PREVIEWS VOL. XI #12 PREVIEWS PUBLICATIONS PREVIEWS #2 (FEBRUARY 2002) Previews is your ultimate source for all the merchandise available from your local comic book specialty retailer… approximately two months in advance! Hundreds of comics from a myriad of publishers, merchandise, and exclusive editorial content available nowhere else! This issue features items scheduled to ship from April 2002 through June 2002! Catalog, 8x11, 400+pg, PC $3.25 PREVIEWS PRIMO FLYER #2 Primo is the monthly publication featuring some of the best and most desirable items from Previews! This issue highlights items in the February 2001 catalog! Digest, 5x8, FC MSRP: PI PREVIEWS CONSUMER ORDER FORM #2 Previews makes it easy for you to order every item in the catalog with this separate order form booklet! This issue ships in late January 2002 for items on sale in April 2002. Comic-sized, 62pg, PC MSRP: PI PREVIEWS ADULT #2 Previews Adult features Adult-oriented art, info, and related news not found in Previews. NOTE: Due to customs and international restrictions, adult material may not be available in some international markets. Please check with your local comic book specialty retailer for availability. ADULT MATERIAL Catalog, 24pg, b&w MSRP: $0.75 COMICS SECTION PREMIERE VENDORS DARK HORSE COMICS ASTRO BOY VOLUME 1 TP by OSAMU TEZUKA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Dark Horse proudly presents another of the crown jewels of international graphic fiction — Astro Boy! Created by the late Osamu Tezuka, a revered animator and cartoonist — who created over 150,000 pages of comics in his career! — and considered the Walt Disney of Japan, his Astro Boy was the first manga series to be adapted to animation and became a worldwide phenomenon, making Astro Boy the Mickey Mouse of anime — a jet-powered, super-strong, evil-robot-bashing, alien-invasion-smashing Mickey Mouse, that is! Exciting, whimsical, and touching, Astro Boy hearkens back to the classic era of comics and animation, featuring stories that readers young and old will enjoy. Don't miss the opportunity to experience this landmark series, never before available in America, each volume featuring over 200 pages in an affordable and convenient pocket-sized format as currently collected in Japan! On sale March 27 SC, 224pg, b&w, 7" x 4 1/2" . . . $9.95 SPYBOY/YOUNG JUSTICE #1 by PETER DAVID, POP MHAN, TODD NAUCK, NORMAN LEE, JAMIE MENDOZA, and CLEM ROBINS; cover by POP MHAN The spy-villain organization of S.K.I.N.S. (Supreme Killing Institute) might have a new ally in the form of the nation of Zandia, a country populated entirely by criminals. They have both been approached by the deadly duo of REMbrandt, the artist of dreams, and Annie Mae, the diminutive Japanese crime boss. They've hatched a plan to control the dreams of their victims and give these incarnations physical form. Only SpyBoy and company, and Young Justice, have experience to deal with these threats. They'll have to join forces if they hope to defeat this deadly alliance, and discover REMbrandt's true identity! Extra! The front and back covers of SpyBoy/Young Justice #1-#3 stack to form one awesome poster featuring all the members of the two teams, battling bad guys from their collective rogue's gallery! On sale February 6 FC, 32pg . . . $2.99 STAR WARS: QUI-GON & OBI-WAN — THE AURORIENT EXPRESS #1 by MIKE KENNEDY and LUCAS MARANGON; cover BY LUCAS MARANGON A luxury cloud cruiser has slipped out of control and is sinking into the thick atmosphere of Yorn Skot, barreling at breakneck speed around the planet in a slowly decaying orbit. Fortunately, two of the Jedi's finest are in the area — Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi! They've only got 84 minutes to board the runaway cruise ship, restore control, and save the suspicious collection of filthy rich passengers from a cloudy grave! But it won't be easy — the ship doesn't WANT to be repaired, and the systems themselves seem to repel their every effort! Thrills and chills abound on board "THE AURORIENT EXPRESS"! On sale February 27 FC, 32pg (1 of 2) . . . $2.99 DARK HORSE MAVERICK TITLES MIKE MIGNOLA'S B.P.R.D. #2 by MIKE MIGNOLA, CHRIS GOLDEN, TOM SNIEGOSKI, and RYAN SOOK; cover by MIKE MIGNOLA Abe Sapien, Roger the Homunculus, and Johann Kraus carry Liz Sherman's body into the center of the earth to find her stolen fire. Guided by the directions of a dead gnome, the BPRD is about to unearth a buried city, and learn what's in store for the world above. Continuing the groundbreaking spin-off of Mike Mignola's critically acclaimed Hellboy! On sale February 27 FC, 32pg (2 of 3) . . . $2.99 JOSS WHEDON'S FRAY #7 by JOSS WHEDON, KARL MOLINE, and ANDY OWENS; cover by KARL MOLINE In case there was any doubt that the demons were back to get us… When Fray decided to take up the mantle of the VAMPIRE Slayer, she didn't expect anything like this. Now, it's taking the combined forces of all her street-gang friends and the city police just to get this thing's attention! As if she hadn't made enough enemies in the last six issues…now every one of them is calling her out on the carpet this issue. On sale February 20 FC, 32pg (7 of 8) . . . $2.99 PLANET OF THE APES #6: BLOODLINES PART 3 by DAN ABNETT, IAN EDGINTON, PACO MEDINA, and JUAN VLASCO; cover by ERIC POWELL It's the battle that was bound to happen! The battle that will spark a new war between the ape nation and the collaborative ape- human resistance. But some allegiances — and destinies — are still left undefined. Will Attar, the once imposing military captain, return to Derkein to try to stop the bloodshed before it starts, even if it costs him his life? And, will Esau, the human rebel leader, stand at Seneca's side, or make an unpredictable move to bolster solely human forces, and rid the planet of their ape overlords...forever!? Extra! This issue features a second amazing cover by a surprise artist! On sale February 6 FC, 32pg (3 of 3) (Powell cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (3 of 3) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (3 of 3) (Surprise artist cover) . . . $2.99 THE IGUANA TP by CARLOS TRILLO and ROBERTO MANDRAFINA The most feared man in the history of the corrupt police state of La Colonia was the Iguana, an unstoppable assassin of monstrous cruelty, debased appetites, and nearly superhuman abilities. Now, he is seemingly dead, but his foul influence still permeates the landscape, inspiring as much terror and loathing in death as in life. When a beautiful and ambitious American tabloid journalist travels to La Colonia to investigate the Iguana's apparent death, she herself becomes entangled in his legacy of savage transgressions and perverse desires, and even a Pulitzer Prize may not be able to wipe away the stain on her soul. Written by CyberSix creator Carlos Trillo and illustrated by Roberto Mandrafina, and the sequel to The Big Hoax, The Iguana is a brutal satire, as disturbing as it is sardonic. Not for the faint of heart, The Iguana is another essential Venture graphic album, published in collaboration with Strip Art Features, and available for the first time in an English-language edition! On sale February 20 SC, 88pg, b&w 7" x 9 1/2" . . . $10.95 OTTO PORFIRI: RED MOON TP by FRANCO SAUDELLI Private eye Otto Porfiri may look a little overstuffed, but don't push him too far. His placid nature can turn to fists of fury quicker than the ex-soccer star could put one past a diving goalkeeper. And he'll need those knuckles as his latest list of cases leaves him double-chin-high in sleazy sex clubs, sideshow freaks, nazi punks, phony psychics, and kill-crazy lunatics — you know, the usual! Gorgeously illustrated and written with razor wit by Franco Saudelli, Otto Porfiri: Red Moon is another can't- miss Venture graphic album, published in collaboration with Strip Art Features, and available for the first time in an English- language edition! On sale March 27 SC, 88pg, b&w 7" x 9 1/2" . . . $9.95 ZACHARY HOLMES CASE 1: THE MONSTER by CARLOS TRILLO and JUAN BOBILLO When the hideous Frankenstein's monster is imprisoned after an apparent rampage in the streets of London, who will come to his defense? Holmes, that's who — indomitable detective and paragon of justice, Zachary Holmes. Zachary Holmes? Well, sure, he's only a kid and his assistant, Watson, is a mouse, but the bobbies still depend on him to solve their toughest cases. And this one's tougher than most, able to break chains like jackstraws and toss wagons like tin toys! But Holmes is as fearless as he is young, and the truth will not evade his relentless gaze for long! Available for the first time in an English-language edition! On sale February 6 HC, 48pg, FC, 9" x 12" . . . $14.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #42: UGLY LITTLE MONSTERS PART 3 by TOM FASSBENDER, JIM PASCOE, CLIFF RICHARDS, and JOE PIMENTEL; cover by JEFF MATSUDA The Scoobies get attacked by more ugly, foul-smelling, creepy, little, green monsters. They seem to really hate Buffy, and the little buggers are becoming a bigger problem than anyone expected. It looks like one of Buffy's friends might be related to the menace, but how? And why? This issue marks a revelation for one of the Scoobies. Don't miss it. Scribes Tom Fassbender and Jim Pascoe continue to knock Buffy fans out with their evil genius, and Cliff Richards and Joe Pimentel have become THE favorite artists of Buffy fans just like you! On sale February 27 FC, 32pg (3 of 3) (Matsuda cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (3 of 3) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: HAUNTED #3 by JANE ESPENSON, CLIFF RICHARDS, and JULIO FERREIRA; cover by CLIFF RICHARDS The recently deceased former Mayor of Sunnydale has got more than a few bones to pick with Buffy Summers. And it looks as if he'll have to go through several skeletons (as well as a few corpses in various states of decay) before he's satisfied. Now, on top of dealing with her nightmares about a certain raven-haired, trash-talking former Slayer, she's got a body-snatching, blood-sucking poltergeist stalking her every moment she's awake. But there's something strange going on beneath the University campus in Sunnydale, and the maleficent mayor is not going to like what he finds. On sale February 20 FC, 32pg (3 of 4) (Richards cover) . . . $2.99 FC, 32pg (3 of 4) (Photo cover) . . . $2.99 ANGEL: STRANGE BEDFELLOWS AND OTHER STORIES TP By CHRISTOPHER GOLDEN, TOM SNEIGOSKI, CHRISTIAN ZANIER, and ERIC POWELL The largest book of Angel stories yet, this volume completes the collection of Angel Volume 1, featuring stores set in the first season of the hit television series. It sees the evolution of the team of vampire hunters from the very beginning, through the death of sidekick Doyle. The title story, drawn by Rising Stars artist Christian Zanier, features a vampire brothel, in which the bloodsucking madam tries to lure Angel into unholy congress with his own kind. This volume also features the first solo Cordelia story, in which she and her haunted apartment defend themselves against a demonic intruder. Collecting issues #4, #10, #11, and #17 of the ongoing series, plus a story previously available only in T.V. Guide! On sale March 13 SC, 104pg, FC . . . $12.95 3 X 3 EYES: BLOOD OF THE SACRED DEMON TP by YUZO TAKADA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Everything changes in this volume of 3x3 Eyes, one of Japan's most popular and longest-running series! The zombie teenager Yakumo has been searching for Pai, the girl he loves, for years. When he finds her, she's in big trouble! The amnesiac Pai has forgotten all about her inhuman heritage and mystical powers, and an evil group of supernatural Puppet People are on the hunt for her! Can Yakumo use his new special attack moves to rescue Pai and restore her memories? Or will she run from him — and the truth — as well? Collecting the popular story arc from Super Manga Blast! #8-11! FOR MATURE READERS On sale March 6 SC, 144pg, b&w…$13.95 AKIRA BOOK 6 TP by KATSUHIRO OTOMO; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS The explosive finale to one of graphic fiction's greatest achievements is here! The mad psychic colossus Tetsuo, the world's military, and the remaining psychics of The Project face off — with the child psychic god, Akira, the wild card — in what may not only decide the fate of mankind, but may determine the next step in human evolution! This long-awaited volume — a staggering 440 pages — features the impossible-to-find final chapters of Akira, never before collected in the U.S., presented as they were intended to be seen in their original, stunning black and white! Featuring a revised translation and top-quality art reproduction, this is the final edition of one of comics' definitive works, a six-volume epic of over two thousand pages. Katsuhiro Otomo's entire masterpiece is finally available — only from Dark Horse! Features the hardest-to-find chapters of Akira, never before collected in America! On sale March 20 SC, 440pg, b&w…$29.95 CANNON GOD EXAXXION #4: STAGE 1 PART 4 by KENICHI SONODA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Aliens colonize Earth using amazing nanotechnology and a giant robot! Worse yet, the only hope for Earth's survival is a teen boy with an attitude and his mad-scientist grandfather. But gramps produces an impregnable gun-suit and a well-endowed android assistant for the teen and the fight is on! However, a little fight adds up to a lot of destruction. Heck, the muzzle blast from the gargantuan robot's gun is enough to wreak havoc, but what happens when that bullet hits its target? Sayonara, Mt. Fuji! FOR MATURE READERS On sale February 20 b&w, 24pg (4 of 8) . . . $2.99 BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL #65: SKIN PART 2 by HIROAKI SAMURA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Having made it through the stressful Sekisho, Rin must decide how to proceed. Should she follow Anotsu to Kaga? And where in Kaga? And so, hoarding her money, she strikes out across Japan alone, a dangerous prospect. Can she trust the "kindness" of others? Meanwhile, Manji is making shifty deals on his own with the fabulous Magatsu, if he can restrain himself from getting in a duel with the estranged Ittö-ryü bad boy. Each divergent path has a drama of its own in the continuing, award-winning saga that is Blade of the Immortal. FOR MATURE READERS On sale February 13 b&w, 40pg (2 of 2) . . . $3.50 OH MY GODDESS! PART XI #6: MYSTERY CHILD PART 4 by KOSUKE FUJISHIMA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Much to Keiichi's chagrin, this little blonde boy continues to stand between the two star-crossed lovers in their rare opportunity for love. For a little kid, he sure brings a lot of trouble to the fragile ego of our young mechanic. Not only has the brat enjoyed sleeping in the arms of the beautiful Belldandy, but he's charmed his way into Chihiro's heart as well. But Keiichi's got his suspicions, and pretty soon the "little boy blonde" will meet his match. . . when an old friend pops in for a visit! On sale January 16 b&w, 32pg (4 of 8) . . . $2.99 OH MY GODDESS!: CHILDHOOD'S END TP by KOSUKE FUJISHIMA; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS It's the latest volume of one of America's most popular Japanese comics! Several favorite characters face new challenges in this brand-new collection. Skuld, the youngest of the three goddesses living with college student Keiichi, may be a whiz at inventions, but her immaturity usually gets the better of her. Can she learn the simple joy of riding a bicycle — and deal with her first crush on a boy? Campus queen Sayoko doesn't believe in goddesses — but when she's possessed by a demon, Belldandy and Urd have to convince her they have powers…without blowing their secret! Also, readers are introduced to the tough-but-sexy Chihiro Fujimi, former head of the school motor club! She's back in town, and nothing will be the same! Collecting all six issues of Oh My Goddess! Part VIII! On sale March 13 SC, 216pg, b&w…$15.95 LONE WOLF AND CUB VOL. 19: THE MOON IN OUR HEARTS TP by KAZUO KOIKE and GOSEKI KOJIMA; cover by GOSEKI KOJIMA The Eisner and Harvey Award-winning series continues! The time for delay is past. Itto Ogami and Daigoro are headed for Edo, to face Retsudo of the Yagyu once and for all! Stalked by bounty hunters and killers after their reward money, the Lone Wolf now faces deadlier enemies still. Retsudo has called out the nation's most accomplished rifleman, and dispatched a cannon-laden man of war, to intercept the father and son as they navigate treacherous cliffs and the high seas of Japan! FOR MATURE READERS On sale March 27 SC, 320pg, b&w, 4" x 6" . . . $9.95 SUPER MANGA BLAST! #19 by MOHIRO KITOH, MAKOTO KOBAYASHI, YUZO TAKADA, and HIROYUKI UTATANE & YO MORIMOTO; produced by STUDIO PROTEUS Dark Horse's premier manga-mag marches on! In Seraphic Feather, witness the outcome of our heroes' battle with the deadly android Sentinel! Haruo's ditching her dorm-room ghost for a new pad in Club 9, and making some other big changes, too! Shadow Star gets creepy, as Shiina and Akira track down a teenager to a room full of huge puppets — shaped like dragon children! Pai and Yakumo run into big trouble in China as they search for Pai's past — and run into more than they bargained for! And in What's Michael?, you won't believe your eyes as a dog and a cat…go on a date?! Don't miss any of the manga action, from America's best manga publisher! FOR MATURE READERS On sale Februray 27 b&w, 128pg…………$5.99 STAR WARS #39: THE STARK HYPERSPACE WAR PART 4 by JOHN OSTRANDER, DAVIDÉ FABBRI, and CHRISTIAN DALLA VECCHIA; cover by JON FOSTER While Tholme and Quinlan Vos try to make their escape from Thyferra, the Republic forces on Troiken stage a desperate battle against the overwhelming might of the Stark Collective. Can Plo Koon, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Adi Gallia rally the troops? And can they get Senator Valorum back to Coruscant before the Republic surrenders to Stark's demands? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion to the Stark Hyperspace War. On sale February 20 FC, 32pg (4 of 4) . . . $2.99 STAR WARS: JEDI VS. SITH TP by DARKO MACAN, RAMON F. BACHS, and RAUL FERNANDEZ; cover by RAMON F. BACHS According to legend, the Sith always number two — a Master and an apprentice. It was not always this way. A thousand years ago the Sith were many and they battled endlessly with the Jedi Army of Light. Lord Kaan ruled the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness and sought the destruction of Lord Hoth and his Jedi followers. Recruited into the war by a scout, three friends venture onto the battleground and march into destinies far greater and different than any of them could have ever imagined... On sale March 13 SC, 144pg, FC . . . $17.95 STAR WARS: STARFIGHTER — CROSSBONES #2 by HADEN BLACKMAN, RAMON F. BACHS, and RAUL FERNANDEZ; cover BY J. H. WILLIAMS The solo adventure featuring Nym, the rowdy alien mercenary from LucasArts' Starfighter video game, continues in part two of the Crossbones limited series. After accepting a mission to hunt down the deadly pirate Sol Sixxa, Nym travels to the planet Maramere — located in the heart of a massive Trade Federation operation. After dodging the Trade Federation, Nym does a bit of wreck diving in Maramere's watery depths, searching for clues to Sol Sixxa's whereabouts... On sale Feb 13 FC, 32pg (2 of 3) . . . $2.99 BETTIE PAGE COASTER SET #2 Now that you've had a chance to soak up our first set of popular Bettie Page coasters, Dark Horse is here to offer you another round. This time we've asked Bettie's most famous photographer Bunny Yeager to give us something special, and boy did she deliver! We're proud to feature these four hand-colored, never-before-seen images of Bettie frolicking at the amusement park in nothing but a bikini and a smile. Now there's something you can drink to. Cheers! On sale May 8 Four coasters, 4" square, 1/4" thick, full color, package in a full color box . . . $12.99 BETTIE PAGE LUNCH BOX #2: AMUSEMENT How does Dark Horse top the success of our first Bettie Page lunch box? How about Bettie Page frolicking in an amusement park, clothed only in a teeny-tiny yellow bikini. And perhaps we should mention that the hand-tinted photos that adorn this lunchbox were taken by the remarkable Bunny Yeager and have never been published before. You want this box, you need this box, and you will buy this box! On sale May 8 FC, embossed metal lunch box, 8" x 7" x 3 3/4" . . . $19.99 STARS OF THE MONTH BETTIE PAGE LUNCH BOX FC, 8" x 7" x 3 3/4" (STAR10342) . . . $19.95 BETTIE PAGE COASTER SET Set of 4 full-color photo coasters (STAR13136) . . . $12.99 ********************* CLASSIC COMIC CHARACTERS #30: THE YELLOW KID The Yellow Kid by R. F. Outcault is considered to be the first modern comic strip. The Yellow Kid, know also as Mickey Dougin, was an Irish immigrant living in the Lower East Side slums of New York. This street-wise urchin and his pals from Hogan's Alley took the whole country by storm at the end of the nineteenth century. Their rowdy and rambunctious adventures both entertained and delivered searing social commentary. Hugely popular, The Yellow Kid's smiling face and yellow nightshirt soon appeared across the nation — in Vaudeville, magazines, toys, and all kinds of household products. Sculpted by Yoe! Studios, this statuette comes packaged in a full-color tin box with pinback button and booklet as extras. This piece is limited to only 600 numbered copies, so allocation may occur. On sale April 3 5" tall, packaged in full-color tin box w/certificate, pinback button, and info booklet. Limited to only 600 numbered copies . . . $49.95 THUNDERBIRDS LUNCH BOX Thunderbirds are GO! The Year is 2065. On an island somewhere in the Southern Pacific lies the headquarters of the top secret organisation, International Rescue. Their mission… to save the world from disaster. Gerry Anderson's supermarionation television action series is now celebrated on this fine, full-color, embossed metal lunch box from Dark Horse Comics. F.A.B. On sale January 23 FC, embossed metal lunch box, 8" x 7" x 3 3/4" . . . $19.99 POP-OUT PEOPLE™ Futurama! Simpsons! Dark Horse continues its line of fun Pop-Out People! Pop out each character, put 'em on their bases, and stand em up in front of cool scenery. Arrange these on your desk, dashboard, computer, bookshelf, or wherever you need some fun. Each element is printed on both sides in full color, and each set comes with its own custom 2-sided diorama. Collect 'em all. On sale January 30 FUTURAMA: "PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDER" EPISODE Romance blossoms at Planet Express when Fry and Amy start dating. Things heat up around the office, until their relationship cools down. But when the hovercar they're in crashes on one of Jupiter's moons, Fry is decapitated, and his head is transplanted onto Amy's body. Wacky fun ensues, as Amy and Fry both try to score on Valentine's Day! FC, pop-out characters . . .