PREVIEWS VOL. XI #7 PREVIEWS PUBLICATIONS ARCHIE HALLOWEEN ASHCAN 2001 Give trick-or-treaters something new and original this year: Comics! Sabrina the Teenaged Witch takes us on a trip through time, visiting the Archie gang at various points in history in this 16-page, full-color mini-comic from Archie Comics! This mini-comic is available in bundles of 25, and will ship several weeks before Halloween. Perfect for buying in bulk so that you can hand it out when someone (or something) comes knocking at your door...! Bundle (25) $3.00 PREVIEWS #9 Previews is your ultimate source for all the merchandise available from your local comic book specialty retailer… approximately two months in advance! Hundreds of comics from a myriad of publishers, merchandise, and exclusive editorial content available nowhere else! This issue features items scheduled to ship from November 2001 through January 2002! Catalog, 8x11, 400+pg, PC $3.25 PREVIEWS PRIMO FLYER #9 Primo is the monthly publication featuring some of the best and most desirable items from Previews! This issue highlights items in the September 2001 catalog! Digest, 5x8, FC MSRP: PI PREVIEWS CONSUMER ORDER FORM BOOKLET #9 Previews makes it easy for you to order every item in the catalog with this separate order form booklet! This issue ships in late August 2001 for items on sale in September 2001. Comic-sized, 62pg, PC MSRP: PI PREVIEWS ADULT #9 Previews Adult features Adult-oriented art, info, and related news not found in Previews. NOTE: Due to customs and international restrictions, adult material may not be available in some international markets. Please check with your local comic book specialty retailer for availability. ADULT MATERIAL Catalog, 24pg, b&w MSRP: $0.75 PREMIER VENDORS DARK HORSE COMICS STAR WARS: TAG & BINK ARE DEAD #1 by KEVIN RUBIO and LUCAS MARANGON; cover by LUCAS MARANGON Tag Greenly and Bink Otauna are rebel officers fighting against Emperor Palpatine and his army — until one fateful day aboard a freighter carrying Princess Leia and the stolen plans for the Death Star, their lives change forever. During an attack on the freighter, Tag and Bink choose life over death, and "borrow" the armor off a pair of dececed Stormtroopers to avoid being killed. Their new disguises get them off the freighter alive and send them off on an adventure neither of them could have predicted! Tag & Bink Are Dead is written by Kevin Rubio (creator of the internet film sensation Troops and the hilarious short stories "A Death Star is Born" and "Force Fiction" from Star Wars Tales) and illustrated by the masterful Lucas Marangon. On sale October 3 FC, 32pg (1 of 2) . . . $2.99 STAR WARS: JEDI QUEST #1 by RYDER WINDHAM, POP MHAN, and NORMAN LEE; cover by POP MHAN and NORMAN LEE If young Anakin Skywalker is to become a Jedi he must follow the teachings of his Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He must also find a way to overcome his fears, including the memory of the man who killed his friend Qui-Gon Ginn — the vicious DARTH MAUL. Make sure not to miss this important series which bridges the events between Episode I and II and expands on the character of the boy who will one day grow to be the Dark Lord of the galaxy! On sale September 12 FC, 32pg (1 of 4) . . . $2.99 ANGEL #1 by JOSS WHEDON, MEL RUBI, and CHRIS DREIER; cover by MEL RUBI This September, get ready for an intense and darkly romantic new Angel thriller, written by none other than series creator Joss Whedon. Angel's searching for a kidnapped child, only to stumble upon a force of unspeakable evil and unimaginable power. Acclaimed penciller Mel Rubi (Aliens vs. Predator vs. The Terminator) takes us from the darkened, mean streets of Los Angeles, to the dizzying heights of the city's skyscrapers, and face to face with some of the strangest, the most grotesque, and the most unsettlingly seductive creatures Angel has ever faced. Joss Whedon has retooled and reinvented his creation for comics and given us a story that is much too big for the small screen. If you think you know Angel, think again. On sale September 12 FC, 32pg (1 of 4) (Rubi cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (1 of 4) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 PLANET OF THE APES #1 by IAN EDGINTON, ADRIAN SIBAR, DAN JACKSON, and GUY MAJOR; cover by MATT WAGNER RETURN TO THE PLANET OF THE APES! Anything that could have possibly gone wrong since "The Human War" did. The human rebel Esau and the ape leader Seneca are facing a trial for crimes against the ape state. Once triumphant, they now await a hangman's noose. Never in their wildest dreams did they think they would be rescued mere seconds from certain death by the once great gorilla warrior Attar! But Attar has an ulterior motive. Usually reclusive, he has received a cryptic message that could finally lead him to his friend, the long-disappeared Ari. He'll need Seneca and Esau's help as he travels through the desolate badlands to find her...and new revelations about the real evolution of their species surface! On sale September 5 FC, 32pg (Wagner cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 Dark Horse Maverick GRENDEL: THE DEVIL INSIDE #1 created & written by MATT WAGNER illustrated by BERNIE MIREAULT Grendel seethes in the mind of everyone it touches. A touch of death, of fear, of anger infects all, gripping at the soul. Dark Horse continues the practice of reprinting the original run of the Grendel continuum with this first installment of The Devil Inside, a three-issue miniseries written by Matt Wagner, illustrated by Bernie Mireault, and colored by Joe Matt. The Devil Inside will also feature fresh covers painted by Wagner himself, along with special digital color effects added by Mireault. Following Devil's Legacy, we return to Brian Li Sung, now down and out, living in the slums of Brooklyn, struggling as an off-off-off-Broadway stage manager, stewing in the hatred and violence that is Grendel. With the ghost of Christine Spar floating in his head, the spirit of Grendel lives on in Li Sung … RETAILER ADVISORY: Not for children. On sale September 19, 2001 FC, 32 pg (1 of 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.99 THE RING OF THE NIBELUNG: GOTTERDAMMERUNG #4 adaptation created, written, & illustrated by P. CRAIG RUSSELL The ultimate price is finally paid for the Ring and the Rhinegold. All betrayals made in the name of love or the name of greed come full circle as all in heaven and earth pay for their roles in Wagner's epic tragedy. P. Craig Russell wraps up his masterpiece, the fourteen-issue Ring of the Nibelung series, with this double-sized issue, presenting the most brilliantly realized portrait of the end of the world ever drawn. On sale September 12, 2001 FC, 64 pg (4 of 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.99 STARS OF THE MONTH USAGI YOJIMBO: DAISHO TP created, written, & illustrated by STAN SAKAI Stan Sakai's rabbit ronin continues his journey through a lawless land wherein he meets a mysterious assassin disguised as a priest, encounters dishonest gamblers, and comes to the aid of the unfortunate. (STAR07519) SC, 200pg, b&w . . . . . . . . . . $14.95 USAGI YOJIMBO: SHADES OF DEATH TP created, written, & illustrated by STAN SAKAI The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles travel through time to team with Usagi in 17th-century Japan! (STAR06915) SC, 200pg, b&w . . . $14.95 *********************** DARK HORSE EXTRA #39 Back-to-school can be a drag, but not if you have a little Faith — as in Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Faith! The bitch is back and we've got her here first in an exclusive strip leading up to the Faith miniseries! Also this month, SpyBoy debuts center stage with a new series of strips while C. Scott Morse returns with continuing adventures of Ancient Joe! And don't miss this month's poster, a sneak peek at Exaxxion, our new upcoming monthly manga series from the creator of Gunsmith Cats, Kenichi Sonoda! All this plus the dish on every upcoming Dark Horse September title including special Back-to-Cool features! So bag the boring old "What I Did On My Summer Vacation" essay assignment and take down this homework assignment: pick up the September issue of Dark Horse Extra! On sale September 5 FC, 4pg, 14-3/4" x 21-1/2" folded to 14-3/4" x 10-3/4" . . . PI OUTLAW 7 #2 by LOGAN LUBERA and CRAIG YEUNG; cover by LOGAN LUBERA As the Mana Rogues and Sheriff Ricco face off against Viggen and her Arbite hordes, the young farmer Bayman Ford's powers painfully manifest as he is suffused with mana. To make matters worse, Viggen's monstrous cyber-beasts have been waiting for just this very moment to carve out Bayman's heart. Can the Mana Rogues defeat Viggen and her horrific troops in time to save Bayman? Even with Runecrusher, a legendary paladin, rushing to their aid, Bayman's fate seems sealed. Is the Mana Rogues' mission over before it even starts? Return to the small hamlet of Ash for another amazing adventure filled with low-tech fantasy, monsters, and mayhem. On sale September 26 FC, 32pg (2 of 4) . . . $2.99 ALIENS VS. PREDATOR/WITCHBLADE/DARKNESS: MINDHUNTER TP By DAVID QUINN, MEL RUBI, and MIKE PERKINS; cover by DWAYNE TURNER Jackie Estacado, a mob hitman possessing a mysterious, malevolent force known as the Darkness, and New York Police Detective Sara Pezzini, wielding an equally mysterious weapon, the Witchblade, are abducted and trapped in a realm of illusory violence and bottomless time. Forming an unsteady alliance, they rip through layers of false realities to discover that they're imprisoned on a huge, living spacecraft high in Earth's orbit — an ever-changing prison ship controlled by the mind of a madman. Their fellow inmates? Swarms of Aliens and a female Predator with a jones for the Witchblade's power! How could things be worse? Throw a Darkling/Alien hybrid in the mix! Collecting the three-issue series. On sale August 15 SC, 96pg, FC . . . $12.95 THE BIG HOAX by CARLOS TRILLO and ROBERTO MANDRAFINA Denaldo Reynoso is a down-on-his-luck ex-cop, kicked to the curb for daring to do his job in the corrupt Banana Republic of La Colonia. Now, no good to himself or anyone else, he agrees to help a captivating woman known far and wide in La Colonia, a living myth of perfect virtue and reported healing powers, a facade that conceals a sordid web of deceit and depravity as ugly as the illusion is beautiful. But Reynoso's desperate grasp for redemption unleashes a plague of evils, none more lethal than the Iguana, an unstoppable assassin whose mission is to bury the truth...and anyone who threatens to reveal it! Written by CyberSix creator Carlos Trillo and illustrated by Roberto Mandrafina, The Big Hoax is another essential Venture graphic album, published in collaboration with Strip Art Features, and available for the first time in an English-language edition! FOR MATURE READERS On sale October 24 SC, 128pg, b&w 7" x 9 1/2"...$10.95 OTTO PORFIRI: DRAMA ON THE CLIFF TP by FRANCO SAUDELLI Portly and good-natured, Otto Porfiri may not look the part of a hard-as-nails private eye, but don't be fooled. He may abhor violence, but when circumstances require a little mayhem, Porfiri rises to the occasion, in spades! As relentless as he is rotund, Porfiri is often drawn into the scandalous world of the decadent rich, a hidden landscape of sex, drugs, blackmail...and murder! Created by Franco Saudelli, reknowned internationally for his intricate and often highly erotic work, Otto Porfiri: Drama on the Cliff is another eye-opening Venture graphic album, published in collaboration with Strip Art Features, and available for the first time in an English-language edition! FOR MATURE READERS On sale October 17 SC, 88pg, b&w 7" x 9 1/2" . . . $9.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: AUTUMNAL TP by CHRIS BOAL, TOM FASSBENDER, JIM PASCOE, CLIFF RICHARDS, and JOE PIMENTEL Buffy is being stalked by a creature intent on killing her so that it can bring about the end of the world. So, what else is new? The only person who can save her is a Slayer who should have died a long time ago. Confused? Well, so are Buffy and the gang. If that's not weird enough, what's she to make of a backpack full of maggots? How about a herd of rats that overrun the cafeteria just as she's sitting down to eat? Just how much can Buffy take before she gets totally grossed out? Chris Boal, Tom Fassbender, and Jim Pascoe join Buffy artists Cliff Richards and Joe Pimentel to bring you two tales of revenge and retribution. Collecting issues #26-28 of the ongoing series. On sale October 17 SC, 80pg, FC …$9.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #37: FALSE MEMORIES PART 3 by TOM FASSBENDER, JIM PASCOE, CLIFF RICHARDS, and JOE PIMENTEL; cover by CLIFF RICHARDS While Buffy looks for clues to find her sister, Harmony hatches another lame plan to cause trouble and ends up distracting everyone from the search. Meanwhile, insane vampire monks, who all know the terrible truth concerning Dawn's past, hold her captive. If that isn't enough, there's a former Slayer turned vampire in town, and Buffy's at the top of her hit-list. On sale September 26 FC, 32pg (3 of 4) (Richards cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (3 of 4) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: OZ #3 by CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN and LOGAN LUBERA; cover by JOHN TOTLEBEN The Oz three-parter comes to its climactic conclusion as Oz and his new friends face off against a maniacal demon overlord and a horde of horrible hellhounds, hobgoblins, sorcerers, trolls, and a bunch of other things so gross they don't even have names for 'em. Even the Slayer, on her worst day, hasn't faced a force so frightful. This showdown could change Oz's life forever. Don't miss this action-packed turning point in the life of one of the Scooby Gang's most beloved brethren. Brought to you by Christopher Golden (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Watcher's Guide) and Logan Lubera (Outlaw 7). Featuring a cover by John Totleben. On sale September 19 FC, 32pg (3 of 3) (Totleben cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (3 of 3) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 GUNSMITH CATS: MISTER V TP by KENICHI SONODA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS The word's on the street that a new crime syndicate is moving into Chicago in full force, pushing a new drug called Powerball, a.k.a. Kerasine 2. These new thugs are tearing through the cops and the competition like they were made of wet paper. But the beautiful bounty hunter Rally Vincent knows who's behind it all: her arch-enemy, the ultra-hitwoman Goldie, back to make good on her promise to make Rally her personal slave — or a stiff in the morgue! Rally's taking no chances and plans to take the fight to Goldie, but the Amazonian crime boss has new muscle, the mysterious master marksman Mister V! And if Mister V's bullets don't do Rally in, his true identity may give her a heart attack! Collects the six-issue series. FOR MATURE READERS On sale October 10 SC, 224pg, b&w . . . $18.95 BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL #60: SECRETS PART 3 by HIROAKI SAMURA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS High in the mountains of Kaga, Ibane of the Shingyoto School has been training his students for war. That sits just fine with Anotsu Kagehisa, who has dedicated his life to putting the killing back into Japan's formalized sword schools. But there has to be more at stake than philosophy for Ibane to be willing to disband the Shingyoto founded by his forebearers and turn it over lock, stock, and barrel to Anotsu's Itto-ryu school. Is Anotsu willing to meet his conditions? FOR MATURE READERS On sale September 12 b&w, 32pg (3 of 4) . . . $2.99 OH MY GODDESS! PART XI #2: BANPEI IN LOVE PART 2 by KOSUKE FUJISHIMA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS It's the same old story: Robot meets girl, robot loses a junkyard?! When Banpei's true love — an animatronic advertising doll! — disappears from the front of her store, there's only one place the cute girl robot can be — in the maws of a crushing machine in the Nekomi junkyard! Can Skuld rescue her in time, or will Banpei's robot heart be crushed forever?! On sale September 5 b&w, 40pg (2 of 2) . . . $3.50 OH MY GODDESS!: THE FOURTH GODDESS TP by KOSUKE FUJISHIMA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Can there be too much of a good thing? For Keiichi Morisato, who lives with three sister goddesses — actual, literal goddesses — the good-thing limits are tested on a daily basis. When Keiichi accidentally contacts Peorth, an old friend and rival goddess of his girlfriend Belldandy, Peorth shows up with the assignment to make Keiichi happy...whether he likes it or not! Peorth decides that what Keiichi needs is...well, intimacy (if you get the drift), and so she creates a love potion to draw Keiichi into her arms. But Peorth gets the potion wrong, and instead, any woman Keiichi looks in the eye — girls, goddesses, and even his kid sister! — falls in love with him! When it rains, it pours... Collects the eight-issue series. On sale October 17 SC, 280pg, b&w . . . $18.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 14: DAY OF THE DEMONS TP by KAZUO KOIKE and GOSEKI KOJIMA; cover by BILL SIENKIEWICZ As the flames draw nearer, the fire gets hotter. Ronin assassin Ogami Itto seeks to learn what's written on the secret messages from the corrupt Yagyu clan to the Shogun, and leaves a river of blood in his path. Elsewhere, a shamed woman attempts to force her husband to name his own child, but his job and honor stand in the way. Daigoro makes a new friend in another samurai fated to seppuku — ritual suicide — and defends the honor of a young playmate. The world keeps turning as the Lone Wolf and his Cub wander the land seeking revenge and answers, the questions to which are written in blood and ink. FOR MATURE READERS On sale October 31 SC, 320pg, b&w, 4" x 6" . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB RELISTS STARS OF THE MONTH LONE WOLF AND CUB VOLUME 1: THE ASSASSIN'S ROAD TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 304pg, b&w, 4" x 6"(STAR11783) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOLUME 2: THE GATELESS BARRIER TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 304pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR11929) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOLUME 3: THE FLUTE OF THE FALLEN TIGER TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 320pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR12325) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 4: THE BELL WARDEN TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 320pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR12326) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 5: BLACK WIND TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 288pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR12634) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 6: LANTERNS FOR THE DEAD TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 288pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR12817) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 7: CLOUD DRAGON, WIND TIGER TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 320pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR13112)) . . . $9.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 8: CHAINS OF DEATH TP by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima; cover by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley SC, 304pg, b&w, 4" x 6" (STAR13290) . . . $9.95 ****************** SUPER MANGA BLAST! #16 by MOHIRO KITOH, MAKOTO KOBAYASHI, YUZO TAKADA, and HIROYUKI UTATANE & YO MORIMOTO; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS If you're not reading Super Manga Blast!, you're missing out on some of the best comics from Japan! 3x3 Eyes gets the cover spotlight this month, with an extra-length 36-page episode — Yakumo's found a clue to regaining Pai's memory and is ready to go to China towards unknown danger. But Pai wants to tag along, too! Can Yakumo let the girl he loves walk into peril beside him? Plus, more Club 9 (Haruo wonders where her friend Aki is getting all her money from rich TV stars — what kind of "working girl" is she?), Shadow Star (Shiina's mother investigates her ex-husband about the shadow dragons — and a familiar face reappears!), Seraphic Feather (Apep's hidden past is revealed at last!), and What's Michael? (Learn how much TV stars really love their cats!). SMB! is still one of the best deals in comics — check it out! FOR MATURE READERS On sale September 26 b&w, 128pg…………$5.99 FUTURAMA BENDER HALLOWEEN MASK Put Bender on your face for Halloween and have a blast! This Old Fortran-swilling sarcastic robot mask makes a terrific costume when you combine it with a little tin foil and some dry wit. Dark Horse and 20th Century Fox exploit the latest in space-age technologies and polymers to present this stunning super-dimensional disguise just for you! Wear it like the deviant robot you know you are. On sale October 10 Gray full size plastic mask w/elastic string . . . $5.99 THE ADVENTURES OF LUTHER ARKWRIGHT TP by BRYAN TALBOT Garth Ennis says of this collection, "From riveting action scenes to beautiful silent sequences, from studies in hateful obsession to humor both ribald and gentle, The Adventures of Luther Arkwright is surely one of the all-time great epics of the medium. This collection proves both Bryan Talbot's mastery of his craft and his understanding of what makes a truly great comic book: an intriguing story, characters with genuine resonance, and artwork whose illustrative excellence lies in perfect balance with clear and precise storytelling. With Luther Arkwright, Bryan shows us how it's done." "A work ambitious in both scope and complexity that still stands unique upon the comics landscape . . . stunning," says Alan Moore. Introduction by Michael Moorcock. SC, 216pg, b&w . . . $16.95 HEART OF EMPIRE CD ROM This CD-Rom contains the whole of the Heart of Empire graphic novel in its pencilled, inked and colored forms, plus a brand- new piece of artwork, preparatory sketches, and other illustrations. In over 60,000 words of detailed and entertaining commentary, Bryan Talbot points out the inspirations, influences, references, symbolism, and in-jokes underlying the whole graphic narrative. There's also annotations to the artwork, bawdy anecdotes, silly tirades, and many mini-essays on related subjects as diverse as William Blake, English mythology, the sexual activities of Charles II, William Hogarth, Free Love, and much, much more! All this plus two interviews, biographies, a very user-friendly interface, and a full index to all the annotations. As an added bonus, you'll also receive the Adventures of Luther Arkwright graphic novel in its entirety! On sale August 29 CD Rom . . . $39.99 DARK HORSE STICKER COLLECTION We took some of the best Dark Horse characters and made 'em really sticky. This month we bring you two more stickers from the world's strongest man. Stick 'em on your backpacks, books, and buddies! Stick up your doors, desks, and dorms! Stick it! Stickers sold individually. On sale October 24 CHARLES ATLAS STICKER #3 (Charles Atlas on blue background), FC . . . $1.99 (each) CHARLES ATLAS STICKER #4 (Charles Atlas in white trunks), FC . . . $1.99 (each) SOCK MONKEY STICKER #3 (Sock Monkey in flowers), FC . . . $1.99 (each) SOCK MONKEY STICKER #4 (Sock Monkey in chair), FC . . . $1.99 (each) TOO MUCH COFFEE MAN #1 (Black with Skull mug), FC . . . $1.99 (each) TOO MUCH COFFEE MAN #2 (LOVE), FC . . . $1.99 (each) TOO MUCH COFFEE MAN #3 (Round with coffee stain), FC . . . $1.99 (each) TOO MUCH COFFEE MAN #4 (Rectangular coffee with wings), FC . . . $1.99 (each) DHORSE DELUXE T-SHIRTS BETTIE PAGE TEES Dark Horse continues to revolutionize the fashion industry with our ever-expanding line of tee shirts! Dark Horse Deluxe now features the timeless beauty of pinup queen Bettie Page. These classic images by photographer Bunny Yeager have been infused with rich color and are available in a variety of fun fashion styles. Get Bettie! On sale Sepember 19 HAWAIIAN BETTIE IN HEART CIRCLE/BABYDOLL/WHITE S-L…$17.99 HAWAIIAN BETTIE IN HEART CIRCLE/PLAIN TEE/WHITE/ADULT M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 DEVIL BETTIE/LONG SLEEVE TEE/WHITE/ADULT M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 DEVIL BETTIE/SPAGHETTI STRAP TANK/RED S-L…$17.99 BETTIE IN LEOPARD BIKINI/RAGLAN TEE/WHITE W/RED/YOUTH S-XL…$17.99 BETTIE SITTING IN SAND/ALL-OVER-IMAGE TEE/WHITE/ADULT M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 CHARLES ATLAS TEES Now you can wear The World's Most Perfectly Developed Man! Wear Charles Atlas to the gym and get ripped! Wear him to the beach and watch the bullies run! Perform incredible feats of manly strength in high fashion! Dark Horse Deluxe has reached deep into the official Charles Atlas art and photo archives to bring you The World's Most Perfectly Developed Set of Tee Shirts. On sale Sepember 19 CHARLES POSING W/LOGO/RINGER TEE/BLUE W/WHITE/ADULT M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 CHARLES POSING ON BEACH/ALL-OVER IMAGE TEE/ADULT M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 IN LEOPARD SHORTS W/LOGO/LONG SLEEVE TEE/WHITE/ADULT M-XL…$17.99 XXL…$19.99 CHARLES HEAD SHOT/RIBBED TANKTOP/YELLOW/ADULT S-L…$17.99 TIM BURTON'S PLANET OF THE APES HELMET REPLICA Dark Horse has secured the exclusive rights to reproduce the gorilla warrior battle helmet used in the filming of Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes. This dark tale features apes and chimps going to war, and one of the most fantastic elements of their battle armor are their beautifully designed helmets. We secured the actual prop from the film and are duplicating IT down to the finest detail in PVC material. Each helmet is full (actual) size. This is a truly collectible, limited-edition souvenir from the summer's most anticipated film event. On sale October 31 Full-color, full-size helmet replica . . . $79.99 PLANET OF THE APES WALKIE TOYS Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes is an incredibly thrilling, dramatic film, and we've decided to make some really small, lighthearted toys to celebrate! Attar and Thade are two of the warriors at the heart of the film, and Dark Horse has created one of each in superdeformed scale, identifiable by their battle gear and helmets. Wind up each warrior and watch it walk. Buy a batallion and stage your own walkie war! On sale November 14 Planet of the Apes Attar warrior walkie toy . . . $4.99 Planet of the Apes Thade warrior walkie toy . . . $4.99 PLAYSETS VIDEO COLLECTOR SERIES VOL. 3: THE COMBAT SETS Produced by vintage toy expert Rusty Kern, the series is indispensable to collectors, dealers, or anyone with even a casual interest in this fascinating aspect of the hobby. The third volume takes the viewer on a 45-minute look at the complete story of the Marx World War II play sets. Over 14 great playsets are detailed, including Iwo Jima, American Patrol, Battle Grounds, Desert Fox, Training Centers, and the rare D-Day set. Content experts remark in an incredible detailed examination of correct contents, details, and accessories. We even recreate one of the most special expriences a toy collector can have — popping the box on a mint, unopened set of American Patrol. "As entertaining as it is informative…Impressive professional quality" — Outré Magazine. On sale September 12 Playsets Collector Series Vol. 3: The Combat Sets VHS video . . . $21.99 THE PLAYSET SPECTACULARS VIDEO VOL. 4: PEACETIME SETS The "Peacetime" play sets of the 1950s are the theme in this continuing series of videos for toy collectors and everyone who has a fondness to recapture the halcyon days of yore. Highlights include: Marx Bros. Service stations (lots of swell fifties autos!), Atomic Cape Canaveral, Strategic Air Command (SAC) base, Operation X-500 Rocket Base ( a deluxe reading set very rare as it was only sold in grocery stores), Turnpike Toll Booth, Alaska play sets commemorating Alaska becoming a state in 1958. Plus, visit Kane County Toy Show, which is one of the largest in the world, and tour this fascinating and huge exhibit, gaining insight into the heart of buying and selling in today's collector market. A very special visit to the Marx landfill, the legendary "Elephant's Graveyard" of unfinished toys. This volume runs 46 minutes. Hosted by Rusty Kern. On sale September 12 The Playset Spectaculars Vol. 4: Peacetime sets VHS video . . . $21.99 POP-OUT PEOPLE Futurama! Simpsons! Dark Horse continues its line of fun Pop-Out PeopleTM! Pop out each character, put 'em on their bases, and stand em up in front of cool scenery. Arrange these on your desk, dashboard, computer, bookshelf, or wherever you need some fun. Each element is printed on both sides in full color, and each set comes with its own custom 2-sided diorama. Collect 'em all. On sale September 5 FUTURAMA POP-OUT PEOPLE #3: "THE SERIES HAS LANDED" EPISODE Fry, Leela, and Bender fly to the moon to deliver their first package as Planet Express crew members. Disappointed to discover that the moon has been converted into a giant amusement park, Fry strikes off with Leela to find the moon that he remembers. Their oxygen supply quickly runs out, and they are forced to take shelter in a hydroponic farm, owned by an ornery moon farmer and his three beautiful robot daughters. Trouble erupts when Bender arrives and finds one robot daughter too tempting to resist. FC, pop-out characters . . .$2.99 (each) THE SIMPSONS POP-OUT PEOPLE #3: "HOMER THE GREAT" EPISODE Homer joins a secret Springfield society known as The Stonecutters. A birthmark on his back identifies him as The Chosen One. Soon, believing Homer has gone mad with power, The Stonecutters throw him out of the club and form a new secret society, called the Ancient Mystic Society of No Homers. FC, pop-out characters . . .$2.99 (each) STAR WARS TALES #9 featuring RON MARZ and RICK LEONARDI; cover by JON FOSTER Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! Droids and Jawas! Prepare yourselves for the battle of the century! In this corner, weighing in at 220 pounds, the terror from Tatooine, the Dark Lord of the Sith, the former Anakin Skywalker — DARTH VADER! And in this corner, weighing in at 175 pounds, a killer of Jedi, the Naboo Annihilator, Darth Sidious' #1 apprentice — DARTH MAUL! Make sure you're here on September 12th, 2001 for the answer to the question on everyone's lips: "Who's tougher? Vader or Maul?" Let the BATTLE begin! On sale September 12 FC, 64pg (Foster cover) . . . $5.99 FC, 64pg (Photo cover) . . . $5.99 STAR WARS #34: DARKNESS PART 3 by JOHN OSTRANDER, JAN DUURSEMA, and RAY KRYSSING; cover by JON FOSTER The vampiric, primal Anzati, under the leadership of Volfe Karkko, have overrun the prison planet of Kiffex. All lives on the planet are threatened as Karkko sends his followers out to collect beings to feed his hunger. Three Jedi Knights stranded on this planet make a stand against both a cantina full of enraged prisoners and a band of Anzati hunters led by Aayla, a former Padawan of Quinlan Vos. Quin, already struggling with the draw of the dark side, fights alongside Jedi Masters Tholme and Zao, and the ever-scheming Devaronian, Villie. After a surprising confrontation with Aayla, Quin and his companions are joined by another mysterious Jedi and find themselves victims of a conspiracy but are the last hope for hundreds of prisoners on Kiffex… and possibly the entire galaxy! On sale September 26 FC, 32pg (3 of 4) . . . $2.99 STAR WARS: JEDI VS. SITH #6 by DARKO MACAN, RAMON F. BACHS, and RAUL FERNANDEZ; cover by ANDREW ROBINSON The war on Ruusan between the Jedi Army of Light and the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness all comes down to one event... An event that sends shockwaves across the galaxy and will forever change the relationship between good and evil. A devastating weapon of mass destruction will have a deadly effect on the planet, leaving those left living wishing they had perished with their comrades. Who shall live to see another day, and who will vanish into history? Make sure you check out the dramatic conclusion to an event that shaped the face of Star Wars history for all time! On sale September 19 FC, 32pg (6 of 6) . . . $2.99 STAR WARS: UNDERWORLD — THE YAVIN VASSILIKA TP by MIKE KENNEDY and CARLOS MEGLIA; cover by CARLOS MEGLIA When three Hutts place a wager on who can raise the most successful squad of henchmen to procure a highly valuable, mythical treasure, the most conniving rogues of the Star Wars Universe are recruited. Following a lead provided by Jozzel Moffet, a Hutt's majordomo, three teams set out to be the first to find the mysterious Yavin Vassilika. Boba Fett, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando, Dengar, IG-88, and others square off to decide who is the best scoundrel in the galaxy! They're hot on each other's trails, trying to stay alive and one step ahead of the pack. Meanwhile, the seductive Jozzel Moffet, wanting to free herself from a life of Hutt-washing, is moonlighting for a secret fourth investor and is hoping to get the Vassilika from whichever team is left standing! Collecting the five-issue miniseries. On sale October 3 SC, 120pg, FC . . . $14.95 DYNAMIC FORCES VARIANT EDITIONS STAR WARS: JEDI QUEST #1 LIMITED EDITION GOLD-FOIL COVER This special Dark Horse edition bridges the events between Episode I and II and expands on the character of the boy who will one day grow to be the Dark Lord of the galaxy! Don't miss out on another spectacular untold tale! REGULAR—FC, 32pg . . . $12.99 SIGNED—FC, 32pg . . . $29.99 ANGEL #1 LIMITED EDITION GOLD-FOIL PHOTO COVER This intense and darkly romantic new Angel thriller is written by none other than series creator Joss Whedon. Acclaimed penciller Mel Rubi joins Joss as he takes us (and Angel) from the darkened, mean streets of Los Angeles, to the dizzying heights of the city's skyscrapers, and face to face with some of the strangest, the most grotesque, and the most unsettlingly seductive creatures Angel has ever faced! PHOTO COVER—FC, 32pg . . . $12.99 SIGNED—FC, 32pg . . . $19.99 PLANET OF THE APES #1 LIMITED EDITION GOLD-FOIL PHOTO COVER RETURN TO THE PLANET OF THE APES! Anything that could have possibly gone wrong since "The Human War" did. The human rebel Esau and the ape leader Seneca are facing a trial for crimes against the ape state. Once triumphant, they now await a hangman's noose! REGULAR—FC, 32pg . . . $12.99 SIGNED—FC, 32pg . . . $29.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: OZ #1 LIMITED EDITION FIERY RED FOIL PHOTO COVER Oz's solo adventure is about to begin, and Dynamic Forces is commemorating this hot little comic with a fiery red foil cover! Dynamic Forces fiery red foil, limited to 250 copies, photo cover, FC, 32pg . . . $16.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ANGEL #7 (SERIES 1) RED FOIL EDITION PHOTO COVER FC, 32pg . . . $16.99 O/A ANGEL #15 (SERIES 1) FOIL EDITION PHOTO COVER FC, 32pg . . . $16.99 ******************** DC COMICS DC UNIVERSE: BATMAN BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #147 WRITTEN BY DOUG MOENCH; ART AND COVER BY BARRY KITSON In stores September 5. Part 2 of the 3-part "Bad," featuring artwork by Barry Kitson (Empire). Batman, already beaten nearly to death by the monstrous man-child Jordy, is aided by Dr. Temple in an attempt to discover the secret of Jordy's "Bad" alter-ego. But can the Dark Knight discover the cause and do something about it before Jordy begins another rampage of destruction? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 DETECTIVE COMICS #762 WRITTEN BY GREG RUCKA AND ED BRUBAKER; ART BY RICK BURCHETT, DARWYN COOKE, AND DAN DAVIS; COVER BY JOHN MCCREA AND JAMES HODGKINS In stores September 12. Things between Bruce and Vesper heat up, while Sasha begins a new, uneasy working arrangement with Batman. Meanwhile, the GCPD's Internal Affairs goes after a dirty cop — and you won't believe who it is! All this and a shock ending you don't dare miss! Plus, "Trail of the Catwoman" concludes in the backup written by Ed Brubaker (BATMAN) and illustrated by Darwyn Cooke (BATMAN: EGO) — leading into an all-new CATWOMAN ongoing series! FC, 40 PG. $2.50 BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #21 WRITTEN BY DEVIN GRAYSON AND MIKE CARLIN; ART BY ROGER ROBINSON, DAN DECARLO, JOHN FLOYD, AND TERRY AUSTIN; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores September 19. "Retribution," Part 2 of 2. A man named Yoska has emerged from Dick Grayson's past, claiming to be Dick's grandfather! Where Yoska has come from and why assassins are on his tail are answers that Batman and Nightwing must figure out quickly if they're going to keep this final link to Dick's past alive! Plus, a Batman Black & White backup "Day & Night…in Black & White!" written by DCU Executive Editor Mike Carlin and illustrated by legendary Archie artist Dan DeCarlo & Terry Austin — featuring Batgirl & Poison Ivy! FC, 40 PG. $2.50 BATMAN #595 WRITTEN BY ED BRUBAKER; ART BY SCOTT MCDANIEL AND AARON SOWD; COVER BY MCDANIEL In stores September 26. Bruce attempts to unravel the mystery behind the connection between Lew Moxon and his dearly departed father, Thomas Wayne. Could Bruce's father somehow have been involved with Gotham's underworld? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 AZRAEL: AGENT OF THE BAT #82 WRITTEN BY DENNIS O'NEIL; ART BY SERGIO CARIELLO AND JAMES PASCOE; COVER BY SCOTT MCDANIEL AND CARIELLO In stores September 12. Azrael confronts the criminal mastermind who took him prisoner! But can Jean Paul bring his new foe to justice when the drugs in his system cause him to black out at the most inopportune times? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 BATGIRL #20 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART AND COVER BY DAMION SCOTT AND ROBERT CAMPANELLA In stores September 5. Guest-writer Chuck Dixon steps in for "Literacy." Batgirl reluctantly must seek the help of Stephanie Brown, the Spoiler, to help solve a kidnapping that's been plaguing The Hill. The Spoiler has the one advantage over Cassandra that will make or break this case; she can read! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 BATMAN: CRIMSON MIST SC WRITTEN BY DOUG MOENCH; ART AND COVER BY KELLEY JONES AND JOHN BEATTY ELSEWORLDS. In stores September 12. The third and concluding volume to the Elseworlds saga that began with BATMAN & DRACULA: RED RAIN and BATMAN: BLOODSTORM. CRIMSON MIST finds James Gordon and Alfred Pennyworth removing the stake from the vampire Batman's heart in order to have him help fend off a swarm of undead descending on Gotham. But will a revived Dark Knight prove to be even a bigger threat? For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 96PG, FC $14.95 STARS OF THE MONTH BATMAN & DRACULA: RED RAIN SC WRITTEN BY DOUG MOENCH; ART AND COVER BY KELLEY JONES AND MALCOLM JONES III ELSEWORLDS. In stores September 12. Reoffered again, the first volume to the Elseworlds saga that continues with BATMAN: BLOODSTORM and BATMAN: CRIMSON MIST finds the worlds of Batman and Dracula colliding in a unique way. Will Batman become a true bat creature of the night? (STAR08813) SC, 7X10, 96PG, FC $12.95 BATMAN: BLOODSTORM SC WRITTEN BY DOUG MOENCH; ART AND COVER BY KELLEY JONES AND JOHN BEATTY ELSEWORLDS. In stores September 12. Also still available is the second volume to the Elseworlds saga that began with BATMAN & DRACULA: RED RAIN and continues with this month's BATMAN: CRIMSON MIST SC. Batman must destroy an army of vampires before they feast upon the innocent…and before he himself succumbs to his thirst for blood! (STAR01079) SC, 7X10, 96PG, FC $12.95 ************************ BATMAN: DARK VICTORY HC WRITTEN BY JEPH LOEB; ART AND COVER BY TIM SALE Advance-solicited; in stores October 24. The popular maxiseries that served as a follow-up to BATMAN: THE LONG HALLOWEEN is collected in this remarkable hardcover, by the award-winning team of writer Jeph Loeb and artist Tim Sale. For more information, see the feature article. Note: A trade-paperback edition will not be offered with an in-store date earlier than March, 2002. Look for a signed version in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. HC, 7X10, 392PG, FC $29.95 BATMAN: GOTHAM ADVENTURES #42 WRITTEN BY SCOTT PETERSON; ART BY CRAIG ROUSSEAU AND DAN DAVIS; COVER BY BOB SMITH AND TERRY BEATTY In stores September 5. It's a hot time in Gotham, as buildings mysteriously explode in flames all over town. It's up to Batman and Robin to put out the inferno in "Tuesday Night," featuring crackling good guest pencils by BATMAN BEYOND's Craig Rousseau! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 BATMAN: ORPHEUS RISING #2 WRITTEN BY ALEX SIMMONS; ART BY DWAYNE TURNER AND DANNY MIKI; COVER BY TURNER In stores September 19. Caught in the crossfire of a police shootout, Orpheus must fight for his life as he seeks to take down a bevy of deadly gangbangers. But even if he can get past the hail of bullets, the mystery of who's behind the recent police killings still remains. And to solve that mystery, Orpheus must face Gotham's protector…the Batman! FC, 32 PG. (2 OF 5) $2.50 BIRDS OF PREY #35 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY WILLIAM ROSADO AND KEITH CHAMPAGNE; COVER BY PHIL NOTO In stores September 19. Oracle, Power Girl, Blue Beetle, and Militia have arrived to rescue Black Canary, but they're too late! Ra's al Ghul is on the run, but how much running can a centuries-old guy do, anyway? The walls are coming down and it looks like Dinah's gonna get squashed...unless she can make it to the Lazarus Pit! It's the climactic conclusion to our star-crossed story of love, betrayal, death and rebirth. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR OF THE MONTH GIANT BATMAN ANNUAL #1 (1961) REPLICA EDITION WRITTEN BY BILL FINGER, EDMOND HAMILTON AND VARIOUS; ART BY DICK SPRANG, SHELDON MOLDOFF, LEW SCHWARTZ, AND CHARLES PARIS; COVER BY CURT SWAN AND VARIOUS In stores September 19. Reoffered to coincide with THE FLASH ANNUAL #1 (1963), this facsimile 80-page Giant Edition features "1001 Secrets of Batman and Robin," "How to be Batman," "The Strange Costumes of Batman," "Untold Tales of the Bat-Signal," "The Amazing Inventions of Batman," and much more! Perfect Bound. (STAR09477) FC, 80 PG. $4.95 ************************ HARLEY & IVY: LOVE ON THE LAM WRITTEN BY JUDD WINICK; PAINTED ART AND COVER BY JOE CHIODO In stores September 26. Before Harley Quinn got her own monthly series, she teamed up with Poison Ivy for an unforgettable night on the town filled with wacky hijinx and unfortunate scenarios. These two ladies of Gotham are lovingly brought to life by writer Judd Winick (GREEN LANTERN, Pedro And Me) and painter Joe Chiodo (DANGER GIRL SPECIAL, The Mechanic) For more information, see the feature article. Look for a signed version in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. Prestige Format. FC, 48 PG. $5.95 HARLEY QUINN #12 WRITTEN BY KARL KESEL; ART AND COVER BY TERRY DODSON AND RACHEL DODSON In stores September 12. Harley's first year ends with a bang in this special extra-sized issue! It's games-within-games as Bo and Surley try to capture Harley; Bo and Carrie try to hook up (at last); Nix unleashes his plan against Harley; Buster's true colors are shown; Jack Happi meets his destiny (and it hurts); allegiances shift; and Batman strikes! It's a bang-up blowout — and we're doing it in style! Oh, and a familiar guest-star returns, setting in motion HARLEY QUINN's second exciting year! FC, 40 PG. $2.95 NIGHTWING #61 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY TREVOR MCCARTHY AND ROB LEIGH; COVER BY MCCARTHY AND JOHN LOWE In stores September 12. When a bank robbery goes bad, Officer Dick Grayson makes it his mission to go after the culprits. But sometimes catching the bad guy isn't the most dangerous part of a case. Sometimes it's the cops you have to watch if you want to stay alive. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 ROBIN #94 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART AND COVER BY PETE WOODS AND ANDREW PEPOY In stores September 19. A lead-in to next month's big event! Spoiler's up to her eyeballs in villains, and they're living in her house, no less! Meanwhile, Tim makes a very disturbing discovery as the truth about his roommate Wesley is revealed. Unfortunately, Wesley makes a discovery about Tim, and it involves a certain Boy Wonder costume. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 DC UNIVERSE: SUPERMAN SUPERMAN #174 WRITTEN BY JEPH LOEB; ART BY STEVE LIEBER, ED MCGUINNESS AND CAM SMITH; COVER BY MCGUINNESS AND SMITH In stores September 5. Featuring guest-art by Steve Leiber (Whiteout). The aftermath of "Our Worlds at War" has taken its toll on the Man of Steel. Superman returns to Smallville in order to restore the Kent farm, but he can't shake the terrible feelings inside him. Will Superman hang up his costume for good? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #596 WRITTEN BY JOE CASEY; ART AND COVER BY MIKE WIERINGO AND JOSÉ MARZAN, JR. In stores September 12. This…doesn't look like a job for Superman. Has the Man of Steel turned his back on the world after the War? It certainly looks like it when neither the JLA nor the President can get the Man of Steel to help with the recovery of our planet. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #118 WRITTEN BY MARK SCHULTZ; ART BY DOUG MAHNKE AND TOM NGUYEN; COVER BY MAHNKE In stores September 19. Guest-starring Hal Jordan, the Spectre! Superman is brought in by the Linear Men for the war crimes they perceive the Man of Steel to have committed. Can the Spectre defend him against the tribunal that is the Quintessence? What will be the punishment and who is the surprise witness? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 ACTION COMICS #783 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY; ART BY BRANDON S. BARDEAUX AND MARK MORALES; COVER BY KANO In stores September 26. A beleaguered Man of Steel faces off against the Ocean Master, Major Disaster and Scorch separately, but how can he hope to stop them when he's lost the will to fight, and the one man who gave him hope is missing? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERBOY #92 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY AND EDDIE BERGANZA; ART AND COVER BY PASCUAL FERRY AND KEITH CHAMPAGNE In stores September 19. The Kid's really had it rough in recent months. So what better time for Doctor Sin to return!? And if you thought the Doctor was an enigma before, then check out this rematch between him and Superboy, set in a wonderland of weirdness! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERGIRL #62 WRITTEN BY PETER DAVID; ART AND COVER BY LEONARD KIRK AND ROBIN RIGGS In stores September 19. Supergirl unfairly judged Buzz of a crime he didn't commit. Now, knowing the truth, the guilt-ridden heroine tracks Buzz all the way to Gotham City. Unfortunately it looks like Buzz really is on the wrong side of the tracks this time. He's aligned himself with Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two-Face, whose kidnapping of a scientist leads to the creation of another bizarre foe for the Maid of Might! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS II #2 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY JOHN BYRNE; COVER BY BYRNE ELSEWORLDS. In stores September 5. The surprising miniseries continues! In the 1960s, the teen protegés of the JSA form a teen group of their own; sibling rivalry and other tensions mount within the Kent family; and an unexpected romance flowers in Gotham City's super-hero community. Then, in the 1970s, Deadman takes Batman on a harrowing trip into the shattered psyche of one of the Dark Knight Detective's greatest foes, and Hal Jordan embarks on a new career. Prestige Format. FC, 48 PG. (2 OF 4) $5.95 SUPERMAN ADVENTURES #61 WRITTEN BY ANDY MERRILL; ART BY ALUIR AMANCIO AND TERRY AUSTIN; COVER BY MIKE MANLEY AND AUSTIN In stores September 12. Superman battles the Parasite! But although the fight is as serious as it gets, the real story is about two streetcorner magicians who are sure they are as powerful as the Man of Steel! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 SUPERMAN/GEN13 TP WRITTEN BY ADAM HUGHES; ART BY LEE BERMEJO AND JOHN NYBERG; COVER BY BERMEJO WILDSTORM PRODUCTIONS. Retro-solicited; in stores August 15. WildStorm's premier super-teens make their way to Metropolis and get into super-sized trouble in a meeting readers demanded! When Superman gets knocked through a few buildings, Fairchild places herself in the line of fire and takes the brunt of the impact, knocking her out. When she awakens, she has amnesia and mistakenly believes herself to be Supergirl! For more information, see the feature article. Note: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders for (JUN0010435) have been cancelled. SC, 7X10, 80PG, FC $9.95 SUPERMAN VS. PREDATOR TP WRITTEN BY DAVID MICHELINIE; ART AND COVER BY ALEX MALEEV In stores September 12. Superman faces a strange — and deadly — visitor from another planet in this trade that finds a weakened Man of Steel struggling to defeat a nearly unstoppable hunter whose deadly mission threatens all life on Earth. For more information, see the feature article. Copublished with Dark Horse Comics. SC, 7X10, 144PG, FC $14.95 DC UNIVERSE BLACKHAWK ARCHIVES VOL. 1 HC WRITTEN BY WILL EISNER, DICK FRENCH, WILLIAM WOOLFOLK, BOB POWELL; ART BY CHUCK CUIDERA, REED CRANDALL AND VARIOUS; COVER BY CUIDERA AND RODNEY RAMOS In stores September 19. Thrill to the exciting adventures of wartime hero Blackhawk and his multinational squad of freedom fighters. This special hardcover collection reprints the Blackhawk stories from MILITARY COMICS #1-17. Included: A map of Blackhawk island! For more information, see the feature article. HC, 7X10, 240PG, FC $49.95 THE FLASH #178 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY SCOTT KOLINS AND DOUG HAZLEWOOD; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores September 26. "Caged." Keystone City tries to keep Gorilla Grodd in a cage! But this is a very different Grodd than the one you're used to — a fierce fighting ape who's out to level the town! Looks like the Flash is going to have his hands full dealing with this monkey business… FC, 32 PG. $2.25 THE FLASH ANNUAL #1 (1963) — FASCIMILE EDITION WRITTEN BY JOHN BROOME AND ROBERT KANIGHER; ART BY CARMINE INFANTINO, LEE ELIAS, JOE GIELLA, FRANK GIACOIA; COVER BY INFANTINO AND JOE KUBERT In stores September 19. The very best of the Silver Age Flash's early adventures are showcased in this handsome facsimile edition of THE FLASH ANNUAL #1 (1963) — reprinting the first appearances of Kid Flash, the Elongated Man and the villainous Gorilla Grodd! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 80 PG. $6.95 THE FLASH SECRET FILES #3 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS, DAN CURTIS JOHNSON, J.H. WILLIAMS III, AND IAN EDGINTON; ART BY SCOTT KOLINS, DIEGO BARRETO, JASON JOHNSON, SCOTT MCDANIEL, BRYAN TALBOT, LIAM MCCORMACK-SHARP, PAUL RIVOCHE, PASCUAL ALIXE, JOSÉ MARZAN, JR., AARON SOWD, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY KOLINS In stores September 12. In the aftermath of THE FLASH: IRON HEIGHTS, discover the new threats that confront the Fastest Man Alive! A new player in the Keystone City Police Department arrives in the Flash's stomping grounds, and discovers that the city is much more than it seems (written by Geoff Johns with art by Scott Kolins & José Marzan, Jr.). Also, the DEO's Agent Chase meets Wally West for the first time and learns about one of his greatest foes (written by Dan Curtis Johnson & J.H. Williams III with art by Diego Barreto & Mick Gray) and Max Mercury and Impulse co-star in "Flash Facts" (by Ian Edginton & Jason Johnson). Plus, Profile Pages of Flash's enemies and allies, featuring art by Scott McDaniel, Liam McCormack-Sharp, Paul Rivoche, Pascual Alixe, and more! FC, 48 PG. $4.95 GREEN ARROW #8 WRITTEN BY KEVIN SMITH; ART BY PHIL HESTER AND ANDE PARKS; PAINTED COVER BY MATT WAGNER In stores September 26. "Quiver" continues as the mystery behind Ollie Queen's return from the grave deepens! Green Arrow's been wandering around the DCU with no knowledge of the last ten years, and the secrets behind his memory loss become clearer with this issue's surprising revelations. The only problem is that he may not like the answers to his questions! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 GREEN LANTERN #142 WRITTEN BY JUDD WINICK; ART BY ERIC BATTLE AND RICH FABER; COVER BY DALE EAGLESHAM In stores September 5. The trio known as Inferno is more than a match for two Green Lanterns, so Jade is in serious trouble when Kyle gets critically injured and taken out of the fight! Jade's got no time to help him out though, as Inferno's three members — Ember, Torch and Blaze — try to take out not only two Green Lanterns in one day, but all of Manhattan! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 IMPULSE #78 WRITTEN BY TODD DEZAGO; ART BY CARLO BARBERI AND RICH FABER; COVER BY BARBERI AND WAYNE FAUCHER In stores September 12. The members of Young Justice guest-star in "Impulse No More!" The celebrated Impulse uniform stays folded in a trunk this issue. The traumatic events of the War have forced an end to Bart's career. Meanwhile, White Lightning returns! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 JLA #58 WRITTEN BY MARK WAID; ART BY MIKE S. MILLER AND PAUL NEARY; COVER BY BRYAN HITCH AND NEARY In stores September 26. "Terror Incognita," Part 4 of 4. With the White Martians' defeat of the JLA, the Earth is in their villainous grasp at last. And now that the Martians' long-term alteration of Earth's atmosphere nearing its completion, there doesn't seem to be any hope of thwarting their evil ambitions by exposing them to their one weakness: fire! Having retreated to the airless space around the moon, how can the few surviving Leaguers possibly withstand the aliens' crippling assault? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 JLA: INCARNATIONS #5 WRITTEN BY JOHN OSTRANDER; ART BY VAL SEMEIKS, NORM BREYFOGLE, ERIC BATTLE, AND PRENTIS ROLLINS; COVER BY SEMEIKS AND ROLLINS In stores September 5. The untold tales of the World's Greatest Super-Heroes continue. Vibe! Steel! Gypsy! It's the rise and fall of the Motor City Justice League, as Aquaman relocates the JLA from a satellite in the sky to Detroit to bring them closer to the people they serve. But as soon as they arrive, they find themselves embroiled in the greatest disaster ever: The Crisis on Infinite Earths! Plus: Two titanic backup tales give a fresh glimpse at the darkest moments in the lives of everyone's favorite heroes. FC, 48 PG. (5 OF 7) $3.50 STAR OF THE MONTH JLA VS. PREDATOR WRITTEN BY JOHN OSTRANDER; ART AND COVER BY GRAHAM NOLAN AND RANDY ELLIOTT In stores September 12. Reoffered to coincide with the release of the SUPERMAN VS. PREDATOR TP, this startling one-shot features another face-off between the vicious Predators and the Man of Steel — this time together with the JLA. A cadre of Predators have acquired their own super-human powers, and aren't leaving Earth without our heroes' heads as trophies! Copublished with Dark Horse Comics. Prestige Format. (STAR12323) FC, 48 PG. $5.95 *********************** JSA #28 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY STEVE SADOWSKI AND CHRISTIAN ALAMY; COVER BY RAGS MORALES In stores September 19. The JSA meets its newest foe: Roulette (introduced in JSA Secret Files #2)!. The villainess runs "The House," a fight club for the super-powered where the JSA is being forced to battle each other…or die! First on the fight card: Black Adam vs. Atom Smasher! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOHN BUSCEMA CREATING SUPERMAN WRITTEN BY STAN LEE (LEAD STORY) WITH MICHAEL USLAN (BACKUP); ART BY JOHN BUSCEMA (LEAD) WITH KYLE BAKER (BACKUP); COVERS BY JOHN BUSCEMA AND ADAM HUGHES In stores September 19. One of the most eagerly anticipated projects in modern comics history continues as Stan Lee presents his vision of Superman, illustrated by the legendary John Buscema! When an alien policeman chases his most hated foe into the reaches of space, he soon finds himself stranded on Earth. With remarkable powers from the new atmosphere, he becomes a super-hero in hopes of accelerating humanity's progress toward the stars. But Reverend Dominic Darrk has other plans. Plus, an "On the Street" backup story written by Michael Uslan and Stan Lee, with art by Kyle Baker! For more information, see the feature article. Look for signed versions in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. Prestige Format. FC, 48 PG. $5.95 LEGION WORLDS #6 WRITTEN BY DAN ABNETT AND ANDY LANNING; ART BY KILIAN PLUNKETT, MIKE MCKONE AND LANNING; COVER BY JOHN CASSADAY In stores September 26. Tinya Wazzo, the former Legionnaire known as Apparition, is on the run from mercenaries hired by her domineering mother. When they track Tinya to Rimbor, the homeworld of her late husband, Jo Nah (the lost Legionnaire Ultra Boy), Tinya is no condition to make a last stand against her pursuers. Fortunately, she's befriended a "lone wolf" of sorts along the way, and he doesn't like having his back against the wall! In the backup story (with art by Mike McKone & Andy Lanning), we go back one year in the past, to the memorial service for the Lost Legionnaires, and learn what prompted the remaining heroes to disband the Legion. FC, 48 PG. (6 OF 6) $3.95 MARTIAN MANHUNTER #36 WRITTEN BY JOHN OSTRANDER; ART BY JAMAL IGLE AND RAY KRYSSING; COVER BY TOM MANDRAKE In stores September 5. Final Issue. The return of the Justice Experience's greatest nemesis, Dr. Trapps, may mean the end to the Martian Manhunter, as J'onn is forced to make a decision that will affect the rest of his (possibly very short!) life. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ORION #18 WRITTEN BY WALTER SIMONSON; ART BY SIMONSON, AL MILGROM AND KLAUS JANSON; COVER BY SIMONSON In stores September 19. Orion goes back to Apokolips, the world of his birth. Once there, he is befriended by Rakar — a former Green Lantern (from GREEN LANTERN 80-PAGE GIANT) who's been abandoned there at the hands of Darkseid! Can Orion make it from Apokolips to Earth? Plus, a backup tale featuring art by Al Milgrom & Klaus Janson! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE SPECTRE #9 WRITTEN BY J.M. DEMATTEIS; ART BY RYAN SOOK AND JIM ROYAL; COVER BY SOOK In stores September 5. Hal Jordan is confronted with a horrible catastrophe. Because of his role as the Spectre, his dearest family members are caught up in a cosmic game where death seems to be the only way out. And now that the soul of Abin Sur has been bottled up and stolen, is the hell in which he finds himself his final infernal resting place, or is there some way out? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 SUICIDE SQUAD #1 WRITTEN BY KEITH GIFFEN; ART AND COVER BY PACO MEDINA AND JOE SANCHEZ In stores September 5. From the ruins of "Our Worlds at War" comes the return of the DC Universe's deadliest team! When former members of the Injustice Gang are given a chance for freedom, they're jumping at the chance for suicide! Find out what the latest incarnation of this DCU team is all about! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE TITANS #33 WRITTEN BY JAY FAERBER; ART BY MIKE COLLINS AND BUD LAROSA; COVER BY KIA ASAMIYA In stores September 26. Argent is on the trail of Theta, the mysterious supervillain responsible for the assault on Epsilon. But as she gets closer to the person who hired Theta to battle the Titans, it becomes obvious to Argent that the villain's employer is someone Argent already knows. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 WONDER WOMAN #174 WRITTEN BY PHIL JIMENEZ; ART BY JIMENEZ AND ANDY LANNING; COVER BY ADAM HUGHES In stores September 26. "The Witch & the Warrior," Part 1 of 3. The Earth still is repairing itself after the events of "Our Worlds at War." So naturally, the evil sorceress Circe decides to take advantage by transforming the weary male heroes of the JLA, JSA, Titans, and Young Justice into fantastic creatures that a cadre of super-villains will hunt down and kill! Wonder Woman must assemble a team of Earth's greatest heroines — including Power Girl, Doctor Light, Vixen, Black Canary, and Troia — to save the heroes, while she saves Superman! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 YOUNG JUSTICE #37 WRITTEN BY PETER DAVID; ART AND COVER BY TODD NAUCK AND MARLO ALQUIZA In stores September 5. "Our Worlds at War" may be over, but Young Justice is still stuck in Hell. Or is it Apokolips? Same difference. At the tender mercy of Granny Goodness and the Female Furies, the teen heroes have all their worst nightmares come to life! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 DC: BEYOND THE UNIVERSE A LIFE FORCE SC WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY WILL EISNER; COVER BY EISNER In stores September 19. Presenting the first DC edition of Will Eisner's A LIFE FORCE, as part of The Will Eisner Library of books. Set during the Depression, A LIFE FORCE tells the hard-luck story of a tenement dweller living in the same neighborhood that served the setting for A CONTRACT WITH GOD. Eisner's everyman, Jacob Shtarkah, and his family and neighbors come to life in this moving urban portrait. "A LIFE FORCE is easily the best realistic graphic novel I've ever read." — Don Thompson, Comics Buyer's Guide SC, 8X11, 144PG, B&W $12.95 CARTOON CARTOONS #7 WRITTEN BY JOE EDKIN, SHOLLY FISCH AND MICHAEL KRAIGER; ART BY GARY TERRY, VINCENT DEPORTER, DAVE SIMONS, TIM HARKINS, ANGUS BUNGAY, AND MIKE KAZALEH; COVER BY VAN PARTIBLE AND JEFF ALBRECHT In stores September 26. Johnny Bravo makes friends with the coolest dude in town — only to watch Mama fall head over heels for him! Plus, all-new tales starring Ed, Edd & Eddy, Cow and Chicken, and Courage the Cowardly Dog. Featuring cover art by Johnny Bravo creator Van Partible! Note: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders have been cancelled. FC, 32 PG. $1.99 LOONEY TUNES #82 WRITTEN BY SHOLLY FISCH AND FRANK STROM; ART BY DAVID ALVAREZ, WALTER CARZON, LEO BATIC, HORACIO OTTOLINI, AND MIKE DECARLO; COVER BY ALVAREZ AND DECARLO In stores September 5. Speedy Gonzales works a little of that ol' black magic on Witch Hazel; Foghorn Leghorn gets a blue ribbon for buffoonery at the county fair; and Sylvester and Tweety…switch places?!?! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 THE POWERPUFF GIRLS #19 WRITTEN BY SEAN CAROLAN & JENNIFER MOORE, IAN BOOTHBY & ROGER FREDERICKS; ART BY STEPHANIE GLADDEN, BILL ALGER AND MIKE DECARLO; COVER BY PHIL MOY In stores September 19. Sugar, spice…and a little kung fu! That dastardly monkey Mojo Dojo uses some Eastern wisdom to pound the Girls silly; plus, Buttercup learns a bit about Zen in order to…calm down?? FC, 32 PG. $1.99 SCOOBY-DOO #52 WRITTEN BY DAVE HUNT AND DAN ABNETT; ART BY JOE STATON, ANTHONY WILLIAMS, DAN DAVIS AND HUNT; COVER BY STATON AND HUNT In stores September 12. It's a creepy cave adventure for the Mystery Inc. gang as they go down South — way down — into "The Haunted Cave!" Plus, Scooby gets a little ghost-chasing help from Shakespeare in "To Haunt or Not to Haunt"! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 WILDSTORM THE AUTHORITY #26 WRITTEN BY TOM PEYER; ART AND COVER BY DUSTIN NGUYEN AND RICHARD FRIEND In stores September 5. It's the end of everything for the New Authority, the doomed superteam whose own missteps first altered the very fabric of reality, then erased the team from existence. The political and corporate fatcats are backing the New Authority, but the people who now control reality are bringing the Old Authority back. It looks like there's a happy ending — and a triumphant return — in store for the Authority. But which Authority…and for how long? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 CRIMSON: REDEMPTION TP WRITTEN BY BRIAN AUGUSTYN; ART AND COVER BY HUMBERTO RAMOS AND SANDRA HOPE CLIFFHANGER PRODUCTIONS. In stores September 5. The final chapter of the CRIMSON library collects issues #19-24 of the popular CLIFFHANGER series. The world is in flames and the battle lines are drawn for a showdown between good and evil. Alex Elder, along with his staunch allies, offer our world and its inhabitants the only chance at survival they have. It's devastation on a global level, and the fate of our planet is at stake. For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 160PG, FC $14.95 STAR OF THE MONTH CRIMSON: EARTH ANGEL TP WRITTEN BY BRIAN AUGUSTYN; ART AND COVER BY HUMBERTO RAMOS AND SANDRA HOPE CLIFFHANGER PRODUCTIONS. In stores September 5. Reoffered to coincide with the release of the CRIMSON: REDEMPTION TP, this trade immediately precedes REDEMPTION and continues the saga of Alex Elder, the teenage vampire who has chosen to use his supernatural abilities to protect the powerless. Reprints CRIMSON #13-18. (STAR12807) SC, 7X10, 144PG, FC $14.95 ************************ CYBERNARY 2.0 #3 WRITTEN BY JOE HARRIS; ART AND COVER BY ERIC CANETE AND JUAN VLASCO In stores September 26. Yumiko and the street rats find themselves the prisoners of the young clan lord Toshiro. But Yumiko's mind is already fractured. In his bid for the throne of Gamorra, will Toshiro's brainwashing push her over the edge? Or does MechaMax have plans of his own for Cybernary? FC, 32 PG. (3 OF 6) $2.95 DANGER GIRL: KAMIKAZE! #1 WRITTEN BY TOMMY YUNE; ART AND COVER BY YUNE AND VINCE RUSSELL CLIFFHANGER PRODUCTIONS. In stores September 12. An evil new nemesis known only as the Kama Syndicate takes the Danger Girls on a wild new adventure from the bustling metropolis of Hong Kong to the ancient jungle ruins of the Angkor Empire. For more information, see the feature article. Note: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders for (OCT000583) have been cancelled. FC, 32 PG. (1 OF 2) $2.95 THE ESTABLISHMENT #1 WRITTEN BY IAN EDGINTON; ART AND COVER BY CHARLIE ADLARD In stores September 12. Spinning out of the 8-page preview story in THE AUTHORITY #24, THE ESTABLISHMENT is WildStorm's newest ongoing series, delivering super-hero action with a British attitude. Charlie Arrows, Jon Drake, Equus, Scarlet, Mister Pharmacist, and others form the government sanctioned team that keeps all the weird, wild and world-threatening stuff away from the general populace. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 GEN13 #69 WRITTEN BY ADAM WARREN; ART BY YANNICK PAQUETTE AND ANDREW PEPOY; COVER BY WARREN In stores September 19. Part 2 of the 2-part "Slave to Love," tying into THE AUTHORITY! All hell breaks loose…literally! Grunge, occasional boytoy for the Authority's apparently indiscriminate Swift, becomes the unwitting "Trojan horse" for a scheme to destroy the Authority's dimension-hopping Carrier. Can Grunge and long-suffering girlfriend Freefall, as well as their troubled relationship, possibly survive the ensuing universe-shaking cataclysm? Find out for yourself! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE MONARCHY #7 WRITTEN BY DOSELLE YOUNG; ART BY JOHN MCCREA AND GARRY LEACH; COVER BY MCCREA In stores September 19. "Making the Metropolitan," Part 2 of 3. L.A.'s flawed hero Last Angel's bitter defeat leads to a strange resurrection, with Jackson King behind the scenes orchestrating both the tragedy and triumph. Plus, Agent Morro finds what may ultimately prove to be the greatest weapon in his fight against the Monarchy: Malcolm King. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 NINJA BOY #2 WRITTEN BY ALLEN WARNER AND ALÉ GARZA; ART AND COVER BY GARZA AND DAN NORTON In stores September 19. Training is over and now Nakio's real education begins. After narrowly escaping certain death from Mikaboshi's deadliest assassins, Nakio races to save his family. But is he too late? Mikaboshi and his forces must be destroyed. But how? The answers may lie with the oracle, Kali the Devourer. But to find Kali, Nakio and his furry companion Sake must journey into the perilous Old Forest and unlock its secrets. FC, 32 PG. $2.95 OUT THERE #5 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AUGUSTYN; ART AND COVER BY HUMBERTO RAMOS AND SANDRA HOPE CLIFFHANGER PRODUCTIONS. In stores September 26. Zach's father tries to kill him. A possessed Sheriff Greenwood is hunting Casey, Mark, and Jess, and a structure that will completely open E-D city to the Draedrealm is nearly complete. Just when things look like they can't get any worse, a new evil presence arrives! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION® — ENEMY UNSEEN TP WRITTEN BY KEITH R.A. DE CANDIDO, CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN, TOM SNIEGOSKI, AND SCOTT CIENCIN; ART BY PETER PACHOUMIS, DAVE HOOVER, ANDREW CURRIE, AND VARIOUS; PAINTED COVER BY DREW STRUZAN In stores September 12. A remarkable cover by superstar painter Drew Struzan, marking his WildStorm debut, fronts this collection of stories featuring Star Trek: The Next Generation. This trade paperback contains the Next Generation tales PERCHANCE TO DREAM, EMBRACE THE WOLF, and THE KILLING SHADOWS, written by some of the most popular novelists of licensed fiction today! For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 224PG, FC $17.95 STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION® — FORGIVENESS HC WRITTEN BY DAVID BRIN; PAINTED ART AND COVER BY SCOTT HAMPTON Advance-solicited; in stores October 17. Best-selling science-fiction author David Brin tackles his first-ever Star Trek® project, and first-ever graphic novel, collaborating with acclaimed painter Scott Hampton. Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise™ NCC-1701-E spot a stray transporter beam in deep space carrying a living being inside. When they bring it aboard, they encounter a mystery for the ages! For more information, see the feature article. HC, 7X10, 96PG, FC $24.95 TALEWEAVER #1 WRITTEN BY LEONARD BANAAG; ART AND COVER BY PHILIP S. TAN AND GARY MAYORALGO In stores September 26. Following the exciting launch of last month's NINJA BOY comes an new Asian-themed WildStorm miniseries! TALEWEAVER explores a time of war on a distant world, where the ways of feudal Asia still thrive. Warlords lead great armies into battle and the clash of swords rings across the land, as powerful magic fills the air, and the destiny of a nation lies with an unsuspecting young man. Extra-sized first issue! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 40 PG.(1 OF 6) $3.50 WILDCATS VOLUME 2 #27 WRITTEN BY JOE CASEY; ART AND COVER BY SEAN PHILLIPS In stores September 5. It's Grifter vs. Zealot in the third and perhaps final round. After their confrontation in issue #23, Grifter sets out to learn the true secrets behind Zealot's deadly mission against the Coda, the warrior cult she founded a millennia ago. Plus, the return of Agent Wax. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HOMAGE COMICS DESPERADOES: QUIET OF THE GRAVE #5 WRITTEN BY JEFF MARIOTTE; ART AND COVER BY JOHN SEVERIN In stores September 5. Jimmy Miggs is back in the dusty border town of Luttrell, with vengeance on the brain, and a bullet with Gideon Brood's name on it. One problem: Jimmy Miggs is supposed to be dead. To make matters worse, a lynch mob has laid an ambush for Brood, and the young barmaid Jerome Alexander Betts has grown fond of is being used as the bait. It all culminates in a shock ending that changes the Desperadoes team forever. FC, 32 PG. (5 OF 5) $2.95 VERTIGO 100 BULLETS #28 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY EDUARDO RISSO; PAINTED COVER BY DAVE JOHNSON In stores September 5. "Contrabandolero," Part 1 of 3. Down in the West Texas town of El Paso, it's not just love people are falling into. Life is dirt cheap on the border, and even that's too pricey for Wyley Times, a gas-station attendant with absolutely zero ambition. When a smoldering, mysterious beauty comes to town, she sends Wyley spinning over the edge, and it's up to her equally mysterious companion to straighten Wyley out. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ADVENTURES IN THE RIFLE BRIGADE: OPERATION BOLLOCK #2 WRITTEN BY GARTH ENNIS; ART BY CARLOS EZQUERRA; COVER BY GLENN FABRY In stores September 12. The Rifle Brigade chaps arrive in Sidi Boomboom, capital of the Middle Eastern kingdom where Hitler's lost bollock is rumored to be kept. But before they can collect their prize, they first must defeat Nazi assassins, a lovesick elephant, and a dashing Yank with his own eye on the ball! MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (2 OF 3) $2.50 AMERICAN CENTURY #7 WRITTEN BY HOWARD CHAYKIN AND DAVID TISCHMAN; ART BY DICK GIORDANO AND JOHN STOKES; PAINTED COVER BY JOHN VAN FLEET In stores September 19. "The Protector," Part 3 of 4. The ugly reality of Hollywood comes into focus for Harry Kraft, as a young actress reveals her dirty little secret; a government snitch gets a TV show; and a mob boss makes a gossip columnist an offer she can't refuse. Featuring guest-pencils by Dick Giordano. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 AMERICAN CENTURY: SCARS AND STRIPES TP WRITTEN BY HOWARD CHAYKIN AND DAVID TISCHMAN; ART BY MARC LAMING AND JOHN STOKES; PAINTED COVER BY CHAYKIN In stores September 26. The first four issues of VERTIGO's smash hit ongoing series AMERICAN CENTURY are collected in this introductory trade paperback. Harry Block, a fighter jock who distinguished himself in the skies over Europe in World War II, is recalled to active duty in Korea. But instead of enlisting, he hijacks a plane, reinvents himself as Harry "Kraft," and sets out to live an extraordinary new life of action and adventure! For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 96PG, FC $8.95 ANGEL AND THE APE #2 WRITTEN BY HOWARD CHAYKIN AND DAVID TISCHMAN; ART BY PHILIP BOND; COVER BY ARTHUR ADAMS In stores September 26. The VERTIGO updating of a DC classic continues! The mystery thickens as Angel and Sam penetrate deeper into the Big Apple's steamy netherworld in search of Bambi's past. From a dermatologist's office to a Staten Island strip club — everyone seemed to want Bambi dead! MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (2 OF 4) $2.95 CODENAME: KNOCKOUT #5 WRITTEN BY ROBERT RODI; ART BY LOUIS SMALL, JR. AND MARK FARMER; PAINTED COVER BY PHIL NOTO In stores September 26. "Arms and Legs for Hostages," Part 1 of 2. Angela goes undercover — and under covers — to rescue two young girls from an African dictator's clutches. But there's a mole in the presidential palace! Will Angela be exposed? Even more than she's used to? MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE CRUSADES #7 WRITTEN BY STEVEN T. SEAGLE; ART BY KELLEY JONES AND JASON MOORE; PAINTED COVER BY TEDDY KRISTIANSEN In stores September 5. The second Crusade marches on! She's seen him. She's spoken to him. She's touched the cold steel that covers his arcane flesh. And this month Venus Kostopikas begins her quest to find the Knight. But will her twisting path of detection cross the lines drawn in the erupting war between the city's cardinal of crime, The Pope, and its would-be usurper Bocc? MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HELLBLAZER #166 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY MARCELO FRUSIN; PAINTED COVER BY TIM BRADSTREET In stores September 26. "Highwater," Part 3 of 4. As John Constantine gets further involved with an extremist patriot group, he finds himself drawn to their charismatic leader, Major Gage. Aware of Constantine's abilities, Gage has plans of his own for Constantine — plans that could lead to the deaths of thousands. But to his credit, John has plans of his own. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC #3 WRITTEN BY DYLAN HORROCKS; ART BY RICHARD CASE; PAINTED COVER BY JOHN BOLTON In stores September 12. The new ongoing VERTIGO series starring Timothy Hunter continues. Tim takes Kalesh on a walking tour of the many worlds of The White School, and gives her some insights about the nature of magic...and himself. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 I, PAPARAZZI HC WRITTEN BY PAT MCGREAL; ART AND COVER BY STEPHEN JOHN PHILLIPS AND STEVEN PARKE In stores September 26. This hallucinatory, psychological thriller recounts one night in the life of "Monster" McGowran, one of New York City's paparazzi. A night that takes a left turn into weirdness when he's beaten to a pulp by the bodyguards of an inscrutable young movie star. But when Monster plans his revenge, he accidentally uncovers something strange, horrifying and not meant to be discovered. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS HC, 96PG, FC $29.95 STAR OF THE MONTH VEILS SC WRITTEN BY PAT MCGREAL; ART BY STEPHEN JOHN PHILLIPS, REBECCA GUAY AND JOSE VILLARRUBIA; COVER BY PHILLIPS AND VILLARRUBIA In stores September 26. This gorgeous softcover — by I, PAPARAZZI's Pat McGreal and Stephen John Phillips, with digital art by Jose Villarrubia and painted art by Rebecca Guay — takes place in the evocative setting of a harem. "Splendid writing…really capture[s] the essence of a Victorian period novel." — Will Eisner. (STAR10220) MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 96PG, FC $14.95 ************************ LUCIFER #18 WRITTEN BY MIKE CAREY; ART BY PETER GROSS, DEAN ORMSTON AND RYAN KELLY; PAINTED COVER BY CHRISTOPHER MOELLER In stores September 5. "Dalliance With the Damned," Part 2. In the region of Hell called Effrul, Christopher Rudd learns the true and terrible purpose behind the sufferings of the damned. Meanwhile, a bloody conspiracy threatens Effrul's fragile and decadent social order, and it seems that one of its targets is Lucifer Morningstar. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 OUTLAW NATION #13 WRITTEN BY JAMIE DELANO; ART BY GORAN PARLOV AND GORAN SUDZUKA; PAINTED COVER BY GLENN FABRY In stores September 19. "Desperado." While Story's in Hell Holes trying to put a beneficial spin on his dubious deal with Old Asa, Reverend Hell is working on persuading Sonny he has a vocation in the Church of Johnson. With every one so preoccupied, no one notices that Martin's disappeared with a bad disposition and a bottle of whiskey. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR OF THE MONTH THE SANDMAN #1 (MILLENNIUM EDITION) WRITTEN BY NEIL GAIMAN; ART BY SAM KIETH AND MIKE DRINGENBERG; PAINTED COVER BY DAVE MCKEAN In stores September 5. Reoffered to coincide with the release of THE SANDMAN SANDGLOBE from DC Direct, this milestone first issue of the acclaimed and award-winning series features the scene of Morpheus imprisoned in a glass cage — the same scene that inspired the SANDGLOBE. (STAR10410) MATURE READERS FC, 48 PG. $2.95 ************************ THE SANDMAN PRESENTS: DEAD BOY DETECTIVES #4 WRITTEN BY ED BRUBAKER; ART BY BRYAN TALBOT AND STEVE LEIALOHA; COVER BY DAVE MCKEAN In stores September 19. Erstwhile detectives, Edwin and Charles, have helped their 'mentor' the Marquez de Marquis capture an immortal killer. But after more snooping, the boys begin to suspect that they've caught the wrong man, and their mysterious benefactor may not be what he appears. To make matters worse, it looks like the usually helpful Mad Hettie has joined the forces of evil as well. Can the boys uncover the truth, save the day and get the girl, all while maintaining proper British manners? MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (4 OF 4) $2.50 SWAMP THING #19 WRITTEN BY BRIAN K. VAUGHAN; ART BY GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI AND MARC HEMPEL; PAINTED COVER BY GREG STAPLES In stores September 12. Tefé's search for the Tree of Knowledge heats up! Journeying to Africa with Pilate, she meets an African medicine woman who agrees to take Tefé to the Tree. But first Tefé must atone for her past sins and ask permission from the continent's ancestors. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 TRANSMETROPOLITAN #49 WRITTEN BY WARREN ELLIS; ART BY DARICK ROBERTSON AND RODNEY RAMOS; COVER BY MOEBIUS In stores September 12. Spider's evidence against the Smiler and his corrupt administration has been wiped out. Now he must rebuild his case from scratch, exploring every nook and cranny...and fighting dirty if he has to — because he's finally up against someone with the mind and ability to fight dirtier than he can. As the nation and City reel under its new shocks, and the Smiler relaxes, Spider and his Filthy Asistants finally have the space to move unnoticed, as they plan their attack... MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 WAR STORY: JOHANN'S TIGER WRITTEN BY GARTH ENNIS; ART BY CHRIS WESTON AND GARY ERSKINE; PHOTO COVER In stores September 5. The first of Garth Ennis' brutal WWII stories that tell it like it really was. JOHANN'S TIGER is the tale of a German Tiger tank commander and his crew. Retreating from the Russians on the Eastern Front, Johann's only goal is to find the Americans and surrender to them before he and his men get killed. But even if he can escape from the Red Army and the Nazi Secret Police, Johann can never elude his own guilt over the atrocities he's seen and committed. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS FC, 64 PG. $4.95 PARADOX PRESS THE REMARKABLE WORLDS OF PHINEAS B. FUDDLE TP WRITTEN BY BOAZ YAKIN; ART AND COVER BY EREZ YAKIN In stores September 5. When a brilliant — but utterly mad — scientist in Victorian London decides to use his homemade time machine to "improve" some of the great (and not so great) civilizations of the past, it sets off a chain of events that could unhinge the universe. Now his two bumbling colleagues must chase him through time before the universe implodes! Collecting the complete 4-issue whimsical adventure miniseries. For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 192PG, FC $19.95 STAR OF THE MONTH STUCK RUBBER BABY SC WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY HOWARD CRUSE In stores September 5. One of the most important graphic novels to come out in the last decade, STUCK RUBBER BABY is reoffered to allow new readers a chance to experience this deeply personal and passionate work by legendary cartoonist Howard Cruse. Winner of the Eisner Award for Best Graphic Album. (STAR11975) MATURE READERS SC, 6X9, 224PG, B&W $14.95 ************************ MAD MAD MAGAZINE #410 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS In stores September 5. Hot on the heels of last month's annual August-shipping issue comes yet another monumental annual event! That's right, it's the eagerly awaited September-shipping issue, baby! And you're only going to come across a gem like this once a year. Do we deliver, or what? MAGAZINE, 48PG, FC/B&W $2.99 DC DIRECT ACE THE BATHOUND SOFT TOY Advance-solicited; in stores January 23, 2002. It's a dog-eat-dog world...but now you can have one of the toughest dogs around for your very own with the ACE THE BATHOUND SOFT TOY. Based on the masked hound who used to accompany the Silver Age Batman on his crimefighting rounds, Ace the Bathound, masked to preserve his secret identity, features a removable cloth cape, has a wire inside for posing, and is as cuddly as they come...not to mention the perfect companion for the KRYPTO SOFT TOY! Packaged in a 4-color window box. Retailers, please note: The ACE THE BATHOUND SOFT TOY is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for September-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. SOFT TOY $14.95 CLASSIC SUPERMAN S-SHIELD POCKET WATCH Advance-solicited; in stores December 5. The Man of Steel is always in the nick of time when trouble rears its head...and now you can keep track of time with the CLASSIC SUPERMAN S-SHIELD POCKET WATCH, manufactured by Fossil for DC Direct. This unique silver finished pocket watch is in the shape of the iconic Superman S-Shield and includes a dynamic image of the classic Silver Age Superman on its face. Retailers, please note: The CLASSIC SUPERMAN S-SHIELD POCKET WATCH is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for September-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. POCKET WATCH $89.95 STAR OF THE MONTH DANGER GIRL PVC SET In stores September 12. Reoffered to coincide with the release of the DANGER GIRL: KAMIKAZE! miniseries, this sexy set features Abbey Chase, Valerie, Sydney Savage, Natalia Kassle, Deuce, Major Maxim, and Agent Zero. These PVC figures stand between3.5" to 4.25" tall. Packaged in a 4-color display box. Quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. (STAR12506) PVC SET $39.95 *********************** GOLDEN AGE FLASH BY ALEX ROSS POSTER PAINTED ART BY ALEX ROSS Advance-solicited; in stores October 24. Acclaimed artist Alex Ross continues his series of full-color painted posters starring the legendary DC super-heroes — this time around, from the Golden Age of Comics! First out of the gate is — who else? — Jay Garrick, the Flash, the original Scarlet Speedster. This 22" x 34" poster is designed to be displayed on its own or be placed side-by-side with the others. Look for a signed and "Re-Marked " version in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. Retailers, please note: The GOLDEN AGE FLASH BY ALEX ROSS POSTER is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for September-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. POSTER, 22x34, FC $7.95 GOLDEN AGE GREEN LANTERN BY ALEX ROSS POSTER PAINTED ART BY ALEX ROSS Advance-solicited; in stores October 24. Alex Ross's portrayals of DC's super-stars of the Golden Age continues with this full-color painted poster featuring comics' first ring-slinger, the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott. This 22" x 34" poster is designed to be displayed on its own or be placed side-by-side with the others. Look for a signed version in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. Retailers, please note: The GOLDEN AGE GREEN LANTERN BY ALEX ROSS POSTER is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance- solicited. Orders must be placed with those for September-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. POSTER, 22x34, FC $7.95 STAR OF THE MONTH GREEN LANTERN: HAL JORDAN ACTION FIGURE In stores September 12. One of the greatest Green Lanterns of all time, Hal Jordan makes a striking 6" tall action figure — reoffered to coincide with the release of the GREEN LANTERN HAL JORDAN POWER RING PROP. This figure features nine points of articulation and a plastic power battery in scale with the figure. Plus, a one-size-fits-all PVC power ring. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. (STAR10729) FIGURE PI ************************ GREEN LANTERN CORPS: JOHN STEWART ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores January 30, 2002. He wasn't Earth's first Green Lantern, but John Stewart — originally chosen by the Guardians of the Universe to wear the power ring when Hal Jordan was out of commission — quickly established himself as a legend within the ranks of the Green Lantern Corps. Now Green Lantern John Stewart is an action figure standing approximately 6.25" tall, and featuring multiple points of articulation, a power battery, and a one-size-fits-all PVC power ring. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The GREEN LANTERN CORPS: JOHN STEWART ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for September-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. FIGURE PI GREEN LANTERN CORPS: TOMAR RE ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores January 30, 2002. Tomar Re of the planet Xudar, defender of space sector 2813, is one of the legends of the Green Lantern Corps. His long and faithful record of service as a Green Lantern marks him as one of the Corps most heroic members...and now he joins such stellar company as Hal Jordan and John Stewart as an action figure! The GREEN LANTERN CORPS: TOMAR RE ACTION FIGURE stands approximately 7" tall and features multiple points of articulation, a power battery, and a one-size-fits-all PVC power ring. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The GREEN LANTERN CORPS: TOMAR RE ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for September-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. FIGURE PI STARS OF THE MONTH IMPULSE ACTION FIGURE In stores September 12. Reoffered to coincide with THE FLASH Secret Files #3, which features a special story with Impulse and Max Mercury, this action figure is a perfect likeness of Bart Allen — the fastest teen alive and a member of Young Justice. Features multiple points of articulation and a display stand for posing. Quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. (STAR11893) FIGURE PI MAX MERCURY ACTION FIGURE In stores September 12. Reoffered to coincide with THE FLASH Secret Files #3, which features a special story with Impulse and Max Mercury, this action figure of Bart Allen's mentor, Max, is the perfect companion to the IMPULSE ACTION FIGURE. Features multiple points of articulation and a display stand for posing. Quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. (STAR11957) FIGURE PI *********************** METAL MEN PVC SET Advance-solicited; in stores January 23, 2002. Created in the laboratory by the brilliant Dr. Will Magnus, the Metal Men were a most unlikely group of heroes — a team of robots outfitted with the revolutionary Responsometer, a device that gave them human emotions. Now the Metal Men are reunited in this full-color, hand- painted seven-piece PVC set, featuring Doc Magnus and his robot friends: flirtatious Platinum, shy Tin, hot-headed Mercury, dull-witted Lead, powerful Iron, and the brilliant Gold. These PVC figures stand between 2 1/4" to 4" tall. Packaged in a 4-color display box. Retailers, please note: The METAL MEN PVC SET is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for September-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. PVC SET (x7) $39.95 STARMAN POSTER PENCILLED BY TONY HARRIS; PAINTED BY ALEX ROSS Advance-solicited; in stores October 24. The legacy of Starman stretches back to the Golden Age of Comics, beginning with the original hero of that name, Ted Knight, wielder of the Cosmic Rod. Now penciller Tony Harris and painter Alex Ross unite to bring this legacy to life in the STARMAN POSTER. Originally appearing as the covers to STARMAN #57-62, these stunning images have been joined together in this 26" x 26" poster featuring all the heroes who have battled evil as Starman. Retailers, please note: The STARMAN POSTER is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for September-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. POSTER, 26x26, FC $10.95 THE TITANS: DONNA TROY POSTER ART BY PHIL JIMENEZ Advance-solicited; in stores October 24. She has served the cause of justice and represented the way of the Amazons since she was a child. Now the many faces of Donna Troy, the original Wonder Girl, are brought to vivid life in this striking new full-color poster. Featuring the cover triptych that originally appeared on TITANS #23 - 25, artist Phil Jimenez traces Wonder Girl's history from birth to today in this massive 55" x 28" poster. Look for a signed version in the Dynamic Forces section of Previews. Retailers, please note: THE TITANS: DONNA TROY POSTER is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for September-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. POSTER, 55x28, FC $19.95 CLASSIC SUPERMAN MINI-BUST DESIGNED AND SCULPTED BY TIM BRUCKNER Pre-solicited; in stores January 16, 2002. The Man of Steel leads the way as the first in a new series of mini-busts from DC Direct! The first series of mini-busts will feature DC's classic characters, beginning with this portrayal of a classic retro-style Superman as a dynamic bust of the Man of Steel, poised in mid-flight. The CLASSIC SUPERMAN MINI-BUST is approximately 6.25" in length to the tip of his outstretched hand and 5" wide, standing on a base that measures 5" wide x 4" diameter x .25" high. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The CLASSIC SUPERMAN MINI-BUST is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is pre-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for October-released product, solicited in next month's issue of Previews. MINI-BUST $45.00 GREEN ARROW STATUE SCULPTED BY TIM BRUCKNER; BASED ON DESIGNS BY MATT WAGNER Pre-solicited; in stores January 9, 2002. Green Arrow is back, both in his new highly acclaimed monthly series...and now as a new hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain statue! The GREEN ARROW STATUE features the Emerald Archer with bow in hand, arrow notched, ready to take aim and let fly the shaft that will take down any evildoer. Set on an urban rooftop, the GREEN ARROW STATUE is designed by Matt Wagner and sculpted by Tim Bruckner and stands approximately 11 1/4" tall by 5 5/8" wide 7" deep. