled together in a plastic sleeve. Poster Set (x3), FC $9.99 DARKCHYLDE ENTERTAINMENT DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE #6 by Randy Queen The epic conclusion! A childhood friend Ariel thought long dead has come back as an angry poltergeist, blaming Ariel for her death! Trapped in the hellish twisted world of her own tortured nightmares, and unable to wake herself, Ariel must once again confront the pivotal moment she lost her best friend Kiley all those years ago. As the foundation of the Nightmare Realm crumbles around the fury, Ariel must decide to either save the soul of her former friend, or let it fall victim to the evil eager to devour them both. What will her choice be? The decision will shock you in this last issues to Dreams of the Darkchylde's first story arc! FC, 32pg $2.95 DEAD DOG COMICS FROM HEAVEN TO HELL #2 The Dead Dog crew does it again with more great short tales. First, a heroic pug must defend the park against a squirrel who may be eating more than just acorns, with amazing art by Steve Kurth, artist of Image's G.I. Joe! Then meet Realm Denzie, P.I. for the forces of Heaven and Hell as she investigates a demonic slavery ring. Lastly, Charlie Chaplin stars in his greatest role in John Mundt's Flickers! It'd be a silent film except for all that screaming! Wacked out stories, rising creators, and more attitude than a roomful of premenstrual supermodels! b&w, 32pg $2.95 HELLION #2 by Tim Seeley, Doug Mahnke, & Barb Schultz Features an awesome cover by Doug Mahnke (Superman: The Man of Steel) and is just heaping with non-stop action. Also features fantastic new coloring by Dead Dog's latest smoking gun Gene Kelly. In this episode, Hellion is forced to save the woman he loves not only from the evil doers known as the Black Legion, but has to save her from himself. A few new faces and a lot of action keeps you coming back for the bizarre adventures of the gruesome hero known as Hellion. FC, 32pg $2.95 DENIS KITCHEN PUBLISHING THE GRASSHOPPER AND THE ANT HC by Harvey Kurtzman A Lost Kurtzman Classic! In 1960, comics genius Harvey Kurtzman reinterpreted Aesop's ancient fable, "The Grasshopper and The Ant," with a beatnik perspective. This brilliant solo story, created in vibrant watercolors and ink, is one of Kurtzman's best — but ironically — least-known works. The story appeared only in Esquire magazine at a greatly reduced size, which made the panels difficult to read. It has remained a lost classic for forty years. Comics archeologist Denis Kitchen, in his first book publishing effort since the demise of Kitchen Sink Press (1969-1999), has collected this material into a hardcover book with the same design and attention to detail for which his former company was known. Reproduced from the original artwork and published full-size, Kurtzman's art and story are a timeless revelation! Introduction by Denis Kitchen. Color dust jacket. HC, 10x10, 80pg, FC $25.00 DORK STORM PRESS THE BEST OF DORK TOWER #1 by John Kovalic With Dork Tower #1 long sold out, here's a comic book to introduce and hook new readers to Dork Tower, the fan-favorite that's flying off the shelves! And at a special price, too! From classic short strips to hilarious heartbreaking longer stories, now you can find out why "Hey, Marcia! Come see the Satanist!" has been translated into six different languages! Reprinting the best strips from the first ten issues of Dork Tower, no side of geekdom is left untouched! Follow the fannish foibles of Matt, Igor, Ken, Gilly the Perky Goth and Carson the Muskrat. b&w, 32pg $1.95 NODWICK #10 by Aaron Williams A World Without Piffany: Part II—Ever have one of those days when you cross into a parallel universe where birds never sing, the sun never shines, and the luckiest people are the ones who've been listed in the obituaries? Nodwick has. He has to escape the evil versions of his former employers, find a way back to his dimension of origin and convince Piffany's superiors to let her keep adventuring with Artax and Yeagar. If he fails, his homeworld may get the doomsday treatment, too! Can Nodwick survive this ordeal without Piffany and her duct tape? Nodwick #10 holds the answers you seek! b&w, 32pg $2.95 DRAWN & QUARTERLY DRAWN & QUARTERLY VOLUME 4 Edited by Chris Oliveros Drawn & Quarterly, the multiple Eisner and Harvey Award-nominated anthology, returns in 2001 for another all-new, extravagant full-color "coffee table" edition! Volume 4 continues with an international roundup, kicking off with the 54-page "The Adventures of Herg é," by French cartoonist Stanislas, a compelling, meticulously-researched biography of Tintin's famed creator. Other highlights include "The Bleeding Tree," a haunting story by new Swiss cartoonist Nicholas Robel; a new color strip by the Harvey- nominated Ron Rege Jr.; and the return of R. Sikoryak with his retelling of "The Scarlet Letter" — as seen through the eyes of... Little Lulu?! This edition also includes an expanded "Archives" section with another breathtaking 30-page overview of Frank King's Gasoline Alley Sunday pages in color, focusing on the early years of the strip from 1922 through 1925. D&Q will also delve into the past with an impressive 20-page poster gallery of Harry Mayerovitch's stunning World War II posters produced at the time for Canada's National Film Board, none of which have been reproduced in color since the 1940's! MATURE READERS SC, 9x12, 160pg, FC $24.95 DRAWN & QUARTERLY POSTER by Steven Guarnaccia This knockout 18" x 24" full-color poster by award-winning illustrator, Steven Guarnaccia, reproduces the cover for the upcoming Drawn & Quarterly Volume 4! Dynamic and bold, this is both an excellent and inexpensive way to brighten up any room! Poster, 18x24, FC $7.95 OPTIC NERVE # 8 by Adrian Tomine The long-awaited eighth issue of one of the best-selling comic books of the past decade arrives, featuring the self-contained 32-page story "Bomb Scare!" Writer/artist Adrian Tomine isn't revealing too much about this dark and surprising story, but he describes it as a "period piece" set in the bygone era of the early 1990's. A combination of Tomine's compelling storytelling and crisply-drawn art makes this one a sure bet as one of the major releases of the summer! MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $2.95 DYNAMIC FORCES CRIMSON: LISSETH MEGA-BUST From the fiery gates of Hell — and the pages of Humberto Ramos' Crimson — comes Lisseth! The queen of the night, and mother of all monsters, Lisseth was the first woman, created to be the wife of Adam, however, her soul was missing. After being rejected by God, Adam, and Lucifer, she tricked Ekimus into mating with her, which sealed their fate of eternal damnation and transformed them both into immortal beings. The offspring of their unholy union became the first vampire. This beautiful bust captures Lisseth's unmistakable allure, and will make the perfect addition to your collection. Standing 4 ½" tall she is sculpted and fully painted by master sculptor Martin Canale. Also available in a Previews Exclusive paint variant edition! (CAUT: 4) REGULAR—Mega-Bust $39.99 VARIANT—Mega-Bust $49.99 THE TENTH: ESPERANZA WHITE EDITION STATUE This unpainted "white" version of The Tenth's Esperanza is featured in a pensive mood as she sits atop a 1 ½" brick wall base with a giant grinning Jack-O-Lantern. Espy herself measures 5 ½" high (in sitting position), bringing the total height of this statue to 7". The total length of the base is 9" long. This version is limited to a mere 250 statues! (CAUT: 4) Statue $89.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A CRIMSON: ALEX ELDER BUST This bust is the perfect companion piece to Scarlet and makes a perfect pair in any collection. Sculpted by master-sculptor Sam Greenwell from a fierce design by creator Humberto Ramos! This all-new, fully painted 1:8 scale miniature bust measures approximately 5 ½" and is limited to 5,000 pieces, each in its own full-color collector's box. Bust $35.00 O/A CRIMSON: SCARLET X BUST Sculpted by master sculptor Sam Greenwell from creator Humberto Ramos' fantastic design. This all-new, fully painted 1:8 scale miniature bust measures approximately 5.5" and comes directly from Dynamic Forces and Palisades Marketing! Scarlet's body, shaped by years of training, is an incredibly lethal weapon! Limited to 5,000 pieces and comes in a full-color collector's box. Bust $35.00 ******************* RISING STARS ACT 1: THE LEATHER-BOUND EDITION Signed by creator/writer J. Michael Straczynski! One of the most-read comic series today is collected in one of the most prestigious formats today—the Dynamic Forces Leather- Bound Edition! Issues #1-8 make up Act 1 of the Rising Stars Trilogy, and here's your chance to get this extremely limited leather-bound volume! Limited to just 1,500 copies, each signed by Straczynski. Also available as a Deluxe Re-Marked Edition, featuring a one-of-a-kind head sketch by artist Livesay and also signed by Straczynski and limited to a mere 499 copies. SIGNED—HC, 7x10, FC (CAUT: 4) $69.99 RE-MARKED—HC, 7x10, FC (CAUT: 4) $99.99 CHANDRA LIMITED EDITION "RED DRESS" ACTION FIGURE WITH PROMO CARD Chandra from J. Michael Straczynski's Rising Stars, is featured with a brand new head sculpt and a fiery red dress, along with accessories! She is the lady in red! And she comes with everything that a girl needs — including a full-length mirror! Did we mention that she's sculpted in a hot red dress? This edition is limited to only 5,000 figures! (CAUT: 4) Figure $14.99 APHRODITE IX ANNIVERSARY LIMITED EDITION LUNCH BOX It's Aphrodite IX's first birthday, and to celebrate you can take her to lunch! (Not just once, but every day as a matter of fact!) This totally enticing lunchbox measures approximately 6" 5/8 high x 7" 15/16 long x 3" 7/8 wide. (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $16.99 FATHOM LIMITED EDITION LUNCHBOX DF presents the next in this fantastic series of lunch boxes… the phenomenal Fathom lunch box! Featuring incredible Mike Turner art, this puppy will make you the envy of the lunchroom! Measures approximately 6" 5/8 high x 7" 15/16 long x 3" 7/8 wide. (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $16.99 TOP COW LUNCHBOX 6 LUNCHBOX CONFIGURATION This configuration features two Aphrodite IX lunch boxes, two Fathom lunch boxes, and two Witchblade lunch boxes. Plus, as an extra added bonus, you'll receive three random limited edition Top Cow Comics absolutely free! (CAUT: 4) Lunch Boxes (x6) $99.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE WITCHBLADE #50 The limited edition cover shared by Dynamic Forces and Monster Mart! Don't miss out on this "dynamic" 50th issue! (CAUT: 4) FC $7.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE #1 GLOW-IN-THE-DARK COVER The hottest company crossover of the year takes place between Chaos! and Top Cow, and Dynamic Forces "glows" with pride with the most limited edition yet! Limited to only 999 Glow-in-the-Dark editions! (CAUT: 2) FC $19.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE PURGATORI: DARKEST HOUR #1 FIERY RED COVER Purgatori's newest perils — and the perils are to those that oppose her — are chronicled in this series! Limited to only 750 copies worldwide! (CAUT: 2) FC $14.99 PURGATORI PLUS PACKAGE Get the ultra-limited cover of Purgatori: Goddess Rising #1 by Art Adams and Joyce Chin, along with an extra cool bonus book! Pack $10.00 LADY DEATH'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK SIGNED Signed by creator/writer Brian Pulido! You can bet that her little black book is way different from yours! Limited to only 500 signed copies worldwide! (CAUT: 2) FC $29.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE LADY DEATH/BAD KITTY #1 GOLD FOIL COVER Limited to only 500 Dynamic Forces Exclusive Editions in the world! (CAUT: 2) FC $14.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE VANDALA II #1 GOLD FOIL COVER Vandala follows up on her successful premiere mini-series with a new series! Limited to only 500 Dynamic Forces Gold Foil cover editions! Also available signed by writer Peter David. (CAUT: 2) REG.—FC $16.99 SIGNED—FC $24.99 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE WALL SCROLL The Lady of Death meets the blade from the Witch, and Dynamic Forces presents the sexy cover by Top Cow founder Marc Silvestri, captured as this sensational wall scroll! Be the first person on your block to hang one of these 29" x 40" beauties on your wall! Limited to only 2,500 wall scrolls! (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40, FC $19.99 APHRODITE IX PREMIERE WALL SCROLL The anniversary of Aphrodite IX brings this awesome wall scroll measuring 29" x 40"! This first-ever Aphrodite IX wall scroll is limited to only 2,500! (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40, FC $19.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ROGUE WALL SCROLL Painted by the man responsible for some of the sexiest images of women in comic's today, Dorian! This X-Citing wall scroll measures 29" wide and 40" long! Featuring Rogue looking as fine as can be painted by Dorian! Wall scroll, 29x40, FC $19.99 ************************ CRIMSON COOL COLLECTORS TRADING CARDS & MORE This collector's pack includes an unopened box of Crimson trading cards — featuring 36 packs, with four (4) randomly inserted Signature cards, one (1) Hand-Drawn Sketch card, three (3) Chrome cards, and three (3) Glow-In-The-Dark cards per box! And as an extra- added bonus, each box includes an uncut press sheet of the six Chrome Chase Trading Cards! A combined value of of over $130 for the suggested retail price of $69! (CAUT: 4) Pack PI FATHOM: KILLIAN'S TIDE LIMITED INCENTIVE COVER #1 The limited edition incentive is now available through this DF special offer! FC $19.99 MIDNIGHT NATION LIMITED EDITION COMIC #½ The hard-to-get mail-in comic featuring J. Michael Straczynski's lead-in story is now available through this special offer! FC $15.99 DARKCHYLDE: REDEMPTION INCENTIVE COVER SIGNED #1 Signed by creator/writer/artist Randy Queen! (CAUT: 4) FC $29.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE WITCHBLADE: DESTINY'S CHILD CHROME COVER BONUS PACKAGE #1 Signed by writer Christina Z! The sold-out first issue to this incredible mini-series with a bonus Witchblade #40 Pittsburgh Comic Con Preview at no extra cost! Pack $29.99 ARIA ADDITIONAL AWESOME BONUS #1 Brian Haberlin's ongoing series featuring the Dynamic Forces Exclusive cover with an additional awesome Image comic at no additional cost! FC $6.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE RISING STARS "CHROME" COVER COOL BONUS BOOK #7 Lucky #7 for the fans, but not for some Rising Stars characters! If you missed this sold- out issue, here's your chance to get the DF limited edition "Chrome" cover, along with a bonus book! FC $14.99 RISING STARS WIZARD CONVENTION EDITION #1 The cover that was only available through the Wizard Convention in Chicago is now available through this special offering! Limited quantities available. FC $14.99 FATHOM: "BENEATH THE CAVERNS" WALL SCROLL Incredible artwork by Mike Turner depicting Aspen swimming through treacherous underwater caverns! Limited to only 2,500 Wall Scrolls! (CAUT: 4) Wall scroll, 29x40, FC $19.99 DC Comics JUST IMAGINE… STAN LEE WITH JIM LEE CREATING WONDER WOMAN SIGNED Signed by cover artist Adam Hughes and back-up story inker, Tom Palmer! The Just Imagine... project is twelve one-shot issues, each teaming comics legend Stan Lee with some of the industry's greatest artists to present Stan's take on the names and concepts of the greatest heroes of the DC Universe. Now, following Stan's incredible collaboration with Joe Kubert last month, Stan Lee joins WildStorm Productions co-founder Jim Lee to create a Wonder Woman unlike any seen in comics before! This issue is also available as a Re-Marked Edition with a Wonder Woman head sketch by Tom Palmer! (CAUT: 4) REGULAR—FC, 48pg $49.99 RE-MARKED—FC, 48pg $89.99 ANGEL AND THE APE #1 SIGNED Signed by cover artist Art Adams! When bondage model Bambi Dextrous disappears, Angel and Sam are called in to solve the case, and a satirical romp ensues! Also available as a "Re-Marked" edition… and with Art, who knows how detailed the characters may be! (CAUT: 2) REGULAR—FC $19.99 RE-MARKED—FC $69.99 BATMAN: ORPHEUS RISING #1 SIGNED Signed by writer Alex Simmons! You may think you know all the costumed heroes and villains of Gotham City, but there is one person who has kept to the shadows more effectively than even the Dark Knight himself. His name… is Orpheus. But is he on the side of the angels? Or is he something to be feared along with Gotham's other notorious psychopaths? (CAUT: 2) FC $19.99 GREEN LANTERN "HAL JORDAN" FULL-LENGTH POSTER #1 SIGNED Signed by painter Alex Ross! Hal Jordan is Green Lantern! Full-length poster painted by Alex Ross! Signed by Alex Ross! 'Nuf said! (CAUT: 2) Poster, FC $49.99 GREEN ARROW #7 SIGNED Signed by current Green Arrow artists Phil Hester and Ande Park! Also available as a "Re-Marked" edition with a Green Arrow Head Sketch. (CAUT: 2) REGULAR—FC, 32pg $39.99 RE-MARKED—FC $69.99 EDDIE CAMPBELL COMICS STAR OF THE MONTH EDDIE CAMPBELL'S COLLECTED BACCHUS VOLUME 6: 1001 NIGHTS OF BACCHUS by Eddie Campbell A collection of finely crafted short stories told for the purpose of keeping Bacchus awake. As soon as he nods off, the pub will close and we'll all have to go home. A virtuoso showcase display of story-telling types and techniques from the horror of corpses chatting under the ground to the humor of a day in the life of Laurel and Hardy. Also romance, talking animals and crime mystery, all with punch-line endings. It's all here. (STAR11416) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $13.50 ************************* OFFERED AGAIN O/A EDDIE CAMPBELL'S COLLECTED BACCHUS VOLUME 10: KING BACCHUS by Eddie Campbell The final Bacchus story arc! It's dark and horrible as Bacchus is locked away in a British jail. Here, he meets an assortment of zany characters including Transom and Mullion, the Acolyte, the man who invented the arse-mint and the man who urinated on Elvis' grave. In this micro-cosmic society, "civilization" unravels at an alarming rate. MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $13.95 ******************** EL CAPITAN MURDER ME DEAD #8 by David Lapham Okay, now he's found her, but Steven realizes that and a bottle of scotch will only get him drunk as his problems continue to pile high. What will his fateful meeting with Tara go like? Will he get the answers he needs? Will he win back the woman he loves, or will her burning hate lead to their destruction? And will any of it matter if the four men with guns have their way? The streets of Manhattan will run red with blood in this, the penultimate installment of David Lapham's terrifying and twisted tale. NOTE: Too big to be contained in eight measly issues, this is not the last issue as previously solicited! There's still one more issue to go in this masterful tale of woe! MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg (8 of 9) $2.95 STRAY BULLETS "OTHER PEOPLE" MULTI-PACK The ultimate Stray Bullets starter set! These eight issues of David Lapham's critically acclaimed series, comprise the entire "Other People" story arc, available for the first time together polybagged with a bonus Stray Bullets sticker! Get instantly hooked with this specially priced pack, a $27 value for only $16.95! MATURE READERS Pack (x8), b&w $16.95 STAR OF THE MONTH STRAY BULLETS VOLUME #4 TP by David Lapham This fourth volume reprints issues #13-16 of the critically acclaimed and Eisner Award winning series, Stray Bullets! Including the spectacular 48-page finale to the "Somewhere Out West" storyline! The Collected Stray Bullets series is a perfect introduction for new readers, a great way for fans to complete the series, and it looks like a million bucks on the shelf next to the first three volumes! (STAR13059) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 132pg, b&w $11.95 *************************** F.52 DIFFUSION-GALERIE DESIR (DESIRE) by Nicolas Mahler A silent comix experience in which a man desperately seeks a woman. Drawn in a naïve line, this book delivers the laughs! (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America & Puerto Rico. MATURE READERS SC, 6x9, 48pg, b&w $7.95 LA NOUVELLE AUX PIS by Stephane Blanquet A strange, dramatic fairy tale, La Nouvelle Aux Pis opens with a tragic birth. A wordless story both funny, poetic and desperate, where Chinese shadows are coming out of each page to let us witness the cruelty and magic of a story where the reading process is very active throughout the book. A very powerful book that is quite different each time you read it. A true masterpiece! (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America & Puerto Rico. MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 120pg, b&w $33.95 LAPIN COLLECTION VOLUME 26 by Various The rebirth of one of the best anthologies in modern comics, featuring new works from Laurent André, Francois Ayroles, Mathieu Blanchin, Jochen Gerner, Olivier Josso, Gunnar Lundkvist, Nicolas Mahler, José Parondo, Vincent Vanoli, Alexander Zograf, Emmanuel Guibert, J.C. Menu, David B., Matt Konture, Massimo Mattioli, Lewis Trondheim, Yoann Sfar, Stephane Blanquet, Max Andersson, Stanislas, Olof Berg, and Jim Woodring! (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America & Puerto Rico. French text. SC, 6x9, 66pg, FC $12.95 VESITE GUIDÉE (GUIDED TOUR) by Martin Brault A silent comix in which a visitor to a museum shows his love for the U.S.A. A simple but complex story told with stamps. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America & Puerto Rico. SC, 4x5, 48pg, b&w $3.95 CE QUIT FAIT TOURNER LA TERRE (WHAT MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND) by Naz A silent comix where a man lives an adventure during the Mexican revolution. Drawn in a beautiful way, with a rough style, this story is compelling and truthful. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America & Puerto Rico. MATURE READERS SC, 8x10, 48pg, b&w $12.95 FANBOY COMICS MOBIUS KLEIN #7 by Kia Asamiya Watch out, Tokyo! The Magician's Guild has finally had enough of Ganossa's magical meddling and decides to take care of the upstart mage once and for all. However, Ganossa has a few tricks up his sleeve and is not going down without a fight. What the Magician's Guild did not expect though was betrayal from within its own ranks — a betrayal that ends in the death of one of their members! b&w, 32pg $2.95 FEATHER #2 by Steve Uy Sick of life as a farmer, Sehven constantly dreams of following in his father's footsteps and becoming a dragonslayer. Back from his quest to find a weapon of ancient power, Sehven quickly prepares to set off on his next advneture - to find a dragon! However, the problem is that no one knows if dragons even exist anymore! Sehv is in for more trouble than he bargained for though as he heads for the one place he knows there might actually be a dragon - the home of his friend Leeka! b&w, 32pg $2.95 SIDEKICKS COLLECTORS THREE PACK by J. Torres & Takeshi Miyazawa This special set collects issues 1-3 of the comic series Sidekicks, the sleeper-hit teen manga series that took the U.S. comic world by surprise this past year! Sidekicks follows the story of Terry Highland, daughter of an ex-superhero sidekick with powers of her own. Mr. Highland feels that regular high school is not suited for his super-powered daughter and believes she should attend Shuster Academy, a high school that specializes in training superhero sidekicks. Get all three issues collected here in this specially-priced three-pack! RES. from Previews Vol. X #10 (OCT002073) Pack (x3), b&w $7.50 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS 20TH CENTURY EIGHTBALL by Daniel Clowes 20th Century Eightball collects the very best humor strips from Eightball, written and drawn between 1988 and 1996. Included within are such seminal strips/rants as "I Hate You Deeply," "Sexual Frustration," "Ugly Girls," "Why I Hate Christians," "Message to the People of the Future," "Paranoid," "My Suicide," "Chicago," and over three dozen more. Other favorites include "Art School Confidential," one of Clowes' most popular strips of all-time (recently optioned as a major motion picture). Also included is Clowes' hilariously Freudian deconstruction of professional atheletes, "On Sports," which caused a stir in San Antonio last year when reprinted in the city's most popular weekly paper. Also on display is Clowes' absurdist sense of humor, from strips like "Zubrick and Pogeybait" and "Hippypants and Peace-Bear" to "Grip Glutz," "The Sensual Santa," and "Feldman." With over 40 pages in color and many of these strips having been out-of-print for years, 20th Century Eightball is sure to be one of Clowes' most popular books for years to come. MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 112pg, PC $18.95 STAR OF THE MONTH GHOST WORLD: THE FILM EDITION TP by Daniel Clowes The Ghost World film, based on Daniel Clowes' hit graphic novel of the same name, will be released this spring by MGM/UA. The film, written by Daniel Clowes and Terry Zwigoff (Crumb), is the story of Enid (Thora Birch) and Rebecca (Scarlet Johansson), two supremely ironic, above-it-all teenagers facing the thrilling uncertainty of life after high school. As they attempt to carry their life-long friendship into a new era, the careful dynamics of their inseparable bond are jolted, and what seemed like a future of endless possibilities looks more like an encroaching reality of strip malls, low-paying service jobs, and fading memories. Clowes paints a tender picture of this intellectually precocious, sexually adventurous (despite a mutual lack of experience), and formative period in their lives, filtered through a light blue hue echoing a world lit by the cathode rays of a television — a perfect metaphor for their post-nuclear existence. Both naturalistic and nostalgic, Ghost World carves a layered narrative out of the daily existence of these fully realized young women. (STAR13257) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 80pg, PC $9.95 ************************ ACME NOVELTY LIBRARY #10—CURRENT PRINTING by Chris Ware The masterful hand and nostalgia-informed depression of Chris Ware's mind continues to storm the world as his book Jimmy Corrigan racks up accolade after accolade. The reprint of this, the tenth volume in the Acme Novelty Library series, includes the complete island adventures of Jimmy Corrigan (as seen in Blab! #7-8) collected with all the plot holes filled in and entirely re-colored for this edition. MATURE READERS FC, 48pg $4.95 THE ARNOLD ROTH EXHIBITION CATALOG by Arnold Roth Fantagraphics Books is proud to publish the coffee table-style art book accompanying the traveling Arnold Roth exhibition, celebrating 50 years of cartooning which opened September 2000 at the University of the Arts in Roth's home town of Philadelphia. The exhibit showcases almost 100 pieces of Roth's work drawn over the last 50 years, and will travel to approximately ten venues throughout the United States and Europe through 2004. Roth is one of the most successful cartoonists of the second half of the 20th century, whose work has appeared in Playboy, Esquire, Time, National Lampoon, Saturday Evening Post, Sports Illustrated, Punch, Premiere, The Nation, Mother Jones, Harper's, Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone, TV Guide, Smithsonian, and many other national magazines. He was also a regular artist in Harvey Kurtzman's three post-MAD humor magazines, TRUMP, Humbug, and Help!. The exhibition catalogue is printed in an oversized format and features both black-and-white cartoons and strips, plus an abundance of Roth's gorgeous, vivid watercolor cartoon paintings, all of which appeared in disparate magazines over the years and none of which are readily available to collectors and fans. Available in softcover, as well as a signed softcover edition. MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 120pg, FC $18.95 SIGNED, 8x11, 120pg, FC (CAUT: 2) $25.00 ARTBABE PRESENTS: LA PERDIDA #1 by Jessica Abel The Harvey Award-winning comic that taps into that continuing slacker-culture-gestalt is back with a worldly four-issue story! In the first issue we meet Carla, an American whose absent father is Mexican, but she is culturally Anglo. She forms a romantic attachment to Mexico in her late teens, idolizes Frida Kahlo, and tries lamely to learn Spanish. While visiting Mexico in her early 20s, she meets a guy named Harry, an American blueblood with an expensive education and a history of his family. He's moving to Mexico to slack and to do nothing but follow in the footsteps of Kerouac and Burroughs. Perfect bound. MATURE READERS b&w, 56pg (1 of 4) $4.95 THE COMICS JOURNAL #237 For The Comics Journal #237, the staff turns over the tight editorial reins to respected comics professional Mary Fleener, who has put together not only a retrospective look at women comic creators, but a look at new and developing talent and updates on established cartoonists. The 60 self-portraits that make up the wraparound cover display the diversity of the issue and will put to rest the notion that comics are strictly a "boy's club." Women artists, and those who support them, are re-defining comics and attracting interests from all areas, including the marginalized, the mainstream, and the media. As you will soon see, the future of the industry may very well rest upon the current Renaissance of Women comic artists. The Comics Journal once again redefines the industry! MATURE READERS Magazine, 120pg, b&w $5.95 EIGHTBALL #22 by Daniel Clowes Twenty-seven vaguely inter-related stories ranging in length from 1 to 3 pages, drawn in a variety of different styles, featuring various all-new characters (an angry bachelor, a love-sick teenager, an over-sensitive 10-year-old, a comic-book critic, a husband and wife detective team, a depressed caveman, and more) as they cross paths in a small mid- western town. It's a one-shot, intended to work only as a comic book, and will probably never be reprinted in book form, at least not without major revisions! The only issue of Eightball ever published without a "to be continued" serial! MATURE READERS FC, 36pg (Note Price) $5.95 EVIL EYE #8 by Richard Sala Judy Drood has been captured by the pirate girls and is brought before Aunt Azalea, who has some sinister plans for her. And, just when it seems things can't get worse for the two-fisted girl sleuth, she finds herself facing the murderous owner of the scorpion pin — the grotesque enigma known as Ms. Moss! Also in this issue: cover-girl Peculia becomes the object of desire for a monstrous menagerie of mole people! This series, by multiple Harvey & Eisner nominee Richard Sala, continues to be surprising, exciting, sexy, spooky, compelling and addictive! Matte finish cardstock covers and full-color inside- covers. MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg (Note Price) $3.50 GHOST WORLD SCREENPLAY by Daniel Clowes & Terry Zwigoff Edited and designed by Daniel Clowes, and co-written by Clowes and director Terry Zwigoff, The Ghost World Screenplay is more of a scrapbook of the making of the film than simply a published screenplay. The 125-page screenplay is presented as an exact facsimile of the script used by the film's cast and crew — the original script as written before filming — and includes several scenes and dialogue (over 30 pages of material!) not included in the final cut. The script is wrapped around a beautiful original cover by Clowes, as well as a new comic strip on the inside front cover, featuring Ghost World's Enid and Rebecca, ruminating on their newfound notoriety as movie stars. Also included is a lengthy color section featuring never-before-seen photos and other unique ephemera from the making of the film. Timed for release with the Ghost World film from MGM/UA and the new edition of Clowes' Ghost World graphic novel from Fantagraphics! MATURE READERS RES. from Previews Vol. XI #1 (JAN011994) SC, 144pg, PC $16.95 LOVE & ROCKETS VOLUME 11: "WIGWAM BAM"—SECOND PRINTING by Jaime Hernandez From one of the Top 100 Innovators (according to Time magazine) comes the graphic novel that The Comics Journal called "one of the best stories in any medium" and named as the 13th best comic book of all time! Beautifully drawn, "Wigwam Bam" is an amazingly rich meditation on the power memory has over one's everyday life, as presented through juxtaposition of the reality and idealization of the relationship between Jaime's best-loved characters, Maggie and Hopey. Praised by the likes of Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman, don't you miss out on one of the true comics geniuses of the 20th Century if you aren't reading Jaime Hernandez's work. MATURE READERS RES. from Previews Vol. IX #8 (AUG991518) SC, 8x11, 132pg, b&w (Note Price) $16.95 BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH'S OPUS CALENDAR 2002 by Barry Windsor-Smith Every self-respecting comics fan will want to mark time with this 12-month wall calendar, each month featuring a gorgeous reproduction of one of Barry Windsor-Smith's Pre-Raphaelite-style paintings, originally created during his days at The Gorblimey Press. Windsor-Smith released many fine art prints of his own works during this period, and these handsome works comprise the majority of this 2002 calendar! (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 13x16, FC $12.95 SCHIZO #3—SECOND PRINTING by Ivan Brunetti Hey everybody! The third issue of Fantagraphics' most life-affirming and spiritually uplifting series is back — Schizo! Here you'll find the whopping 20-page installment of "Self-Caricature"; "Work Equals Degradation" is a mean-spirited satire on work, computers, the internet, photocopiers, snack vending machines, babies, the morbidly obese, co-worker sex fantasies, and the hypocrisy of co-worker interaction. Plus, so much more! MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $2.95 EVIL EYE #1-7 PACK by Richard Sala A cross between Charles Addams and Edward Gorey, Evil Eye brings us terrifically dark stories and unforgettable characters Judy Drood and Peculia! MATURE READERS Pack (x7), b&w $17.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A POOR ARNOLD'S ALMANAC by Arnold Roth This is the complete collection of Poor Arnold's Almanac, Arnold Roth's hilarious newspaper strip that ran every Sunday from May 1959 to May 1961. Each strip's subject — baseball, dogs, commuting, ice cream, elephants, telephones, smoking, you name it — is poked, prodded, ridiculed, analyzed, explored, and dissected in Roth's good-natured, hilarious, trenchant, witty, and instantly recognizable style. Roth is one of America's most widely known cartoonists, whose work appears in Esquire, Sports Illustrated, Time, and many other mass circulation magazines, as well as having been featured in early MAD Magazine. MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 112pg, b&w $14.95 ************************* STARS OF THE MONTH BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH'S OPUS VOLUMES 1 & 2 by Barry Windsor-Smith These full-color, stunningly designed hardcover art books chronicle the life and works of one of the most acclaimed artists from the worlds of comics and Romantic Art. Each volume features hundreds of the artist's works from throughout his remarkable 30-year career as well as never-before-published paintings and drawings from the artist's personal collection. The extensive texts in the series of books are sure to create excitement and controversy among his legion of fans, as the author recounts his life's adventures not so much as a painter, storyteller and comics artist, but in the mysterious realms of cosmic experience. MATURE READERS VOL. 1 (STAR10178)—HC, 8x11, 176pg, FC $39.95 VOL. 2 (STAR13002)—HC, 8x11, 208pg, FC $49.95 ************************ OFFERED AGAIN O/A CAN OF WORMS by Catherine Doherty Nominated for an Eisner Award the first time out of the gate, Cathernine Doherty is one to watch! Her first book is a powerful work of autobiography told in comics form as Catherine Margaret Flaherty searches for the truth about her own life. While looking through her parents' dresser drawer, she discovers her own adoption papers. Now, as an adult, she finally begins the search for her birth mother. Drawn with simple lines and two-color inking process, Doherty mixes careful juxtapositions of her past and present, visual echoes of earlier times in her own life and imaginings she has as her mother as a young woman. SC, 88pg, 2C $12.95 *********************** Eros Comix ALRAUNE #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 OUTRAGE! #3 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $2.95 BITCH IN HEAT #11 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg (Note Price) $3.50 OFFERED AGAIN O/A BITCH IN HEAT GRAPHIC NOVEL VOL. 1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 112pg, PC $18.95 *********************** BLOWJOB #1 (AN ANTHOLOGY) SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 OFFERED AGAIN BABY YOU'RE REALLY SOMETHING: FRANK FRAZETTA PACK Some of the sexiest work by this master of the female form is to be found within this pack! Baby, You're Really Something collects Frazetta's illustrations from '60s pulp novels, and Untamed Love reprints four classic Frazetta romance stories in color! Groowwrrr! Pack (x2), b&w $5.95 ********************** PLEASURE BOUND #8 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg (Note Price) $3.50 LINDA LAW GRAPHIC NOVEL SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 104pg, b&w $14.95 HELL'S MISTRESS GRAPHIC NOVEL SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 80pg, b&w $15.95 Eros Mangerotica S&M UNIVERSITY #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 WERE-SLUT #3 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 BONDAGE FAIRIES EXTREME #1-7 PACK SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x7), b&w $24.50 FIREMAN PRESS SCUD: YELLOW HORSEMAN TP by Rob Schrab with DanHarmon Finally, the fourth of the Scud collections is here! In the "Horse" series, travel with Scud and Sussudio through alternate dimensions in the "Hollwood" issue, the "D&D" issue, the La Cosa Nostroid crossover, the "teen slasher" issue, and the final, "Scud meets God" issue! Also included is an introduction to Black Octopus! SC, 7x10, 160pg, b&w $14.95 STAR OF THE MONTH SCUD: SOLID GOLD BOMB TP by Rob Schrab with Carter & Harmon This volume picks up where Programmed for Damage leaves off, as Scud fights the werewolf to land on the moon, gets back his robot arm, wins the Mr. Tough Guy competition, and comes to blows with his two greatest enemies: Voodoo Ben and Jeff! This collection features the introductions to Sussudio, Oswald, and the Superior Alien Military Patriot! (STAR07192) SC, 7x10, 200pg, b&w $17.95 ************************ FUNK-O-TRON BATTLE POPE: SHORTS #2 by Kirkman, Moore, Walker, Meyers & Kirkman Battle Pope: Shorts begins as a quarterly regular series, filling the gap between each mini-series! Picking up right where Battle Pope: Mayhem left off, Pope receives the key to the city, enlists a member of the Swiss Guard, and becomes infatuated with a certain female supporting character we all know and love. But that doesn't stop him from enjoying his favorite recreational activity! This one really sets the stage for future tales of Battle Pope, Jesus and the rest of the crew! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 GEMSTONE PUBLISHING Price Guides STARS OF THE MONTH O/A OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE VOLUME #31 by Robert M. Overstreet; Covers by Murphy Anderson & John K. Snyder III The 31st edition offers a choice of two covers: one by Silver Age legend Murphy Anderson (recreating Bob Kane's cover to Detective Comics #31), and one by John K. Snyder III (recreating Jack Kirby's cover to Fantastic Four #1), along with an amazing assembly of articles about the comics and their creators. In addition to the best-researched pricing in the hobby, you'll find market reports, key sales, in-depth historical information, tips on grading, and the most complete record of comic books from the 1800s to the present! DETECTIVE COMICS COVER—SC (STAR13176) $22.00 FANTASTIC FOUR COVER—SC (STAR13178) $22.00 HAKE'S PRICE GUIDE TO CHARACTER TOYS––THIRD EDITION Presented in a new, larger 8 ½" x 11" format and 928 pages, this book is the definitive visual guide and checklist for character toys! This edition includes more than 10,000 photos, more than 360 unique categories and more than 220 different types of items! It's all in Hake's Price Guide To Character Toys! Toy Story, Uncle Scrooge, Pokémon, Small Soldiers, super-hero resins, Batman, Muhammad Ali, Disneyana, Superman, Spider-Man, Roy Rogers, Buck Rogers, KISS, Mickey Mouse, The Lone Ranger, Puppet Master, Elvis, The Phantom, X-Men, Charlie Chaplin, The Cisco Kid, Donald Duck, Captain Marvel, Laurel & Hardy, Howdy Doody, Planet of the Apes, MAD, Hopalong Cassidy, Captain America, toy guns and more! From the publishers of The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide! (STAR11611) SC, 928pg $35.00 ************************ EC Comics STARS OF THE MONTH SHOCK SUSPENSTORIES ANNUALS The same 32-page EC comics you've come to know and love, conveniently re-bound into squarebound "EC Annuals!" Each hefty softcover volume contains five complete EC comics— including covers—presented in chronological order. #1 (STAR00835) $8.95 #2 (STAR00896) $9.95 #3 (STAR02521) $8.95 #4 (STAR03055) $9.95 TWO FISTED TALES ANNUALS The same 32-page EC comics you've come to know and love, conveniently re-bound into squarebound "EC Annuals!" Each hefty softcover volume contains five complete EC comics— including covers—presented in chronological order. #1 (STAR00837) $8.95 #2 (STAR00926) $9.95 #3 (STAR02528) $10.95 #4 (STAR06697) $12.95 ************************ Little Lulu Library THE LITTLE LULU LIBRARY VOLUME III HC Marge's Little Lulu transmogrified into one of the all-time great comic book series, thanks to the comic genius of John Stanley! This hardback set is similar to the EC Library in format, and reprints story pages in brilliant, large-size black and white (covers used are in full four color). Extensive editorial and biographical data are sprinkled throughout the volumes. This three-volume set comes packaged in its own decorative slipcase and collects issues #22-36 from 1950-51. (STAR02523) Set (x3), b&w (Note Price) $130.00 ************************ HARRIS COMICS VAMPIRELLA #2 by Mark Millar & Mike Mayhew Mark Millar, the writer behind Ultimate X-Men and The Authority, and artist Mike Mayhew, throw a major twist in their storyline… and Vampirella must question everything for which she has ever fought. With an incredible twist ending and photo- realistic art, Vampirella is hotter than ever! Regular cover by Mike Mayhew, Limited Edition cover by Joe Chiodo. REGULAR COVER—FC, 32pg $2.99 LIMITED COVER—FC, 32pg $9.95 VAMPIRELLA #1 GOLD EDITION by Mark Millar & Mike Mayhew It's Vampirella #1 featuring a Gold foil-enhanced cover by Mike Mayhew, limited to only 750 copies! Includes a Certificate of Authenticity. FC, 32pg $29.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A VAMPIRELLA: METAL TRADING CARD SET A new set of 5 Vampirella trading cards, all produced using state-of-the-art Metal-Tex technology. Featuring the artwork of John Bolton, Dorian Cleavenger, Jae Lee, David Finch and Julie Strain. Only 1,500 sets produced! Card Set (x5—Note Price) $9.95 *********************** HEAVY METAL DRUUNA: THE FORGOTTEN PLANET HC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. ADULT MATERIAL HC, 8x11, 62pg, FC $14.95 HEAVY METAL NOVEMBER 2001 Featuring the graphic novel, Yiu in Hell. Also in this issue: the next installment of Fistful of Blood, a short story by Pahek, plus much, much more! MATURE READERS Magazine, FC (Note Price) $5.95 HUMANOIDS PUBLISHING FROM CLOUD 99—MEMORIES PART II by Yslaire Due to the excitement surrounding the first From Cloud 99 album, and its four 2000 Eisner nominations(!), Humanoids Publishing has set an early release date for the second volume of this three-part series! With story, art, and cover by Yslaire (who was nominated in the Best Writer/Artist category), From Cloud 99—Memories Part II promises to deliver the same quality that made the first book such a hit. In this volume, we learn more about the flying beings that are linked to the e-mails received by a now ailing Eva Stern. The situation grows more complex as one particular mysterious being is found in more historical pictures. (CAUT: 2) MATURE READERS HC, 8x11, 48pg, FC $14.95 ADVANCED SOLICITATION SHIPPING IN SEPTEMBER SON OF THE GUN: BORN IN THE TRASH by Alexandro Jodorowsky & Georges Bess Jodorowsky, writer of The Metabarons, uncorks an epic adventure featuring a modern- day gunslinger! In the South American city of Huatuclo, a baby is born with a tail. Survival is almost impossible in this city of the dammed, but for someone with a deformity like Juan's, chances are almost zero… almost. Juan survives to become the most ruthless killer the world has ever seen, as he finds his place as the bodyguard for the Governor of Huatuclo. Juan's ascension from the slums will cost him his soul, and finding redemption may cost him his life. (CAUT: 2) MATURE READERS HC, 8x11, 48pg, FC $14.95 ************************** THE INCAL #4 by Alexandro Jodorowsky & Zoran Janjetov Continuing the complete adventures of John Difool! A strange night protecting an Aristo leads to John's final test to become a Pathetic-Class Detective. In order to achieve this promotion, John must discover the truth behind the strange birth rate in the Red Ring brothels where he grew up. In a twist typical of Difool¹s life, he discovers a conspiracy bigger than he could ever imagine. Along the way, he will gain a new love, a new ally, and see several new ways in which people will try to kill him. FC, 32pg $2.95 STARS OF THE MONTH THE BOOK OF JACK HC by Denis Pierre Filippi & Olivier Boiscommun Young Jack must prove his courage to his friends so that he can become part of the gang. As part of his test, he must enter a house that is said to be haunted. There, he finds a mysterious book that tells his life story. Jack wants to return the book, but the next morning it has disappeared and Jack starts to transform into a werewolf. Now he must find the book and discover a way to break the terrible curse that has befallen him. A highly imaginative and entertaining tale of terror and the supernatural. (STAR11704) HC, 8x11, 48pg, FC $14.95 TECHNOPRIESTS VOLUME 3: PLANETA GAMES HC by Alexandro Jodorowsky & Zoran Janjetov Albino must undergo many trials before becoming the supreme TechnoPriest, master of games and virtual reality. In this new adventure, Albino arrives on Planeta Games, a place where his mastery of the virtual world is put to the test by three amazing teachers: Coko, Poko, and Moko. Albino has to assess the commercial appeal of the virtual games; he will now discover that it is not enough to be a genius, and that selling is really the name of the game! (STAR13122) HC, 8x11, 56pg, FC $14.95 WHITE LAMA #5: OPEN HAND, CLOSED FIST HC by Alexandro Jodorowsky On the hill overlooking the village, Marpa concentrates and awakens the spirit of the Great Lama within him. He is now strong enough to avenge his family, and projects the image of a giant red scorpion that materializes and destroys the village! But Atma wants absolute revenge and compels Marpa to abide by his oath. His mother's revenge is complete when an earthquake engulfs the last remnants of the village… but is driven mad in the aftermath. Disgusted with the crimes he had to commit to obey his mother, Marpa decrees that he is no longer suited to live among his fellow men… and goes into exile in the snowy mountains to await his own death. (STAR13065) HC, 8x11, 48pg, FC (5 of 6) $14.95 ***************************** THE ILLUSTRATION STUDIO WORON'S WORLDS #2 by Steve Woron This comic continues to collect Steve Woron's best artwork beginning in 1987. Aside from compiling this female fantasy artist's most acclaimed Betty Page, Barbarian, Fantasy and Romantic Fantasy pieces, it will feature the next installment of an updated Woron checklist. Also featured this issue is Part 2 of Grunge Bunny, a product of animal testing gone wild, best described as a cross between the Terminator and Lobo! Woron's Worlds #2 will be offered with two different covers; a "tame" all-ages cover, and an "Adult" cover. NOTE: The Adult version is not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. MATURE READERS TAME COVER ED—b&w, 32pg (2 of 3) $3.25 ADULT COVER ED (CAUT: 3)—b&w, 32pg (2 of 3) $3.25 INFINITY COMICS O/A COUNTER-STRIKE #1 by Kaminski, Reis, & Pimentel Brother and sister team Robin and Matt Hunter are wildly successful web entrepreneurs by day, who command the globe-spanning, espionage agency Counter-Strike, by night! Their mission: revenge on multi-national corporations led by diabolical masterminds intent on screwing the little guy! Equipped with cutting-edge gadgetry, cunning, and an underground network of accomplices, Counter-Strike are the first heroes for the dot-com generation. FC, 32pg SRP: $2.50 *********************** INSIGHT STUDIOS GROUP ADVANCE SOLICITATION SHIPPING IN SPETEMBER LIBERTY MEADOWS: BIG BOOK OF LOVE by Frank Cho Finally, a collection of Frank Cho's Liberty Meadows! This award-winning strip is currently nominated for the Harvey Award and National Cartoonist Society's Ruben Award for "Best Comic Strip!" This is not your usual run-of-the-mill strip collection! That would be true even if you just considered how funny Liberty Meadows is — but Liberty Meadows is also one of the best drawn comics strips ever! So Insight Studios is turning this collection of the first year of the story into a fancy, high-quality art book! All the art has been newly scanned and retouched to show it at its best, on slick art-quality paper. Also, every Sunday strip has been colored to take best advantage of the slick printing. If that wasn't enough, then get ready for a new Liberty Meadows! That's right, you drooling fan-boy, you're getting a new eight page story… in color! In fact, new artwork is peppered throughout this magnificent collection! Get the entire 1997 run of Liberty Meadows in one volume! Also available is a hardcover Deluxe Edition, with a color dust jacket, illustrated endleaves, and an additional signed and embossed color print and special bookmark by Frank Cho! Limited to 500 copies… of which only 250 will be available for distribution! (CAUT: 2) HC, 9x12, 112pg, PC $29.95 DLX/HC, 9x12, 112pg, PC $49.95 ************************ HAMMER OF THE GODS #4 by Michael Avon Oeming with Mark Wheatley A saga so huge, they had to extend it to an extra fifth issue! Modi and the fallen Valkyrie, Skögul, arrive in Valhalla to find the gods crying into their beer! The shame of it all! The Gods are a bunch of wussies! So Modi immediately starts kicking some Asgard! This is a five-star-smackdown as Thorr and the Gods face the fighting vigor of two exceptional mortals! And all the while, as the conflict between Modi and the Gods rages on, the Giants tear at the walls of Valhalla, ripping it apart stone by stone! Another fun comic book by Mark Obie Wheatley and Michael Avon Oeming (nominated for multiple Eisner Awards including "Best Penciler/Inker" and the Harvey Award for "Best New Talent!" Bi-monthly. b&w, 32pg (4 of 5) $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH IS ART: THE ART OF INSIGHT STUDIOS HC by Gross, Cho, Hempel, Wheatley, & Various See eye-popping illustrations, as well as cutting edge cheesecake and gallery-quality images. Get behind-the-scenes observations and details on the creation of the illustrations as well as comments and anecdotal material. Don't pass up your chance to get a first edition of this thick coffee-table art book brimming with the very best and largely unseen works from the artists of comic book favorites like Liberty Meadows, Radical Dreamer, Sandman, Titanic Tales, Breathtaker, Heavy Metal, and many others! This 12" x 9" hardcover comes with a color dust jacket, foil stamped boards, and two-color endsleeves. Also available in a limited edition that features an additional color illustration by Frank Cho, Marc Hempel, and Mark Wheatley. Each artist has signed a special, embossed plate. Limited to 800 copies. HC, 12x9, 112pg, FC (STAR13220) $29.95 LTD/HC, 12x9, 112pg, FC (O/A) $49.95 ************************ IRONCAT FUTABA-KUN CHANGE! VOLUME 7 #1 Just when Misaki and Futaba think that life has calmed down, a newcomer appears on the scene, searching for Futaba-chan! This little girl is more than she appears... in fact, her alter-ego is one strappingly handsome young man with a huge appetite! Who is this mysterious gender-bending person, and why does s/he want Futaba?! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 THE VAMPIRE DAHLIA #4 by Narumi Kakinouchi The new mini-series from the creator of both Vampire Miyu and Yui, Narumi Kakinouchi. The drama group has put in a lot of hours preparing for opening night, but when two of the cast members don't show up, the show still must go on. Since they disappeared under mysterious circumstances, everyone is eyeing the two new students with suspicion. Will they find out what really happened to the girls? MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (4 of 6) $2.95 VAMPIRE PRINCESS YUI VOLUME 3 #1 by Narumi Kakinouchi Volume 3 of the Vampire Yui saga introduces a young girl named Kyoko. While walking in the woods, Yui finds a cherry blossom-shaped earring, which belongs to Kyoko. Upon returning her prized possession, the two become quick friends. Although Yui would like to remain friends forever, her vampire side emerges and Kyoko's other friends fall victims... b&w, 32pg $2.95 VAMPIRE PRINCESS YUI VOLUME 1 TP by Narumi Kakinouchi From esteemed artist Narumi Kakinouchi, who brought you New Vampire Miyu, comes the gothic tale of Vampire Princess Yui, a young half-human/half-vampire who does not yet understand her fate. Yui has been sick for some time and doesn't know why. It turns out that it is because of her cravings... for blood. Join Yui as she learns of her vampiric heritage, her relation to the vampire Miyu, and the mysterious Nagi, a young man who is not quite human himself... SC, 7x10, 200pg, b&w $17.95 Sexy Fruit OGENKI CLINIC VOLUME 8 #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.95 JAY COMPANY ARIA WEST COAST LIMITED EDITION #1 by Brian Holguin & Jay Anacleto Jay Company presents the first chapter in the ongoing saga of Aria with this special "West Coast Limited Edition" featuring a brand new cover illustration by award-winning artist, Jay Anacleto! FC, 32pg SRP: $12.95 MAGDALENA METALLIC CHROMIUM VARIANT #1 by Marcia Chen & Joe Benitez Magdalena is the latest of the Top Cow bad girls to hit the big time! Fan-favorite artist Joe Benitez supplies a brand new cover for this rare edition, previously available only as a retailer incentive edition! FC, 22pg SRP: $19.95 DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE TOWER RECORDS "MOONLIGHT" EXCLUSIVE #1 by Randy Queen & Brandon Peterson Randy Queen's beautiful nightmare creation, Darkchylde, returns in a brand new series featuring the talents of Brandon Peterson (X-Men, CrossGen)! This "Special Exclusive Edition" was originally available only at selected Tower Records locations, but is now available through Previews for the very first time! FC, 22pg SRP: $19.95 TOMB RAIDER TOWER HOLOCHROME VARIANT #2 by Dan Jurgens & Andy Park Celebrate the new Tomb Raider movie with this special exclusive comic! Wizard Top Ten artist Andy Park provides an adventurous new holochrome format cover for the second issue of the hit Top Cow series! FC, 22pg SRP: $24.95 VIOLENT MESSIAHS TOWER RECORDS EXCLUSIVE ANDY PARK COVER #1 by Joshua Dysart & Tone Rodriguez Tomb Raider superstar Andy Park provides the rare variant cover to the hit Image series that everyone is talking about, Violent Messiahs! Also available in a special autographed edition, signed by series creators Joshua Dysart, William O'Neill, and artist Tone Rodriguez! REGULAR—FC, 22pg SRP: $14.95 SIGNED—FC, 22pg SRP: $24.95 JUNGLE BOY PRESS NOVAVOLO 2001 ANNUAL Great creators get together again on Novavolo, the critically acclaimed anthology from Jungle Boy Press! Novavolo features an all-star cast of creators including Jai Nitz (GENactive), Greg Kirkpatrick (Occupational Hazards), Mike Mignola (Hellboy), Kevin Nowlan (Jack B. Quick of Tomorrow Stories), Steve Rude (Nexus), Jimmy Palmiotti (Ash), Phil Hester (Green Arrow), Steve Lieber (White Out), and Brian Stelfreeze (Maximum Velocity). Familiar Jungle Boy Press creations are also featured, including "Con Sktech," "Kirbor the Unwashed," and "The United Heroes of America." Plus, the debut of several new series like "Larry Mundelo: Occult Scientist" and "Sho Nuff!" Be there for super monkeys, inept superheroes, giant monsters, weird science, blaxploitation, time travel, and more laughs than you can shake a stick at! b&w, 32pg $3.95 KEENSPOT ENTERTAINMENT SUPEROSITY #2 by Chris Crosby One of the most popular and critically acclaimed comics on the web runs in the direction of print! Chris Crosby's Superosity comic strip has been published daily at for over two years, and the site currently receives over 2 million hits a month. In this keen supreme second issue: Chris baby sits a boy billionaire named Moneybags Richman; he and the gang hit the beach; he trades his best friend for a pair of gold shoes; he travels to the year 2033 to keep his evil little brother from being elected President of the United States; the wonders of the Janitor-Car are experienced by non- Janitors for the first time; and much more! This issue collects 11 weeks (77 strips) of hilarious wackiness that ensues with great vigor! b&w, 48pg $2.95 KENZER & COMPANY KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE #58 "May All Your Hits be Crits!"—Knights of the Dinner Table is the longest running comic book on the subject of games and gamers. The principal characters — B.A., Brian, Bob, Dave, Sara and the dastardly Black Hands — play numerous characters in their role- playing games. But their essential characteristics and hilarious interactions always shine through whatever roles they're playing. In addition to the comics, KoDT features articles geared to a gamer's perspective. A fantastic and hilarious slice of (fantasy) life in strips. b&w, 32pg $2.95 KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE: ILLUSTRATED #8 by Various Join the misadventures of Knuckles, El Ravager, Zayre and Teflon Billy as they wreak havoc with their unique brand of heroics. In this issue, Zayre finally gets fed up with the guys' attitudes and turns them all into… women? Can Knuckles, El Ravager, and Teflon Billy adapt to the pressures of being a woman? Or will they simply crack up? Find out in the newest episode "Let the GM be a Lady!" KODT Illustrated re-tells the adventures of the Untouchable Trio (plus One) from the perspective of their HackMaster role-playing game characters. Now with new material! b&w, 32pg $2.95 TONY DIGEROLOMO'S THE TRAVELERS #11 by DiGerolamo, Dunn, & Daily "Wrath of the Imprechaun!"—Trapped beyond space and time, our heroes unwittingly release the fiendish Imprechaun and fall prey to his diabolical ways! Half-leprechaun, half-imp, his name is Lucifer O'Malley, and he has the power to grant you your every wish… for your soul! Can our heroes put the cork back on this evil Irish genie? Special appearance by King Arthur! Bi-monthly. b&w, 32pg $2.95 LAST GASP, INC. THE WORLD OF CHICK SC by Robert Fowler The most thorough overview and analysis of the publishing phenomenon Jack Chick Publications! Exposing the simplicities of fanatical Christian fundamentalism and the rewards to be reaped therein, this book offers readers pathways through Jack Chick Publications. Identifying cartoonists and analyzing their style, delineating the ideology of salvation promoted by the ubiquitous booklets, the author has produced here an evaluation of the publisher who spreads his message throughout the world in a bushel full of exotic languages. This groundbreaking scholarly work comes with five Jack Chick pamphlets of great uplifting value. SC, 11x8, 160pg, b&w $16.95 Cha Cha Comics THE DIVINE SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 44pg, b&w $10.95 SAM MARLOWE SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 44pg, FC $12.95 Riverstone JUDITH & HOLOPHERNES SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 62pg, FC $14.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A NAGARYA PART 1: IN THE BEGINNING SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 68pg, FC $15.95 O/A NAGARYA PART 2: THE LOST CONTINENT SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 64pg, FC $14.95 ****************** LEGAL ACTION COMICS LEGAL ACTION COMICS VOLUME 1 TP SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 6x9, 256pg, b&w $14.95 LIGHTSPEED PRESS FINDER: TALISMAN SET by Carla Speed McNeil A complete story in one easy piece, this pack contains the Eisner-nominated Finder #19- 21, along with a fully illustrated ashcan of notes and background information (lovingly handcrafted by McNeil). Although issue #19 stands alone, together they make up the story "Talisman," which deals with the "book freak" in all of us; the part of us that craves after the next chapter, who stays up till three in the morning because we just have to know what happens, and no matter how satisfying a story is, we still wish it could go on longer. "Talisman" is about hunger and magic. Set (x3), b&w $9.00 LIQUID COMICS GYPSY COMPANY #2 by Dennis Anderson, Trent Kaniuga, Jimm Showman, & Shawn Mitchell Helmut and Sakura discover it's the day of the dead within the halls of Heretic Pyre, courtesy of the slack-jawed Bokur. Meanwhile, Merrik delves deeper into the catacombs, searching for a fabled elixir. And it's an Omega showdown as Gaunt and Pentecle face the tyrant Goshuro Rex. b&w, 24pg $2.95 LITTLE ROCKET PUBLISHING WILD STARS VOLUME 3 #1 by Michael Tierney & David Brewer In ancient times, a Keltic tribe migrated from Europe to the Americas and preserved the Native American way of life by repulsing every invader who followed. But in this alternate reality, when modern armies threaten the globe with atomic weapons, there is no force that can stop them. A Kanze Shamaness issues a summoning of Champions to select one man for a Spirit Quest that will change the world –– and create the known reality. Cover by Frank Brunner and Tom Smith. b&w, 32pg $2.95 LONE STAR PRESS STRANGE HEROES #4 by Willingham, Clark, & Williams In Spellbinder, Tommy Bowen goes back to Austin's Town Lake to take care of a whole nest of Grendels, and sporting a snazzy costume, at that. Has Austin's designated sorcerer bitten off more than he can chew? In Otherland (by Bobby Diaz & Sam de la Rosa), Maria and Richard are locked in a duel to death with the temple dragon. Richard is mortally wounded, to boot. What will happen to Maria if he doesn't survive? b&w, 24pg $2.95 M. R. NENO PRODUCTIONS MICHAEL NENO'S REACTIONARY TALES #1 by Michael R. Neno A Xeric Award Winner! Written and drawn by the creator of the popular "Quacky Pig and Friends" online comics strip, Michael Neno's Reactionary Tales #1 features the first appearance of Larvae Boy, Emperor of the Insect World, and the first three chapters of "This Eternal Flaw," a tripped-out super-hero story first published as critically acclaimed mini-comics. Short subjects fill out the book, all drawn in Neno's classic, old school style. Introduction by Paul Pope (Batman: Gotham Knights). b&w, 32pg $2.95 MEDIA MARKET GROUP DOUJIN 2000 COLLECTION #2014: DBXX SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $4.95 DOUJIN 2000 COLLECTION #2029: YURI AND FRIENDS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $4.95 DOUJIN 2000 COLLECTION #2030: GUILTY ANGEL SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 28pg $4.95 DOUJIN 2000 COLLECTION #2036: SATURNALIA SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 36pg $4.95 MID-WEST COMIC COMPANY APHRODITE IX #2 MID-WEST VARIANT GREEN FOIL EDITION It's the in-your-face David Finch exclusive variant cover to the sold-out issue #2, with an emerald green foil logo. Limited to 500. Comes bagged and boarded with a Certificate of Authenticity. FC SRP: $24.99 RISING STARS #1/2 SET Almost nothing is hotter than Rising Stars! Except maybe a limited edition #1/2! This set includes not only the regular version to issues #1/2, but also the limited edition 1:25 gold foil retailer incentive cover! Set MSRP: $19.99 TELLOS #3 ALTERNATE SKETCH COVER Limited to only 1,500 copies. Featuring a new alternate sketch cover by Mike Wieringo featuring Tellos characters Serra, Jerek, and Koj. Comes bagged and boarded. FC SRP: $9.99 TOMB RAIDER #11 MID-WEST VARIANT SIGNED Tomb Raider is scorching hot with the recent success of the movie! Fans and collectors everywhere are scouring the countryside looking for rare and unique collectibles. Well, look no more because the exclusive alternate cover to issue #11 has been signed by Top Cow superstar artist Billy Tan. Limited to 200. Comes bagged and boarded with a Certificate of Authenticity. FC MSRP: $19.99 TOMB RAIDER #12 MID-WEST EXCLUSIVE GOLD FOIL EDITION Limited to 1,000. This cover fits together with the issue #11 to form one giant image of Tomb Raider and company. Includes Certificate of Authenticity. Comes bagged and boarded. FC MSRP: $15.99 NBM WILL EISNER'S MOBY DICK HC by Herman Melville; adapted by Will Eisner First U.S. publication! The third in Will Eisner's series of adaptations of the classics! Moby Dick is the story of a dangerously obsessed man… obsessed with seeking vengeance against a great white whale that pushes him and his reluctant crew in a quest across the seven seas. Obsessed with pitching his boat against a formidable beast against all odds and oblivious to the great risk to life and limb! Fully painted by Will Eisner, this classic adventure tale is also available as a Deluxe Signed Edition, luxuriously quarterbound with special papers and real cloth, with a tip-in plate signed by Eisner and limited to 300. HC––8x11, FC $15.95 DLX.