$2.99 (each) SIMPSONS: "LIFE ON THE FAST LANE" EPISODE Marge takes up bowling after Homer gives her a bowling ball for her birthday. She takes lessons from Jacques, the local pro and womanizer, and finds that their relationship is progressing beyond just strikes and gutterballs. Jacques' romantic ways nearly steal away Marge's heart, but at the last minute she returns to Homer, the man she truly loves. FC, pop-out characters . . . $2.99 (each) ********************* POP-OUT PEOPLE RELISTS BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER POP-OUT PEOPLE FC, pop-out characters (Art) . . . $2.99 FC, pop-out characters (Photo) . . . $2.99 FUTURAMA POP-OUT PEOPLE FC, pop-out characters (Classic set) . . . $2.99 FC, pop-out characters (Love's Labours Lost in Space) . . . $2.99 FC, pop-out characters (Hell is Other Robots) . . . $2.99 FC, pop-out characters (Classic set) . . . $2.99 JURASSIC PARK III FC, pop-out characters (Art) . . . $2.99 FC, pop-out characters (Photo) . . . $2.99 PLANET OF THE APES FC, pop-out characters (Art) . . . $2.99 FC, pop-out characters (Photo) . . . $2.99 SIMPSONS POP-OUT PEOPLE FC, pop-out characters (Classic set) . . . $2.99 FC, pop-out characters (A Fish Called Selma) . . . $2.99 FC, pop-out characters (Treehouse of Horror) . . . $2.99 DC COMICS THE POWER COMPANY You met them in the pages of JLA #61. You got to know them in last month's POWERSURGE one-shots. Now it's time to witness the DCU's newest super-firm in action! Join writer Kurt Busiek (The Avengers, ASTRO CITY) and artists Tom Grummett (SUPERBOY, Section Zero) & Wade von Grawbadger (STARMAN) as they get down to business with THE POWER COMPANY — an ongoing series that promises to be the super-team everybody will be talking about, and featuring a cover for issue #1 painted by Andrew Robinson (JSA, STARMAN). Josiah Power is a man with a mission, a once-successful lawyer whose career was ruined due to emerging super- powers, and who has now found a new direction in life. Together with Skyrocket, Manhunter, Striker Z, Bork, Witchfire, and Sapphire, Josiah has formed the Power Company — a full-service professional super-hero firm that has partners, associates, billable hours, pro bono work, support staff, and more. But not all the members of the Power Company are there for the same reason. Some are out to do good and save lives, while others want to make as much money as possible. One member wants glory and fame, and another just wants a good, steady job. And when the Power Company has to confront the mysterious machinations of Doctor Cyber, the team may find itself out of business before they've had a chance to set up shop! This project is supported with a 4-color poster, house and trade ads, and a website promotion at THE POWER COMPANY is an ongoing series edited by Peter Tomasi. Issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores February 13 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. BATMAN: "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" — Month Two The most shocking storyline to hit Gotham City since "No Man's Land" continues this month throughout most of the Batman-related titles. First is DETECTIVE COMICS #767, written by Greg Rucka and featuring the exciting debut of new series penciller Steve Lieber (Whiteout), with inks by Mick Gray (PROMETHEA)! Will Sasha say Bruce committed the murder in order to get out of jail? That same week in NIGHTWING #66 (written by Chuck Dixon with art by Rick Burchett & Rob Leigh), Dick and Barbara dig deeper into the circumstances surrounding Bruce Wayne's arrest, as Lockhaven erupts into fiery chaos! BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #26 (written by Devin Grayson with art by Roger Robinson & John Floyd) shows that not everyone who loves Bruce thinks he's completely innocent! In ROBIN #99 (written by Chuck Dixon with art by Pete Woods & Andrew Pepoy), Alfred goes undercover to investigate a suspect in the Bruce Wayne case, and Robin and Spoiler join forces once more! Finally, in BIRDS OF PREY #40 (written by Dixon with art by Rick Leonardi & Jesse Delperdang), Black Canary picks up an unwanted sidekick in the Spoiler, while Oracle begins to learn the secret that may have led to the murder. Robin arrives just in time as the case against Bruce Wayne takes a dramatic turn, leading directly into BATMAN #600 — the first part of "Bruce Wayne: Fugitive" (see related article)! Catch the following "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" issues: In stores February 13: ? DETECTIVE COMICS #767 ? NIGHTWING #66 In stores February 20: ? BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #26 ? ROBIN #99 ? BIRDS OF PREY #40 BATMAN #600 — "Bruce Wayne: Fugitive" While BIRDS OF PREY #40 may be the final chapter of "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?", it's just the beginning of another new twist to Batman's mounting problems. BATMAN #600 is a special double-sized anniversary issue igniting a new storyline that ushers in a new era for the Dark Knight: "Bruce Wayne: Fugitive"! In the 32-page lead story (by the regular creative team of Ed Brubaker, Scott McDaniel & Andy Owen), all the members of Batman's hand-picked team finally catch up with him for the first time since the events of BIRDS OF PREY #40. Convening in the Batcave, they confront Batman for his alleged crime, and for evading the criminal justice system. Dick Grayson is pushed to his limits by Batman's betrayal of someone close to him, making Grayson an orphan once again. Batman's behavior is so disturbing that it only adds to doubts of his innocence — resulting in Batman and Nightwing going toe-to-toe in an amazing display of combat between teacher and student. Will Batman make his long transition into Gotham's guardian complete by getting rid of his closest confidant? This issue also features backup stories celebrating the glory of this enduring character, with all-new "forgotten" tales of Gotham's Dark Knight. "The Mystery of the Black Bat" (written by Brubaker with art by James Tucker) is an homage to the works of Bill Finger and Dick Sprang. "Joker Tips His Hat" (written by Ed Brubaker with art by Stefano Gaudiano & Eric Shanower) is an homage to the "new look" Batman defined in the mid-to-late '60s by Carmine Infantino and others. The final backup, "The Dark, Groovy, Solid, Far-Out, Right-On and Completely With-It Knight Returns," (written by actor/comedian Patton Oswalt with art by Sergio Aragonés) is a humorous look at Batman done in a style reminiscent of the '70s humor book PLOP! The "Bruce Wayne: Fugitive" storyline will run in only a few Batman-related titles every month, culminating in July's BATMAN #605. In order to more easily follow the "Fugitive" storyline, each tie-in issue will carry a unique "puzzle piece" graphic in an upper corner of the cover to signify it as part of the story. When put together, the pieces ultimately form the cover image to BATMAN #605. Look for "blacked-out" puzzle pieces in the next several months of Previews to clue you in on "Fugitive" tie-ins! This issue is supported with house and trade ads and a web promotion at BATMAN #600 is a 64-page issue edited by Bob Schreck, arriving in comic-book stores February 27 with a cover price of $3.95 U.S. JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOHN BYRNE CREATING ROBIN 2001 saw the launch of one of the most unexpected projects in comic-book history, as legendary comics creator Stan Lee introduced his take on some of the greatest names of the DC Universe. With art by luminaries spanning from Joe Kubert to Jim Lee, these issues saw the debut of Stan's distinctive versions of Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Lantern, the Flash, and their team, the JLA. In February, the second wave of JUST IMAGINE... one-shots begins, introducing five bold new characters from the mind of Stan Lee, beginning with a teen hero whose name is the only thing you'll recognize about him in JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOHN BYRNE CREATING ROBIN! Illustrated by Byrne (SUPERMAN & BATMAN: GENERATIONS II, X-Men: The Hidden Years) with inks by his X- Men collaborator, Terry Austin, JUST IMAGINE...ROBIN co-stars Stan Lee's version of Batman. But would we do something as traditional as putting together a new version of the Dynamic Duo? Not likely! An orphan gifted with great agility and intellect, the boy who would one day become Robin fell prey to the mysterious machinations of Reverend Dominic Darrk, who now orders him to attack Batman. Will the reluctant Robin find the strength to defy Darrk's commands? And what are Darrk's ultimate plans for him? The answers begin to unfold here! Rounding out this issue are two covers — one by Byrne & Austin, the other by award-winning WONDER WOMAN cover artist Adam Hughes — and a backup "On the Street" story written by Lee and Michael Uslan, with art by the legendary John Severin (DESPERADOES: QUIET OF THE GRAVE). Subsequent issues will introduce Stan's versions of Shazam (illustrated by Gary Frank), Catwoman (illustrated by Chris Bachalo), Aquaman (illustrated by Scott McDaniel), and Sandman (illustrated by Walter Simonson). All this sets the stage for the knockdown-dragout final installment, which we just had to call CRISIS, co-starring all the heroes introduced in the JUST IMAGINE... one-shots and illustrated by John Cassaday (PLANETARY, Captain America)! This project is supported with house ads. JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOHN BYRNE CREATING ROBIN is a 48-page one-shot in the Prestige Format, edited by Mike Carlin. It arrives in comic-book stores February 13 with a cover price of $5.95 U.S. BATGIRL #25 Lady Shiva is known to be the premier martial artist in the DC Universe. She is unbeatable in combat — and if you face her, chances are you won't survive for a rematch. And yet Cassandra Cain, Batgirl, faced Lady Shiva in BATGIRL #8 — and managed to sucker-punch the great fighter and walk away alive. But Shiva promised to be back for another fight, and this time…it really is to the death! BATGIRL #25 is a special extra-sized issue that may be Cassandra's last. Written by Kelley Puckett with art and cover by Damion Scott & Robert Campanella, it's the rematch fans have been clamoring for — but the outcome won't be what anyone expects! In SECRET FILES GUIDE TO THE DC UNIVERSE 2001-2002, we saw Lady Shiva preparing for this fight, and in BATGIRL #23 Cassandra trained hard…but is Batgirl really ready? Who ends up as the #1 martial artist in the DC Universe after this? Or, to put it another way: How strong is Cassandra's death wish? This issue is supported with house ads and a web promotion at BATGIRL #25 is a 40-page issue edited by Michael Wright, arriving in comic-book stores February 6 with a cover price of $3.25 U.S. HELLBLAZER: GOOD INTENTIONS TRADE PAPERBACK John Constantine has done hard time in prison for the death of his friend Richard "Lucky" Fermin, but his penance isn't finished yet. The trials of prison life are nothing compared to the horrors Constantine encounters in HELLBLAZER: GOOD INTENTIONS — a 144-page trade paperback collecting the second story arc by acclaimed writer Brian Azzarello (100 BULLETS) and his first collaboration with artist Marcelo Frusin, featuring a new cover painting by Tim Bradstreet. It's time for Constantine to pay his respects to "Lucky" Fermin's kin out in the hills of West Virginia and tell them exactly what went wrong. But in the little town of Doglick, Constantine finds things happening that not even he could ever expect and also discovers that whether he likes it or not, he's involved in them as well… up to his neck. Reprinting HELLBLAZER #151-156, GOOD INTENTIONS provides a stark demonstration of paving the road to Hell and shows that there's plenty of evil in the world that isn't magical in the least. This project is supported with house ads. HELLBLAZER: GOOD INTENTIONS is a 144-page VERTIGO trade paperback and is suggested for mature readers. It arrives in comic-book stores February 13 with a cover price of $12.95 U.S. S.C.I.-SPY Sebastian Starchild, like all great secret agents, is a stubborn lone wolf with a penchant for the ladies and a knack for saving the world — or in his case, the universe. He's got a flashy ray gun, a floating cyber sidekick, and a galaxy-hopping starship. In short, he's a new kind of secret agent for a new era of comics readers. S.C.I.-SPY is a 6-issue, genre-bending VERTIGO miniseries brought to you by the team behind BATMAN: OUTLAWS and GREEN LANTERN: DRAGON LORD — writer Doug Moench and penciller Paul Gulacy — who are joined by inker Jimmy Palmiotti (The Punisher). S.C.I.-SPY combines fast-paced sci-fi action, political intrigue, sexy twists, and just a dash of tongue-in-cheek humor. After the destruction of Earth, humans were forced to travel the galaxy in search of new star systems to terraform and colonize. Millions of light-years away, the Arcturus system is a planetary cluster of awesome magnitude ideologically split between the inner world inhabited by cybernetically enhanced "beautiful" people and outer worlds rife with crime and searching for autonomy and respect. This interplanetary Cold War has had its minor conflicts and espionage for years, but recent activities have escalated into outright acts of sabotage, piracy and terrorism. Motherbank, the disembodied, all-powerful leader of the inner worlds — and head of their intelligence agency, Special Covert Investigations (S.C.I.) — directs her best agent, Sebastian Starchild, to deal with the threat before a full-scale war erupts. Aided (under protest) by sexy and deadly super-spy Isis Nile and by his own trusty cybernetic sidekick, Orb, Starchild is off to battle space pirates, stop a legion of world-eating hungerbugs, and uncover an intergalactic mystery. It's a mystery so deep and dark that it threatens not only to destroy the placid utopias of the inner worlds, but also to solve Starchild's own unsuspected origin and reveal the shocking truth about Earth's actual fate. This project is supported with house and trade ads. S.C.I.-SPY is a 6-issue VERTIGO miniseries edited by Will Dennis and is suggested for mature readers. The 32-page issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores February 6 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. JLA: SHOGUN OF STEEL In another time and place — an Elseworld, if you will — a rocketship blasted off from an exploding planet Krypton and landed not in Smallville, Kansas, but rather war-torn, 14th-century feudal Japan. It was a time of great strife caused by a mysterious and oppressive dictator feared throughout the land of the rising sun: the indestructible "Shogun of Steel!" JLA: SHOGUN OF STEEL is a 64-page Prestige Format Elseworlds one-shot written by Ben Raab (LEGEND OF THE HAWKMAN) and featuring the stunning artistry of Justiniano (BEAST BOY). When the baby from Krypton grows into a man, Hoshi, he is convinced by a ragtag band of warriors — Elseworlds versions of the Flash, Hawkman, and Batgirl, among others — to join a rebellion against the oppressive and cunning "Shogun of Steel." Together with Hoshi, these warriors journey far to the Shogun's impregnable Fortress of Solitude, but what they face is far deadlier than any of them could have imagined — and the shock of the Shogun's connections to Hoshi's origins may be too great for Hoshi to bear. Raab and Justiniano pull out all the stops in this Elseworlds epic that offers a surprising twist to the familiar myths of the Man of Steel and the World's Greatest Heroes! This project is supported with house ads. JLA: SHOGUN OF STEEL is a 64-page Prestige Format Elseworlds one-shot edited by Joey Cavalieri, arriving in comic-book stores February 6 with a cover price of $6.95 U.S. History in the Making… THE HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE TRADE PAPERBACK In the wake of the universe-shattering events of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, the main creators of that company- changing event — writer Marv Wolfman and penciller George Pérez — were called upon to restructure and reorder the history of the DC Universe. Joined by inker Karl Kesel, they had the unbelievable task of unifying the decades-long accumulation of historical facts from multiple Earths into a cohesive whole for a new history of the single-universe DCU. Now that project, THE HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE, returns in a new 104-page trade paperback edition — featuring an all-new painted wraparound cover by Alex Ross (KINGDOM COME)! Narrated by Harbinger (a central figure from CRISIS), THE HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE brings readers back through time and space to the dawn of creation, and continues to the end of recorded history — as Harbinger reveals "the history of heroism." Featuring an appearance by virtually every character in the DC Universe at that time (circa 1986), this unusual project (featuring a combination of beautiful art with prose) laid the foundation for all to come from the new DCU. The CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS trade paperback — already in its second printing — has been an unanticipated sales phenomenon. And now THE HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE — with its first new printing in 13 years — is sure to capitalize on that success, at it makes the perfect sequel and bookshelf companion piece to CRISIS. This project is supported with house ads. THE HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE is a 104-page trade paperback arriving in comic-book stores February 20 with a cover price of $9.95 U.S. FARSCAPE: WAR TORN Farscape, the Sci-Fi Channel's hit television series, comes to comics courtesy of WildStorm Productions in FARSCAPE: WAR TORN — a 2-issue miniseries written by Marv Wolfman (CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS) with art by Robert Teranishi (STAR TREK: VOYAGER — PLANET KILLER) and featuring stunning photo covers. American astronaut John Crichton, along with his shipmates aboard the sentient spacecraft Moya — Aeryn Sun, D'Argo, Rygel, Zhaan, and Chiana — arrive in a system inhabited by two different civilizations. Desperate for supplies, Crichton, Zhaan, and Chiana land on the Kylei, a tropical planet populated by a spiritual society. Meanwhile, Aeryn, D'Argo, and Rygel go to Garangee, a rocky planet with hard, industrious people. The Kylei and the Garangee have been at war over a third world, Tivara. Both claim it is their holy land, a place where infinite knowledge can be gained, knowledge that Crichton and company must have. Moya's crew must tread a delicate path to avoid fanning the flames of war between the two opposing civilizations, while attempting to gain access to the information that could lead the travel-weary crew back to their homes. This project is supported with house and trade ads. FARSCAPE: WAR TORN is a 2-issue miniseries from WildStorm Productions, edited by Neal J. Pozner. The 48-page issue #1 (with no ads) arrives in comic-book stores February 6 with a cover price of $4.95 U.S. Note: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders have been cancelled. Enter a world where technology defines you. ROBO DOJO First came the action-packed series NINJA BOY, followed by the otherworldly adventures in the TALEWEAVER miniseries. Now a third series proudly debuts as one of WildStorm Productions new "Pacific Rim" titles, ROBO DOJO — a 6-issue miniseries written by Marv Wolfman (FARSCAPE: WAR TORN, CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS) with art by Greg Lane (Robotech: Covert Ops) & Richard Bennett and covers by Michael Golden, set in a world where science is science fiction and state-of-the-art is history. Join the members of Team Alpha as they enter the Mega Mecha Science Academy — a.k.a. "Robo Dojo" — the world's premier robotics and technology institute. The brightest young minds from around the globe are invited to develop their "robojin" — giant, powerful robotic constructs designed for everything from Mars exploration to deep-sea rescue. But others have something else in mind for Team Alpha and their robojin. And what threat does the nefarious Team Omega represent to their chances of winning the mysterious Platinum Project? Every issue of ROBO DOJO features a backup story: NANOBOTZ, written by J. Torres & Conor Libby with art by Dario Brizuela & Vince Russell. The evil boy billionaire Garreth Axton is threatening to destroy Techno City, and it's up to the Nanobotz — miniaturized heroes — to stop Garreth and his mechanical menaces. The tiny titans of Techno City are quickly on the scene, but will even their prodigious powers be enough to stop a plague of robo-locusts? This project is supported with house and trade ads. ROBO DOJO is a 6-issue WildStorm Productions miniseries, edited by Aaron Watanabe. The 40-page issue #1 arrives in comic-book stores February 13 with a cover price of $3.50 U.S. Subsequent issues will be 32 pages with a cover price of $2.95 U.S. HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC #8 MAGIC & MYSTERY: TIM HUNTER ACTION FIGURE Since relaunching the adventures of Timothy Hunter, the team of writer Dylan Horrocks and penciller Richard Case — now joined by inker Steve Bird — have received universal praise for their work on the VERTIGO series HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC and their fresh take on classic fantasy themes. For new readers who want to get in on the magic, an ideal jumping- on point begins in HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC #8 — kicking off a 4-part storyline that explores the science of magic. Tim Hunter has finished his school days and thinks he has all the answers, but he's soon going to learn that there's a world of mystery and mysticism that his schooling hasn't prepared him for. Back in London, Tim discovers what Nick, Ash Walker, Iolanthe and even Mr. Lily have been up to for the past five years. But even more alarming, he meets Dr. Fabien — a scientist who claims to have isolated the gene that causes evil behavior. If Tim decides to be tested, will he want to know the answer? Also this month, look for the MAGIC & MYSTERY: TIM HUNTER ACTION FIGURE — advance-solicited for release in June, 2002. The TIM HUNTER ACTION FIGURE features multiple points of articulation, stands approximately 6 1/4" tall and comes packaged with an owl in a 4-color blister pack. HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC #8 is a 32-page VERTIGO issue edited by Heidi MacDonald and is suggested for mature readers. It arrives in comic-book stores February 13 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. The MAGIC & MYSTERY: TIM HUNTER ACTION FIGURE is advance-solicited and arrives in comic-book stores June 5. Please consult your retailer for pricing information. STARMAN: A STARRY KNIGHT TRADE PAPERBACK STARMAN: A STARRY KNIGHT is the seventh collection of the critically acclaimed STARMAN series, co-written by Eisner Award-winning writer James Robinson and JSA's David S. Goyer, and featuring the art of Peter Snejbjerg, Steve Yeowell, Wade von Grawbadger, and Keith Champagne. Reprinting STARMAN #47-53, A STARRY KNIGHT features a painted cover by Tony Harris. Starman, accompanied by his comrade Mikaal and a Mother Box-produced hologram of his father, Ted Knight, begins a galaxy-spanning quest with one near-impossible goal: to find the brother of his lady love, Sadie. But an encounter with a mysterious Dark Colossus sends our reluctant hero spiraling through time and space — to share adventures with the Legion of Super-Heroes, to visit the long-dead planet Krypton (where he meets the father of Superman), and to the planet Rann where he battles alien invaders alongside the legendary Adam Strange! With the lives of his friends on the line, STARMAN: A STARRY KNIGHT pits Jack Knight against impossible odds on a journey that he hopes finally will lead him back into the arms of his beloved Sadie. This project is supported with house ads. STARMAN: A STARRY KNIGHT is a 192-page trade paperback arriving in comic-book stores February 27 with a cover price of $17.95 U.S. "Flash of Two Worlds" and more! THE FLASH ARCHIVES Volume 3 HARDCOVER The first appearance of the Barry Allen Flash is one of the most important moments in comics, as it marks the birth of the Silver Age! Now another history-making milestone of the Silver Age can be seen in THE FLASH ARCHIVES Volume 3 — a 224-page hardcover reprinting THE FLASH (first series) #117-124, which includes the "Flash of Two Worlds" story (from #123) that reintroduced the Golden Age Flash and first mentioned the concept of an "Earth-Two!" Written by John Broome and Gardner Fox, and featuring art by Carmine Infantino, Joe Giella and Murphy Anderson, Volume 3 also features an introduction by DC Executive Vice President & Publisher (and longtime fan) Paul Levitz on the impact "Flash of Two Worlds" had on the fledgling world of organized comics fandom. No other story influenced the landscape of the DC line of comics over the next two decades more than THE FLASH #123, establishing the parallel-world concept that was prevalent in the DCU for decades — until the arrival of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS in 1985 which brought back a single universe. But that story isn't all that's great about Volume 3! Drawing upon one of the greatest Rogues Galleries in all of comics, the issues collected herein feature some of the Flash's finest foes — including the return of the Mirror Master and the Trickster, and featuring the first appearance of Captain Boomerang! Plus, more of The Flash's greatest allies and co-stars: Kid Flash and the Elongated Man! It's no wonder the Silver Age Flash is one of the most fondly remembered series in the history of the medium! THE FLASH ARCHIVES Volume 3 is a 224-page hardcover arriving in comic-book stores February 6 with a cover price of $49.95 U.S. JSA #33: "Stealing Thunder" A vicious, mind-controlling villain has succeeded in his lifelong goal: he's conquered the world. Now the heroes who once protected us from this villain are his army to command. There is no free will, no free thought…and no more JSA. Prepare yourself for the return of the Justice Society of America's greatest adversary, the Ultra-Humanite, in JSA #33 — beginning a 5-part epic entitled "Stealing Thunder." Cowritten by returning writer David S. Goyer (STARMAN) & Geoff Johns (THE FLASH), "Stealing Thunder" features art by Leonard Kirk (SUPERGIRL) & Keith Champagne (STARMAN), with additional art on #33 by Keith Giffen & Al Milgrom, and covers by Rags Morales. A handful of underground heroes remain untouched by the Ultra-Humanite: a band of rebels led by perhaps the least likely JSA associate. Rising from the ashes with the help of Sand, the villainous Icicle and several other members form the "all-new, all-different" JSA. Discover the new Crimson Avenger's terrifying connection to the original; the new abilities and powers of the revamped Hourman; and witness the final fate of one of the original JSA members. Watch the team that started it all as they set out to free their fellow heroes and take back our world! JSA #33 is a 32-page issue edited by Peter Tomasi, arriving in comic-book stores February 20 with a cover price of $2.50 U.S. DIVINE RIGHT BOOK ONE TRADE PAPERBACK What happens when an ordinary guy ends up with the WildStorm Universe's most coveted secret? The surprising answers are found in DIVINE RIGHT BOOK ONE — a 176-page trade paperback collecting the first seven issues of the hit series, written and pencilled by the acclaimed Jim Lee (X-Men, WILDC.A.T.S., JUST IMAGINE…WONDER WOMAN), with inks by Scott Williams. Max Faraday, an underachieving student who spends all his time on the Internet (when he's not delivering pizzas), comes across something completely unexpected. He inadvertently receives the Creation Equation — a formula capable of tapping the limitless power of the universe. Now, all who seek the Creation Equation, including Internal Operations (I.O.), the Coda Sisterhood, and the evil Cardinal Lazarus, will stop at nothing to wrench its secrets from Max. Max, his sister Jenny, and his lowbrow roommate Devan Lawless find themselves confronted by assassins, ancient warriors, and demons at every turn. Not even the local burrito joint is safe! In order to survive, Max needs the help of the Fallen — a band of warriors sworn to keep the Creation Equation out of the wrong hands — plus an assist from GEN13's Lynch and Fairchild! This project is supported with house ads. DIVINE RIGHT BOOK ONE is a 176-page WildStorm Productions trade paperback and is suggested for mature readers. It arrives in comic-book stores February 27 with a cover price of $17.95 U.S. TOM STRONG BOOK TWO HARDCOVER From the fearsome depths of a fiery volcano to the furthest reaches of space! From Terra Obscura to the very ends of time! From a Central American jungle to alternate dimensions! This book has something for everyone, but that's not unusual for TOM STRONG! Alan Moore's Eisner Award-winning TOM STRONG series receives a second collection with TOM STRONG BOOK TWO — a 192-page hardcover from AMERICA'S BEST COMICS! Written by Moore, BOOK TWO features art by Chris Sprouse & Al Gordon, with additional art by Kyle Baker, Hilary Barta, Paul Chadwick, Russ Heath, Pete Poplaski, and Alan Weiss, and a cover by Sprouse and Jose Villarrubia! Tom Strong, aided by wife Dhalua and daughter Tesla, is the protector of Millennium City. Along with faithful companion Solomon, a highly advanced ape, and Pneuman, their robot-valet, the Strong family fights to keep the world a better place! BOOK TWO reprints TOM STRONG issues #8-14 and features the likes of Tom Strange, Warren Strong, time travel, other dimensions, and interstellar family trips! It's another must-have from ABC! This project is supported with house ads. TOM STRONG BOOK TWO is a 192-page AMERICA'S BEST COMICS hardcover, arriving in comic-book stores February 6 with a cover price of $24.95 U.S. THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN #3 The "grand finale" to comics' most eagerly-awaited sequel arrives in February — courtesy of master storytellers Frank Miller & Lynn Varley — in the form of THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN #3. Let's be honest — you don't want to know what really goes on in this issue before you get a chance to watch it unfold for yourself. So let's just say that it's our humble opinion you aren't going to be disappointed! Miller and Varley bring their considerable talents to bear on the Batman epic of the decade! Because THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN #3 contains so many shocking surprises, we'll offer you more "sneak peak" art from issues #1 & 2 instead. Enjoy! THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN #3 is an 80-page Prestige Format issue edited by Bob Schreck arriving in comic-book stores February 27 with a cover price of $7.95 U.S. BRUCE WAYNE: MURDERER?