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The GREEN ARROW STATUE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is pre-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for October-released product, solicited in next month's issue of Previews. STATUE $195.00 IMAGE COMICS AGENCY #3 TOP COW COMICS (W) Paul Jenkins (P/I) Kyle Hotz (C) Matt Nelson Hot on the tail of God's Man, the Agency enter a virtual world of sin and lust amid which the master plan of their quarry is being constructed. But once inside the mind of a madman, they find that they are not alone. See the rumble in the Sin-Drome of epic proportions. FC, 32pg $2.50 AGENCY PREVIEW TOP COW COMICS (W) Paul Jenkins (P/I) Kyle Hotz One of the most talked about series of the summer made its premiere earlier this year in sought after Agency Preview book. Readers were treated to the first glimpse of Paul Jenkins new mini-series, featuring a team of beings, hired to handle the jobs others cannot. Containing some of Kyle Hotz1s conceptual and sketch art for the series, this black-and-white preview book is the perfect addition to any fans collection. Quantities limited. Allocations may occur. B&W, 16pg PI APHRODITE IX #1 CONVENTION EXCLUSIVE TOP COW COMICS (W) David Wohl (P) David Finch (I) Joe Weems (C) Steve Firchow Last years convention season was filled with many must have exclusives but none were talked about than the Aphrodite IX #1 convention special. This incredible first issue had only been available at the 2000 Wizard World convention but now we1re giving you the chance to pick up this hard to find issue while you can. Only 1500 are available so place your orders now! Quantities limited. Allocations may occur. FC, 32pg PI APHRODITE IX #1 CONVENTION EXCLUSIVE: SIGNED EDITION Limited to 250 copies. Allocations may occur. FC, 32pg $19.95 THE CREECH: OUT FOR BLOOD #2 TODD MCFARLANE PRODUCTIONS (W/A) Greg Capullo (Colors) Tyson Wengler Cover by Greg Capullo Spurred on by reports circulated by the media, the entire city joins in the hunt for the Creech, who they are told is a new form of terrorist weapon. Seeking to escape the murderous mob, as well as the violent urges welling up inside him, the Creech finds refuge among the ashy remains of what was once his (Dr. Battu's) old laboratory. Soon, he is joined by his only friend and former ally, reporter Chris Rafferty, whose desperate search has led him and psychiatrist Cynthia Nicole Thomas, his old flame, to the burned-out lab. Together they hatch a plan to clone Dr. Battu and reverse the mind transfer, an act that would free him from the torment and misery he suffers being imprisoned in a killing machine. This ambitious, if not impossible task, will become even more difficult when the mysterious men in shades finally catch up with Chris. FC, 48pg $4.95 DELICATE CREATURES HARDCOVER JOE'S COMICS (W) J. Michael Straczynski (P) Michael Zulli (C) Steve Firchow Prepare to enter a fairy tale world like none other as acclaimed Rising Stars and Midnight Nation creator and writer J. Michael Straczynski introduces you to the wonders of Delicate Creatures. A modern day fable complete with a beautiful castle and eclectic cast filled with extraordinary characters, Delicate Creatures will once again show why J. Michael Straczynski continues to shine as one of today's top writers. With illustrations provided by the amazing Michael Zulli and Steve Firchow, this special edition hardcover is sure to leave you craving for more and wondering just how much of a fairy tale it actually is! FC, 56pg $9.95 GI JOE #1 (W) Joshua Blaylock (P)Steven Kurth (I)John Larter (Cover) J. Scott Campbell The world's greatest task force returns! When secret government technology disappears into thin air, the clues lead to the unbelievable — Cobra, the ruthless terrorist faction of the 1980's, hell-bent on world domination — is back! Only a highly elite squadron of "Real American Heroes" can stop them: G.I.JOE! Old favorites return to usher in a new era of G.I.Joe, and to shut Cobra down before they can slither their way back into American life. With painted back cover by David Michael Beck. FC, 32pg $2.95 HELLSPAWN #14 TODD MCFARLANE PRODUCTIONS (W) Steve Niles (A) Ashley Wood Cover by Ashley Wood LIGHT OF DAY—For years the Hellspawn has stood at the edge of the world, lurking in the shadows. He has battled to regain his life while losing his humanity every moment that passes. He has but one fear and that fear is about to be exposed by a mysterious hero from the past. Spawn will come face-to-face with the one circumstance he has avoided since Malebolgia spat him from the bowels of Hell. Today a Hellspawn will cower in the light of day and fight the greatest battle he has ever fought. FC, 32pg $2.50 OFFERED AGAIN O/A HELLSPAWN #1 FC 32pp $2.50 **************** MCFARLANES'S 3D ANIMATION, SERIES II MCFARLANE TOYS After releasing its first anime series to critical and fan acclaim in 2000, McFarlane Toys went back to the drawing board for its second line of Japanese animation characters. McFarlane's 3D Animation from Japan Series II represents the depth and breadth of the anime world with a mix of classic and visually striking new properties, including: Akira (from Akira), Major Motoko Kusanagi (from Ghost in the Shell), Soul Taker (from Soul Taker), Tenchi Masaki (from Tenchi Muyo!), Naomi Armitage (from Armitage III), And Joker (Clown bike gang leader from Akira). (CAUT: 4) Figure PI 18" MOVIE MANIACS II MCFARLANE TOYS McFarlane Toys has resculpted two of its most popular Movie Maniacs characters as huge 18-inch-tall action figures. The line consists of Ash, the protagonist from Army of Darkness, and Leatherface, the chainsaw-wielding psycho from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Both figures have motion-activated sound chips and are fully articulated. (#17411-3) (CAUT: 4) Figure PI MECH DESTROYER #4 (W) Robert Chong (P) Jae Kim (I) JK Studios Reese Taylor and the XR5000 attempt to rescue a group of prisoners from a heavily guarded transport shuttle. Known only as the "Berserkers", these mysterious prisoners are considered by the Jå Daks to be their greatest threat. It is up to Reese to free the prisoners and bring them back to the rebel base before they can be turned into an imperial fighting force. But, in order for the mission to succeed, Reese and the XR5000 must defeat a nearly invincible battle droid that stands in their way. FC, 32pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A MECH DESTROYER #1 & 2 FC, 32pg $2.95Ea. ******************* MOVIE MANIACS IV FIGURES MCFARLANE TOYS Now in its fourth incarnation, the Movie Maniacs line has taken on a dark life of its own! What began as a series of horror toys has evolved into an action figure line that encompasses a broader range of film characters, from psycho nasties to cyborgs. This fourth Movie Maniacs series is McFarlane Toys' broadest and most compelling yet, and is scheduled to include: the Blair Witch (from The Blair Witch Project), New Freddy Krueger sculpt (from A Nightmare on Elm Street), Evil Ash (from Army of Darkness), T-800 (from Terminator 2), T-1000 (from Terminator 2), Candyman (from Candyman III). (#17600) (CAUT: 4) Figure PI MOVIE MANIACS IV JAWS DELUXE BOXED SET MCFARLANE TOYS This incredibly detailed boxed set from Movie Maniacs IV re-creates a powerful scene from Jaws, one of the most enduring and popular horror films of all time. This is the boxed set from Movie Maniacs IV, which also includes six carded figures and two 18-inch deluxe figures. (#17310) (CAUT: 4) Boxed Set PI JIM MORRISON FIGURE MCFARLANE TOYS Despite being not long for this mortal coil, Jim Morrison's tenure with The Doors established him as rock 'n' roll's pre- eminent frontman. Though he died in 1971, few singers have been able to match Morrison's charisma and sheer vocal ability. Now, thanks to McFarlane Toys, the Lizard King will forever live on. Figure includes mic and custom base. (#12190) (CAUT: 4) Figure PI LITTLE RED HOT: BOUND #2 (W/A) Dawn Brown Word of the so-called "holy child" has spread among the world's most powerful leaders. Each is desperate enough to claim the boy as their own. Desperate enough to pay any price. On their continued search for the boy, Chane and the Prices travel to a small mountain village in India, Guerrilla forces have already arrived, and are systematically rounding up all the children. Chane learns the boy may be hiding in a temple tucked safely away in the mountains. A soul-searching climb puts our heroes within the boy's reach, but they are intercepted by the rogue bounty hunter, Venditti. FC, 32pg $2.95 MINISTRY OF SPACE #3 (W) Warren Ellis (A) Chris Weston (C) Laura DePuy It's the last quarter of the 20th Century, and while America and Russia are entangled in cold wars and police actions, Great Britain has her head in the clouds; the Martian Fleet is being assembled around Churchill Station in Earth orbit, Sir John Dashwood taking the Empire to a red world no matter who he has to trample on. It's the early 21st Century, and the Ministry Of Space is discovering exactly how red John Dashwood's world is. The British Empire is in orbit, on the Moon and Mars -- but it took blood to get them there. The secret of the Ministry Of Space may see the sun finally go down on the Empire... The final issue of the critically acclaimed and commercially successful MINISTRY OF SPACE also contains a two-page preview of the upcoming BLACK HORSES miniseries by Warren Ellis and John Paul Leon! FC, 32pg $2.95 NOBLE CAUSES: FIRST IMPRESSIONS (W) Jay Faerber (P) Billy Dallas Patton & Patrick Gleason (I) Damon Hacker & John Wycough You've asked us and asked us, "When is Image going to do super-hero books again?" Well, be careful what you wish for. This September, Image Comics proudly presents NOBLE CAUSES. We invite you to see a new side to the world's most famous super-heroes, a side that they don't want you to see. The Nobles are just like your family, that is if you family were rich, beautiful, and super-powered. NOBLE CAUSES is true labor of love written by Jay Faerber, the current writer of Titans from DC Comics, and a regular contributor to the quarterly anthology series, Gen-Active. No stranger to intriguing character driven stories and interpersonal relationships, Jay's past work includes stints on Green Lantern, Superboy, Generation X, New Warriors, and the X-Men. He and an incredible band of artistic jump starts have created a world where drama and power play out together in surprising new ways. It's the Fantastic Four meets the Kennedys. It's a book so entertaining that you'll punch yourself silly for missing. NOBLE CAUSES: FIRST IMPRESSIONS is a completely self-contained introduction to this new, on-going series. NOBLE CAUSES #1 will be released later this winter after we have several more issues inventoried and ready to print. Super-heroes? Yes. Role models? No. NOBLE CAUSES: FIRST IMPRESSIONS, a big first step into an even bigger, compelling new world. A self-contained introductory one-shot to the upcoming ongoing series. Every girl thinks her boyfriend is a catch, but Georgetown bookseller Liz Donnelly's got bragging rights --she's dating Dash Noble, the famous super-hero with the quick smile and quicker legs. She and Dash have reached that special place in their relationship where he wants her to meet his family... and what a family it is! The Nobles are the planet's premiere super-heroes, worshipped and adored the world over, but there's a side to them that the public doesn't see... a side they keep hidden. Join Liz as she becomes the first person to go behind closed doors and see the Noble family as they really are. Jay Faerber (Titans, New Warriors, Generation X) unveils his first creator-owned work in this introductory one-shot, which serves as the lead-in to the NOBLE CAUSES ongoing series, debuting in December! Featuring the incredible art team of penciller Billy Dallas Patton and inker Damon Hacker. BONUS 8-PAGE FLASHBACK TALE! When Liz arranged for the author of a "tell-all" book about the Nobles to do a signing at her bookstore, she hoped it'd bring in some customers... she never expected it'd bring in Dash Noble himself! See how Liz first met Dash in this Flashback Adventure, written by series creator Faerber and drawn by the regular back-up team of penciller Patrick Gleason & inker John Wycough! FC, 32pg $2.95 OBERGEIST: RAGNAROK HIGHWAY #5 MINOTAUR PRESS (W) Dan Jolley, Tony Harris (P) Tony Harris (I) Ray Snyder (C) Matt Hollingsworth Jürgen's past comes back with a vengeance as he and Elsa are ambushed in a labyrinthine junkyard. The true nature of Jürgen's quest -- and of the two "angels" behind it -- are revealed, as he faces Tin Can, a horde of Neos... and the spectre of Adam Weiss. It's a blood-spattered detour on the Ragnarok Highway as Obergeist continues. FC, 32pg $2.95 POWERS SCRIPTBOOK (W) Brian Michael Bendis (A) Mike Avon Oeming Heroes glide through the sky on lightning bolts and fire. Flamboyant villains attempt daring daylight robberies. God-like alien creatures clash in epic battle over the nighttime sky. And on the dirty city streets below, Homicide Detective Christian Walker and Deena Pilgrim do their job. This special collection brings you the original scripts of the multi Eisner award-nominated Powers hugely successful entire first year of publication. Take a look inside the world of this amazing comic book series from an angle few creative teams ever allow the audience to have. Read eleven original scripts straight from the laptop of the writer wizard proclaimed the best writer of the year! Read the entire 'retro girl' story line along with 'ride along' and 'role play.' Each script will be illustrated with stunning new artwork from powers artist Mike Avon Oeming. Stark beautiful images created especially for this amazing collection. BW, 344pg $19.95 RANDY O'DONNELL IS THE M@N #3 (W) Tom DeFalco (P) Ron Lim (I) Robert Jones (L) Jack Morelli (C) Bob Sharen The Terror of the Warrior Toads! A single, self-contained story providing readers with everything they need to know. What's a young super hero to do? Randy has finally managed to attract the attention of his dream girl Stephanie Anderson, but it looks like he may miss their first date because he's needed back on Bollucidar. Before he can return to Earth, he has to learn why a race of Warrior Toads is suddenly attacking the coastal cities, fight a barbarian bruiser in a death battle, and defeat a three- headed dragon! And there's also the problem of a lovesick Toad Princess--Hoo-boy! There are some days when being a super hero just ain't all it's cracked up to be! Plus — bonus text feature — HOW TO WRITE COMICS, Part 2 "Honing Your Theme!" Using this very issue as an example, Tom DeFalco will give you concrete examples on how to build your plot and construct your scenes around a central theme--a technique you'll need to know if you want to write any kind of fiction! Writer Tom DeFalco has called 'THE M@N #3 one of the best single comics he's ever worked on period. This is a fine issue to join us on and discover us at our very best. FC, 32pg $2.95 RISING STARS #17 JOE'S COMICS (W) J. Michael Straczynski (P & I) Brent Anderson The final act begins in the story of the Specials. This issue marks the start of the arc that will follow the remaining Specials through their later adulthood and eventual deaths. We jump forward another dozen years, and see the effects that the Specials have had in their campaign to change the world, whether the world wants to be changed or not. But now the world has the tools to begin fighting back.... FC, 32pg $2.50 SAM & TWITCH #26 TODD MCFARLANE PRODUCTIONS (W) Todd McFarlane (A) Alex Maleev (C) Jay Fotos Cover By Ashley Wood The Jon Doe Affair, Part VII: The Aftermath—This is the epilogue to the epic Jon Doe Affair story arc. With Sam and Twitch's lives in a shambles following the events that transpired with the videotaping serial killer, will the detectives be able to put their world back in order? Sam and Twitch #26 wraps up the story arc that saw creator Todd McFarlane's return to the writing desk. This will surely be one of the most talked-about comic books of the year. FC, 32pg $2.50 SAVAGE DRAGON #90 by Erik Larsen. RETURN TO CHICAGO. When the Dragon killed a deadly time-traveling foe the domino effect that resulted caused the Earth to go through a startling transformation! The Dragon returns to Chicago to find that one of his closest friends died-- at his own hands! Determined to tame this Savage World, the Dragon plots to overthrow the government and seize control — steps are taken to reclaim the world from one of his deadliest foes! Beginning an Earth shattering new story arc that changes everything! A great jumping on place for new readers. As always, this issue of Savage Dragon is COMPLETELY accessible to old and new readers! Savage Dragon comes with our Highest Possible Recommendation! FC, 32pg $2.95 SHIDIMA # 0 (W) Adrian Tsang (P) Warui Namakemono (I) Ramil Sunga A despotic empire rules in the land of Shidima. An empire fueled by the terrifying fighting abilities of both its emperor, and his retainers. Amidst a bloody civil war for control of the throne, one outsider makes a choice that changes the fate of the entire nation. Join our hero as he makes the choices that ultimately entwine him in the brutal battle for succession to the lordship of the most enigmatic realm in the Warlands Universe. This issue also includes an exclusive art gallery with sketches and never before seen artwork! Note: This book ships with two covers: Cover A by Pat Lee, Cover B by Warui Namakemono. FC, 32pg $2.95 SPAWN #114 TODD MCFARLANE PRODUCTIONS (W) Todd McFarlane & Brian Holguin (P) Angel Medina (I) Danny Miki (C) Brian Haberlin Cover By Greg Capullo The Bridge, Part l—Working on a restoration project in a remote part of Japan, an architect dreams of doomed ancestors, vengeful gods and hungry demons — and of a mysterious bridge that leads to the gateway to Hell. A strange discovery at the excavation site soon leads him to believe that his dreams are more than they seem ... and to a terrifying encounter with the Hellspawn. Part one of a new two-part story arc. FC, 32pg $2.50 SPAWN: THE DARK AGES #31 TODD MCFARLANE PRODUCTIONS (W) Steve Niles (P) Nat Jones (I) Kevin Conrad Cover by Ashley Wood Home To Roost—The Beast of the Wood has emerged to feast on the flesh of the living and there is nobody left that can stop its unnatural hunger. Soldiers and villagers lie dead in the fields of Rhyll, stacked like cordwood as far as the eye can see. Covenant is down, beaten, on the brink of death. The past has finally caught up with the Hellspawn. He gambled with the laws of God and now the time has come to pay. And pay he shall. FC, 32pg $2.50 TELLOS: SONS & MOONS GRAPHIC NOVEL (W) Todd Dezago (P) Tracie Mauk, Eric Hanson, Mauricet (cover) NICK CARDY! Sporting a Gorgeous Cover by Comics Legend, NICK CARDY, Todd Dezago and Mike Wieringo present this third installment of their Anthology series! The first tale, "Night Flight" recounts the less-than-romantic first meeting between the Pirate Queen, Serra and the adventurous thief, Hawke! Pencilled and inked by newcomer, Tracie Mauk! Next is "Jealous Skies", which reveals the secret of Hawke's wings! This fable is pencilled by Eric Wolfe Hanson and inked by Howard Shum (Intrigue, Aquaman). Eric also provides the back cover. And finally, the "Legend of Oge K'Tion", the story of the Amulet. Pencilled and inked by Belgian Sensation, Mauricet, this tale provides some much requested history to the magikal world of Tellos!! With pin-ups by Thor Badendyck, Carlo Barberi, and Mike Wieringo, this tome is a crowd pleaser! Don't miss it! FC, 48pg $5.95 THE 10TH MUSE #6 (W)Marv Wolfman, (P) Roger Cruz (C) Paul Mounts GUEST STARRING TELLOS' SERRA! Even as her friends have been turned to stone, The 10th Muse has found herself transported to another dimension. This is the high-fantasy realm of the acclaimed Image Comic Series - TELLOS, and it is filled with dangers unlike any the Muse has ever faced. But, more important to the Muse is that Tellos holds a vital secret to the Muse's hidden past. DIRECT COVER #1 (Andy Park)—FC, 32pg $2.95 DIRECT COVER #2 (Mike Wieringo/Photo)—FC, 32pg $2.95 TOMB RAIDER #½ TOP COW COMICS (W) Dan Jurgens (P) Michael Lopez; Eric Basaldura (I) Livesay; MarloAlquiza (C) Jonathan D. Smith Delving into Lara's origin, the Tomb Raider 1/2 issue is sure to please fans of the statuesque beauty. Questing for a legendary relic, Lara must stay alive long enough to make amends for an error from her past. Eloquently illustrated by the talents of Michael and Eric Basaldura and surrounded with a brand new cover by series artist Andy Park, this special half issue is sure to find its way into your heart. FC, 24pg $2.95 UNIVERSE #2 TOP COW COMICS (W) Paul Jenkins (P) Clayton Crain (I) Jonathan Glapion (C) Steve Firchow The universe unfolds revealing layer upon layer of intrigue. As Tom Judge takes the pilgrimage of a fallen soul, he follows in the footsteps of Dante only to realize that they don't go very far. The hottest new series of the year continues to heat up as Top Cow's Universe continues to grow! FC, 32pg $2.50 VIOLENT MESSIAHS #8 (W) Joshua Dysart (P) Tone Rodriguez (C) Travis Smith Cover Art by Travis Smith CONCLUSION! We've toyed with you long enough! All roads lead to North End Mansion for our fiery finale. Love has given Citizen Pain the strength to rebel against the genetic program that controls him and those who have created him. It is in the midst of this monster's personal liberation that Cheri, Houston, Jeremiah, Jubal and the Keepers will collide. Violent Messiahs, the comic book that refuses to follow the rules, brings you the end of its first story arc, an ending that will have you wondering, "where can they possibly go from here?" You think this is just hype!? You must not know us very well. Buckle up, because we're going to make you love comic books all over again. FC, 32pg $2.95 VIOLENT MESSIAHS VOL. I #1 SIGNED (ORIGINAL B&W DEBUT STORY) The very first appearence of Citizen Pain and Cheri Major. The only place to get the original story published from Hurricane Ent. in 1997. Published in B&W and filled with 32 pages of original art and story, this edition is signed by VM co-creators William O'Neill and Joshua Dysart. Offer limited to THE VERY LAST 1000 COPIES available anywhere. Allocations will apply. B&W, 32pg PI WARLANDS: AGE OF ICE # 2 (W) Adrian Tsang (P) Pat Lee (I) Rob Armstrong In the clutches of the Ryotian Empire, our heroes soon discover that the lines between allies and enemies are not as clear-cut as they believe. Held captive inside an enormous underground city, they must plan a way to escape the Aethril mines, and convince others to resume the fight to save Warlands from utter ecological disaster. Meanwhile, Zeph encounters an old enemy as he tries to find a way to free his companions and escape the most heavily fortified city on the continent. Also included in this issue is a special five page flipbook of the upcoming Warlands title 'Banished Knights', which tells the dark tale of the aftermath of the Darklyte Crusade, told from the perspective of it's losers, the scattered remnants of the Vampire Horde of Datara. NOTE: This issue will ship with 3 covers. 2 covers by Pat Lee will form a single image when placed side-by-side and 1 cover by Penciler/Inker Alvin Lee of the upcoming Banished Knights! COVER A/PART ONE (Pat Lee/Elena)—FC, 32pg $2.95 COVER B/PART TWO (Pat Lee/Zeph)—FC, 32pg $2.95 COVER C/PART THREE (Alvin Lee)—FC, 32pg $2.95 WITCHBLADE #51 TOP COW COMICS (W) Paul Jenkins (P) Brian Ching (C) Steve Firchow What would you do if you found out that you were one of the most important people in the world? Where would you go if you couldn't handle the truth of your very own existence? What would you say to someone who TOLD you your purpose on this earth? Sara Pezzini is faced with some very difficult decisions and learns more answers to the question, "What is the Witchblade?" FC, 32pg $2.50 MARVEL COMICS Max Comics ALIAS #1 painted cover by david mack brian michael bendis/michael gaydos • THE SCOOP: The House kicks off its Mature Readers imprint with a new crime fiction series written by Brian Michael Bendis! • THE STORY: Meet Jessica Jones, a former costumed super hero who, in fact, stunk at it. With powers unremarkable in comparison to the great icons of Marvel, Jessica never found her niche. But once she hung up her cape, she was surprised at how quickly she fell out of the spandex loop. Sure, she may hang out with some of the Avengers socially, but she`s not welcome in Avengers Mansion. And she feels the rejection. She`s self-destructive, drinks too much, and has a huge inferiority complex. And did we mention that she's now a Private Investigator who specializes in cases of the super human variety? So if you're thirsty for the film noir feel and complex characterization, grab a stool at the bar! • BENDIS SPEAKS: "We'll follow Jessica through a totally unique look at the Marvel Universe. We'll see ideas and characters from a different light. Things you have never seen before in a Marvel comic. It's an adult oriented crime drama, much in the vein of my graphic novels Jinx and Powers and my work on DAREDEVIL. It's a character driven piece. Luke Cage, Matt Murdock, and Carol Danvers all pop up in early issues, just to name a few. And it's beautiful to look at with art by penciler Michael Gaydos (Jinx) and inker Matt Hollingsworth, and with stunning painted covers by David Mack." • THE FORMAT: Ongoing monthly series. 32 pages, with ads. • THE WARNING: Contains explicit content. Recommended for Mature Readers. 7-59606-05124-3-00111 2.99 FURY #1 cover by bill sienkiewicz garth ennis/darick robertson/jimmy palmiotti • THE SCOOP: Want a fast-paced, irreverent, war/spy thriller laced with a strong dose of very black humor? Then saddle up, soldier! This Mature Readers adventure tells the story of an older, but no wiser, highly p.o.'d Nick Fury who's found himself on the scrap heap and wants nothing more than to go back into action. But the cold war is over, and the days when S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra engaged in complex games of strategy and espionage with the fate of the world at stake are gone. Or are they? • THE STORY: After a brisk firefight in the Mexican desert, Fury discovers both ex-S.H.I.E.L.D. and ex-Hydra personnel among the enemy dead — further evidence that the glory days when good was good and evil was evil are behind him and fading fast. But a ray of light on the horizon comes from an unexpected source: an old enemy of Nick's is in town, an ex-Hydra soldier who almost killed our grizzled hero — and vice versa — more than a dozen times. And Rudy's got an offer for his old adversary... boy, does he! • THE CREATORS: You want intense? How's this lineup: Garth Ennis (PUNISHER, Preacher) on words, Darick Robertson (Transmetropolitan) on pencils, and Jimmy Palmiotti (PUNISHER) on inks! We even got Bill Sienkiewicz (ELEKTRA ASSASSIN) to supply covers! Now that's hard core! • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this monthly, six-issue series will be 32 pages, with ads. • THE WARNING: Contains explicit content. Recommended for Mature Readers. 7-59606-05165-6-00111 2.99 U.S. WAR MACHINE #1-3 cover by chuck austen chuck austen/chuck austen/ann austen • THE SCOOP: A brand-new series — coming at you every week! It's blood-chilling espionage, bone-breaking violence and full-throttle action as the most dangerous forces on the planet vie for the ultimate killing machine! • THE STORY: Billionare inventor Tony Stark has created the War Machine, a weapon of such destructive power that its single usage has prompted its shocked creator into vowing to never again manufacture munitions. This means that the awesome instrument of lethal force known as the MPI-2100 mobile infantry suit will be put on ice. While Stark feels that this concludes the subject, it is in fact merely the beginning. For the terrorist organizations known as Hydra and A.I.M. now crave the deadly technology. And when the super-spy agency called S.H.I.E.L.D. gets involved, the stage is set for a global conflict that could snuff out millions of lives! It's a story as timely as today's headlines — and it's coming at you every week! • THE CREATOR: His art on ELEKTRA made everyone take notice; now Chuck Austen cuts loose by writing and drawing U.S. WAR MACHINE! • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this 12-issue, weekly series will be 24 pages — with no ads — in bold black-and-white. Did we mention that it's weekly? • THE WARNING: Contains explicit content. Recommended for Mature Readers. 7-59606-05166-3-00111 1.50 7-59606-05166-3-00211 1.50 7-59606-05166-3-00311 1.50 ORIGIN #1 cover by joe quesada paul jenkins/andy kubert • THE SCOOP: This is it! Paul Jenkins and Andy Kubert deliver the origin you've all been waiting for! • THE STORY: For years, one camp of comic book readers demanded the story be told, while another begged us not to! Now, almost 30 years after he was created, Wolverine — the most enigmatic and popular character in comics — will finally have the story of his origin told for the first time! Who is the mysterious man known only as Logan? Where does he come from? How did his powers first appear? This special six-issue series will finally answer the question: who is the man known as Wolverine?! Throw away your expectations and prepare to enter the unknown! • JENKINS SPEAKS: "He's spent all of these years wondering where he came from and who he is. This story will now give us insight as to why he became the person he is — where he comes from and how he was shaped as a person," Paul Jenkins explained. "So if you take Wolverine and boil him down to his essence — forget the events, forget the adamantium skeleton, forget about the healing factor and all that sort of stuff — and take him as a person only, he's the kind of person who like the rest of us questions himself, wonders what it was that shaped him. He's a metaphor for that sort of existential question that we all ask ourselves all the time. He is the comic book version of that question. By the time we get to the end of this story, we'll answer enough parts of that question that he can go of in search of himself even more than before. It reclarifies and it actually reenergizes him as a character." • THE CREATORS: No one examines the psyche like Paul Jenkins (PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN, INHUMANS, SENTRY, etc.), so we're teaming him up with master X-Men artist Andy Kubert (ULTIMATE X-MEN)! We even got our own EIC, Joe Quesada, to draw the covers! • THE FORMAT: Each chapter of this six-issue series will be 32 pages, with ads — printed on glossy stock paper with a cardstock cover. 7-59606-05155-7-00111 3.50 X-Men EXILES #4 cover by mike mckone & mark mckenna judd winick/mike mckone/mark mckenna The trial of Phoenix continues! The team can either save the universe or save a friend — so either way, the Exiles lose! What choice will Blink and her band make? And will the end result be worse than they could ever imagine? Find out in part two of "Old Wounds, New Battles"! "An outstanding comic book. It has all the elements that a longtime fan like myself enjoys in a comic: an enthralling story, stunning art, good characterization, a diverse bunch of characters, great action, lots of laughs, and a surprise ending... this book has hit written all over it!" - X-Fan 7-59606-05108-3-00411 2.25 ULTIMATE MARVEL MAGAZINE #9 ULTIMATE X-MEN #9 (by Brian Michael Bendis & Mark Bagley), ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #10 (by Mark Millar & Tom Raney) and ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP #5 (by Bendis & Mike Allred) are reprinted in this 80-page, full-color magazine! 07146-01849-09 3.99 UNCANNY X-MEN #398 cover by ian churchill joe casey/ian churchill It's Wolverine vs. Mister Clean in the final chapter of "Poptopia"! It's the ultimate showdown in the London sewers! It's the Canadian berserker vs. the genetic cleanser! Yes, it's Logan going one-on-one with the flame-throwing fiend — and one of them won't walk away from this confrontation! Plus: Chamber learns a harsh lesson! 7-59606-02461-2-39811 2.25 WOLVERINE: WEAPON X TP If you're reading ORIGIN, you gotta learn how Logan got his adamantium! Written and penciled by Barry Windsor-Smith! 7-59606-?-00111 15.95 CABLE #97 cover by igor kordey david tischman/igor kordey/igor kordey • THE SCOOP: The new creative team of writer David Tischman (American Century) and Igor Kordey (Batman/Tarzan) begin a new chapter for the time-tossed soldier! • THE STORY: "The Path of Most Resistance" The guerrila army known as the Shining Path is back in action, and Nathan Summers fights a one-man war in the jungles of Peru to stop their devastating agenda. How much cocaine do you need to lead a revolution? CABLE changes the rules of engagement — exploding in a new, geopolitical direction for a nonstop battle of bombs and babes! • TISCHMAN SPEAKS: "CABLE is going to become much more of a real world, geo-political book," the writer explained to Newsarama 4.0. "Cable is a guy who believes that the war between man and mutant has already begun and that only he can stop it. To that end, he's going to be traveling around the globe, inserting himself into current political hotspots, and forcing himself into those conflicts. I think this book is different than most books on the market right now. We will be using politics as a backdrop, but good stories are always good stories, wherever they take place. I think that this is just an aspect of Cable that has not yet been explored. When you strip everything away, the only thing Cable knows how to do is be a soldier. He believes in his principles, he has seen the bad side of the future, and he's desperately trying to make sure that doesn't happen. He's a solider who has made the decision that he needs to be proactive. He makes his own rules, and this is a book where the ends justify the means." • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-01362-3-09711 2.25 CYCLOPS #2 cover by mark texeira & jimmy palmiotti brian k. vaughan/mark texeira/jimmy palmiotti Introducing Ulysses — the man tailor-made to take down Cyclops! Scott Summers is on his own, but is his secret adversary a new foe — or someone connected to a darker side of Cyclops's past? 7-59606-05117-5-00211 2.50 X-TREME X-MEN #5 cover by salvador larroca chris claremont/salvador larroca Gambit is back — and wanted for murder! What kind of mess has Remy LeBeau gotten himself into now, and what can his friends — including Rogue — do to help him... especially if the charge is true? Bishop is a policeman, Rogue loves Gambit, Storm worked with him for a time as a fellow thief — what effect will these charges have on them and their relationships with the rebellious Cajun? And who is the mysterious Red Lotus? What role will he play in this drama? Either way, once he and Rogue meet, their lives will never be the same again — and neither will the team's! 7-59606-05109-0-00511 2.99 NEW X-MEN #118 cover by frank quitely grant morrison/ethan van sciver/tim townsend "Germ Free Generation" Part 1 of 2! Rising human infertility rates. Mutant births on the increase. And a genetic code that programs the human race to self-destruct within a few generations. These are the secrets exposed in the "Extinction Dossier" — the final research of Moira MacTaggert! Now, mutant militancy explodes as the human/mutant dynamic is seemingly turned on its ear. What — if anything — can the X-Men do to control this situation? Plus: introducing the all-new Angel! "Quicksilver himself would be proud at the speed with which Frank Quitely and Grant Morrison have made their mark on this franchise... fans of series like The Authority or Rising Stars - as well as Morrison fans in general — will likely want to keep an eye out for this series. Grade: A-" - Comics Buyer's Guide 7-59606-01772-0-11811 2.25 ULTIMATE X-MEN #10 cover by adam kubert mark millar/tom raney/scott hanna • THE LOWDOWN: The team faces deadly decisions in "Return to Weapon X" part 4 of 6! • THE STORY: The X-Men are in the hands of the Weapon X program — and John Wraith intends to make them over in the program's own dark image, beginning with a mission that will force Marvel Girl to make a unspeakable choice! Meanwhile, Wolverine desperately tracks his teammates — and enlists the aid of the recently resigned Nick Fury! • THE BUZZ: "Once again, Mark Millar delivers some of the most 'real' dialogue the X-Men have ever uttered, and Adam Kubert backs him up with stunning art on every page. Definitely pick this one up. If it's even half as popular as the first issue, you won't be able to find it in a couple of weeks." - • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads... with that nice cardstock cover and slick pages! 7-59606-05047-5-01011 2.25 THE BROTHERHOOD #5 Painted Cover by Glenn Fabry x/leonardo manco/jimmy palmiotti Found by Scotland Yard scratched into the cargo area of a hovercraft bound from Dover to Calais: "Help me. My name is Malon Reeves. I've been kidnapped by a group of terrorist mutants calling themselves the Brotherhood. Don't know how many of them there are, but I know that they've killed a few of my father's guards. Don't know how much time has passed, but it seems like forever since I've eaten. If this note is found, alert the authorities. My father is a very wealthy man and he'll see to your reward should I be found. Please, hurry. I don't think they intend for me to live." 7-59606-05114-4-00511 2.25 DEADPOOL: AGENT OF WEAPON X #2 cover by barry windsor-smith frank tieri/georges jeanty/jon holdredge Continuing the brand-new direction by WOLVERINE writer Frank Tieri! Deadpool loves being a mercenary — the fame, the fortune, the babes — but his new position as an agent of Weapon X is just a tad more serious. For one thing, his new partners aren't exactly your run-of-the-mill heroes! And to make matters worse, DP's first assignment is to capture and kill.. well, that would be telling! 7-59606-03703-2-05711 2.25 ROGUE #2 painted cover by julie bell fiona avery/aaron lopresti/randy emberlin Continuing Rogue's solo story! Despondent about her lack of control over her own life, Rogue hits the road, in search of peace. In search of herself. She finds herself in a sleepy Maine town, but even here simple friendship holds the potential for tragedy. Told from Rogue's point of view, this is the tale of a young woman struggling to maintain contact with those around her — when, for her, contact could prove deadly. 7-59606-05112-0-00211 2.50 WOLVERINE #168 cover by j.h. williams iii frank tieri/dan fraga/norm rapmund Continuing the story of Patch's return! He's entered the most dangerous game known to man, and now Wolverine is about to face off against the grand master! Who is the mysterious champion of the Blood Sport, and what does he want from Logan... besides his head? And will the femme fatale known as Viper finally strike? 7-59606-02254-0-16811 2.25 X-FORCE #120 cover by mike allred peter milligan/mike allred Wolverine pops up as Peter Milligan and Mike Allred continue to turn the world of mutants on its head! The Orphan comes face-to-face with his parents! U-Go Girl must decide just how much she wants to be leader! The terrible truth behind the Boyz R Us massacre is revealed! And Doop meets up with an old friend... snikt! "Media attention. Money. Groupies. Drugs. Alcohol. Egos. Torn-up hotel rooms, Betty Ford clinics, and public tantrums. You've seen it all before — but on the news and in the tabloids, not in comic books. I recommend X-FORCE — for the stout of heart. It's not pretty, but it's pretty darn good." - 7-59606-01766-9-12011 2.25 X-TREME X-MEN: SAVAGE LAND #1 cover by kevin sharpe chris claremont/kevin sharpe • THE SCOOP: Now you've got two chances to get X-Treme... with the ongoing series, and with this all-new four-part adventure! • THE STORY: Rogue is a mainstay of the X-Treme team, as she was of the X-Men before them. But she's also a woman in trouble, her life and sanity gravely threatened by the very power that makes her so valuable as a hero. Now, her power has mutated: like her name itself, it's gone "rogue." The residual psyches that she once absorbed — which at one time faded away — are stronger, battling hers for dominance. Worse, all those stolen powers keep manifesting themselves on a random basis that's totally out of her control. As if that wasn't bad enough, she's also having nightmares, recurring images of herself in flight from a pack of sentient dinosaurs. To help her, the X-Treme team has to divine the meaning and source of her dreams — which in turn leads them to answer a cry for help so stark and desperate that it cannot be ignored. Thus begins a journey that will take these mutant heroes to the bottom of the world — and to the dawn of time itself! For in a hidden corner of the globe, the great dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous ages still rule — and some of the X-Men's oldest and most malevolent foes lie in wait to destroy them! There, in the Savage Land, the very best among the team will be confronted by the very worst that lies hidden in their souls, and as a result be forced to reassess what it means to be a hero. And possibly, a human being. Guest-starring (straight from his current role in NEW X-MEN): the Beast! • THE CREATORS: Mr. X-TREME X-MEN himself, Chris Claremont helms this rip-roaring tale, joined by penciler Kevin Sharpe (Mystic)! • THE FORMAT: Each chapter of this four-issue series will be 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05138-0-00111 2.99 Spider-Man ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #13 cover by mark bagley brian michael bendis/mark bagley/art thibert • THE SCOOP: A very special stand-alone story that you have to see to believe! • BENDIS SPEAKS: "I have begged the promo people at Mighty Marvel to keep this issue hush-hush. Even giving you a hint at what the topic of this shocking issue is would give it all away. So, just this one time... trust us. We haven't let you down yet, right?" • THE BUZZ: "ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN brings together all the elements necessary to create a great book. It's a fine example of how great a modern comic can be." - • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05031-4-01311 2.25 SPIDER-GIRL #38 cover by pat olliffe tom defalco/pat olliffe/al williamson Caught between Funny Face and Crazy Eight, Spider-Girl must also confront the new Green Goblin! Has Normie Osborn fallen off the redemption wagon and back on his glider?! This issue reveals all! Plus: Mayday finally learns what's been troubling Jimmy Yama, and Mary Jane makes a startling announcement — one that will change Spider-Girl's life forever! 7-59606-03503-8-03811 2.25 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #35 cover by j. scott campbell j. michael straczynski/john romita jr./scott hanna • THE SCOOP: If J. Michael Straczynski and John Romita Jr. shocked you before... well, this is the real deal! • JMS SPEAKS: ""You may think you've seen the greatest confrontations in Peter Parker's life. You're wrong. Since his debut in AMAZING FANTASY #15, nearly four decades ago, Peter Parker has been running from the one, singular confrontation that will change his life. The one he has feared, and dreaded, since he assumed the role of Spider-Man. He has now run out of room to run. This is a confrontation 40 years in the making. No hype. No bombast... but no clues. We can't even give you any names, because that would ruin the surprise. But starting with issue #35 — and climaxing in issue #37 — the biggest question asked by fans for decades will finally become a reality. This is the Big One. The one that will have you talking for the next year. Honest." • THE BUZZ: "I can't say enough good things about this book. J. Michael Straczynski has come along and turned the Spider Saga on its ear. With John Romita Jr.'s pencils backing it up, this book is hot!" - 7-59606-04716-1-03511 2.25 PETER PARKER, SPIDER-MAN #35 cover by humberto ramos paul jenkins/mark buckingham/wayne faucher An individual's perception of Spider-Man is a very personal thing. To six-year-old Jamal, growing up in the mean streets, the web-slinger is very personal indeed. And what do you think would happen when he finally gets a chance to meet his idol? "What gets me most about PETER PARKER, SPIDER-MAN every month is Paul Jenkins's character writing... and Mark Buckingham is the best Spider-Man penciler active, and his images and transitions keep the book looking fresh." - 7-59606-04717-8-03511 2.25 TANGLED WEB #6: FLOWERS FOR RHINO painted cover by duncan fegredo peter milligan/duncan fegredo • THE SCOOP: Concluding writer Peter Milligan's (X-FORCE) and artist Duncan Fegredo's (Jay & Silent Bob) touching tale of one of Spider-Man's most misunderstood foes! • THE STORY: The impossible has happened. An experimental operation has made the Rhino intelligent, witty, and refined. He even gets the girl and — even better — manages to outsmart his old enemy Spider-Man! There can never be too much of a good thing — right? • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05106-9-00611 2.99 ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP #8 STARRING SPIDER-MAN, DAREDEVIL & THE PUNISHER cover by bill sienkiewicz brian michael bendis/bill sienkiewicz • THE SCOOP: Whoa! Three cool characters in one book! • THE STORY: One by one, the evil men that slaughtered Frank Castle's family are being knocked off. Only one guilty guy remains — and lawyer Matt Murdock has sworn to make him pay through the courts! But it'll take more than police protection to save him from the Punisher — it'll take the combined power of two of the city's most mysterious masked vigilantes: Daredevil, the Man Without Fear, and the wall-crawling Spider-Man! It's a rumble in the (urban) jungle as three of Marvel's most popular characters collide! • THE CREATORS: Written by Wizard's "Best Writer of 2000," Brian Michael Bendis — with art by the legendary Bill Sienkiewicz! • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05088-8-00811 2.25 Marvel Knights DAREDEVIL #24 painted cover by david mack bob gale/dave ross/mark pennington Matt Murdock vs. Daredevil! The trial begins! DD struggles to unravel the conspiracy against him — but it's time for his alterego, Matt Murdock, to prosecute the case! How can they both appear in court at once — and who's behind it all? Best of all, this summer spectacular written by Bob Gale ("Back to the Future", Batman: No Man's Land) concludes in just two weeks in DAREDEVIL #25! 7-59606-04706-2-02411 2.99 DAREDEVIL: YELLOW #4 cover by tim sale jeph loeb/tim sale Continuing the new look at Daredevil's early days by the award-winning team of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale! Life is pretty good for New York's newest super hero. That is, until he crosses paths with his first super-villain: Electro! Then, the final fate of Jack Murdock's killers changes Matt's life forever! All this... and Karen Page gets kidnapped? Who knew the early days of the Man Without Fear were anything like this? "With their emphasis on characterization and dynamic visuals, Loeb and Sale make all of their projects a real treat, and this is no exception." - Comic Shop News 7-59606-05093-2-00411 3.50 MARVEL KNIGHTS MAGAZINE #6 This 80-page, full-color magazine features reprints THE PUNISHER #6 (by Garth Ennis & Steve Dillon), DAREDEVIL #6 (by Kevin Smith & Joe Quesada) and INHUMANS #3 (by Paul Jenkins & Jae Lee)! And did we mention pinups of butt- kickin' babes? 71486-03923-09 3.99 ELEKTRA #3 cover by greg horn brian michael bendis/chuck austen Continuing the blazing hot new Knights series by Brian Michael Bendis (ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN) and Chuck Austen (King of the Hill)! On a mission of asassination in Iraq, Elektra receives a shocking offer from the terrorist organization known as Hydra! But it's S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Stanley Dreyfuss who'll have to sort out the players in this deadly game of espionage — that is, if enough of them are left alive! 7-59606-05132-8-00311 2.99 PUNISHER #4 painted cover by TIM BRADSTREET garth ennis/steve dillon/jimmy palmiotti It's Survivor — Punisher style! Trapped on the remote scrap of dirt known as Grand Nixon Island, it's the Punisher vs. an army of psychotic mercenary criminals! Will Frank Castle make it off alive — or will the French soldiers irritate him to death? 7-59606-05113-7-00411 2.99 DAREDEVIL #25 painted cover by david mack bob gale/phil winslade/james hodgkins The mastermind behind Daredevil's courtroom woes — revealed at last! "Playing to the Camera" concludes as DD squares off in court against his own alterego, Matt Murdock! Even if he wins, he loses — but can he get to the bottom of it all before the jury renders its verdict? 7-59606-04706-2-02511 2.99 GHOST RIDER: THE HAMMER LANE #4 cover by Trent kaniuga & danny miki devingrayson/trent kaniuga/danny miki Gunmetal Gray, the killer biker, has set his sights on Ghost Rider — and the best way to get to our skull-headed hero is through his mortal side, Johnny Blaze! Now Johnny's got two big problems: a mad biker on his tail and the Spirit of Vengeance in his head! "This (pardon me) bare-bones approach gets back to the basics — it's a cool-looking flaming-skull guy on a motorcycle serving out vengeance... this is really, really good. Grade: A" - Comics Buyer's Guide 7-59606-05103-8-00411 2.99 FANTASTIC FOUR: 1234 #3 cover by jae lee grant morrison/jae lee The Human Torch blazes into the spotlight, courtesy of Grant Morrison (NEW X-MEN) and Jae Lee (SENTRY)! The FF's greatest foes have banded together in an all-out assault on comics' First Family! But with Mr. Fantastic locked in his lab, can Johnny Storm stop this army of evil? "The third issue is from Johnny's point of view and advances the story into a blazing, action-packed, adolescent-adrenaline rush of high adventure and drama," Grant Morrison told Wizard. "This is a much stranger, more uncomfortable book than NEW X-MEN. It's definitely a much creepier, more dysfunctional take on the family." 7-59606-05086-4-00311 2.99 Marvel Heroes FANTASTIC FOUR #47 cover by carlos pacheco & jesus merino carlos pacheco, rafael Marin & jeph loeb/carlos pacheco/jesus merino Abraxas has come to New York City — but the FF is racing through alternate Earths! Mr. Fantastic, the Thing and the Invisible Woman hurtle through dimensions on a desperate quest — but will they find the only weapon that can destroy Abraxas... or will the Atlantean Empire and the Challengers of Doom prove their undoing? 7-59606-04456-6-04711 2.25 INCREDIBLE HULK 2001 cover by j.h. williams iii erik larsen/jorge lucas & james kochalka • THE SCOOP: It's the Hulk vs. Thor battle that the fans have demanded! • THE STORY: Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, welcome to fight night! In the near corner, wearing the torn purple trousers, we have the gamma-powered goliath, the green gargantua, the incredible Hulk! In the far corner we have the Norse God of Thunder, the Asgardian Avenger, the mighty Thor! To heck with the rules, let's get it on! Plus: a special offbeat bonus tale written and fully painted by award-winning alternative cartoonist James Kochalka (Monkey Vs. Robot)! •THE FORMAT: 48 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05160-1-00111 2.99 THOR #41 painted cover by glen orbik dan jurgens/stuart immonen/wade von grawbadger • THE SCOOP: Special memorial issue! Everything changes, starting now! • THE STORY: The unthinkable has happened! The wounds of the climactic battle between Thor and the fire giant Surtur hit home as the assembled Norse gods stand in mourning for one of their own! And now, the question of what happens next is raised — leading to a new status quo for the Asgardians — and this title! •THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-03506-9-04111 2.25 AVENGERS: CELESTIAL QUEST #1 cover by jorge santamaria/scott hanna steve englehart/jorge santamaria/scott hanna • THE SCOOP: Veteran AVENGERS scribe Steve Englehart returns for an all-new cosmic saga! • THE STORY: The flaring of a star in the night sky signals the dawning of the age of the Celestial Messiah, the offspring of the former Avenger known as Mantis. But this is an age that the mad titan Thanos will do anything to prevent — even if he must kill the Celestial Madonna time after time after time! Once again the fate of the universe rests in the hands of Thor, Vision, Scarlet Witch and Earth's Mightiest Heroes! If you're a fan of sprawling sagas, then this one's for you! • THE WRITER SPEAKS: "The series, amazingly enough, is Mantis vs. Thanos — which is to say, we watch each side of the conflict as it builds toward its climax," explained Englehart. "It's not all about Mantis with an occasional foray by the villain; each half of this equation has a story to be told. Of course, Mantis and Thanos aren`t alone in this thing. She`s got a small group of Avengers on her side: Thor, Vision, Wanda, and Silverclaw. They`re joined by Haywire of the Squadron Supreme, who's hoping to get his dead girlfriend back. And yes, Mantis and Vision get it on." • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this eight-issue series will be 32 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05131-1-00111 2.50 BLACK PANTHER #36 cover by sal velluto & bob almond christopher priest/sal velluto/bob almond • THE SCOOP: It's T'Challa's 35th Anniversary, and The House is celebrating with a special edition 100-Page Monster! • THE STORY: Part 1 of "The Once and Future King" takes us 25 years into the future, to a time when Wakanda has returned to an isolationist policy. And when Secretary of State Everett K. Ross is kidnapped by enemies of the African nation's king, T'Challa refuses to come out of seclusion, even to save his old friend! And so it will fall to the king's daughter, a child he has rejected all her life, to journey to America and take on a baker's dozen of T'Challa's deadliest foes — and to win her father's love! • THE BUZZ: "This is Marvel's best title! You want smartly written comics? Comics that are about something? With characters that you care about? Fresh dialogue? A sense that the writer doesn't think you're stupid for picking up his book? This is that comic!" • THE FORMAT: It's one, all-new 22-page story, plus enough special features and classic tales to choke a gorilla — for only a buck more! 7-59606-03876-3-03611 3.50 CAPTAIN AMERICA 2001 painted cover by rodolfo migliari dan jurgens/darryl banks & ignacio calero/sandu florea • THE SCOOP: Does the new U.S. President believe that Captain America is expendable? • THE STORY: This decades-spanning tale starts in the White House — then rockets back to the '40s to reveal an untold secret! What will the Living Legend do when he learns that his own government held plans to deny his very existence during W.W.II? Does the new Administration still believe that Cap is expendable? And what are the mysterious ties that link the star- spangled Avenger to our current President? Find out in this all-new Annual! •THE FORMAT: 48 pages, with ads. 7-59606-05107-6-00111 2.99 DEFENDERS #9 cover by ron frenz & erik larsen erik larsen & kurt busiek/ron frenz The Headmen have taken over the world — and the Defenders' "big guns" are trapped in space! Now it's up to Nighthawk, Valkyrie and Hellcat to defeat the crazy-craniumed criminals! "Refreshing in that lighthearted, Old School Marvel way... it's pure retro pizzaz." - 7-59606-05063-5-00911 2.25 IRON MAN #46 cover by keron grant & rob stull frank tieri/keron grant/rob stull • THE SCOOP: The continuation to the classic "Man and the Iron Mask" story! Plus: the 100-Page Monster strikes! • THE STORY: The sentient armor has returned! But what does it mean for Tony Stark — and what does it have to do with a new religion that's sweeping the nation? Find out in Part 1 of "The Frankenstein Syndrome", the storyline that provides the shocking answer as to how the armor became sentient in the first place! Plus: we're throwing in not one, not two, but three classic issues, chosen with the aid of the online fans! First, Tony must face the tragic repercussions of building weapons for the military (from IRON MAN #78, by Bill Mantlo and George Tuska). Then, the Armored Avenger grapples with both Justin Hammer and Force (from IRON MAN #140 - #141, by David Michelinie, John Romita Jr., and Bob Layton)! • THE FORMAT: You know it and love it — we've added 3 classic tales to an all-new story... for only a buck more! 7-59606-04457-3-04611 3.50 UNIVERSE X: X wraparound painted cover by alex ross alex ross & jim krueger/doug braithwaite/bill reinhold • THE SCOOP: The conclusion to the UNIVERSE X saga! • THE STORY: The Absorbing Man takes on every hero alive! Meanwhile, in the land of the dead, Captain Marvel fights for the final time against Death! Featuring the Iron Avengers, Thor, Loki, Magneto, Peter Parker, Venom, Sgt. Cage, Nighthawk, Adam Warlock, the Inhumans, the Hulk, Alpha Flight, the X-Men and more heroes and villians of this alternate future locked in a battle that will determine the fate of the planet itself! And get set for a wraparound painted cover by Alex Ross! • THE FORMAT: 48 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy paper with a cardstock cover. 7-59606-05163-2-00111 3.99 CAPTAIN AMERICA #47 cover by dan jurgens & bob layton dan jurgens/dan jurgens/bob layton It's one man vs. a Heli-Carrier in part 3 of "America Lost"! Captain America's quest for the stolen S.H.I.E.L.D. Heli-Carrier takes a dangerous turn as the Red Skull makes his move! And with Iron Man and Sharon Carter occupied, who will airlift Nick Fury out of the middle of a race riot? 7-59606-04455-9-04711 2.25 CAPTAIN MARVEL #23 cover by chriscross & anibal rodriguez PETER DAVID/chriscross/anibal rodriguez It was supposed to be a simple mission of mercy on behalf of the prematurely-aged Rick Jones. But that was before Genis discovered that his people had evolved into new and deadly forms! Now, to save both himself and the daughter of his father's greatest foe, Captain Marvel will be forced to undertake the most dangerous mission of all! "I've run out of pithy remarks to make about this book. It's very funny. It's very entertaining. It's probably Peter David's best work. It may be one of the 10 best comic books currently published. Go buy it, already, so I can stop thinking of clever new ways to recommend it every month." - 7-59606-04815-1-02311 2.50 FANTASTIC FOUR: THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMIC MAGAZINE #10 cover by bruce timm & joe sinnott Asgard... trashed by the Cosmic Cube! How does a journey to the home of the Norse gods fit into the FF's mission to save reality from the clutches of a Cosmic Cube-powered Dr. Doom? It's swinging '70s style action, courtesy of Erik Larsen, Keith Giffen, Ron Frenz, and a host of Bullpen all-stars! And did we mention that Bruce Timm scripts this issue and delivers the cover?! 7-59606-05064-2-01011 2.99 INCREDIBLE HULK #32 cover by avalon studios' brian haberlin paul jenkins & sean mckeever/joe bennett/tom palmer Here it is, the climax to writer Paul Jenkins's run on INCREDIBLE HULK! In order to save him, why must Ant-Man take a fantastic voyage inside the gamma-powered behemoth known as the Hulk? And will his cure prove worse than the certain death awaiting Bruce Banner? 7-59606-04745-1-03211 2.25 THOR: GODSTORM #1 painted cover by steve rude kurt busiek/steve rude • THE SCOOP: Steve "The Dude" Rude joins with all-star writer Kurt Busiek to tell a classic, stand-alone tale of Thor! • THE STORY: It's a trio of interlocking legends of Thor, spanning the centuries from the Thunder God's boyhood to today! Two young viking warriors learn the story of the storm that rebelled against Thor at the urging of Loki — a storm that would one day become the Godstorm! Also, the mighty Avengers face a new and powerful enemy in their earliest days as a team! If you liked SPIDER-MAN: LIFELINES, you'll love THOR: GODSTORM! •THE WRITER SPEAKS: "It`s pretty sweeping in scope — I was looking to do something that would deal with Thor as god, Thor as myth, within the context of Thor as Marvel character," explained Busiek. "I was a nut for Norse mythology long before I was a comics reader, and I wanted to get some of that feel into things. When I was invited to write this project, I talked to Steve and outlined the approach I wanted to take, with mythic overtones and a legendary feel, and he got very enthusiastic about it, so I`m plotting the book very much to that core idea — the idea that these aren`t just adventures, they`re legends, and they should feel that way. And then Steve draws them, and that`s where his style comes into play — he`s reinterpreting and repacing my plots in his own way, and making the story richer and more powerful as he does so. Steve`s already done with #2, so we`re working on the final issue already." • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this three-issue, monthy series will be 32 pages... with no ads! Printed on glossy paper with a cardstock cover. 7-59606-05161-8-00111 3.50 THUNDERBOLTS #56 cover by patrick zircher & al vey fabian nicieza/patrick zircher/al vey Graviton is back — and Moonstone is by his side! Reinvigorated with a new sense of purpose and a greater-than-ever command of the fundamental force, the only thing standing between him and his goal are the Redeemers. Surely they can save the day... right? "Anyone worried about the drop-off in quality with the new storylines and Mark Bagley's departure should feel assuaged by this issue. Another winner in T-Bolt land." - 7-59606-03566-3-05611 2.25 AVENGERS #46 painted cover by ariel olivetti KURT BUSIEK/manuel garcia/bob layton Kang's invasion of Earth is in full swing, but suddenly the Master of the World rises to stop him! The former foe of Alpha Flight is back, and he's not about to let his planet become one of the Conqueror's serfdoms! Now, caught between these two warring villains, the squad sends a special Avengers Espionage Team to penetrate the heart of the Master's stronghold! Plus: the Triune Understanding situation rushes towards a climax! "Kurt Busiek attacks the senses like a swarm of mosquitoes... with action and intrigue flowing off the page. No signs of this book slowing down any time soon. Great!" - Comics International 7-59606-04458-0-04611 2.25 STARTLING STORIES: BANNER #3 painted cover by richard corben brian azzarello/richard corben What would you do if you knew you were a ticking time bomb? Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets) and Richard Corben (House on the Borderland) have a startling answer! Doc Samson's got Bruce Banner — and his monstrous alter ego — just where he wants him! With the Hulk reeling from his secret weapon, Samson prepares for the knockout punch! 7-59606-05123-9-00311 2.99 Diamond Select ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN POSTER A Diamond Select release! Ripped from the cover of Ultimate Spider-Man, this red hot image of the Marvel icon is a must- have for any Spider-Man fan. This is not your fathers Spider-Man, this is Ultimate Spider-Man, reworked by premiere artist Mark Bagley for a new generation. Now, everyone's favorite outcast-teen-scientist-by-day/superhero-by-night has gotten slimmer, hipper, and a new attitude with which to fight crime. Show your love for the webslinger by sticking this poster to your wall with some of Spidey's own webbing, if you see him. For the die-hard web-heads, there is the Special edition signed and numbered by Mark Bagley and limited to only 300. Poster 5.99- Special edition 14.99 Dynamic Forces ORIGIN #1 LIMITED SIGNED EDITION Signed by writer Paul Jenkins and artist Andy Kubert. This is IT! The secret that's been held back for 25 years! Now, it can finally be told . . . Wolverine's Origin!!! Also available: Origin #1 Dynamic Forces Re-Marked Edition signed by Cover artist and Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada and Richard Isanove with a Wolverine head sketch on each cover. SIGNED—FC MSRP: $29.99 RE-MARKED—FC MSRP: $69.99 ADAM KUBERT WOLVERINE VERSUS THE HAND LITHOGRAPH Wolverine, a Ninja fighter in his own right, fights to the death against The Hand. Measuring 18" by 24", this litho is truly one of Adam's most dramatic pieces of artwork ever. Complimented by the incredible colors of Richard Isanove, this limited edition Dynamic Forces litho will be one of the centerpieces of your collection. Also available signed by Adam Kubert and Richard Isanove! Also available as a Dynamic Forces Re-Marked Edition. REGULAR—FC, 18x24 MSRP: $24.99 SIGNED—FC, 18x24 MSRP: $49.99 RE-MARKED—FC, 18x24 MSRP: $89.99 X-TREME X-MEN: THE SAVAGE LAND #1 LIMITED SIGNED EDITION The X-Men! The Savage Land! Chris Claremont! Signed by writer Chris Claremont. FC MSRP: $24.99 WOLVERINE VERSUS THE HULK 25TH ANNIVERSARY LITHOGRAPH Wolverine's first encounter with the Hulk happened 25 years ago in the Incredible Hulk #181. Now Dynamic Forces is proud to present the 25th Anniversary Litho re-created by original artist Herb Trimpe. Don't miss out on this historic limited edition litho, available only for a short time. Also available signed by original artist! REGULAR—Litho, FC MSRP: $24.99 SIGNED—Litho, FC MSRP: $49.99 UNIVERSE X "X" RE-MARKED EDITION Signed by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, Doug Braithwaite and Bill Rheinhold with a head sketch on each cover. The bridge issue of Alex Ross' Second Act in this trilogy is brought to you signed and "Re-Marked" with a head sketch on each cover. Limited to only 199 copies worldwide. FC MSRP: $89.99 SPIDER-MAN: THE ROMITA LEGACY LITHOGRAPH This "amazing" litho features two of comicdom's longest running and most respected artists working together on their trademark character . . . The Amazing Spider-Man. Measuring 18" by 24" this lithograph is printed on 80-pound Gallerie Art Silk stock. Available signed by legendary John Romita Sr. with John Romita Jr. REGULAR—FC, 18x24 MSRP: $24.99 SIGNED—FC, 18x24 MSRP: $49.99 SPIDER-MAN/GREEN GOBLIN ALEX ROSS PAINTED LITHOGRAPH Drawn by John Romita Sr. and painted by Alex Ross, one of Dynamic Forces' all time best selling lithographs is available again this month. Spider-Man faces off against his most deadly and devious foe – The Green Goblin. FC MSRP: $24.99 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #30 SIGNED Signed by writer J. Michael Straczynski. This first printing of this edition is sold out from Marvel, and the only way to get it now is through Marvel's collected edition. Dynamic Forces has a few left of the first print signed editions, but hurry, because they won't last long. Limited to 1,500 signed copies! FC MSRP: $29.99 ALIAS #1 SIGNED Signed by writer Brian Michael Bendis. Marvel launches the Mature Readers line this month, and the inaugural book is by acclaimed writer Brian Michael Bendis and Dynamic Forces brings you the signed edition. Limited to only 500 signed copies worldwide! FC MSRP: $19.99 FURY #1 "RE-MARKED" EDITION Signed by writer Garth Ennis and artists Darrick Robertson and signed/Re-Marked with a head sketch on each cover by Jimmy Palmiotti. Nick Fury's newest series is launched this month. Limited to only 299 copies worldwide. FC MSRP: $69.99 Marvel Trades ESSENTIAL CAPTAIN AMERICA TP cover by john romita sr. Back in print! It's 528 pages of patriotic black-and-white action! (STAR11680) 7-59606-10740-7-00112 14.95 X-MEN: MUTANT MASSACRE TP cover by terry dodson Back in print! The X-Men seek revenge for the death of the Morlocks in this 256-page adventure! (STAR06367) 7-59606-10224-2-00113 24.95 X-MEN: X-TINCTION AGENDA TP cover by jim lee Back in print! The X-Men fight for the fate of Genosha in this popular 224-page collection! (STAR00364) 7-59606-35922-6-00115 19.95 NICK FURY: AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D. TP cover by jim steranko Back in print! The classic 248-page collection by Jim Steranko! 7-59606-10747-6-00113 19.95 NICK FURY: SCORPIO TP cover by jim steranko Back in print! More ground-breaking work by Steranko! (STAR12529) 7-59606-10766-7-00112 12.95 DAREDEVIL: MAN WITHOUT FEAR TP cover by john romita, jr. Back in print! With the popularity of Daredevil and Elektra at an all-time high, this 160-page trade paperback by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr. will be red hot! It will also feature a foil-enhanced cover! (STAR00862) 7-59606-10046-0-00113 16.95 X-MEN: VIGNETTES TP cover by john bolton • THE SCOOP: Collecting the classic short stories by the titanic team of Chris Claremont and John Bolton! • THE STORY: The X-Men have been called many things: Outlaws. Freedom Fighters. Mutants. But what of the individuals themselves, away from their masks, when they're not saving the world? What of their friends, families, and lovers? This beautiful, soulful collection — reprinting the bonus tales from CLASSIC X-MEN #2 - #13 — showcases some of the most inspired stories ever told of Marvel's ever-popular mutants. • THE FORMAT: 160-page trade paperback. Marvel Memo: This item was originally solicited in June. Please use JUN011636 to order. 7-59606-10812-1-00111 16.95 AVENGERS: CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGERS TP cover by george perez • THE SCOOP: It's the next volume of great AVENGERS issues by Kurt Busiek and George Pérez! • THE STORY: Why can't Earth's Mightiest Heroes catch a break? First, New York City honors the Avengers — and the Grim Reaper spoils their parade! Then munitions master Moses Magnum sets his sights on our team! And then they're attacked by the awesome Avatars of Lord Templar! But even when Wonder Man, Triathlon and the Vision join the team, Hawkeye quits! It's one trial after another as we collect AVENGERS (Vol. 3) #8 - #15 in one big book! • THE FORMAT: 208-page trade paperback. Marvel Memo: This item was originally solicited in June. Please use JUN011630 to order. 7-59606-10798-8-00111 19.95 ESSENTIAL HULK VOL. 2 TP • THE SCOOP: The jade giant stars in his second ESSENTIAL! • THE STORY: The first appearance of the Leader! The origin of the Abomination! Collecting TALES TO ASTONISH #92 - #101 and INCREDIBLE HULK #102 - #118! • THE FORMAT: 528-page trade paperback. Marvel Memo: This item was originally solicited in June. Please use JUN011632 to order. 7-59606-10795-7-00111 14.95 THOR: ACROSS ALL WORLDS TP cover by andy kubert • THE SCOOP: Awesome Asgardian action by writer Dan Jurgens and artist Andy Kubert! • THE STORY: The Dark Elf Malekith unlocks the Cask of Ancient Winters! But Thor is tending to matters on Earth — and mighty Odin is fast asleep! • THE BUZZ: "Jurgens does a great job.. and Kubert's art is amazing, capturing the majesty of Thor." -Comics Buyer's Guide • THE FORMAT: 160-page trade paperback. Marvel Memo: This item was originally solicited in June. Please use JUN011635 to order. 7-59606-10796-4-00111 16.95 DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN TP cover by david mazzucchelli • THE SCOOP: One of the definitive tales of DD is back in print! • THE STORY: Karen Page has sold the name of Daredevil's secret identity to the Kingpin! Now, armed with this knowledge, the fat man will take his sweet time destroying every aspect of Matt Murdock's life! Cast into the abyss, Matt must battle back, having learned that "a man without hope is a man without fear"! Reprinting DAREDEVIL #227 - #233. • THE FORMAT: 176-page trade paperback. 7-59606-35297-5-00115 17.95 PUNISHER: CIRCLE OF BLOOD TP cover by mike zeck • THE SCOOP: The classic adventure by Steven Grant and Mike Zeck is back in print! • THE STORY: Released from prison by the shadowy organization known as "The Trust," the Punisher finds himself amidst a mob war against a host of deadly look-alikes! Frank Castle is armed and dangerous, but can he break the circle of blood? • THE FORMAT: 112-page trade paperback. 7-59606-35394-1-00114 12.95 THE SENTRY TP cover by jae lee • THE SCOOP: Collecting the acclaimed saga of Marvel's lost hero! • THE STORY: Imagine waking up to a normal life... a wife, a dog, the works. And then you remember: somehow, the Marvel Universe has misplaced its greatest hero. A champion above and beyond all others. And that champion is you. But why has everyone — including your friends in the super hero community — forgotten you? And most troubling of all, are these memories real, or just the hallucinations of a hopeless drunk? Writer Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee, the team behind INHUMANS, weave a new tale that pokes at the shadows under the spandex. Reprinting THE SENTRY #1 - #5, SENTRY/HULK, SENTRY/FANTASTIC FOUR, SENTRY/SPIDER-MAN, SENTRY/X-MEN and SENTRY VS. THE VOID #1. • THE FORMAT: 240-page trade paperback. 7-59606-10799-5-00111 24.95 SPIDER-GIRL TP cover by pat olliffe • THE SCOOP: Her fans saved her book from cancellation — now you can join the fun with this collection! • THE STORY: Be there from the beginning as May "Mayday" Parker, the daughter of Spider-Man and Mary Jane, develops amazing powers and struggles to cope with an ever-increasing rogues gallery... not to mention the perils of high school! Tom DeFalco and Pat Olliffe deliver teen drama and super hero excitement as we reprint SPIDER-GIRL #1-8, plus her #0 issue! • THE FORMAT: 208-page trade paperback. 7-59606-10815-2-00111 19.95 SPIDER-MAN: TANGLED WEB TP cover by glenn fabry • THE SCOOP: Marvel unleashes a diverse group of creators on Spider-Man's not-so-friendly neighborhood! • THE STORY: In "The Thousand," Garth Ennis and John McCrea tell the story of a man tries to reproduce the accident that granted the wall-crawler his amazing powers... with horrific results! Next Greg Rucka and Eduardo Risso climb inside the mind of a soldier in the Kingpin's army... who's been called before the fat man to explain his mistake. Finaly, Peter Milligan and Duncan Fegredo spin the tragic tale of the villain known as the Rhino. Collecting TANGLED WEB #1 - 6 in one handy volume! • THE FORMAT: 144-page trade paperback. 7-59606-10803-9-00111 15.95 SPIDER-MAN VISIONARIES: TODD MCFARLANE TP cover by todd mcfarlane • THE SCOOP: A great character + a hot artist = a cool collection! • THE STORY: You've heard of Spawn. You've seen his toys. Now see where it all began, with the character that made Todd McFarlane famous! Including the first appearance of Venom! Reprinting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #298 - #305... now recolored! • THE FORMAT: 208-page trade paperback. 7-59606-10800-8-00111 19.95 X-MEN: POPTOPIA TP cover by ian churchill • THE SCOOP: Collecting UNCANNY X-MEN's red-hot relaunch! • THE STORY: A new era dawns for the Children of the Atom — with Joe Casey (Adventures of Superman) and Ian Churchill (WOLVERINE) at the controls! Get set for a new lineup (did someone say Chamber?), new costumes (leather, baby), new villains (Mr. Clean is a dirty man)... and one shocking kiss (between Jean Grey and Wolverine)! Everyone's buzzing about the X-Men revamp — now see what all the noise is about! • THE FORMAT: 160-page trade paperback. 7-59606-10801-5-00111 16.95 X-FORCE: NEW BEGINNINGS TP cover by mike allred • THE SCOOP: Collecting Peter Milligan and Mike Allred's wild examination on celebrity culture! • THE STORY: Sex. Money. Power. Fame. Is this an episode of "Behind the Music?" No, it's X-FORCE, the book that dares ask: okay, so what would happen if a group of mutants were actually accepted as media stars? You've heard the debates and read all about the controversy... now judge for yourself with the collection of this year's most talked-about title! • THE FORMAT: 112-page trade paperback. 7-59606-?-?-00111 12.95 WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT Black Bull Entertainment SHADOW REAVERS #2 Cover by GLENN FABRY Alternate Cover by TOM DERENICK Written by PAT McCALLUM and MIKE SEARLE Art by NELSON Colors by PAUL MOUNTS Wizard: The Comics Magazine Editor-in-Chief Pat McCallum, the creator/writer of ToyFare's Twisted ToyFare Theater, teams with InQuest Gamer Editor Mike Searle and artist Nelson (Marvel Knights) for Shadow Reavers, Black Bull Entertainment's latest launch, following the smash-hit Just a Pilgrim. Their mission of rescue a complete disaster, Exile and Golem do battle with an entire hunting pack of weres in the most visceral, gruesome monster brawl in comics history! Plus! The first appearance of Detective Braxton, the debut of the monstrous Dreamcoil Dragon and a cameo appearance by white- trash Billy Watkins, comics' most disturbing new villain…and his pet! Shadow Reavers features fast-paced, over-the-top action and the in-your-face artwork by Nelson, who's called his work on this title "the Fight Club of comics." Get Shadow Reavers #2 on September 19, 2001. . FC, 32pg $2.99 Wizard Entertainment WIZARD: THE COMICS MAGAZINE #121 Marvel Comics, Editor-In-Chief, Joe Quesada illustrates a dazzling Green Arrow/Daredevil cover to Wizard: The Comics Magazine #121. Filmmaker Kevin Smith has brought dramatic new life to these two titles. Inside this issue, we talk to Smith as he works to promote his new film and the latest issue of his Green Arrow title for DC. Learn about his upcoming projects including a Spider-Man/Daredevil series and his proposed Doctor Strange book. Find out when he will again join forces with Joe Quesada. This issue of Wizard also looks at the Top 100 Cartoons Of All Time on our alternate cover. Where do your favorites rank? Find out which characters would win if the fought. Everything from Batman The Animated Series to Thundarr, He-Man, The Herculoids, Battle Of The Planets, X-Men, Spawn and so many more will be featured! With Alan Moore's Top 10 coming to a close with #12, we reveal all of the hidden jokes/references that artist Gene Ha has inserted throughout the pages of the series and explain the more obscure ones. Marc Silvestri's Top Cow Productions continues to evolve by adding hot writers to its stable like J. Michael Straczynski, Paul Jenkins and others. Find out the company's future publishing plans. Wizard Magazine is the only place to get all the news you need to know about your favorite comic books, artists and creators along with information on related media like movies and television. Check out the Top 10 Hottest Comics and find out how comics are trading in the current market place with our price guide which includes data on CGC (Comics Guarantee Corp.) graded books and more. EXCLUSIVES: Wizard Entertainment and CrossGeneration Comics team-up for a special event as Wizard #121 will present a FREE CrossGen magazine with a cover by George Pérez. Get an inside look at the exciting world of CrossGen and meet all the characters and top level creators like Mark Waid, Brandon Peterson, Bart Sears, Greg Land, Ron Marz and preview their upcoming titles in this FREE 48-page magazine. Plus, enter a contest to win $10,000 from CrossGen! Magazine (Green Arrow/Daredevil cover by Joe Quesada) $4.99 Magazine (Greatest Toons of All Time cover) $4.99 TOYFARE #51 ToyFare: The #1 Action Figure Magazine presents the world premiere of the all-new shirtless Darth Maul 12-inch action figure from Star Wars: Episode I—The Phantom Menace on the cover. See how Maul's tattoo pattern covers his entire upper body on this exciting new figure from Hasbro. Plus, we'll dig for info on the forthcoming Episode II action figures. Check out amazing the likenesses on deluxe action figures that are sold only in Japan. Top Hollywood stars like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible II, Harrison Ford from both Raiders Of The Lost Ark and Blade Runner, Johnny Depp as Edward Scissorhands, along with many more who are immortalized as lifelike 12-inch figures which are the prize possessions of the few collectors who are able to get them outside of Japan. In addition to letting you see these remarkable figures, this issue of ToyFare will show you how to get the ones you want from overseas. Join ToyFare for a photo tour of toy factories in mainland China and see where Palisades made their Final Fantasy and Resident Evil action figures. Witness the manufacturing and painting process firsthand and find out what it's like to work at one of these factories. This month's specialty toy price guide spotlights imported action figures! From both Europe and the Far East, see the prices on import toys that continue to be very hot items across the States. ToyFare's MARKETPLACE gets you inside the latest trends, happenings and more. Get the latest Good Tip/Bad Tip, Regional Reports, a Short Pack Breakdown, the Top 10 Hottest Action Figures and more! ToyFare has the most complete full- color action figure price guide. It doesn't matter if you're a casual toy fan or an obsessive super-collector, you can't afford to miss this issue of ToyFare: The #1 Action Figure Magazine! Magazine (Star Wars shirtless Darth Maul cover) $4.99 Magazine (Tom Cruise & celebrity toys cover) $4.99 INQUEST GAMER #78 2 FREE MAGIC: THE GATHERING ODYSSEY EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW CARDS! InQuest Gamer #78 begins our countdown to the eagerly awaited "Lord Of The Rings" major motion picture from New Line Cinema. See preview photos from the new film. Find out about cutting edge special effects that will create hobbits, dwarfs, ring wraiths and the breathtaking scenery. Preview Decipher's new Lord Of The Rings card game and get the first word on Sierra's Lord Of The Rings computer game. Get an advance look at Magic's Odyssey which will debut in October. Learn about the brand new characters that will be introduced with this set and detail the journey that will carry them through Dominaria over the next year. Plus, all of the top secret card information we can discover. Get the Best Magic Invasion block Killer Deck and learn how to build better decks with Mana Acceleration in our Deckbuilding 101 column. More Killer Decks will feature Warlord, Wheel of Time and Mage Knight! This month's collectible card game specialty price guide is "Everything Star Wars" with complete up to date prices for Star Wars, Young Jedi and Jedi Knights CCGs. Play "Shadow Reavers" Magic cards. Shadow Reavers is the new comic book title from the minds of InQuest Gamer editors Mike Searle and Pat McCallum with Magic artist Nelson. See cards that based of the shocking characters from this new series only in InQuest! The InQuest Gamer redesign continues. Every issue now has 100% more Magic Stumpers, 300% more Killer Decks across a wider range of collectible card games and listings for the Top 100 Hottest Magic card prices! Play your best with InQuest Gamer! Get the essential info you need as we provide the most complete news and previews on all of the latest Magic: The Gathering and Dragon Ball Z and Mage Knight price guides. InQuest Gamer is THE ONLY MAGAZINE THAT FEATURES THE MOST COMPLETE MAGIC PRICE GUIDES and resources to put you at the top of your game. Magazine (Lord Of The Rings photo cover) $4.99 TOMB RAIDER OFFICIAL MOVIE POSTER Angelina Jolie stars as Lara Croft on the Official Tomb Raider Movie Poster. This IS the actual high-gloss movie poster that is now hanging in movie theatres across the country. It's a huge 27 by 40 inches, is printed on both sides and takes advantage of translucent technology which allows you to mount it on a light box like they do in theatres. Best of all, these super collector's items are shipped flat, so you avoid the folds seen in so many movie posters. Poster SRP: $19.99 WIZARD PRESENTS TOY WISHES 2001: THE ULTIMATE HOLIDAY TOY BUYERS GUIDE Wizard Entertainment proudly presents TOY WISHES 2001: The Ultimate Holiday Toy Buyers Guide! This super-sized publication will feature all of the hottest toys that will be available this holiday season. Toy Wishes, the definitive comprehensive magazine, will be easy for both children and parents to use. Toy lines and assortments will be clearly organized in over 25 categories, presented with full color photography and introductory information on features. All kinds of toys for all kinds of children and adults will be covered in Toy Wishes.. Each toy department will be coded by a different color and our editors will select the hottest picks in each section. Make your holiday shopping easy for a change with Toy Wishes. Look forToy Wishes to feature Harry Potter other and hot toys on its' cover in October. Magazine $4.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A DARKCHYLDE ACTION FIGURE Get the exclusive Darkchylde figure in her white top standing on a special light-up display base. Exquisitely sculpted by Clayburn Moore of Moore Action Collectibles and approved by creator, Randy Queen, this ToyFare exclusive comes in a special collector box. Complete your set of Darkchylde figures now with this ToyFare exclusive. Figure PI O/A STAR TREK: "GANGSTER KIRK" ACTION FIGURE From the Star Trek original series episode "A Piece of the Action" comes this all-new Captain Kirk action figure dressed up as a 1930s mobster. This Kirk comes equipped with his communicator and a Starfleet base. Complete your Playmates Star Trek action figure collection now. Get this ToyFare exclusive figure in a special collector box while supplies last! Figure PI ****************************** COMICS SECTION A FINE LINE BOSOM ENEMIES BEARING OUR LOSSES by Donna Barr An American sergeant and a German Leutnant have been turned into "horses." Now that they're animals, they can be shipped to the frontier, where they will ride in a government campaign against the stubborn and independent natives. Nobody ever intended that this many people and ponies should die. b&w, 64pg $6.00 A SILENT COMICS ARSENIC LULLABY SEPTEMBER 2001 Can Joe bring himself to inflict revenge on a retarded person? Can Edgar bring himself to flush a batch of test-tube babies down the toilet? Will the Clot steal the skin of an 80-year old man? To all these questions, the answers are…yes. b&w, 24pg $2.50 ARSENIC LULLABY HALLOWEEN SPECIAL #1 Just when you thought comedy couldn't get any darker, Arsenic Lullaby takes it to the next level. Voodoo Joe and the Robotic Old Man narrate a series of scary stories that will guarantee you never turn your back on a cartoon again. b&w, 32pg $2.75 AARDVARK VANAHEIM CEREBUS #270 by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 5 of 35 — "If Cerebus Be Bound…" If Cerebus is still bound, then what? What's next? "If Cerebus Still Be Bound, Then Half-Finished Sentences Still Maketh Lousy Story Titles?" One way or the other, it's now Fall (as you can tell by the multi-colored leaves), and Cerebus is still bound in place. The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues… t-minus 30 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 OFFERED AGAIN O/A CEREBUS VOLUME 14: FORM & VOID TP Reprints Cerebus #251-265. In the concluding half of the "Going Home" storyline, meet Ham Ernestway, the only writer capable of turning Cerebus into a complete drooling fanboy. Ham and his wife Mary guide Cerebus and Jaka along The Chesmi River Trail, north to Sand Hills Creek, Cerebus' boyhood home. Includes the collected notes on Form & Void, "To Ham & Ham Not. Also available as a deluxe limited signed and numbered edition. SC $25.00 ******************** ABSENCE OF INK COMIC PRESS ABSENCE OF INK THEATRE #1 by Various This anthology features top stories from top talents. In "Raven's End," the warrior Muroto encounters a raven. Following the carrier bird, he is led back home to find his son was abducted by a rival clan led by a female warrior. In "Bune's World," creator Rick Johnson interweaves prominent human and non-human traits between individuals caught up in sex, violence, and dinosaurs. "Bad Santa" is a one-page farce starring Santa Claus's evil twin. "The Castaways" tells of a young man with only fifteen cents and his father's counsel trying to survive the realities of America's Great Depression. Finally, "Brent Morrigan" pays homage to famous newspaper detectives with "raygun gothic" skylines and Art Deco/Nouveau landscapes b&w, 40pg $2.99 ABSTRACT STUDIOS STRANGERS IN PARADISE:TROPIC OF DESIRE TP (STRANGERS IN PARADISE VOLUME 10) This is the newest trade paperback release collecting Strangers In Paradise issues #39-43, featuring the hottest story arc yet from creator Terry Moore! Passions run high when the SIP gang find themselves in Hawaii surrounded by sun, sand and a cornucopia of sexy choices in the trade winds paradise! SIP is hot again, and this is the story arc that made it happen! SC, 7x10, 104pg, b&w $12.95 TERRY MOORE'S PARADISE TOO! #3 All-new cartoons from a questionable part of Terry Moore's brain! There are new strips with Kixie the precocious fairy and Plato the love-sick polar bear; the controversial new strip Beeps with Taffy, Jobey, YY and Beeps herself, all drawn with a satirical pen dipped in acid! And as if that wasn't enough, there's Morris — The World's Ugliest Dog! If there's one comic release this month worth begging quarters at the mall to buy, this is it! b&w, 24pg $2.95 AC COMICS FEMFORCE #113 The gorgeous gals of Femforce face dimensional terrors alone when Paragon and the other male heroes are put out of commission! It's "Gorgana At The Gate" by Scott Nemmers and Mark Heike, featuring Ms. Victory, Synn, She-Cat, Nightveil, Stardust and the giant-growing Tara... plus Yankee Girl and Astra! Also: Tara is featured in a solo story by Bill Black! Plus: Ripped from the Golden Age comes a 1942 Miss Victory story by Chas. Quinlan! b&w, 44pg $5.95 FIGHTING YANK #1 by Hack Koilby Return to 1954 — the year that super heroes made a comeback and Commie agents plotted against America. Who can save the good old U. S. of A? Fighting Yank, that's who! See Yank sporting a nifty new patriotic costume as he clobbers such freedom crushers as Sputnik the super ape, and the revolting Red Square! He is aided by sidekick Kid Quick and the voluptuous Yankee Girl! Hack Koilby has written and drawn this story as an homage to the Simon & Kirby classics we all loved, in a style so close to the King's that you'll think you're back in '63! But wait... there's more! Guest-starring: The Avenger, Captain Flash, Reddevil and a few surprise guests that can't be revealed here! What could be better? How about if ACC throws in a Golden age Fighting Yank tale drawn by the legendary Mort Meskin! b&w, 40pg $5.95. BEST OF THE WEST #24 by Various Teaming up with that breathtaking beauty, the Black Phantom, Redmask gallops into an Indian ambush to offer their lives as "Bait For Death!" by Frank Bolle. Then, the Durango Kid mixes it up with badhats as they head for a "Showdown at Doom Canyon!" by Fred Guardineer. American Eagle faces off against renegades in "The Deserter" by Jerry DeFuccio and Bill Elder. Dynamite destroyers await The Haunted Horseman as "Death Raced the Wagon Train!" by Dick Ayers. Wild Bill Pecos blazes into action to halt "The Outlaw Train!" by Syd Shores. Color cover by Frank Bolle. b&w, 44pg $5.95 GOLDEN AGE MEN OF MYSTERY COLLECTION #9 Top-quality, full story reprints of the rarest and most interesting superhero features of The Golden Age, most not seen since the 1940's! Featuring The Black Terror, Fighting Yank, Grim Reaper, The Avenger, Crimebuster, Mr. Mystic, Samson, Lash Lightning and Marvelman — plus great "good girl art" strips like Wildfire, Phantom Lady, Miss Masque and Lady Luck. Art by Reed Crandall, Matt Baker, Nick Cardy, Bob Powell and Dick Ayers. Plus: an informative interview with Jim Mooney! Includes one (1) copy each of Men of Mystery Comics #27-29, bagged together as a set. Pack (x3), b&w $20.95 COLOSSAL COWBOY COMBO PACK #1 With 28 stories in all, the pack features some of the most popular cowboy stars of movies, TV and comic books of the 1940's and '50's, including Lash Larue, The Durango Kid, Rocky Lane, The Haunted Horseman, Redmask, The Lone Rider, The Whip, The Black Diamond, and more! Includes art by Ayers, Severin, Giordano, Crandall, Bolle, Guardineer, Luster and Morisi. Includes one (1) copy each of Best of the West #16-20, bagged together as a set! Pack (x5), b&w $27.95 ACETYLENE COMICS VESPER #4 Detective Sabina Reeves is investigating the murder of a local priest, but her past life as a former CIA agent keeps coming back to haunt her! Worse, her father teams up with her in the manhunt, and Pops is hellbent on avenging his murdered wife! Featuring the first appearance of new Vesper nemesis, the sultry Saffron, in a wraparound cover by Hannibal King! b&w, 32pg $2.50 B.U.G.G.S #2 A powerful team of young nuclear researchers follow their leader, Sexton, and come face-to-face with Mr. Lock and Mr. Key, the nefarious team behind the B.U.G.G.'s experiments, only to find that they are but the latest in the decades long efforts to create a new race…one that can survive a nuclear attack—Homosectapien! Can they replicate their escape from deep beneath Chernobyl and also rescue their teammate, Wretch, before he destroys the B.U.G.G.'s labs and everyone in it — including himself? b&w, 32pg $2.50 B.U.G.G.S ORIGINAL VOLUME 1-2 PACK Catch up on the early background to the ongoing B.U.G.G.'s series with the key pivotal issues! Learn of a young team of researchers exploring Chernobyl, finding that the city is not what it seems. A decade-old plan to meld Man and Insect is revealed! It's the start of an experiment that could mean the dawn of a whole new race of human! Pack $4.50 ACG COMICS WEIRD SPACE # 5 Another top collection of fifties science fiction, presenting the bizarre and the weird from the ACG and Charlton archives! Cover Basil Wolverton. B&w, 32pg $2.95 GIL KANE'S GIANT STAR HAWKS #9 The "Empire" strikes back with this new giant format! More pages! More story! And more of Gil Kane's masterful art! It's madmen and monsters in space, and the Star Hawks must keep order at all costs! b&w, 64pg $5.95 BOOK OF MONSTERS TRADE COLLECTION It's thrills and chills aplenty with this collection of classic Monster stories from the likes of Al Williamson, Wally Wood, Steve Ditko, Mike Zeck, Tom Sutton and more! ACG's best collection yet, featuring the best from 50 years of publishing! Limited to 1,000 copies. SC, 7x10, 160pg, b&w $9.95 CRIME FIGHTERS CHRONICLES TP A collection of great detective and crime stories, including, Sherlock Holmes, Charlie Chan, Mike Mauser, and many more! The game is afoot with great art by Joe Staton, Jack Kirby inker Frank Giacoia, and more! Limited to 1,000 copies. SC, 7x10, 160pg, b&w $9.95 WALLY WOOD ACTION PACK Here's your last chance to get EC great Wally Wood's Jungle Jim, Flying Saucers, and D-Day comics! These low-print-run editions are being offered for the last time, so don't miss your chance to get 96 pages of the best art from one of the greatest artists in the history of comics! Pack (x3), b&w $8.50 AIT/PLANET LAR THE FOOT SOLDIERS VOLUME TWO TP by Jim Krueger & Phil Hester The next five chapters of Jim Krueger's cult-classic series are collected here for the very first time, all under a brand-new cover, created specifically for this volume by Bill Sienkiewicz! In a future oppressed by a police force that keeps a law no one can possibly live under, a new hope was unearthed in The Foot Soldiers Volume One, where three boys were chosen by a mysterious old man to exhume a forgotten legacy buried in the Graveyard of Forgotten Heroes... but did the rebirth of heroes bring about the birth of villains? Featuring brand-new appendices to each chapter written by Jim Krueger, as well as a brand- new six-page story written by Krueger, penciled by Green Arrow artist Phil Hester, and inked by industry legend Bill Sienkiewicz for this very collection! Plus, never-before-seen Hester art and stories. SC, 7x10, 152pg, b&w $14.95 ALTERNATIVE COMICS TITANS OF FINANCE A merger of reality and comix based entirely on press accounts! Meet Ron Perelman, the man who made millions while presiding over the Mighty Marvel Comics train wreck. Thrill to many more of Wall Street's most well-know Icaruses. Narratives are full of larger-than-life characters, outsized egos, astonishing hubris, and lots of money. b&w, 24pg $3.50 MAGIC WHISTLE #5 by Sam Henderson Nominated for the third consecutive year for the Harvey Awards Special Award For Humor, Magic Whistle continues to explore new ways of approaching conventions of humor and commenting on the issues we can all relate to, including the loss of one's hindquarters. The Brube and Gunter Bumpus appear, plus "He Aims To Please" stars in his own poignant story. b&w, 32pg $2.95 AMAZE INK/SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS Amaze Ink MAD SCIENCE #2 by Jon "Bean" Hastings Have you ever been chased by giant mutant animals, sent after you by a mad scientist who wants the brain-in-a-jar that's stuck to your head? Neither have we… which is why there's Mad Science #2, wherein you'll learn the origin of Dr. Mondo, a really mad scientist, and find out how that brain got into a jar in the first place. Don't miss the Pop-Culture fun of this new series from the creator of Smith-Brown-Jones. b&w, 24pg (2 of 6) $2.95 SLOW NEWS DAY #2 by Andi Watson The second issue of Andi Watson's latest series finds American Katherine Washington learning the realities of small-town life in England while trading barbs with her boss, curmudgeonly reporter Owen Holmes. Says The Comics Buyer's Guide, "We need a lot more comics like this!" b&w, 24pg (2 of 6) $3.50 Slave Labor COMIC BOOK HEAVEN VOLUME 2 #5 by Scott Saavedra Read the book called, "an unabashed celebration of comic books at their goofiest" and a "hilarious gem." Each issue takes a wise-ass, cock-eyed (yet warm) look at the screwy underbelly of our favorite pop-culture artifact: the comic book. Imaginary tales, multiple universes, giant monsters, lousy super-powers, dopey dialog, embarrassing adventures, crummy science, alarming ads, and other puzzling minutia all get the once over in the only magazine nearly as bent as the weird comics it covers. Written and designed by Scott Saavedra, creator of the obscure, but fondly recalled It's Science with Dr. Radium and Java Town. B&w, 24pg $1.95 GLOOM COOKIE #9 by Serena Valentino & John Gebbia Lex has a horrible day at work between the oogie yuppies & spooky vampires that come in and drive her crazy. There's a new poet in town and Vermilion thinks he not only has his eye on Lex but he is upstaging him at the local café. Poor Vermilion locks himself in his room in a fit of loneliness and rejection by the time this issue unfolds. Meanwhile it's Lyndi that's falling for this new poet guy, he can't help it if he's a better poet than Vermilion. Then Sebastian remembers a wish he made in a spooky wax museum and finally comes to terms with what Chrys really is. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 RANKLECHICK AND HIS THREE LEGGED CAT #3 by Rosearik Rikki Simons & Tavisha Wolfgarth-Simons Ranklechick, the ghoul from Europa, has a friend named Pietra. She is very much alive. Her apathetic brother, Gloken, however is very much undead. On the day of Gloken's Life-Taking ceremony, a ghost steals his body! Things become even more muddled when his body then steals a heavily armed war robot belonging to an angry fellow named Dai Luvmoo. Also, Ranklechick remembers that he left Charles Dickens' soul wandering the Earth. This will end sadly. FC, 24pg (3 of 4) $3.95 WITCH #2 by Lorna Miller More tales from the acerbic imagination of Scottish cartoonist, Lorna Miller, including the working-class doldrums and vibrant fantasy life of Angela, Sales Assistant. The Mad Cows return for more satire among the high-rise flats of lower-class Glasgow, and part-two of Lorna's modern take on women's roles 2,000 years ago in "The Two Marys." MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $2.95 PANTS ANT T-SHIRT by Ian Carney & Woodrow Phoenix The popular pants-fighting ant from the pages of Sugar Buzz! and The Pants Ant Trouser Hour gets his own t-shirt in three colors (black, white, and light blue) on a navy blue tee. (CAUT: 4) M-XL SRP: $20.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A FILLER BUNNY #1—I FILL UP 15 PAGES by Jhonen Vasquez Fillerbunny stars in "I Fill Up 15 Pages," a book so messed up, even the title is wrong (it's actually 16 pages)! Here, for the first time ever, the human tolerance for the purchase of comics of questionable quality are tested. In league with the Secret Government, Jhonen Vasquez unleashes this, his masterpiece of (insert four letter word here) and then crawls back into his garbage can and laughs insanely. Fillerbunny, a genetically engineered happiness rabbit suffers this entire book for your contentment and distraction! b&w, 16pg $2.25 O/A FILLER BUNNY #2—REVENGE OF THE FILLER BUNNY by Jhonen Vasquez The happiness-starved test-subject called Filler Bunny returns for 16 pages of insomnia-fuelled nonsense! Will Filler Bunny get revenge on those who torture him? Will Jhonen lose his mind as he struggles to complete this book before dawn? Only the Dooky-Covered Hypno-Moose-Beaver knows for sure! This book is in the same format as the first mega-selling Filler Bunny comic, 5 ½" x 8 ½", with cardstock cover and color on both the outside and inside covers! b&w, 16pg $2.25 O/A RANKLECHICK AND HIS THREE LEGGED CAT #1 by Rosearik Rikki Simons & Tavisha Wolfgarth-Simons In the distant future, Earth is a desolate ball of nanite gray goo. Ghoul creatures, like Ranklechick, reside within a living space station called the Europan Zoo, in orbit around the Jupiter moon of Europa. One fine night, Ranklechick decides to fly to Earth with his cat Pumpernick. His one true desire: to summon the ghost of Charles Dickens with the hopes he can get his autograph. But things get crazy when this candy-munching devil android guy shows up. Some humorous decapitation happens too. FC, 24pg $3.95 *********************** STAR OF THE MONTH PIFITOS: THE UNKNOWN LOST POEM OF HOMER GN by Igor Baranko When a blind boxer and an old man visit the estate of Pifitos, little does he realize that they will send him on a journey to become the new Hero of Greece. Facing drunken centaurs, music-loving monsters, and puzzling counsel from Dionysus himself, Pifitos and the lovely Amitis sail to a nameless island to face Hecate and the gates of Hades. Can Pifitos survive an unexpected turn of events to become the Greatest of all Heroes? Find out in the English-language debut of the staggeringly gifted Ukrainian artist, Igor Baranko. The story of Pifitos is both a tale told in epic style –– purporting to be an "unknown lost poem of Homer" –– and a rollicking send-up of Greek mythology in all its bawdy glory. (STAR13374) MATURE READERS b&w, 136pg $9.95 ****************** AMRYL ENTERTAINMENT TIGRESS TALES #2 by Mike Hoffman Tigress encounters the hideous race of alien slavemasters known as the Phaanderites! Plus, she discovers the secret of her true identity. Includes another 'Madame Tarantuala' back-up talent! b&w, 32pg $2.95 ANARCHY STUDIOS VAMPI #11 by Brian Haberlin & Avalon Studios It's payback time. Vampi has beaten the drug that transformed her into a blood-crazed killer. Now she's ready for Endura's blood. But does she realize that Endura's ability to channel and metabolize pain makes her practically unbeatable? Plus, the real traitor in Jacob's midst finally plays his hand, exposing the extent of Archangel's conspiracy, and it's consequences for Vampi, Jacob, and their allies. Regular cover by Kevin Lau. Limited Edition cover by Jason Pearson! REG.—FC, 32pg $2.99 LTD.—FC, 32pg $9.95 VAMPI KEVIN LAU SKETCHBOOK PLATINUM LEATHER EDITION by Kevin Lau A special collection of artwork by Vampi creator Kevin Lau. For the first time, see original design concepts of Vampi, and characters from the series. This edition features a platinum foil-enhanced leather cover. Limited to only 1,000 copies. b&w, 16pg $14.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A VAMPI #4-6 LIMITED EDITION SET by Conway & Lau Includes all 3 hard-to-find limited edition covers from the Vampi: Dark Angel Rising story arc. Features covers by David Finch, Mike Wieringo, and Humberto Ramos. Each issue is limited to 1,500 copies. These comics will not be offered again! Set (x3), FC $14.95 ************** ANDROMEDA ENTERTAINMENT FIRST WAVE: THROUGH ALIEN EYES GN by James Anthony, Dan Parsons, & Matt Busch Cade Foster had failed to stop the Gua alien invasion, and the deadly Second Wave is here! Nineteen million people are dead, and an entire planet of slaves and carnage is all that remains of the Earth. As Cade sees what's left of the planet, he is plagued by alien visions and haunted by Crazy Eddie. Now Jordan Radcliffe must help Cad lead the Raven Nation to stop the Gua onslaught and save humanity! Includes a pinup gallery featuring illustrations by Billy Tucci, Matt Busch, Dan Parsons, and more! Cover by Matt Busch. Foreword by series creator Chris Brancato. SC, 64pg, b&w $7.95 ANSON JEW SATURDAY NITE 2-PACK AND SKETCHBOOK This pack contains Saturday Nite #1-2, plus Spoonfall: Drawings by Anson Jew. The first two issues from this Xeric Grant winner kick off an anthology-style comic book that R.C. Harvey called "a stunning example of how to do black and white." Spoonfull is a collection of drawings from sketchbook art, caricatures, a cartoon strip entitled "Modern Art," and a four-page cartoon storyboard called "Manly Makeover." 2-Pack + Sketchbook $6.00 ANTARCTIC PRESS ACTIONOPOLIS #1 by Various Over 100 pages of mind-numbing action barely contained in one comic. Joining Shannon Denton in this quest to deliver superb art to comic fans everywhere are Ladronn (Inhumans), Bernie Wrightson (Frankenstein), Keith Giffen (Lobo), Travis Moore (Wonder Woman), Shawn McManus (Swamp Thing), Andy Kuhn (Spider-Man), Adam Van Wyck (Batman Beyond), Cedric Nocoon (The Darkness), John Stinsman (Lady Pendragon), and Mark Lewis (Big Bang). b&w, 104pg $6.95 CHRONICLES OF THE UNIVERSE COLLECTION #1 by Rod Espinoza What do Universal Heroes do after they destroy all their enemies and free the universe from all the Supertyrants? Where do they go from here? The answer may surprise you… Such is the premise of Chronicles of the Universe: The Desperadoes, CoTU: The Desperado Family, and CoTU: N-Gen. Chronicles of the Universe tells the story of the legendary Darem family of heroes. The Darems are a mysterious race of super-beings, stronger, bigger and longer-lived than the average person. After saving the universe, they settle down to raise families. But all is not well — even after they destroy all their enemies and archenemies. Rivalries among the brothers soon arise… and their children face impossible pressures to grow and measure up to their heroic and legendary fathers. And to top it off, the government that they helped install has slowly become corrupted, now resembling the evil empires toppled previously… SC, 7x10, 176pg, b&w $16.95 GOLD DIGGER ANNUAL 2001 (#7) by Fred Perry & Various AP Core Title! See fans fete the characters of Fred Perry's Gold Digger with their own adventures for Gina, Cheetah, Brianna and more! Fred has done over 70 issues of the Gold Digger series and created a huge panoply of characters. Discover these characters through the eyes of other creators in this 48-page special! b&w, 48pg $3.95 GOLD DIGGER PERFECT MEMORY VOLUME #2 The complete guide to the world of Gold Digger! A great reference guide for new readers and a definite must-have for long- time fans. Volume 2 contains detailed synopses for issues #26-50 of the black-and-white series, plus annuals, extras and other crossovers. Also included will be a complete character reference file and a guide to Gina's tech, mechs, and laboratory. b&w, 72pg $5.95 HOW TO DRAW MANGA #8 Antarctic Press continues its series of how-to-draw-manga guidebooks! Ben Dunn, Fred Perry, and Joe Wight continue to present a comprehensive guide in mastering the manga style and will emphasize layout in this issue. Each featured artist will have his own exclusive special comments. Some topics covered in the series are advanced figure study, costumes, mecha, comic storytelling and composition. b&w, 32pg $4.95 MEN'S ALTERED WARS CHRONICLES ANNUAL #1 by Ted Nomura & Various The creator of the cult-hit Luftwaffe: 1946 brings back the popular men's action magazine format of yesteryear — updated for a new generation — in a title that can be enjoyed by mature readers of all ages! The all-new Men's Altered Wars Chronicles not only provides far more historically accurate stories of the unknown chapters of WWII, but also more from the long-running "Families of Altered Wars" graphic novel series, under continual publication since 1986. This year's Annual includes the "Rape of Europe: 1945" (about the historically overlooked Soviet slave camps), and "Hitler: 1946" (examining possible scenarios had Hitler survived into '45). There's also a detailed story from the "Families of Altered Wars" series about the Condorcet Angels, a special female army that may have saved the war for the Allies. Plus: the most important historical story regarding the real dark, dirty secret alleging the Americans and the British purposely doomed 1.9 million Jews out of 6 million to a certain death by the Nazis for the sake of profit, and why Israel kept it quiet for the sake of its own survival! And there's more, including the Japan's own plan to drop an atomic bomb from their "super-bomber." (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Germany. Magazine, 48pg, b&w $5.95 NINJA HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK 2001 by Various AP Core Title! You know them by name: Jeremy, Asrial and Itchy-Koo. Celebrate their thirteenth year at Quagmire High School along with the entire gang, including Professor Steamhead, Arnie, and Magical Mimi! b&w, 48pg $3.95 TOMORROW GIRL/ARMARY #1 by Hiro-san & David Hutchison The past and future collide when Madame Techno invents the Chronodriver. Traveling to our present, she secures the aid of the Chaos Factor to steal the source of Armary's power, the QIM02. Seeing the opportunity to rid herself of Tomorrow Girl, the Iron Vixen sets a plan in motion to pit both heroes against each other — with herself as the victor! Cover by David Hutchison. b&w, 40pg $4.50 WARRIOR NUN AREALA SACRED SIX-PACK The pack so great, AP had to give it a "second coming!" Once again, you can have a choice selection of the back-issues of the title that boosted Antarctic Press and spawned controversy and homage. Get a six-pack of six different Warrior Nun Areala comics for one low price! Pack (x6) $6.95 ARCHIE COMICS ARCHIE #515 by George Gladir & Stan Goldberg "A Time For Change": Archie suffers a setback on his new job when he forgets to set back all the clocks at the clock store! It's enough to drive his new boss cuckoo…! FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE & FRIENDS FEATURING JOSIE & THE PUSSYCATS #52 by Dan Parent & Rex Lindsey "Oh Solo Mio": We've all heard of commercial breaks, but this is ridiculous — Josie is leaving the band to become a jingle singer! FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE'S WEIRD MYSTERIES #17 by Paul Castiglia & Fernando Ruiz "Gotta' Snatch 'Em All": A struggling animator's satellite dish picks up a weird broadcast from another planet, inspiring him to draw what he sees. Thus, the "Wallet-Men" craze is spawned! But what happens when actual "Wallet-Men" invade the Earth seeking royalties? It's one mind-bending mystery no Pokémon or anime fan should miss! FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE DIGEST #184 by Various The adventures of America's favorite teen continue with new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $2.19 BETTY #104 by Bill Golliher & Stan Goldberg "A Ponytail Tale": The one thing Betty's got that Veronica doesn't is a ponytail — until now! Is Veronica sincere about this new look, or is the "tail" just wagging the dog? FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA #167 by Various & Jeff Schultz "Who Is It?" (by Greg Crosby & Jeff Schultz): It's 'The Mansion of the Apes' when both Archie and Jughead go to Veronica's Halloween party as gorillas! "Snack Attack" (by Kathleen Webb & Schultz): The story of a simple snack food and how it traveled across the globe! Hungry yet?!. And "A Yelp For Help" (by George Gladir & Schultz): Betty tutors Veronica with her schoolwork, while Veronica unintentionally tutors Betty in how not to be so helpful! FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA DIGEST #124 by Various Bright and brassy, bold and beautiful, blonde and brunette — teen dream queens Betty & Veronica romp through this collection of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $2.19 BETTY & VERONICA DOUBLE DIGEST #101 by Various What's better than a digest full of those teen dream queens Betty and Veronica? A double digest full of them! Featuring new stories and classic tales by Dan DeCarlo, Stan Goldberg, Henry Scarpelli, and more! Bright and brassy, bold and beautiful, blonde and brunette — teen dream queens Betty & Veronica romp through this double-sized collection of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $3.29 HOLIDAY FUN DIGEST #6 by Various 'tis the season to be jolly as Archie and his friends celebrate in true holiday style! Yes, Archie and crew have long displayed their holiday spirit throughout the years, and now through the magic of this digest series, many of the Christmas classics of old are re-presented along with new yuletide tales. It's a stocking-full of good holiday cheer you won't want to miss! Digest, FC $2.19 JUGHEAD #140 by Craig Boldman & Rex Lindsey "Clothes Make the Creep": Could the fact that's he's wearing a jacket discarded by Reggie have anything to do with Jughead's un-Jughead-like behavior? "Hat Trick": Jughead's hat is gone with the wind — literally! — as a blustery day leads Jughead on a wild hat chase! "Couch Ouch": Jughead can't take a nap unless he's on his trusty old couch, but his parents have gone and moved a new couch into the living room! "War of the Words": Jughead and Pop Tate challenge the new pizzeria to put their morsels where their mouth is! FC, 32pg $1.99 JUGHEAD'S DOUBLE DIGEST #80 by Various It's double-decker sandwiches and double-trouble as the irrepressible Jughead tilts the laugh-o-meter in this uproarious collection of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $3.29 LAUGH DIGEST #170 by Various The timeless high school hijinx of the entire Riverdale gang are highlighted in this hilarious collection of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $2.19 SABRINA VOLUME 2 #24 by Mike Gallagher & Dave Manak Based on the animated series from DIC airing on the ABC and UPN networks! "Costume Brawl" It's International Witch Pride Day, a day to proudly wear your witch outfit. But... it's also the day of the Halloween Parade, and the last thing Sabrina wants to do is parade around all day in a witch suit when she and Harvey had plans to attend as a King and Queen! But this is a world of magic, of course, and the costume takes unusual measures when it realizes it's not wanted! FC, 32pg $1.99 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #102 by Bollers, Lim, Pepoy & Eklund "Family Dysfunction": There's much cause for celebration when Sonic, Tails, Princess Sally, and the freedom fighters return to Knothole with the roboticized Mobians. So, if that's the case, why isn't the royal family smiling? Maybe it's because they've been betrayed by trusted allies, and are being held hostage in Castle Acorn! Can Sonic save them all? Fans won't believe how this issue ends! ALSO: Knuckles stars in "Life's Realities" (by Ken Penders): The thrilling conclusion to last issue's story, wherein Knuckles has only two more chances to change history, hopefully resulting in a utopia where all echidnas get along and Mobius is a paradise... but will Knuckles spot the one flaw in his plan in time to correct it? PLUS: Continuing a new feature from fan-favorite Ken Penders, highlighting characters, objects and events that have shaped the Sonicverse! FC, 32pg $1.99 VERONICA #119 by Dan Parent "Knock Before Entering": Veronica researches the family who originally owned Lodge Mansion for a book report on the history of Riverdale. When she starts hearing strange noises, she thinks she may have scared up ghosts — who are now scaring her up! Can it be so, or is it just some practical joke? The answers will thrill and chill you! FC, 32pg $1.99 OFFERED AGAIN HOLIDAY FUN DIGESTS This holiday season, get visited by the ghost of holiday fun digests past with Archie and his friends, who've got a stocking full of holiday cheer for you! O/A HOLIDAY FUN DIGEST #4 Digest, FC $1.99 O/A HOLIDAY FUN DIGEST #5 Digest, FC $2.19 JOSIE & THE PUSSYCATS ARE BACK! The tuneful trio has returned to the spotlight, and now readers can enjoy their rollickin' comic adventures! O/A ARCHIE & FRIENDS STARRING JOSIE & THE PUSSYCATS #47 by Various A collection of classic Josie tales that perfectly capture the spirit of the movie: "Gimmick Happy" has Alex, the girls' hapless manager trying to push yet another gimmick on the girls; "Maid Of Money" features Melody in a priceless dress... made of money!; "The Eyes Have It" shows the painful... and often hilarious.... results of embellishing the truth; and "Costume Capers" details the bands' adventures as they jet off to their latest music video shoot! FC, 32pg $1.99 O/A ARCHIE & FRIENDS STARRING JOSIE & THE PUSSYCATS #48-49 by Dan Parent & Rex Lindsey Issue #48 contains "Music For the Masses" Part One, and issue #49 concludes the tale! The girls travel to the tiny country of Muldaria to shoot a movie... unaware that the country's stodgy leaders have banned musical gatherings! Luckily, the King's daughter is a fan of the Pussycats... but the Pussycats will still have to follow the wacky rules of Muldaria! #48—FC, 32pg $1.99 #49—FC, 32pg $1.99 O/A SONIC SUPER SPECIALS #11-15 Get caught up in twice the action with 48-page Sonic Super Specials! #11—FC, 48pg $2.29 #12-15—FC, 48pg $2.49Ea. ************************** ASYLUM PRESS BILLY BOY THE SICK LITTLE FAT KID #1 by Frank Forte Billy Boy The Sick Little Fat Kid is a journey into the insane mind of a young overweight kid and his adventures within his sick and twisted world. Done in a style of classic cartoons from the Fleischer and Warner Brothers studios, Billy Boy rendered in a very cinematic and 'cartoony' style. This issue: In "Slingshot Madness," Billy gets into some trouble when he and Teddy shoot up Old Mrs. Pine's house with their brand new wrist rocket. In "Swamp Jitters," Billy is on the run from a giant spindly insect. And finally, in "Bad Charm Bill," our pudgy star gets caught up in the black arts... and it doesn't end with a smile! Quarterly. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 ********************* AVATAR PRESS AVENGELYNE SERAPHACIDE #1 by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon Avengelyne is caught in the cross hairs of the deadliest assassin on the planet, the luscious Onyx. Raised since a child to master one thing, killing, Onyx brings a fury of firepower and slicing swords to bear against Avengelyne. So who would want the Earth Angel dead? And will Avengelyne live long enough to find out why? With stunning art by Rick Lyon and vibrant colors by Nimbus, you don't want to miss this hard hitting and action packed one shot... because one shot is all Onyx needs! NOTE: The White Velvet Cover is limited to just 350 copies. RIO—FC, 32pg $3.50 HALL— FC, 32pg $3.50 MARTIN— FC, 32pg $3.50 LYON— FC, 32pg $3.50 WHITE VELVET COVER—FC, 32pg $25.00 RAZOR: BLEEDING HEART #1 by Patrick Fillion Razor is unleashed in this frenzied one shot special. As her blood lust finally takes over, Razor fulfils her vampiric destiny to become a powerful daywalker! But this special trait has not gone unnoticed by a very powerful satanic cult who promptly dispatches their most powerful minion to capture Razor, the long-missing Hellina! This book serves as the re-launch of Hellina now firmly in the Avatar universe and back in touch with her heart-ripping roots. With beautiful art by the stunningly gifted Patrick Fillion, this sexy showdown is not to be missed! Covers available by Patrick Fillion and Matt Martin. Also available in Wraparound and Adult editions. NOTE: The Adult cover is not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. MATURE READERS FILLION—b&w, 32pg $3.50 MARTIN—b&w, 32pg $3.50 WRAPAROUND—b&w, 32pg $4.95 ADULT— b&w, 32pg (CAUT: 3) $6.00 THRESHOLD #44 by Mike Wolfer, Clint Hilinski, & Mike Delaney Mike (Strange Kiss) Wolfer concludes his insane adventure of the Spider-Razor in this final mind blowing chapter featuring the catfight of the year as Widow and Razor have it out in all arachnid action! But even if Widow prevails, can she stop the spread of the spider virus? Writer Robert Lugibihl and newcomer Clint Hilinski conclude the Pandora tale of her lost memory and the closest her magical box has come to being opened again! Rounding out the stellar lineup is a new Medora tale featuring the return of Sinnamon and drawn by Mike Delaney. With this issue Threshold switches to a bi-monthly format but will continue rockin' the free world as the longest running American anthology! NOTE: The Medora Adult cover and Razor Adult covers are not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. MATURE READERS RAZOR—b&w, 48pg $4.95 PANDORA—b&w, 48pg $4.95 MEDORA ADULT—b&w, 48pg (CAUT: 3) $6.00 RAZOR ADULT—b&w, 48pg (CAUT: 3) $6.00 WARREN ELLIS' STRANGER KISSES WRAPAROUND COVERS #1-3 SET by Warren Ellis & Mike Wolfer If you missed the over-the-top sequel to last year's smash hit Warren Ellis series, Strange Kiss, now is your chance to get all three issues with the wraparound covers in one handy set. Limited to 500 bagged sets. MATURE READERS Set $10.95 AVENGELYNE: DARK DEPTHS ROYAL BLUE COVER #1 by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon Al Rio provides a stunning new wraparound cover featuring a sunbathing Avengelyne and introducing Coral! Avengelyne gets swept into an underwater adventure as carnivorous creatures emerge from the sea and start eating innocent beach-goers. But they are only the tip of the iceberg as all sorts of underwater monsters are on the loose, and the mysterious and sultry Coral has something to do with it. Can Avengelyne stop these horrific ocean creatures, much less their master on the sea floor? This ultra-limited Royal Blue Edition is limited to just 100 copies and every copy ships in a special protective case with a certificate of authenticity. Cover by Al Rio. FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $75.00 AVENGELYNE: DRAGON REALM FEARLESS EDITION #1 by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon Avengelyne returns with this new mini series featuring the stellar artwork of Rick Lyon! The Avenging Angel gets a taste of sword and sorcery when she is transported to a world filled with insidious evil and horrific creatures... a world known as the Dragon Realm! As Avengelyne is swept into this barbaric world she faces brutish warriors and powerful rulers. But those mortal foes are nothing compared to the vicious lizards that rule this land. Can she possibly fight off a huge fire breathing dragon? This special edition is limited to just 1000 copies. Cover by Rick Lyon. FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $5.95 COVEN: DARK SISTER #1 HAUNTING VISION EDITION by Matt Martin This series introduces Eden, a powerful black magic sorceress who shares a horrible secret with Spellcaster, they are sisters! But instead of the love of a mother that made Spellcaster the white witch she is, Eden claims to have been deserted and left to learn her magical heritage on her own. She has been slowly mastering the black arts and now finally has her hands on a legendary Spellbook as well! But a time-altering spell that went horribly awry leads to total chaos in New York. Bits and pieces of dozens of time periods have all been deposited right in Times Square, leading to the most incredible conflicts ever! Limited to just 1500 copies. FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $5.95 COVEN: DARK SISTER #1 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE PRISM FOIL EDITION by Matt Martin Dinosaurs running rampant, Nazis fighting Al Capone's gang, knights attacking tanks, and the Coven are right in the middle, being hunted down by Eden! If you have ever loved beautifully drawn women, dinosaurs, or giant fight scenes, you do not want to miss this epic series! The Previews Exclusive Prism Foil Edition is limited to just 500 copies, and comes bagged and boarded with a Certificate of Authenticity. FC, 32pg (1 of 2) $12.95 DEMONSLAYER BOX SET by Marat Mychaels If you missed the original run of Demonslayer at Image now is your chance to get them all in this one special box set! Inside you will find Volume 1 #1-3, Volume 2 #1-3, the rare #0, the original Flipbook that features her first appearance and Demonslayer Companion regular, Barely There and Emerald Foil editions. All these original first printing books ship attractively packaged in a white box with a color front. Limited to just 100 box sets. Set $39.95 DEMONSLAYER: PROPHECY BAD OMENS COVER #1 by Marat Mychaels The Demonslayer is back in an all-new full color special by creator and artist Marat Mychaels! Jaclyn has finally accepted her role in the war between humanity and the demons. Her relationship with Michael is stronger than ever and life finally appears to be going well for the young Demonslayer. However, her importance in the large scale of the war may be completely hidden to her and the extent of her powers unrevealed. A mysterious new player in the game, Ebon, storms into her life, bringing with him carnage and an ominous Prophecy of the future. This special edition is limited to just 1000 copies. FC, 32pg $5.95 STAR OF THE MONTH LUSCIOUS: COLLECTED ART OF AL RIO Al Rio has established himself as one of the most popular artists in the industry with his curvaceous women and powerful storytelling. This squarebound art book covers his entire illustrious career, from his early years drawing for the Brazilian Playboy magazine to his most current work on Avengelyne and more! Collected inside is choice material from the two sold-out issues of Exposed: The Erotic Art of Al Rio, as well as tons of new and unseen material! This art book will, for the first time, reveal some of his unpublished, top-secret projects coming out in 2001! For fans of sexy art and beautiful women, this collection is one you do not want to miss! Also available in a deluxe leather-bound hardcover edition, limited to 500 copies. (STAR13269) MATURE READERS SC, 96pg, b&w $14.95 **************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A CREED: USE YOUR DELUSION COLLECTED by Trent Kaniuga Vintage Trent "Ghost Rider" Kaniuga! Trent's creator-owned Creed series was where he honed his chops getting ready for the world. Now is your chance to get this collected edition of the two issue Use Your Delusion series. b&w, 48pg $3.95 ************ BADAZZ MOFO WE LOVE PORN #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $4.00 BASEMENT COMICS CAVEWOMAN: PANGAEAN SEA #2 Meriem's ongoing adventures continue in the Big Apple. You think skyscrapers, heavy traffic, high-energy people, street people, beauty, excitement, and danger are too much for her? Throw in Howie Sternum, a small troop of subway dwellers, and our Cavewoman to imagine the thrills Meriem will undertake! b&w, 32pg $2.95 CAVEWOMAN: PANGAEAN SEA SPECIAL EDITION ROOT COVER #0 Entitled 'Meriem,' this limited edition cover is part one of a two-part alternate set commemorating the Pangaean Sea #0 origin issue, where 'Lil takes a look into Meriem's past. Limited to only 750 copies, the issue is bagged, boarded, and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. b&w, 32pg PI CAVEWOMAN: PREHISTORIC PINUPS BOOK 1 GOLD FOIL EDITION Presenting a special limited edition Gold Foil version of Budd's incredible 'Upwind 2' alternate cover of Prehistoric Pinups Book 1! Meriem seductively readies herself to pounce on her next victim on this great cover! Limited to only 500 copies, the issue is bagged, boarded, and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. b&w, 32pg PI KAOS MOON: BURNING CIRCLE #1 SPECIAL EDITION Commemorating this issue, series creator and Russ Manning award-nominee David Boller has painted this simply stunning Kaos Moon cover. Burning circle features the prologue to the all-new series, Kaos Moon: The Gates of Delirium, as well as 'The Legend of Raj,' a lush, exotic fantasy drama based heavily on Eastern mythology, and 'Footprints,' high adventure tales on the edge of the world. Limited to only 1000 copies, the issue is bagged, boarded, and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. FC, 24pg PI BLACK LIBRARY WARHAMMER MONTHLY #46 By the hammer of Sigmar! It's holy war on the streets of the City of the Damned in the explosive finale of Mordheim: Crusade! The mysterious isle of Albion gets a visit from the most dangerous mercenary in the Old World in Hellbrandt Grimm: Wake of Giants! And what new portent can the arrival of the enigmatic Pariah be heralding for the imprisoned Ephrael Stern? Find out as the exceptional Daemonifgue continues! All-action adventure from such creative talent as Dan Abnett (Legion Lost, Magick, X-Men), Gordon Rennie (White Trash, Glimmer Rats) and Paul Jeacock (Slaine)! b&w, 40pg $2.95 INFERNO! #26 All-out adventure from the dark and gothic worlds of Warhammer! Deff Skwadron, the craziest Orks ever to take to the air are back! Their latest mission: to intercept a fiendish enemy communications agent in "Catch the Squigeon!" The meanest bounty hunter in the underhive, Nathan Creed, lands himself in hot water when he goes up against a psychic pyromaniac — and there's sinister fantasy fiction by noted SF author, Brian Stableford, writing as Brian Craig, in "The Winter Wind." Chilling! b&w, 68pg $6.95 KAL JERICO II: CONTRACTS & AGENDAS Kal Jerico, the coolest bounty hunter on Necromunda, is in the debt of the sinister Nemo… and the faceless spymaster is calling to collect! With fanatical redemptionists behind him, a sadistic renegade noblewoman in front, and the agents of Nemo all around, Kal's odds don't look good. But then, that's just the way he likes it! This trade paperback includes the entire series of The Nemo Agenda, Kal's most dangerous adventure yet and also a collection of his other devil-driven escapades from the pages of the award-winning Warhammer Monthly, scripts by Gordon Rennie (White Trash, Glimmer Rats) and illustrated by Wayne Reynolds (Judge Dredd, Slaine). SC, 7x10, 60pg, b&w $6.95 BLUE LINE PRO COMICS LITTLE WHITE MOUSE: ENTROPY DREAMING #2 by Paul Sizer "NUTS AND BOLTS"—Before her space flight, Loo once again journeys to the past through her dreams to relive an ill-fated trip into Bolt Harbor, a dark, decaying, industrial sister city to the gleaming metropolis of Thermopolis! When her air-car breaks down while traveling through Bolt Harbor, Loo comes into conflict with the Boltheads, a violent and bloodthirsty street gang with no love of citizens of Thermopolis… especially rich ones! Alone against the Boltheads, Loo's only hope of assistance is in the form of "Filthy" Jake Armani. But Loo discovers Jake has a hidden connection to Bolt Harbor, and when it's all over, Jake and Loo's friendship is forever changed! This second chapter of "Entropy Dreaming" also includes an expanded pin-up section with works from Jason Howard (Local 205), Sherard Jackson (Semantic Lace), plus a knockout full- color back cover pin-up by Dave Johnson (Detective Comics, 100 Bullets)! b&w, 32pg $2.95 PARTS UNKNOWN: HOSTILE TAKEOVER #4 SIGNED by Beau Smith & Brad Gorby Originally published by Image Comics, Hostile Takeover #4 comes autographed by colorful Parts Unknown creator Beau Smith! Each issue is signed, bagged, and includes a Blue Line Pro Certificate of Authenticity. Limited to 300 copies. Cover by Flint Henry. b&w, 32pg SRP: $9.95 BONGO COMICS BART SIMPSON TREEHOUSE OF HORROR #7 by Ennis, McCrea, Nixey, Sakai, Hamill, Brereton, & Morrison Bongo's reign of terror continues to cause conniptions with this year's riotous recipe for halfbaked horror. Garth Ennis and John McCrea (both of Hitman fame) work amid Victorian suspense by Troy Nixey (Jenny Finn), and sprinkle it with the wizardry of Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo). It's all topped off with a tale by Mark Hamill. Cover by Nocturnals creator, Dan Brereton! FC, 32pg $4.50 RADIOACTIVE MAN #4 by Lash, DeCarlo, & Morrison The time is April 1953, and the world's nuclear knight has fallen victim to his greatest foe: poor sales! But Morty Mann has a surefire way of saving Bongo from bankruptcy court — combine the most popular comics of the day with his popular superhero: Radioactive Man! Featuring the Golden Age stylings of some of comicdom's greatest inkers. FC, 32pg $2.50 SIMPSONS COMICS #62 by Boothby, Escobar, & Morrison Inspired by the popular "Simpsons Bible Stories" episode, here are three warped high-spirited stories from "The Good Book" Simpsons-style. First, Abraham "The Father of All Nations" Simpson makes a covenant with God. Then, Bart becomes the most famous "underachiever" of the Bible in "The Prodigal Son." In "Prince of Piety," Ned Flanders is Noah, and discovers a family of stowaways on his ark! FC, 32pg $2.50 BON-VUE ENTERTAINMENT DAWN OF THE JUNGLE #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, b&w $9.95 BROADSWORD COMICS TAROT: WITCH OF THE BLACK ROSE #10 by Jim Balent "Tarot's Journey: Quest for the Black Rose Sword" Part 1 (of 2)—The Sword of the Black Rose has vanished… and Tarot's battle-broken body lies cold and still on the Island of New Avalon. Grief has made enemies of Tarot's loved ones. Raven has ordered a Coven of Dragon Witches to expel the Skeleton Man from the witch island, dead or alive! Amidst the feud of the living, Tarot's spirit journeys through the Higher Arcana of the Tarot Deck, coming face-to-face with each card, starting with 'Death' itself. Shipped equally with Two Jim Balent Covers! This issue comes three ways: Regular, Signed (limited to 500 copies, each with a Certificate of Authenticity) and as a Deluxe Edition, which features a 6 ½" x 10" black-and-white penciled litho-print portrait of Tarot and Boo-Cat, drawn by Jim Balent! REGULAR—FC, 32pg $2.95 SIGNED—FC, 32pg $10.00 DELUXE—FC, 32pg (CAUT: 2) $19.99 TAROT PENCIL LITHO & FRAGRANCE PACK #2 A wonderful Halloween gift for you and your mate! Jim Balent's 6 ½" x 10" pencil lithograph of a sensual, semi-nude Tarot, accompanied by a half dram vial of the Witch Crafted floral fragrance, "Black Rose Coven," and the frighteningly spicy "Pumpkin Monster." Make it an October 31st you'll never forget! Set bagged & boarded for easy display. (Item image has been altered for publication in Previews. Please see actual image at: Pack $20.00 TAROT: TOTALLY WITCHIN' T-SHIRT Jim Balent's Tarot : Witch of the Black Rose, the first true Wiccan superhero, jumps into magickal action with her Bat-Cat familiar, Pooka, by her side! Printed on a white, 100% cotton short-sleeved T-shirt! Also offered on a sexy spaghetti strap tank for all those witchy women out there! L-XL (T-Shirt) $19.99 M/OS (Tank Top) $19.99 TAROT: "FEEL THE MAGICK!" TANK & PANTIE SET If you're wondering where the Magick begins... it's right here with BroadSword Comics' Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose Faerie Cute Tank Set! This little white tank set consists of a 100% cotton spaghetti strap tank top with the Tarot Design (as on the basic tee) and white bikini-cut panties with a logo designed by Jim Balent. A sweet, sexy little outfit to dance those mid- summer nights away with your Faerie Folk friends! One-size-fits-most (Small to Medium). Tank & Pantie Set $34.99 TAROT: WITCH OF THE BLACK ROSE SIGNED EDITION #6 Jim Balent signs his popular issues of Tarot #6 featuring the characters Boo-Cat and Licorice Dust. Included with the signed book is a Certificate of Authenticity featuring Jim's artwork of Boo and Dust! This book features the variant cover. FC, 32pg $10.00 BROKEN HALOS GUNFIGHTERS IN HELL: ORIGINAL SIN #1 by David Barbour & Tim Vigil Gunfighters in Hell returns! In this bi-monthly prequel to the classic Gunfighters in Hell series, the blood of damnation runs deep! For the condemned, some origins are best left untold… but eternity is a very long time, and a six-shooter loaded with hellfire always finds its way through bone to the rotten marrow inside! Hell is a place where secrets die hard, and no good deed goes unpunished. So saddle up, shoot from the hip, and get ready to take a ride through the baddest badlands of them all! Available in a Regular wraparound cover image by Tim Vigil, or as the Tim Vigil "Bullets & Blood" Variant Cover. Both are printed on cardstock. MATURE READERS REGULAR—FC, 24pg $3.95 VARIANT—FC, 24pg $5.95 TIM VIGIL'S DARK UTOPIA #7 by Tim Vigil The time has come to unearth another tome from the shadowed corners of Tim Vigil's private art collection! Inside you'll find never-before-seen works as well as selections of his favorites — past, present, and future. Its wall-to-wall Vigil art at it's best… and worst. Plus, you'll read straight from the brush of the artist, the latest news on the Faust movie and the rebirth of Rebel Studios! 34 black-and-white interior pages, with a four-page color insert. Painted cardstock cover by Tim Vigil. MATURE READERS b&w, 36pg $3.95 BUD PLANT GLAMOUR INTERNATIONAL #12 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3& 4) NOTE: These come from Italy and occasionally copies have small scrapes or a corner bump. Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 12x12, 96pg, PC SRP: $19.95 GLAMOUR INTERNATIONAL #14 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3& 4) NOTE: These come from Italy and occasionally copies have small scrapes or a corner bump. Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 12x12, 96pg, PC SRP: $19.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE COWBOY WALLY SHOW GN by Kyle Baker Special price! Originally published at $14.95! One of fandom's very favorite graphic novels. This legendary "lost graphic novel" was first published by Doubleday in 1988, but wasn't sold through the comics specialty market. It has since become a highly valued book, sought after by well as a hilarious look at Kyle's brilliant humor. Wally is a con-man of the first order, yet he has a W.C. Fields quality of endearment, as well as the ability to keep surfacing one fiasco after another. He produces a children's TV show with adult themes, makes movies, and sells horrible, useless products. Published by Marlowe in 1996. SC, 8x11, 128pg, b&w SRP: $4.99 O/A STAR WARS : THE ART OF DAVE DORMAN TP Special price! Originally published at $24.95. Dave Dorman is one of the finest craftsman doing covers in the comics and science fiction fields His most widely enjoyed work remains his stunning cover paintings for many Star Wars projects. Here is all of Dorman's Star Wars art collected into one volume. Over 50 color paintings, many full-page, including a dozen never- before published works, plus pencil roughs and drawings for each. The text is by Dorman, with additional commentary by the editors and writers of the Star Wars comics and novels. Plus, a section devoted to Dorman's technique, complete with step-by- step illustrations. Highly recommended. Published by Friedlander Publishing in 1996. SC, 9x11, 128pg, FC $10.99 *************** CAPTION COMICS HELDEN #2 by Ralf Paul In this second part of the story, a fourth hero is joining the party: Sean McDuff, of the lcan McDuff — an Algian Paladin who is accompanying the elf Rohán to help him out with his fighting abilities on a dangerous journey. Also, there seems to be a relation between the mystic message in the bottle that was found by Rohán. And what we really want to know is will Benwick be able to continue the mission on his own? Helden is a pure fantasy action comic, which is based on a real played and existing role-playing circle –– a German counterpart to AD&D. FC, 32pg ( 2 of 6) $2.95 CALVARY COMICS GLORY TO GOD #2 by Stevens, McDaniel, Cariello, Long, & Various An all-new anthology featuring stories from The Bible, historical accounts, and modern-day testimonies. Both moving, and inspirational! b&w, 32pg $2.00 CARTOON BOOKS BONE #45 by Jeff Smith While exploring the ancient city of Atheia, Fone Bone and Phoney Bone discover the Inner Circle of Power—but will they live to tell the tale? Danger, mystery, and humor blend together in the latest issue of Bone! b&w, 24pg $2.95 BONE 2002 CALENDAR by Jeff Smith This September, Cartoon Books invites Bone readers to spend a year with all of their favorite characters! This full 24-page color calendar contains twelve memorable scenes from the Bone saga, as well as useful information about the year ahead. The calendar measures 11 ¾" x 11 ¾". It's sure to be a must-buy on every Bone fans' holiday wish list. FC, 24pg $13.95 BONE STUFF 2002 POSTER CATALOG by Jeff Smith This catalog lists all available Bone books and merchandise in the Bone collection, as well as upcoming items. The front of the catalog features the full-color wraparound art from the cover of Bone #40 (and the new Ghost Circles TP). The back contains listings of all available books and merchandise from Cartoon Books. This 17" x 10 7/8" is folded to a convenient 8 ½" x 10 7/8" which can be bagged easily with books and merchandise to reward existing Bone fans with a bonus gift, as well as to lure new readers to the award-winning series. FC, 24pg MSRP: $0.00 CHANTING MONKS STUDIO BERNIE WRIGHTSON'S FRANKENSTEIN TEE #3 You've read the book and have the prints. Now you can show off Bernie Wrightson's infamous Frankenstein illustrations in public. The third in a series, this all-white cotton tee bears the chilling image of a perishing woman, titled in the Frankenstein portfolio as "She perished on the scaffold as a murderess!" Available in three sizes, Bernie's black and white work is printed on top of the line tees, and is printed to last. Comes with a commemorative embossed postcard printed exclusively for the series. L-XL $19.95 XXL $21.95 CHAOS! COMICS LADY DEATH: LAST RITES #1 by John Ostrander & Ivan Reis. Inked by Joe Pimentel. Cover by Ricky Carralero After her fateful encounter with The Dark One, Lady Death, once the ravishing Diva of Death, is trapped on earth, in New York, alive! Last Rites is a story of one woman's epic struggle with who she truly is and what she may become! This breakthrough series sets the stage for Lady Death's ultimate dilemma: will she return to being the cold, remote goddess she once was or will she remain alive? And how are the Chaos Lords and Death involved? FC, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.99 LADY DEATH: LAST RITES #1 PREMIUM EDITION Cover by Ricky Carralero Cover art will never be the same after you get a look at this captivating image painted by Ricky Carralero! Lady Death is alive, with blonde hair and blue eyes — mortal! You¹ll almost think she's the real thing. It will blow your mind! Limited to 3,000 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 BAD KITTY: RELOADED #1 Written by Joshua Dysart. Illustrated by Adriano Batista. Inked by Cleber Salles. Colored by Hi-Fi Bad Kitty is back! The people who destroyed Catherine Bell's life are gone. All she wants now is to visit her parents and tell them the truth about the horrible things that went down in New Orleans. But nothing is ever easy for Cat. The FBI is watching her parents' house, making it virtually impossible to contact them, and if that weren¹t enough, she's about to become embroiled in the world of a very strange and cocky little girl, a little girl who needs Cat's help to survive, a little girl who's being chased by Werewolves. FC, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.99 BAD KITTY: RELOADED #1 PREMIUM EDITION Painted cover by Scott Lewis Playboy look out! There's a new girl in town, and her name is Bad Kitty! Kitty is shown here on this premium cover, sitting seductively on an assortment of pillows, gun in one hand, and covered just enough to make any man's head turn! Limited to 3,000 copies! FC, 32pg $9.99 PURGATORI: DARKEST HOUR #2 by Joshua Dysart, Fabiano Neves, Romano Molennar, Phyllis Novin, & Colorgraphix Sakkara, mortal, electrifying in her beauty, fearsome in her strength. In the last two days she's been hunted by vampires, shot by the police, desired by a cannibal and hated by fallen angels. Now, finally, she's had enough of this madness. It's apparent that to be free – she's going to have to turn the tables on those who've tried to subjugate her, and she's not going to do it alone. Growing inside of her is the timeless spirit of the vampire goddess Purgatori, aching to be made flesh again! Sakkara knows that if she expects to have her vengeance and stay alive, she's going to have to embrace the violent second coming.... of Purgatori! The climax of Joshua (Violent Messiahs) Dysart's redefining series: Purgatori: Darkest Hour. FC, 32pg $2.99 PURGATORI: DARKEST HOUR #2 VARIANT EDITION Cover penciled by Scott Lewis This detailed variant cover features Purgatori as her human counter-part — Sakkara! But Purgatori still lurks, as a silhouette of the "Vampire Goddess" (wings and all) rises up behind the beautiful Sakkara on this special penciled cover! FC, 32pg $7.50 LEGEND OF THE SAGE #3 by Brian Augustyn & Romano Molenaar. Inked by Curtis Arnold. Colored Hi-Fi A strange, mystic de-evolution spell is returning New York to a primevil state, and the city is more under seige than ever. Meanwhile our heroine, Victoria, has been dragged to the mystic realm, as the prisoner of the villianous Magos. There, she learns the totality of the wizard's mad plan of destruction' and the key to stopping him. That's if...she can escape and unite two worlds in opposition! Sets the stage for a grand battle to come as Chaos!' new realm of fantasy heats up in this third chapter of the epic, mystical saga! FC, 32pg $2.99 LEGEND OF THE SAGE #3 VARIANT EDITION Painted by Scott Lewis Check out this surreal variant cover painted by Scott Lewis! Our heroine, Victoria Noble, is presented, front and center on this piece surrounded by a city filled with creatures of another realm! FC, 32pg $7.50 INSANE CLOWN POSSE: THE PENDULUM #11 by Jesse McCann & Jerry Beck. Inked by Sandu Florea. Colored by Colorgraphix. Cover by Jerry Beck, Sandu Florea, and Colorgraphix. HOOO-yah! The penultimate (that means next-to-last, y'all) Pendulum issue comes at you like a flat-out kick in the face-- and it's so jam-packed with crotch-kickin', demon-stickin', finger-lickin' clown action, it's a wonder two staples can hold this stuff together! ICP and Jesus, along with an army of . . . well, you'll have to see them to believe them. They attack Killnor Industries in a frontal assault so wicked, it makes the first twenty minutes of Saving Private Ryan look like a girlie tea party! Guest starring The Amazing Jeckle Brothers, The Great Milenko, The Stress Team, and several noxious denizens of the Nether Void. Be there, juggalo, and you might be spared! Comes with an exclusive CD single unavailable in the known universe! FC, 32pg (11 of 12) $5.99 EVIL ERNIE RETURNS ASHCAN Illustrated by a special hot artist! He's back! Evil Ernie's 10th Anniversary psycho-celebration begins! Get an exclusive peek at the forthcoming Evil Ernie Returns comic (yes, he returns), with this exclusive ashcan! This sucker features insane, and we mean insane off-the-wall artwork of the infamous "Evil One" by Johny Deadstock. Limited to just 999 copies! Recommended for mature readers, and fans of politically incorrect comics. Ashcan $6.00 LADY DEATH: LAST RITES #1 POSTER Painted by Ricky Carrelero Ricky Carrelero (Deep Impact) paints a striking image of the "Diva of Death," taken from the regular cover of Lady Death: Last Rites #1. She's so realistic, you won¹t believe your eyes! Something you have to see for yourself! Ideal for framing! FC, 24x36 $7.99 CHASTITY #1/2 CHROMIUM SIGNED EDITION Cover by Peter Vale and Colorgraphix Ah yeah - Brian Pulido signs the special wrap-around chromium cover to Chastity #1/2! She may look youthful and sweet, but don't let Peter Vale's intimate portrait of Chastity fool ya! Her hypnotic eyes will capture your soul, but watch out - underneath, Chastity is still one bad-ass vamp on a mission. Limited to 1,000 copies. Limited quantities available! Comes bagged with Certificate of Authenticity. FC, 32pg $15.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ETERNAL TOYS: FIRST SHOT PURGATORI ACTION FIGURE Get one of these Purgatori First Shot action figures from the Dark Alliance series. First Shot means it's one of the first fully- painted 1,000 to come off the assembly line! Comes packaged in a custom full color box! Figure $19.95 **************** EVIL ERNIE: YOUTH GONE WILD FULL SCRIPT by Brian Pulido. Cover by the legendary Steven Hughes. Evil Ernie's 10th Anniversary psycho-celebration continues! Own the complete script of the Evil Ernie: Youth Gone Wild saga! It¹s the story that made Evil Ernie infamous — and contains the entire script for all five issues, detailed by Evil Ernie creator and writer, Brian Pulido! The killer thing is that this script reveals the origin of Chaos!' undead teenage psychopath, Evil Ernie! Also included: rare material from Evil Ernie's inception! Perfect for aspiring horror writers and filled with over 150 pages! Comes bound and limited to 2,000 copies. Script, $25.00 EVIL ERNIE: YOUTH GONE WILD FULL SCRIPT SIGNED EDITION Cover by the legendary Steven Hughes Brian Pulido signs his very own script containing all five issues of Evil Ernie: Youth Gone Wild! It's not only signed, but reveals Ernie's dark and twisted past! Ideal for any horror enthusiast's collection! Limited to only 250 copies! (CAUT: 2) Script $35.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A CHAOS! SHIELD SWEATSHIRT You don¹t want to be left out in the cold this winter without the Chaos! Shield Embroidered Sweatshirt. Featuring a 50/50 cotton/poly blend, this finely designed 7.5 oz. fleece sweatshirt features a 3-inch tall Chaos! Shield embroidered on the left breast. Now you can be warm and cozy, Chaos! style, on any bone chilling day. Chaos! Comics, bringing you the quality, style, and comfort that you deserve! L-XL $40.00 XXL-XXXL $45.00 O/A INSANE CLOWN POSSE: THE PENDULUM #2 Written by Jesse McCann. Pencilled by Jerry Beck. Inked by Sandu Florea After battling the "Creature's" shadow warriors know as Twisted to a draw, Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope realize that they have put the priest that saved Shaggy's life in dangerous perile. Using their powers over the spirits of the Dark Carnival, ICP summons forth the Ringmaster to try and save Father Jesus from a most certain death at the hands of Twisted's evil minions. But are they too late? Polybagged with each comic is an exclusive ICP CD single! FC, 32pg $5.95 O/A PURGATORI #1/2 CHROMIUM EDITION Cover by Peter Vale Peter Vale gives Pharaohs a run for their money, as Purgatori gets the royal treatment wearing stunning Egyptian attire on the cover of this limited chromium edition. With vivid, golden hues and an eye for detail, this exclusive edition is one issue for you to treasure! Limited to 2,500 copies. FC, 32pg $15.95 O/A AFTERMATH #1 PREMIUM Cover by David Michael Beck Aftermath is the story after the Chaos! cosmos blew up in Armegeddon, so capture the intrigue and mystery with this premium — featuring a fantastic cardstock cover by David Michael Beck of a revealing Lady Death! Limited to just 3000 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 O/A THE ROCK #1 by Steven Grant & Fabiano Nieves Finally, The Rock has come to comics — in the most electrifying book on the market today! With his rep on the line, the WWF's Brahma Bull takes on a horde of the world's toughest fighters in a no-holds-barred all-out brawl! But who's behind it, and why? When the Great One is outnumbered and outmaneuvered, will he finally fall? Or will everyone smell what The Rock is cookin'? FC, 32pg $2.99 O/A ROCK #1 PREMIUM EDITION Cover by David Michael Beck The Rock lays the smackdown on paper with this electrifying premium cover! Painted by David Michael Beck, The Rock gives his trademark eyebrow salute. He's the "People's Champion," and as you can tell, he ain't no jabroni! So don't mess with this superstar! A slammin' issue for any true WWF fan! Limited to 3,000 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 O/A CHASTITY: THEATER OF PAIN #1 PREMIUM EDITION by Pulido, Justiniano, & Jensen This is the rare premium edition of the Chastity mini-series, Theater of Pain #1. You will want to sink your teeth into this gem, but don't delay—limited quantities remain! (CTP1P) FC, 32pg $15.00 O/A EVIL ERNIE: WAR OF THE DEAD #1 PREMIUM by Pulido & Kaminski, Brewer, & Arnold; Colored by Jason Jensen Limited to only 5,000 copies, Evil Ernie: War of the Dead #1 Premium features a cardstock cover with new painted artwork by Eric Mache - cover artist of 1991's Evil Ernie #1! (#EWD1P) FC (1 of 3) $9.95 O/A UNTOLD TALES OF EVIL ERNIE EXCLUSIVE CHROMIUM EDITION #1 Cover by Insane Clown Posse artist par excellence Jerry Beck! Signed by creator Brian Pulido! The Evil One brings his darkness to this specially art-directed black-and-white chromium cover! Using the technology that has made many comics coveted and sought-after, the artisans at Chromium Graphics have whipped up an especially delectable treat with this one! Extremely limited: only 2,500 copies worldwide! b&w, 32pg $15.95 O/A LADY DEATH SERIES II CHROMIUM CARDS America's leading femme fatale, returns with this prestigious all-chromium trading card series! Featuring artwork by such talents as Steven Hughes, Julie Bell, Joe Jusko, Jim Balent, Joseph Linsner, Mike Deodato, Joe Quesada, Bill Tucci, Val Semeiks, Dark One, Kirk Lindo, Everette Hartsoe, and even a red-hot "mystery" artist! Look for never-before-seen art featuring Lady Death by Steven Hughes, the first appearance of Lady Death's upcoming foes Ferra and Pandemonium, tryptic/gatefold cards by today's top "Femme Fatale" artists, and full-color card backs filled with delectable details on the "Diva of Death" herself! Chase cards include 5 incredible cards featuring the latest in chromium technology, a cryptic chase card set by Jim Balent, and Brian Pulido/Steven Hughes autographed cards! 7 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. (STAR01328) Box PI O/A CHASTITY VANITY PLATE The 6" x 12" plate features the Chastity logo in vibrant purple against a black background. With a baked enamel finish and raised lettering, this vanity plate will send a clear message to your fellow motorists: "If you don't want Chastity creeping up on ya', then get the hell out of the way!" (CAUT: 4) Vanity Plate, 6x12, FC $9.95 O/A CHASTITY COFFEE MUG Who wouldn't want to wake up with Chastity every morning? Now you can, with this beautiful 12oz. ceramic coffee mug featuring the Vampire Assassin in all her breathtaking glory, as illustrated by Justiniano. Every cup from now on will definitely be good to the last drop! Mug $15.95 ********************* CLAYPOOL COMICS ELVIRA #101 by Strom, Day, & Patterson Elvira's boss, Roz Wyck, has been behaving more bizarrely than usual, and an incredibly rare ailment is the cause. So Elvira — with the help of pulp action hero Doc Feral — shrinks to sub-atomic size to attack the problem at its source! It's all in "Voyage to the Center of the Fantastic!" by Frank Strom, Dan Day, and Bruce Patterson. Also, El's side job as an asylum laundress prompts her to smuggle out the writings of the missing soap-opera head writer known as the 'Marquis De Suds,' in "Shills!" by Richard Howell, Tod Smith, and Ricardo Villagran. Color photo cover of Elvira. b&w, 32pg $2.50 SOULSEARCHERS #50 by David & Howell, Vokes, & Anderson Baraka is the last member standing of Soulsearchers, and he's hot to rescue Bridget and the others — but despite his good intentions, finding a path to Hell is tougher than he thinks. "Tragic Waste!" is written by Peter David (with Richard Howell), and features the beginning of a spectacular three-part art job by Neil Vokes and Bill Anderson! Cover by Amanda Conner and Steve Leialoha. b&w, 32pg $2.50 COLONIA PRESS FATHER & SON: EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE SELL-OUT by Jeff Nicholson "Way back" in the mid-nineties it was Generation-X versus the Baby Boomers. Jeff Nicholson took this new generation gap and created one of the more popular series to come out of his varied career. Long out of print, these are the original four issues from Kitchen Sink Press that garnered Nicholson two Eisner nominations. Also included is a rare "lost episode" and previously unpublished pages. SC, 7x10, 120pg, b&w $9.95 COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND COMIC CAVALCADE AVENGELYNE: SERAPHICIDE #1/2 by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon She's young, she's beautiful and she's the deadliest assassin alive. Her name is Onyx and she has been aimed like a gun at Avengelyne. But why would anyone want to have Avengelyne killed? This special prelude to #1 has all-new exclusive art featuring the first sword flashing encounter between the two warrior women. With stellar art by Rick Lyon and luscious colors by Nimbus, this is not a book you want to miss. Because you can be sure Onyx won't. All four covers are limited to just 3000 copies each! LYON COVER—FC, 16pg $4.95 MARTIN COVER—FC, 16pg $4.95 RIO COVER—FC, 16pg $4.95 SHAW COVER—FC, 16pg $4.95 10TH MUSE #4 SEXY PHOTO EDITION Rena Mero has been burning up the charts as the 10th Muse from Image! An exclusive sexy photo cover is limited to just 2,000 copies. A special foil edition is limited to just 500 copies. All copies ship bagged and boarded. RUBY RED COVER—FC, 32pg $29.95 PHOTO COVER—FC, 32pg $5.95 DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE: FEAR 2001 GOLD FOIL COVER #4 Randy Queen provides our all-new exclusive cover on this sequel cover to the sold out ultra collectable first Darkchylde series Fear Edition, and this one is even more limited! This cover is limited to just 600 copies. All copies ship bagged and boarded. FC, 32pg $15.95 COMIC LIBRARY INTERNATIONAL CLICK TRACK: A COMIC NOVEL by Scott Roberts There's a very thin line between celebrity and reality, and retired action hero Click Track is about to walk its edge. On the eve of a promised Hollywood comeback movie, Click finds himself instead in a real life/death adventure of deepening mystery. Reprinted from the pages of Comic Library International Volumes 1-5, published in its entirety with a new chapter, character sketches, and background material on the evolution of the series added for extra box office appeal. SC, 224pg, b&w $19.95 COMICSONE.COM GOKU: MIDNIGHT EYE GN #1 by Buichi Terasawa Goku fights a crime syndicate and loses his left eye! A woman named Ryoko hires Goku and tells him to find her missing clone brother who's out of control! Leila Shinozuka, a famous rock star, hires Goku as a bodyguard. And Yuko Genjyo is a university physicist who specializes in supernatural phenomena, and who has been trying to investigate a mysterious girl who comes out of nowhere and flies around the night sky. MATURE READERS SC, 294pg, b&w $11.95 JOAN #1 by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko Set in Medieval France during the Hundred Years War, Joan is the story of Emil, a young woman raised as a man by Baudricourt, the same man who took Joan of Arc under his wing. Guided by visions of La Pucelle (the name given to Joan by followers), Emil seeks to unite France under the divine rule of the King. Emil travels through many of the same landmark battlefields as Joan, and gains her own followers in the process. However, Emil is opposed by the dauphin Louis, a brute enforcer who fears no divine power and is making his own bid to rule the country! SC, 192pg, b&w $14.95 KABUTO #1 by Buichi Terasawa In the Tensho Era of Japan, 500 years ago, a man was born who defied the will of a demon; a man who had the gods of good on his side; a man destined to battle evil…his name was Kabuto. Somehow, Kuroyasha Douki, the vile Black Night Demon, escaped his prison in hell and returned to the earthly plane to wreak vengeance on the family-line of Kabuto. None can escape his deadly magic and masterful skills with the blade; however, the gods of the North, West, East and South band together to help Kabuto stand for justice. With the questionable help of a diabolical talking sword that his own father forged, Kabuto may live another day to see his own sons born. SC, 320pg, b&w $11.95 KAZAN VOLUME 1 #5 by Gaku Miyao Brave Kazan, water woman Fawna, and ol' lady Arbey have been separated! As they wander the barren countryside, they're drawn closer to finishing their quest for Goldene--and every step brings them closer to assassins! A wily thief and a psychic warrior make big trouble for Kazan while Fawna, disguised as a clown, has made it to a port city she's never seen before. Could she have finally reached the legendary city? SC, 188pg, b&w $9.95 OFFERED #1 by Kazuo Koike Olympic track star. MIT whiz-kid. Adored by the beautiful co-ed's. Revered by classmates and teammates alike. Yu was sitting on top of the world. That is, until the evil seductress Payetta, leader of an outlaw gang of boozers and brawlers, kidnaps Yu at knifepoint and steals him away to her hideout. She hypnotizes Yu with the constant, burning thought of a quest in his mind: to locate the ancient city of Agarti and to become the modern-day Gilgamesh. MATURE READERS SC, 400pg, b&w $14.95 REDMOON #1 by Mina Hwang In a city somewhere on Earth, Philar is an ordinary high school student who usually visits the local game arcade after finishing his studies. One day, however, while at the arcade, hooligans decide to cause trouble that inadvertently involves Philar. To everyone's surprise he fights back. As the rumors spread about Philar, they come to the attention of Lunarena: an assassin sent by Azlar, Prince to Aguilas, to kill the legendary "Sun", who he believes may have escaped to Earth. SC, 196pg, b&w $11.95 SARAI VOLUME 3 TP by Masahiro Shibata This is the third book of an ongoing series, which features the bodyguard maids Sarai and Flicker. MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 204pg, b&w $9.95 WOUNDED MAN VOLUME 1 #3 by Ryoichi Ikegami Keisuki Ibaraki is not a man to be trifled with and the pornography company, G.P.X., makes a grave mistake when they kidnap his high school sweetheart, force her to do unspeakable acts and then make her commit suicide. Keisuki is now on a mission of vengeance and will stop at nothing until he vindicates the memory of his dead girlfriend. Travel with him through the jungles of Brazil as he exacts his revenge, one by one, on the unsuspecting murderers. However, hot on his trail, is the pure-as- white reporter, Yuko Kusaka, sniffing out any kind of story that will gain her recognition. Keisuki confronts her and the ensuing Karate battle tests their wills, as well as Yuko's purity. Sit back, relax and let the sultry Brazilian weather lull you into a trance as you traverse through this action packed story! MATURE READERS SC, 400pg, b&w $14.95 CPM MANGA RECORD OF LODOSS WAR: CHRONICLES OF THE HEROIC KNIGHT BOOK ONE TP by Ryo Mizuno & Masato Natsumoto Record of Lodoss War is heroic fantasy at its finest, set in a timeless world of knights and elves, gods and witches, that has led to some of the most popular series of animated films and TV series, comics and graphic novels of all time. Chronicles of the Heroic Knight Book One is the latest graphic novel from the world of Lodoss, and introduces Spark, the young knight-in- training who serves and waits for the day that his name will appear on the list of knights. Although he dreams of being a glorious hero in the wars of Lodoss, he fails in his first assignment from the king, guarding the powerful, magical Crystal Ball of Souls. It is stolen from under his very nose by Dark Elves in the service of the evil Vagnado, the sorceror of Marmo. The beloved Grey Witch characters Deedlit the Elf and Parn the Knight also return to guide and help Spark, but the focus of this series is the new heroes who join Spark in his quest to retrieve the Crystal Ball: Leif, the beautiful half-elf warrior, the brave Gallac, who is also known as the Blue Shooting Star, and the beautiful leather-clad adventuress Laina. This comic series is as exciting as the Heroic Knight anime series, but tells a very different story, richer and with deeper character development. SC, 7x10, 176pg, b&w $15.95 ASTRA #3 by Robinson & Cohn, Oishi, & Tanaka The great new international manga collaboration, spearheaded by famous Golden Age comic book artist and syndicated cartoonist Jerry Robinson (creator of Batman's nemesis the Joker) continues! Astra is a funny, sexy science fiction story about the beautiful Princess Astra, heir to the throne of a planet entirely populated by women, who's gone to find a man to help ensure that the women of Eros can continue to reproduce. Astra has encountered Yosuke, a strong and rowdy Earthman who is instantly smitten with her, and they've both been taken from his little spaceship and examined in the Quarantine chamber of the International Space Center. In this issue, corporate and government agencies begin to question them, and the star-crossed lovers are about to find out how deceptive and duplicitous Earthlings can be! The story is brought to life by Japanese Good Girl comic artist, Shojin Tanaka, creator of Metal Boy and Shibuya Honky Tonk, published in the Weekly Playboy manga anthology. This issue will ship with an alternate cover by J.H. Williams III and Mick Gray! b&w, 32pg $2.95 DARK ANGEL #29 by Kia Asamiya Dark Angel as you've never seen him before… in a battle with the baddest bad guys (and gals) he's ever faced! In the climax of a terrible battle with the evil necromancers of the Gairana bandit gang, Dark and his enemies transform into ever more powerful beings! Dark spreads his wings in this powerful and moving issue, the penultimate issue in the top-selling Dark Angel series from Manga superstar Kia Asamiya (Nadesico, Batman)! b&w, 32pg $2.95 GEOBREEDERS #31 by Akihiro Ito It's an avalanche of fun as the gorgeous Kagura girls take to the slopes to defeat more of the evil Phantom Cats. Machine guns do blow out the windows of the tram's gondola cars real nicely when these women detectives need to take out some mean supernaturals! But when the action on the slopes is over and the bad guys are defeated, the girls settle in for a nice long Japanese-style bath. If you love beautiful, sexy, adventure-lovin' women, you'll love Geobreeders! b&w, 32pg $2.95 LODOSS WAR: CHRONICLES OF THE HEROIC KNIGHT #13 by Ryo Mizuno & Masato Natsumoto Arriving at last in the beautiful city of Roid, the brave band led by Spark believe that their pilgrimage from Flaim is over when they meet with King Etoh, and that their mission to recover the Crystal Ball of Souls is nearly completed. But it turns out that Marmo is menacing Roid, and its skeletal warriors are attacking the city's Pharis monastery — under the leadership of a Dark Elf! The soldiers of Roid are no match for these dark warriors, and the Dark Elf may soon control the destiny of the city… and of Spark and his friends! b&w, 32pg $2.95 LODOSS WAR: DEEDLIT'S TALE #2 by Ryo Mizuno & Setsuko Yoneyama This remarkable series brings together two top Japanese creators: Ryo Mizuno, the popular creator of the Lodoss saga, and Setsuko Yoneyama, the famous shoujo artist, creator of the Endless Waltz manga series. In this new series, Deedlit and Parn, the heroes of the first great Lodoss anime series and of the Grey Witch comic series, are reunited at last. They have joined forces with a movement to free an oppressed village from aristocratic overlords, and in this issue the villagers meet in secret, deeply afraid of their rulers. This issue includes the continuation of an interview with famed voice actress Lisa Oritiz, who not only provides the voice of Deedlit, but also Lina Inverse from Slayers! b&w, 32pg $2.95 MAXION #22 by Takeshi Takebayashi The power of Takeshi Takebayashi's good girl art shines in Maxion, where two beautiful women, Maki and Shion, face supernatural danger in their lives and in their loves. The evil from another dimension that may shatter the human world also shatters their romance and their friendship. Keishi, the two-faced supernaturally evil student, is taking on Maki, preying on her and trying to turn her against her friends. She disappears in his clutches, and Shion and Yuichiro set out to search the city to find their missing friend! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 PRINCESS PRINCE #12 by Tomoko Taniguchi In this issue, the fan-favorite character, Emma the Angel Bird, returns in her own starring role! In this two-parter, mischievous Emma again gets involved in the love lives of the heirs to the Kingdom of Gemstone. This is the third of four issues containing never-before-collected stories set in the Princess Prince universe, each one featuring all-new covers, never published anywhere before, specially drawn for CPM Manga by Tomoko! b&w, 32pg $2.95 Manga 18 DEMON BEAST INVASION: THE MANGA #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.95 LA BLUE GIRL: THE MANGA EDITION #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.95 UROTSUKIDOJI : RETURN OF THE CHOJIN #3 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL RES. from Previews Vol. IX #9 (SEP991376) b&w, 32pg $2.95 CROSS PLAINS COMICS STAR OF THE MONTH ROBERT E. HOWARD'S WORMS OF THE EARTH "Worms of the Earth" was Robert E. Howard's last and greatest Bran Mak Morn story. This definitive adaptation by Barry Windsor-Smith, Tim Conrad, and Roy Thomas was originally published in Savage Sword of Conan and has never been reprinted, collected or colored — until now! The coloring is rendered by George Freeman and Laurie E. Smith (X-Files). The vengeance of the Romans pales into insignificance when compared to the depths Bran Mak Morn dares in order to punish his brutal oppressors! Also collected in this issue, "The Exile of Atlantis," an early Kull tale adapted by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith, and a cover gallery of Barry Windsor-Smith's non-Conan covers. Plus, an article on Kull and Bran by Fred Blosser. Bran Mak Morn cover by Barry Windsor-Smith and Tim Conrad. (STAR11990) MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 64pg, FC $9.95 CROSSGEN COMICS THE FIRST #11 by B. Kesel, Sears, & A. Smith Persha and Pyrem, father and daughter, meet for the first time. Ingra's kept them apart-what will it mean when Pyrem can't deny the truth? Seahn and Enson have a little secret in an underground that could change the power structure of House Dexter. FC, 32pg $2.95 MYSTIC #16 by Marz, Peterson, & Dell Giselle faces a new kind of test as she confronts an opponent that feeds on magical energy! Making matters worse, the battle takes place in the repository of more magical might than anywhere else on Ciress - Giselle's own sanctum. Meanwhile, Genevieve begins to suspect Skitter is far more than a cute, cuddly pet. FC, 32pg $2.95 SIGIL #16 by Waid, Eaton, & Hennessy The war against the Saurians explodes across the star-system! The Union Army's hopes are pinned on their greatest weapon, Samandahl Rey, but the Saurians have a champion of their own--Khyradon, Tcharun's new ruler! FC, 32pg $2.95 SOJOURN #3 by Marz, Land, & Geraci Chained in the dungeon and facing a fiery execution at Mordath's hands, Arwyn meets the legendary bowman Gareth. But even if they manage to join forces and escape their chains, they'll still have to fight their way through a horde of Mordath's savage troll warriors. FC, 32pg $2.95 SCION #16 by Marz, J. Cheung, & Hillsman Ethan attacks the bounty hunter Exeter, believing him responsible for the carnage at the Underground's Sanctuary. But when Exeter reveals the shocking truth of what really happened, Ethan is left to ponder one of the most important decisions of his life. FC, 32pg $2.95 CRUX #6 by Waid, Pelletier, & Propst Capricia has finally had enough of the taciturn mystery man who's been pulling the team's strings. It's not anger that drives her to the breaking point, though--it's guilt. What has she done to jeopardize her fellow Atlanteans--and what price will she pay? FC, 32pg $2.95 MERIDIAN #16 by B. Kesel, McNiven, & Simmons The line has been drawn...Cadador is blockaded and its trade ships are being conscripted into the growing resistance army. It's war as Sephie's pirates take on Cadadorian ships in an all-out air battle, but the biggest danger is the plans created by the new alliance of Ilahn, Rho, and Reesha. FC, 32pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A CROSSGEN CHRONICLES #2 SECOND PRINTING by Marz, Perez, Perkins, & Jensen George Perez comes to CrossGen! The all-time master of epic scope and detail pencils the first of his specials for CrossGen, a tale drawn from the past of Scion. Centuries ago, ancestors of Ethan and Bron led rival fleets against each other in a battle, and the outcome provides the basis for the annual tournament of ritual combat. History never looked so good as Perez produces a sweeping saga on a scale rarely seen in comics! FC, 48pg $3.95 O/A CROSSGEN CHRONICLES #3 by Kesel, Pérez, Wiacek, & DePuy Long ago on the floating island of Meridian, a young Minister-to-be named Turos first laid eyes on a beautiful young artist named Ideria. The only impediment to their romance is Ideria's other suitor…Ilahn, Turos' younger brother. A tale of Meridian's more recent past brought to life by the master of imagination, George Pérez. FC, 32pg $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH SIGIL VOLUME 1 TP by Elliot, Ensign, Kesel, Lai, M Niven, Moeller, Sharpe, Smith, & Quintana Reprinting the first story arc contained in the extra-sized issues #1-7, this trade paperback tells the story of Samandahl Rey and Roiya Sintor, two ex-soldiers from the human army at war with the Saurians. The search for work brings them to Tanipal. Things spiral out of control for both Sam and Roi as the Saurians launch a surprise attack. During the melee, Roiya is mortally injured, and Sam receives the sigil, a mark allowing him access to vast power, which he receives without any instruction or control. Sam and his friends are wanted by the Saurians, the Sultan's Guards, and a powerful stranger from another world, all because of the "mystery weapon" that Sam has become. Sam and his crew travel the galaxy, battling their enemies and trying to unravel the mystery of the sigil. Also included is a complete cover gallery, and anecdotes from Barbara Kesel and other creators who have worked on this title. (STAR13230) SC, 7x10, 186pg, FC $19.95 *********** CRUSADE ENTERTAINMENT SHI/FIRST WAVE #1 VOICES OF DEAD SIGNED TUCCI EDITION by Tucci, Vaughn, & Johns This summer's smash hit crossover event is now brought to you in an exclusive signed limited edition! When Cade Foster (Sebastian Spence) and Jordan Radcliffe (Traci Lords) cross paths with Ana Ishikawa (better known as Shi), the alien menace known as the Gua may never know what hit them! Shi creator Billy Tucci and Crusade Entertainment join forces with First Wave publisher Andromeda Entertainment to bring you the first Shi crossover since last year's Shi/Wolverine: Judgment Night, and the results will be even more explosive. Strictly limited to 200 copies, this edition is accompanied by a special Certificate of Authenticity. (CAUT: 2) b&w, 32pg $9.95 SHI'S DEMURE LITHOGRAPH by Mike Groleau She serenely lowers her lashes acting coy and demure, but her green eyes still gaze straight into your heart as they peer through the logo. Signed and numbered, limited to 199 copies, this lithograph includes the signatures of artist Mike Groleau and creator Billy Tucci on 11" x 17"sleek chrome coat paper. (CAUT: 2) Lithoghraph $29.99 THE HELMET OF THE PHANTOM SOHEI This awe-inspiring piece is the perfect addition to your Shi collection. As her conscience, her guides, and her teachers, the phantom sohei led Shi through her journey in Way of the Warrior. Now you can own a piece of her vision. This museum- quality head dress is quite the conversation piece: unique and bold. Don't miss it! Wooden stand included. (CAUT: 4) Helmet $299.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SHI EAST WIND RAIN by Sasso & Cohn Shi's adventures in World War II are chronicled in this critically acclaimed 2 issue saga. And with the success of the hot motion picture Pearl Harbor, the timing is perfect to take a fresh new look at this tale. Available individually or as a signed/numbered set. Limited to 199, each Collected Set is signed by creator William Tucci, and authenticated with the Crusade Collectables gold seal. #1 $3.50 #2 $3.50 COLLECTED SET $8.99 ******************** SOME TROUBLE OF A SERRIOUS NATURE ASHCAN by Tucci & DeMott The black and white ashcan of the comic that illustrates Tucci directorial debut!! Signed and numbered, limited to 299. (CAUT: 2) Ashcan $9.99 DANCING ELEPHANT PRESS JACK STAFF #7 by Paul Grist Becky Burdock, Vampire Reporter, is in trouble, and she needs the help of Britain's greatest hero, Jack Staff! Unfortunately, Jack's having a few problems of his own when his nemesis, the Spider, decides to pay a call! (CAUT: 4) b&w, 24pg $2.95 DEAD DOG COMICS BAD CO., INC. #2 by Moen & Sourdif, Kurth & Mojo Politics is the name of the game. Who wants to rule the world? Take a number! This issue takes the story to a whole new level as Dinkovitch hires everyone and their brother to get one step closer to his goal. And Madam Solomon also has been dealt a hand in this deadly game. This deceitful storyline will keep the hamster in your head running so fast, you'll burn the bearings out of that running wheel! FC, 32pg $2.95 MYD-EVIL #2 by Moen & Sourdif, & Hilinski Have you ever been out on the town, pounding back drinks and exaggerating stories about violent brawls… with demons?! Even in this ancient time of demons, swordplay, witches, and magic… man's ability to distort the truth is alive and well! Those sword-slinging, axe-wielding bad boys of battle are back to kick demon tail, and tangle with some hard-bodied witches who've taken a page of history from Delilah's journals! These girls don't mess around… much! FC, 32pg $2.95 DESERT ISLAND COMICS SUPER DELUXE COCOPIAZO #1: A BRIGHT SUNNY DAY by Daniel Warner Drunken debauchery. Infidelity. Pangs of guilt and self-loathing. The morning after a night filled with all the wrong stuff a guy with a steady girlfriend should be doing, John Victory begins to detect the lingering presence of death drawn to his self- destructive lifestyle. (Is that the Grim Reaper following him?) Cardstock cover. MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $3.00 DORK STORM PRESS DORK TOWER #17 by John Kovalic It's Halloween in Mud Bay, and that means just one thing — the annual Goth issue of Dork Tower! And the Perky Goths are getting under the Mopey Goth's collective skins again… but will Gilly finally get into Matt's heart? Or will he blow it again? Plus: A brand new mini role-playing game by Hogshead Publishing luminary, James Wallis! And Dork Tower now features Mark Smylie's award-winning Artesia as a three-page back-up, along with Scott Kurtz's PvP, Aaron William's Nodwick, and John Kovalick's Wild Life and Murphy's Rules! b&w, 48pg $2.95 PVP #4 by Scott Kurtz What is "The Comix?" Perception: Our day-in, day-out world is real. Reality: The world is a hoax, an elaborate deception created by a cartoonist. This is the truth that the "Chosen One" must face when a group of rebel drawings take him down a rabbit hole and reveal to him that he's only a cartoon. Another mind-warping issue of hilarity which also includes classic PvP strips, Dork Tower, Nodwick, and more! b&w, 48pg $2.95 DRAWN & QUARTERLY ATLAS #1 by Dylan Horrocks Acclaimed Vertigo writer and noted New Zealand cartoonist, Dylan Horrocks, returns with Atlas, a mammoth new one thousand page comic book story, serialized in approximately twelve 80-page booklets! Atlas is a long, sprawling saga of comics, cartography, and magic, revisiting two landscapes introduced in his first book, Hicksville, the eponymous comics- obsessed town and the mysterious Cornucopia. Along the way, Atlas explores the nature of comics, the politics of the new millennium, the frailty of love, and the secret to mapping the sky. The story follows 70 years in the life of Emil Kopen, from his peasant childhood in the mountains of Cornucopia to the cartooning sweatshops of New York in the late thirties; from the horrors of Nazi occupation, to the hope and disillusionment of postwar Europe. But it is also the story of Kopen's journey to Hicksville and of his struggle to come to terms with his own past and his country's future, as centuries of isolation from the rest of the world give way to economic globalization and market-driven disorder. For Kopen still has one final part to play in determining the political and cultural destiny of Cornucopia. And that country's feared secret police will stop at nothing to prevent him...! MATURE READERS b&w, 80pg $3.95 VERNACULAR DRAWINGS: THE COLLECTED SKETCHBOOK DRAWINGS OF SETH Vernacular Drawings is a sumptuous, full-color, cloth bound coffee table book collecting the drawings of award-winning cartoonist, Seth. A broad range of subject matter is covered in this massive 212-page book; from portraits of early jazz greats and scenes of burlesque shows, to an oddly intriguing gallery of successful insurance salesmen circa 1947. Nothing is out of place in Vernacular Drawings, and this oversized wonder comes just in time for the tenth anniversary celebration of Seth's comic book series, Palookville. And to celebrate the occasion, Seth will embark on a 15 city North American signing tour in September. Available exclusively in this cloth-bound edition, Vernacular Drawings is Seth's first 'non-comics' collection, a lavish, full-color art book that will appeal to aesthetes everywhere! MATURE READERS REGULAR—HC, 9x12, 212pg, FC $34.95 SIGNED—HC, 9x12, 212pg, FC (CAUT: 2) $48.95 OFFERED AGAIN HICKSVILLE TP by Dylan Horrocks First Drawn & Quarterly printing — a perfect companion for Horrocks' new title, Atlas! In Hicksville, world-famous cartoonist Dick Burger has earned millions and become the most powerful man in the comics industry. However, behind his rapid rise to success, there lies a dark and terrible secret, as biographer Leonard Batts discovers when he visits Burger's hometown in remote New Zealand. For Hicksville is no ordinary small town. In Hicksville sheep farmers and fishermen argue the relative merits of early newspaper strips, while in the local bookshop and library, obscure mongolian mini-comics share the shelves with a complete run of Action Comics. But why does everyone there seem to hate Dick Burger? Hicksville collects the main storyline from the Ignatz Award-nominated comic series Pickle, and includes nearly 50 pages of new or revised material. MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 240pg, b&w $19.95 ************************* IT'S A GOOD LIFE, IF YOU DON'T WEAKEN HC by Seth One of D&Q's most popular and well received books in recent years, It's A Good Life, If You Don't Weaken tells the story of Seth's search for meaning in the life and work of Kalo, a forgotten New Yorker cartoonist from the 1940s. Now that both the original softcover and hardcover first editions are out of print, Seth has designed an impressive new hardcover for 2000, complete with new dustjackets, and an intricate new cloth design, as well. The original edition won an Ignatz Award for "Best Graphic Album," and was featured in numerous publications, from The New York Times Book Review (listed as one of the top 13 graphic novels) to Details Magazine to The Comics Journal (listed as one of the top 100 comics of the 20th century). Also available as a signed hardcover version that features two color pages on tinted paper. (CAUT: 2) MATURE READERS RES. from Previews Vol. XI #2 (FEB011987H) UNSIGNED—HC, 7x10, 176pg, PC $24.95 RES. from Previews Vol. XI #2 (FEB011988H) SIGNED—HC, 7x10, 176pg, PC $34.95 DYNAMIC FORCES RISING STARS: PATRIOT BUST The "Specials"… gifted with incredible powers the day the flash hit Pederson, Illinois. Throughout their lives they had been preparing for disaster from the outside, from a hostile world reacting in fear to what they could do. But when the killing came, none of them could have ever predicted the source. Someone's been quietly killing the "Specials" and consolidating the power that was a gift to each of them. Patriot. Real name: Jason Miller. A true believer and hailed as a hero, he has terrific strength, endurance and he's damn hard to hurt. Depicting the mind-controlled Patriot from issue #7 — the Patriot who was willing to eliminate other specials in order to increase his own powers! First up in a series of resin busts ripped from the pages of J. Michael Straczynski's Rising Stars storyline the Patriot Bust measures six inches high (including the base), was designed by Brent Anderson, and was sculpted (and paint-mastered) by master artist Martin Canale. Limited to 3,000 pieces. Also available is a Dynamic Forces Ultra-Limited Edition bust depicting a "Battle Damaged" Patriot! This limited edition bust comes with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by creator and writer J. Michael Straczynski and designer Brent Anderson! Limited to only 499 pieces worldwide. (CAUT: 4) REGULAR—Mega-Bust $39.99 LIMITED—Mega-Bust $69.99 RISING STARS LIMITED EDITION LITHOGRAPH SIGNED Signed by artist Brent Anderson! Measuring approximately 11" x 17", this litho features incredible art by Brent Anderson, artist of the third chapter of Rising Stars! This one is only for the serious collector, and is only available as a signed edition (limited to 500 copies) or as an Ultra Limited DF Re-Marked Edition (limited to a mere 99 copies) and featuring a Poet head- sketch by Brent Anderson! REGULAR—Litho, 11x17, FC $39.99 RE-MARKED—Litho, 11x17, FC (CAUT: 2) $69.99 NOCTURNALS GUNWITCH PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION MEGA-BUST Straight from the pages of Dan Bereton's Nocturnals, the Gunwitch is deadly and quicker than lightning, dispatching evildoers without a sound, save for the boom of his smoking pistols. Now thanks to Dynamic Forces and sculptor Beverly Gilroy –– with direction from Bereton –– comes this Previews Exclusive version of the undead avenger! Armed to the teeth, the Gunwitch protects home, office, or saloon at nearly 6" tall, and is supported by its own base. Sculpted by Beverly Gillroy and designed by Dan Bereton. Limited to only 300 Busts! (CAUT: 4) Mega-Bust $59.99 EARTH X: WOLVERINE MEGA-BUST SIGNED EDITION The Dynamic Forces Signed Edition bust, autographed by creator/painter/sculptor Alex Ross! Limited to 999 signed pieces. Allocations may occur! (CAUT: 4) Mega-Bust $59.99 APHRODITE IX DYNAMIC FORCES ULTRA-LIMITED "RAINBOW CHROME" COVER #2 Issue #2's are always harder to get than issue #1's, and this #2 is no exception! This edition of Aphrodite IX #2 features a red- hot "Rainbow Chrome" enhanced cover. (CAUT: 4) FC $16.99 DYNAMIC FORCES TOMB RAIDER LIMITED GOLD FOIL COVER #½ The limited edition #½ issue is being released by Top Cow this month, and Dynamic Forces offers this extremely limited Gold Foil Edition! Limited to only 999 copies. (CAUT: 2) FC $14.99 DYNAMIC FORCES UNIVERSE LIMITED GOLD FOIL COVER #2 As they stated earlier with their Aphrodite IX #2 variant, #2's are traditionally under-orderd, making them hard-to find later on. Dynamic Forces is betting that this one will be no different. With only 999 of these variants being created, the few who get this issue will be the lucky ones! (CAUT: 2) FC $14.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A DYNAMIC FORCES JUST A PILGRIM #1 LIMITED ALTERNATE COVER SIGNED Signed by writer Garth Ennis! Ennis' Just A Pilgrim is one of the biggest breakout hits of the year, and the debut issue is sold- out from the publisher! Dynamic Forces has a few copies left… but they won't last! FC (Note Price) $29.99 ******************** DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE LADY DEATH: LAST RITES "RUBY RED" FOIL COVER #1 Lady Death has taken a new direction in her series, and to celebrate, Dynamic Forces offers this extremely limited "Ruby Red" Foil cover edition! Limited to only 699 copies in the world! Also available signed by Lady Death Creator Brian Pulido! (CAUT: 2) REGULAR—FC $16.99 SIGNED—FC $29.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE BAD KITTY: RELOADED GOLD FOIL EDITION #1 Don't miss this "golden" opportunity to get the DF limited Gold Foil edition to this hot new series! Limited to only 699 in the world! (CAUT: 2) FC $14.99 LADY DEMON "HORNY DEVIL" WALL SCROLL One of the most demonic ladies in comics can now be viewed everyday on your wall! Measuring 29" x 40", this hellcat will greet you every day in the privacy of your own home! (CAUT: 4) FC, 29x40 $19.99 CHASTITY "FACES OF CHASTITY" LIMITED EDITION LUNCHBOX! This full-size lunchbox features Chaos!'s very own Chastity! The Suggested Retail Price on this cool lunchbox is $19.99, but Dynamic Forces is presenting it at the "introductory price" of just $14.99! (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $14.99 DYNAMIC FORCES LIMITED EDITION LUNCHBOX SAMPLER To help introduce you to Dynamic Force's awesome line of lunchboxes, they're presenting this sampler of random lunchboxes at an incredible introductory price! You'll get six randomly chosen lunchboxes for the price of four! The Suggested Retail Price for this assortment is $119.94, but retailers and fans can take advantage by getting these six lunch boxes for the special price of $56.96! This sampler may include boxes featuring subjects from Top Cow, Chaos!, Marvel, and more! (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox Set (x6) $59.96 G.I. JOE #1 SIGNED Signed by writer Josh Blaylock! The Real American Heroes return in this new series from Image, and Dynamic Forces has the signed edition! (CAUT: 2) FC $19.99 DYNAMIC FORCES ULTIMATE X-MEN #1 LIMITED RE-MARKED EDITION SIGNED Signed by writer Mark Millar, with artists Adam Kubert and Art Thibert — with an ultimate Wolverine head sketch on each cover! The totally sold-out first issue is going for big bucks. Dynamic Forces has only has a few copies left of this special Re- Marked Edition! That's three signatures plus a Wolverine head sketch! Limited to only 300 copies in the world! (CAUT: 4) FC $89.99 ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #8 SIGNED Signed by artist Art Thibert! Part One of this new storyline comes signed by Art Thibert, one of the most popular inkers in the comics industry today! Limited to only 500 signed copies. (CAUT: 2) FC $19.99 FANTASTIC FOUR 1-2-3-4 #1 SIGNED/RE-MARKED EDITION Signed and "re-marked" by artists Jae Lee and Jose Villarrubia! The hot new mini-series from the Marvel Knights features the fantastic artwork from the award winning team of Jae Lee and Jose Villarrubia. As the first issue focuses on the ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing, this issue features a Jae Lee "head sketch" of The Thing on each cover! Limited to only 299 Re-Marked Editions in the world! (CAUT: 2) FC $69.99 DYNAMIC FORCES THE HULK #1 LIMITED EDITION "CLASSIC HULK" SIGNED/RE-MARKED EDITION Signed and "re-marked" by artist Dan Green! This first incredible issue of the Hulk features a hand-drawn sketch on each cover by artist Dan Green. Each sketch has been meticulously drawn by Dan and is reminiscent of original artists Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko's original works! Limited to only 300 in the world! (CAUT: 4) FC $69.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ULTIMATE X-MEN ADAM KUBERT LIMITED EDITION LITHOGRAPH Wolverine claws his way through this Ultimate X-Men cover image, printed on 80lb Gallerie Paper and measuring approximately 18" x 24"! Litho, FC $24.99 ********************* ULTIMATE X-MEN COLLECTED EDITION SIGNED Signed by Marvel Editor-In-Chief and cover artist Joe Quesada! The sold-out first three parts to this new ongoing storyline is now available signed by Marvel Editor-In-Chief, Joe Quesada! (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, FC $29.99 WITCHBLADE #40 BULLSEYE COVER "BUMPER" PACKAGE The extremely hard-to-get Witchblade #40 featuring rare the bulls-eye cover! And to help place this issue right on target, Dynamic Forces is adding in two hard-to-get Witchblade books as part of this package! (CAUT: 4) Package (x3), FC $14.