––8x11, FC (CAUT: 2) $50.00 STARS OF THE MONTH WILL EISNER'S THE LAST KNIGHT An Introduction to Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes; adapted by Will Eisner Will Eisner continues his series of adaptations of classic tales with this humorous rendition of Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote. Quixote was quite a gentleman, man of honor and idealist, even if he was a couple of cards short of a complete deck… attacking windmills as the enemy. It is his selflessness and gallantry that makes the "Man of La Mancha" a legend as retold to us by his faithful friend and servant, Sancho Panza. A touching story in beautiful color available in softcover and hardcover editions, as well as a new signed and numbered hardcover edition, quarterbound with real cloth, with a tip-in plate signed by the grand master and limited to 300 copies. SC (STAR11061)––8x11, 32pg, FC $7.95 O/A HC––8x11, 32pg, FC $15.95 O/A DLX.––8x11, 32pg, FC $50.00 WILL EISNER'S THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG GRAPHIC NOVEL by Will Eisner There once lived a fair and popular prince who was transformed by the spiteful wizard into a frog. The only way he could become his handsome self again was to be kissed by a princess out of true love, which the frog-prince actually succeeds, albeit with great difficulty, in pulling off! Discover a charming whimsical new side to the great master in the first of many adaptations of classic stories beautifully colored by himself! Now available in hardcover, as well as a Deluxe Signed Edition, quarterbound with special papers and real cloth, with a tip-in plate signed by Eisner and limited to 300. HC (STAR10361)––8x11, 32pg, FC $15.95 O/A DLX.––8x11, 32pg, FC $50.00 ********************* REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST by Marcel Proust; adapted by Stephanie Heuet Now in softcover! At last brought to the U.S., it's the best-selling comics adaptation of the great classic of French literature that scandalized the French establishment, as reported on the front page of the New York Times! Presented in a clear line style a la Hergé's Tintin. SC––9x12, 72pg, FC $13.95 O/A HC––9x12, 72pg, FC $19.95 SECRET MESSAGES: SILENT INVASION––ABDUCTIONS #2 by Michael Cherkas & Larry Hancock Abductions Part 2—As Phil Housley continues his quest to track down the missing Howard Finster, his trail is dogged by a sinister observer who may be friend, foe… or neither! A key witness is abducted while Housley visits the men's room, and bright lights dance in the sky! More Cold War intrigue and paranoia from the team of Michael Cherkas and Larry Hancock! b&w (2 of 4) $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SUBURBAN NIGHTMARES by Cherkas, Hancock, & Van Bruggen Rampant 1950's-era paranoia provides the cultural backdrop for this amusing parody collection. VOL. 1: SCIENCE EXPERIMENT––SC, 8x11, 112pg, b&w $10.95 VOL. 2:CHILDHOOD SECRETS––SC, 8x11, 64pg, b&w $11.95 O/A THE NEW FRONTIER An alternate world satire of the grand promise of modern American pop culture, this is a tale of romance and political intrigue filled with suspense, humor, unexpected twists, and a generous assortment of fatally obsessed and morally deficient characters. SC, 9x11. 112pg, b&w $12.95 ******************** Eurotica SAPPHIRE VOLUME 1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 48pg, FC $10.95 SIZZLE #11 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, 48pg, b&w $4.95 STARS OF THE MONTH GIRL GN SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR08952) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, b&w, 144pg $15.95 SPANISH FLY VOLUME 6 TP SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR13058) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL TP, 8x11, 64pg, b&w $10.95 ******************* NEW DIMENSION COMICS NEW DIMENSION COMICS ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Joe Linsner joins New Dimension Comics in celebrating 15 years in the comic biz! This "super" painted cover was done exclusively for NDC and also features another Linsner painting on the back cover as well! The 32-page book chronicles the evolution of New Dimension Comics in text, photos, and art — including a segment on how Joe Linsner has been a part of that history for 10+ years! This book is a limited edition. b&w, 32pg $6.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A MORE THAN MORTAL: SAGAS #1 JOE LINSNER VARIANT EDITION Only 5,000 made! Joe Linsner cover. Quantities are very limited. FC $6.00 *********************** NDC ANNIVERSARY PARTY PACK To further celebrate the anniversary of New Dimension Comics, they are offering this discount package of some of their special exclusives and more! It includes: Saffire #1 Limited Edition Cover by Mike Wieringo, More Than Mortal: Truths & Legends #1 Dan Norton Limited Edition plus the Silver Foil San Diego Edition, Charlemagne #1 & 2 (both signed by Adam Pollina and Dan Chichester), and a sealed Pokémon Movie Promo Ancient Mew foil card! Pack (x4) MSRP: $9.95 NEW ENGLAND COMICS THE TICK'S BIG SUMMER TRIPLE DISCOUNT PACK by Various This Triple Discount Pack includes: The Tick's Big Summer Fun Special and The Tick's Massive Summer Double Spectacle #1 and #2! These issues are a must for fans of The Tick Color, and the "Rocket Men from the Moon" storyline! The Big Summer Fun Special features the first appearance of Crazy Blue Rocket and his sidekick, the disembodied tongue Johnny Wingless, while fallout from The Massive Summer Double Spectacle continues to plague The Tick and his super friends! Stories by Sean Wang and Marc Silvia, with art by Sean Wang, Dave Garcia, Marc Sandroni and Tak Toyoshima. Catch up with this pack featuring first printings — all in a specially discounted package! Pack (x3) $7.00 WW2 #6: TARAWA by Ron Ledwell The island of Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands was defended by 2,600 well-armed Japanese troops, augmented by 2,000 Korean construction workers who could be trusted to assist in the defense of the island. Its commander, Rear Admiral Shibasaki, boasted that a million Marines would be unable to take Tarawa even if they had a hundred years. At first glance, this claim appeared to be very well founded. What followed, however, was a victory for the Marines, who took the island… but at a heavy toll. b&w, 32pg $3.50 NICKELODEON RUGRATS COMIC ADVENTURES VOLUME 3 #5 Nickelodeon's too-cool toddlers return in their latest issue featuring games, puzzles, and an all-new Rugrats adventures! Magazine format. FC, 32pg $2.95 OLIO PRESS CASTLE WAITING VOLUME 2 #6 (#13) by Linda Medley Castle Waiting returns to Olio! Solicitine: Part Six—Mysterious strangers abound! Who has come to the Abbey looking for Peace and Nessie? Is it really the safe haven they thought it would be? Also, Toddy Miller's dream comes true when a stranger even greedier than himself comes to town — and he's loaded with gold and looking for a mill to buy! NOTE: The series returns to its original numbering with this issue, Volume 2 #6, is also numbered #13. The following issue will be #14. Subsequent issues will be numbered accordingly. Olio apologizes for any confusion and inconvenience. RES. from Previews Vol. XI #4 (Apr01) b&w, 24pg $2.95 ONI PRESS HOPELESS SAVAGES #1 by Jen Van Meter, Christine Norrie, & Chynna Clugston-Major; covers by Andi Watson This isn't your old man's comic book series! The Hopeless Savage family, stars of the last two Oni Press Color Specials, are finally setting up the equipment and playing their own gig. Jen Van Meter's punk rock family have never had what you might call a normal life, and when the parental units turn up missing, it's up to the kids to get united and find out who's behind the kidnapping. But first, the youngest of the clan — Twitch, Arsenal, and Zero — have to figure out where their brother Rat has gotten to, because despite turning his back on a life of rebellion for a suit and a tie, he may be the only one who can lead them to victory. This all-new comics experience from the writer of Blair Witch Chronicles and Gotham Knights #12 is lovingly illustrated by Christine Norrie (Action Girl Comics), with each issue containing special flashback sequences by Chynna Clugston-Major (Blue Monday) and covers by Andi Watson (Breakfast After Noon). b&w, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.95 THE COFFIN TP by Phil Hester & Mike Huddleston Since the birth of man, eternal life has been one of the species' greatest dreams. While Dr. Ashar Ahmad has not conquered death's rule over the body, he has found a way to keep the soul alive — a complex suit that houses the inner being of the deceased and allows them to go on living. When circumstances go beyond his control, his only option is to become his own lab rat and climb into his walking Coffin. But when a megalomaniacal tycoon wants the suit for himself, and is willing to kidnap Ashar's daughter to get it, the good doctor must figure out how to stop his enemy and keep his soul intact. A mix of classic science fiction and super-hero comic book, The Coffin points in the direction of the bold new future of the genre-driven graphic novel. Written by Phil Hester (Green Arrow) and illustrated by the most promising newcomer of the last two years, Mike Huddleston. b&w, 112pg $11.95 THE RETURN OF ALISON DARE, LITTLE MISS ADVENTURES #3 (OF 3) by J. Torres and J. Bone Nazis! Mummies! Super spies! The last issue of Alison Dare's first mini-series has it all! But how does one little girl manage to turn a day at the museum into so much trouble? Well, when your last name is Dare, and your mom is a globe-trotting archaeologist and your dad is one of the world's greatest super-heroes, trouble just seems to come your way naturally. When a Nazi baron attempts to steal one of Dr. Dare's most precious discoveries, it's down to Alison and another daring member of her incredible family to save not only the prized Incan exhibit, but her parents, as well! It's an all-new, all-ages tale of adventure, excitement, and danger brought to you by sexymutha-writer J. Torres (Sidekicks) and 2001 Eisner-nominated artist J. Bone (Solar Stella)! b&w, 32pg (3 of 3) $2.95 THE ADVENTURES OF BARRY WEEN, BOY GENIUS 3: MONKEY TALES #4 by Judd Winick Go back to where it all began! Barry Ween is five years old, and he's just been introduced to this strange kid named Jeremy. Sure as sure is, the meeting inevitably leads to trouble, and the young boys find themselves on their first real-life adventure — the sort of thing that forms life-long friendships between boy geniuses and curly-headed guys with big mouths. Oh, yeah, and there are monkeys, too. It's a comic by Judd Winick, king of the comics banana tree and the Eisner-nominated creator of Pedro & Me. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (4 of 6) $2.95 JETCAT CLUBHOUSE #3 by Jay Stephens Who says there are no comics for kids? And who says that just because it's for kids that you can't read it, too? I mean, milk comes out of your nose if you're 10 or if you're 40, right? Anyway, you definitely want to read Jetcat Clubhouse, because Jay Stephens is one of the neat-o coolest comics creators out there. And Jetcat is the greatest elementary school-aged super-hero to ever don a cape. And her friends — like Tutenstein, the dead boy king; Teen Idol, the gnarley stone-headed crime-fighter; and Oddette, the kid rock star — are pretty keen, too. And since this is an odd numbered issue, it means in addition to 16 pages of regular Oni Press black-and-white comics, you get eight pages of full-color comics, in addition to a brand-new cover. b&w, 16pg $3.25 THE GUNWITCH: OUTSKIRTS OF DOOM #2 by Dan Brereton & Ted Naifeh; painted cover by Naifeh & Brereton The Gunwitch finds himself alone in not-so-sunny Heliopolis, a not-so-friendly town in need of his particular brand of help — the pistol-packing kind. There are two bosses in town, and it isn't big enough for the both of 'em. When Lady Goodnight, the undead temptress, and Fang, the vampire biker lord, take their midnight dispute to the streets, it means trouble for everyone — especially the living. It's up to the Gunwitch to play one side against the other to keep the innocent from becoming casualties in the wake of a bloody vampire feud — but when he discovers a child at the center of the bloodstorm, saving her becomes his most crucial mission yet. This Kurosawa-style horror adventure comes courtesy of writer Dan Brereton, creator of The Nocturnals, and Gloomcookie artist Ted Naifeh. The Gunwitch is a moody black-and-white comic straight from the shadows of darkest night, guaranteed to thrill. b&w, 32pg (2 of 3) $2.95 STARS OF THE MONTH BLUE MONDAY: THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT TP by Chynna Clugston-Major Unlock the jukebox and do yourself a favor! Don't miss out on your second chance to find out what all the fuss is about Blue Monday. The debut mini-series by Russ Manning Award-nominee Chynna Clugston-Major was a surprise hit amongst the cool comics crowd, and with the first issue far out of print, this collection is going to be the number one request on the hotlines! Relive the adventures of Bleu, Clover, and all the gang as they go from prank war to karaoke to the concert of all concerts — the pinnacle of Bleu's adolescent hero worship, Adam Ant. In addition to the three-issue mini, this expanded trade paperback will contain the hard-to-find short stories from various indie anthologies, making it your one-stop shop for Blue Monday material. (STAR12268) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 112pg, b&w $10.95 FORTUNE & GLORY: A TRUE HOLLYWOOD COMIC BOOK STORY TP by Brian Michael Bendis Hollywood insiders fell all over themselves to praise him, and fans everywhere gave him a full thumbs-up for hilarity. Now, on the heels of his praise and punishment, Brian Michael Bendis puts his sold-out miniseries, Fortune & Glory, into one hefty volume! Marvel once again at the stupidity of Hollywood producers, the vanity of stars like Uma Thurman and Clint Eastwood, and the enthralling mood swings and ego nosedives of a little indie comic-book creator caught up in the maelstrom of the motion picture industry. Presented in a handy 6" x 9" format, this collection features brand-new pages left on the cutting-room floor and not included in the original comics. The individual issues are becoming increasingly hard to find, and that's because everyone who read it didn't like it, they loved it. Featuring an introduction by Paul Dini, who himself knows a thing or two about the Hollywood machine. (STAR11570) SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $14.95 ******************* OFFERED AGAIN O/A JETCAT CLUBHOUSE #1 by Jay Stephens It's the return of everyone's favorite kid superhero! Melanie McKay is Jetcat, the world's greatest eight-year-old crime fighter. Between school and catching her favorite TV show, "Jumbo Head," she stops giant robots and evil masterminds from taking over the world, all the while protecting the secret identity only her and Tod Johnson know. A thrilling, all-ages adventure from comics' own dashing toreador of cool, Jay Stephens. This brand- new, bimonthly series brings comics funniest, Eisner-nominated kids' comic back to the racks to stay! PC, 24pg $3.25 O/A ALISON DARE, LITTLE MISS ADVENTURES #1 by J. Torres & J. Bone It's the return of everyone's favorite kid adventurer! This issue: "Alison Dare and the Arabian Knights"! Alison has traveled to the Sultanate of Shahrazad with her mother, the world famous archaeologist Dr. Dare. When she stumbles across a magic lamp, Alison suddenly finds herself with a mischievous genie ready to do her bidding. Just what will a little girl ask for when she can have everything she wants? From the acclaimed team of writer J. Torres (Sidekicks) and artist J. Bone (Solar Stella) comes an exciting new miniseries that will thrill readers of all ages! b&w, 32pg (1 of 3) $2.95 O/A ADVENTURES OF BARRY WEEN, BOY GENIUS 3: MONKEY TALES #2 by Judd Winick It's the continuing adventures of everyone's favorite kid with a dirty mouth and a big brain! It's spring time, and Barry and Jeremy pick up and go camping. Of course, with a boy genius in the woods, this isn't going to be any normal camping trip. Oh, no. First Barry exposed the truth about UFOs, then he cracked open the conspiracy of black operations government agencies. Now, for the first time ever, find out the real story behind one of America's most longstanding, famous myths — Bigfoot! Rest assured, nothing is as you expect, not with Judd Winick sitting at his drawing board. The second issue in the third series of Barry Ween is going to make the rest look like old reprints of "Drabble." Consider yourself warned. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (2 of 6) $2.95 ******************* STAR OF THE MONTH ONLY THE END OF THE WORLD AGAIN by Gaiman, Russell, Nixey, & Hollingsworth Innsmouth is a dark and creepy place, brimming with a rich history of magic and evil. Lawrence Talbot is an adjuster who has set up shop in Innsmouth, and he isn't quite prepared when the fat man comes to his office and tells him the world may be ending, and that a certain lupine creature may be the Elder Gods' instrument of destruction. Now, whether he wants to be involved or not, Lawrence is embroiled in the malevolence that is running through the town, and may himself be the werewolf in question. Collecting the popular serial from Oni Double Feature, Neil Gaiman's tale of lycanthropy is appearing in one volume, in color, for the first time. Adapted by P. Craig Russell and Troy Nixey (artist on the upcoming Batman: The Doom That Came To Gotham), with colors by Matthew Hollingsworth. Squarebound format. (STAR11202) MATURE READERS FC, 48pg $6.95 ******************** PENNY FARTHING PRESS VICTORIAN #11 by Wein, Baikie & Pepoy, & Chuckry Like the rolling currents of the great Mississippi, the mystery surrounding The Victorian flown into New Orleans with overwhelming force, mingling enigmatic clues with deep, hidden answers. While Trace and Eudora continue to quest for the figure known as "The Hat," the fate of the USS Stormbringer is finally brought to light. Meanwhile, Fitz continues his assignment for Malcom Lassiter and reenacts a morbid ritual for the ultimate revelation of truth. Cover by Rick Berry. FC, 32pg $2.95 PEREGRINE ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT JAMES O'BARR: SAVAGES by James O'Barr Since the age of 16, James O'Barr idolized the mythical barbarian worlds of Robert E. Howard and Barry Windsor-Smith. But the creator of The Crow rarely had the opportunity to put his own imprint on those sword-and-sorcery tales… until now! For the first time, Peregrine Entertainment offers a collection of fantasy illustrations from O'Barr's personal sketchbooks, as well as the artist's own commentary on his love for fantasy. A must-have for all O'Barr fans! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 PHOSPHORESCENT COMICS THE WATCH #1 by Christian Read & Andrew Phillips The Fisher and Adapt go to New York to meet with Lara Taylor, a well-known journalist who specializes in the political status of supers. Jack has asked them to give her the files that he obtained from Tanaka Corp., but in turn Lara teaches them more about Jack than Jack would have hoped. Meanwhile, the other members of The Watch –– Fallout, Xenia, and Bones –– enjoy the new home Jack has found for them in Kingdom City. Bimonthly. b&w, 32pg $2.95 RADIO COMIX FURRLOUGH #104 by Various Furrlough: your only monthly source for anthropomorphics! Radio Comix' funny-animal anthology brings you a mix of fantasy, sci-fi, action, and adventure stories by some of the top artists in the field. Hit the "on" button for more video game styled adventure and fun in Neo-Bioform Go by Erick Melton and William Ruzicka! Daphne Lage and José Calderon's high fantasy adventure Tall Tails continues to thrill and delight with more intrigue and danger. Also in this issue, Ebin and May by Christina Hanson, and Ed Garcia continues to deliver medieval romance as you like it! Cover by Japanese artist Silver- Fish. b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 GOLD DIGGER: EDGE GUARD #7 by John Barrett While Cleo's spirit pores through ancient texts of the Jasper, an unexpected guest tempts her to stay forever! And with the villainous Riassat in charge of Cleo's body, the wraith will use all her power to drive our heroes to destroy it. Finally, in a cold, hidden chamber of the Council, an overconfident spy lets slip a clue to the secret Gold Digger Unified Theory! Can Sheila bring this Dark Edge Guard to justice and expose his dark secrets to light? Find out in the thrilling conclusion to Gold Digger: Edge Guard by John Barrett! b&w, 32pg (7 of 7) (Note Price) $2.99 Sin Factory BIG FUNNIES #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 48pg (Note Price) $3.99 GENUS #49 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 WILD ZOO VOLUME 1 TP SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $12.99 SIN FACTORY SAMPLER PACK #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x4), b&w $9.99 REBEL STUDIOS FAUST: THE COMMUNION COLLECTION VOLUME ONE SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 7x10, 80pg, b&w $12.95 HC, 7x10, 80pg, b&w $29.95 FAUST: LOVE OF THE DAMNED ACT 10 SIGNED EDITION SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 2) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg MSRP: $7.95 REBELLION 2000 A.D. #1253-1257 In a league of its own and surging into summer with a stunning line-up of talent, Britain's award-winning horror, fantasy and science-fiction anthology comic sets a new standard in action-packed storytelling! Acclaimed Preacher scribe Garth Ennis and Judge Dredd co- creator Carlos Ezquerra (Adventures in the Rifle Brigade, Just a Pilgrim) continue to craft their thrilling epic for future lawman Judge Dredd as the "Helter Skelter" effect goes critical! Meanwhile, voluptuous vamp Durham Red flees the Vampire Hunters in "The Vermin Stars" by Dan Abnett and Mark Harrison; and the global war takes a tragic turn in Nikolai Dante: The Romanov Empire by Robbie Morrison and John Burns. Plus, more soul-searching future war drama from Tor Cyan by John Tomlinson and Kev Walker; a robotic rebellion in Banzai Battalion by John Wagner and Ian Gibson (Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire); and alien sexcapades in Pussyfoot 5: Alien Sex Fiend by John Smith (Vampirella) and Steve Yeowell (The Invisibles). (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 32pg, PC $3.25Ea. JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE VOLUME 4 #1 & #2 The mighty "Megazine" relaunches this month as a glossy, 100-page anthology featuring spectacular new strips with a mix of all-new and classic material. Judge Dredd investigates trouble in a Fat Camp for skinny kids in "The Natural" by John Wagner and Cam Kennedy (Star Wars); while Mega-City renegade Lenny Zero returns for a further slice of tech-noir double-dealing by Andy Diggle and Jock. Plus, Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan, Ministry of Space) and D'Israeli's Lazarus Churchyard, and the immortal robot rescue team Ro-Busters by Pat Mills (Marshal Law) and Dave Gibbons (Watchmen)! (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg, FC $6.95Ea. RENAISSANCE PRESS AMELIA RULES! #2 by Jimmy Gownley Jimmy Gownley's hilarious new comic is the sleeper hit of the year! Don't get left behind as the laughter reaches new heights in Amelia Rules! #2. Everyone knows that kids can be cruel, but you ain't seen nothin' until you see Amelia and Rhonda go insult-to-insult in "The Ugly Truth!" But even this war of words pales in comparison to the horrors the gang faces in "The Gym Class System." Rounded out with a visit to a class called "Tramp," and you've got a comic book sure to make even the grumpiest person giggle! Each issue of Amelia Rules! is self-contained, so anytime is the perfect time to get hooked! FC, 32pg $2.95 REVISIONARY PRESS DEMI'S STRANGE BEDFELLOWS #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 48pg $5.95 SHANDA FANTASY ARTS LAST KISS #2 by John Lustig, & Dick Giordano Is romance too important to take seriously? John Lustig thinks so. The second issue of this critically-acclaimed series features another hilarious helping of Lustig's warped rewrites of old romance comics. Among the redialogued classics in this issue is "Remember to Forget Me!" the tale of a love-bruised heroine who vows to give up men, but can't stop thinking about them. Other treats include a Lustig-scripted story with new art by Dick Giordano, a Giordano interview, samples of Lustig's popular Last Kiss comic strip from Comic Buyer's Guide, and the winning entries from readers who entered the write-your-own Last Kiss contest. Cover by Giordano. b&w, 48pg $4.99 SHANDA THE PANDA #33 by Mike Curtis, Heather Maranda, & Various It's been building to this moment for some time. Richard loves Shanda, Terri loves Shanda, and Shanda loves both of them. Terri is insanely jealous, and Richard is getting that way. What's going to happen? Find out in this issue! Plus, Richard hoists a few with probably the only person who understands what he's going through. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.99 GIANT SHANDA ANIMAL #6 by Curtis, Maranda, & Crusoe It's that time again! Time for another skewed look at the Shanda characters plus regular tales of their lives. This time, Heather Maranda writes and draws a story with the Shanda kids as the cast of Tenchi Muyo! MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg $4.99 EXTINCTIONERS VOLUME 2 #10 by Howard, Earle, Addlesse, & Various With the combined powers of Phenix and Xenif, Phionix wreak havoc and seeks revenge in the Garden of Eden. Hopelessly over matched, can the Extinctioners find a way to both stop him and save Phenix's life? And will everyone survive the confrontation in one piece? The "Forbidden Love" storyline comes to a dramatic conclusion in this issue, the first in the 48 page quarterly format. MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg (Note Price) $4.99 TALES OF THE MORPHING PERIOD ANNUAL #2 by Richard Thatcher & Various Journey again to a land changed by the Creator S virus, where humans walk through life in the form of animals. Everyday people become heroes and villains as they face new challenges, like getting all the loose fur vacuumed out of the house, and flea season! Morphing Period creator Richard Thatcher joins forces with a brace of other creators in this shared universe anthology. MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg $4.99 SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT POISON ELVES: THE MULESKINNER YEARS TP by Drew Hayes Introducing the ultimate Poison Elves collection! This phonebook-sized trade paperback collects the entire 20-issue run of Drew Hayes' original self-published Poison Elves series. As an added bonus, Sirius has restored Drew's original versions of I, Lusihpur #1 and #2 to this collection — available for the first time in trade paperback form! It's like four trade paperbacks in one! Instead of trying to track down the first editions of Poison Elves Volumes 1 through 4, get 'em all in one place at one incredibly low price! If you've been looking for the perfect introduction to Poison Elves, this is the book for you. SC, 7x10, 480pg, b&w $34.95 SCARY GODMOTHER #4 by Jill Thompson The End-of-Camp Olympics have begun, and Jimmy teams up with Hannah so she can help him win the affections of the camp counselor he's had a crush on all summer. But is his crush strong enough for him to brave Murky Lake, the dwelling place of "The Slime?" We can't tell you what happens, but we will say this: poor Hannah says goodbye to camp with a trip to the hospital! Meanwhile, Bug-a-Boo and his furry folks run into Scary Godmother — who isn't quite herself — at Giantkiller's Tavern. But Bug-a-Boo is so wrapped up in his own problems, will he even recognize her? Find out in the latest installment of Scary Godmother! b&w, 24pg (4 of 6) $2.95 POISON ELVES: LUSIPHUR & LIRILITH #4 by Drew Hayes & Jason Alexander It's the violent, heartbreaking conclusion to the first-ever Poison Elves mini-series! The lines have been drawn: as a future healer, Lirilith cannot allow herself to stay with a murderer, but even with this knowledge Lusiphur refuses to let his would-be assassins walk free. As love loses out to vengeance, Lusiphur finds that the sharp blade of a sword can't slice away all the pain he's feeling — but it can come surprisingly close. This issue is also available as a Special Limited Edition of 500, each signed by Hayes & Alexander, and featuring an all-new cover painted by Drew Hayes. REG.—b&w, 24pg (4 of 4) $2.95 LTD.—b&w, 24pg (4 of 4) (CAUT: 2) PI OFFERED AGAIN O/A DARK IVORY PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE LIMITED PRINT by Joseph Michael Linsner A Previews Exclusive! The Dark Ivory Previews Exclusive Print features Joseph Michael Linsner's newest femme fatale, Dark Ivory! This special edition, which ships exclusively through Previews, is signed and numbered by Linsner, and limited to 1,500 copies. Printed on heavy-bond paper. Print, 16x20, FC $30.00 O/A POISON ELVES LIMITED-EDITION PRINT by Drew Hayes A thief, a pirate, and the gal who will be forever known as the one who chopped off Jace's ear, Cleah, is the latest elvin femme fatal to take the Poison Elves universe by storm. As she aids Lusiphur and Jace in returning the Elvin Fire to the Council of Nine, what better way to celebrate her starring role than with a limited edition print? Utilizing the Poison Elves cover art on which she first appeared, this very special limited-edition print is signed and numbered to only 999 copies by Poison Elves creator Drew Hayes. Shipped flat and ready for display. Printed on Museum-Quality paper. Print, FC, 16x20 $30.00 ****************** STAR OF THE MONTH AKIKO ON THE PLANET SMOO COLOR SC by Mark Crilley; colored by McNabb Studios Just in time for the release of the first Akiko novel, Sirius proudly presents the original Akiko graphic novel in full color for the first time! This 40-page origin story, which was initially released in December of 1995, features the first appearance of Akiko and all the main characters from the planet Smoo. With a masterful blend of humor, action and adventure, this newly colorized graphic novel is the perfect jumping-on point for Mark Crilley's critically-acclaimed, bi-monthly Akiko series. (STAR10852) FC, 40pg $4.95 **************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A SOLAR STELLA ONE-SHOT by Jason Bone Move over, Barbarella! Solar Stella is here, and she's taking over! Her mission? The complete exploration of space! Kind of a big job for just one gal, but she does her best. How? By changing into (and out of) as many revealing outfits as possible! Solar Stella is a sexy sci-fi/adventure strip, with more cheesecake than you can shake a raygun at! Brought to you by comicdom's latest rising star, Jason Bone — whose name will from now on be synonymous with the resurgence in good-girl art! b&w, 32pg $2.95 ******************** ARTESIA AFIELD 6-PACK This pack includes all six issues of the Eisner Award-nominated mini-series! Pack (x6) PI SOUTH JERSEY REBELLION TONY DIGEROLAMO'S THE FIX #2 by DiGerolamo & The Fraim Bros. "The Man With No Brain"—Private Eye Mark Mammon, (a.k.a. The Fix), finds himself transported to another world, where the inhabitants wield amazing psychic powers and the Wild West still lives! Join Fix as he faces "mind-slingers," western gunfighters with telekinetic powers… and ornery personalities! His only chance of escape is to find the ultimate mind-slinger weapon. Can Fix get out of Dodge in time?! b&w, 32pg (2 of 4) $2.50 STUDIO FOGLIO GIRL GENIUS #4 by Phil & Kaja Foglio Girl Genius makes the switch to full color! Transylvania Polygnostic University student Agatha Clay has always had trouble concentrating. But now, after a series of traumatic events, she begins to see the world in a whole new way. It's the special, expanded 40- page fourth issue of Phil and Kaja Foglio's "Olde-Fashioned Gaslamp Fantasy with Adventure, Romance and Mad Science!" FC, 40pg (Note Price) $3.95 STUDIO G MURCIÉLAGA/SHE-BAT FLIPBOOK #1 Murciélaga/She-Bat, America's foremost Latin heroine, returns from her successful reintroduction special in an exciting and unique three-issue mini-series… a bilingual flip- book! Each 32-page issue will feature two different 15-page stories, one in English and one in Spanish. All three new Murciélaga/She-Bat stories will be printed in both languages, but not in the same issue. The stories will rotate from issue to issue. Fans will treasure this innovative and collectable mini-series! FC, 32pg (1 of 3) $2.95 SUPERGRAPHICS OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE STERANKO HISTORY OF COMICS VOLUME 2 Artist/writer Jim Steranko took two years to chronicle the spectacular 100,000-word volume; the epic story of comics' Golden Age creators and their characters in a massive 10 ½" x 14" format with wraparound color covers featuring 50 fabulous super-heroes! The hefty edition spotlights Blackhawk, Airboy, The Heap, Valkyrie, Sky Wolf, Black Angel, Skyman, Captain Midnight, The Flying Heroes, Captain Marvel, the Marvel Family, Plastic Man, The Spirit, Uncle Sam, Doll Man, The Ray, Captain Triumph, Black Condor, Kid Eternity, and hundreds of others! More than 455 dynamite illustrations, many in full-page size! The definitive comics history by an authority who reveals the four-color phenomenon as only a pro on the inside could! SC, 10.5x14, 132pg, b&w (Note Price) MSRP: $15.00 *************************** THE NORM.COM THE NORM'S BALL COLLECTION by Michael Jantze It's a serious world, and someone has to make fun of it! That's Norm's motto as he navigates his way through life, love, work and technology. With a fresh perspective on finding a job, girlfriends, or even a comfortable relationship with his folks, The Norm is always well-drawn, observant, and often hilarious. And this collection features Norm's new-found infatuation with his long-time friend, Reine. A fan-favorite! The Norm is a daily newspaper comic strip syndicated by King Features in more than 70 newspapers worldwide. The Ball Collection is the best of The Norm daily strips from 2000, and its four volumes and slipcase were designed by creator Mike Jantze. Set (x4), 32pg $16.00 THREE FINGER PRINTS PUBLISHING THREE GEEKS VOLUME 3 TP by Rich Koslowski Mayhem! Chaos! Hilarity! The Three Geeks Volume 3 trade paperback collects issues #8-11 of the original series (the final four before becoming Geeksville). From "Get a Job" to the "Marvelous Movie Marathon" to "Happy Birthday, Allen!" and an assortment of other fantastic short stories, this is the quintessential Three Geeks collection. Plus, in addition to the stories from those classic four issues, Koslowski is throwing in the Three Geeks short story that appeared in the "Small Press Expo 99" and the one that appeared in "Imagine!" Also, an all-new short story to boot! SC, 152pg, b&w $14.95 TITAN THE TRANSFORMERS VOLUME 1: ALL FALL DOWN TP by Furman, Wildman & Baskerville Witness the beginnings of one of the most incredible sagas of all time, the rise — and quite possibly fall — of The Transformers! The hit animated TV shows Beast Wars and Beast Machines introduced a whole new generation to the 'robots in disguise,' the transforming robots that are truly 'more than meets the eye,' and now, at last, the stories that came before those shows can be seen again in all their world-shaking glory. As infighting tears at the ranks of the heroic Autobots, the evil Decepticons wage their own bitter civil war. The atmosphere is ripe for the coming of planet-eating super-robot, Unicron, and for the Transformers... his coming could doom them all! All-new cover artwork by Andrew Wildman! (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 144pg, FC $19.99 ZENITH: PHASE 1 GN by Grant Morrison & Steve Yeowell Image is everything; life is one long party; and saving the world is just a pain in the arse! Meet Zenith… everything a good super-being shouldn't be! From the labyrinthine mind of Grant Morrison (The Invisibles, JLA) comes the weirdest, wildest counter-culture hero of all! A record in the charts, a "page-three girl" on each arm... all's right in Zenith's world. He can fly, he's all but invulnerable, and nothing can harm him. Or so he thinks! Zenith is about to get a huge wake-up call, courtesy of a WWII legacy that won't stay buried, and a multi-dimensional race of soul-eating gods that want to re-shape the Earth and its inhabitants in their own image! Out of print since 1990, comics fans have been clamoring for the return of Zenith! Phase I will be followed by Phase II, Phase III and the never-before collected color Phase IV. (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 96pg, b&w $14.99 TOKYOPOP PRESS Comics THE ISLAND #1 by In-Wan Youn & Kyung-Il Yang Cheju Island, a lush and exotic place where old world values still exist, as do old world Demons. The Island is a place, where people are aware that their souls can be stolen by evil in both the darkness of night or the light of day. It is also a place where vigilance and custom are not just words but a way of life. Miho, a woman of beauty, intelligence and temper, comes to the Island to teach, and is immediately caught in this world of terror and the supernatural when a demon attacks her… and she is saved by a mystery man with seemingly only one mission... demon killing. A delicate balance is upset, and for the Island and its people, the world is about to change! TokyoPop's first Korean manga! From Daiwan, Korea's leading Manga Publisher! Daiwan is also a leading animation company that's worked with Toei Animation in Japan as well as Ruby Spears, Hanna Barbera and others in America. In-Wan Youn is very well known as the creator of Soma's Legendary Record. Kyung-Il Yang is the artist of the very popular Japanese series, Zombie Hunter! MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg $2.95 CARDCAPTOR SAKURA #19 by CLAMP On vacation for Golden Week, Sakura meets a kindly old gentleman. Why is he so nice to Sakura… and why does he seem so sad? Is there anything Sakura can do for him? b&w, 48pg $2.95 MIRACLE GIRLS #11 by Nami Akimoto Mystery, intrigue and suspicion abound when the Miracle Girls discover that Mason has psychic powers and that he has more than a passing interest in the possibilities created by Mika's not-so-secret serum. b&w, 32pg $2.95 SAILOR MOON #34 by Naoko Takeuchi The Comet/Princess Kaguya is returning to conquer the Earth, but Luna is more concerned that Kaguya is also after Kakeru, the ill-but-brilliant-scientist that she has a crush on. It's up to Sailor Moon to help her friend and stop the Comet/Princess Kaguya from kidnapping the scientist! b&w, 48pg $2.95 SAINT TAIL #10 by Megumi Tachikawa It's a battle of feminine wills!! Seira has a plan to convince Lina that Meimi isn't Saint Tail, but Lina also has a plan to use Saint Tail's weak point to capture her! And, just to make things more interesting Lina has made a side bet with Asuka Jr... if she proves that Meimi is Saint Tail, then he'll have to go with her!! Will the thief or the detective triumph! b&w, 32pg $2.95 SMILE VOLUME 3 #9 The critically acclaimed Smile is the first all-shoujo anthology in America. This issue: Juline (by Narumi Kakinouchi)—In this double-length story, the three princesses meet up in the forest and discover that each has accepted the "invitation" to the Black Pearl festival. After spending the night in the forest they begin the search for the Black Pearl Temple and are surprised to run into some old friends; Sailor Moon Stars (by Naoko Takeuchi)—With the heart of a warrior, Sailor Moon refuses to give up her power and battles on against Galaxia and Chaos to save a galaxy as well as the future. During the battle, alliances begin to crumble, and in the end the real savior may be Sailor Moon's generous heart; Peach Girl (by Miwa Ueda)—Momo's dumped Toji and she's moving on and making changes. Realizing just how pathetic she's become, Momo vows never to be ashamed of her dark skin ever again. Things are looking up, until a "revelation" from an old "friend" changes everything…. Magazine, 128pg, b&w $4.99 Graphic Novels CARDCAPTOR SAKURA VOLUME 4 POCKET MIXX TP by Clamp The school field trip is the perfect getaway for Sakura. She loves the sea and she loves to make dinner with her friends. It's all a blast... until the ghost stories begin and students begin disappearing, one by one. Sakura and company have fallen into a Clow Card trap! Can she defeat the unknown card to get her friends back?! SC, 4x7,184pg, b&w $9.95 JULINE VOLUME 2 MIXX MANGA GN by Narumi Kakinouchi Experience the thrills of martial-arts action in Juline by Narumi Kakinouchi, author of the popular manga/anime, Vampire Princess Miyu! In a faraway village, in a magical land, live Juline, Bakuya, and Seika, daughters of the top three martial-arts schools. Join them on a quest to uncover the mystery of the Black Pearl, a new clan shrouded in shadows. Juline and the other clan leaders face a new threat in the form of the Black Pearl Guardians. Who are these mysterious warriors, and what is their link to the princesses' past? Originally serialized in the pages of Smile. SC, 5x8, 168pg, b&w $12.95 PEACH GIRL VOLUME 2 POCKET MIXX GN by Miwa Ueda It's not easy being beautiful. The envy, the jealousy, the vicious rumors spread by your best friend. That's life for young Momo. While everyone thinks that Momo is a wild party girl, the reality is that she is shy and honest. It's a bittersweet drama of growing up and fitting in that will charm girls everywhere. Laugh and cry with Momo in her daily struggle to fit in and find love in the fan-favorite Peach Girl, winner of the prestigious Kodansha Comic Award for 1999. Momo's boyfriend Toji ends up in the hospital, and everyone knows except for Momo! How will the scheming Sae take advantage of this situation? SC, 4x7, 168pg, b&w $9.95 SORCERER HUNTERS VOLUME 5 MIXX MANGA GN by Satoru Akahori & Ray Omishi In this volume: The Sorcerer Hunters happen upon a strange abandoned mansion and find themselves in the stuff of nightmares as dark shadows and reflections take on life! Ice Vega separates Chocolat and Carrot from the others and, as usual, Carrot is out to par- tay! All he needs to find is a babe! SC, 5x8, 200pg, b&w $12.95 STAR OF THE MONTH SORCERER HUNTERS MIXX MANGA VOLUMES 2 & 3 GRAPHIC NOVELS by Satoru Akahori & Ray Omishi In a world where merciless sorcerers enslave the defenseless with their evil enchantments, only one man can end the darkness! Well, actually, there are three men and two women. And those five are kind of helped by a goddess, her magical knights, and past generations of warriors. But still, the odds are against justice in this wicked wizard world, where soul- stealing spell-casters and nefarious necromancers are out to oppress the innocent. Sorcerer Hunters is kinky, kooky manga at its best! VOL. 2 (STAR12487)—SC, 196pg, b&w $12.95 VOL. 3 (O/A)—SC, 196pg, b&w $12.95 ******************** STARS OF THE MONTH GUNDAM WING VOLUME 2 POCKET MIXX TP As the rebel assault against the opposing OZ forces continues, the Romefeller Foundation takes control of OZ...and the world. It's a brand new age of civil unrest and warfare. The Gundam units gather in the Thank Kingdom to form a new unit to regain peace. Don't miss any of the intrigue, action, and fun in this hot new robot battle adventure. This volume includes episodes that originally ran in Gundam Wing Mixx Manga comics Issues #5-8, in their entirety. (STAR12959) SC, 185pg, b&w $9.95 MAGIC KNIGHT RAYEARTH VOLUME 5 MIXX MANGA GRAPHIC NOVEL by CLAMP The Magic Knights reunite once again to protect the mystical world of Cephiro, but the challenges and dangers are more intense than before. As the Magic Knights continue their journey, they are trapped between two warring villages — Fahren and Chizeta. Can the knights save Cephiro before it's too late or will they be caught in a bitter crossfire? Magic, adventure, and illusion fill each page of this acclaimed graphic novel. This volume contains Magic Knight Rayearth episodes first published in TokyoPop magazine volumes 3.8 through 4.4, in their entirety.(STAR13044) SC, 5x7, 208pg, b&w $12.95 SAILOR MOON STARS VOLUME 1 POCKET MIXX TP by Naoko Takeuchi It is a brand new era for Sailor Moon and the Scouts. As Darien is about to depart for America to attend a university, he crumbles and disappears. Meanwhile, a mysterious little girl, Chibi Chibi, and three new Scouts, the Sailor Starlights, appear on the scene. As the new Scouts appear, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars disappear into a supernatural void. Now Bunny is forced to deal with the fact that everyone she loves is gone. Are the Scouts gone forever and are the Sailor Starlights involved? Don't miss this heart-pounding edition of the Sailor Moon saga. This volume contains Sailor Moon Stars episodes first published in Smile magazine volumes 2.7 through 3.1, in their entirety. (STAR13052) SC, 5x7, 184pg, b&w $9.95 SAILOR MOON SCOUT GUIDES Learn the ins and outs of Sailor Moon's best friends, the Sailor Scouts! Filled with vibrant images, origins, transformations and special power galleries, day-off activities, and best quotations, fans will relive the Sailor Scouts greatest moments in these full-color keepsakes! MEET SAILOR VENUS: LOVE (STAR11029) FC, 96PG $12.95 MEET SAILOR MARS: FIRE (STAR10539) FC, 96PG $12.95 MEET SAILOR JUPITER: THUNDER (STAR11308) FC, 96PG $12.95 MEET SAILOR MERCURY: ICE (STAR11626) FC, 96PG $12.95 ****************** TONY RAIOLA TERRY AND THE PIRATES FEATURE COMICS REPRINTS by Milton Caniff Reprints of the large feature comics — just like the original series! Great black-and-white Milton Caniff story where the Dragon Lady appears as the major protagonist. Reprinting the 1930's Sundays. #2: 1937—SC, b&w $7.95 #27: 1938—SC, b&w $7.95 TOP SHELF PRODUCTIONS THE ACTUS BOX: FIVE GRAPHIC NOVELLA BOXED SET by Actus Top Shelf Productions is proud to present the 2001 release from the dynamic and extremely talented Israeli team, Actus (formerly known as Actus Tragicus), five outstanding cartoonists — Rutu Modan, Yirmi Pinkus, Mira Friedmann, Batia Kolton, & Itzik Rennert — who pool their talents annually to produce something simply amazing. This year, it is The Actus Box, a deluxe boxed set featuring five 32-page, full-color, perfect bound graphic novellas. Included in the set are: The Panty Killer by Rutu Modan (a murder mystery set in Tel Aviv); We Are Seven by Batia Kolton (A unique visual interpretation of an Irish folk song); Crumpet Ladies by Yirmi Pinkus (An amateur dog thief and a flatulent midget are just a couple of the characters in this story about an old woman as an existential state); Royal Sable by Mira Friedman (A Jewish furrier from Prague and his sister escape to Tehran during WWII); and Pretenders by Itzik Rennert (A bitter taxi driver meets a high-tech career woman and his life is transformed far beyond his wildest dreams). Don't miss this excellent boxed set from the premier Israeli comics team! Includes perfect bound volume measures 5½" x 8¼". Boxed Set (x5), FC $31.95 TUSK ENTERTAINMENT BURNING CIRCLE #1 by David Boller Finally in spectacular full-color! The long-awaited Return of Kaos Moon! Featuring the prologue to the all-new series, Kaos Moon: The Gates of Delirium, premiering this October! In this exciting lead-in story, Kaos Moon faces her greatest challenge ever… her past! And to make matters worse, she must confront Shrasa, an ancient malevolent spirit who feeds off the lost souls of the dead. Will her soul be next? Breathtakingly painted and illustrated by Russ Manning award-nominee, David Boller (Witchblade, Cybernary). Also included in this special introductory title is The Legend of Raj, a lush, exotic fantasy drama, based heavily on Eastern mythology, as well as Footprints, high adventure tales on the edge of the world! This issue will feature two cover versions both illustrated by series creator, David Boller. FC, 24pg $2.95 TWOMORROWS PUBLISHING KIMOTA!: THE MIRACLEMAN COMPANION TP Alan Moore's Miracleman predated Watchmen and Dark Knight as the first of the grim, ultra-realistic strips that changed super-hero comics forever. But whatever happened to Miracleman? For the first time, this trade paperback tells all the behind-the-scenes secrets, from the character's start as the British strip Marvelman, to the legal and creative hurdles during its 24-issue run at Eclipse Comics, and why you never saw the final Neil Gaiman-scripted issue! Sporting a Mark Buckingham cover and an introduction and back cover by Alex Ross, this book features in-depth interviews with Alan Moore, John Totleben, Neil Gaiman, Mark Buckingham, Barry Windsor-Smith, Beau Smith, Cat Yronwode, Rick Veitch, and others! Plus there's an amazing assortment of unpublished art, uninked pencils, sketches, and concept drawings (including unseen art from the never-published issue #25) by Totleben, Windsor-Smith, Buckingham, Mike Deodato, Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, and more! Also includes a never-before-published eight-page Moore/Totleben story, "Lux Brevis," and an unused Moore script! (A percentage of profits go to Miracleman artist John Totleben, who is battling the eye disease Retinitus Pigmentosa.) SC, 8x11, 128pg, b&w $12.95 STAR OF THE MONTH STREETWISE TP From the publisher and editor of Comic Book Artist magazine comes Streetwise, featuring autobiographical comic stories by the industry's top talent! This deluxe trade paperback is inspired by Jack Kirby's ultra-rare, groundbreaking, autobiographical story "Street Code," which is included here, completely remastered for optimal reproduction of Kirby's pencils! Also included are new comic stories by the most amazing array of talent ever assembled in one publication, including Brent Anderson, Murphy Anderson, Sergio Aragones, Nick Cardy, Paul Chadwick, Evan Dorkin, Sam Glanzman, Jeffrey Jones, Joe Kubert, Gray Morrow, John Severin & Roy Thomas, Walter Simonson, Rick Veitch, Barry Windsor-Smith, and more! Features a forward by Will Eisner, and color cover painting by Steve Rude! (STAR11522) SC, 8x11, 160pg, b&w $19.95 ***************** VAMPEROTICA ENTERTAINMENT VAMPEROTICA: DARK FICTION #2 Featuring The Vampress Luxura! This new mini-series from Vamperotica Entertainment delivers more of the heart-pounding photos, comics, and gothic art that readers have come to expect from Vamperotica! This issue features three Vampress Luxura comic stories — "Something Rotten," "Death On The Nile," and "Past Life, Present Danger." This issue's "Vamp of the Month" is international model and actress Kelly Kole! The special Art Section for this issue features the Gothic poetry and digital art of Anastasia Heonis, an awesome feature titled, Broken! Also available in a Kelly Kole Photo Nude Cover Edition! NOTE: The nude cover is not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. MATURE READERS REG.—b&w, 32pg $2.95 NUDE—b&w, 32pg (CAUT: 3) $3.95 VAMPEROTICA: DARK FICTION #1 PREMIUM EDITION From the original press run of Vamperotica: Dark Fiction #1 comes this premium cover edition featuring a Dark Day Productions digital art cover! This issue features two Vampress Luxura comic stories; the "Vamp of the Month" (international adult star Lisa Anne), and a special art feature on the incredible Digital Art of Dark Day Production's Tony Mauro! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $4.95 VANGUARD PRODUCTIONS THE ART OF NICK CARDY SC by John Coates with Nick Cardy This hardcover book is sure to please collectors, historians, and fans! Nick Cardy has been a cartoonist and illustrator for over 50 years. Features a complete recollection of his work, including art from strips, magazines, posters, and books, all easily located by year. Includes a forward by Mark Evanier, an interview with Cardy by Jon Cooke, and an afterward by Kurt Busiek. This is the first time the trade paperback has ever been distributed nationally. Foreword by Mark Evanier, with an afterword by Kurt Busiek. (CAUT: 2) SC, 8x11, 176pg, PC $19.95 THE JOHN BUSCEMA SKETCHBOOK SC by J. David Spurlock with John Buscema The John Buscema Sketchbook presents a collection of the artist's personal drawings and studies. Done for his own enjoyment, practice, or self-expression, the art offers a unique appreciation of his draftsmanship and creativity on a variety of subjects. Accompanying text by Buscema addresses both his career and his technique. SC, 7x10, 112pg, b&w $15.95 VIZ COMMUNICATIONS ANIMERICA VOLUME 9 #8 The best magazine for anime fans! Fascinating features on the latest and greatest anime, exclusive interviews, news on what's new in Japan and what's arriving soon in America, plus exclusive columns, interviews with voice-actors, anime reviews, video games, model kits and how to build them, anime soundtracks, and Leiji Matsumoto's Galaxy Express 999 manga. Remember, If it's anime in America, it's gotta be Animerica! Magazine, 96pg, PC $4.95 ANIMERICA EXTRA VOLUME 4 #9 The greatest shojo and shonen manga! A brave young swordswoman who wants to be a prince; an artist, his kissin' cousin, and a doll that came to life; adventure in a fantasy world not unlike ancient China; crime and mystery in the Gothic metropolis of Steam City; and a girl who came from a video tape. 128 pages of beautiful art and stunning stories, plus fan art, manga features and more! Fushigi Yugi: With Tamahome back in the fold, it's time for Miaka to complete her destiny and summon Suzaku. Will everything go as planned? Marionette Generation: Kinoko is being stalked again, but this time the danger is real! Why do all the nuts have to go after her? Revolutionary Girl Utena: Tôga steals a kiss from Utena, but at a price. In exchange, Utena learns more about the duelists and the mysterious Rose Council. Steam Detectives: The rivers will run black with oil as Goriki and Shadow Bolt #3 battle for supremacy in the streets and canals of Steam City! Video Girl Ai: A desperate phone call from Ai interrupts Yota & Nobuko in a very intimate moment. Magazine, 128pg, b&w $4.95 STARS OF THE MONTH VIDEO GIRL AI TP'S by Masakazu Katsura "Dateless" Yôta, a loser with a heart of gold, finds himself trapped in a love triangle between Moemi, the woman he loves and Takashi, his best friend. One day he discovers a strange video store where he rents a video starring the cute young idol Ai Amano… who promptly comes to life and emerges from his TV. But unlike what it says on the video box, Ai's not just made of sugar and spice and videotape; she's a tomboy who follows Yôta to school to take a personal hand in his love life! The romances had better be sorted out soon… because the VCR clock is ticking, and Ai's running time only lasts three months. VOL. 1 (STAR10171)––SC, 5x7, 200pg, b&w $15.95 VOL. 2: MIX DOWN (STAR11525)––SC, 5x7, b&w $15.95 VOL. 3: RECALL (STAR13195)––SC, 5x7, b&w $15.95 ******************* PULP VOLUME 5 #9 by Various The only true adult-oriented manga magazine in America! PULP has 184 pages of sexy, tough, surreal, violent, hilarious manga, plus columns and features written by some of the premier experts in Japanese pop culture. Cinderalla: Cinderalla is put to work doing all the dirty work! What's a poor little half-naked waif to do? Dance Till Tomorrow: Wedding bells ring as Suekichi's big day arrives! Will Suekichi and Miyuki seal their vows...and fates? Even A Monkey Can Draw Manga: Our manga experts explain where ideas come from. Scatological humor abounds! Bakune Young: The Bakune series is back with the simplest yet most provocative of questions-Bakune Young: Dead or Alive? Banana Fish: Ash finally tracks down Dr. Abraham Dawson, the original scientist that worked on Banana Fish. Is it time for Ash's revenge? Uzumaki: When the class scapegoat turns into a snail and becomes the next victim of the spiral phenomenon, how will this affect Kirie and the rest of the school? MATURE READERS b&w, 184pg $5.95 STAR OF THE MONTH DANCE TILL TOMORROW VOLUME 4 TP by Naoki Yamamoto College student Suekichi Terayama has a problem: he's inherited 4.5 million dollars and has a mysterious woman in his bed! But according to his great-grandfather's will, he's got to graduate and get married to get the money. Torn between Aya and Masami Shimomura, the beautiful leader of his theatre troupe, Suekichi's got a suspicion that Aya is just after his money. Just as he tries to move though, Suekichi crashes through a wall of his apartment that he must foot the bill for! Broke and homeless, Suekichi begins a downward spiral of self-pity which has him living under a bridge and feverishly makes an attempt on his life. Suekichi begins to recover as show time for the Bondage Horse troupe approaches rapidly. Can the production be salvaged from certain doom? (STAR13146) MATURE READERS b&w, 208pg $15.95 ******************* EAGLE VOLUME 19: FIRES IN THE PLAIN by Kaiji Kawaguchi Yamaoka's in danger of losing his home state of Washington to General Grant when continued efforts don't seem to yield a resolution in the drawn-out Ewing Aerospace strike. Yamaoka must use every trick up his political sleeve to bring the two feuding factions back together and save face. Meanwhile in Arkansas, Al Noah discovers the hard way what Senator Yamoka's newest political hurdle will be-growing anti-Japanese racism in the United States. b&w, 104pg $6.95 POKÉMON ORIGAMI VOLUME 3 by Pyoko Nishida Why catch Pokémon when you can make your own? Pikachu, Snubull, and all your favorite Pokémon from the hit Gameboy games Pokémon Gold and Silver are here! Fold, spindle, and manufacture all your favorite Pokémon in minutes from this vivid, full-color kit that includes both pre-printed origami paper and step-by-step pictorial instructions. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. SC, 8x11, 80pg, FC $9.95 MAGICAL POKÉMON JOURNEY VOLUME 3: WAL COMES CRASHING DOWN TP by Yumi Tsukirino Wal (short for "Walnut") is an aspiring ninja Pokémon trainer, following in the footsteps of his role model Koga. But with a mentality of style over substance, Wal hasn't mastered any techniques and can only lay claim to dressing like a ninja! Even worse, the trainer has become the trainee when Wal's Ditto takes on the role of his ninja master! Can Ditto knock some practical knowledge into Wal's thick skull before he gets into real trouble? Plus, Almond observes a day in the life of Jigglypuff; Hazel finds an Abra; Coconut's love cookies backfire; and much more! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America. SC, 5x7, 176pg, b&w $13.95 MAGICAL POKÉMON JOURNEY PART 5 #2 by Yumi Tsukirino Coconut discovers she has the power to hypnotize Eevee, then decides to turn her hypnotic attentions toward Almond! Will Coconut be able to sway the mind and heart of Almond, or will her mental meddling backfire? Meanwhile, Wal is determined to become the greatest Pokémon trainer ever, and with trusty Clefairy at his side, decides to go into intensive training. Squarebound. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America. b&w, 40pg (2 of 4) $4.95 POKÉMON ADVENTURES PART 5 #2 by Midenori Kusaka After fending off members of the Elite Four, Blue and Yellow decide it's time for a break and go on an ocean cruise aboard the S.S. Anne. Also on board the S.S. Anne to their surprise is the infamous Pokémon Fan Club President in disguise! What is this Pokémon- loving nut up to this time?! But their journey is cut short when Team Rocket shows up and decides to really play sink-the-ship! Squarebound. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America. b&w, 48pg (2 of 4) $4.95 INU-YASHA VOLUME 9 TP by Rumiko Takahashi When Kagome discovers severed human heads floating downstream, everyone agrees that it must be the foul work of demons. But when the group comes across a hideous tree that grows talking heads they tell not of a demon, but an evil hermit master that harvests villagers as ingredients in a life extension elixir! Can Inu-Yasha and the group defeat his powerful magic, or will they become more victims in his quest for immortality? Then, Kagome learns of a group that exterminates demons as a way of life and supposedly created the Shikon Jewel. But while searching for their whereabouts, Kagome is reminded of how little she, or anyone else, actually knows about the Shikon Jewel. SC, 5x7, 200pg, b&w $15.95 INU-YASHA PART 6 #4 by Rumiko Takahashi After vanquishing a demon posing as a beautiful woman, Miroku's thoughts turn to long- buried memories of his youth, when a terrible accident changed his life forever. Will returning to his home temple resolve his tangled past, or does death await the cursed monk? Then, Kagome and Inu-Yasha spot Nataku spying on them, but it turns out to be just another of his avatar golems. When will the real Nataku show his face? b&w, 40pg (4 of 15) $2.95 RANMA ½ PART 10 #5 by Rumiko Takahashi It's the day of the great martial arts cheerleading contest and everyone knows that Akane's best just can't cut it. Looks like it's up to girl-type Ranma to save the day! Tension mounts when Mariko's skills sway the eye and heart of Kuno, turning his once adamant affection towards the charismatic-yet-deadly cheerleader. Will Mariko win Kuno away from girl-type Ranma and seal victory? Does Ranma even want to win? b&w, 32pg (5 of 11) $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH ART OF GUNDAM WING Beautiful full-color and pencil artwork from the animators of the hit television show Gundam Wing brought to you in English for the first time! Straight from Japan's mecha powerhouse Studio Sunrise, comes over 130 pages of character and mecha art! Whether you're already an avid fan of the series or someone just getting in to it, this book is essential to your collection. Pick it up and see why Gundamania is sweeping the country! (STAR13028) PC, 96pg $19.95 ********************* AQUA KNIGHT VOLUME 1 TP by Yukita Kishiro Enter a whole new world of fantasy and adventure: the watery land of Marmundo, where kings rule tiny islands scattered throughout the vast sea, and stray ships really can fall off the face of the planet! To protect this land from evil, great armored Aqua Knights patrol the seas mounted atop noble orcas seeking adventure and combat. One such Aqua Knight, Ruliya of Perla, washes ashore on a mysterious lighthouse island after being caught in a storm. Little does she know that this tiny island will be the beginning of an adventure that will take her to the far edges of the world and back! In This Volume: On the remote island of Faro, not far from the World's Edge, a stormy night brings a visitor to the lighthouse keeper Arrabarus and his young son Ashika. When they find a suit of armor washed up near the shore, they open it to reveal a beautiful woman, the Aqua Knight Ruliya of Perla, far off her intended course. For saving her life, Ruliya grants young Ashika the privilege of being her squire — a mistake she will come to regret! When the megalomaniac genius Alcantara steals a magical light sphere from Faro and kidnaps Ashika, Ruliya must set off to rescue the boy and maintain the delicate balance between the living and the dead! SC, 5x7, 232pg, b&w $16.95 CERES, CELESTIAL LEGEND #3 by Yû Watase Aya's world has gone haywire as her father lies dead while Tōya, her apparent savior, holds a gun to her forehead. Suzumi, Yūhi and Mrs. Q race to the rescue, but time is running out! With her grandfather holding all the cards, and still intent on destroying his dangerous granddaughter, can anything save Aya in time? b&w, 32pg (3 of 6) $2.95 DRAGONBALL PART 4 #1 by Akira Toriyama Now 48 pages every month! Goku's search for the next DragonBalls takes him to the base of the mysterious Karin Tower, which marks the home of Rora and Opa, a proud Native American warrior and his son. But after the Red Ribbon Army setbacks Goku's dealt, they're more determined than ever to destroy him once and for all! As a strategic maneuver, Commander Red calls out his trump card and hires Taopaipai, the world's deadliest assassin. Next to this guy, even General Blue looks weak... b&w, 48pg (4 of 10) $2.95 DRAGONBALL Z PART 4 #9 by Akira Toriyama Now 48 pages every month! Just as Vegeta is about to be annihilated by Reacoom, Gohan and Kuririn intercede to save their old enemy. As the fighters exchange nuclear-strength blows and planet Namek is blasted to craters, Ginyu brings Freeza all seven DragonBalls and the twisted conqueror prepares to make his ultimate wish come true. But there's just one thing wrong with Freeza's plans...Goku's spaceship has landed! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. b&w, 48pg (9 of 13) $2.95 EL-HAZARD PART 3 #2 by Hidetomo Tsubura With everything in place, Galus and his Phantom Tribe brethren prepare to activate the Eye of God. True to form, Jinnai manages to steal Rune Venus away before Galus can force her to activate it. Meanwhile, Makoto discovers the electronic network of El- Hazard, which may be the key to stopping the Phantom Tribe for good, but before he can access it Jinnai orders Ifurita to kill him! Will Ifurita follow orders, or will she listen to her heart instead? b&w, 32pg (2 of 6) $2.95 GUNDAM WING: EPISODE ZERO #5 by Sakura Asagi & Akemi Omode A mysterious boy shows up at Relena's private school and instantly becomes the center of everyone's attention...and speculation. When Relena overhears what sounds like a secret military communiqué she can't help but wonder what he's really up to. But when terrorists attack a nearby town, it becomes all too apparent what the boy was up to, and Relena inadvertently becomes caught in the middle of a conflict she knows nothing about. b&w, 32pg (5 of 8) $2.95 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION BOOK 6 #2 by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Double-sized issue! He never wanted to be part of the war between men and "Angels," but when Shinji's friend Toji is selected to be the Fourth Child, his tough-guy demeanor cracks and he turns to Shinji of all people, for reassurance. Meanwhile, an increasingly lovestruck, yet desperate Asuka throws herself at Kaji in a manner that could only be called age appropriate. Available in the regular western format, and as a special Collector's Edition, which reads from right to left in the original Japanese Format. REG.—b&w, 40pg (2 of 4) $3.25 COLLECTOR'S ED.—b&w, 40pg (2 of 4) $3.25 NO NEED FOR TENCHI! PART 12 #1 by Hitoshi Okuda Although Ryoko rescued Ayeka from the clutches of Garyu, his brainwashing technique was never fully undone and now Ayeka has pulled a Patty Hearst and fled back to the evil prince with Sasami in tow! Will Garyu turn Sasami into his next puppet and with her, the power of Tsunami? And what is the motivation behind Garyu, the Tenchi cast's most powerful opponent ever? b&w, 32pg (1 of 6) $2.95 SILENT MÖBIUS: ADVENT #2 by Kia Asamiya A pivotal point in the Silent Möbius storyline! After a one-year-absence, Katsumi Liqueur comes forward to meet her former A.M.P. companions. But the reunion is bittersweet at best, because Katsumi has changed in her time away from the group-for the worse. Soon, the A.M.P. girls learn the hard way what happens to humans that spend time in the darkness of the shadowy dimension called Nemesis... b&w, 40pg (2 of 4) $3.25 STARS OF THE MONTH SANCTUARY TP'S by Sho Fumimura & Ryoichi Ikegami Sophisticated crime drama by Sho Fumimura and Ryoichi Ikegami (artist of Crying Freeman & Mai The Psychic Girl). Two handsome, ruthless young men vow to transform the destiny of Japan by any means. As children, they survived the horrors of the Cambodian killing fields together. Now, are they powerful enough to rise to the top of the Japanese Parliament and the Yakuza crime syndicate? VOL. 4 (STAR01006)––SC, 5x7, b&w $17.95 VOL. 5 (STAR04684)––SC, 5x7, b&w $17.95 VOL. 6 (STAR02383)––SC, 5x7, b&w $17.95 VOL. 7 (STAR06036)––SC, 5x7, b&w $17.95 VOL. 8 (STAR06691)––SC, 5x7, b&w $17.95 VOL. 9 (STAR06908)––SC, 5x7, b&w $17.95 **************** WARP GRAPHICS RECOGNITION: ELFQUEST SUMMER SPECIAL 2001 #2 by Wendy Pini, Joellyn Auklanduw, & Richard Pini; art by Brandon McKinney Ever since he appeared from the empty plains, the elf known as Tier has been a mystery to the Wolfriders of Howling Rock. At times, he has betrayed, and then saved, the tribe. Possessed of unique animal magic, Tier has captured the affections of chieftess Ember and the enmity of the tribe's leader, Mender. Now, the conclusion to the "Shadowstalker" storyline, where two old adversaries resurface: Angif Djun, warlord, heir to the expanding human kingdom won by his father, sworn enemy of the elf demons, and Lehrigen, the bounty hunter, whose tracking abilities rival those of the elves themselves, and whose loyalties are known only to himself. Recognition will reveal the final resolution between rival lovers and deadly enemies. Only, who will end up on whose side? And what will be the cost to the Wolfriders, as they find their world growing smaller and smaller? b&w 32pg $2.95 ELFQUEST READERS COLLECTION 15B: PHOENIX SC by Richard Pini & Barry Blair It is a time of endings. Deep in the Forevergreen rainforest, a hidden human city is in the throes of mortal war, as rebel humans battle those who worship the tyrant elfin god Door. Dart and his Wolfriders fight not only to free the city from tyranny, but also to rescue on of their own band, Door's own son Windkin, who is a prisoner of his father's mad schemes. And in "Sorrow's End," the unthinkable has finally happened: human have invaded the oasis. Savah, the Mother of Memory, is wounded. Could this be the death of the Sun Village itself? Phoenix features issues #28-35 of the out-of-print Elfquest: New Blood title. b&w, 208pg $13.95 WET EARTH ADVENTURES OF EDGAR MUDD TP by H. Busch & J. Bilicic Edgar and party are hunted by evil alien hybrids, renegade militants, and a lunatic TV show host, as they unlock the secrets behind his amazing metamorphosis. Over 80 pages of all new story in the quirky painting style of artist Joe Bilicic. MATURE READERS FC, 95pg $13.95 WHATEVER WHATEVER PRESENTS #3: ROAD MOVIE by H. Busch & J. Bilicic All Tess really wants is to reach her destination. She needs to reach it. On a specific date. After all, she managed to get releases from November House especially for thus reason alone. But hitching has its drawbacks. Even more so if you're young and pretty with a copious history of mental instability. But she'll do it. She has to –– for her own sanity. (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS b&w $2.95 WHITE LIGHTNING PRODUCTIONS WHITE LIGHTNING ADULT VALUE 3-PACK SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x3), b&w $7.95 ZEROMAYO STUDIOS PALEO: TALES OF THE LATE CRETACEOUS #3 by Jim Lawson, Peter Laird, & Mike Dooney Alone and bewildered, a young stegoceras develops a fascination for a quetzalcoatlus, the huge flying reptile of the late cretaceous. Will the huge creature accept the tiny orphan? b&w, 24g, FC (3 of 6) $2.95 MAGAZINES SECTION PREMIERE VENDORS GEMSTONE PUBLISHING COMIC BOOK MARKETPLACE #85 Comic Book Marketplace, the magazine for serious collectors, gets into the spirit of things with a look at one of the most influential creations in comics history from one of the most vital creators in comics the medium has ever seen, The Spirit by Will Eisner! A whole new generation of fans is discovering The Spirit and Eisner's other work through DC's new line of Spirit Archives and graphic novels. In CBM #85, we talk to the grandmaster, Will Eisner himself, about his reactions to the current Spirit revival, and we also talk to Denis Kitchen and DC Archives editor Dale Crain and about what goes into putting together these comprehensive volumes. CBM also shines the spotlight on other Spirit collectibles, too... And Golden Age great Marty Nodell (Green Lantern) opens up about his influences! Take look at the latest market reports, and much, much more! Comic Book Marketplace is back – now edited by Russ Cochran! ALSO IN THIS ISSUE:The returning features you love… EXPANDED Market Reports! Nolan's Notebook! Adventures into Weird Words! Plus a whole new slate of regular columns… Comic art report by Russ Cochran! Comic character statues! Archival issues! CBM #85—B&W with Color Gallery Cover A (Spirit/Eisner) $5.95 CBM #85—B &W with Color Gallery Cover B (Spirit/Gibbons) $5.95 MAGAZINES SECTION COMIC MAGAZINES COMIC RELIEF #144 Your favorite funny strips in one magazine including Dilbert, Doonesbury, Life in Hell, For Better or For Worse, Sylvia, and many more. Plus, humor features from Dave Barry and Joe Bob Briggs, to Ask Dr. Science and Weird News. Completely ad-free! (Page One Publishers) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg, b&w $4.95 COMICS REVUE #185 Featuring: Tarzan at the Earth's Core by Burne Hogarth! Also featuring: Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray, Flash Gordon by Dan Barry, Casey Ruggles by Warren Tufts, Alley Oop by V. T. Hamlin, Modesty Blaise by Peter O'Donnell, Steve Canyon by Milton Caniff, Barnaby by Crockett Johnson, The Phantom by Lee Falk & Ray Moore, Gasoline Alley by Dick Moores, Krazy Kat by George Herriman, and Buz Sawyer by Roy Crane. (Manuscript Press) Magazine $5.95 COMIC SHOP NEWS #738-742 Comic Shop News is the most popular weekly newsletter about comics. Each issue is full color, 8-16 pages with CSNsider, news, interviews, color art, and CSN Comics — an original Sunday-style comic. Only CSN has a complete monthly checklist, which includes Previews order numbers, plus exclusive CSN Hot Picks! "Fab Firsts" — a monthly checklist of all the first issues due for the month — is also included. Sold in both 50- count and 100-count bundles. (Comic Shop News) Tabloid, FC PI Ea. COMICOLOGY #5 August's issue wraps up the hot summer months celebrating 35 years of Jack Kirby's New Gods alongside the alien adventure of Greg Beettam and Stephen Geigen-Miller's Xeno's Arrow! And only Comicology is crazy enough to cover career-spanning conversations with Spider-Girl writer and former Marvel editor-in-chief Tom DeFalco, Chris Staros and Brett Warnock of Top Shelf Productions, and Starman, Lazarus 5, and Obergeist co-creator Tony Harris. All this cool coverage is wrapped up snugly within a terrific cover commemorating 60 years of Captain America, Sentinel of Liberty! (Twomorrows Publishing) Magazine, b&w $5.95 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1448 Mr. Silver Age celebrates August! There may be no holidays to celebrate in August, but Mr. Silver Age beats the Dog Days' heat with another look at the Silver Age. As always, he's joined by CBG's regular columnists Tony Isabella, Peter David, Mark Evanier, and Andrew Smith. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1449 A salute to the Simonsons! For years, artist and writer Walter Simonson and his wife Louise have been thrilling fans with heroic stories and images. Now, CBG devotes an issue to their careers. All this, plus columns by Peter David, Mark Evenier, Andrew Smith, and Tony Isabella, make this an issue you can't afford to miss! (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1450 Get the inside scoop on DC's plans for the rest of the year! With the convention season in full swing, check out what DC has up its sleeve in the coming months and beyond! In addition, Mark Evanier, Andrew Smith, Tony Isabella, and Peter David add their two cents to the mix. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1451 A Marvel Masterpiece! Following last week's look at DC's plans for the remainder of the year, this week CGB shines the spotlight on Marvel and offers an advance glimpse at its plans to close out the year, and what the future may entail. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1452 A focus on independents! With The Expo in Bethesda, Md., coming in mid-September, CBG provides a comprehensive look at independent titles and their creators. Columns by Andrew Smith, Tony Isabella, Peter David, and Mark Evanier round out this jam-packed issue! (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS INTERNATIONAL #136 Now featuring Jim Kreuger's Appendix to Marvel's Universe X each issue, Comics International enters its 11th year of up-to-the-minute award-winning U.S. comics news coverage – over 20 pages per issue – plus reviews of over 100 current titles, new title previews, close-ups, regular columns on investment tips, comic-to-film adaptations, fantasy news, toy news, international festival guide, US and world store details, publisher index, in-depth Q&A with many answers by top professionals, heated comics debates, internet news overview and reviews, full listings of over 300 coming comics from the top 25 publishers — with full credits and story synopses, top 100 sales on last months comics plus Judge Dredd Megazine editor and Warrior/Marvelman/V for Vendetta co- creator's monthly industry overviews. (Comics International) Magazine, PC $2.25 CRACKED MAGAZINE #361 Cracked is America's number one humor mag, offering the best in illustrated parodies by the top artists in the business! Each issue of Cracked features spoofs of the biggest blockbuster movies along all of your favorite features such as "Shut Ups," "Backwash," and more, plus all of the best Cracked characters — Sylvester P. Smythe, Simpy Dumpkins, Klugg the Caveman, Wedgie Boy, and Joe Studd! (Media Corps) Magazine $2.95 THE BEST OF THE FAWCETT COMPANION SC Behind a new painted cover by Jerry Ordway, the Fawcett Companion presents the best of the first 59 issues of the Fawcett Collectors of America newsletter, founded in 1973! Editor P.C. Hamerlinck has been delighting fans with his new FCA sections in Alter Ego, and this volume spotlights Fawcett's unique cast of characters, including Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family, Ibis the Invincible, Spy Smasher, Bulletman and Bulletgirl, Phantom Eagle, Minute-Man, and more! Additional highlights include a historical perspective of Fawcett Comics with a behind-the-scenes look inside the Fawcett offices showcasing how their comics were created in the Golden Age, commentary and essays by C.C. Beck, extensive creator interviews including Marc Swayze, Kurt Schaffenberger, Otto Binder, Pete Constanza, Al Allard, and Will Lieberson, among other prominent classic artisans, plus rare and previously unpublished artwork by Mac Raboy, Dave Berg, Alex Toth, George Evans, Alan Hanley, Alex Ross, and more! (Twomorrows Publishing) SC, 18x11, 160pg, PC $15.95 FUNNY TIMES AUGUST 2001 Funny Times features the best cartoons and stories by America's funniest cartoonists and writers. Besides well-known features such as Dave Barry, Molly Ivins, Life in Hell, Lynda Barry, Nicole Hollander, and also the most interesting and funny new talent. The monthly format allows for topical political humor and social satire. (Funny Times) Magazine $2.95 SKETCH MAGAZINE #10 George Perez is renowned throughout the comic book industry for his sensational penciling skill and dynamic style. Sketch attempts to peek inside the innovative mind of Perez and analyze his incredible influence on the world of comics, spotlighting a comprehensive interview with this trend-setter, role-model, and pinnacle artisan of all team-titles. From his early years on Teen Titans to his revolutionary work on Crisis on Infinite Earths and beyond into his current anxiously anticipated epic Avengers / JLA crossover, you'll learn first-hand how he is capable of managing the multitude of characters in his projects and still keep his sanity in check. Additionally, Sketch supplies all the "How To…" and fills the niche of comic book creation featuring columns focusing on aspects of the comic industry as inking, coloring, writing, penciling, promoting, packaging, and more! (Blue Line Pro) Magazine $5.95 TRIPWIRE MAGAZINE #7 Tripwire focuses its attention on Marvel, with a glimpse into the future as seen through the eyes of Stuart Moore on Marvel Knights and Marvel's new creator-owned line, and Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada discusses all manner of things Marvel, revealing the company's long-term plans and strategies. Keeping with the Marvel coverage, Brian Bendis lifts the lid on his Elektra book Jessica Drew series, while Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale talk shop about Daredevil:Yellow. Additional segments include a chat with writer Ian Edgington and Dark Horse's Planet of the Apes books, music caricatures from Jim Royal, reviews, plus the usual mix of comic-related snippets as Pro Vs Con discussions, Sounding Off, and Outside the Tent. Magazine, 48pg $3.95 COLLECTOR MAGAZINES ACTION FIGURE NEWS & TOY REVIEW #107 This issue boasts an extensive overview of Mego's Micronauts, plus a featured update on Dragon Models Ltd's latest releases, and the next installment of Lee's "Best of the '80s." Also, a vintage Hot Wheels review and giveaway, breaking news on Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Image, G.I. Joe action figure lines, and all the regular AFN monthly features! (Action Figure News & Toy Review) Magazine, FC $5.95 BECKETT SPORTS CARDS MAGAZINES These magazines cover the superstars of sports and sports-card collecting with insightful articles and colorful action photos. Regular features include looks at the most popular players and cards; tips on card collecting; and "Readers Write," a forum for readers. Plus, one of the hobby's most reliable and relied-upon price guides for cards. (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) BASEBALL (#198)—Magazine, FC $4.99 BASKETBALL (#134)—Magazine, FC $4.99 FOOTBALL (#138)—Magazine, FC $4.99 HOCKEY (#131)—Magazine, FC $3.99 RACING & MOTORSPORTS (#85)—Magazine, FC $3.99 SPORTS COLLECTIBLES & AUTOGRAPHS (#125)—Magazine, FC $3.99 BECKETT DRAGONBALL Z COLLECTOR #10 The latest issue of Beckett Dragonball Z Collector magazine is here! Each issue includes price guides and checklists, new release information, video game tips and tricks, coverage of all characters, contests, web site reviews, merchandise and cartoon reviews, and much more! (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 94pg $4.99 BECKETT POKÉMON COLLECTOR #25 Each issue of Beckett Pokémon Collector offers fresh, creative, and fun articles and columns on the latest and greatest Pokémon products on the market. Fans and collectors will be able to find out not only the value of their collectibles, but also where to find conventions and shows at which they can buy, sell, or trade them, and tournaments where they can play Pokémon! Plus, readers are offered words of wisdom from some of the best and most knowledgeable writers in the toy industry. Monthly. (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 72pg, FC $4.99 EXTREME COLLECTORS GUIDE SPECIAL FOIL MAGAZINE #10 Extreme Collector's Guide brings readers face to face with only the best and hottest collectibles on the market today. Trading cards from Pokemon, Digimon, Dragonball Z, Harry Potter, WWF and Dungeons & Dragons, to all the newest video games for PlayStation 2, Nintendo 64 and Sony Dreamcast, complemented with expert analysis, collector's hints and price guides. (Celebrity Worldwide) Magazine $7.99 KIDS COLLECTIBLES SPECIAL FOIL MAGAZINE #11 Whether it's trading cards, stamps, action figures or video games, kids love to collect things. Kid's Collectibles offers collectors pricing values and insights into the hottest new releases on the market from Pokemon, Digimon, Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon, plus reviews on all the new video game releases from the most popular game systems are also featured. (Celebrity Worldwide) Magazine $5.99 MARY BETH'S BEAN BAG WORLD AUGUST 2001 #108 Mary Beth's Bean Bag World remains the top source for hot news in beanbag plush collectibles and is now produced under a license from Ty, Inc. This colorful bean bag extravaganza keeps readers coming back for more with the best coverage of bean bag news, events, charities, and contests. Bean Bag World gives readers of all ages loads of color photos and expert advice from Mary Beth Sobolewski, Editor-In-Chief and renowned staff writers such as Claudia Dunne, Peggy Gallagher, Sara Nelson, Janet Leopold, and many more. Don't miss out on the most accurate price guide around. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 148pg, FC $5.99 MARY BETH'S TEDDY BEARS & MORE FEBRUARY/MARCH #110 The publishers of Mary Beth's Bean Bag World and Editor-In-Chief Mary Beth Sobolewski invite you to take a peek at their latest creation, Mary Beth's Teddy Bears & More. This unique publication is created for the true teddy bear connoisseur as well as the serious collector of other handmade plush. The targeted reader is the kind of collector who sees teddy bears as works of art worth investing in and preserving. Mary Beth's Teddy Bears & More provides the reader with a variety of information from the world of teddy bears and other fine plush. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 POJO'S UNOFFICIAL POKÉMON NEWS & PRICE GUIDE #109 H&S Media Inc. has joined forces with, the hottest Pokémon website, to create PoJo's Unofficial Pokémon News and Price Guide. It provides the most comprehensive, current and in-depth coverage of Pokémon card and video game strategies, as well as up-to-the-minute Pokémon news and information. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 116pg, FC $5.99 SPORTSCARD MARKET REPORT From collector profiles, auction action, and vintage player perspectives, to a complete and comprehensive price listing of the hottest and most-sought-after rare, out-of-print, and contemporary sports cards in the collectable arena to-date, everything a serious sports card enthusiast and collector needs to keep up with the latest market trends can be found within the pages of Sportscard Market Report. An extensive autograph guide is also included to accurately appraise properly authenticated items. (Collector's Universe) Magazine $5.95 TOMART'S ACTION FIGURE DIGEST #91 Action Figure Digest #91 features a special toy designer section, offering a behind-the- scenes look at the action figure toy industry. AFD's regular departments on new product announcements, international markets, Action News Briefs, and the Star Wars Update are all included in this issue. (Tomart Publications) Magazine, FC $5.95 TOY CARS AND MODELS MAGAZINE #10 SEPTEMBER 2001 Each issue of TC&M delivers comprehensive features and step-by-step how-to articles geared towards the die-cast and scale model enthusiast. Don't miss out on all the up-to- date and easy-to-follow pricing, new releases, plus a huge buy-and-sell marketplace! (Krause Publications) Magazine, FC $4.50 TOY SHOP #261-262 Find the toys you want, from vintage tin and character toys to action figures, die-cast cars, model kits and more in each bi-weekly issue of Toy Shop. You'll find classified ads indexed alphabetically by category, making it easy for you to locate items of interest. Through editorial coverage and thousands of ads, Toy Shop puts the entire spectrum of collectible toys at your fingertips twice a month. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.98Ea. TUFF STUFF #10 OCTOBER 2001 The monthly price guide contains prices for sports cards in singles, packs, boxes, and sets, along with prices for racing, draft picks, limited edition collectibles, and promo cards. Plus, autographs and memorabilia, as well as a Kenner Starting Lineup section. Also, lively feature stories, the latest in hobby news, and regular monthly columns from experts in the field. (Krause Publications) Magazine $4.99 GAME MAGAZINES DRAGON #288 Dragon Magazine is the only magazine solely dedicated to D&D, so there's no coincidence that it's the finest role-playing game magazine in the industry! This magazine will feature things that are sure to excite D&D fans. (Curtis Circulation) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 GAMES UNPLUGGED MAGAZINE #10 This issue: The Top 10 RPG Licenses for Hollywood—Games Unplugged plays studio exec and picks the role-playing games that would make the coolest movies for a hot summer! Plus, over 20 game reviews, and SnarfQuest! (Dynasty Presentations, Inc.) Magazine $2.99 NEXT GENERATION MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2001 The most complete source for video gamers! Includes articles and reviews on the newest video games, covering the various outlets, including PlayStation, Dreamcast, Xbox, and PC games, along with company and technology news. (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC $5.99 PC GAMER MAGAZINE WITH CD-ROM OCTOBER 2001 The world's best-selling PC games magazine! This is the ultimate strategy and tips guide, with over 392 cheats, codes, and tips for all the latest games. Plus, reviews and previews of games, as well as articles covering everything in the PC game field. This issue comes with a special 2001 calendar from Empire Earth, along with a CD-ROM that has demos of eight games! (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC w/CD-ROM $7.99 POJO'S VIDEO GAME REVIEW SUMMER #108 Things have heated up even more in the video-game market since Sony's PlayStation 2 joined the ranks of top gaming systems. Clearly you need help wading through the vast number of games out there competing for your attention. This magazine provides the answers you need to see what's worth playing. Included are game previews and reviews, tips, a buyer's guide, and information on gaming networks. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 132pg, FC $6.99 PSM MAGAZINE OCTOBER #10 100% Playstation… 100% Independent! PSM Magazine is the place to turn to for everything in the world of PlayStation and PlayStation2! Each issue include the latest news from the U.S. and Japan, software reviews and previews, strategy guides to the hottest games, cheats and codes, letters, and exclusive covers illustrated by some of the comic industry hottest creators! (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC $4.99 WHITE DWARF #264 White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premier magazine, crammed with news, gaming articles, pictures of great painted Citadel Miniatures, and much more! Each month, White Dwarf contains all the latest information about the Games Workshop hobby including the lasts news releases of Citadel Models, in-depth features on armies, painting guides, modeling tips, rules clarifications, battle reports, and loads more. White Dwarf is the guide to the Games Workshop hobby and always contains new and views of use to beginners and seasoned gamers alike. (Games Workshop) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Magazine $4.99 GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINES AIRBRUSH ACTION SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2001 The yearly Hot Rod issue of Airbrush Action is scorching, featuring the Kustom Kulture legend Daddy-O, world-renowned motorcycle artist Chris Cruz, pinstriper Jack Giachino, and automotive hero Craig Fraser. You'll also find the sexy works of body artist Mark Greenawalt and 1/64 scale cars flamed out in painstaking detail by artist Tim Phelps. All the regulars are here too, including a top-selling summer nail design, Q&A, Ask K- Daddy, T-Shirt Tactics, and more ! (Airbrush Action, Inc.) Magazine, 84pg $5.99 ASIAN CULT CINEMA #32 Asian Cult Cinema #32 features an exclusive interview with Hong Kong superstar Maggie Cheung conducted by New York Post columnist Vincent Musetto, an explosive article by horror author Edward Lee (Bighead and Portrait of the Psychopath as a Young Woman) on the erotic splatter films Entrails of the Virgin and Entrails of a Beautiful Woman, plus a profile on Michele Yeoh, Korean Cinema, and everything Asian cult! (Vital Sounds, Inc.) Digest Magazine, FC $6.00 CINESCAPE #55 Summer's not just the hottest season of the year. It's the hottest time for sci-fi movies! Planet of the Apes, Jurassic Park III, Steven Spielberg's A.I., Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, and other genre offerings are hitting theaters this summer, and Cinescape will take fans behind-the-scenes on many of these films. Packed with color photos, interviews and sneak previews of other upcoming blockbusters, Cinescape's summer issue is a must- read for sci-fi fans! (TotalFan.Com, Inc/Fandom) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 CULT TIMES #72 The month ahead of cult TV starts here! Plan your viewing with Cult Times' "Out of the Box" –– the indispensable listing guide of cult television programs to watch out for on terrestrial, cable, and satellite. Read interviews with the stars and features on cult shows currently airing in the U.K. Take a light-hearted but informative look at a classic series in the "Instant Guide" and review the highlights of the previous month's viewing in "Times Past." Cult Times is the complimentary magazine to TV Zone, and together they provide the ultimate guide to the many worlds of cult television. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE #308 Doctor Who Magazine is the only official source for news, features, interviews, and comic strip action devoted to BBC Television's immortal traveler in time and space! In this issue's Archive, the Fourth Doctor loses a companion at "Warriors' Gate", and the comic strip exploits of the Eighth Doctor continue in Part Three of the all-new comic strip adventure, "The Way of All Flesh!". (Panini Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 52pg, FC $6.60 DREAMWATCH #85 To find out just who is the Lord of the Rings, why Angelina's raiding tombs, and why you, too, will go ape this summer, turn to the top source of news, interviews, and reviews in all things fantasy and Sci-Fi, Dreamwatch! (Titan) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.99 FANGORIA SEPTEMBER 2001 #207 Beginning Fango's coverage of the Halloween 2001 season, this issue features a haunting visit to the set of Dark Castle Entertainment's 13 Ghosts, while the quest for the true origins of Jack the Ripper are explored in directors Allen and Albert Hughes' (Dead Presidents) adaptation of comic scribe Alan Moore's From Hell, and director Rick Rosenthal digs up Michael Myers for yet another Hallow's Eve rampage in Halloween 8, which also boasts an appearance by original star Jamie Lee Curtis. Also: continuing coverage of that space-bound Vorhees boy in Jason X, as well as Snoop Dogg's new horror film, Bones! All this, plus the latest horror news, gossip, and video, DVD, and book reviews! (Starlog Group) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.99 FEMME FATALES VOLUME 10 #3 American Nightmare! Horror muse Debiie Rochon leads a cast of sexy starlets in former Femme Fatales writer Jon Keeyes's scary new thriller, American Nightmare! Also profiled is young director Rolfe Kanefsky and his movie Pretty Cool, and the tenth anniversary of his horror classic, There's Nothing Out There, which began the trend of Scream-like films. Also in this issue: Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider (with a profile of the comic books and video game that started it all); a retrospective look at the long career of Pamela Susan Shoop; and preview the femmes of The Brotherhood I and II! (Cinefantastique) MATURE READERS Magazine $5.95 FEMME FATALES VOLUME 10 #4 The Women of Playboy! This latest issue takes you behind-the-scenes at Playboy! You'll hear from old and new Playboy Bunnies as FF takes a look back at the Playboy Clubs. Also profiled is famed pin-up artist Carlos Cartegena, and the Playmates who inspired his incredible work. Only Femme Fatales brings you the latest news, profiles and pictorials on the luscious ladies of horror, fantasy, and sci-fi! (Cinefantastique) MATURE READERS Magazine $5.95 FORTEAN TIMES #150 Become a student of American iconoclast Charles Fort with this expansive guide to the bizarre. Features news, reviews, and research on strange phenomena, experiences, and curiosities from the intricacies of crop circles to phantom hitchhikers. It's wild, it's funny, it's open-minded yet skeptical — and it's true! (JB Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg $4.95 G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES #2 This classic perfect bound publication produced by Adventure House reprints the entire G-8 and His Battle Aces, in facsimile format, and features the story "Purple Aces", originally published in November, 1933. (Adventure House) RES.: From Previews Vol. IV, #6 (JUN940768) Magazine, 112pg, FC $9.95 GRAPHOTISM #27 Graphotism is the U.K.'s premier Street-culture magazine, the best established of its kind in Europe. Check out the interviews with the hottest graffiti artists, the massive picture gallery, from motorways to subways, including news and reviews on the latest books, tunes, and fashion — street style. With a round-up of the international graffiti scene too, make the 'write' choice and get this mag… it's a G thing! (Diamond UK) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $11.00 HIGH TIMES OCTOBER 2001 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (High Times) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, 134pg, FC $4.99 KID POWER SPECIAL FOIL MAGAZINE #1 Finally a magazine that kids between ages 5-10 can call their own! With fun-to-read text, colorful images, premium giveaways, contests, puzzles, and quizzes, Kid Power! is the primo source for information on children's television, movies, music and toys. This premiere issue features insightful and engaging coverage of The Rug Rats, Harry Potter, Blues Clues, Pokemon, Dragonball Z, and the every adorable Powerpuff Girls! (Celebrity Worldwide) Magazine, FC $4.99 LOCUS #487 The science fiction and fantasy community's journal, with news and reviews on new and upcoming releases, as well as articles and columns by noted authors. (Locus Magazine) Magazine, 70pg, b&w $4.95 ORIENTAL PINUP MAGAZINE #3 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Draculina Publishing) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, FC $6.95 OUTRÉ #25 An all-new issue of the adventure magazine showcasing the world of ultra-media, pulp cinema, retro Sci-Fi, and exploitation, featuring in-depth perspectives, vintage photography, juicy articles, and lots more on the movies and popular culture of the early days of the 1950's. (Filmfax) Magazine $5.95 PENTHOUSE OCTOBER 2001 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (General Media Publishing Group) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, FC $8.99 PERFECT 10 DECEMBER 2001 / JANUARY 2002 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Perfect 10 Publishing) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, FC $6.99 PHANTOM OF THE MOVIES VIDEOSCOPE #39 The Ultimate Genre Video Guide Exploitation A-Go-Go! Edition featuring exclusive interviews with exploitation queen, Doris Wishman (Nude on the Moon); producer David Friedman on Mau Mau Sex Sex; the DVD exploitation boom; on location with the Powerpuff Girls; plus over 100 new genre- video reviews covering the entire genre spectrum: Action! Horror! Sci-fi! Thrillers! Indies! Noir! Cult! Camp! Art-House! Anime! Verité! Asian! Tele-Video! Vintage Video! Exploitation! and more!!! Magazine, b&w $4.95 PLAYBOY MAGAZINE & SPECIALS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Warner Publisher Services) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. ADULT MATERIAL MAGAZINE (OCTOBER)—Magazine $4.99 PRESENTS (OCT/NOV)—Magazine $6.99 TO THE EDGE #110 Formerly published as To the Maxx! To the Edge embraces and celebrates the lifestyle of the modern man, and includes features and departments covering women, sports, gadgets, sex, drinks, diets, entertainment, health, humor, fashion, travel, and more! To the Edge also features photo spreads of the sexiest women in the world, including the most desirable supermodels, movie, and television starlets. To the Edge is the handbook for every man's life. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS Magazine, 144pg, FC $5.99 SCARLET STREET #42 Take a walk down Scarlet Street (one block over from Memory Lane) in the latest issue of The Magazine of Mystery and Horror! Packed with exclusive interviews and film retrospectives, this is one address fans of classic horror will want to frequent! Each issue also includes DVD, laser, compact disc, and book reviews, as well as Forrest J. Ackerman's Crimson Chronicles, and more! (Scarlet Street) RES: From Previews Vol.10, #10 (OCT002412) Magazine, 80pg $7.95 SCHWANN DVD ADVANCE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER Whether you're building a DVD collection, renting, or just starting out, Schwann DVD Advance is the magazine for you, offering extensive listings of every DVD currently available in the US – over 8,000 detailed! This bi-monthly publication includes information about directors, top actors, plot synopsis, sound quality, special features, and more, plus offers release-specific articles, columns, editorials and reviews designed to further enhance your buying and viewing experiences. (Disticor Magazine Distribution) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $6.95 SCREEN POWER THE OFFICIAL JACKIE CHAN MAGAZINE VOLUME 4 #2 Featured in this fully-endorsed publication spanning the immensely popular film career of martial-arts and international film star Jackie Chan, you'll find an exclusive interview with Hong Kong's brightest action star, Edison Chen, a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Jackie Chan's next feature film, Highbinders, an invitation to Chan's Christmas 2000 Charity Concert in Las Vegas, a full review and Los Angeles premiere report on Rush Hour 2, plus extensive details on all the new DVDs hitting the market, new merchandise, news, reviews, competitions, and all the happenings in the Jackie Chan world! (Jackie Chan Fan Club) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.95 SFX #81 The smashing, spirited sci-fi magazine from Britain! This magazine asks and answers the burning questions on all sci-fi fans' minds. And, late-breaking news; in-depth interviews; behind-the-scene reports; multi-media reviews (books, comics, games, videos, TV); and much more. What more could a sci-fi fan want? (Future Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.75 SHIVERS #93 Every month, Shivers contains an exciting mix of interviews with the creative people of the horror world. Regular features include write Kim Newman's outspoken opinion column, Ingrid Pitt on horror fandom worldwide, and a favorite fright from the archives in "The Fright of Your Life." Plus, up-to-the-minute news and reviews of all the latest horror on DVD, film, and TV, as well as a pull-out poster of the cover artwork! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 SOUNDS OF DEATH #17 Sounds of Death, the ultimate Death Metal magazine, is back and bigger than ever! Issue #17 boasts a spectacular cover painting by Swedish sensation Par Johansson, and showcases such bands as Halford, Marduk, Surrender of Divinity, Skinless, Hate, Zyklon and tons more. As a special bonus, a stunning compilation CD from Lost Disciples/Dark Symphonies Records sampling 70 minutes of the best Death Metal from around the world is included amidst the expanded products section highlighting new shirts, ballcaps, coffee mugs, dozens of albums, demos and horror movies reviews. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg $6.66 STARBURST #277 With nearly 25 years of publishing behind it, Starburst continues to offer its unique blend of the latest news, features, and interviews combined with a look back at science fiction classics of the past. Plus, the finest reviews section known to man, with the cream of films, books, soundtracks, television, comics, and DVDs all scrutinized for you. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 STARBURST SPECIAL #49 With Star Trek: Voyager having traveled the last leg of its journey home, Starburst takes a pensive look back at the events that have unfolded during the past 35 years in the Trek universe of exploring strange new worlds and seeking out new civilizations. Plus, all the latest details on the new fifth Star Trek series and the Star Trek X feature film are introduced amidst the usual blend of other media favorites in the Sci-Fi universe. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $9.99 STARLOG #291 Join Starlog in celebrating 35 awesome years of the Star Trek saga with this special 100- page issue spectacular! Included in this colossal issue are multiple interviews with the actors, writers, directors, producers and creators of the Trek universe, with extensive coverage and advanced preview of the upcoming fifth Star Trek television series. Additional in-depth features include a chat with One co-creators Glenn Morgan and James Hong, an insider's look at the sizzling ultra-action remake of Rollerball, a journey with Natasha Henstridge as she explores the mystery of John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars, plus extensive material on SciFi Channel's Farscape and The Invisible Man, News From The Edge, and much more! (Starlog Group) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.99 STAR TREK MAGAZINE #30 This magazine brings you the very best, new, up-to-date, in-depth news and information on Star Trek every month, complete with unique new pictures. Every 112-page issue brings you spectacular gatefolds with detailed technical drawings and full-color artwork, plus full analysis of the characters, races, starships, as well as 24th century technology. (Fabbri Publishing, Inc.) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.99 STAR WARS INSIDER #56 The most informative Star Wars fanzine around! With in-depth coverage of the movies, stories, art, and the people that make the Star Wars universe so amazing — you will always be an insider with Star Wars Insider! (Curtis Circulation) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Magazine, FC $4.95 TOMB RAIDER MAGAZINE #6 Blazing a trail into the unknown, Lara continues her quest with another stylish combo of jumps, spins and high kicks – bad guys beware! In "Shangri-Lara", a quest for a secret city turns into a Himalayan nightmare for Croft, plus Aphrodite IX continues her illustrated exploits, and a free tantalizing Tomb Raider poster rounds out the excitement! Available in both Newsstand and Previews Exclusive cover editions! (Titan) NEWSSTAND ED.—Magazine, 52pg $4.99 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE—Magazine, 52pg $4.99 TV ZONE #142 Up to the minute news, features and interviews, plus continuing coverage of popular cult TV shows like Stargate SG-1, Xena: Warrior Princess, Angel, Star Trek: Voyager, Farscape, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Doctor Who. Also, our ongoing episode guides to popular series and answers to readers' questions in "Memory Alpha," along with regular news, reviews, and interviews. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 UFO VOLUME 20 #4 UFO Magazine is packed with pages of startling, mystifying occurrences in our world and beyond. Did a UFO blast a hole in Russia? What really happened at the Roswell Army base in 1947? Find out the answers to these questions and others in each issue, featuring a UFO photo file, archive footage, details on advanced technologies, interplanetary and global reports, and more. (Disticor Magazine Distribution) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 80pg, FC $5.99 ULTIMATE DVD #21 As the DVD market continues to grow, Visual Imagination's entertainment magazine — now in its second year — is devoted solely to this format. Every issue contains the latest news, DVD reviews, star interviews, production notes, and a diary of forthcoming releases. Plus, a look at the latest players. Not to be missed! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $5.99 VIDEO WATCHDOG #75 If you're into horror, science fiction, or fantasy films; Hong Kong action cinema or 60s sexploitation; or other cult movies with an alternative bend, Video Watchdog is the magazine for you! Each 80-page issue is jam-packed with in-depth reviews of all the latest releases on VHS, DVD, and LaserDisc, including coverage of rare mail-order and import titles. Want to know if a new release is complete, correctly letterboxed, or otherwise worth your investment? Only Video Watchdog gives you the lowdown — regularly comparing new releases to earlier versions, and illustrating reviews with actual frame enlargements to show you what you're getting! And each issue is built around compelling feature articles about exciting releases, restored footage, lost classics, career interviews, and other essential reading! Now monthly! (Video Watchdog) Magazine, 80pg $6.50 WICKED #9 Wicked is the bi-monthly magazine devoted to the best in dark genre and horror entertainment in film, television, and new media! Plus: the next installment of "Don't Get Me Started," the exclusive column by B-movie star Bruce Campbell! (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 84pg $6.95 WWF MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2001 The official magazine of the WWF for anyone who can smell what The Rock is cooking! Want the latest scoop on Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and all of your favorite WWF superstars? The background on the hottest feuds? An update of WWF news, tours, and merchandise? Then turn to the WWF, your pipeline to the World Wrestling Federation. (Kable News Company) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $4.99 WWF RAW MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2001 Exploring the rawer side of the WWF! Featuring the stunts they can't show on TV, backstage info on the wrestlers, pin-ups of stars like The Undertaker, Mankind, and HHH, plus bonus provocative pin-ups of the ladies of wrestling. Hey, why should wrestlers get all the posters? So are you man enough for Raw? Officially licensed by the WWF — and that's the bottom line! (Kable News Company) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS Magazine, FC $3.99 XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS MAGAZINE #23 This legendary issue offers us a tantalizing glimpse at Xena's most eligible and sexy lads and lasses that saunter about the Xenaverse. Then, Michael Hurst speaks, as Hercules' own adventuring companion, Iolaus, reflects on his role and what the future may entail. Also, step beyond the veil of fantasy as Xena's second unit production crew introduces you to the talent lurking behind the camera eye, and the extensive work that goes into bringing these epic tales to light. Plus, there's more behind-the-scenes reports and all the latest news from the Ancient World and beyond! (Titan) (CAUT: 4) NEWSSTAND ED.—Magazine, 68pg, FC $5.99 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE—Magazine, 68pg, FC $5.99 XPOSÉ #58 Interviews, features, and news from the world of fantastic movies and TV, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stargate SG-1, The Pretender, Xena: Warrior Princess, and The X-Files. Plus, all the latest movies and TV episodes reviewed. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 BOOKS SECTION ART BOOKS OFFERED AGAIN O/A AMERICAN ILLUSTRATORS POSTER BOOK — THE J.C. LEYENDECKER COLLECTION by Kent Steine & Frederic B. Taraba The only book available on this popular illustrator of the 1920s-1940s. Oversized, with 10" x 14" high-quality plates, representing the best of his enormous talent. All are reproduced from original paintings and studies, along with 17 smaller reproductions, some previously unpublished, for covers and ads. Most are from the Saturday Evening Post. In-depth text tells of Leyendecker's career, with intimate insights into his style and methods of producing his highly acclaimed paintings. Published by Collectors Press, 1996, with an original cover price of $24.95. (Bud Plant) (0-9635202-8-8) (CAUT: 4) SC, 10x14, 40pg, FC $12.95 **************** ART OF GORMENGHAST TP by Estelle Daniel Defying imitation, dreamlike and visionary, Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast trilogy occupies a unique place in modern English fiction. Now, for the first time, Peake's extraordinary work of imagination has been brought to life in a spectacular production for the BBC. Written by Estelle Daniel, whose creative force as producer has contributed to the realization of Gormenghast as a unique piece of television, The Art of Gormenghast provides insight into every aspect of the Gormenghast story. From the strange genius of Peake, the author and illustrator whose diverse and deeply affecting experiences in feudal China and World War II gave birth to the Gormenghast legend, to the reality of a stunning production, The Art of Gormenghast is a lavish and comprehensive behind-the- scenes guide to this landmark series. (Trafalgar Square) (0-00-257-156-0) (CAUT: 4) TP $24.95 STARS OF THE MONTH THE ART OF RUDY NEBRES VOLUME 1 Long recognized as an exquisite artist and remarkable inker, Rudy Nebres has been a mainstay in the comics industry for over 30 years. From his earliest work in the glory days of Warren Magazine's Creepy and Eerie, to his comic work for Marvel and DC, Rudy has always brought a fresh, lush flourish to his illustrations. His attention to detail and ability to suffuse power into his subject's anatomy has served him well throughout his career. Now, for the first time, an overview of his work is presented, including many step-by-step views of illustrations, from initial pencil study right through finished inks. This first volume of his work contains all-new illustrations, plus an insightful biography and chalk-talk about inking. (SQP) (STAR11945) SC, 8x11, 64pg, b&w $9.95 DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS 2 Disciples of the Devil himself, these wanton women have sold their eternal souls in order to wield the powers of the Dark Lord here on Earth! No man can hope to resist their awesome beauty and terrible temper! Abandon all hope as you fall under their thrall. Damnation never looked so good. Illustrated by Steve Fastner, Blas Gallego, Esteban Maroto, J. L. Marin, and more. (SQP) (STAR09715) MATURE READERS SC, 64pg, b&w $9.95 DINO BABES REGULAR EDITION TPB Is that a brontosaurus in your pocket or are you just glad you saw this book? Artists from around the world take turns illustrating dinosaurs and the women who love them. Cover art by Joe Chiodo. (SQP) (STAR07095) MATURE READERS TPB, 64pg, b&w $9.95 FLESH & FIRE: THE BLAS GALLEGO SKETCHBOOKS by Blas Gallego From good girl art to sword and sorcery and everything in between, Gallego has illustrated projects as varied as Conan paperbacks and fine art prints. These portfolios show the intricate care and study that go into his lush painting, as the most beautiful women in the world come to life before your eyes! (SQP) MATURE READERS VOL. 1 (STAR02835)––SC, 64pg, b&w $9.95 VOL. 2 (STAR09720)––SC, 64pg, b&w $9.95 H.R. GIGER'S ALIEN SC This engrossing edition details the making of Alien from the viewpoint of the brilliant Swiss surrealist H.R. Giger. Includes over 150 full-color reproductions. (Morpheus International) (STAR00979) SC, 12x12, PC $27.50 H.R. GIGER'S RETROSPECTIVE 1964-1984 The first affordable Giger collection in the United States! This impressive volume covers twenty of the master surrealist's most abundantly productive years. Serving as a great introduction to Giger's remarkable body of work, Retrospective is filled with reproductions of his masterful paintings and strange sculptural pieces, as well as drawings, and photos of the artist at work. (Morpheus International) (1883398-29-0) (STAR07166) TPB, 114pg $19.95 INSANELY TWISTED RABBITS HC by Michel Gagné In his fifth book, internationally acclaimed animation artist Michel Gagné (The Iron Giant) launches his imagination at warp speed. This exquisitely rendered collection hovers between the delightful and disturbing, the benign, and bizarre. Tender, amusing, Gagné soars to his signature best. Features 43 illustrations, with 24 in color. (Gagne International Press) (0-9666404-4-6) (STAR13219) HC, 8x10, 32pg $14.95 THE JULIE BELL PORTFOLIO TPB From space cowgirls in sexy thongs to X-Men stars, Julie Bell has had her work grace book covers, magazines, video games, and calendars. Her figures exude "anatomical authority." Here are 28 of her paintings, from the graceful "Murraya," to the hauntingly strange "Child's Play." All paintings testify to her breathtaking dynamism. Originally published in the UK in the early 1990s! (SQP) (1-855858-52-5) (STAR13111) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in the U.K. MATURE READERS TPB, 9x12, 64pg, FC $21.95 KOAN PAINTINGS BY JON J. MUTH AND KENT WILLIAMS HC This hardcover book features images of the artists responsible for such noted graphic novels as Moonshadow, Blood, Dracula, and Tell Me Dark. The last collaboration of Muth and Williams was on the Havok and Wolverine: Meltdown series. Enjoy these full- color plates! This first printing is limited to only 2,000 copies. Allocations may occur! (Allen Spiegel Fine Arts) (STAR13040) HC, 8x10, 80pg, PC $36.00 PRIMAL LUST: A GALLERY GIRLS COLLECTION REGULAR EDITION SC Science tells us that man and dinosaur never laid eyes on each other — but they never mentioned anything about women! See the female mystique at the dawn of time, courtesy of Joe Jusko, George Perez, Jackson Guice, and others! (SQP) (STAR02838) MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 64pg, b&w $9.95 SORCERESS MIKE HOFFMAN SKETCHBOOKS The landscape that Mike Hoffman's work depicts may seem familiar, but the creatures both tantalizing and terrible who roam it are truly unique. His visions of cave girls, retro- astronettes, and warrior maidens evoke the best in fantasy art. (SQP) MATURE READERS VOL.1 (STAR09862)––SC $9.95 VOL. 2 (STAR12687)––SC $9.95 ******************* OFFERED AGAIN O/A STARS BY KRUGER HC by Kruger This large 12" x 14" coffee table book includes over 50 full-color plates of Kruger's amazingly weird and surreal renderings of pop culture's best. Established as the world's most foremost caricature painter, Kruger's rifts on DiNiro, Nicholson. Madonna, Schwarzenneger, the Stones, Clint Eastwood, Elvis, Sting, and many more are a true delight for the funny bone. Kruger's ability to cut to the essence of a character and imbue it with just the right touch of humor, pathos, or irony is a joy and wonder to behold. The stars will never seem the same again! (Morpheus International) (CAUT: 4) HC $34.95 ******************* SYD MEAD'S SENTURY SC by Syd Mead Syd Mead's Sentury gives a glimpse into the future from one of today's most respected designers/illustrators, Syd Mead. Showcasing cutting edge design of high speed yachts, luxurious airline interiors, radical computer games, and a host of motion picture and television projects, this book continues the tradition set by his previous compilations. (Oblagon, Inc.) (0-92946309-9) (CAUT: 4) SC $50.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A OBLAGON: CONCEPTS OF SYD MEAD Back in print! This new edition was published using the original Japanese printing plates. Featuring design concepts for motion pictures such as 2010, BladeRunner, and Tron.. This sought-after item is available again in the United States. (Oblagon) (4-06201525-0) (CAUT: 4) SC, 17x12, 170pg $50.00 ******************* STARS OF THE MONTH TREASURED CHESTS These pretty little pirates are luscious as they are vicious, and to underestimate them is to take your last breath! Showcasing many of the industry's top artists (SQP) MATURE READERS VOL. 2 (STAR07848)––SC, 64pg, b&w $9.95 VOL. 3 (STAR11735)––SC, 64pg, b&w $9.95 **************** BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: BUFFY AND ANGEL UNSEEN BOOK 3 MMPB by Nancy Holder & Jeff Mariotte Buffy and Angel must battle the ultimate evil to rescue a group of kidnapped teens in an alternate reality –– a place where they're tempted to explore if their love might have been possible. Meanwhile, the Slayerettes are holding down the fort until Buffy and Angel return, but a sudden act of violence seals the interdimensional portal to Sunnydale. Before Buffy and Angel can rid their own universe of supernatural chaos, they must find a way to return home! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1895-6) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 304pg $6.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #2: DARK TIMES MMPB by Christopher Golden When Buffy awakens in an alternate future, she is stunned to learn that southern California has fallen under vampire rule. Meanwhile, back in the present, Buffy's friends can't figure out why the Slayer is behaving so strangely –– they don't realize that the Prophet now inhabits her body. Trapped in another reality, Buffy must find her way home… but not before confronting a demon more horrifying than anything she has ever encountered. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1186-2) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 144pg $2.99 COMIC THEMES AMERICA'S GREAT COMIC STRIP ARTISTS HC edited by Rick Marschall A treasury of outstanding graphics and rare beautiful comic art, this book is also a history of the art form itself, as seen through the work of 15 of the finest cartoonists of the last century, including R. F. Outcault, Winsor McCay, Hal Foster, Alex Raymond, Herriman, Roy Crane, Walt Kelly, Charles Schulz, and Al Capp. Marschall's text portrays the life and times of these artists, demonstrating their influence on American art and society. Over 250 color and black-and-white illustrations. (Bud Plant) (CAUT: 4) HC, 11x13, 296pg $24.95 DC COMICS: SIXTY YEARS OF THE WORLD'S FAVORITE COMIC BOOK HEROES by Les Daniels The first coffee table art book on DC comics. Daniels gives DC the same royal treatment he did with Marvel. Rediscover the classic heroes –– mythical trailblazers like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Justice Society and Justice league, Swamp Thing, and many others –– through 600 color reproductions of all the heroes, sidekicks, and villains in comics, films, and TV. A goldmine of behind-the-scenes revelations of the writers and artists. DC's history is shown through reprints of the 1930s, the Golden Age of the 1940s, the Silver Age, and the bizarre comics of the 1950s and early '60s, up to the '90s. Published by Little, Brown, & Co. in 1995. (Bud Plant) (CAUT: 4) HC, 9x12, 256pg $24.99 DILBERT: EXCUSE ME WHILE I WAG TP by Scott Adams Dilbert and his look-alike dog, Dogbert, once again provide comic relief to anyone who has ever had to inhabit a cubicle, endure an "initiative of the week," or simply work in an office that has, on occasion, caused them to pull out clumps of their hair. Scott Adams' dead-on humor is sure to satisfy the hordes of fans worldwide who avidly follow the misadventures of Dilbert, Dogbert, Catbert, and Ratbert, the pointy-haired boss, and the rest of the cast of characters in Dilbert's world –– a world that's eerily like the one we work in daily. (Andrews & McMeel) (0-7407-1390-6) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic specialty shops. TP, 8x9, 232pg $10.95 DOONESBURY'S ACTION FIGURE!: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF UNCLE DUKE TP by G. B. Trideau Hot on the heels of his surprising, in-your-face presidential campaign, the roots of candidate Duke are revisited in this reissue of Action Figure!, the definitive history of adventures from 1970-1991. The perennial bad boy of American comics has always been a man of action: libelous action, irrational action, covert action, back-street action –– even when comatose, he has a certain flair. Duke is the man of a thousand vices, with almost as many pages to his resume. For 17 years, from Samoa to China to Panama, to Kuwait, wherever serious mischief was being dealt, Duke has been a major figure. Action Figure! Gives the Toasted One his due –– one vast, staggering flashback that tracks his careening career from gonzo journalist to governor, ambassador, coach, laetrile farmer, fugitive, and zombie. No risk has been too great, no prospect too strange, to sway the man with nerves of steel from his random course. (Andrews & McMeel) (0-7407-1554-2) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic specialty shops. TP, 8x9, 234pg $14.95 THE HORNS OF ELFLAND TP by Charles Vess Three tales of magic and sorcery by a storyteller with his roots in sense and wonder. The entire book is done amazingly with a split metal tip stuck in a wooden handle. The tip, dipped in dark liquid, was applied to the paper. Pen and ink; the baroque and the fantastic. Vess's amazing ability to find the sublime moment and distill it to its essence, ridding it of obscurity and illuminating its most profound mythic qualities is seen here. This collection is for those who fins tales and magic the stronger hands of reality. Introduction by Ragan Reeves, and edited by Robert K. Weiner. (Donald Grant Publishing) (0-915-5822-25-3) (CAUT: 4) TP, b&w $14.95 STAR OF THE MONTH IT'S A DOG'S LIFE, SNOOPY TPB by Charles M. Schulz Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy and the rest of the Peanuts Gang have entertained us for years. Now, in this brand-new collection of your old favorites, all the familiar Peanuts kids are here in comic strips about a boy and his dog. The perfect gift for the next generation of Snoopy-lovers. (Random House) (0-345442-69-5) (STAR13162) SC, 8x9, 168pg, FC $11.95 ************** THE MAN WHO GREW YOUNG by Daniel Quinn & Tim Eldred Adam Taylor lives what seems to him an ordinary life in an ordinary world, where the sun just happens to rise in the west and set in the east, and people begin their lives when they're taken from the graves and end them when they're united with their mothers. But unlike everyone else, Adam has trouble accepting this process. He doesn't seem to have a mother and hence cannot return to her body in the accepted way. Tim Eldred's illustrations bring to life this masterful tale of a future world that chronicles Adam's search for his mother. The journey takes him to Alta, a seer who describes to her incredulous listeners an earlier world, where people grew older rather than younger; to Egypt here he's greeted as a god; and to increasingly distant places that the author reveals with haunting power. (Publisher's Group West) (CAUT: 4) HC (1-893956-18-0)––10x8, 204pg $28.95 TP (1-893956-17-2)––10x8, 204pg $19.95 MUTTS VOLUME 6: A LITTLE LOOK-SEE TP by Patrick McDonnell The fun and mischievous daily adventures of head mutt Earl and his kitty chum, Mooch, take center stage in A Little Look-See. The two share their charming perspectives through conversations they have when "their peoples" are not around. In A Little Look-See, you learn through Earl and Mooch that yes, animals do practice those irresistible expressions that melt hearts, and witness a not-so-dignified debate over the age-old question of who is cuter: dogs or cats? The creative style and classic charm of Mutts continues to earn McDonnell the admiration of loyal readers, prominent national organizations, and fellow cartoonists, as well as frequent comparisons to cartoon-strip greats such as Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbs. (Andrews & McMeel) (0-74-7-1394-9) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic specialty shops. TP, 8x9, 244pg $10.95 PEANUTS: IT'S A BIG WORLD, CHARLIE BROWN TP by Charles M. Schulz Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and the Peanuts gang have entertained kids and adults alike for more than 50 years. Now, in celebration of Peanuts' birthday is this brand-new, full-color collection of comic strips. (Pocket Books) (0-345-44270-9) (CAUT: 4) TP, 8x9, 160pg $11.95 SEARCH AND DESTROY TP by Ted Rall Witty, acerbic, razor sharp: Ted Rall has been called a spokesperson for his generation. But the political cartoonist doesn't leave anyone untouched –– even his own Generation X –– as he focuses on caustic imagination on everything from pop culture to the environment, from underemployment, to political trends. Rall brings an insightful understanding into the forces that are shaping the society today. (Andrews & McMeel) (0-7407-1396-5) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic specialty shops. TP, 9x9, 160pg $12.95 STAR OF THE MONTH SIMPSONS COMICS ROYALE TPB by Matt Groening Fans of The Simpsons, one of the most highly rated and honored television shows in history, will delight in this festive collection of Simpsons stories, including insightful and humorous commentary from the show's brilliant creator, Matt Groening. All-new stories (featuring the whole Simpson family, as well as Itchy and Scratchy, Krusty the Clown, Bartman, and Radioactive Man), combined with favorites never before collected, make this colorful treasury a must for every Simpsons devotee. It's an all out gollywhoppin' gala guaranteed to satisfy the savviest Simpsons aficionado. (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06-093378-x) (STAR13055) TPB, 8x11, 128pg, PC $14.95 FICTION CALLAHAN'S LADY MMPB by Spider Robinson Welcome to Lady Sally's, the House that is a home –– the internationally notorious bordello. Lady Sally, like her famous husband, time traveling bartender Mike Callahan, doesn't even insist that her customers be human… as long as they have good manners. Meet a dominatrix who cannot be disobeyed, a moronic man-monster even the mafia doesn't want to mess with and a werewolf with a distinct difference. (Pocket Books) (0- 671-31831-4) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 TIME TRAVELERS STRICTLY CASH MMPB by Spider Robinson Human or otherwise, regardless of race, creed, or dimension or origin, if you're looking for a good time in a place where the beer is always flowing, and the stories are always out of this world, step up to the bar at Callahan's. There'll be tales, like the one about a loud- mouthed time traveler who capitalized on a rip in the space-time continuum; or the one about Ralph the talking, gin-drinking German Shepherd created by a demented genius shrink. But don't believe us? Ask Ralph. He'll tell you himself. Also don't forget to watch out for the deadly toasts –– especially the Melba toast! (St. Martin's Press) (0-812- 57228-9) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 256pg $5.99 ISAAC ASIMOV'S ROBOTS AND ALIENS 1 TP by Stephen Leigh & Cordell Scotten A man without memory, tied by blood to a city of robots. At his side, a mysterious woman whose life and memory he saved, whose love he has won for a second time. His name is Derec; hers is Ariel. In Changeling, Derec must answer the call of a besieged city on an alien planet. His new challenge is to protect a fantastic metropolis of robots from wolf-like beings that stalk the perimeters and threaten its destruction. In Renegade, Areil finds herself the sole human on a planet of positronic robots and an alien race of shocking intelligence. Can Derec and Ariel solve the mysteries of the robots and the aliens in time to stop an all-out war? (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3474-9) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 416pg $14.00 LANDOR'S TOWER HC by Ian Sinclair; illustrated by Dave McKean The valley is revealed as the site of persistent attempts to found or imagine utopian communities, all fascinated by the mythology of the west: the High Angelican renegade Father Ignatius, David Jones, and Eric Gill, hippie communities, Allen Ginsberg, Bruce Chatwin, teepee dwellers, mushroom gobblers, and narco pirates. The narrator is accused of one of the murders that Kaporal is researching. Incarcerated in an asylum in the River Usk, long-suppressed memories of his childhood in Wales return to haunt him. The remarkable prose work can be read as a meditation on place, a borderland where dreams come to grief and different historical times are alive in the present. It is a unique weaving together of fiction, history, and autobiographical inspiration. (Publisher's Group West) (1-86207-018-0) (CAUT: 4) HC, 320pg $25.95 REAR WINDOW TP by Cornell Woolrich Cornell Woolrich. His name represents steamy, suspenseful fiction –– chilling encounters on the dark and sultry landscape of urban America in the 1930s and 1940s. Here, in this special collection, are his classic thrillers, including "Rear Window," the story of Hal Jefferies who, trapped in his apartment because of a broken leg, takes to watching his neighbors though his rear window –– and becomes certain that one of those neighbors is a murderer. Also included are such haunting, heart-stopping tales as those involving a man who finds his wife buried alive; a girl trapped with a deranged murderer who likes to knife his victims while dancing; and a woman seizing her chance to escape a sadistic husband, only to find her dream go terrifyingly wrong. Cover art by Sterenko. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-2371-2) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 304pg $12.00 SHADOWS OVER INNSMOUTH TP by H. P. Lovecraft & Various Sixteen spellbinding, original tales of macabre doings in a quaint village with gruesome secrets, from a host of horror fiction's most popular authors –– inspired by the master, H P. Lovecraft. (Random House) (0-345-44407-8) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x9, 544pg $14.00 SID MEIRER'S ALPHA CENTAURI #2: DRAGON SUN MMPB by Michael Ely Beneath the surface of the planet Chiron, a growing rebellion threatens Sheng-ji Yang's dreams of immortality. Meanwhile, Lade Deidre Skye finds her life in jeopardy as the Planetary Council cuts her supply of genetic treatments, ordering her to first turn over valuable research data concerning their life force awakening on Chiron's surface. Though an ocean apart, Yang and Skye seek an alliance to overcome the forces raging against them. The stakes are high –– power, survival… and the future of life on Chiron. (Pocket Books) (0-671-04078-2) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.50 TERRY PRATCHETT: GUARDS! GUARDS! MMPB by Terry Pratchett An uproarious tale of magic, mayhem, and a marauding dragon. (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06-102064-8) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 384pg $6.99 TERRY PRATCHETT: PYRAMIDS MMPB by Terry Pratchett Sometimes being a god is no fun at all… just ask Teppic, whose just inherited the desert kingdom of Djelibeybi. After all, what's a pharaoh supposed to do? (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06-102065-6) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 352pg $6.99 WILD CARDS VOLUME 2 TP by George R. R. Martin When a group of science fiction's most imaginative writers discovered they shared a secret love of the larger-than-life heroes of the four-color comics and Saturday matinee serials, they gave each other a challenge: what would our world be like if these super- human heroes and villains had been real flesh-and-blood men and women who live through the century's most turbulent history? The year is 1979. The place is New York City, home of Aces High, the squalid residence of the city's underclass. The victims of the Wild Card Virus are no longer new and strange, but neither are they accepted by a world that still fears them. But as the 1980s dawn, all eyes are drawn to the skies, and Wild Cards may be the planet's only hope, as an abomination called the Swarm arrives to threaten Earth. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-2391-7) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 320pg $14.00 HOW-TO LEGO MINDSTORMS: THE MASTER'S TECHNIQUE TP by Jin Sato Get the most out of your Mindstorms robotics kits! This tutorial/idea book describes how to plan and build robots and robotic mechanisms, including Sato's famous MIBO. Unlike other books, this book takes a straightforward approach to building robots and also describes in detail the Mindstorms programming environment. The author includes a parts list for the robots, a discussion of robotic mechanisms, and detailed directions for building each robot with clear diagrams for each step. A final section discusses how to clean and maintain the robots. (Publisher's Group West) (1-886411-56-5) (CAUT: 4) TP, 8x10, 200pg $24.95 MOVIES, TV, & MUSIC BEHIND THE MUSIC: CASUALTIES OF ROCK TP by Quinton Skinner Plane crashes. Car wrecks. Overdoses. Murders. And, of course, lip-synch scandals. Name any kind of tragedy and someone in the rock canon has lived through it –– or not. Get ready for the whole scoop on all the info behind Behind the Music, VH-1's popular and addictive documentary series. Chronicling the demise of legends, Casualties of Rock also records more obscure catastrophes: the bizarre disappearance of England's Manic Street Preachers; the bizarre allergic reaction that afflicted Toto's Jeff Porcaro; and the total identity makeover of Prince and Cat Stevens. Investigating the curses that plague the Beach Boys, Grateful Dead, the Pretenders, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and even Spinal Tap, this smart and uniquely entertaining book explores the impact of countless horrendous happenings on the history of rock, and pays tribute to the stars who burned too brightly for too short a time. Packed with photos and fatal facts, this is an essential read for any music fan. (Pocket Books) (0-671-03963-6) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 160pg, PC $14.00 BRUCE LEE: ARTIST OF LIFE TP edited by John Little A rare, never-before-seen collection of Lee's private letters and writings, offering insight into the many facets of his life –– including his poetry, life philosophies, and his thoughts on martial arts, love, fatherhood, and friendship. A fascinating look at the man behind the myth. (Charles E. Tuttle) (0-8048-3263-3) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic specialty shops. TP, 288pg $16.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE ENCHANTED WORLD OF RANKIN/BASS TP by Rick Goldschmidt This is the authorized history of Rankin/Bass Productions and the complete reference to their animated films, TV series, and TV specials. The author documents every Rankin/Bass production, including such classics as Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and The Year Without a Santa Claus. Also covered are Saturday morning cartoon series such as The Jackson Five and ThunderCats and theatrical features such as Mad Monster Party. Includes more than 400 black and white illustrations and 16 pages of full color photos. (Tiger Mountain Press) (0-9649542-8-1) (CAUT: 4) TP, 8x11, 176pg $18.95 ***************** FARSCAPE: DARK SIDE OF THE SUN MMPB by Andrew Dymond Lost and alone in an uncharted region of space, American astronaut John Crichton has found refuge of a sort aboard Moya, a living starship sheltering a fractious band of bizarre alien beings. But now Moya is dying of a pernicious infection, and the only cure in light years belongs to the leader of a vicious band of space pirates. Crichton and his mismatched companions must strike a bargain with the dreaded Free-Trader, Jansz, or else perish along with their vessel. An already perilous situation escalates to open warfare when Rygel XVI, deposed rules of a vast interstellar empire, discovers that his long-lost love is being held captive by the pirates. Will Rygel let his own pride and passion place Crichton, Aeryn, and the others in mortal jeopardy? Of course he will… (St. Martin's Press) (0-765-34001-1) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 272pg $6.99 THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF XENA MMPB edited by Martin H. Greenberg Xena once fought gods and demigods, mortals and monster in the hit TV series. Now she and her friends live on –– and battle on –– in this first-ever collection of original stories. Seventeen of fantasy's brightest and best authors bring Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer, Ares, and a whole host of other Olympians back to life in adventures filled with magic and mystery. (Putnam Publishing Group) (0-441-00852-6) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 THE PLANET OF THE APES CHRONICLES TP by Paul A. Woods The Planet of the Apes Chronicles analyzes the science fiction and allegorical themes that run through the original Planet of the Apes films, as well as Tim Burton's remake. Illustrated throughout, the book describes the original story, which evolved into a closely followed cycle of five films, and examines the impact of the movies upon pop culture. Fans and cult movie enthusiasts will appreciate the author's tracing of the evolution from the original films to the remake. (Publisher's Group West) (0-85965-312-9) (CAUT: 4) TP, 7x10, 192pg $19.95 VIDEO MOVIE GUIDE 2002 TPB by Mick Martin & Marsha Porter Wondering what video to rent tonight? This best-selling fact-packed guide is the only sourcebook you and your family will ever need. Mick Martin and Marsha Porter steer you toward the winners and warn you about the losers. Video Movie Guide 2002 covers it all –– more films than any other guide, plus you favorite serials, B-westerns, made-for-TV movies, and old TV programs. Each entry, conveniently alphabetized for easy access, includes a concise summary, fresh commentary, the director, cast members, the year of the release, and MPAA rating, plus a reliable Martin and Porter rating –– from five star to turkey –– so you'll never get caught with a clunker again! (Random House) (0-345- 42100-0) (CAUT: 4) TPB, 5x8, 1,600pg $19.95 PULP FICTION STAR OF THE MONTH THE ALL-STORY: TARZAN OF THE APES TP This is an exact facsimile of the 1912 pulp magazine The All-Story, which introduced Tarzan to the world. Advertisements from the publication are enclosed. A collectible that originally sold for only 15¢! Inside is an offer to purchase Tarzan movie poster magnets as well. These magnets are of the actual photos of the original movie posters! (0-615- 11451-2) (STAR13087) SC $14.95 ****************** MIKE HAMMER COLLECTION VOLUME 2 TP by Mickey Spillane Collected here for the first time are three of Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer novels that really deliver the goods, one shade blacker than noir –– stories that begin in the gutter and go down from there. Here is a world where the only crime is getting caught, where justice can be bought for the price of a beer, and where corruption lies around every corner. (Putnam Publishing Group) (0-451-20425-5) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 528pg $15.00 PLUTONIUM BLONDE TPB by John Zakour & Lawrence Ganem Zachary Nixion Johnson is the last private detective on Earth… almost. The year is 2057 and, after a handful of species-altering upheavals, earth-shattering cataclysms, history- changing extra-terrestrial contacts, and pop culture disasters, the world is now a pretty safe place. But every once in a while, some crazy thing happens that threatens all of society, all of humanity, or the entire space-time continuum. And for some reason, it always happens on his watch. (Putnam Publishing Group) (0-7564-0006-6) (CAUT: 4) TPB, 352pg $6.99 SECRET OF THE DEAD MAN'S MINE TPB by Rodney Johnson; illustrations by Jill Thompson School's almost over for the year in the sleepy tourist town of Plainsville, South Dakota, but there's still plenty of time for weird happenings. That's why sleuth-minded teenager Rinnah Two Feathers isn't too surprised when she spots a mysterious stranger poking around the haunted, long-abandoned Jackson house. She's sure there's more going on than meets the eye, so Rinnah enlists the help of her friends, Tommy Red Hawk and Meagen Paige, and together they set out to crack the mystery, hampered by final exams, schoolyard bullies, and meddling adults. But they must be onto something, because it isn't too long before they find themselves in deadly danger when they stumble across the Secret of Dead Man's Mind. Features a color cover and 10 black-and-white illustrations by Jill Thompson (Scary Godmother, Sandman). (Uglytown Productions) (0-9663473-3- 1) (CAUT: 4) TPB, 5x7, 248pg $12.00 STAR TREK STAR TREK: CELEBRATIONS TP by Maureen McTigue Celebrations delivers an unprecedented how-to guide for properly observing all the traditions, rituals, and detailed ins and outs of the vast range of Star Trek celebrations and holidays that fans have witnessed over the course of four TV series, nine movies, and hundred of novels. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1773-9) TP, 7x9, 128pg $12.95 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION: GATEWAYS BOOK 3 MMPB by Robert Breenberger Summoned to an emergency briefing, Captain Jean-Luc Picard is stunned to discover that the legendary Iconians have returned at last, and are offering to sell the secrets of their advanced technology to the Federation. To prove their sincerity, they have reactivated their long-abandoned Gateways, but the results have been nothing short of chaos throughout the entire Alpha Quadrant. Now Picard and his crew must contend with feuding Klingons and Romulans… even as the sinister truth behind the Iconians' unexpected rebirth is about to be revealed! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1865-5) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE: GATEWAYS BOOK 4 MMPB by Keith Decandido When a deadly force from a distant sector of the galaxy leaves Bajor in peril, Kira searches for a solution to the crisis –– and finds the universe's greatest predator awaiting her. Meanwhile, the catalysts of this chaos attempt to seal a deal that will put control of the newly-opened Gateways into the hands of an interstellar crime cartel, and the Federations only hope to stop them is… Quark?! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1852-2) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 SUPER-HEROES JACK COLE AND PLASTIC MAN TP by Art Spiegelman Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and illustrator Art Spiegelman pays homage to his favorite comic book hero, Plastic Man, and his creator, Jack Cole. With his exuberant energy, preternatural flexibility, charming boyishness, and only partially sublimated sexuality, Plastic Man literally embodied the comic book form. Though he was introduced in 1941 and produced for only 16 years, Plastic Man has remained a cult classic, and this art- packed book will delight any fan. This book discusses the life of Plastic Man, as well as the life of Jack Cole, which some would argue are equally interesting. Along with illustrations throughout, three comic books are printed throughout the book. (Chronicle Books) (0-8118-317-95) (CAUT: 4) TP, 144pg, PC $19.95 WONDER WOMAN MASTERPIECE EDITIONS by Les Daniels The Golden Age of the Amazon Princess is explored by Les Daniels. Box set also includes action figure and comic book. The small format edition includes action figure only. (Chronicle Books) (CAUT: 4) BOX SET (0-8118-312-13)––HC, 7x10, 96pg $70.00 SMALL SET (0-8118-324-22)––HC, 7x10, 96pg $40.00 X-MEN/DR. DOOM: THE CHAOS ENGINE BOOK 1 MMPB by Steven Roman Returning from another dimension, the X-Men discover that Earth is now ruled by one of the most notorious tyrants the world has ever known –– Doctor Doom. Far more disturbing than the police state in which they find themselves, however, is the fact that some of the world's greatest super-heroes –– including the X-Men's closest friends –– have allied with the legendary villain. Searching for answers, hunted by old enemies and former allies, the mutant adventures face their greatest challenge: deposing an armor-clad madman with an entire world against them. Standing between them and victory, though, is their deadliest enemy –– the malevolent Magneto, who has his own plans for dominating the world. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3465-X) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 4x7, 384pg $6.99 CALENDARS SPIDER-MAN CLASSIC 2002 WALL CALENDAR Thrill to 12 months of classic Spider-Man comic book cover art in this new calendar for 2002! These are the iconic images that have made Spidey one of comicdom's most popular heroes, and with a new live-action movie coming soon, Ol' Web-Head is going to be on everyone's mind. Make sure this calendar is on your wall! (0-7631-4482-7) (Entertainment Calendars) (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 12x12, FC $12.99 X-MEN: EVOLUTION 2002 WALL CALENDAR They've been fan-favorites for years in their own comic books, and recently electrified the silver screen with their major motion picture debut. Now, join the young mutant students at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters as they're seen in the hit FOX animated series, X-Men: Evolution! It's 12 months of animated mutant mayhem, perfect for any wall or locker! (0-7631-4485-1) (Entertainment Calendars) (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 12x12, FC $12.99 PIONEER ANIME 2002 WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select Offering! Anime is getting hotter by the day and this 12-month calendar features some of the hottest babes from top-selling titles like Amazing Nurse Nanako, Tenchi Muyo, Sol Bianca, Lain, Trigun, Armitage, and more. All you need to keep yourself warm those cold winter months: a cup of cocoa and this calendar! (Diamond Select Toys) (CAUT: 4) Calendar $13.99 TRIGUN 2002 WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select Offering! The legendary Vash the Stampede is a gunfighter so ruthless he has a $60 billion bounty on his head and entire town evacuate at the rumor of his arrival. Fortunately, the real Vash the Stampede is more heroic –– even if he does act like a complete idiot. This anime has become the hit of the year with top selling DVDs as well as toys. Now, enjoy 12 months of Vash, Wolfwood, and all the key characters from Nightow's hit series in this 12" x 12" 12-month calendar. Get it before the bounty hunters do! (Diamond Select Toys) (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 12x12 $13.99 LIFE IN HELL 2002 WALL CALENDAR Now you can have Matt Groening's Life in Hell every day of the year with this 12-month 12" x 12" fun calendar, with something different for each and every month to keep you smiling! (Entertainment Calendars) (0-7631-4480-0) (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 12x12 $12.99 RESERVOIR DOGS 2002 WALL CALENDAR A Diamond Select Offering! Quentin Terentino's ultra violent cult masterpiece is back! This 12" x 12 calendar features 12 of the key scenes from the movie that made hit men in black suits cool again. Everyone has their favorite scenes and lines from this movie… now's your chance to jump back in time and show everyone that walks by you office or locker that you know what it means to be cool! (Diamond Select) (CAUT: 4) Calendar, 12x12 $13.99 INTERNATIONAL SECTION BRITISH IMPORTS WALT DISNEY'S SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS HC by Kraus & Witkowski This is a deluxe book of two stories — it retells the classic tale, and also covers the making of Walt Disney's first animated feature film. This beautiful volume is packed with stunning artwork and dozens of rare, original drawings, backgrounds, and concept sketches. Over 50 full-color illustrations, many by world-famous illustrator, Gutaf Tenngren, whose influence can be seen throughout the film. (133/BP65) (CAUT: 4) HC, 190pg, PC $39.99 FRENCH IMPORTS JIMI HENDRIX: EMOTIONS ELECTRIQUES SC by Jean-Noel Coghe & Moebius March of 1967: Jimi Hendrix is a virtual unknown when Jean-Noel Coghe accompanies the future guitar legend on his tour of France and Belgium. This album documents that journey, illuminated and illustrated with black-and-white photos from the period, as well as a host of striking color images created by Moebius. These surreal illustrations place Hendrix in a world familiar to the fans of Jean Giraud; a hallucinatory world of striking color and organic landscapes. Jean-Noel Coghe evokes with passion the lightning-fast rise of the most famous guitarist ever, and takes us to the beginning of a myth. French text. (133/2859203869) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 128pg, FC $25.99 ITALIAN IMPORTS THE ART OF LEONE FROLLO SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (4528/88-8275-024-8) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 10x11, 160pg, PC $23.99 MUNOZ: HOMBRE OF INK SC Hombre of Ink ("Hombre di China") is the catalog published by Italian Hazard Edizioni for various exhibitions of the world-renowned cartoonist, José Munoz. The travelling exhibition exposes the artistic experience of José Munoz through his almost 40-year-long career in comics and illustration. This book/catalogue — with introductory essays of illustrators or critics such as Lorenzo Mattotti, Goffredo Fofi,and Bruno Canard — reprints more than 100 original works in black-and-white, and dozens of new watercolors and color pages. Catch up with characters like Alack Sinner or Sophie (created in the 70's with Carlos Sampayo writing), plus many unpublished works and original drawings. José Munoz is an author, translated in almost 10 different languages, with a singular style that makes him one of the most important contributors to European sequential art today. French and Italian text. (133/88-86991-63-0) (CAUT: 4) SC, 10x11, 112pg, PC $23.99 NETHERLANDS IMPORTS CHORIZO #1 Published by Oog & Blik, Chorizu is a Dutch comix anthology featuring works by Studio Typex, running the gamut from jungle king farce with Roro, Inhabitant of the Jungle to The SMRW!, a wicked twist on the beloved Smurfs, in which Gargamel and his cat are the heroes, and the little blue creatures are, well, creatures! Plus, various one-pagers, "A Shirt History of Holland", and more. English language edition, translated from Dutch. (491/90- 732221-90-0) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS Magazine, 36pg, b&w $6.99 GUTSMAN COMICS #1-5 by Erik Kriek Remember, you saw him here first! Holland's Erik Kriek takes us on a life journey with our title hero, Gutsman, as he grows up under the same roof with GutsPa and GutsMa, meets Erik Kriek and gets his own comic book, falls in love with Tigra, meets the in-laws (Felix & Oceleot), and punches his father-in-law! Will Tigra and Gutsman's love endure? Or was Gutsman's assault on papa Felix the final straw? And what of the comic book artist Kriek? Will he be the wedge that finally comes between them?! These wordless wonders will astound and entertain you! Issues #4 and 5 feature 8-page color sections. Cardstock covers. Format: 6" x 9". MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $4.99Ea. TROGLODYTES #1 by Marcel Ruijters Enter the world of homo inversus, the Troglodytes, a race of underground dwellers who may be the descendants of ancient human surface-dwellers. See their daily routines, customs, and sexual rituals, and witness the acts of violence that lead to their eventual downfall. Marcel Ruijters has a very unusual art style, reminiscent of the early works of Richard Corben. Three of these stories have been previously published in Thank God Its Ugly, Stripburger, and Zone 5300. Cardstock cover. (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS b&w, 66pg $6.99 Q TRADE PAPERBACK by Cees Heuvel In Q, Cees Heuvel beams us down into an Orwellian world that strangely resembles our own. What follows is a wordless play between ancient ritual and modern conventions, between black and white, up and down, between dream and action. Between Buck Rogers and your most convoluted nightmares. Readers beware! Abandon the bonds of language, all ye who enter here…! (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x9, 130pg, b&w $14.99 SPANISH IMPORTS THE ART OF DANIEL TORRES SC Famous for his graphic novels Opium, Roco Vargas, and Saxon, this book lays open a complete view of this talented Spanish artists' career. Packed with full-color images of both his comic work and his commercial advertising art, this is the definitive overview of this Spanish comics master! Spanish, French, and English text. (133/BP64) (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 80pg, FC $17.99 EL VIBORA #253 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (9046) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Comic, 68pg, PC $7.99 KISS COMIX #113 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (9046) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Comic, 68pg, PC $7.99 ANIME BOOKS 25TH ANIVERSARY NIPPON ANIMATION CHRONICLE SC Celebrate 25 years of excitement, adventure, humor, and more in this fully illustrated guide to the Nippon Animation studio of Japan! This volume covers 108 different anime series created by Nippon including Connan, Rock, HunterXHunter, and many more! Japanese text. (7819/4-939110-11-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 120pg, FC $69.99 AH! MY GODDESS ANIME COMIC #1 Relive the mythical mirth and mayhem that is Ah! My Goddess (Oh My Goddess) with the first volume in a new series presenting the saga of a boy and his goddess, through anime cel images! One hundred eighty pages of color cel reproductions! Japanese text. (7819/4-06-310132-0) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, FC $17.99 BACKGAMMON 3 HC This hardcover art book features mostly color (64), full-page illustrations (24 in b&w) of the four lead protagonists of Kazuya Minekura's hit manga series, Saiyuki. Based on a Chinese folk tale, Saiyuki follows a monk and three half-demons as they travel to the west on a quest to stop a demonic apocalypse from tearing apart the world. Set in the modern era, swords are swapped for pistols, the ancient world for the gritty urban landscape of today. Color dustjacket with blue foil logo. Japanese text. (8193/47575-0426-8) (CAUT: 4) HC, 8x11, 88pg, PC $55.99 CONAN: THE MOVIE PERFECT GUIDE SC Detective Conan involves the cases of an elementary school boy named Conan Edogawa. He's actually 17-year-old high school detective, Shinichi Kudo who, while investigating some suspicious activity, was knocked unconscious and forced to take an experimental drug meant to kill him. Instead, he reverted to a little boy! In order to prevent his enemies from hurting his family and friends, he changes his name to Conan Edogawa. This volume presents a host of color cel reproductions, a look at past episodes, and more from Gosho Aoyama's Detective Conan! Color dustjacket. Japanese text. (8193/4-09-101802- 5) SC, 8x10, 162pg, PC $37.99 GROUNDWORK OF EVANGELION VOLUME 3 SC This thick volume collects a host of black-and-white animation pencils and character designs from the Studio Gainax classic, Neon Genesis Evangelion. See the "groundwork" for the anime series that has captured the imaginations of otaku around the world! Includes a 20-page color section and color dustjacket. Minimal Japanese text. (8193/498484101592-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 316pg, PC $58.99 HOW TO DRAW MANGA SERIES BISHOJO TECHNIQUE GUIDE & CD-ROM VOLUME 2 Learn the basics of drawing beautiful manga and anime girls with this second guide book, accompanied by an informative CD-ROM featuring tips for beginners. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-707060-2) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: CD-ROM may not be compatible with all U.S. PC systems. SC, 7x10, 96pg, FC $29.99 COMICKERS QUARTELRY #28 Japan's quarterly magazine of comic art and illustration returns with a new issue of galleries, how-to tips, and artist profiles, including Enki Bilal, Hiroki Mafuyu, Tohru Watanu, Suehiro Maruo, Kuniyoshi Kaneko, Iou Kuroda, Masayuki Kitamichi, Yuchi Kumakura, Torawar Asada, and a cover feature on Tatsuyuki Tanaka, whose style is reminiscent of Akira creator, Katsuhiro Otomo. Japanese text. (7819/T-1107612051204) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 192pg, PC $25.99 HOW TO DRAW COSTUME CRONICLE SC The latest How To Draw book from Graphic-sha teaches would-be manga artists how to draw clothes or costumes in their stories or illustrations. A huge, profusely illustrated volume! Japanese text. (7819/4-7661-1213-X) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 240pg, b&w $46.99 HOW TO MAKE DOUJIN-SHI SC From the publishers of the How To Draw series comes this new guide book that teaches the basics of how to produce your own comic or magazine, including technical information regarding production, etc. Japanese text. (7819/4-7661-1219-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 120pg, b&w $31.99 ILLUSTRATION BOOKS A LOT OF KISS: KATSU-AKI ILLUSTRATION SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-04-853292-8) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 90pg, FC $37.99 BLUE GALE ILLUSTRATIONS SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-034-1) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 126pg, PC $44.99 E-LOGIN SC This full-color volume presents a fifth anniversary collection of cover illustrations by Atsuko Nakajima, featuring a host of anime gals in various costumes and settings. These images were produced during 1995-2000. Japanese text. (8193/4-7577-0425-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 80pg, FC $39.99 GREETINGS SC This full-color volume presents the Puff covers of Ken Mizuki, artist of Samurai Troopers and Gundam Wing, produced by her during 1992-1999. Japanese text. (8193/4- 921040-03-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 84pg, FC $54.99 HAKU: JUN SUEMI ILLUSTRATION COLLECTION II SC Imaginative, fantastic, emotive, beautiful. Enter the worlds of artist Jun Suemi in this sequel to 1999's Gen (covering Suemi's works from 1985 to 1998)! Suemi is a notable painter whose works decorate paperback covers of popular sci-fi/fantasy novelists. He also works on game character design. This stunning new collection features a host of works from 1999 to 2001, including some of his latest illustrations. Clear vinyl dustjacket with white type. Japanese text. (7819/4-257-03627-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 120pg, FC $77.99 KAMUI HUJIWARA ILLUSTRATION 40GB SIDES A & B This two-volume series presents a complete overview of the artistic career of Kamui Fujiwara. The artist provides the introductions and commentary on all of the material presented (unfortunately, in Japanese). "Side A" covers his illustration work from 1960 to 1988; "Side B" features Hijiwara's works from 1988 to 2000, including Dragon Quest, Raika, and many more! Each volume is so packed with rare and little-seen artwork, you'd need a 40gb hard drive to fit it all on your computer! Each volume comes in a brown slipcase with label. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SIDE A (4-7577-0380-5)—SC, 6x9, 194pg, PC $73.99 SIDE B (4-7577-0379-1)—SC, 6x9, 194pg, PC $73.99 MADOKA: ILLUSTRATIONS BY AKEMI TAKADA HC This hardcover book, covered in plush red velvet, features page after page of color images from Akemi Takada's Kimagure Orange Road. Clear vinyl dustjacket. Minimal Japanese text. (7819/4-04-853294-4) (CAUT: 4) HC, 8x7, 86pg, FC $92.99 RAGNAROCK CITY SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-05-602396-4) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 90pg, FC $39.99 VIDEO GAME BOOKS CANARY: OFFICIAL VISUAL GUIDE SC Official guide book to the Japanese computer game! Filled with character profiles, design art, screen shots, and more! Color dustjacket. Japanese text. (8193/4-04-707052-1) MATURE READERS SC, 8x12, 96pg, FC $47.99 CARBON KNIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-042-2) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 80pg, PC $22.99 GRANDIA II WORLD GUIDANCE SC This softcover collection features over 750 illustrations from Grandia II, the Sega Dreamcast game and TV anime series of sword-and-sorcery adventure! Japanese text. (8193/4-7973-1487-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 175pg, PC $64.99 LOST MEMORIES ILLUSTRATIONS SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-029-5) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 80pg, PC $35.99 PHANTASY STAR ONLINE SC This volume provides a host of artwork and details on Phantasy Star Online, the first worldwide multiplayer online RPG for the Dreamcast console. Players can explore the online adventure world with other players from around the world through the Internet. Illustrations are by Iduru Nagano. Japanese text. (8193/4-04-707062-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 144pg, PC $43.99 PRECIOUS LOVE ILLUSTRATIONS SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-026-0) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 96pg, PC $24.99 TOKIMIKI MEMORIAL 2 ILLUSTRATION COLLECTION SC This softcover volume features a host of CG illustrations and original drawings from the Konami dating simulation video game, Tokimeki Memorial. Includes a fold-out poster. Japanese text. (8193/4-7571-8087-X) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 128pg, PC $41.99 WORDS WORTH PERFECT FILES SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (8193/4-88641-584-9) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 112pg, PC $46.99 MANGA 20 MENSO NI ONEGAI #2 by CLAMP A manga by CLAMP! Akira is the third grader at the luxurious CLAMP Academy. He is an apt pupil, but as the night falls, he becomes the "Man with 20 Faces" (20 Menso Ni Onegai), a great thief specialized in works of art. Follow Akira's flamboyant theft and his puppy love with Miss Utako, the richest kindergartener in the world. Cameo appearances or some of the CLAMP Academy Detective Agency characters. Cute shojo manga. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713395-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 190pg, b&w $10.99 3X3 EYES MANGA #35 Yazo Takada's popular manga series continues. Sazan Eyes is a superb supernatural adventure story with a nice blend of humor, romance, and violence. The story centers on Pai, the last of mysterious race of immortals — the Sanjiyan Unkara — who is seeking an ancient supernatural artifact, the Ningen, which can change her into a true human being, which is her fondest wish. Seeking the help of Yakumo Fuji, an ordinary 16-year-old and the son of an archaeologist who devoted his life to the secrets of the Sanjiyan, Yakumo agrees to set off with Pai on what will be one fantastic journey of a lifetime! But will the journey be cut short as they find themselves caught in the middle of a secret war between opposing occult forces? Japanese text. (7819/4-06-336912-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 224pg, b&w $10.99 CITY HUNTER MANGA #6 Ryo Saeba, a famous and talented detective, is very nice and loves women. Along with his assistant Karoi, they take upon the task of solving many cases. The classic manga series is re-presented in a new, lower priced format! Japanese text. (7819/4-10-770011-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 DUKALYON #1 This latest manga from Studio Clamp features the exploits of a new team for justice on the scene! They are the Dukalyon, special school guards who patrol the hallways of academia, always vigilant! Their enemy is a secret society of evil, out to conquer the world! Recommended for fans of Magic Knight Rayearth, X (X/1999), Tokyo Babylon, Wish, Clover, and other bishojo manga. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713406-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 160pg, b&w $10.99 ESCAFLOWNE MANGA #6 A Japanese high-school girl Hitomi is drawn into a Middle-Age-ish other world, where one kingdom invades the neighboring countries. Hitomi happens to have a special power to inject energy into a fighting mecha, and is asked to protect the country with Barn, the prince of the invaded kingdom. Thus starts the story of her love and adventure. Illustrated by Katsu Aki, a popular and talented bishoujo manga artist. Based on the TV anime version (following the basic storylines). Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713181-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $11.99 FIST OF THE NORTH STAR MANGA #6 by Tetsuo Hara One of the strongest fighters, Kenshiro fights to save the weak and defenseless, who fall prey to the scavengers and warlords who rule the post-apocalyptic wastelands of the not- too-distant future. This is the original manga serial, first published by Shuei-sha, which introduced the "Fist of the North Star" and the Road Warrior-inspired dark future that would later inspire a hit anime and follow-up manga by Buronson. Japanese text. (7819/4-10-770010-0) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 FULL METAL LADY MANGA #1 by Go Nagai Manga legend Go Nagai (creator of Mazinger Z, Devilman, and Cutey Honey) returns with his latest creation: Full Metal Lady, that tells of a beautiful woman who is called upon to fight for peace... while wearing little clothing. Japanese text. (7819/4-575-93730- 4) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 6x7, 226pg, b&w $18.99 IRON, MUSCLE, AND CONCRETE #3 by Taiyo Matsumoto Two boys, Kuro and Shiro, are violent and everyone is afraid of them. When a gangster orders them to sell drugs in the city and they refuse, violence abounds. Cutting-edge, alternative manga! Japanese text. (7819/4-09-184733-1) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x8, 210pg, b&w $16.99 THE LAST MAN #12 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-06-336940-4) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 5x7, 224pg, b&w $10.99 ONE PIECE MANGA #18 Monkey D. Ruffy longs to be a pirate like his hero, Shanks the Redhead, a pirate with a base in Ruffy's hometown. Ruffy wants to accompany Shanks when he next sets sail, but but the pirate captain always says no. One day, Ruffy is angered when Shanks refuses to fight back when a group of thugs busts up the saloon that was the pirates' hangout. Shanks stops the boy from going after the thugs, and notices that in the tussle, Ruffy has accidentally eaten the pirate's treasure, a GomGom Fruit. This fruit makes the eater able to stretch his body like rubber, but also makes him unable to ever swim again! When the Shanks sets sail for good, Ruffy vows to utilize his stretchable body and sets sail in search of comrades and the ultimate treasure needed to become the king of pirates — One Piece! Japanese text. (7819/4-08-873100-X) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $9.99 PEACH #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-09-152561-X) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99 STEEL ANGEL KURUMI #6 Set in the early 20th century, Nakahito, a son of a Shinto family, accidentally awakens one of the "steel angels" — beautiful female robots with exceptional powers. The "steel angel" is in fact a militaristic secret weapon, which is a blend of Western technology and Asian spiritual power. Soon Nakahito and his angel are being hunted down by the military, but catching them is easier said than done! Features excellent bishojo artwork. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713401-5) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 164pg, b&w $10.99 SUSANOO #1 An ancient evil has awakened. According to legend, three dragons shall re-emerge from the Earth to wreak havoc upon the land. Preying upon the weak-willed, the dragon spirits grow stronger as they devour the souls of their chosen hosts. Only the Warrior-God Susanoo can fulfill the ancient prophesy and defeat the growing evil! Japanese text. (7819/4-7575-0406-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $8.99 X #16 The latest volume of CLAMP's supernatural fighting series is here! The future rests in the hands of one person, Kamai Shirou. The 7 Seals and the 7 Minions gather together and begin the struggle which will decide the fate of mankind. Will Shirou choose to be one of the 7 Seals and save humanity? Or will he choose to become one of the 7 Minions which will cause the Earth's destruction in 1999? He must choose, but anger and revenge makes the choice unclear. The world's future, along with the fate of Kamui, the Seals, the Minions and many others are all part of the thrilling story of X. Japanese text. (7819/4-04- 924857-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 184pg, b&w $7.99 GUNDAM G-SAVIOUR: FULL WEAPON NEWTYPE COLLECTION SC From the publishers of Newtype Magazine comes this complete guide to the first Gundam story to feature live actors and state-of-the-art CGI effects of the awesome G-Saviour Gundam! See the next generation in the Gundam saga! Japanese text. (8193/4-04- 853338-X) (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 80pg, FC $45.99 GUNDAM EPISOPDE GUIDE VOLUME 5: NEW CENTURY SC The latest volume in the Gundam episode guide series! This volume features full details and artwork from Gundam F-91, V-Gundam, and Turn "A" Gundam. See all of the mobile suits, characters, vehicles and mecha, in color and design drawings! Japanese text. (7819/4-04-853072-0) (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x10, 160pg, PC $35.99 GUNDAM MATERIALS SC This informative volume will appeal not only to fans of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga, but to artists as well, as it features a wealth of black-and-white drawings of virtually every permutation of the Gundam mobile suit from the original Mobile Suit Gundam through Turn "A" Gundam, including various boosters and mech accessories. A great reference guide, jam-packed with hundreds of drawings! Japanese text. (7819/4-87777- 038-0) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x8, 220pg, b&w $33.99 GUNDAM WEAPONS MASTER GRADE: THE 08TH MOBILE SUIT TEAM SPECIAL EDITION Published by Hobby Japan, this is the latest in their series of Gundam Weapons specials, depicting various robot kits from the long history of Mobile Suit Gundam. This edition focuses on the Master Grade model kit of the RX-79[G] Gundam, RX-79[G]EZ-8 Gundam EZ-8, MS-078-3 Gouf Custom, and MS-18E Campfer from The 08th Mobile Suit Team and 0080 War in the Pocket. The classic fighting mechs are shown in various diorama settings, and in variant versions, many scratch-built or customized by talented Japanese modelers. Heavily illustrated with mostly color photos of the kits. Japanese text. (7819/4-89425-248-1) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 134pg, PC $28.99 SUNRISE MECHANICS CG ARTWORKS VOLUME 3: G SAVIOUR This volume covers the impressive CGI work produced for the first live-action Gundam feature, G-Saviour and the subsequent video/computer game. Japanese text. (7819/4- 89601-523-1) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 134pg, PC $48.99 LOVE HINA LOVE HINA BILINGUAL EDITIONS #1 & 2 The latest offering from the Kodansha Bilingual series! Finally, the popular manga series is translated to English! Keitaro Urashima is a loser high-school graduate who fails the entrance test to Tokyo University three times, and goes to live in his grandma's hotel to save money. But what he didn't know was that the hotel has been turned into an all-girl dormitory! This sweet love comedy is filled with plenty of laughs and beautiful toned artwork, and features both English and Japanese text. (42) (CAUT: 4) #1 (4-7700-2715-X)—SC, 5x7, 144pg, b&w $16.99 #2 (4-7700-2716-8)—SC, 5x7, 128pg, b&w $16.99 LOVE HINA #8 by Ken Akamatsu This is the Japanese language version of the highly popular shounen manga/TV anime. Japanese text. (7819/4-06-312863-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 200pg, b&w $7.50 JAPANESE TOY PUBLICATIONS AURA BATTLER DUNBINE 3-D MODELING MANUAL #2 The classic anime series, Aura Battler Dunbine, is currently enjoying a resurgence in popularity in Japan, and with the re-release of the many Bandai model kits (originally produced in the 80s). This photo-filled manual shows the insect-like biomechanical robots of the series in various incarnations, including some impressive scratch-built designs! Includes a fold-out color poster, original anime design sketches, CGI, and more! Japanese text. (8193/4-8402-1793-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 102pg, FC $46.99 CHARACTER Q VOLUME 2 New to Previews! This magazine profiles new and classic Japanese characters, mostly of the live-action/sentai/tokusatsu variety. This issue pays tribute to Kamen Rider (Masked Rider) on the series' 30th anniversary, displaying a wealth of classic photos from the long- running tokusatsu series, and the plethora of products produced for the past 30 years. Plus, toys based on the works of Go Nagai (Devilman, Getter Robo), new die-cast and vinyl releases, a look at Ultraman Cosmos, the latest Ultra to hit the Japanese airwaves, and much more! Japanese text. (8193/4-7542-5328-0) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 124pg, PC $27.99 THE COMPLETE JENNY FILE SC America has Barbie and her friends. And, although Barbie has made her way across the Pacific, she's got some stiff competition in Japan: Takara's Jenny! This full-color guide book covers the long history of the popular fashion doll (and her 41 friends)! Every outfit is pictured, modeled on a Jenny (or friend) doll, ranging from 1986 to the present. An indispensable guide for Barbie and doll enthusiasts of all ages! Japanese text. (8193/4- 7661-1208-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 192pg, FC $56.99 DENGEKI HOBBY SEPTEMBER 2001 This magazine features illustrated articles on scratch-building and customizing model kits of robots, figures, military vehicles, and more. Also covered are current toy releases from the U.S. and Japan, convention coverage, and more! Japanese text. Monthly. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 290pg, PC $15.99 FIGURE KING ENCYCLOPEDIA #47 & 48 The latest issue covering American and Japanese figures, toys, and various premium/crane toy items. Each issue is jam-packed with the latest release information, plus interviews, anime reviews, figures, and more! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: In an effort to be more timely with Figure King's publishing schedule, we are offering two issues this month. #47—SC, 8x11, FC $18.99 #48—SC, 8x11, FC $18.99 FIGURE MANIACS SPECIAL From the publishers of Dengeki Hobby! Thrill to a host of superbly crafted and painted sexy anime and manga girl figures, statues, and garage kits in this Figure Maniacs special. Includes figure kits from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ah! My Goddess, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, the video game hit Dead or Alive 2, and many more! Japanese text. (8193/4-8402-1849-8) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 110pg, PC $29.99 HOBBY JAPAN AUGUST 2001 The key source for modeling in Japan (where the art of model kit building and customizing has reached an art form in itself), Hobby Japan covers almost every aspect of modeling in every issue. Filled with hundreds of full-color pictures and illustrations. Japanese text. (544/08127-08) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10, 400pg, PC $14.99 HYPER HOBBY VOLUME 36 & 37 Japan's monthly magazine on toys, models, and collectibles! Packed with full-color pictures of the latest and greatest toy releases from some of Japan's favorite manufacturers. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: In an effort to be more timely with HH's publishing schedule, we are offering two issues this month. VOL. 36—SC, 8x12, 138pg, FC $13.00 VOL. 37—SC, 8x12, 138pg, FC $13.00 HYPER HOBBY DASH!! #6 This supplemental magazine to Hyper Hobby features an overview of collectible "retro" vinyl figures produced over the past few years, including Godzilla, Ultraman, Giant Robo, Kamen Rider, and many more. Also included is an over view of Bandai's latest Ultraman 2000/01 and Kamen Rider kaiju/hero vinyl lines, as well as the latest candy, gashapon, and vending/crane prizes. Fat-packed with product! Japanese text. (7819/4-19- 720148-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 98pg, FC $14.99 MODEL GRAPHIX SEPTEMBER 2001 A monthly Japanese magazine for modeling fans. Tons of cool super car and robot models. Now available through Previews every month! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 168pg, PC $15.99 MAGAZINES ANIMAGE #279 Animage is an excellent source for all the latest news on Japanese anime. Each issue is packed with full-color and black-and-white pages, giving you the latest scoops on the hottest anime around. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $11.99 AX ANIMATION MAGAZINE FROM TOKYO SEPTEMBER 2001 An excellent monthly anime magazine published by Sony Magazines. This indispensable anime publication features superb full-color pages, the latest anime news from Japan, and a short manga serial. If you like Newtype then you'll love this one! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $13.99 DENGEKI ANIMATION MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2001 This expanded monthly publication offers an informative look into the latest anime programs and SFX from Japan. Also includes a serialized manga story. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $12.99 MONTHLY COMIC DRAGON SEPTEMBER 2001 Here's a new monthly manga anthology featuring some of the most exciting manga stories around today! Read the latest stories such as Olfina by Kitsune Tennoji, Tenchi Muyo!, Ranto Mashoroku, and more. Printed on traditional multi-colored paper in black- and-white (and some full-color pages), each issue averages about 400 pages. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10 $12.50 MONTHLY MAGAZINE Z SEPTEMBER 2001 Here is another big, beautiful phonebook-style monthly manga anthology featuring manga stories such as Kamen Rider Spirits, the Devilman "Amon," Chic Academy, Wildarms, and many more! (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10, 670pg, b&w $9.99 NEWTYPE SEPTEMBER 2001 Newtype has been covering the anime scene for over 10 years now, and the magazine remains a must for serious anime fans. Covers everything new and cool that's happening in the world of anime. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $10.99 SHONEN ACE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2001 A monthly manga anthology magazine featuring some of the finest Japanese manga stories being produced today. The line-up includes such popular titles as Macross 7 Trash, CLAMP's new Angelic Layer, MPD-Psycho, Welcome to Lodoss Island, B'T X, and many more. Printed on traditional multi-colored paper in black-and-white (and some full-color pages), each issue averages about 500 pages. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $8.99 STARLOG JAPANESE VERSION #8 The official Japanese edition of Starlog magazine. Features sci-fi cinema info. Also features news on the latest Japanese SFX movies and TV shows. This issue features an overview of the fantastic films of Steven Spielberg, and also features a preview of his latest epic, A.I. Plus: Hannibal, and more! Japanese text. (7819/4-8124-0733-8) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 8x12, 130pg, FC $27.99 UCHUSEN YEAR BOOK 2001 Uchusen presents their annual year book for 2001, covering the best in tokusatu (special effects), toys, and kaiju! Some of the Japanese shows/programs covered include: Kamen Rider Kuuga, Ultraman Cosmos: First Contact, Mikazuki, Godzilla x Megaguirus, Time Ranger, and more! Also covers such American films such as Hannibal, Tomb Raider, A.I., and more. Japanese text. (7819/T1101844041958) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 102pg, PC $36.99 MAGAZINES (ADULT) All Adult Magazines feature Japanese text: SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL BUG BUG CG SEPTEMBER 2001 $14.99 CANDY CLUB AUGUST 2001 $7.99 LEMON CLUB SEPTEMBER 2001 $7.99 PA PI PO SEPTEMBER 2001 $8.99 PASOCOM PARADISE CHAT AUGUST 2001 $15.99 PENGUIN CLUB SEPTEMBER 2001 $8.99 ********************* APPAREL COWBOY BEBOP: "FAYE WARHOL" T-SHIRT Faye Valentine is featured in this cool image inspired by the works of pop artist Andy Warhol, featuring a close-up of the anime starlet in four different colors. 100% cotton on black available in Large and X-Large. (133/FAY21) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.99 COWBOY BEBOP: "FAYE'S THOUGHTS" T-SHIRT Faye Valentine is an upfront kind of woman. She has an alluring figure, good looks and an unstoppable mouth. Gambling is her hobby and cheating her specialty. A superb markswoman, she is a lady far too hot to handle, and even her innocent, almost child-like smile can appear utterly dangerous on occasion! But there are times when she reveals a lonesome aspect to her character as she searches for her unknown past through the excesses of a natural outlaw. 100% cotton on black available in Large and X-Large. (133/NUTS126) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99Ea. COWBOY BEBOP T-SHIRT Another cool image from the anime favorite, printed in full-color on a black, 100% cotton shirt. Available in Large and X-Large. (133/BSTORY) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.99 INU-YASHA: THE JOURNEY BACK T-SHIRT Inu Yasha is a wonderful feudal fairy tale from Rumiko Takahashi (Ranma ½, Lum) in which a 15-year-old high school student accidentally travels back to the Sengoku Jidai (Warring States period) through an ancient well at her modern day family's shrine. Full- color on a black, 100% cotton shirt. Available in Large and X-Large. (133/NUTS129) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 NADIA: THE SECRET OF BLUE WATER T-SHIRT It is 1889, and the Paris World Expo is on. Gem thieves are out to steal the Blue Water. Nadia, a 14-year-old circus acrobat and orphan with a mysterious past, is wearing the Blue Water. Jean, a 14-year-old boy genius, whose inventions don't always work as planned, is determined to rescue Nadia. He does, and so starts a whole series of twists and turns as Nadia discovers the truth about the Blue Water and how the fate of the entire planet may depend on who possesses it! Printed in full-color on a white, 100% cotton shirt. Available in Large and X-Large. (133/NUTS125) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 SAMURAI X/RURONI KENSHIN: " FLAG" T-SHIRT From the hit anime series, Samurai X/Ruroni Kenshin, comes this striking image of the two lead characters poised and ready for battle! 100% cotton black shirt. (133/4970381011123) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.99 SAMURAI X/RURONI KENSHIN: "GROUP" T-SHIRT It's the entire cast of the hit samurai anime series, Samurai X/Ruroni Kenshin! 100% cotton black shirt. (133/497038101116) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.99 SERIAL EXPERIMENTS LAIN BLACK-AND-WHITE T-SHIRT It's a striking black-and-white profile image of Lain, printed on a white, 100% cotton shirt at a great low price! (133/LAIN01) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $11.99 VISION OF ESCAFLOWNE: "IN VAN'S ARMS" T-SHIRT The Guymelef, Escaflowne, awaits its pilot to continue the defense of Fanelia. But he is Van Fanel, 15-year-old King of Fanelia, who is half Ryujinbito (Dragon-god people) and he has taken wing and carries the surprised girl Hitomi back to the world of Gaea and his continuous fight against the Zaibach Empire! (133/NUTS123) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 CARD CAPTOR SAKURA CARD CAPTOR SAKURA FOIL STICKER SETS Here are two foil sticker sets featuring colorful images of Sakura and friends from the hit anime series! Each sheet measures 8" x 11". (4632) (CAUT: 4) SET 1 (GE2024) $3.50 SET 2 (GE2025) $3.50 DOCTOR WHO DOCTOR WHO ALIEN STATUES When the Daleks weren't around, what was the good Doctor going to do with himself? Why, finding some other monsters or aliens to contend with in the far-flung parts of time, time, and relative dimensions! Here are two such enemies, lovingly sculpted with meticulous attention to detail, cast in polyresin, hand-painted, and mounted on a decorated base with nameplate. Each statue comes individually boxed and is ready for display. Choose from Linx (from the Time Warrior story arc) or a Zygon warrior (from the Terror of the Zygons story arc). Statues stand 6 ½" and 7" tall respectively. (CAUT: 4) LINX (WHOS01)—Statue $55.00 ZYGON (WHOS02)—Statue $55.00 PORTFOLIOS CRISSE'S TELLOS: MAIDEN VOYAGE PORTFOLIO This is the portfolio version of Image Comics' Tales of the Tellos: Maiden Voyage rendered by Didier Chrispeels –– a.k.a Crisse. Includes 27 plates, 24 of which are in full color, in a full-color folder. Measures 9" x 14". One plate comes signed by the artist. (133/2-914082-37-1) (CAUT: 4) RES. from Previews Vol. XI #5 (May012722) Portfolio $95.00 TRADING CARDS COOL COLLECTIBLES 1988 TOPPS U.K. MLB CARD SET This set consists of 88 different, full-color 2 ½" x 3" mini-sized cards. A scarce set, only issued in select parts of the U.K. during the 1988 Major League Baseball season. This set includes rookie cards of Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds, baseball's newest 500 Home Run Club members! This set also includes cards of baseball's superstars, like Nolan Ryan, Cal Ripken, Jr., Tony Gwynn, Mike Schmidt, Paul Molitor, Ozzie Smith, Kirby Puckett, Jose Canseco, Eddie Murray, Ryne Sandberg, George Brett, Wade Boggs, Will Clark, Roger Clemens, Andre Dawson, Dwight Gooden, and 70 other Topps U.K. superstars! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x88) PI FINAL FANTASY: THE SPIRITS WITHIN CARD SET Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is the stunning film from Columbia Pictures based on the tremendously popular video game of the same name. The film has computer generated visual effects like never seen before, along with the voices of Hollywood stars such as Alec Baldwin, Donald Sutherland, James Woods, Ming Na, and more! Limited print run! (4630/HG06101) (CAUT: 4) Set (x72) PI FINAL FANTASY CHASE CARD SET Boxes of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within collector cards will have a special six-card foil chase set randomly inserted in the wax packs. These foil sneak preview cards give collectors a look into the future, as they are glimpses of Final Fantasy X, due to be released later this year! (4630) (CAUT: 4) Set (x6) PI THUNDERBIRDS PREMIUM CARD SET A set of 72 different, full-color 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards. This set features Gary Anderson's groundbreaking puppet animation TV series! All of your favorite classic Thunderbirds characters and ships! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x72) PI THUNDERBIRDS FOIL CHASE SET Fifteen different, full-color 2 ½" x 3 ½" foil chase cards. A very difficult set to put together! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x15) PI WOMEN OF STAR TREK: VOYAGER HOLOFEX CARD SET This 72-card set is dedicated to the hit television show Star Trek: Voyager, and features gold foil stamping and dual photography on every card front! (8394) (CAUT: 4) Set (x72) PI HERCULES COMPLETE JOURNEYS CARD SET This set consists of 120 different full-color 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards. It covers all 111 episodes of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. The set features all of your favorite Hercules characters, including Xena, Iolaus, Serena, Aphrodite, Ares, and many more! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x120) PI XENA SEASONS 4 & 5 CARD COLLECTION This set consists of 72 different 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards that feature Seasons 4 and 5! Features Lucy Lawless (Xena) and Renee O'Connor (Gabrielle) battling evil kings, vengeful warlords, and mythical warriors! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x72) PI XENA SEASONS 4 & 5 ALLIES AND ENEMIES INSERT CARD SETS Two different chase card sets devoted to the friends and foes of Xena! The nine-card Allies set features nine etched-foil chase cards, featuring Xena allies Gabrielle, Joxer, Eli, Callisto, K'aohsin, Amarice, Argo, Borias, and Pitlanagus! The Enemies six-card set features Xena's enemies Ares, The Destroyer, Demon Gabrielle, Aidan, Najara, and Alti! (145) (CAUT: 4) ALLIES—Set (x9) PI ENEMIES—Set (x6) PI SPORTS CARDS FLEER ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, INC. FLEER 2001 SHOWCASE MLB CARDS The 120-card Fleer 2001 Showcase set features a 45-card "Prospect Showcase" subset, autographed game-worn cards from past and present Cy Young and MVP winners, three tiers of rookies (numbered as low as 500), and a special "Avant" insert, which uses the "gicle" technique! Autographs, game-worn, and Avant cards are found in one out of every 10 packs! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. SRP: $4.99 per pack. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and the U.K. Box PI FLEER 2001 PREMIUM NFL CARDS A new design, and a new attitude! The National Football League comes to life in these cards! This 200-card set has a 50-card "Premium Rookies" subset, along with a game- used/autograph in every box and a half, and rare numbered parallels! The first 200 cards of 25 selected rookies will have a piece of football from the NFL Rookie Photo Shoot! 8 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. SRP: $3.99 per pack. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and the U.K. Box PI FLEER 2001 TRIPLE CROWN NFL CARDS This set consists of 175 regular cards, 25 "NFL Royalty" cards, and 40 "Rookies," along with numerous jersey, turf, and autograph cards, including "Draft Day Postmarks," autographed cards that are actually postmarked with that player's draft day! 10 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. SRP: $2.49 per pack. NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and the U.K. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI FLEER 2001 ULTRA WNBA CARDS The Ultra WNBA set contains 125 regular cards and 25 rookies, with 12 short-seeded rookies, one numbered "Platinum Medallion," and one "Player Worn" card in every box! 10 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. SRP: $2.99 per pack. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and the U.K. Box PI HIGHLAND MINT CAL RIPKEN JR. 1983 GAME-USED BAT PHOTO This type of typical early-brown Ripken Jr. game-used bat is very tough to find. A potential Hall-of-Famer, Ripken's achievements speak for themselves: 1983 AL MVP; 2,632 Consecutive Games Played record (1982-98); 3,000 hits; 400 Home Run Club, and 18-time All-Star. This piece of game-used bat is sliced to be about the thickness of a quarter, and was also cut so that every piece has a part of the bat's outside layer. The bat piece is numbered and matted, with a 24kt gold medallion and a Certificate of Authenticity. Limited to 250! (GAME56BK) (CAUT: 4) Photo PI DAVE WINFIELD 1982 PADRES AND YANKEES GAME-USED BAT PHOTOS In the wake of his Hall of Fame induction ceremony on August 5, here are two special collectibles commemorating the event. The bat piece from Winfield's San Diego days includes a swinging photo of Winfield in a Padres uniform; and the New York piece is combined with a photo of Winfield in a Yankees uniform, having just gotten a hit and running to first base. Both bat pieces are approximately the thickness of a quarter, and cut to include a part of the outside layer. The bat pieces are numbered and matted, and come with a 24kt gold medallion and a Certificate of Authenticity. Both San Diego and New York pieces are limited to 200! (CAUT: 4) PADRES (GAME55K)—Photo PI YANKEES (GAME55BK)—Photo PI TOPPS COMPANY TOPPS 2001 BOWMAN'S BEST MLB CARDS The base set consists of 200 cards, featuring 100 Veterans, 50 Prospects, and 35 Rookies. Inserts include: nine "Franchise Favorites Memorabilia" cards, featuring game-worn jerseys of the following players: Don Mattingly, Dave Winfield, Alex Rodriguez, Nolan Ryan, Darin Erstad, and Reggie Jackson, with the three remaining cards (Jeff Bagwell and Craig Biggio) featuring game-used pants; "Locker Room Collection Memorabilia"; "Rookie Lumber"; "Rookie Jerseys"; and "Exclusive Rookie Autographs!" 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $5.00 per pack. (804-01H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI TOPPS 2001 CHROME NFL CARDS This 295-card base set features 200 Veterans, 10 Season Highlights, and 10 NFL Europe Prospects. Inserts include: "Walter Payton Reprints"; "Walter Payton Reprint Refractor Relics," 12 of which have cutouts to the shape of number 34, Payton's number with the Chicago Bears; "Repurchased Vintage Cards," featuring select repurchased Topps cards with a Topps Chrome 2001 Foil Stamp; and more! 6 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $3.00 per pack. (819-01H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI TOPPS 2001-2002 NBA CARDS This 220-card set has several inserts, including: 13 "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Reprints"; "Centers of Attention," a one-card insert featuring game-worn jerseys from Shaquille O'Neal and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, numbered to 50; "Team Topps," printed with "Liquid Glass Jewel" technology; 13 "Lottery Legends," featuring the best player taken at each of the 13 lottery positions; and more! 12 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $1.49 per pack. (997-01H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI TOPPS 2001-2002 NHL CARDS This 330-card set has several parallel sets including "Topps Heritage," 110 current players utilizing 1971-72 Topps front card designs. Inserts sets include: "Mario Lemieux Reprints," "Stanley Cup Heroes Autographs," and many more! 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $1.49 per pack. (715-01H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK AUTHENTICATED TIGER WOODS 8 X 10 CAREER ACHIEVEMENTS PHOTO "Historic" best describes Tiger Woods' meteoric ascent through the professional golf ranks. By age 24, he had already captured all four of golf's major events (U.S. Open, Masters, British Open, and PGA Championship), and seems ready at just 25 to continue his assault on the record books. Here Upper Deck shows the master in action, in an 8" x 10" color photo, positioned alongside a full page of awe-inspiring career statistics. The overall presentation includes Tiger's gold facsimile signature and is housed in a leather- bound Jostens folder. (18135) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Photo MSRP: $79.99 TIGER WOODS 11 X 14 FOLLOW THROUGH PHOTO It takes keen concentration, not to mention nerves of steel, to succeed in golf. Tiger Woods has all of that and then some. Upper Deck provides an up-close look at Tiger with this nicely-framed 11" x 14" photo of Woods entitled "Follow Through of a Champion." The finished, framed piece measures 21" wide x 17" deep, and includes a gold facsimile signature of Tiger. (18127) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Photo MSRP: $224.99 UPPER DECK COMPANY UPPER DECK 2001 VICTORY MLB FACTORY CARD SET Hit a home run with the complete factory-sealed set of Victory Baseball, featuring the whole 660-card basic set, plus a bonus "Ultimate Rookies" subset of 30 additional "true" rookie cards that were not in the original release. A perfect gift idea for the baseball fan and collector! (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Set (x660) PI UPPER DECK 2001 LEGENDARY CUTS MLB CARDS Upper Deck has taken the most collectible and sought-after cards in the industry and built an all-new product around them entitled Legendary Cuts Baseball. This set features signature cuts from many of baseball's all-time greats, including names like Lou Gehrig, Babe Ruth, and Ty Cobb. These beauties will be seeded at a ratio of 1:252 packs, which is an average of one per case, and by far the most frequent insertion rate for these cards in hobby history! In addition, take a look at these other items to be found in boxes of Legendary Cuts: "Debut Bat" cards, featuring all-time greats who have never had a UD bat card; "Legendary Bat" cards, featuring names like Babe Ruth and Jackie Robinson; "Legendary Game Jersey" cards, featuring Mantle, Clemente, and more. Also, look for super-rare bat/cut signature combos! Extremely limited production! 4 cards per pack. 18 packs per box. (17956) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001 MLB E-CARDS Introducing the debut release of UD MLB E-Cards, featuring cards that "morph" into jersey cards right before your eyes! Besides a 135-card basic set, collectors will be searching for "E-Card UD Classics," which feature a scratch-off area with a PIN number. Enter the PIN number at the UD Digital website to see if your card has turned into a "UD Classics Jersey" card! Also look for "E-Card Game Used Bat" cards, also featuring a PIN number that may morph the card into a "Jersey/Bat" card! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001 GAME GEAR NFL CARDS If you liked the debut of Sweet Spot Baseball, then you'll love the debut of UD Game Gear Football! Built in the same mold as Sweet Spot, Game Gear will feature 90 of the NFL's biggest names, plus 20 rookies, each with two different versions. Both are serially numbered, one with a player-worn jersey attached! Inserts include: "UD Game Gear Jersey" cards; "UD Storm Swatch Jacket/Parka" cards; "UD Field Armor Autograph" cards, featuring autographs on a swatch of helmet material; and "UD Hard Hats," player- worn helmet cards. You can't get much more loaded than this! 4 cards per pack. 18 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001 OVATION NFL CARDS The most popular-designed card set in the industry returns in 2001 with some great new enhancements! The basic set features 90 regular player cards, plus 60 different rookies who each have multiple serially-numbered versions! The first 25 players will each have three versions (regular, black-and-white, and faux game ball), numbered to 700. The second 20 players will feature the same versions as the first 25, but numbered to only 425! The final version features the top 15 rookies, and feature the same three versions, as well as a fourth version that will be signed! All numbered to 250! Also look for "Training Gear" cards, game-used inserts falling at one per box! 5 cards per pack. 20 packs per box. (18182) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001 VICTORY NFL CARDS The most comprehensive set in the market returns with an all-new 440-card basic set sure to contain everyone's favorite players at a very favorable price! Sixty rookies are featured, plus the addition of the "Victory Gold" parallel set, seeded at 1:2 packs! Perfect for collectors who love the challenge of set building! 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 HARDCOURT NBA CARDS One of the most popular NBA releases of last season is back with many all-new twists, in 2001-2002 Hardcourt Basketball! The popular basic card design returns, featuring simulated hardwood, as well as 30 different rookies, each of whom will have three different versions: "On Court," "Off Court," and "High Court." The first 10 rookies have each of these, numbered to 1,500 per version, the second 10 have all three numbered to 900, and the top 10 rookies have all three, numbered to just 500! 5 cards per pack. 15 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 MVP NHL CARDS An all-new season of NHL hockey is right around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with the return of MVP Hockey! This year's edition has been infused with unbelievable content-enhancements, including game used items! The base set features 220 basic cards, including 30 "MVP Prospects." Inserts include: "MVP Souvenirs" stick cards; "Combo MVP Souvenir" cards; "Morning Skate" practice jersey cards; "Signed Morning Skate" cards; "MVP Souvenirs Gold" cards; and "Authentic Goalies" cards! 8 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (18250) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 ICE NHL CARDS The popular all-acetate trading card set is back in the 2001-2002 edition of UD Ice Hockey! The 77-card set is printed on thick plastic stock, and includes 35 different "Fresh Faces" cards numbered to 1,500, and redeemable for a 2001-2002 rookie card! Collectors can also look for "Ice Jersey" and "1st Rounders Ice Jersey" cards, both printed on plastic! "Ice Combo" jersey cards, and "Clear Cut Autograph" cards, and "Gold Ice Combo" cards make up the rest of this fantastic set! 4 cards per pack. 18 packs per box. (18112) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI NON-SPORTS CARDS DART FLIPCARDS, INC. BETTY BOOP COLLECTIBLE CARDS It's the "Queen of Cartoons," Betty Boop! A high-quality, unique, and informative series of collector cards. Features 72, 2 ½" x 3 ½" full-color collector cards, printed on the highest quality collector card stock, as well as a special premium chase subset featuring foil cards, and Betty's friends! 6 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $2.49 per pack. (CAUT: 4) Box PI CROCODILE HUNTER CARDS An all-new collectible based on the television series! This set is comprised of 72 full- color cards, with autograph and chase cards included for added fun! This series of trading cards feature not only a visually exciting account of Steve and Terri's adventures, but also serve to inform the reader about the individual animals and the conservation efforts required to maintain not only the animals, but their natural environment. 6 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $2.49 per pack. (CAUT: 4) Box PI I LOVE LUCY 50TH ANNIVERSARY CARDS An exciting and humorous retrospective of the Lucy television series, from the 1950's to 1970's. Featuring 72 black-and-white, 2 ½" x 3 ½" collector cards, this set includes die- cut chase cards, foil cards, autograph cards, case toppers, and more! 6 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $2.49 per pack. (CAUT: 4) Box PI PEARL HARBOR CARDS A set of historically accurate cards depicting the events surrounding Pearl Harbor. This set is made up of 72, 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards with chase and autograph cards! 6 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $2.49 per pack. (CAUT: 4) Box PI ILLUSTRATION STUDIO UNSPEAKABLE BLUE XXX 1 CARD SET This sumptuously rendered 10-card set contains top-shelf art by Joseph Blau. Every taboo indulged, this hot-bod sex feast is the set that could never be photographed, so it has to come to life by Joseph's pain-staking art style. Put aside all that other "adult" art and feast your eyes on this incredible set. Joseph entertains with his wildest, hottest renditions. SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL REGULAR—Set (x10) PI SIGNED—Set (x10) PI INKWORKS ANGEL SEASON 2 CARDS Inkworks brings you all the action and adventure of the cult-hit television show Angel in the newest release, Angel Season 2 Premium Trading Cards! Subsets include some favorites from Season 1, such as "Episode Cards" and "Demon Compendium," plus the addition of new subsets such as "The Bad Ole Days" and "Behind The Music." Chase card levels include: nine different autograph cards; a nine-card "City of Angel" foil puzzle; a six-card "L.A. Women" set, featuring the good and bad women of Angel; and one special "Angel Heart" card, featuring the redemption of Angel. 7 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $1.99 per pack. (12010) (CAUT: 4) Box PI ANGEL SEASON 2 COLLECTOR ALBUM Keep all your Angel Season 2 cards safely protected within the confines of an Angel Season 2 Collector Album! (12020) (CAUT: 4) Album MSRP: $19.99 ANGEL: CITY OF ANGEL UNCUT MINI-PRESS SHEET Only 500 sequentially numbered uncut mini-press sheets have been produced! Don't miss out on this highly-collectible, rare piece of Angel memorabilia! (12015) (CAUT: 4) Sheet PI OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE MUMMY RETURNS PREMIUM CARDS In 1999, audiences everywhere were swept away by the power, the mystery and the adventure of The Mummy. Now, the adventure is reborn! Inkworks announces the release of The Mummy Returns trading cards, based on the newest epic movie, arriving in theatres in May 2001. Brendan Fraser and the entire original cast are reunited, and are joined by WWF Superstar "The Rock" in the role of the Scorpion King! The sheer excitement of the movie is captured in this 90-card set, and incorporates behind-the- scenes coverage, character profiles, and, of course, The Rock, plus added incentives as three levels of bonus chase cards: "The Scorpion King" (9-card puzzle), "Sands of Time" (6-card sand-textured series), and "Pieceworks Cards" (2 specially-designed cards incorporating an actual piece of Brendan Fraser and The Rock's costumes worn in the movie). Also, limited-edition Scorpion King promo cards are sealed in each display box. With all the excitement brewing, The Mummy Returns Trading Cards will rock! 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $1.99 per pack. (11920) (CAUT: 4) Box PI O/A THE X-FILES SEASON 4 AND 5 PREMIUM CARDS This first release, part of a long-term program to bring collectors up-to-date with their X- Files card collections, features a 100-card series with double the episodic coverage of any previous release! Each card will be packed with information, including episode synopses, behind-the-scenes info, and details on the X-Files mythology. Also, look for three levels of exciting bonus cards, including "Conspiracy Highlights" and rare autographed cards! 9 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $2.99 per pack. (11870) (CAUT: 4) Box PI ************************************************* RITTENHOUSE ARCHIVES FIRST WAVE PREMIERE EDITION CARDS It's the premiere issue of trading cards from one of the hottest new sci-fi shows in the known universe, First Wave! The base set consists of 72 cards, with plot synopses for all 66 episodes of the show's first three seasons. One "Tracy Lords Costume Collection Card" and one "Autograph Card" in every box! Signers include: Tracy Lords (Jordan Radcliffe); Sebastien Spence (Cade Foster); Rob LaBelle (Crazy Eddie); Roger Cross (Joshua); and more! 9 cards per pack. 40 packs per box. MSRP: $1.99 per pack. (CAUT: 4) Box PI FIRST WAVE COLLECTOR'S ALBUM Grab a First Wave Collector's Album to keep your cards safe! This custom-designed book contains a unique "Crazy Eddie" costume card, a bonus Traci Lords promotional card, and 12 plastic sheets! (CAUT: 4) Album PI TOPPS COMPANY STAR WARS EVOLUTION CARDS Episode II is a year away, and the "countdown" is already underway! For the millions of Star Wars fans eagerly awaiting the film's premiere, Topps' Star Wars Evolution is reason to celebrate now! This all-new, all-foil 90-card set presents the most important characters from the original trilogy, and The Phantom Menace. Evolution inserts showcase fan-favorite characters during key moments of the saga — at two levels of rarity! Princess Leia, and characters from Episode II, like Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Owen and Beru Lars, Padme, and C-3PO are all here! Also available for the first time in a card set, are authentic autographs of Star Wars actors, randomly inserted in packs at a rate of one per box! Autographing stars include Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, James Earl Jones, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, Ian McDiarmid, Jeremy Bulloch, Michonne Bouriaggue, and many more! 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: 1.99 per pack. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI OFFERED AGAIN O/A TOPPS MARVEL LEGENDS CARDS Cheer the astonishing exploits of the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers! Hiss at such malevolent masters of malice as Doctor Doom, Magneto, and the Green Goblin! They're all here, in Topps' new Marvel Legends card series. This premium card set features all-new art of Marvel's greatest heroes and villains –– by cutting edge comic book artists like Steve Dillion, Randy Green, Humberto Ramos, Pop Mhan, Kevin Lau, and Sean Chen. Card backs reveal the inside dope on your favorite characters. Inserts include: "Costume Change" cards featuring Marvel's mightiest in their most famous and infamous costumes; five "Secret Identity/Static-Cling" cards that reveal the men behind the masks; "Custom Cover" cards featuring authentic hand-drawn sketches printed with the Marvel logo and autograph by the artist, some by "surprise guests"; and a bonus box topper –– Ultimate Spider-Man foil cards featuring the first four covers of the comic. 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $1.99 per pack. (413-H) Box PI ************************************ THE UPPER DECK COMPANY O/A UPPER DECK 2001 GUNDAM WING ENDLESS WALTZ CARDS The 90-card regular set includes 15 "Memorial Shots" featuring the most memorable and popular mobile suit characters from Gundam Wing; 21 "Endless Waltz Memorial Shots" that include new mobile suit characters from Endless Waltz; 52 "Story" cards featuring a synopsis of all Gundam Wing episodes, including the new episodes of Endless Waltz; and two "Checklist" cards featuring the complete checklist of all 90 cards, plus 30 "Insert" cards. Inserts include 17 "GW MS Collection" cards, 13 " GW Gallery" cards, and 30 "GW Gold" cards. 7 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. SRP: $1.99 per pack. (16102) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI ************************************** APPAREL SECTION PREMIERE VENDORS GRAPHITTI DESIGNS FRANK MILLER: DAREDEVIL VISIONARIES VOL. II LIMITED EDITION HARDCOVER BOOK by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson The epic Daredevil sage continues with the Frank Miller: Daredevil Visionaries Volume II Limited-Edition Book. Written by Miller, with art by Miller and Klaus Janson, Visionaries is the second of three volumes collecting and documenting the transformation of the Daredevil persona by Miller. Volume II collects DD #158-182. Limited to only 2500 copies, this book features a sequentially numbered signature page with new art by Miller, as well as Smyth-sewn binding, full-color dustjacket, illustrated endpages and all of the features you've come to expect from a Graphitti Designs hardcover book. Though not signed by Miller, this deluxe hardcover collection will be produced as a limited edition. Quantities are limited and subject to allocation. Watch Miller's storytelling abilities mature before your very eyes!! HC, 7x10, 360pg, FC $39.95 ELEKTRA T-SHIRT Features the lovely face of Elektra by Frank Miller screenprinted in white on a black 100% cotton shirt. A Frank Miller Classic!! L-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 BRODIE T-SHIRT Be the coolest dressed rat at the mall with the new Brodie T-shirt. Features the design made famous by Jason Lee in Kevin Smith's hit flix 'Mallrats', screenprinted in black on a white 100% cotton shirt. A must for all Kevin Smith fans. L-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 FOOT SOLDIER T-SHIRT Earth-X's Jim Krueger creation takes center-stage on the new Foot Soldier T-Shirt. Features the full-color art of Bill Sienkiewicz screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Broaden your horizons and heck out the shirt and the softcover collections. S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 KABUKI II T-SHIRT The eyes say it on on the new Kabuki II T-Shirt. David Mack's art is delicately screenprinted in full-color on a white 100% cotton shirt. David's work over the years on Kabuki as well as new Daredevil material is a "must see" for anyone who's in the comic arts. S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 JACK B. QUICK T-SHIRT It's as easy as A...B...C...on the new Jack B. Quick T-Shirt. Features the incredible art of Kevin Nowlan screenprinted in full-color on a dark grey 100% cotton shirt. Check out Jack's current adventures in 'Tomorrow Stories' from America's Best Comics...of course!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 ANIMATED BATMAN: BATSIGNAL T-SHIRT The night skies signal the Dark Knight into action on the new Animated Batman: Batsignal T-Shirt. Features everyone's favorite Caped Crusader screenprinted in color on a navy blue 100% cotton shirt. The streets of Gotham City are safe once again! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 SANDMAN VII LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT SANDMAN VII T-SHIRT The P. Craig Russell Arabian Nights Sandman make his dramatic return on the new Sandman VII Long-Sleeve Shirt. Features Craig's graphics screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton long-sleeve shirt. Available also in short sleeve. Open Sesame!! L-XL $23.95 (long-sleeve) XXL $26.95 (long-sleeve) L-XL $17.95 (short-sleeve) XXL $20.95 (short-sleeve) WOLVERINE/HULK T-SHIRT The boys are going at it on the new Wolverine/Hulk T-shirt. Screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton shirt, the art of Adam Kubert takes on a whole new life. Place your bets and let's get ready to rumble!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 X-FORCE T-SHIRT New characters. New artist. New X-Force T-Shirt. There's lots of "news" packed into this screenprinted shirt featuring the art of Mike Allred screenprinted in color on a white 100% cotton shirt. Check out the coolest "force" in comics!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 DAREDEVIL V T-SHIRT David Mack brings his magic to the table with the new Daredevil V T-Shirt. Features David's art screenprinted in full-color on a white 100% cotton shirt. Almost too good to be a T-Shirt!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 UNIVERSE X: CAP T-SHIRT The symbol of America takes center stage on the new Universe X: Cap T-Shirt. Features the art of Alex Ross screenprinted in red and white on the front of a black 100% cotton shirt. The back is imprinted with the word "Cap". It's a great universe!! S-XL $20.95 XXL $22.95 ULTIMATE WOLVERINE I LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT ULTIMATE WOLVERINE I T-SHIRT Keep your arms warm during the cool summer evening with the new Ultimate Wolverine Long-Sleeve Shirt. Screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton long-sleeve shirt. Also available in short-sleeve. L-XL $23.95 (long-sleeve) XXL $26.95 (long-sleeve) L-XL $17.95 (short-sleeve) XXL $20.95 (short-sleeve) ************************ APPAREL SECTION ANIME MASAMUNE SHIROW T-SHIRTS These masterpieces come from the anime master, Masamune Shirow! A winged beauty adorns the front of the Ghostly Vision shirt, while another darker girl appears on the Small Arms T-shirt. Both of these black shirts have the Ghost in the Shell logo across the bottom. (133) (CAUT: 4) GHOSTLY VISION (SH04)—L-XL $16.95 SMALL ARMS (SH03)—L-XL $16.95 NINJA SCROLL: "SAMURAI SWORD" PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! From the hit anime Ninja Scroll comes this one-of-a-kind Samurai Sword T-shirt! Features head shots of the main characters, Jubei and Kagero, the warriors who go in search of the priceless sword! The sword separates the two, along with the movie logo in English in front of the Japanese lettering! (8343/2606) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 NINJA SCROLL: CHARACTERS PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE T-SHIRT Proudly don this black Ninja Scroll T-shirt, featuring Jubei and the other characters from the anime movie. Also features the Ninja Scroll logo in English in front of the Japanese lettering. (8343/2607) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 WICKED CITY: "BAD GUYS" PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! From the horror anime movie Wicked City! The regular world and the Dark World combine on this Bad Guys T-shirt, featuring the black guards, and even a bug-eyed reptoid! (8343/2609) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 BETTY PAGE BETTY PAGE CONFIDENTIAL T-SHIRT This confidential black T-shirt has the stamping, but certainly isn't a secret — not when you wear it all over for everyone to see! With a risqué shot of the pin-up queen Betty Page, there was no way this wasn't getting out! (8343/2605) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 BETTY PAGE DANGER GIRL T-SHIRT Another irresistible image of Betty Page! This black Danger Girl shirt has Betty striking a pose just for you! (8343/2604) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER BUFFY LOGO WICKED EMBROIDERED HAT Go ahead, be wicked… stake out a few vampires of your own and seek them in style as you flaunt you newest Buffy the Vampire Slayer double embroidered black twill hat! Features the stitched catch-word "wicked" across the front and the famous Buffy "B" on the side in matching burgundy tones. (870/BVS-HAT4) (CAUT: 4) Hat $18.00 CHAOS! CHASTITY BY JUSTINIANO T-SHIRT This dark, yet sexy T-shirt stars none other than Chastity. With a knife in her hand proudly raised, her name logo appears above. This unique image by artist Justiniano comes on a 100% cotton, black shirt. (59/10803) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 LEGENDS OF THE SAGE T-SHIRT This highly-detailed black shirt finds beauty amongst the sinister. The Legends of the Sage shirt is one-of-a-kind and will draw warranted attention. (59/10804) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND DAN CLOWES ROBOT T-SHIRT Dan Clowes, the acclaimed cartoonist behind Eightball and the new Ghostworld movie, reveals the horrible truth about the future of comics! Clowes contributed this beautiful, provocative image as the cover for the annual anthology, EXPO 2001. The shirt features his art on the front, and Clowes' EXPO 2001 lettering on the back, along with the dates of this year's show. And like the EXPO itself, all proceeds benefit the CBLDF and help protect free expression. Full-color art on natural colored tee, 100% cotton, 100% censorship-free. (8945) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $20.00 CROSSGEN CROSSGEN T-SHIRTS From one of the newest and hottest publishers come these new, vivid T-shirts! Each white shirt features the star of the series in front of a large sigil —the symbol that gives the characters their new powers. Choose from shirts with images from the Crux and Mystic series. (59) (CAUT: 4) CRUX (10801)—L-XL $12.95 CRUX (10801)––XXL $16.95 MYSTIC (10802)––L-XL $12.95 MYSTIC (10802)––XXL $16.95 CROW PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE CROW & SKULL T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! From James O'Barr comes another eye-catching Crow shirt! This black shirt throws together the Crow, a black crow bird, a skull and barbed wire for a one great image. A must-have for Crow fans! (350) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 XXL $18.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE CROW BLOODY HANDS T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! Not meant for the weak, this black shirt depicts a gruesome image of the Crow –– with blood covering his hands, dripping and splattered on the wall. (350) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE CROW WITH BRANDON LEE HANDKERCHIEF A Previews Exclusive! This is for you, Crow fans! You've got the T-shirts, now you can have the ultimate accessory to go with them –– the Crow with Brandon Lee Handkerchief! (350) (CAUT: 4) Handkerchief $6.95 DC COMICS SUPERMAN LOGO WITH DRAGON HOODIE This heavyweight "hoodie" (hooded sweatshirt) features a chenille Superman logo with an embroidered dragon on the front, and an embroidered Superman logo of the sleeve. (559/23-249-206) (CAUT: 4) Hoodie SRP: $45.00 BATMAN ALL OVER BEYOND T-SHIRT The All Over Beyond T-shirt is one classy thread –– done entirely in black, white, greys, and red. And, this shirt has an all-over print, so not one inch is left bare and boring! (7294/BM-206) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE SUPERMAN BREAKING BRICK WALL T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! Strength is one of the Man of Steel's number one qualities, and he demonstrates it on this maroon Breaking Brick shirt. (7294) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 SUPERMAN S SHIELD LOGO TIE Covered with the Superman S pattern, this tie will make you feel like a hero, even if it's only for the day! Be unique and stand out with this piece of the legendary icon. (7294) (CAUT: 4) Tie $15.00 SUPERMAN TO THE RESCUE T-SHIRT Here he comes to save the day! Everyone could use some rescuing here and there, and now you can rescue your dull wardrobe with the royal blue Superman to the Rescue shirt! (7294 /SM-331) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 WONDER WOMAN RAINBOW BABY TEE Feel the womanly power when you put on the Wonder Woman Rainbow Baby Tee! This black shirt has "Wonder Woman" in rainbow colors and glitter! (4996/T036U-A) (CAUT: 4) LG $15.95 DRAGONBALL Z DRAGONBALL Z RED AND BLACK CLUB SHIRT It's time to get down and party! Strut your stuff in this Dragonball Z club shirt, featuring a red and black design with Japanese lettering. (559/01-7) (CAUT: 4) M-XXL SRP: $45.00 DRAGONBALL Z CELL TRANSFORMATION T-SHIRT You won't be able to wait to get your hands on this all-new Dragonball Z shirt! Witness the transformation of Cell into Saiyan form only on this safari green T-Shirt! (7296/2410011) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 DRAGONBALL Z INTERCHANGABLE FACE WATCH Can't decide which Dragonabll Z character is your favorite? Does it change from day to day? Well, this watch is for you! You can change the face whenever you want with four different images! (4631/DBZ-W25) (CAUT: 4) Watch $13.95 DRAGONBALL Z VEGETA VS CELL T-SHIRT Fight! Fight! Fight! It's Vegeta against Cell on this red tee! Features the Dragonball Z logo also on the front. (7296/2409211) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 FINAL FANTASY FINAL FANTASY: THE SPIRITS WITHIN T-SHIRTS Based on the popular, ground-breaking PlayStation video game series! From Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within movie come the black Copperhead, the orange Gray Deep Eyes, and the black Standing Phantom shirts, with images so clear, you'd never guess they were graphics! (559) (CAUT: 4) COPPERHEAD (40-301-27)––L-XL $16.95 GRAY DEEP EYES (40-301-20)––L-XL $16.95 STANDING PHANTOM (40-301-24)––L-XL $16.95 LORD OF THE RINGS LORD OF THE RINGS CHARACTER WATCHES Have fun magically telling time with the Lord of the Rings Character Watches! These authentically-styled timepieces feature both good and evil characters from the upcoming blockbuster movie. Watches feature: a digital LCD display showing the date and time, a flip-top lid that protects the LCD display, and a backlight LCD for nighttime use. Each watch comes with two characters action plates, and one button cell battery. Choose from the Frodo or Lurtz watches. (49/69155) (CAUT: 4) Watches SRP: $6.25Ea. MARVEL SPIDER-MAN "SPIDEY" HOODIE You know you want to be the first to wear this heavyweight Spidey "hoodie" (hooded sweatshirt), featuring an embroidered Spider-Man on the front, with a Spider-Man logo on the sleeve. (559/23-249-334) (CAUT: 4) Hoodie SRP: $45.00 PUNISHER BLASTING CLUB SHIRT An angry Punisher appears on the front of this club shirt. He's firing away in this black and blue image. (559) (CAUT: 4) M-XXL SRP: $45.00Ea. SPIDER-MAN CRAWLING DOWN THE WALL TIE Spider-Man is crawling down a wall on this snazzy tie. It captures depth and realism, brought to you by Ralph Marlin. (8751/136700) (CAUT: 4) Tie $15.00 SPIDER-MAN SPIDEY HEAD CAP & VISOR You're all eyes with this Spidey cap; the big eyes starring down everyone! These head pieces are navy blue with black and white eyes against a red web design. Available in a regular cap style (a twill, baseball-style cap with a dimensional embroidered design) or as a visor. (4824) (CAUT: 4) CAP (S33883) $9.95 VISOR (S31883) $7.99 SPIDER-MAN YOUTH SOCKS Keep your feet cozy –– and stylish –– in these Spider-Man socks! Choose from three different designs: a grey sock with webs and Spider-Man at the ankle, a bright blue sock with Spider-Man against a yellow background and the Spider-Man logo on the foot, and a black sock with Spider-Man against a web at the ankle and the Spider-Man spider logo on the foot. (6505/1761562) (CAUT: 4) Socks SRP: $3.99Ea. MOVIE/TV G.I, JOE T-SHIRTS Flash back to the 1980s with these G.I. Joe T-shirts! Choose from three featured characters: Destro on a red shirt, Snake Eye on a black shirt, or Storm Shadow on a navy shirt! (559) (CAUT: 4) DESTRO (85-301-26)––L-XL $16.95 SNAKE EYE (85-301-23)––L-XL $16.95 STORM SHADOW (85-301-21)––L-XL $16.95 JACKASS EMBOSSED LOGO SHOT BEADED NECKLACE Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize! A cool, new necklace has hit the marketplace –– for your favorite MTV Jackass fan! Unisex silver shot beaded looped chain holds the black and silver embossed logo. (870/JA-NECK1) (CAUT: 4) Necklace $9.50 JACKASS LOGO TRI-FOLD CHAIN WALLET Tuck your cash, your stash, and your credit card flash into this black leather tri-fold chain wallet and get ready to create your own stunts! Features the MTV Jackass logo in silver screen print across the front. (4866/4100) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 SPONGEBOB VISOR Summer is here and beating the sun is a top priority. But it's no problem with this visor starring everyone's favorite, one-and-only talking sponge –– Spongebob Squarepants! (4824/E91611) (CAUT: 4) Visor $8.50 TRANSFORMER HI DENSITY LOGO T-SHIRTS Whether you're a good guy or a bad guy, there's a Trasformer shirt for you! Choose from the Autobot Logo shirt or the Decepticon Logo shirt. (559) (CAUT: 4) AUTOBOT LOGO (78-338-152)––L-XL $16.95 DECEPTICON LOGO (78-338-153)––L-XL $16.95 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS NBX PUMPKIN KING PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! Jack Skellington sits atop a straw horse, dressed in his "Pumpkin King" persona, and pointing the direction to Halloween Town on this exclusive design! Beautiful, deep colors blaze from the front of this black, 100% cotton t-shirt. (6242/MTEC12B) (CAUT: 4) L-XXL $17.95 POWERPUFF GIRLS POWERPUFF GIRLS VILLAINS LINE-UP JUNIOR T-SHIRT It's all the bad guys you love to hate! They cause trouble for the girls, and they're all lined up on this sky blue T-shirt. Too bad for the Powerpuff Girls it's not a police line- up! (559/27-457-81) (CAUT: 4) LG $16.95 POWERPUFF GIRLS INTERCHANGEABLE FACE DIGITAL WATCH Are you in a Blossom, Buttercup, or Bubbles mood today? This watch has interchangeable faces featuring each of the Powerpuff Girls, and one with all three cuties! (4631/PPG-W12) (CAUT: 4) Watch $13.95 RAT FINK RAT FINK CHICKS DIG ME T-SHIRT Stand out and make your statement in this bright orange T-shirt with "Chicks Dig Me!" on the front and a Rat Fink image by Ed Roth on the back! (7294/RF-117) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 RAT FINK BASIC FINK T-SHIRT This black T-shirt features Rat Fink, the red-hot rodent by Ed Roth –– his most famous (and foul!) creation! Also has the Rat Fink logo on the sleeve. (7294/RF-117) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 SIMPSONS SIMPSON BART REVOLUTION T-SHIRT The brat of brats, Bart Simpson, appears on this black T-shirt, along with the phrase "I will not instigate revolution." Only, do you believe him? (559/95-301-12) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 SIMPSON HOMER SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN T-SHIRT The front of this black shirt sports words of wisdom from Springfield's own, Homer Simpson, "Everybody needs something to believe in…" The back finishes his thought, "… and I believe I need more beer!" Another Duff please! (559/95-331-14) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 SIMPSONS THE TOWER TIE What's the tallest landmark in Springfield? Marge's hair! Bring some laughter and fun into the work day with The Tower tie, featuring all the Simpsons, including Marge's towering blue hair! (8751/151466) (CAUT: 4) Tie $15.00 SQ PRODUCTIONS JUNGLE QUEEN BY DANIEL PASCARELLI T-SHIRT This shirt is here to satisfy the Tarzan in you! Leopard print has never looked so good! This babe on this black tee practically pops off the shirt! But you better hope not, 'cause all those tiger and leopards will be sure to follow! (59/10805) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 TOMB RAIDER OFFERED AGAIN O/A TOMB RAIDER LARA CROFT UNISEX SUNGLASSES Previously offered in Preview Update #475! Now you can own the same sunglasses that Angelina Jolie wears in the movie! Glasses feature matte black frames with poly carbon gray lenses. Comes packaged with a soft vinyl case. (5007/TR873ABW) (CAUT: 4) Sunglasses $29.99 ***************** TOMB RAIDER LOGO BABY T-SHIRT This baby tee sports the logo of the summer's hottest movie release –– Tomb Raider! Go find your own adventures in this great shirtwear! (4996/0004V-A) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $15.99 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE TOMB RAIDER WATCH A Previews Exclusive! An ordinary thing with an extraordinary look! This exclusive Tomb Raider watch is super stylish, with a square face and the Tomb Raider logo on the band. Choose from three different face designs! (4631/TBPK01) (CAUT: 4) Watch $29.95 VIDEO GAMES ATARI SOCCER JERSEY Before all the high-tech graphics, attachments, and digital sound, there was a system that preceded even the original Nintendo. If you were a fan of Atari –– and think that Pong was the greatest game ever invented –– then this jersey is for you! This royal blue shirt displays the famous Atari logo on the front. (559/91-803-56) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $27.95 XENA XENA DENIM AND SWEDE JACKET This stylish blue denim jacket features a brown swede collar and a large, swede patch featuring the stylish Xena logo with he trademark weapon on choice, the chakram. (870/XE-JKT6) (CAUT: 4) Jacket $161.50 XENA GABRIELLE AND SAIS EMBROIDERED BURGUNDY HAT This adjustable burgundy red cap features a "G" for Gabrielle crossed with two sai knives, with Xena's gal pal's name spelled out on the back. (870/XE-HAT5) (CAUT: 4) Hat $18.00 TOYS SECTION BARBIE BARBIE WEDGEWOOD II #2 DOLL Second in a series that celebrates the elegance and exquisite artistry of Wedgewood china, Barbie looks stunning in a gorgeous pastel pink ensemble. Her full-length pink taffeta gown is embellished by a pretty white petticoat. Inspired by the famous Wedgewood ceramic designs, her dress is decorated with two white bows in front and a graceful train in the back. Long white evening gloves and wimple faux pearl stud earrings set off the ensemble to perfection. To make this doll even more special, she wears a real Wedgewood cameo captured in a faux pearl chocker necklace. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (744) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. ETHNIC (50824)––Doll SRP: $90.00 REG. (50823)––Doll SRP: $90.00 BOOK FAVORITES: GOLDILOCKS AND BABY BEAR DOLL From the Storybook Favorites series, Goldilocks is adorable as the golden-haired girl inspired by the classic fairy tale. Accompanying her is baby bear, perched in a highchair and wearing a blue bib. She and baby bear each come with a bowl of porridge and a spoon, alluding to one of the story's most endearing scenes. Goldilocks looks as if she just stepped out of the pages of a children's book, in a light blue dress with white stripes and pink flowers. Her dress ties at the waist to form a large bow in the back and is topped by a white apron sprinkled with pink flowers. She also wears a pink ribbon in her hair, white tights, and black shoes. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (744/20695) (CAUT: 1 & 3) Doll SRP: $19.99 HOLLYWOOD MOVIE STAR CAST PARTY BARBIE DOLL It's a wrap! The filming of her latest movie is over and Barbie and the cast are ready to party! Fifth in the Hollywood Movie Star Collection, Barbie remains true to her glamorous movie-star image in her red charmeuse gown with matching red belt and golden buckle. Red gloves and a red marabou shrug embellished with golden threads further enhance the romantic appeal of her totally gorgeous look. Elegant gold-tone heels tell us she's ready to dance the night away until work on her next picture begins. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (744/50825) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Doll SRP: $55.00 TALES OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS BARBIE AND KEN GIFT SET Barbie and Ken recreate the romantic legend of how Scheherazade brought peace to a troubled Sultan with 1001 nights of captivating stories. Barbie as Scheherazade is absolutely ravishing in a spectacularly patterned skirt, with matching top, embellished with golden highlights. She wears pink and blue veils in her hair that spiral gracefully around her, adding an air of mystery. Ken as the Sultan is Barbie's dashing companion. He wears a pink tunic with golden trim over billowy golden pants. A blue and purple sash ties at his waist and serves as a place to rest his trusty sword. His colorful turban shines with a faux ruby and is topped with a golden plume. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (744/50827) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Set (x2) SRP: $90.00 BARBIE AND KEN AS THE MUNSTERS GIFT SET Barbie and Ken as Lily and Herman Munster are perfect as the beloved, offbeat couple from the famous 1960s TV show, The Munsters. Barbie is elegantly ghoulish as Lily Munster, complete with Lily's raven black hair and signature ivory streak. She wears a flowing light pink gown that sets off the eerie shade of greenish skin. The dress is an authentic reproduction, with wing-like cut-outs at the arms and a black tie at the waist. A bat hanging from her necklace and black fingernails complete her look. Ken as the frightful, but good-natured Herman towers above Lily. He has Herman's monster-like look, with an exaggerated forehead and brow, flat-top head that appears as if it can be opened and two bolts in his neck. He wears an authentic reproduction of Herman's brown suit, charcoal sweater, and oversized gray boots. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (744/50544) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Set (x2) SRP: $72.00 BOND, JAMES BOND JAMES BOND DIE-CASTS The vehicles of the sleekest and most stylish spy ever are here! Choose from a number of cool rides 007 used: Aston Martin DB 5, Lotus Espirit Turbo, Mustang Mach 1, and the BMW 7501. Now, if only you could get your hands on the life-size version…. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4667) ASTON MARTIN DB 5 (4305)––Die-Cast SRP: $15.95 LOTUS ESPIRIT TURBO (4701)––Die-Cast SRP: $15.99 MUSTANG MACH 1 (2101)––Die-Cast SRP: $15.99 BMW 7501 (5101)––Die-Cast SRP: $15.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER MAC BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SPIKE FIGURE A Previews Exclusive! Buffy the Vampire Slayer generally fights vampires and other dark creatures, but not Spike. He's the vampire that's always around Sunnydale, even one that might classify as a friend. You wouldn't know that by seeing this figure from Moore Action Collectibles, though! Spike is in vampire mode and wants some blood! Regardless of how nice he sometimes is, he's still a vampire! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4151) (CAUT: 4) Figure $14.99 COLLECTING AMERICAN CIVIL WAR BROTHERHOOD OF ARMS 12-INCH COLLECTIBLE FIGURES The Brotherhood consists of the U.S. 2nd Berdan Sharpshooter and the CS 57th Virginia Infantryman figure. Each 12" figure has over 20 points of articulation and is a highly authentic representation. The U.S. 2nd Berdan Sharpshooter comes issues in a historically accurate uniform with forage cap and M1858 frock coat in forest green. The CS 57th Virginia Infantryman also comes in a historically accurate uniform, with slouch hat and shell jacket. Both come with highly detailed and historically correct accessories. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4310/4200) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $29.99Ea. WORLD WAR I BAYONETS AND BARBWIRE 12-INCH COLLECTIBLE FIGURES These collectibles are authentic representations of a WWI German Assault trooper and a Scottish Black Watch soldier. Each figure has over 20 points of articulation and comes with highly detailed, historically accurate weapons and equipment. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4310/4100) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $29.95Ea. SIX GUN LEGENDS 12-INCH COLLECTIBLE FIGURES These figures feature infamous western legends –– Wyatt Earp and Billy the Kid! The figures feature the actual likeness and authentic period attire. Both are highly flexible, with 20 points of articulation, and extremely detailed period weapons. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4310/4900) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $29.95Ea. COMIC BOOK HEROES OFFERED AGAIN O/A RISING STARS ACTION FIGURES Four characters "rise" to the occasion to battle as action figures! Patriot, Chandra, and Ravenshadow! Plus, the newest star to rise and shine… Critical Maas! From the critically acclaimed comic by J. Michael Stracynski and published by Top Cow Productions comes the premiere line of Rising Stars Action Figures! Each figure comes with multiple points of articulation and accessories! This incredible set comes your way this winter! The heavens will part and the stars will shine! NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures $11.99Ea. ******************* RISING STARS PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE RAVENSHADOW FIGURE A Previews Exclusive! This exclusive edition is one of the most limited action figures in the market today – and it's only available in Previews! This figure — featuring a variant maskless head and new paint scheme — is also available signed by series creator J. Michael Starczynski! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (691) O/A REG.––Figure $12.99 SIGNED––Figure $24.99 DIE-CASTS JOHNNY LIGHTNING CLASSIC GOLD II RELEASE II DIE-CASTS Johnny Lightining takes a whole new approach to classic cars in this new series. Called "Classic Gold," this series features cars of all models and makes, from all eras, and will come from various design groups. Unlike other JL series, each car featured in the "Classic Gold" series will have a style all its own. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/404-11) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING HOLIDAY MUSCLE 2001 DIE-CASTS These chromed cars are from the highly popular Mopar Muscle and Muscle Cars USA series! The glittering collection includes: 1964 Pontiac GTO, 1967 Pontiac Firebird, 1967 Cougar, 1967 Cutlass, 1969 Chevy Nova, 1969 Dodge Charger R/T, 1969 Dodge Daytona, 1970 Plymouth Hemi Cuda, 1970 Mercury Cyclone, 1970 Plymouth GTX, 1971 Plymouth Road Runner, and 1971 Plymouth Duster. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/156-03) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $4.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING MONOPOLY II COLLECTOR'S EDITION DIE-CASTS The return of the Monopoly collection! Look for more cars with cool graphics in Monopoly themed packaging! Each package will also include a game token, which is a miniature replica of the car in the package! Use it as your own special game token! Pass go and collect $100 in the Free Parking VW Van, Marvin Gardens 1969 Camero, St. Charles 1969 Dodge Daytona, In Jail 1933 Ford Delivery, Income Tax 1957 Lincoln, or the Monopoly Boardwalk BMW Z3! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/155-20) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING TRI-CHEVY SERIES 3 DIE-CASTS In three short years, 1955-57, Chevrolet produced some of the most popular cars in history. Known as Tri-Chevy, people today revel over their beautiful, yet unique designs. This Tri-Chevy program brings back a piece of Chevrolet history for fans worldwide. Series includes: the 1955-1957 Convertibles, and the 1955-1957 Nomads. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/454-03) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTING VETTE MAGAZINE RELEASE 1 DIE-CASTS Johnny Lightning pays homage to one of the most popular domestic sports cars ever designed, the Corvette, with this new line of high-quality die-cast cars as seen in the pages of Vette Magazine! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/291-10) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTING CUSTOMIZING KITS RELEASE 2 Johnny Lightning is now letting you build your own collectible cars. The ultimate mix- and-match of pieces and parts, allowing you to build dozens of possible car configurations. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/482-02) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $8.75Ea. HORROR ON THE EDGE UNIVERSAL STUDIOS WOLF MAN 24-INCH POZER This 24" plush doll is a caricature of the famous Universal Studios monster the Wolf Man. Its internal wire armature allows increased flexibility. Features 12 points of articulation, with highly detailed sculpture with plush body and realistic clothing. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (4310/4502) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Doll SRP: $40.00 YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN 12-INCH COLLECTIBLE FIGURE Featuring the actual likeness of Gene Wilder as Dr. Frankenstein, the like ness of Peter Boyle as The Monster, and the likeness of Marty Feldman as Igor from the movie Young Frankenstein. Highly flexible, these 12" figures features over 20 points of articulation. Detailed accessories are included with each figure. Scheduled to ship in May 2001. (4310/3600) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. RES. from Previews Vol. XI #3 (MAR012803) Figures SRP: $29.95Ea. LUGOSI DRACULA 12-INCH FIGURE Movie Dracula's come and go; but for many fans, there is only one, definitive Dracula… Bela Lugosi! This 12" tall, fully articulated Dracula figure features the likeness of Lugosi and is fully sanctioned by the Lugosi Estate and Universal Studios. This long-awaited figure features over 20 points of articulation, and wears highly detailed and fitted clothing. Accessories include vampire bat, stone textured base, and two rats. Figure comes packaged in a full-color box that features a reproduction of the original Dracula movie poster, with an inside flap containing facts about the movie. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4310/4405) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $29.95 UNIVERSAL MONSTERS SERIES 5 FIGURES Here's a whole new trio of classic movie monster icons — captured as superb articulated action figures! Each 8" figure features superb detailing and stunning sculpts bringing these classic characters to life! This assortment may include the following: Bela Lugosi as Dracula (w/cloth cape and castle staircase display stand); Bela Lugosi as Igor from Son of Frankenstein (w/display stand and other accessories); and Lon Chaney Sr. as The Masque of the Red Death from The Phantom of the Opera (w/staff, variant unmasked head, and display base). Each figure features approximately 12 points of articulation, and ships on blister card packaging. The Dracula figure is also available separately from the assortment! Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (4310/32005) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $13.00Ea. DRACULA—Figures SRP: $13.00Ea. RAT FINK WIND-UP TOY Brought to you by Ed Roth is this Rat Fink toy! Wind up the green rodent sporting his classic red shirt with the big R and let him go! Just don't let him walk all over you! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4128) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Toy $7.00 SCARY TALES FANTASY FIGURES SERIES 1 It's the Grimm Brothers gone seriously grim! This line of articulated figures takes the best of Alice in Wonderland and the Big Bad Wolf and twists them into the Scary Tales! Each figure is painstakingly sculpted and painted to bring you these fairy tale characters as the Brothers Grimm intended. Choose from Alice, with a portal to Wonderland base with liquid floor, door with tongue, table, cookie, and potion; the White Rabbit, with a psychedelic tree base with operational door, hanging skeleton, and pocket watch; the Mad Hatter, with a road-kill cat base with a two-sided tongue table, eyeball throne, teapot, teacup, and a removable hat; Little Red Riding Hood, with a creepy monster double tree base with owl, a skull, and picnic basket; and the Big Bad Wolf, with a blood-stained bedroom base with bone bed, nightstand, grandma's leg, slipper, candle, and removable cane. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4830/66001) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $12.99Ea. 2000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA FIGURES The fantastic sci-fi tales of Jules Verne come to life with these deluxe, limited edition action figure diorama sets. Each diorama comes with at least 15 accessories and a Nemo action figure with 16 points of articulation. The Control Captain Nemo diorama recreates the control cabin of the Nautilus. Accessories include model Nautilus, ladder, scimitar and sheath, periscope, treasure chest, books, a pipe, table, chair, chalice, spyglass, sextant, octopus ball, and a sword and sheath. The Wave Rider Nemo stands on a sculpted wave base and rides his mechanical Manta Ray vehicle. Accessories include spears and spear gun, lantern, dagger and sheath, harpoon, throwing star, screwdriver, backpack with scuba tank, binoculars, hammer, wrench, and regulator. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4830/88101) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $26.99 MILITARY FIGURES RED SPECIAL FORCES ACCESSORY PACKS Outfit your Special Forces figures with these new accessory packs, featuring a multitude of weapons and equipment for every situation! Several packs to choose from! Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (6392) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Packs SRP: $6.99Ea. SPECIAL FORCES MISSION RED FIGURES Special Forces figures are highly-detailed and extremely accurate representations of the world's elite military units, represented as 6" action figures! Every aspect of the soldiers is captured in stunning realism from the weapons they use to the camouflage they wear. These "Mission Red" figures feature removable accessories and interchangeable weapons to allow the maximum amount of play/display value! Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (6392) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Packs SRP: $8.99Ea. ELITE BRIGADE GERMAN ARMY CAPTAIN WWII FIGURE The Elite Brigade figure wears an M1935 greatcoat, recognizable by its dark green collar and was worn throughout the war. His peaked cap, or "schirmutze" is made from cloth and leather like the original. Armed with the Walther PP pistol for officers, his equipment also includes a leather PP holster, leather officer's belt, and standard officer's high jackboots. The jackboots are a new Elite style, made of resin and molded directly onto the calf. The figure is Elite's new resin head, Oskar. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (7093/GIEDF29A) (CAUT: 4) Figure $67.99 ELITE BRIGADE GERMAN WWII INFANTRY AT VERDUN FIGURE The German Sturm battalions were made up of specialized infantry, light artillery and engineers whose task it was to launch highly concentrated shock assaults on a narrow front to stun the enemy into retreat. As surprise was key to a shock assault, this trooper has applied camouflage paint to his M1916 helmet. The remainder of his gear is basic WWI German kit. He carries the standard German rifle of WWI, the Mausser M1898, which was the forerunner of the WWII Mausser K98 — an especially short version of the M1898. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (7093/GIEDF87A) (CAUT: 4) Figure SRP: $79.99 SIG SERIES I WEAPONS The 1:6 scale weapons for your 12" action figures include two rifles: SIG 550, SIG 551; and two pistols: P228 and P232. Features include a folding butt stock moveable trigger, selector level, and loadable mechanism. Rifles include detachable and removable slings. Functions for the P228 include a cocking hammer and a hammer that releases with the trigger is pulled. Function on the P232 includes a sliding mechanism. The weapons come with removable and extra magazines. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4942/00505) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Weapons SRP:$10.99Ea. G.I. JOE 3 ¾-INCH FIGURE TWO-PACKS The classic 3 ¾" GI Joes of the 80s return in these new two-packs, featuring the best of the Joes and their enemies, the evil forces of Cobra. This assortment is scheduled to include: Cobra Commander & Laser Viper, Barricade & Crossfire, Destro & Fastblast Viper, Wet Suit & Skimmer, Lowlight & Surefire, Zartan & Crimson Viper, Outback & Tripwire, and Gung Ho & Leatherneck. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/57662) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP:$7.99Ea. G.I. JOE 3 ¾-INCH LAND ASSAULT VEHICLES WITH FIGURE Take your Joe and Cobra forces into battle with these 1- and 2-man vehicles, each with its own exclusive pilot/driver! This assortment may include: Locust Helicopter, Man-O-War Sub (w/Lamprey), and Mobat Tank. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/53044) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Vehicle w/figure SRP:$15.00Ea. G.I. JOE CLASSIC HARLEY DAVIDSON POLICE BIKE WITH FIGURE The modern era Harley Davidson Electra Glide Police Bike includes front and rear emergency lights, a full fairing with windshield, and radio communications. The exclusive figure is outfitted with a long sleeve shirt with epaulettes, tapered riding breeches, riding boots, motorcycle helmet with radio communications, gun, belt, handgun, billy club, and dog tags. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/81697) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP:$88.00 G.I. JOE 2010 ADVENTURES WAVE IV FIGURES The future of freedom-fighting will be in the hands of an elite group of highly skilled soldiers codenamed G.I. Joe! They are ready in a moment's notice to defend liberty anywhere and everywhere, with technologically advanced weapons and accessories. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/81615.95) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP:$17.99 MOVIES AND TV MISFIT TOYS ULTIMATE ABOMINABLE SNOWMONSTER It's the infamous "Bumble" as seen in the classic TV special! This fuzzy fellow stands 16" tall and features seven points of articulation. Includes a Christmas Tree "star" accessory and features actual sounds from the show! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/6779) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $23.50 MISFIT TOYS 11-PIECE FIGURE & DELUXE ACTION BUMBLE SET This set of 11 figures from the television special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer includes: Yukon Cornelius, Santa, Sam the Snowman, Misfit train, Clarice, Spotted Elephant, Charlie-in the Box, King Moonracer, Hermey, Misfit Doll, Rudolph and, of course the Bumble. Figures range in size from 2-3" tall. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/6757) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Set SRP: $24.99 MISFIT TOYS 12-PIECE SETS Twelve favorite characters available as ornaments, complete with eye hook and gold loop for hanging. Also available as a regular PVC figure set. Characters includes: Ykon Cornelius, Santa, Sam the Snowman, Misfit train, Clarice, Spotted Elephant, Charlie-in the Box, King Moonracer, Hermey, Misfit Doll, Rudolph, and Abominable Snowman. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. ORNAMENTS (6777)––Set SRP: $19.00 FIGURINES (6758)––Set SRP: $19.00 MISFIT TOYS 3-PIECE ACTION FIGURE SETS The characters from the classic Rankin/Bass movie are available as two different boxed sets. Set I includes: Santa (with hat, spotted elephant, and toy bag), Rudolph (with a light- up nose and Misfit doll), and Clarice (with two raccoons and two rabbits). Set II includes: Sam the Snowman (with a removable hat, banjo, and umbrella), Hermey (with hat, tools, book, and two of Bumble's teeth), and Yukon Cornelius (with removable earmuffs, tolls, and snowshoes). Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. SET I (6759)––Set SRP: $18.00 SET II (6760)––Set SRP: $18.00 MISFITS TOYS RED-NOSED EXPRESS TRAIN SET Your favorite characters from the classic Rankin/Bass holiday special setam along on board this colorful train set, with several cars, all featuring figurines of the lead characters and Misfit Toys. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/6781) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Set SRP: $56.00 PLANET OF THE APES 6-INCH WAVE II FIGURES From the upcoming blockbuster movie directed by Tim Burton come these all-new 6" figures! This second wave of figures may include: Attar, Ari, Leo Davidson, Daena, Limbo, Krull, Gorilla Warrior, and Pericles. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/52120) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $12.00Ea. MONSTERS, INC. TOP SCARER FIGURES From Pixar, the creators of Toy Story 1 & 2 comes their latest all-CGI epic, Monsters, Inc., revealing the truth behind all those childhood fears of monsters under the bed and in the closet… and things that go bump in the night! This series of "Top Scarers" may include: Sulley, Randall, C.O.A. Agent, George Sanderson, Scare Assistants 3-Pack, and Waternoose. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6245/52225) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $12.50Ea. WIZARD OF OZ TIN MAN PORCELAIN FIGURE Fourth in a series of collectible porcelain dolls commemorating one of the most beloved film of all time, The Wizard of Oz. This authentic Tin Man doll is sculpted in the likeness of Jack Haley as Tin Man, the endearing woodsman who desperately wanted a heart. Tin Man has an articulated neck and arms and is intricately detailed to capture the character's personality. He wears his signature funnel hat and bow tie, and holds his woodsman's axe in his hand. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (744/29676) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $123.00 WIZARD OF OZ WINGED MONKEY PORCELAIN FIGURE Fifth in a series of collectible porcelain dolls commemorating one of the most beloved film of all time, The Wizard of Oz. This authentic Nikko is sculpted in the likeness of the evil monkey who captured Toto in a basket. Intricately detailed, Nikko has feathered wings and even comes with a basket for Toto. He wears a blue jacket with red and white embroidered trim. His sculpted hair is even re-created as it appeared in the film and is topped with his signature blue cap. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (744/29476) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $123.00 FUTURAMA GLOW IN THE DARK BENDER PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE BENDY A Previews Exclusive! It's Bender, the robotic co-star of Matt Groening's hit animated series Futurama. This bendy figure of Bender is cast in glow-in-the-dark rubber, so he glows like a reject from Chernobyl! Bender also includes a "metal" bar, so he can show off his muscles and bend it! Guaranteed to ship August 8. (6245/52225) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $12.50Ea. MUSIC ROCK 'N THE BOX MUSIC BOXES The old, reliable "Jack-in-the-Box" reinvented for a new world! Hit the button and overload your senses as the box pops open with an insanely detailed sculpture and slammin' tunes! This series is scheduled to include: Ozzy Osbourne (Bark at the Moon), Alice Cooper (Welcome to My Nightmare), and Rob Zombie (Dragula)! Each box plays 60 seconds of music. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4850) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Music Box $24.99 SIMPSONS THE SIMPSONS: WORLD OF SPRINGFIELD WAVE V FIGURES The next wave of talking Simpsons figures are here! Wave V, like the previous waves, features Intelli-Tronic resistor technology that allows the figures to talk when they are connected to their World of Springfield playsets, allowing them to come to life as they say one of their several random phrases. This series may include: Captain McCallister, Sideshow Mel, Bumble Bee Man, Martin, Bartman, and Kent Brockman. Each figure stands approximately 3" to 5" tall and comes with exclusive accessories. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (222) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $6.50Ea. THE SIMPSONS: WORLD OF SPRINGFIELD WAVE V ENVIRONMENTS These detailed environment playsets bring to life your Simpsons figures! Each environment comes with an exclusive figure and has a reader that identifies each Simpson figure and then plays back a random phrase specific that that character — with over 40 phrases total! Choose from: First Church of Springfield (with Reverend Lovejoy) or Noiseland Arcade (with Jimbo Jones). Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in May 2001. (222) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Environment SRP: $24.99Ea. SCI-FI OFFERED AGAIN O/A STAR TREK CAPTAIN JANEWAY ACTION FIGURE Previously a mail-order exclusive! As seen in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Flashback," each Captain Janeway figure comes in an exclusively designed fifth-panel window box, for viewing and display of the figure without having to remove it from the box. Limited to 10,000 figures. (4829) (CAUT: 4) Figure $13.99 **************** SPORTS STARTING LINE-UP ALL STARS WAVE 3 FIGURES Whether it's the National League or the American League, all-new Starting Line-Up has all the bases covered! Each figure features incredible detail, action poses, and collector's card with photo and stats. This wave is scheduled to include: Todd Helton, Pat Burrell, Chipper Jones, Brian Giles, Rafael Fureal, Cal Ripken Jr., Pedro Martinez, Derek Jeter, Ken Griffey Jr., Randy Johnson, , Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire, Mike Piazza, and more! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (309/71775) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $9.25Ea. VIDEO GAMES SONIC THE HEDGEHOG SERIES 2 FIGURES Sonic the Hedgehog, the popular Sega game hero, comes to life with this new assortment of 4" characters! This second series is scheduled to include: Sonic, E-102, Big, and Amy Rose. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6392) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots — please check with your retailer for availability. RES. from Previews Vol. X #3 (MAR002620) Figure SRP: $6.50Ea. FINAL FANTASY: THE SPIRIT WITHIN ALIEN DELUXE ACTION FIGURE The summer blockbuster season is almost here, and one of the most anticipated films of the year, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, will be coming to theaters nationwide in July. Following the story of the soft-spoken scientist Aki Ross and a team of dedicated marines, Final Fantasy explores themes of life and renewal and promises butt-kicking action and mind-boggling effects. Aki and her friends must save the earth from a race of ruthless alien enemies bent on extinguishing life on the planet. This Alien deluxe figure features multiple points of articulation and stands a whopping 18" tall. It is a companion piece to the highly anticipated 12" line from Palisades and is in prefect scale with the 12" figures. This is a must-have piece not only for fans of Final Fantasy, but any fan of highly detailed, museum quality figures. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (8644/43001) (CAUT: 4) Figure SRP: $59.00 STREET FIGHTER SERIES 2 FIGURES Here's all of your favorite Street Fighter characters, captured as cool new 6" tall action figures, featuring exceptional detailing and two different paint decos: "Player 1" or "Player 2" outfits! This series is scheduled to include: Sagat, Charlie, Akura, Chun-Li, Necro, and Remy. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (6392) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. RES. from Previews Vol. X #3 (MAR002621) Figures SRP: $7.99Ea. WRESTLING WWF REBELLION SERIES III FIGURES More WWF action with all your favorite grapplers! This series is scheduled to include: Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Triple H, The Undertaker, The Rock, and Matt Hardy. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4301) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $7.99Ea. WWF RING STUNNERS 6 ½-INCH STUNT FIGURES They amaze! They astound! They stun! They're the stars of the WWF, and they're here for this new line of Ring Stunners! This line is scheduled to include: Triple H, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Rikishi, X-Pac, and Stephanie McMahon. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4301/W98000) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $9.50Ea. WWF SUPERSTAR SLAMMIN' SERIES 2 WITH SOUND FIGURES These WWF superstars are simply slammin'! This line is scheduled to include: The Rock, Steve Austin, and Triple H. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4301/W94030) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $14.75Ea. STATUES & MODELS ANIME TRIGUN WOLFWOOD PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE VARIANT BUST A Previews Exclusive! Under the tutelage and guidance of the Chapel of the Evergreen, Nicholas Wolfwood preaches the gospel with both his words… and his guns! A professed sinner seeking forgiveness in a harsh, cruel world as a traveling man of faith, his skills as a gunfighter have often proven both invaluable and necessary in dispensing the Lord's work through pain and retribution. Now you can show your support for his reverent cause by displaying this fully-painted, cold-cast bust sculpture, featuring a variant re-sculpted exposed cross with added sunglasses, capturing the supporting character of the popular Trigun animated series in all his prominent glory! Scheduled to ship in September. (8644) (CAUT: 4) Bust $45.00 COMIC BOOK HEROES CAPTAIN AMERICA PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE MINI-STATUE A Previews Exclusive! This 1/10th scale miniature version of the resin statue, sculpted by Neil Surgess and based on an original Randy Bowen casting, stands a full 7 5/8" overall, and captures the pure, heroic essence of Marvel's own Sentinel of Justice. Fully-painted and ready to display, your sense of American pride and patriotism will shine through once you've showcased this regal work of art proudly on your mantel piece. Scheduled to ship in August. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Mini Statue $45.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ELEKTRA COLD-CAST STATUE New Lower Price! This classic cold-cast porcelain sculpture captures the strength and beautiful features of Daredevil's greatest love: Elektra! The red-clad assassin stands poised and ready to fight. Originally limited to 2,500 copies, a small cache of these previously sold-out statues was recently uncovered in a rare warehouse find, just in time for her new series! Originally offered at $150.00 retail! Painted and ready to display. Available now for immediate shipping. (8784) (CAUT: 4) Statue $99.00 ********************** GHOST RIDER MINI BUST The Spirit of Vengeance lives on in this 5 ½" tall mini-bust sculpted by Thomas Kuntz, based on a design by Randy Bowen. A sense of fear and apprehension will prevail you as its translucent flames and burning eyes pierce deeply into the depths of your soul, reflecting the terror welling within. This stunning, fully-painted piece rests upon a sculpted base sporting a vintage cycle etching, with a genuine metal chain clasped loosely across its shoulder. Scheduled to ship in August. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Mini Bust $40.00 HUMAN TORCH RESIN STATUE The 4th and final piece of the preeminent Fantastic Four series explodes in an inferno of flames and fury, as the Human Torch takes to the skies, his fiery aspect captured in all its radiant brilliance. Crafted by the combined sculpting talents of Tony McVey and Randy Bowen, this colorful, 17" tall masterpiece scorches with translucent flames, and properly complements the World's Greatest Comic Book series of sculptures. Just make certain you keep it out of reach of any flammable objects. Fully painted and ready for display. Scheduled to ship in August. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Statue $150.00 WEAPON X MINI BUST Unbreakable, retractable adamantium claws, a healing factor that belies comprehension, and a feral disposition; combined, these attributes paint a lethal picture of the mutant killing-machine known as Weapon X! Randy Bowen, Mark Newman, and the Shiflett Brothers join forces to bring this wild Wolverine out of hiding, safely caged in the confines of this 5" tall, fully-painted resin bust. But, be wary, for the metal claws he's brandishing are authentic, and as sharp as his instincts. Catch him while you can, as the unpredictable nature-of-the-beast suggests that he cannot be subdued for very long. Fully painted and ready for display. Scheduled to ship in August. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Mini Bust $40.00 GOLDEN AGE CATWOMAN MEDIUM STATUE This 4th offering in the line of DC Comics figurines featuring characters as they appeared in the "Golden Age". First appearing in Batman #1, Selina Kyle, the princess of plunder and felonious feline otherwise known as Catwoman, coupled with her cunning, fierce independence, and unexpected moral sense, has cultivated into one of comicdom's most popular characters. Highly detailed, standing 7" tall on a sleek black base emblazoned with a gold "Catwoman" emblem, this sculpted piece showcases the Dark Knight Detective's most wily nemesis with stunning eloquence! Fully painted and ready for display. Scheduled to ship in September. (82) (CAUT: 4) Statue $35.00 LUCIFER BUST A Diamond Select offering! Lucifer, the Father of Lies! He is known by many names and many faces, but to those whose lives are sworn to evil and whose heart is dark and cold, he is lord and master. Lucifer is the ultimate villain in Chaos! Comics universe, but now you can own his likeness with this highly-detailed, meticulously crafted bust sculpted by the renowned Shiflett Brothers. Standing a full 6 ½" tall, this menacing masterpiece details a contemplating Lucifer clutching an ancient skull, as the lingering sneer splayed across his diabolical façade projects a sense of utter dread and loathing. Strictly limited to a 3,000 unit casting. Also available as a special edition limited to 300. Both busts come packaged in a custom box with a Certificate of Authenticity. The special edition certificate is hand-signed. Fully painted and ready for display. Guaranteed to ship 9/12/01; Special Edition ships later. (4667) (CAUT: 4) REGULAR EDITION – Bust $45.00 SPECIAL EDITION – Bust $60.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A CHASTITY & JADE STATUES A Diamond Select Offering! The children of the night. What sweet music they make… In mid-1970's London, Chastity was changed from punk rock chick to avenging vampire angel. Here, as Chastity vamps (pun intended), her nemesis, Jade, stalks her — dematerializing from behind! These cold-cast resin beauties combine to create a landmark piece. Jade stands over 13" tall and features clear resin details! Beautifully sculpted by Sam Greenwell, this pair of haunting beauties will surely turn your dreams into nightmares! Brought to you by Eternal Toys and Diamond Select Toys, Chastity and Jade come packaged in a custom box with a Certificate of Authenticity. Limited to 2,000 pieces. Also available as a Special Edition, which has a multi-colored, clear gravestone, gold-colored paint, and a Certificate hand-signed by Brian Pulido and Sam Greenwell! that is limited to 300 copies. Both come fully painted and ready to display. Available now for immediate shipping. (4667) (CAUT: 2 & 4) REGULAR EDITION—Statue $199.00 SPECIAL EDITION—Statue $300.00 ******************** MOORE CREATIONS 4 FT. WITCHBLADE STATUE Is bigger better? It is when it's Top Cow's armored, voluptuous vixen Witchblade. Based on the original Witchblade statue sculpted by Clayburn S. Moore, this oversized rendition of Sara Pezzini, clothed in her metallic weapon, stands 4 feet tall! Hand cast in fiberglass resin, this amazing, full-color art piece is as close to the real life comic character as one will probably ever get, serving as a most interesting, eye-catching conversation piece. Scheduled to ship in October, 2001. (8734) (CAUT: 4) Statue $999.00 VAMPIRELLA PORCELAIN STATUE Moore Creations, Inc. proudly presents its newest item licensed from Harris Publications, the Vampirella Porcelain Statue. This hand poured, kiln-fired true porcelain sculpture is based on the incredibly popular Vampirella action figure and stands a full 7 ¾" tall. Strictly limited to 5,000 pieces, you won't want to pass on this rendition of this heart- stopping beauty. Scheduled to ship in October. (8734) (CAUT: 3 & 4) Statue $39.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE CROW STATUE New Lower Price! This cold-cast porcelain collectible depicts the late Brandon Lee as Erik Draven, The Crow! This limited edition collectible features a wired crow flying over his shoulder, and depicts the resurrected vengeful spirit dressed in his tattered overcoat and walking over a flaming crow outline. Limited to just 1,500, each statue will be individually numbered and will come with a Certificate of Authenticity. Painted and ready to display. Shipping in August 2001. (491) (CAUT: 4) Statue $150.00 FANTASY DRAGON RESIN CD HOLDER No one will complain about your particular taste in music if you store your CD's in this collectible CD/CD ROM Holder. Hand-painted and sculpted in cold cast resin, this unique display unit can hold 20 CD's in their cases, and you need never fear of anyone seeking to borrow them with the ever-present glare of the guardian dragon looming over your CD hoard. Scheduled to ship in August. (4432/FG-1369) (CAUT: 4) CD Holder $65.00 FIRE DRAGON FOUNTAIN Perched high atop his mountain lair, the Fire Dragon gazes into the future through his spinning crystal ball, as a stream of water flows beneath it, cascading down through his fiery breath into the moat below. This hand-painted polyresin collectible fountain stands a full 12 ½" high with a girth of 7 ¼", and comes supplied with a water pump. Scheduled to ship in August. (4432/FG-1364) (CAUT: 4) Fountain $75.00 HIGH WIZARD DRAGON WATER BALL STATUE What does the future entail? An elderly wizard ponders the visions that stir within the clear confines of his crystal ball, as a monstrous dragon looms menacingly over his medieval keep. This hand-painted polyresin water ball measures 9 ¼" high and rests on a staggered-stone base. Scheduled to ship in August. (4432/FG-1373) (CAUT: 4) Water Ball Statue $34.00 SNAP DRAGGINS' MODEL KITS Originally produced under the "Car-Toons" brand name, this series of snap-together '60s- style hot rods is perfect for modelers young and old alike. Each kit averages approximately 20 pieces, and requires no glue or paint (although you may want to go nuts with your own custom paint job!). Various styles are available. Requires assembly and painting. Scheduled to ship in August. (6243) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Kit $7.50Ea. HORROR ON THE EDGE H.R. GIGER'S CLASSIC SPELL RESIN WALL HANGING This amazing rendering of H.R. Giger's classic Spell I painting measures a 24" x 27", and the over 400 hours of delicate sculpting applied into the cast piece was personally overseen by Giger himself. The classic metallic patina is weathered and rusted for added realism, and the sculpt comes fully-painted and ready to hang. Limited to only 666 individually crafted units, each piece comes with an engraved signature by H.R. Giger and a Certificate of Authenticity from Morpheus International. Scheduled to ship in September. (491) (CAUT: 4) Wall Hanging $695.00 LORD OF THE RINGS LORD OF THE RINGS RESIN BUSTS These highly detailed 1:4 scale busts highlights the pure, fantasy essence of the notable characters portrayed in the up-coming feature film trilogy based on J.R.R. Tolkien's epic Lord of the Rings. Each hand-painted, hand cast polystone bust sits atop a classically turned base inscribed with the characters name and silk-screened with the sculptor's signature. Scheduled to ship in August. (4310) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. ARAGORN – Bust $60.00 FRODO – Bust $50.00 GANDALF – Bust $60.00 MORIA ORC – Bust $60.00 ORC OVERSEER – Bust $60.00 PIPPIN – Bust $50.00 LORD OF THE RINGS RESIN STATUES These meticulously hand-crafted polystone statues showcasing some of the more memorable characters inhabiting the fantasy world of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, as portrayed in the up-coming feature film trilogy. Each 1:6 scale, fully-painted, free- standing figure stands atop a classically turned base inscribed with the characters name and silk-screened with the sculptor's signature. Scheduled to ship in August. (4310) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. FRODO BAGGINS – Statue $100.00 GANDALF – Statue $125.00 LURTZ – Statue $125.00 ORC OVERSEER – Statue $125.00 LORD OF THE RINGS MINI METAL HELMETS SERIES 1 These cast metal helmets are exact 1:4 scale miniature replicas of the prop helmets used in the up-coming feature film trilogy of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, and have been expertly recreated by the same metalsmiths who designed the full-scale pieces for the films. Each sits on a classically turned pedestal that includes the name of the helmet and the sculptor's signature. Scheduled to ship in August. (4310/95001) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. These items are offered in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Mini Helmet $25.00Ea. SCI-FI METALLIC CHROME JUPITER II MODEL KIT Playing Mantis makes a good thing even better with this special edition of their original Jupiter II spaceship kit from the classic sci-fi TV series, Lost in Space! Measuring 12" in diameter, this 1:48 scale Jupiter II features a detailed interior, hull, and landing gear, and features stunning metallic chrome pieces. An Aurora-style kit, perfectly scaled to the previously released Lost in Space cyclops diorama kit! Requires assembly. Scheduled to ship in August. (6243/8003) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Kit $29.99 MOVIES & TV DRAGONBALL Z ANDROID 18 BUST First ruler of the Earth of Future Trunks, then a target of Cell, Android 18's destiny awaits in the new fall season of Dragonball Z when she becomes involved with Krillin. This 6", pre-painted, cold-cast collectible features a dynamic likeness of the android hunter with a heart of gold. Packed in a window box, these highly-detailed pieces are limited and individually numbered, and are ready for display. Scheduled to ship in September. (8644/20034) (CAUT: 4) Bust $45.99 DRAGONBALL Z PERFECT CELL BUST Created from the cells of Goku, Vegeta, Frieza and all the other great martial arts masters of all time, Cell is the fiendish creation of Dr. Gero in the smash anime Dragonball Z. This cold-cast collectible captures the cold fury of Dragonball Z's greatest villain in his "Perfect" stage. Packed in a window box, these highly-detailed pieces are limited and individually numbered, and each 6" bust comes pre-painted and ready for display. Scheduled to ship in September. (8644/20037) (CAUT: 4) Bust $45.99 IMPORT TOYS & MODELS Unless otherwise noted, all IMPORT TOYS & MODELS listings are: (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. ANIME COMBAT ARMOR DOUGRAM PLASTIC MODEL KITS Imported from Japan! Model kits based on the classic 1981-83 Sunrise anime series, Fang of the Sun Dougram (a.k.a. Combat Armor Dougram) are back! Some of these kits were previously made available as a part of Revell's Robotech model kit line, but these are the originals — featuring original language boxes, instructions, and decals. Choose from: Dougram, Crab Gunner, Ground Search, Soltic Korchima, and Tequila Gunner. These Japanese kits feature many moving parts and joints, and require painting and assembly. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4471) BLOCKHEAD—Kit $11.99 CRAB GUNNER—Kit $11.99 GROUND SEARCH—Kit $11.99 SOLTIC KORCHIMA—Kit $11.99 TEQUILA GUNNER—Kit $11.99 TETSUJIN 28 LIGHT BLUE MEGA-SCALE VINYL FIGURE Imported from Japan! He's big — 20 inches tall — and ready to defend the Earth! He's Gigantor (known as Tetsujin 28 in Japan), and this massive vinyl figure will make quite the impression on any robot collection! Featuring 4 points of articulation, this light blue figure comes packaged in original Japanese window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4671) Figure $45.00 OH! MY GODDESS BELLDANDY LIGHT BLUE ACTION FIGURE Shared Exclusive! Imported from Japan! When Morisato misdials the take-out joint and gets the goddess Belldandy instead, he's granted a single wish, and he jokingly wishes for a beautiful goddess like her. But the joke's on him as he gets what he wished for! Kosuke Fujishima's popular goddesses from the hit manga and anime series, Oh My Goddess! is now available as this "light blue anime appearance" variant import action figure, complete with display stand. The figure comes with an exclusive, new trading card, with each card being individually numbered! Figure stands approximately 6" tall, with limited articulation. Original Japanese blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4813) Figure $14.99 COMIC BOOKS GHOST WORLD LITTLE ENID VINYL FIGURE Imported from Japan! A Specialty Market Exclusive! Just in time for United Artists' big screen adaptation of Dan Clowes's Ghost World, the "Little Enid" doll is ready to put some angst in your collection! Fully licensed and approved by Ghost World creator Dan Clowes! Presspop Gallery of Tokyo brings you this 5" tall, articulated vinyl figure, complete with purse accessory! And, best of all, the packaging features special Dan Clowes illustrations! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4993) Figure $19.99 DEVILMAN DEVILMAN: AKIRA & MIKI ACTION FIGURE TWO-PACKS Imported from Japan! From the latest chapter in Go Nagai's Devilman anime/manga saga comes two awesome two-packs of Devilman's human alter-ego, Akira, and his girlfriend Miki. Both figures stand approximately 8" tall, and include display stands. Choose from the demonic "Devil Fusion" 2-pack, or the "Tribal Fusion" 2-pack. Designed by Yasushi Nirasawa, sculpted by Toshimitsu Usui. Original Japanese blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (6268) DEVIL FUSION––Two-Pack $38.95 TRIBAL FUSION––Two-Pack $38.95 DEVILMAN: ZAN ACTION FIGURES Imported from Japan! Here's an altogether different style Zan, available in a "Comic" version, as well as a "Rusty Copper" style. Both versions feature multiple points of articulation and a display stand. Designed by Yasushi Nirasawa, sculpted by Yuji Oniki. Original Japanese blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (6268) COMIC––Figure $19.95 RUSTY––Figure $19.95 DEVILMAN : ZENON ACTION FIGURES Imported from Japan! This winged horror from the pits is available in two different versions, each featuring multiple points of articulation and display stands. Choose from "Inferno" or "Misty Violet" versions. Designed by Yasushi Nirasawa, sculpted by Toshimitsu Usui. Original Japanese blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (6268) INFERNO––Figure $38.95 MISTY VIOLET––Figure $38.95 FANTASY OFFERED AGAIN O/A CORUM 1:6-SCALE RESIN STATUE Part of Kotobukiya's "Art Figure Collection" of cold cast resin statues. Master sculptor Takayuki Takeya presents another dangerous damsel, Corum. This beautifully painted cold-cast resin figure shows Corum holding a bloody sword standing on top of a pile of unfortunate corpses. Statue stands approximately 11" tall, and comes painted and ready to display. Available now! (4898) Statue $240.00 ***************** GODZILLA GODZILLA VS BIOLLANTE 12-INCH RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! This stunning 12" tall, fully-painted resin statue features the King of the Monsters as he appeared in the second "Heisei" era film, Godzilla versus Biollante. The Kaiju King roars in defiance, holding a tattered tentacle from the plant/animal hybrid horror! Comes mounted on a detailed display base. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4878) Statue $99.99 GODZILLA RESIN DIORAMAS Imported from Japan! This beautiful series of Bandai "candy toys" (each box contains a small packet of lemon Ramune candies) from Japan depicts one of four "appearance scenes" from classic Godzilla films past and present. Each mini-diorama is cast from resin and is hand-painted. The base of each diorama measures approximately 3" x 4", and the average height of each scene is around 3" tall. Each diorama features a plastic shell that fits over the sculpture inside the window box, along with a name tag on the front. There are four different scenes, all shipped randomly. Guaranteed in stores August 1st, 2001! (4847) Diorama $5.99Ea. GUNDAM GUNDAM WING JAPANESE VERSION MODEL KITS Imported from Japan! Assemble your own Gundam action figures! These are the original Japanese releases, not the "Americanized" versions… this means collectible, original Japanese boxes and instructions. This month, choose from the following 1/144 scale Gundam Wing import kits: Gundam Wing Zero, Gundam Serpent, Gundam Sandrock, Gundam Heavy Arms, Gundam Nataku, Gundam Deathscythe Hell, and Tallgeese III. Easy to build, with over 70 colored parts with snap-together assembly, these 5" kits offer more than 18 points of articulation for incredible action poses. Or, try the same mecha in the larger 1/100 scale! 1/100 scale models are poseable, 7 ½" kits that boast more than 130 colored parts, and over 30 points of articulation! Requires snap together assembly; painting is optional but not necessary. Guaranteed in stores August 1st, 2001! (4847) WING ZERO 1:144—Model Kit $17.99 SERPENT 1:144—Model Kit $13.99 SANDROCK 1:144—Model Kit $13.99 HEAVY ARMS 1:144—Model Kit $13.99 NATAKU 1:144—Model Kit $17.99 DEATHSCYTHE HELL 1:144—Model Kit $17.99 TALLGEESE 3 1:144—Model Kit $13.99 WING ZERO 1:100—Model Kit $34.99 SERPENT 1:100—Model Kit $34.99 SANDROCK 1:100—Model Kit $34.99 HEAVY ARMS 1:100—Model Kit $34.99 NATAKU 1:100—Model Kit $34.99 DEATHSCYTHE HELL 1:100—Model Kit $34.99 TALLGEESE 3 1:100—Model Kit $44.99 KAIJU DAIMAJIN ACTION FIGURES Imported from Japan! From the classic Japanese fantasy film series of the 60s from Daiei Studios (creators of Gamera), comes the "statuesque" and unstoppable DaiMajin! Star of three samurai-era fantasy/horror films, DaiMajin is the Japanese war god Majin, who springs to life whenever called upon by the down-trodden and oppressed. Choose from three unique figures, each standing approximately 6" tall: DaiMajin (basic standing pose), Return of DaiMajin (with "snow" paint detail, falcon, and sword), and DaiMajjin Strikes Again (with new arms). Original Japanese blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4673/KD2001) DAIMAJIN––Figure $14.99 RETURN OF THE DAIMAJIN––Figure $14.99 DAIMAJIN STRIKES AGAIN––Figure $14.99 MUSIC MARILYN MANSON HOLY WOOD ACTION FIGURE Imported from Japan! Hardcore shock-rocker Marilyn Manson is now available as an action figure –– designed by famed Japanese artist Yasushi Nirasawa, and sculpted by Yoshihiro Saito. The Marilyn Manson Holy Wood figure comes with two variant heads ("normal" & "massive head wound"), two variant legs (legs/boots & tentacles), a rifle, bag, and weird sheep/ostrich kill. Figure stands over 8" tall, and is amazingly detailed with a stunning facial likeness, fully approved by Manson himself! This figure is sure to be sought-after by Manson fans, but should also be a part of any serious collection of high-quality action figures. Original Japanese blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (6268) Figure $16.95 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION STARS OF THE MONTH NEON GENESIS EVANGELION FIGURES Imported from Japan! Get future-shocked with these Neon Genesis Evangelion collectible figures! Set in the year 2015 AD, the Earth is invaded by huge alien war machines known as the Angels. Now, mankind's only hope rests in the "Multi-Purpose Humanoid Fighting Machine" – a.k.a. the Evangelions!" Here are the mecha themselves, the EVA Units 00-02, multi-articulated collectible figures that come with an arsenal of accessories and variant pieces (head, arms, hands, etc.)! Too hot to pass up, and waaaay too cool to refuse! Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4673) BLUE UNIT 00 (STAR12903)––Figure $14.99 YELLOW UNIT 00 (STAR12904)––Figure $14.99 PURPLE UNIT 01 (STAR12905)––Figure $14.99 RED UNIT 02 (KD0902)––Figure $14.99 ******************* NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS JACK & SALLY DREAM COLLECTION FIGURINE Imported from Japan! The stars of Tim Burton's animated classic, The Nightmare Before Christmas, are ready to take the spotlight again as this large, collectible figurine of a dancing Jack and Sally. The figurine stands approximately 20" tall, features real fabric clothing, and comes mounted on a sturdy resin base! Comes painted and ready to display. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4672/D205) Figurine $165.00 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS JACK COFFIN DOLL WITH BUNNY PVC Imported from Japan! The full-sized, 14" tall articulated coffin dolls series for 2001 continues with this all-new Jack Skellington collection doll, accompanied by a bonus "Easter Bunny" PVC figure. Jack (and E.B.) come packaged together in a striking purple coffin box, featuring with two die-cut windows and a great detailed image of Lock, Shock & Barrel imprinted on the lid! Guaranteed in stores August 8th , 2001! (4672/N244) Doll w/PVC $54.99 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS PLUSH TOYS Imported from Japan! All of your favorite characters from the animated movie are available as great plush toys! Filled with beans, each toy stands approximately 10" tall. Choose from Jack, Pumpkin King Jack, Sally, Santa Jack, Tuxedo Jack, and Zero. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4672) JACK (N263)––Toy $23.99 PUMPKIN KING JACK (N264)––Toy $23.99 SALLY (N265)––Toy $23.99 SANTA JACK (N262)––Toy $23.99 TUXEDO JACK (N261)––Toy $23.99 ZERO (N266)––Toy $23.99 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS 4-PIECE MINI-PVC SET Imported from Japan! A Previews Exclusive! This carded set of four mini-PVC figures features Jack, his ghost dog Zero, and a pair of ghastly Halloween-themed Christmas toys! Each figurine stands approximately 1" tall. Guaranteed in stores August 1st, 2001! Original Japanese packaging. (4672) Set (x4) $9.99 SCI-FI MOON OVER TAO: MAKARAGA ACTION FIGURE Imported from Japan! From Keita Amamiya's the cult-classic Japanese sci-fi/fantasy epic, Moon Over Tao, comes the alien horror, the Makaraga! This soft vinyl figure features a stunning paint job, replicating the look of this creature creation as seen in the film. Standing approximately 8" tall, the figure features moveable legs, tail, and trunks. Limited to 500 pieces. Original Japanese window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4638) Figure $39.99 ZEIRAM ACTION FIGURES Imported from Japan! Keita Amamiya's Zeiram 1 & 2 took the world by storm with its action-packed story of an alien bounty hunter named Iria, who comes to Earth in search of the cybernetic menace, Zeiram! Now, you can collect all the main characters from Zeiram 2 with these highly detailed 5" figures of Iria, Zeiram2, and Kilyco (Iria's doppleganger). Each figure features limited articulation, and comes with accessories and a special edition trading cards. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4368) IRIA––Figure $9.99 KILYCO––Figure $9.99 ZIERAM 2––Figure $9.99 SUPER ROBOTS GAIKING DAIKUMARYU SPACE DRAGON VINYL FIGURES Imported from Japan! From the classic Super Robot anime, Gaiking, comes this limited edition soft vinyl figure of the Daikumaryu (or the Kargosaur, as it is known to Shogun Warrior collectors)! Standing approximately 4" tall and measuring 6" long, the Daikumaryu features limited articulation and is available in both "Anime" and "Antique" versions. This toy was made available earlier this year as a Tokyo Toy Festival exclusive! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4014) ANIME––Figure $65.00 ANTIQUE––Figure $65.00 GRENDIZER 12-INCH RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! Originally produced as an exclusive item for the French collectible toy shop, LuLu Berlu, this 12" tall resin statue stunningly replicates one of Europe's most popular Super Robots, Grendizer (a.k.a. Goldorak, Grandizer)! The mighty UFO Grendizer stands ready for action, and will demand attention wherever displayed. Comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4847) Statue $79.99 GREAT MAZINGER MODEL KITS Imported from Japan! Go Nagai's second generation of the Mazinger family, the Great Mazinger, is featured in two different import kits from Bandai! Choose from 5" and 10" tall kits, both requiring painting and assembly. Awesome "retro style" artwork on the boxes! Requires painting and assembly. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4847) 10-INCH––Kit $23.99 5-INCH––Kit $5.99 THUNDERBIRDS SUPERSIZE SOUNDTECH THUNDERBIRD VEHICLES Imported from England! These Thunderbird vehicles actually talk! The Thunderbird 1 measures approximately 12" long and says six authentic phrases, as well as engine take- off and landing sounds! Includes poseable Scott Tracey mini-figure, hover bike, and mobile control unit. Wings and legs fold out, and the pilot seats tilts for vertical or horizontal flight play! The Thunderbird 2 measures approximately 16" long and says five authentic phrases, as well as engine take-off and landing noises! Features a removable pod containing Thunderbird 4 and poseable Virgil and Gordon Tracy mini-figures. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4239) THUNDERBIRD 1 (58276)––Figure $47.99 THUNDERBIRD 2 (58268)––Figure $64.99 TRIGUN TRIGUN: MONEV THE GALE ACTION FIGURE Imported from Japan! You've been impressed by Kaiyodo's Vash The Stampede and Wolfwood action figures, but be prepared to be blown away! Standing 10" tall, the amazing Monev the Gale is the ultimate figure in Yasuhiro Nightow's Trigun/Toy Tribe series! Composed of over 100 individual pieces of plastic, and boasting an incredible 27 points of articulation, this is the figure that wowed the crowds in San Diego last summer… and its finally here! Master sculptor Katsuhisa Yamaguchi has created an action figure of one of the Gung Ho Guns that can be posed in more positions than you can think of. Even the bullets are individual pieces (over 45 of them), that combine to make the flexible bullet chain. This one must be seen to be truly appreciated! Original Japanese blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4673) Figure $29.99 ULTRAMAN ULTRAMAN 3-PIECE METAL FIGURE SET Imported from Japan! This set of three metal Ultraman figures comes in a tin case and measure approximately 3" tall each . The set includes: Ultraman, Alien Baltan, and Bemular. An excellent collector's item from manufacturer Unifive! Scheduled to ship in August 2001. (4014) Set (x3) $39.99 ULTRAMAN CANDY TOYS Imported from Japan! The latest series of Hyper Ultraman candy toys is here, featuring new 3" tall pvc figures of Ultraman Gaia Supreme Version, Ultraman Tiga Dark, Ultraman Jack (Return of Ultraman), Ultraman Taro, and Dan Moroboshi (a.k.a. Ultraseven). Each figure comes with a packet of lemon ramune candies. Figures will be shipped randomly in their original Japanese boxes. Guaranteed in stores August 8th , 2001! (4014) Toy $5.99 VIDEO GAMES DEAD OR ALIVE 2 ACTION FIGURES Specialty Market Exclusive! Imported from Japan! Tecmo's Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore is the follow-up to the mega-popular Dead or Alive fighting game, which set sales records in Japan and the United States. Produced by Epoch of Japan (makers of the Soul Calibur Action Figures), this first assortment of D.O.A. 2 Action Figures masterfully brings to life the characters as they appear in the game. Each figure measures approximately 7" tall and comes packaged on a full-color blister card package. This assortment is scheduled to include: Kasumi (a true-bred female ninja of the "Mugen-Tenshin" style of Japan), Hayabusa (An Aloof Super Ninja from Japan), Tina (Superstar of Women's Wrestling from USA), Lei-Fang (T'ai Chi Quan Genius from China), and Ein (Amnesiac fighter from parts unknown). The figures feature multiple points of articulation for supporting a variety of martial arts poses! Original Japanese blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4818) Figure SRP: $10.99Ea. DEAD OR ALIVE 2 AYANE RESIN STATUE & MODEL KIT Imported from Japan! Dead or Alive fighting favorite Ayane is captured as a painted and ready to display statue, or for the more adventurous and creative, as a model kit. Finished product stands approximately 8" tall. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4818) MODEL KIT $39.99 RESIN STATUE $69.99 DEAD OR ALIVE 2 LEI FANG RESIN STATUE & MODEL KIT Imported from Japan! Dead or Alive martial arts master Lei Fang, captured as a painted and ready to display statue, or for the more adventurous and creative, as a model kit. Finished product stands approximately 8" tall. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4818) MODEL KIT $39.99 RESIN STATUE $69.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A FINAL FANTASY SQUALL AND BAHAMUT 1:10-SCALE RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! Designed with tons of detail, this cool statue shows hero Squall Leonhart and Bahamut the giant sea serpent duking it out. From Squall's intricate pendant and studded apparel to his combination sword-rifle and Bahamut's red scales, this statue screams quality. Statue stands approximately 10" tall and comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4898) Statue $150.00 FINAL FANTASY VIII: GUARDIAN FORCE SERIES 1 CLEAR FIGURES From the blockbuster Playstation phenomenon to your toy collection! Here's the complete set of four fantastically detailed figures based on the mega-hit PSX game Final Fantasy VIII — presented in clear, colored versions. These are some of the best monsters and evil creatures from the game, brought to 3-D life! This set includes: Odin, Efrite, Siren, and Cerberusm all individually blister carded or boxed. Available now! (8644) (CAUT: 4) Figures PI O/A FRONT MISSION 3 IN WANZER FIGURES New lower price! Imported from Japan! From Front Mission 3, the popular new Playstation strategy game, comes this unusual mecha, which stands on four legs like some armor plated crab or insect. On top rests a head/torso with two arms, with a shield on the left, and a Gatling gun. Fully poseable, and standing approximately 5" tall and 8" long, this figure comes packaged in it's original Japanese window box. Available now! (8644/77456) Figure $12.50 O/A FRONT MISSION 3 REIKA-TYPE 1 FIGURES New lower price! Imported from Japan! Here's another amazing mech from the hit Playstation game, Front Mission 3! This bipedal robot comes with weapons, and features at least 30 points of articulation. Figure stands approximately 5" tall and comes in it's original Japanese blister card packaging. Available now! (8644/77457) Figure $12.50 ************************* PRINTS & POSTERS 1000 EDITIONS OH! MY GODDESS PRINT #9 From the hit animated series of the same name comes this Oh! My Goddess print. Measuring 24" x 36," this picture captures three of Kosuke Fujishima's enchanting female characters in action. (133/MEP783) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Spain. Print, 24x36 $17.99 DAVE DORMAN RAIL LITHOGRAPH Guns are drawn and blazing in the Dave Dorman Rail Lithograph. Do yourself a favor: wherever these two guys are trying to go, let them get there! NOTE: Not available in Spain. (133/MEP784) (CAUT: 4) Lithograph $24.95 CARTOON NETWORK DRAGONBALL Z POWER POSTER When dealing with Dragonballs, the most annoying thing about getting a hold of one is that somebody will inevitably try to kill you to get it from you. Case in point: this poster. This 24" x 36" picture is a look straight at a fistful of bad news. (4264/02150) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36 $5.99 POWERPUFF GIRLS BEFORE BEDTIME POSTER The Powerpuff Girls fight more crime and solve more mysteries than you. There's no question about this. This 24" x 36" poster documents another good deed in progress: the girls flying in victory, with the bad guys on the ground below, their efforts spoiled yet again. (4264/02361) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36 $5.99 FANTASY BIOTECHANISM POSTERS The spectacular Bio-Techanism manga poster series. One of Europe's hottest talents offers a glimpse into the fate of human and machine—an era in which a new organism rules. Beautiful women, awesome machines. Killer combo! These full-color, glossy 16" x 24" posters are perfect for any wall! Limited to 1,000. (133) (CAUT: 4) #1: WINGS OF CHANGE (POSTER1)—Poster, 16x24 $12.00 #2: MECHANICS OF EVOLUTION (POSTER2)—Poster, 16x24 $12.00 #3: BEASTS OF WAR (POSTER3)—Poster, 16x24 $12.00 #4: METAMORPHOSIS (POSTER4)—Poster, 16x24 $12.00 GREAT EASTERN CARDCAPTORS WALL SCROLLS Sakura, Tomoyo, and more of your favorite Cardcaptors are featured on these two wall scrolls. Grab them both so you don't miss any of the action! At 31" x 43", these scrolls are sure to catch some attention! (4632) (CAUT: 4) #3 (GE1041)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 #4 (GE1036)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 DRAGONBALL Z WALL SCROLLS All of the excitement of the animated series Dragonball Z is captured on these two captivating wall scrolls. Bring some of the action of Dragonball Z home with these! (4632) (CAUT: 4) CAPSULE CORP (GE1309)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 #6 (GE1303)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 FUSHIGI YUGI WALL SCROLL #1 The animated smash Fushigi Yugi kicks into life with this 31" x 43" full-color wall scroll! Capture some of the high-flying drama by hanging this picture in your favorite place! (4632/GE1078) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 METALLICA WALL SCROLL #1 One of the biggest-selling hard rock groups in history, Metallica, is saluted with a 31" x 43" wall scroll. Pump your fist in the air to salute the metal gods and grab this decorative picture of a youngster getting his kicks from James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, and the rest of the guys in the band! (4632/GE1330) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 MOLDIVER WALL SCROLL #1 Mirai Ozora of the hit animated series Moldiver is throwing the ol' wink and two-finger salute to you. Hang this 31" x 43" scroll on your wall, and you can shoot her back a salutation whenever you want! (4632/GE1073) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 PHANTOM QUEST CORP WALL SCROLL #1 Need to get rid of some pesky ghosts? Are phantoms just annoying you to no end? Well, hang this 31" x 43" Phantom Quest Corp up and watch the boogie monsters just scatter! They won't want any of you once they get a look at the Corp! (4632/GE1074) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 PRETTY SAMMY WALL SCROLL #2 The characters of Pretty Sammy are featured here, in the middle of dealing with a problem. Get your hands up and hope they don't land on you when you grab this 31" x 43" scroll! (4632/GE1081) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 IMAGE OFFERED AGAIN O/A MINISTRY OF SPACE #1 POSTER The view of British Spitfires escorting this alternate history's first space shuttle, the Britannia, made for a striking cover to Image Comics' Ministry of Space #1 – and blown up to poster size in this premier release from Idea & Design Works, it'll look that much more striking hanging on your wall! At 24" x 36", you'll be able to fully appreciate the detailed linework of overnight sensation Chris Weston, as well as the lushly rendered hues of award-winning colorist Laura DePuy. (4793) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36 $9.95 *********************************************** LASER MATS GLEN ORBIK SPIDER-MAN LASER MAT Limited to just 500, and including a Certificate of Authenticity and laser-etched medallion, this 12" x 16" mat is certainly a distinguished collector's item. Don't be shut out from owning this wonderful rendition of Spider-Man by Glen Orbik! (8182) (CAUT: 4) Laser Mat, 12x16 $46.99 TENCHI MUYO LASER MAT Featuring art from Tenchi Muyo, the double-matted 18" x 24" print features laser-cut detail, is numbered, and has a laser-etched medallion. Also available is a signed edition, numbered to 200, by the English voice actor of Tenchi Muyo! Both include a certificate of authenticity. (8182) (CAUT: 4) SIGNED—Laser Mat, 18x24 $169.99 UNSIGNED—Laser Mat, 18x24 $109.99 MARVEL HEROES ELEKTRA POSTER It's the Marvel hero with the twin-blade attack, Elektra, staring you down in full fight mode! This full-color 24" x 36" poster brings the excitement of her comic book adventures straight into your living room! (4264) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36 $5.99 MAGNETO WALL SCROLL Bad guys rejoice! Magneto, the Mutant Master of Magnetism, and arch-nemesis of the X- Men, brings his powers to a 29" x 40" wall scroll! Pictured busting through a metal wall towards the viewer, this one will keep those pesky X-Men do-gooders from bothering you in your secret hideout… or room. (4464) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40 $17.95 SPIDER-MAN WALL SCROLL #2 Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is precariously perched on a flagpole on this 29" x 40" wall scroll, shooting his crime-stopping webbing towards trouble! (4464/B539) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40 $17.95 THANOS WALL SCROLL Things were looking a bit dowan for the Marvel Universe when this bad guyhad the Infinity Gauntlet in his grasp! But thanks to Adam Warlock, the Silver Surfer, and the rest of the good guys, the world was saved! Rather than mass destruction, this evil despot's only got this 29" x 40" wall scroll to give us! (4464/B538) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40 $17.95 MOVIES FERRIS BUELLER LEISURE RULES POSTER Matthew Broderick portrayed the title character in the John Hughes film Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Relive those crazy '80s, and hang up this picture of Ferris lounging about. (4739/D6150) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36 $6.99 YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE LIMITED EDITION LITHOGRAPH Rendered in beautiful color and exquisite detail, this limited edition lithograph is a reprint of the original theatre poster for the James Bond film You Only Live Twice, starring Sean Connery as the world-famous detective. "Twice is the only way to live!" (4059) (CAUT: 4) Lithograph $89.99 PLANET OF THE APES PLANET OF THE APES POSTERS From the soon-to-be blockbuster film from Tim Burton come these Planet of the Apes Posters! One is of a sinister ape riding a horse, another is a side profile of a simian soldier with his helmet on, and the third and final poster is entitled "Seize The Power," featuring a vicious ape, sword drawn, facing you directly. Watch out! (4215) (CAUT: 4) HELMET (PL1)—Poster, 24x36 $4.50 SEIZE THE POWER (PL2)—Poster, 24x36 $4.50 APE AND HORSE (PL3)—Poster, 24x36 $4.50 ROCK AND ROLL MISFITS FIEND CLUB POSTER Show the world that you're down with the horror-rock kings, The Misfits! Having a 16" x 24" Misfits Fiend Club Poster on your wall makes it clear to visitors that you're not afraid of a little bit of loud rock n' roll! (4739/5065) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 16x24 $6.99 VIDEO GAMES ONIMUSHA WARLORDS WALL SCROLLS Onimusha Warlords is one of the most popular games for the Sony Playstation 2, and these wall scrolls carry every bit of the excitement that the game does! These three 29" x 40", 100% polyester scrolls all feature the main character in the game, a likeness of actor Takeshi Kaneshiro, in different fighting scenarios! (4847) (CAUT: 3 & 4) A (ONI1A)—Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.99 B (ONI1B)—Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.99 C (ONI1C)—Wall Scroll, 29x40 $19.99 COLLECTIBLES & NOVELTIES BRITISH IMPORTS CAPTAIN SCARLET KEYCHAIN AND DANGLER SETS A Specialty Market Exclusive! Now you can own your own miniature Spectrum Persuit Vehicles (SPV's) and Spectrum saloon cars from the 1960s supermarionation show Captain Scarlet! Each set comes with one of each and is available as keychains or window danglers. (133) (CAUT: 4) KEYCHAIN (58711)––Set $10.99 DANGLER (58709)––Set $10.99 WACKY RACERS MEDIUM PLUSHES A Specialty Market Exclusive! Stage your own Wacky Race with two of the best drivers around, Dick Dastardly and Muttley! These 12 ½" tall driving pros are just what you need to turn your house into a racetrack! (133) (CAUT: 4) MUTTLEY (46603)—Plush $13.99 DICK DASTARDLY (46604)—Plush $13.99 CARTOON NETWORK SCOOBY-DOO SMALL STRAP TIN BOX The most lovable hound appears on this tin box sniffing a daisy. Tin comes with a small strap so you can take Scooby with you on any mystery or adventure! (4921/4121) (CAUT: 4) Box $5.00 CLASSICS ANDY GRIFFITH POLICE COOKIE JAR Mayberry is safe with Andy and Barney patrolling the streets! This premiere edition cookie jar features them hanging out the window of a classic police car, as seen in the black-and-white TV show. Measures 12" x 5 ¾" x 6". (6500/69442) (CAUT: 4) Cookie jar $71.99 BETTY BOOP BED OF ROSES TIN TOTE Cartoon film star Betty Boop lounges on a bed of roses on this tin tote. The side images capture Betty in various poses and the front image have a film border, giving it a retro movie look. Measures 7 ½" x 3 ½" x 5 ¾". (6500/10770) (CAUT: 4) Tote $9.