/FUGITIVE DETECTIVE COMICS #767 WRITTEN BY GREG RUCKA AND JUDD WINICK; ART BY STEVE LIEBER, CLIFF CHIANG AND MICK GRAY; COVER BY JOHN MCCREA In stores February 13. "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" Part 8 — featuring the debut of new penciller Steve Lieber (Whiteout)! Is Sasha going to say Bruce committed the murder in order to get out of jail? Plus, chapter 5 in the "Josie Mac" backup serial, from writer Judd Winick (GREEN LANTERN) and artist Cliff Chiang (WONDER WOMAN: OUR WORLDS AT WAR). FC, 40 PG. $2.50 NIGHTWING #66 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY RICK BURCHETT AND ROB LEIGH; COVER BY MICHAEL GOLDEN In stores February 13. "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" Part 9! As Dick and Barbara dig deeper into the circumstances surrounding Bruce Wayne's arrest, Lockhaven erupts into fiery chaos! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #26 WRITTEN BY DEVIN GRAYSON, CYRUS VORIS AND CHRIS BACHALO; ART BY ROGER ROBINSON, BACHALO, AND JOHN FLOYD; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores February 20. "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" Part 10! As Bruce Wayne languishes in prison on a brutal murder charge, his closest allies try and come to terms with the horrific reality of the situation. Only…not everyone who loves him thinks he's completely innocent. Plus, a Batman Black & White backup, "Bruce Wayne is Batman!," written by Cyrus Voris & Chris Bachalo, with art by Bachalo (STEAMPUNK). FC, 40 PG. $2.50 ROBIN #99 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY PETE WOODS AND ANDREW PEPOY; COVER BY TODD NAUCK AND PEPOY In stores February 20. "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" Part 11, guest-starring the BIRDS OF PREY. Bruce Wayne stands accused of murder, but Robin's got to rescue a close friend. The secret behind Kip's strange behavior is revealed, while Alfred goes undercover to investigate a suspect in the Bruce Wayne case and Robin and Spoiler join forces once more! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 ************************ Look for the CLASSIC ROBIN MINI-BUST and the JUST-US-LEAGUE OF STUPID HEROES: ALFRED E. NEUMAN AS ROBIN ACTION FIGURE, offered elsewhere in the DC section of Previews. ************************ BIRDS OF PREY #40 WRITTEN BY CHUCK DIXON; ART BY RICK LEONARDI AND JESSE DELPERDANG; COVER BY PHIL NOTO In stores February 20. "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" Part 12! Black Canary picks up an unwanted sidekick in the Spoiler as she investigates the crime for which Bruce Wayne is accused. Meanwhile, Oracle begins to learn the secret that may have led to the murder, and Robin arrives just in time as the case against Bruce Wayne takes a dramatic turn. All that, and some disturbing news for Blue Beetle, too! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 BATMAN #600 WRITTEN BY ED BRUBAKER WITH PATTON OSWALT; ART BY SCOTT MCDANIEL, STEFANO GAUDIANO, JAMES TUCKER, SERGIO ARAGONES, ANDY OWENS, AND ERIC SHANOWER; COVER BY MCDANIEL In stores February 27. Part 1 of "Bruce Wayne: Fugitive" kicks off in this special 64-page issue! Bruce Wayne is suspected of committing murder and is confronted by his allies in the Batcave — resulting in Batman and Nightwing going toe-to-toe in an amazing display of combat between teacher and student. This confrontation ends with a shocking betrayal by Batman and a startling new direction for the Batman titles! Plus, backup stories round out this issue featuring the talents of Stefano Gaudiano & Eric Shanower, James Tucker, and Patton Oswalt & Sergio Aragonés. For more information, see the feature article. FC, 64 PG. $3.95 STAR OF THE MONTH BATMAN #1 — CHROMIUM (MILLENNIUM EDITION) WRITTEN BY GARDNER FOX, BILL FINGER, PAUL GUSTAVSON, GEORGE SHUTE, TED RAYE, GUY MONROE, AND GEORGE PAPP; ART BY BOB KANE, JERRY ROBINSON, SHELDON MOLDOFF, GUSTAVSON, RAYE, AND PAPP; COVER BY KANE AND ROBINSON In stores February 27. Reoffered to coincide with the release of BATMAN #600, this special Millennium Edition reprint is the first comic dedicated exclusively to the Dark Knight — featuring a chromium cover! This classic 1940 issue pitted the Dynamic Duo against the menaces of the Joker, Catwoman (referred to as "the Cat"), and Professor Hugo Strange. Also included: a 2-page retelling of Batman's origin. Note: Quantities are limited. Orders may be allocated. (STAR12463D) FC, 64 PG. PI ************************ DC UNIVERSE: BATMAN BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #152 WRITTEN BY J.M DEMATTEIS; ART BY TREVOR VON EEDEN AND JOSÉ LUIS GARCÍA-LÓPEZ; COVER BY JOHN CASSADAY In stores February 6. "Grimm," Part 4 of 5. If you thought Mother Grimm was bad for Batman's and Robin's health, wait until you meet Cyanide! She's the flip side of Mother Grimm's "goodness," and she's out for blood! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 AZRAEL: AGENT OF THE BAT #87 WRITTEN BY DENNIS O'NEIL; ART BY SERGIO CARIELLO AND JAMES PASCOE; COVER BY SCOTT MCDANIEL AND CARIELLO In stores February 13. An assignment for Sister Lilhy leads Azrael to encounter a new foe. Will Jean Paul's mysteriously increased strength be enough to deal with a new metagene-enhanced menace? FC, 32 PG. $2.50 BATGIRL #25 WRITTEN BY KELLEY PUCKETT; ART AND COVER BY DAMION SCOTT AND ROBERT CAMPANELLA In stores February 6. Extra-sized issue! This is it! It's the fight fans have been clamoring for since issue #8. It's the rematch between Batgirl and Lady Shiva…to the death! In issue #23, Batgirl trained hard for this…but is she ready? Who ends up as the #1 martial artist in the DC Universe? Let's put it this way: How bad is Cassandra's death wish? For more information, see the feature article. FC, 40 PG. $3.25 BATMAN: GOTHAM ADVENTURES #47 WRITTEN BY SCOTT PETERSON AND TIM LEVINS; ART BY LEVINS AND TERRY BEATTY; COVER BY BOB SMITH AND BEATTY In stores February 20. When the criminal doesn't match up with the crime, Batman makes the rounds in Gotham's underworld and learns there may be a crook in the long arm of the law. FC, 32 PG. $1.99 STARS OF THE MONTH BATMAN: OUTLAWS #1-3 WRITTEN BY DOUG MOENCH; ART AND COVER BY PAUL GULACY AND CHARLES YOAKUM In stores February 6. Reoffered to coincide with the release of VERTIGO's S.C.I.-SPY miniseries, this hit 3-parter — featuring Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Huntress, and Batgirl — is also by the S.C.I.-SPY creative team of Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy! Prestige Format. #1 (STAR 11413)—FC, 48 PG. $4.95 #2 (STAR 11532)—FC, 48 PG. $4.95 #3 (STAR 11702)—FC, 48 PG. $4.95 ************************* CATWOMAN #4 WRITTEN BY ED BRUBAKER; ART BY DARWYN COOKE AND MIKE ALLRED; COVER BY COOKE In stores February 27. It's the climactic finish to the strangest case in Catwoman's career. Catwoman finds herself face-to-face with the serial killer she's been pursuing, but he's like nothing she's ever seen in her adventurous life! A battle royale ensues, as Catwoman must take one heck of a drastic measure to stop the threat — and save her own life! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE DARK KNIGHT STRIKES AGAIN #3 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY FRANK MILLER; COVER BY MILLER In stores February 27. The "grand finale" to comics' most eagerly-awaited sequel. Let's be honest — you don't want to know what really goes on in this issue before you get a chance to watch it unfold for yourself. So let's just say that it's our humble opinion you aren't going to be disappointed! Frank Miller and Lynn Varley bring their considerable talents to bear on the Batman epic of the decade! Prestige Format. FC, 80 PG. (3 OF 3) $7.95 HARLEY QUINN #17 WRITTEN BY KARL KESEL; ART AND COVER BY TERRY DODSON AND RACHEL DODSON In stores February 13. At last, at long last, because absolutely no one demanded it! A certain man dressed in red and blue and endowed with tremendous abilities we could only describe as super, swoops onto the scene! That's right, it's…Bizarro? Am confused? Don't be! Finally, someone who'll appreciate Miss Harleen's humor! But what could the Man of…well, something, want with our petite criminal half-mastermind? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 DC UNIVERSE: SUPERMAN SUPERMAN #179 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS AND JEPH LOEB; ART BY ARIEL OLIVETTI; COVER BY ED MCGUINNESS AND CAM SMITH In stores February 6. Featuring co-author Geoff Johns (JSA, THE FLASH) and guest-artist Ariel Olivetti (JLA/HAVEN: ARRIVAL). A new African-American hero emerges in New York as Superman deals with a crime in Harlem. The Man of Steel is forced to reconsider what makes a hero. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 ************************ Look for the JUSTICE LEAGUE ANIMATED: SUPERMAN MAQUETTE, offered elsewhere in the DC section of Previews. ************************ ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #601 WRITTEN BY JOE CASEY; ART BY PETE WOODS AND JOSÉ MARZAN, JR.; COVER BY JOHN PAUL LEON In stores February 13. "Cult of Persuasion" Part 1 of 2. You met disgruntled factory worker Cole Parker in issue #598 — he had the will to defeat Superman, but not the power. Someone's changed all that, and now the Man of Steel has a deadly new enemy who's come to cut him down to size...literally! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #123 WRITTEN BY MARK SCHULTZ; ART BY YVEL GUICHET AND DEXTER VINES; COVER BY JOHN CASSADAY In stores February 20. "Gangs of Metropolis" Part 1 of 3. The various factions in Metropolis unite as the B13 technology runs amok. Superman and Steel are caught in the middle of Metallo, LexCorp, Talia, the Cyber-Moths, and the environmental group Caeloss — as a turf war erupts in the bowels of the City of Tomorrow. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 ACTION COMICS #788 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY; ART AND COVER BY PASCUAL FERRY AND CAM SMITH In stores February 27. "Jikei Ketsuki: Mercy, Love & Blood" Part 1 of 2. Japanese heroes Byakko and Gunshin fight justice on their own terms and run smack into Superman — who doesn't agree with their ideals. Can the Man of Steel convince them that killing is wrong before more lives are lost at the hands of Sakki, a villain who can turn any opponent's anger into a weapon? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERBOY #97 WRITTEN BY JIMMY PALMIOTTI AND DAN DIDIO; ART BY JOHN MCCREA AND JAMES HODGKINS; COVER BY KILIAN PLUNKETT In stores February 27. Wipeout, leader of the Slaughterhouse Six and extremely jealous boyfriend of Trixie, decides he's going to take his frustrations out on The Kid. He better get in line, though — Superboy's learning he's made more than enough enemies since moving into Suicide Slum, the biggest of whom could well be Trixie herself! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERGIRL #67 WRITTEN BY PETER DAVID; ART BY DIEGO BARRETTO AND ROBIN RIGGS; COVER BY LEONARD KIRK AND RIGGS In stores February 20. The Demon Etrigan delightedly tries to play all sides against each other. He becomes aware that Supergirl is threatened by the mysterious captor of the Earth Angel, by Buzz's wavering loyalties and by the demon worshippers who'd like to turn Supergirl into The Demon's bride! Plus, the Bizarro Supergirl shows up in Leesburg, and her presence serves as a threat to Linda Danvers' secret I.D.! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 SUPERMAN ADVENTURES #66 WRITTEN BY EVAN DORKIN AND SARAH DYER; ART BY ALUIR AMANCIO, WAYNE FAUCHER AND TERRY AUSTIN; COVER BY MIKE MANLEY AND AUSTIN In stores February 6. Final issue. "Power Play," Part 2 of 2. Livewire has been a pawn in a game that's brought Lex Luthor into a pact with Darkseid, who has transported them — along with the Man of Steel — to Apokolips! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 STARS OF THE MONTH SUPERMAN: ENDGAME TP WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY, JEPH LOEB, STUART IMMONEN, MARK MILLAR, AND MARK SCHULTZ; ART BY BUTCH GUICE, ED MCGUINNESS, IMMONEN, DOUG MAHNKE, GERMAN GARCIA, KANO, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY MCGUINNESS AND CAM SMITH In stores February 27. Reoffered to coincide with the release of the SUPERMAN POSTER (solicited in Previews Vol. XI, #9), this trade paperback collects the beginning of penciller Ed McGuinness' run on SUPERMAN, including the cover image that inspired the poster! (STAR12539D) SC, 7X10, 176PG, FC $14.95 SUPERMAN IN THE SIXTIES TP WRITTEN BY JERRY SIEGEL, LEO DORFMAN, EDMOND HAMILTON, AND OTTO BINDER; ART BY CURT SWAN, AL PLASTINO, GEORGE PAPP, JIM MOONEY, KURT SCHAFFENBERGER, WAYNE BORING, JOHN FORTE, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY SWAN AND PLASTINO In stores February 20. Reoffered to coincide with the SUPERMAN: DEPARTURE FROM KRYPTON STATUE (solicited in Previews Vol. XI, #9), this collection offers some of the best Superman tales of the '60s — including a retelling of his origin, blasting off from Krypton in a rocketship! (STAR10127D) SC, 7X10, 240PG, FC $19.95 ************************ DC UNIVERSE DEADMAN #3 WRITTEN BY STEVE VANCE; ART BY JOSEP MARIA BEROY AND DAN GREEN; COVER BY BEROY In stores February 13. The latest adventures of everyone's favorite dead hero continue! Deadman learns that crime lord Duroc's latest shipment of drugs contains an ingredient that will turn users into homicidal maniacs — and the only way he can stop it is by becoming one of them! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 DOOM PATROL #5 WRITTEN BY JOHN ARCUDI; ART AND COVER BY TAN ENG HUAT In stores February 6. Forget the Doom Patrol — this is where the Doom Force takes its place in the super-hero-team pantheon. But even though Robotman and the gang are still out there fighting crime, it'll take the combined might of both the Force and the new new Doom Patrol (Metamorpho, Elongated Man, Dr. Light, and Beast Boy) to even challenge the might of Master Chinese demon Nao Yut and his six demon pals! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR OF THE MONTH FLASH COMICS #1 (MILLENNIUM EDITION) WRITTEN BY GARDNER FOX, SHELDON MOLDOFF AND VARIOUS; ART BY HARRY LAMPERT, MOLDOFF, DENNIS NEVILLE, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY MOLDOFF In stores February 6. Reoffered to coincide with the release of the GOLDEN AGE FLASH MINI-STATUE (solicited in Previews Vol. XI, #8), this true Golden Age classic features not only the debut of the first Flash, but also the first appearances of Hawkman, Johnny Thunder, and more! (STAR11470D) FC, 64 PG. $3.95 ************************ THE FLASH #183 WRITTEN BY GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY SCOTT KOLINS AND DOUG HAZLEWOOD; COVER BY BRIAN BOLLAND In stores February 27. The original Trickster retired long ago…but there's a newer, younger Trickster in Keystone City who's got a 21st-century bag of tricks — all of them with the aim of making Flash's life miserable! FC, 32 PG. $2.25 THE FLASH ARCHIVES VOL. 3 HC WRITTEN BY JOHN BROOME AND GARDNER FOX; ART BY CARMINE INFANTINO, JOE GIELLA AND MURPHY ANDERSON; COVER BY INFANTINO In stores February 6. The third volume in the adventures of the Silver Age Flash reprints THE FLASH (first series) #117-124, which includes the "Flash of Two Worlds" story (from #123) that reintroduced the Golden Age Flash and first mentioned the concept of an "Earth-Two!" Featuring an introduction by DC's Paul Levitz on the impact "Flash of Two Worlds" had on comics fandom. For more information, see the feature article. HC, 7X10, 228PG, FC $49.95 GREEN ARROW #13 WRITTEN BY KEVIN SMITH; ART BY PHIL HESTER AND ANDE PARKS; PAINTED COVER BY MATT WAGNER In stores February 27. One of the hottest DC titles begins its second year with a bang, as the newest story arc continues — featuring the father/son team- up of Oliver Queen and Connor Hawke. The two Green Arrow's will have a lot of catching up to do… FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ************************ Look for the JUST-US-LEAGUE OF STUPID HEROES: ALFRED E. NEUMAN AS GREEN ARROW ACTION FIGURE, offered elsewhere in the DC section of Previews. ************************ GREEN LANTERN #147 WRITTEN BY JUDD WINICK; ART AND COVER BY DALE EAGLESHAM AND RODNEY RAMOS In stores February 6. Wheelchair-bound former Green Lantern John Stewart confronts his deepest, darkest secrets — a twisted journey through the psyche of a man who has had it all and lost it all. Meanwhile, the current Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner, spreads his newfound wings into near-godhood. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 ************************ Look for the GREEN LANTERN SINESTRO POWER RING PROP, offered elsewhere in the DC section of Previews. ************************ STAR OF THE MONTH GREEN LANTERN: NEW JOURNEY, OLD PATH TP WRITTEN BY JUDD WINICK; ART BY DARRYL BANKS, MARK BRIGHT, DALE EAGLESHAM, RICH FABER, ANDY SMITH, JORDI ENSIGN, AND JOHN LOWE; COVER BY BANKS AND SMITH In stores February 13. Reoffered to coincide with the GREEN LANTERN CORPS: KYLE RAYNER and FATALITY ACTION FIGURES (solicited in Previews Vol. XI, #8), this trade reprints GREEN LANTERN #129-136 — which includes the return of Fatality in a battle with Kyle. (STAR13947D) SC, 7X10, 192PG, FC $12.95 ************************ HAVEN: THE BROKEN CITY #3 WRITTEN BY ASHLEY-JAYNE NICOLAUS AND MATTHEW P. SCHUSTER; ART AND COVER BY ARIEL OLIVETTI In stores February 20. A reporter's visit to Haven offers more insights into the crash-landing that altered the landscape of the DCU! Learn how the Havenites have been changed by their arrival, and the plans that the president and his closest advisors have for America's newest city. Plus, a cameo by Superman and the debut of Hank Velveeda! FC, 32 PG. (3 OF 9) $2.50 THE HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE TP WRITTEN BY MARV WOLFMAN; ART BY GEORGE PÉREZ AND KARL KESEL; PAINTED COVER BY ALEX ROSS In stores February 20. This unique project, which spun out of the universe-changing events of CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, returns in a new trade paperback edition — featuring an all-new painted wraparound cover by Alex Ross! Narrated by Harbinger (a central figure from CRISIS), HISTORY brings readers back through time and space to the dawn of creation, and continues on to the end of recorded history — as Harbinger reveals "the History of Heroism." Featuring an appearance by virtually every character in the DC Universe of that time! For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 104PG, FC $9.95 STAR OF THE MONTH CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS TP WRITTEN BY MARV WOLFMAN; ART BY GEORGE PÉREZ, DICK GIORDANO, MIKE DECARLO, AND JERRY ORDWAY; PAINTED COVER BY PÉREZ AND ALEX ROSS In stores February 20. Worlds lived. Worlds died. And the DC Universe was never the same after this earth-shattering saga that saw the deaths of many heroes and redefined the DC Universe forever. This trade paperback is reoffered to coincide with the release of THE HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE, which explores post-CRISIS continuity. (STAR12226D) SC, 7X10, 368PG, FC $29.95 ************************ IMPULSE #83 WRITTEN BY TODD DEZAGO; ART BY CARLO BARBERI AND JUAN VLASCO; COVER BY BARBERI AND WAYNE FAUCHER In stores February 13. Impulse encounters a foe within the walls of his own school who is capable of creating fearsome monsters out of thin air! It's up to Bart to discover his new adversary's secret(s)! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 JLA #63 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY; ART AND COVER BY DOUG MAHNKE AND TOM NGUYEN In stores February 27. "Golden Perfect," Part 2 of 3. The Lasso of Truth is severed. Now it seems that the very concept of truth itself has been fractured beyond repair — and the heroes of the Justice League must contend with a world capriciously redefined by the dreams and fears of the human race. Only Rama Khan of Jarhanpur seems to hold the key to their survival, but with the League stretched beyond its capacity, and Wonder Woman's spirit broken, can even the World's Greatest Super-Heroes stand and fight? FC, 32 PG. $2.25 JLA: SHOGUN OF STEEL WRITTEN BY BEN RAAB; ART AND COVER BY JUSTINIANO ELSEWORLDS. In stores February 6. A rocketship from an exploding planet Krypton lands not in Smallville, but rather war-torn 14th century feudal Japan. When the baby from Krypton grows into a man, Hoshi, he is convinced by a ragtag band of warriors — Elseworlds versions of the Flash, Hawkman, and Batgirl, among others — to join a rebellion against the oppressive and cunning "Shogun of Steel." For more information, see the feature article. FC, 64 PG. PRESTIGE FORMAT $6.95 JSA #33 WRITTEN BY DAVID S. GOYER AND GEOFF JOHNS; ART BY LEONARD KIRK, KEITH GIFFEN, KEITH CHAMPAGNE, AND AL MILGROM; COVER BY RAGS MORALES In stores February 20. "Stealing Thunder," Part 1 of 5. The Ultra-Humanite is back and the earth is now under his complete control. Alone in a world gone mad, Sand and Icicle must put aside their differences to defeat an army of DC's greatest heroes. This story introduces a whole new JSA, and features the return of Hourman and the debut of the new Crimson Avenger! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOHN BYRNE CREATING ROBIN WRITTEN BY STAN LEE (LEAD STORY) AND MICHAEL USLAN (BACKUP); ART BY JOHN BYRNE AND TERRY AUSTIN (LEAD) AND JOHN SEVERIN (BACKUP); COVERS BY BYRNE AND AUSTIN (FRONT) AND ADAM HUGHES (BACK) In stores February 13. The road to CRISIS begins here as Stan Lee teams up with John Byrne & Terry Austin to present his take on Robin! An orphan gifted with great agility and intellect, the boy who would one day become Robin fell prey to the mysterious machinations of Reverend Dominic Darrk, who now orders him to attack Batman. Will the reluctant Robin find the strength to defy Darrk's commands? Plus, a backup "On the Street" story by Michael Uslan (with Lee), illustrated by the legendary John Severin (DESPERADOES: QUIET OF THE GRAVE). For more information, see the feature article. FC, 48 PG. PRESTIGE FORMAT $5.95 STAR OF THE MONTH BATMAN: A LONELY PLACE OF DYING TP WRITTEN BY MARV WOLFMAN; ART BY GEORGE PÉREZ, JIM APARO, TOM GRUMMETT, MIKE DECARLO, AND BOB MCLEOD; COVER BY PÉREZ In stores February 13. Reoffered to coincide with the release of JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOHN BYRNE CREATING ROBIN, this milestone trade paperback collects BATMAN #440-442 and NEW TEEN TITANS #60-61 — featuring the first appearance of the current-day Robin, Tim Drake. SC, 7X10, 128PG, FC $5.95 ************************ JUSTICE LEAGUE ADVENTURES #4 WRITTEN BY DAN SLOTT; ART BY MIN S. KU AND DAN DAVIS; COVER BY KU In stores February 13. In "World War of the Sexes," the Justice League must find out why Wonder Woman's Amazon sisters have turned against the world…starting with all the men! Can the League stop the female warriors before they conquer the planet? FC, 32 PG. $1.99 THE LEGION #5 WRITTEN BY DAN ABNETT AND ANDY LANNING; ART AND COVER BY OLIVIER COIPEL AND LANNING In stores February 27. Earth's moon is targeted as the latest stage of human evolution. Sadly, the Legion may not be around to stop it, after the latest attack from the galaxy's most powerful political figure! If there's one thing he's going to learn, however, it's never to count the Legion out! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ************************ Look for the MAGIC & MYSTERY: MORDRU ACTION FIGURE, offered elsewhere in the DC section of Previews. ************************ ORION #23 WRITTEN BY WALTER SIMONSON; ART BY SIMONSON AND BOB WIACEK; COVER BY SIMONSON In stores February 20. A young teen and her ratty guardian cross paths with the angriest New God, Orion — and he's got reason to be angry! A crime syndicate had him captured and maimed…and now he demands vengeance! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE POWER COMPANY #1 WRITTEN BY KURT BUSIEK; ART BY TOM GRUMMETT AND WADE VON GRAWBADGER; PAINTED COVER BY ANDREW ROBINSON In stores February 13. DC's newest super-team debuts in its own ongoing series! When the Power Company has to confront the mysterious machinations of Doctor Cyber, the team may find itself out of business before they've had a chance to set up shop! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR OF THE MONTH PULP FICTION LIBRARY: MYSTERY IN SPACE TP WRITTEN BY EDMOND HAMILTON, GARDNER FOX, LEN WEIN, PAUL LEVITZ, AND VARIOUS; ART BY JACK KIRBY, FRANK FRAZETTA, JOE KUBERT, ALEX TOTH, BRIAN BOLLAND, AND VARIOUS; COVER BY MITCH O'CONNELL In stores February 20. Reoffered, this jam-packed trade paperback collects the best science-fiction stories from more than fifty years of DC comics! Featuring appearances by such beloved characters as Adam Strange, the Atomic Knights, Space Cabby, Tommy Tomorrow, Captain Comet, and more! Reprinting 32 stories from such legendary series as MYSTERY IN SPACE, STRANGE ADVENTURES and MY GREATEST ADVENTURE! (STAR10017D) SC, 7X10, 224PG, FC $19.95 ************************ THE SPECTRE #14 WRITTEN BY J.M. DEMATTEIS; ART BY CRAIG HAMILTON AND JIM ROYAL; COVER BY RYAN SOOK In stores February 6. Can a vicious predator control his own blood-lust? A monstrous vampire-lord isolates himself in a prison of his own devising to try to safeguard others — and to desperately attempt to cleanse his own miserably blackened soul. But the Spectre of God's vengeance might have other plans for the murderous fiend, and not even Hal Jordan can stand in the way. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ************************ Look for an appearance of the Spectre in YOUNG JUSTICE #42, offered elsewhere in the DC section of Previews. ************************ STARMAN: A STARRY KNIGHT TP WRITTEN BY JAMES ROBINSON AND DAVID S. GOYER; ART BY PETER SNEJBJERG, STEVE YEOWELL, WADE VON GRAWBADGER, AND KEITH CHAMPAGNE; PAINTED COVER BY TONY HARRIS In stores February 27. Starman, accompanied by his comrade Mikaal and a Mother Box-produced hologram of his father, Ted Knight, begins a star-spanning quest with one near-impossible goal: to find the brother of his ladylove, Sadie. But an encounter with the mysterious Dark Colossus sends our reluctant hero spiraling through time and space. Reprints STARMAN #47-53. For more information, see the feature article. SC, 7X10, 192PG, FC $17.95 STAR OF THE MONTH STARMAN VOLUME 6: TO REACH THE STARS TP WRITTEN BY JAMES ROBINSON AND JERRY ORDWAY; ART BY TONY HARRIS, PETER KRAUSE, GARY ERSKINE, MATT SMITH, MIKE MAYHEW, WADE VON GRAWBADGER, RAY SNYDER, AND DICK GIORDANO; PAINTED COVER BY HARRIS In stores February 27. Reoffered to coincide with the release of STARMAN: A STARRY KNIGHT TP, this trade paperback immediately precedes it and reprints STARMAN #39-45 and THE POWER OF SHAZAM! #36 — where Jack Knight prepares for his ultimate trip to the stars. But first he goes toe to toe with Captain Marvel, and asks for help from the JLA! (STAR13232D) SC, 7X10, 224PG, FC $19.95 ************************ SUICIDE SQUAD #6 WRITTEN BY KEITH GIFFEN; ART AND COVER BY PACO MEDINA AND JOE SANCHEZ In stores February 13. A super-powered society appears mysteriously on an island in the Pacific and all that they desire is peace…at the cost of the world's freedom. A new Squad is assembled to take this power-mad society out. But it's easier said than done; there's a reason this book is called SUICIDE SQUAD. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE TITANS #38 WRITTEN BY JAY FAERBER; ART BY BARRY KITSON AND RICH FABER; COVER BY KITSON In stores February 20. While a young metahuman faces death in the DEO Orphanage's hospital, the Titans make their final stand against Epsilon. This issue promises a conclusion that will leave at least one member of the Titans forever changed! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 WONDER WOMAN #179 WRITTEN BY PHIL JIMENEZ; ART BY ROY ALLAN MARTINEZ, JIMENEZ AND ANDY LANNING; COVER BY ADAM HUGHES In stores February 27. Wonder Woman's quest leads to Skartaris, where she confronts the new Villainy, Inc., that's out to subjugate this world. Only the Amazon Princess can bring peace to the land of Warlords and kings. Plus, the Troia backup continues as Donna begins her own quest — to find the new Cheetah. FC, 32 PG. $2.25 YOUNG JUSTICE #42 WRITTEN BY PETER DAVID; ART AND COVER BY TODD NAUCK AND LARY STUCKER In stores February 6. Guest-starring Hal Jordan, the Spectre! Finally, the Secret's true origin is revealed! The Spectre takes Suzie back to relive moments of her past with some surprising revelations and connections to another DCU character. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 DC: BEYOND THE UNIVERSE DEXTER'S LABORATORY #28 WRITTEN BY BOBBI JG WEISS AND SCOTT ROBERTS; ART BY JOHN DELANEY, GARY FIELDS AND JEFF ALBRECHT; COVER BY BILL WRAY In stores February 27. For you, dear reader, this one time only — a guided tour of the boy genius' genius brain! Plus, Dexter's evil rival Mandark gets a little help and a lotta' love from an evil assistant! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 LOONEY TUNES #87 WRITTEN BY FRANK STROM, DAVID CODY WEISS AND EARL KRESS; ART BY DAVID ALVAREZ, WALTER CARZON, JOHN COSTANZA, AND MIKE DECARLO; COVER BY ALVAREZ AND DECARLO In stores February 6. In which we learn the sordid secrets of superstars Sylvester and Tweety; Bugs Bunny writes a monster into a favorite fairy tale; and the stork delivers a big Tasmanian Devil surprise to the Three Bears. FC, 32 PG. $1.99 THE POWERPUFF GIRLS #24 WRITTEN BY IVAN VELEZ, JR.; ART BY CHRISTOPHER COOK AND MIKE DECARLO; COVER BY PHIL MOY In stores February 20. Lonely Mojo Jojo builds himself a monster bride for Valentine's Day! Will the Girls have the heart to stop him…and her? FC, 32 PG. $1.99 SCOOBY-DOO #57 WRITTEN BY ROBBIE BUSCH AND TERRANCE GRIEP JR.; ART BY JOE STATON, DAVE HUNT AND KAREN MATCHETTE; COVER BY STATON AND HUNT In stores February 13. As a celebrating crowd rings in the Chinese New Year, Scooby gets in the middle of a freaky kidnapping! Plus, a pop star gets a spooky scare at his homecoming concert in Puerto Rico! FC, 32 PG. $1.99 WILDSTORM DIVINE RIGHT BOOK ONE TP WRITTEN BY JIM LEE; ART AND COVER BY LEE AND SCOTT WILLIAMS In stores February 27. Max Faraday, an underachieving student who spends all his time on the internet, inadvertently receives the Creation Equation — a formula capable of tapping the limitless power of the universe. Now, all who seek the Creation Equation, including I.O., the Coda Sisterhood, and the evil Cardinal Lazarus, will stop at nothing to wrench its secrets from Max. Collects DIVINE RIGHT #1-7. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 176PG, FC $17.95 THE ESTABLISHMENT #6 WRITTEN BY IAN EDGINTON; ART AND COVER BY CHARLIE ADLARD In stores February 20. The returning heroes have become media darlings. Having missed out on the last fifty years of history, everyone wants to know what they think of our modern world. However, not everyone is convinced they're quite who they say they are — especially Mister Pharmacist — which is why the Alexandra's ship's doctor, Dr Rosemary, is quietly trying to kill him. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 FARSCAPE: WAR TORN #1 WRITTEN BY MARV WOLFMAN; ART BY ROBERT TERANISHI AND KEITH AIKEN; PHOTO COVER In stores February 6. The Sci-Fi Channel's hit TV show is now a WildStorm comic! John Crichton and the crew of Moya arrive in a system inhabited by two different civilizations in the midst of a war. Moya's crew must tread a delicate path to avoid fanning the flames of the war, while attempting to gain access to the information that could lead the travel-weary crew back to their homes. For more information, see the feature article. Note: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders have been cancelled. FC, 48 PG. (1 OF 2) $4.95 GEN13 #74 WRITTEN BY ADAM WARREN; ART BY ED BENES AND ALEX LEI; COVER BY WARREN In stores February 20. In the shattering finale of the 4-part "Think Like a Gun," Fairchild and her Gen13 teammates face a final, cataclysmic reckoning with their robotic guardian, Anna — now reprogrammed to carry out a dead man's apocalyptic last wish. This story climaxes with a nasty and somewhat shocking plot twist! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 KINDRED II #2 WRITTEN BY BRETT BOOTH; ART AND COVER BY BOOTH AND SAL REGLA In stores February 13. It's out of the frying pan and into the fire, as Grifter and Backlash fight "tooth and claw" with the latest breed of Kindred. Unless they can set aside their shared past, these two heroes may not have a future. FC, 32 PG. (2 OF 4) $2.50 THE MONARCHY #11 WRITTEN BY DOSELLE YOUNG; ART AND COVER BY JOHN MCCREA AND GARRY LEACH In stores February 20. In issue #10, Chimera made its move against our reality. Now it's time for Trelane and company to take their surgical strike to the heart of Chimera itself, for a second confrontation with The Higher Power. Meanwhile, Hank Bendix returns with a startling revelation about the missing head of The Monarchy. FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ROBO DOJO #1 WRITTEN BY MARV WOLFMAN, J. TORRES AND CONOR LIBBY; ART BY GREG LANE, DARIO BRIZUELA, RICHARD BENNETT, AND VINCE RUSSELL; COVER BY MICHAEL GOLDEN In stores February 13. Extra-sized first issue! At the Mega Mecha Science Academy, the brightest young minds from around the globe are invited to develop their "robojin" — giant, powerful robotic constructs designed for everything from Mars exploration to deep-sea rescue. But others have something else in mind for Team Alpha and their robojin. Plus, a backup — NANOBOTZ — features the miniaturized heroes of Techno City! For more information, see the feature article. FC, 40 PG. $3.50 STEAMPUNK #11 WRITTEN BY JOE KELLY; ART AND COVER BY CHRIS BACHALO AND RICHARD FRIEND CLIFFHANGER PRODUCTIONS. In stores February 6. It's the end of the "X" storyline — and for Cole Blaquesmith and friends it's a time of fateful decisions and inevitable confrontations. Will Vicki choose Cole over Faust? Has Laslo joined Mambutu's posse? Will Fiona find Cole? And how, exactly, is Fiona alive? You'll find the answers to these questions, the secret to Stonehenge, and more — as we barrel toward issue #12! FC, 32 PG. $2.50 TALEWEAVER #6 WRITTEN BY LEONARD BANAAG; ART AND COVER BY PHILIP S. TAN AND GARY MAYORALGO In stores February 27. It all comes down to this as the renegade Helian forces and Empyrean army wage war over The Citadel. The clash of steel rings out and Axel the Taleweaver will have much to recount...if he survives the day. Can even his mystic power help the Helian League win The Citadel and take another step closer to freedom from the Empire? FC, 32 PG. (6 OF 6) $2.95 AMERICA'S BEST COMICS GREYSHIRT: INDIGO SUNSET #4 WRITTEN BY RICK VEITCH; ART BY VEITCH AND JOHN SEVERIN; COVER BY VEITCH In stores February 13. This issue will bring a chill of "Recognition" as we see the fabulous Star of Indigo sapphire throughout the ages. With flashbacks featuring art by the legendary John Severin, we travel back to many lands and times, to fully explain the historical significance of this loveliest of gems…all so we can understand why two of Indigo's most accomplished cat burglars are planning parallel heists. Plus, the latest edition of the Indigo Sunset newspaper in this issue with no ads! FC, 32 PG. (4 OF 6) $3.50 PROMETHEA #19 WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART BY J.H. WILLIAMS III AND MICK GRAY; PAINTED COVER BY WILLIAMS In stores February 27. In our earthly realm, there are interesting developments between Grace and Stacia, as the FBI continues its investigation into Promethea. Meanwhile, Sophie and Barbara reach the absolute furthest ends of the universe, the blue Jupiterian fourth sphere of the Tree of Life, but who will they encounter? Featuring some breathtakingly beautiful fully-painted sequences by J.H. Williams III. FC, 32 PG. $2.95 TOM STRONG #16 WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART AND COVER BY CHRIS SPROUSE AND KARL STORY In stores February 20. Beginning a multi-part storyline that will include the return of some exciting characters from past issues! Featuring the return of the Modular Man — who is now master of Venus — and the Strongmen of America. Plus, the introduction of a mysterious "Space Cowboy" who is on his way to Earth, just ahead of an advancing alien armada. Is he the point guard of an invasion? Or something else? FC, 32 PG. $2.95 TOM STRONG BOOK TWO HC WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART BY CHRIS SPROUSE, AL GORDON, KYLE BAKER, HILARY BARTA, PAUL CHADWICK, RUSS HEATH, PETE POPLASKI, AND ALAN WEISS; PAINTED COVER BY SPROUSE AND JOSE VILLARRUBIA In stores February 6. From the fearsome depths of a fiery volcano to the furthest reaches of space! From Terra Obscura to the very ends of time! From a central American jungle to alternate dimensions! This book has something for everyone! Reprinting TOM STRONG #8-14, and featuring the likes of Tom Strange, Warren Strong, time travel, other dimensions, and interstellar family trips! For more information, see the feature article. HC, 7X10, 192PG, FC $24.95 STAR OF THE MONTH TOM STRONG BOOK ONE TP WRITTEN BY ALAN MOORE; ART BY CHRIS SPROUSE, AL GORDON, ARTHUR ADAMS, DAVE GIBBONS, GARY FRANK, AND JERRY ORDWAY; COVER BY SPROUSE AND GORDON In stores February 6. Reoffered to coincide with the release of TOM STRONG BOOK TWO HC, this first collection allows you to catch up with AMERICA'S BEST COMICS' foremost science hero — reprinting the first seven issues of TOM STRONG. SC, 7X10, 208PG, FC $14.95 ************************ HOMAGE COMICS FOUR WOMEN #5 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY SAM KIETH; PAINTED COVER BY KIETH In stores February 6. The dramatic conclusion to Sam Kieth's chilling series answers many of our questions, as Donna comes clean with her therapist. Have you guessed what really happened in the car on the way to the wedding? In that car, on that day, would you have fought for survival or friendship? Forgiveness sometimes comes from the place you least expect it. Even through a locked door…if you're lucky. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (5 OF 5) $2.95 VERTIGO 100 BULLETS #33 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY EDUARDO RISSO; PAINTED COVER BY DAVE JOHNSON In stores February 27. Part 3 of "The Counterfeit Detective." As private eye Milo Garret continues his investigations into who scarred him for life, that same life takes a decidedly different turn. When a tough-talking gal with a chip on her shoulder and the money to prop it up hires Milo for a special job, the payday's too good to refuse. That, and Milo figures there may be a bonus in it... MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 AMERICAN CENTURY #12 WRITTEN BY HOWARD CHAYKIN AND DAVID TISCHMAN; ART BY LUKE ROSS AND JOHN STOKES; PAINTED COVER BY GLEN ORBIK In stores February 20. Part 3 of the 4-Part "White Lightning," featuring guest-pencils by Luke Ross (X-Man). Harry Kraft rides shotgun with uptight ATF Agent Gilmore after Sheriff Falk is mortally wounded in a gun-blazing car chase with local moonshiners. Harry and Gilmore are dead set on nailing the bad guys, if they don't kill each other first. The Korean War hits home as Wallace Pitt mourns the death of his son, and Lorelei makes a decision that will change her relationship with Harry forever. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 CODENAME: KNOCKOUT #10 WRITTEN BY ROBERT RODI; ART BY YANNICK PAQUETTE; COVER BY TOMAS GIORELLO In stores February 27. "Undressed to Kill" Part 1 of 3. Angela Devlin heads to Paris, on the trail of a fiendish Russian slavemaster. But who apprehends whom? Plus, Go-Go is confronted with the truth about his origins! MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE CRUSADES #12 WRITTEN BY STEVEN T. SEAGLE; ART BY KELLEY JONES AND RON RANDALL; PAINTED COVER BY DUNCAN FEGREDO In stores February 6. The second Crusade ends in a heartstopping showdown! Venus fights for her life in the Knight's hidden enclave, Detective Petronas fights to crack the mystery of the Knight before his rank is pulled, and the Knight himself fights a force that could stop his crusades once and for all! Could it actually be radio raven Anton Marx who has the only words of sanity that can calm his quaking city? MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 GRIP: THE STRANGE WORLD OF MEN #4 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY GILBERT HERNANDEZ; COVER BY HERNANDEZ In stores February 13. Tension mounts in Foxy's strip club as Daisy dances and Detective Garcia continues his effortless search for his missing partner, Detective Gideon. As The Mystery Girls prepare for an all-out attack, gangster wanna-be Sammy holds Joe Hook at gunpoint. And precocious little Echo reveals what's underneath her eyepatch…which will blow everyone's mind — especially Mike Chang's — if anyone can find him. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (4 OF 5) $2.50 HELLBLAZER #171 WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY MARCELO FRUSIN; PAINTED COVER BY TIM BRADSTREET In stores February 27. "Ashes and Dust" Part 2 of 5. As the investigation into John Constantine's murder continues, one thing becomes exceedingly clear: Nobody's certain exactly what happened. An array of bizarre witnesses each has different takes on what they saw — or what they thought they saw — which leaves investigators scratching their heads and sifting through clues. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 HELLBLAZER: GOOD INTENTIONS TP WRITTEN BY BRIAN AZZARELLO; ART BY MARCELO FRUSIN; PAINTED COVER BY TIM BRADSTREET In stores February 13. It's time for Constantine to pay his respects to "Lucky" Fermin's kin out in the hills of West Virginia, and tell them exactly what went wrong with his death. But in the little town of Doglick, WV, Constantine finds things happening that not even he could expect, and also discovers that whether he likes it or not, he's involved in them as well…up to his neck. Reprints HELLBLAZER #151-156. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 144PG, FC $12.95 HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC #8 WRITTEN BY DYLAN HORROCKS; ART BY RICHARD CASE AND STEVE BIRD; PAINTED COVER BY JON FOSTER In stores February 13. Part 1 of the 4-part "The Evil Gene" — an ideal jumping-on point for readers. Back in London, Tim finds out what Nick, Ash Walker, Iolanthe and even Mr. Lily have been up to for the past five years. But even more alarmingly, he meets Dr. Fabien — a scientist who claims to have isolated the gene that causes evil behavior. If Tim decides to be tested, will he want to know the answer? For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 ************************ Look for the MAGIC & MYSTERY: TIM HUNTER ACTION FIGURE, offered elsewhere in the DC section of Previews. ************************ LUCIFER #23 WRITTEN BY MIKE CAREY; ART BY PETER GROSS AND RYAN KELLY; PAINTED COVER BY CHRISTOPHER MOELLER In stores February 20. In Part 3 of the 3-part "Paradiso," the Basanos's bloody assault on Lucifer's cosmos culminates in a direct confrontation and a battle to the death. But for once the Morningstar finds that the trump cards have been dealt to someone else. Hybrid angel Elaine Belloc and the obnoxious imp Gaudium form an alliance in the amazing conclusion to this storyline. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 STAR OF THE MONTH THE MYSTERY PLAY SC WRITTEN BY GRANT MORRISON; PAINTED ART AND COVER BY JON J MUTH In stores February 13. Reoffered, this tense psychological thriller by New X-Men and INVISIBLES writer Grant Morrison and MOONSHADOW painter Jon J Muth is a descent into a hallucinatory world of guilt and sacrifice. Accusation and suspicion threaten to tear a small English town apart when the actor playing God in a local religious play is brutally murdered. (STAR01111D) MATURE READERS SC, 7X10, 80PG, FC $9.95 ************************ OUTLAW NATION #18 WRITTEN BY JAMIE DELANO; ART BY GORAN PARLOV AND GORAN SUDZUKA; PAINTED COVER BY GLENN FABRY In stores February 20. All bets are off as events overtake Story Johnson and he has to confront the vicious truth of Old Asa's spiteful genocide. There's no more time for hiding in a fog of fine words: It's going to take hard thinking, fast footwork and considerable luck to save the Johnson spirit from extinction now. Just as well Story has Nurse Dolores along to stiffen his resolve. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 THE SANDMAN PRESENTS: THE THESSALIAD #2 WRITTEN BY BILL WILLINGHAM; ART BY SHAWN MCMANUS AND ANDREW PEPOY; COVER BY DAVE MCKEAN In stores February 13. The dark fantasy quest continues as Thessaly — a practical but deadly witch — and her annoying ghost sidekick, Fetch, ride the ever- changing Allegorical Subway. Each stop not only reveals a dangerous challenge between gatekeeper and traveler but also boasts cameos from some surprising characters from THE SANDMAN. Plus, ritual magic rules as the homeless gods who are hunting Thessaly get closer to their prey. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (2 OF 4) $2.50 ************************ Look for THE SANDMAN: THE DREAM HUNTERS SIGNATURE SERIES PRINT, offered elsewhere in the DC section of Previews. ************************ S.C.I.-SPY #1 WRITTEN BY DOUG MOENCH; ART BY PAUL GULACY AND JIMMY PALMIOTTI; COVER BY GULACY In stores February 6. Sebastian Starchild, like all great secret agents, is a stubborn lone wolf with a penchant for the ladies and a knack for saving the world — or in his case, the universe. He's got a flashy ray gun, a floating cyber sidekick, and a galaxy-hopping starship. In short, he's a new kind of secret agent for a new era of comics readers. In the genre-bending first issue, Starchild is off to battle space pirates. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (1 OF 6) $2.50 TRANSMETROPOLITAN #53 WRITTEN BY WARREN ELLIS; ART BY DARICK ROBERTSON AND RODNEY RAMOS; COVER BY GLENN FABRY In stores February 13. Part 2 of the 3-part "The Cure," She's the last surviving witness to presidential sexual misconduct. And the only thing between her and a bullet in the brain is a crazed journalist with: (A) a degenerative brain disease, (B) a drug habit that could kill a pack of rhinos, or (C), the physical strength of a small, drunken rat. (The answer: (D) All of the above). MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. $2.50 MAD MAD MAGAZINE #415 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS In stores February 6. We're in the mood for looooove, simply because you read us! This Valentine's Day, get your sweetheart a year's subscription to MAD Magazine! On second thought, scratch that. This relationship might be a keeper. What do you mean you don't have a sweetheart? MAGAZINE, 48PG, FC/B&W $2.99 MAD XL #14 WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY THE USUAL GANG OF IDIOTS In stores February 13. Another jam-packed issue of MAD XL contains the Best of the Web, MAD Marginals XL, our featured Writer of the Month, more Readers' Choice picks, and other fun features! MAGAZINE, 96PG, B&W $4.99 DC DIRECT CLASSIC ROBIN MINI-BUST DESIGNED AND SCULPTED BY TIM BRUCKNER Advance-solicited; in stores May 8. Continuing the line of DC Direct mini-busts that began with the CLASSIC SUPERMAN and CLASSIC BATMAN MINI-BUSTS! Now, Robin joins his classic Golden Age mentor as a hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain mini-bust, featuring the Boy Wonder loading his slingshot to use against the crooks threatening the safety of Gotham City! The CLASSIC ROBIN MINI-BUST stands overall with base approximately 4 1/2" tall x 5 1/4" wide. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The CLASSIC ROBIN MINI-BUST is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for February-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. MINI-BUST $45.00 GREEN LANTERN SINESTRO POWER RING PROP SCULPTED BY SAM GREENWELL Advance-solicited; in stores June 26. The series of Green Lantern Power Ring Props continues with the GREEN LANTERN SINESTRO POWER RING PROP! Once one of the greatest of the Green Lanterns, Sinestro of Korugar was corrupted by his power and was stripped of his ring by the Guardians of the Universe. But a yellow Power Ring from the anti-matter universe of Qward returned Sinestro to power...and made him one of the greatest threats the GL Corps and the universe has ever faced! Sinestro's ring is faithfully recreated in yellow-coated metal, set in a base against a fully sculpted, cold-cast porcelain bust of the villain himself standing approximately 5" tall on a 3 1/2" diameter base. The ring is removable from the base but is not intended to be worn. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The GREEN LANTERN SINESTRO POWER RING PROP is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for February-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. PROP $89.95 JUST-US-LEAGUE OF STUPID HEROES: ALFRED E. NEUMAN AS GREEN ARROW ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores June 19. The stupidity just keeps on coming with a new entry in the line of JUST-US-LEAGUE OF STUPID HEROES: ALFRED E. NEUMAN AS GREEN ARROW! MAD MAGAZINE's resident moron straps on a bow and arrow to fight the bad guys as the Emerald Archer, Green Arrow. This ridiculous action figure features multiple points of articulation, stands approximately 6 1/8" tall, and comes packaged with a golf bag-quiver, an extra set of hands, a bow that looks like a fishing rod, and a plunger arrow. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The ALFRED E. NEUMAN AS GREEN ARROW ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for February-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI JUST-US-LEAGUE OF STUPID HEROES: ALFRED E. NEUMAN AS ROBIN ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores June 19. The world needs heroes! Unfortunately, the best we can do is MAD MAGAZINE's own gap-toothed idiot, with the ALFRED E. NEUMAN AS ROBIN ACTION FIGURE! Battling The Joker is gonna be the least of Batman's worries with this "hero" fighting at his side! This moronic action figure features multiple points of articulation, stands approximately 6 1/8" tall, features a cloth cape and comes packaged with a sling shot and a lollipop emblazoned with the "Bat-signal." Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The ALFRED E. NEUMAN AS ROBIN ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for February-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI JUSTICE LEAGUE ANIMATED: SUPERMAN MAQUETTE SCULPTED BY KAREN PALINKO Advance-solicited; in stores May 22. DC Direct continues its line of cold-cast porcelain maquettes with the JUSTICE LEAGUE ANIMATED: SUPERMAN MAQUETTE! Maquettes are statues designed for the series and usually produced exclusively for the artists and animators as the definitive models on which to base their drawings. Now DC Direct is making these special maquettes available to fans. Superman stands approximately 9" high x 4 1/2" wide on a 3 1/2" diameter base. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The JUSTICE LEAGUE ANIMATED: SUPERMAN MAQUETTE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for February-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. This maquette may be sold in other outlets simultaneously with comics specialty shops. MAQUETTE $89.95 MAGIC & MYSTERY: MORDRU ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores June 5. Mordru...the Dark Lord! A cruel being of immeasurable magical power, Mordru conquered the sorcerer's world of Zerox and plotted the conquest of the galaxy. In a great battle, Mordru met defeat at the hands of the Legion of Super-Heroes by trapping him underground. Contained, but never truly defeated, the threat of this maniacal mage re-emerges in this stunning action figure — featuring multiple points of articulation and standing approximately 7" tall. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The MAGIC & MYSTERY: MORDRU ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for February-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI MAGIC & MYSTERY: PHANTOM STRANGER ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores June 5. He walks the mystic planes in search of troubled souls to whom he can offer assistance. He is just a stranger — a being whose origins are shrouded in mystery and antiquity but whose heart is on the side of aiding mankind. The PHANTOM STRANGER ACTION FIGURE features multiple points of articulation, stands approximately 6 1/2" tall. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The MAGIC & MYSTERY: PHANTOM STRANGER ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for February-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI MAGIC & MYSTERY: TIM HUNTER ACTION FIGURE Advance-solicited; in stores June 5. From the pages of VERTIGO's HUNTER: THE AGE OF MAGIC comes the original young mage in training, Tim Hunter! Destined for greatness in the realm of the mystic arts, Tim Hunter travels the world of the mundane and the supernatural in search of wisdom. The TIM HUNTER ACTION FIGURE features multiple points of articulation, stands approximately 6 1/4" tall and comes packaged with an owl. Packaged in a 4-color blister pack. Retailers, please note: The MAGIC & MYSTERY: TIM HUNTER ACTION FIGURE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for February-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. ACTION FIGURE PI THE SANDMAN: THE DREAM HUNTERS SIGNATURE SERIES PRINT Advance-solicited; in stores May 22. DC Direct continues its line of SIGNATURE SERIES prints with the stunning THE SANDMAN: THE DREAM HUNTERS PRINT, featuring art by Yoshitaka Amano from THE SANDMAN: THE DREAM HUNTERS graphic novel. This print, featuring Morpheus, is signed by Amano and Sandman writer Neil Gaiman. Numbered and double-matted, this prints measures approximately 16" x 22" (with an image area measuring 10 1/2" x 14 1/2"), and includes a certificate of authenticity. Retailers, please note: THE SANDMAN: THE DREAM HUNTERS SIGNATURE SERIES PRINT is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is advance-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for February-released product, solicited in this month's issue of Previews. PRINT, 16X22, FC $99.95 [GRAPHICS: Use header labeled DC DIRECT SNEAK PEEK] CATWOMAN ANIMATED STATUE SCULPTED BY BARSOM; BASED ON DESIGNS BY TY TEMPLETON Pre-solicited; in stores June 12. Continuing DC Direct's series of female characters inspired by Batman: The Animated Series! Her safe-cracking chores finished, Catwoman takes a moment to relax with a feline friend and admire the loot from her latest job. The CATWOMAN ANIMATED STATUE is a hand-painted resin statue, standing approximately 7 1/2" tall x 5 1/8" wide x 5 7/8" deep and comes with a resin jewel hanging on a black string. Perfect for display along with DC Direct's other Gotham Girls: BATGIRL, POISON IVY and HARLEY QUINN ANIMATED STATUES. Packaged in a 4-color box. Retailers, please note: The CATWOMAN ANIMATED STATUE is manufactured to order, so only limited quantities may be available for reorder. Final product may differ from image shown. This item is pre-solicited. Orders must be placed with those for March-released product, solicited in next month's issue of Previews. STATUE $99.95 IMAGE COMICS THE AGENCY #6 Top Cow Productions (W) Paul Jenkins (P & I) Kyle Hotz (c) Matt Nelson The Concept: The Agency is a team of special operatives, built and trained to handle the cases the police can't. But when the Agency is called in, the do it on THEIR terms at THEIR price, or they don't do it at all. This Issue: The Agency catches up with God's Man and the final show down ensues! If you thought God's Man was crazy before, wait until things hit critical level! Don't miss the final explosive double-sized issue of Agency! In stores the week of February 20th. FC, 48pg (6 of 6) $4.95 APHRODITE IX #4 Top Cow Productions (W) David Wohl (P) Clarence Lansang (c) Steve Firchow The Concept: Aphrodite IX is an android without a past. Struggling to find out who she is in the dark world of the future, she must fight for her life, facing enemies from all directions. This Issue: Who is Aphrodite IX, where does she come from, and what is the REAL reason she was created? The shocking answers to these questions and many others will be revealed in the long-awaited DOUBLE-SIZED climactic conclusion to the first story arc of the critically-acclaimed Top Cow series. Join Witchblade's David Wohl and Overkill's Clarence Lansang on a voyage into the soul of the woman known only as Aphrodite IX. In stores the week of February 27th. FC, 48pg $4.95 BANISHED KNIGHTS #2 (W) Adrian Tsang (A)Alvin Lee The Concept: The vampire hordes of Datara have long been a plague up the people of Warlands, their thirst for blood and evil ways a threat to their way of life. But amongst the vile hordes of vampires, on creature of the night has a chance to save his soul from the evil ways of his people, but the road will not be easy... This Issue: After grudgingly agreeing to accompany Belmiro on his quest to escape the mysterious sickness that seems to be infecting the haggard remains of their entire race, the pair begin a journey to a remote part of Datara in order begin the grisly task of waging a war of survival against their own kind. Greyson soon finds out however, that he and Belmiro aren't the only ones intent on killing vampires. Bi-Monthly. In stores the week of February 6th. NOTE: This issue will ship with 2 covers. Cover A by Alvin Lee & Cover B by Pat Lee. FC, 32pg $2.95 DEFIANCE #1 (w) Douglass Barré & Joey Lee (A) Kano Khang & Zach Suh THE MESSENGER Part 1 (of 4)—Concept: In the not-so-distant future, Earth and Hell stand on the precipice of war. Only one man has any hope of stopping it... and he barely remembers the message he was raised from the dead to deliver! With a pair of exiled demons as his only allies, can the Messenger stop the Devil from claiming the mortal world as his own? This gripping science-horror thriller follows Earth's last chance in the face of infernal domination. When conformity only leads to damnation... it's time for Defiance! This Issue: Sent back to Earth by a mysterious Lord of Hell, the Messenger not only has to make it past the government forces that have surrounded the Infernal Gate, but he's got to face the Dwellers on the Threshold! Can a battle weary demon and her overeager apprentice get him through safely? Or will he just give up and enjoy one last meal of scrambled eggs in the face of oblivion? Bi-Monthly. In stores the week of February 6th. FC, 32pg $2.95 FATHOM #14 Top Cow Productions (W) Michael Turner and Bill O'Neil (P) Michael Turner (I) Jonathan Sibal (c)Peter Steigerwald The Concept: There are two worlds. The one we know, and the one below. Aspen Matthews was a marine biologist who, in a failed experiment, discovered that she is actually a water nymph, able to live and thrive beneath the water. This Issue: Aspen, Lara, and Sara must rescue Cannon and escape Vana's icy eadquarters. It's going to take everything they've got. And Cannon's having trouble holding on to reality. Has Vana permanently damaged him? Find out as the tumultuous conclusion to Aspen's entanglement with Vana, joined by Tomb Raider's Lara Croft and Witchblade's Sara Pezzini, comes to an explosive end!! In stores the week of February 29th. NOTE: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders have been cancelled. RES. from Previews Vol. X #6 (JUN001006) FC, 32pg $2.50 G.I. JOE: M.I.A. #1-2 (W) Josh Blaylock (A) Steve Kurth (I) John Larter (Cover) David Beck The Concept: Cobra has set forth plans to unleash legions of microscopic nano-machines upon the country, and only members of the former G.I. Joe task force can stop them. The team comes out of retirement, with a few new faces to help them — but don't think Cobra has let their guard down. This series stars Snake-Eyes, Scarlett, Duke, Flint, Destro, Cobra Commander, and all of the old characters you loved in the 80s, with a modern twist. This issue: Don't miss out on the surprise hit of the year! Reprinting in their entirety SOLD OUT issues #1 and #2. If the first two issues flew out of the comic shop doors before you strolled through them, now's your chance to snag them in this collected, double-sized comic. In stores the week of February 27th. FC, 48pg $4.95 IMAGE COMICS - THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY BOOK by Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, & Jim Valentino The Concept: Ten years ago, a group of the most popular creators in comics founded Image Comics. Established with the intent of better controlling their creative destinies, the four remaining partners are now celebrating their tenth year in a business that some said wouldn't last six months. To celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Image Comics, the four remaining founders are taking the opportunity to thank the fans and the characters that made them a success. In stores the week of February 27th. HC, 7x10, 128pg, FC $24.95 IMAGE INTRODUCES... THE LEGEND OF ISIS #1 (W) Darren G. Davis (A) R.V. Valdez (I) Rick Ketcham What if you were a god and you never existed? On the eve of her wedding night, Isis the Egyptian goddess is torn from the ancient world of powerful pharaohs and dark gods. Isis is thrust into a future which worships technology money and power. To her astonishment, she has been erased from history. Join Isis as she fights to reclaim her identity, redeem her past and establish a new legacy. In stores the week of February 13th. FC, 32pg $2.95 LAST SHOT #3 (W) Locke (A) Long Vo The Concept: Meet Revolver. He's a cybernetically-enhanced bounty hunter with 3 million dollar guns built into his hands. Killing is Revolver's only honest chance at life. Six million dollars is the largest bounty ever placed for one single job. A simple task - get a girl from one end of the continent to the other — alive. But what happens when the ultimate killer has to protect a mysterious girl's life? This Issue: "Angel of Death" Revolver and L3n board the gigantic three story intercontinental steam-powered express train that will take them across the frontier wasteland directly to Nolem city. It's not long before a shadowy figure begins making his way to the front of the train, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake. Guns blaze and bodies drop nonstop until finally Revolver stands face to face with the source of all this carnage-the Shadowgunner himself! Bi-Monthly. In stores the week of February 13th. FC, 32pg $2.95 LITTLE RED HOT: BOUND THREE ISSUE SET In stores the week of February 20th. MCFARLANE'S SPORTS PICKS: NBA SERIES 1 McFarlane Toys Fresh from its success with ultra-detailed hockey and football action figures, McFarlane Toys makes the leap to the hardwood of basketball for its first series of NBA-licensed action figures. Featuring six of the game's greatest players, McFarlane's Sports Picks: NBA Series 1 is sure to be a — ahem — slam dunk. * Allen Iverson (Philadelphia 76ers guard, #3) * Kobe Bryant (Los Angeles Lakers guard, #8) * Kevin Garnett (Minnesota Timberwolves forward, #21) * Tim Duncan (San Antonio Spurs forward/center, #21) * Vince Carter (Toronto Raptors guard/forward, #15) * Jason Kidd (New Jersey Nets guard, #5) This item ships 12 per case, no guarantee of mix. (#70400) (CAUT: 4) Figure PI MIDNIGHT NATION #10 Joe's Comics (W) J. Michael Straczynski (P) Gary Frank (I) Jonathan Sibal (c) Matt Milla The Concept: Detective David Grey is a man "In-between." His soul does not belong to him anymore, but he plans on getting it back if it's the last thing he ever does. That in mind, he sets out on a quest for his eternal self, searching the darkest recesses of America to find that which will make him whole again. This Issue: At last: David comes face to face with the man who stole his soul, the man he has traveled three thousand miles on foot to confront...only to discover that his is not the only life on the line. He may recover his soul, but the price may be more than he wants to pay! In stores the week of February 13th. RES. from Previews Vol. XI #6 (JUN011301) FC, 32pg (10 of 12) $2.50 OBERGEIST: THE EMPTY LOCKET Minotaur Press (W) Dan Jolley (P) Tony Harris (I) Ray Snyder The Concept: Jürgen Steinholtz was once a doctor of death, carrying out the genocidal wishes of one of the most evil men to walk the earth. But in a strange twist of fate, one of Jürgen's victims showed him the error of his ways, and forever cursed him to make right the wrongs he had committed. This Issue: Delve into the heart and mind of the protagonist of Obergeist, Jürgen Steinholtz, in this companion chronicle of his life from his days as an infantry soldier in World War I to his assignment in Mengele's secret death camp. The heartbreaking secret, that not even Jürgen knew, is exposed in "The Empty Locket." In stores the week of February 13th. b&w, 32pg $2.95 RADIX #2 (W/A) Ray & Ben Lai, Brian Reber Concept: In a society where technological advancement allows the human race to live in utopia, a secret exists that has the power to change existence forever. The inhabitants' only memory is of the past three years, yet no one seems to care or want to find out what occurred before then. Four would-be heroes will have to forge an alliance to solve the mysteries of their world, their pasts, and their powers. This Issue: Val Fiores finds herself comatose after taking a hit protecting the prime minister during an assassination attempt. During which she experienced a vision of what she believes to be her past. After regaining consciousness, she's told that there was no evidence of an attack. Val decides then to take the investigation into her own hands, but is she ready for what she's about to discover? Bi-Monthly. In stores the week of February 13th. FC, 32pg $2.95 RED STAR #8 (W) Christian Gossett and Brad Kayl (A) Christian Gossett Concept: Since it's inception, the critically acclaimed, award-winning title The Red Star" has used the power of high-concept fantasy and state of the art computer imagery to tell the story of Russia's defeat in Afghanistan. In a parallel world of sorcery and military might, yet very much like our own, the visionary creative team behind this action-packed war saga tackles another chapter taken from the headlines of our time: Russia's bitter and bloody war against Chechnya. This issue: As the War in Nokgorka continues, Sorceress-Major Maya Antares, through a deadly encounter with the vicious rebel fighter Makita, discovers the true fate of her husband, Captain Marcus Antares, who has been missing in action and declared dead since the War of Al'Istaan. This is the issue Red Star fans have been waiting for since issue #1 and represents a key turning point in the series! Bi-Monthly. In Stores the week of February 20th. FC, 32pg $2.95 RISING STARS #18 Joe's Comics (W) J. Michael Straczynski (P & I) Brent Anderson (c) John Starr The Concept: 113 people are born with superpowers, granted by a comet that crashed into their hometown before they were born. Rising Stars is the story of the lives and times of these "Specials," following their victories, their defeats, and their struggles - both with the world at large and with within their own ranks. This Issue: Brent Anderson and J. Michael Straczynski continue this best selling saga of the lives of the Pederson specials. Now into the third and final chapter of the series, all pieces of the puzzle begin to come together. Will they indeed change the world? In stores the week of February 6th. NOTE: This is a resolicitation. All previous orders have been cancelled. RES. from Previews Vol. XI #8 (AUG011153) FC, 32pg (18 of 24) $2.50 SAVAGE DRAGON #96 (W/A) Erik Larsen The Concept: The planet Earth has gone through a startling transformation! The domino effect caused from killing a deadly time-traveling foe has forever changed the world the Dragon lives in! Trapped in this savage world, the former police officer must cope with the strange new earth he unwittingly created and try to repair the damage he's caused! It ain't no picnic, Chester! This Issue: The CREATOR has unleashed an army of super-powered freaks on the Savage World! Using his powers to radically alter living beings he's helped change the inhabitants of the planet in strange and horrific ways! Nobody has dared face him — nobody that is — until the Dragon! But not only does the Creator wield unimaginable power but he commands a legion of super-powered freaks! This won't be easy! In stores the week of February 20th. FC, 32pg $2.95 SPAWN #119 Todd McFarlane Productions (W) Brian Holguin and Todd McFarlane (P) Angel Medina (I) Danny Miki (Cover) Greg Capullo and Todd McFarlane The Concept: Al Simmons, once the U.S. government's greatest soldier and most effective assassin, was mercilessly executed by his own men. Resurrected from the ashes of his own grave in a flawed agreement with the powers of darkness, Simmons is reborn as a creature from the depths of Hell. Disfigured, homeless and alone, this warrior now known as Spawn wanders the shadowy alleys of New York City in search of his past life. This issue: A SEASON IN HELL: Part III—Old foes with new agendas are tormenting Spawn, drawing him down a road he may not be prepared to travel. Only Spawn's one-time mentor, Cog, now dying, can offer insight into the complex web being woven. Will revisiting the mistakes he made as a man relieve the pain that haunts Spawn in death? Or are some wounds too deep to ever heal? In stores the week of February 27th. FC, 32pg $2.50 SPAWN RELISTS Some of the most important, groundbreaking and action-packed issues of several Todd McFarlane Productions books are being offered again. Don't miss them. SPAWN: BLOOD & SHADOWS TP This annual features the award-winning work of creative team Ashley Wood and Paul Jenkins. The story and art are both beautiful and disturbing, a portrait of human depravity and urban terror. And Spawn in the background, a hell-born avenging angel. Prestige Format. (STAR09637) SC, 7x10, 56pg, FC $4.95 SPAWN: BLOOD & SALVATION TP With the creative team of artist Ashley Wood and writer Alan McElroy, this annual tells the apocalyptic tale of the Daniel Llanso, Hellspawn! Prestige Format. (STAR10412) SC, 7x10, 56pg, FC $4.95 O/A SPAWN, THE UNDEAD #1 "A Face in the Crowd"—An extension of the core Spawn comic book, Undead focuses on one-shot issues and an urban horror theme. Issue #1 features an alcoholic fighting a losing battle. Written by Paul Jenkins (Peter Parker: Spiderman, Witchblade, Universe); art by Dwayne Turner and Chance Wolf. FC, 32pg $1.95 O/A SPAWN, THE UNDEAD #2 The Door to Nowhere. An extension of the core Spawn comic book, Undead focuses on one-shot issues and an urban horror theme. Issue #2 features a dabbler in the occult who's on the road to Hell. Written by Paul Jenkins (Peter Parker: Spiderman, Witchblade, Universe); art by Dwayne Turner and Chance Wolf. FC, 32pg $1.95 O/A SPAWN, THE UNDEAD #3 My Soul to Keep. An extension of the core Spawn comic book, Undead focuses on one-shot issues and an urban horror theme. Issue #3 tells the tale of Eve Riley, a woman haunted by her violent past. Written by Paul Jenkins (Peter Parker: Spiderman, Witchblade, Universe); art by Dwayne Turner and Chance Wolf. FC, 32pg $1.95 *********************** TEKKEN FOREVER #2 (W) Dave Chi (P): Paco Diaz The Concept: Tekken Forever is based on the #1 fighting game Tekken from Namco. This Issue: The next installment of the Tekken saga continues. The King of the Iron Fist Tournament has begun, and Jin feels the Devil Gene slowly taken control over him. The awesome power of Jin is felt by his father Kazuya, who then decides to enter the tournament to test his son's ability. Knowing that Kazuya would not be able to resist such power, Heihachi sets up a trap that will allow him to kill both Jin and Kazuya so that he may abstract the "Devil Power" from them. Meanwhile, the mysterious character "Unknown" is capturing the loved ones of all the current competitors of this year's Iron Fist, and adding their power to her own. Bi-Monthly. In stores the week of February 6th. NOTE: This issue will ship with two covers: Cover A by Paco Diaz, Cover B by Sigmund Torre. FC, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.95 THE 10TH MUSE #10 (W) Marv Wolfman (A) Roger Cruz (Cover) Roger Cruz Cover A by Roger Cruz Cover B by Mutli Cover Cover C by Chris Bachalo The Concept: A lone hero sets forth to seek out justice. Emma Sonnett is the title character in this saga, who is a district attorney by day and the Muse by night. Greek Mythology set in a modern day world. This Issue: He calls himself The Guardsman, and he has come to Earth to enlist the services of five very special protectors to defeat an unstoppable force known only as Overthrow. To protect the Earth these five heroes come together to form The Odyssey, this planet's newest and greatest superhero team. But there is more to both The Guardsman and Overthrow than even the Odyssey know, and what is at stake is a greater menace than any this planet has ever faced before with far greater ramifications. If you've never bought The 10th Muse before, don't fail to read this issue. Because after this, nothing will ever be the same again. Introducing The Odyssey: The 10th Muse, Orion The Hunter, Trident, Isis, and Atlas. EXTRA: You met him in The 10th Muse #9, now Orion the Hunter gets his own solo story in the back pages of The 10th Muse! This time he is on the hunt for Medusa. Written by Scott Davis and penciled by Deon Nuckols. Bi-Monthly. In stores the week of February 27th. FC, 32pg $2.95 TOMB RAIDER: JOURNEYS #2 Top Cow Comics (W) Fiona Avery (P) Drew Johnson (I) Jay