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE RISING STARS #0 "CHROME" COVER Dynamic Forces presents the limited edition "Chrome" Cover of the special #0 issue, showcasing the backgrounds of the Specials as kids! FC $14.95 ************************ MIDNIGHT NATION #1 SIGNED Signed by creator/writer J. Michael Straczynski! It's the first issue to one of the top-selling comics today, signed by creator J. Michael Straczynski! (CAUT: 4) FC $29.99 RISING STARS GLOW-IN-THE-DARK EXTREMELY LIMITED ACTION FIGURES J. Michael Straczynski's Rising Stars has been shining (or is that glowing?) since it's launch from Top Cow and Image Comics! To commemorate, Dynamic Forces has created this series of limited edition Glow-In-The Dark figures! They're so limited, in fact, that Dynamic Forces has only created 999 copies of each figure! And to match their limitation, Dynamic Forces is offering these at the introductory price of just $9.99 each! This series will feature: Patriot, Chandra, Ravenshadow and Critical Maas. (CAUT: 4) PATRIOT—Glow Figure $9.99 CHANDRA—Glow Figure $9.99 RAVENSHADOW—Glow Figure $9.99 CRITICAL MAAS—Glow Figure $9.99 BABYLON 5 SEASON 4 TRADING CARD SET SIGNED Featuring a card signed by series star, Claudia Christian! Babylon 5 is one of Sci-Fi's contemporary classics, and Dynamic Forces proudly presents the Season 4 trading card set, including a card signed by actress Claudia Christian! (CAUT: 4) Set $59.99 UNCANNY X-MEN #385 LIMITED EDITION WHITE COVER One of the hardest to get limited editions from Marvel is available through this limited offer! (CAUT: 4) FC $19.99 JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOHN BUSCEMA CREATING SUPERMAN SIGNED Signed by living legend and artist extraordinaire John Buscema! Stan the Man meets the Man of Steel! Stan Lee, co-creator of Spider-Man, the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four, brings fans his vision of DC's original superhero — Superman — in a remarkable Prestige Format tale illustrated by another living legend, artist John Buscema (Avengers, Conan the Barbarian)! Limited to only 1,938 signed copies! (The first year of Superman's publication!) Also available signed by the first writer of Marvel with the first superhero from DC Comics (Stan "The Man" Lee of course). This signed version is limited to only 900 copies worldwide! (CAUT: 2) SIGNED—FC $29.99 DLX SIGNED—FC $89.99 GOLDEN AGE GREEN LANTERN POSTER SIGNED Signed by painter Alex Ross! Alex Ross' popular series of posters continues this month from DC Comics, and Dynamic Forces is proud to bring you the signature of the painter who created these classics, Alex Ross! Limited to only 500 signed posters! (CAUT: 2) Poster, FC $49.99 GOLDEN AGE FLASH SIGNED POSTER Signed by painter Alex Ross! Alex Ross will sign only 500 of these posters! (CAUT: 2) Poster, FC $49.99 HARLEY & IVY: LOVE ON THE LAMB SIGNED Signed by writer Judd Winnick! The title really says it all! Before Harley Quinn got her own monthly series, she teamed up with Poison Ivy for an unforgettable night on the town filled with wacky hijinx and unfortunate scenarios. Prestige Format. (CAUT: 2) FC $29.99 THE TITANS: DONNA TROY PHIL JIMINEZ POSTER SIGNED This full-sized poster will be one of the hottest out in the market when it hits, and the signed edition will be just a little bit harder to get… after all, it's limited to only 500 signed posters! (CAUT: 2) Poster, FC $69.99 BATMAN: DARK VICTORY SIGNED/RE-MARKED HC Signed by writer Jeph Loeb and signed/Re-Marked by artist Tim Sale! One of the most successful teams in comics tackled one of comicdom's icons in this follow up to their smash series! And for the comic connoisseur, this signed and Re-Marked edition will be the jewel in their collection! (CAUT: 2) HC, 7x10, FC $69.99 EDDIE CAMPBELL COMICS SNAKES AND LADDERS by Alan Moore & Eddie Campbell The creative team of From Hell come together again to produce a new work about the history of the earth, the moon, the universe, Oliver Cromwell, and the Pre-Raphaelites. English revolutionary Cromwell was dug up three years after his death in order to be executed. The Pre-Raphaelite beauty Lizzie Siddal was exhumed eleven years after hers so that Rossetti could retrieve his manuscript book of poems, given to her in her death as a token of his eternal love. These were not our promised resurrections. b&w, 48pg $5.95 EL CAPITAN BOOKS STAR OF THE MONTH STRAY BULLETS VOLUME #1 HC—NEW PRINTING by David Lapham "The Innocence of Nihilism" is a collection of the first seven issues in David Lapham's critically acclaimed continuing series, Stray Bullets. This larger-than-life, 240-page hardcover features never-before-seen scripts, character sketches and photographs. These first seven stories follow, with startling realism, the lost lives of Joey, Frank, Orson, Beth, Scott, Nina, Led, Sonny, Rose, and Virginia, as they try to survive in an unjustified world where all are sorry heroes and unsuspecting victims. (STAR13233 HC, 9x12, 244pg, b&w $34.95 *************************** EPOCH SO YOU WANT TO BE A SUPER-VILLAIN? by Rick Lundeen When some men hit their so-called "mid-life crisis," they buy a hot car, or date women half their age. Peter Willis, on the other hand, inherits a super-weapon (the Transmutational Oxygen Ratio-Nullifying Air-Density Ops. Belt or TORNADO Belt for short), buys a cape, tries out evil laughs, chooses a worthy opponent, and makes an earnest attempt at being horrifically evil! b&w, 32pg $1.95 EXHIBIT "A" PRESS SUPERNATURAL LAW #32 by Batton Lash Attorneys Alanna Wolff and Jeff Byrd represent a disgruntled muse who is tired of being used for more than inspiration! Also — now that the law offices have been destroyed by the rampaging Inevitable Hank, Mavis and Corey learn how difficult it can be to put things back in order! Plus: a cool pin-up by Eisner Award-nominee Brian Michael Bendis (Powers). b&w, 24pg (Note Price) $2.95 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS THE COMICS JOURNAL #238 This month, Highwater Books' alternative publishing magnate, Tom Devlin, says goodbye to summer with short interviews of Spanish cartoonist/designer Mariscal, English cartoonist/philosopher Glenn Dakin, and Japanese cartoonist/scatologist Enomoto. Also in this issue: an overview of the comics of Tove Jansson (Moomin creator), and Seth will take a look at the comics of John Stanley. Brian Ralph goes to Gary Panter's studio to try on the Pee Wee Herman merchandise; Greg Cook looks at how fine art has influenced comics and why cartoonists get jealous when that influence shows up; Ron Rege will try to track down Mark Beyer; and Jef Czekaj (of Hypertruck) will explain how to get a guaranteed grant for your comics project. Finally, Tom Devlin explains how the deification of EC comics has stunted the growth of comics for over 40 years. With a cover and interior design by Jordan Crane, this issue will be a must-have for anyone who's ever read alternative comics! MATURE READERS Magazine, 120pg, b&w $5.95 HEY, WAIT... by Jason One of Europe's most exciting young cartoonists makes his American debut. This superbly evocative graphic novella by the award-winning Norwegian cartoonist Jason (his first appearance in the English language!) starts off as a melancholy childhood memoir and then, with a shocking twist midway through, becomes the summary of lives lived, wasted, and lost. (Imagine a version of Stand By Me in which not all of the kids outrace the train…) Like Art Spiegelman did with Maus, Jason utilizes anthropomorphic stylizations to reach deeper, more general truths, and to create elegantly minimalist panels whose emotional depth charge comes as an even greater shock. His sparse dialogue, dark wit, and supremely bold use of "jump-cuts" from one scene to the next (sometimes spanning a number of years) make Hey, Wait... one of the most surprising and engaging debuts of the year! MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 64pg, b&w $9.95 LUBA IN AMERICA BOOK ONE TP by Gilbert Hernandez Luba in America, Gilbert Hernandez's first collection since the relaunch of L&R, spotlights the artist's most beloved character, Luba, the central figure of Palomar, the south of the border town that Gilbert documented for 15 years in the original Love & Rockets (1981-1996). In this collection, Luba has moved to America, starting an entirely fresh new chapter in her life. The book begins with Luba traveling to the big city, supposedly having left Palomar to pave the way for her husband to join her in America. We quickly discover, however, that she has a more dire mission. Luba fears that her political history has left a threat to her family from the old country, and she believes that the only way to end this threat lies in America. The resulting action is an awesome blend of political intrigue, sexuality, and Gilbert's characteristically human portrayal of his characters, most notably his women. MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 224pg, b&w $19.95 COMPLETE PALESTINE TP by Joe Sacco Based on several months of research and an extended visit to the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in the early 1990s (where he conducted over 100 interviews with Palestinians and Jews), Palestine was the first major comics work of political and historical nonfiction by Joe Sacco, whose name has since become synonymous with this graphic form of New Journalism. Palestine has been favorably compared to Art Spiegelman's Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus, for its ability to brilliantly navigate such socially and politically sensitive subject matter within the confines of the comic book medium. This new edition of Palestine also features a new introduction from renowned author, critic, and historian Edward Said (Peace and Its Discontents and The Question of Palestine), one of the world's most respected authorities on the Middle Eastern conflict. MATURE READERS RES. from Previews Vol. XI #3 (MAR12036) SC, 7x10, 288pg, b&w $24.95 SKIN DEEP DELUXE SIGNED HC by Charles Burns Charles Burns is the Harvey Award-winning cartoonist and illustrator whose work became legendary in Art Spiegelman's RAW magazine. Skin Deep is the third (following El Borbah and Big Baby) of a hardcover series of four volumes reprinting his acclaimed oeuvre up to his current magnum opus, the ongoing Black Hole comic book series. Skin Deep includes Burns' popular character, Dog Boy (a red-blooded all-American boy with the transplanted heart of a dog), and the classic strip "Dog Days," in which a hash-slinging vixen wags her tail at our fearful hero. The book also collects "Burn Again," and "A Marriage Made in Hell," tales of doomed romance that set a tone for the rest of Skin Deep. In addition to the work collected, Skin Deep features new covers and endpapers, several pages of new illustrations reprinted from Burns' sketchbooks, as well as covers and other illos from foreign editions of Burns' work that have never previously appeared in the U.S.! HC, 7x10, 96pg, b&w $39.95 TALES OF SHOCK CITY by Gilbert & Mario Hernandez The long-lost "Tales of Somnopolis" created by Gilbert and Mario Hernandez, which originally appeared in the back of the mid-'80s Mister X comic and have never been reprinted since (they did not appear in the Warner book collection, making them the most sought-after Hernandez items ever, out-of-print for well over a decade) are finally collected in one snappy package! Not only does this issue reprint all three original "Somnopolis" stories (slightly re-edited to delete all references to the world of Mister X and integrate them into the world of Love and Rockets), but Gilbert and Mario have pulled out all the stops and added a new cover, back cover, and title page, as well as a brand-new six-page tale — and the entire book is being presented in a striking, newly executed duotone (black and red) format that shows the work off to far better advantage than the original, somewhat murky coloring. A Bros. classic not to be missed! MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $3.95 STAR OF THE MONTH USAGI YOJIMBO BOOK 4: "THE DRAGON BELLOW CONSPIRACY"—NEW PRINTING by Stan Sakai This highly demanded reprint from the Usagi series features the novel length "The Dragon Bellow Conspiracy." Jam packed with lethal sword battles alternating with humor, horror, suspense, and slapstick, this beautifully crafted and exciting volume is both an excellent starting point for new readers, and an absolute necessity for Usagi completists! (STAR07545) SC, 180pg, b&w $16.95 ********************* HATE #26-30 PACK by Peter Bagge The final five issues of the groundbreaking comic, all in one place?! Yes, it's true! The life of Buddy Bradley wraps up in this must-have bundle of grunge and slack. Peter Bagge's storytelling talent proves itself over and over again in such tales as "The Death of Studs Kirby," some crack house escapades, and Buddy's involvement with something called the 'Internet.' Plus, back-up stories you won't find anywhere else! Peter Bagge has collaborated with the best of the best over the years and those collaborations can only be found HERE! Stories by Alan Moore, Rick Altergott, and Robert Crumb will appear nowhere else but within the pages of these issues of Hate! Duuude! MATURE READERS Pack (x5), FC $14.75 OFFERED AGAIN O/A LUBA'S COMICS & STORIES #1-2 PACK by Gilbert Hernandez From the brilliant mind of Love & Rockets co-creator Gilbert Hernandez comes this brilliant continuing series Luba's Comics And Stories, featuring short tales about Luba's many relatives and other popular supporting characters. The first issue focuses on Luba's half-sisters Fritz and Petra, while issue two focuses on the delightful Pipo and Luba's sister, Fritz. Prudes and the faint-of-heart beware! — this is Beto's sexiest since Birdland! LC&S is very sexy — NC-17 but not X — a strong "Mature Readers" title but not an "adults-only" one. MATURE READERS Pack (x2), b&w $7.00 ********************* BITCHY BITCH BOOK PACK by Roberta Gregory Five collections ripped from the womb of Naughty Bits! Pioneer woman-cartoonist Roberta Gregory's iconic character Bitchy Bitch rages forth on 472 pages of PMS-fueled adventures in A Bitch Is Born, As Naughty As She Wants To Be, At Work And Play With Bitchy Bitch, and Bitchy's College Days. Plus, Bitchy Butch, Bitchy Bitch's lesbian "cousin," takes over the fifth and most fiercely funny of the Naughty Bits collections. An instant library for the bitch in all of us! MATURE READERS Pack (x5), b&w $48.00 Eros Comix HOUSEWIVES STILL AT PLAY SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 48pg $8.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A HOUSEWIVES AT PLAY VOLUME 1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 64pg $9.95 ************************ MORE HOUSEWIVES AT PLAY VOLUME 2—CURRENT PRINTING SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 64pg $9.95 KETO'S BOOTY CALL SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 104pg $16.95 MISTRESS AND THE MAGGOT #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 SEXY SYMPHONY #4 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.95 SMALL FAVORS #4 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg (Note Price) $3.50 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SMALL FAVORS #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 O/A SMALL FAVORS #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $2.95 ********************** MUSCLE TONE SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 112pg, b&w $18.95 SUPER BARGAIN FRANK STROM PACK SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x11), b&w $15.95 Eros Mangerotica S&M UNIVERSITY #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 WERE-SLUT #4 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 STAR OF THE MONTH COUNTDOWN: SEX BOMBS GN SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR 06415) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Sc, 144pg, b&w $19.95 ********************* BONDAGE FAIRIES EXTREME #8-13 PACK SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x6), b&w $21.00 FELIX COMICS FELIX THE CAT'S JURASSIC JAMBOREE by Various It's an event 65 million years in the making! If you like dinosaurs (and who doesn't?!), you'll love Felix's newest comic book special! The four dino-mite adventures in this book are just filled with dinosaurs! Felix and the gang go back in time, and meet their prehistoric ancestors in "One Million Years B.C." Then, watch your step... "The Clumsi-A-Saurus" is stumbling into town! Baby Felix gets to meet his favorite kid show host "Bippy the Purple Dinosaur," who needs help finding his way home! Bippy is not the only one lost though, as Felix and friends go rafting and end up "Lost in the Land of the Sneezestacks!" A world full of surprise awaits! All this, plus the usual assortment of pin-ups, letters and fund adds up to an exciting special you wont want to miss! b&w, 32pg $2.50 FUNK-O-TRON BATTLE POPE PRESENTS: SAINT MICHAEL #1 by Robert Kirkman & Terry Stevens Taking place before the initial Battle Pope mini-series, this prequel deals with Saint Michael's adventures before his defeat at the hands of Lucifer. It's the end of the world, and as a result of God's abandonment, all Hell breaks loose on Earth! God, feeling sorry for the humans that He has condemned sends the wizened general of His army, Saint Michael, to act as guardian for all of humanity. The only problem is that Michael knows next to nothing about humans, and is far too headstrong to ever ask questions. Hilarity ensues as St. Mike screws up time after time, but he means well and that's got to count for something… right? MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (1 of 3) $2.95 INKPUNKS: QUARTERLY #2 by Inkpunks One of the most exciting and original anthology books to hit stores is back! Kung Foo Sally gets herself into another pickle! The plot of Pitchbright continues to thicken! Captain Nemo of Nautilus does some more exploring in the far reaches of the galaxy! And the gang from Chaser's Moon continues to search for the Emperor's daughter! It's sci-fi/action-fantasy at it's best, with the quality art and storytelling that has made Funk-O-Tron one the companies to turn to for high quality comics! b&w, 32pg $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH BATTLE POPE VOLUME 1 TP by Robert Kirkman & Tony Moore It's the end of the world and few are worthy of passage to heaven, not even the Pope. God leaves behind Saint Michael, the leader of his army, to act as a guardian for the humans. He fails, and is held captive by Lucifer. God then enlists the aide of the Pope to rescue Michael, and leaves his son Jesus H. Christ to assist him in his quest. Includes all-new story pages by Kirkman and Moore, a sketchbook section, and an introduction by Eli Stone (The Tick)! (STAR12700) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 120pg, b&w $12.95 ************************** GAGNE INTERNATIONAL PRESS ZED #1 by Michel Gagné Zed is the delightful-yet-unsettling story of a cute little alien, who inadvertently causes the galaxy's worst disaster. The tale begins on the planet Xandria, and features characters T-Jay, Macku, and Krah (the loudest band in the universe). The first chapter of Michel Gagné's (Insanely Twisted Rabbits) is a bittersweet story with a cliffhanger that will leave you gasping for more! b&w, 24pg $2.95 GEMSTONE PUBLISHING Price Guides THE OVERSTREET INDIAN ARROWHEADS PRICE GUIDE #7 by Robert M. Overstreet From the author of The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide comes the definitive resource for another hobby! Thousands of enthusiasts are hunting sites near creeks, rivers, springs and bluff shelters in the hopes of finding that elusive prize for their collection. With more and more sites disappearing due to urban expansion, its not surprising that the points themselves have become rarer than ever! The Official Overstreet Indian Arrowheads Indentification and Price Guide includes the latest discoveries and the most up-to-date information on the subject. Divided into nine regions of the United State, the book features index tabs for quick and easy reference. This edition includes thousands of new photos, a dazzling color section, over 800 different point types, tips on trading and how to buy authentic relics, up-to-date regional market reports, a cutting-edge article on the Dalton culture based on recent excavations at the Olive Branch site in Southern Illinois by Dr. Richard M. Gramly, and "Man's First Stone Tools from the Old World"—an illustrated price guide section in full-color from homo habilis to homo sapiens by Duncam Caldwell. Over 8,000 actual-size illustrations throughout! SC, 1000+pg, PC $24.00 STARS OF THE MONTH O/A OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE VOLUME #31 by Robert M. Overstreet; Covers by Murphy Anderson & John K. Snyder III Enter a new era of collecting with The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide! The all-new, 31st edition offers a choice of covers by Silver Age legend Murphy Anderson (recreating Bob Kane's cover to Detective Comics #31) and John K. Snyder III (recreating Jack Kirby's cover to Fantastic Four #1), along with an amazing assembly of articles about the comics and their creators. In addition to the best-researched pricing in the hobby, you'll find market reports, key sales, in-depth historical information, tips on grading, and the most complete record of comic books from the 1800s to the present. You'll also find features on the 40th anniversary of Marvel's landmark Fantastic Four #1; Wonder Woman's 60th anniversary; profiles of cover artists Murphy Anderson and John K. Snyder III; a look at the phenomenal Platinum Age success of The Brownies; and the work of the hottest creator in comics right now, writer-artist Brian Michael Bendis! This edition also includes an updated directory of fan websites and much more! Since 1970, only one comic book price guide has been dubbed "the Bible" for casual and die-hard collectors alike. While others have come and gone, The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide has become the premiere reference source for the hobby, covering more than a century of comic book history! DETECTIVE COMICS COVER—HC (STAR13175) $30.00 DETECTIVE COMICS COVER—SC (STAR13176) $22.00 FANTASTIC FOUR COVER—HC (STAR13177) $30.00 FANTASTIC FOUR COVER—SC (STAR13178) $22.00 **************** EC Comics TALES OF TERROR! THE EC COMPANION DELUXE SIGNED EDITION HC This deluxe edition of Tales of Terror! is a leatherette, slipcased, signed and numbered prize for any serious EC Comics collector. Limited to a total of 500 copies, only 100 copies will be made available through this special solicitation! This edition is signed by the authors and by many of the EC greats including: Al Williamson, Jack Davis, Joe Orlando, Al Feldstein, and others! Tales of Terror! is a visual checklist, creator index, guidebook and more, with every EC cover reproduced in full color. See the work of creators like Wally Wood, Al Feldstein, Al Williamson, Harvey Kurtzman, Graham Ingels, Bernie Krigstein, and others. Encounter the other events that shaped the comics world for decades to come in this fitting presentation of one of the most important companies in comics history. Co-Published by Gemstone Publishing and Fantagraphics Books. RES. from Previews Vol. X #12 (DEC002031) HC, 9x12, PC $125.00 STARS OF THE MONTH TALES OF TERROR! THE EC COMPANION HC This ultimate guide to EC Comics is presented as a handsome hardcover volume, similar in format to the Complete EC Library series! (STAR11041) HC, 9x12, PC $39.95 TALES FROM THE CRYPT ANNUALS The same 32-page EC comics you've come to know and love, conveniently re-bound into squarebound "EC Annuals!" Each hefty softcover volume contains five complete EC comics—including covers—presented in chronological order. SC, 7x10, FC. #1 (STAR00836) $8.95 #2 (STAR00897) $9.95 #3 (STAR02531) $10.95 #4 (STAR06323) $12.95 #5 (STAR08543) $13.50 #6 (SEP991492) $13.50 COMPLETE TALES FROM THE CRYPT SET Five individual volumes containing the complete 30-issue run of the greatest horror series in the history of comics! Includes five volumes in slipcases. (STAR00582) HC Set (x5), b&w $110.00 ************************ Photo-Journal Guides STAR OF THE MONTH PHOTO-JOURNAL GUIDE TO MARVEL COMICS VOLUME IV HC Ernie Gerber's fantastic photo-journals are a serious collector's dream come true and they're also the best visual reference available on comics! The Photo-Journal Guide to Marvel Comics Volume IV measures 11" x 14", and illustrates the lavish history of Marvel Comics, showcasing titles from the publisher ranging alphabetically from K-Z, by showing reproductions of each comic book cover in full color! (STAR00179) HC, 11x17, FC $29.95 *********************** GREEN DOOR STUDIOS CUCKOO #12 The 2000 Ignatz Award-nominee for "Best Series" and "Best Single Issue" comes blasting back with a special issue #12 bonus! 48 pages at no extra cost — the first section continues the true stories of living with multiple personality disorder, when an alter dramatically reveals her identity to the author's perplexed boyfriend, and caps off with a searing glimpse at a sordid past. Then, 16 of the best pages from previous Cuckoo issues, including the 2000 Ignatz "Best Single Issue" nominated material from issue #10! Each issue of Cuckoo can stand alone, and readers do not need to have read earlier issues to follow the series! b&w $3.00 HARRIS COMICS VAMPIRELLA #3 by Mark Millar & Mike Mayhew Mark Millar, the writer whose high-octane style set the tone for the new Vampirella series, concludes the first story arc of the series! And it's in the over-the-top manner that you've come to expect from the writer of The Authority and Ultimate X-Men! Incredibly illustrated by series artist Mike Mayhew, this is sure to be one of comics' new classics! Regular cover by Mike Mayhew, with a Limited Edition cover edition (1,500 copies) by Batman: The Animated Series co-creator, Bruce Timm! REGULAR—FC, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 LIMITED—FC, 32pg $9.95 VAMPIRELLA: MODEL SEARCH SPECIAL #1 LIMITED EDITION The new Vampirella model… revealed at last! This special limited edition issue features new photos of the recently "crowned" official Vampirella model, with interviews and featuring tons of behind-the-scene info from the Vampirella 2001 Model Search. This limited edition features a variant photo and is limited to 1,500 copies. FC, 24pg $9.95 VAMPIRELLA MODEL 2002 CALENDAR by Various Twelve months of exciting new Vampirella photos! This 8 ½" x 11" collector's item calendar is a must for all Vampirella fans. Featuring the hottest photos of the Vampirella model! Calendar, 8x11, FC $9.95 HEADLESS SHAKESPEARE PRESS STALAGMITE #1 by Various Presenting stories by some of the best independent cartoonists around: a continuation of Brian Ralph's Crum Bums; a coming- of-age story by Robyn Chapman; a stalker story with an O. Henry-style twist from Jonathan Russell; a literary meditation by Constance Kwinn; Mr. Chippy Chips by Kevin Scalzo; Spookie the Hottie Teenage Ghost from Tatiana Gill; and an interview with Non's Jordan Crane. b&w, 48pg $3.99 HEAVY METAL THE AGE OF DARKNESS GN by Caza The frightened 'Oms have retreated into the shadows of their fortified cities, while outside, the "Others" impatiently wait for a time when they may reclaim their lost lands. Their greatest strength is that they know neither pity nor hatred… MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 104pg, FC $12.95 HEAVY METAL FALL 2001 SPECIAL: MIND MELT Featuring the 72-page graphic novel, Morrigan, plus more! Cover by Simon Bisley. MATURE READERS Magazine, 128pg, FC $5.95 HOTEL FRED PRESS FRED THE CLOWN #1 by Roger Langridge The follow-up to 1999's critically acclaimed one-shot, Fred the Clown is a collection of short, self-contained stories that evoke the cartoon styles of the past, with an ironic twist. Humor! Pathos! Unrequited love! Martians! All starring that romantic fool, Fred the Clown! b&w, 32pg $2.95 HUMANOIDS PUBLISHING NEGATIVE EXPOSURE #1 by Enrico Mirini Follow the exploits of investigative reporter Oliver Varese, who has a knack for attracting both beautiful women and danger, as he travels the globe on assignment. From Red Square, to Hong Kong, to Geneva, the globetrotting Oliver chases down the truth amid international intrigue ripped from today's headlines. In this issue, Oliver meets the head of Japan's most famous amusement park, Kokonino World, the night of the Tiananmen Square demonstrations. When Madam Kokonino distracts a passing tank, she leaves Oliver with film of student executions and a mystery as to the true nature of Kokonio World. MATURE READERS FC, 32pg (1 of 6) $2.95 THE INCAL #5 by Alexandro Jodorowsky & Zoran Janjetov Continuing the complete adventures of John Difool! John learns a hard lesson about who his friends are when his new "love" sets a trap for him. After escaping this threat, John returns to his investigation of the mysterious birth rate in the Red Ring to find that he has gained new allies. We also learn that the case John is working on reaches deeper levels of conspiracy than even he could have imagined. MATURE READERS FC, 32pg $2.95 LE RAIL HC by Claude Renard & Francois Schuiten While returning from a Union meeting on one of his company's lightning-fast rail cars, William Davis finds himself forced to travel the bleak countryside when a saboteur stops his trip short. Davis now faces firsthand the dangers that roam the area. Told in several different art styles by master illustrator Francois Shuiten. (CAUT: 2) MATURE READERS HC, 8x11, 64pg, FC $14.95 STARS OF THE MONTH DUSK VOLUME 1: POOR TOM HC by Richard Marazano & Christian Demetter Three agents turn up in the small town of Salem to investigate the death of four people who died on the same night under strange circumstances. This is a rather unusual event for such a small town whose residents seem a bit too keen on forgetting this tragic night. It soon becomes clear that the victims are not missed, and it is in an even more charged atmosphere that the investigators slowly uncover the terrible secret that unites thepopulation of Salem. (STAR12092) HC, 8x11, 56pg, FC $14.95 WHITE LAMA VOLUME 6: WATER TRIANGLE, FIRE TRIANGLE HC by Alexandro Jodorowsky & Georges Bess In the first half of the 20th century, a European child born in the heights of Tibet carries within him the reincarnation of an ancient and mysterious Great Lama. In this final chapter of the series, Gabriel Marpa returns to the monastery of the terrible Migmar. Though accompanied by his friends Topden, Dondup, Tzu, and the Yeti, Gabriel orders them to stay behind, as he wants to face his enemy alone… (STAR13066) HC, 8x11, 56pg, FC (6 of 6) $14.95 ********************** INSIGHT STUDIOS GROUP LIBERTY MEADOWS #22 by Frank Cho RETRACTION: Previously Insight Studios stated that Liberty Meadows would not pander, that they would not print a "Cat Fight" cover featuring the Evil Brandy battling the Good Brandy. Since then, they have been inundated by messages of protest and frustration from Liberty Meadows' legions of fans. Each message has demanded that they reexamine their decision and present the infamous "Cat Fight" on the cover of Liberty Meadows. They listened, and in a complete reversal of their marketing plan, they have decided to pander! Fortunately, the "Evil Brandy" story is continued in this issue and gives them the opportunity to correct their omission! So get out your beer and pretzels and dump a load of Jell-O on the wrestling ring… Brandy and Evil Brandy go womano-a-womano in a no-holds-barred, knockdown brawl that starts on the cover and fills page- after-page of Frank Cho's latest challenge to the conservative nature of today's newspaper comic sections! Featuring uncensored versions of strips too funny for the newspapers, as well as new commentary by Frank Cho! This issue presents strips originally published between January 3rd and February 20th, 2000. Bi-monthly. b&w, 32pg $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH UNIVERSITY2: THE ANGRY YEARS! TP—FINAL PRINTING by Frank Cho This amazing best-selling collection of Frank Cho's college humor strip has been going back to press for printing after printing for half a decade. With over 30,000 copies sold, Frank has decided to stop while he's ahead and has declared this to be the final printing of "The ANGRY Years!" Don't miss your last chance to put a copy of this hilarious strip collection in every bathroom in your home! (Besides, you know your old copy has too many stains on it by now!) (STAR09773) SC, 8x11, 80pg, b&w $11.95 IRONCAT FUTABA-KUN CHANGE! VOLUME 7 #2 In addition to last issue's new, and extremely short, student, it seems Komotane High has a new addition to the staff — Miss Yuki. She's the elder sister of Maki and Miki, the scientific genius twins who work as the science teacher and the school nurse of the school. Granted, she still looks like a child since her sisters once placed her in suspended animation in an experiment. And she weilds this amazing rocket-powered fan to keep order in the classroom. b&w, 32pg $2.95 THE VAMPIRE DAHLIA #5 by Narumi Kankinouchi Also from Narumi Kakinouchi comes this the tale of Dahlia the mysterious Vampire of unknown origin! When grisly things start happening at the new school Dahlia is attending, the show must still go on. It's macabre theater at it's best and heads will roll. Also, a new character is introduced in China Blue when Dahlia's friend from the orient dances in spreading her love around. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 VAMPIRE PRINCESS YUI VOLUME 3 #2 by Narumi Kankinouchi To tide over all Vampire Miyu fans comes the tale of her "sister", Vampire Yui, by famed artist Narumi Kankinouchi! In this issue, the lady from the lake has awakened from her slumber and she is ready for blood. When a Shi shows up to wreak havoc, it's up to Yui and her trusty companion Nagi to stop him from taking the life of an innocent child. b&w, 32pg $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH FUTABA-KUN CHANGE! VOLUME 4 GN Dumb and Dumber meets Japanese schoolgirls as the wrestling sisters, Anzu and Karin, come to Komatane High School to avenge their Sumo-wrestling brother's defeat in the school club wrestling tournament. However, what Anzu and Karin lack in brainpower and comprehension skills, they more than make up for it with sheer strength! Can Misaki-chan (the club tournament's winner) stand a chance against this imbecilic pair?! (STAR13213) MATURE READERS SC, 4x7, 192pg, b&w $15.95 ********************* Sexy Fruit OGENKI CLINIC VOLUME 8 #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.95 JAY COMPANY ARIA/ANGELA #1 TOWER VARIANT EDITION by Brian Holguin & Jay Anacleto To celebrate the new Aria series from Image Comics, Jay Company presents this rare variant to the hot crossover featuring Aria and Spawn supporting character, Angela. Previously created for Tower Records locations, this edition features a new cover by fan-favorite artist, Drew! Also available in a Limited Gold Foil Edition, strictly limited to 500 copies. REGULAR—FC, 22pg SRP: $9.95 LIMITED—FC, 22pg SRP: $14.95 DARKCHYLDE: REDEMPTION #1 TOWER VARIANT EDITION by Randy Queen Randy Queen returns to first and finest creation in Darkchylde: Redemption! Originally offered through select Tower Records locations, this special limited edition is now available through Jay Company and Previews! FC, 22pg SRP: $12.95 THE TENTH: EVIL'S CHILD #1 TOWER VARIANT EDITION by Tony Daniel Tony Daniel is one of the premiere comics artists working today, blending macabre monsters with alluring ladies! To commemorate The Tenth and other F5 creations moving to Dark Horse, Jay Company offers this variant edition of The Tenth: Evil's Child #1 for the first time through Previews! FC, 22pg SRP: $12.95 KEENSPOT ENTERTAINMENT SUPEROSITY #3 by Chris Crosby When Chris's pal Barton is fired from his clerk job at Circle Z, what's the only logical solution to his money troubles? Travel back in time to January 1994 and steal cash from O.J. Simpson while he's still rolling in Naked Gun 33 1/3 money! Plus, Chris spends a grueling day at Cool-Ass Internet, under the watchful eye of scary new Vice President Valarie, while little brother Bobby enters punk turtle friend Snap into his school's snazzy "Show & Tell 2000" tournament (hosted by Corey Feldman!). Forty-two strips (all with commentary) and all-new material by Crosby and special guest cartoonists will show you why all the cool kids on the Internet are achieving Superosity daily! b&w, 48pg $2.95 KENZER & COMPANY DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: IN THE SHADOW OF DRAGONS #4 by Donovan, Walpole, & Brase "The Lies That Bind"—After a surprise underground ambush splinters the party, the heroes find themselves set upon from all sides. Savage attacks from vicious monsters claim the life of a friend, and the rest leave the caverns disheartened and discouraged. But more troubles await them as they journey to the city of Roland. Will the heroes find the person they seek? Or will they get even less than they bargained for? Find out in the newest issue of this fantastic series! FC, 24pg (4 of 8) (Note Price) $2.99 KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE #59 "Fight Fire With Fireballs"—Knights of the Dinner Table is the longest running comic book on the subject of games and gamers. The principal characters — B.A., Brian, Bob, Dave, Sara and the dastardly Black Hands — play numerous characters in their role-playing games… but their essential characteristics and hilarious interactions always shine through no matter what roles they're playing. KoDT also features articles geared to a gamer's perspective. A fantastic and hilarious slice of (fantasy) life in strips! b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE: HACKMASTERS OF EVERKNIGHT #9 by Blackburn, Jelke, Johansson, Kenzer, & Vega It cost them three HackMasters (haven't you been reading the last few issues?!), but the EverKnights managed to defeat the dark mage Poadrus… or did they? A great evil has been awakened, and the fate of the universe lays upon the Heroes of Hack… get out while you still can! The chaos has traveled to the outer realms, and even the gawds are praying for help as our heroes travel through the immortal realms and show them what it's like to be mortal! If you have the power, you can't miss "HackMasters of the Universe!" The pantheon will never be the same. b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 LANDWASTER BOOKS JAY'S DAYS VOLUME 1 GN by Jason Marcy Marcy's autobiographic debut stats with his work in a downtown record store and the unbelievably weird people he knows. Experience his father's panic attacks and open-heart surgery, his happiness with his wife, and a co-worker's compelling survival of foreign wars. Brutally honest, and cathartic! MATURE READERS SC $16.95 LAST GASP OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE DREAM OF CECILIA SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 48pg, FC $12.95 O/A TWENTY SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 62pg, FC $14.95 ************* STAR OF THE MONTH A VERY SPECIAL PRISON SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR07970) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 48pg, FC $12.95 *************** LIGHTSPEED PRESS FINDER VOLUME 3: THE KING OF THE CATS TP by Carla Speed McNeil This third trade paperback collects issues #15-18 of Carla Speed McNeil's award-winning series, Finder. Included is all-new material — scenes that didn't fit in the regular issues, exhaustive footnotes, new covers, and chapter-heading portraits. Jaeger Ayers doesn't take to crowds or conformity, and there's an abundance of both in Munkytown. There are also personal connections for him. Meet the Ascians, whose tribal culture is on display to visitors eager to spend and afternoon in Noble Savage Land; and the Nyima, the lion-people in danger of losing their pride the longer they stay in the theme park. Munkytown has the economic upper hand in an uneasy alliance where nothing is what it seems. But power takes many forms, and that's where a Finder comes in handy. SC, 7x10, 120pg, b&w $13.95 LIQUID COMICS GYPSY COMPANY #3 by Anderson, Showman, & Underwood Meet the Clown who swallowed the Boogie Man, a.k.a. "The Kinderfeld!" Witness the introduction of the ancient omega that has a maniacal penchant for puppets and paparazzi. Also, Merrik and company meet the blind samurai, Chimara, and learn the horrible truth behind Goshuro Rex! b&w, 24pg $2.95 LONE STAR PRESS PANTHEON #9 by Willingham, Clark, Lieber, & Williams Kid Babylon is destroying Philadelphia, and it's up to Midas, Minerva, and Fortress America to stop him. But Philadelphia is Blackheart's city, and her won't take lightly to the Freedom Machine or Kid Babylon playing in his sandbox! Meanwhile, Johnny Venture checks on the progress of Deathboy, now free from Shadowpax's obelisk. Finally, at Fort Silence, Daedalus and the Oddities bring in more troops, and the deep space final battle between Dynasty and Outrider continues! b&w, 32pg (9 of 12) $2.95 MANDALAY BOOKS TALES OF THE CHEROKEE #1 by Gene Gonzales Explore the fables and traditions of the Cherokee in a bold new come that opens a world almost entirely left alone since the days of Scout. A journey into creation and destruction, a voyage into myth and legend, this story is an educational introduction into the Cherokee mythos, suitable for all ages. b&w, 24pg $2.95 MEANWHILE STUDIOS CHAIROSCURO #1 by Troy Little In Chapter 1 of "Patchwork," Steven Patch struggles to carve his place into art history with only one canvas at his disposal. b&w, 24pg $2.75 MID-WEST COMIC COMPANY MIDNIGHT NATION #1/2 WIZARD EDITION SET Included in this set are both versions of Midnight Nation #1/2. Inside this issue is the tale titled "Precious Moments." This story is being published exclusively in this limited edition ½ issue. This set includes both the regular ½ issue as well as the 1 for 25 dealer incentive issue. FC SRP: $19.99 OBERGEIST RAGNAROK HIGHWAY #1 CON EXCLUSIVE VARIANT COVER This convention exclusive painted alternate cover by Tony Harris fits with the #1 variant cover that shipped 1 for every 4 copies to form an incredible double cover image. Ships bagged and boarded. FC MSRP: $9.99 TOMB RAIDER #13 VARIANT PLATINUM FOIL EDITION Beautiful Andy Park alternate cover featuring Tomb Raider patrolling her surroundings by the light of the moon. Limited to just 2,500 copies and features prismatic platinum foil stamped logo and more. Comes bagged and boarded. FC SRP: $12.99 WITCHBLADE #46 VARIANT PLATINUM FOIL EDITION Witchblade master artist Keu Cha and Steve Firchow have created this wicked alternate cover of Sara (Witchblade) Pezinni sporting a pistol in her street clothes. This edition is limited to just 2,500 copies and features a prismatic platinum foil logo. Comes bagged and boarded. FC SRP: $12.99 MIGHTY GREMLIN ELECTRIC GIRL STARTER PACK by Mike Brennan Being a teenager can be hell, right? Trying to fit in and be like everyone else. Everything seems to be life or death. Now, on top of the normal adolescent woes, imagine having electric powers that you can't always control! Add in a mischievous gremlin that pops in and out of your life, making trouble, and maybe you can understand what it's like to be Virginia… the Electric Girl! Here's your chance to enjoy this humorous, graphically appealing series from the beginning! This starter pack contains a copy of the 40-page debut issue, autographed by Eisner Award-nominated creator, Mike Brennan, along with issues #2-5, all bagged together as a set. This starter pack of five comics is a great way to enter the offbeat world of Electric Girl! Pack (x5), b&w $11.00 NBM BOOKS FAR WEST VOLUME 1 TP by Richard Moore Richard Moore (Boneyard) cut his first teeth on this hard-driving fantasy western mini-series! Gorgeous but tough-as-nails elf Meg is a bounty hunter in a land that resembles the Old West… but this version is populated with elves, ogres, shape-shifters and creatures you can't even trust as far as you can throw them! Hey, it's a living, and Meg is darn good at it! But she and her bear companion Phil (who tends to be a bit less hot-blooded) just may have their hands full when they set out to capture Neil Voss, an elfin outlaw with a bounty of $10k on his head. But there's one big problem: he doesn't have a bear as a companion… he keeps company with a fire-breathing dragon the size of a house! With Moore's inimitable sense of timing, action, sexiness, and dry humor, this one is a guaranteed good time for all! This volume collects the first four-issue mini-series along with additional pin-up art and a new story, all printed in a larger format, better for showing off Moore's great artwork! MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 112pg, b&w $13.95 AFTERLIFE IN GOTHLAND #5 by Shea Anton Pensa After his battle with Tweaky's demons, Maddox goes from being a Haunted Soul to a Soul-That-Haunts! But leaving the World of the Flesh is nothing more than a transition, with even stranger challenges to face, as Grumpy-Goth-Extraordinaire learns soon enough ... with the "help" of some "kindly" spirits on the Other Side! MATURE READERS b&w $2.95 AMNESIA GN by John Malloy Chloe, a young reporter from L.A., gets the opportunity of a lifetime: an interview with Ike Reuben, a filmmaker and novelist whose work has been a constant source of inspiration for her since college. This opportunity triggers a series of flashbacks into Chloe's past, bringing up memories that may actually threaten to impede her interview. But Ike has a past of his own to address, manifesting itself in the form of dreams, the result of some kind of narcolepsy or uncontrollable "sleep attacks." He is somehow able to slip in between the cracks, laying unconscious in one reality, while living and witnessing another. When the two meet, they discover that their pasts are actually what can set them free, and that the line between memories and dreams is finer than they could ever imagine. The debut effort from an exciting new artist inspired by Dave McKean. SC, 8x11, 64pg, b&w $9.95 2024 GN by Ted Rall Now in paperback! Move forward two decades. See the world as the giant media moguls and software companies have become our new big brothers. They want the best for us. They know what's best for us. And what's best for us we have chosen ourselves to be consumer heaven with no questions asked! A terrifying future where the past doesn't matter and no one cares! The motto to live by: 'yes, no, whatever!" Ted Rall updates and spoofs 1984 in a scathing look at where we could be headed. Thought provoking? Try thought incensing! His best and most chillingly funny work yet! MATURE READERS SC, 6x9, 96pg, b&w $9.95 O/A—HC, 6x9, 96pg, b&w $16.95 STARS OF THE MONTH LUIS ROYO: DREAMS TP—NEW PRINTING by Luis Royo Dreams is the book that collects the intense and electric works by Luis Royo that were created in the last 10 years. These works, never-before-published in a single book, include sketches, comments by the artist, and new illustrations. (STAR10209) MATURE READERS SC, 9x12, 80pg, FC (Note Price) $19.95 LUIS ROYO: III MILLENNIUM TP—NEW PRINTING by Luis Royo Another collection of stupendously scintillating scenes of women, beasts, and machines, with a theme of approaching the new millennium! (STAR08068) MATURE READERS SC, 9x12, 80pg, FC (Note Price) $19.95 LUIS ROYO: MALEFIC TP—NEW PRINTING by Luis Royo Sexy, sensuous, horrific fantasy art as done for the covers of Heavy Metal and other leading mass market publishers. (STAR10190) MATURE READERS SC, 9x12, 80pg, FC (Note Price) $19.95 CRACKED GUIDE TO THE MOVIES TP Feel confused at the staggering array of movies produced by Hollywood? Not sure what to go see or rent? Or what great classics you may have missed? Well, here's a collection of intellecshual creeteeks from the exploits at the revered Cracked Magazine! With this handy guide to the latest blockbusters, you will slice through the confusion and rush to rent more and more fabulous movies and make those moguls in lala-land so much more, well, lala! (STAR13388) SC, 8 x11, 96pg, b&w (Note Price) $8.95 A TREASURY OF VICTORIAN MURDER VOLUME 5: THE MYSTERY OF MARY ROGERS SC by Rick Geary Now in softcover! Rick Geary presents yet another true crime tale of the 19th century, very carefully researched and based in fact, but with his usual tongue-in-cheek look at the lurid details. Mary Rogers was a compellingly beautiful lass employed in a cigar store in New York City in the mid-nineteenth century. She had a few suitors. Then, she suddenly disappeared, her body recovered in the Hudson off the Jersey side. The press had a field day with all the possible shocking possibilities… but the case was never solved. Now you can examine the facts behind this mysterious murder, whose details are fascinatingly recreated here by Geary, and make up your own mind! (STAR13416) SC, 6x9, 80pg, b&w $8.95 WINGS OF TWILIGHT: THE ART OF MICHAEL KALUTA HC At last, a beautiful full-color gorgeous compendium of the best of one of comic art's most beloved and revered artists! Kaluta was one of the noted members of the legendary Studio that included Jeff Jones, Barry Windsor-Smith, and Bernie Wrightson. His career's highlights include a short but fondly remembered stint on the Shadow and doing covers for DC. He also worked with Elaine Lee on Starstruck for Marvel's Epic line. Illustrations, covers, sketches, work from his comics –– it's all here taken from Kaluta's own vast portfolios. (STAR13455) HC, 9x12, 80pg, FC $24.95 ********************* GRIN & BARE IT #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, and the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 48pg, PC $5.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A GRIN & BARE IT #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, and the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 48pg, PC $5.95 ********************* STARS OF THE MONTH LETHAL ORGASM SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR13399) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 48pg, b&w $9.95 LOLITA, VOLUMES 1 & 2—NEW PRINTINGS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, and the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL VOL. 1 (STAR02931)—SC, 8x11, 64pg, b&w $9.95 VOL. 2 (STAR02932)—SC, 8x11, 64pg, b&w $9.95 ********************* NEW ENGLAND COMICS THE TICK COLOR #5 by Silvia, Kazybrid, & Toyoshima The Tick Quits?! Is this the end of The Tick!?! In a senses-shattering story, The Tick confronts a threat that may force him to abandon his super-hero career! Is that a "Tick costume" we see abandoned on the cover?! Read "The Tick Nevermore..." to discover if The Azure Arachnid really does "hang it up" for all time! Cover by Sean Wang. FC, 32pg $3.95 THE TICK'S BIG HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 2001 by Clay & Susan Griffith, & Dave Garcia The Tick's Big Halloween Holiday Special has been an annual holiday tradition for over 100 years! Uh… make that 100 weeks. Yes, this is the third installment of The Tick's popular annual Halloween special! This year's scary-day story is extra- special, as it features a scene-stealing guest star: Man-Eating Cow! Everybody's favorite carnivorous bovine confronts her own arch-nemesis: Mad Cow! Yes, ripped from the shocking headlines of today, Mad Cow is the walking, mooing, mauling presence of Mad Cow-Ness, with only one thought on her mad mind: Eat Man-Eating Cow! Can Man-Eating Cow confront the threat of Mad Cow!? Can The Tick avoid getting caught in the middle of this bovine banquet of horror?! Cover by Sean Wang. FC, 32pg $3.95 THE TICK'S BIG HALLOWEEN DOUBLE PAK by Various This special Halloween-themed Tick Double Pak includes: The Tick's Big Halloween Special #1 and The Tick's Big Halloween Special 2000. These issues are a must-have for fans of The Tick, and feature an odd sort of spooky weirdness and holiday fun as only The Tick can muster! To help you get these key back-issues, NEC is offering this two-pack featuring first of both Halloween specials. Pack (x2), b&w $7.00 WAFFEN-SS #6 by Ron Ledwell On the eve of his planned invasion of Russia, British and Greek forces in the Balkans create a threat to Hitler's expansion across the continent. In response, Hitler ordered a powerful assault on the Balkans, made up of strong Army, Luftwaffe, and Naval units… including the Waffen-SS Leibstandarte and Das Reich divisions. In the end, both the British and Greeks were defeated, and the Waffen-SS had distinguished itself in combat. Following the campaign the Waffen-SS forces were decorated and praised by the Wehrmacht, and some elements of the "regular" German Army were coming to accept the SS forces as brothers-in-arms. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Germany. b&w, 32pg $3.50 STAR OF THE MONTH THE TICK: THE NAKED CITY COLOR TP—SECOND PRINTING by Ben Edlund, Max Banks, & Dave Garcia The second printing of The Tick's first and only full-color graphic novel. The Naked City reprints the first six issues of The Tick in full color. It contains the first appearances of The Tick, Arthur, Oedipus, Paul the Samurai, The Red Scare, The Running Guy, and many more! With a live-action television show coming to Fox, and The Tick comics now being in full color, make sure you don't miss this exciting trade paperback! (STAR13453) SC, 7x10, 176 pgs, FC $15.95 new suit NEW THING: IDENTITY New Thing is a new series of anthology books featuring top-flight comics creators from the U.S. and across the globe. Their goal is to establish and maintain the highest level of literary and artistic standards in the field. This issue's theme is "identity." Featuring Nick Bertozzi (USA—Boswash), Tomer Hanuka (Israel—Bipolar), Katja Tukiainen (Finland—The Girl and the Granny), Pauline Martin (La Boite or The Box). Squarebound. SC, 8x6, 96pg, b&w $9.95 NICKELODEON RUGRATS COMIC ADVENTURES VOLUME 3 #6 Nickelodeon's too-cool toddlers return in their latest issue featuring games, puzzles, and an all-new Rugrats adventures! Magazine format. FC, 32pg $2.95 1 AB COMIX SHAWN KELLER'S HORRIFYING LOOK AT THE FURRIES by Shawn Keller Veteran animator Shawn Keller brings his warped sense of humor and hilarious talent for caricature to bear in this journey into the nooks and crannies of popular culture that are sometimes best left undisturbed. In the spirit of MAD magazine, "The Furries" explores the growing subculture of one of the most truly bizarre fandoms in existence. FC, 32pg $3.50 ONI PRESS MAGIC PICKLE #1 by Scott Morse What would you do if the world's greatest super-hero lived under your floorboards? What would you do if said super-hero was… a pickle?! When Weapon Kosher, the Magic Pickle, erupts from the bedroom floor of little Jo Jo Wigman, she has to answer those questions and more! What's the Magic Pickle's connection to the Brotherhood of Evil Produce? Just what is "Dill Justice?" How did Danny Johnson get to be so cute? Find out all the answers in this sweet and savory four-issue, monthly mini-series from Eisner-nominated creator Scott Morse! And as a special bonus, each issue contains a back-up story by Jim Mahfood, starring Smoke Dog! b&w, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.95 KISSING CHAOS #1 by Arthur Dela Cruz Introducing Oni's latest find — Arthur Dela Cruz! This talented new artist has crafted a dynamic mini-series that sits firmly amongst the jewels in the Oni crown! Kissing Chaos is the story of three young people on the run, all fighting to escape their personal demons. Raevyn, who has stolen money from a guy she didn't know was a hitman; Damien, wanted by the police for the murder of a potential rapist; and Angela, the girl that Damien saved, who is so terrified of her past catching up with her, she has retreated into her own, silent world of fantasy. So with criminals and cops on their tail, the kids are on a direct course for the end of the line. To showcase Arthur's stunning gray-toned art and to match the frenetic pace of the story, Oni is experimenting with a brand new format: Released every three weeks, digest sized, with 16 pages of story and no ads. The first issue is specially priced at under $2 as an extra incentive to take a chance on a bold new venture. Don't be the last one to get kissed! MATURE READERS b&w, 16pg (1 of 8) $1.95 THE MARQUIS: DANSE MACABRE TP by Guy Davis It was during the 18th century that the Ministry of Inquisition ruled over the lands of Venisalle. In the world of the Marquis, faith is not only the religion but the strict law of life and death. It is into this world that the souls of Hell have escaped to sin, murder, and be free within the possession of the living. During this time, one man has been "blessed" with the ability to see into the very souls of the damned and fight the demons within. But as the Marquis begins his holy crusade to send back the escapees of Hell, the lines of good and evil begin to blur into a struggle between faith and sanity. With his intricate artwork that has won accolades from critics and fans alike, Guy Davis paints a vivid portrait of a time not quite from our history and reveals an evil hidden deep within the heart of man. Loaded with extras, this collection includes the grand finale in black- white-and-red, a brand-new prologue, never-before-seen character sketches, and reprints the original Marquis "Les Prelude" story. Introduction by Steve Seagle (House of Secrets, The Crusades). SC, 7x10, 192pg, b&w $18.95 HOPELESS SAVAGES #2 by Jen Van Meter & Christine Norrie The Hopeless-Savage children are hot on the trail of their kidnapped parents, but if they're going to really get them back, they need a little help from their long-lost brother, Rat. Fed up with the punk rock lifestyle his family was living, Rat took a new name and a corporate job marketing coffee to the masses. If Twitch, Arsenal, and Zero are going to make use of Rat's excellent leadership skills, they're first going to have to get him out of his office, destroy his suit and tie, and deprogram him out of his safely stupid way of life. This all-new mini-series is wonderfully written by Jen Van Meter (Weird Western Tales) and ingeniously illustrated by Christine Norrie (Action Girl Comics), with special flashback sequences by Chynna Clugston-Major (Blue Monday) and covers by Andi Watson (Breakfast After Noon). b&w, 32pg (2 of 4) $2.95 QUEEN & COUNTRY #4 by Greg Rucka & Steve Rolston The Minders have used Tara Chace as a decoy to draw out the hit men who attacked the SIS building — a dangerous proposition given that the head of SIS has instructed them to do so without carrying guns. And even if the British agents manage to overcome this hurdle and stop their enemies from collecting the bounty on Tara's head, will there be any guarantee that they'll be able to punish the terrorists properly before bureaucratic red tape ties their hands further? The final issue in the first arc of Greg Rucka's ongoing espionage series takes a dramatic turn, as hard lessons are learned about the reality of international intrigue. Illustrated by Steve Rolston, with covers by Tim Sale and colorist Matthew Hollinsworth. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 NOCTURNALS: THE DARK FOREVER #2 by Dan Brereton A fractured group of Nocturnals fights for survival above and below ground in part two of The Dark Forever! Lost in a labyrinth of immense subterranean ruins, Doc Horror discovers the relics of a lost civilization and the clinging ghosts of a bygone age huddled at the foot of the monument to the awful leviathan they once served. Eve and the Gunwitch search for a vanished Polychrome in the aftermath of a devastating cave-in, while Eve worries over whether or not she can regain communication with her beloved toys, or if the spirit world is lost to her forever. And on the streets of Pacific City, a desperate standoff finds Starfish and the Raccoon up to their necks in zombies! Will the pyrokinetic Firelion show up in time to help them, or will the mysterious entity with the horrible urn take their souls, too? It's a new world of the god-awful and monstrous, and Dan Brereton's Nocturnals are dead center in the middle of it! FC, 24pg (2 of 3) $2.95 STARS OF THE MONTH VOLCANIC REVOLVER TP by Scott Morse Someone is putting the screws on Don Valdezio's family. Don's boys quickly organize a plan of vengeance, but how deep does the plot go, and who in the family is in cahoots with the enemy? This trade paperback collects the highly acclaimed mini-series by Eisner Award-nominee Scott Morse, including the original short story from Oni Double Feature. Presented in the smaller, Geisha-format (5 ¾" x 8 ¼") and printed with special sepia ink tones, this book is a must-have for fans of sequential crime! (STAR10544) MATURE READERS SC, 5x8, 120pg, b&w $9.95 THE LAND OF NOD TREASURY TP by Jay Stephens No way! After all this time, the very first collection of Jay Stephens' The Land of Nod is coming back in print! Nod is a place full of strange kids that like comic books, root beer, and going on surreal adventures. There's Merv and Dave, goofball buddies who spend their time playing mean tricks on each other and thwarting the invasions of Devil Martians; there's Val, the cute girl who woos all the boys in the clubhouse; Joey, the toothless expert on the greatest comic book ever, Jumbo Head; and Hector, the skeleton boy with the bad smell. There're giant bugs, talking dolphins, and Captain Rightful, the incompetent super-hero. And presiding over it all is Nod, the pointy-eared king with the Cheshire-Cat grin! From Jay Stephens, creator of Oni's all-new series, JetCat Clubhouse! (STAR13398) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $11.95 ******************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A THE COFFIN #4 by Phil Hester & Mike Huddleston The final issue! Dr. Ahmad must rescue both his daughter and best friend from the black heart of the HellerTech empire, but to do so, he must face down the very assassins who murdered him in the first place; assassins now equipped with coffins even more powerful than his own! Read the future of comics now, thanks to writer Phil Hester (artist on Kevin Smith's Green Arrow) and artist Mike Huddleston. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (4 of 4) $2.95 ******************** STAR OF THE MONTH FRUMPY THE CLOWN VOLUME 2: THE FAT LADY SINGS TP by Judd Winick In this year of new beginnings, with a new President in the White House and the dawn of the true millennium, a new patriot will come to the fore — Frumpy the Clown. Like all great patriots of old, you may not realize his true American spirit initially. He seems cranky, paranoid, even a tad smelly. But it's these very qualities which have signaled true visionaries of the past. The iconoclast is always the delusional crackpot who lives in a shack and looks like he belongs in a mental institution as he lurks through normal society, shaking things up from the inside. And Frumpy is doing just that! You have been warned! The future revolution starts here! In these very reprints of Judd Winick's classic newspaper comic strips, the hilarious Frumpy The Clown. This is the second of two volumes, reprinting the Frumpy series in its entirety! (STAR13431) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 136pg, b&w $15.95 ******************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A QUEEN & COUNTRY #2 by Greg Rucka & Steve Rolston In London, the MI6 building, the center of British intelligence, has been attacked! A rogue terrorist has fired a missile into the offices from right across the street and gotten away clean. Is this retaliation for the assassination Tara Chace committed in Kosovo, or just a random act? Whichever, it's up to Tara to follow the bloody trail and to its source. A tale of action and intrigue from the pen of Greg Rucka, the award-winning writer of Whiteout, Detective Comics, and the Atticus Kodiak novels, with art by newcomer Steve Rolston and covers by Tim Sale (Daredevil: Yellow). MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 ******************** STARS OF THE MONTH WHITEOUT TP by Greg Rucka & Steve Lieber Whiteout is an engrossing murder mystery set in the frozen Antarctic wasteland. People are turning up dead, and it's up to Marshal Carrie Stetko to find out why, but when Lily Sharpe, a slick British intelligence agent, gets involved, they both discover the intrigue goes deeper than it originally appeared. Nominated for three Eisner Awards, including "Best Writer" for Rucka, "Best Penciller/Inker" for Lieber, and "Best Limited Series," this trade paperback has the original covers by Matt Wagner, Mike Mignola, and Dave Gibbons, and the package is rounded off by an all-new cover by industry legend Frank Miller (Sin City, 300). (STAR12943) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $11.95 *********************** PAKKINS PRESENTS PAKKINS' LAND VOLUME 3: FORGOTTEN DREAMS TP by Gary & Rhoda Shipman This is the one you've all been waiting for! The third volume in the Harvey, Russ Manning, and Eisner-Awards nominated Pakkins' Land trilogy is here, featuring all new, never-before-seen story and art! In "Forgotten Dreams," Paul sets out with his animal friends to help restore the lost kingdom of Pakkins' Land. The action and drama hit full force as the band of adventurers find themselves deep in the heart of the Eastern Lands, where all is not well. Strange dreams from the past have been tormenting the party… but dreams are the least of their worries! SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $15.95 PENDLESPEAR COMICS JUDIKA: SEVERANCE #1 by Luke Payne & Lee Melton Jr. When Emperor Hirakomu, ruler of the Shon'tero clan, has his first-born son mysteriously abducted, sparks of unrest and fear erupt throughout the land. The Emperor dispatches an elite core of agents to track and recapture his son, but since their departure, no word has been received from them. Now he sits in contemplation of his next move, weighing the life of his followers against that of his beloved son, heir to the throne. Three years of peace and prosperity are about to be shattered in the world of Eios… and the promise of furthered horizons will soon die as a new and sinister religious power presents itself! The routes between cities become increasingly dangerous, talk of vile beasts abounds, and morale and productivity have slumped to an all-time low. Troubled times indeed. Cover by Mota & DePaula. b&w, 28pg (1 of 6) $2.99 PENNY FARTHING PRESS VICTORIAN #12 by Wein, Baikie, Pepoy, & Chuckry The music box is wound tighter and tighter until all that is left is for the music to play. Such is the case for The Victorian. Every word tightens the plot into a complex tale that offers the promise of discovery. After reconstructing the voodoo shrine, Professor Winston FitzRandolph realizes a simple absinthe spoon's importance and senses his quest is almost at its end. Meanwhile, the buzz around New Orleans is the alligator population has risen to monstrous proportions. Is it a natural phenomenon, or are the creatures attracted to the strange existence of steam in the swamp? With Jim Baikie's magical imagery, Len Wein's vivid word tapestries, and Rick Berry's provocative painted cover, Issue #12 sings a melody that cannot be ignored. Cover by Rick Berry. FC, 32pg $2.95 PHOSPHORESCENT COMICS THE WATCH #1 by Christian Read & Andrew Phillips "Can one put a price on the ability to leap five stories down and land unharmed? Can one put a price on the speed of the jaguar, the grace of the Palomino? Here at Awakasi, we are happy to say yes, you can." Welcome to The Watch. A world where corporate greed and nationalistic profiteering has corrupted the bright dream of super heroics. Where the secret agendas at the highest ranks of the world's governments cover up a conspiracy nearly six million years old. The only unaligned supers are The Watch, an activist cell of super powered humans who distrust the motivations of the military/industrial complex as much as it distrusts them. The writer that Louise Simonson (X-Factor, Superman) called "Modern genius from Down Under" is set to re-launch indie superheroes. The Watch also features an eight-page backup story about the world's most powerful super team. RES. from Previews Vol. XI #6 (JUN012283) b&w, 32pg (1 of 6) $2.95 PLAYDIGM ENTERTAINMENT GALACTIC GLADIATORS #2 by Sandford Tuey & Scott Lee The first human to escape the Psion preservation pods, Tom Freeman searches the vast Psion research vessel for Tessa Guess and other captured humans. Unknown to Tom, Tessa already is being evaluated in life-and-death tests to lead a human team against aliens. All hell breaks loose as the Psions race to track down Tom and he tries to find Tessa before the Psions' genetic experiments change her into someone — or something — unrecognizable! Will Tom find Tessa? If he does, will he know who she is? FC, 32pg (2 of 4) $2.95 RADIO COMIX FURRLOUGH #105 by Various Daphne Lage and Jose Calderon's high fantasy adventure "Tall Tails" continues to thrill and delight with more intrigue and danger than you can shake a stick at. Patrick J. Moran's wacky comedy adventure "Tunesia" continues at its usual breakneck pace, and "Ebin and May" by Christina Hanson and Ed Garcia serves up a delightfully sweet chunk of medieval romance! Cover by renowned fantasy artist Heather Bruton. b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 MANGAPHILE #13 by Various Mangaphile continues in its new format with more pages to deliver the most manga bang for your buck! This issue's featured stories: "Clare's Dragon" offers more magical high school hijinks by Rob Lansley and Ken Lowe, "Wendy Comic" by Josh Lesnick, plus a hyper-kinetic "Hysteria" short by Mike Hawthorne. Articles featured include Daniel Kanemitsu's definitive guide to doujinshi culture in "Doujin World," reviews you can use in the "Eye on Manga," plus more of Pat Duke's extra- informative "Photoshop For Comics." Quarterly. b&w, 48pg (Note Price) $3.99 Sin Factory COLLARS AND CUFFS SPECIAL #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 64pg $4.99 MILK #25 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 SIN FACTORY LOGO T-SHIRT Now you too can wear the classy industrial-styled Sin Factory logo in devilish red and black on a heavyweight cotton-blend black tee! Show your affiliation to the home of your favorite adult comics with this tough, high-quality T-shirt. Great for clubbing, concerts, or just scaring the neighbors! XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 WILD ZOO #8 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg (Note Price) $2.99 REBELLION 2000 A.D. #1258-1261 Britain¹s cult award-winning horror, fantasy, and science-fiction anthology comic brings its stunning Summer Offensive to an explosive climax as five top strips race towards their thrilling conclusions. Judge Dredd battles to save Mega City One as universes collide in "Helter Skelter" by the same team behind smash-hit series Adventures in the Rifle Brigade and Just a Pilgrim — Garth Ennis and Carlos Ezquerra. Meanwhile, micro garden pest droids Banzai Battalion escape the clutches of Justice Department and journey to find their promised land in "The Fitz" by John Wagner and Ian Gibson (Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire). Meanwhile, mutant vampire Durham Red learns the secrets of "The Vermin Stars" by Dan Abnett and Mark Harrison and there are more shocks in store for Nikolai Dante in "The Romanov Empire" by Robbie Morrison and John Burns. (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 32pg, PC $3.25Ea. JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE VOLUME 4 #3 The new-look 100-page Megazine packs even more stunning stories into this all action issue! Future lawman Judge Dredd stars in two strips. John Wagner and Cam Kennedy present the final part of "The Bazooka," while Alan Grant and Richard Elson sample the demon weed in "Leaves of Grass." DeMarco P.I. returns in a new 3-part thriller, "Deep Blue Murder," by Robbie Morrison & Steve Yeowell. Plus: suicide mission specialist Wardog, more classics from the 2000 AD archives, and more blasts from the past with cybergoth legend Lazarus Churchyard, courtesy of Warren Ellis and D'Israeli! (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg, FC $6.95 REBEL STUDIOS FAUST: LOVE OF THE DAMNED ACT 11 NEW PRINTING SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $3.95 REDLIGHT MANGA DIMPLES DOWN BELOW GN SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 6x8, 166pg, b&w $14.95 RHAPSODY GN by Ryoh Yuuki Rhapsody comprises five darkly erotic short stories, opening with a taboo sexual relationship between brother and sister, then follows that up with equally erotic and taboo stories about lesbian stalking, group bondage sex, and sex using "non-traditional" sex-toys. SC, 6x8, 166pg, b&w $14.95 RENAISSANCE PRESS OFFERED AGAIN O/A AMELIA RULES! #1 by Jimmy Gownley Classic cartooning and gorgeous full-color reproduction depict Amelia McBride's struggles to keep her sanity amid her new friends: the super-hero wanna-be Reggie Grabinsky, the evil Rhonda Bleenie, and the mysterious loner known only as "Pajamaman." This self-contained issue features three short stories which link-up to form one longer tale of a day in the life of these memorable characters. Stories are told with hip wit and charm, and range from the playful "Freeze Tag" to the riotous "Sneeze Barf Incident." Fans of Peanuts and Calvin & Hobbes won't want to miss this stuff! FC, 32pg $2.95 ***************** SANDKING STUDIO SEASONS #2 by Evenhuis, Romano, Yavuz, Araya, Gilani, Armstrong, & Marald From Sandking Studio comes a dazzling collection of stylishly sinister tales, gorgeously illustrated by a selection of the most promising new batch of European artists. Features work by Romano (The Tenth, More Than Mortal) and Chris Evenhuis (In Extremis). The stories, "At Her Door," "Masters of the Game," "The Deifics," and "Second Rites," create a new 21st century mythology of wondrous magic and cruel miracles when gods and humans finally meet. Deluxe Format. (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS b&w, 56pg $3.95 SHANDA FANTASY ARTS SFA ATOMIC MOUSE #1 by Curtis, Ettinger, Yambar, & Various The most successful Charlton super-hero of the 1950's now returns in his own comic, following his reintroduction in SFA Spotlight. In this issue, Atomic Mouse thought he was the only super-powered being on the planet. But Professor Pizarro changes the equation when he introduces Super Rat! Plus, more classic stories! b&w, 48pg $4.99 FANTASTIC FURRY STORIES #2 by Hoagland, Payne, Wong, & Various The pulp text anthology returns! Writers include Michael Payne (author of Blood Jaguar, and Guest of Honor at Further Confusion), and Elizabeth (In Nomine game, Pawprints), and Brock Hoagland (author of the recently released Knight and Mouse from Shanda Fantasy Arts). Elizabeth McCoy, and Conrad Wong and Kristina Davis. Cover by Conrad Wong. MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg $4.99 NEW HORIZONS #11 by Curtis, Maranda, & Crusoe SFA's premier anthology is back with new stories by Dan "Flinthoof" Canaan, Michael Payne, as well as returning features such as "Beans and Hay," by Ken Asche, John Jacobson, and Neil Robertson. Plus, "Fawn" by Steve Addelesee and Michael Wolff. Cover by Lisa Jennings. MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg $4.99 WHITE ORCHIDS #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 48pg $4.99 SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT ARTESIA ANNUAL VOLUME 2 by Mark Smylie Mark Smylie's second Artesia Annual is part story bridge and part sourcebook. In the first of two stories, titled "Hidden Hands," Urgrayne the Witch Queen and the severed head of Bran visit the Highland Citadel of An-Athark to pay a visit to King Renham. In the second story, "Right Hands, Left Hands," Artesia's chief of household, Sava, holds a staff meeting and tries to deal with a crippling blow. Also included is an extensive and lavishly illustrated tour of the sights, peoples, and costumes of the Known World, the complex fantasy setting for the Artesia saga, featuring an extensive map. MATURE READERS FC, 32pg $3.95 SCARY GODMOTHER #5 by Jill Thompson Uh, oh. Bad news for the REAL Scary Godmother: Tinkaree had such a rewarding time at the Witches Convention that she's decided to take over the role of the Scary Godmother permanently! But fooling a bunch of conventioneers is one thing — will Tinkaree be able to con all the denizens of the Fright Side, too? Once Hannah gets out of the hospital, she's gonna have to try awfully hard... Meanwhile, Bug-a-Boo realizes that strange things are afoot at Jack's Giantkillers Tavern. Will he succeed in saving the real Scary Godmother? b&w, 24pg (5 of 6) $2.95 POISON ELVES #67 by Drew Hayes Thanks to influence of a couple of bottles of Cantaloupe Whiskey, Jace and Lusiphur have lost Wisp to the trolls. After a terrifying conversation with Mogre-Ur, the two bad-luck bodyguards utilize their brand-new Elven Ambassadorships to try and discover where the young psyonist has been taken. Meanwhile, at the faraway Fell Keep, Wisp is brought before the leader of the dark trolls, who lets him know that they'll do anything to turn him into a weapon against the elves — even if they have to kill him to do it! MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ARTESIA ANNUAL #1 by Mark Smylie Includes two fully-painted short stories by series creator Mark Smylie. The first is an epilogue for the just-completed Artesia mini-series, in which Urgrayne, the Witch Queen, sits down for a chat with the head of Bran the King. The second story is a prologue for the Artesia Afield limited series coming out in the spring of next year. Also included in this annual are reader letters from the first series, as well as a special eight-page centerfold fold-out featuring a giant character round-up for the first and second series! MATURE READERS FC, 24pg $3.50 ******************** STAR OF THE MONTH DAWN: LUCIFER'S HALO TP by Joseph Michael Linsner At last! Multiple Eisner Award nominee Joseph Michael Linsner presents the Dawn saga as he intended it to be experienced. Linsner supplies at least eight new pages, plus the rare Fall of the Goddess "introduction" to round out the epic tale of "Heaven and Hell, Death and Re-Birth," starring Dawn and her lover, Darrian Ashoka — slayer of demons and murderer of angels. Rife with true love, absolute hatred, eternal damnation, relentless war, lost souls, and divine illumination. (STAR07224) SC, 200+pg, FC $19.95 ******************** TEARS OF DAWN VOLUME 2 LIMITED EDITION Here's a 32-page pin-up illustrations book in full color! Signed and hand-numbered to 1,000 copies, it's illustrated by none other than Joseph Michael Linsner! FC $30.00 DAWN AURORA VERDE LIMITED EDITION CHROMIUM PRINT A 7" x 13" full-color chromium print illustrated by Joseph Michael Linsner, signed and numbered to 1,000 copies! Print PI DAWN ANOTHER CARD SET UNCUT TRADING CARD SHEET A 26" x 36" full-color card sheet illustrated by Joseph Michael Linsner that includes rare special cards! Sheet PI DAWN BLONDE T-SHIRT A full-color image on a 100% white cotton T-shirt that's illustrated by Joseph Michael Linsner. M-XL $16.00 SORHENN GRAFIKS STAR OF THE MONTH METROPOL COLLECTED EDITION VOLUME 2 TP by Ted McKeever A city is stricken by a mysterious plague-like epidemic. People die in thousands. Chaos erupts as monsters and demons roam the streets killing even more human beings. The apocalypse has begun, but salvation is here as the angels who watch come to fight the hordes of Hell and protect mankind. This edition contains the director's cut of Metropol and Metropol AD, plus pages from Ted McKeever's sketchbooks. (STAR13401) SC, 8x11, 96pg, b&w (2 of 5) $11.95 ************* SOUND & VISION INTERNATIONAL ALULA: CRASH IN THE DUAL WORLD SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL RES. from Previews Vol. X #11 (NOV002207) b&w, 32pg $3.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A LADY VAMPYRE REGULAR EDITION #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 48pg $4.50 ***************** SOUTH JERSEY REBELLION TONY DIGEROLAMO'S THE FIX #3 by DiGerolamo & Fraim "My Little Cheerleader Mafiosa"—When Mindy's uncle Vito dies, he bequeaths to her the family business: his mob. Seduced by wealth and power, Mindy takes control of the local mob and brings in her old cheerleader clique to help the gangsters. Will Fix get to sleep with Mindy… or with the fishes? Fuggedaboudid! Don't miss the Don's boyfriend, Fix! b&w, 32pg (3 of 4) $2.50 SQP TEACH ME VOLUME 1 GN SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL FC, 72pg $12.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A WOLF: MORE IMAGES FROM THE BOOK OF FORBIDDEN SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 48pg, b&w $5.95 ************* STUDIO G MURCIÉLAGA/SHE-BAT FLIPBOOK #2 A Previews Exclusive! Murciélaga/She-Bat, America's foremost Latin heroine, returns from her successful reintroduction special in an exciting and unique three-issue mini-series… a bilingual flip-book! Each 32-page issue will feature two different 15-page stories, one in English and one in Spanish. All three new Murciélaga/She-Bat stories will be printed in both languages, but not in the same issue. The stories will rotate from issue to issue. Fans will treasure this innovative and collectable mini- series! FC, 32pg (2 of 3) $2.95 THE NORM.COM NORM'S BALL AND CUBE COLLECTIONS by Michael Jantze This daily comic strip has characters! The Norm navigates the way through life, love, work, and technology. With a fresh perspective on finding a job, Star Wars, girlfriends, or even a comfortable relationship with his folks, The Norm is observant and hilarious. The "Ball Collection" is the best of The Norm daily strips from 2000. The "Cube Collection" is the best of The Norm daily strips from 1999. Syndicated by King Features, Inc. Each collections comes in an autographed box set. BALL COLLECTION—Boxed Set $18.00 CUBE COLLECTION—Boxed Set $18.00 TITAN BOOKS JUDGE DREDD: DEATH AID GN (2000 AD PRESENTS 4) by Garth Ennis, Carlos Ezquerra, & Peter Doherty A second collection of Judge Dredd stories from award-winning Preacher creator Garth Ennis, featuring his own unique blend of dark humor and blistering action! The dead won't lie down in Mega City One, and there's a sudden glut of killings… but all in a good cause! Features early (previously uncollected) works by fan-favorite British creators Garth Ennis and Carlos Ezquerra (Just a Pilgrim), with an all-new cover by Bryan Hitch, artist on The Authority and JLA. (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 80pg $14.99 TOKYOPOP PRESS Comics CORRECTOR YUI #1 by Kia Asamiya (creator)/ Written & Illustrated by Keiko Okamoto Yui is a normal 14 year-old girl living in a future where computers are everywhere and control everything. Then one day she discovers a friendly program in her computer called I.R., who tells her she must become "Corrector Yui" and collect eight parts of a software program called "The Corrector" in order to defeat Grosser, an evil virus bent on destroying cyberspace and earth. Now Yui must become a super-heroine and save two worlds! b&w, 48pg $2.95 CARDCAPTOR SAKURA #20 by CLAMP For the School Talent Show Sakura's class is putting on a gender-bending adaptation of Sleeping Beauty. In the play, Sakura is cast as the Prince and Li is her princess. The play goes fine until Ms Mizuki confronts Kero behind the scenes and Dark descends on the auditorium. b&w, 48pg $2.95 ISLAND #2 by In-Wan Youn & Kyung-Il Yang In the aftermath of her rescue by the mysterious stranger Miho begins her first day of teaching on Cheju Island and learns that it is just the start of her education. As demons continue to stalk her and insinuate themselves into the lives of those around her Miho decides that her mysterious friend will be needed again. MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg $2.95 MIRACLE GIRLS #12 by Nami Akimoto Mika and Toni are handling a lot these days. Toni passes her high school entrance exams and finally goes on a date with Jackson, while Mika struggles with her feelings for Chris. Now both have to worry, not just about Mason's conversations with Mr. Kageura but, it looks like their powers are transforming, but into what? b&w, 32pg $2.95 SAILOR MOON #35 by Naoko Takeuchi Sailor Moon's Final Adventure! Princess Snow Kaguya was once part of the solar system and she wants it back. Sailor Moon and the Scouts must overcome her freezing abilities and defeat her to save the solar system, the life of a brilliant scientist, and give Luna a very special gift. b&w, 48pg $2.95 SAINT TAIL #11 by Megumi Tachikawa How much is that hedgehog in the window... Meimi is enchanted by the little animal in a pet store window and is devastated when she is sold. But she had an unexpected reunion when she finds that the next jewel she's after is in the little hedgehog's stomach. It's a wild time as St. Tail chases the hedgehog and Asuka Jr. chases her! b&w, 32pg $2.95 SMILE VOLUME 3 #10 The critically acclaimed Smile is the first all-shoujo anthology in America! This month: Peach Girl (by Miwa Ueda): In this double-length story Sae schemes to ruin Momo's chances to help the school win a big swimming event; Juline (by Narumi Kakinouchi): The three Princesses finally arrive for the tournament at the Black Pearl temple, but their battles won't only be one's of skill, as they discover they must fight for their lives against opponents who could be their lost loved ones!; and Sailor Moon Stars (by Naoko Takeuchi): This is it — the one you've all waited for — the final chapter in the Sailor Moon saga! Sailor Moon has destroyed Chaos, now it's time for her future and final happiness. Eternal Sailor Moon and the Scouts melt into the Cordon Galaxy to be awakened and reunited in the 30th century where Darien finally asks Bunny that special question… b&w, 128pg $4.99 Graphic Novels CLOVER VOLUME 2 POCKET MIXX TP by CLAMP Withdrawn and seemingly fragile, Sue is a Four-Leaf Clover who possesses unique abilities and is feared by a militaristic government that isolates her from the world. Her confinement ends when Sue insists that she must journey to a fabulous playground called Fairy Park. Fearing subversive organizations that would kill to capture the "Clover" and exploit her abilities, the government asks Kazuhiko, a noble and dejected soldier, to come out of retirement in order to escort and protect Sue on her journey. Later, Sue regrets having ever left the cage after she reveals to Kazuhiko her connection to her guardian, and Ora, the woman that Kazuhiko loved. Now Kazuhiko is even more determined to protect Sue even if it means giving up his own life battling a surrounding Azaien army! SC, 6x9, 128pg, b&w $14.95 SAINT TAIL VOLUME 2 POCKET MIXX TP by Megumi Tachikawa By day, Meimi Haneoka is an ordinary student at St. Paulia's Catholic school, but by night, she pulls off fantastic heists as the mysterious thief Saint Tail! With the guidance of her best friend, Seira Mimori, a nun-in-training, Saint Tail steals back treasures that were unjustly taken from the innocent, all the while trying to avoid, Asuka Jr., the young detective trying to capture her. Saint Tail and Meime have a new rival for Asuka Jr and her name is Lina Takamiya, the mayor's daughter. Lina sets out to catch Saint Tail so she can capture the heart of the single-minded sleuth. SC, 4x7, 200pg, b&w $9.95 HARLEM BEAT VOLUME 8 POCKET MIXX TP by Yuriko Nishiyama Nate Torres has finally earned respect on the b-ball courts, having led his street hoops team Scratch to the 3-on-3 championships. But in the competitive world of high school basketball, it takes more than street smarts and cool moves to get to the top. Can Nate integrate and get the respect he deserves in a team of bigger, older, and more experienced players? Johnan High takes on the famous Hara Commercial High and things aren't going well. So the team leader, Shurman, decides it's time to change his strategy and sends in Nate and troublesome Sawamura as substitutes against a powerful offense. Now Nate gets his chance to prove himself to his teammates and to himself. SC, 4x7, 184pg, b&w $9.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A HARLEM BEAT VOLUME 5-7 POCKET MIXX TPS by Yuriko Nishiyama Catch up on the street-level B-ball action in these great collections of the hit sports manga series! VOL. 5—SC, 4x7, 195pg, b&w $9.95 VOL. 6—SC, 4x7, 190pg, b&w $9.95 VOL. 7—SC, 4x7, 190pg, b&w $9.95 *********************** STARS OF THE MONTH CARDCAPTOR SAKURA VOLUME 3 POCKET MIXX TP by Clamp Cardcaptor Sakura is the engaging tale of Sakura, an average fourth grade school girl, who accidentally finds an enchanted book called The Clow in her father's library. The book once contained a set of magical Clow Cards, but they all escaped while the guardian of the book fell asleep. Now, Sakura is thrust into a mystical journey to capture all the Clow Cards before they wreak chaos and destruction! (STAR13322) SC, 4x6, 186pg, b&w $9.95 GUNDAM WING VOLUME 3 POCKET MIXX TP by Yadate, Tomino, & Tokita In the distant future humanity is involved in a massive civil war. The colonies, long exploited by Earth governments, have created powerful robot fighting machines, Gundam, to help win independence. Five brave young Gundam pilots are the last chance for peace! Collects Gundam Wing #9-12. (STAR13259) SC, 185pg, b&w $9.95 PEACH GIRL VOLUME 1 POCKET MIXX GN by Miwa Ueda It's not easy being beautiful. The envy, the jealousy, the vicious rumors spread by your best friend. That's life for young Momo. While everyone thinks that Momo is a wild party girl, the reality is that she is shy, honest, and in love. Can Momo confess her love to her classmate Toji, or will her best friend Sae steal him away. It's a bittersweet drama of growing up and fitting in that will charm girls everywhere. This volume contains the Peach Girl episodes first published in Smile magazine volumes 2.4-2.9, in their entirety. (STAR13441) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $9.95 SAILOR MOON VOLUME 9 POCKET MIXX GN Sailor Moon, the fantasy adventure of a young girl who discovers that she is the defender of love and justice, is an international phenomenon that keeps getting bigger. The Sailor Team is finally complete! Sailors from all nine planets battle the evil Master Pharaoh 90 to save the Earth and the soul of one young girl. (STAR13407) SC, 200pg, b&w $9.95 ************* TONY RAIOLA LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE REPRINTS by Milton Caniff Reprints of the large feature comics that appeared in the comic strip dailies in 1927! These reprints look just like the original series! Complete black-and-white stories are collected in Little Orphan Annie: Bucking the World and Little Orphan Annie and the Haunted House. BUCKING THE WORLD —SC, b&w $9.50 HAUNTED HOUSE —SC, b&w $9.50 TOP SHELF PRODUCTIONS STAR OF THE MONTH JAMES KOCHALKA'S SKETCHBOOK DIARIES VOLUME 1 by James Kochalka Since October 1998, James Kochalka has kept a daily diary, drawn in comic strip form in his sketchbook. Drawn with relaxed and beautiful brushwork, these strips perfectly capture the rhythm of daily life. From the hilarious to the sad, from the poetic to the drunken, these strips offer a direct and intimate portrait of the life of one of America's most important alternative cartoonists. This ambitious volume collects the first full year of Kochalka's diary. (STAR13395) SC, 8x8, 96pg, b&w $7.95 ******************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A BOX OFFICE POISON COMPLETE EDITION TP by Alex Robinson This perennial fan favorite is so wonderfully written that the series screams for an all-up collection. As big fans of the comic book series know, this epic story of Sherman, Dorothy, Ed, Stephen, Jane, and Mr. Flavor is not to be missed. Alex Robinson's completely natural and inspiring knack for dialogue has made his story of dreary jobs, comic books, love, sex, messy apartments, girlfriends (and the lack thereof), undisclosed pasts, and crusty old professionals one of the most delightful and whimsical books to hit the stands in years. This is an eloquent story that playfully examines the nuances of human mating rituals and also provides a clever commentary on the comics industry itself. SC, 6x9, 608pg, b&w $29.95 ****************** TUSK ENTERTAINMENT KAOS MOON #0 by David Boller All stories in full-color! This special #0 issue sets the stage for next month's launch of the all-new full-color Kaos Moon: The Gates of Delirium limited series, with not one, but three short stories! In "Juju," Kaos Moon comes face-to-face with an ancient and deadly Nigerian Voodoo curse that has been infesting the lives of innocent people for centuries. But will she be able to help these people or will she become the curse's next victim? Also included in this special issue are "Hiram's Secret" and "Song of the Siren" presented for the first time in full color! This is the perfect jumping-on point for new readers before Kaos Moon: The Gates of Delirium premieres next month! FC, 24pg $2.95 KAOS MOON ERDENKLANG LIMITED SIGNED AND NUMBERED PRINT by David Boller Limited to only 888 copies, this full color print on high quality 80lb white enamel stock comes signed and numbered with a Certificate of Authenticity. Artist David Boller has garnered critical praise for his meticulously designed illustrations, and particularly for his work on his own creation, Kaos Moon. This 11" x 17" print features his popular character caressing the spirits of the Earth. Print, 11x17, FC $19.95 2-D GRAPHICS CAPTAIN AWARENESS #1 SIGNED EDITION The first in a revolutionary series of comics that deal with the real problems in our society, featuring Captain Awareness: the super-hero that can be anyone –– even you! This issue focuses on the problem of sexual assault and benefits the American Women's Self-Defense Association and the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. When a series of assaults threatens the security of a school campus, only the power of Captain Awareness can restore order –– but can even Captain Awareness overcome the savage fury of the Berzerker? Featuring artwork from many of the top stars in the comics industry! Autographed by creator D. DeAngelo and superstar artist George Perez, this book comes bagged with a Certificate of Authenticity. (CAUT: 2) SC, 48pg, FC SRP: $5.95 VAMPEROTICA ENTERTAINMENT VAMPEROTICA DARK FICTION #3 Featuring The Vampress Luxura! This new series delivers more of the heart-pounding photos, comics, and gothic art that readers have come to expect from Vamperotica! This issue features two Vampress Luxura comic stories: "Connoisseur," and the conclusion of "Past Life Present Danger." This issue's Vamp of the Month is the amazingly beautiful model, Exotica! The special feature for this issue is a behind-the-scenes look at the new vampire movie from CVK Publishing, Very Special Agents! Also available in an Exotica Photo Nude Cover Edition! NOTE: The Nude Cover Edition is not available in Canada or Hong Kong. MATURE READERS REG.