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A DR. SEUSS TRIVIA GAME Previously offered in Previews Update #462! From 1937's And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street to 1986's You're Only Old Once, Dr. Seuss forever changed the way kids and parents read together, and this inventive trivia game will change the way they play together! Suitable for 2-6 players (ages 6 & up), this delightful game poses Seussian questions in four fun categories, plus a memory-based challenge based on famous scenes from Seuss's books! Every imaginable Seuss character, quotation, and moment is here! Like the Cat in the Hat says, it's "Fun in a Box!" (4912/01454) (CAUT: 4) Game SRP: PI ****************** THE WIZARD OF OZ CERAMIC BANKS The characters from L. Frank Baum's classic tale appear as these unique ceramic banks. Prefect for displaying anywhere, each bank is two pieces and are great replications from the 1939 movie. Choose from Dorothy, the Cowardly Lion, the Tin Man, and the Scarecrow. (6500) (CAUT: 4) DOROTHY (71049)––Bank, 6½x3¾x6 $24.99 LION (71349)––Bank, 6½x5¼x6½ $24.99 SCARECROW (71249)––Bank, 6½x5x7½ $24.99 TIN MAN (71149)––Bank, 7x4½x8 $24.99 WIZARD OF OZ RUBY SLIPPERS TIN TOTE You won't have to land your house on a witch to get your hands on this Ruby Slippers tin tote! Featuring a picture of Dorothy and the Good Witch and the famous ruby slippers on one side and Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion on the other! Measures 7 ½" x 3" x 7 ½". (6500/71070) (CAUT: 4) Tote $9.99 I DREAM OF JEANNIE DOME LUNCH BOX This retro-styled dome lunch box features dancing Jeannie cartoons and the Jeannie logo on the front, with a picture of Jeannie from the 1960s television show on the side. Measures 8" x 4 ½" x 7 ¾". (6500/69076) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $13.99 THREE STOOGES PILSNER GLASSES Pour yourself a cold one in these one-of-a-kind Three Stooges pilsner glasses! Larry, Curly, and Moe pose on the front. The Always in Style glass and the Original Premium Ingredients glass each has its matching phrase below the picture. Each glass stands 9" tall and holds half a liter. (4205) (CAUT: 4) ALWAYS IN STYLE (5323)––Glass $7.99 ORIGINAL PREMIUM INGREDIENTS (5324)––Glass $7.99 CARTOON NETWORK CARTOON NETWORK BAG TAGS Mark your territory with these bag tags featuring the stars of the Cartoon Network's Powerpuff Girls and Cardcaptor Sakura! No one can claim what isn't theirs when it's got your name on it! Choose from two different designs of each! (4643) (CAUT: 4) CARDCAPTOR (CCBT2ASST48)––Bag Tag PI POWERPUFF GIRLS (PBG2TASST48)––Bag Tag PI DC HEROES OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE SUPERMAN RELIEF STEIN This beautifully detailed 10 ½" stein depicts three classic raised-relief and hand-painted scenes of Superman: the main subject shows him breaking through a brick wall; the left panel depicts him exiting the Daily Planet; the right panel shows him soaring above the stratosphere. The Superman title appears below the front panel. The handle is adorned with the famous "S" shield. The stylized pewter thumblift is in the shape of the Daily Planet globe. The domed lid is inspired by the planet earth's spherical shape and a miniature pewter Superman figurine serves as the finial. (4205/5016) (CAUT: 4) Stein $49.99 ****************** HEROES KIT RAE ELEXORIEN SWORD Designed by fantasy artist Kit Rae, this sword features fantasy-styled stainless steel blades with intricately detailed scrollwork and cast metal handles with an antique silver plated finish and gold tone highlights. Includes an 18" x 24" art print, "Vaelan Confronts Darkness II," depicting the swords used in the eternal struggle between light and dark. Each piece is branded with the designer's trademark and includes a new chapter in "The tale of the Swords of the Ancients," printed on parchment paper. Features simulated black ivory fluted grip. Measures 38 1/8". (4792/UC1240) (CAUT: 4) Sword $175.99 KIT RAE ISIS DAGGER This Egyptian-inspired fantasy knife features a pommel that displays the symbols of fertility (cow horns and sun disc) and a horned guard design with intertwined serpents at its center. Designed by fantasy artist Kit Rae. Measures 10 ¼". (4792/UC1142) (CAUT: 4) Dagger $88.99 ISLAND OF MISFIT TOYS MISFIT MINI-FIGURINES This Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys miniature collection is a tiny treasure that features the whole gang. Choose from Charlie in the Box, Clarice, Hermey, King Moonracer, Misfit Rag Doll, Misfit Train, Rudolph, Sam Snowman, Santa, Spotted Elephant, Ykon Cornelious, and Bumble. Collect them all! Each figure stands approximately 3" tall. (587) (CAUT: 4) Figurine $10.99Ea. MISFITS WATERBALLS Bumble and Sam, the claymation characters you've grown up with, have been replicated in detail into these waterballs. Bumble comes with a Christmas tree in a waterball, while Sam comes with Rudolph. (587) (CAUT: 4) BUMBLE (725129)––Figure $22.99 SAM (725145)––Figure $22.99 LOONEY TOONS LOONEY TOON COAT OF ARMS STEIN This detailed stein features all of your favorite Looney Toon characters, from Bugs Bunny to Tweety, to the Tazmanian Devil. Covered completely with art, this .6-liter stein has a crown lid with Bugs on the top. Measures 10 ½" tall. (4205/5010) (CAUT: 4) Stein $44.99 MARVEL MARVEL CHARACTER MINTS Getting minty fresh breath has never been so cool! These mints come in a circular containers with awesome art of either Spider-Man or the X-Men logo on the top. (4505) (CAUT: 4) SPIDER-MAN––Mints SRP: $1.99 X-MEN––Mints SRP: $1.99 MOVIES & TV BRUCE LEE LIMITED EDITION LUNCH BOX The martial arts master immortalized in tin! This amazing, full-sized retro metal lunch box is mad in an exclusive three-part design exactly like the ones from the '60s. Includes a metal drink container and metal arm to hold the container in place. Each lunch box is numbered and limited to 5,000. (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $19.99 BUFFY VINES STAINLESS STEEL TRAVEL MUG Whether it's a hop to work or a long trek, the ride will be better if you sip your beverage in this new spill-proof Buffy the Vampire Slayer travel mug! The crowned "B" is wrapped within a vine design on the front and the Buffy logo is proudly displayed on the back. Screenprint in black captures class and loyalty any Buffy fan will attest. (870/BVSMUG12) (CAUT: 4) Mug $26.00 EVIL DEAD LIMITED EDITION LUNCH BOX The classic, now available in a limited edition! This amazing metal lunch box is made in an exclusive three-part design exactly like the ones from the '60s. Includes a metal drink container and metal arm to hold the container in place. Each lunch box is numbered and limited to 5,000. (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $19.99 HALLOWEEN LIMITED EDITION LUNCH BOX In plenty of time for Halloween! This amazing metal lunch box is made in an exclusive three-part design exactly like the ones from the '60s. Includes a metal drink container and metal arm to hold the container in place. Each lunch box is numbered and limited to 5,000. (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $19.99 RESERVOIR DOGS LUNCH BOX With a great group shot on the front, this lunch box also features numerous shots from the classic movie on the sides! Also comes with a thermos sporting an image as well! (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $19.99 STAR TREK MIRROR EMPIRE STEIN As any Trek fan knows, the "Mirror Empire" is synonymous with "The Sword through the Earth," so we're flaunting this notable image on the newest gold metallic beer stein! This cutting edge design will shine as you drink and dine! And, since everything in the Mirror Empire Universe is duplicated, it's best to pair up! (870/STSTEIN2) (CAUT: 4) Stein $12.50 STAR TREK LIMITED EDITION LUNCH BOX Just in time for the 35th anniversary! This amazing metal lunch box is made in an exclusive three-part design exactly like the ones from the '60s. Includes a metal drink container and metal arm to hold the container in place. Each lunch box is numbered and limited to 5,000. (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $22.99 TRANSFORMERS AIR FRESHENERS Sick of those generic trees and other boring shapes? Be original with these Transformers air fresheners! Choose from the Autobot symbol or the Decepticon symbol. (559) (CAUT: 4) AUTOBOT (7895066)––Air Freshener $3.25 DECEPTICON (7895067)––Air Freshener $3.25 X-MEN ANIMATED SERIES EVOLUTION LITHO SET Your favorite X-Men super-heroes have evolved! Set of 10 heavy card stock lithos in colorful, action-packed poses have the superpower to fight off anything in range –– so hold on tight and enjoy the lithoride! Set includes Wolverine, Storm, Jean Grey, Professor X, Mystique, Cyclops, Crawler, Toad, Rogue, and Sabretooth! (870/XMENLITHOSET1) (CAUT: 4) Set (x10) $22.50 NOSTALGIA BUCCANEER DOME TIN LUNCH BOX Sail the seven seas with this Buccaneer dome lunch box! Features the deadliest pirates and their ships around! This tin even resembles a chest, so open it up and claim your treasure –– or lunch! (4287/11306) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $21.00 HOMETOWN AIRPORT DOME TIN LUNCH BOX This dome tin lunch box features your classic hometown airport, with old-time planes and biplanes. This great piece of nostalgia is a must-have for your collection! (4287/11300) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $21.00 PLANET OF THE APES PLANET OF THE APES BLUE ICON SHOOTER GLASS Pour it up and drink it down with the newest shooter glass! Support the July release of Fox's Planet of the Apes with this 2 ½ oz., clear shooter glass featuring the frontal icon ape in a striking blue hue! A big blast of your favorite brand will ignite your soul –– just like the movie will! (870/POTASHTR1) (CAUT: 4) Glass $6.99 PLANET OF THE APES CHUNKY MAGNETS These Planet of the Apes magnets are a whopping ½" thick! Each magnet depicts an image from the upcoming movie and is 5" tall with full magnetic backing. Choose from six different designs: Ape on Horse, Warrior, Capsule, Mark Wahlberg, Rule the Planet, and Thade. (4071) (CAUT: 4) Magnet $4.99Ea. PLANET OF THE APES FIGHTING MONKEY STEIN Strut your stuff like the apes do! Pour root beer, lager, or lemonade all day long in this beautiful screen-printed Fighting Monkey stein! A stately blue background design complements the movie Planet of the Apes and will help you recapture the action packed memories of the feature film directed by Tim Burton! (870/POTASTEIN1) (CAUT: 4) Stein $12.50 PLANET OF THE APES FROSTED APE ROCKS GLASS Bar-ware will never be the same as you pour you favorite brand in this new, frosted rocks glass featuring the ape icon imagery from the feature film Planet of the Apes across the beautiful frosted glass. (870/POTAGLASS1) (CAUT: 4) Glass $12.50 PLANET OF THE APES GO APE PHOTO SET You don't have to wait until July for 20th Century Fox's release of the summer's hit film, Planet of the Apes –– 'cause here are the movie images will make this cinema treat something everyone will "Go Ape" over! Five images total. (870/POTASET2) (CAUT: 4) Set (x5) $13.99 PLANET OF THE APES WALL PLAQUES Adorn your too plain wall with these Planet of the Apes wall plaques, featuring images from the upcoming major movie! Choose from Ape and Horse and Rule the Planet. Each measures approximately 12" tall and has a slotted back for hanging. (870) (CAUT: 4) APE AND HORSE (LW930)––Plaque $14.99 RULE THE PLANET (LW931)––Plaque $14.99 THE SIMPSONS SIMPSONS BAG TAGS Tag your stuff with Fox's funniest animated family, the Simspons! Choose from Bart, Lisa, Homer, and the whole family in the car. (4643/SMBVT4ASST48) (CAUT: 4) Bag Tags PI SIMPSONS TALKING KEYCHAINS A Specialty Market Exclusive! Here are two styles of talking keychains, Bart and Homer respectively, each with three phrases. For Bart: "Eat my shorts," Feast your eyes, man," and "Ciao, babe!" For Homer: "Mmm…beer," "Mmm…doughnuts," and "Kiss my hairy yellow butt!" (133/23388) (CAUT: 4) Keychains PI RADIOACTIVE MAN AND BARTMAN RESIN SCULPTURE A Specialty Market Exclusive! We all grew up with heroes. We all had alter egos we wanted to be, so here is presented the legendary duo Radioactive Man and Bartman from the biggest selling comic of all time. The world is a safer place for having these two watching over it. Base measures 9" x 10". (133/1504) (CAUT: 4) Sculpture $499.99 SIMPSONS TIN COASTER SET When you're drinking your Duff beer or beverage of choice, you can avoid having your wife or mother yell at you for damaging the furniture by using these Simpsons tin coasters! This set of four depicts four different scenes. (4921) (CAUT: 4) Set PI SIMPSONS ONE-INCH THREE-RING BINDER Keep your papers safe in style –– Simpsons style! Choose from four different one-inch three-ring binders: one done in a "Where's Waldo?" style; another with the phrase "Endless Summer," with Bart and friends with their surf boards; one with Bart skateboarding down stairs with the phrase "Bart Would"; and one listing homework excuses. (4643/SMRB340012) (CAUT: 4) Binder PI ROCK AND ROLL KISS ALIVE! LIMITED EDITION LUNCH BOX Every Kiss lunch box sells out instantly! This box shows never-before-seen live artwork. This amazing full-sized metal lunch box is made in an exclusive three-part design exactly like the ones from the '60s. Includes a metal drink container and metal arm to hold the container in place. Each lunch box is numbered and limited to 8,000. (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Box $22.99 SOUTH PARK SOUTH PARK TIMMY BLACK MUG Start your morning out right –– with a strong cup of coffee and this 11 oz. Timmy black mug. The zany character from Comedy Central's South Park is sure to make you smile, even if it is only 6 a.m.! (870/SPKMUG22) (CAUT: 4) Mug $8.99 SOUTH PARK TIMMY LIVING A LIE CAPPUCCINO MUG Timmy has A.D.D. Not! He tried to get out of doing homework by livin' a lie and you can support his theory with this new cappuccino mug! This black, 17 oz mug will surely house your favorite soup, latte, or cereal! (870/SPKCAPMUG1) (CAUT: 4) Mug $11.50 SOUTH PARK TIMMY SHOOTER SET Let's party! Raise your shooters and salute the newest South Park resident and band member, Timmy! Colorfully emblazoned character art blasts across the front of this new 2 ½ oz. shooter glass two-pack. Comes packaged in a decorative window box. (870/SPKSHTSET4) (CAUT: 4) Set $15.99 TOMB RAIDER TOMB RAIDER METALLIC MARK SHOOTER GLASS Get your Tomb Raider movie merchandise! This new, metallic shooter glass blasts the all-seeing eye imagery back at you! Fill it to the rim and load your guns! (870/TRSHTR2) (CAUT: 4) Glass $7.99 WACKY WOBBLERS ROCK 'EM, SOCK 'EM ROBOT WACKY WOBBLERS Put 'em up slugger cause here's the world's only fighting robots! Go ahead, knock the socks off this wacky wobbler –– he'll just keep coming back for more! Available in blue or red! (4552) (CAUT: 4) BLUE––Wobbler $11.00 RED––Wobbler $11.00 RAT FINK WACKY WOBBLER This gruesome rodent wobbles and desperately needs a home! Cute and cuddly he's not – – he's Rat Fink! (4552) (CAUT: 4) Wobbler $11.00 SEA MONKEY WACKY WOBBLER It's a sea monkey, and it's guaranteed this one won't die on you shortly after taking him home! He'll be around for good, and he'll even wobble back and forth just for you! (4552 (CAUT: 4) Wobbler $11.00 ************************* SUPPLIES BLUE LINE OFFERED AGAIN O/A BLUE LINE CONCEPT SKETCH PAGES Great comic art comes from simple doodles, and these Concept Sketch Pages are a great way to try out new artistic ideas. These are perfect for designing characters for comics, or even role-playing games! Measures 8 ½" x 11" on premium index board with non-photo ink. Includes marking area to record notes and a character template. Non-repro surface. Includes 25 pages to a pack. (BL1004/SUPPLY573) Sketch Pages PI O/A BLUE LINE PRO COMIC BOOK COVER SHEETS These Pro Comic Book Cover Sheets are specifically designed like the art boards professional comic artists use! The pages include pre-marked areas for possible placement of the logo or company information. Measures 11" x 17" on two-ply Brite art index board. Features non-photo blue ink and an image area of 10 ¾" x 16". Includes 12 to a pack. (BL1007/SUPPLY570) Cover Sheets PI **************** BLUE LINE PRO COMIC STRIP ART BOARDS Blue Line Pro Comic Strip Art Boards offer comic strip illustrator an easy and time- saving way to create professional looking comic strips. Printed on Blue Line Pro's premiere (Strathmore) 300 series smooth with a non-photo blue border. Daily comic strip borders measure 4 1/16" x 13". This offers the illustrator the ability to reduce the original at a 44% reduction to the standard daily strip size. Sunday comic strip borders have two sizes: large at 5 3/8" x 11 ½", and small at 3 ¾" x 11 ½". The Sunday strips are drawn at the same size they are published and usually have two rows of panels. Each strip offers basic border formats for four and three panels and Sundays allow for additional rows. (BL1052) Boards PI OFFERED AGAIN O/A BLUE LINE PRO COMIC BOOK PAGES Ink will glide across these Pro Comic Book Pages, perfect for the beginner or the accomplished artist. These pages are heavier weight paper than the normal Comic Book Pages. Pages measure 11" x 17" with an image area of 10" x 15". Specifically designed three-ply Brite Art Tag. Quick dry without soaking. Each pack also contains one page of Pro Comic Book Cover Sheets. Includes 24 pages to a pack. (BL1001/SUPPLY572) Comic Book Pages PI O/A BLUE LINE COMIC BOOK PAGES 24CT PACK These pages are specifically laid out with an image area for standard comic book designs. There is even an area to write the title, the artist's name, issue number, page number, and date. Behind every great artist is a series of quality supplies, and Blue Line products are simply the best! Measures 11" x 17" on two-ply art board with an image area of 10" x 15". Pre-printed with a non-photo blue border. Ink dries quickly, and doesn't soak. Includes 24 pages per pack. (BL1003/SUPPLY574) Pack PI O/A BLUE LINE CREATE YOUR OWN COMIC BOXED SET Everything you need to create your very own comic book, just like the pros do it! Includes: one character template, six concept sketch pages, six comic book layout pages, 24 sheets of comic book pages, one comic book cover sheet, and a 24-page step-by-step instructional booklet. (BL1002/SUPPLY575) Set PI O/A BLUE LINE FULL BLEED PAGES 24CT PACK Blue Line has taken the quality 11" x 17" paper that they have used in the "Pro" pages for years and printed a newly designed full bleed border format in non-photo blue ink, giving the quality of Pro pages with an advanced page border. (BL1038/SUPPLY568) Pack PI O/A BLUE LINE SAMPLER II If you haven't tried Blue Line product, here's your chance! Start drawing your own killer comic characters and designs today with the Blue Line Sampler II. Includes four comic book pages, four concept sketch pages, three comic book cover sheets, three layout pages, three Pro Comic Book pages, three storyboard templates, three Full Bleed Pro Comic Book pages, one Strathmore 300 Smooth, and one Strathmore Regular. (BL1040/SUPPLY569) Sampler PI O/A BLUE LINE S400 SERIES STRATHMORE SMOOTH PAGES PACK The latest addition to Blue Line Comic Book Art Products is printed on Strathmore, the finest art paper available. Like the rest of the Blue Line products, the S400 series allows artists to draw comics the actual size that professionals work in! Features two-ply, acid- free bristol board. Smooth pages are ideal for detailed ink work or for pencil and marker. Regular pages work well with pencils and inks. Pre-printed with a non-photo blue border. 11" x 17" pages with 15¾" x 10 3/8" Image border with 9" x 13¾" safe area dotted border. Available in both Smooth and Regular. Includes 12 pages per pack. REGULAR (BL1044)––Pack SRP: $19.00 SMOOTH (BL1043)––Pack SRP: $19.00 O/A BLUE LINE SKETCHBOOKS Hardcover sketchbooks with a 200 count of 70-lb. art paper pages. Regular-size book measures 8½" x 11". Traditional-size book measures 11" x 17". REGULAR (BL1010/SUPPLY576) PI TRADITIONAL (BL1011/SUPPLY577) PI O/A BLUE LINE PRO COMIC BOOK LAYOUT PAGES These Pro Comic Book Layout Pages are the ideal way to perfect your art before laying it on the finished page! Measures 8½" x 11" on 60-lb paper. Premium bond in non-photo blue. Features markings to layout, and four thumbnails per page. Includes 30 to a pack. (BL1005/SUPPLY571) Layout Pages PI O/A BLUE LINE PRO 300 SERIES STRATHMORE PAGES PACK These pages are printed on Strathmore, the finest art paper available. Like the rest of the Blue Line products, the 300 series allows artists to draw comics the actual size that professionals work in! Features two-ply, acid-free Bristol board. The smooth pages are ideal for detailed ink work or for pencil and marker. The regular pages work will with pencils, inks, charcoal, and pastel. Pre-printed with a non-photo boarder. Pages measure 11" x 17" with a 10 3/8" x 15 ¾" image boarder with a 9" x 13 ¾" safe area dotted border. SMOOTH (BL1041) PI REGULAR (BL1042) PI O/A BLUE LINE STORYBOARD TEMPLATES Storyboard Templates offers animators and writers a quick and easy way to show movement and sequences of a story or animation. Storyboard pages measure 8 1/2" x 14" and have three templates, each measuring 3 3/4" wide x 3" high, with text lines below each for detailed art and storytelling. (BL1018) Templates PI ******************** SUPPLY CARD BOXES OFFERED AGAIN O/A CARDBOARD STORAGE BOXES Gone are the days when your trading cards were damaged as a result of being left in the sun, from somebody ripping them apart, or from anything else. These storage boxes are the solution to all collecting problems. You and your cards can both feel safe and secure knowing that the utmost protection has been secured, when using one of these storage boxes. All are sold 25 per bundle. 45CT––Box PI 200CT––Box PI 330CT––Box PI 400CT––Box PI 500CT––Box PI 660CT––Box PI 800CT––Box PI 1600CT––Box PI 2400CT––Box PI 3200CT––Box PI 5000CT––Box PI ****************** GAMES SECTION ALLIANCE GAMES DISTRIBUTORS, LLC GAME TRADE MAGAZINE #18 Release Date: August, 2001 GTM 18 $1.99 AGENTS OF GAMING SNARF QUEST CARD GAME EXPANSION 2 Travel with Snarf and create your own misadventures to obtain wealth, treasure and all that good stuff. This 20-card expansion for the Snarf Quest CCG includes a pewter miniature of Suthaze and allows you to modify your play deck to include Snarf's archenemy, adding a touch of chaos to this already wacky game! NOTE: This item is sold to retailer in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) DISPLAY (AOG SN1012-D) $79.50 PACK (AOG SN1012-S) $7.95 ALDERAC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP AVALON PERSONALITIES #2 Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) AEG 70103 $5.95 IRON SHADOW STARTER DISPLAY The Island of the Sunken Sea has risen from its ancient resting place, threatening all of creation with its terrible power. The 7th Sea CCG comes to a spectacular conclusion as every faction vies for a decisive victory in this 100-card expansion. Old scores will be settled, new allegiances formed, and one crew will be destroyed forever. Can Theah survive the storm? NOTE: This item is sold to retailer in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. STARTER DECK AEG 7523-S $.00 STARTER DISPLAY AEG 7523-D $.00 JOLLY ROGER Rediscover the Origins Award Winning Game of piracy and high adventure! The Jolly Roger Basic Edition for the 7th Sea CCG introduces all of the noted captain's seven ships which have appeared in the series - two for each faction - plus a complete collection of ready-to-play decks...a total set of 312-cards. If you're a new player, there's never been a better time to sail into adventure. If you're a veteran, there's no better way to remember where it all began. NOTE: This item is sold to retailer in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: August, 2001. Basic Starter Deck AEG 7514-S $8.99 BASIC STARTER DISPLAY AEG 7514-D $107.88 Basic Booster Display AEG 7515-D $107.64 BASIC BOOSTER PACK AEG 7515-S $2.99 EISEN PERSONALITIES #2 Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) AEG 70303 $5.95 MONTAIGNE PERSONALITIES #2 Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) AEG 70403 $5.95 SOPHIA'S DAUGHTERS For too long, the women of Theah have been relegated to the status of second-class citizens. Sophia's Daughters must move beneath the surface of Thean politics, concealing their activities behind silken gloves. The men they control are powerful, but not as dangerous as the women pulling their strings. Within the pages of this final volume in the 7th Sea Secret Societies of Theah line of sourcebooks you'll learn rules on creating potions, schools of subtlety and assassination, and the sinister secrets of Sophia's Daughters. Release Date: July 2001. (CAUT:4) AEG 7308 $19.95 USSURA PERSONALITIES #2 Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) AEG 70503 $5.95 WAVES OF BLOOD The 7th Sea CCG comes alive with this 128-page sourcebook for the 7th Sea RPG containing a complete rundown of the Island of the Sunken Eye storyline, plus stats and descriptions on all ten factions, including ships, captains, principal characters and their headquarters. Rules for locations are also included, as well as ways to define your RPG character as their own CCG card. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) AEG 7150 $19.95 TIME OF THE VOID Covering the entire Clan War story arc from Shadowlands to the Day of Thunder, this 128-page Legend of the Five Rings sourcebook gathers all of the people, events, pivotal battles, and stories surrounding the return of Fu Leng and his destruction at the hands of the Seven Thunders. AEG 3033 $15.95 CRAB KUNI WITCH HUNTERS Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) AEG 50108 $11.95 EVIL It's good to be bad! This 128-page D20 System sourcebook has everything you need to run and develop evil aligned characters and campaigns, plus rules for new prestige classes, spells, clerical domains, and demon summoning. Release Date: July, 2001 (CAUT:4) AEG 8501 $19.95 FORTUNES AND WINDS This 128-page Legend of the Five Rings RPG sourcebook explores the world of kitsune; spirits inhabiting human bodies, forest and nature spirits; half-kami; the Zokujin, who toil underground for the Lion Clan; the Oracles, fragments of the Dragons' souls; the secrets of the Fox Clan and their allies, plus details on the kenku, mysterious spirits of the deep forest who have trained some of Rokugan's most renowned masters of the sword, and rules for their training. AEG 3034 $19.95 LION ELITE SPEARMEN AEG 50406 $11.95 SHADOWLANDS ONI PODLINGS AEG 50710 $11.95 AMARILLO DESIGN BUREAU, INC. FEDERATION NEW HEAVY CRUISER Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) ADB 0277 $7.95 THOLIAN FLEET BOX Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) ADB 0700 $39.95 THOLIAN H CRUISER & NEW H CRUISER Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) ADB 0706 $15.95 THOLIAN WAR CRUISER & CORVETTE Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) ADB 0719 $14.95 ATLAS GAMES INSTRUMENT OF DESTINY Every three years, the desert village of Hariq commemorates Tahlessa bint Mizrah, its most famous daughter, with a contest that draws great musicians from far and wide, vying for the honor of playing Tahlessa's harp. But not everyone attending is planning to play fair, as the adventurers are lead into the treacherous desert, right to the mummified heart of the Caliphate's dark past, on a mission to preserve the honor and treasure of Hariq. An Arabian/Egyptian-flavored setting for the Penumbra Series of D20 System fantasy adventures for character levels 6-8. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) ATG 3205 $10.95 ATOMOTON Z-G INTERACTION FIGURES: BATTLEBOOK From the creator of Vampire: The Masquerade, Mark Rein-Hagen, Z-G is an innovative game concept in which the playing piece is a poseable, highly-articulated action figure, combining the tactics of miniatures, with the customizability of trading card games, and the collectible appeal of action figures. This essential strategy guide and scenario sourcebook for Z-G Interaction Figures details figure-construction, deck-building strategies, arena tricks, and zGear ins and outs. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) ATO 0005 $12.95 Z-G INTERACTION FIGURES: CITIZEN This 200-card expansion set introduces new zGear cards for upgrading zGear with superior weapons, testing risky prototypes, and advancing them to state-of-the art variants. Syndic cards offer special skills, Maneuver cards enhance your fighting prowess with Martial-Z, No Mind, and Trash-Talk skills, and Hero and Flaw cards add depth to your fighter's inner will, heroism, or tragic weaknesses! This series is offered in 10-card booster packs. NOTE: This item is sold to retailer in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) CITIZEN BOOSTER ATO 0004-S $2.95 CITIZEN BOOSTER DISPLAY ATO 0004-D $129.80 Z-G INTERACTION FIGURES Each starter kit for Z-G Interaction Figures includes a 14-pt articulated, plastic action figure, eight detachable, interchangeable zGear weapons and armor, and 10 collectible trading cards representing the zGear, figure, and personality. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) ARMADA ENSIGN ATO 0002 $14.95 CESTUS MERC ATO 0003 $14.95 VANGUARD TROOPER ATO 0001 $14.95 AVALANCHE PRESS, LTD. GREENLAND SAGA In the spirit of The Last Days of Constantinople, this D20 System historical adventure explores the mysterious disappearance of the Norse colony of Greenland. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) APL 903 $12.95 RAGNAROK: TALES OF THE NORSE GODS Culling extensive knowledge from original and authoritative Viking saga and religion sources, this D20 System fantasy module explores the Norse pantheon, as players portray lesser deities questing and performing heroic deeds worthy of a saga, in order to forestall Ragnarok, the pre-ordained "Doom of the Gods". Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) APL 902 $12.95 WINTER FURY: FINLAND VS SOVIET UNION 1939 Outnumbered Finnish troops use speed and guile to defend against overwhelming Soviet firepower in this stand-alone sequel to the Blood On The Snow campaign game. Components in this boxed set include a 24" x 35" map, 140 counters, and a 12-page rulebook. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) APL 018 $29.95 CACTUS GAME DESIGN SOLOMON'S TEMPLE Build and furnish the Temple of Solomon while fending off invading Babylonian armies in this two-player card game of ancient war and conquest. Two Redemption CCG promo cards are included exclusively with each game: David and King Solomon. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) CGD 707 $29.99 CHAOSIUM INC. CALL OF CTHULHU: COMPLETE DREAMLANDS (REPRINT) This sourcebook provides everything needed for Call of Cthulhu investigators to travel down through the Gates of Deeper Slumber and into the realms of dreams, and includes a map and travelogue of the dreamlands, character creation rules, over thirty prominent NPC's and sixty monsters who dwell within the realms of dream, descriptions of the various gods and their cults, plus two adventures to help jump-start a dreamlands campaign. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) CHA 2363 $24.95 CALL OF CTHULHU LIMITED EDITION 20TH ANNIVERSARY HARDCOVER In honor of the 20th Anniversary of the award-winning Call of Cthulhu RPG, Chaosium Inc. introduces this 300-page premium, limited-edition, leather-bound volume of the core rulebook touting exceptional features as high-quality paper stock, sienna ink, a durable Smythe-sewn binding, and a new interior layout designed to evoke that 'ancient tome' look and feel. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) CHA 2399 $79.95 STORMBRINGER RPG 5TH EDITION Exhaustive background features rich descriptions of the island of Melnibone, the dark fantasy RPG world of the Young Kingdoms, based on the Elric novels scribed by author Michael Moorcock. Chapters explore extensive information on the forces of Law, Chaos, and the Cosmic Balance, and the multitude of beasts, denizens, and personalities that inhabit the world. Spot rules highlighting important game details as character generation, summoning, invocations, and enchantments, plus two complete scenarios, six supplemental adventures, a new world map, and play aids are but a few of the additions that complete this massive tome. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) CHA 2115 $29.95 STORMBRINGER: STRAITS OF CHAOS The seas of the Young Kingdoms are fraught with peril. Strange beasts, wild magics, and Dharijorean pirates plague the narrow Strait of Chaos, discouraging captains to stray too far into her unpredictable waters. But, when Melnibonean Warships are closing in, even the bravest of sailors may see the murderous straits as the lesser of two evils. A D20 System adventure for character levels 3-6, set in the RPG realm of Stormbringer. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) CHA 2019 $8.95 CHEAPASS GAMES BRAWL: CATFIGHT What's sexier than a girl with a cat head? Three girls with a cat head! Furry artist Bryce Nakagawa brings us BRAWL: Catfight, an adorable BRAWL expansion featuring cuddly cat girls, a big red hammer, and a whole lotta pain. The three new characters are Sonia, Nickie, and Tamiya, and the new card type is the Double. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) NICKIE CAG 517 $6.95 SONIA CAG 518 $6.95 TAMIYA CAG 519 $6.95 FIGHT CITY BOX SET (A & B DECK) Great mechanics, a unique and straightforward combat system, and fantastic original art from Cheapass artist Brian Snoddy highlight this boxed offering collecting both sets of the hard-hitting card game. Each individual deck packet contains 100 cards (50 per deck) and complete rules, and you can play Fight City with either basic deck, or use cards from both decks to create a custom deck of your own. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) CAG 407 $10.00 O/A GIRL GENIUS: THE WORKS Based on the new comic series by Phil Foglio, Girl Genius: The Works is a card game where players are tinkering with a big machine made of all the characters from the comic book. The game is played using a board made of twelve cards that represent pieces of the machine, and players take turns flipping and spinning these cards trying to fix the machine. The Works contains a 108-card deck in glorious full color and a rulebook. CAG 516 $14.95 CHESSEX MANUFACTURING FROSTED 12MM D6 Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) CLEAR/WHITE BLOCK (36) CHX LE568 $9.95 LIGHT BLUE/WHITE BLOCK (36) CHX LE571 $9.95 LIGHT GREEN/WHITE BLOCK (36) CHX LE570 $9.95 LIGHT SMOKE/WHITE BLOCK (36) CHX LE572 $9.95 PINK/WHITE BLOCK (36) CHX LE569 $9.95 TEAL/WHITE BLOCK (36) CHX LE573 $9.95 CLEAR/WHITE BLOCK (12) CHX LE562 $6.95 LIGHT BLUE/WHITE BLOCK (12) CHX LE565 $6.95 LIGHT GREEN/WHITE BLOCK (12) CHX LE564 $6.95 LIGHT SMOKE/WHITE BLOCK (12) CHX LE566 $6.95 PINK/WHITE BLOCK (12) CHX LE563 $6.95 TEAL/WHITE BLOCK (12) CHX LE567 $6.95 FROSTED POLYHEDRAL 7 DIE SETS Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) BLUE/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE553 $6.95 CLEAR/BLACK TUBE (7) CHX LE551 $6.95 CLEAR/WHITE (7) CHX LE545 $6.95 CLEAR/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE556 $6.95 LIGHT BLUE/WHITE (7) CHX LE548 $6.95 LIGHT BLUE/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE559 $6.95 LIGHT GREEN/WHITE (7) CHX LE547 $6.95 LIGHT GREEN/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE558 $6.95 LIGHT SMOKE/WHITE (7) CHX LE549 $6.95 LIGHT SMOKE/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE560 $6.95 PINK/WHITE (7) CHX LE546 $6.95 PINK/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE557 $6.95 PURPLE/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE554 $6.95 RED/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE552 $6.95 SMOKE/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE555 $6.95 TEAL/WHITE (7) CHX LE550 $6.95 TEAL/WHITE TUBE (7) CHX LE561 $6.95 CLOUD KINGDOM GAMES TOWER OF THE RIDDLE MASTER 79 new, original, and challenging riddles from the game makers of Cloud Kingdom Games to add fun and spice to any fantasy campaign. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) CKG 50302 $11.95 O/A RAW DEAL: BACKLASH: TAG TEAM EXPANSION This all new 150 card game expansion features the WWF's most exciting tag-teams including the Dudley Boyz, the Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian and RTC. Now any type of match is possible within the world of Raw Deal. Tag-Teams can battle one another in either a 2-player or 4-player game format. Individual Superstars such as the Rock, Kurt Angle, or Chyna can go up against a Tag-Team in a 2-player game. As an added feature, special cards included in the booster packs allow for 4-player games of any combination. Finally, pre-match and mid-match cards enhance the game and add unique twists in much the same manner as actual World Wrestling Federation events. NOTE: This item is sold to retailer in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availabiltiy. starter Display CIM 65050-D $120.00 STARTER DECK CIM 65050-S $10.00 Booster Display CIM 65051-D $118.45 Booster PACK CIM 65051-S $3.29 O/A WWF RAW DEAL CCG Brush up on your Suplex, practice your Arm Bar Takedown, and by all means, perfect your Chin Lock, because now's your chance to test all the moves in the World Wrestling Federation "Raw Deal" CCG. Introduced in a 150-card series, Preconstructed Theme Decks are aligned to a specific World Wrestling Federation Superstar. Starter Decks come in 61-card, 12-count Displays, while Booster packs are offered in 11-card, 36-count Booster Displays. Starter Display CIM 33250-D $120.00 Booster Display CIM 33251-D $108.00 D6LEGEND, INC./WEST END GAMES DC UNIVERSE RPG: FLASH SOURCEBOOK The Flash Sourcebook is your guide to the speedsters of the DC Universe! It includes descriptions of every significant member of the Flash family, as well as many of their friends and enemies. Geoff Johns, current Flash scribe, provides a detailed history of Keystone City, home of Flashes past and present, while Brian Augustyn offers a discussion of the Speed Force, the energy that gives most speedsters in the DC Universe their abilities. Release Date: June, 2001. (CAUT:4) WEG 52016 $21.00 O/A JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA SOURCEBOOK The 208-page JSA Sourcebook contains information on three generations of super heroes, from the wartime heroes of the Golden Age through their sons and daughters in Infinity Inc. to the current incarnation of the Justice Society of America. This book also includes information on past and present allies and enemies as well as information roleplaying in the 1940s and a classic Golden Age adventure. WEG 52008 $25.00 KINGS AND THINGS The award-winning game of fantasy kingdom building returns with warriors, magic, dragons, and tiles, plus all the other great features. As a minor noble, you must conquer wondrous lands, muster armies of motley creatures and mighty heroes, and beat up on other minor nobles to fulfill your glorious destiny. Included in this boxed set are 48 tiles, over 300 counters, complete rules, and dice. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WEG 11009 $35.00 DREAM POD 9 HEAVY GEAR Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) NORTHERN GENERAL PURPOSE SQUAD Five Heavy Gear miniatures (4-Hunter, 1-Headhunter) are collected in this boxed set. DPN 201 $23.80 SOUTHERN GENERAL PURPOSE CADRE Five Heavy Gear miniatures (4-Jager, 1-Command Jager) are collected in this boxed set. DPN 202 $23.80 SPACESHIP COMPENDIUM This 80-page companion sourcebook to Tactical Space Support examines the many spacecraft in use by the various factions of the Heavy Gear universe. From the massive and nearly immobile Gateships, to small and agile combat drones, as well as notable installations and adventure seeds, this book has it all. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) DPN 066 $17.95 VISIGOTH: MAIN BATTLE TANK DPN 251 $29.95 WALLABY ATV & INFANTRY DPN 252 $7.45 JOVIAN CHRONICLES Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) BRIMSTONE (MERCURY EXO) DPN 423 $8.95 CEGA FLIGHT GROUP Expand your Jovian Chronicles campaign with this set of five miniatures: 3-Wyvern, 1- Cerberus, 1-Syreen. DPN 435 $29.80 FLIGHT GROUP These Jovian Chronicles miniatures (3-Pathfinder, 1-Vindicator, 1-Retaliator) are an excellent starter set. DPN 434 $27.80 FURY (CEGA EXO) DPN 422 $8.95 NOMADS SOURCEBOOK This game supplement for Jovian Chronicles explores the history, organization and resources for the hardy Nomads of the Asteroid Belt and their flying mountain homes. Numerous pre-generated campaign and adventure seeds, along with floorplans for typical asteroid settlements are also featured. DPN 323 $19.95 EVIL POLISH BROTHERS, LLC BOUNTY GAME Skullduggery, piracy and sweet revenge abound in Bounty , a 2-8 player family game for ages 8 and up set in the golden age of piracy and merchant adventurers. Trade fabulous cargos in exotic ports and build your loot of gold, silver and copper Doubloons as you seek to gain prestige and power on the high seas. This combination card and board game comes complete with a mounted playing board, 8 ship tokens, 7 packs of 12 full-color cargo cards and ports of call, 20 treasure chest cards, numerous Doubloon tokens, complete rules, and more! Release Date: July, 2001 (CAUT:4) EPB B1000 PI FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES BLUE PLANET V2: BLACK CRUSADE HARDCOVER Since Recontact and the discovery of Long John, Poseidon has become the battleground for the secret armies fighting for control of the colony world's future. Driven by the High Commissioner's unofficial vendetta, GEO Internal Security has launched a covert war against the Incorporate states. This 128-page sourcebook for the Blue Planet V2 RPG offers detailed descriptions of the organization, personnel, and directives of both the GEO and Incorporate states, as well as information on intelligence gathering, espionage, covert tradecraft, ops, and tips on playing operatives and agents. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) FFG BP-08 $24.95 DISKWARS: BLOOD & PROPHECY BATTLE BOX Enemies from afar, they meet at last. Timorran Lokander and Llovar Rotuno. The Dark Lord and the Wizard of the South. Kin by blood, enemies by soul. The time for resolution has come at last! Diskwars Battle Boxes introduce two ready-to-play opposing armies, each containing an assortment of Disks from past expansions, and 6 flats of completely new disks, including heroes and villains from the Diskwars storyline that have yet to be cast into the battlefield. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) LLOVAR FFG DW-38 $29.95 TIMORRAN FFG DW-39 $29.95 LEGEND & LAIRS: MYTHIC RACES HARDCOVER They are races of myth and lore. They are tribes, civilizations, outcasts, and abberants. Their time is now! This second core book in the Legends & Lairs line of D20 System material provides players with 30 new cultures, races, and classes for character creation, describing their history, myths, gods, special skills, feats, equipment, and new prestige classes in vivid detail. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) FFG DD-18 $24.95 FANTASY PRODUCTIONS SHADOWRUN: TARGET AWAKENED LANDS Continuing the tradition of the popular Target-series of sourcebooks for the Shadowrun universe, this offering focuses on magical and "awakened" realms spanning the globe. Stonehenge, Crater Lake, plus additional information about Australia and the Outback, are but a few of the awakened regions explored. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) FPR 10651 $15.00 SHADOWRUN: TARGET WASTELAND Exotic locations, ice wastes, and deserts are but a few of the forbidding and potentially hostile regions of the awakened world you'll explore in this Target-series sourcebook for Shadowrun. Every temperate and ecological environment, from space to deep sea, is covered in extensive detail, including background information and special rules. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) FPR 10653 $15.00 SHADOWRUN: THREATS 2 This sourcebook follows up the events heralded by "The Year of the Comet", offering insights on the more dangerous blocks hidden in the background of the Shadowrun universe. Global conspiracies, doomsday prophets, and evil abound! Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) FPR 10652 $18.00 SHADOWRUN: YEAR OF THE COMET Havoc returns to the awakened world as Halley's Comet passes by earth in the year 2061. A trigger event sending ripples through the Shadowrun universe, the comet brings chaos in its wake to astral space, causing strange phenomena to appear all over the world, inticing racial tensions and stirring the doomsday cults into action. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) FPR 10650 $18.00 GAMES WORKSHOP INQUISITOR MINIATURES Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) DEVOTEE MALICANT GAW 70-20 $19.99 SERGEANT STONE GAW 70-19 $19.99 SEVERINA DEVOUT GAW 70-18 $19.99 LORD OF THE RINGS MINIATURES BOX SETS Release Date: November, 2001. (CAUT:4) AMBUSH AT AMON HEN This metal boxed set contains: (1) Aragorn, (1) Gimli, (1) Legolas, (1) Dying Boromir, (1) Lurtz, (3) Uruk Hai, & (2) Uruk Hai Carrying Merry & Pippin. GAW 05-12 PI ATTACK AT WEATHERTOP This metal boxed set contains the following miniatures: (1) Aragorn, (4) Hobbits, (4) Ringwraiths, & (1) Witch King. GAW 05-09 PI BATTLE AT KHAZAD DUM (1) Gandalf and (1) Balrog battle to the death in this metal boxed set. GAW 05-11 PI ESCAPE FROM ORTHANC Open up this metal containment to find this selection of miniatures: (1) Saruman, (1) Plinth, & (1) Gandalf Riding on Gwaihir. GAW 05-10 PI O/A FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING BOXED GAME Included in this boxed set you'll find a 112-page, full-color rulebook, (6) D6 Dice, (1) Ruined Building structure, and the selection and quantity of the following miniatures: (8) Gondorian Swordsmen, (8) Elf Bowmen, (8) Elf Swordsmen, (8) Moria Goblin Swordsmen, (8) Moria Goblin Bowmen, & (8) Moria Goblin Spearmen. GAW 05-01 PI O/A FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING Lurking in this metal-cast boxed set are the following character miniatures: Aragorn, Gandalf, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, and (4) Hobbits. GAW 05-07 PI O/A WARRIORS OF MIDDLE EARTH Within this plastic box containment are the following miniatures: (4) Gondorian Swordsmen, (4) Elf Bowmen, (4) Elf Swordsmen, (4) Moria Goblin Swordsmen, (4) Moria Goblin Bowmen, & (4) Moria Goblin Spearmen. GAW 05-08 PI LORD OF THE RINGS MINIATURES Release Date: November, 2001. (CAUT:4) ARWEN GAW 05-45 PI CAVE TROLL GAW 05-50 PI CELEBORN GAW 05-57 PI DWARF KING GAW 05-58 PI ELENDIL GAW 05-59 PI ELF SPEARMEN (3) GAW 05-41 PI ELROND GAW 05-39 PI GALADRIEL GAW 05-56 PI GIL-GALAD GAW 05-55 PI GONDORIAN BOWMEN GAW 05-38 PI GONDORIAN SPEARMEN GAW 05-37 PI HALDIR GAW 05-53 PI ISULDUR GAW 05-60 PI KING OF MEN GAW 05-47 PI LORIEN ELF BOWMEN (3) GAW 05-54 PI LURTZ GAW 05-46 PI MORIA: ARMORED GOBLIN BOWMEN (4) GAW 05-52 PI MORIA ARMORED GOBLINS (4) GAW 05-51 PI MOUNTED ARAGORN GAW 05-61 PI MOUNTED BOROMIR GAW 05-62 PI MOUNTED RINGWRAITH GAW 05-48 PI ORC BOWMEN (3) GAW 05-44 PI ORC WARRIORS (3) GAW 05-43 PI RINGWRAITHS GAW 05-42 PI SARUMAN GAW 05-40 PI TWILIGHT RINGWRAITH GAW 05-49 PI O/A URUK HAI BOWMEN GAW 05-36 PI O/A URUK HAI GAW 05-35 PI O/A LORD OF THE RINGS PAINT SET Release Date: November, 2001. GAW 05-06 PI WARHAMMER 40K MINIATURES Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) CHAPTER APPROVED GAW 0230 $24.99 WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE MINIATURES Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) DARK ELF ALBION TRUTHSEER GAW 8597U $7.99 DARK ELF ASSASSIN GAW 8512D $7.99 DARK ELF BLACK GUARD GAW 8513A $5.99 DARK ELF BLACK GUARD COMMAND GAW 8513D $9.99 DARK ELF CAULDRON OF BLOOD GAW 993132 $34.99 DARK ELF COLD ONE CHARIOT GAW 1610 $24.99 DARK ELF COLD ONE KNIGHTS GAW 1608 $34.99 DARK ELF COLD ONE KNIGHTS GAW 8511A $8.99 DARK ELF COLD ONE KNIGHTS COMMAND GAW 8511B $8.99 DARK ELF DARK EMMISARY GAW 8597V $7.99 DARK ELF MALLUS DARKBLADE GAW 8511G $12.99 DARK ELF MANTICORE GAW 1609 $34.99 DARK ELF SHADES GAW 8510G $5.99 HARPIES 2001 GAW 8537B-N $8.99 GUILDHOUSE GAMES A GREEN PLACE TO DIE The Bahgdair Swamp is a lush and verdant hellhole that has claimed many victims over the years. Now, a decades-lost treasure leads the adventurers into the swamp's fetid waters and sodden spits of ground to dig up the riches and return them to the poor province of Haelin. But, a dark force grows at the heart of the quagmire, its roots threatening to consume the very land of Haelin itself. An introductory D20 System adventure for character levels 1-3. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) GHS 1001 $4.99 SUCCUBUS BRIDE The war draws to a close. A year of bloody fighting and countless deaths has resolved nothing between the monster nation of Maldekore and the civilized region of Ulria. Now, a simple wedding between the ruling families can end the senseless carnage. But, deception looms amidst the ceremony, and the adventurers must retrieve a ring that will protect the young prince of Ulria from his betrothed, and preserve the sanctity of the wedding, or the peace will shatter into senseless slaughter. A D20 System adventure for character levels 7-8. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) GHS 1000 $4.99 GREEN KNIGHT PUBLISHING LEGENDS OF THE PENDRAGON (FICTION) What made Britain ready for the coming of Camelot? How were the Round Table's victories and failures foreshadowed in the deeds of Uther Pendragon, King Arthur's own father, or the tragedy of Vortigern, the tyrant who welcomed the treacherous Saxons as trusted allies? This collection of stories explores the earliest days of Arthur's realm, presenting a wide range of tones and styles from such notable authors as Phyllis Ann Karr, Cherith Baldry, Ed Greenwood, and others. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) GKP 6211 $14.95 PENDRAGON RPG: BOOK OF FAERIES This supplement for the Pendragon RPG details the powers, kindred, and magical realms of Faerie, creature-specific rules for faerie folk, trolls, and spriggans, and special character generation and abilities for characters of mixed faerie blood, or those touched by the Other Side. Take your risks at the Goblin Market, and explore the realm of Queen Morgan le Fay. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) GKP 2728 $20.95 GUARDIANS OF ORDER TEKUMEL: EMPIRE OF THE PETAL THRONE RPG The creation of Professor M.A.R. Barker, Tekumel is a complex fantasy science world richly steeped in history, hoary tradition, a highly-stratified, class-conscious clan society, and myriad flora and fauna. First published in 1975, Tekumel's popularity has prospered through its well-established fan-following, opening the way for this Tri-Stat Compatible edition to breath additional life into this incredible, visionary concept. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) GOO 12-001 $24.95 GUILDMASTER GAMES The Sunken Temple Deep within the swamps of Theire lies an ancient temple where minions of the dark one, Yurgoth the Cruel, held foul rituals centuries ago. Many treasures still lie within the temple's walls, but can you handle the challenges in store for those that would seek to explore The Sunken Temple? Second in the Marchlands series of D20 System adventures for 2nd-4th level characters. Release Date: July, 2001 GMG 3002 $9.95 GUILD OF BLADES PUBLISHING GROUP HEROES & TYRANTS FANTASY BOARD GAME In this variant edition of the classic "Talisman" fantasy boardgame, players assume the roles of one of fifteen unique characters competing to complete three individual quests, or empowering themselves to ultimate victory by defeating the dreaded Chaos Lord in their goal for total domination of the realms. Within this boxed set you'll find a 32-page rulebook, a 17" x 22" game board, 15 full-color character stand-ups with complementing profile sheets, 10 follower stand-ups, one D10 dice, and a slew of encounter, weapon, item, spell, and quest cards to round out the playing field. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) GUI 0500 $27.95 WAR TO END ALL WARS BOX SET Well received by both the Axis & Allies playing community and historical gaming consumers, this revised and upgraded World War I Axis & Allies variant edition comes complete with two 17" x 22" full-color game maps, over 1500 cardstock playing tokens, 190 plastic card stands, 30 Nation Tracking Sheets, one D10 dice, and a 32-page Rule and Scenario Booklet. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) GUI 0020 $34.95 HOLISTIC DESIGN FADING SUNS: SPIES & REVOLUTIONARIES SECRET SOCIETIES 1 Sir Chamon Mazarin, Emperor Alexius's intelligence chief, has compiled dossiers on all sorts of questionable organizations and cabals infesting the Known Worlds, from intelligence agencies, terrorists , and revolutionaries. This book provides players with the means to infiltrate any clandestine group rooted in the Fading Suns universe. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) HDI 0248 $20.00 INNER CITY GAMES ANYVILLE HORROR You're part of a middle-income average American family trapped in a creepy old house with a hideous monster on a high-protein diet... of course you could play the monster! Using only the items they can find around the house as weapons, players try to defeat one of several monsters as it attempts to eat its way through the entire family. A great game of humor, mystery, and suspense, for 2-8 players. Release Date: July 2001. (CAUT:4) ICG 7311 $6.95 CATSKILLS Fussin' and a-feudin' over the shine business is your stock in trade. Produce as much as you can, sabotage the production of others, marry off the ones better than you to your relatives (you got a shotgun ain't ya?) and backstab and claw your way to the top of the ladder in this game of rum-running and feuding. A complete resource management micro-boardgame for two to six players ages 12 and up. Release Date: July 2001. (CAUT:4) ICG 7310 $6.95 MY FIRST LARP This hilarious parody of live-action roleplaying pretends to teach the reader the basics of "LARPing", and contains a series of playable larps. Everything from "The Big Red Ball" Larp to "Escape From Blind Man's Prison" are included in this laugh riot game book. Release Date: July 2001. (CAUT:4) ICG 7308 $5.95 PLAYIN' IN THE STREETS Playin' In The Streets is a high-action adventure RPG set in the truly bad police melodramas of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Recommended for ages 14 and up. Release Date: July 2001. (CAUT:4) ICG 7400 $15.95 JOLLY ROGER GAMES MAUL OF AMERICA: RAID ON THE MALL Set in a world where the dead have risen from their graves, hungry for living flesh, and civilization as we know it is on the brink of collapse against their ravenous onslaught, Raid on the Mall introduces advanced rules for Maul of America, and four new games using Maul components. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) JOL CNG01001 $9.00 WARHAMSTER RALLY This 2-5 player racing game set in the Dork Tower comic universe introduces the world of Warhamster Rally, where players take the reins of these massive, furry beasts, maneuvering around Budgie Beasts and Juggling Juggleurs on their way to the finish line. A little luck, determination, and skillful manipulation of your "special power" will lead you to victory lane! Comes supplied with two unique racetracks, illustrated playing cards, tokens, wood pieces, and complete rules. Release Date: July, 2001 (CAUT:4) JOL 222 $30.00 KENZER & COMPANY DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: ALDRIV'S REVENGE Duke Aldriv III has been murdered and his brother, Prince Cardor, has disappeared. Prince Cardor's son, Mordeln, fears he may be the assassin's next target, enlisting the aid of some stalwart adventurers to aid him in his desperate quest to find his missing father before the assassins do. This 1st to 3rd level module set in the official Third Edition Dungeon & Dragons D20 System realm of Kalamar comes complete with encounter tables, a detailed village, a timeline of events, player handouts and more. Release Date: July, 2001. KEN 1105 $12.95 FAIRY MEAT: SUGAR AND VICE This wonderfully scribed rulebook expansion for the Fairy Meat miniatures game gives the low down on the Twinkle-inclined Moon Faries, and includes additional material on new races, spells, magic items and weapons. Release Date: July, 2001. KEN 405 $19.95 KNUCKLEDUSTER PUBLICATIONS KNUCKLEDUSTER: COWTOWN CREATOR Roll up a western town from scratch, creating a believable Old West environment for any RPG setting. You'll find comprehensive historical detail and background, including period photographs of saloons, gunfighters, and dusty western streets. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) KNU 3-0 $19.95 KOPLOW GAMES OPAQUE D100 POLYHEDRAL DIE Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) BLACK KOP 00388 $8.75 BLUE KOP 00389 $8.75 RED KOP 00390 $8.75 WHITE WITH BLUE KOP 00391 $8.75 OMEGA GAMES 1864 YEAR OF DECISION Scenarios contained within cover the decisive campaigns in both the eastern and western theaters of the American Civil War. This boxed set boasts 280 die-cut counters featuring Union and Confederate army headquarters, corps and divisions, plus separate maps detailing each theater, complemented by two small variant maps extending from Atlanta to Savannah or Mobile. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) OME 3010 $34.95 CARRIER WAR 840 die-cut counters featuring US, Japanese and Commonwealth land, sea and air units highlight this boxed campaign, with scenarios covering the crucial years of the War in the Pacific from 1941- 44. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) OME 3008 $49.95 CARRIER WAR: WAR PLAN ORANGE Using the popular Carrier War game system, War Plan Orange simulates a hypothetical war in the Pacific during the early 1930s. 840 die-cut counters featuring US, Japanese and Commonwealth land, naval and air units, including optional battleships and other forces never devised due to naval treaties, are included in this massive boxed set. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) OME 3011 $49.95 EASTERN FRONT SOLITAIRE Recreating Germany's campaign against Russia during World War II, this solitaire game system introduces several scenarios spanning all of the decisive encounters of the war, and features 280 die-cut counters showcasing German army and panzer group headquarters, and infantry armies and panzer corp, with Soviet units highlighting optional historical designations. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) OME 3006 $34.95 GAME BOX ACCESSORY Sporting Omega Games' full-color logo on the front, these attractive storage units serve as a quality solution for storing collections of magazines and unboxed game supplements. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) OME 3901 $4.95 OSPREY BOOKS AMERICAN ACES OF WORLD WAR 1 American fliers arriving in Europe from September 1917 brought with them no aircraft. Instead, US units had to obtain machines mainly from the British and French. From early 1918 American pilots were issued with SPAD fighters and they never looked back. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP AA-42 $18.95 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR ARTILLERY 1861-65 Because of the length of the coastline of the United States, from the beginning American ordnance and engineers placed an emphasis on heavy artillery mounted in coastal defenses. This book details the development and usage of heavy and field artillery from the Union and Confederate armies. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP V-040 $14.95 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR EASTERN 1863-65 Great battles and famous commanders dominated the military history of the Civil War in the Eastern Theater during the period 1863-1865. This book includes revealing details of the clash at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the costliest battle ever waged in the Western Hemisphere, but, contrary to common belief, puts forward the theory that it was not a great turning point in the war. This book also examines the events that led to Robert E Lee accepting generous terms of surrender from Ulysses S Grant, bringing the war in Virginia to a close. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP ESS-05 $17.95 ARMIES IN THE BALKANS 1914-18 For the first time this book offers a concise account of these complex campaigns, the organisation, orders of battle, and the uniforms and insignia of the armies involved: Austro-Hungarian, German, Ottoman, Serbian, Montenegrin, Albanian, British, French, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Greek and Rumanian. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP 0356 $14.95 CONFEDERATE ARTILLERYMAN This title guides the reader through the life and experiences of the Confederate cannoneer - where he came from; how he trained and lived, how he was equipped, dressed and fed; and how he fought. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP W-034 $16.95 CONFEDERATE IRONCLAD 1861-65 The creation of a Confederate ironclad fleet was a miracle of ingenuity, improvisation and logistics. Surrounded by a superior enemy fleet, Confederate designers adapted existing vessels or created new ones from the keel up with the sole purpose of breaking the naval stranglehold on the nascent country. Her ironclads were built in remote cornfields, on small inland rivers or in naval yards within sight of the enemy. The result was an unorthodox but remarkable collection of vessels which were able to contest the rivers and coastal waters of the South for five years. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP V-041 $14.95 ENGLISH MEDIEVAL KNIGHT 1400-1500 This book is a detailed and fascinating look at the English knight through the high watermark of the age of mail. This, and all the other equipment a knight needed are examined, together with the role of squires. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP W-035 $16.95 FOCKE-WULF FW 190 Osprey Modeling Manual 20 examines the Focke-Wulf 190, which entered Luftwaffe service in 1941. With detailed step-by-step model photography, specially commissioned walkround photography, scale drawings and wartime shots, this book provides all the details needed to model the most common A8 version as well as the long-nosed FW190D and other variants. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP CMM-20 $17.95 INDIAN ARMY 1914-1947 At the height of its strength and confidence the army of British India was a unique organisation, whose officers and other ranks - all volunteers - were bound together by extraordinary sprit de corps. After interwar campaigns on the North-West Frontier in the Second World War, Indian divisions made a major contribution to the British effort in North Africa, Italy and Burma. With independence and partition the old army was divided between the new states of India and Pakistan, retaining its discipline and professional pride in the most difficult circumstances. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP E-075 $16.95 KNIGHT HOSPITALLER This book examines the lifestyle, experiences and military role of the Order of St John of the Hospital of Jerusalem, covering the period from the foundation of the order to the invasion of Rhodes in 1306. Additionally, it takes a close look at the individual Hospitaller 'warrior monk' - his recruitment, motivation, duties, weaponry, armour and dress, as well as the Order's overall role in the cultural, political and economic development of the Christian Empire. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP W-033 $16.95 NORTH AMERICAN P-51 MUSTANG Osprey Modeling Manual 19 covers the best-known US fighter of WWII - the long-range escort that made possible the USAAFs bombing of Germany by day. With detailed step- by-step model photography, specially commissioned walkround photography, scale drawings and wartime shots, these series provides all the details needed to model the main P-51 version, the P-51D and its variants. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP CMM-19 $17.95 OPERATION COBRA 1944 Following the D-Day landings in Normandy on 6 June, 1944, the Allied forces found themselves facing determined German resistance. On 25 July, Bradley launched his attack to break the stalemate. While Patton's Third Army poured into Brittany and south to the Loire, the British in the north and the Americans from the southwest were closing the pincers on the German forces in Normandy. This book tells the full story of one of the most important breakthroughs of World War II. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP CS-88 $18.95 SEVEN YEARS' WAR The closest thing to total war before World War One, the Seven Years' War was fought in North America, Europe, the Carribean and India with major consequences for all parties involved. This fascinating book is the first to truly review the grand strategies of the combatants and examine the differing styles of warfare used in the many campaigns. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP ESS-06 $17.95 TERRAIN MODELING MASTERCLASS HARDCOVER Illustrated with some 200 photographs and written by a master of diorama modeling with a lifetime's experience, this book provides the essential and invaluable guide to the materials and techniques needed to create top quality terrain for anywhere from Ancient Rome to the Western Front. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP 0625 $29.95 VERDUN 1916 Until Stalingrad, Verdun was a byword in Germany for senseless slaughter. It could fairly be said to have equivalent emotional resonance as the Somme has for the British. French attitudes are becoming similar, but Verdun was and still is symbolic of France's resistance. Some 300,000 Frenchman died at Verdun, but they stopped the German invasion. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP CS-93 $18.95 WELLINGTON'S BELGIAN ALLIES 1815 The army commanded by the Duke of Wellington at Quatre-Bras and Waterloo included two infantry divisions and three cavalry brigades of the newly-unified Netherlands (or 'Dutch-Belgian') army. The organisation, uniforms, and battle record of the Belgian units are explained here in detail by an experienced researcher in Continental archives. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP 0355 $14.95 PARADIGM CONCEPTS ARCANIS CODEX The scions of the great noble houses harken to the blood of the ancient Valinor in their veins, blood that bids them to serve the gods by ruling over the rest of humanity. Plots born from an ancient treachery begin to reach fruition in the present machinations of emperors and kings. Welcome to Arcanis, the World of Shattered Empires. Codex Arcanis overviews the continent of Onara, a setting for the D20 System. Arcanis is a world of adventure, menace and intrigue. Players and Game Masters alike will start their campaigns here with an insightful tour of the mighty Kingdoms and Empires of Onara. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) PCI 1005 $21.99 BLOODY SANDS OF SICARIS The first in a series of D20 System fantasy adventures for the Coryani chronicles rooted in the world of Arcanis. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) PCI 1004 $9.99 PLACEBO PRESS FENCE AND FENCEABILITY "Hey, buddy! Wanna buy a Mooning Lisa? How 'bout a Venus Duh Milo? Step right up to the van, everything must go!" Welcome to the seedy under belly of the art world, where you and your fellow counterfeiters vie to sell your goods to the highest bidder. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) PPS 012 $3.95 MY BRAIN IS BLEEDING The year is 2048. Yes, it's a cliche future, and you are hackers. Unfortunately, you're not very good at it. So, when you and your friends decide to break into a high security mainframe, it's only natural that you would be detected. Now the inevitable killer programs are after you. One of you will escape. The rest will learn to like the taste of custard. This fast-playing card game for 2-6 players of all ages comes complete with a 72-card Hacker Deck. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) PPS 011 $3.95 DARK HEAVEN 25MM MINIATURES RELEASE DATE, JULY, 2001 BRIA, FEMALE NECROMANCER RPR 02504 $2.95 FERGUS THE WEAVER, MALE BARD RPR 02500 $2.95 HIROKU, SAMURAI OF OKURA RPR 02505 $2.95 JASMINE SILVERVEIL, ARABIAN SORCERESS RPR 02497 $2.95 MIRARI THE SEDUCTRESS RPR 02501 $2.95 NAGRASH, ORC CHIEFTAIN RPR 02502 $3.25 NORRIN SILVERBEARD, DWARF KING RPR 02503 $2.95 SNAKEMEN (2) RPR 02498 $6.95 SWAMP SHAMBLER RPR 02496 $3.50 TOMB WRAITH RPR 02499 $2.95 DARK HEAVEN 25MM MINIATURES BOXED SET RELEASE DATE, JULY, 2001 TREEMAN OF THE WOODSPIKE FOREST RPR 10010 19.95 RIO GRANDE GAMES TRADERS OF GENOA In this game of trading, wares, and negotiation, players take on the roles of merchant traders in 16th century Genoa. Fulfill orders, deliver messages, and take ownership of the numerous buildings in the city through skillful negotiations, bartering and bribery. The riches and prosperity of Genoa await the most savvy of profiteers! A boardgame for 2-5 players, ages 12 and up. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) RGG 181 $39.95 SANGUINE PRODUCTIONS LTD JADECLAW For centuries, the Houses of Heaven have ruled over the Houses of Earth. As it nears the end of the Jade Dragon's hold upon the Mandate of Heaven, will they surrender their thousand-year rule so easily? Nestled in the mystical kingdom of Zhong Gou laced with an old-world Chinese flare, this fantasy roleplaying game setting rich in politics, religion, mystical beliefs, and technology, introduces easy-to-learn game mechanics, over 24 unique player races, numerous careers, plus extensive details on martial arts, ancestral summoning, magic, and more! Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) SPL IC-2001 $.00 STEVE JACKSON GAMES CARDBOARD HEROES CAVERN FLOORS Hot on the heels of the popular Cardboard Heroes Dungeon Floors comes a complete set of Cavern Floors. 16 wire-bound pages of caves, vaults, twisting passageways, pits, rockslides, and other underground formations await your dungeon-delving, and "transition pieces" let you connect your caverns directly to the previously-released Dungeon Floors. Release Date: August, 2001 SJG 2121 $22.95 CARWARS CARD GAME (REVISED) Everything you need to re-live the classic excitement of Car Wars comes complete in this easy-to-learn introduction to the wild world of auto-dueling, played entirely with cards, featuring all-new graphics and packaging. Release Date: August, 2001 SJG 1309 $24.95 CHEZ DORK In this stand-alone card game, players enter the world of John Kovalic's Dork Tower. Matt, Igor, Carson, and their friends compete to feed their ravenous obsessions, collecting the games, cards, and other geeky treasures they can't live without. But, Obsessions can change at the flip of a card, so get more cool Stuff, faster, than all your friends, and earn your place in geekdom! Release Date: August, 2001 SJG 1340 $16.95 GURPS: BEST OF PYRAMID #2 Included in this second volume of the best of Pyramid's GURPS coverage you'll find "Unlimited Mana" variant rules, "The Hole" -one of the most requested articles ever, straight from Pyramid Issue #1, plus the complete run of Terra Incognita and Warehouse 23 features from the paper edition, and lots more! Release Date: August, 2001 SJG 6130 $22.95 GURPS: DARK PLACES GURPS Dark Places is a compilation of sites and settings for horror adventures, or for a touch of horror in some other setting! Grouped chronologically by time period from the early 1800s to the mid-21st century, Dark Places offers complete descriptions with fully- detailed maps, as well as game statistics for doors, locks, equipment, and other crucial details. Come visit the haunted house, the mad scientist's laboratory, or the graveyard, all in GURPS Dark Places. Release Date: August, 2001 SJG 6419 $22.95 GURPS TRAVELLER: STARSHIP FORM Make your roleplaying more true-to-life with these Imperial documents for GURPS Traveller. The set includes the two-sided Ship's Registry Form, starship construction worksheets, plus a sheet of Cardboard Heroes miniatures of a starship and spaceport crew, including humans, Vargr, Aslan, and Bwaps. Release Date: August, 2001 SJG 6421 $14.95 KNIGHTMARE CHESS 2ND EDITION (REPRINT) The strangest thing to happen to chess in 5,000 years! Knightmare Chess is chess played with cards, as each card breaks the rules in a wild and unpredictable way, giving the game more twists and turns than a roller coaster. Some cards alter single moves, while others change the fundamental rules of the game. The original game of chaos on the chessboard just added a new dimension of unpredictable fun! Release Date: August, 2001 SJG 1321 $14.95 OGRE: MINI PANEUROPEAN SET 5 This 72-point set is exactly what the Paneuropean player needs when holding ground is the name of the game. This Ogre Miniatures set includes six "Seguro" GEV-PCs and six 3-man infantry units (18 infantry figures total). That's two mech infantry companies' worth of metal! Release Date: August, 2001. SJG 10-2205 $19.95 OGRE: MINI PANEUROPEAN SET 6 Laying down massive firepower even at the longest ranges, howitzers can stop the heaviest armor attack - even an Ogre! - before it gets started! This set contains two "Arquebus" howitzers and three "Eisenfaust" mobile howitzers for the Paneuropean armies, and is worth 60 points. Release Date: August, 2001. SJG 10-2206 $19.95 RONIN: THE ART OF CHRISTOPHER SHY HARDCOVER Best known for his cover work on White Wolf's Vampire and Mage lines, and the notable cover artist for In Nomine, GURPS Atlantis, GURPS Cabal, and the GURPS Horror GM's Screen, as well as the primary illustrator for the upcoming GURPS Transhuman Space line launching in late 2001, Christopher Shy is quickly becoming one of the hottest up-and-coming artists today. Steve Jackson Games is proud to present the best of Christopher Shy's art in a deluxe, 64-page hardback full-color edition, with an introduction by Ken Hite. Release Date: August, 2001. SJG 3008 $24.95 THIRD WORLD GAMES, INC. FIRESTORM CCG Standing at the threshold of the known universe, the Firestorm rages. Its origins clouded in mystery, this spatial anomaly has been both a galactic crossroad and a region of immeasurable chaos and destruction. This strategic card game of alien warfare, conspiracy, politics, and epic space combat is introduced in 8-count Starter displays containing 50-card pre-constructed decks showcasing one of four factions: Muero, Dysori, Soven, and Korvaan. Supplement your gameplay with 11-card Booster packs introduced in 24-count displays, and Combo Boxes containing 4 Starters and 12 Boosters. NOTE: This item is sold to retailer in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) BOOSTER DISPLAY TWG FS005-D $78.96 BOOSTER PACK TWG FS005-S $3.29 COMBO BOX TWG FS007 $79.44 STARTER DECK TWG FS002-S $9.99 STARTER DISPLAY TWG FS002-D $79.92 TUNDRA SALES ORGANIZATION DRAGON BALL Z RPG: ANDROID SAGA This jam-packed 160-page supplement for the Dragonball Z RPG introduces an episode guide, plus character background, inside information, new powers, and new rules covering the Garlic Jr., Trunks and Android Sagas. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) TSO AM9003 $20.00 STARSHIP YAKAZE: SOUL OF THE SHADOW Beginning the New Voyages series of adventure books for the science fiction genre for use with the D20 and Fuzion game systems. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) TSO GRG1001 $8.95 ZORRO RPG: THE LEGACY CONTINUES The legacy continues! More information and optional rules for players and game masters of The Legacy of Zorro RPG, including simplified character creation, special talents, weapons, equipment, and a new adventure. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) TSO GRG3002 $8.95 THE UPPER DECK COMPANY, LLC CARDCAPTORS #2 CCG Catch all 90 new Cardcaptor game cards and customize your deck with Series Two booster packs. Look for all new Clow Spirit categories including Water, Rain, Cloud, and Earth, as well as new Capture, Strategy, and Reinforcement cards to fine-tune your deck. 30 rainbow-foil parallel Cardcaptor insert cards add color to this expansion set, which are introduced in 9-card booster packs. NOTE: This item is sold to retailer in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability.Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) BOOSTER DISPLAY UDC 18188-D $71.76 BOOSTER PACK UDC 18188-S $2.99 BIONICLE CCG: QUEST FOR THE MASKS Once a paradise, the island of Mata Nui has become a place of darkness and fear, ruled by the evil Makuta. But the islanders, known as Tohunga, have kept the faith in the Legends of Bionicle. This legend tells of six mighty heroes called the Toa will free them from Makuta and his beasts. Become the mighty Toa and search the island for the Great Masks of Power. NOTE: This item is sold to retailer in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: August, 2001 BOOSTER DISPLAY UDC 18635-D $71.76 BOOSTER PACK UDC 18635-S $2.99 US GAMES SYSTEMS LORD OF THE RINGS TAROT AND CARD GAME Richly illustrated with classic scenes, characters, and themes of The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, this exciting, strategic card game summons the players to travel through Middle-Earth to reach Mount Doom and destroy the One Ring. For 2-5 players, ages 10 and up. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) UGS LR78 $15.00 WIZARD CARD GAME A five-time Games 100 Selection, Wizards is the "ultimate trump game", and a great deal of fun for the whole family. For 3-6 players, ages 10 and up. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) UGS WZ5 $8.00 R3, INC. OBSIDIAN LORDS Dachee - a world of powerful tyrants, mythical creatures, and strange magic. A world where gold is as common as copper - and obsidian is the coin of the realm. Obsidian Lords is a game designed for two players in which you assume the role of a powerful lord waging war against your enemy with tokens representing creatures, weapons, spells, and magical items. Starter sets contain everything one player needs to play the game: 50 random game tokens, 4 dice, shield, pouch, and rulebook. Booster packs contain one obsidian coin token and 7 completely random tokens. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) BOOSTER PACK RRR 002 $1.95 STARTER SET RRR 001 $14.95 WHITE WOLF PUBLISHING ABERRANT: UNDERWORLD The ruthless world of organized crime went underground in the face of aggressive action by Project Utopia. Exercising blatant brutality and smooth subtlety, the four key organized crime cartels have adjusted to the Nova Age. When the mob makes you an offer, refusing can get you killed. Aberrant: Underworld provides players and Storytellers with information needed to incorporate the dangerous elements of the Yakuza, Heaven Thunder Triad, Medellin Cartel and the Camparelli-Zhukov Syndicate into their Aberrant games. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 08522 $14.95 ADVENTURE! RPG The Dawn of a New Age! 1922: An era of daring and imagination, when men are forthright and women are courageous. An era of globe-hopping exploration and mad science. An era in which excitement awaits in the lofty skyscraper-penthouses of New York City and the squalid slums of Hong Kong, in the frigid wastes of Antarctica and the sweltering jungles of the Congo. It is the era of Adventure! "Adventure" is a game of pulp action in which you are an inspired hero battling dastardly villains and bizarre monsters! It has rich source material on early 20th-century society around the world and complete rules for playing a daredevil in this exciting age, including special powers and details on building amazing inventions. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 09350 $25.95 CHRONICLES OF CORUM: PRINCE WITH THE SILVER HAND This second volume of the Chronicles of Corum is separated from the first not just by time, but by place. Summoned by hopeful worshippers elsewhere in the Multiverse, Corum responds to their plea and finds himself in a world of harsh, unyielding winter. To save the people of this world, Corum undertakes several quests to gain possession of great artifacts. This omnibus edition, which is newly revised and updated by author Michael Moorcock, includes The Bull and the Spear, The Oak and the Ram and The Sword and the Stallion three novels that together tell an epic of love and war. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 12527 $16.99 EXALTED: SCAVENGER SONS Scavenger Sons details the Scavenger Lands, the heartland of the First Realm and a bastion of resistance against the Dynasty's imperial ambitions. From the strict discipline of Lookshy to the Byzantine anarchy of The Nexus, this book covers the history and inhabitants of the lands in detail. Scavenger Sons also contains information on the Threshold, including descriptions of many of its petty kingdoms. An Exalted setting resource for players and Storytellers. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 08820 $15.95 EXALTED: TRILOGY OF THE SECOND AGE BOOK 1 Before there was a World of Darkness, there was something else. It was a land of turmoil in the Second Age of man. It was a time of high adventure and heroes re-born. It was a setting of savage peril and sprawling decadence. It was the world of Exalted. The Trilogy of the Second Age is the first White Wolf fiction series set in this fantastic time and place. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 10080 $6.50 MAGE LIGHTER To celebrate the new Mage: The Ascension Revised Edition, White Wolf announces a brand-new lighter design. These Mage: The Ascension lighters are made by world- famous manufacturer Zippo, each finished in a flat-matte purple color and printed with the Mage logo on the body. Each lighter comes complete with its own plastic case to conceal it from the prying eyes of the Technocracy. Now you can summon fire at will without suffering Paradox. Lighter fluid not included. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 05215 $29.95 MAGE THE ASCENSION: GUIDE TO THE TRADITIONS Nine Traditions, infinite possibility! A definitive look at the Traditions as a whole, how the Council functions, who'll take charge with the death of Masters, and what techniques determine the allocation of chantries and wonders. Between the roles for up-and-coming Disciples and the problems facing the 21st-century Council lie stories just begging to be told. A player and Storyteller sourcebook for Mage: The Ascension. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 04603 $25.95 MIND'S EYE THEATRE: GIFT DECK The Minds Eye Theatre Gift Deck consists of sturdy laminated cards printed in silver and black inks. Each card details the rules for a werewolf, and are easy to reference, containing everything you need to use a power while playing and running live-action games. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 05183 $14.95 MIND'S EYE THEATRE: SHINING HOST PLAYER'S GUIDE The Shining Host Player's Guide is rich with new material for players and Storytellers alike. Here are the long-awaited rules for the Nunnehi and their ways. Here are the merfolk with their arts of weather and seduction, the fae-blooded kinain and the ranks of the enchanted. Here also are the houses of the Unseelie and the terrifying Court of Shadow. A player and Storyteller supplement for Minds Eye Theatre. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 05030 $15.95 TRINITY: TERRA VERDE The masters of Biokinesis are the most mysterious of the psi orders. They abandon old concepts of humanity in search of their full potential, and fight against humanity's enemies on every front, in ways others don't begin to suspect. Discover the secrets of the Nora, at home and throughout space. See beyond the confusion and cover- ups to unsuspected frontiers of adventure. There's no room for the Northern Hemisphere's fears or repression in Sudamerica, people are too busy living life to the fullest. Let others cower from the future. Sudamericans make the future and make themselves what they want to be. The sixth Trinity psi order/region book for players and Storytellers. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 09008 $17.95 VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE: GILDED CAGE The Kindred are hidden masters of cities, growing sated on the blood of the vessels within. Their domains are built on the backs of the mortals they prey upon, their fortunes made by proxies, their havens visited by the famous to the infamous. The night belongs to those who can take what it has to offer. From the savvy prince to the raucous iconoclast, all Kindred are inextricably tied to the cities where they make their havens, and to the mortals within. This book looks at power and influence, as well as how to cultivate it and cripple others. A political primer for Vampire: The Masquerade. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 02420 $15.95 WORLD OF DARKNESS: NAGAH Theirs is the sacred duty of delivering justice. Theirs are the tools of venom and stealth. Theirs is the burden of silence. They are the Nagah, the sinister serpent-folk of the World of Darkness. The final Changing Breed Book delves into the mysteries of the most enigmatic and reclusive shapeshifters of all the deadly Nagah wereserpents. Their history and culture, their secret tricks of assassination, the tragedies that haunt the race are revealed within. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 03084 $19.95 YEAR OF THE SCARAB BOOK 2: LAY DOWN WITH LIONS Although annual themes have run through White Wolfs Storyteller games for years, this is the first World of Darkness-spanning story told in novel form. What will be the effect on those that hide in the shadows when the long-lived and powerful mummies decide its time to rise to dominance? Check out this epic Year of the Scarab fiction series. Author Andrew Bates is the co-designer of White Wolfs Trinity, Aberrant, and Mummy: The Resurrection storytelling games. This is his first White Wolf fiction series. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 10021 $6.50 WINNING MOVES RUBIK'S SIMPSONS: HOMER'S HEAD PUZZLE The world's most challenging puzzle meets the world's most challenged man! Can you solve this mind-boggling Rubik's-Simpson's puzzle and keep your sanity intact? D'OH!! Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WIN 5003 $13.00 WIZARD'S ATTIC AGONE RPG: GAMEMASTER PACK Published by Multisim Games! This four-panel game supplement for the AGONE RPG comes complete with all the necessary information offered in a concise and easily accessible format to enhance gameplay in the Twilight Realms, and includes a beautifully-detailed, full-color map of Harmundia. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA MLM6087 $17.00 AGONE RPG: KING OF SPRING Published by Multisim Games! From the Lightning-Dragon Crest to Abhorrent Peaks, this sourcebook for the AGONE RPG presents eleven ready-to-play Domains where Inspired players may explore and discover new manifestations of the Masque, and, possibly, a glimmer of hope. Domain creation and management rules are also covered in extensive detail. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA MLM6088 $13.95 CRITTER COMMANDOS 2000: BATTLE BOX Sculpted by Steve Lortz, in cooperation with Reaper Miniatures, these 28mm remastered, unpainted pewter figures created in conjunction with the re-release of Critter Commandos, are introduced in 8-count Battle Box miniature sets, and come supplied with Quick Start Rules. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) DUCKS & TURTLES CFE 7506 $22.95 FROG COMMANDOS CFE 7501 $19.95 GORILLAS & RACCOONS CFE 7503 $24.95 RATZI MENACE CFE 7502 $19.95 SGT. FURY & COMPANY CFE 7505 $19.95 SHARKS & RABBITS CFE 7504 $22.95 CRITTER COMMANDOS 2000 CORE RULES The classic funny animal science fiction miniatures combat game for the whole family is back! Critter Commandos has again rejoined the ranks of the living with this exciting updated edition, which includes all the great elements that you loved about the original, plus all new vehicles, and expanded background and roleplaying rules. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) CFE 3010 $14.95 HELL IN FREEPORT Published by Green Ronin Publishing! Freeport has never been in more danger! Infernal forces lurk in every alley and inn. Inquisitors and prophets of doom comb the streets, for the stench of evil hangs in the air. A city that is no stranger to dirty dealings and bloody paybacks is about to get a lesson in debauchery from the pros - the minions of Hell! The heroes of Freeport work to save themselves from the wrath of an ancient prophecy and from the hands of an infernal lich lord. A 64-page D20 System adventure for characters levels 8-11. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA GRR1006 $14.95 PAX DRACONIS RPG Published by Technicraft Design! One galaxy. One war. One million ways to profit! The Draconians, a conquering horde of genetically-engineered beings, arrive from another galaxy, bringing devastation in their wake. In the midst of chaos, the Pax Draconis is formed, a governing body uniting the warring factions of the known worlds. But, revolution surfaces, splitting the galaxy in half, as an insurgent People's Republic prepares to defend their sovereignty against the invading Draconian Empire. This epic, futuristic space opera introduces a science-fiction RPG world of soldiers, mercenaries, and elite starfighters thrust into a raging conflict of political upheaval. Extensive details on the galaxy's 216 quadrants, its people, governing factions, and eco-systems, plus information on the mystical, hypespace-born savants, are revealed. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA TCD001 $29.95 SLAYER'S GUIDE TO HOBGOBLINS Published by Mongoose Games! The first in a new series of sourcebooks designed specifically for fantasy-based D20 game systems, The Slayer's Guide to Hobgoblins is the definitive resource to this powerful race bent on disciplined warfare, providing a wealth of knowledge to supply that vital informative edge necessary for player's survival. Release Date: July, 2001. WZA MGP0001 $7.99 SPACESHIP ZERO RPG Published by Green Ronin Publishing! Based on the cult TV series and forthcoming movie, Spaceship Zero is a 50's style swashbuckling adventure focusing on a group of brave test pilots as they take the world's first "Better-Than-Light" drive ship for a spin around the galaxy. Everything that can go wrong does, leaving the crew stranded in a twisted mirror universe, low on supplies and beset by dangerous aliens who seek their technological secrets. Now you can experience the cosmic mayhem in this complete RPG and introductory adventure. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA GRR1010 $19.95 WHAT'S THAT SMELL Published by Wicked Press! The stench of evil prevails an abandoned halfling village, as the adventurers seek to locate the source of the foul practitioner of death. This D20 System scenario for mid-level characters comes complete with full-sized maps, cut-out counters, and additional reference graphics and player-aids. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA WP2001 $10.00 WIZARDS OF THE COAST DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS MINIATURES Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT:4) AXE WIELDING ORC WOC 88267 $3.99 FEMALE ELVEN BARD WOC 88268 $3.99 HALF ORC MALE ASSASSIN WOC 88266 $3.99 HUMAN MALE PALADIN WOC 88286 $3.99 KOBOLDS WOC 88301 $4.99 KRENSHAR WOC 88272 $3.99 LIZARD FOLK WOC 88284 $3.99 MALE GNOME FIGHTER WOC 88269 $3.99 MALE HALFLING MONK WOC 88271 $3.99 MALE HUMAN MONK WOC 88285 $3.99 MINOTAUR SKELETON WOC 88287 $3.99 TROGLODYTE WITH LONGSPEAR WOC 88288 $3.99 HARRY POTTER TCG Nothing will enchant legions of Harry Potter fans quite like the chance to test their own wizardy skills. In this trading card game based on the best-selling Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone novel, players become their favorite wizards at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, using spells, potions, and magical creatures harness their powers and master their abilities. This 116-card series is introduced in 8-count, 82-card two-player Starter Deck Displays, and 36-count 11-card Booster Displays. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release date: July, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) BOOSTER DISPLAY WOC14030 PI BOOSTER PACK WOC14030-S PI STARTER DECK WOC14033-S PI STARTER DISPLAY WOC14033 PI MLB SHOWDOWN 2001: PENNANT RUN The 2001 Pennant Run expansion for the MLB Showdown CCG offers a new pool of 175 stars and key acquisitions to help your team make midseason moves to stay in contention. Rookie standouts, big-name stars touting their new team uniforms, and 25 new strategy cards add muscle to your offense and leather to your defense. Introduced in 9-card booster packs offered in 35-count displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release date: July, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) BOOSTER DISPLAY WOC14060 PI BOOSTER PACK WOC14060-S PI POKÉMON: SOUTHERN ISLANDS COLLECTION BINDER The Southern Islands Collection set features 18 unique Pokémon cards that, until now, have only been released in Japan. Six of them are special reverse holofoils, and three of them will be pivotal in game play! Postcards, booster packs, and card sleeves are all part of this package deal, all delivered in a stunningly designed binder. The Southern Islands Collection set will surely be a destination for all Pokémon enthusiasts! Release date: September, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) WOC88649 PI VIDEOS VIZ VIDEO CERES, CELESTIAL LEGEND: VOL 2 Yû Watase's newest supernatural manga thriller continues as one of the most anticipated anime series of the year! Aya and her twin brother Aki's destiny is set into motion by the events that happened in the Mikage home on their sixteenth birthday and their lives will never be the same again...for something called Ceres lies in Aya's consciousness and her family is determined to destroy it - even if it means killing her. VHS—3 episodes per volume, English dubbed, color, stereo, 78 mins. $24.95 DVD—3 episodes per volume, bilingual, color, stereo, 78 mins. $29.95 RANMA 1/2 RANDOM RHAPSODY VOL 4: THE DEMON FROM JUSENKYO THE DEMON FROM JUSENKYO, Part I & II—The visitor's log at the curséd springs of Jusenkyo has been stolen by someone...or something. Now all the people who've visited Jusenkyo in the past are systematically being attacked! Ranma and the others at the Tendo Dojo prepare for battle while trying to figure out why someone would be after them. Who will be the next victim of this mysterious enemy? Exciting 2-part episode! VHS—3 episodes per volume, English dubbed, color, stereo, 78 mins. $24.95 DVD—3 episodes per volume, bilingual, color, stereo, 78 mins. $29.95 RANMA 1/2 MARTIAL MAYHEM, SUBTITLED EDITION: NIGHTMARE ON HAPPOSAI STREET WASH THAT FREAK RIGHT OUT OF MY HAIR! For Ranma and the others, the only thing worse than having to live with a perverse martial arts master is being trapped within his perverted dream! Is there any way out of this mental nightmare? Then, insulted by her so-called fiancé one too many times, an indignant Akane washes that Ranma right out of her hair...and into her sister Nabiki's. 2 episodes per volume, English subtitled, color, stereo, 52 mins. VHS $24.95 RANMA 1/2 MARTIAL MAYHEM, SUBTITLED EDITION: MY KAGEMUSHA, MYSELF RANMA VS. SHADOW RANMA A carton of Soun and Genma's coveted takoyaki (octopus puffs) goes missing, and the entire household is suspect! It's Rashomon, Tendo Dojo style! Then, because no martial artist can stand up to Ranma's skill, who better to train against than yourself? But is the time Ranma's spending with this shadow-self really good for him? 2 episodes per volume, English subtitled, color, stereo, 52 mins. VHS $24.95 ************************ ANIME APOCALYPSE ZERO 1&2 DVD From AnimeWorks! In a world where obsessions and nightmares turn to demons, humans are nothing more than prey for grotesque monsters. Embodied corruption roams the earth, filled with disgust and hatred for all that is unsullied. Harara, the human demon, raises an army of foul creatures from the shadows of the human heart. His power is the unmatched Zero fighting art, which can reduce any opponent to bleeding meat. His goal is to eviscerate every human left on earth and bathe in their blood. Only one other being has mastered Zero Form, his human brother, Kakugo. With armor made from the souls of dead warriors, he is on a quest to protect the pure and obliterate Harara. He is Kakugo, the final soldier, and his killing hands bring purification. Release Date: August, 2001. Approximate running time: 60 minutes. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB AWD-0110) $24.95 BLOOD THE LAST VAMPIRE DVD From Manga Video! At the Yokota Base in Japan, a nervous American military is on the brink of the Vietnam War. But a greater threat exists within the walls of the heavily- guarded compound: Vampires. A team of top-secret undercover agents learn of these blood-sucking fiends, and dispatch the mysterious Saya to hunt down and destroy them. This beautiful yet dangerous girl must use her extraordinary abilities and lethal Japanese sword to save the humans from these sinister creatures of the night. Approximate running time: 45 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT: 4) DVD (MGA D4077) $24.95 FENCER MINERVA THE TEMPEST DVD From US Manga Corps! Diana's spirit was freed through enslavement to her beloved prince. Now she is revered throughout the kingdom as the beautiful Slave Queen. But traitors abound, and to save herself and her love, Diana must escape the most treacherous of plots. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCES DVD (CPM USM-2057) $29.99 GATCHAMAN COLLECTION DVD From Urban Vision! This popular three volume mini-series continues the story from the 1970's hit TV series, "Battle of the Planets" and "G- Force", to the ultimate confrontation between the Alien Gallacters and the Human Race. The new OVA volumes manage to modernize the characters without compromising the design of the original series. Episodes collected in this DVD set are The Dragon King, The Red Specter, and The Final Countdown. Approximate running time: 140 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (URB UV-1070) $29.95 GUNDAM MOBILE SUIT 08 VOLUME 2 DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From Pioneer Entertainment! Universal Century 0079. Shiro Amada has now assumed control of his unit, the 08th MS Team. Encountering a new enemy Mobile Armor, the experimental Apsalus, the 08th MS Team forces it to land to make emergency repairs, not far from a remote Zeon-controlled village - a village where members of the Team are heading for some R&R! Now, they lie in wait in the desert for the enemy Mobile Armor to make another appearance. It's a long wait, and with one of their team injured, it's going to be a rough road. Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. DVD (PNE BN-1711V) $24.98 DUBBED (PNE BN-1701D) – VHS $19.98 GUNDAM WING VOLUME 16: SACRIFICE VIDEOS DUBBED From Pioneer Entertainment! When the White Fang ship Libra refuses to change course away from Earth, Quatre and the others are forced to set Peacemillion on a collision course in an attempt to save Earth! Each Gundam pilot fights furiously in the final battle, as Wu Fei takes off to have a duel, Quatre deals with his emotions, and Trowa defies his destiny. Meanwhile, Duo repays some old debts and Heero heads out for one final battle with Zechs. And the Libra is still on a collision course with Earth! The epic Gundam Wing series collides to a stunning conclusion in this final volume! Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. EDITED (PNE BN-1665D) – VHS $14.98 UNCUT (PNE BN-1635D) – VHS $14.98 GUNDAM WING OPERATION 10 DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! The final volume! When the White Fang ship Libra refuses to change course away from Earth, Quatre and the others are forced to set Peacemillion on a collision course in an attempt to save Earth, as each Gundam pilot fights furiously in the battle to end all battles. Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. DVD (PNE BN-1679V) $24.98 HAND MAID MAY VOLUME 1: MAID TO ORDER DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From Pioneer Entertainment! Kazuya Saotame's computer gets a virus, and the actions inadvertently place an order with Cyberdyne Corp. A shoebox-sized shipment arrives shortly, which opens to reveal...Hand Maid May! May will do anything to please Kazuya- san! What'll happen? Watch and see! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (PNE 11556V) $29.98 DUBBED (PNE 71659D) – VHS $24.98 MAGIC KNIGHT RAYEARTH SEASON 1 DVDS From AnimeWorks! Step into a world where will power determines all and your beliefs become magic. Join three girls from Tokyo as they are given a quest unlike anything they have encountered in school. Hikaru, Umi and Fuu must master their own hearts, fight against evil, and save the alternate world called Cephiro! These first season DVD volumes are offered individually for the first time! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. VOLUME 1 DAYBREAK (MDB MKD-1001) – DVD $29.95 VOLUME 2 SUNRISE (MDB MKD-1002) – DVD $29.95 VOLUME 3 NOON (MDB MKD-1003) – DVD $29.95 VOLUME 4 TWILIGHT (MDB MKD-1004) – DVD $29.95 VOLUME 5 MIDNIGHT (MDB MKD-1005) – DVD $29.95 MARTIAN SUCCESSOR NADESICO VOLUME 12 VIDEOS From A.D. Vision! The Earth and Jovian fleets converge upon Mars as the Nadescio and Nergal frantically battle to uncover the secrets buried in the ancient city. Driven past the point of human endurance, the crew of the Nadesico must unlock the mysteries hidden within their own pasts in order to save the future of the human race! It's the epic battle to end all battles in the spectacular climatic conclusion of Martian Successor Nadesico! Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DUBBED (ADV ND-012D) – VHS $19.98 SUBTITLED (ADV ND-012S) – VHS $29.98 MARTIAN SUCCESSOR NADESICO VOLUME 6 DVD From A.D. Vision! An alien visitor is the trigger that ignites the final phase of the war with the Jovians. As betrayals and deceptions threaten to destroy the last fragile chance for peace, the crew of Nadesico make a fateful decision: to end the no matter what the cost! That means a return to Mars, and to get there, the Nadesico will have to fight its way through both the Nergal and Jovian fleets! Approximate running time: 125 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (ADV DVDND006) $29.98 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM 0083 VOLUME 1: STARDUST MEMORY DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! Universal Century 0083. Three years of peace have followed the Earth Federation's victory over the Duchy of Zeon. Now, the last remnants of Zeon begin their plan for revenge by stealing a prototype Gundam armed with nuclear weapons. Can rookie Federation pilot Kou Uraki challenge the legendary Zeon ace Anavel Gato, and prevent the cataclysmic rebirth of Zeon? Approximate running time: 120 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. DVD (PNE BN-0365V) $24.98 MYSTERIOUS PLAY FUSHIGI YUGI VIDEO BOX SETS 2 From Pioneer Entertainment! The heart-rending conclusion to the Fushigi Yugi the Mysterious Play TV series! All 26 episodes of the second season of the series is collected in this eight volume boxed set. Join Miaka as she struggles to overcome Yui's betrayal and the deadly obstacles of the Seiryu Seven to protect her adopted kingdom, her friends and her true love. Over 10-hours of Fushigi Yugi fantasy, romance, and merriment! Release Date: August, 2001. DUBBED (PNE FY-70580) – VHS $99.98 SUBTITLED (PNE FY-70581) – VHS $99.98 NADIA SECRET OF THE BLUE WATER VOLUME 2: THE DARK KINGDOM DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From A.D. Vision! The last few days have been pretty hectic for young inventor Jean Ratlique. After rescuing Nadia and her pet lion King from the villainous Grandis, he's been chased; shot at; rescued by an American battleship; swept overboard; menaced by a sea monster; and rescued again - this time by a futuristic submarine named the Nautilus. Now he and Nadia are aloft once more, and headed for Africa. But the nearby deserted island isn't as deserted as it looks. And Grandis is still after Nadia's Blue Water gem. The adventure is just beginning! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (ADV DVDNS002) $29.98 DUBBED (ADV NS-002D) – VHS $19.98 NIEA UNDER 7 VOLUME 1 DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! As a starving student, Mayuko's life consists of many part- time jobs, a small apartment over a bathhouse, and sleepless study nights. Unfortunately for her sanity, this hard life is complicated by Niea. Niea is a young 7th class under-alien who is living in Mayuko's closet, building flying saucers out of trash, eating Mayuko's food and being a bum. Compared to this stress, the man eating plants and the curry wars are nothing. Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (PNE TBA001) $29.98 OH MY GODDESS VOLUME 1 DVD From AnimEigo! College freshman Morisato Keiichi gets more than he bargained for when he goes dialing for dinner and gets an unexpected delivery - Belldandy, a real live, honest to goodness Goddess! Belldandy grants him a wish, and Keiichi decides that what he really needs is a girlfriend just like Belldandy! And that's exactly what he gets. The mysterious 'Ultimate Force' that enforces all Wish Contracts comes into play, and Keiichi and Belldandy are now inseparable! This DVD offering collects episodes 1-3: "Moonlight and Cherry Blossoms," "Midsummer Night's Dream," and "Burning Hearts on the Road." Approximate running time: 87 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (ANI AV201063) $24.95 OH MY GODDESS VOLUME 2 DVD From AnimEigo! You'd think with a goddess as a girlfriend, Keiichi's life would be Heaven, but the fact is, it's more and more coming to resemble the OTHER after-life address. Alas, the storm clouds are brewing. System Bugs are escaping from the Heavens, upsetting the balance of the Earthly Plane. Until the problem is solved, Belldandy and Keiichi can't be together. If he even gets close to Belldandy, Bugs escape onto the Earthly Plane and foul up the works. Worse, the Lord has slapped her with a Recall Notice. In two days, she has to relocate home to Heaven. As the clock ticks down, Belldandy must begin to erase herself from Keiichi's life and memory. Meanwhile, Urd and Skuld, hoping to avert the recall, plot to solve the Bug problem. This DVD offering collects episodes 4- 5: "Evergreen Holy Night" and "For the Love of Goddess." Approximate running time: 69 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (ANI AV201064) $24.95 PATLABOR MOBILE POLICE TV SERIES VOLUME 1 DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From US Manga Corps! From the director of Ghost in the Shell! As the 20th Century was nearing its end, a new Industrial Revolution brought forth unprecedented advances in robotics. The invention of the Labor--a humanoid-type, multipurpose construction machine--emerged as the wave of the future. Making older industrial equipment virtually obsolete, the Labor also became a terrorist weapon. To combat the rise in Labor crimes, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department establishes specially designed Patrol Labors: Patlabors. This volume contains episodes 1-5. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (CPM USM-2069) $29.99 DUBBED (CPM USM-2068) – VHS $19.99 PUPPET PRINCESS DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From AnimeWorks! A ninja with a bloody past. A princess with a bloody future. It is the age of Civil War, a time of warlords and violence. Yasaburo is a ninja without a purpose, and the only survivor from his clan. Enter Rangiku, whose family was brutally murdered by the henchmen of General Karimata. Now she fights using her father's strange puppets, the very creations Karimata was out to capture. Together with Yasaburo, she fights through 16th Century Japan, and soaks the dusty streets in blood. When the Puppet Princess makes her puppets dance, they fight until only the bitter taste of vengeance remains. Release Date: August, 2001. Approximate running time: 40 minutes. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB AWD-0112) $24.95 DUBBED (MDB AW-0111) – VHS $19.95 RG VEDA DVD From US Manga Corps! At the dawn of time, the gods ruled the universe under the leadership of the mighty Tentei. But suddenly, the ferocious general, Taishakuten, appears, and destroys Tentei! Taishakuten declares that a new age has begun, and all who oppose him will die horribly. But legend says that a shimmering six-pointed star will rise into the heavens and restore the world to a golden age. The six points are six warriors, each with the power to move the stars and the hearts of all people. But now, there are only five: their brave leader Yasha; his companion, the noble child Ashura; the young, impetuous Ryuoh; the wise Karura; and Sohma, skilled in battle. But, the devious Taishakuten will not surrender his reign so easily, and plots to undermine the courage of the warriors! Can they live long enough to defeat the evil Taishakuten and restore justice to the universe? Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (CPM USM-2065) $29.99 ROBOTECH MACROSS VOLUME 3 DVD From A.D. Vision! Outnumbered, out gunned, outrageous! After battling their way back to Earth, the crew of the SDF-1 must learn to cope with a new set of rules imposed by a bureaucracy with little understanding of the grave threat that faces the entire world. Eventually, the horrors of war are brutally realized as heroes are forced to make the ultimate sacrifice! Approximate running time: 150 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (ADV DVDRT003) $14.98 ROBOTECH MACROSS VOLUME 4 DVD From A.D. Vision! In the wake of Roy Fokker's death, the crew of the SDF-1 must face the bitter realities of war in the most personal of ways. Add to this the growing dissatisfaction with the Earth's primitive defense forces, and it all points to eminent defeat at the hands of a massive alien armada. But as the battle to save their planet seems out of their reach, a series of lucky breaks give these besieged heroes of the massive space battle fortress a small glimmer of hope. Approximate running time: 150 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (ADV DVDRT004) $14.98 ROBOTECH MACROSS SAGA DVD BOX SET 2 From A.D. Vision! The danger continues to mount for the survivors of Macross City and the crew of the SDF 1 as the ship's arrival on Mars sets up a new deadly turn of events. Under constant attack by the giant Zentraedi, hounded at every turn and desperately short of resources, the humans wage a desperate battle for survival…but in the shadow of war, the power of love takes on an unexpected significance, for it is the strength of the human heart that may turn tide of the battle! This set showcases 5-hours of Robotech heavy- metal action! Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (ADV DVDRTBX2) $44.98 RUROUNI KENSHIN VOLUME 9: FACES OF EVIL DVD AND VIDEOS From AnimeWorks! It is the hour of evil, when all the Juppon Gatana meet under one roof. Shishio, lord of madness, amasses his solders for a second revolution in Kyoto. With Soujiro, the boy assassin, and Anji, the fallen monk, Shishio launches his attack from his nearly invulnerable iron ship. Kenshin is reunited with Sanosuke, a former student of Anji, and both are determined to sink Shishio's bringer of evil. Working with Saito, a former member of the Shinsengumi, they stage an assault on the sea fortress just as its cannons are being aimed towards Kyoto! Contains episodes 44-47. Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (MDB RKD-2010) $29.95 DUBBED (MDB RK-0320) — VHS $24.95 SUBTITLED (MDB RK-0321) — VHS $24.95 SAILOR MOON S TV VOLUME 7: THE SECRET REVEALED VIDEOS From Pioneer Entertainment! In the battles with Eugeal over the heart crystals, Sailor Moon and the other Sailor Scouts learn the true identities of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune! Soon after, the secrets of the Talismans and the Holy Grail are revealed and Sailor Pluto makes her appearance. But even though the Holy Grail awakens new powers within Sailor Moon, their quest to save the Earth is only beginning! Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. EDITED DUBBED (PNE 71538D) – VHS $14.98 UNCUT DUBBED (PNE 71606D) – VHS $14.98 UNCUT SUBTITLED (PNE 71539S) – VHS $14.98 SAILOR MOON S TV VOLUME 8: SEARCH FOR THE SAVIOR VIDEOS From Pioneer Entertainment! The three warriors of the outer solar system (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) refuse to cooperate with Sailor Moon and think that she and the other Sailor Scouts only get in the way of their attempts to save the world from the evil Messiah of Silence. It certainly doesn't help that even though Sailor Moon has gotten stronger - so have the Daimohns! Meanwhile, Chibi-Usa (Mini-Moon) has made a new friend, Hotaru. Will they learn that her father is the evil Professor Tomoe before it is too late? Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. EDITED DUBBED (PNE 71540D) – VHS $14.98 UNCUT DUBBED (PNE 71607D) – VHS $14.98 UNCUT SUBTITLED (PNE 71541S) – VHS $14.98 SAILOR MOON S TV HEART COLLECTION 4 DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! In the battles with Eugeal over the heart crystals, the Sailor Scouts all learn each other's identities. However, instead of bringing them together to save the world, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and the new arrival, Sailor Pluto, insist that Sailor Moon and her friends only get in the way! Sailor Moon gains even more power when they uncover the secrets of the Holy Grail, but even though she defeats Eugeal, even more powerful foes replace her! Meanwhile, Chibi-Usa (Mini-Moon) has made a new friend, Hotaru. Will they learn that her father is the evil Professor Tomoe before it is too late? This DVD collects volumes 7 & 8. Approximate running time: 140 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (PNE 11477V) $29.98 SHERLOCK HOUND DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! 221 Baker Street has gone to the dogs! Based upon the detective stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Hound delivers an inspiring introduction of these classic mysteries to new audiences. The wonderful story telling and signature directing styles from Hayao Miyazaki (Totoro, Princess Mononoke) complete this package. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (PNE TBA002) $29.98 STARBLAZERS QUEST FOR ISCANDAR PART 6 DVD From Voyager Entertainment! This DVD collection contains episodes 22-26, concluding the first season of this classic animated space opera. Approximate running time: 112 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (VOY DVD-1-6) $29.95 VOTOMS DVDS From NuTech Digital! VOTOMS (Vertical One-man Tank for Offense and Maneuvers) is a vastly sprawling space opera centering on Chirico Cuvie, an Armored Trooper in the notoriously bloodthirsty Red Shoulder brigade. Betrayed by his compatriots, abandoned, tortured, relentlessly pursued across the galaxy, captured and exploited time after time, he persists in his single-minded pursuit of the mysterious woman who haunts his dreams, nightmares, and realities. Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT: 4) MATURE AUDIENCE VOLUME 14 (NDI 0200) – DVD $29.95 VOLUME 15 (NDI 0201) – DVD $29.95 VOLUME 16 (NDI 0202) – DVD $29.95 ADULT ANIME DEMON BEAST INVASION 3 & 4 DVD SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (CPM A18-2075) $29.99 DEMON BEAST INVASION 5 & 6 VIDEO DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL DUBBED (CPM A18-2056)— VHS $29.99 KIZUNA DVD AND VIDEOS DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (DIA CQC503) $29.95 VOLUME 1 (DIA CQC501) – VHS $19.95 VOLUME 2 (DIA CQC502) – VHS $19.95 SAILOR AND THE 7 BALLZ DVD AND VIDEO SUBTITLED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL SUBTITLED (DIA SBZ001) – DVD $24.95 SUBTITLED (DIA SBZ002) – VHS $19.95 STARBALLZ THE MOVIE DVD SUBTITLED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL SUBTITLED (DIA STB001) – DVD $24.95 WEATHER REPORT GIRL DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (RST CDVD6953) $24.95 DUBBED (RST CM6952)– VHS $19.98 ANIMATION FELIX THE CAT COLLECTORS EDITION DVD From Sony Music! Felix the Cat is back, still full of mischief, and creating a twist with his provocative bag of tricks! Now, for the first time on DVD, you can enjoy the original classic cartoon supercat with this selection of 10 full-color, digitally remastered, and beautifully restored vintage episodes collected from the 1958-59 television series. Bonus features include the 1920's "Feline Follies" film short, an archival Felix the Cat promo reel, trivia game, sing-along Felix songs, screen savers, audio clips, and more! Approximate running time: 105 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA LV54064) $19.98 HEAVY METAL 2000 VIDEO From Columbia Tri-Star Home Video! F.A.K.K. (Federation-Assigned Ketogenic Killzone) represents an extreme biohazard, a name given to an entire planet to keep its secrets hidden. The world is home to Julie, who assumes the name F.A.K.K.² when her paradise world is threatened and her sister abducted by a madman seeking the key to immortality. State-of-the-art blending of computer and traditional animation, and a high- velocity soundtrack lends well to this futuristic revenge tale, touting the voice talents of Julie Strain, Michael Ironside, and Billy Idol. NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets prior to shipping to specialty stores. Approximate running time: 88 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE VHS (FFM C-03448) $14.95 SCOOBY DOO'S SPOOKIEST TALES DVD AND VIDEO From Warner Home Video! Zoinks! Scooby and the Mystery, Inc. gang investigate their most haunting cases ever in this all-new compilation showcasing four of their most hair- raising, spine-chilling episodes. DVD special features include a bonus episode, Scooby Doo trivia, and more! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA DVDH1759) $19.98 VHS (DIA H1787) $14.95 TERRY PRATCHETTS DISCWORLD: SOUL MUSIC DVD AND VIDEO TWIN PACK From Acorn Media Publishing! Rock music, job burnout, young love. Familiar themes, but in Terry Pratchett's Discworld, the music literally has rocks in it, the executive in crisis is the grim reaper, and the teenager in love's thrall is death's granddaughter. This animated adaptation of the sci-fi fantasy novel conveys the multi-faceted comic brilliance of Pratchett's flat world. Approximate running time: 168 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA AMP4622) $29.95 TWIN PACK (DIA AMP4614)– VHS $29.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A TERRY PRATCHETTS DISCWORLD: WYRD SISTERS DVD AND VIDEO THREE PACK From Acorn Media Publishing! This animated adaptation of Terry Pratchett's hugely popular Discworld series of novels features references to Shakespeare and cameo appearances by the Marx Brothers and Charlie Chaplin. A motley trio of hard-working witches gets mixed up in a royal mess when a murdered king's baby is entrusted to their care. Though they hate meddling, they must wrest the kingdom from the loopy duke and his she-devil wife. Approximate running time: 140 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA AMP8374) $29.95 THREE PACK (DIA AMP3057) – VHS $29.95 ******************** UNDERDOG CHRONICLES DVD From Sony Music! When help is needed I am not slow, it's HIP-HIP-HIP and away I go! More Simon Barsinister, more Riff Raff, and now some strange new foes stand in Underdog's way! This DVD lets you enjoy the original classic TV cartoon superhero in a whole new way, as digitally remastered episodes feature Underdog's greatest adventures, complete and uncut for the first time ever! Featured episodes include "The Ticklefeather Machine," "Guerrilla Warfare," and "ZOT." Approximate running time: 105 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA LV54063) $19.98 UNDERDOG VIDEOS From Sony Music! There's no need to fear…Underdog is here! But, Simon Barsinister, Riff Raff, King Klobber, and their villainous, zany cohorts have every reason to, as creator Joe Harris' 1960's classic television cartoon superhero leaps into the new millennium, digitally remastered, complete, and uncut for the first time ever! Join the daring adventures of humble, lovable Shoeshine Boy who, upon hearkening to the distressing cry for help by mild-mannered TV reporter Sweet Polly Purebread, darts into a nearby phone booth to emerge as Underdog, canine champion of justice! Three exciting episodes are collected on each video. Approximate running time: 50 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. ALIEN CHRONICLES (DIA LV54062) – VHS $9.98 GANGSTER CHRONICLES (DIA LV54061) – VHS $9.98 MAD SCIENTIST CHRONICLES (DIA LV54059) – VHS $9.98 ASIAN ACTION THEATER HYPNOTIST DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From A.D. Vision! An athlete runs herself to death. A man throws himself out of a window while his wife ignores him, focusing on the repeated ringing of a small bell. As a plague of mysterious suicides erupts across Japan, a determined police detective begins to unravel the clues that lead to a popular entertainer. Is the Hypnotist responsible for planting subliminal messages in the minds of the victims... messages that ultimately lead to murder? Even more frightening, has the detective unknowingly already become a victim? A deadly and shocking game of cat and mouse ensues in one of the most horrifying thrillers ever filmed. Approximate running time: 110 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCES DVD (ADV DVDLA017) $19.98 DUBBED (ADV LA-017) – VHS $14.98 JET LI IN MELTDOWN DVD From Columnia Tri-Star Home Video! After failing to save his wife from the evil "Doctor," Kit (Jet Li) takes a job working as a bodyguard and stunt double for the actor Frankie Lane. Kit is forced to confront his past as the Doctor and his gang take over a Hong Kong hotel to steal the Crown Jewels, and must save Frankie and the jewels to seek his own brand of revenge. Approximate running time: 99 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (DIA 6594) $29.95 LIFE OF NINJA DVD From Tai Seng Marketing! It's the great Yasuaki Kurata verses the magnificent Chen Kwan Tai in this marvelous ninja-action fest, as Chao (Kurata) must combat his powerful opponents with his miraculous fighting technique from Japan. Who will be the sole survivor?! Approximate running time: 88 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA 86604) $14.95 MANTIS COMBAT DVD From Tai Seng Marketing! The mighty, muscular Chen Sing stars in this fight-a-minute thriller, as he takes on all comers with clawing fingers of the deadly, disemboweling mantis fist! Trying to return all of the treasures that he had stolen, a reformed gangster is killed by his partners in crime. Now it's up to his son (Chen Sing) to take revenge and make things right. Approximate running time: 92 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA 86564) $14.95 MOON OVER TAO DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From Tokyo Shock! It was the 16th Century, when Japan was torn apart by brutal warlords and ravaged by constant fighting. Set on this stage, Moon Over Tao is a tale of lawlessness, violence, and power. Three heroes must join forces to unravel the secret of a mysterious sword, while the evil sorcerer Kakugyo opposes them with terrifying magic. Meanwhile, the original possessors of the sword are on their way to our world, hoping to recover it before doom befalls humanity. When the monster Makaraga is unleashed, however, it seems they are too late! Can the three legendary heroes stop this alien menace before all of humanity is destroyed? Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (MDB TSD-0114) $19.95 DUBBED (MDB TS-0112) – VHS $29.95 PARASITE EVE DVD From A.D. Vision! A classified experiment. A beautiful woman. The ultimate biological nightmare is unleashed as the next stage of human evolution reveals itself in a horrifying synthesis of woman and monster! Parasite Eve is loose and the human race will never be the same! The manga that spawned the hit video game comes to the screen in a chilling sci-fi shocker that probes the very destiny of the human species! Approximate running time: 120 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (ADV DVDLA014) $19.98 PHANTOM LOVER DVD AND VIDEO DUBBED From Tai Seng Marketing! Ronny Yu (Warriors of Virtue, Bride of Chucky) directs this resplendent, visually stunning romantic tragedy inspired by the Chinese film classic Chimes Of Midnight and Gaston Leroux's Phantom of the Opera. In the burned-out ruins of a once-glorious opera house, a theatrical troupe's lead singer Wei (Huang Lei) learns about the site's architect and star Sung Danping (Leslie Cheung) and his ill-fated affair with Du Yuyan (Wu Chien-Lien), daughter of a local merchant. Disfigured and presumed dead from the suspicious fire, Danping now dwells among the cobwebbed relics, and employs Wei to reclaim his love for Yuyan. A haunting romance of fiery passion, The Phantom Lover is a breathtaking tale of eternal love, lost in time. Approximate running time: 102 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA 78324) $34.95 DUBBED (DIA 78323) – VHS $19.95 REBORN FROM HELL JUBEI'S REVENGE DVD From Tokyo Shock! The legendary samurai, Yagyu Jyubei faces off against Necromancer Shosetsu Yui and his undead armies. Jyubei has already used his unmatched swordsmanship against the fabled spear-master Inshun Hozoin and the mythic warrior Musashi Miyamoto. Now he must rescue the girl ninja, Ohiro, from the claws of Yorinobu, an evil man destined to become Lord of Darkness on the eve of Armageddon! Not only does Shosetsu's army of the dead stand in his way, but so does the lethal Tsubone, whose feminine charms have never failed to bring down even the most stoic warrior. But even if Jyubei overcomes all these challenges to his martial skills, he must still confront his own father, estranged in the past and resurrected as a devil in the present! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB TSD-0111) $29.95 TERMINATRIX VIDEO DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL VHS (CPM APC-1983) $29.99 FROM THE BOX OFFICE DIEHARD THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION DVD SET From Fox Home Entertainment! Yippee-ki-yay, Diehard fans! Follow the diehard exploits of officer John McClaine (Bruce Willis) in this ultimate collection featuring the groundbreaking Die Hard 1 – Five Star Collection DVD loaded with cutting-edge extras that put you in the director's chair, plus the 2-disc special editions of Diehard 2 & 3. Additional bonuses include director's commentaries, HBO specials, deleted scenes, special effects and stunt studies, trailers, featurettes, and more! Over 6-hours of mind- blowing, hard-hitting, gun-blazing, explosive action! Release Date: July, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD SET (DIA 2001261) $79.98 MONKEYBONE DVD From Fox Home Entertainment! Brendan Fraser goes bananas in this outrageous comedy that breaks all the rules, directed by Henry Selick (Nightmare Before Christmas), and based on Kaja Blackley's graphic novel Dark Town! After a car crash sends repressed cartoonist Stu Miley (Fraser) into a coma, he and Monkeybone, his hilariously horny alter-ego, wake up in a twisted way station for lost souls. Now the race is on to escape "Downtown" before Stu's sister pulls the plug on reality forever! Approximate running time: 88 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA 2001935) $26.98 HORROR BEETLEJUICE DVD From Warner Home Video! The name in laughter from the hereafter! Tim Burton directs one of the most original movies to crack out of the Hollywood mold in decades, giving the afterlife a gleefully playful treatment. The Maitlands (Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis) enjoy the peaceful life in the quiet New England country until a fatal accident steals them to the hereafter, only to cast them out as conscious spirits. Adjusting to their new un-life is made more difficult when their haunted abode is invaded by new owners, the Deitzes (Jeffery Jones, Catherine O'Hara), a trendy New York couple with their morbid, misfit daughter Lydia (Winona Ryder). When the ghostly couple hire Bio-exorcist Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton) in desperation to get rid of the living, all Hell breaks loose, literally. Approximate running time: 92 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA 11785) $19.98 CREATURES FROM THE ABYSS DVD AND VIDEO From Shriek Show! Five bright young teenagers decide to go for a ride in a small rowboat on the open ocean. Strangely, they come across an abandoned yacht with mysterious biology laboratory! Bob and Julie decide to make love on the boat, but radioactive plankton from the lab infects them. How will they escape when Bob messily devours Julie and monsters begin running rampant on the boat? Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB SSD-0106) $24.95 VHS (MDB SS-0105) $19.95 EXORCIST UNCUT DVD AND VIDEO From Warner Home Video! Based on the 1971 novel by William Peter Blatty, director William Friedkin marries three different scenarios into one extraordinary plot. A visiting actress (Ellen Burstyn) in Washington, D.C., notices dramatic and dangerous changes in the behavior and physical make-up of her 12-year-old daughter (Linda Blair). She ultimately enlists the aid of a young priest (Jason Miller) whose fallen on faith, and a frail, elderly priest (Max von Sydow) who recognizes the necessity for an exorcism to cast out an old demonic enemy to save the young girl's eternal soul. This Academy Award winning film is absolutely the scariest, most frightening, and most vivid film in the history of film making, and will scare the Hell out of you! Contains 11 additional minutes of previously uncut, unbridled horror. NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets prior to shipping to specialty stores. Approximate running time: 132 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA DVD18632) $24.98 VHS (DIA 18632) $14.95 GOONIES DVD From Warner Home Video! A pirate's booty lost for centuries, a trio of gangsters on the run, and a troupe of misfit adventurers round out this delightful treasure-hunting tale scribed by Steven Spielberg and Chris Columbus, and directed by Richard Donner. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA DVD13275) $24.98 GREMLINS DVD From Warner Home Video! Keep them away from water, bright light, and don't feed them after midnight. Three simple rules about the care of "mogwais" that unfortunately gets broken, ultimately spawning and unleashing a maniacal horde of malevolent "gremlins" that terrorize the quiet town of Kingston Falls. A film produced by Steven Spielberg and directed by Joe Dante. Approximate running time: 106 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (DIA DVD21248) $19.98 VALENTINE DVD From Warner Home Video! Revenge is sweet, just like a Valentine bonbon. That's what a vengeful, Cupid-masked killer thinks: be his Valentine – or else! Broken hearts and other mortal wounds await a cast of rising young stars as they die for love in this hip, shock- filled thriller by Urban Legend director Jamie Blanks. Starring David Boreanaz, Denise Richards, Marley Shelton, and Katherine Heigl. Approximate running time: 96 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA DVD21187) $24.98 MUSIC KISS ROCK AND ROLL LEGENDS DVD AND VIDEO From Studio Chikara! KISS toured the world promoting Hot in the Shade in 1990. After playing at a sold-out audience in Georgia, founding members Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons were exclusively interviewed to give fans an in-depth look into the "KISS machine" and what's kept it going for over two decades. Approximate running time: 50 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (DIA 44020-9) $19.95 VHS (DIA 44020-3) $14.95 KISS THE VINTAGE DVD AND VIDEO From Studio Chikara! This program features a close-up perspective of KISS, as you go behind-the-scenes with Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss and discover why they wore their infamous make-up and how the band's hard work led to unprecedented success. Additionally, this offering includes two silent-film segments from live performances during the height of the KISS popularity: a Super-8mm segment shot by a fan during the Love Gun tour in 1977, and a rarely-seen 16-minute piece from early 1974 resurrected from a 27-year old vault. Approximate running time: 41 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. DVD (DIA 5992DVD) $24.95 VHS (DIA 5992VHS) $14.95 SCI-FI FLASH GORDON VIDEO BOX SET From Image Entertainment, Inc.! Over 12-hours of vintage Flash Gordon from the 1930s serial era is captured in this heroic six-video set. Thrust into a star-spanning quest and joined by intrepid adventurers Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov, Flash Gordon (Buster Crabbe), an internationally renowned polo player and Yale graduate, fights to save Earth from utter destruction at the hands of interplanetary monarch and sovereign ruler of planet Mongo, Ming the Merciless. Featured serials include "Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers" (13 episodes), "Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe" (12 episodes), and "Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars" (15 episodes). NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets prior to shipping to specialty stores. Release Date: July, 2001. 6-TAPE SET (DIA ID0792HE) $79.98 LEXX SERIES 2 VOLUME 3 UNCUT TWIN PACK DVD AND VIDEO From Acorn Media Publishing! One of the highest-rated programs on the SCI FI Channel, LEXX combines outrageous humor and unconventional storytelling with sensual styling and stunning digital effects that sets it apart from the more sanitized fare typical of the genre. Uncut episodes introduced in this collection are "791," "Wake the Dead," "Nook," and "Norb." Approximate running time: 192 minutes. Release Date: July, 2001. NOTE: Not available in Canada. (CAUT: 3) TWIN PACK 3 (DIA AMP4738) – DVD $29.95 TWIN PACK 3 (DIA AMP8472) – VHS $29.95 SPACE 1999 SET 3 & 4 DVD AND VIDEOS From A&E Home Video! When Earth's moon is blasted out of orbit by a spectacular series of nuclear explosions the 311 men and women on Moonbase Alpha embark on the greatest adventure of their lives. In each episode, they must fight to survive amid bizarre life forms, undreamed-of civilizations, hostile environments and mystic phenomena. Premiering after Star Trek and before Star Wars, SPACE: 1999 offered TV audiences cinema-styled special effects (courtesy of Academy Award® winner Brian Johnson, Alien, The Empire Strikes Back), grand set design and sleek, ultra-modern costumes by famed designer Rudi Grenreich. The adventurous and engrossing storylines were brought to life by a powerhouse cast headed by Martin Landau and augmented by an impressive line-up of guest stars including Peter Cushing, Joan Collins and Leo McKern. Each two- disc DVD collection introduces 6 complete, digitally re-mastered episodes (312 minutes), while the 3-pack video sets contain 3 separate episodes (156 minutes). TWIN PACK 3 (DIA SPA-003V) – DVD $39.95 THREE PACK 3 (DIA SPA-003) – VHS $29.95 TWIN PACK 4 (DIA SPA-004V) – DVD $39.95 THREE PACK 4 (DIA SPA-004) – VHS $29.95 AUDIO MACROSS PLUS SOUNDTRACK CDS From Anime Trax! Inspirational music and orchestration from the original Macross Plus Series produced by Yoko Kanno and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra are captured in this series of CD soundtracks. Release Date: July, 2001. VOLUME 1 (RST AT9303) – CD $14.98 VOLUME 2 (RST AT9304) – CD $14.98 OFFERED AGAIN O/A POPPIN WHEELIES CD Fan-favorite comic book artist Ale Garza, with colors by Liquid! Graphics, provides the cover artwork for "The Poppin' Wheelies", a new CD featuring a fictional band of teenagers created by former Gin Blossoms frontman Robin Wilson. AUDIO CD (DIA UR002) $11.99 O/A FROM BEYOND THE BACK BURNER CD Yearning for those days of Gin Blossom and the vocals of Robin Wilson and the pulsating drum beat of Phil Rhodes? Now you can get your Blossom fix with a bit of hard edge and contemporary pop feel, with the debut CD of Gas Giants. Sporting a Geoff Darrow Cover, this is a rocking update for any Gin Blossoms fan! AUDIO CD (DIA UR003) $11.99