—b&w, 32pg $2.95 NUDE—b&w, 32pg (CAUT: 3) $3.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A VAMPEROTICA: FLESH AND BLOOD BEHIND THE SCENES JULIE STRAIN VIDEO New lower price! Go behind-the scenes-of the incredible Vampress Luxura/Julie Strain Card Set and see what it's like to be on a professional photo shoot with Julie Strain! Swords, sexy suits, and deadly spiders are everywhere! MATURE AUDIENCES VHS $9.99 ******************* VAMPEROTICA: THE ART OF KIRK LINDO PRINT BINDER This special art collector's binder is your first step in a fantastic full-color collection of many of Kirk Lindo's most spectacular works of art. This three-ring binder was created to house the many upcoming items that will be created especially for it! The first items will be a set of four digital prints (to be offered in next month's Previews!). In subsequent months, you'll have the opportunity to get more prints, trading cards, CD-ROMS, and special comics, all designed specifically for inclusion in this binder. It also comes with your very first Kirk Lindo Digital Print, already included! Binder $15.99 VANGUARD PRODUCTIONS HAL FOSTER: PRINCE OF ILLUSTRATORS HC by Brian M. Kane Introduction by James Bama. In the first comprehensive biography of Hal Foster, author Brian Kane examines the 70-year career drawings of one of the greatest illustrators of the 20th century. Foster's work has inspired generations of artists, including Jack Kirby Lou Fine, Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson, Joe Kubert, John Buscema, and the great Disney artist Carl Barks, among others. This book features quotes and sidebars from many of these artists. His originals are highly prized works of art, and Prince Valiant continues to encourage new artistic interpretations in a wide variety of mediums. This hardcover book tells everything and more about Hal Foster's life and career. Also available in a deluxe signed edition, featuring the signature of James Bama. Both editions feature a gold-embossed, leatherette hardcover, smythe-sewn binding, and endpapers. (CAUT: 4) REG.—HC, 200pg, PC $29.95 DLX.—HC, 216pg, PC $49.95 STAR OF THE MONTH KERRY GAMMILL'S DRAWING MONSTERS & HEROES FOR FILM & COMICS HC compiled & edited by J. David Spurlock This book reveals Gammill's exodus to fulfill another lifetime desire: to work on monster films. In the last few years, Gammill's name — while missed from comics — has become familiar to Hollywood as a conceptual artist on Stephen King's Storm of the Century TV mini-series, Virus (1999), Species II (1998), Can of Worms (TV 1999), Dean Koontz's Phantoms (1998), Stargate SG-1 TV series, and The Outer Limits TV series. The Drawings of Kerry Gammill is an autobiographic, career retrospective, filled with classic and unpublished art, and anecdotes about his years at Marvel and DC. Also available in a hardcover edition, featuring a gold-foil embossed, leatherette cover. HC (STAR13262)—7x10, 112pg, b&w $27.95 SC (STAR13263)—7x10, 128pg, PC $15.95 ***************** VEROTIK THE DARKER HORROR OF MORELLA FAN CLUB COVER by Glenn Danzig; art by Simon Bisley & Ted Naifeh Hot on the heels of last summer's Dark Horror of Morella comes The Darker Horror of Morella. Two more tales of the twisted macabre Satanika Villainess, Morella. The first delves deeper into Morella's origin with story by Danzig and art by Biz. The second is a wicked little bedtime tale with art by Ted Naifeh (Gloom Cookie). Don't miss this next dark entry into the Morella mythos. Soon to be the host of the upcoming Verotik video series. Limited to 1,000. MATURE READERS SC $10.00 THE DARKER HORROR OF MORELLA T-SHIRT Finally, Vertoik's current reigning villainess gets her own T-shirt featuring stunning art by fan-favorite Dan Bereton. MATURE AUDIENCES L-XL $19.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A BLUE BOLT REPRINT TP by Jack Kirby & Joe Simon This edition reprints the Golden Age Blue Bolt stories for the first time ever. All nine stories are in full color and mark the first time Jack Kirby and Joe Simon collaborated. Forget how much the originals cost, just try finding them on the market. Includes all of the Green Lady's never-ending efforts to seduce the Blue Bolt in this out-of-this world intergalactic adventure. SC, FC $14.95 ******************* STAR OF THE MONTH THE INTENSE ART OF SIMON BISLEY The first-ever mind-blowing collection of Bisley paintings and artwork! This beautiful coffee table book features some of Bisley's best paintings and also includes a section with some of his pen-and-ink and sketch work. Cardstock cover. (STAR07185) MATURE READERS SC, FC $24.95 ****************** VIZ COMMUNICATIONS DER MOND: THE ART OF YOSHIYUKI SADAMOTO Stylish, delicate, and cutting-edge, Der Mond collects the color illustrations of Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (character designer, Neon Genesis Evangelion) for the first time in an English edition! This book includes 74 pages of paintings and designs from Evangelion, plus 50 pages from The Wings of Honneamise, Nadia, Blue Uru and other works, including his Eric Clapton CD cover. From the doll-like beauty of Rei Ayanami to the titanic power of the Evangelions themselves, see why Sadamoto is one of today's greatest Japanese artists. RES. from Previews Vol. X #9 (Sep002187) SC, 13x10, 120pg, FC $29.95 ANIMERICA VOLUME 9 #9 The best magazine for anime fans! Fascinating features on the latest and greatest anime, exclusive interviews, news on what's new in Japan and what's arriving soon in America, plus exclusive columns, interviews with voice-actors, anime reviews, video games, model kits and how to build them, anime soundtracks, and Leiji Matsumoto's Galaxy Express 999 manga. Remember, If it's anime in America, it's gotta be Animerica! Magazine, 96pg, PC $4.95 ANIMERICA EXTRA VOLUME 4 #10 The greatest shojo and shonen manga! A brave young swordswoman who wants to be a prince; an artist, his kissin' cousin, and a doll that came to life; adventure in a fantasy world not unlike ancient China; crime and mystery in the Gothic metropolis of Steam City; and a girl who came from a video tape. Features 128 pages of beautiful art and stunning stories, plus fan art, manga features and more! Fushigi Yugi: The summoning! Miyaka has gathered all seven celestial warriors and now is ready to summon Suzaku. But wait! Are the conditions as perfect as they seem? Marionette Generation: Izumi is getting fed up with Kinuko and Izumi's mind-meld. Then Izumi meets Kinuko's worst nightmare. Revolutionary Girl Utena: Utena manages to avoid Saionji and his deft swordsmanship at a student council party while at the same time she meets the rest of the Rose Council. Steam Detectives: Selena, a little girl from the streets, is admitted into Ling-Ling's hospital. Can Narutaki and Ling- Ling find the rare medicine to cure her before it's too late? Video Girl Ai: Noboku is having doubts about her relationship with Yota, but when he tries to prove his love, Ai gets in the way. Then, the luckless Matsui meets Ai's creator. Magazine, 128pg, b&w $4.95 FUSHIGI YÛGI VOLUME 5 RIVAL TP by Yu Watase "Tainted Love"––Miaka's search for the last celestial warrior brings her and her escorts back to Tamahome's home village. After healing Tamahome's father of illness, an agent of Qu-Dong attacks Miaka, but a flute-playing warrior comes to her aid – – the seventh warrior of Suzaku, Chiriko! With all the celestial warriors accounted for, Miaka heads back to Hong-Nan to plan Tamahome's return. But Yui, jealous of Miaka, doesn't want to give up the warrior without a fight. When Miaka travels to the appointed meeting spot to take Tamahome back to Hong-Nan, all she finds is a group of soldiers waiting for her and Yui in command! Has Tamahome sold Miaka out? SC, 200pg, b&w $15.95 PULP VOLUME 5 #10 by Various The only true adult-oriented manga magazine in America! PULP has 168 pages of sexy, tough, surreal, violent, hilarious manga, plus columns and features written by some of the premier experts in Japanese pop culture. Cinderella: Cinderella may be a servant now, but she still has time to fall in love. Dance Till Tomorrow: Miyuki calls off all wedding plans and life for Suekichi settles back into a twisted sort of normality. Even A Monkey Can Draw Manga: Boy's manga. Girl's manga. Let out helpful experts be your guide to these two very different genres. Bakune Young: Renge is a one-woman special forces team when she makes a bold attempt at amphibious assault on a U.S. aircraft. Banana Fish: The next in command of Shorter's street gang thinks Ash killed his leader and now this upstart is out for brutal revenge. Uzumaki: The town lighthouse begins beaming a spiral pattern and anyone who goes into the tower to investigate never returns. What is happening on the beaches of Kurozu- cho? MATURE READERS b&w, 168pg $5.95 EAGLE VOLUME 20 SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST by Kaiji Kawaguchi "Skeletons in the Closet"––Nominated for four Eisner awards! A political journalist on assignment begins to investigate Senator Yamaoka's background and before long digs up records of Kenneth's time in Japan. When he talks to Takashi about the close ties between Yamaoka and Takashi's mother, the young reporter sees no choice but to alert Senator Yamaoka. But when the nosy journalist shows up dead shortly after in an "accident" similar to his mother's, can Takashi deny that all fingers point at the Senator? b&w, 112pg $6.95 RANMA ½ PART 10 #6 by Rumiko Takahashi A mysterious kendo expert steps into the ring to help Ranma win the martial arts cheerleading contest against Mariko. Is this masked swordsman Kuno or someone else? There's no time to find out now because Mariko has just pulled out her ultimate weapon –– razor sharp spiked pom-poms! The stunning conclusion to the martial arts cheerleading battle. b&w, 32pg (6 of 11) $2.95 INU-YASHA PART 6 #5 by Rumiko Takahashi Miroku's rest and relaxation time is cut short when an old monk friend tries to kill him while under in the influence of a demon! Inu-Yasha and the group are alerted to their friend's peril, and while Inu-Yasha dispatches wave after wave of demons, Kagome and Sango look for the demon pulling the strings. But when faced with so many demons plus the monk's holy magic, can Inu-Yasha and the Tetsusaiga stand up to the onslaught? b&w, 40pg (5 of 15) $2.95 STARS OF THE MONTH MAISON IKKOKU VOLUME 1-7 TP'S by Rumiko Takahashi The most romantic comedy yet by the creator of Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku tells the story of a young student named Yusaku Godai, and his attempts to get closer to the beautiful manager of his boarding house, Kyoko Otonashi. Maybe his shyness (and youth and inexperience) wouldn't be such a problem if it weren't for the house's other wacky residents, whose only joy in life seems to be meddling in their affairs! SC, 5x7, b&w VOL. 1 (STAR00923) $16.95 VOL. 2: FAMILY AFFAIRS (STAR01625) $16.95 \ VOL. 3: HOME SWEET HOME (STAR01654) $16.95 VOL. 4:GOOD HOUSEKEEPING (STAR02882) $15.95 VOL. 5: EMPTY NEST (STAR02883) $15.95 VOL. 6: BEDSIDE MANNERS (STAR06150) $15.95 VOL. 7: INTENSIVE CARE (STAR06329) $15.95 ******************* LET'S FIND POKEMON POSTCARD BOOK by Kazunori Aihara Just like the Let's Find Pokémon activity books… but postcard sized ! Every card is packed with Pokémon, some in a "Where's Waldo?" fashion, in which readers must find different characters in different scenes, and some as puzzles. Combine four cards at their edges to form a full-sized scene of Pokemon at work, play, or in battle! Six different scenes in all! SC, 24g, FC $12.95 MAGICAL POKÉMON JOURNEY PART 5 by Yumi Tsukirino In issue #3, titled "Hazel's Holiday," Bulbasaur — after stepping on the bathroom scale — is feeling a little self-conscious of its weight and now wants to go on a diet! To help the sullen Pokémon achieve its goal, Hazel takes Bulbasaur to a health spa for a day of serious workout. Then, it's Christmas time in the Pokemon world and there's only one present Hazel wants under her tree this year… Almond! (CAUT: 3) b&w, 40pg (3 of 4) $4.95 POKÉMON ADVENTURES PART 5 by Midenori Kusaka In issue #3, titled "Evolution Action," the S.S. Anne has sunk to the bottom and scattered on the ocean floor Yellow finds a set of strange looking stones. Further examination reveals the sunken bounty to be valuable evolution stones! Can Yellow put his find to good use before evil forces get their hands on them? Then, everybody watch your pockets because Pokémon trainer/thief extraordinaire Green makes her triumphant return! Squarebound. (CAUT: 3) b&w, 48pg (3 of 5) $4.95 CERES, CELESTIAL LEGEND #4 by Yû Watase After her second ordeal at he Mikage mansion, Aya returns to Suzami's house to recover. To ensure Aya's protection, Suzami fits an unwitting Yuhi with a magical headband that links him and Aya together. Then, Aya heads back to her house to see how her mother is handling recent events. Is even Aya's house safe from those that seek to kill her? b&w, 32pg (4 of 6) $2.95 DRAGONBALL VOLUME 6 TP by Akira Toriyama In the frozen north, Goku's one-man fight against the Red Ribbon army continues as he storms the perilous Muscle Tower! Can he defeat General White's squad of ninjas, cyborgs, and worse, and save the peaceful people of Jingle Village from their oppressors? Then, Goku travels to the City of the West to visit his old friend Bulma, who joins him on his quest, bringing her latest inventions. Their quest for the next Dragon Balls takes them around the world to a jungle island in the South Seas… but to get this Dragon Ball they'll have to go through General Blue! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., New Zealand, and Australia. SC, 192pg, b&w $12.95 DRAGONBALL PART 4 #2 by Akira Toriyama Goku's quest for strength takes him to the skies –– the Karin Tower, which stretches into the heavens, and where the not-so- human hermit master Karin guards the Holy Water that increases strength tenfold! Meanwhile, miles below, the assassin Taopaipai has recaptured all but one of Goku's Dragon Balls… and now he's coming back to finish the job! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., New Zealand, and Australia. b&w, 48pg (2 of 10) $2.95 DRAGONBALL Z PART 4 #10 by Akira Toriyama With one devastating blow, Goku topples Reacoom, who not even Vegeta, Kuririn, and Gohan together could beat! Now, he's got to take on the angry remainders of the Ginyu Force, Butta and Jheese, at the same time! How has Goku become so powerful? Is this what happens when you train and live under 100 times the Earth's normal gravity? Or is the truth even stranger? Has Goku become the super warrior who only appears once in 1,000 years… the mythical Super Saiyan?! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., New Zealand, and Australia. b&w, 48pg (10 of 15) $2.95 EL-HAZARD PART 3 #3 by Hidetomo Tsubura After Ifurita's titanic battle with one of the demon gods, she and Jinnai rejoin forces and now the tyrannical teen gives Ifurita her most twisted orders yet: kill Makoto Mizuhara! Will Ifurita defy her programming and listen to her heart, or will her dark side emerge and indulge itself in the pleasure of the kill? b&w, 32pg (3 of 6) $2.95 GUNDAM WING: EPISODE ZERO #6 by Sakura Asagi & Akemi Omode Quatre's childhood revealed! As a child born from a test tube and the only male heir to the Winner fortune, Quatre has always felt like a tool of his father's, and the need to find his true self has become his overriding goal. When a group of proud warriors, all born from test tubes, capture Quatre's ship en route to Earth, the troubled boy may find just what he is looking for. b&w, 32pg (6 of 8) $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH GUNDAM WING: GROUND ZERO TP by Reku Fuyunagi What can Heero depend on when a mysterious individual steals his Gundam? Just when he thought life was returning to normal, Heero Yuy receives a cryptic message from a person claiming to have stolen the Wing Zero and requesting a rendezvous at a remote space station! There he finds the station deserted except for his fellow Gundam pilots all of whom have received similar messages. But only a handful of people are capable of piloting the Wing Gundam. Is the thief one of them? As tension and distrust grows, Heero is pitted against his comrades with mind control, assassination, and a loaded gun thrown into the standoff. Are the pilots truly alone in the cavernous space station, or is there a sixth enemy among them? See the tormented heroes of Gundam Wing like you've never seen them before! (STAR13330) b&w, 144pg $15.95 **************** NEON GENESIS EVANGELION BOOK 5 by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto From the biggest anime phenomenon of the 1990s! In 2015, Earth faces a terrifying last judgment from mysterious giant "Angels." To combat the Angels in all their various shapes an sizes, the NERV creates the Evangelions — massive humanoids piloted by select teenagers. Now NERV will defy prophecy, and battle the forces of heaven with mankind's fate in the balance! REG.—b&w, 40pg $15.95 COLLECTOR'S ED.—b&w, 40pg $15.95 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION BOOK 5 #3 by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Double-sized issue! Unit 03 has arrived at NERV's Matsushiro testing grounds for a final run-through of its systems, and none other than Shinji's classmate, Toji Suzuhara, has been chosen as the pilot. But during startup, something goes terribly wrong and Unit-03 reveals itself as the Angel Bardiel! Available in the regular western format, and as a special Collector's Edition, which reads from right to left in the original Japanese Format. REG.—b&w, 40pg (2 of 4) $3.50 COLLECTOR'S ED.—b&w, 40pg (2 of 4) $3.50 NO NEED FOR TENCHI VOLUME 10 MOTHER PLANET TP by Hitoshi Okuda It came from beneath the waves! The science fiction comedy based on the anime series from Pioneer. A vacation to the beach is cut short when a local resident is assaulted while protesting a development agency's plan to build an aquatic amusement park. The woman claims that a great sea god will curse those who defile the shore, so Sasami and Ryoko decide to make this prophecy come true! Contains all of No Need For Tenchi, Part 10. SC, 184pg, b&w $15.95 NO NEED FOR TENCHI PART 12 #2 by Hitoshi Okuda Using the same space-fold technique Garyu used to kidnap Ayeka and Sasami, the Misaki household mounts a rescue mission to save the beleaguered princesses. Unfortunately for the would-be saviors, Garyu is ready for them, and he gives Ayeka orders to kill Tenchi — this time for sure! Can Tenchi break Ayeka's mind control without hurting the princess or being killed himself? b&w, 48pg (2 of 4) (Note Price) $3.50 SILENT MOBIUS ADVENTURES #3 by Kia Asamiya Faced with the brutal fact that Katsumi is now an agent of the dark dimension Nemesis, the A.M.P. women must now develop strategies against an enemy that knows everything about them. But how could Katsumi become so malevolent in such a short time? Whatever the answer, Lebia is about to find out just how evil her former teammate has become! b&w, 40pg (3 of 6) $3.25 STAR OF THE MONTH SILENT MOBIUS VOLUME 6 CATASTROPHE TP by Kia Asamiya Kiddy Phenil was a beat cop in future Tokyo, until a near-fatal encounter with a rampaging cyborg forced her to become a cyborg herself. Now a mechanical "megadyne," Kiddy is the A.M.P.'s physically strongest member — but did the operation that gave her powers also unhinge her mind? When a cyborg serial killer stalks Tokyo, Kiddy becomes the number one suspect, and no one believes her story that a living corpse attacked her. Her police boyfriend, Ralph Bomaz, wants to find the evidence that he thinks will prove her innocent, but Ralph's superior is out to put Kiddy behind bars. But soon, Kiddy's own body starts to act with a mind of its own. And all the while, Maximillian Ganossa, the sinister leader of the Lucifer Hawks, is watching. (STAR13377) b&w, 200pg $15.95 **************** VIZ IN MAGAZINE VOLUME 13 #9 Your monthly guide to new releases from Viz Comics, Viz Video, and Viz Music, Viz-In Magazine is North America's manga and anime connection! Don't miss this free monthly full-color poster and sneak peeks at your favorite graphic novels, videos, music, and merchandise. Tabloid MSRP: $0.00 WHITE LIGHTNING PRODUCTIONS BLUE EYES VOLUME 1 #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg (2 of 5) $3.50 ZEROMAYO STUDIOS PALEO: TALES OF THE LATE CRETACEOUS #4 by Jim Lawson & Peter Laird As unthinking and purposeful as the waves beating the shore, a Plotosaurus trolls the depths of the late Cretacean Sea. His focus is clear and all encompassing. He must eat! b&w, 24pg (4 of 6) $2.95 MAGAZINES SECTION PREMIER VENDORS GEMSTONE PUBLISHING COMIC BOOK MARKETPLACE #86 Comic Book Marketplace, the magazine for serious collectors, shines the spotlight on "Earth's Mightiest Heroes," The Avengers! From their start in 1963 to the present, triuph and tumult have surrounded this intrepid band of heroes… and that's just the clashing talents of creators like Stan Lee, Neal Adams, Roy Thomas, Jim Shooter, George Pérez, John Byrne, and many others. In CBM #86, we'll take a look at the history of the super team and the creative folks behind the scenes. Also in this issue, we'll talk to Marvel Masterworks editor Tom Breevort about the process of presenting Marvel's classic Silver Age stories in the hardcover collected format. This issue also includes Part 2 of the massive Whitman story. Take a look at the latest market reports, and much, much more! Comic Book Marketplace is back – now edited by Russ Cochran! ALSO IN THIS ISSUE:The returning features you love… EXPANDED Market Reports! Nolan's Notebook! Adventures into Weird Words! CBM #86—B&W with Color Gallery Cover A (Avengers Silver Age) $5.95 CBM #86—B &W with Color Gallery Cover B (Avengers/JLA) $5.95 MAGAZINES SECTION COMIC MAGAZINES ALTER EGO #10 Alter Ego #10 focuses on The Flash and Green Lantern from the 1940s to 2001, plus Vin Sullivan's Magazine Enterprises, 1943-58! Behind two brand-new full-color covers — The Flash (yesterday and today) by Carmine Infantino & Terry Austin, and the heroes of M.E. by Dick Ayers. A rare 1996 interview with Carmine Infantino is presented (with unpublished 1940s Flash and Green Lantern art), plus the life and legends of John Broome! Learn "Who Created the Silver Age Flash?" from Infantino, Robert Kanigher, Julius Schwartz, and Joe Kubert! There's unglimpsed interviews with M.E. creators Vin Sullivan, Dick Ayers, Fred Guardineer, and John Belfi! Rare and unpublished art from the Golden and Silver Ages by Ayers, Kubert, Guardineer, Belfi, Bob Powell, Frank Bolle, Fred Meagher, Arthur Peddy, Frank Harry, Gil Kane, and others! Len Wein, Dick Giordano, Rich Buckler, and Roy Thomas on the All-Star Squadron! Plus, FCA (Fawcett Collectors of America) with C.C. Beck, Marc Swayze and others — more about Wayne Boring by Michael T. Gilbert, Jerry De Fuccio, Bill Schelly on early fandom, and more! (TwoMorrows Publishing) Magazine, 100pg, b&w $5.95 COMIC BOOK ARTIST #15 Comic Book Artist #15 celebrates 19 years of love and rocketeers! Spotlighting the talents of Dave Stevens and Los Brothers Hernandez — Jaime, Gilbert and Mario —the '80s Comics Vanguard are examined with in-depth, career-spanning interviews, tons of rarely-seen and unpublished art, and much more! Plus, talks with Sandy Plunkett, Dean "Mr. X" Motter, and Matt "Mage/Grendel" Wagner on their outstanding contributions to the comics of the 1980s! Behind a new Dave Stevens/Los Bros. Hernandez cover featuring the Rocketeer and Hopey, Luba & Company, homage is also paid to some of these creators' most profound influences, including Doug Wildey, Russ Manning, and Dan DeCarlo. Plus, the other great features you expect from CBA! Love soars high in September, courtesy of Eisner Award-winning editor Jon B. Cooke! (TwoMorrows Publishing) Magazine, 8x11, 116pg, b&w $6.95 STAR OF THE MONTH COMIC BOOK ARTIST COLLECTION VOLUME 1 2001 Eisner Award nominee for "Best Comics-Related Book!" The Comic Book Artist Collection Volume 1 is a colossal 228- page trade paperback, reprinting the first three sold-out issues of CBA, plus over 45 new pages of features and art, including unpublished work by Jack Kirby, Neal Adams, Bernie Wrightson, Jeff Jones, and others! Experience DC Comics from 1967- 1974 through interviews with and unpublished art by Neal Adams, Carmine Infantino, Dick Giordano, Jack Kirby, Joe Kubert, and others! Relive Marvel's 1970s Second Wave with Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, Gil Kane, Barry Windsor-Smith, Jim Starlin, Steranko, and others! Delight at our exhaustive coverage of Neal Adams' Marvel Years (including plenty of rare Adams art)! Don't miss your opportunity to pick up these long out-of-print early issues of Comic Book Artist, as well as new, never-before- seen extras! (TwoMorrows Publishing) (STAR11283) SC, 8x11 228pg, b&w $21.95 **************** COMIC RELIEF #145 Your favorite funny strips in one magazine including Dilbert, Doonesbury, Life in Hell, For Better or For Worse, Sylvia, and many more. Plus, humor features from Dave Barry and Joe Bob Briggs, to Ask Dr. Science and Weird News. Completely ad- free! (Page One Publishers) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg, b&w $4.95 COMIC SHOP NEWS #743-746 Comic Shop News is the most popular weekly newsletter about comics. Each issue is full color, 8-16 pages with CSNsider, news, interviews, color art, and CSN Comics — an original Sunday-style comic. Only CSN has a complete monthly checklist, which includes Previews order numbers, plus exclusive CSN Hot Picks! "Fab Firsts" — a monthly checklist of all the first issues due for the month — is also included. Sold in both 50-count and 100-count bundles. (Comic Shop News) Tabloid, FC PI Ea. COMIC SHOP NEWS FALL PREVIEW Covers hundreds of comics from dozens of publishers due from September through November. This handy guide will help you pick from the best bets for the upcoming season. Sold in 50-count bundles. (Krause Publications) Tabloid, FC PI Ea. COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1453 Sixty years of aquatic adventure! Aquaman made his first appearance in More Fun Comics #73 (Nov 1941) and has paddled his way through hundreds of adventures since. In addition to features on the underwater avenger, our regular columnists Peter David, Tony Isabella, Mark Evanier, and Andrew Smith provide columns you can't get anywhere else. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1454 Six decades of America's favorite teen! Archie Andrews, Jughead Jones, and Betty Cooper first graced the nation's newsstands in Pep Comics #22 (Dec 1941). Now, CBG pays tribute to the eternal teen and his friends. With columns by Tony Isabella, Mark Evanier, Andrew Smith, and Peter David, this is one issue you can't afford to miss. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1455 Go back to school with new comics! The new school year has begun for many CBG readers and, this week, CBG presents still more of the best comics you're not reading (yet). See what publishers are recommending in both this feature and the monthly "Comics in Your Future" with retailer reviews. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE 1456 Superman celebrates five years of marriage! In 1996, amidst media hoopla, TV continuity, and public interest, Clark Kent and Lois Lane finally tied the knot. See how the couple has kept their marriage strong through the trials and tribulations of the past lustrum and take a look at past attempts to send the couple down the aisle. Our regular columnists Andrew Smith, Peter David, Tony Isabella, and Mark Evanier chime in with their unique commentary. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS INTERNATIONAL #137 Now featuring Jim Kreuger's Appendix to Marvel's Universe X each issue, Comics International enters its 11th year of up-to- the-minute award-winning U.S. comics news coverage – over 20 pages per issue – plus reviews of over 100 current titles, new title previews, close-ups, regular columns on investment tips, comic-to-film adaptations, fantasy news, toy news, international festival guide, US and world store details, publisher index, in-depth Q&A with many answers by top professionals, heated comics debates, internet news overview and reviews, full listings of over 300 coming comics from the top 25 publishers — with full credits and story synopses, top 100 sales on last months comics plus Judge Dredd Megazine editor and Warrior/Marvelman/V for Vendetta co- creator's monthly industry overviews. (Comics International) Magazine, PC $2.25 COMICS REVUE #186 Featuring: Tarzan at the Earth's Core by Burne Hogarth! Also featuring: Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray, Flash Gordon by Dan Barry, Casey Ruggles by Warren Tufts, Alley Oop by V. T. Hamlin, Modesty Blaise by Peter O'Donnell, Steve Canyon by Milton Caniff, Barnaby by Crockett Johnson, The Phantom by Lee Falk & Ray Moore, Gasoline Alley by Dick Moores, Krazy Kat by George Herriman, and Buz Sawyer by Roy Crane. (Manuscript Press) Magazine $5.95 CRACKED MAGAZINE #362 Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the movies... Cracked #362 is the summer movie spectacular! All the biggest hits of the summer will be spoofed in these pages, including: Shrek, Planet of the Apes, Stephen Spielberg's A.I., The Mummy Returns, and many more! And we give out our annual Syllie award for the Silliest Cinema of the Summer! Plus, you'll see all your favorite Cracked characters: Sylvester P. Smythe, Mr. Precious, The Naked Guy, Joe Studd, and the World's Most Hated Man, Simpy Dumpkins! Check out Cracked. It's filled with spoofs, parodies, cartoons, gags, and more Britney Spears jokes than any other mag – guaranteed! Cracked Magazine: around way before the Internet! (Media Corps) Magazine $2.95 FUNNY TIMES SEPTEMBER 2001 Funny Times features the best cartoons and stories by America's funniest cartoonists and writers. Besides well-known features such as Dave Barry, Molly Ivins, Life in Hell, Lynda Barry, Nicole Hollander, and also the most interesting and funny new talent. The monthly format allows for topical political humor and social satire. (Funny Times) Magazine $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SKETCH MAGAZINE #4 Michael Turner discusses his creator-owned project Fathom and his latest project, which has Witchblade and Tomb Raider crossing over in the pages of Fathom! Also, Sketch is filled with informational articles, tips, and "how-to's" by successful comic book creators on all aspects of creating comics books from writing, penciling, and inking to coloring and packaging. Cover by Michael Turner. Bimonthly. (Blue Line) Magazine, 56pg, FC $5.95 ******************* COLLECTOR MAGAZINES ACTION FIGURE NEWS & TOY REVIEW #108 This is the Halloween issue, a must-have if you collect monster toys and memorabilia! Plus, the next installment of Lee's "Best of the '80s." Also, a vintage Hot Wheels review and giveaway, breaking news on Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Image, G.I. Joe action figure lines, and all the regular AFN monthly features! (Action Figure News & Toy Review) Magazine, FC $5.95 BECKETT SPORTS CARDS MAGAZINES These magazines cover the superstars of sports and sports-card collecting with insightful articles and colorful action photos. Regular features include looks at the most popular players and cards; tips on card collecting; and "Readers Write," a forum for readers. Plus, one of the hobby's most reliable and relied-upon price guides for cards. (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) BASEBALL (#199)—Magazine, FC $4.99 BASKETBALL (#135)—Magazine, FC $4.99 FOOTBALL (#139)—Magazine, FC $4.99 HOCKEY (#132)—Magazine, FC $3.99 RACING & MOTORSPORTS (#86)—Magazine, FC $3.99 SPORTS COLLECTIBLES & AUTOGRAPHS (#126)—Magazine, FC $3.99 FOOTBALL ALPHA CHECKLIST (#4)––magazine, FC $19.95 FOOTBALL PRICE GUIDE (#18)––Magazine, FC $19.95 BECKETT DRAGONBALL Z COLLECTOR #11 The latest issue of Beckett Dragonball Z Collector magazine is here! Each issue includes price guides and checklists, new release information, video game tips and tricks, coverage of all characters, contests, web site reviews, merchandise and cartoon reviews, and much more! (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 94pg $4.99 BECKETT POKÉMON COLLECTOR #26 Each issue of Beckett Pokémon Collector offers fresh, creative, and fun articles and columns on the latest and greatest Pokémon products on the market. Fans and collectors will be able to find out not only the value of their collectibles, but also where to find conventions and shows at which they can buy, sell, or trade them, and tournaments where they can play Pokémon! Plus, readers are offered words of wisdom from some of the best and most knowledgeable writers in the toy industry. Monthly. (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 72pg, FC $4.99 BECKETT'S BEST OF DRAGONBALL Z QUARTERLY This brand-new quarterly magazine includes all the best info from the monthly DBZ magazine, plus special surprises! Also includes a complete DBZ timeline, an exhaustive DBZ character guide, collectible card game coverage, cartoon and toy reviews, a free DBZ poster, cool prizes, contests, and more! (Beckett's Publications) Magazine, 116pg, FC $9.99 MARY BETH'S BEAN BAG WORLD SEPTEMBER 2001 #109 Mary Beth's Bean Bag World remains the top source for hot news in beanbag plush collectibles and is now produced under a license from Ty, Inc. This colorful beanbag extravaganza keeps readers coming back for more with the best coverage of beanbag news, events, charities, and contests. Bean Bag World gives readers of all ages loads of color photos and expert advice from Mary Beth Sobolewski, Editor-In-Chief and renowned staff writers such as Claudia Dunne, Peggy Gallagher, Sara Nelson, Janet Leopold, and many more. Don't miss out on the most accurate price guide around. (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 148pg, FC $5.99 MODELER'S RESOURCE #42 The Borg! Award-winning make-up artist, Bradley M. Look paints up a new, fully licensed 1:1 scale Borg bust! Hilber Graf tags along for a Resurrection of Im-Ho-Tep diorama! Bill Craft heads to Westworld and renders a Yul Bryner style gunslinger! Mark Fergel gets into some sci-fi for modelers! Fred DeRuvo highlights Dick Tracy! Jerry Buchanan is back with Kennel Dogs from "The Thing." Jim Bertges has more reviews on some of the latest resin to hit the modeling market. There is Frightvision and East Coast Hobby show coverage and, "Kits that Time Forgot" is at it again, focusing on more kits from our past, including the Aurora's Batman & Superboy kits. Plus more figure kit, sci-fi, fantasy reviews and how-tos, profiles and lots more! (Modeler's Resource) Magazine, 66pg, PC $5.99 NON-SPORT UPDATE VOLUME 12 #5 Non-Sport Update's cover will showcase Steve Irwin, the very popular Crocodile Hunter, including a feature story on him and the planned card set from Dart Flipcards. Free promos in every issue include Farscape Season 2, Buffy Season 5, an exclusive Crocodile Hunter card, and more. Regular features include "New Card Review," "Non-Sports Shorts Timeline," "We Hear You," "Finders Keepers," and the "Promo Column." Also, a 30-page price guide in every issue. (Non-Sports Update) Magazine, 88pg, PC $4.50 SPORTSCARD MArket report november From collector profiles, auction action, and vintage player perspectives, to a complete and comprehensive price listing of the hottest and most-sought-after rare, out-of-print, and contemporary sports cards in the collectable arena to-date, everything a serious sports card enthusiast and collector needs to keep up with the latest market trends can be found within the pages of Sportscard Market Report. An extensive autograph guide is also included to accurately appraise properly authenticated items. (Odyssey Publications) Magazine $5.95 TOMART'S ACTION FIGURE DIGEST #92 Action Figure Digest #92 features a special toy designer section, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the action figure toy industry. AFD's regular departments on new product announcements, international markets, Action News Briefs, and the Star Wars Update are all included in this issue. (Tomart Publications) Magazine, FC $5.95 TOMART'S DISNEYANA UPDATE #44 Devoted to Disney collecting! Features the Walt Disney Classics Collection, "Letters to Tom," "Upcoming Events," "Animation Art," and loads of color and black-and-white photos. (Tomart Publications) Magazine, PC $6.00 TOY CARS AND MODELS MAGAZINE VOLUME 4 #11 Each issue of TC&M delivers comprehensive features and step-by-step how-to articles geared towards the die-cast and scale model enthusiast. Don't miss out on all the up-to-date and easy-to-follow pricing, new releases, plus a huge buy-and-sell marketplace! (Krause Publications) Magazine, FC $4.50 TOY SHOP #263-264 Find the toys you want, from vintage tin and character toys to action figures, die-cast cars, model kits and more in each bi- weekly issue of Toy Shop. You'll find classified ads indexed alphabetically by category, making it easy for you to locate items of interest. Through editorial coverage and thousands of ads, Toy Shop puts the entire spectrum of collectible toys at your fingertips twice a month. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.98Ea. TUFF STUFF #11 NOVEMBER 2001 The monthly price guide contains prices for sports cards in singles, packs, boxes, and sets, along with prices for racing, draft picks, limited edition collectibles, and promo cards. Plus, autographs and memorabilia, as well as a Kenner "Starting Line-up" section. Also, lively feature stories, the latest in hobby news, and regular monthly columns from experts in the field. (Krause Publications) Magazine $4.99 GAME MAGAZINES DRAGON #289 Dragon Magazine is the only magazine solely dedicated to D&D, so there's no coincidence that it's the finest role-playing game magazine in the industry! This magazine features things that are sure to excite D&D fans. (Curtis Circulation) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 DUNGEON #89 The official source for the third edition of D&D adventures! Dungeon Adventures #89 offers all-new adventures for all levels of play, each complete with maps, NPCs, new treasures and weapons, and more! (TSR) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 132pg $5.99 GAMES UNPLUGGED MAGAZINE #11 This full-color, 64-page entertainment magazine is for the adventure game market. Provides current news and reviews, with entertaining features covering a variety of games. Covers role-playing games, card games, board games, miniatures, tabletop miniatures games, novel based on game worlds, game-related accessories, and new SnarfQuest comics! (Dynasty Presentations, Inc.) Magazine $2.99 NEXT GENERATION MAGAZINE #11 NOVEMBER 2001 The most complete source for video gamers! Includes articles and reviews on the newest video games, covering the various outlets, including PlayStation, Dreamcast, Xbox, and PC games, along with company and technology news. (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC $5.99 PC GAMER MAGAZINE WITH CD-ROM NOVEMBER 2001 The world's best-selling PC games magazine! This is the ultimate strategy and tips guide, with over 392 cheats, codes, and tips for all the latest games. Plus, reviews and previews of games, as well as articles covering everything in the PC game field. This issue comes with a special 2001 calendar from Empire Earth, along with a CD-ROM that has demos of eight games! (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC w/CD-ROM $7.99 POJO'S VIDEO GAME REVIEW SUMMER #109 Things have heated up even more in the video-game market since Sony's PlayStation 2 joined the ranks of top gaming systems such as the original PlayStation, Sega's Dreamcast, Nintendo's N64, and Game Boy. Clearly, consumers need help wading through the vast number of games and systems flooding the market, and Video Game Review will provide all the answers. This exciting, informative magazine includes a buyer's guide, information on gaming networks, game previews, game reviews, gaming tips, and more! (H&S Media) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 132pg, FC $6.99 PSM MAGAZINE NOVEMBER #11 100% Playstation… 100% Independent! PSM Magazine is the place to turn to for everything in the world of PlayStation and PlayStation2! Each issue include the latest news from the U.S. and Japan, software reviews and previews, strategy guides to the hottest games, cheats and codes, letters, and exclusive covers illustrated by some of the comic industry hottest creators! (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC $4.99 SCRYE VOLUME 8 #7 This issue of Scrye features your guide to the latest information on Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and other movie and book tie-in games! Don't miss out on the latest Scrye contests! Scrye always has the coolest prizes for the most winners! Scrye is the guide for all Collectible Card Games and Collectible Miniature Games! Get the latest news on games in development in our On Deck section; check out the hottest strategies for new releases in First Cut; hone your skills for survival in our Mastyr section; and tweak your decks with advice on stellar new deck combinations from ScryeLab. Check the value of your cards against their price guides for Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon, Mage Knight: Rebellion, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dragonball Z, and many more! Don't miss out on the latest news in Card Collector Confidential! Check out the winning decks in the Winner's Circle! Plan your gaming schedule with the Scrye Convention and Tournament Calendar! And laugh along with us at the latest humorous concoction in John Kovalic's Dork Tower. (Krause Publications) (CAUT : 4) Magazine, FC $4.99 STAR WARS GAMER MAGAZINE #7 Star Wars Gamer brings you new articles and adventures for the Star Wars role-playing game, LucasArts electronic game coverage, and new Star Wars fiction by best-selling authors, all the while exploring new corners of the galaxy! This is the only magazine that puts you in the heart of the Star Wars galaxy! Bimonthly. (Wizards of the Coast) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 102pg, FC $6.99 WHITE DWARF #265 White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premier magazine, crammed with news, gaming articles, pictures of great painted Citadel Miniatures, and much more! Each month, White Dwarf contains all the latest information about the Games Workshop hobby including the latests news releases of Citadel Models, in-depth features on armies, painting guides, modeling tips, rules clarifications, battle reports, and loads more. White Dwarf is the guide to the Games Workshop hobby and always contains news and views of use to beginners and seasoned gamers alike. (Games Workshop) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Magazine $4.99 OFFICIAL XBOX MAGAZINE With faster graphics, better hardware, and the full resources of the largest software company in the world, Microsoft's Xbox will soon be the platform of choice for gamers around the globe. And to provide these gamers with everything they need to know about their new system, Imagine Media is proud to introduce the Official Xbox Magazine. As well as providing news, reviews, and previews covering the whole world of Xbox, the magazine's covermounted DVD will be the source of exclusive playable Xbox game demos. The Xbox is the future of gaming. The Official Xbox Magazine is the future of game magazines. (Imagine Publishing) Magazine $7.99 GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINES 3D WORLD MAGAZINE 3D World is the international magazine for 3D artists. Every issue covers film and game projects from Dinosaur to Myst III: Exile and features tutorials for every aspect of the 3D market. Industry experts line up to tell readers what they should be doing in 3D and how to do it. Every issue also has a CD full of demos and full versions of new software and plug-ins, showreels from both up and coming artists, and established companies along with a lot more. Targeted at people who want hard information about 3D. (Diamond U.K.) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $13.95 AIRBRUSH ACTION SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2001 Take a surreal, bizarre, and otherworldly trip in Airbrush Action magazine's much anticipated special Fantasy issue! If it's "out there," it's in here: from the fantastical works of fine artist, Hung Mac, to the sci-fi dreams of famed illustrator, Stephen Youll. Even the regular features, such as T-Shirt Tactics and Nail Air, take a quirky twist. And as if that wasn't enough, automotive guru Craig Fraser gets schizoid on a computer tower! (Airbrush Action) Magazine, 84pg, FC $5.99 CASTLE OF FRANKENSTEIN #31 Issue #31 features an all-new Fu-Manchu cover by Larry Ivie. "The Faces of Fu-Manchu," by Allan Warren examines Dr. Fu in not only literatures, but the many films Sax Rohmer's criminal mastermind character appeared in. Take another look at Hitchcock's fine feathered fiends, beware of the mummy's curse in "The Universal Mummies Part 3," more DVD reviews are featured in "Son of Digital Horror: More Universal Monsters Part 2," a detailed article by Rondo Hatton, "The Creeper Walks Among Us," and the "Frankenstein Video Movie Guide" features capsulized information on classic horror and science fiction starting with the letter "I" –– all in this issue! (Denis Druktenis Publishing) Magazine $6.00 CASTLE OF FRANKENSTEIN PRESENTS TOME #4 In issue #4, find out what happens when Frankenstein meets Dracula –– in a feature-length novel with illustrations! This 11- issue series of "castle-horror-pulp" magazines by Donald F. Glut features spine tingling pulp-style art by Rick "Spine" Mountfort. (Denis Druktenis Publishing) Magazine $7.00 CINEFANTASTIQUE VOLUME 33 #5 John Carpenter returns to his roots with Ghosts of Mars. Harkening back to the edge-of-your-seat thrills of his classic Assault on Precinct 13 –– and without a knowing nod towards Bradbury's classic vision of a world haunted by spirits best left undisturbed –– the genre's most eclectic director will seek to overcome the "Red Planet Curse" that has plagued other recent forays with a story that's part action, part horror, and all Carpenter. Cinefantastique takes you directly to the set, to see the production in action, and to meet the projects' cast and crew, including the inimitable Pam Grier, Carpenter stalwart Jeff Imada, and effects specialist Greg Nicotero. Plus, we'll bring you an intriguing interview with Carpenter himself, and tons of exclusive photos and art you'll see nowhere else. All this, plus an in-depth look at the production of Alan Moore's From Hell, and the first installment of coverage of Star Trek Voyager's final seasons. (Cinefantastique) Magazine $5.95 CINEFEX #87 This issue includes features on A.I., a film developed by the late Stanley Kubrick that has been carried to fruition by Steven Spielberg; Planet of the Apes, Tim Burton's imaginative reinvention of the classic sci-fi tale; Tomb Raider, in which video game adventuress Lara Croft comes to life; and Jurassic Park 3, based on the third installment of the Michael Crichton novels featuring animatronic dinosaurs by Stan Winston and computer-generated versions by Industrial Light & Magic again provide the thrills and chills. (Cinefex) Magazine $9.50 CULT TIMES #73 The month ahead of cult TV starts here! Plan your viewing with Cult Times' "Out of the Box" –– the indispensable listing guide of cult television programs to watch out for on terrestrial, cable, and satellite. Read interviews with the stars and features on cult shows currently airing in the U.K. Take a light-hearted but informative look at a classic series in the "Instant Guide" and review the highlights of the previous month's viewing in "Times Past." Cult Times is the complimentary magazine to TV Zone, and together they provide the ultimate guide to the many worlds of cult television. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 CULT TIMES SPECIAL #19 Back to the basics, as two exciting new series examine the background to the Superman and Star Trek legends: Smallville, the latest teen-oriented fantasy series from the network that brought you Buffy and Roswell; and Enterprise, the hotly-anticipated prequel to the Star Trek franchise. Plus, get a look at the history behind the day-to-day life of all your cult television heroes, with features and interviews on ever-popular series, such as Angel, Charmed, Farscape, and Stargate SG-1. Also includes the regular listing-style guide and a fantastic fold-out poster! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.99 DARK SIDE #93-94 Cannibal survivor John Morghen and Scream Queen Julie Strain are just two of the interview subjects in the hot issue #93 of Dark Side, the UK's most fright-packed magazine! Also profiled are the death camps and the sick world of Nazi nasties, as well as monkey business in the movies! And, in issue #94, hear from Val Guest, the Quatermass Man, as well as features on Artificial Intelligence, Dario Argento back on form, and five Giallo for an August Moon. All this, and much more from the worlds of dark fantasy and horror! (Stray Cat Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99Ea. DR. WHO IN-VISION #98 The Doctor and Ace visit 1988 England, where three rival factions, a 17th century sorceress, a group of Nazis, and the Cybermen are attempting to gain control of a statue made of living metal. Crested by Rassilon as the ultimate defense for Gallifrey. (Jeremy Bentham) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $6.00 DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE #309 Doctor Who Magazine is the only official source for news, features, interviews, and comic strip action devoted to BBC Television's immortal traveler in time and space! In this issue's Archive, "Vengeance on Varos," the Sixth Doctor finds himself trapped inside a real-life video nasty. And the new strip, "The Way of All Flesh," Part Four of Four. (Diamond U.K.) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 52pg, FC $6.60 DREAMWATCH #86 Bring Middle Earth to life in Lord of the Rings, it's Johnny Depp versus Jack the Ripper in From Hell, and get an exclusive interview with Buffy's Sarah Michelle Gellar. Also includes features on K-Pax, Atlantis, Harry Potter, Rollerball, Monsters, Inc., Smallville, The X-Files, Dark Angel, Roswell, and Enterprise! For the top source of news, interviews, and reviews of all things fantasy and sci-fi, turn to Dreamwatch! (DWB) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.99 EXTREME COLLECTORS GUIDE SPECIAL FOIL MAGAZINE #11 Extreme Collector's Guide brings readers face to face with only the best and hottest collectibles on the market today. Trading cards from Pokémon, Digimon, Dragonball Z, Harry Potter, WWF and Dungeons & Dragons, to all the newest video games for PlayStation 2, Nintendo 64 and Sony Dreamcast, complemented with expert analysis, collector's hints and price guides. (Celebrity Worldwide) Magazine $7.99 FANGORIA NOVEMBER 2001 #208 The world's longest-running horror magazine takes you behind the scenes of the films, TV shows, and Halloween theme parks and events that you're dying to read about! This issue features a haunting visit to the set of Dimension's Halloween: Homecoming, Warner Brothers' 13 Ghosts, and Columbia's The One, while the quest for the true origins of Jack the Ripper are explored in directors Allen and Albert Hughes' (Dead Presidents) adaptation of comic scribe Alan Moore's From Hell. Also, Snoop Dogg's new horror film, Bones! All this, plus the latest horror news, gossip, and video, DVD, and book reviews! (Starlog Group) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.99 FARSCAPE MAGAZINE #3 The third issue of Titan's sensational Farscape magazine brings you closer than you ever thought possible to the eclectic crew of Moya as they continue their fantastic third season! In this issue of the official Farscape magazine, Anthony Simcoe discusses D'Argo, Lani Tupu is interviewed, Wayne Pygram speaks on his evil alter ego Scorpy, and an all-new Farscape story! All this plus news on everything Farscape and a free poster! Also available with a Previews Exclusive cover! (Titan) (CAUT: 4) NEWSSTAND ED.––Magazine, 68pg, FC $5.99 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE––Magazine, 68pg, FC $5.99 FOOTPRINTS ON A BRAIN A selection of stories of Inspector Allhoff, the legless inspector by D. L. Champion. The second in Dime Detective Masterpiece Series.(Adventure House) Magazine $16.95 FORTEAN TIMES #151 Become a student of American iconoclast Charles Fort with this expansive guide to the bizarre. Features news, reviews, and research on strange phenomena, experiences, and curiosities from the intricacies of crop circles to phantom hitchhikers. It's wild, it's funny, it's open-minded yet skeptical — and it's true! (JB Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg $4.95 G-FAN #53 In this issue, a full report on G-Fest 2001, North America's largest gathering of Godzilla fans held July 13-15 in Chicago. Also, the latest news on the next Godzilla movie starring Mothra and King Ghodorah, new product information, interviews, fiction, art, and much more. (Daikaju) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 84pg, FC $4.95 G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES #3 This classic perfect bound publication produced by Adventure House reprints the entire G-8 and His Battle Aces, in facsimile format, and features the story "Purple Aces", originally published in November, 1933. (Adventure House) Magazine, 112pg, FC $9.95 GIANT ROBOT #23 The latest issue of the only Asian and Asian-American pop-culture publication that matters is packed with some of the most interesting people you'll never get to meet. Wong Jing is the director of Hong Kong movie classics like the God of Gamblers and The Naked Killer; Sonny Chiba crushed vocal boxes in the Street Fighter flicks from Japan in the groovy '70s; Daewon Song is an incredible skateboarder with some funky hair; and the Japanese Groovisions company is turning out some of the most amazing design work that you'll ever see. In addition there's cheap travel in Vietnam, writing by renegade Chinese author Wang Shuo, and Hong Kong's coolest actor Francis Ng. Plus, the stuntman for John Woo, the truth behind Asian sweat, and rolling with the cult of orchid fetishists. (Giant Robot Magazine) Magazine, 88pg $4.95 GRAPHOTISM #28 Graphotism is the U.K.'s premier Street-culture magazine, the best established of its kind in Europe. Check out the interviews with the hottest graffiti artists, the massive picture gallery, from motorways to subways, including news and reviews on the latest books, tunes, and fashion — street style. With a round-up of the international graffiti scene too, make the 'write' choice and get this mag… it's a G thing! (Diamond U.K.) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $11.00 HIGH TIMES OCTOBER 2001 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (High Times) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, 134pg, FC $4.99 JUXTAPOZ NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2001 Each issue, Juxtapoz examines the rich and varied world of popular art from photography and graffiti, to essays on great artists and traditional arts around the world. (High Speed Productions) Magazine $4.95 KID POWER SPECIAL FOIL MAGAZINE #12 Finally a magazine that kids between ages 5-10 can call their own! With fun-to-read text, colorful images, premium giveaways, contests, puzzles, and quizzes, Kid Power! is the primo source for information on children's television, movies, music and toys. This premiere issue features insightful and engaging coverage of The Rug Rats, Harry Potter, Blues Clues, Pokémon, Dragonball Z, and the ever-adorable Powerpuff Girls! (Celebrity Worldwide) Magazine, FC $4.99 KIDS COLLECTIBLES SPECIAL FOIL MAGAZINE #12 Whether it's trading cards, stamps, action figures or video games, kids love to collect things. Kid's Collectibles offers collectors pricing values and insights into the hottest new releases on the market from Pokémon, Digimon, Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon, plus reviews on all the new video game releases from the most popular game systems are also featured. (Celebrity Worldwide) Magazine $5.99 KITBUILDERS MAGAZINE #40 Join Kitbuilders Magazine for the 10th anniversary issue! That's right Kitbuilders is 10 years old! This issue, get the devil scared out of you with model kits that are devil/demon related. Just in time for Halloween! Also, sculpting with Wayne "the Dane" Hansen, kitbashing with Dan Jorgensen, more Godzilla coverage from Kaiju Korner, Brit Kits with Martin Cage and lots of cool new stuff. (Kitbuilders) Magazine $6.50 LOCUS #488 The science fiction and fantasy community's journal, with news and reviews on new and upcoming releases, as well as articles and columns by noted authors. (Locus Magazine) Magazine, 70pg, b&w $4.95 MONSTERS FROM THE VAULT #13 Is #13 unlucky? The publisher of Monsters from the Vault don't think so. The magazine that continues to celebrate the best and classic horror offers another collection of fine articles, DVD and book reviews, and rare photos (more than 100). This issue begins with part three of "Deliver Us to Evil: Cinematographers of Horror's Cinematographers of Horror's Golden Age." Also featured are "Drive-in Demons" (a look at the 1958 double-bill of It! The Terror from Beyond Space and Curse of the Faceless Man), the drive-in premiere of The Hideous Sun Demon (including a Tom Weaver interview with Nan Peterson), and "The Sublime Villainy of Lionel Atwill." Finally, Bob Burns remembers "Gorilla Man" Charles Gemora, simian star of The Unholy Three, Murders in the Rue Morgue, Monster and the Girl, Phantom of the Rue Morgue, and many others. Don't miss the terrifying 13th issue of MFTV. Magazine, 64-pages, (Monsters from the Vault) Magazine, 64pg, b&w $6.95 IT'S RAINING MORE CORPSES IN CHINATOWN TP Remember Fu Manchu? With his army of Dacoit footpads, trained killer apes and poisonous creepy-crawlies, Sax Rohmer's maleficent Devil Doctor held the reading world in thrall for half a century. Fu Manchu's glory years were the '20s and '30s –– that fascinating interval between the two Great Wars. Innocence and ignorance weren't mortal sins then. It was a smaller world, less complex, when houses had attics full of memories and old books, where you could sit and thrill to Tales of Chinatown and The Yellow Claw. If the worldview these fictions portrayed was simplistic and even jingoistic, it was a factor that seldom bothered homebodies of the Great Depression. For them, such remote and unglimpsed locations as China, the South Seas, India, and the jungled lands of Africa and South America existed as mere backdrops to tales of vicarious adventure. This was the circumscribed world in which so-called "Yellow Peril" fiction thrived. The Chinese, or "Chinamen" as most Americans called them, had come to the New World as coolies to supply cheap labor for mining camps and railroads. By the 1870's Asian ghettoized communities emerged in the heart of several cities: claustrophobic shadow worlds of serpentine streets and narrow alleys, soon identified as Chinatowns. While Westerners may have admired Chinese culture and tradition from a distance, our press chose to emphasize the most superficial and sensational aspects of Chinese life up close. Stories of bloody tong wars, opium smuggling, white slavery, hatchetmen, and gambling dens appeared frequently in luridly inventive newspaper accounts. The incorporation of these lip-smacking elements into the stew of pulp fiction proved irresistible. (Adventure House) TP, 208pg $16.95 PLAYBOY MAGAZINE & SPECIALS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Warner Publisher Services) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. ADULT MATERIAL PLAYBOY (NOV) Magazine $4.99 LINGERIE (JAN/FEB)––Magazine $6.99 SPECIAL (NOV/DEC)––Magazine $6.99 SCHWANN DVD ADVANCE MAGAZINE NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Whether you're building a DVD collection, renting, or just starting out, Schwann DVD Advance is the magazine for you, offering extensive listings of every DVD currently available in the US – over 8,000 detailed! This bi-monthly publication includes information about directors, top actors, plot synopsis, sound quality, special features, and more, plus offers release- specific articles, columns, editorials and reviews designed to further enhance your buying and viewing experiences. (Disticor Magazine Distribution) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $6.95 SCREEN POWER THE OFFICIAL JACKIE CHAN MAGAZINE VOLUME 4 #3 Featured in this fully-endorsed publication spanning the immensely popular film career of martial-arts and international film star Jackie Chan, you'll find an exclusive interview with Hong Kong's brightest action star, Edison Chen, a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Jackie Chan's next feature film, Highbinders, an invitation to Chan's Christmas 2000 Charity Concert in Las Vegas, a full review and Los Angeles premiere report on Rush Hour 2, plus extensive details on all the new DVDs hitting the market, new merchandise, news, reviews, competitions, and all the happenings in the Jackie Chan world! (Jackie Chan Fan Club) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.95 SFX #82-83 The smashing, spirited sci-fi magazine from Britain! This magazine asks and answers the burning questions on all sci-fi fans' minds. And, late-breaking news; in-depth interviews; behind-the-scene reports; multi-media reviews (books, comics, games, videos, TV); and much more. What more could a sci-fi fan want? (Future Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.75Ea. SHIVERS #94 Every month, Shivers contains an exciting mix of interviews with the creative people of the horror world. Regular features include Kim Newman's outspoken opinion column, Ingrid Pitt on horror fandom worldwide, and a favorite fright from the archives in "The Fright of Your Life." Plus, up-to-the-minute news and reviews of all the latest horror on DVD, film, and TV, as well as a pull-out poster of the cover artwork! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 SIRENS OF CINEMA #1 Premiere issue of this new exciting magazine focusing on the women of television, cable and feature movies. This first issue has an in-depth look at the women of the hit television series Charmed, featuring Alyssa Milano, Shannen Doherty and Holly Marie Combs. Includes interviews, a look behind the scenes, an episode checklist, and more information about the women and the series than you have ever read before! Plus, interviews with the stars of soon-to-be-released teenage witch movie The Source, Alice Frank and Melissa Renee Martin. Also, movie reviews, news and tons of great color photos of your favorite female stars! Don't miss this first collector's edition! MATURE READERS Magazine, FC $5.95 SPECTRUM #28 Spectrum's meticulous annual analysis of Angel returns with a detailed look at the second season, including an episode guide and commentary on each episode! Also, Xena: Warrior Princess; plus the usual insightful articles and reviews from the worlds of film, comics, and cult TV! (Win-Mill Productions) Magazine, b&w $4.95 STAR TREK COMMUNICATOR LIMITED COLLECTOR'S EDITION VOLUME 11 #7 Star Trek Communicator presents Enterprise Limited Edition Collector's Magazine –– with an exclusive Previews cover! Before anyone else sees the pilot episode of the new and excitingly different Star Trek series Enterprise this fall, you can get a privileged preview of what is bound to be the coolest sci-fi shoe in years. This official collector's edition of the Paramount- licensed Star Trek Communicator absolutely explodes with Enterprise photos, set plans, sketch designs, and a fold-out poster! Read actor profiles and interviews with all the new cast members, like Scott Bakula! Experience how the show is engineered in interviews with key creators like Rock Breman, Brannon Nraga, John Eaves, Herman Zimmerman, Mike Okuda, Michael Westmore, and more. Don't let Enterprise launch without you on board! (Star Trek Fan Club) Magazine, 100pg $9.95 STAR TREK MAGAZINE #31 This magazine brings you the very best, new, up-to-date, in-depth news and information on Star Trek every month, complete with unique new pictures. Every 112-page issue brings you spectacular gatefolds with detailed technical drawings and full- color artwork, plus full analysis of the characters, races, and starships, as well as 24th century technology. (Fabbri Publishing, Inc.) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.99 STARBURST #278 With nearly 25 years of publishing behind it, Starburst continues to offer its unique blend of the latest news, features, and interviews combined with a look back at science fiction classics of the past. Plus, the finest reviews section known to man, with the cream of films, books, soundtracks, television, comics, and DVDs all scrutinized for you. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 STARLOG #292 Join Starlog in the fall sci-fi issue! Included are features on the premieres of Mutant X; Star Trek's prequel Enterprise starring Scott Bakula; Smallville, where young Superman tests his powers; Andromeda, starring the woman in blue, Laura Bertram; Gregory Lee's take on Dark Angel; and UPN's Special Unit 2. Also, Glenn Morgan and James Wong discuss One and their TV efforts; Kevin Spacey in K-Pax; Iam Holm is Jack the Ripper in From Hell; Bilbo Baggins in Lord of the Rings; Disney and Pixar's Monsters, Inc.; and J.K. Rowling's fantasy sensation Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Get amazing previews on the latest escapades of Buffy, Roswell, X-Files, Angel, and Earth: Final Conflict. (Starlog Group) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.99 TO THE EDGE #111 Edge magazine embraces and celebrates the lifestyle of the modern man and includes features and departments covering: women, sports, sex, gadgets, drinks, diet, entertainment, health, humor, fashion, travel, and more! Edge features photo spreads of the sexiest women in the world, including the most desirable supermodels, movie and television starlets. Edge is the handbook for every man's life. Magazine, FC, 144pg $5.99 TOMB RAIDER MAGAZINE #7 Tomb Raider is bursting at the seams with archaeological adrenaline! The smoldering Lara Croft sets off on another adventure, this time to the site of and ancient Mayan civilization! Plus, another tasty slice of Aphrodite IX! Available in both Newsstand and Previews Exclusive cover editions! (Titan) NEWSSTAND ED.—Magazine, 52pg $4.99 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE—Magazine, 52pg $4.99 TV ZONE #143 Up to the minute news, features and interviews, plus continuing coverage of popular cult TV shows like Stargate SG-1, Xena: Warrior Princess, Angel, Star Trek: Voyager, Farscape, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Doctor Who. Also, our ongoing episode guides to popular series and answers to readers' questions in "Memory Alpha," along with regular news, reviews, and interviews. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 UFO VOLUME 20 #5 UFO Magazine is packed with pages of startling, mystifying occurrences in our world and beyond. Did a UFO blast a hole in Russia? What really happened at the Roswell Army base in 1947? Find out the answers to these questions and others in each issue, featuring a UFO photo file, archive footage, details on advanced technologies, interplanetary and global reports, and more. (Disticor Magazine Distribution) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 80pg, FC $5.99 ULTIMATE DVD #22 As the DVD market continues to grow, Visual Imagination's entertainment magazine —now in its second year — is devoted solely to this format. Every issue contains the latest news, DVD reviews, star interviews, production notes, and a diary of forthcoming releases. Plus, a look at the latest players. Not to be missed! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $5.99 VIDEO WATCHDOG #76 If you're into horror, science fiction, or fantasy films; Hong Kong action cinema or 60s sexploitation; or other cult movies with an alternative bend, Video Watchdog is the magazine for you! Each 80-page issue is jam-packed with in-depth reviews of all the latest releases on VHS, DVD, and LaserDisc, including coverage of rare mail-order and import titles. Want to know if a new release is complete, correctly letterboxed, or otherwise worth your investment? Only Video Watchdog gives you the lowdown — regularly comparing new releases to earlier versions, and illustrating reviews with actual frame enlargements to show you what you're getting! And each issue is built around compelling feature articles about exciting releases, restored footage, lost classics, career interviews, and other essential reading! Now monthly! (Video Watchdog) Magazine, 80pg $6.50 WICKED #10 Wicked is the bi-monthly magazine devoted to the best in dark genre and horror entertainment in film, television, and new media! Plus: the next installment of "Don't Get Me Started," the exclusive column by B-movie star Bruce Campbell! (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 84pg $6.95 WRAPPED IN PLASTIC #55 The world's longest-running Twin Peaks magazine continues its coverage of the ground-breaking series, including updates on current projects by David Lynch (Mulholland Drive), Mark Frost (All Souls), and the actors! Plus, The X-Files, and the usual letters and news updates about all things Lynchian! (Win-Mill Productions) Magazine, b&w $4.50 WWF MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2001 The official magazine of the WWF for anyone who can smell what The Rock is cooking! Want the latest scoop on Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and all of your favorite WWF superstars? The background on the hottest feuds? An update of WWF news, tours, and merchandise? Then turn to the WWF Magazine, your pipeline to the World Wrestling Federation. (Kable News Company) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $4.99 WWF RAW MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2001 Exploring the rawer side of the WWF! Featuring the stunts they can't show on TV, backstage info on the wrestlers, pin-ups of stars like The Undertaker, Mankind, and HHH, plus bonus provocative pin-ups of the ladies of wrestling. Hey, why should wrestlers get all the posters? So are you man enough for Raw? Officially licensed by the WWF — and that's the bottom line! (Kable News Company) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS Magazine, FC $3.99 WOW: WORLD OF WRESTLING #110 OCTOBER 2001 The wrestling scene is hotter than ever and WOW will be there to cover all the action. Check out the hottest action photography and the most exciting coverage. WOW provides all event schedules and results, gossip, celebrity wrestlers, behind the scene action, and predictions of upcoming matches. WOW reveals personal interviews and exclusive photos. This is your complete source to the World of Wrestling. Monthly. (Ads Publisher Services) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 164pg, FC, $6.99 WHAT MP3 What MP3 is the latest and foremost magazine dedicated to the new technology developed due to the Internet, MP3. What MP3 delivers the latest in this new medium with 100 pages of the news and reviews of internet music and the supporting equipment, a web guide of the best MP3 sites, and more. (Disticor Magazine Distribution) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg $4.99 XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS MAGAZINE #24 This issue includes a complete guide to all six seasons of Xena, the path which led to Xena and Gabrielle's final fate is tracked, and Ted Raimi looks back on life as Joxer. Plus, there's more behind-the-scenes reports and all the latest news from the Ancient World and beyond! (Titan) (CAUT: 4) NEWSSTAND ED.—Magazine, 68pg, FC $6.25 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE—Magazine, 68pg, FC $56.25 XPOSÉ #59 Interviews, features, and news from the world of fantastic movies and TV, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stargate SG-1, The Pretender, Xena: Warrior Princess, and The X-Files. Plus, all the latest movies and TV episodes reviewed. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 BOOKS SECTION ART BOOKS STAR OF THE MONTH THE ART OF MITCH BYRD VOLUME 1 TPB His work is fiendishly clever. His designs are innovative. His girls are big, beefy, and simply breath-taking! Artist/creator Mitch Byrd has long been a fan-fave. His work for Verotik and DC Comics, as well as the deliriously wicked work he's been doing for the SQP Gallery Girls series makes Byrd a perfect candidate for an up-close and personal overview of his very strange and talented mind. The Art of Mitch Byrd contains dozens of sketches, ideas, and finishes pieces that can only hope to show a glimmer of his endless abilities. If you like your action two-fisted, and your girls nicely twisted, this book will not disappoint! (SQP) (STAR13318) MATURE READERS TPB $9.95 **************** BRUSHFIRE: ILLUMINATIONS FROM THE INFERNO TP by Wayne Barlowe Fifteen new Inferno paintings by Barlowe are featured in this unique art portfolio. Barlowe's haunting and disturbing paintings add to the amazing mythos he created with Barlowe's Inferno. Designed with a button-tie closure and formatted at an extra large 14" x 12", this elegant presentation allows for the details of Barlowe's mysterious imagery to be fully appreciated. Text by Barlow tells of an experience in hell wherein the paintings were done as real time portraits with the demons sitting before the painter. Harrowing close calls and oppressively dark environments, all detailed by Barlowe, add to the wonder and strangeness that the masterful paintings reveal. (Morpheus International) (CAUT: 4) TP $19.95 DRAGONTAILS VOLUME 3 TPB It's an all-new collection of dangerous creatures of terrible beauty… and dragons too! An ever-popular topic, Dragontails now presents a third installment of the fabled winged reptiles, and the powerful women warriors who wield ultimate control over them. Dragontails Volume 3 features original art by Mitch Byrd, Sanjulian, Pelaez, Arantaza, Maraschi, Cuevas, and many more. Cover painting by Pelaez. (SQP) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS TPB, 64pg, b&w $9.95 STAR OF THE MONTH DRAGONTAILS VOLUME 2 TPB by Various Featuring art by some of the genre's finest illustrators including Rich Larson, Esteban Moroto, Blas Gallego, Steve Fastner, and Mitch Byrd, Dragontails Volume 2 presents even more dangerous damsels, and the dragons that love them. (SQP) (STAR10523) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS TPB, 8x11, 64pg, b&w $9.95 ****************** FIGURE #1 VINTAGE PHOTOGRAPHY MAGAZINE TP SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Bud Plant) (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL TP, 7x9, 52pg, b&w $7.49 FIREBRANDS: THE HEROINES OF SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY TP by Pamela Sargent & Ron Miller From pulp fiction to cyberpunk, science fiction has always abounded with vivid, powerful women –– Amazons, alien queens, slayers of monsters, brilliant scientists, and ethereal beings. Here is your opportunity to see all these fantastic femmes brought to life by the science fiction illustrator Ron Miller. And true to the titillating aspects of many of these famous ladies, Miller has drawn most of them au natural, from lovely mermaids to alien ladies on hot planets where clothes are now a necessity. Sergeant describes each one and puts them in the context of history of science fiction, grouped by decade from the pre-1930s to the 1990s. More than 100 color plates by Miller, known for his work for NASA, Disney, and for winning with Frank R. Paul Award for outstanding achievement in science fiction art. There is a good selection of early heroines we can all identify with from ERB to H.G. Wells –– three-quarters of the book examines the Golden Age up to 1960. From Heinlein to Asimov, Andre Norton to Joe Vinge, all the major authors are represented here. Published by Thunder's Mouth in 1998. (Bud Plant) (CAUT: 4) TP, 8x12, 112pg, FC $11.99 HISTORY OF MYSTERY HC by Max Allan Collins Follow the trail of the smoking gun. Look for clues in the dusty footprints –– but watch out for broken glass! The game is afoot in the puzzling world of detective fiction and author Max Allan Collins knows whodunit. Spying through the misty shroud that enfolds the detective stories and film noir, Collins exposes The History of Mystery. Glorious illustrations abound, from pulp fiction covers to comic strips, to portraits of the usual suspects. Collins even seeks out and finds the seldom-seen and largely forgotten female detectives who first appeared in fiction nearly 100 years ago. (Collector's Press) (1-888-54-53-0) (CAUT: 4) HC, 11x12, 196pg, FC $45.00 POSTMARKED YESTERYEAR: ART OF THE HOLIDAY POSTCARDS TP by Pamela E. Apakarian-Russell From naughty gnomes and dancing pumpkins to rabbits driving cars, postcards have marked time like no other form of art. Before the telegraph and the telephone, postcards were the primary form of distant contact. Selected by senders for their visual appeal, greetings were received from far away celebrating every major holiday. Today, these postcards are treasured artifacts as well as important historical documents from around the world. (Collector's Press) (1-888054-54-9) (CAUT: 4) TP, 9x10, 176pg, FC $29.95 RONIN: THE ART OF CHRISTOPHER SHY HC Best known for his cover work on White Wolf's Vampire and Mage lines, as well as his work for the Freedom computer game. He is also becoming known to SJ Games fans as the cover artist for In Nomine, GURPS Atlantis, GURPS Cabal, and GURPS Transhuman Space lines, launching in late 2001. Steve Jackson Games is proud to present the best of Christopher Shy's art to his fans, in a deluxe hardcover, full-color edition, with an introduction by Ken Hite. (Steve Jackson Games, Inc.) (1-55643- 546-1) (CAUT: 4) HC, 64pg, FC $24.95 VISIONS OF SPACEFLIGHT HC by Frederick Ordway III This full-color book assembles a fabulous collection of images of astronautics and rocketry. The pictures, both imagined and real, extend from the 16th century to the eve of the Space Age in the late 1950s. Collector Fred Ordway, one of America's first rocket scientists in the post WWII era, has been a pioneer in making the dreams of spaceflight come true. This realm is populated by heroes and scientists, dreamers and trailblazers. Images abound of square-jawed astronauts maneuvering their craft near Mars and of fantastic vehicles with propulsion ranging from dewdrops (17th century) to antigravity (19th century). Visions of Spaceflight is a compelling mix of the intentionally fantastic and rigorously scientific. (Publishers Group West) (1- 56858-181-5) (CAUT: 4) HC, 9x12, 176pg, PC $50.00 COMIC THEMES COMIC BOOK BOOK TP by Don Thompson & Dick Lupoff This gorgeous sequel to All In Colour For A Dime is an entertaining and evocative excursion down Memory Lane to the golden days of comic books. Lupoff and Maggie Thompson introduce a massive 368 pages of pure, unadulterated nostalgia as collectors recall their favorites. (Diamond U.K.) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 368pg, PC $15.99 COMICS, COMIX, & GRAPHIC NOVELS TPB by Robert Sabin This first fully documented study explores the graphic qualities of the comic book, and the development of the genre into a sophisticated and culturally revealing popular art form. The book traces the history of the comic from early cartoon-like woodcuts through to the graphic strips of the 19th and 20th centuries. Organized thematically, it explores the various genres of the comic book, including humor, adventure, girls' comics, underground, and alternative. The careers of the creators' best- known characters –– from Superman to Tintin to Tank Girl –– are revealed, as also the stories behind the much-loved comics such as The Beano and The Incredible Hulk. The most recent artists are also illustrated and discussed, including Harvey Kurtzman (Mad) and Chris Donald (Viz), Art Spiegelman (Maus) and Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira). (Phiadon) (0-7148-3993-0) (CAUT: 4) TPB, 11x10, 240pg, PC $29.95 DRAWING BLOOD CARTOONS FOR AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Seven years ago, many of the best names in U.K. cartooning donated their work to appear in this book for the benefit of Amnesty International's efforts against tyranny and oppression around the world. Its 94 telling cartoons will leave you wondering whether to laugh or cry at the work Larry, Jim Unger, Posy Simmonds, Tony Husband, Kate Charlesworth, and lots more. For every book sold, 50 cents will be donated. (Diamond U.K.) (CAUT: 4) SC $9.99 THE SLINGS AND ARROWS COMIC GUIDE This is a tremendously useful and entertaining book, never seen in the U.S. before now. The first critical reference to individual comic book titles, cross indexed, with excellent reviews and analysis of almost 3,000 titles. Covers comic dating back to the 1930's but it is quite thorough on titles from the 1960s on. Work by counter culture greats such as R. Crumb, Bill Griffith, and Gilbert Shelton are assessed alongside the best European comics by Bill Hermann, Manara, Moebius, Pratt, and all important and lesser American titles. An invaluable reference book. Published by Aurum Press in the U.K. in 1997. (Bud Plant) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x9, 688pg $14.99 SNARK INC.: A CORPORATE FABLE HC by Brain Gage; illustrated by Tom Ellsworth Snark Inc. takes place in the small town of Snark, U.S.A., where the citizens dream of owning Snark, the greatest and most versatile material possession on the planet. Everyone works at Snark, Inc., producing Snark and making money to buy all the great Snark products on display at their local department store. But something's amiss. Everyone's miserable, and no one knows why. Enter Will, who decides he wants a life free of materialism and greed. This leads him to head for the hills, hoping to escape the pod mentality of everyone around him. But Snark is all-pervasive and supernaturally seductive; can Will resist its lure? Brian Gage's dark satire fuses the wit and charm of a children's book with a very adult take on the excesses of conspicuous consumption. (Publishers Group West) (1-887128-70-0) (CAUT: 4) HC, 10x9, 44pg, FC $20.00 WOMEN IN THE COMICS HC SET by Maurice Horn The history and exploits of female characters and female comic artists is the focus of this series by noted comics and cartoon expert Maurice Horn. From "Blondie," to "Mary Worth," "Tillie the Toiler," to "Sylvia," "Little Orphan Annie," to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," and beyond, Women in Comics covers them all. In addition, there are three new chapters, including a progress report on a century of female cartoonists around the world, from Rose O'Neill, to Jan Eliot, to Aline Kominsky- Crumb. (Chelsea House) (0-7910-5910-3) (CAUT: 4) Set (x3), HC, 122pg, PC $125.00 FANTASY/SCI-FI STAR OF THE MONTH ATLAS OF MIDDLE EARTH REVISED EDITION TP A thoroughly-researched atlas by Karen Wynn Fonstad, who first mapped Middle-Earth in 1981, and has since added much new detail based on endless drafts, abandoned passages, and alternative visions published since Tolkien's death. Examining Middle-Earth's First, Second, and Third Ages, she reconstructs the route and timescale of every important journey in the stories. Look for local maps, war maps, thematic maps, and more. Changes reflect the recent releases in the History of Middle- Earth series. (Houghton Mifflin Company) (0-618-126996-6) (STAR13248) (CAUT: 4) SC, 210pg $24.00 **************** CAPTAIN'S OUTRAGEOUS SIGNED & NUMBERED HC by Joe R. Lansdale The newest suspense masterpiece from Joe R. Lansdale (Jonah Hex), the true first edition of his latest novel, with a full-color wraparound dustjacket, art by John Picacio. Hap Collins saves a young girl from an attacker, and her father, owner of the chicken plant where Hap works, rewards him with a large cash bonus. No good deed goes unpunished, however, as Hap decides he and his best friend Leonard should take a vacation, a cruise to Mexico and the Caribbean. Abandoned in Mexico, Leonard buys an ugly hat and Hap vows for once to stay out of other people's business, a chore at which he turns out to be less than practiced. Evil follows Hap home, and before long he's back in Mexico, with Leonard and a hog-raising private eye named Jim Bob Luke seeking vengeance from a Mexican mobster with a seven-foot tall lackey shaped like a sumo wrestler. And if there's time, Leonard just might buy a new hat. (Subterranean Press) (1-931081-28-X) (CAUT: 4) HC $60.00 CONAN: THE ROAD OF KINGS MMPB by Karl Edward Wagner Facing the gallows for defending his honor –– by killing the captain of the guard –– the mighty Conan jumps feet first into a rescue attempt of one of his fellow prisoners. When Conan learns his rescuers are the daring rebels of the White Rose, he joins their blood-slaked insurrection. But Conan's struggles are only beginning, for the road to the throne is defended by the Final Guard –– indestructible warriors made of stone. Conan must draw steel against these indomitable foes and pray that Krom will guide his blade both strong and true. (St Martin's Press) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 9x12, 224pg $5.99 DUNE: HOUSE CORRINO HC by Brian Herbert & Kevin Anderson Fearful of losing his throne, Shaddam has devised a radical scheme to develop an alternative to melange, the addictive spice that binds the Imperium together and that can only be found in the desert Dune. On the planet Ix, cruel overlords use slaves to produce the new synthetic form of melange. But Duke Leto has his own plans for Ix: free the slaves and return power to the previous rule. Meanwhile, Lady Jessica faces the Sisterhood when the Duke's baby is a boy, not the girl they were expecting. Blinded by his need for power, Shaddam will launch a plot against Dune. If he succeeds, his madness will result in a cataclysmic tragedy not even he foresees: the end of space travel, the Imperium, and civilization itself. With Duke Leto and other renegades and revolutionaries fighting to stem the tide of darkness that threatens to engulf their universe, the stage is set for a showdown unlike any seen before. (Random House) (0-553-11084-5) (CAUT: 4) HC, 6x9, 560pg $27.95 DUNE: HOUSE HARKONNEN MMPB by Brian Herbert & Kevin Anderson As Shaddam sits at last on the Golden Lion Throne, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen plots against the new Emperor and House Atreides –– and against the mysterious Sisterhood of the Nene Gesserit. For Leto Atreides, grown complacent and comfortable as ruler of his House, it is a time of momentous choice: between friendship and duty, safety and destiny. But for the survival of House Atreides, there is just one choice –– strive for greatness or be crushed. (Random House) (0-553-58030-2) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 752pg $6.99 FRIGHTENING CURVES TP by Anthony Johnston & Aman Chaudhary This is the story of Phil London, a British ex-government agent and psychic. Phil discovers that the London Underground system holds an ancient power that once ruled the capital city, and threatens to do so again, destroying society in the process. Realizing his past with Section Five –– Britain's paranormal police force –– is the key to solving the puzzle, Phil fights for his life and sanity… down in the Frightening Curves under London town. (Cyberosia Publishing) (0-970947-0-2) (CAUT: 4) TP, 128pg, FC $12.95 MIGHT AND MAGIC: SEA OF MIST MMPB by Mel Odom Trained since infancy in the arts of war, magic, and the secret sects of rouge, Praz is unwilling to accept a single skill in the magical towers of The Order. Long denied the truth about his unknown past, he seethes with anger, rejecting convention as he leans toward darkness. But the foul slaying of his life-long mentor and the abduction of his only love have drawn Praz out from beyond the citadel's walls for the first time in his life to undertake an epic rescue. Traveling through a world distorted by the Sea of Mist and hounded by a mysterious dark lord, Praz slowly begins to unravel his past. Along the way he's joined by warriors from multiple dimensions, battles demonic brothers, and confronts one of the most terrible foes of all: two lowly servants who've somehow stumbled upon the power of gods. (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06-103163-1) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 304pg $6.99 ROAD TO LISDOONVARNA SIGNED & NUMBERED HC by Charles de Lint Imagine yesterday as it might have been in this stunning short novel of a great rock and roll band and its two collaborating front men –– and how their music and relationship change the world. Profusely illustrated by Poppy Z. Brite, with dustjacket art by Mary Fleener. (Subterranean Press) (1-892284-91-X) (CAUT: 4) HC $40.00 STAN LEE'S THE ALIEN FACTOR HC by Stan Lee The year is 1942. America has only recently entered the war, and the price paid by its allies is already high. The war could drag on for years, could go wither way… until the day a strange metallic craft crashes behind enemy lines, bringing with it a secret of world-shattering consequence. Realizing what might happen should the Nazis master the alien technology and subjugate its owners, the Allies send in a suicide squad to rescue the aliens and their secrets… or to destroy them before the enemy can. The mission is complicated, however, when Russia learns of the aliens and sends its own agent in to the heart of Germany. A rogue Russian warrior… a traitor among the invasion force… aliens who may be friend or foe… all driven to a fortress that controlled by an implacable enemy. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3475-7) (CAUT: 4) HC $24.95 TERRY PRATCHETT'S THE TRUTH MMPB by Terry Pratchett An ethical journalist, de Worde has a proclivity for investigating stories –– a nasty habit that soon creates powerful enemies eager to stop his presses. And what better way to start the Inquirer, a titillating tabloid that conveniently interchanges what's real for what sells. But de Worde's got an inside line on the hot story concerning Aankh-Morpork's leading patrician, Lord Vetinari. The facts say that Vetinari is guilty. But as de Worde learns, facts don't always tell the whole story. There's that pesky little thing called the truth. (Harper Collins Pubslishers) (0-380-81819-1) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 368pg $6.99 TOLKIEN'S UNFINISHED TALES TP by J.R.R. Tolkien; edited by Christopher Tolkien Unfinished Tales is a collection of shorter narratives ranging from the time of The Simarillion –– the Elder days of Middle Earth –– to the end of the War of the Ring in The Lord of the Rings. Among stories are Gandalf's account of sending the dwarves to Bilbo's party at Bag End and a description of the military organization of the Riders of Rohan. The book also contains the only story from the long ages of Numenor before its downfall, and all that is known of such matters as the Five Wizards, the Palantiri, and the legend of Amroth, King of Lorien. (Houghton Mifflin Company) (0-618-15405-1) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 480pg $14.00 WARHAMMER 40,000: KILL TEAM MMPB by Gav Thorpe Languishing in an Imperial detention center, Lt. Kage –– convict soldier of the 13th Penal Legion –– is at the end of the line. That is, until his ruthless old commanding officer returns with one more deadly assignment. Now Kage must whip into shape a new team of the very worst the Imperial Guard has to offer, before leading them on their one and only mission: to assassinate a warmongering enemy general. Trapped in a conflict between the factions of the mysterious alien Tau, Kage and his men must not only succeed in their one last chance for glory, but try and survive it. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1175-7) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.95 WARHAMMER: DRACHENFELS MMPB by Jack Yeovil Detlef Sierck, the self-proclaimed greatest playwright in the world, has declared that his next production will be a recreation of the end of the Great Enchanter Drachenfels –– to be staged at the very site of his death, the Fortress of Drachenfels itself. But the castle's dark walls still hide a terrible and deadly secret that may make the first night of Detlef's masterpiece the last of his life. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1170-6) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.95 WELL OF DARKNESS VOLUME 1 TPB by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman Second in the line of succession to the throne, Prince Dagnarus will have his crown… and his queen –– though his heart's prize is a married elfin beauty. Let his hated half-brother Prince Helmos and the Dominion Lords dare to oppose him. For Dagnarus's most loyal servant has ventured into the terrible darkness, wherein lies the most potent talisman in the realm. And once it is in the dark prince's hand, no power will deter his destiny. (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06-102057-5) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 576pg $7.99 WIZARDS: STORIES OF MAGIC MISCHIEF AND MAYHEM TP edited by Jennifer Schwamm Willis Before they sit down at the computer or television, hand them Wizards, where they can spend the night next door to a man- eating troll, accompany a boy on his first day at wizard school, or take a ride on the north wind. With attention to great stories, great characters, and great writing, Wizards draws upon a rich lode of forgotten classics by such well-known authors as J.R.R Tolkein, C.S. Lewis, T.H. White, Roald Dahl, and E. Nesbit. Also features Jane Yolen, George MacDonald, Frances Hodgson Burnett, A Philippa Pearce, Nicholas Stuart Gray, John Bellairs, and Edward Eager. (Publisher's Group West) (1-56025-320-7) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 360pg $16.95 WORLD OF SHANNARA HC by Terry Brooks & Teresa Patterson; illustrated by David Cherry Now, for the first time, all the wonders of Shannara have been gathered into one single, indispensable volume in which award- winning author Terry Brooks shares candid views on his creation. Lavishly illustrated with full-color paintings and black-and- white drawings, this comprehensive guide ventures behind the scenes to explore the history, the people, the places, the major events, and the magic of one of the world's greatest fantasy epics. (Pocket Books) (0-345-43905-8) (CAUT: 4) HC, 8x10, 256pg $35.00 ZEPPELINS WEST SIGNED & NUMBERED HC by Joe. R. Lansdale Zeppelins West is a foray into the wild imagination of Joe Lansdale, author of Blood and Shadows and Jonah Hex. You may think you recognize some of the characters, from historical personages such as Annie Oakley, Sitting Bull, and Wild Bill Hickock, to slightly-to-the-left-of -true fictional creations like Tin, Captain Bemo, and Doctor Momo. Zeppelins is part comic, part horror, and part weird westerns all rolled into one rollicking tale illustrated profusely by Mark A. Nelson. (Subterranean Press) (1-931091-01-8) (CAUT: 4) HC $40.00 HORROR ANNE RICE'S MERRICK MMPB by Anne Rice At the center of this magnificent novel is the beautiful and unconquerable witch, Merrick. Her ancestors are the Great Mayfair Witches, from whom she unknowingly inherits extraordinary powers. David Talbot –– a hero, adventurer, and almost mortal vampire –– recounts Merrick's haunting tale, from the New Orleans of the past and present to the jungles of Guatemala, ancient Mayan ruins, and beyond. (Random House) (0-345-42240-6) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 4x7, 400pg $7.99 CLIVE BARKER'S COLDHEART CANYON HC by Clive Barker Following extensive cosmetic surgery, Hollywood superstar Todd Pickett needs somewhere to hide away while his scars heal. His manager finds the ideal location, Coldheart Canyon — a dream-palace hidden away in a corner of the city so secret, it doesn't even appear on a map. In the 20s, "A"-list stars came to the Canyon to have the kind of parties nobody was supposed to know about. It wasn't just the wild sex and the drugs that made Amorette's parties so memorable. There was a door in the bowels of the dream-palace, which reputedly opened onto another world — the Devils' Country — where nothing was forbidden. Nothing. With his refuge now a prison, Todd needs to get out of Coldheart Canyon. But to do that he must not only solve its mysteries but also face the powers that have protected it for seven decades, and that means stepping through the door… (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06-018297-0) (CAUT: 4) HC $27.95 FRANKENSTEIN: THE LEGACY MMPB by Christopher Schildt A century ago, Victor Frankenstein succeeded in creating life from lifelessness… but the result was a terrifying creature that threatened all of mankind, and which came to its end in the frozen wastes of the Arctic. Now, three scientists investigate a ship discovered frozen in the waters of the North Pole, and are stunned to find Frankenstein's notes on his blasphemous experiment –– notes that led them on a quest to recreate the horror begun so long ago. Introduction by Sara Karloff. (Pocket Books) (0- 7434-3453-6) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 272pg $6.99 HOUSE OF DRACULA MMPB by Christopher Schildt In the gleaming urban landscapes of the 21st century, who truly believes in the superstitions of the past? Surely there are no such things as vampires in this day and age… or are there? A mysterious stranger moves among us, and women fall irresistibility under his spell –– as ancient legends prove all too accurate and the most celebrated vampire of all time haunts the night once more. Introduction by Beal Luges, Jr. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3452-8) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 272pg $6.99 FROM WEIRD AND DISTANT SHORES SIGNED & NUMBERED HC by Caitlin Z. Kiernan Caitlin Kiernan (The Dreaming) returns a brand-new collection of over a dozen previously uncollected stories, including those set in the Sandman and Crow universes. Also included are over a dozen full-page black-and-white illustrations, and a brand- new story co-written with Poppy Z. Brite. (Subterranean Press) (1-931081-27-1) (CAUT: 4) HC $40.00 HELL ON EARTH SIGNED & NUMBERED HC by Robert Bloch Modern-day Fausts raise hell among the skyscrapers of Manhattan –– and conjure up demons in the heart of downtown New York! Ronald was a fair brassiere man, but he was a wiz at chemistry sets –– especially the ones containing alcohol. For two tiny, bewildered people, it was a struggle for survival in a world of toys. This book contains four short novels and novellas by horror writer Rob Bloch (Psycho). Wraparound cover by Bernie Wrightson with an introduction by David J. Schow. (Subterranean Press) (1-89284-62-6) (CAUT: 4) HC $40.00 HOW-TO SO YOU WANNA BE A COMIC BOOK ARTIST? by Phil Amara; illustrated by Pop Mhan This hip how-to book helps aspiring young comic book artists realize their dreams. Using a lively, informative style, Phil Amara shows kids how to create their own super-heroes, write storylines, get their comics published, and possibly become famous. The book features precise techniques for creating a super-hero or villain, advice on how and where to submit work and how to navigate the minefield of self-publishing a comic or zine, interviews with current artists, and biographies of the founders of the most popular comics. The book also profiles 10 young comic book artists who are publishing their own work. (Publisher's Group West) (1-58270-058-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x9, 120pg $9.95 MOVIES, TV, & MUSIC BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER PART 3: KING OF THE DEAD MMPB by Christopher Golden Sunnydale. Five years in the future. A bleak, post-apocalyptic future for which the Slayer herself is responsible. Her mother has been killed. Angel is missing and presumed dead. Her friends are different, harder. But that's not the worst of it. Buffy's enemies are different too… In this alternate reality, old foes are wreaking havoc in vampire-dominated Southern California. This in and of itself is no surprise. But when Buffy learns that even the vicious Spike is merely a minion, lackey to the chief bloosdsucker, she is rocked to the core. For he serves none other than Giles, the Vampire King. Whom Buffy must face and conquer –– as her friends are back in real time struggle to bring her disembodied spirit home. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1187-0) (CAUT: 4) MMPB $2.99 CAPTAIN SCARLET COMPLETE BOOK TP by Chris Bentely Everything that Captain Scarlet fans need to know about the cult series is included in this book, from guide to the characters and every episode, to fascinating behind-the-scenes information about the making of the models. This is the absolutely definitive insider's guide to the world of Captain Scarlet, covering the story of the series' creation and filming, and the success of the first showing of the series, up to the present day and the relaunch on BBC2. Packed with amazing facts and photos, plus interviews with the people behind the show, and a look at the merchandising that will accompany its relaunch, this is a must- have book for all "Fandersons." (Diamond U.K.) (1-842-22405-0) (CAUT: 4) TP, 128pg $18.99 CAPTAIN SCARLET STICKER BOOK With the Captain Scarlet Sticker Book you can create your own personal picture book. This book includes over 30 full-color stickers of all your favorite characters, crafts, and adventures. Simply match them to the sticker boxes and captions on every page, or use the extra ones to decorate your pencil case of school bag. (Diamond U.K.) (1-84222-409-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 20pg $5.99 CAPTAIN SCARLET TATTOO BOOK Packed with puzzles and games, and with color tattoos of Captain Scarlet and other characters, as well as machines, this tattoo book will keep children busy and amused. Includes pages of puzzles, mazes, and brain-twisters, plus a sheet of temporary color tattoos. (Diamond U.K.) (1-84222-410-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 14pg $5.99 DR. WHO BOOK OF MONSTERS HC by Andrew Dymond More monsters than you can shake a sonic screwdriver at! The good Doctor met them all in his travels through Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. Meet the monsters and their makers, over 200 of the Doctor's greatest foes battle for space in the pages of this one volume. Chapters on "The Daleks and Davros," "The Cybermen," "The Ice Warriors," "The Sixties," "The Seventies," "The Sontarans," and a massive A-Z of monsters. (Diamond U.K.) (0-563-40562-7) (CAUT: 4) HC, 9x11, 118pg, FC $23.99 THE EXORCIST: OUT OF THE SHADOWS TP by Bob McCabe When The Exorcist opened in theatres in December 1973, it caused a worldwide sensation. Its explicit story of a child possessed caused shock waves that continued for over a quarter of a century. This book explores the shocking truths and myths that surround the film. (Studio Chikara) (0-71197-509-4 (CAUT: 4) TP, 7x10, 200pg $19.95 FROM BALLET TO BATCAVE AND BEYOND TP by Yvonne Craig A woman who sees humor in the bizarre and outlandish, ballet and film star Yvonne Craig demonstrates her integrity with every page of From Ballet to the Batcave and Beyond by not flinching to tell about the casting couch grabs and egocentric behavior of well-known actors she came up against. As a result her book is a vastly entertaining behind-the-scenes story of show business in its busiest and most extravagant era. (Kudo Press) (0-9678075-6-5) (CAUT: 4) TP $17.00 THE GREATEST SCI-FI MOVIES NEVER MADE HC by David Hughes Some of the legendary sci-fi films covered in this amazing book include Steven Spielberg's Night Skies, David Lynch's Ronnie Rocket, Terry Gilliam's Watchmen and Ridley Scott's I Am Legend. Legendary because none of them ever actually made it to the screen! Drawing on many exclusive new interviews with the filmmakers, The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made tells the torturous stories of the films that never were, and reveals the fascinating details of what we could have seen. The Thunderbirds movie, Aliens vs. Predator, Spider-Man, Avatar, Planet of the Titans, and more are covered in this major book, one which no self-respecting sci-fi fan will want to be without. Features a selection of previously unpublished script extracts, design art, and sketches from some fascinating unmade projects. (Diamond U.K.) (1-840-23325-7) (CAUT: 4) HC, 256pg $27.99 THE SOPRANOS: A FAMILY HISTORY TP by Allen Rucker One of the most talked-about events in television history, HBO's The Sopranos has become a nationwide obsession. Now updated with 16 pages of new material, this official companion to the acclaimed series reveals an ever-expanding web of love, loyalty, and deceit, with a compete dossier on Tony Soprano and his two families. Includes full-color photographs from the family album, an exclusive interview with series creator David Chase, and cast and episode guides, updated for the 3rd season. Plus, FBI reports, court indictments, credit card statements, cash flow charts, body counts, neighbors' complaint forms, surveillance transcripts, family recipes and more. (Putnam Publishing Group) (0-451-20550-7) (CAUT: 4) TP, 192pg $20.00 STARGATE SG-1: THE ILLUSTRATED COMPANION 1 TPB by Thomasina Gibson This is the official companion to the hit TV series based on the blockbuster action-adventure movie Stargate. Colonel Jack O'Neill, leader of an elite military team, tries to learn the secret of the Stargate, a mysterious ancient portal that allows instantaneous travel to remote planets throughout the universe. In-depth coverage of the first two seasons. Story synopses are followed by extensive commentary and detailed behind-the-scenes information. Features interviews with the producers, directors, writers, SFX crew, and stars. Also includes character profiles written by the lead actors, each giving their own unique take on their character. (Diamond U.K.) (1-840-23354-0) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 160pg $16.99 SUPERMARIONATION CROSS SECTIONS by Graham Bleathman Graham Bleathman has produced more stunning images from the most popular Supermarionation series: Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Stingray, Fireball XL5, and Joe 90. With both Stingray and Captain Scarlet being repeated on terrestrial television this year, and the continuing popularity of the Thunderbirds, this book will be a great resource for all fans –– new and old –– of Gerry Anderson's work. (Diamond U.K.) (1-84222-411-5) (CAUT: 4) SC, 48pg $20.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A TIM BURTON TPB by Helmut Merschmann Tim Burton's uniquely beautiful, disturbing films continue to beguile audiences and critics alike, and Tim Burton is a timely examination of this singular filmmaker's incredible body of work. From the acclaimed 1982 short Vincent to 2000's smash-hit Sleepy Hollow, Burton has created a dream world that simply cannot be matched. Animated projects Frankenweenie and The Nightmare Before Christmas, off beat fantasies like Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands, and big-budget extravaganzas Batman and Mars Attacks all explore Burton's fascination with the darker side of human nature. (Titan Books) (1840232080) (CAUT: 4) TPB, 192pg $26.99 ****************** THE ZOMBIE MOVIE ENCYCLOPEDIA HC by Peter Dendle Often ragged, unkept, ill-spoken, rotting individuals, zombies seem socially awkward in comparison to the more popular and more aristocratic undead. And so, the humble zombie remains unacknowledged –– until now. The exhumation of zombie films from obscurity is accomplished in terrifying detail in The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia. The first exhaustive overview of the subject, this book evaluates over 200 movies from 16 countries over a 65-year period starting from the early 1930s. It mostly treats feature-length films, covering everything from large studio productions to backyard vintage videography, but also touches on memorable episodes of television series and miscellaneous shorts. Lengthy entries point out interesting or innovative features of zombie portrayal in each movie, while an introduction traces the evolution of the genre and interprets the broader significance of the zombie on contemporary Western mythology. Production credits, a brief plot summary, and alternate titles accompany each entry. (McFarland & Co.) (0-7864-0859-6) (CAUT: 4) HC, 259pg $35.00 POP CULTURE ARCADE FEVER TP by John Sellers Do you remember the difference between playing singles and doubles? Have you mastered the delicate art of hyperspace? Can you say joystick in polite conversation without blushing? If you answered yes, then Arcade Fever is for you –– the world's first illustrated history of video games, with tributes to 50 all-time favorites like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Defender, Q*bert, Zaxxon, and many others. You want little known tips, tricks, and secrets? You want behind-the-scene creation stories from the original programmers? You want to read all about the guy who actually died playing a video game, or the arcade classic that inspired an episode of Seinfeld? It's all right here, in a jam-packed celebration of '70s and '80s arcade culture. (Running Press) (0-7624-0937-1) (CAUT: 4) TP $18.95 THE BEST OF BARBIE HC by Sharon Korbeck Featuring striking photographs and lively, insightful commentary and histories. The Best of Barbie is a full-color visual feast that novice and experienced collectors alike will treasure. Scattered thoughout the book are trivia facts that test the reader's knowledge of America's favorite doll. Plus, accompanying each photo is a handy identification and value bar. With complete descriptions, 300 magnificent color photos, and more that 1,200 price listings, collectors, appraisers, buyers, and fans will have the tools to identify the most influential Barbie dolls including Barbie #1 Ponytail Style, Bubblecut Barbie, Barbie Fashion Queen, American Girl, and many more. (Krause Publications) (0-87349-261-7) (CAUT: 4) HC, 256pg $39.95 CHYNA: THE NINTH WONDER OF THE WORLD MMPB by Michael Angeli Here is the inspirational story of the ninth wonder of the world. Chyna has blazed a trail where no woman has gone before, not only winning the WWF's top prize –– Intercontinental Champion –– but overcoming adversity throughout her life. (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06-109895-7) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 432pg $7.99 ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL ENCOUNTERS TP edited by Ronald Story In this definitive, comprehensive A-Z compendium revealing all points of view of the alien experience, UFO historian Ronald Story gathers more than 100 experts in the field of alien facts, fallacies, fiction, and films to explore the incredible phenomenon of extraterrestrial like. Here are the profound theories of scientists and absolute believers, the provocative questions of skeptics, and the legendary hoaxes that made headlines. Here are the hard to dismiss eyewitness accounts that made us think twice about god, the ancient pyramids, life and death; the classic and sometimes outlandish sci-fi movies that fueled America's fears; the effects of the atomic bomb on the world's people; and the prescient visions of such literary figures as H.G. Wells. From history's earliest recorded accounts of alien life through the most up-to-date and authoritative information of our collective UFOria, the more than 400 entries in this massive compilation provide fascinating reading for anyone who has ever pondered the universal question, "Are we alone?"(Putnam Publishing Group) (0-451-20424-7) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 688pg $19.00 INSANE CLOWN POSSE: BEHIND THE PAINT HC by the Insane Clown Posse The rags to riches life story of the world's most controversial underground hardcore hip-hop/rap group –– straight from the twisted mouths of the madmen under the makeup known as the Insane Clown Posse. (Random House) (0-345-44672-X) (CAUT: 4) HC, 6x9, 288pg $26.00 STAR TREK STAR TREK: VOYAGER: GATEWAYS BOOK 5 MMPB by Christie Golden The U.S.S. Voyager, recently back in contact with the Alpha Quadrant and Starfleet, finds that a sudden activation of the interspacial Gateways has affected the Delta Quadrant, materializing a fleet of lost ships desperate to find a way home. Now Captain Janeway must decide whether to explore the Gateway as a means of finally going home… or sacrifice her crew's happiness for the sake of other stranded ships! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1857-3) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 STAR TREK: NEW FRONTIER: GATEWAYS BOOK 6 MMPB by Peter David Awakened after centuries of inactivity, the legendary Ikonians have returned with the secrets of interdimensional transport, rewriting the map of the galaxy –– and reigniting a centuries-old feud between the two alien races. Captain Calhoun of the Excalibur and Captain Shelby of the Trident now find themselves struggling to keep the violence from escalating… even as they gradually realize the catastrophic danger posed by the Gateways themselves. (Pocket Books) (0-671-04242-4) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 SUPER-HEROES Batman: the ULTIMATE guide hc Call him the Gotham Guardian, the Caped Crusader, or the Dark Knight –– Batman is one of the greatest comic book super- heroes of all time. Created in full collaboration with DC Comics, this comprehensive guide reveals details of all major characters, original comic book artwork, and the secret workings of key installments and equipment. With more than 700 illustrations, including 30 that were specially commissioned for this book, this is the definitive guide for any comic book fanatic. (DK Publishing Co.) (0-7894-7865-X) (CAUT: 4) HC, 10x12, 128pg $19.95 BATMAN STICKER BOOK Features 60 full-color stickers showing Batman, Robin, the Batmobile, and a gallery of Gotham City's most notorious rogues. (DK Publishing Co.) (0-7894-7866-8) (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x11, 16pg $6.95 SPIDER-MAN: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE HC A must-have for all comic book fans! View never-before-seen artwork, behind-the-scenes facts, and special foreword by Stan Lee, one of the founders of Marvel Comics and the inventor of Spider-Man. This incredible guide allows young readers to learn more about Spider-Man's super-human powers, read vital information about all of his enemies, and get more facts about his alter ego, Peter Parker. Includes over 700 full-color illustrations. (DK Publishing Co.) (0-7894-7946-X) (CAUT: 4) HC, 10x12, 128pg $19.95 SPIDER-MAN'S AMAZING POWERS HC Discover all of Spider-Man's powers, from web-slinging to wall crawling, to his mysterious "spider-sense." (DK Publishing Co.) (0-7894-7922-2) (CAUT: 4) HC, 6x9, 48pg $12.95 story of spider-man hc Reveals the man behind the mask and explains how he became a super-hero. (DK Publishing Co.) (0-7894-7920-6) (CAUT: 4) HC, 6x9, 48pg $12.95 science of the x-men tp The Official Guide to the Scientific Reality of the Mutant World by Link Yaco & Karen Haber Now in paperback! Have you ever wondered how laser beams might actually shoot out of someone's eyes? Or what could cause wings to sprout out from the back of a man, allowing him to fly? And, if your skeleton was constructed of flexible but indestructible metal, how would your blood flow and nerves be affected? From Angel to Wolverine, here is a comprehensive guide to the strange and wonderful powers of the world's most popular mutant super-heroes, with a twist. Through discussions with noted geneticists, you'll learn how each of the uncanny X-Men's powers could work in the real world… with the right amount of radiation and a healthy dose of creative imagination! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3478-1) (CAUT: 4) TP $14.00 INTERNATIONAL SECTION BRITISH IMPORTS DISNEY POSTER HC THE ANIMATED FILM CLASSICS FROM MICKEY MOUSE TO ALADDIN: A DISNEY MINIATURE BOOK For the first time ever, more than 100 Disney movie posters are collected in one handy mini book. This book celebrates the Disney poster tracing, in graphic form, the evolution of the traditional Disney characters and providing an evocative, exciting look back through Disney history. The Cartoons featuring Mickey, Donald, Pluto and Goofy; The Silly Symphonies; the features including Snow White and Aladdin. (BP70) (CAUT: 4) HC, 4x5, 128pg, FC $8.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A CARTOONIST ANIME EDITION ART BOOK 1 This expansive and colorful catalog is published by the International Animated Film Festival and contains features on Shingo Araki (Ulysse 31), Kauo Kamatsubara (Captain Harlock), Masami Sudi (Fist of the North Star), Akemi Takada (Mobile Police Patlabor), Haruhiko Mikimoto (Macross), and numerous other top anime creators. Includes full-color cel art, sketches, photos, all printed on heavy paper in an expansive 8" x 11" format. (133) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 150pg, FC $34.95 ************ CARTOONIST ANIME EDITION ART BOOK 2 This second volume present the artworks of Toshihiro Kawamoto (Golden Boy, CowBoy Bebop), Narumi Kakinouchi (Vampire Princess Miyu), Bernard Deyries (Mysterious Cities of Gold, Jayce), Bruno Bianchi (Inspector Gadget), Yuuki Nobuteru (Lodoss, Escaflowne), and Mr. Habara (Dancougar, Machine Robot, Ashita e Free Kick, Nadesico). (133) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 150pg, FC $34.95 A HAUNT OF FEARS SC by Martin Barker Between 1949 and 1955 Britain, as many other countries, was swept by a rising panic over horror comics from the US such as Eerie and Crimes By Women. The campaign to rid Britain of such "harmful" material culminated in an Act of Parliament banning their publication or sale. Martin Barker investigates this movement in 50's Britain and its connections to the Communist party. In doing so he raises some serious questions about the state of British culture during that era. Originally published in 1984 by U.K. publisher Pluto Press, this is the first U.S. edition from University Press of Mississippi. (BP46 A) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x8, 240pg, b&w $12.99 DOCTOR WHO DR. WHO 2002 CALENDAR Start the New Year right with the time-traveling Doctor and his Tardis with this full-color calendar, filled with full-color scenes from the Doctor's many incarnations' many exploits! Avoid Daleks at all costs! (133/DAX365) (CAUT: 4) Calendar $15.99 DOCTOR WHO ALIEN STATUES The producers of the popular Dalek Rolykins continue their release of the alternative monsters from the Doctor Who TV series. This month sees the arrival of the "most stupid" and the "least known" adversaries the good Doctor ever shook a sonic screwdriver at! These portrayals are lovingly sculpted with meticulous attention to details, cast in polyresin, hand-painted and mounted on a decorated base with nameplate. Each one comes individually boxed and is ready to display. Quark is from the story "The Dominators," and is 6" of pure aggression. The Sensorite is from the story "The Sensorites," and stands 7" tall. QUARK (WHOS03)—Statue $55.00 SENSORITE (WHOS03)—Statue $55.00 dr. who TALKING TV DALEKS 3-piece set Deadly Foe, Arch Rival, The True Nemesis … the Daleks have been called all of these and more over the years, now let's hear what they have to say! "Destroy the Doctor," "Exterminate," "Daleks Rule Supreme," "Seek, Locate, Annihilate," and "You are the enemy of the Daleks" All these phrases come from the Silver Battle Dalek, Red Supreme Dalek, and the Black Command Dalek! The 6 ½" tall plastic talking toys have many features including: head rotates 180 degrees, flashing lights, eye stalk, guns and prod move, and they have wheels for smooth movement. Add to this the superb retro full-view packaging and you get a "must-have" product for all fans Doctor Who, robots, and monsters alike! Requires three 'AAA' batteries (not included). (WHOPS10) (CAUT: 4) Set (x3) $120.00 ITALIAN IMPORTS BONDAGE CLINIC & FETISHISTIC GANG HC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (4528) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL HC, 64pg $25.99 CINEFILES SEXY EROINE SC EROTIC HEROINES IN MOVIES SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (4528) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 112pg, b&w $25.99 DIVA PUTTANA SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (4528) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 104pg, b&w $25.99 FETISH & BIZARRE INDEX HC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (4528) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 400pg, b&w $40.99 GERMAN IMPORTS TOMB RAIDER/WITCHBLADE #2 3D LENTICULAR SET This set of German edition versions of Top Cow's Tomb Raider/Witchblade #2 features two different 3-D lenticular covers released for that issue! All text in these 36-page comics is in the German language, printed on quality paper in the Prestige format. Published in 1999 by Modern Graphics, under the brand name "Gamix." (888) (CAUT: 4) Set (x2), FC $29.95 SPANISH IMPORTS EL VIBORA #254 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (9046) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Comic, 68pg, PC $7.99 KISS COMIX #114 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (9046) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Comic, 68pg, PC $7.99 HOW TO DRAW MANGA SERIES HOW TO DIGITAL ART VOLUME 1 This book shows you how to make digital animations. Included are tips and how-tos from 18 famous Japanese creators, detailing their techniques used on such anime features as Blood, Onimusha, and more! From the publishers of Newtype! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 106pg, FC $36.99 HOW TO DRAW MANGA: GIANT ROBOTS—ENGLISH EDITION A translation of the Japanese-language volume titled "Robotto no Kakikata," this book is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on robot design and how the various parts relate to the human form. Illustrators will learn how to draw robot heads, faces, upper bodies and lower bodies, with variations in body styles described in full detail. The second section looks at the development of combat robots and the futuristic gear with which they are equipped, including propulsion units, high-tech weapons, and other devices. The third section deals with the specialized field of illustrating female robots. Includes illustrated endpapers and full-color dust jacket. (4979) (CAUT: 4) SC, 128pg, b&w $19.95 HOW TO DRAW MANGA: MAID UNIFORMS SC Another volume in the popular How to Draw Manga series! Now you can learn how to draw clothing like those sexy maid outfits (especially Maid and a virgin in service of a shrine [Miko]). Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 150pg, b&w $27.99 ILLUSTRATION BOOKS COLLEGE TERA STORY ILLUSTRATIONS SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 112pg, FC $25.99 GO NAGAI NOVEL ART COLLECTION SC Go Nagai is one of Japan's top anime and manga creators, and this volume features many examples of his graphic novel covers and interior illustrations. A must-have for fans of this master storyteller! Minimal Japanese text. (8193) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 112pg, PC $39.99 MASAHIRO IOKA ILLUSTRATIONS SC Here is the animation story of Heidi and Ann of Green Gables, as illustrated by Masahiro Ioka (of Studio Ghibli fame). Features 30 black-and-white sketch pages, plus nine two-color pages. Dust jacket. Japanese text. (8193) (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 103pg, PC $45.99 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION ANTHOLOGY SC WITH CD-ROM An illustration anthology by 156 different CG artists! Includes a CD Rom for Windows! The paperback book includes a dustjacket, and features 80 color pages, and 47 b&w pages. The 7" x 10" book has a total of 127 pages. (8193) (CAUT: 4) Book & CD-Rom $55.00 RG VEDA ILLUSTRATIONS #2 This book is the latest illustration book from CLAMP. It includes 89 colored illustrations and 42 monotone illustrations. Beautiful! Features minimal Japanese text and a slipcase. HC, 9x12, 138pg, PC $92.99 VIDEO GAME BOOKS AIR: ART WORKS SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (8193/4-869490-318-0) (CAUT: 4) ADULT MATERIAL SC, 12x8, 222pg, FC $59.99 FAVORITE DEAR: BIBLE ON ALCAYA SC The official data book on the PlayStation game. (8193/4-7973-1620-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 160pg, PC $55.00 FLOURITE ILLUSTRATIONS SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-052-2) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 110pg, FC $24.99 GENSO SUIKO GAIDEN SC #2 The official visual fan book of the PlayStation game, Genso SuikoGaiden! Includes a folded, two-color poster! (8193/4-8402- 1840-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 95pg, FC $31.99 HAPPY LESSON SC Dengeki G's Premium Series Volume 6! The visual and complete capture book on the Dreamcast game. Includes a folded color pin-up! (8193/4-8402-1801-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x10, 82pg, FC $29.99 L GENA ILLUSTRATIONS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-052-x) (CAUT: 4) ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 110pg, FC $24.99 SEVEN ILLUSTRATIONS SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-043-0) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 98pg, FC $24.99 SNK CHARACTERS ILLUSTRATIONS #2 SC This second volume of illustrations of SNK Characters! All illustrations are in color, and you'll love seeing SNK's characters, including Daroh Densetsu, the Samurai Spirits, and more! Japanese text. (7819/4-939110-14-1) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 126pg, FC $53.99 UTSUSEMI ILLUSTRATIONS SC SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-87763-045-7) (CAUT: 4) ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 110pg, FC $24.99 MANGA 3X3 EYES MANGA #36 Yazo Takada's popular manga series continues. Sazan Eyes is a superb supernatural adventure story with a nice blend of humor, romance, and violence. The story centers on Pai, the last of mysterious race of immortals — the Sanjiyan Unkara — who is seeking an ancient supernatural artifact, the Ningen, which can change her into a true human being, which is her fondest wish. Seeking the help of Yakumo Fuji, an ordinary 16-year-old and the son of an archaeologist who devoted his life to the secrets of the Sanjiyan, Yakumo agrees to set off with Pai on what will be one fantastic journey of a lifetime! But will the journey be cut short as they find themselves caught in the middle of a secret war between opposing occult forces? Japanese text. (7819/4-06-336947-1) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 224pg, b&w $10.99 ANGELIC LAYER #4 From the pages of the monthly Shonen Ace magazine comes CLAMP's (Magic Knight Rayearth) latest series! Meet Misaki, 14 year-old girl, who moves to Toyko to live with her aunt. Upon arriving, she's soon attracted to the "Angelic Layer" — a high- tech customizable mecha costume based on a popular video game. Soon she joins the national tournament and is pitted against other "angels" on a far away planet. Recommended for all shojo manga fans. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713414-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99 CITY HUNTER MANGA #7 Ryo Saeba, a famous and talented detective, is very nice and loves women. Along with his assistant Karoi, they take upon the task of solving many cases. The classic manga series is re-presented in a new, lower priced format! Japanese text. (7819/4-10- 770013-5) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 DUKLYON #2 This latest manga from Studio Clamp features the exploits of a new team for justice on the scene! They are the Duklyon, special school guards who patrol the hallways of academia, always vigilant! Their enemy is a secret society of evil, out to conquer the world! Recommended for fans of Magic Knight Rayearth, X (X/1999), Tokyo Babylon, Wish, Clover, and other bishojo manga. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713407-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 160pg, b&w $10.99 ESCAFLOWNE MANGA #7 A Japanese high-school girl Hitomi is drawn into a Middle-Age-ish other world, where one kingdom invades the neighboring countries. Hitomi happens to have a special power to inject energy into a fighting mecha, and is asked to protect the country with Barn, the prince of the invaded kingdom. Thus starts the story of her love and adventure. Illustrated by Katsu Aki, a popular and talented bishoujo manga artist. Based on the TV anime version (following the basic storylines). Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713195-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $11.99 FIST OF THE NORTH STAR MANGA #7 by Tetsuo Hara One of the strongest fighters, Kenshiro fights to save the weak and defenseless, who fall prey to the scavengers and warlords who rule the post-apocalyptic wastelands of the not-too-distant future. This is the original manga serial, first published by Shuei-sha, which introduced the "Fist of the North Star" and the Road Warrior-inspired dark future that would later inspire a hit anime and follow-up manga by Buronson. Japanese text. (7819/4-10-770012-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 KISHIN #4 Here's the latest manga by Go Nagai (Mazinger Z) which takes place in the future where people are oppressed by samurai-like androids and live in misery. One day, a beautiful swordswoman named Laia meets Zanger, an android samurai who fights for humanity. Follow the exploits of Laia and Zanger as they rebel against oppressive androids. Includes a color foldout poster. Japanese text. (7819/4-06-349052-1) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 5x7, 216pg, b&w $9.99 LOVE HINA BILINGUAL EDITION #3 The latest offering from the Kodansha Bilingual series! Finally, the popular manga series is translated to English! Keitaro Urashima is a loser high school graduate who fails the entrance test to Tokyo University three times, and goes to live in his grandma's hotel to save money. But what he didn't know was that the hotel has been turned into an all-girl dormitory! This sweet love comedy is filled with plenty of laughs and beautiful toned artwork, and features both English and Japanese text. (42/4-7700-2171-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 124pg, b&w $16.99 MADARA BLUE MANGA #1 Follow Kaos and Judah as they set out on a quest in search of King Madara in the first volume in the latest installment in the Madara series. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713409-0) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 224pg, b&w $12.99 MIYUKI-CHAN IN WONDERLAND by CLAMP From CLAMP, one of the most famous manga studios in Japan comes this reworking of the classic fairy tale, in which the pretty girl Miyuki is accidentally transported to the mystery world of "Wonderland!" Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713417-1) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 110pg, b&w $10.99 PITTAIRI #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-8124-5505-7) (CAUT: 3 & 4) ADULT MATERIAL SC, 5x7, 210pg, b&w $10.99 SENGUN #3 The latest work by Go Nagai (Devilman, Cutie Honey)! This time, Nagai has created a heroic samurai world based on a novel by Eiji Yoshikawa, one of the most popular historical novelists in Japan. It's 16th century Japan: 14-year-old Inamaru, the grandson of the great samurai Shingen Takeda, goes into exile after his family is slain by Ieyasu Tokugawa (the future Shogun) and Nobunaga Oda. This volume introduces young Inamaru and his bodyguard Ninken, the blue-eyed monk and mighty swordsman, and the beautiful Sakuyako, the daughter of bandit. A grand-scale samurai manga! Japanese text. (7819/4-408- 16587-5) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 200pg, b&w $10.99 SLAYERS SPECIAL #2 & #3 Follow the misadventures of a super-powerful young sorceress named Lina Inverse along with her busty companion Naga the Serpent with this collection of exciting short manga stories. The sword and sorcery exploits are in abundance with this collection and are presented by Hajime Kanzaka, Tommy Ohtsuka, and Rui Araizumi. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 164pg, b&w $10.95Ea. SPRIGGAN MANGA #1 The "Spriggan" are special agents working to maintain world peace in the exciting first volume of this action-packed manga! Japanese text. (7819/4-09-126741-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x8, 308pg, b&w $23.99 BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE "NO RULE, NO LIMIT" T-SHIRT The beautiful Saya is ready to battle vampires with her magical sword on this stunning design, taking from the first all-digital anime production! (133/NUTS130) L-XL $17.99 BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE MANGA #1 At the Yokota Base in Japan, a nervous U.S. military is on the brink of the Vietnam War. But a greater threat exists within the walls of the secure compound –– vampires! With their origins lost in the mists of time they are beautiful creatures who can mingle with their prey, until it's time to feed. Enter Saya, the mysterious vampire hunter who must use all of her extraordinary abilities and lethal sword to save the humans from these nightmares. There are no rules in this fight and no limits to which she will not go in this full-frontal attack. Among the first fully digital animes ever made. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713404-x) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 200pg, b&w $10.99 GUNDAM OFFERED AGAIN O/A GUMDAM FIX: THE WORKS OF HAJIME KATOKI HC This hardcover volume is a visual chronicle of the future as presented by Hajime Katoki –– the mecha designer of Gundam 0083, V Gundam, G Gundam and Gundam W. Katoki presents full page photo-realistic computer graphic illustrations of various Gundam mechs in various settings. You can see Gundams flying in space, landing in the middle of a crowded Asian city, maintained in the factory. A must for all Gundam and mecha fans. Japanese & English text. (7819/4-04-853049-6) (CAUT: 4) HC, 10x11, 96pg, FC $79.95 **************** JAPANESE TOY PUBLICATIONS DENGEKI HOBBY OCTOBER 2001 This magazine features illustrated articles on scratch-building and customizing model kits of robots, figures, military vehicles, and more. Also covered are current toy releases from the U.S. and Japan, convention coverage, and more! Japanese text. Monthly. (7819/16371-10) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 290pg, PC $15.99 FIGURE KING ENCYCLOPEDIA #49 The latest issue covering American and Japanese figures, toys, and various premium/crane toy items. Each issue is jam-packed with the latest release information, plus interviews, anime reviews, figures, and more! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, FC $18.99 HOBBY JAPAN SEPTEMBER 2001 The key source for modeling in Japan (where the art of model kit building and customizing has reached an art form in itself), Hobby Japan covers almost every aspect of modeling in every issue. Filled with hundreds of full-color pictures and illustrations. Japanese text. (544/08127-09) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10, 400pg, PC $14.99 HYPER HOBBY VOLUME 38 Japan's monthly magazine on toys, models, and collectibles! Packed with full-color pictures of the latest and greatest toy releases from some of Japan's favorite manufacturers. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 138pg, FC $13.00 MODEL GRAPHIX OCTOBER 2001 A monthly Japanese magazine for modeling fans. Tons of cool super car and robot models. Now available through Previews every month! Japanese text. (7819/18747-10) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 168pg, PC $15.99 MAGAZINES ANIMAGE #280 Animage is an excellent source for all the latest news on Japanese anime. Each issue is packed with full-color and black-and- white pages, giving you the latest scoops on the hottest anime around. Japanese text. (7819/01577-10) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $11.99 AX ANIMATION MAGAZINE FROM TOKYO OCTOBER 2001 An excellent monthly anime magazine published by Sony Magazines. This indispensable anime publication features superb full-color pages, the latest anime news from Japan, and a short manga serial. If you like Newtype then you'll love this one! Japanese text. (7819/12035-10) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $13.99 DENGEKI ANIMATION MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2001 This expanded monthly publication offers an informative look into the latest anime programs and SFX from Japan. Also includes a serialized manga story. Japanese text. (7819/16363-10) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $12.99 MONTHLY COMIC DRAGON OCTOBER 2001 Here's a new monthly manga anthology featuring some of the most exciting manga stories around today! Read the latest stories such as "Olfina" by Kitsune Tennoji, "Tenchi Muyo!," "Ranto Mashoroku," and more. Printed on traditional multi- colored paper in black-and-white (and some full-color pages), each issue averages about 400 pages. Japanese text. (7819/13691-10) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10 $12.50 MONTHLY MAGAZINE Z OCTOBER 2001 Here is another big, beautiful phonebook-style monthly manga anthology featuring manga stories such as "Kamen Rider Spirits," the Devilman "Amon," "Chic Academy," "Wildarms," and many more! (7819/18341-10) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10, 670pg, b&w $9.99 NEWTYPE OCTOBER 2001 Newtype has been covering the anime scene for over 10 years now, and the magazine remains a must for serious anime fans. Covers everything new and cool that's happening in the world of anime. Japanese text. (7819/07009-10) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $10.99 NEWTYPE.COM NOVEMBER 2001 From the publishers of Newtype comes a unique new internet-oriented anime magazine featuring a CD-ROM (Win/Mac), which contains special links for readers-only web contents (Japanese text). Also features great color pages. Japanese text. (7819/16947-11) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 8x12, FC $14.00 SHONEN ACE MAGAZINE OCTOBER 2001 A monthly manga anthology magazine featuring some of the finest Japanese manga stories being produced today. The line-up includes such popular titles as Macross 7 Trash, CLAMP's new Angelic Layer, MPD-Psycho, Welcome to Lodoss Island, B'T X, and many more. Printed on traditional multi-colored paper in black-and-white (and some full-color pages), each issue averages about 500 pages. Japanese text. (7819/04879-10) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $8.99 MAGAZINES (ADULT) All Adult Magazines feature Japanese text: SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL BUG BUG CG OCTOBER 2001 $14.99 LEMON CLUB OCTOBER 2001 $7.99 PA PI PO OCTOBER 2001 $8.99 PENGUIN CLUB OCTOBER 2001 $8.99 ********************* APPAREL SAKURA WARS WITH THIS SWORD T-SHIRT It is 1919 and the world has only just survived the Demon War when another is about to break out. Sakura forms part of the Flower Brigade of child women with psychic powers, gathered together from around the world to defend humanity. Here she draws her sword against the faceless enemy as she has yet to fully master her steam-powered spirit weapon. Anime based on the popular Sega video game. 100% cotton shirt. (133/NUTS128)(CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 ULTRAMAN T-SHIRT A classic pose from the classic series now stands full on your chest. You can keep all manner of kaiju terrors at bay with this image of the classic Tsuburya superhero up front! Printed in full-color on a black, 100% cotton shirt. (133/NUTS127) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 VANDREAD: MECHA MATES T-SHIRT Years in the future men and women are divided into two planets and wage intergalactic war between each other. Here we see three of the women battlers taking a short break from the demands of war. Stripped of their mecha pilot's suits they present an almost full frontal defense and make the enemy uncomfortable in a different way. Vandread is full of cute girls, awesome space battles and cool mecha. Wear it! A 100% cotton shirt on black. (133/NUTS131) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 CD-ROMS SKIN CONSCIOUS CG COLLECTIONS CD-ROMS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7865) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada of Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL #1 (SKIN1)––CD-ROM $14.95 #2 (SKIN2)––CD-ROM $14.95 SNOW DROP DC-ROM GAME SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7865/P002) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada of Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL CD-ROM $34.95 GODZILLA GODZILLA SUPER-DEFORMED KEYCHAINS These PVC keychains feature some of your favorite Toho Studios kaiju, ready to guard your precious keys! Each measures approximately 2" tall. Choose from Anguirus, Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Mecha-Godzilla, and Mothra Larva Form. (4632) (CAUT: 4) ANGUIRUS—Keychain $8.00 GODZILLA—Keychain $8.00 KING GHIDORAH—Keychain $8.00 MECHA GODZILLA—Keychain $8.00 MOTHRA LARVA—Keychain $8.00 POSTCARDS BOB VENOSA OVERSIZED POSTCARD SET A set of five 6" x 8" postcards that includes: "Jutta," "Resurrection," "Atomic Sprout," "Madonna & Child," and "Agni." (133/BPBV01) (CAUT: 4) Set (x5) $6.25 CHERRIES 16-PIECE POSTCARD SET SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (491) (CAUT: 4) ADULT MATERIAL Set (x16) $12.99 MATI KLARWEIN OVERSIZED POSTCARD SET 2 Mati was a child of the sixties and the Mind, Body, Spirit school. This second selection of work features the mind and spirit with slight undertones of sexuality. This set of six, 6" x 8" postcards includes: "Inside Camilla," "Outside Camilla," "Astral Body Awake," "Astral Body Asleep," "Zonk," and "Martica." (133/BPMK02) (CAUT: 4) Set (x6) $7.50 SOUNDTRACKS FANTASY RPG CD SOUNDTRACK Featuring music from Luigi Maiello (and the artwork of Matteo Spagnoletti), this CD provides role-players with background music for their preferred (live) role-playing. Perfect to inspire a mythical, "fantasy" mood for role-playing sessions, or to listen to while reading! Contains 13 tracks. Standard CD plastic box packaging. The CD is color-printed on the upper side with the same image of the CD cover. (133) (CAUT: 4) CD $9.99 TENCHI MUYO TENCHI MUYO MUGS Now you can enjoy your favorite beverage in one of these cool mugs, emblazoned with full-color graphics from the long- running anime series, Tenchi Muyo! Two styles from which to choose. (4632) (CAUT: 4) #1 (GE8107)––Mug $8.99 #2 (GE8108)––Mug $8.99 TRADING CARDS COOL COLLECTIBLES BEATLES SERIES 4 CARD COLLECTION The Beatles Series 4 Collection contains 20 different, black-and-white, 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards of the world's most famous rock band, the Beatles! These cards feature different photos of John, Paul, George, and Ringo from the '60s. And, each card has a facsimile autograph of one of the Fab Four in blue ink! (145) (CAUT: 4) Collection (x20) PI THE MUMMY RETURNS COLLECTOR CARD SET This set consists of 81 different, full-color, 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards that capture all the excitement and special effects from this record setting blockbuster movie sequel! Features Brendan Fraser as Rick O'Connell, Rachel Weisz as Evelyn O'Connell, John Hannah as Jonathan, Arnold Vosloo as Imhotep, Oded Fehr as Ardeth Bay, Patricia Velasquez as Anck-Sunamun, and The Rock as the Scorpion King. And, as a special bonus, each set includes two The Mummy Returns promo cards! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x83) PI THE MUMMY RETURNS CHASE CARD SETS This nine-card foil puzzle Scorpion King set features the tale of the Scorpion King starring the WWF's Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Also available is The Sands of Time chase set, made up of six sand textured cards highlighting scenes from The Mummy. (145) (CAUT: 4) SCORPION KING—Set (x9) PI THE SANDS OF TIME—Set (x6) PI HERCULES CHASE CARD SETS The Heavenly Bodies set of nine different, full-color, 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards features heavenly bodies such as Xena, Aphrodite, and many others, while the Mythical Beasts set of nine different, full-color, 2 ½" x 3 ½" features great mystical beasts such as Hydra, Echinda, Arachne, Giant Centaur, The Golden Hind, and many more! (145) (CAUT: 4) HEAVENLY BODIES––Set (x9) PI MYTHICAL BEASTS––Set (x9) PI XENA CHASE CARD SETS The Undressed set of six different, full-color, 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards are holoflex gold foil stamped and wet laminated. The set features cards of Xena in compromising positions and is difficult to put together. The Face of the Warrior set of nine different, full-color, 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards are also holoflex gold foil stamped and feature Xena in fighting scenes. (145) (CAUT: 4) UNDRESSED––Set (x6) PI FACE OF THE WARRIOR––Set (x9) PI STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES SEASON 3 CARDS Relive the Original Series' final season with this 75-card basic set, featuring Character Log Cards (2:1 packs), Behind-The Scenes Cards (1:2 packs), Character Profile Cards (1:4 packs), Commemorative Gold Plaque Cards (1:12 packs), Autographed Cards (1:36 packs), and one (1) Captain Kirk Card (1:720 packs). 36 packs per box. Nine cards per pack. (8394) (CAUT: 4) Box PI STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION COLLECTION IV SET & ALBUM Here's the entire basic set of the Collection IV set based on Star Trek: The Next Generation. This 180-card set (with official album) includes cards numbered from #313-420. (8394) (CAUT: 4) Set w/Album PI SPORTS CARDS 23KT GOLD COLLECTIBLES GAME-USED 23KT GOLD BAT CARDS These original genuine 23kt gold sculptured cards feature a piece of an authentic game-used baseball bat. Each card is minted on a sheet of genuine 23kt. gold foil and contains over 17 square inches of pure gold. Each card is produced with premium quality materials and is hand sculptured to display the finest razor sharp detailing. The piece of game-used bat was precisely cut and directly fitted onto the front of the card. These cards are truly magnificent. Comes packaged in an amazing clear acrylic CD jewel case and comes with a full-color Certificate of Authenticity that certifies and show the genuine game-used bat before it was cut up. Each card is numbered and the edition is limited to 750. Choose from bat cards from Barry Bonds or Ted Williams. (8584) (CAUT: 4) BARRY BONDS (BONDSBATCARD)––Card MSRP: $49.95 TED WILLIAMS (WILLIAMSBATCARD)––Card MSRP: $99.95 DALE EARNHARDT SR & JR COMBINATION 23 KT GOLD CARD This card, for the first time ever, features both Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Sr.! The card features fully detailed uniforms, with all sponsor logos. The front features 23kt. Gold facsimile signatures of both, with biographical information on the back, including both racecars and your individual number. Each card contains over 17 square inches of pure 23kt. gold, as well as your own individual serial number. Each card comes packaged in a clear acrylic holder with a Certificate of Authenticity. (8584/RISINGSONGOLDCARD) (CAUT: 4) Card MSRP: $29.95 FLEER ENTERTAINMENT FLEER 2001 COLLEGE GREATS BASKETBALL CARDS The premier of the college basketball edition is here! This first super-premium college-based set features two autographed cards in every box and one game-used card in every five boxes! Includes special "Player of the Year" autographed cards that are limited to the year that the player won the award. Recent and past legendary players make up the roster of this set! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. SRP: $5.99 per pack. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and the U.K. Box PI FLEER 2001-2002 GENUINE NBA CARDS This 2001-2002 basketball set features one Vince Carter floor card, one Autographics card, a chance at Vince Carter high school floor cards, two-three numbered Rookie cards, and three special inserts in every box! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and the U.K. Box PI FLEER 2001 EX NFL CARDS This Ex NFL set includes "Behind the Numbers" cards featuring autographed jersey cards of 20 players, including current players like Moss, James, McNabb, and more. Each card has an autographed version to the featured player's jersey number! Also includes two sequentially numbered "Rookie" cards per box; "Game-Used Turf" cards featuring pieces of the turf of Fred Taylor, Daunte Culpepper, and more; and "Autographed Game-Used Jersey" cards featuring 20 superstars specific to the player's jersey number. 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. SRP: $4.99 per pack. NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and the U.K. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI FLEER 2001 FOCUS NFL CARDS This set features "Certified Cuts" autographed cards, combined odds for autographs/event-used cards, "Ultra Rookie Update" cards numbered to 2,499, and "Rookies" numbered to 1,850! Also includes "Tag Team Bomb Element" cards starring all-time greats from NFL franchises and unique parallels and game-used inserts! 8 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $2.99 per pack. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and the U.K. Box PI GARY GRAVES FOOTBALL BOBBING HEAD DOLLS These bobbing head dolls depict Minnesota Viking players Daunte Culpepper and Randy Moss. Both appear in the white home uniforms and are made of heavy resin plastic, which permits a great facial likeness. Each is limited to 1,000. (CAUT: 4) Doll PI Ea. HIGHLAND MINT JIMMIE FOXX GAME-USED BAT PHOTO During his prolific career from 1937 to 1943, Hall of Famer Jimmie Foxx was regarded as one of the greatest players of his era. Known for his raw strength, he hit 30 or more home runs in 12 straight years. This game-used bat is sliced to be about the thickness of a quarter, and it was sliced so that every piece has a part of the bat's outer layer. Most pieces are in the shape of a baseball field, while others are completely round or halves. The bat comes double matted in team colors in a wood frame with glass panel, measuring 12" x 15". A 24kt gold medallion is plated on the official Highland Mint Authentic coin measuring 1 ½" in diameter. Certificate of Authenticity is numbered and matted on the front between the coin and bat piece. The back of each photo mint has a color photo of the bat before it was cut into sections. (GAME54BK) (CAUT: 4) Photo PI KIRBY PUCKETT 1991 GAME-USED BAT PHOTO The game-used bat is a Kirby Puckett Louisville Slugger model P116. This black bat has heavy game use and Kirby's uniform #34 is written on the end. Drafted #1 by the Twins in 1982, he epitomized how all ball players should approach the game and fans. This game-used bat is sliced to be about the thickness of a quarter, and it was sliced so that every piece has part of the bat's outer layer. Most pieces are in the shape of a baseball field while others are completely round or halves. The bat comes double matted in team colors in a wood frame with glass panel, measuring 12" x 15". A 24kt gold medallion is plated on the official Highland Mint Authentic coin measuring 1 ½" in diameter. Certificate of Authenticity is numbered and matted on the front between the coin and bat piece. The back of each photo mint has a color photo of the bat before it was cut into sections. (GAME75BK) (CAUT: 4) Photo PI SILVER MEDALLIONS This limited edition medallion features 3-dimensional images on the front and biographical information on the reverse. Each medallion measures 1/5" in diameter, is made of .999 fine silver, weighs one troy ounce, and is individually numbered. Comes in a clear capsule and displayed in a black velour jewelry box with a numbered Certificate of Authenticity. Available in Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, and Mark McGwire versions. (CAUT: 4) Medallions PI Ea. TOPPS COMPANY TOPPS 2001 BOWMAN NFL CARDS This 275-card base set is made up of 100 Veterans, featuring 100 of the NFL's top talents; 165 Rookies; and 10 NFL Europe cards, featuring 10 of NFL Europe's hottest NFL prospects. Features various inserts, including "Rookie Reprints," reprinted from 1984-85; "Repurchased" cards, repurchased from cards printed in the '90s and reinserted into packs; and "Heisman Trophy Mini-Helmets," where you can win autographed mini-helmets by former Heisman trophy winners. 12 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: 2.99 per pack. (348-01H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK AUTHENTICATED BASEBALL SWEET SPOT 8X10 PHOTOS Get a feel for A-Rod's sweet swing, and Ken Griffey Jr.'s stellar career with these autographed "Sweet Spot" products! Each includes an 8" x 10" action photo of the player, coupled with a signed baseball rawhide cover from Rawlings, signifying the sweet spot. The item is authenticated by UDA. Both products are a spin-off from the Upper Deck "Sweet Spot" card line. Many collectors tried to chase down two of these most collectible signatures with no luck. Now you can purchase them outright! Choose from Ken Griffey Jr. and Alex Rodriguez photos. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. ALEX RODRIGUEZ—Photo MSRP: $280.00Ea. KEN GRIFFEY JR.—Photo MSRP: $280.00Ea. UPPER DECK COMPANY UPPER DECK 2001 PROS & PROSPECTS MLB CARDS Pros & Prospects Baseball has been completely revamped to offer even more excitement in every box! The base set will consist of 135 cards that includes 45 Prospective Superstar Rookie cards, each numbered to 1,250. Game-used cards include "Then & Now Jersey" cards, "Pros & Prospects Specialty Jersey" cards, and "Pros & Prospects Game-Used Bat" cards. In addition, each game-used insert will feature combo versions as well as gold versions numbered to 25 each. Also look for "Pros & Legends Game-Used Bat" cards. 5 cards per pack. 18 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001 SP GAME BAT EDITION MLB CARDS Introducing the follow-up to the immensely popular inaugural release of SP Game Bat Edition Baseball! This product will once again feature one game-used bat card per pack, and will be broken down into three themed inserts: "Piece of the Game Milestones," focusing on player-specific milestone achievements of 30 of the game's biggest stars; "Piece of the Game International Connection" looking at 30 of the game's biggest and best foreign players; "Piece of the Game Bound For the Hall" featuring 30 players who will be enshrined into Cooperstown in the near future. Each one of these inserts will also have a gold version serially numbered to 35 each. Also look for triple bat cards, as well as quadruple bat cards. And, a "Joe DiMaggio Pinstripe Exclusives" bonus pack in each box! 4 cards per pack. 10 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001 LEGENDS NFL CARDS No set combines the great players from yesterday and today better than Legends Football! This year's edition includes some cool new features, including 90 Rookies serially numbered to 1,250. Inserts to include "Past Patterns Game Jerseys," featuring 20 all time great offensive players; 20 "Timeless Tributes" jersey cards honoring the game's most celebrated players; "Milestone Materials" jersey cards; "All-Time Autographed" cards; plus "Legendary Cuts" signature cards. And, there are at least two jersey cards in every box! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001 RESERVE NFL CARDS This 210-card base set features 60 Rookie cards serially numbered to 2,000. Unique inserts abound, including "Then and Now Jerseys" featuring two swatches; "Home & Away Jerseys," featuring two swatches; "Two of A Kind," featuring two swatches of football; "Rookie Duos" ball cards; and "UD Tri-Stars," featuring three swatches of football. 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 TOP SHELF NHL CARDS Check out the inaugural edition of Upper Deck Top Shelf Hockey, featuring the biggest names and brightest stars in the game! This super high-end set gives hockey fans the ultimate in rookie cards and game-used memorabilia cards! The 87-card basic set will feature 21 rookies who will each have two different rookie cards numbered to only 900. Inserts include "Top Shelf Jerseys," "Top Shelf Goalie Gear," "Top Shelf Stick," and "Top Shelf Puck" cards. Also look for "Signed Gold Jersey" cards numbered to 100 and gold versions of stick and puck cards numbered to 50. 3 cards per pack. 12 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 SERIES 1 NHL CARDS This 231-card basic set includes 51 "Young Guns Prospects" cards. Check out the new insert strategy for this year! Look for "Signed Jersey" cards, "Combo Jersey" cards, "NHL All Star Jerseys," "Next Generation Jersey" cards, and "Goaltenders Jersey" cards. Plus, look for Patch cards (1:2,500) and Legendary Cut Signature cards (numbered to five). Also look for E- Cards seeded at 1:12, which may entitle the collector to a special jersey or signed card! 8 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 SLAM NBA CARDS The hobby's only all-acetate plastic card set returns with more bells and whistles than ever before! The 84-card basic set includes 42 Rookies numbered to only 925 each! Slam will also feature at least one "Acetate Jersey" card per box! Collectors can also look for "Project Slam Patch" cards numbered to 50, "Signature Slams," and "5-Star Flight Gear" jersey cards numbered to 75! You can't beat Slam when it comes to great action photography and the hottest technologies! 4 cards per pack. 18 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI NON-SPORTS CARDS FLEER ENTERTAINMENT FLEER WWF CHAMPIONSHIP CLASH CARDS This WWF Championship set features "Memorabilia" cards from current or past champions or items used in championship matches. Plus, there's one autographed mini-replica belt in every box! Also included is a full set of "WWF Action" cards per box! (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and the U.K. Box PI INKWORKS BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SEASON 5 CARDS AND ALBUM This 90-card series captures all the excitement, all the action, and all the fun of Season 5. In addition to fan favorite subsets such as "Episodic" and "Beastiary" cards, Inkworks includes some new subsets including "Goodbye," "Bot Vision," and "Changes." There are also four different levels of chase cards including nine foil puzzle "Protectors of the Key" cards, featuring the cast; six foil embossed "Big Bad Crush" cards based on fan-favorite Spike and his obsession with Buffy; and one "The Slayer's Gift" card, a special card featuring Buffy and Dawn. Includes seven new autographed cards by Michelle Trachtenberg (Dawn), Amber Benson (Tara), Kelly Donovan (Xander's Double), Charlie Weber (Ben), Kevin Weisman (Dreg), Bailey Chase (Graham), and Joel Grey (Doc). Plus, there is a box loader and a case loader card as an added bonus! And, what's a more perfect way to store your cards than with the Buffy album! 7 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. (CAUT: 4) BOX (12030) PI ALBUM (12040) PI BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER PROTECTORS OF THE KEY UNCUT MINI-PRESS SHEET This uncut mini-press sheet from Inkworks is from Season 5 of the WB's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the most intriguing season yet! Sequentially numbered to 500. (12035) (CAUT: 4) Sheet PI OFFERED AGAIN O/A LARA CROFT TOMB RAIDER PREMIUM CARDS Angelina Jolie brings the fan-favorite video game character Lara Croft to life in the summer blockbuster, Tomb Raider. The movie fans have been waiting for captures Lara's indomitable search for the truth as she pushes her intelligence, agility, and technical mastery to their very limits. Navigating diabolical tombs and grappling with mystical adversaries, Lara overcomes extreme obstacles as she races to retrieve three ancient artifacts before their devastating power is unleashed on mankind! This 90-card series is filled with story cards, gadgets cards, behind-the-scenes cards, and more, plus four levels of bonus cards: nine foil "Lara Croft Tomb Raider" cards; six embossed "The Quest" cards; "Piecework" cards, which feature Lara Croft costumes; autographed cards; and a special box loader card, one in every box! 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. MSRP: $1.99 per pack. (11940) Box PI **************** LASTING IMAGES SINSATIONAL ADULT STARS IN MOTION BINDER EDITION This binder comes with six factory sets already mounted inside, with a sexy color photo on the cover. Each factory set includes one full color Wig-L-Vision motion card, nine centerfold trading cards devoted to each model, and a Certificate of Limited Edition and Authenticity. The photos are custom shot for these cards. Includes 54 regular cards, six motion cards, and as a special bonus, the limited edition "Caught From Behind" 13-card set. SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Binder MSRP: $140.00 RITTENHOUSE ARCHIVES FARSCAPE SEASON 2 CARDS AND ALBUM This 72-card base set details plot synopses for all 22 episodes (three cards per episode) of Farscape's second season! Features two "Costume" cards in every box, as well as randomly inserted "Autograph" cards from Virginia Hey (Zhann), Lani Tupu (Crais), Wayne Pygram (Scorpious), David Kemper (executive producer), and more. Also available is the custom designed collector's album, which contains a unique Chris Haywood (Maldis) autographed card and 12 plastic sheets. 9 cards per pack. 40 packs per box. MSRP: $1.99 per pack. (CAUT: 4) BOX PI ALBUM PI RIX PRODUCTS GUNDAM WING METAL CARDS As a prequel and sequel to the popular Gundam Wing saga, Endless Waltz brings back the G-Boys for a whole new crisis. These metal cards feature every character –– Wufei, Duo, Quatre, Heero, and Trowa –– with their mobile suits on one side, and characters bios and information on the other. All five cards come in a tin case sporting Endless Waltz art on all sides! These are a must-have for and Gundam fan! (6060) (CAUT: 4) Box PI STELLAR COLLECTIBLES OFFERED AGAIN O/A PLAYBOY 2001 WET AND WILD COLLECTOR CARDS Now you can wet your whistle with the Playboy 2001 Wet and Wild Collector Card series, capturing the world's most beautiful women on cards that just drip with desire! Aside from the base set of 95 cards, inserts and chase cards featured in this Playboy Centerfold series are comprised of three silver-foil stamped "Playboy's Centerfold Collector Cards Update Set '94-'96 Preview Cards," 10 gold-stamped "Wet Look" cards (1:6), 10 gold-stamped "Unpublished Cards"(1:6), 10 "Autograph Cards" (1:24), one "Jumbo Autograph Box Topper" (1:10), and one "Jumbo Autograph Case Topper" (one per case). Also offered in a limited number (1,000) of "Factory Sets" with 95 cards plus 10 "Wet" cards, 10 "Unpublished Cards," three "Centerfold Update Preview Cards," and one unique "Autographed Jumbo Card" all housed in a beautiful gold-stamped leather binder. 10 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL BOX PI FACTORY SET PI ******************* STUDIO CHIKARA ERIC CARR COMMEMORATIVE UNCUT CARD SHEET The 72-card Eric Carr Commemorative Card Set celebrates Eric's life by detailing his career, recollections from his family, behind-the-scene stories, and more. Now you can have the entire set, plus two different promotional trading cards on one limited edition uncut sheet. Limited to 250. (CAUT: 4) Sheet MSRP: $29.95 TOPPS COMPANY MONSTERS INC. CARDS From Monsters Inc. comes this all-new card set consisting of 50 regular cards, and Inserts, including 30 die-cut door cards, eight die-cut pop-up cards, eight die-cut jigsaw cards, six thermochromatic cards, six glow-in-the-dark cards, 12 kisscut stickers, and six die-cut stickers. 8 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $1.99 per pack. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI APPAREL SECTION PREMIER VENDORS GRAPHITTI DESIGNS BLUNTMAN & CHRONIC LTD. EDITION HARDCOVER BOOK by Kevin Smith, Michael Avon Oeming & Mike Allred Jay & Silent Bob hit the big time with both a movie and the new Bluntman & Chronic Limited Edition Hardcover Book. Written by Kevin Smith with art by Michael Avon Oeming with Pat Garrahy, this 96 page book features a new sixty-six page adventure of the Somnobulic Duo. Also included for the first time ever in color, is the 16 page dynamic adventure by Mike Allred from Oni Double Feature #12. All in color and perfect for the discriminating library. Limited to an edition size of 2500, each book will feature a sequentially numbered signature page signed by Oeming and Allred. Features a full-color dustjacket, smyth-sewn hardcover binding with debossed cover, special endpages and lots of heroic hijinks. It's no wonder why Hollywood signed these boys up for a long-term deal. Quantities are limited with orders subject to allocations based upon orders received. Ltd. Hardcover Book, 96 pgs, color...................$59.95 CHASING DOGMA LIMITED HARDCOVER BOOK by Kevin Smith and Duncan Fegredo CLERKS: THE LIMITED HARDCOVER BOOK by Kevin Smith, Jim Mahfood, Phil Hester & Ande Parks Don't miss out on the chance to complete your collection of Kevin Smith books with our previously released Chasing Dogma and Clerks: The Limited Hardcover Books. Written by Smith with art by Duncan Fegredo, Jim Mahfood, Phil Hester and Ande Parks, both are limited to just 2500 copies. Quantities are limited, so don't blow it!! CHASING DOGMA—LTD. HC, 120pgs, FC $69.95 CLERKS—LTD. HC, 96 pg, b&w $59.95 BERZERKER TOUR T-SHIRT BERZERKER TOUR LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT The tour that shook the world is revisited on the new Berzerker Tour T-Shirt. As worn by Jay in the new movie and based upon themes originally seen in Clerks, Berzerker features a two-color screenprinted design on both the front and back of a black 100% cotton shirt. Check it out and become part of the event of the summer!! S-XL $20.95 XXL $23.95 S-XL (Long-Sleeve) $25.95 XXL (Long-Sleeve) $28.95 MOOBY CORP. MAGNET SET Enoch, Surley Duck, Pat Pat and Silent Bob's favorite bovine, Mooby, are all included in this four magnet set. All food groups are covered!! Magnet Set SRP: $7.95 JAY & SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK LOGO T-SHIRT Get all hot and bothered when wearing the new Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back T-Shirt. Features the J&SBSB logo screenprinted in yellow on a black 100% cotton shirt. Be prepared! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 JAY & SILENT BOB ACTION FIGURES The Jay and Silent Bob Action Figures are back in stock!! Each generously articulated and containing lots of cool accessories. Make your own movie. (Please Note that figures are individually carded but sold as as a set) Figure Set SRP: $39.95 TOP TEN T-SHIRT ABC Comics take center stage this month with the new Top Ten T-shirt. Features the art of Gene Ha screenprinted in full color on back with the Neo PD symbol printed on the left chest. All on a black 100% cotton shirt and all just for you. What more could you ask for? S-XL $20.95 XXL $23.95 HARLEY QUINN: OOPS! T-SHIRT All other innocence and sweetness is captured for all to see on the new Harley Quinn: Oops! T-shirt. Features this beautiful computer-rendered artwork screenprinted in full color on a white 100% cotton shirt. The perfect "good girl" is here!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 SUPERMAN & KRYPTO T-SHIRT The Man of Steel shares the spotlight with his longtime canine companion on the new Superman & Krypto T-shirt. Features this super duo screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Ready for a session of super-fetch? S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 GREEN ARROW I LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT GREEN ARROW I T-SHIRT GREEN ARROW LOGO T-SHIRT The popular cover art of Matt Wagner returns for the autumn chill with the new Green Arrow Long-Sleeve Shirt. Features the art from the first cover of the hit DC series screenprinted in full color on a forest green 100% cotton long-sleeve shirt. Short- sleeve and Green Arrow Logo designs also available! L-XL (long-sleeve) $23.95 XXL (long-sleeve) $26.95 S-XL (short-sleeve) $17.95 XXL (short-sleeve) $20.95 ELEKTRA IV T-SHIRT Bruce Timm lends his talent to create the new Elektra IV T-shirt. Features Timm's art screenprinted in full color on a white 100% cotton shirt. Make sure you also check out the new Brian Michael Bendis/Chuck Austen Elektra series from Marvel as well as our other Elektra shirt designs. S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 X-MEN SYMBOL WOMEN'S TOP X-MEN SYMBOL T-SHIRT X-MEN SYMBOL LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT "X marks the spot" for the women this month with the new X-Men Symbol Women's Top. Features the classic X screenprinted on a black 100% cotton top. Not to leave the guys out, we also have the design available in short and long-sleeve shirts. Something for everyone!! XS-L (Women's Top) $17.95 S-XL (T-Shirt) $17.95 XXL (T-Shirt) $20.95 S-XL (long-sleeve) $23.95 XXL (long-sleeve) $26.95 SPIDER-MAN WEB T-SHIRT Spidey makes-em and he break them on the new Spider-Man Web T-Shirt. Features the art of J. Scott Campbell screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton shirt. The man know how to handle his webs!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 UNIVERSE X: FANTASTIC FOUR T-SHIRT Though the future is uncertain, the past glory of the F.F. is commemorated on the new Universe X: Fantastic Four T-Shirt. Features the painted art of Alex Ross screenprinted in full-color on a navy blue 100% cotton shirt. The legacy of the World's Greatest Group continues. S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 HUMAN TORCH LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT HUMAN TORCH T-SHIRT The hottest shirt this side of the local pizza oven is now available with the new Human Torch Long-Sleeve Shirt. Features the Torch himself screenprinted in full-color on a white 100% cotton long-sleeve shirt. Keep yourself warm on those chilling winter evenings to come. Also available in short-sleeve. S-XL (long-sleeve) $23.95 XXL (long-sleeve) $26.95 S-XL (short-sleeve) $17.95 XXL (short-sleeve) $20.95 APPAREL SECTION ANIME MASAMUNE SHIROW GHOST IN THE SHELL T-SHIRT A summer of Shirow draws to a close in this fifth powerful design taken from Ghost in the Shell. Has her work in covert operations with Public Security Section 9 left her time to think? Has the beautiful and dangerous agent Major Makato Kusanagi come to a conclusion about what's human and what's not? Do the words "Made in Japan" mean just that? Is there room in her cyborg shell for a soul (ghost)? Could the warmth of a real human body unravel the truth as you wear this full frontal shirt? Only one way to find out! 100% cotton, on black. (133/SH05) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE WICKED CITY: EYES T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! A woman peers through what appears to be a door slot on the front of this black T-shirt. She doesn't appear to like what she sees. The Wicked City title is emblazoned underneath this scene, so you know just what you're getting into with this one. (8343/2608) (CAUT: 4) L-XXL $16.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A DARK ANGEL #1 T-SHIRT This beautiful two-sided, 100% cotton, heavyweight T-shirt features full-color artwork from the hit manga series Dark Angel! Features Kia Asamiya art screenprinted in full color on a white T-shirt. The front bears the carved Red Phoenix symbol, and the back features a wonderful image of Dark and Kyo drawn and colored specially for the shirt by Kia Asamiya. (4685) L-XL $15.00 O/A SAMURAI STANDOFF T-SHIRT This beautiful, 100% cotton, heavyweight T-shirt features full-color artwork by Andi Watson, creator of Skeleton Key and Geisha and writer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Features an original piece of Andi's art screenprinted in full color on a blue tee. Inspired by the movies of Akira Kurosawa, this beautiful image of feudal Japanese warriors has come to be affectionately known as Samurai Standoff. Andi's art is the first in a series of new fanboy T-shirts that will be designed by American comic creators. (4685) L-XL $15.00 ******************************* BETTIE PAGE BETTIE PAGE BURST T-SHIRT Legendary pin-up beauty Bettie Page is on her hands and knees on this black, 100% cotton Burst T-shirt. (4924/AT-13) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $19.95 BETTIE PAGE ON BACK T-SHIRT The 100% cotton, black Bettie Page On Back shirt is just that, a photo of Bettie kicking back on a sofa, with a leg thrown in the air. Throw a Bettie shirt on and let the world know that you're no pushover! (4924/AT-39) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $19.95 CHAOS! EVIL ERNIE BY STEVE HUGHES T-SHIRT The sinister Evil Ernie is reaching towards you, bloody hands outstretched, on this black, 100% cotton shirt. (59/10903) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 LADY DEATH SWIMSUIT IMAGE T-SHIRT The First Lady of the Chaos! Comics galaxy, Lady Death, strikes a Marilyn Monroe pose on this 100% cotton, black shirt. Drawn in a skimpy swimsuit by Roy Young, Lady Death has never looked so alive! (59/10902) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 CROW PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE CROW ABSOLUTION T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! James O'Barr's eerie hero, The Crow, stands alone in a dark, snowy, cemetery, peering out into space on this black shirt. Also available as a black babydoll T-shirt! (350) (CAUT: 4) L-XXL $18.95 BABY TEE $18.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE CROW JUST LIKE HEAVEN T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! A woman sits on a chair in the background as Eric Draven holds a bloodied hand to his head in contemplation in the foreground. This black shirt will chill you to your core. Also available as a black babydoll T-shirt! (350) (CAUT: 4) L-XXL $18.95 BABY TEE $18.95 DC COMICS BATMAN LOGO CAMOUFLAGE T-SHIRT The Dark Knight's logo is given an update of sorts here, as the Batman logo is placed on a gray camouflage shirt! You might be impossible to detect from the back, but when the criminal element gets a look at the front of you and catches the Bat symbol staring back at them, you're going to have to run as fast as you can to catch them! (7294/BM-209) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 GREEN LANTERN SILVER AGE SYMBOL JERSEY Ever get nostalgic for the Silver Age of DC Comics? Well, shed no more tears about the Silver Age Green Lantern, because you've got his symbol to keep you company, with the Green Lantern Silver Age Symbol Jersey! It's finally here! (559/48-805- 71) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $19.95 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE SUPERMAN MORE POWERFUL THAN LOCOMOTION TRAIN T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! They say that the Man of Steel, Superman, is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Well, the locomotive rumor is put to rest here, on this red shirt with blue trim! Get dressed up in Superman regalia and stand proud! (7294) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 SUPERMAN GLITTER LOGO JUNIOR T-SHIRT If Superman were a girl, there's a good chance he'd wear this shirt to fight crime, The "S" logo is all glittered up here, shiny and pretty, on this blue shirt. Perfect for any dance at the Halls of Justice! (559/23-457-167) (CAUT: 4) LG $16.95 SUPERMAN RED/YELLOW LOGO T-SHIRT Superman's logo is here on this shirt, for all the world to see and admire. This long sleeved black T-shirt features the word Superman on the front, with his logo in white and red with yellow highlights underneath. (7294/SM-357) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $20.95 DRAGONBALL Z DRAGONBALL Z: 60 SECONDS T-SHIRT Now here's a number for the diehard Dragonball Z fan! Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, and Gohan are all on the back of this shirt, staring down anybody with the guts to look their way. Wearing this white shirt with hi-density and gel ink will easily bring the envy of all your friends. (7296/2414411) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 DRAGONBALL Z: ZOOM T-SHIRT Trunks has got his fists clenched in front of him, and he doesn't look like he can be talked out of stomping somebody anymore. Steer clear of his attack long enough to get this black shirt with crystalina and reflective ink on and you'll be okay. The Dragonball Z logo is on the front chest, with the Trunks picture on the back. (7296/2412411) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 DRAGONBALL Z 3D DIGITAL COVER WATCHES Finally, a watch that's cool enough for fans of Dragonball Z! Choose from Goku (a red watch) and Piccolo (yellow)! Each watch has a colorful band, with the face of the character protecting the face! Flip 'em up to see what time it is! (CAUT: 4) GOKU (DBZ-W23A)—Watch $10.95 PICCOLO (DBZ-W23C)—Watch $10.95 GOTH AXEL NOSFERATU RING Be the coolest ghoul in your ghastly set of friends with the Axel Nosferatu Ring! This impressive piece of hardware is not to be missed! (8343/589) (CAUT: 4) Ring $19.95 AXEL STARRY EYED PENDANT A star is encircled by a wreath, with an eye peering out from the center of it all. The pendant comes on a leather cord. (8343/1711) (CAUT: 4) Pendant $20.95 SACRED TALISMANS CELTIC CROSS PENDANT The intricacies of the tightly wound Celtic cross are captured to perfection this pendant. (8343/1424) (CAUT: 4) Pendant $13.95 HIGH TIMES HIGH TIMES BOB MARLEY T-SHIRT The socially charged music of Bob Marley and the Wailers was powerful and original, just like the man himself. Grab this tie- dyed High Times Bob Marley shirt and let the world know you're a freedom fighter just like Bob was. (8343/2492) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $26.00 HORROR EVIL DEAD: AXE T-SHIRT The cult classic film Evil Dead's main character, played by Bruce Campbell, stands alone, axe in hand, ready to battle zombies on this black shirt. A great article of clothing for a special film. (6028) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 FRIDAY THE 13TH: MASK T-SHIRT This ghastly black shirt features a photo of Jason's blood-splattered mask on the ground with a knife through it on the front, with the words "Made In Hell" on the back. (6028) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 HALLOWEEN: LAURIE'S CLOSET T-SHIRT An eerie scene from the horror picture Halloween is re-visited on this black shirt, as Jamie Lee Curtis' character Laurie hides from the murderous Michael Myers, who peers into a dark closet on the back of the shirt. Not for the faint of heart! (6028) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET: THE DREAM WARRIORS T-SHIRT Freddy Krueger, thief of souls, director of nightmares, comes to haunt you on this shirt based on his third film, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Wear this black shirt to bed and never worry about the boogeyman again! (6028/525-007A) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD: KYRA T-SHIRT The Night of the Living Dead logo is on the front of this black shirt, with a picture of Kyra on the back. It's frightening and cool all at once! (6028/CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 NOSFERATU T-SHIRTS A ghastly bloodsucker graces the front of the black Nosferatu Glow shirt. Very creepy. Equally creepy is The Vampire Poster shirt, featuring a re-creation of a movie poster. (6028) (CAUT: 4) GLOW—L-XL $16.95 THE VAMPIRE POSTER—L-XL $16.95 TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: LEATHERFACE T-SHIRT It's the murderous star of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films, Leatherface! The chainsaw-wielding predator swings his cherished tool on the front of this white shirt, as the end of the saw "sticks out" of the back of the shirt! Don't miss this one! (6028/527-001A) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 MARVEL PUNISHER LOGO BASEBALL JERSEY The logo of The Punisher is emblazoned on the front of this baseball jersey. The skull symbol is instantly recognizable to the criminal element, which gives the shirt the added feature of being a personal alarm! Walk with no fear in the Punisher Logo Baseball Jersey! (559/21-805-239) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $19.95 PUNISHER LOGO HOODIE If you find the weather a bit too chilly for your Punisher baseball jersey, what you need is the relief of a Punisher Logo Hoodie! This hooded black sweatshirt comes with a nice white appliqué of The Punisher logo on the chest! Perfect for looking cool and staying warm. (559/21-249-333) (CAUT: 4) Hoodie SRP: $45.00 SPIDER-MAN TEXT HOODIE Spider-Man, the wall-crawling hero has swung right onto a cool red sweatshirt! This collegiate-style hooded sweatshirt features the word "Spider-Man" in black chenille stitched across the chest, with a Spider stitched onto one wrist, and "spider eyes" on the other. (559/21-249-335) (CAUT: 4) Hoodie SRP: $45.00 MISCELLANEOUS BLACK FACE INTERCHANGEABLE MINIATURE ROBOT WATCH SET Have you ever looked down at your wrist, at that boring watch you had, and wondered how cool it would be if it were a robot? Well, stop your wondering! That watch is here! The Black Face Interchangeable Miniature Robot Watch Set is a nifty time- teller with a secret! You can snap off the faces, and there before you stand robots! Amazing! (4631/US-INT01A) (CAUT: 4) Watch $20.95 GOOD GIRL GONE BAD BABY T-SHIRT A wicked little girl has just thrown away her halo and crossed over to the dark side on the front of this white baby T-shirt! This one's for anybody tired of being Miss Goody Two Shoes all the time! (7296/3604000) (CAUT: 4) LG $13.95 MOVIES & TV BEETLEJUICE: SITTING PRETTY T-SHIRT From the classic Tim Burton film, it's the zany Beetlejuice! Michael Keaton portrayed the disgusting, hilarious, "bio-exorcist" living somewhere between Hell and Purgatory, and he sits right in the middle of this shirt, having a laugh (surely at someone else's expense)! Say his name three times and he just might help you out of a ghostly crisis. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! (6242/1AMD042) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 CHEECH & CHONG'S UP IN SMOKE: FIBERWEED VAN T-SHIRT Before Bluntman and Chronic, there were the original champs of the funny plant, Cheech and Chong. Shown inside their "Fiberweed Van," from a scene in their classic film Cheech & Chong's Up In Smoke, this white shirt is sure to give you a flashback. (6358/4246) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $18.95 CHEECH & CHONG'S UP IN SMOKE T-SHIRT This black shirt features the logo and image from the cover art of Cheech & Chong's Up In Smoke. If you're any kind of fan, you need this. (6358/4250) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $18.95 POPPLES: GROUP SHOT YOUTH T-SHIRT Popples are back! For those unfamiliar, Popples are teddy bear-like creatures with pouches on the backs, giving them the ability to fold up into a ball whenever the desire strikes. Don't you wish you could do that? This Group Shot shirt is white with blue sleeves, with a glitter-transfer picture of lots of Popples! It's great! (4866/YS4500) (CAUT: 4) XL $16.95 POPSICLE LOGO WHITE/RED CAPSLEEVE RAGLAN T-SHIRT Can you think of anything you want more than a Popsicle right now? Didn't think so. This white shirt with red sleeves is crowned by having a big Popsicle logo in crystalline print on the front of it. Show your respect for the ice cream man the next time he drives through your town. Have this shirt on! (4866/CR4600) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 POWERPUFF GIRLS POWERPUFF GIRLS 3D DIGITAL COVER WATCHES Who are the Powerpuff Girls? First there's Bubbles, the sensitive, caring soul who packs a punch. Then it's Buttercup, who brings the attitude. And finally there's the leader, Blossom, the perfect combination of brains and beauty. Now then, which girl would you like on a 3D digital cover watch? Each watch features the show logo on the band, with the girl of your choice on the face, concealing the time until you see fit to open the casing. Ingenious. Collect all three! (4631) (CAUT: 4) BLOSSOM (PPG-W09A)—Watch $10.95 BUBBLES (PPG-W09B)—Watch $10.95 BUTTERCUP (PPG-W09C)—Watch $10.95 RAT FINK RAT: "FINK DO UNTO OTHERS" T-SHIRT It's Big Daddy Roth's greatest creation, the gnarly Rat Fink! A hero to drag racing monsters everywhere, the Fink is in living color here on his Do Unto Others T-shirt. (7294/RF-114) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 RAT FINK: "SURF FINK" T-SHIRT Surf's up dudes, and who better to catch a wave than Rat Fink? The counter-culture icon is doing his best to stay afloat on the Surf Fink shirt. No problem! (7294/RF-116) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 SQ PRODUCTIONS DRAGON'S DAUGHTER COVER #3 T-SHIRT Simply put, a dragon's here, and a scantily-clad woman stands before it, sword drawn, looking back over her shoulder at you. Well, what are you waiting for? Get the shirt! (59/10904) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: "COWABUNGA!" T-SHIRT The four karate-loving, weapon swinging, sewer dwelling Ninja Turtles — Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo, and Michaelangelo — strike a pose on this super-cool black shirt! (4866/AS6026) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES LOGO T-SHIRT Nothing fancy here, just one of the most powerful logos known to man on a yellow shirt. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Cowabunga! (4866/AS6021) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 TOMB RAIDER PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE TOMB RAIDER WITH DREADED DROID T-SHIRT A Previews Exclusive! Angelina Jolie is starring as Lara Croft in the upcoming summer film Tomb Raider. If you miss it, you'll never be able to forgive yourself. This black shirt can serve as a reminder. A vicious droid stands in the background as Jolie's Croft looks off into space, unworried by the intrusion. Get this shirt and be ready for a wild ride! (6028) (CAUT: 4) L-XXL $16.95 TOMB RAIDER BACKPACK Here's a great way to carry your books or other belongings in style, the Tomb Raider Backpack! This is no ordinary backpack. With an adjustable compartment inside, a Velcro-zippered case, and three pockets for smaller items, this is simply revolutionary! Wear this backpack and maybe you'll find some treasures like Lara Croft! (6050/6028) (CAUT: 4) Backpack $24.00 XENA XENA THE LOOK T-SHIRT Xena's got the look, and here's the shirt to prove it! Sepia imagery captures the center of this green shirt, flaunting the Warrior Princess look that captures us all! (870/XE-T30) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $18.00 TOYS SECTION BARBIE MACKIE: GODDESS OF THE ARCTIC DOLL Fourth in the International Beauty Collection by Bob Mackie, celebrating the beauty of women from all around the world. Barbie's magnificent ensemble is the epitome of Bob Mackie's extravagant, spectacular style of fashion design. She wears a long, dramatic dark blue coat, trimmed in faux fur and lined in brilliant fuchsia. The coat is elaborately embroidered with strands of silvery beads cascading from the hood. Barbie doll's platinum blond hair is pulled up in a intricate hairstyle and decorated with a beautifully beaded headband. Silvery earrings add the finishing touch. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (744/50840) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Doll $215.00 VIVIEN LEIGH: SCARLET ON PEACHTREE STREET Second in a series featuring Scarlett as portrayed by Vivien Leigh in the epic film Gone With the Wind. This incredibly detailed doll looks stunning in an authentic re-creation of one of the most memorable costumes from the film. After the war, an impoverished Scarlett desperately needed a new gown to impress Rhett Butler. With no money, Scarlett hit upon the brilliant idea of using her green velvet curtains as fabric. A re-creation of this famous green velvet gown is reproduced in every detail. The gown is dark green velvet and light green velveteen, with a fitted bodice and full skirt. A green and golden cord with tassels is wrapped around the waist. To complete the emsemble, Scarlett wears a green hat with black feathers and carries a dark green purse. Golden drop earrings with green rhinestones add the finishing touch. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (744/29771) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Doll $72.00 JAMES BOND JAMES BOND VEHICLES Oh, to be 007! The gadgets, the girls, the automobiles! Since 1965, Corgi has provided the world with miniature replicas of 007's choicest wheels, complete with working Bond gadgetry. And, once again, Bond has defined the line! The BMW-Z3 (Goldeneye) features front firing stinger missiles; the Aston Martin Volante (The Living Daylights) features pop-out side- mounted skis; the Mercedes Saloon (Octopussy) features removable tires and railroad track display; the Gyro-Copter (You Only Live Twice) features machine guns; and the BMW-Z8 (The World is Not Enough) features side-ejecting stinger missiles. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6432) (CAUT: 4) BMW-Z3 (4901)––Die-Cast $15.99 ASTON MARTIN VOLANTE (4801)––Die-Cast $15.99 MERCEDES SALOON (5701)––Die-Cast $15.99 GYRO-COPTER––Die-Cast $15.99 BMW-Z8––Die-Cast $15.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: MILITARY XANDER FIGURE Xander's gone commando! Think of him as the "Shaggy" of Buffy's "Scooby Gang"… except this particular guy is decked out in military camos! It's Xander, the boyfriend to former demon Tara, depicted in full military-style fatigues, complete with accessories. A must-have for any Buffy fan! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4151/641157) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America or Puerto Rico. Figure $14.99 COMIC BOOK HEROES BATMAN BASIC ACTION FIGURES Defend Gotham City from the forces of evil action figures with this new line of basic Batman figures, based on the animated exploits of the Dark Knight! This series is scheduled to include: Gotham Night Batman, Night Vision Robin, Night Trapper Batman, Flame Runner Batman, and Gothan Crusader Batman. Each figure comes blister-carded with accessories. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (309/641157) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $7.99Ea. OFFERED AGAIN O/A BETTY & VERONICA FASHION DOLLS Since 1941, Betty & Veronica have been popular favorites. Both 11 ½" dolls feature 10 points of articulation, washable/brushable hair, and have an incredibly faithful likenesses to their comic book counterparts! Their outfits match the seasons and trends of today! Included with each doll is a full-length comic book, hairbrush, and themed accessories all in a unique "heart" die-cut package. This series may include: Betty "Back to School," "Cheerleader," and "Fall Fashion"; and Veronica "Back to School," "Soccer Fun," and "Fall Festival." Window box packaging. (6243/8601) (CAUT: 3 &4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots—please check with your retailer for availability. Dolls SRP: $9.75Ea. ************************ DARK HORSE FUTURAMA GLOW IN THE DARK KIF KROKER & LEELA PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE BENDIES A Previews Exclusive! Following hot on the heels of last month's glowing Bender bendy comes two new additions to the line! Choose from: Leela (with a gun accessory), the attractive humanoid cyclops with purple hair, and captain of the Planet Express delivery ship; or Kif Kroker, the somewhat downtrodden first officer under Zapp Brannigan. Both figures come individually carded and glow in the dark like radioactive material! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4988) (CAUT: 4) LEELA––Bendy $9.99 KIF KROKER––Bendy $9.99 DIE-CAST JOHNNY LIGHTNING SERIES 2 ART CARS Each car is a true work of art, featuring "Real Wheels" tires and rims, and authentic paint schemes! This series may include: 1955 Ford Crown Victoria (Tropical Rose), 1970 Plymouth Superbird (Hemi Orange), 1955 Chevy Bel Air Convertible (Matador Red), 1971 Plymouth Duster 340 (Sunburst Yellow), 1970 Plymouth Road Runner (Hemi Orange), and 1969 Chevy Camero Z28/Rally Sport (Calypso Coral). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/150-02) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $4.25Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING DIORAMAS SERIES 3 DIE-CASTS These cool Johnny Lightning sets are actually dioramas, capturing a moment in time, and featuring two die-cast vehicles along with figures, scenery, and other accessories. This third series is scheduled to include: Unnamed diorama featuring the Monkee Mobile and 60s VW Bus, and an unnamed diorama featuring Speed Racer's Mach 5 and Racer X's Shooting Star! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/222-03) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-casts SRP: $8.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING REBEL RODS Pull your baseball cap on backwards, firmly place toothpick between your teeth and cheek, grab your keys from under the sun visor and kick that mule into gear cousin! Your drivin' a Rebel Rod! These Southern-fried favorites would have those Dukes experiencing auto-envy! This debut series is scheduled to include: 00 Ford Tow Truck (Starlight Black), 00 Chevy Silverado (Apricot), 69 Chevy Nova SS (KR Silver),69 Dodge Coronet (Light Green), Cheetah (Shelby Red), and a 57 Vette Gasser (Cameo White). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/375-01) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Cast $3.50 JOHNNY LIGHTING WILLYS GASSERS DIE-CASTS One of the most recognizable hotrods ever to hit American asphalt is the Willys. Ahead of its time in design, this aerodynamic classic always turns heads with its streamlined body and unique front end. Choose from six Willys racing icons ready to take on your fastest 1:64 scale die-cast: '33 Willy's Prock & Howell (Honolulu Blue), '33 Willy's Souza Bros. (Red-Orange), '33 Willy's Nostalgia Racing Photos (Blue Fire), '40 Willy's Terry Rose (Twilight Blue), '41 Willy's Roger Campbell (Tor-Red), and a '41 Willy's Owen-Dahlin (Snow White). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/364-03) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-casts SRP: $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING COLLECTION SERIES 3 DIE-CASTS If you're looking to have a hot night out on the asphalt, then you'll want to go joyriding in these turf-tusslers! This series may include: '71 Plymouth Satellite Sebring (Citron Yellow), '70 Plymouth GTX (Ralley Green), '34 Ford Coupe (Starlight Black), and a '65 Ford Mustang Convertible (Saddle Bronze). All models feature real rubber tires. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/405-03) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Casts SRP: $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING GTO SERIES 2 DIE-CASTS Johnny Lightning pays homage to the Detroit monster that was the Pontiac GTO! This series is scheduled to include: '64 Pontiac GTO (Lime Gold),'69 Pontiac GTO Super Sport,'65 Pontiac GTO Convertible (Evening Orchid),'67 Pontiac GTO (Nocturne Blue),'71 Pontiac GTO Judge (Cameo White), and a '71 Pontiac GTO Pro Street (Citrus Orange). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/456-02) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Cast $3.50Ea. JOHNNY LIGHTNING YESTERDAY & TODAY SERIES 1 DIE-CASTS It's the best of Yesterday and Today, this first release featuring classic Chevys from the past to the present! This series is scheduled to include: 1993 Chevy Convertible Z28 (Snow White), 1967 Chevy Camero RS/SS (Snow White), 1953 Chevy Corvette Convertible (Cameo White), and a 2000 Chevy Corvette Convertible (Moonglow Silver). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/483-10) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Die-Cast $8.50Ea. **************** MILITARY FIGURES COLT WEAPON SERIES 2 FOR 1:6 SCALE FIGURES The 1:6 scale weapons for your 12" action figure includes M16/M203 grenade launcher and Xm177 shotgun. These series 2 weapons includes extra magazines, detachable slings and grenades. Features include extendable buttstock, launchable grenade and movable chocker and triggers. All weapons are highly detailed and functional. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4942/00514) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $9.99Ea. GAITLING GUN FOR 1:6 SCALE FIGURES This 1:6 scale weapon includes the gailtling gun and ammo box. Features include removable trigger and spinning barrel. Weapon is highly detailed. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4942/00513) (CAUT: 4) Figure $18.99 HK WEAPON SET SERIES FOR 1:6 SCALE FIGURES The 1/6 scale weapon set for your 12" action figure includes two rifles: SIG 550 and SIG 551; and two pistols: P228 and P232. Features include a folding butt stock, moveable trigger, selector level and loadable mechanism. Rifles include detachable and removable slings. Functions for the P228 include a cocking hammer and a hammer that releases when the trigger is pulled. Functions on the P232 include a sliding mechanism. The weapons come with removable and extra magazines. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4942/00503) (CAUT: 4) Figure $9.99 SNIPER RIFLE FOR 1:6 SCALE FIGURE WEAPON SET InToyz's 1/6 scale weapon set for your 12" action figure includes the PSG-1 with a hard carrying case, a detailed detachable bipod, two magazines, five spent shells and five empty shell casings. Features include a working cocking lever and moveable safety switch. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4942/00500) (CAUT: 4) Set $10.99 12-INCH ACTION FIGURE STANDS Fully adjustable and versatile stands for the 12" figures. Features include variable positioning, universal grip and adjustable hinge joints. Available in different colors, in solid cases. Choose from black, clear, clear blue and camo. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4942/00301) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Stands $2.99Ea. ELITE BRIGADE: BLACK WATCH HIGHLANDER AT WATERLOO FIGURE The Black Watch fought against Napoleon's forces throughout the Peninsula War in Spain and was heavily engaged at Waterloo. Following Napoleon's defeat, the Regiment occupied Paris. The Black Watch tartan had been in use since 1739 and is still warn today. The kilt is made with in-scale tartan wool, which was custom-milled for them in Canada, Sporrans, often thought to be inseparable from the kilt, were not worn on active service at the time of Waterloo. The gaiters were black or grey, the figure wearing the grey version. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (7093/GIEDF-81) (CAUT: 4) Figures $78.00 ELITE BRIGADE: GERMAN LANDSKNECHT FIGURE Paid permanent forces of well-trained infantry were, by the time of this figure, increasingly replacing feudal vassals as the primary source of recruits. It was also at this time that mounted knights were less and less successful against disciplined ranks of infantry. Landscknechts loved to show off their extravagant armor, as you can see with the puffed and slashed half armor. Beneath the armor, he wears a shirt of chain mail. His two-handed sword is typical and especially useful for cutting the points off enemy pikes. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (7093/GIEARM-18) (CAUT: 4) Figure $199.99 G.I. JOE CLASSIC ALPHA FIGURES More classic adventures with these 12" scale Joes! This series is scheduled to include: Federal Marshal, Texas Ranger, Vietnam M-60 Gunner, and Vietnam M-60 Gunner (black). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (309/81160) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $17.99Ea. G.I. JOE CLASSIC BRAVO FIGURES You'll go In Search of the Mummy's Tomb with this new assortment of GI Joe, 12-inch scale adventure packs! Available with black or white Land Adventurer figure. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (309) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $22.50Ea. G.I. JOE CLASSIC DOUBLE DUTY DELUXE FIGURES These Joes are ready for "double duty," and come with two complete outfits for two different adventures/locales! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (309/81753) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $25.00Ea. G.I. JOE CLASSIC ECHO FIGURES These top-of-the-line, highly collectible figures celebrate America's military heroism like no other figures can! This wave is scheduled to include: WWI Doughboy. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (309/81585.95) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP:$32.99 G.I. JOE CLASSIC FOREIGN FIGURES Fighting men from the around the world and from different eras are the focus of this exciting new series! This assortment is scheduled to include: Modern Israeli Commando, WWII German Soldier, WWII Red Amru Russian Infantry Soldier, WWII Japanese Zero Pilot, WWII Japanese Army Air Officer 64th Sentai, and German Panzer Tank Sgt. Major. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (309/57725) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP:$15.99Ea. G.I. JOE CLASSIC SEARCH & RESCUE FIREFIGHTER When seconds can mean lives, these brave souls go where saner people fear to tread! This detailed Search & Rescue Firefighter is available in white, black, and Hispanic versions. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (309/81575.95) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP:$32.99 MCFARLANE TOYS NHL PLAYERS ASSOCIATION SERIES 3 FIGURES Fully sanctioned by the NHL and NHL Players' Association! McFarlane Toys has worked closely with the National Hockey League Players' Association in creating a series of Hockey action figures unlike anything else on the market! The level of detail and action poses of McFarlane's figures put all other hockey toys in the penalty box! The third series of figures may include: Ed Belfour, Martin Brodeur, Jose Theodore, Mats Sundin, Peter Forsberg, and John Leclair. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (8348/70120) (CAUT: 4) Figure PI NFL FOOTBALL SERIES 1 FIGURES Fully sanctioned by the NFL and NFL Players' Association! McFarlane Toys scores a touchdown with their line of official NFL player action figures, featuring some of Pro Football's biggest stars, in their official uniforms with authentic markings and team colors. The level of detail and action poses are of the usual caliber you've come to expect from McFarlane Toys. This debut series may include: Warren Sapp, Edgerrin James, Randy Moss, Emmitt Smith, Kurt Warner, and Eddie George. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (8348) (CAUT: 4) Figure PI MOVIES & TV FINAL FANTASY: THE SPIRITS WITHIN 7-INCH FIGURES & VEHICLE PLAYSETS A milestone in motion picture history, the first CG feature to simulate a full range of human emotions and movements with photo-real human characters and backgrounds., The movie will be the first to use CG actors to bring a compelling and complex story to the screen. These 6" articulated figures are molded into an action pose and ready for battle! Each figure comes with its own unique weapon and/or accessories, and comes with a collectible movie slide. This series is scheduled to include: Phantom, Dr. Sid, Neil, Aki, Gray, Hein, and Ryan. Also available are Vehicle Playsets, where each figure opens up to reveal a hidden play environment with four 1" figures and a display stand! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (9036) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. FIGURES (15030) $12.00Ea. PLAYSETS (15040) $17.50Ea. FORD THUNDERBIRD AND MARILYN MONROE FIGURE "It shakes me! It quakes me! It makes me feel goose-pimply all over!" With those words, and the notorious air-vent sequence, Marilyn Monroe captured the hearts of millions of men in The Seven Year Itch. Now you can own a die-cast, hand-painted metal figurine of Marilyn as she appeared in the classic film. Accompanying the platinum icon is a die-cast replica of the pink Ford Thunderbird with which she is always associated. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6432/039902) (CAUT: 4) RES. from Previews Vol. X #12 (DEC002975) Figure $26.99 THE SIMPSONS: RADIOACTIVEMAN & FALLOUT BOY FIGURES A Previews Shared Exclusive with Electronics Boutique! In the World of Springfield, there are few heroes. But when Bart and the gang gather around the new comic stand at the Android's Dungeon, they only want one title: Radioactive Man & Fallout Boy! Springfield's resident "rad" dudes are now a Shared Exclusive action figure set, complete with their own display base with sounds! Both are all-new sculpts, fully articulated, and come carded together. Simpsons collectors: You've heard about them. You've seen them in all the major toy mags. Now you NEED them! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (222) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures $29.99Ea. MUSIC EMINEM ACTION FIGURES Based on the chainsaw wielding hip-hop superstar! It's no wonder that this would become the most controversial action figure line in history! Choose from three different figures, all featuring major attitude, right down to the tattoos! Figures stand 7" tall. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4850/76100) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $10.99Ea. EMINEM ACTION FIGURE WITH ENVIRONMENT AND BASE This base is designed around the music video "Stan," a wall of Eninem posters, a table with a letter to Eminem from Stan, and a replica concrete floor. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4850/76200) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures w/base SRP: $13.99 SMITI: POWERMAN 5000 PLAYSET Dreamworks platinum recording artist Powerman 5000 is now available as a Smiti playset! Coinciding with the release of their new album entitled Anyone For Doomsday?, the playset will reflect the band's new look and stage for their upcoming tour this fall. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4810/00001) (CAUT: 4) Playset $23.99 SMITI: LIMP BIZKIT PLAYSETS Flip/Interscope multi-platinum recording artist Limp Bizkit is available as a Smiti playset! Hot on the heels of their current smash success Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water, the playset will reflect the band's cartoon look in their album jacket and current touring stage. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (6392) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $23.99Ea. SCI-FI THE MATRIX: 12-INCH MARTIAL ARTS FIGURES Relive the exciting cyber-dojo action from The Matrix, as Morpheus attempts to teach Neo a thing or two about kung fu! Each figure features an exacting likeness of the actor, and features a cloth gee with belt. Choose form Neo or Morpheus. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4387) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. NEO (28046)––Figure $24.99 MORPHEUS (28054)––Figure $24.99 FARSCAPE SERIES 2 REGULAR EDITION ACTION FIGURES Farscape exciting third season is well underway, and here's the second series of action figures bringing some of your favorite heroes and villains home to your collection. This series is scheduled to include: Scorpius The Hunter (with Peacekeeper Gun, Tracking Device, & Discipline Rod), Captain Bialar Crais (with long coat, Peacekeeper Gun, Scanning Device, & Captain's Hat), Rygel XVI, Dominar of Hyneria (in his Royal costume with frowning head, with throne chair, bomb case, dagger, and crystal from the DNA Mad Scientist), and Aeryn The Mutation (with gun, Peacekeeper Rifle, Tracking Device and 2 Syringes. This is the regular edition of the previously offered mail-order exclusive). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4231) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $9.99Ea. FARSCAPE SERIES 2 SPECIAL EDITION ACTION FIGURES Specialty Market Only! Unlike the "regular edition" Farscape action figures, these exciting variants will only be available through specialty and hobby shops! This series is scheduled to include: Scorpius Master Of Evil (with Discipline Rod and two Hynearian Head Trophies), "Vengeance Is Mine" Captain Crais (in short jacket with fighting pole, chain, & fighting plate), The Almighty Rygel? (Rygel in his Royal costume with proud head, throne chair and crown, necklace, scepter, skull bowl, spoon, & knife), and Aeryn The Mutation (details unavailable at presstime). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4231) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $10.99Ea. FARSCAPE: "ESCAPEE FROM NIBARI PRIME" CHIANA EXCLUSIVE FIGURE Formerly a Mail-Order Exclusive Figure! Eevryone's favorite grey-skinned alien punkette is now a figure based on her first appearance on the hit television series Farscape! Chiana comes with a long dark cloth robe, handcuffs, and neck cuffs. Limited to 5,000, this hot little number won't last long! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4231) (CAUT: 4) Figure $11.99 HARDENED SERIES 1 ACTION FIGURES 7" action heroes as you've never seen them before! When you think of action movies, two names come to mind, conjuring up images of flying bullets, explosive arrows, and bone-breaking martial arts… Sylvester Stallone and Steven Seagal! These "Hardened" heroes are now the first subjects of an all-new series bringing some of the movies' top action stars to your toy collection! This first series features Sylvester Stallone as John Rambo from Rambo, and Steven Seagal as Nico Toscani from Above the Law/ Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4387/55000) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $8.50Ea. MAD MAX: THE ROAD WARRIORS SERIES 2 Return again to the world of the Road Warrior… a place where gasoline… the precious "juice"… is worth more than a life, and one man fights to help the downtrodden. This second series of post-apocalyptic plastic is scheduled to include: Max with Gas Cans, Bad Cop, Golden Youth, and The Toadie. Each figure is articulated, and includes accessories and weapons. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4387/39020) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures $8.50Ea. SCI-FI ROBOTECH SUPER-DEFORMED KEYCHAINS Now your favorite robot friends from Robotech can come with you everywhere you go -- when you hook them onto your keychain! Each keychain measures 1 ½" tall and replicates, in the super-deformed style, one of the cool Veritech robots from the classic anime show. This series is scheduled to include: Rick Hunter's VF-1J, VF-1A, Roy Fokker's VF-1S Skull Leader, VF-1D, VF-1J Max-Type, and VF-1J Miriya-type. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4572/2300) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Keychains $3.00Ea. ROBOTECH SUPER-VERITECH SUPER-DEFORMED MORPHERS Back by popular demand, Toynami's line of motorized transformable Robotech Super-Deformed Morphers now features the Super-Veritech versions of your favorite Valkyrie fighters, complete with detachable booster armor! This series is scheduled to include: Super VF-1S, Super VF-1J Miriya-Type, and Super VF-1J Max-Type, each packaged in a collector's window box. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4522/2500) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $5.99Ea. TRANSFORMERS: ROBOTS IN DISGUISE DELUXE FIGURES WAVE II More Than Meets the Eye! These deluxe Transformers cars feature advanced transformations and accessories! This assortment is scheduled to include: Speedbreaker (re-deco), Prowl, X-Brawn, Constructicon Backhoe, Constructicon Dumptruck, Hoist vs. Skyfire, and Roadbuster vs. Afterburner. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (309/80575) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $11.99Ea. TRANSFORMERS: ROBOTS IN DISGUISE BASIC 2-PACKS WAVE II Twice More Than Meets the Eye! These packs each comes with two basic Transformers figures, either comrades or enemies. This assortment is scheduled to include: Combiner Tank, Combiner Space Shuttle, Combiner Helicopter, Police Car/Sports Car, Sports Car/LeMans Racer, and Combiner Hummer. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (309) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $6.50Ea. TRANSFORMERS: ROBOTS IN DISGUISE MEGA FIGURES Robot in Disguise! These "Mega" Transformers are larger, more detailed, and feature even more transformation options! This assortment is scheduled to include: Skyshark, Blast-Punch Optimus Prime (repack), and a Screamer/GasSkunk/War Toad multi-pack! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in July 2001. (309/80595) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $17.25Ea. SPEED RACER SPEED RACER SPECIAL EDITION VEHICLE PLAYSETS Now you can take Speed and Racer X (who is secretly his older brother Rex who ran away from home years ago!) into action and adventure with these all-new vehicle playsets for use with the Speed Racer action figure line! The Special Edition Mach 5 features a Pearl White paint scheme and chromed wheels, closing bubble, auto-jacks, buzz-saws, and other action features, and includes an exclusive "Garage Sparky" action figure. Racer X's Shooting Star vehicle comes with an exclusive Racer X figure! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (6392) MACH 5 (SR375100)—Playset $29.99 SHOOTING STAR—Playset $29.99 SPORTS STARTING LINE-UP MLB 2001 EXTENDED SERIES FIGURES This Extended Series features new figures added to the line late in the season! This series is scheduled to include: Alex Rodriguez, Frank Thomas, Tom Glavine, Jeff Bagwell, and more! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (309/71790) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $9.25Ea. STAR WARS STAR WARS: LEGACY 12-INCH FIGURES Celebrate the lasting legacy of George Lucas' world-renowned Star Wars Saga with this new series of 12-inch figures, drawing upon the vast cast of major and minor characters from across the galaxy! This series is scheduled to include: Han Solo in Stormtrooper Armor, Death Star Trooper, and Death Star Droid. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (6245/32406) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $25.00Ea. STAR WARS PALM-TALKERS Palm-Talkers are super-deformed figures that are small enough to rest in the palm of your hand... and they can talk, speaking actual dialogue from the Star Wars Saga! This first series is scheduled to include: R2-D2, C-3PO, Chewbacca, Stormtrooper, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6245/26189) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Palm-Talker $11.50Ea. STAR WARS: SCREEN SCENE DELUXE FIGURES Relive an key moment from the Star Wars Saga with these deluxe Screen Scene figure dioramas, featuring an action-posed figure and detailed display base. This series is scheduled to include: Luke in Bacta Tank (Empire Strikes Back), Leia with Cannon (Return of the Jedi). and Darth Maul Bare-Chested (Phantom Menace). Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (309/84475) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Set $5.50Ea. VIDEO GAMES SPACE CHANNEL 5 ACTION FIGURES From the smash-hit Sega Dreamcast game, Space Channel 5. When the Morolians invade, ace reporter Ulala scoops up the story for Space Channel 5. This funky dance title looks out of this world on Sega Dreamcast, with real time rendered dancers and detailed, steaming backgrounds. Palisades has captured the space reporters, aliens, and the big boss Chief Blank in an all- new line of action figures. Featuring full articulation, these 4" figures are packed with lots of goodies, including accessories, a base, and lots of moving parts. Choose from Ulala, Evila, Pudding, Space Dancin' Ulala, Morolians (Aliens) two-pack, and Chief Blank. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (8644/11099) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. RES. from Previews Vol. X #12 (DEC002984) Figures SRP: $7.99Ea. **************** WRESTLING WWF 6-INCH FIGURE TWO-PACKS Twice the figures... twice the action! You'll get more than you bargained for with these exciting WWF two-packs, featuring some of your favorite stars of the squared circle! This series is scheduled to include: Steve Austin vs. The Rock, The Big Show vs. Kane, and Buh Buh Ray Dudley vs. Lita! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4301/W92035) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Two-Pack $12.99Ea. WWF REBELLION WAVE #4 FIGURES McMahon holds all the cards... there only one answer: rebellion! Inside and outside the ring, the grapplers of the WWF are out- of-control, and these new figures feature some of the revolution's greatest heroes! This series is scheduled to include: Edge, Al Snow, Triple-H, Billy Gunn, X-Pac, and Chynna! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4301/W91061) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures $6.99Ea. STATUES & MODELS BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ANGEL MINI-BUST Moore Creations continues their extremely popular Angel bust series with the "Present Day" bust of the character immortalized by David Boreanez in the hit TV series on the WB network. Don't miss this chance to adorn your collection with the Adonis of the Vampire set, the adorably buff bloodsucker, that hunk o'Horror himself — okay, you get the picture. Limited to an edition of 3000 painted, ready-to-display, pieces. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (8734) (CAUT: 4) Mini-Bust $45.00 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ORNAMENTS Moore Creations expands their already popular line of Buffy ornaments released last year with these new additions to the line! Now available are Werewolf Oz, Spike, Vampire Spike, Cordelia, and "Season II Hairstyle" Buffy. The overall quality and look of each ornament is consistent with all previous releases, all each featuring a green, faux marble base. Each piece is beautifully produced in hand painted cold-cast porcelain. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (8734) (CAUT: 4) BUFFY SEASON II—Ornament $14.95 CORDELIA—Ornament $14.95 SPIKE—Ornament $14.95 VAMPIRE SPIKE—Ornament $14.95 WEREWOLF OZ—Ornament $14.95 CHAOS! COMICS STAR OF THE MONTH PURGATORI LIMITED EDITION RUBY RESIN STATUE A Diamond Select/EternalToys Offering! Purgatori, the vampire goddess, is immortalized for eternity as this magnificent cold- cast resin statue, sculpted by Sam Greenwell. Alluring, yet deadly, Purgatori stands over 20 towering inches of exacting detail. Personally overseen by her creator, Brian Pulido, Purgatori comes on an Egyptian-themed base and with two sets of wings — one set with wings up in defiance, and the other with her wings down and wrapped around her breathtaking figure. Brought to you by Eternal Toys and manufactured by Diamond Sect Toys and Collectibles, this stunning statue comes in a custom box with a Certificate of Authenticity. Also available as a "Ruby Sapphire Artist's Proof" edition that's limited to 300 pieces with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Pulido and Greenwell. Both editions are fully painted and ready to display! Available Now! (4667) REGULAR EDITION—Statue (STAR13117) $175.00 O/A ARTIST'S PROOF—Statue (AUG003051) (CAUT: 4) $300.00 ********************* CHAOS! EVIL ERNIE ORB A Diamond Select Offering! He's young! He's in love! He's dead! Chaos! Comics' Lady Death-lovin', mega-death committin', would-be world conqueror has been immortalized for all to fear and loathe as this hand-painted glass orb, measuring approximately 4 ½" (6 ½" including stand) showcasing the cover art from Evil Ernie #1 in all its gory glory! This unique, handcrafted specialty item is mounted on a free-spinning mahogany wood stand with 360-degree rotation, and comes complete with a Certificate of Authenticity. Guaranteed in stores 9/26/01. (4667) (CAUT: 4) Orb $99.00 STAR OF THE MONTH LADY DEATH RESIN STATUES A Diamond Select/EternalToys Offering! Lady Death, the ravishing Goddess of the netherworld, is immortalized for all eternity in this breathtaking landmark cold-cast resin statue, sculpted by Sam Greenwell. Personally overseen by her creator, Brian Pulido, the Lady Death Resin Statue stands a majestic 18" tall and depicts the Diva of Death standing atop a skull-laced lava base. The statue comes packaged in a custom box with a Certificate of Authenticity, and is limited to 5,000 pieces. Also available is a special "Artist's Proof" statue, mounted on a black onyx base with a clear resin sword and "energy" fist, and special gold treatment on Lady Death's outfit, limited to only 400 pieces, each with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Pulido and Greenwell. Both are fully painted and ready to display. Available Now! (4667) (CAUT: 4) REGULAR EDITION—Statue (STAR12813) $175.00 O/A ARTIST'S PROOF—Statue (MAY013705) (CAUT: 4) $300.00 ************************** COMIC BOOK HEROES CAPTAIN AMERICA MINI-BUST Bowen Designs's marvelous Marvel Mini-Busts Series continues with the red-white-and-blue Avenger himself, Captain America! The living embodiment of the American Ideal is depicted in all his patriotic glory, as sculpted by the master himself, Randy Bowen! Standing over 5 ½" tall, this fully-painted collectible comes ready to display, and packaged in an illustrated collector's box. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Mini-Bust $45.00 JUGGERNAUT MINI-BUST Cain Marko, the unstoppable Juggernaut, is the latest Marvel baddie to get the Bowen Designs treatment! The longtime X-Men villain (and half-brother to Professor Xavier) is depicted in all his awesome evil… grinning the grin of the super-villain, confident in the knowledge that Nothing Stops the Juggernaut!!! Designed and sculpted by Randy Bowen, this bust stands 5 ½" tall and comes mounted on a "Cyttorak" gem base (the focus of his immovable powers). This fully-painted collectible comes ready to display, and packaged in an illustrated collector's box. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Mini-Bust $50.00 SPIDER-MAN RESIN STATUE Bowen Designs' Marvel Statue Series continues with Marvel's #1 hero: the amazing, the spectacular, the ultimate… Spider- Man! Designed and sculpted by Randy Bowen, this exquisite statue of ol' Web-Head stands over 12" tall, and comes mounted on a base bearing the Spider-Man mask logo. With Sam Raimi's Spider-Man motion picture coming next summer, you'll want to find a place of honor for this stunning rendition of the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man! Fully painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Statue $150.00 MODERN AGE THOR RESIN STATUE Special Limited Edition Run! Randy Bowen's stunning resin statue of The Mighty Thor (also offered in a miniature this month) returns as this special limited edition version, featuring two interchangeable heads! Choose your Norse Noggin': either the original, clean-shaven persona, or his bearded alternate persona from the 80s/90s! Either way you display him, this 1/8th scale statue stands an impressive 10 ½" tall and is fully painted in bright, eye-catching colors! Included is a real leather hammer strap. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship 8/29/01! (8824) (CAUT: 4) Statue $199.99 THOR MINI-STATUE This 1/10th scale miniature version of the resin statue sculpted by Carl Sturgess and based on the original design by Randy Bowen, stands a majestic 9" tall with base. Fully painted and ready to display, you'll swear you hear the booming thunder's roar as the Mighty Thor, Norse god of Thunder, holds aloft his mighty hammer Mjolnir, and calls down the fury! Fully painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Mini-Statue $50.00 MAGDALENA ORNAMENT Moore Creations presents its fifth ornament based on the ever-popular Top Cow comic, The Darkness! While you may already have the Darklings adorned in lights and packages, the upcoming Magdalena Ornament will be a wonderful addition to your Darkness 3-D collection. Sculpted by Dene Mason and Eddy Carrasco, this ornament will feature the beautiful Magdalena surrounded by a bed of her signature red roses! Fully painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (8734) (CAUT: 4) Ornament $19.95 STAR OF THE MONTH WITCHBLADE RESIN BUST From the talented hands of Clayburn Moore comes another magnificent interpretation of Sara Pezinni as Witchblade, Top Cow Productions' leading lady. This 1:6th scale bust measures 7" tall and captures all the beauty, grace, and elegance of Top Cow's classic heroine. Limited to 5,000 pieces. Fully painted and ready to display. Available Now! (8734) (STAR12298) Bust $59.99 ********************* VAMPIRELLA BUST You know her, you love her and now she's more buxom than ever! Don't miss out on the "bust" of all busts shipping this October, the Vampirella Bust! Exquisitely sculpted by Clayburn Moore, this blood-sucking bastion of beauty stands 3 ½" tall and sits atop a sculpted stone Vampirella logo base. Limited to 5,000 pieces. Fully painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (8734) (CAUT: 4) Bust $39.99 GOLDEN AGE JOKER MEDIUM RESIN STATUE This fifth offering in the line of DC Comics figurines featuring characters as they appeared in the "Golden Age." First appearing in Batman #1, the Clown Prince of Crime, The Joker, has been a constant thorn in the Batman's side for over 60 years! Highly detailed and standing 7" tall on a sleek black base emblazoned with a gold "The Joker" emblem, this sculpted piece showcases the Dark Knight Detective's most insane nemesis with maddening detail! Fully painted and ready for display. Scheduled to ship in September. (82) (CAUT: 4) Statue $35.00 GUNDAM OFFERED AGAIN O/A GUNDAM WING 1/144-SCALE MODEL KITS The Gundam Wing Zero was the prototype and basis for the powerful Gundams, and the Wing Gundam is the direct descendent of this machine. Armed with a double-buster rifle, a beam sword, and two 90mm machine cannons, the Wing Zero also carries the powerful, and dangerous, Zero system. Now you can "erect" your own Gundam arsenal and send 'em into battle with these exceptionally detailed model kits. Easy to build, with over 70 colored parts with snap-together assembly, these 5" 1/144-scale kits offer more than 18 points of articulation for incredible action poses. Requires painting and assembly. Available Now! (9036) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. EPYON (5310)—Kit $10.99 GUNDAM ZERO (3509)—Kit $14.99 SHENLONG (3502)—Kit $10.99 WING GUNDAM (3501)—Kit $10.99 ************************* HORROR VAMPIRA STATUE Before Vampirella! Before Elvira! There was… Vampira! She may have gained local notoriety through her gig as the popular hostess of a Los Angeles TV horror movie show, but it was her role in Ed Wood's Plan 9 from Outer Space that earned her a place in cinematic and pop-cultural immortality! Now, Bowen Designs captures the vampish vixen in all her glory as this 14" tall statue, sculpted by Thomas Küntz and strictly limited in its production run. Fully painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Statue $150.00 MOVIES & TV SCOOBY DOO MYSTERY MACHINE SNAP-AND-GLUE KIT From Polar Lights, producers of the popular Aurora model remakes, comes this cool new model kit of the Mystery Machine, the funky wheels that transport the Mysteries Inc. gang from adventure to adventure! This kit can be constructed using glue or can snap together, making it perfect for modelers of all ages and skill levels. Requires painting and assembly. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (6243/6808) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the United States. Kit 11.99 SPEED RACER MACH 5 SNAP KIT Another fabulous set of cartoon wheels, straight off the factory floor at Polar Lights! It's the powerful Mach 5, chock-full of bells and whistles, and ready for any adventure, no matter where the road may lead! Perfect for modelers of all ages and skill levels, this snap-together kit requires no glue, but painting and assembly are required. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (6243/6807) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the United States. Kit 11.99 TOMB RAIDER TOMB RAIDER: LARA CROFT RESIN BUST A Previews Exclusive! Standing roughly 5" tall, Varner Studios presents this exquisite bust of video game hottie, Lara Croft! With her arms crossed defiantly, twin .45s ready for action, the Tomb Raider herself comes mounted on a crystal-strewn display base, featuring the Tomb Raider logo. Highly detailed, right down to her pony tail and belly ring, this is a treasure worth fighting for! Fully painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4547) (CAUT: 4) Bust $45.00 *********************** VIDEO GAMES RESIDENT EVIL 3: NEMESIS BUST From the hit Playstation game Resident Evil 3 comes the Nemesis, the walking biological weapon based on the original "Tyrant" genetic matrix, created to infiltrate Raccoon City and terminate the S.T.A.R.S unit! Created with ability to withstand multiple attacks and regenerate after sustaining mortal wounds, this version is a little less impervious to attack, but just as terrifying! Measuring approximately 10" tall, this bust depicts the unstoppable (nearly!) killing machine in realistic detail! Fully painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (8644/120045) (CAUT: 4) Bust $45.00 IMPORT TOYS & MODELS Unless otherwise noted, all IMPORT TOYS & MODELS listings are: (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. ACTION FIGURE SUPPLIES 12" DOLL MIRRORED CASE Imported from Japan! Great for 12" fashion dolls like military figures and such, this 12 ½" x 5" x 6" x 4" mirrored case will help keep the dust away from your treasured plastic people! Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (491/TC041) Case $19.99 8" FIGURE MIRRORED CASE Imported from Japan!You know you need something upscale to preserve your Gundam kits. Look no further, bubba. Here is an 8" mirrored case that is specifically made for 1/100 Gundam kits or other 8" action figures. Measures approximately 9" x 6" x 4". Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (491/TC041) Case $15.99 PVC STAGE CASE Here's a nifty stage case that's great for storing your PVC's! No more boxes, man. You've got the real deal. Great for storing Gashapon (capsule toys), bottle cap, candy toys and other small figurines. This 3-level case measures approximately 11" x 6" x 4.5". Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (491/TC031) (CAUT: 3 & 4) Case $19.99 ANIME COMBAT ARMOR DOUGRAM PLASTIC MODEL KITS Imported from Japan! Model kits based on the classic 1981-83 Sunrise anime series, some of these kits were previously made available as a part of Revell's Robotech model kit line, but these are the originals — featuring original language boxes, instructions, and decals. These Japanese kits feature many moving parts and joints, and require painting and assembly. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4671) BUSHMAN—Kit $11.99 IRON FOOT—Kit $11.99 JAKT TYPE—Kit $11.99 SOLTIC GREEN TRANSPARENT—Kit $11.99 SOLTIC ROUND FACER—Kit $11.99 JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE JOSEPH JOESTAR FIGURE 2-PACK Imported from Japan! The latest release in Kotobukiya's JoJo series, sees the first ever action figure rendition of the patriarch of the Joestar clan: Joseph Joestar (Jotaro's grandfather). After saving the world, he married Susie Q. At this point, he develops a Stand, Hermit Purple, which takes the form of a tangle of thorn vines, which grow from his hand at will. The evil Hol Horse's power, The Emperor, is a phantom handgun with fires bullets that go wherever he wants them to find their mark! Joseph is a non-articulated figurine, but Hol Horse is fully articulated! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4898) 2-Pack $29.99 DEVILMAN BOTTLE CAP ASSORTMENT Approximately 3" tall, you can choose from 30 different 3" tall PVC caps that feature the various characters featured in the popular anime, Devilman! One of the newest collecting crazes from the Far East comes to the US, courtesy of Previews! These bottle caps are sold in closed boxes, in which the character enclosed is a mystery, similar to trading cards. Look for the 10 mystery character caps! Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4672/B402) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Bottle Cap Figurine $2.50Ea. CAPTAIN SCARLET CAPTAIN SCARLET SPECTRUM COMMAND TEAM SET Imported from England! Gerry Anderson's Captain Scarlet was yet another in his series of "Supermarionation" TV shows produced for British television, and sent around the world in the 60s. This set features three detailed die-cast vehicles from the series: Angel Interceptor Jet, Spectrum Patrol Vehicle, and Spectrum HeliJet. All three include built-in sound chips featuring authentic sound effects from the show! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (CAUT: 4) Set (x3) $32.99 CAPTAIN SCARLET SPECTRUM CLOUD BASE HQ PLAYSET Imported from England! Relive the excitement of a sortie launch from the deck of Captain Scarlet's giant airborne headquarters with this micro-scale Spectrum Cloud Base playset, complete with original sound bites from the TV show, working runway lights, a miniature Angel Interceptor, and two micro figures! Boxed. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (CAUT: 4) Playset $89.99 CAPTAIN SCARLET SPECTRUM PURSUIT VEHICLE Imported from England! This tank-like vehicle was Captain Scarlet's main vehicle in his war on the alien Mysterons! It features aunthentic engine sounds, firing rocket launcher, drop-down rear tank-treads, and working side ejector seat! Boxed. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (CAUT: 4) Die-Cast $24.99 FANTASY BERSERK GUTS HAWK SOLDIER ACTION FIGURE Based on the Dreamcast video game and hot Japanese manga title, this figure from the violent world of Berserk stands approximately 8 ½" tall is highly articulated (16 points of articulation!), and comes with an extra sword, head, and a knife. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4368/272071) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Honk Kong, or Malaysia. Action Figure $17.99 BERSERK ZODDO STATUES Imported from Japan! Limited to only 100 pieces each, these statues are sure to be coveted by die-hard fans of Berserk! The Zoddo statue comes with wings, and measures approximately 12" tall and 12" wide. The statue without wings measures approximately 12" tall and 11" wide. Both statues come in window boxes. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4368) WINGED ZODDO—Statue $199.99 ZODDO—Statue $159.99 GREAT MYSTERY MUSEUM COLLECTION PVC'S Imported from Japan! Packaged in closed boxes, these trading figures are in the ultimate collection style —they're cool PVC's! These are precise replicas selected from Estrine Dou Bledongue's The Great Mystery Museum Collection. This collection of PVC's contain: Mermaid Mummy; Jenny Hanniver; Skyfish; Chupacabra; Nessie (Loch Ness Monster); Lake Van Monster; Big Foot (Sasquatch); Flatwood Monster (Alien); Mothman (Alien); Gold Jet (gold, jet-like artifact); Dinosaur Figurines (dinosaur sculptures by ancient Indians who could not have known of dinosaurs); and the Crystal Skull. Unique collectibles from the master toy makers at Medicom. Scheduled to ship in December 2001. (4239) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. PVC SRP: $3.75 OFFERED AGAIN O/A GUIN 1:6 RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! From Kotobukiya Studios and famous sculptor Takayuki Takeya comes this handsome statue of cat warrior Guin. Showing the ferocious Guin preparing to pounce on an unwary victim from his treetop lair, this model will amaze your friends, and may make pets think twice before attacking your collection. Statue stands approximately 10" tall and comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in December 2001. (4898) Statue $185.00 ***************** FRENCH IMPORTS DOTTIE RESIN STATUE Imported from France! You've seen her in the comic book "Pin-Up." Her name is Dottie. She's the cute redhead from master French cartoonist Berthet. She's now sculpted by Fariboles, and stands approximately 8" tall. Complete with a Certificate of Authenticity, this cold cast porcelain resin statue also comes with a black-and-white print! Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4479) (CAUT: 4) Statue $225.00 GATCHAMAN GATCHAMAN G-FORCE FIVE-PIECE PVC FIGURE SET Imported from Japan! The original Japanese superhero team Gatchaman, known in the US as Battle Of the Planets and G- Force, finally gets the 3-D treatment! These PVC figurines stand approximately 3" to 4" tall, and are detailed down to their transparent "bird-style" helmet visors. Each figure comes with a base, and when all five bases are assembled, they create the distinctive "G" logo that each character wears on their belt. No need to hunt all five characters down separately, as they are sold as a set in their original Japanese window box packaging! Depending on what side of the world you grew up on, the set includes Ken, Joe, Jinpei, Jun, & Ryu (Gatchaman original Japanese names), or Mark, Jason, Keyop, Princess, & Tiny (Battle of the Planets Americanized version)! Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4014/56639) Set (x5) $15.99 GHOST IN THE SHELL OFFERED AGAIN O/A GHOST IN THE SHELL 12-INCH DOLLS Imported from Japan! Lt. Motoko Kusanagi, the title character in Masamune Shirow's anime/manga classic, Ghost in the Shell, is now a fully-articulated action doll! Standing approximately 12" tall, each doll features multiple points of articulation and a real cloth costume. Choose from "Black Fatigue" or "Urban Camouflage" versions, each with a submachine gun, pistol and a "cyborg" hand. Comes packaged in a fifth panel window box with Velcro closure! Available now! (4368) BLACK FATIGUE (Y27003)—Figure $29.99 URBAN CAMO (Y27002)—Figure $29.99 ********************* GUNDAM GUNDAM RX-79G MASTER GRADE 1/100 SCALE MODEL KIT Imported from Japan! Here's the ground-attack version of the Gundam as seen in the popular OVA series 08th MS Team. Bandai has worked their usual Master Grade magic with this kit –– it offers inner mechanical detail on the arms and legs, plus comes with a removable backpack unit that opens and allows storage of weapons, magazines, etc. Comes with multiple hands, beam, saber, 180mm cannon, two rifles with removable magazines, shield, and more. Requires snap-together assembly, painting optional. Guaranteed in stores September 5, 2001! (4847) Model Kit $52.99 JAPANESE GIANTS GETTER ROBO SMALL DOMES Imported from Japan! Go Nagai's original combining Super Robot, Getter Robo, is presented in all three combinations in dynamic action poses! Each robot is encased in a plastic dome, making it ideal for display on your desk or shelf along with your other Shogun Warrior robots! The removable dome stands approximately 3" tall and comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4812) GETTER 1––Dome $10.99 GETTER 2––Dome $10.99 GETTER 3––Dome $10.99 GODZILLA SMALL DOMES Imported from Japan! The massive Kaiju King, Godzilla, has been shrunken down to a more manageable size, and captured beneath a display dome! Great sculpting and detail embody each of these collectible figurines, in your choice of destructive landscapes! Each dome stands 3" tall and comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4812) IN THE CITY––Dome $13.99 IN THE SEA––Dome $13.99 ULTRASEVEN THREE-PIECE METAL FIGURE SET Imported from Japan! Iconic characters from Tsuburaya Productions' famous second Ultraman series, Ultraseven, have been immortalized in metal! This set includes Ultraseven, King Joe, and Icarus, all packaged in a tin case. Figures stand approximately 3" tall. Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4014) Set (x3) $39.99 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION OFFERED AGAIN O/A NEON GENESIS EVANGELION FIGURES Imported from Japan! Set in the year 2015 AD, the Earth is invaded by huge alien war machines known as the Angels. Now, mankind's only hope rests in the "Multi-Purpose Humanoid Fighting Machine" — a.k.a. the Evangelions!" Here are the doomed mecha themselves, the EVA Units 03 (Black EVA unit that gets "infected" by an evil Angel) and 04 (the American- built Silver EVA unit that doesn't fare too well in battle…), multi-articulated collectible figures that each come with an arsenal of accessories and variant pieces (head, arms, hands, etc.)! Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in December 2001. (4673) BLACK UNIT 03––Figure $14.99 SILVER UNIT 04––Figure $14.99 ********************* NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS JACK SKELLINGTON ACTION FIGURE #5 Imported from Japan! Previews Exclusive! The star of Tim Burton's animated classic, The Nightmare Before Christmas, is ready to take the spotlight again as this action figure –– the latest in the exclusive series! Each Jack carries an inimitable facial expression, but this may be the oddest yet. Is Jack squinting? Winking? Poked in the eye? You decide! And while you are figuring that out, be sure to display Jack alongside the two bonus figurines, one of the Vampires, and a dead man's best friend, Zero. Figure stands approximately 14" tall, and comes packaged on a collectible blister card, with distinctive graphics and a magenta doll stand. Guaranteed in stores September 9, 2001! (4672/N235) Figure $28.99 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS MUSICAL JEWELRY BOX Imported from Japan! This musical jewelry box is not your ordinary box; this one-of-a-kind piece features the star of Nightmare Before Christmas, Jack Skellington, on the front, with the movie's logo above. Open in it to find a mirror in the other side of the door, a hook for hanging, and four pull-out drawers, just like a real bureau! Stands 12" tall and plays the movie's theme song! Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4672/N257) Box $325.00 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS PVC BOX SET #1 A Previews Exclusive! Imported from Japan! Get ten of the most popular denizens of Halloweentown in one limited edition gift set! This set includes Jack, the three members of the Halloweentown band, Zero, Mayor, Corpse Boy, Behemoth, Easter Bunny, and the Werewolf! Packaged in an illustrated window box. Guaranteed in stores September 12, 2001! (4672/N237) Set $44.99 STAR WARS STAR WARS RESIN STATUES Specialty Market Exclusive! Imported from France! American Star Wars fans have never seen a more beautiful collection of resin statues… until now! From France comes this new series of limited edition resin statues, based on the greatest and most well-known sci-fi movie saga of all time! These gorgeous statues are sculpted and painted with the highest attention to detail, and every phase of their production was approved by Lucasfilm Ltd. Each statue is extremely limited for release in the U.S., and comes painted and ready to display. This month, choose from everyone's favorite bounty hunter, Boba Fett (15" tall) or Jedi Master Yoda (6 ½" tall). More characters from all four Star Wars films are to be released in the coming months — check future issues of Previews for details! Scheduled to ship in September 2001. (4149) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. These items are very limited, and allocations may occur. BOBA FETT (C133)––Figure $275.00 YODA (C110)––Figure $140.00 VIDEO GAMES DEAD OR ALIVE 2 ELENA RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! Tecmo's Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore is the follow-up to the mega-popular Dead or Alive fighting game, which set sales records in Japan and the United States. Produced by Epoch of Japan (makers of the Soul Calibur Action Figures), this D.O.A. 2 action figure masterfully brings to life the character as she appears in the game. Elena stands approximately 8" tall and comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in October 2001. (4818) Statue $69.99 SAMURAI SPIRITS SHIKI RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! Beautiful but deadly may be a genre cliché, but it has never been more apropos than for Shiki. Based on the video game Samurai Spirits (Samurai Showdown in the U.S.), this 8"tall statue come painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in December 2001. (4818) Statue $69.99 ARMORED CORE 2: ANOTHER AGE ACTION FIGURES Imported from Japan! Kotobukiya's awesome line of walking weapon arsenals! Playstation 2 will soon explode with the release of Armored Core 2: Another Age, the latest installment in the popular robot warfare video game. As the title implies, it is "Another Age," and the AC's of the Armored Core world are better, faster, stronger, and deadlier than their ancestors! This release serves up two different A.C.s to choose from: the gray ZCH-GR/1, and the red ECL-ONE. Both measure approximately 7" tall and feature multiple points of articulation. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in December 2001. (4898) GRAY––Figure $18.99 RED––Figure $18.99 TEKKEN TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT ACTION FIGURES Imported from Japan! Produced by Epoch of Japan (makers of the Soul Calibur Action Figures), this first assortment of Tekken Tag Tournament Action Figures captures the stylized look and attitudes of these video game combatants! Each figure measures approximately 7" tall and comes packaged on a full-color blister card package. This series is scheduled to include: Kazuya Mishima (Karate/Mishima-style fighter from parts unknown), Jun Kazama (Kazama-style martial artist from Japan), Eddy Gordo (Capoeira fighter from Brazil), and Lei Wulong (Martial artist from China). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in November 2001. (4818) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $10.99Ea. VIRTUAL ON: APHARMD ACTION FIGURES Imported from Japan! The latest release in Kaiyodo's best-selling Virtual On series is two versions of the Apharmd mecha! The "Battler" version features two machine pistols, four pairs of variant hands, and more! The "Striker" version comes with missile pod, bazooka, and four pairs of variant hands. And like all other previous Virtual On action figure releases, the Apharmd robot features multiple points of articulation for a wealth of posing possibilities! Blister card packaging. "Battler" is Scheduled to ship in September 2001; "Striker" in December 2001. (4673) THE BATTLER––Figure $20.99 THE STRIKER––Figure $20.99 PREVIEWS TOY STORE BACKLIST AEON FLUX COLD CAST RESIN STATUE $59.95 STAR06200 AMBASSADOR G-KAR COLD CAST BUST $59.95 MAY013095 ARMORED TROOPER VOTOMS KUBRICK BOX SET B $12.99 STAR12222 BADROCK BUST $59.95 STAR06198 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA COLD CAST REPLICA $59.95 STAR06201 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA CYLON BASESTAR REPLICA $59.95 AUG972794 BETTY BOOP LIMITED BLACK & WHITE RESIN BUST $59.95 DEC992348 BETTY BOOP LIMITED FULL COLOR RESIN BUST $59.95 DEC992349 BONE 2000 ACTION FIGURE ASST $12.99 AUG002926 BUFFY SPIKE ORIGINAL EXCLUSIVE FIGURE $16.95 FEB012026 CHAOS LADY DEATH SWORD #1 DARKNESS $75.00 STAR12273 DANGER GIRL ACTION FIGURE ASST PI STAR10745 EMPEROR PALPATINE BUST $59.95 STAR08432 E.T. INTERACTIVE FIGURE $45.00 FEB005108 ETERNAL TOYS DARK ALLIANCE ACTION FIGURES $13.99 NOV002987 ETERNAL TOYS LTD UNPAINTED CHASTITY FIGURE $12.95 DEC001884 ETERNAL TOYS LTD UNPAINTED JADE FIGURE $12.95 DEC001885 ETERNAL TOYS LTD UNPAINTED LUCIFER FIGURE $12.95 DEC001886 ETERNAL TOYS LTD UNPAINTED PURGATORI FIGURE $12.95 DEC001887 FAMOUS COVERS BRING ON THE BAD GUYS FIGURES $15.99 STAR12808 FAMOUS COVERS DIVAS FIGURES $15.99 STAR12391 GETTER ROBO KUBRICK BOX SET 1 $12.99 AUG003009 GREEN GOBLIN COLD CAST BUST $59.95 STAR07590 GREEN LANTERN PVC SET 2 $39.95 STAR13258 HOODED ONE PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE GLOW FIGURE $12.99 OCT003078 KING KONG DLX ACTION FIGURE PI STAR12196 LEGION OF SUPER HEROES PVC SET $39.95 STAR09924 LOCUTUS OF BORG COLD CAST BUST $59.95 STAR07205 THE MATRIX 12 INCH NEO FIGURE $28.99 STAR12865 THE MATRIX 12 INCH TRINITY FIGURE $28.99 STAR12866 THE MATRIX SERIES TWO DELUXE ACTION FIGURES $9.75 STAR12868 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE BRANDE RODERICK APR DIE-CAST CAR $9.49 STAR12338 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE BROOKE BERRY MAY DIE-CAST CAR $9.49 STAR12339 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE CARA MICHELLE DEC DIE-CAST CAR $9.49 STAR13404 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE JANUARY DIE-CAST CAR $9.49 STAR12337 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE JULY DIE-CAST CAR $9.49 STAR12336 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE KERISSA FARE SEP DIE-CAST CAR $9.49 SEP995144 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE OCTOBER DIE-CAST CAR $9.49 SEP995145 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE PMOY 1999 DIE-CAST CAR $9.99 SEP003039 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE SHANNON STEWART JUN DIE-CAST CAR $9.49 STAR12342 PLAYBOY PLAYMATE SUMMER ALTICE AUG DIE CAST CAR $9.49 SEP995143 SAM KIETH'S THE MAXX LTD ED BUST $59.95 STAR06204 STAR TREK: DATA COLD CAST PORCELAIN BUST $59.95 MAR982786 STAR WARS: BOBA FETT BUST $89.95 STAR08776 STAR WARS: CANTINA BAND MEMBER RESIN BUST $69.95 STAR09459 STAR WARS: GREEDO RESIN BUST $59.95 STAR09464 STAR WARS: TUSKEN RAIDER BUST $69.95 STAR09460 T2: FLYING HUNTER KILLER COLD CAST REPLICA $59.95 STAR06202 THE X-FILES: DANA SCULLY RESIN BUST $59.95 STAR08663 THE X-FILES: FOX MULDER RESIN BUST $59.95 STAR08664 COLLECTIBLES & NOVELTIES: PRINTS & POSTERS 1000 EDITIONS OFFERED AGAIN O/A SIN CITY MOLLY'S ESCORT SERVICE PRINT Direct from Sin City to you by way of Spain, a classy 1000 Editions art poster featuring a superb design by Frank Miller that will make you feel like you're living in the Town Without Pity. Carefully printed on heavy art paper, this is a comic collectible you will treasure for years. (133/MEP272) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Spain. Print, 19x27 $12.95 O/A SIN CITY: THAT YELLOW BASTARD PRINT Another great image from Frank Miller's tough-as-nails crime comic saga, which is without a doubt one of the most compelling comic creations of the '90s. Superbly printed in Spain on heavy art paper. (133/MEP131) (STAR04007) NOTE: Not available in Spain. Print, 26x39, PC $19.99 O/A SIN CITY: HELL AND BACK PRINT Frank Miller's iconoclastic vision is brought to life with this 26" x 39" print, a stirring image of two people caught in the scope of a rifle, from Sin City. NOTE: Not available in Spain. (133/MEP501) (CAUT: 4) (STAR12348) Print, 26x39 $19.99 ******************* CBLDF DAWN OF THE DEAD MOVIE POSTER When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will walk the Earth! Acclaimed comics painter Brian Rood pays homage to a truly classic horror film, George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead. Still beloved by film and horror buffs, Dawn of the Dead remains one of the most nightmarish films ever made. Rood's fully-painted artwork captures the film's four heroic characters, surrounded by the most frightening zombies to ever rise from the grave. Rood created this movie poster as a benefit for the Comic Book Legal Defense, and all proceeds help protect free expression in comics. Full-color, measuring 17" x 22" on heavy matte stock. (8945) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 17x22 $10.00 COMIC ART OFFERED AGAIN O/A STEAM DETECTIVES YING & YANG PRINT SET This is a gorgeous set of two high-quality prints depicting the lovely ladies from Steam Detectives! One is of Ling Ling, the virtuous but adventurous nurse from Steam City, clad in all white, pure as fallen snow. The other is Lang Lang, her evil counterpart, dark as night, dressed from head to toe in black. Fully painted by series creator Kia Asamiya, these twin prints were made to compliment each other. The good and the evil, the black and the white, the Ling and the Lang, the ying and the yang. Prints measure 18" x 20" each. (4685/SDP01-FBY) (CAUT: 4) Set (x2) $20.00 ************** CROW CROW SIGNED AND NUMBERED LIMITED EDITION PRINTS Here are two 19 ½ " x 16" numbered, limited edition prints, signed by Crow creator James O'Barr! In "Abolution," Eric Draven stands in a snow-covered cemetery at night, surrounded by frost-covered tombstones, while in "Just Like Heaven," a woman lounges on a couch behind Eric as he stands in a pensive pose, with a bloody hand raised to his temple. Each print is limited to 1,500. (350) (CAUT: 4) ABSOLUTION—Print, 19x16 $18.99 JUST LIKE HEAVEN—Print, 19x16 $18.99 DYNAMIC FORCES OFFERED AGAIN O/A WOLVERINE WALL SCROLL Drawn by the artist team of Jae Lee and Jose Villarrubia! This incredible wall scroll measures 29" wide and 40" long! Featuring the image from the DF Exclusive Alternate cover to the X-Men Movie Prequel: Wolverine! Wall scroll, 29x40, FC $19.99 **************************** GREAT EASTERN BLACK HEAVEN WALL SCROLLS The animated smash Black Heaven kicks into life with these 31" x 43" full-color wall scrolls! Capture some of the high-flying drama by hanging these pictures in your favorite place! Scroll #1 features a girl with her guitar, encased in halos and angel wings, while #2 has three young ladies standing on a stage glancing seductively at you. (4632) (CAUT: 4) #1 (GE1342)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 #2 (GE1344)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 DRAGONBALL Z WALL SCROLLS The hit animated series Dragonball Z attacks walls worldwide with these full-color wall scrolls! Cell and Trunks cast serious glares at you in the first 31" x 43" scroll, and a handful of fighters from the show come flying toward you in the second scroll. (4632) (CAUT: 4) CELL/TRUNKS (GE1338)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 Z FIGHTERS (GE1339)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 FINAL FANTASY IX WALL SCROLLS Adelbert Steiner and Salamander Coral are featured in two separate 31" x 43" wall scrolls. Scroll #4 has Adelbert facing you down in full frontal attack mode, ready to draw his sword and strike, while Scroll #5 features Salamander looking to the right, into the distance, casting an imposing figure upon the landscape. (4632) (CAUT: 4) #4 (GE1304)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 #5 (GE1305)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 FINAL FANTASY: THE SPIRITS WITHIN POSTERS The Final Fantasy video game series is one of the most successful ever. With this year's release of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, expect the same success to begin in the film industry. These two 22" x 34" posters are based on images from the motion picture, one featuring the female character Aki, and the other showing a soldier aiming a gun, ready to shoot. Get prepared for the cinematic experience with a couple of sneak peeks from these posters. (4632) (CAUT: 4) AKI (GE5002)—Poster, 22x34 $4.99 GUN (GE5003)—Poster, 22x34 $4.99 HAKKENDEN WALL SCROLLS The characters of Hakkenden are featured here, in two 31" x 43" full-color wall scrolls! In Scroll #1, two warriors stand with swords drawn, ready to attack, and in Scroll #2, a woman casts a glance over her shoulder at you, knife drawn in opposite hand. Watch out! (4632) (CAUT: 4) #1 (GE1356)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 #2 (GE1347)—Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 SAMURAI Z WALL SCROLL #1 The animated warriors of Samurai X come kicking through your wall with this 31" x 43" wall scroll! Hang this one up on the wall and let everybody know that you don't take your interior decorating for granted! (4632/GE1334) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 31x43 $19.95 HEROES AND VILLAINS PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE CAPTAIN AMERICA SIGNED AND NUMBERED LIMITED EDITION PRINT A Previews 6-Month Exclusive! The Sentinel of Liberty, Captain America, is shown doing battle with Baron Zemo and a host of bad guys on this full-color, 23" x 17" print. Signed by Tom Palmer, this piece is tailor-made for any armchair patriot! Limited to 2,500, with a laser-etched medallion. (350) (CAUT: 4) Print, 23x17 $18.99 PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE DR. STRANGE SIGNED AND NUMBERED LIMITED EDITION PRINT A Previews 6-Month Exclusive! Marvel's "Master of Mysticism," Dr. Strange, is shown casting one of his spells here, as he conjures up Clea from a little cauldron of light. Signed by Kevin Nowlan and numbered to 2,500, this 23" x 17" print will bring the life out of anything near it! (350) (CAUT: 4) Print, 23x17 $18.99 MARVEL HEROES ELEKTRA WALL SCROLL #1 Assassin. Lover. Enigma. Driven by tragedy and honed by training, the femme fatale known as Elektra kills for hire, lives for thrills, and leaves destruction in her wake! This 29" x 40" wall scroll shows the mysterious character with weapons in hand, ready to make her next move! (4464/15513) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40 $17.95 ELEKTRA WALL SCROLL #2 Elektra is back, and the Marvel Knights imprint will never be the same again! Daredevil's former girlfriend is caught in an action pose, ready for battle! Wall scroll measures 29" x 40" and is ready to hang in your dojo! (4464/15510) (CAUT: 4) Wall Scroll, 29x40 $17.95 MOVIES & TV CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON POSTERS This martial arts/love story film from Ang Lee was a box office blockbuster in movie theatres last year, and now you can bring home some of the excitement of the film by grabbing a poster! Distant Place is just that, a serene shot taken from a few steps back of some of the film's main characters. The Movie Score poster is a close-up of stars Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh. (4690) (CAUT: 4) DISTANT PLACE (ST2816)—Poster $4.99 MOVIE SCORE (ST2813)—Poster $4.99 RESERVOIR DOGS MR. BLONDE POSTER From director Quentin Tarantino's cult classic film Reservoir Dogs comes this poster based on the character played by Michael Madsen, Mr. Blonde. His signature quote, "Are you gonna bark all day, little doggie, or are you gonna bite?" is featured next to him as he leans against a pole, casually sipping a drink. A must for any fan of the manic, ultra-violent, classic film. (4690/ST2762) (CAUT: 4) Poster $4.99 SIMPSONS POSTERS Springfield's royal family, the Simpsons, are out on a family cruise to the beach in the aptly named Family Drive poster, while Homer contemplates having an ice cold Duff in the Got Beer? poster. (4498) (CAUT: 4) FAMILY DRIVE (486)—Poster $6.99 GOT BEER? (558)—Poster $6.99 STARGATE SG-1 POSTER Richard Dean Anderson and his crew from Stargate SG-1 are featured in this full-color poster! Hop on board this space-age sensation by snatching up one of these! NOTE: Not available in the U.K. U.K. may purchase from U.K. vendors. (133/0111) (CAUT: 4) Poster $5.99 TIMMY AND THE LORDS OF THE UNDERWORLD POSTER It's the greatest rock n' roll band in all of South Park, Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld! Hang their poster on your wall and complete your collection of the greatest bands of all time. Timmy! (4498/564) (CAUT: 4) Poster $6.99 THUNDERBIRDS THUNDERBIRDS CAST POSTER Thunderbirds are go! From the hit "supermarionation" television series comes this poster, featuring the cast of characters from the show. Scott, Virgil, and the rest of the Tracy family are pictured, along with Lady Penelope and one of their ships! Not to be missed by Thunderbirds enthusiasts! (133/0123) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in the U.K. U.K. may purchase from U.K. vendors. Poster $5.99 COLLECTIBLES & NOVELTIES ANIME BADTZ MARU SQUEEZIE WATER GLOBE A sweet 5" x 3.75" water globe that's a must-have item for the Badtz-Maru fan! Decorate your home with this new collectible that celebrates the antics of the original space warrior! (6262/JY015B) (CAUT: 4) Water Globe $8.99 HELLO KITTY SQUEEZIE WATER GLOBE If it's cuteness that you need to make your dreary day more bearable, then this Hello Kitty 5" x 3.75" water globe is just the thing to help part those annoying rain clouds! (6262/JK015K) (CAUT: 4) Water Globe $8.99 TENCHI MUYO STAINED GLASS DESIGN Images from the anime television/movie are freeze-framed for eternity behind real glass on this 8" x 10" framed glass design that glows in the dark for 10 hours when it's lit for only one hour! (4150/140072) (CAUT: 4) Glass Design $39.99 BACK TO SCHOOL ARMY OF DARKNESS TIN LUNCHBOX This amazing full-sized retro metal lunch box is made in an exclusive three-part design (exactly like the ones from the 60's). Includes metal drink container and metal arm to hold the drink container in place. Numbered and limited to only 5,000! (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $18.99 BATMAN ADDRESS BOOK Keep your friends organized and ready to reach with this handy address book that sports keen artwork of Gotham's Dark Knight detective! (334/90000) (CAUT: 4) Address Book (Note Price) $12.95 BATTLESTAR GALACTICA TIN LUNCHBOX This amazing full-sized retro metal lunch box is made in an exclusive three-part design (exactly like the ones from the 60's). Features artwork based on the original Battlestar Galactica TV series! Includes metal drink container and metal arm to hold the drink container in place. Numbered and limited to only 5,000! (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $18.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER WIRE NOTEBOOK Go to class with some class. Anyone can buy a notebook at the school store. But you'll be Mr. and Mrs. Cool with this wire notebook that sports sweet graphics of Buffy and Angel from the Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV series! NOTE: Not available in the U.K. (133/13007) (CAUT: 4) Notebook $7.25 CATWOMAN ADDRESS BOOK Selina Kyle is here to scratch up your furniture and take over the house litter box! She's taking over your inventory of phone numbers with this handy address book! (334/90000) (CAUT: 4 ) Address Book $12.95 DANZIG LUNCHBOX A founding member of the legendary underground band, The Misfits, Glenn Danzig is here to rock out on a full-sized retro metal lunch box made in an exclusive three-part design (exactly like the ones from the 60's). Features classic Danzig artwork! Numbered and limited to only 5,000! (6338) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Does not include drink container. Lunchbox $13.99 ROCKY TIN LUNCHBOX Yo, Adrian! The southpaw slugger from Philadelphia is back to take another shot at Apollo Creed on this collectible full-sized retro metal lunch box made in an exclusive three-part design (exactly like the ones from the 60's). Features classic artwork from the first Rocky film! Includes metal drink container and metal arm to hold the drink container in place. Numbered and limited to only 5,000! (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $18.99 RUDOLPH SNOWFLAKE LUNCH TIN Roomy to include all your favorite munchies and a beverage, this 8" x 6" x 8" lunch tin features classic artwork based on the classic Rudolph cartoon. The only seasonal "snowflake" that won't melt, this lunch tin is made of sturdy aluminium material! (8701/RRRLBX1) (CAUT: 4) Lunch Tin $19.99 SIMPSONS TIN WASTE BIN A handy "File 13" with cool Simpsons graphics, here's a 19" tall waste bin that measures 11" in diameter. You can use this cylindrical device to store your discarded donut holes, Duff beer cans, and other important things — like bills. (4921/4787) (CAUT: 4) Waste Bin $7.99 WONDER WOMAN JOURNAL Princess Diana can be trusted to throw a magic lasso over anyone to get the truth about whether they leafed through this personalized journal you keep. Sporting cool Wonder Woman graphics, this is a journal that's as beautiful as it is practical! (334) (CAUT: 4) Journal $12.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER BRONZE CROSS CERAMIC SHOOTER Just watch your "blood" alcohol content increase with this 2.5-ounce glass that features the bronze cross logo. Guaranteed to draw compliments to any bar collection! (870/BVSSHTR5) (CAUT: 4) Shooter $6.99 CHAOS! LUCIFER COFFIN FLASK When it's time to fill your gullet with firewater, reach for this flask featuring art of Chaos' evil star character, Lucifer. One look at this flask, and you'll know what to expect from it's contents! (4922/01385) (CAUT: 4) Flask $35.99 LUCIFER GOBLET Aye, lads. Sometimes we must celebrate the spoils of war, especially when the pillaging and plundering went well! So let us raise our arms in triumph, brandishing this Lucifer goblet, which pays homage to our ultimate brother of pain! (4922/01422) (CAUT: 4) Goblet $19.99 LUCIFER LIGHTER C'mon baby, light my fire. And when you do it, do it with a wicked gleam in your eye. Show off this Lucifer Lighter, and whisper how it'll be a hot time in the city tonight—especially since the Prince of Evil is playing pyro! (4922/01408) (CAUT: 4) Lighter $6.99 LUCIFER SHOT GLASS It's time to slam some of 'em back fellas. And we aint' talking glasses of milk. This is glassware meant for the nightlife living. So when it's time to enjoy a round, do it with Lucifer! Chaos' reigning Lord of Lies is here to help you party down! (4922/01392) (CAUT: 4) Shot glass $5.99 CLASSIC FILM AND TELEVISION THREE STOOGES GOLF BALL COOKIE JAR Those wacky Stooges are back to poke you in the eye, and slap your nose silly on this collectible cookie jar in the shape of a golf ball. A 10" stronghold for peanut butter, chocolate, and raisin cookie bliss. (4458/8878) (CAUT: 4) Cookie Jar SRP: $48.99 THREE STOOGES SHOT GLASS SET If you're looking to get silly, then there's no better way to start the party then with the kings of slapstick comedy. The famous Three Stooges grace these collectible glass shot glasses! (4205/5030) (CAUT: 4) Set(x3) $24.99 WIZARD OF OZ BOBBERS The big girls of magic from the classic Wizard of Oz film can hang out with you at home, or at the office. Choose from Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, or the Wicked Witch of the West, with her trademark catch phrase "I'll Get You My Pretty" inscribed at the base. Bobbers measure 5.75" x 4.25" x 6.75". (6500) (CAUT: 4) GLINDA (71653)—Bobber $19.99 WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST (71553)—Bobber $19.99 DC HEROES BATMAN STEIN If it's a night for cold beverages, if it's a stein night, then you'll want to kick off your personal gametime in style. If you're a fan of the Batman, then you'll be killing two birds with one stone by picking up this Batman stein that features artwork of the Caped Crusader and his sidekick, Robin! (4205/5014) (CAUT: 4) Stein $39.99 DC SUPERGIRLS FIVE PIECE MAGNET SET Those lovely ladies that populate the DC Universe have taken a leave of absence from their monthly comic book titles to spruce up your fridge, and other metal surfaces. Female power is here in all its glory, thanks to Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Catwoman. (6262) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America. Set(x5) $9.50 FANTASY BROM POSTCARD SET You've seen his work from Dungeons & Dragons, Dark Sun, Deadlands, and countless card games. Now there's a collection worth climbing a mountain. Here are 20 pieces of art from Brom spread throughout a collectible postcard set. (138/602001) (CAUT: 2 & 4) Set(x20) $19.95 KIT RAE FANG OF BAELIN KNIFE This Kit Rae design was inspired by the Baelin, a great fanged beast created by the Dark One to guard his treasure hoards. This wild fantasy knife with a 4 7/8" blade length features a highly detailed cast aluminum handle with a weathered gray-metal finish and stainless steel blades, sharpened on the inside only. Includes a hardwood display stand with a black lacquered finish, and a Certificate of Authenticity. (4792/KR3S)(CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America. Knife $58.99 WEREWOLF KLAIVE This is a full-sized replica of the noble Garou's most prized weapon in their battle against the Wyrm. Nearly 2.5 feet long, this stainless steel razor-sharp blade is intended for display purposes only. The overall blade length is 18.5". The blade is made of 420 stainless steel. The handle is made of genuine leather, with a wrapped grip over the hardwood handle. (615/5590) (CAUT: 4) Knife $175.00 LORD OF THE RINGS LORD OF THE RINGS ORNAMENTS The focal point of J.R.R.'s Lord of the Rings, the great wizard Gandalf is just one of several characters immortalized for all time on highly detailed ornaments! Choose from several memorable faces that commemorate Tolkien's timeless tale. These ornaments are approximately 4" tall.(5021) (CAUT: 4) GANDALF (5659065)—Ornament $9.99 GIMLI (5659067)—Ornament $9.99 LEGOLAS (5659083)—Ornament $9.99 STRIDER (5659066)—Ornament $9.99 LORD OF THE RINGS SECRET BOXES These 6" tall secret boxes link together to form a ring of star players from the monumental Tolkien epic! Highly collectible, and sure to be a great addition for anyone's gift list! (5021) (CAUT: 4) ARWEN THE ELVEN PRINCESS (5659049)—Secret Box $18.99 GIMLI AND LEGOLAS (5659045)—Secret Box $18.99 SARUMAN (5659047)—Secret Box $18.99 STRIDER (5659046)—Secret Box $18.99 LORD OF THE RINGS STING SWORD This detailed sword — carried by Bilbo and Frodo Baggins in all three films of the Lord of the Rings trilogy — is presented with a hardwood wall display plaque and a Certificate of Authenticity. With a 14" blade length, the sword's handle has a hardwood handgrip with a metallic leaf design. A solid metal guard and pommel displays a metallic leaf design. (4792/UC1264) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America. Sword $209.99 MARVEL HEROES OFFERED AGAIN O/A DRAW THE MARVEL COMICS SUPER HEROES John Romita, Sr. — former executive art director at Marvel comics and one of the Spider-Man artists — collaborated with children's art instructor Richard Becker to produce this excellent hands-on introduction to the wonderful world of comic book illustration. This complete, ready-to-draw-in collection features blank pages and tracing paper bound right in, tons of tips and techniques from the pros, plus a zip-lock style plastic pouch containing a pencil and four colorful markers. Spiral-bound. (9369) (STAR01096) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x8, 94pg, FC $14.99 **************** ELEKTRA MOUSE PADS Greg Horn's spectacular cover art for the new Marvel Elektra series is now available on these computer mouse pads. Necessary accessories of the femme fatale who is both assassin, lover, and enigma. (4464) (CAUT: 4) #1 (15522)—Mouse pad $9.99 #2 (15523)—Mouse pad $9.99 ELEKTRA PIN SET Here are 2" tall pins that feature Matt Murdock's former girlfriend in a variety of poses. Includes a Special Edition Pin Scroll that is "silk-like," and designed specifically to hold the entire Elektra pin collection. (4464) (CAUT: 4) Set(x5) $24.99 X-MEN MOVIE CYCLOPS VISOR PROP A Previews Exclusive until April 2002! Originally $89.99, this prop is now available only from Previews at $54.99! If not for his ruby quartz visor, Cyclops would be locked away as a threat to us all because of his rhinoceros-raging optic blasts. Here's a 1:1 scale Visor Prop of Scott Summer's life-saving apparatus as seen in the movie. No, this limited edition collectible can't punch big holes through mountains, but it does light up! Comes on a handsome display stand, too! (4464/83003) RES. from Previews Vol. X #4 (APR002949) Prop $54.99 MOVIES & TV THE SOPRANOS: BADA BING! GIRL ASHTRAY Bright red accents of The Sopranos logo and Bada Bing girl make this an enticing addition for your Sopranos memorabilia! The expression says it all. Bada-bing! (870/SOPASH1) (CAUT: 4) Ash tray $5.50 PLANET OF THE APES PLANET OF THE APES BLUE APE & FLAG STEIN Down 15 ounces of your favorite beverage in this new blue and yellow glass stein that flaunts character art based on the Planet of The Apes movie by Tim Burton. (870/POTASTEIN2) (CAUT: 4) Stein $10.99 PLANET OF THE APES "WAR ZONE" PHOTO SET Here are five 8" x 10" glossy images from the awesome 20th Century Fox movie release Planet of the Apes. This set includes pictures of Leo, Krull, Thade, and Atar in all their glory! (870/POTASET3) (CAUT: 4) Set(x5) $29.99 POP CULTURE COCA COLA CAN COOKIE JAR If it's a cookie jar you need, but one that compliments the notoriety of your favorite soft drink, then look no further than this 11" Coca Cola Can Cookie Jar that plays the sound of coke bubbling when the lid is opened. A great early warning device for those invaders of your chocolate chip goodies! (587/791342) (CAUT: 4) Cookie Jar $55.99 YELLOW SMILEY FACE COOKIE JAR A 10" cookie jar in the shape of the timeless "Have A Nice Day" smiley face. Of course it's going to be a busy day if this is your stronghold for sweets—anyone seeing this welcome face is bound to ask you for a snack! (587/647594) (CAUT: 4) Cookie Jar $33.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A WITCHBLADE "BE-WITCHED" LUNCHBOX Be the ruler of the cafeteria with this one! One of the coolest Witchblade products ever created, this heavy-duty, all-metal lunchbox is the perfect addition to any collection! Perfect for display, as a carrying case, supply holder, or even as a lunchbox, this first in a collection of ultra cool lunch boxes just has to be yours! Measures 6 5/8" x 7 15/16" x 3 7/8". Limited to 500 pieces. Lunchbox $14.99 *********** SCI-FI ANDROMEDA "TRAVEL THE GALAXIES" PHOTO SET Support the #1 syndicated Gene Roddenberry series starring Kevin Sorbo as Captain Dylan Hunt. This photo set includes five glossy 8" x 10" photos of the cast, Dylan, Trance, Harper, and Tyr. (870/ANDSET1) (CAUT: 4) Set(x5) $29.99 SCOOBY DOO SCOOBY SNACKS BOX Each 12-ounce box is filled with Mystery Machine-shaped cookies that are perfect for munching at snack time, lunchtime, or any time! (6411/1405) (CAUT: 4) Box $3.99 SCOOBY DOO SNACK BOWL Your favorite canine can eat with Scooby Doo when you let him or her feed from this 6.5" x 4" x 7.5" snack bowl that features artwork of the lovable doggie detective! (6500/16004) (CAUT: 4) Bowl $19.99 SIMPSONS SIMPSONS AIR FRESHENER #2 Homer Simpson shows off his best feature on this air freshener that helps alleviate odors in your car, truck, boat, home, or office! (4122/ASIM2) (CAUT: 4) Air Freshener $2.99 SIMPSONS FISSION HOLE 300-PIECE PUZZLE A 13" x 19" puzzle paying homage to the First Family of Springfield! (850/97355) (CAUT: 4) Puzzle $4.99 SIMPSONS MOE CLOCK Everyone slams a few down after work at Moe's. Why should you be any different? This Moe clock can be used in three modes: it can flash continuously, flash on the hour, or be switched off. Either way, you've got a way to tell whether or not you have time for another round! (133) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in the U.K. Clock $26.99 SIMPSONS RUBBER WALL PLAQUES Here are plaques that you can display to create your own Simpsons shrine! Keep people out of your room with Bart threatening to bean someone with a slingshot. Announce you're on permanent snack break with a sign showing Homer declaring "Do-Nut Disturb!" Send messages to houseguests and visitors to your personal space with these collectible rubber wall plaques that say it all! NOTE: Assortment contains 12 plaques, with no guarantee of the mix. (133) (CAUT: 4) Wall Plaque SRP: $5.99Ea. SIMPSONS ADULT OVERHEAD MASKS If it's a costume party that's on your agenda for the night, then you'll want to check out these adult-sized overhead masks of Springfields' greatest underachievers: Bart and Homer Simpson. The may not make great role models, but they sure make for great masks! (4289) (CAUT: 4) BART (204906)—Mask $24.00 HOMER (205006)—Mask $24.00 TOMB RAIDER TOMB RAIDER PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE WALL CLOCKS Previews Exclusives! Whether you see Angelina Jolie's silhouette, or her breathtaking profile, it's the sight of this muscular actress as Lara Croft that makes you hesitate. It's the perfect fit! On a circular wall clock or a triangular alarm clock, Angelina is featured as Lara Croft from this summer's hit movie! A real collector's item for the Tomb Raider buff that's got to have it all! (4631) (CAUT: 4) WALL CLOCK (TR04) $26.00 ALARM CLOCK (TR05) $16.25 WACKY WOBBLERS POPEYE WACKY WOBBLER The squinty-eyed sailor is ready for trouble, whether it be Bluto, or anyone else who threatens his frail love, Olive Oyl. As a Wacky Wobbler, Popeye is ready to rock and roll all day long! (4552) (CAUT: 4) Wobbler $11.00 PINK PANTHER WACKY WOBBLER That sly cat that eludes the probing detective is ready to hang out with you — as long as the day proves to be a lazy one! Get this Wacky Wobbler of the Pink Panther, and join the Cool Cat club, man! (4552) (CAUT: 4) Wobbler $11.00 SUPPLIES E. GERBER PRODUCTS OFFERED AGAIN O/A ACID-FREE BOXES CURRENT – GOLD These white boxes with lids comply with strict government standards for acid-free construction. They are made of virgin wood cellulose, the acid-free corrugated cardboard maintains a minimum alkaline pH 7.5. Their easy, snap assembly requires neither glue nor tape. Sold in quantities of 5; ship flat. BOX (20/SUPPLY596)—15 x 8 x 11½ PI O/A ACID-FREE BOXES CURRENT – GOLD DOUBLEWALLED This is the top of the line comic storage box. Made from the same material currently used by the Library of Congress preservation department, these tan-colored boxes are perfect for any discriminating collector's comics. These boxes are made of acid-free, lignin-free, high-alpha cellulose board with a 3% buffer to maintain a pH of 8.5 and feature alkaline sizing; no alum rosin sizing. They pass the photo activity test (ANSI IT9.2) and their easy, snap assembly requires neither glue nor tape. One piece construction with a flip top lid with heavy, double-walled corrugated construction, with triple-walled ends. Sold in quantities of 5; ship flat. BOX (22/SUPPLY597)—15 x 8 x 11½ PI O/A ACID-FREE BOXES SILVER/GOLD Grey corrugated boxes with lids that are acid-free with a 3% buffer. They have 200 lbs. strength and a minimum pH. of 8.5. SILVER/GOLD BOX (13/SUPPLY598)—15 x 8 ½ x 11 ½ PI SUPER GOLD/MAGAZINE BOX (15/SUPPLY599)—15 x 9 ¼ x 12 ½ PI O/A ARCHIVE SLEEVES These bags with their trademark 'S'-shaped flaps, "ease in" comics, holding them tightly to protect edges and corners. The flaps are 2" high, and do not fold over. The sleeves are made from pure 4 mil. thick Mylar; naturally resistant to moisture, mildew, acids, insects, rodents, mold, and decomposition; and are sold in packs of 50. Portfolio Art sold in packs of 10. PHOTO POSTER (1518R/SUPPLY605)—15 ½ x 18 ½ PI CURRENT (700R/SUPPLY606)—7x10½ PI GOLD (800R/SUPPLY607)—8 x 11 PI LEGAL SIZE (914R/SUPPLY609)—9 x 14 ½ PI LOBBY CARDS & PHOTOS (1114R/SUPPLY610)—11 ½ x 14 ½ PI PLAYBOY (1013R/SUPPLY618)—10 x 13 PI PORTFOLIO ART (1117R/SUPPLY619)—11 ½ x 17 ½ (no flaps) PI POSTERS (2436R/SUPPLY616)—24 ½ x 36 ½ PI READER'S DIGEST PBS (625R/SUPPLY621)—6 ¼ x 8 5/8 PI SILVER/GOLD (775R/SUPPLY623)—7 ¾ x 10 ½ PI STANDARD (725R/SUPPLY624)—7 ¼ x 10 ½ PI MAGAZINE (900R/SUPPLY625)—9 x 12 PI SUPER GOLD (825R/SUPPLY626)—8 ¼ x 11 PI TABLOID ART (1218R/SUPPLY627)—12 ½ x 18 ½ PI O/A ARCHIVE "L" SLEEVES The "L" sleeves have two sides open and two sides sealed. "L" sleeves have the same features as the regular sleeves and are made from pure 4 mil. thick Mylar; naturally resistant to moisture, mildew, acids, insects, rodents, mold, and decomposition; and are sold in packs of 50. Portfolio Art sold in packs of 10. L ART NEWSPAPER (1721L/SUPPLY628)—17 ¼ x 21 ½ PI L ART PHOTO POSTER (1518L/SUPPLY629)—15 ½ x 18 ½ PI L ART PHOTO MAPS (1824L/SUPPLY630)—18 ¼ x 24 ½ PI L CURRENT (700L/SUPPLY631)—6 ¾ x 10 ½ PI L GOLD (800L/SUPPLY632)—7 ¾ x 11 PI L LEGAL SIZE (914L/SUPPLY634)—8 ¾ x 14 ½ PI L POSTERS (2436L/SUPPLY641)—24 ¼ x 36 ½ PI L PLAYBOY (1013L/SUPPLY643)—9 ¾ x 13 PI L POSTER MAPS (4331L/SUPPLY645)—31 x 43 PI L SILVER/GOLD (775L/SUPPLY648)—7 ½ x 10 ½ PI L STANDARD (725L/SUPPLY649)—7 x 10 ½ PI L MAGAZINE (900L/SUPPLY650)—8 ¾ x 12 PI L SUPER GOLD (825L/SUPPLY651)—8 x 11 PI O/A FULL-BACKS ACID FREE BOARDS Full-Backs offer the extra rigidity you need for those irreplaceable comics! These are the highest quality boards found anywhere! The boards are made from 100% acid-free, virgin wood, cellular fiber, 42 mil. thick cardboard; contain 3% alkaline buffer and a pH content of 8.0-8.5; are twice as thick as regular backing boards; and sold in packs of 50. CURRENT (675FB/SUPPLY583)—6 ¾ x 10 3/8 PI GOLD (758FB/SUPPLY584)—7 5/8 x 10 ½ PI LG COMIC MAG & LETTER (825FB/SUPPLY585)—8 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI MAGAZINES (858FB/SUPPLY582)—8 5/8 x 11 ½ PI SILVER/GOLD (750FB/SUPPLY586)—7 ½ x 10 ½ PI STANDARD (700FB/SUPPLY587)—7 x 10 3/8 PI SUPER GOLD (778FB/SUPPLY588)—7 7/8 x 10 ½ PI O/A HALF-BACK ACID-FREE BOARDS Half-Backs are perfect for your more common comics where extra rigidity is not needed. Boards are made from 100% acid- free virgin wood, cellular fiber, 24 mil. thick cardboard; contains a 3% alkaline buffer and a pH content of 8.0-8.5; and are sold in packs of 100. CURRENT (675HB/SUPPLY590)—6 ¾ x 10 3/8 PI GOLD (758HB/SUPPLY591)—7 5/8 x 10 ½ PI LG COMIC MAG & LETTER (825HB/SUPPLY592)—8 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI MAGAZINES (858HB/SUPPLY589)—8 5/8 x 11 ½ PI SILVER/GOLD (750HB/SUPPLY593)—7 ½ x 10 ½ PI STANDARD (700HB/SUPPLY594)—7 x 10 3/8 PI SUPER GOLD (778HB/SUPPLY595)—7 7/8 x 10 ½ PI O/A MINI-ARCHIVE SLEEVES These mini-archive sleeves are just the right size for all of the smaller items that need to be stored. They are made from 4 mil. thick Mylar and do not have flaps. BOWMAN BASEBALL CARD (278R/SUPPLY656)—2 7/8 x 4 PI SPORT & GAME (275R/SUPPLY662)—2 ¾ x 3 ¾ PI O/A MYLITES SLEEVES 2 The best raw plastic material available for permanent protection and storage! At 2 mil, these are twice as thick as ordinary Mylites! They are resistant to aging, decomposition, moisture, oxygen, and gas penetration; not affected by fungus, mold, or mildew; and immune to insect and rodent attack! Sold in packs of 50. (4670) CURRENT (700M2/SUPPLY668)—7 x 10 ¾ PI GOLD (800M2/SUPPLY669)—8 x 10 ¾ PI PLAYBOY (1013M2/SUPPLY673)—10 x 13 PI SILVER/GOLD (775M2/SUPPLY677)—7 ¾ x 10 ¾ PI MAGAZINE (900M2/SUPPLY679)—9 x 12 PI STANDARD (725M2/SUPPLY678)—7 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI SUPER GOLD (825M2/SUPPLY680)—8 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI O/A MYLITES SLEEVES The best raw plastic material available for preservation and storage! These are the lightest and most affordable comic sleeves made entirely from Mylar! They are made from 1 mil. thick Mylar type "D"; naturally resistant to aging, decomposition, moisture, oxygen, and gas penetration; not affected by fungus, mold, or mildew, and immune to insects and rodent attack; sold in quantities of 100, not shrinkwrapped; and have a 1" fold over flap can be tucked in or taped closed. CURRENT (700M/SUPPLY665)—7 x 10 ¾ PI SILVER/GOLD (775M/SUPPLY664)—7 ¾ x 10 ¾ PI STANDARD (725M/SUPPLY666)—7 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI ********************* GAMES SECTION GAME TRADE MAGAZINE #19 Release Date: September, 2001 Hard core wargamers rejoice! The most challenging wargame of all time, Advanced Squad Leader graces the cover of Game Trade Magazine, along with an ASL module. GTM 19 $1.99 AGENTS OF GAMING FLEET ACTION BRAKIRI MINIATURES Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) AVIOKI HEAVY CRUISER AOG FA-2640 $9.95 BROKADOS CARRIER AOG FA-2645 $9.95 FALKOSI LIGHT FIGHTER AOG FA-2642 $9.95 HALIK FIGHTER KILER AOG FA-2643 $9.95 IKORTA ASSAULT CRUISER AOG FA-2644 $9.95 TASHKAT ADV CRUISER AOG FA-2641 $9.95 GROPOS RPG NARN SUPPLEMENT III Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) AOG GP-5013 $29.95 EARTH AIR CALVARY COMPANY Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) AOG GP-5112 $59.95 EARTH FRIGGA TRANSPORT AOG GP-5108 $14.95 EARTH MECHANIZED INFANTRY COMPANY AOG GP-5111 $59.95 EARTH ODIN SUPPORT TANK PLATOON AOG GP-5106 $19.95 EARTH TANK THOR COMPANY AOG GP-5110 $59.95 EARTH VALKRIES GUNSHIP AOG GP-5107 $14.95 ALDERAC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP 7TH SEA: VENDEL PERSONALITIES #2 AEG 70603 $5.95 7TH SEA: VESTEN PERSONALITIES #2 AEG 70903 $5.95 DRAGON MIRUMOTO HITOMI DRAGON THUNDER AEG 50351 $4.95 DRAGONS The king of all fantasy beasts makes his triumphant appearance in this mammoth, 196-page addition to the D20 System core line, incorporating rules for dragon hunters, dragon riders, aerial combat, new dragons, and thoroughly re-defining the ten major dragons that started it all. AEG 8502 $24.95 RATLING HEROES #1 AEG 51350 $7.95 SCORPION BAYUSHI KACHIKO SCORPION THUNDER AEG 50951 $4.95 AMARILLO DESIGN BUREAU, INC. STARFLEET BATTLES: MODULE 4 OMEGA REBELLION (REVISED) This fourth volume in the series of Omega Sector Modules for Star Fleet Battles includes four new races, seventy-five new ships, and a dozen new weapons and systems. Scheduled for inclusion are the tiger-like Ryn, the Branthodons, the Qixa, and the Bolosco Merchants. The Omega Sector will be even more dangerous, and where there is danger, there is opportunity! Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) ADB 05664 $22.95 ATLAS GAMES MAIDEN VOYAGE A long-forgotten sea god seething with vengeance. An ill-fated crew on a vessel destined for despair. Unknown horrors lurking beneath the dark waters anxious to surface. Dare you set sail on the Maiden Voyage? Featured in this D20 System fantasy adventure for character Levels 1-3 you'll find diagrams of two seagoing vessels for players to explore, a cut-out section of NPC stats and background for easy reference, details on a new monster, The Sea Scourge, and a new monster template for GMs to apply to their unfortunate victims. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) ATG 3206 $9.95 CELL ENTERTAINMENT BOMBER (1) CRUSADER CEL 3-2203 $4.95 BOMBER (1) JAPANESE CEL 3-2303 $4.95 FIGHTER JET UNIT (3) CRUSADER CEL 3-2202 $5.95 FIGHTER JET UNIT (3) JAPANESE CEL 3-2302 $5.95 RONIN CRUSADER CEL 3-2111 $5.95 RONIN JAPANESE CEL 3-2110 $5.95 TANK UNITS (4) CRUSADER UNIT I CEL 3-2200 $4.95 TANK UNITS (4) CRUSADER UNIT II CEL 3-2201 $4.95 TANK UNITS (4) JAPANESE UNIT 1 CEL 3-2300 $4.95 TANK UNITS (4) JAPANESE UNIT II CEL 3-2301 $4.95 CRUSADER TEMPLAR (2) CEL 3-2204 $3.95 JAPANESE ASHIGARU (2) CEL 3-2304 $3.95 RONIN WAR 2-PLAYER STARTER Ronin War provides a rich background and intense, fierce setting for the Ronin customizable 60mm scale miniatures game. Designed for experienced table-top players and Ronin Duel enthusiasts, the extensive rules cover more aspects of future fighting, skirmish battles and massive campaigns with complete armies featuring the devastating Ronin, the medium-sized Ashigaru and Templars, and squads of tanks and aircraft. Additionally, Ronin War introduces several new nationalized Ronin designs, weapons and equipment. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) CEL 3-2100 $39.95 CORSAIR PUBLISHING CAMPAIGN MAGAZINE #1 Introducing the most comprehensive bi-monthly publication devoted to the revolutionary D20 System! Campaign Magazine is jam-packed with D20 System-specific news, reviews, interviews, product previews, new prestige classes, spells, monsters, magic items, and more, plus each issue boasts two adventures to incorporate into your D20 System campaign setting! Visionaries John Tynes, Don Perrin, and John Wick are among the numerous contributors heralding this first epic issue! Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) CSR 5001 $5.00 O/A SKETCH! RPG Pack your pencil and journey to Sketch, center of the known universe! An introductory battle game that can be expanded into a full-fledged adventure game, Sketch uses a revolutionary system where characters are created simply by drawing them, yet allows anything from stick figures to the Mona Lisa to play. So, design a new identity, and leap into a never-ending conflict between good and evil. CSR 0500 $6.95 DECIPHER, INC JEDI KNIGHTS TCG: MASTERS OF THE FORCE In the second expansion set for the Jedi Knights TCG, players battle for control of the galaxy with new Themes of Yoda and Emperor Palpatine. Also included are new Force cards and expanded Themes for characters from previous Jedi Knights sets. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT: 3 & 4) STARTER DISPLAY DCR 716-D $118.44 STARTER DECK DCR 716-S $11.95 BOOSTER DISPLAY DCR 717-D $118.44 BOOSTER PACK DCR 717-S $3.29 STAR TREK CCG: BORG BOOSTER DISPLAY Initially introduced in the Star Trek: First Contact expansion series representing a fully-playable affiliation, the Borg's forboding presence returns to plague the Star Trek CCG universe in this first expansion to the Voyager product line. Resistance is futile! NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT3 & :4) BOOSTER DISPLAY DCR TBA06-D $98.70 BOOSTER PACK DCR TBA06-S $3.29 YOUNG JEDI CCG: BOONTA EVE POD RACE BOOSTER DISPLAY Suit up for the Boonta Eve Pod expansion for the Star Wars Young Jedi CCG! In addition to enhancing the game elements introduced in previous sets, including new Effects and Locations, this exciting series features podracing, offering the hotrod pilots and their monstrous racing machines more strategic uses. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) BOOSTER DISPLAY DCR TBA07-D $98.70 BOOSTER PACK DCR TBA07-S $3.29 EAGLE GAMES, INC. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR BOARDGAME Lead armies into battle, build navies, emancipate the slaves, enact conscription, or attempt to influence European involvement in the struggle to tip the balance during the historic struggle that divided a nation. Featured in this strategic and tactical simulation boardgame are hundreds of detailed miniature tokens, a full-color 46" x 36" gameboard depicting the Union, Confederacy, border states and parts of Mexico and Canada at the time of the Civil War, and three sets of rules from basic to advanced. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) EGL 100 $49.99 EDEN STUDIOS ALL FLESH MUST BE EATEN: PULP ZOMBIES Now you can add that "undead, flesh-eating" touch to your classic "Pulp Story" campaigns! This sourcebook for the All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG offers extensive background on the "Pulp Era", including character creation information, new rules for gadgets and mentalism powers, three pulp-specific settings including "The Hollow Earth","Zombies, Inc.", and "They Want Our Women", and a slew of new Zombie concepts as Chinese Rice, Maltese, and Re-Animator Zombies. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) EDN 08004 $20.00 EVIL POLISH BROTHERS, LLC ULTRA VILELENCE: MASTER CASTER & DIE CAST MESSIAH Ultra Vilelence is a fast-paced, expandable, random tile, monster generating game with "questionably maligned" characters and "vile" enemies, introducing multiple game settings as Deathmatch, Cooperative, Capture the Flag, and Solo. Each expansion contains two unique characters, monsters and their generators, items, traps and encounters. All full-color components include (8) 6.25" x 6.25" tiles and over 150 die cut pieces. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) MASTER CASTER & DIE CAST MESSIAH EPB UV1 $12.00 HEAD HUNTER & MIND BLEEDER EPB UV2 $12.00 FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES LEGENDS & LAIRS Introducing the third wave of eight exciting Legends & Lairs instant fantasy adventures for the D20 System. Each 16-page booklet presents a complete scenario, complemented with full-color maps, illustrations, new monsters, traps, and magic items to easily incorporate into your campaign setting. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DAGGERS AT MIDNIGHT (FFG DD-22) $3.95 DARWELL'S TOWER (FFG DD-21) $3.95 FRODERICK'S TOMB (FFG DD-23) $3.95 PUNISHING PASSAGE (FFG DD-26) $3.95 SEWER FIEND (FFG DD-20) $3.95 SPAWN OF SHURPANAKA (FFG DD-24) $3.95 STEAM DRAGON (FFG DD-19) $3.95 WEEPING TREE (FFG DD-25) $3.95 FANTASY PRODUCTIONS AVENTURIA CORE RULEBOOK The world of Aventuria awaits! Created in 1984, this top-selling German RPG, "Das Schwarze Auge", is finally available in an English format. Based on the highly-playable Chronicles of Aventuria System, this 196-page core rulebook opens the doorway to the 'European style' fantasy universe set in a late medieval/early renaissance period that serves as the foundation for Aventuria, showcasing archetypical characters, fantastic lands, and high adventure. Introduced within these pages are the eight primary cultures that inhabit the known regions, twelve professions, a short primer on Aventurian geography, politics, history, and religion, plus complete rules for adventuring in Aventuria. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) FPR 10450 $20.00 AVENTURIA: OVER GRIFFIN PASS Welcome to the mountainous province of Kosch. Unfortunately, your first visit may prove to be your last! This first introductory adventure set in the campaign world of Aventuria leads the players on a daring quest to find a kidnapped mage and retrieve a stolen crystal ball. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) FPR 10452 $9.95 AVENTURIA: WORLD OF AVENTURIA All the realms and provinces of the Aventuria world are discovered in this comprehensive 256-page sourcebook. Numerous articles detail its cities and rulers, as well as regional armies, heraldry, astrology, education, and cuisine. Additional chapters introduce expanded rules for travel, transport, trade, poisons, illnesses, and healing herbs, plus descriptions of more than 100 NPCs. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) FPR 10451 $25.00 TERRAIN COMPENDIUM From renowned authors and modellers Gary Chalk and Michael Immig, this 88-page guide offers step-by-step instructions in constructing and devising fantasy and medieval buildings, terrain, and land-based structures. Hundreds of exciting full-color photos, easy-to-follow instructions, and tips aimed at the gamer and modelling novice complement this showcase of modelling concepts and their construction on all stages of development, Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) FPR 10620 $19.95 GAMES WORKSHOP WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE MINAITURES Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DARK ELF CURSED COMPANY GAW 8570N $5.99 DARK ELF CURSED COMPANY COMMAND GAW 8570P $9.99 DARK ELF DARK RIDERS GAW 8511E $6.99 DARK ELF DARK RIDERS COMMAND GAW 8511F $6.99 DARK ELF EXECUTIONERS GAW 8513E $5.99 DARK ELF EXECUTIONER'S COMMAND GAW 8513F $9.99 DARK ELF MORATHI ON DARK PEGASUS GAW 8512G $24.99 DARK ELF SORCERESS ON COLD ONE GAW 8512F $9.99 DARK ELF WAR HYDRA GAW 1611 $39.99 HOGSHEAD PUBLISHING SLA INDUSTRIES RPG HC A roleplaying game of futuristic urban horror, SLA Industries is resplendent in its decaying glory... a planet where a struggle to survive is the only way of living, and serial murder, empty style, corporate treachery and prime-time violence are the top career options. Life is cheap here, but knowledge will cost you more than you can imagine. Guns kill, but so does the truth. This 300- page hardcover edition of the critically-acclaimed SLA Industries RPG sports an awesome Glenn Fabry cover. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) HOG 500XS $37.95 HOLISTIC DESIGN FADING SUNS: SPACE STATION CIRRUS DECKPLANS Introducing a huge, multi-deck space station provided in detail on nine 28mm scale deckplan maps for use with Fading Suns and Noble Armada. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) HDI 0511 $16.95 FANTASY ENCOUNTERS Each miniature set comes with 5 fully-painted, 28mm scale character miniatures and D20 System stat cards. featuring characteristics, armor, weapons, magic items and more. These cards require the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook, Third Edition. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) PAINTED ORCS WITH STAT CARD SET HDI 0700 $24.95 PAINTED UNDEAD WITH STAT CARD SET HDI 0702 $24.95 JOLLY ROGER GAMES WIZARD'S CIRCLE Wizard's Circle is a German-style boardgame where players seek to become the ruling head of the Wizard's Council, a position currently vacant. They do this by collecting magical totems and using mystical golems to build the prestige and influence necessary to sway the Council's votes. Wizards Circle is playable by 2-6 players 12 and up.Release Date: September, 2001 (CAUT:4) JOL 111 $40.00 LOONEY LABS FLUXX BLANXX BOOSTER DISPLAY Now you can add your own zany ideas to the crazy game of Fluxx! Each pack of Fluxx Blanxx contains 15 clear cello cards (13 semi-blank Fluxx, 1 Chrononauts, and 1 product packaging). Just grab your trusty permanent marker and customize the fun! Introduced in 36-count booster displays. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) BOOSTER DISPLAY LOO 012-D $108.00 BOOSTER PACK LOO 012 $3.00 OSPREY BOOKS ALAMO 1836 Focusing on one of the most fascinating episodes in military history, this book tells the story of the 1836 campaign in Texas, including the epic siege of the Alamo and the battle of San Jacinto. The Alamo was defended by a legendary collection of volunteers under Colonel William Travis and the famous adventurer Jim Bowie (he of the knife), and included David Crockett. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP CS-89 $18.95 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR WESTERN 1861-63 The American Civil War's vast Western Theater witnessed enormously important military campaigning during the period 1861 - 1863. This book, the third in a four-book series, examines the geographical, logistical and strategic factors that shaped fighting in this theater of the American Civil War, as well as assessing officers who played key roles. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP ESS-07 $17.95 AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN ACES OF WW1 World War I brought with it the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which for centuries had dominated Central Europe. Serbia fell in 1915, but when Italy declared war the Austro-Hungarians were still faced with a two-front war - a static front against Italy, and a far more fluid one against Russia. Austro-Hungarian fighter pilots performed bravely and often very effectively under extremely difficult geographic, climactic and operational conditions. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP AA-46 $18.95 BRITISH ARMY FLAGS & STANDARDS 1747-1881 (1) In this first of a two-part sequence a respected vexillologist describes, explains and illustrates a wide variety of the standards and guidons carried during the 18th and 19th centuries by British Household, Regular, Yeomanry and Volunteer cavalry units. The successive regulations between 1747 and 1868 are supported by tables of 'ancient badges' and battle honours; by many examples of non-regulation practice; and by ten dazzling plates by Richard Hook, detailing some 35 flags in full colour. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP E-077 $16.95 BRITISH & EMPIRE ACES OF WW1 At the outset of World War I the British had some 110 assorted aircraft, used mostly for the visual reconnaissance role. With the advent of faster and more agile single-seaters, the Allies and their adversaries raced to outdo each other in the creation of genuinely effective fighters with fixed forward-firing machine gun armament. This volume traces the rapid development of the fighter in World War I and the amazing exploits of the British and Empire aces who flew them. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP AA-45 $18.95 FOKKER DR I ACES OF WW1 Undoubtedly the most famous fighter type to see service on either side during World War 1, the Fokker Dr I was a revelation when it entered service on the western front in 1917. The Dr I remained in service on the Western Front until replaced by the superior Fokker D VII in May 1918. Just weeks prior to that, however, Germany's leading ace, the great Red Baron, had been killed at the controls of a Dr I. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP AA-40 $18.95 FRENCH REVOLUTIONARY WARS Europe's great powers formed two powerful coalitions against France, yet force of numbers, superior leadership and the patriotic fervour of France's citizen-soldiers not only defeated each in turn, but closed the era of small, professional armies fighting for limited political objectives. This period produced commanders whose names remain a by-word for excellence in leadership to this day, Napoleon and Nelson. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP ESS-09 $17.95 GERMAN FREIKORPS 1918-23 The troops returning home to Germany after the 1918 Armistice found their country riven by internal unrest, and its eastern borders threatened. Though reluctant to support the new Republic, the many Free Corps formed by ex-Imperial soldiers fought furiously against Communist revolutionaries at home and Polish and Bolshevik Russian pressure on the frontiers. This concise account of a little-known but central episode in the history of 20th century Germany is illustrated with rare photographs, and ten colour plates showing unprecedented details of uniforms and insignia. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP E-076 $16.95 KOREAN WAR The Korean War was a significant turning point in the Cold War. This book explains how the conflict in a small peninsula in East Asia had a tremendous impact on the entire international system and the balance of power between the two superpowers, America and Russia. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP ESS-08 $17.95 PANZER MODELLING MASTERCLASS HARDCOVER In this, the second edition of Panzer Modelling Masterclass, Tony Greenland shares his expertise and experience in a wide range of techniques and materials, covering the tools, reference sources, construction and conversion methods and artistic touches that help create visually stunning and minutely accurate masterpieces. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP 2369 $29.95 PEARL HARBOR 1941: 60TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION This specially revised 60th anniversary edition is packaged with a FREE CD featuring extracts from the Osprey web event Combining the expertise of Carl Smith and David Aiken, a student of Pearl Harbor with over 30 years experience, Pearl Harbor 1941 examines the events of December 7 1941, uncovering what really happened and why the Japanese were so successful. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP CS-62A $18.95 PORTUGUESE ARMY OF THE NAPOLEON WAR VOLUME 3 Most know that Wellington's Portuguese troops were praised as the 'fighting cocks' of his army; fewer appreciate that they represented between half and one-third of his entire forces. Ren Chartrand's recent primary research in Portuguese and British archives now offers a wealth of new material. This third volume covers the artillery, militia, Ordenanza, volunteers, troops in the off-shore colonies, navy and decorations. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP 0358 $14.95 THRACIANS 700BC - 46 AD For seven hundred years the fierce tribesmen of Thrace dominated a huge stretch of territory between the Danube, the Black Sea and northern Greece. Skilled in light infantry warfare and renowned as cavalrymen, they both resisted, and later served as mercenaries for, all the great regional powers from Persia and Athens to Alexander of Macedon and the Roman emperors. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP 0360 $14.95 VIMEIRO 1808 In August 1808, a 14,000-man British army landed at Figura da Fozin Portugal under the future Wellington, Sir Arthur Wellesley. A 6,000-strong French force under General de Laborde was sent against the British. Wellesley out maneuvered his opponent and, at Rolica on 17 August, defeated the French. The surprised French mustered a further 13,000 men and hoped to defeat the British quickly as more troops were arriving from England. General Andoche Junot met Wellesley at Vimeiro on 21 August. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP CS-90 $18.95 WWII ALLIED WOMEN'S SERVICES The contribution of women to the Allied war effort in 1939-45 was massive. Apart from their many vital roles 'on the home front', about a million Soviet, 500,000 British and 200,000 American women, and tens of thousands from other Allied nations, served in uniform with the armed forces. This book gives a concise introduction to the organisation and uniforms of these services, with an emphasis on the British and US forces. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) OSP 0357 $14.95 PALLADIUM BOOKS PALLADIUM FANTASY RPG: LAND OF THE DAMNED/NORTHERN MOUNTAINS This first in a series of three 224-page, stand-alone sourcebooks for the Palladium Fantasy RPG venturing into the various unexplored regions of this forbidding Land of the Damned. Included within you'll find details on key people and places, new and ancient magic, exotic Occupational Character Class, extensive information on a slew of monsters and demons, plus numerous maps, adventure hooks, and dark secrets. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) PAL 0468 $20.95 PALCO MARKETING, INC ELECTRO DICE Role-play in the dark! Add a new twist to board games! ELECTRO DICE (1.25" diameter), an affordable fun electronic dice with lights and sounds that randomly display a number when tossed. Available in 7 colors ELECTRO DICE come packaged two dice per attractive 4"x 6" blister card. ELECTRO DICE a brand new way of playing with dice. Fun for all ages. PCO ED2 $5.95 XTRA-LARGE ELECTRO DICE Now available in a new extra-large size (2.5" diameter)! These new, high-tech, electronic dice with lights and sounds randomly display a number when tossed! Available in black, red, translucent purple, and translucent blue, Electro Dice come packaged in a blister card. Be the first to have this hot novelty! Release Date: July, 2001. (CAUT: 4) PCO ED1L $4.95 PINNACLE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP DEADLANDS: GREAT WEIRD NORTH Take a trip north o' the border in this 128-page supplement detailing Canada and the Union's "Last Frontier," the Alaska Territory. Learn what horrors hide in the frigid Yukon, and meet the men that hunt them down, the Mounties, Canada's answer to the Agency and Texas Rangers. From ghostrock rushes to grizzlies, wendigos to white-outs, this frigid book has it all. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) PIN DL-1035 $20.00 PRECEDENCE PUBLISHING O/A SACK ARMIES Sack Armies is a game of military conquest, where players portray "Generals" assembling their armies to battle opposing Generals from pools of units, magic, and maneuver tokens. Once assembled, they pit their armies against each other on the virtual battlefield in a fast playing and mobile format. Enter the unexplored portion of the world known as the Tangle, dominate other armies, expand your territory, and claim victory for your homeland! NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. SACK ARMY EXPEDITIONARY DISPLAY PRE TYG01-D $119.50 SACK ARMY EXPEDITIONARY PACK PRE TYG01-S $11.95 SACK ARMY REINFORCEMENT DISPLAY PRE TYG04-D $123.75 SACK ARMY REINFORCEMENT PACK PRE TYG04-S $4.95 REAPER MINIATURES BALTO BURROWELL, GNOME ILLUSIONIST RPR 02510 $2.50 KALADRAX, NECRO DRAKE RPR 10012 $49.95 KANG, HALF ORC BARBARIAN RPR 02514 $2.95 KHALITH THE BLACK, MUMMY KING RPR 02507 $2.95 MALE DARK ELF WARRIOR RPR 02506 $2.95 MOTHER SUPERIOR, BATTLE NUN RPR 02509 $2.95 MIDORI, FEMALE MONK RPR 02511 $2.95 RUDIGER TRIUMPHANT, PIRATE LORD RPR 02508 $3.50 TEMPLAR KNIGHT W/SWORD & SHIELD RPR 02513 $2.95 TSUKO, MALE MONK RPR 02512 $2.95 TYRANNOSAURUS REX RPR 10013 $34.95 STEVE JACKSON GAMES BATTLE CATTLE CARD GAME Hold on to your hooves! Battle Cattle, the hilarious game of cow-to-cow combat, is now a card game. Produced under license from Wingnut Games, Battle Cattle: The Card Game gives you all the udder destruction of America's finest beefsteak going at it horns and tongues, in a fun and quick-to-learn card game format. Plus, it's completely compatible with Car Wars: The Card Game, too! Combine the two games, and you can take your souped-up hot rod out to the pasture and go gunning for Bessie, but this time, Bessie shoots back! Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) SJG 1409 $24.95 FRAG: DEATH MATCH EXPANSION 1 This first expansion set for the Frag boardgame introduces rules for team play, and new board features like barrels, color-coded doors, and water. The Death Match map connects up with one of the maps in the original Frag to create a large playing surface for team games, making your Frag games bigger, wilder, and deadlier! Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) SJG 1341 $14.95 GURPS: CTHULHUPUNK The classic horror of the Cthulhu Mythos meets the dark future of cyberpunk! The investigators now have supercomputers, cyborg bodies, and deadly new hand weapons, but the breakdown of society has given the malevolent entities of the Mythos new breeding grounds for corruption and decay. Produced in cooperation with Chaosium, Inc., GURPS CthulhuPunk provides a complete game world, as well as all the important entities, monsters, spells and malevolent tomes from Call of Cthulhu, converted into GURPS terms. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) SJG 6070 $22.95 GURPS: DEADLANDS DIME NOVEL 1 The first GURPS: Deadlands Dime Novel from Steve Jackson Games, "Wanted: Undead or Alive!" combines fiction and an adventure, and includes an 8-page conversion section for Marshals to bring their posses into GURPS: Deadlands, or any of the dozen of GURPS worlds! Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) SJG 6781 $10.95 GURPS: SCREAMPUNK Take the Origins Award-nominated GURPS Steampunk, mix in the gruesome nightmares of horror roleplaying, and you have GURPS Screampunk! This 32-page "mini-sourcebook" packs maximum roleplaying punch for a minimum price! Warning: Contained within are Horrors so great that those feint of heart or exhibiting delicate conditions should read with great caution. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) SJG 6538 $8.95 GURPS TRAVELLER: PLANETARY SURVEY 6 Darkmoon is an inhospitable planet of ice with no atmosphere, offering the perfect environment for a prison. But the corporation that runs Darkmoon's prison has its own plans for their charges, and they might be better off on the ice. The sixth volume of a new series of 32-page GURPS Traveller books, each one offering a detailed look at a single planet. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) SJG 6806 $8.95 OGRE: MINI PANEUROPEAN SET 3 The backbone of the Paneuropean army is its armor squadrons. This set for OGRE contains two Thor Superheavy Tanks, three Ajax Missile Tanks, and two Hammer Light Tanks, and is worth 48 points. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) SJG 10-2203 $19.95 OGRE: MINI PANEUROPEAN SET 7 In urban settings and other places where the terrain can slow down armor, it's the infantry that gets the job done. This set for OGRE introduces 72 Paneuropean infantrymen and 24 new heavy infantry weapons, plus a rules sheet. On the field of battle, this set is worth 192 points. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) SJG 10-2207 $19.95 PROTEUS From the folks who brought you Knightmare Chess comes Proteus - a dice game that plays a little like chess and a lot like nothing you've ever seen before! Played on a standard chess board, each side gets 8 dice, with a different piece on each face. You start with 8 pawns, but each turn you get to change one of your dice to a more powerful piece. But as your pieces get more powerful, they become worth more points to your opponent! The game is easy to learn, but mastering the intricate strategies will prove much harder. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) SJG 1334 $9.95 TUNDRA SALES ORGANIZATION THE CASTLE Published by Scarab Games! The Castle lies above the clouds, on the mountains at the edge of the world. No one has left its dark confines in living memory, and the Lord Protector guards an empty throne, waiting for a long gone King to return. Solitude and darkness brood within its walls, and friends and families are split as new factions plot for control. Someone must find the evil lurking deep in its catacombs, and shatter its influence, or the impending bloodshed will destroy The Castle forever. An introductory D20 System fantasy adventure for 1st to 3rd level characters. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) TSO SGL1002 $9.95 WHITE WOLF PUBLISHING EXALTED: BOOK OF THE THREE CIRCLES In the golden days of the First Age, the Exalted mastered the secrets of sorcery the art of reshaping Creation itself through Essence and force of will. All that remains are fragments of past knowledge. Can you reclaim the heritage of power that is yours? Can You Master It? The Book of Three Circles details the intricacies of sorcery in the world of Exalted, detailing over 50 spells from all three Circles of magic, and providing rules and information on Demesnes, Manses, Hearthstones and the creation of spells and magic items, plus descriptions of over a dozen enchanted devices. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 08802 $17.95 HUNTER THE RECKONING: HOLY WAR Hunter: Holy War invites you to travel to the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East and Egypt to discover what beasts lurk under the desert sun. Whether your hunter travels to this foreign land or is the desert's son, learn how different cultures answer the call and how their hunt is different from that of the West. A Hunter character supplement for players and Storytellers. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 08130 $15.95 O/A EXALTED It is the Second Age of Man, the age before the World was bent. The Empire of the Dragon-Blooded stands astride the ruins of the First Age - an invincible colossus. For millennia, the Scarlet Empress kept her fist around the windpipe of the world. But the Empress is no more, and the Realm spirals closer to chaos and civil war with every passing day. Its enemies grow restive - Demon princes, Deathlords, skin-changing barbarians and the twisted and inscrutable Fair Folk hammer at the gates of creation. Into this time of darkness are reborn the Solar Exalted, heroes of legend once slain by the Dragon-Blooded for their cruelty and decadence. Will these living legends herald the return of the Golden Age, or the end of creation? Become one of the Exalted, one of the heirs to an Age of Heroes. Will you rail against the tyranny of the oppressive Realm, seek your destiny in the dangerous Threshold, or throw in with the bizarre creatures of the wild? The fate of this new world rests in your hands! Developed by longtime White Wolf writer Geoff Grabowski, Exalted is a 300-page hardcover tome exploring the latest concept in White Wolf's successful line of Storyteller system games. REGULAR (WWP 08800) $29.95 LTD. ED. (WWP 08899) $69.95 O/A EXALTED: STORYTELLER COMPANION The world of Exalted is a treacherous one, and the Threshold teems with danger. It springs from the alien might of spirits and the machinations of the Dragon-Blooded, from the raw power of elementals and the ancient fury of the Lunar Exalted. Whatever road the newly reborn Solar Exalted walk, they face many challenges. The Exalted Storytellers Companion is a valuable resource for Exalted Storytellers, picking up where the rulebook's Antagonists chapter leaves off. It offers expanded information on the spirit courts, the other Celestial Exalted, the society and powers of the Dragon-Blooded, and contains descriptions and statistics for a wide variety of magical devices and wondrous items. The Exalted Storytellers Companion is also packaged with a Storyteller's screen, containing the game's most important charts and tables. WWP 08801 $15.95 SCARRED LANDS: HOLLOWFAUST CITY OF NECROMANCERS The dead walk the streets of Hollowfaust and the citizens are thankful for it. Only the corpse-animating power of the necromancers keeps Hollowfaust safe from the even more terrible powers that assail its walls. Come visit the city built on the volcanic throne of the God of Destruction. But take care, lest you meet an untimely demise and join the city guard. Hollowfaust is the second in a series of regional sourcebooks for the Scarred Lands D20 System setting and provides new prestige classes, new spells, new monsters, adventure hooks, and of course full details on the city of the dead. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 08322 $17.95 KINDRED OF THE EAST: DHARMA BOOK THRASHING DRAGONS Dharma Book: Thrashing Dragons is the fourth Dharma Book for Kindred of the East. It is a complete guide to playing the lush and sensual Cathayans who follow the dance of Yang. The secrets of predatory enlightenment await within, along with many new rites and powers, prominent characters and new facts about the Asian World of Darkness. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 02907 $14.95 SCARRED LANDS DICE SET This box contains a complete set of dice perfect for use in your D20 System fantasy campaign. It also comes with a felt bag emblazoned with the Scarred Lands logo, all packaged in a book-sized box to make stocking easy. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 08399 $6.99 VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE: NEW YORK BY NIGHT New York by Night is a chronicle setting that offers a plethora of options for Storytellers wishing to set their stories in the Big Apple. Geared toward neonates and ancillae, this book is unlike any of the preceding city books in that it allows players to claim prominent positions for themselves. But will they be able to hold their titles? A city sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 02411 $17.95 VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE: SINS OF THE BLOOD The rules of the Kindred are many, varied and Byzantine. No two princes interpret the Traditions alike; one bishop's treason may be another's valor. Still, even in such precarious societies, heresies arise and sometimes flourish. Sins of the Blood explores the crimes of the Kindred in the many forms they take. Blood cults, ideological heresies, autarkis and all manner of rogues populate the pages of this book, suitable as antagonists for coteries or as inspirations for players characters. A book of blasphemies for Vampire: The Masquerade. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 02421 $17.95 WEREWOLF THE APOCALYPSE: TRIBE NOVEL RED TALONS & FIANNA In spite of two crushing defeats in Eastern European battles, Gaia's defenders have not given up. In Tribe Novel: Red Talons, the task of gathering new warriors and shaping them into a pack to face the Wyrm-spawn of Serbia falls to the battle-hardened Storm-Eye. The Ragabash, Stalks-the-Truth, is not content to let the Wyrm-tainted Silver Fang Arkady simply disappear. But to what lengths will Stalks-the-Truth go to find the missing Silver Fang? Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 11152 $6.50 WEREWOLF THE APOCALYPSE: TRIBEBOOK BLACK FURIES—REVISED Since the earliest days of Greek civilization, they have been part of our legend, the monsters in womans form, wild and furious. But these female warriors aren't driven by spite, they hold to an ancient code of virtue, a set of mysteries entrusted to them alone. They are the defenders of the wildest places, the guardians of womanhood, the daughters of the Moon, the Black Furies. With the release of Werewolf Revised comes the first of the revised Tribebooks to match the new edition. From the history of the Amazonian warrior-tribe to the special Wyld-granted powers they use against their enemies, come and have a look at the tribe you thought you knew, but be ready to learn some things you didn't know before. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WWP 03851 $14.95 WIZARD'S ATTIC D20 SYSTEM CHARACTER RECORD FOLIO Published by Green Ronin Publishing! Sixteen beautifully designed pages allow ample room for character-specific details, adventure logs, and notations for your D20 System character record keeping, all collected in a convenient and handy folio. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA GRR1008 $4.50 HARD VACUUM: SCIENCE GONE MAD Published by Fat Messiah Games! The first 48-page expansion for Hard Vacuum adds a plethora of new material as the Battle for Orbit grinds into 1945. New rules cover pilot experience, ace skills, fiendish new Nazi weapons, Tesla magnetic technology, and battle stations, plus over a dozen new ships are introduced, as well as a special "Flashback: 1943" section that rounds the book out with stats and rules for early rockets that opened the space frontier. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA FMG4031 $14.95 IRON KINGDOMS: MONSTERNOMICON Published by Privateer Press! The Monsternomicon brings the denizens of the Iron Kingdoms to life! This 96 page book is packed with interesting and useful creatures, all lavishly illustrated by Matt Wilson and Brian Snoddy. The Monsternomicon is suitable for use in any D20 System fantasy setting, but is specially made for fans of the Iron Kingdoms. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA PIPMON01 $15.95 SLAYER'S GUIDES Published by Mongoose Publishing! The Slayer's Guides are a new series of invaluable sourcebooks designed specifically for fantasy-based D20 game systems, offering a wealth of knowledge and intimate detail on these elusive and savage creatures to further enhance campaign settings. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) SLAYER'S GUIDE TO CENTAURS WZA MGP0003 $7.99 SLAYER'S GUIDE TO GNOLLS WZA MGP0002 $7.99 WIZARDS OF THE COAST DRAGONLANCE: BERTREM'S GUIDE TO WAR OF SOULS VOLUME 1 MMPB The Bertrem's Guides give readers insights into the everyday lives of the people in the world of the Dragonlance novels. Using correspondence, reports, and essays, this second Bertrem's Guide concentrates on the goings-on during the best-selling Dragonlance trilogy, War of Souls, by Weis and Hickman, and acts as a travel guide for the Dragonlance world, adding depth and breadth to the War of Souls era. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 21882 $6.99 DRAGONLANCE: CHRONICLES TRILOGY PAPERBACK GIFT SET Each volume of authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's classic Dragonlance Chronicles Trilogy - Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night, and Dragons of Spring Dawning - is collected in this Gift Set offered in a hardbound slipcover case. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 88394 $20.97 DRAGONLANCE: TALES FROM THE WAR OF SOULS MMPB The first anthology to tie into the current bestselling War of Souls trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, this novel contains 11 short stories, written by well-known Dragonlance authors, that elaborate on the characters and locations from the current Dragonlance trilogy. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 21899 $6.99 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: ENEMIES AND ALLIES This invaluable 64-page resource manual contains information, statistics, and tables that any Dungeon Master can use to quickly and easily flesh out a campaign. The pregenerated, nonplayer characters, both heroic and nefarious of various classes and levels, are ready to use in any campaign, and the handy character generator "tree" allows for quick character creation or modification of an existing character to any style of play. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 11852 $14.95 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: MANUAL OF THE PLANES HC This comprehensive sourcebook provides Dungeon Masters with all the information needed to explore the most challenging and dangerous locales in the Third Edition Dungeons & Dragons game - the planes of existence, home for demons, deities, and other preternatural beings. Similar to the Psionics Handbook, this tome supplies optional rules that support game elements not included in the three core rulebooks, and contains unique items, spells, and planar creatures. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 11850 $29.95 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: ORIENTAL ADVENTURES HC Author James Wyatt scribes this sourcebook providing everything needed to add Asian-style characters to any Third Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign or Asian fantasy setting. It includes classes such as Samurai, Shugenja, and Ninja, as well as unique monsters, combat rules, and magic systems. The sourcebook also contains a complete Legend of the Five Rings campaign setting. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 12015 $34.95 FORGOTTEN REALMS: BALDUR'S GATE II THRONE OF BHAAL MMPB Author Drew Karpyshyn weaves this fantastic tale of high sorcery, monstrous beholders and horrifying Death Knights haunting the highly successful Dungeons & Dragons interactive video game setting, Baldur's Gate II. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 21985 $6.99 FORGOTTEN REALMS: DARK ELF TRILOGY PAPERBACK GIFT SET Each volume of R.A. Salvatore's epic Dark Elf Trilogy - Homeland, Exile, and Sojourn - is enclosed in this hardbound slipcover case showcasing the cover art from the series, and is perfect for collectors and an ideal gift for readers unfamiliar with the Forgotten Realms setting. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT3 & :4) TSR 88395 $20.97 FORGOTTEN REALMS: SEA OF SWORDS HC This highly anticipated book, written by R. A. Salvatore, the most popular author in the Forgotten Realms setting, features the return of Drizzt Do'Urden, Salvatore's signature character, in his first self-contained story since The Silent Blade. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 21898 $25.95 FORGOTTEN REALMS: TEMPLE HILL MMPB Author Drew Karpyshyn takes us on an exciting tour of the Forgotten Realms' Temple Hill in this initial installment of The Cities series of novels designed to explore, for the first time, a city whose dark alleyways and back streets devoted fans are quite familiar with. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 21871 $6.99 GREYHAWK: QUEEN OF THE DEMONWEB PITS MMPB Return to the Queen of the Demonweb Pits, as author Paul Kidd revisits one of the most popular adventures ever created for the Dungeons & Dragons game. This novelization appeals to those who have played through the adventure, as well as to those who have an interest in drow elves - one of the most popular races in the game. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 21903 $6.99 LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS: DRAGON MMPB Instrumental in the design and ambience of the Legend of the Five Rings storyline, author Ree Soesbee leaps into the Clan War, taking the Dragon clan to greater and far more dangerous heights! Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 21883 $6.99 MAGIC THE GATHERING: ODYSSEY The perfect place to store and protect the precious cards in your devastating Odyssey decks, each deck box comes complete with 75 card sleeves. Introduced in 8-count displays. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailers for availability. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) DECK BOX DISPLAY WOC 06320 PI DECK BOX WOC 06320-S PI BOOSTER DISPLAY WOC 06321 PI BOOSTER PACK WOC 06321-S PI MAGIC THE GATHERING: ODYSSEY MMPB Change is inevitable, and author Vance Moore opens the doorway to the great Odyssey sweeping across Dominaria as fierce competition wages over one of the most powerful artifacts ever to exist in the Magic: The Gathering universe! Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 21900 $6.99 MAGIC THE GATHERING: ODYSSEY A hundred years have past since the great Apocalypse had befallen the Dominarian continent of Otaria, now a brutal environment where deadly pit fighting is the order of the day. The much anticipated successor to the wildly popular Invasion cycle in the Magic:The Gathering CCG universe, the Odyssey expansion series introduces the beginning of a new trilogy, boasting 350 cards highlighting a slew of new exotic races and locales, an exciting pit fight setting, and two new mechanics that harness the power of the graveyard: "flashback" and "threshold". The set is supported by expert-level 15-card boosters offered in 36-count displays, 75-card tournament packs stored in12-count displays, four unique 60-card theme-decks showcased in 12-count displays, and fat packs featuring 3 boosters, 1 tournament pack, 1 Spindown counter, 2 premium cards, a player's guide, and a copy of the Odyssey novel to get you into the spirit. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) FAT PACK WOC 06288 PI TOURNAMENT PACK DISPLAY WOC 06322 PI TOURNAMENT PACK WOC 06322-S PI THEME DECK DISPLAY WOC 06323 PI THEME DECK WOC 06323-S PI STAR WARS RPG: ALIEN ANTHOLOGY The first collection of fascinating aliens and creatures from the Star Wars galaxy, this comprehensive guide for the Star Wars RPG contains statistics, species descriptions, and other information fundamental to any Star Wars and D20 System campaign, and offers Gamemasters new options for nonplayer characters to include in their gaming environment. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:3 & 4) TSR 12663 $26.95 WIZKIDS LLC MAGE KNIGHT: BLACK POWDER REBEL CHARIOT The limited-edition Mage Knight Chariot series allows Mage Knight figures a degree of speed and stylish mobility across the battlefield! Pulled by a fierce, massive Mud Bull, this new addition to the Mage Knight arsenal will change the way players think about ranged combat. The "War Wagon" is designed with four combat dials representing various components of the chariot, and permits characters to mount and dismount, thus effectively moving and attacking in the same turn. Contents included in this blister card package are (1) pre-painted, plastic Chariot figure, one sheet of rules, and a cardstock movement template. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WIZ 404 $24.95 MAGE KNIGHT: DUNGEONS BOOSTER SET Sneak and slash your way through traps and monsters to earn wealth and magical treasures in this unique expansion to Mage Knight Rebellion. Dungeon Booster sets include: (1) randomly inserted, painted plastic Hero Warrior on a combat-dail base, (1) rare and (2) common painted plastic Mage Spawn Monster on a combat-dial base, and (1) randomly inserted, painted plastic Treasure Chest. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WIZ 202 $6.95 MAGE KNIGHT: DUNGEONS PACK Mage Knight Dungeons offers a new twist on the popular Mage Knight Rebellion rules, maintaining the simplicity and strategic appeal of Rebellion while incorporating the best elements of roleplaying games. The Dungeon packs provide interchangeable puzzle-lock tiles that allow players to create a unique dungeon for every game, and are printed on both sides for maximum expandability. Each pack contains (4) randomly inserted 7" x 7" cardboard dungeon tile, (2) 5" x 7" randomly inserted cardboard tiles, (4) Wooden Door tiles, and (2) Steel Door tiles. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WIZ 903 $14.95 MAGE KNIGHT: DUNGEONS STARTER SET These Dungeon Starter sets introduce traditional heroes, monsters, traps, and treasures to the Mage Knight Rebellion arena. Each set contains (2) plastic, painted Hero Warriors on combat-dial bases, (6) plastic, painted Mage Spawn Monsters atop combat-dial bases, (2) pre-painted, plastic Treasure Chests that open and close, a 30" x 20" Dungeon Map, (1) special abilities card, (2) Dice, and a rulebook. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) WIZ 101 $19.95 Z-MAN GAMES, INC. SHADOW FIST CCG: SHAOLIN SHOWDOWN Shadowfist goes back to its Hong Kong roots as 1850s China is the prize as Shaolin monks fight off the Ascended on the battlefield in one-on-one duels. It's a war of animal-style kung-fu verses transformed animals, with some monkeys in the middle! This 140 card expansion set for the Shadowfist CCG is introduced in 24-count Booster displays of 10-card packs. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) BOOSTER DISPLAY ZMG 2300-D $71.76 BOOSTER PACK ZMG 2300-S $2.99 VIDEOS SECTION ANGEL LINKS VOLUME 4: ETERNAL ANGEL DVD From Bandai Entertainment! Meifon's true destiny is upon the crew of the Angel Links. But in an attempt to escape from her pain, she disbands the Angel Links and the Links Group and relocates to a small village on a remote planet. But she cannot escape her past, as Meifon is forced into a final confrontation with the evil pirate Goryu, where only one of them will survive! Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE BN-0988V) $29.98 ARC THE LAD VOLUME 4: ALLIANCE DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From A.D. Vision! Seeking Whitehouse, Elk and Lieza find themselves lost in the desert, but being rescued may turn out to be an even worse fate! An unlikely ally comes to their aid and at long last Elk begins to learn the truth about the enigmatic Arc and the genesis of the chimeras. But truth can be a bitter pill and there's a horrifying revelation lying in store for our heroes. Approximate running time: 125 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (ADV DVDAR004) $29.98 DUBBED (ADV AR-004D) VHS $19.98 THE BIG O VOLUME 3 DVD From Bandai Entertainment! Life gets more and more interesting everyday for Paradigm City's top negotiator. But when Dorothy finds a stray cat and brings it home, an older couple shows up claiming to be the parents of the cat! The cat isn't really a cat at all, but a boy! When the cat is kidnapped, Roger and Dorothy soon learn that someone's been genetically engineering these creatures, and it's a race against time as they seek to rescue it before the kidnappers choose to dispose of the evidence permanently! Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE TBA003) $24.98 BLOOD THE LAST VAMPIRE VIDEO/DUBBED From Manga Video! At the Yokota Base in Japan, a nervous American military is on the brink of the Vietnam War. But a greater threat exists within the walls of the heavily-guarded compound: Vampires. A team of top-secret undercover agents learn of these blood-sucking fiends, and dispatch the mysterious Saya to hunt down and destroy them. This beautiful yet dangerous girl must use her extraordinary abilities and lethal Japanese sword to save the humans from these sinister creatures of the night. Approximate running time: 45 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) VHS (MGA 4078) $19.95 CARDCAPTOR SAKURA VOLUME 5: VACATION DAZE DVD & VIDEO/SUBTITLED From Pioneer Entertainment! Summer is nearly over but Sakura's tests never end! Sakura's school stages a test of courage in some scary caves, but when the Erase card makes her friends disappear, Sakura and Li rise to the challenge! Then, The Glow Card creates a romantic mood with Yukito, only to have it spoiled by Li, Toya, and her undone homework. If only The Move Card would leave her books alone! Finally, Li's cousin, Mei-Lin, arrives from Hong Kong to help Li capture the Clow Cards, but she thinks Sakura likes Li! No Way! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE N-10566V) $29.98 SUBTITLED (PNE N-71440S) VHS $24.98 CERES CELESTIAL LEGEND VOLUME 3: HARNESSING HEAVEN DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From Viz Communications! As the direct descendant of a celestial maiden, Aya has been branded as an enemy of her own family, but now she may actually be an asset! To unlock the secrets of the Celestials and gain eternal prosperity, the Mikage family enacts "Project C," and Aya may be the specimen they need to complete the project! Then, Aya's ruthless cousin catches on to the activities of the Aogiri family and how they have given Aya sanctuary. Will Suzumi become a target of the Mikage family as well? Approximate running time: 78 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (VIZ ACV-03) $29.95 DUBBED (VIZ ACD-03) VHS $24.95 DETONATOR ORGUN DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From U.S. Manga Corps! If it weren't for the horrific dreams, Tomoru would be having the time of his life cutting classes and playing video games. But, his dreams are being invaded by a mysterious life form from beyond our solar system, urging him to prepare for battle against the impending danger that threatens the entire planet. As he struggles to grasp what is happening, Michi, a young Earth Defense Forces Intelligence Researcher along with Izack, a super computer, race to unlock the secrets of a suit of alien armor. But the armor seems to have an agenda all of its own! Collecting all three volumes of this pulse- pounding, heavy-metal hitting anime from the director of Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture. Approximate running time: 159 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (CPM USM-2059) $29.99 DUBBED (CPM USM-2058) VHS $19.99 GARAGA DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From U.S. Manga Corps! On a routine voyage, an explosion sends the starship XeBeC hurling out of control, crash landing on the Earth-like planet, Garaga. Stranded, and forced to survive attacks from saurian-like monsters and immensely strong ape creatures, the crew soon discovers that the crash was no accident, and a ruthless saboteur is hiding among them! Slowly the mystery unfolds of the XeBeC's true mission, thrusting them into a conspiracy of hidden agendas and a mysterious race of psychics! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (CPM USM-2063) $29.99 DUBBED (CPM USM-2062) VHS $19.99 GATEKEEPERS VOLUME 1: OPEN THE GATE DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From Pioneer Entertainment! Japan, 1969. Strange invaders threaten Japan's recovery from the devastation of World War II with a shocking form of guerilla warfare. Fortunately a new type of hero has been discovered among the teenage population of Japan - the Gatekeepers! Able to channel "gates" to other dimensions, this new generation of heroes is the only thing standing between the earth and total annihilation. Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE 11567V) $29.98 DUBBED (PNE 71677D) VHS $24.98 GETTER ROBO VOLUME 2: ARMAGEDDON DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From A.D. Vision! Hayato. Benkai. Go. Kay. On the ground they're just smart-ass jocks. But when they wrap a couple hundred tons of robot around them, they're the only hope of a ravaged world. But, they need a new weapon against the Invaders: The Getter Dragon! Now, if only they could stop fighting amongst themselves! As the Invaders grow stronger, they don't have much time to work out their troubles. Time's up. Round Two has begun! Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (ADV DVDGR002) $29.98 DUBBED (ADV GR-002D) VHS $19.98 HAKKENDEN PERFECT COLLECTION DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! During the war-torn feudal wars of Japan, the Awa clan faced certain extinction from a rival clan backed by demonic forces. However, a careless promise by their lord leads to both salvation and disgrace when their family dog brings back the head of the enemy warlord and insists upon marrying the lord's daughter! Their unnatural union bears fruit, but when they are both killed, the eight unborn pups are reincarnated as the eight Dog Warriors - The Hakkenden. Representing the eight separate aspects of the Bushido, these warriors engage in bloody battles with demonic entities and evil samurai in a final attempt to redeem their clan! Hakkenden is the fully animated adaptation of the well-loved classic by Bakin Takizawa, "Nanso Satomi Hakkenden," and all seven volumes of this epic story of feudal Japan are collected for the first time on DVD. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE 11486V) $54.98 HAND MAID MAY VOLUME 2: PRODUCT RECALL DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From Pioneer Entertainment! Full Scale Lunatics! Cyberdyne pursues May's recall due to Kazuya's failure to pay the million- dollar invoice. However, thanks to Kasumi's kindness, Kazuya and May share some wonderful last-minute memories. Still, with Nanbara "assisting" Cyberdyne and the introduction of the mysterious Cyber-X, Kazuya's little troubles may become a full sized affair of the heart! Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE TBA004) $29.98 DUBBED (PNE TBA005) VHS $24.98 IRRESPONSIBLE CAPTAIN TYLOR OVA SERIES VOLUME 1 DVD From Right Stuf International, Inc.! The shooting war is over. The undefeated Soyokaze has returned home and all should be right in the universe. It's not... the Raalgon Empire has created an incredibly powerful and destabilizing new weapon system. With the urging of the Prime Minister, they're about to deploy it and when the UPSF forces realize this the choice is clear. These are desperate times! Any hope for galactic peace rests on the most irresponsible man in history. Perhaps Tylor will stay awake for this. Includes several music video segments featuring the cast! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (RST RDVD2006) $29.95 IRRESPONSIBLE CAPTAIN TYLOR OVA SERIES VOLUME 2 DVD From Right Stuf International, Inc.! Many years ago, Azalyn's best friend in all the universe was a similar aged boy named Ruu. Also royalty of a sort, they shared the way that children do and both pledged that one day they would rule fairly. Years later, Azalyn encounters a mute and unresponsive Ruu along with a family retainer. Should he regain his memories, he will once again lead the charge and war may begin once more. Dom realizes this. The Ashran people realize this. The Raalgon court recognizes this. Azalyn, however...? Also included on this disc are stories featuring Yamamoto: the action hero, Kojiro - testing a prototype fighter, Andressen - evaluating the newest Marine Battlesuit, and "White Christmas", where it's Christmas, Yuriko is waiting and Tylor is ... late. Approximate running time: 180 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DVD (RST RDVD2007) $29.95 KIMAGURE ORANGE ROAD SUMMERS BEGINNING DVD From A.D. Vision! A near-fatal traffic accident sends 19 year-old Kyosuke Kasuga spinning three years forward in time, where his future self is missing and presumed dead. It's a race against time to find the missing 22 year-old Kyosuke and return the 19 year-old version to his proper time before he dies. To make matters worse, Kyosuke stumbles across the vivacious Hikaru, recently returned to Japan, whose feelings for him haven't changed. Now, on top of everything else, he's faced with the added task of remaining true to his beloved Madoka. Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (ADV DVDOR001) $29.98 MAGIC USERS CLUB TV VOLUME 1: I WANNA DO MORE DVD & VIDEOS From Anime Works! The aliens have been defeated, and the Bell has been transformed into a gigantic cherry tree. Now, the brave Magic User's Club must reconvene to deal with a new problem. Apparently some inconsiderate person's left a skyscraper-sized cherry tree in the middle of Tokyo, and it's become a major inconvenience to everyone in the city. Even though they have no idea who could have done such a thing, the Club feels strangely responsible and spring into action! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (MDB MTD-4011) $24.95 DUBBED (MDB MT-4009) VHS $19.95 SUBTITLED (MDB MT-4010) VHS $19.95 MARRIAGE DVD From Anime Works! It's been several years since high school graduation, and a few long time friends working at the same company are beginning to talk about marriage. Each of them has their own love dilemmas as wedding bells loom on the horizon! Are you the marrying kind? Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB AWD-0115) $19.95 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM ORIGINAL VOLUME 2 DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED Release Date: September, 2001 (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE BN-0236V) $24.95 DUBBED (PNE BN-0221D) VHS $14.98 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM ORIGINAL VOLUME 3 DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED Release Date: September, 2001 (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE BN-0237V) $24.95 DUBBED (PNE BN-0222D) VHS $14.98 NADIA SECRET OF BLUE WATER VOLUME 3: ABOARD THE NAUTILUS VIDEO DUBBED From A.D. Vision! With Gargoyle's terrible weapon destroyed, Jean, Nadia and the rest find themselves once again rescued by the Nautilus. Hot on the trail of a fleeing Gargoyle, the pursuers become the pursued. Will Hanson and Sanson be able to save the ship alone? Why was Captain Nemo so shocked to meet Nadia? What are the memories the Nautilus has triggered within Nadia? Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DUBBED (ADV NS-003D) $19.98 NIEA UNDER 7 VOLUME 2 DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! In an attempt to draw in more customers, the bathhouses of Enohana resort to strange gimmicks. Mayuka's company holds a video game contest to lure young customers, while Chada starts a rival bathhouse that relies upon secret advantages. Which will triumph!? Meanwhile, Mayuko begins to face her own confusion and apathy towards life and NieA begins to sense an ominous voice emanating from within the alien mothership. Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE TBA006) $29.98 ORPHEN VOLUME 2: SUPERNATURAL POWERS DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From A.D. Vision! The "Heiress With Attitude" is getting tired of traveling with sorcerer-turned-dragon hunters Orphen and Majic. So when Cleao hears about the legend of a monster near the mysterious resort at Mount Kahlna, it's no surprise when she goes to check it out. But neither Cleao nor her friends are quite prepared for the truth behind the legend! Later, the group meets Fiena, a gentle girl with the magical power to heal animals - a trait that comes in handy when the forest is populated with shotgun-happy hunters. Yet the hunters aren't the only dangers in this forest, for watching their every move are several pairs of glowing, yellow, angry eyes! Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (ADV DVDOP002) $29.98 DUBBED (ADV OP-002D) VHS $19.98 PING PONG CLUB LOSERS CLUB VIDEO/DUBBED From Software Sculptors! Maeno, the club's sorest loser, has cooked up a scheme to get popular with the ladies. But instead of helping, his teammates compete over who can be the shrimpiest guy! Hey, "Loser" is more than just an insult, it's a way of life. Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DUBBED (CPM SVS-6174) $19.99 POKÉMON: THE JOHTO JOURNEYS VOLUME 45 TEAM GREEN DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From Pioneer Entertainment! It's time for Chikorita, Sunflora and a Hoppip-impersonating Oddish to grow out of old habits and mature. Fortunately, they have Brock, Ash, and Nurse Joy to help them. Even Team Rocket gives an accidental assist as their plot predictably backfires - Team Rocket's blasting off again! Approximate running time: 70 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (VIZ PK-045V) $24.98 DUBBED (VIZ PK-045) VHS $14.98 POKEMON THE JOHTO JOURNEYS VOLUME 46: CRIMSON WARRIOR DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From Pioneer Entertainment! Ash and his friends try to discover the secret identity of a superhero with a Gligar fixation and a way to help little Mary with her Mareep. However, they're most amazed by the awesome performance of the Scizor! Unfortunately for Ash, after Shingo, the Scizor's trainer, uses his computer to analyze Ash, Shingo decides that Ash is too inferior to even bother battling! Can Ash find a way to get Shingo to change his mind!? Approximate running time: 70 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (VIZ PK-046V) $24.98 DUBBED (VIZ PK-046) VHS $14.98 RANMA 1/2 RANDOM RHAPSODY VOLUME 5: WACKY WINTER WONDERLAND DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From Viz Communications! As the Tendo family prepares for Christmas, Ranma goes missing. A routine search brings in the usual troublemakers, but still no Ranma in time to spend Christmas with him? Then, the cold weather brings an unnatural snowfall and unnatural enemies. When a mysterious creature attacks Ryoga, Ranma and Akane head into the cold to find out what happened, only to find a little girl and some very large footprints. What could the connection be? Approximate running time: 78 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (VIZ RRRV-005) $29.95 DUBBED (VIZ RRR-005) VHS $24.95 ROROUNI KENSHIN 2 VOLUME 10: BLIND JUSTICE DVD & VIDEOS From Anime Works! The killer Usui serves as one of Shishio's most powerful lieutenants, despite the fact he is blind. The last survivor of the Shinsengumi, Hajime Saito, believes that only one willing to commit murder can defeat Usui. Therefore, he challenges the blind assassin himself and lets Kenshin go ahead on the road to Shishio. Yet, another legendary warrior appears to block Kenshin's path. Shinomori Aoshi has returned, and this time he plans to kill Kenshin and then take his own life. Can Kenshin thaw his heart and bring him back to the woman who is waiting for him? Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (MDB RKD-2011) $29.95 DUBBED (MDB RK-0322) VHS $24.95 SUBTITLED (MDB RK-0323) VHS $24.95 SAILOR MOON S HEART COLLECTION VOLUME 5 DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! Chibi-Usa's new best friend, Hotaru, has another personality with awesome powers! As Hotaru's powers grow stronger, so do the suspicions of Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto. Soon everyone suspects that Hotaru may not only be Sailor Saturn, but also the Sovereign of Silence - the nightmare that brings the world of darkness and destruction! The three Outer Solar System Sailor soldiers are determined to prevent the darkness, but can they destroy a fellow Sailor Soldier?! This DVD offering collects volumes 9 & 10 of the "S" series. Approximate running time: 140 minutes. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (PNE 11478V) $29.98 SAILOR MOON S VOLUME 10: SAILOR SATURN VIDEOS From Pioneer Entertainment! Hotaru's powers grow stronger, and so do the suspicions of Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto. Soon everyone suspects that Hotaru may not only be Sailor Saturn, but also the Sovereign of Silence - the nightmare that brings the world of darkness and destruction! The three Outer Solar System Sailor soldiers are determined to prevent the darkness, but can they destroy a fellow Sailor Soldier?! Approximate running time: 70 minutes. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:4) DUBBED (PNE TBA007) VHS $14.98 SUBTITLED (PNE TBA009) VHS $14.98 UNCUT DUBBED (PNE TBA008) VHS $14.98 SAILOR MOON S VOLUME 9: HOTARU'S SECRET VIDEOS From Pioneer Entertainment! Chibi-Usa's new best friend, Hotaru, has another personality with awesome powers! Unfortunately, her father, Professor Tomoe, is also part of the evil Death Busters who are attempting to destroy the world. The Sailor Soldiers of the Outer Solar System, convinced that Hotaru is a threat, continue to dismiss Sailor Moon, but will Hotaru's real secret bring the Sailor Scouts together or tear them apart?! Approximate running time: 70 minutes. Release Date: October, 2001. (CAUT:4) DUBBED (PNE TBA010) VHS$14.98 SUBTITLED (PNE TBA012) VHS $14.98 UNCUT DUBBED (PNE TBA011) VHS $14.98 SAILOR MOON: RETURN OF SAILOR MOON VIDEO/DUBBED From A.D. Vision! Queen Beryl may have been defeated, but there's still plenty of evil for Sailor Moon to fight. After a brief period as a normal teenager, Serena finds herself forced back into duty as the Earth's protector when the horrifying Doom Tree comes to our world to gather energy from unsuspecting humans. But now that the other Sailor Scouts have lost their memories, Sailor Moon will have to protect Mankind all by herself! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DUBBED (ADV VMN-011) $12.98 SAILOR MOON: TREE OF DOOM VIDEO/DUBBED From A.D. Vision! As the evil Anne and Alan continue to scheme up new ways to steal the Earth's energy for the Doom Tree, will even the combined power of all the Sailor Scouts be enough? The power of friendship will be tested as never before as our planet's mightiest protectors join forces in their greatest battles yet! Fight on , Sailor Moon! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DUBBED (ADV VMN-012) $12.98 SAINT TAIL VOLUME 1: THIEF OF HEARTS DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From Tokyopop! Meimi Haneoka is an ordinary student at St. Paulia's Catholic school by day, but at night, she becomes the mysterious and magical thief Saint Tail! With the guidance of her best friend, Seira Mimori, a nun-in-training, Saint Tail steals back treasures that were unjustly taken from the innocent. Despite her virtuous motives she's still a thief and is pursued by the police and her classmate, Asuka Jr., the son of a famous detective. Will the young sleuth catch her this time, or will she steal his heart? This first volume collects episodes 1-3 of the series based on the manga by Tachigawa Megum. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA STV-001) PI DUBBED (DIA STD-001) VHS PI SORCERER HUNTERS VOLUME 3: MAGICAL CONTEST DVD From A.D. Vision! Carrot and the others have been hunting sorcerers for a while now, but lately things are getting decidedly strange. Just who is the mysterious man that's been cropping up repeatedly? And what does he want with the Sorcerer Hunters? To make matters worse, Big Momma hasn't exactly been herself either. But while it may not be all fun and games anymore, that's not going to stop Carrot from having his fun. Or Chocolate and Tira from trying to stop him! Approximate running time: 140 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (ADV DVDSH003) $29.98 SPACE TRAVELERS VOLUME 1 DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From Anime Works! In the new Cosmic Century 038, humanity is suddenly attacked by an unknown alien civilization known as the Orbital Ring System. Soon, the entire Earth Civilization Sphere has been cut off from the space colonies, and is under the control of the ORS. Only Hayabusha Jetter, along with his band of misfit space pirates and smugglers, can break through ORS lines. Aiding an underground resistance movement, the Space Travelers risk their lives to transport vital supplies to and from Earth. However, a mysterious gentleman hires them to deliver an unmarked spherical container: a simple package that may hold the key to mankind's destiny! Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (MDB AWD-0114) $24.95 DUBBED (MDB AW-0113) VHS $19.95 VAMPIRE PRINCESS MIYU VOLUME 1: INITIATIONS DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED From Tokyopop! Evil Shinma - shape-shifting monsters and vampires - roam the Earth on a mission to unleash their darkness upon the Human race. Miyu, Royal Princess from the dark, is the Chosen One who must banish the Evil Shinma from the Earth. She has the power to offer Humans the gift of eternal happiness, yet is herself, trapped between two worlds; destined for perpetual solitude and internal conflict. Joined by Larva, a once evil Shimna, now her devoted guardian, together they share a dark journey through the weakness of the human heart and the tragic loss of innocence. This first volume collects episodes 1-3 of the anime series. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA VPV-001) PI DUBBED (DIA VPD-001) VHS PI VIDEO GIRL AI VOLUME 1 DVD From Viz Communications! A Date-less Yota, a loser with a heart of gold, finds himself hopelessly trapped in a love triangle between the woman he loves and his best friend. The fact that he winds up trying to help his love try and date his best friend may make him a fool, but his earnest wishes for her happiness allow him to encounter a mystical video shop that rewards him with a special video to cheer him up. To his shock and surprise, a beautiful girl jumps out of his TV! While Yotas broken VCR has some interesting side effects upon the girl, named Ai, this is only the beginning of the best time of his life! Approximate running time: 78 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (VIZ VGV-01) $29.95 YAMAMOTO YOHKO OVA SERIES VOLUME 1 VIDEO DUBBED From Right Stuf International, Inc.! A thousand years from now, the great battles between civilizations have been reduced to the shoulders of a handful of chosen champions. Of course if their champion looses, they must admit defeat and give into the wishes of the other. Terra team has had it tough lately. Even with technically superior ships, and despite concerted efforts to recruit girls from the past, the team simply keeps losing against their rivals, The Red Snappers! Now they desperately need someone special… someone powerful, capable, and who possess' a killer instinct. A pilot of extraordinary skill to crew the new model ship. They need ... Yamamoto Yohko! Now, if they can just convince her that a better life awaits her in the future, Terra might be able to defeat the Red Snappers for a change! Contains episodes 1-2. Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DUBBED (RST RS9011) VHS $19.98 YAMAMOTO YOHKO OVA SERIES VOLUME 2 VIDEO DUBBED From Right Stuf International, Inc.! Rouge, it seems, isn't all bad after all. Oh sure, in battle there are few tougher opponents, but there is also a side which craves beauty and peace in the universe. Her mom was much the same, and her task was a noble one... but is sadly incomplete. Worse, all her effort is in jeopardy as the laboratory (with an unstable nuclear reactor) is on a collision course with Earth! Contains episodes 3-4. Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: August, 2001. DUBBED (RST RS9012) VHS $19.98 ZENKI DVD From Anime Works! One thousand years ago, all manner of evil creatures beset Earth. Only the high priest, Ozuno, could control the guardian demon named Zenki and protect the world. Fearful that no one would ever be able to control the destructive Zenki, Ozuno sealed the creature in a stone monument before he passed on. Centuries later, strange demonic objects known as the Seeds of Evil have been appearing once again, and with them come doom for all mankind. Now, a young priestess named Chiaki Ozuno uncovers the monument, and must summon Zenki! Will she find a way to control him, or will Earth's salvation spell her destruction? This DVD collects episodes 1-13: that's over 5-hours of supernatural excitement! Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (MDB EFD-8902) $39.95 ADULT ANIME BUTTOBI CPU I DREAM OF MIMI DVD & VIDEOS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DVD (RST CDVD6923) $29.95 DUBBED (RST CM6921) VHS $24.95 SUBTITLED (RST CM6922) VHS $24.95 BONDAGE QUEEN KATE VOLUME 1&2 DVD AND VIDEO SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DVD (MDB KVD-0123) $29.95 DUBBED (MDB KV-0122) VHS $29.95 DRAGON RIDER VOLUME 2 VIDEO SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL SUBTITLED (MDB KV-0124) VHS $24.95 MAIL ORDER MAIDEN 28 DVD & VIDEO/DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DVD (RST CDVD6931) $24.95 DUBBED (RST CM6930) VHS $19.98 MASQUERADE DVD SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DVD (CPM A18-2078) $29.99 SLIGHT FEVER SYNDROME COMPLETE DVD AND VIDEO SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DVD (MDB KV-0125) $29.95 DUBBED (MDB KVD-0126) VHS $29.95 STAINLESS NIGHT VOLUME 1 VIDEO/SUBTITLED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL SUBTITLED (MDB KV-0121) VHS $24.95 STARBALLZ THE MOVIE VIDEO SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL SUBTITLED (DIA STB002) VHS PI TALES OF MISBEHAVIOR VIDEO/DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DUBBED (MDB KV-0119) VHS $24.95 TALES OF SINTILLATION VIDEO/DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DUBBED (MDB KV-0120) VHS $24.95 TALES OF TITILLATION VIDEO/DUBBED SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DUBBED (MDB KV-0118) VHS $24.95 ANIMATION DR. SUESS CLASSIC VIDEOS From Sony Music! Suess is on the loose! For nearly 50-years, Dr. Suess' timeless literary classics have enchanted children of all ages with his cartoonish wit and rhyming mirth and morality. Now Dr. Suess' capacity for creating delight for millions of readers expands into video with this selection of memorable animated treats culled from his vast array of comical, insightful, and endearing stories and characters. Approximate running time: 30 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DID I EVER TELL YOU HOW LUCKY YOU ARE? (DIA LV51243) VHS PI HORTON HATCHES THE EGG (DIA LV51265) VHS PI HORTON HEARS A WHO (DIA LV51266) VHS PI INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES OF WALLACE AND GROMIT DVD From Warner Home Video! The Academy Award-winning claymation heroes return to DVD after a year long moratorium! Creator Nick Park's bumbling duo of Wallace and Gromit have captivated millions of viewers, cultivating fans world-wide with their thrilling adventures and claymation antics. Whether its voyaging to the moon to stock up on cheese, or capturing the notorious sheep rustler, Wallace and Gromit always seem to keep their audience clamoring for more. Featured in this collection you'll find these three highly-acclaimed Wallace & Gromit film shorts - "The Wrong Trousers," "A Close Shave," and "A Grand Day Out." Approximate running time: 81 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA DVDE1510) PI PEANUTS HOLIDAY 3-VIDEO GIFT PACK From Paramount Home Video! Charles Schultz' enriching, timeless Peanuts creations have captured the wonderment of childhood, enhancing the curious fascination we share of this world, and their seasonal, animated exploits have become an American family tradition for over 35-years. Join Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Lucy, and all the Peanuts gang as they celebrate the holidays with this special gift set showcasing three festive Peanuts classics: "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown," "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving," and "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Plus, packaged exclusively with this collector's set, you'll find a Peanuts Inflatable Kids Chair! Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) VHS 3-PACK (DIA 156669) PI ASIAN ACTION THEATER BODY WEAPON DVD & VIDEO From Tai Seng Marketing! From the team that brought you the femme fatale classic Naked Killer comes this intense, erotic action thriller starring hot newcomer Angie Cheong! While investigating murder cases involving masked rapists, Organized Crime & Triad Bureau member Ling (Cheong) herself is raped by the suspects on her wedding night. Through butchery, bosoms, and ballistic firepower, Ling chooses to use her own body as the tool to take revenge on her violators! Approximate running time: 97 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001 (CAUT:4) MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA 94174) PI DUBBED (DIA 94173) VHS PI BEAUTIFUL BEAST DVD & VIDEO From Asia Pulp Cinema! In the tradition of La Femme Nikita! Introducing The Black Orchid: A gorgeous assassin that few have seen and none have survived. Violence, death and arousing action follow her every move! Approximate running time: 86 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001.(CAUT:4) MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (CPM APC-2083) $29.99 DUBBED (CPM APC-1987) VHS $29.99 INHERITOR OF KUNG FU DVD From Tai Seng Marketing! The amazing Ti Lung (A Better Tomorrow, Drunken Master Two) stars as a naive, mediocre martial artist working for an evil clan leader, seeking to rule the martial arts world by possessing a mythical kung fu manual. Joining forces with a powerful female fighter and a mysterious drunken hermit, Ti becomes the leader of a massive sect as he fights the clan in a supreme kung fu tournament. But, to survive, he must first defeat his own master! Approximate running time: 92 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA 82614) PI NINJA HUNTER REVENGE DVD From Tai Seng Marketing! Alexander Lou (Super Ninja) is featured in this Ninja action extravaganza! When the villainous Abbott White hires a group of evil Ninjas to help him destroy the Shaolin Temple, Lou and his righteous followers must face the killers in a sword-slashing, knuckle-bashing duel to the death! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA 86634) PI SURE DEATH—REVENGE DVD & VIDEO From Tokyo Shock! Mondo Nakamura was a loyal samurai, serving under an established magistrate. However, when the magistrate is murdered, he is replaced by the young and handsome Okuda. Amidst the lavish excess of the Japanese magistrates and all the trappings of their courtly life, Mondo fights to unravel the mystery of Okuda. Coming across scandal after scandal, he finds that corruption paves a road all the way to the Shogun himself! But even then, Mondo is not afraid to fight for his own honor, and avenge those who died during the investigation. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (MDB TSD-0116) $24.95 DUBBED (MDB TS-0115) VHS $19.95 COLLECTOR'S EDITIONS CLOCKWORK ORANGE CLASSIC COLLECTION BOX SET DVD From Creative Art Design, Inc.! Stanley Kubrick directs this 1971 cult classic based on the novel by Anthony Burgess! Alex (Malcolm McDowell), a young punk in a Britain dystopian future, who craves ultra-violence, a little 'in-and-out,' and Ludwig Van Beethoven, goes out for a sadistic twist on adolescent mischief with his band of Droogs, which involves bloody beatings, rape, and singing tunes from old MGM musicals. During one of his midnight raids, Alex accidentally kills his victim and is sentenced to extensive imprisonment. Seeking religious redemption, and a means of early release, he agrees to a special psychological treatment to escape his bloody yearnings... one which makes him physically ill at the thought of sex or violence. Unfortunately, now Alex's victims want to welcome him back into society with the same morbid enthusiasm! Hugely controversial when first released, A Clockwork Orange won the New York Film Critics Best Picture and Director honors and earned four Academy Award nominations, including best picture. Approximate running time: 137 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. DVD (DIA 201358) PI FULL METAL JACKET CLASSIC COLLECTION BOX SET DVD From Creative Art Design, Inc.! Matthew Modine leads a superb ensemble cast in Stanley Kubrick's brilliant saga about the Vietnam War and the military dehumanizing process. Plunged into boot-camp hell pit-bulled by an unrelenting Drill Instructor (R. Lee Ermey), Modine and his wet-behind-the-ears recruits are thrust into the very real, very violent, world of war. From its rigors of basic training to its nightmare of combat in Hue City, Full Metal Jacket scores a cinematic direct hit! Approximate running time: 116 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. DVD (DIA 201341) PI FARSCAPE FARSCAPE VOLUME 6 DVD & VIDEO From A.D. Vision! Contains two complete episodes! In "Till the Blood Runs Clear", Aeryn and Crichton unexpectedly create a wormhole while studying solar flares and are forced to land at the Dambada Depot. There they discover a Wanted Beacon offering a reward for the return of Zhaan, D'Argo and Rygel, and must impersonate bounty hunters when confronted by two vicious Bloodtrackers determined to get the reward! Then, in "Rhapsody in Blue", the crew wakes to find Moya has StarBurst on her own accord to answer the distress call of another Leviathan. But the call was merely a psychic ruse by a stranded Delvian sect who needs Zhaan's powers to heal their leader, Tahleen, from madness. Crichton and the rest of the crew are helpless as they become victims of the sect's mystical powers, as Tahleen attempts to steal Zhaan's soul! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (ADV DVDFS006) $24.98 VHS (ADV FS-006) $14.98 FANTASY/SCI-FI DEEP CORE DVD From Paramount Home Video! Adventure never ran so deep! Prepare for a chain reaction of deadly calamities when a rupture of massive proportions occurs deep within the earth's core! Only one scientist has the answer to curtailing the geological nightmare that threatens to destroy mankind! Starring Craig Sheffer, James Russo, and Terry Farrell. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA DVD86023) PI EROTIC GHOST LIMITED EDITION DVD SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DVD (DIA SMT-001) PI EROTIC WITCH PROJECT LIMITED EDITION DVD SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL DVD (DIA SMT-002) PI HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN DVD From Anchor Bay Entertainment! In the future, fertile men will be extinct, evil frogs will rule the world, and lusty women will hunger for a taste of hell! Rowdy Roddy Piper is Sam Hell, one of the last fertile males in the radioactive wasteland of the future. But, when Hell is seized by a female organization intent on repopulating, he is sent on a deadly mission to rescue, and impregnate, a group of beautiful women held captive by the violent bipedal amphibian leader of Frogtown. Sandahl Bergman (Conan The Barbarian) also stars in this sci-fi action comedy cult-favorite that spawned two sequels! Approximate running time: 86 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001.(CAUT:4) MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA DV11390) PI ORIGINAL PLANET OF THE APES DVD & VIDEO From Fox Home Entertainment! Loosely based on Pierre Boulle's critically-acclaimed novel, Franklin J. Schaffner directs this 1968 cult classic starring Charlton Heston as one of the surviving explorers on a derelict space craft that crash lands on a distant planet in the year 3978A.D., a planet where the evolutionary tract has gone askew, and intelligent apes rule over a world where man, mute and subservient, is the endangered species. Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, and Linda Harrison co-star in this philosophical, creative, and absorbing film ripe with irony and political commentary on everything from religion to man's status in the world hierarchy. Approximate running time: 112 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA 2000791) PI VHS (DIA 4105467) PI PLANET OF THE APES DVD & VIDEO BOX SETS From Fox Home Entertainment! This exciting boxed set contains all five original theatrical releases of the Planet of the Apes epoch. Featured movies collected are Planet of the Apes (1968), Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970), Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971), Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972), and Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973). Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA 2000109) PI VHS (DIA 4105493) PI HORROR DARIO ARGENTO CAT O' NINE TAILS DVD From Anchor Bay Entertainment! When a simple robbery at a research institute leads to a series of brutal murders, a blind puzzle maker (Karl Malden) and a tenacious reporter (James Franciscus) begin their own investigation of the crimes. With nine different clues to follow, they uncover a shocking web of twisted genetics and dark sexual secrets that will finally lead them to a shattering climax of violence and suspense. Originally released in 1971, this definitive version of Argento's masterful second film is now fully remastered from its original camera negative. Approximate running time: 112 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA DV11333) PI DARIO ARGENTO COLLECTION DVD SETS From Anchor Bay Entertainment! "Horror by definition is the emotion of pure revulsion. Terror by the same standard is that of fearful anticipation"- Dario Argento. No truer words are spoken by the master of Italian splatter-shock cinema, Dario Argento. His visions are painted with a crimson brush, conjuring images both horrific and beautiful. This series of DVD sets collects a sampling of director Argento's most riveting and terrifying offerings to the world of horror films. Set #1 collects Argento's classics Inferno and Phenomena, while Set #2 contains Demons 1 & 2, and Set #3 features Tenebre and Deep Red. Available for the first time to the American audience, each feature-length movie is presented in its original uncut, uncensored format, for a truly terrifying, visceral viewing experience. Release Date: September, 2001.(CAUT:4) MATURE AUDIENCE SET 1 (DIA DV11702) DVD PI SET 2 (DIA DV11703) DVD PI SET 3 (DIA DV11704) DVD PI KILLER BARBYS DVD & VIDEO From Shriek Show! The Killer Barbys are a touring rock band with a problem. They're stranded in the middle of nowhere, and they need to find someone willing to put them up for the night. They end up at the mansion of the countess Von Fledermaus, an ancient woman shrouded in evil. She needs the fresh blood of young men to regain her lost youth, and the Killer Barbys are on the menu! Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. CAUT:4) MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB SSD-0108) $24.95 DUBBED (MDB SS-0107) VHS $19.95 VAMPIRE STRANGLER UNCUT VIDEO SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or UK. ADULT MATERIAL (DIA DRAC-001) PI SUPER HEROES BATMAN THE MOVIE 35TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION DVD & VIDEO From Fox Home Entertainment! When Batman (Adam West) and Robin (Burt Ward) get a tip that Commodore Schmidlapp is in danger aboard his yacht, they launch a rescue mission. But, the tip is a set-up by four of the most notorious villains ever, seeking to defeat the Dynamic Duo once and for all! Armed with a dehydrator that can turn humans into dust, the fearsome foursome intends to take over the world! Can the Caped Crusaders use their high-flying heroism and groovy gadgetry to declaw Catwoman (Lee Meriwether), ice the Penguin (Burgess Meredith), upstage the Joker (Cesar Romero), and stump the Riddler (Frank Gorshin) in time? Additional features include running commentary with stars Adam West and Burt Ward, an all new Batman Featurette, theatrical teaser and trailers, a tour of the Batmobile, a behind-the- scenes still gallery, and more! Approximate running time: 105 minutes. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) DVD (DIA 2001954) PI VHS (DIA 2002274) PI AUDIO BUBBLEGUM CRISIS 2040 OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK CD From Tokyopop! Bubblegum Crisis 2040 provides an updated look at the Knight Sabers in every way - from fashion to character development and animation to, of course, music. From one of the most popular anime franchises ever, comes the electronic sound of the cyberpunk series Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040. With the show's own rock star, Priss, this jammin' offering wouldn't be complete without a soundtrack of digitally mixed techno-rock crafted by producer Kouichi Korenaga! Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) CD (DIA TPCD2072) PI MACROSS II ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK CD From Right Stuf International, Inc.! 52-minutes of exhilarating and inspiring instrumental works are captured in this soundtrack showcasing 19 tracks of music from the best-selling video release. Release Date: August, 2001. CD (RST AT9309) $14.98 RESIDENT EVIL CODE VERONICA OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK CD From Tokyopop! Resident Evil Code: Veronica X is the perfect companion to the latest edition in Capcom's mega hit survival horror series. The ghostly and tension-filled compositions of Takeshi Miura, Hijiri Anze and Sanae Kasahara are the perfect sounds to allow game fans to re-live the game on their stereo.With a dark ambience set to terrify, Code: Veronica X will help keep the fear up when fans have to put the game down. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) CD (DIA TPCD2052) PI SIN THE MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK CD From Right Stuf International, Inc.! Re-live the excitement of SIN and the 21st century Hardcore elite strike-force in this soundtrack CD highlighting 20 tracks of music boasting 43-minutes of exhilarating orchestration from the action-packed video release. Release Date: August, 2001. CD (RST AT9308) $14.98 TRIGUN OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK CD From Tokyopop! Get set for the "stampede" as the sound of techno cowboy music prepares to rock your stereo. Despite the western-in-space aesthetics of the show, Trigun's soundtrack is hardly honky-tonk with its mix of hip-hop and electronica. Made popular on Cartoon Network and through its video release by Pioneer Entertainment, this funky mesh of sound is the only thing appropriate for a hero with a name like Vash the Stampede. Luckily for fans, this soundtrack doesn't carry the same 60 billion dollar bounty Vash does! Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) CD (DIA TPCD2082) PI VAMPIRE PRINCESS MIYU OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK CD From Tokyopop! The sounds of Miyu's dark world are presented here in their fine, haunting beauty. Having been a staple in gothic anime for years, the aural backdrop of Miyu's world, as conceived by Kenji Kawai (the composer of Ghost in the Shell), is being released in North America for the first time. The perfect companion to the Vampire Princess Miyu Television Series, currently being prepared for release by Tokyopop Anime, the soundtrack is a journey through traditional and contemporary Japanese folk music and reflects Miyu's perpetual twilight between the human, demon and vampire worlds. Release Date: September, 2001. (CAUT:4) CD (DIA TPCD2062) PI NOW PLAYING: VIDEO BACKLIST STAR13315 AD POLICE 2 VIDEO DUB $19.98 STAR13316 AGENT AIKA: FINAL BATTLE DVD (MR) $29.99 STAR13317 APPLESEED DVD $24.95 STAR13424 BLACK JACK DVD (MR) $29.95 STAR13425 BUBBLEGUM CRISIS 2040 VOL 4 DVD $29.98 STAR13253 COMPLETE SUPERMAN COLLECTION DVD BOX SET $79.92 STAR13325 DOGMA VIDEO $14.95 STAR13428 DRAGONBALL Z: GREAT SAIYAMAN CRASH COURSE UNCUT VIDEO/DUBBED $19.95 STAR13429 DRAGONBALL Z: WORLD TOURNAMENT JUNIOR DIVISION UNCUT VIDEO/DUBBED $19.95 STAR13327 DUAL VOL 4 ONE VISION VIDEO/DUBBED $24.98 STAR13254 ESCAFLOWNE VOL 5 DVD $29.98 STAR13255 ESCAFLOWNE VOL 5 UNCUT VIDEO/DUBBED $19.98 STAR13256 ESCAFLOWNE VOL 6 DVD $29.98 STAR13390 ESCAFLOWNE VOL 6 UNCUT VIDEO/DUBBED $19.98 STAR13328 FARSCAPE VOL 2: EXODUS FROM GENESIS DVD $24.98 STAR13329 GUNDAM WING OPERATION 7 DVD (MR) $24.98 STAR13434 GUNDAM WING VOL 12: COLLAPSE OF PEACE UNCUT VIDEO/DUBBED $14.98 STAR13435 GUNDAM WING VOL 13: WHITE FANG UNCUT VIDEO/DUBBED $14.98 STAR13332 HARLOCK SAGA DVD $29.99 STAR13333 HARLOCK SAGA VOL 2 WRATH OF THE GODS VIDEO/DUBBED $19.99 STAR13397 LA BLUE GIRL: LIVE BIRTH OF THE DEMON CHILD VIDEO/SUBTITLED (A) $29.95 STAR13266 LEGEND OF CRYSTANIA THE MOTION PICTURE DVD (MR) $29.98 STAR13270 MOLDIVER PERFECT COLLECTION DVD (MR) $19.98 STAR13337 MYSTERY OF THE NECRONOMICON DVD (A) $29.99 STAR13372 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION COLLECTION 02 DVD (MR) $29.98 STAR13375 THE PRISONER SET THREE 2-PACK DVD $39.95 STAR13442 THE PRISONER SET FOUR 2-PACK DVD $39.95 STAR13443 PROJECT A-KO: LOVE & ROBOTS DVD $29.99 STAR13273 RUROUNI KENSHIN VOL. 6: FLAMES OF REVOLUTION DVD $29.95 STAR13406 SABER MARIONETTE J TV VOL. 2 DVD $44.98 STAR13445 SAILOR MOON: INTRODUCING SAILOR JUPITER VIDEO/DUBBED $12.98 STAR13446 SAILOR MOON: RED HEARTS, SILVER CRYSTALS VIDEO/DUBBED $12.98 STAR13376 SAILOR MOON S TV VOL. 3: LABYRINTH UNCUT VIDEO/DUBBED $14.98 STAR13447 SAILOR MOON S TV VOL. 4: BIRTHDAY BLUES UNCUT VIDEO/DUBBED $14.98 STAR13448 SAKURA DIARIES CHAPTER 4 DVD (MR) $24.98 STAR13451 SOL BIANCA: THE LEGACY VOL 3 DVD $29.98 STAR13452 SOL BIANCA: THE LEGACY VOL 3 VIDEO DUB $24.98 STAR13277 TENCHI MUYO VOL. 3: GROWING UP VIDEO/DUBBED $14.98 STAR13380 TENCHI UNIVERSE SPACE 1 DVD $29.98 STAR13279 TENCHI UNIVERSE VOL. 8: LAST BATTLE DVD $29.98 STAR13412 TRANSFORMERS: HEROES VIDEO $9.95 STAR13413 TRANSFORMERS: VILLAINS DVD $19.95 STAR13414 TRANSFORMERS: VILLAINS VIDEO $9.95 STAR13282 TRIGUN VOL 7: PUPPETMASTER VIDEO/DUBBED $24.98 STAR13454 TRIGUN VOL 8: HIGH NOON VIDEO/DUBBED $24.98 STAR13418 VOLTRON THE 3RD DIMENSION VOL 3 VIDEO/DUBBED $14.99 STAR13382 X-MEN: EVOLUTION: XPLOSIVE DAYS VIDEO $12.95