Leisten (C ) Jonathan D. Smith The Concept Artifact hunter extraordinaire Lara Croft is on the adventure of a lifetime, out to track down the Spanish Armada of 1550. Journeys is a twelve issue adventure spanning the seven seas, full of swashbuckling adventure like you've never seen! This Issue: Washed ashore in a foreign land, Lara Croft finds new adventure and a subterranean city of gold. A land lost to the most ravenous explorers becomes Lara's unintended hot spot of adventure, as she takes on the concerns of a small village and follows a little boy into unknown territory. A territory known as "El Dorado". In stores the week of February 20th. FC, 32pg (2 of 12) $2.95 ULTIMA ONLINE McFarlane Toys Online role-playing games (RPGs to the uninitiated) are hot, and none is hotter than Ultima Online from Origin. This line of six futuristic figures from McFarlane Toys was designed by Todd McFarlane himself, for use in the game. * Juggernaut—Equal parts warrior and machine! * Warlord Kabur—Leader of the Juka warrior clan! * Blackthorn—Mad technoprophet and immortal cyborg! * Captain Dasha—Lovely master of war and sorcery! * Adranath—An undead demon of incredible power! * Dragon—Rules the skies with strength and sorcery! This item ships 12 per case, No Guarantee of mix. (#18110) (CAUT: 4) Figure PI UNIVERSE #5 Top Cow Comics (W) Paul Jenkins (P) Clayton Crain (I) Jonathan Glapion (c) Jonathan D. Smith The Concept: This is it - the rhyme and reason behind the Top Cow Universe. Examining the connection between The Darkness, The Witchblade, and The Angelus, Universe takes you through Hell to connect the Top Cow Universe as never before. This Issue: If Hell is the absence of hope, what happens to the people who's loss of hope got them there in the first place? Tom Judge must find a man in Hell who committed suicide and, in doing so, must take a wild ride on the HELL TRAIN! In Stores the week of February 13th. FC, 32pg $2.50 MARVEL COMICS Marvel MAX CAGE #1 cover by richard corben brian azzarello (W)/richard corben (p) • THE SCOOP: Brian Azzarello and Richard Corben unlock Cage! • THE SET-UP: Life on the streets is a high stakes game. There are winners and losers. Those that play by the rules, do so at their own risk, and often pay a price. Who's got their back? There's a man who can set things straight. A specialist. He doesn't come cheap, but if you've got the bank, he's got game. And plenty of it. Some know him as a "Hero for Hire." Some as a "Power Man." For others, he's an urban legend. He's all — and none — of the above. His name is Cage. It's time you got to know him. • THE STORY: Dory Dickens wants justice for her daughter, cut down in her prime in the crossfire of a rapidly escalating gang war. In a sea of corrupt cops and rival gangbangers, there's only one man with the juice to dispense the kind of street justice Dory craves — and his services don't come cheap. Lucky for Dory, the man called Cage has plenty of reason to play hero in a world where there are none. • THE CREATORS: The team behind BANNER, writer Brian Azzarello (100 Bullets) and artist Richard Corben (House on the Borderland), unite once again to knock fandom on its collective butt! • THE EDITOR SPEAKS: "It's gonna have the pacing and rhythm of your favorite blaxploitation flicks from the '70s, only it'll be in a more modern context," Axel Alonso told Wizard. "Part and parcel of that is cussing and big booties, guns and drugs and all the rest." • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this monthly, five-part mini-series will be 32 pages, with ads. • THE RATING: Contains explicit content. Recommended for adult readers. FC, 32pg (1 of 5) $2.99 ALIAS #6 painted cover by david mack brian michael bendis (w)/michael gaydos (p) • THE SCOOP: Kicking off a new storyline for MAX's hard-luck P.I.! • THE SET-UP: Red-hot writer Brian Michael Bendis (ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, DAREDEVIL) and artist Michael Gaydos (The Crow) continue their gritty tale of Jessica Jones, a former costumed crimefighter who's now a down-and-out private investigator specializing in superhuman cases! • THE STORY: Jessica Jones's life is no picnic: she's got no luck with men, her past life as a super hero keeps coming back to haunt her, and her private investigator business takes her to such exciting places as internet pickup chatrooms. But an encounter with a new client promises to turn her life completely upside-down! • THE BUZZ: "Bendis and Gaydos are proving how you can create a book for an older reader without being gratuitous just because they can... ALIAS isn't about shocking people. It's about telling great stories, and they're succeeding in that." -Aint-It- • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. • THE WARNING: Contains explicit content. Recommended for adult readers. FC, 32pg $2.99 FURY #6 cover by bill sienkiewicz garth ennis (w)/darick robertson (p)/jimmy palmiotti (i) • THE SCOOP: From the smoking pen of Garth Ennis (PUNISHER) comes the fatal finale of FURY! • THE SET-UP: This is the story of an older, no wiser, and highly p.o.'d Nick Fury who's found himself more or less on the scrap heap and wants nothing more than to go back to the battlefield. But the Cold War is over, and the days when S.H.I.E.L.D. and H.Y.D.R.A. engaged in complex games of strategy and espionage with the fate of the world at stake are gone... or are they? • THE CREATORS: You want intense? How's this lineup: Garth Ennis (PUNISHER, Preacher) on words, Darick Robertson (Transmetropolitan) on pencils, and Jimmy Palmiotti (PUNISHER) on inks! We even got Bill Sienkiewicz (ELEKTRA ASSASSIN) on covers! • THE BUZZ: "Finally Nick Fury is shown as the war-mad nutter we always knew he must be. Garth Ennis adds a dose of humanity and realism to a character usually portrayed as a cardboard tough guy. A warrior without a war, Fury is a mess of barely-contained tension. Watching him go off is going to be fun." -Comics International • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this monthly, six-issue series will be 32 pages, with ads. • THE WARNING: Contains explicit content. Recommended for adult readers. FC, 32pg (6 of 6) $2.99 HOWARD THE DUCK #2 painted cover by glenn fabry steve gerber (w)/phil winslade (p) • THE SCOOP: Howard's co-creator returns to launch an outrageous new beginning for a classic character! But is Howard a duck no more? • THE SET-UP: Scathing, timely, and even sexy, HOWARD THE DUCK was one of the most acclaimed titles of the '70s, featuring biting social satire and incisive characterization. Now MAX proudly presents the return of Howard and his girlfriend Beverly — as written by their creator, Steve Gerber, and reproduced from the pencil art of Phil Winslade (DAREDEVIL)! • THE STORY: As a duck, Howard never fit in on our world — but now he's becoming something even stranger! See what happens when your girlfriend's ex comes back into her life! The mind-bending transformations and social satire continue here! • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this six-issue, monthly mini-series will be 32 pages, with ads. • THE WARNING: Contains explicit content. Recommended for adult readers. FC, 32pg (2 of 6) $2.99 Marvel ReCharge MARVEL RECHARGE FULL-FOIL 100-CARD PRESS SHEET Straight from the decks of Marvel ReCharge Collectible Card Game comes this stunning full-foil Press Sheet showcasing all 100 Power Plus Cards from the Inaugural Edition. Spider-Man, the X-Men, Captain America and dozens of Marvel's finest characters are exquisitely rendered in a mix of opaque and metallic effects, displayed alongside their vital statistics. Featuring new and rarely seen artwork from the comic industry's hottest talent, each uncut sheet of 100 unique cards is printed on playing card-quality foil stock glossed with a protective UV coating on the art side (stamped with "collector's edition" on the back side). A prestige item that Marvel diehards and ReCharge gamers alike will covet. The Press Sheet measures 28" x 38" and is suitable for framing. Press Sheet $100.00 OFFERED AGAIN MARVEL RECHARGE COLLECTIBLE CARD GAME: INAUGURAL EDITION Battle your opponent using great super heroes, deadly villains, awesome girls, and tremendous teams from the Marvel Universe. Marvel ReCharge is a 250-card set featuring 150 unique game cards and 100 very rare, Power Plus foil cards. The highly anticipated follow-up to the smash Marvel OverPower CCG, ReCharge launches an elegant, all-new game mechanic that emphasizes strategy over eyestrain. Note: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. (CAUT:4) Release date: December 2001. STARTER DECK (MVL10848-S) $7.99 STARTER DISPLAY (MVL10848-D) $63.92 BOOSTER PACK (MVL10851-S) $1.49 BOOSTER DISPLAY (MVL10851-D) $53.64 STARTER KIT* (MVL 01599) $235.84 (*FEATURES 2 BONUS ULTIMATE MARVEL TRADE PAPERBACKS) ********************* Mighty Marvel Hardcovers ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN HC cover by joe quesada • THE SCOOP: The primiere Ultimate title in hardcover glory! • THE STORY: The Spider-Man movie is coming! Hey, retailers: This is the best collection you can hand new customers that want more Spidey! Hey, readers: this is the greatest collection of the Spidey book that you love! This is the book you can give to show people why you love comics! Reprinting ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #1 - #13 in all it's full-color glory, now in an upscale keepsake format! • THE FORMAT: 352-page hardcover. HC, 7x10, 352pg, FC $34.95 THE COMPLETE FRANK MILLER SPIDER-MAN HC cover by frank miller • THE SCOOP: The must-have hardcover is back in print! • THE STORY: Think Frank Miller just drew Daredevil? Think again, True Believer! Feast your eyes on his take on the wall- crawler (and Punisher... and Dr. Octopus... and Dr. Doom, and the Fantastic Four), as we collect SPECTACULAR SPIDER- MAN #27 and #28, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #14 and #15, MARVEL TEAM-UP ANNUAL #4, and MARVEL TEAM-UP #100 in one prestige volume! • THE FORMAT: 216-page hardcover. HC, 7x10, 216pg, FC $29.95 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: X-MEN VOL. 1 HC cover by jack kirby • THE SCOOP: The must-have mutant hardcover is back in print! • THE STORY: Cyclops! Iceman! Marvel Girl! Beast! Angel! Professor X! Magneto! Stan Lee and Jack Kirby introduce all of the major mutants, as we collect X-MEN (Vol. 1) #1 - #10 in a prestige collection! • THE FORMAT: 240-page hardcover. HC, 7x10, 240pg, FC $49.95 ORIGIN HARDCOVER cover by joe quesada & richard isanove • THE SCOOP: The series of the year gets the hardcover treatment! • THE STORY: First it made headlines! Then it shocked all who read it! Now we're collecting the instant classic by Paul Jenkins and Andy Kubert in to a deluxe edition! Who is Wolverine? How did he get his name? What tragic events made him the man he is today? It's the greatest story we've never told — and the perfect addition to bookshelves of mutant maniacs of all ages! • THE FORMAT: 208-page hardcover. HC, 7x10, 208pg, FC $34.95 Ultimate Marvels ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #18 cover by mark bagley brian michael bendis (w)/mark bagley (p)/art thibert (i) • THE SCOOP: Obliterated by Doctor Octopus! • THE STORY: We don't know what's worse, the fact that the police believe Spider-Man is responsible for the carnage at Justin Hammer's nuclear facility — or the beating Spidey gets from the tentacles of Dr. Octopus! • THE BUZZ: "It was a brilliant idea to start Spider-Man over again for younger readers... my son Jason is actually enjoying this comic book, and I must admit I'm enjoying it too." • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy stock paper, with a cardstock cover. FC, 32pg $2.25 ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP #13 Featuring Spider-Man & Dr. Strange cover by ted mckeever brian michael bendis (w)/ted mckeever (p) • THE SCOOP: It's an all-out mystical battle — in the streets of NYC! • THE STORY: Whosoever controls the Wand of Watoomb rules the world — which is why the evil sorcerer Xandu and the newly proclaimed Master of the Mystic Arts are tearing up a city trying to grab it! So the question is, what help can our young wall-crawler offer in between spell blasts? • THE CREATORS: Written by Wizard's "Best Writer of 2000," Brian Michael Bendis — with art by Ted McKeever! • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy stock paper with a cardstock cover. FC, 32pg $2.25 ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #19 cover by mark bagley brian michael bendis (w)/mark bagley (p)/art thibert (i) • THE SCOOP: The Annuals are no more – and that means an extra issue of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN this month! • THE STORY: Desperate to clear his name, Spider-Man confronts Justin Hammer — who makes a request of the web-slinger that you must read to believe! Plus: It's nothin' but girl trouble with Mary Jane and that hellion on wheels, Gwen Stacy! • THE BUZZ: "ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN continues to stand out as the best Spidey title in Marvel's entire line... the strongest aspect of the book is how Brian Michael Bendis offers up a believable look at teenage life in suburban America." - • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy stock paper, with a cardstock cover. FC, 32pg $2.25 ULTIMATE X-MEN #15 cover by adam kubert chuck austen (W)/chuck austen (P) • THE SCOOP: A new direction starts here! • THE STORY: For the first time, see exactly what Charles Xavier has been teaching the X-Men! Read the Xavier Institute's mission statement, as we head directly into a new story arc that will take the mutants on an international "fieldtrip" from Russia to Scotland to Australia! Plus: What is Xavier's greatest secret? • THE BUZZ: "What would a Hot 10 list be without an ULTIMATE X-MEN book? There's no two ways about it, fans love this book." -Wizard • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy stock paper, with a cardstock cover. FC, 32pg $2.25 THE ULTIMATES #2 cover by bryan hitch mark millar (w)/bryan hitch (p)/andrew currie (i) • THE SCOOP: The search for Captain America begins! • THE STORY: To confront the unprecedented threats facing the U.S. today, only a Super Soldier will do! Thus, the call goes out to locate the long-missing legend of World War II! Uh, will his corpse do? Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. recruitment of superhumans kicks into high gear as Giant-Man, the Wasp, and Iron Man step forward! It's the beginning of the greatest gathering of heroes — and you're in on the ground floor! • THE WRITER SPEAKS: "We're trying to completely reimagine the concept of the super hero team book here," Mark Millar told Wizard. "I mean, wouldn't it be interesting to see some people chicken out and call in sick when there's somebody they know can kick the sh-- out of them?" • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy paper, with a cardstock cover. FC, 32pg $2.25 X-Men MUTIES #1 cover by peter ferguson karl bollers (W)/peter ferguson & max douglas (p) • THE SCOOP: Think all mutants wear spandex? Or have flashy codenames? Or are immersed in the struggle between human and mutant? Think again! • THE SET-UP: MUTIES is a six-issue series that explores a very different side of a classic Marvel concept, and can be loosely described as THE UNCANNY X-MEN meets The Twilight Zone. Each globe-spanning, self-contained story focuses on a different mutant and his place in the world — whether or not he's directly involved in the ideological struggle that will inevitably determine the future of mankind. These are the ones who have fallen between the cracks. • THE STORY: Meet a thirteen-year-old boy genius who is taunted and tormented by his peers. But what is the secret that makes Jared different from anything mutant fans have ever encountered before? • THE FORMAT: Each issue of this six-part series is 32 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg (1 of 6) $2.50 EXILES #9 cover by mike mckone & jung choi judd winick (W)/mike mckone (P)/mark mckenna (i) Wizard's "Book Of The Month" goes biweekly in February! On a world where mutants are used for nothing but sport, the Exiles find themselves a part of the Skrull's gladiator games! Will the reality-hopping troop discover what their mission is before they die in the Coliseum?! Will Blink be able to save them before the unthinkable happens? And what awful fate awaits one member of the team? EXILES ships twice this month, so the answers will be discovered in just two short weeks! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg 2.25 UNCANNY X-MEN #403 painted cover by ariel olivetti joe casey (W)/aaron lopresti (p)/danny miki (i) • THE SCOOP: The secret of the X-Corp revealed! • THE STORY: The X-Men have witnessed firsthand the power and militarism of Banshee's squad — and they don't like what they see! Their onetime teammate has recruited known criminals and their methods are decidedly less tolerant than those of the X-Men. Now, they learn how Banshee has recruited outlaws such as Blob and Avalanche to his cause — and it may cause a permanent rift between them! And is that Jubilee on the cover?! (MarvelPG) • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. FC, 32pg $2.25 CABLE #102 cover by igor kordey david tischman (W)/igor kordey (P & I) • THE SCOOP: Welcome to Skopje, Macedonia — home of ethnic cleansing, cloning and Cable! • THE STORY: The critically-acclaimed team of artist Igor Kordey and writer David Tischman kick into high gear with their second blockbuster story arc! Following the events of issue #100, Cable is very close to becoming an ordinary man, since his powers are still in flux. That's bad news since he's uncovered a Macedonian plot to "cleanse" Ethnic Albanians, only to discover the Albanians have deadly plans of their own! Even an Askani Warrior can make a mistake, but can even an Askani Warrier fix it in time? • THE BUZZ: "Are you like me, one of those comic readers who looked at Rob Liefeld's squinty-eyed, teeth-gritting Cable... and dismissed the character's subsequent appearances for almost a decade? The time for dismissal has come to an end. David Tischman and Igor Kordey have taken an empty vessel and crafted a story of remarkable relevance around him." - • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 X-TREME X-MEN #10 cover by salvador larroca & liquid! chris claremont (W)/salvador larroca (P) "Invasion From Dimension X" Part 1! Every day brings us closer to the inevitable end, as prediction after prediction from the Books of Destiny come to pass! This one, witnessed by Bishop months ago, shows a kidnapped Gambit as the key to an invasion with dire consequences. With the assassin Shaitan holding both Gambit and Lifeguard, the end seems near. Or is it? The X-treme team takes the field of battle as Earth's last line of defense and ultimately it's only hope against an armada capable of enslaving entire dimensions! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.99 EXILES #10 cover by mike mckone & JUNG CHOI judd winick (W)/mike mckone (P)/mark mckenna (i) "A World Apart" finale! What catastrophe awaits the Skrulls and the Exiles on this strange alternate Earth? Which member of the team will not make it out of this reality? And given the unpredictable nature of this book, will any of them survive? And what or who is "the Mammoth"? The quest continues as Blink's band struggles to survive their desperate mission to right the wrongs of the Marvel Multiverse! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 NEW X-MEN #123 cover by ethan van sciver & tim townsend grant morrison (W)/ethan van sciver (P) • THE SCOOP: "Imperial" Part 2 of 4! • THE STORY: Cassandra Nova is returning to Earth — possessed of the most powerful mutant mind on the planet — and with the might of the Shi'ar Imperium at her back! The X-Men know how great the odds are against defeating Xavier's twisted twin — unless they draft a wildcard of their own! • THE BUZZ: "Grant Morrison's story delivers a kick in the teeth to fanboys... and a healthy boost to readers who believe super hero comics' finest moments come from the human stories of those inside the costumes." -Borderline • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 DEADPOOL: FUNERAL FOR A FREAK #3 cover by udon frank tieri (W)/georges jeanty (P)/jon holdredge (I) Deadpool's crazy life — er, lives — continues! Who's dead? Who's alive? Who knows? And for that matter, who the heck knows what's going on in this title? The Merc With a Mouth sure doesn't, but he's going to try his darndest to find out, anyway! What madness will ensue this issue? We can't say for sure, but it's a sure bet that Wade Wilson does some awful stuff which might actually have deadly consequences for… DEADPOOL?! Confused? Us, too! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 NIGHTCRAWLER #4 painted cover by massimiliano frezzato chris kipiniak (W)/matt smith (P)/ mark morales (i) It's the finale to the fuzzy elf's X-Men Icons mini-series! Slavery… prostitution… exploitation. All are the expressions of humanity's darkest side. How does a hero — and a man of faith — combat what cannot be defeated with even the most powerful mutant abilities? How does Nightcrawler save those who have lost the will to live? Find out in the conclusion to "Passion Play"! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg (4 of 4) $2.50 WOLVERINE #173 cover by david finch & norm rapmund frank tieri (W)/sean chen (P)/norm rapmund (I) Wolverine hits Vegas! Welcome to Sin City, Logan… but don't get too comfortable, 'cause trouble's brewin' right around the corner! Chips are down and stakes are high in this ramblin', gamblin', action-packed issue of danger, dice and debauchery! Who's dealing the cards? Who's playing the game? Read the issue to find out! But with guest stars like Yukio, Omega Red, and Lady Deathstrike, you can bet that this story will be one that veteran readers remember! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 X-FORCE #125 cover by mike allred peter milligan (W)/mike allred (P) • THE SCOOP: Death once again stalks the team as a new story begins! If you've heard about this comic, but have yet to try it — now is the time! • THE STORY: You thought they were untouchable. You were wrong! The X-Force is about to embark on their most hazardous mission yet — knowing in advance that one of their most popular members won't be coming home! Who is the Grim Reaper pointing at? U-Go Girl...? The Orphan...? The Anarchist...? >Gulp< Doop...?! Say it ain't so! • THE BUZZ: "I want to come right out and admit that I was wrong about this book... Peter Milligan has taken what I had initially dismissed as an excuse to display excessive violence... and delivered something that I'm looking forward to with greater anticipation every month." • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 X-MEN: EVOLUTION #4 cover by udon with studio xd devin grayson (W)/long vo (p)/studio xd (i) Continuing the new series based on the hit Kids WB cartoon! When four new members join the X-Men, life at the Xavier Institute changes forever! How can Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Spyke and Rogue keep their mutant powers a secret from their friends at Bayville High? How can you be happy when you're forced to live a lie? FC, 32pg $2.25 Spider-Man SPIDER-GIRL #44 cover by pat oliffe & al williamson tom defalco (w)/pat oliffe (p)/al williamson (i) On ths issue's cover, is that... Ben Reilly?! Peter Parker finally tells his daughter about his own origin and her Uncle Ben — including appearances by the Scarlet Spider, Kaine, Carnage, and the original Green Goblin! It's a complete one-issue story that makes a great jumping-on point for the wild ride to #50! FC, 32pg $2.25 THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #40 cover by kaare andrews j. michael straczynski (w)/john romita jr. (p)/scott hanna (i) • THE SCOOP: Another great issue! • THE STORY: More Spidey goodness! • THE BUZZ: "It's nothing short of, well, amazing... Mr. Straczynski has sparked a Spidey renaissance." -Wizard • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 PETER PARKER, SPIDER-MAN #40 cover by humberto ramos paul jenkins/Mark buckingham/wayne faucher • THE SCOOP: In the shadow of Octopus! • THE STORY: It's chapter two of a three-part shocker featuring the return of Dr. Octopus! • THE BUZZ: "If you can find room for one more Spidey title within your monthly budget, this is the one." -Borderline • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 SPIDER-MAN'S TANGLED WEB #11: OPEN ALL NIGHT cover by darwyn cooke darwyn cooke (w & P)/j. bone (I) • THE SCOOP: A special self-contained, double-sized issue written and penciled by Eisner Award-nominated creator Darwyn Cooke (Batman: Ego, Catwoman)! • THE SET-UP: Marvel continues to reach out and attract unique creators to The House, and TANGLED WEB is the perfect place to let them strut their stuff! We believe in a Spidey book for every type of reader, and this comic — which examines the wall-crawler from a more street-level view — is perfect for those who never thought they'd ever read a Spidey book! • THE STORY: It's Valentines Day, and two beautiful young women are breathlessly waiting at The Coffee Bean for their date to pick them up. The problem is, they both think they have a date with Peter Parker! The other problem is, the Vulture has just knocked Spider-Man silly and the web-slinger can't remember his name — let alone his social schedule! Oh... and did we mention J. Jonah Jameson and the laxative?! • THE CREATORS: Cooke follows up his guest-stint on X-FORCE by writing and penciling this double-size issue! Featuring inks by J. Bone (Jingle Belle, Alison Dare)! • THE FORMAT: 48 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy stock with a cardstock cover. (MarvelPG) FC, 48pg (Note Price) $3.50 Marvel Knights WOLVERINE/HULK #1 painted cover by sam kieth sam keith (W/P/I) • THE SCOOP: Master writer/artist Sam Kieth returns to Marvel for a four-part mini-epic! • THE STORY: A metal-clawed X-Man, an emerald behemoth, and a little girl named Po! What draws these three very different characters together? The answer: the strangest quest that Logan and Dr. Bruce Banner have ever experienced! • THE CREATOR: Sam Kieth (The Maxx and Zero Girl) brings all the power, emotion, and sensitivity of his other work to two of Marvel's finest characters! Expect the unexpected! • THE FORMAT: The debut issue of this monthly, four-part series is 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy paper with a cardstock cover. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg (1 of 4) $3.50 WOLVERINE: BLOODHUNGRY cover by sam kieth PETER DAVID (W)/sam kieth (p) • THE SCOOP: Back in print just in time for WOLVERINE/HULK! • THE STORY: In a tale written by the incomparable Peter David, the lone X-Man once again finds himself in Madripoor, this time caught in a deadly crimewar between Tiger Tyger and General Coy! Up for grabs: the most powerful drug in the world! And making matters worse is a super-powered thug named Cyber, who aspires to nothing less than utter domination of Wolverine! It's Kieth at his finest, originally printed in MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS #85-92! • THE FORMAT: 64 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 64pg $6.95 PUNISHER #9 painted cover by TIM BRADSTREET tom peyer (W)/manuel gutierrez (p) • THE SCOOP: The new creative team begins the wildest PUNISHER saga yet! • THE STORY: Kicking off "Taxi Wars," by red-hot writer Tom Peyer (The Authority) and future superstar artist Manuel Gutierrez (MARVEL KNIGHTS DOUBLE-SHOT)! Frank Castle is back in NYC, but so is the disgusting new menace know as The Medallion! His goal: nothing less than total control over every single cab in the Big Apple! Can The Punisher stop this maniac's meter before it's too late? You may not know how valuable taxi medallions are right now, but soon you'll know only too well! (Note: The story content of issue #8 has been moved to this issue.) • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy paper. (MarvelPGplus) FC, 32pg $2.99 ELEKTRA #8 cover by greg horn greg rucka (w)/chuck austen (p) • THE SCOOP: A new chapter of ELEKTRA excitement continues with "Hubris," part 2 of 3! New writer Greg Rucka (TANGLED WEB: SEVERANCE PACKAGE, Detective Comics) takes Marvel's deadly assassin back to her roots — and into new peril! • THE STORY: Elektra has received her assignment: deliver four men to a remote Greek island. But what does the island's mysterious mistress want with these men — and will the sexy assassin follow her wishes? • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy paper. (MarvelPGplus) FC, 32pg $2.99 DAREDEVIL #30 cover by alex maleev brian michael bendis (w)/alex maleev (p) • THE SCOOP: The Kingpin's secrets — revealed! • THE STORY: The man called Silke has inspired Wilson Fisk's lieutenants to take him out of action! But what surprising events led up to this point? And what connection is there to the contract on Matt Murdock's life? Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev reveal the Kingpin's Judas as "Underboss" continues! • THE BUZZ: "When Marvel put DAREDEVIL in the hands of Bendis and Maleev, they've given fans a concrete team that will be hard to disappoint." • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy paper. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.99 Marvel Heroes PARADISE X: O painted cover by alex ross alex ross & jim krueger(w)/doug braithwaite(p)/bill reinhold(i) • THE SCOOP: It's the prologue to the final installment of Alex Ross's EARTH X trilogy! • THE STORY: The final chapter of Marvel's possible future begins! Captain America, Daredevil, Phoenix, Dr. Doom, Giant- Man, Iron Man and Black Bolt prepare for the commencement of the new Paradise! Yet even at the gates of the new Heaven, old rivalries are reborn as the Kingpin and Jigsaw reject Captain Marvel's final reward! Plus: Thor and Loki begin to plan the destruction of Asgard, the legendary home of the Norse gods! Featuring the first cover in a 14-piece interlocking portrait painted by Ross! • THE FORMAT: The bookend issue of this twelve-issue, monthly series is 32 pages, with ads. Printed on glossy stock paper with a cardstock cover. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg (12 of 12) $3.50 THE ORDER #1 cover by carlos pacheco & jesus merino kurt busiek & jo duffy(w)/matt haley(p) • THE SCOOP: The Hulk, Dr. Strange, Namor, and Silver Surfer take over the world! • THE STORY: Plagued by the curse which draws them together in times of crisis, four of Marvel's most powerful characters have turned against humanity and are attacking the Earth — for its own good! Only Nighthawk knows the reason why — but he, Valkyrie and Hellcat are among their first targets! • THE WRITER SPEAKS: "The Big Four Defenders, furious beyond reason at the continuing indignity of the curse, decide that if they're to be forced to defend the planet, no matter what it does to their lives and other responsibilities, they're going to do it in the most efficient way possible. They're going to rule the earth," Kurt Busiek told Newsarama. "That way, they can keep it running in an orderly and peaceful manner, keep disruptions to a minimum, and attend to their duties as Defenders without destroying their lives as individuals. That's the theory, at least. But naturally, people object — not just the billions being ruled, but armies, governments, and superheroes, including the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Avengers and more. But let's face it, these are the Defenders. They include the Sorcerer Supreme of this plane of reality, a wielder of the Power Cosmic, the monarch of Atlantis who commands the monsters of the seas and the single mightiest creature ever to walk the face of the Earth. They may very well be able to take on any and all opposition, and lay them out flat." • THE FORMAT: The debut issue of this six-issue, monthly series is 32 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg (1 of 6) $2.25 AVENGERS: CELESTIAL QUEST #6 cover by jorge santamaria & scott hanna steve englehart(w)/jorge santamaria(p)/scott hanna(i) It's a time for cosmic encounters, as Mantis and the Vision commune with Eternity, the embodiment of the universe, while Thanos and Mentor have a touching father-son reunion at the edge of the entrophic Rot — and Death confronts the Scarlet Witch, Haywire and Silverclaw! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.50 CITIZEN V & THE V BATTALION: THE EVERLASTING #1 cover by mike deodato fabian nicieza(w)/lewis larosa(p)/jim royal(i) • THE SCOOP: From the pages of THUNDERBOLTS, it's Citizen V! • THE STORY: Citizen V is back -- literally! John Watkins III, rogue, scoundrel, adventurer, and ball-grabber returns as the lead covert operative of the paramilitary peace organization, the V-Battalion! And for his first adventure... how about the return of an assassin his grandmother killed decades earlier? How about civil war erupting in small volatile countries all over the world? And how about a sleeping giant? • THE FORMAT: The debut issue of this four-issue, monthly series is 32 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.99 FANTASTIC FOUR #52 cover by mike wieringo & karl kesel carlos pacheco, rafael Marin & karl kesel (w)/mark bagley (P)/karl kesel (i) The Inhumans: welcomed by... Dr. Doom?! Is there any nation on Earth willing to shelter the beleaguered Inhumans? The answer is yes — but its iron-clad Monarch wins no endorsements from Marvel's first family! Though with Mister Fantastic the subject of a government inquiry, will the fabulous Fantastic Four have anything to say about it? And lurking in the shadows, pulling the strings — who are the Hidden Ones? (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 THOR #46 cover by tom raney & scott hanna dan jurgens (w)/tom raney (p)/scott hanna (i) Thor is now the Lord of Asgard, and so has left the protection of Earth in the hands of Thor-Girl! But an old foe of the thunderer is on a quest for immortality — one that may spell the end of both the Designate and Thor's new reign! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 BLACK PANTHER #41 cover by sal velluto & bob almond christopher priest (w)/sal velluto (p)/bob almond (i) • THE SCOOP: Wolverine and Iron Man guest-star as a gripping new story-arc begins! • THE STORY: "Enemy of The State II" Part 1 of 4! A powerful record company executive is found murdered in his car, sending shockwaves across the dark underground of the international intelligence community! Alliances will be exposed, governments toppled, and a secret war ignited — drawing T'Challa into the fire! Meanwhile, an old threat reemerges as the other Black Panther rallies the Collectors — Mr. Little and Princess Zanda — for a new showdown with an ancient evil: King Solomon's Frog! Iron Man and Wolverine will drop by — and anyone who hasn't yet tried this acclaimed title should too! • THE BUZZ: "In a just world, this would be out-selling the other super hero comics... in the world we've got, I guess we'll have to be satisfied with well-deserved critical accliam, which I will once again happily be a part of." • THE FORMAT: 32 pages, no ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.50 IRON MAN #51 cover by michael ryan & sean parsons mike grell (w)/michael ryan (p)/sean parsons (i) The new creative team of Mike Grell and Michael Ryan kick off a new storyline! They are the castoffs, the unwanted... the children of the streets. And now, someone is methodically butchering them — leading Iron Man into a dark underbelly of the world that, despite his armored power, he may be ill-equipped to deal with! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 TASKMASTER #1 cover by arnold tsang ken siu-chong(w)/udon(p) • THE SCOOP: One of the Avenger's most dangerous villains blasts into his own all-new, all-deadly mini-series! • THE STORY: He can imitate anything you can do... but better! He runs a string of international acadamies... that produce trained killers! Now the man behind the skull gets some new duds... then gets his hands dirty on a solo mission worth millions of dollars! The butt-kicker that Wizard voted one of the Top 10 Coolest Villains Of All Time leaps into his own adventure filled with crazy Hong Kong action, awesome art byX-MEN EVOLUTION's UDON (with Alvin Lee, Arnold Tsang, Omar Dogan, and Shane Law)... and guest-stars like Iron Man! • THE FORMAT: The debut issue of this four-issue, monthly series is 32 pages, with ads. (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.99 CAPTAIN MARVEL #29 cover by j.h. williams iii PETER DAVID (w)/chriscross (p)/anibal rodriguez (i) "Time Flies" part 3 of 4! Thrown into the far flung world as chronicled in "Future Imperfect," Rick Jones finds himself in his trophy room of the future, facing... himself! Meanwhile, the menace of the Maestro lurks! Plus: in the the Microverse, we answer a ten-year-old mystery, as Captain Marvel finally learns the long-secret true identity of Thanatos! "Peter David and Chriscross continue to entertain with this series. This month, I'm impressed not only with the accessibility of the plot, but with the accessibility of the emotions drivingit forward." - (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.50 THE INCREDIBLE HULK #37 cover by kaare andrews bruce jones (w)/john romita, jr. (p)/tom palmer (i) Bruce Banner: on the run and running out of luck! He's got a pair of relentless black ops hot on his trail and closing fast — as Banner's old friend Doc Samson tracks them all! When their paths converge, look out! New Writer Bruce Jones, penciler John Romita Jr., and inker Tom Palmer deliver a bold vision of a Marvel legend in "You Must Remember This" part 2 of 4! "Jones is a sophisticated writer, subtle and strong on the human element, and turns out to be a perfect choice for THE INCREDIBLE HULK." -Comics Buyer's Guide (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 THUNDERBOLTS #61 cover by patrick zircher & scott koblish fabian nicieza (w)/patrick zircher (p)/al vey (i) "Heroes Return" part 2 of 3! It was just a momentary lapse of judgment — but now, a Guardsman lies dead, and Hawkeye is forced to cast his lot with his fellow escaped convicts of the Chain Gang! Meanwhile, trapped in a strange world so similar and yet so different from our own, the surviving Thunderbolts must weigh their own liberty against the lives of thousands — while Zemo runs the game! (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 AVENGERS #51 cover by kieron dwyer KURT BUSIEK (w)/kieron dwyer & rick remender In a world under siege, Wonder Man and the Scarlet Witch are powerless prisoners of war in occupied territory! How can they fight against Kang when every act of resistance brings reprisal? What will this mean for their relationship — and does it even matter with the spectre of death and destruction looming all around? (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.25 CAPTAIN AMERICA: DEAD MAN RUNNING #2 cover by derek hess darko macan (w)/danijel zezelj (p) Captain America: Captive in the jungle! Darko Macan and Danijel Zezelj pick up after last month's cliffhanger ending and keep you trapped in the jungle, trapped in this powerful story! If Captain America represents the promise of all the United States could be, and the soldiers he travels with represent a seedier reality, how is Cap affected? What will happen to the living legend? But Cap will not have time to ponder these questions, as his unseen hunters close on his captors, and the children they escort. Who among the American soldiers will survive, and who will remain a Dead Man Running alone in the jungle? (MarvelPG) FC, 32pg $2.99 Diamond Select Toys CLASSIC FANTASTIC FOUR #1 ALEX ROSS POSTER A Diamond Select Release! Alex Ross — award-winning artist and innovator of comic book art — is back! Diamond Select follows up their hit Classic X-Men poster with this rendering of the historic cover to Fantastic Four #1. The perfect companion to the just released X-Men image, this is Alex's interpretation of the classic Jack Kirby cover image that heralded a new era in comic book history! A true Marvel Masterwork that no comic book fan should go without — exquisite art for your wall! The poster measures 22 ¼" x 34 ½" and is printed on 100lb paper for longer life. Suitable for framing or hanging in your very own Baxter building. Poster, 22x34, FC $5.99 THE ULTIMATE STORM RESIN BUST A Diamond Select Release! First in a brand new line! Straight from the pages of Ultimate X-Men — and the imagination of Adam Kubert! — comes this beautiful action-posed bust of the X-Men's resident weather manipulator, Storm! Diamond Select has taken the concept of the resin bust to the next level with this 7-inch-plus sculpture of the mutant weather witch, frozen in the midst of battle! Storm is the first in Diamond Select's new line of Ultimate Marvel busts, first previewed at Comic Con 2001: San Diego! The box features brand new original artwork by Adam Kubert along with a bonus print depicting his drawing of the Storm bust, following his first look at the completed piece. Also available is a Special Edition bust featuring gold accents and a Certificate of Authenticity, signed by artist Adam Kubert and Sculptor Rudy Garcia. REGULAR—Bust $50.00 SPECIAL ED.—Bust $70.00 Marvel Posters ORIGIN #4 POSTER THE INCREDIBLE HULK #34 POSTER • THE SCOOP: You wanted it, you got it... more Marvel posters! And this month it's the cool covers to ORIGIN #4 and INCREDIBLE HULK #34! • THE GOODS: You know how everyone has been asking about how they can buy posters featuring Marvel characters? Well now you can buy the Point Of Purchase posters that were once only available to retailers! And in February you can continue your ORIGIN collection with a poster-sized version of the cover to ORIGIN #4! Just feast your eyes on the awesome art by our own EIC Joe Quesada and master colorist Richard Isanove! Plus: The monster returns in the killer cover to INCREDIBLE HULK #34 by Kaare Andrews! ORIGIN #4 (7-59606-05256-1-00111)—Poster $5.95 HULK #34 (7-59606-05257-8-00111)—Poster $5.95 Marvel Trades DAREDEVIL VISIONARIES: FRANK MILLER VOLS. 1-3 covers by frank miller • THE SCOOP: If you consider yourself a fan of Frank Miller — and comic books in general — then you must read these collections! • THE STORY: Okay, so you've heard how great Frank Miller's issues of DAREDEVIL are, but you've never had a chance to read them. Well, guess what, True Believer? This is the time to find out what the rest of the comics world is raving about! It was with these issues that Miller established his legend — and now you can have them all in handy trade paperbacks! Each volume is recolored — and features a cover that Frank drew just for this collection! VOL. 1—SC, 7x10, FC (STAR12227) $17.95 VOL. 2—SC, 7x10, FC (STAR13147) $24.95 VOL. 3—SC, 7x10, FC (O/A) $24.95 DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN TP cover by david mazichelli • THE SCOOP: Frank Miller returns to Hell's Kitchen for one of the greatest DD stories of all time! • THE STORY: Discovering the secret identity of his hated arch-nemesis, the Kingpin sets out to utterly destroy Matt Murdock. But Daredevil will teach Wilson Fisk that a man without hope is a man without fear. A modern classic by Miller and penciler David Mazichelli. • THE FORMAT: 176-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 176pg, FC (STAR06951) $17.95 ELEKTRA: ASSASSIN TP cover by bill sienkiewicz • THE SCOOP: The entire saga is collected in one massive volume! • THE STORY: Featuring a complex and controversial story by Frank Miller and hyper-realistic and psychedelic painted artwork by Bill Sienkiewicz! • THE FORMAT: 264-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 264pg, FC (STAR12388 $24.95 ELEKTRA LIVES AGAIN TP cover by frank miller • THE SCOOP: The sexy assassin rises from the grave... or does she? • THE STORY: It's a psychological tour de force as Frank Miller and Lynn Varley resurrect the fearsome femme fatale known as Elektra! Recommended for mature readers. • THE FORMAT: 96-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 96pg, FC (STAR12388) $6.95 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: UNCANNY X-MEN HC cover by werner roth • THE SCOOP: Reprinting the hard-to-find (and expensive-to-buy) X-MEN #22 through #31, which haven't been seen in decades! • THE STORY: The original X-Men face Count Nefaria, the Locust, Kukulkan, Mimic (who currently stars in EXILES), Factor Three and their agents, Ogre (who recently appeared in THUNDERBOLTS) and Banshee! Classic Marvel action by Roy Thomas and Werner Roth! • THE FORMAT: 224-page hardcover. HC, 7x10, 224pg, FC $49.95 SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN cover by john romita • THE SCOOP: Collecting the hard-to-find story! • THE STORY: Printed in magazine format and in its original black-and-white, Stan Lee and John Romita's masterpiece is reprinted for the very first time! • THE FORMAT: 64-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 64pg, FC $7.95 CAPTAIN AMERICA:TO SERVE AND PROTECT cover by ron garney • THE SCOOP: The hero returns! • THE STORY: Without his shield and his friends, the Super Soldier is back in the mix, battling Hydra and the Skrulls without missing a beat! Reprinting CAPTAIN AMERICA (Vol. 3) #1-7, by the team of Mark Waid and Ron Garney! • THE FORMAT: 176-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 176pg, FC $17.95 UNIVERSE X VOL. 1 TP new painted cover by alex ross • THE SCOOP: Beginning the second chapter of Alex Ross's vision of the future of the Marvel Universe! With a new cover by Ross! • THE STORY: The popular trilogy exploring a possible Marvel future begins its second installment! The human torches aren't having the effect all had hoped and now new perils are emerging to threaten the wounded world. Will the remaining heroes be strong enough to stem the tide of evil? Written by Jim Krueger and Ross, and featuring art by Doug Braithwaite, John Romita Sr. and others, this volume reprints UNIVERSE X #0 through #7, as well as the FF, SPIDEY and CAP one-shots! • THE FORMAT: 384-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 384pg, FC $24.95 EXILES TP cover by mike mckone • THE SCOOP: Murder an evil Professor X? Kill Phoenix? The Exiles will have to do the impossible — or die themselves! • THE STORY: From the Age of Apocalypse comes one of the most popular characters in years: Blink! With her rag-tag group of alternate reality X-Men, they struggle to repair history gone wrong — or else they'll all "blink" out of existence! Join Pulitzer Prize-nominated writer Judd Winick and artists Mike McKone and Mark McKenna as we reprint EXILES #1 through #4 in one epic adventure! • THE BUZZ: "Like THUNDERBOLTS and CAPTAIN MARVEL, EXILES has developed into a fun exploration of the richness of Marvel continuity... What sets EXILES apart, though, is that Judd Winick is free to play more freely with those concepts, and it makes for a more accessible read." • THE FORMAT: 112-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 112pg, FC $12.95 THE LIFE AND DEATH OF CAPTAIN MARVEL TP cover by jim starlin • THE SCOOP: Experience Mar-Vell's triumphs and tragedies! • THE STORY: This volume combines two older books, the long out-of-print LIFE OF CAPTAIN MARVEL, which reprints some of his greatest adventures throughout the galaxy, and the critically-acclaimed DEATH OF CAPTAIN MARVEL, in which we watch the dying hero tragically succumb to cancer. Some of the greatest stories ever told, by one of the medium's master storytellers: Jim Starlin! Like the DAREDEVIL VISIONARIES: FRANK MILLER trilogy, this book is being newly recolored. • THE FORMAT: 304-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 304pg, FC $24.95 PUNISHER: ARMY OF ONE TP cover by tim bradstreet • THE SCOOP: Collecting the first 7 issues of Frank Castle's Marvel Knights series! • THE STORY: Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon, and Jimmy Palmiotti keep the high-octane mayhem running strong in their follow- up to last year's hit! When the miraculous appearance of an old adversary raises a few questions, the Punisher finds himself en route to an island fortress populated with hundreds of the world's deadliest mercenaries! Sounds like the perfect vacation for Frank! Reprinting PUNISHER #1-7! • THE BUZZ: "PUNISHER = Good, cruel fun. Find it at a comic store near you!" • THE FORMAT: 144-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 144pg, FC $15.95 BLADE: DUEL WITH DRACULA TP cover by bart sears • THE SCOOP: The vampire killer's second movie hits in March — and here's a new trade paperback for all his fans! • THE STORY: Back in print at last — the stories that inspired the first hit movie! Blade has long thirsted for revenge against Deacon Frost, the vampire lord who killed his mother. But Frost has created an evil duplicate Blade, and if the real DayWalker can survive his deadly double, he'll still have to face Dracula himself! This classic chill-fest reprints TOMB OF DRACULA #45-53 and #58, by the horror team-supreme of writer Marv Wolfman, penciler Gene Colan, and inker Tom Palmer! • THE FORMAT: 176-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 176pg, FC $17.95 DR. STRANGE: A SEPARATE REALITY TP • THE SCOOP: The Sorcerer Supreme finally gets his due! • THE STORY: Hot on the heels of ESSENTIAL DR. STRANGE, this magical collection features some of Stephen Strange's greatest stories, by the enchanting team of Steve Englehart and Frank Brunner! Collecting MARVEL PREMIERE #4, #6, and #9-14! • THE FORMAT: 224-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 224pg, FC $19.95 ESSENTIAL ANT-MAN TP cover by jack kirby • THE SCOOP: The smallest hero of them all gets his own big book! • THE STORY: To celebrate his 40th Anniversary, we're reprinting all of his TALES TO ASTONISH appearances (that's TTA #27 as well as #35-69, kids!) in one giant volume! Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's smallest creation is still one of their finest! • THE FORMAT: 576-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 576pg, b&w $14.95 ESSENTIAL SPIDER-MAN VOL. 5 TP cover by steve skroce • THE SCOOP: It's another volume in the wall-crawler's ever-popular ESSENTIAL series! • THE STORY: Reprinting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #90-110, plus ANNUALS #7 and #8 — all in one huge collection! • THE FORMAT: 528-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 528pg, b&w $14.95 X-MEN ICONS: CYCLOPS cover by mark texeira • THE SCOOP: Collecting the first X-Men Icons mini-series! • THE STORY: Taking a break from his duties in the X-Men, Scott Summers finally strikes out on his own! But his journey of self-discovery is quickly interrupted by Tom Cassidy and the Juggernaut! One scuffle later and Cyclops finds himself captured and transported to the Savage Land where he meets the enigmatic Ulysses — who blames him for the death of his friends! It's action-adventure as you like it by writer Brian K. Vaughan and penciler Mark Texeira! • THE FORMAT: 112-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 112pg, FC $12.95 ELEKTRA (2001) TP cover by greg horn • THE SCOOP: Brian Michael Bendis (ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, ALIAS) and Chuck Austen (U.S. WAR MACHINE) present the new adventures of Marvel's femme fatale! • THE STORY: Lover, assassin, enigma — Elektra is all this and more! She works alone, hunting her prey within the shadows. But now she has been offered an assignment by S.H.I.E.L.D., the world's leading espionage agency! Will she accept? And, more importantly, can she be trusted? It's a half dozen issues of international intrigue and sexy sais as we reprint ELEKTRA #1-6! • THE FORMAT: 144-page hardcover. SC, 7x10, 144pg, FC $15.95 X-TREME X-MEN TP cover by salvador larroca • THE SCOOP: Chris Claremont fans rejoice! • THE STORY: The acclaimed writer has once again crafted a new top-selling X-Book with penciler extraordinaire, Salvador Larroca! Clad in sleek black leather, Bishop, Storm, Rogue, Psylocke, Thunderbird and Beast set off on a global trek to find the powerful Books of Destiny! Reprinting X-TREME X-MEN #1-4! • THE FORMAT: 192-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 192pg, FC $18.95 AVENGERS/DEFENDERS WAR TP New cover by carlos pacheco • THE SCOOP: It's hero versus hero when the mighty Avengers clash with the dynamic Defenders! • THE STORY: The dread Dormammu forms a pact with the trickster Loki, and the results are disastrous! Now it's Silver Surfer vs. the Vision, Namor vs. Captain America, Hulk vs. Thor and much, much more! Reprinting AVENGERS (VOL. 1) #115-118, and DEFENDERS (VOL. 1) #8-11! • THE FORMAT: 176-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 176pg, FC $17.95 DOOM TP cover by leonardo manco • THE SCOOP: Kneel before Doom, the greatest super-villain of all! • THE STORY: The malevolent despot of Latveria with a PhD in evil has been banished to Counter Earth! Stripped of his armor, removed from his royalty, the man named Victor Von Doom must navigate the ravages of this post-apocalyptic world and will stop at nothing to regain his lost glory! Chuck Dixon and Leonardo Manco take us behind the armor and inside the head of Marvel's most fearsome villain as we reprint DOOM #1 - #3 and DOOM: THE EMPEROR RETURNS #1-3 in one volume! • THE FORMAT: 144-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 144pg, FC $15.95 MAGNETO TP cover by brandon peterson • THE SCOOP: The X-Men's #1 foe gets his own trade paperback! • THE STORY: It begins with a knock-down, drag-out fight with the X-Men — and leads to all-out controversy! Instead of defeat, the U.N. concedes control of the island nation of Genosha to Magneto! But does even Magnus have the power to heal a populace ruled by hatred? This conflict is brought to you by a team of talents including Brandon Peterson and Alan Davis! Reprints MAGNETO REX #1-3, X-MEN: MAGNETO WAR #1, X-MEN #85-87, and UNCANNY X-MEN #366 & #367! • THE FORMAT: 192-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 192pg, FC $19.95 SPIDER-MAN: REVENGE OF THE GREEN GOBLIN cover by TBD • THE SCOOP: Before you see the movie, see Spidey square-off against his hated arch-nemesis! • THE STORY: Can the wall-crawler fight off the mind-melting effects of Norman Osborn's attack, or will he become the latest victim of the gruesome Green Goblin? Reprinting REVENGE OF THE GREEN GOBLIN #1 - #3, AMAZING SPIDER- MAN (Vol. 2) #25, and PETER PARKER, SPIDER-MAN (Vol. 2) #25, by Paul Jenkins, Mark Buckingham, John Romita Jr., and more! • THE FORMAT: 160-page trade paperback. SC, 7x10, 160pg, FC $16.95 Dynamic Forces ALEX ROSS' UNIVERSE X MONSTER LITHOGRAPH Measuring a monstrous five feet long by almost three feet across is just the beginning of this remarkable piece which features every cover to Universe X placed perfectly and seamlessly together to create one huge and impressive image! Printed on 80- pound Gallerie Art Silk stock. Also available signed by Alex Ross. REGULAR—Litho MSRP: $49.99 SIGNED—Litho MSRP: $99.99 PARADISE X #0 SIGNED/RE-MARKED EDITIONS Signed by the Earth X creative team of Alex Ross with writer Jim Krueger and artist Bill Rheinhold! The third and final phase in Alex Ross' Earth X trilogy begins in this #0 issue! Also available in a "Re-Marked" edition with a sketch by Bill Rheinhold! SIGNED—FC MSRP: $59.99 RE-MARKED—FC MSRP: $89.99 ORIGIN #6 SIGNED/RE-MARKED EDITIONS Signed by writer Paul Jenkins with artist Andy Kubert! The grand finale to this epic tale is told! What final questions will be answered? We can't say much true believers, except this one will be worth it! Also available in a limited "Re-Marked" edition, by cover artist and Marvel Editor-In-Chief, Joe Quesada, and colorist Richard Isanove, with a hand-drawn sketch on each cover! SIGNED—FC MSRP: $29.99 RE-MARKED—FC MSRP: $69.99 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #36 SIGNED/RE-MARKED EDITIONS Signed by artist Scott Hanna, this special issue features Spider-Man during the Twin Towers crisis and how he dealt with it! Also available in a "Re-Marked" Edition, with a Spider-Man head-sketch on each cover by Scott Hanna! SIGNED—FC MSRP: $19.99 RE-MARKED—FC MSRP: $69.99 PETER PARKER, SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN #189 SIGNED Signed by the co-creator of Marvel's signature character, Spider-Man — Stan "The Man" Lee! One of Marvel's 30th Anniversary celebration books for Spider-Man, is available signed by Stan "The Man" Lee! Limited to 199 signed copies! SIGNED—FC MSRP: $199.99 WOLVERINE VERSUS THE HULK #1 SIGNED Signed by colorist Richard Isanove! The first issue of these two titans clashing! Limited to only 499 signed copies! FC MSRP: $19.99 ORIGIN #4 SIGNED Signed by Top Ten writer Paul Jenkins! James' is on the run! His family is gone! What will he do? FC MSRP: $19.99 ORIGIN #5 SIGNED Signed by artist Andy Kubert! Don't ruin the surprise, read this one before you get issue #6! FC MSRP: $19.99 ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN LIMITED EDITION CEL By the Ultimate Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada! This image from the Dynamic Forces cover to Ultimate Spider-Man #1 is one of the best images Joe Quesada has ever drawn. Measuring 18" x 24" and printed on acetate, this limited edition litho is like having an original TV animation cell on your wall. Also available signed by painter, artist and Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada! LIMITED CEL—FC MSRP: $29.99 SIGNED CEL—FC MSRP: $49.99 ULTIMATE X-MEN #13 SIGNED Signed by writer Chuck Austen! The first issue of Ultimate X-Men featuring Gambit! Limited to only 299 signed copies! FC MSRP: $19.99 WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT WIZARD: THE COMICS MAGAZINE #126 Wizard: The Comics Magazine #126 explodes with our Image Comics founders jam cover which reunites Spawn, Cyblade, Savage Dragon and ShadowHawk by Todd McFarlane, Marc Silvestri, Erik Larsen and Jim Valentino. We sit the remaining four Image founders together for a unique roundtable interview. They talk about comics, TV, what they've learned over the past 10 years together and how they are planning to celebrate Image Comics 10th Anniversary. This month's Wizard features 2 comic book previews! The first is 5-pages from Spider-Man: Blue #1 by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale the red hot team behind Daredevil Yellow and Batman Dark Victory. The second is 7-pages from Just A Pilgrim: Garden Of Eden #1 by Garth Ennis and Carlos Ezquerra. Read the first few pages from two of this year's hottest new books only in this issue. The new Spider- Man movie is just a 3 months away from this issue of Wizard. See all of the latest pictures from the film in a special 6-page official photo feature from Sony Pictures. Spidey, Green Goblin and more will be revealed in this issue. More set shots and exclusive information that you'll want to see for yourself. Comics Top 10 Greatest Mysteries are spotlighted in this issue! As Wolverine's origin, the Hobgoblin, X-traitor, the Sentry and G.I. Joe's Snake-Eyes have been unmasked at last with startling results, Wizard looks at other mysteries yet to be revealed. The classic Wolverine meets Snake-Eyes on the alternate cover to this issue drawn by J. Scott Campbell of Danger Girl fame. Get the goods on Chuck Dixon's new book from CrossGen as we speak to the prolific writer best known for Batman and Nightwing. Plus, get information on some of CrossGen's other second wave titles like Ruse, Negation and Crux. Wizard Magazine is the only place to get all the news you need to know about your favorite comic books, artists and creators along with information on related media like movies and television. Check out the Top 10 Hottest Comics and find out how comics are trading in the current market place with our price guide which includes data on CGC (Comics Guaranty Corp.) graded books and more. EXCLUSIVES: *Ultimate Spider-Man #1/2 comic book offer from Marvel Comics! This very first Ultimate #1/2 comic is by Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley! Magazine (Wolverine/G.I. Joe cover by J. Scott Campbell) $4.99 Magazine (McFarlane/Silvestri/Larsen/Valentino Image cover) $4.99 WIZARD ANIME INVASION #2 WIZARD ANIME INVASION #2 explodes in February with an all-new painted Battle of the Planets cover by Alex Ross. Battle of the Planets, also known as G-Force or Gatchaman, is riding with the release of the classic series on video and DVD. Interest has also been sparked by the announcement of an all-new G-Force comic book from Top Cow Productions. Get the inside scoop on the Gatchaman phenomenon in this issue of ANIME INVASION. Meet top anime creators like Rintaro (Captain Harlock/Astro Boy). Hear what they think about the current anime scene in the U.S. and get news on Metropolis, the new movie by Rintaro coming to theaters early 2002, along with new projects to be released. Our alternate cover features the ultimate Dragon Ball Z battle drawn by Pat Lee. This cover story looks at the biggest, bloodiest and coolest battles in anime of all time. Check out Urusei Yatsura, a classic anime series originally created by Rumiko Takahashi, who is of course best known for Ranma 1/2 and Inu Yasha. Get all of the latest news on anime DVDs, easter eggs, soundtrack CDs, manga comics and so much more in our Anime News. Find out everything that's going on with anime and manga, as this new publication introduces you to these exciting worlds by covering various creators, sub-categories, manufacturers and more. From Dragon Ball Z to Akira, the Ghost In The Shell sequel and many amazing new ones that you haven't heard of, it's all in here! Get the TOP 30 Manga trade paperbacks of all time and much more, including awesome stuff you can import from Japan! Track your Manga comic book collection in our updated and expanded Manga Price Guide. All of the best books are here, along with some hot titles that you may have missed. Sort through tons of properties with ease as we divide and conquer the world of anime for you, covering Transformers, Gundam, Cosplay, Voltron, Pokémon, Captain Harlock, Escaflowne, Trigun, Fushigi Yugi, Street Fighter, Ranma 1/2 and more from ADV Films, Anime Works, Bandai, Central Park Media, Manga Entertainment, Pioneer Entertainment, U.S. Manga Corps and MORE! This magazine will be an indispensable resource for those who are curious about this gigantic entertainment category and those who love anime. Magazine (Battle of the Planets cover by Alex Ross) $4.99 Magazine (Dragon Ball Z battle cover) $4.99 TOYFARE #56 TOYFARE: THE TOY MAGAZINE #56 presents the all-new Spider-Man action figures from the new film starring Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man on the cover of this issue. See all of the new Toy Biz toys for Spidey, Green Goblin and many more. Star Wars: Episode II Attack Of The Clones premieres next year, and ToyFare is working closely with Hasbro to reveal the breaking news on what they have in store for toys. Our Attack of the Clones coverage begins here! See how your favorite toys are made. Take a photo tour of Mattel's toy design studios and see where their hottest figures come to life. Plus, get a step-by-step guide on the all-new Muppets toys that are coming from Palisades. Preview all of the newest Simpsons action figures and playsets. Fan favorite, Troy McClure makes his toy debut on the alternate cover to this issue! Toy collector Seth Green of Austin Powers/Buffy fame returns to TOYFARE to tell about his experience as an International Toy Fair spokesmodel. Find out what goes on behind the scenes at these trade events that are closed to the public. TWISTED TOYFARE THEATRE returns with another hilarious episode—don't miss it! This month's specialty price guide focuses on Spider-Man figures. Everything from Mego Spidey to dune buggy Spidey to even basketball Spidey is in here. Track how much your figures are worth and which ones have changed in value. TOYFARE's MARKETPLACE gets you inside the latest trends, happenings and more. Get the latest Good Tip/Bad Tip, Regional Reports, a Short Pack Breakdown, the Top 10 Hottest Action Figures and more! TOYFARE has the most complete, full-color action figure price guide available. It doesn't matter if you're a casual toy fan or an obsessive supercollector, you can't afford to miss this issue of TOYFARE: THE #1 ACTION FIGURE MAGAZINE! Magazine (New Spider-Man movie toys cover) $4.99 Magazine (New Simpsons Troy McClure toy cover) $4.99 INQUEST GAMER #83 FREE Exclusive WWF Raw Deal "Fortitude Surge" playable pre-release CCG card from the "Mania" expansion by Comic Images! InQuest Gamer #83 is our Special Magic Torment issue with an all-new Torment card art cover from Wizards Of The Coast. We definitively rank the Top 10 cards in Torment! This time around we're going to assign number grades based on voting by the InQuest Gamer staff, so there will be even more room for controversy and debate. In the feature, we'll also talk about the "Just Missed" cards that didn't make the list and our "sleeper picks"—cards that may not be the most powerful, but rule in different tournament formats. Magic and all gamer fans will thrill as this issue of InQuest Gamer shows games you may not be playing, but should—Decipher's Lord of the Rings, Sabertooth Games' Warhammer and Alderac's Legend of the Five Rings. We'll clear up the game universes and get fans jazzed by comparing the game mechanics to Magic, and in some cases, where they surpass Magic! Get a complete "Lord of the Rings" Specialty Game Guide—THE resource for Decipher's new "Lord of the Rings" CCG! Every single common, uncommon, rare and foil card will listed! The complete checklist of the new set and Mines of Moria, due out in March 2002! Get the latest Magic Killer Decks for Mage Knight, Dragon Ball Z, Rifts and Warlord. The InQuest Gamer redesign continues. Every issue now has 100% more Magic Stumpers, 300% more Killer Decks across a wider range of collectible card games and listings for the Top 100 Hottest Magic card prices! Play your best with InQuest Gamer! Get the essential info you need as we provide the most complete news and previews on all of the latest Magic: The Gathering and Dragon Ball Z and Mage Knight price guides. InQuest Gamer is THE ONLY MAGAZINE THAT FEATURES THE MOST COMPLETE MAGIC PRICE GUIDES and resources to put you at the top of your game. Magazine (Magic Torment cover) $4.99 WIZARD EXCLUSIVES RESERVOIR DOGS NICE GUY EDDIE TOYFARE EXCLUSIVE Nice Guy Eddie, from the Quentin Tarantino film "Reservoir Dogs," was the only member of the organization to still use the term "Daddy." As such, he never truly earned the respect the son of a criminal kingpin deserves. Though Eddie was never considered a real part of the team, as Joe Cabot's son he was expected to move in when things went bad. In the end, Eddie takes three to the chest while executing his father's killer and long time friend, Mr. White. Complete with 21 points of articulation and 10 different accessories, this 12 inch figure can't be missed. Figure PI OFFERED AGAIN O/A INCREDIBLE HULK #181 WIZARD ACE EDITION Wizard ACE Editions are back with one of the most requested Marvel comics that fans have asked to get an ACE of— Incredible Hulk #181, with the very first appearance of Wolverine. Current Wolverine artist Sean Chen illustrates a dramatic all-new 2-part acetate cover. In addition to the classic tale of Wolvie's first appearance fighting the Hulk and the Wendigo by Len Wein and Herb Trimpe, this ACE will feature additional pages from Incredible Hulk #180 with Wolverine's first cameo appearance. FC SRP: $13.99 O/A WIZARD TWISTED TOYFARE THEATRE COLLECTERS EDITION At last, the first ever TWISTED TOYFARE THEATRE trade paperback! This 104-page book collects the best and funniest episodes from ToyFare magazines monthly Twisted Mego Theatre (TMT) comic strips. In addition to the strips, this book will present a feature on the origin of the series along with the very first Twisted Mego Theatre story ever and the Top 10 Greatest TMT Moments! Plus, learn about the coolest stories that we were forbidden from printing in ToyFare. See hilarious outtakes from the making of TMT. Filmmaker and toy fan Kevin Smith writes the introduction to this landmark collection. Prestige Format. SC, 7x10, 104pg, FC $9.99 O/A WIZARD TOP COW UNIVERSE SPECTACULAR FREE Exclusive Inferno IX #0 comic book drawn by Billy Tan! Wizard Entertainment proudly presents an all-new special— Top Cow Universe Spectacular—with a dazzling Fathom/Witchblade/Tomb Raider cover by Michael Turner. Start with Top Cow founder and "Witchblade" TV series executive producer, Marc Silvestri. Visit the set of the new "Witchblade" TV show. Find out when Silvestri will return to comics and hear about his upcoming comic/movie/TV plans. Meet writers J. Michael Straczynski, Paul Jenkins and artist Mike Turner. Learn about the future of Tomb Raider, Witchblade, Rising Stars, Midnight Nation. Preview Top Cow's newest comics including Dragonfly, Inferno, Fallen Angel, Necromancer and more. See a preview of Joe Jusko's fully painted Tomb Raider Special. See the amazing new work of artists like Joe Benitez, Keu Cha, David Finch, Gary Frank, Dwayne Turner, Billy Tan, Christian Zanier, Andy Park and more. Get an update on other Top Cow media projects like the animated "Fathom" movie and "The Darkness" movie project and tons more. Magazine $4.99 FATHOM #1/2 DF/WA LIMITED "WATERY BLUE FOIL" EDITION (NEW SOLICITATION/PREVIOUS ORDERS ARE CANCELLED) Fathom's first (and only) limited #1/2 issue is presented as a limited edition DF/WA Edition! Quantities are limited, so don't miss out! Limited to only 999 in the WORLD! $19.99 Suggested Retail Price. SIGNED BY ARTIST/CREATOR MIKE TURNER AT THE SUGGESTED RETAIL OF $39.99! EARTH X: WOLVERINE MEGA-BUST DF/WA ULTRA-LIMITED BRONZE EDITION Alex Ross personally designed, sculpted in meticulous detail and beautifully painted the first busts in the series! Measuring 4 & 1/2" tall (and that's WITHOUT the base!), this limited edition mini-bust comes in a special edition collector's box with a certificate of authenticity signed by sculptor and painter (and Earth X creator Alex Ross) with Dynamic Forces President Nick Barrucci! The regular edition is one of the most popular busts of the year, but only from the Dynamic Forces/Wizard Authentic program can you get the Ultra-Limited Bronze Edition! With only 599 of these bronze babies available, these are a steal at just $89.99! $89.99 Suggested Retail Price. LADY DEATH : HEARTBREAKERS #1 DF "PURPLE" FOIL EDITION First up, Lady Death gets stung by SORE - the Cherub of Hate. Every black arrow sparks little resentment, petty jealousies, and minor greivances you feel to infernos of murderous hate. So drastic outcomes occur when one of the arrows hits Lady Death? Wait until you see! Limited to only 399 in the world! $19.99 Suggested Retail Price. CHASTITY: HEARTBREAKERS #1 DF "PURPLE" FOIL EDITION For Chastity, there's not going to be a whole lot of love in the air. Chastity is acting in an off-Broadway revival of "Aspects of Love" when a fellow cast member drags her into a horrible web of murder and mysticism that brings her face to face once more with the mysterious MidKnight! The twisted serial killer known as Heartbreaker is in town, so keep the romance behind closed doors. Cupid gives love...and SHE takes it away. Limited to only 399 in the world! $16.99 Suggested Retail Price. PURGATORI: HEARTBREAKERS #1 DF "PURPLE" FOIL EDITION For Purgatori, a kink in her plans leads Sakkara to the Spanish island Ibiza, the party capital of the world. There a number of number of nasty surprises await her, featuring a sadistic drug lord, a revolting, bloodthirsty demon -- and a bizarre discovery concerning the very nature of her being. It's hot blondes, shootouts, and mortal terror as Dan Jolley (writer of "Obergeist") brings you "Salt in the Wound," a Purgatori Valentine's Day special.Limited to only 399 in the WORLD! $16.99 Suggested Retail Price. MIDNIGHT NATION #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL EDITION RE-MARKED EDITION Each one of these bad boys comes with a sketch on each cover! Fans get a choice between the Lt. Grey sketch or the Laural sketch! $69.99 Suggested Retail Price for the Lt. Grey Head Sketch. $69.99 Suggested Retail Price for the Laurel Head Sketch. JUST A PILGRIM #1 DF/WA BLUE FOIL LIMITED RE-MARKED EDITION Signed by and Re-Marked by DF cover artist Tim Bradstreet with the additional signature of Garth Ennis! Garth's new baby has come to town and he has torn up the house! The first issue of this baby is selling out everywhere, but DF still has a few of these ultra special Blue Foil editions and they are signed by the man himself – Garth Ennis! Limited DF Re-Marked. $69.99 Suggested Retail Price. EXTREMELY LIMITED "Re-Marked" Edition with a Castenado Head Sketch by Tim Bradstreet at the suggested retail of $89.99! O/A SILKE #1 DF EXCLUSIVE DF/WA BLUE FOIL COVER $14.99 Suggested Retail Price. Limited Edition. COMICS SECTION AAA POP COMICS THE ATOMICS KING-SIZE GIANT SPECTACULAR VOLUME 4 by Mike Allred; Colors by Laura Allred You won't believe the excitement jammed between the covers on this baby! It's the entire "Savage Dragon meets Madman meets The Atomics Super Saga," as chronicled in the pages of The Atomics! When Boone 'Zapman' Gehr's control helmet goes on the fritz, Frank 'Madman' Einstein and The Atomics are belly-flopped into the Savage Dragon's extremely savage land! After literally running into the Dragon, they discover what has happened to their beloved Snap City in his alternate universe. Then matters get worse as two of their own go missing, supposedly at the hands of the mysterious "Ice Wizard." Who is he? What is his devious plan? Can their comrades be saved? Join the adventure, action, and mystery in this 80-page, giant cover-to-cover extravaganza! Also included is a grab bag of extra goodies, treats, and surprises to make this the grooviest thing to stick on your coffee table, shelf, or in a Mylar-packed comic book box! Squarebound. FC, 80pg $8.95 STAR OF THE MONTH ATOMICS KING-SIZE GIANT SPECTACULAR JIGSAW by Mike Allred The second and third king size specials sold out quickly, so don't miss your chance to pick up the first volume! You won't want to be caught without the first volume of the King-Size Giant Spectacular collecting the first four issues of The Atomics. This contains 104 pages of Atomic entertainment compiling their origin, jammed together in one jazzy squarebound issueAlso includes a pin-up by Jay "Jetcat" Stephens and Mike Allred's never-before-seen first drawing of The Atomics. The perfect primer for the uninitiated! (STAR11599) FC, 104pg $10.00 **************** AARDVARK VANAHEIM CEREBUS #275 by Dave Sim & Gerhard Latter Days: Part 10 of 35 — "Avoyd Fornication." Words to live by? Or just another illusion? Cerebus brushes up on his military strategy to stay one step ahead of "Far Lane" McSpahn. The countdown to issue 300 (March, 2004) continues… t- minus 25 and counting! b&w, 24pg $2.25 ABSTRACT STUDIOS STRANGERS IN PARADISE VOLUME III #47 by Terry Moore Francine has been trying to find the right time to tell Katchoo that she is pregnant. But things don't go as planned when practically everybody they know converges on them at their small island paradise, and Katchoo must compete with Brad, Freddie, Chuck and even rock star Griffin Silver for Francine's attentions! b&w, 24pg $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH STRANGERS IN PARADISE VOLUME 10:TROPIC OF DESIRE TP This is the newest trade paperback release collecting Strangers In Paradise issues #39-43, featuring the hottest story arc yet from creator Terry Moore! Passions run high when the SIP gang find themselves in Hawaii surrounded by sun, sand, and a cornucopia of sexy choices in the trade winds paradise! SIP is hot again, and this is the story arc that made it happen! (STAR14138) SC, 7x10, 104pg, b&w $12.95 ******************* AC COMICS AMERICA'S GREATEST COMICS #1 A new Golden Age reprint anthology! For fans of the costumed super-types, it's Fox Features' sexy Phantom Lady in "The Fire Fiend" (by Matt Baker), and Dollman by Lou Fine! For jungle fans, there's Thunda, King of The Congo in "The Terror of The Tusks" (by Bob Powell). Like horror stories? Try Joe Kubert's "The Curse of Khar," or "Birth After Death" by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby! If glamorous "good girl art" is your thing, check out the sizzling Torchy by Bill Ward! And for the more military-minded, a classic episode of Jack Cole's Death Patrol and a grim and gritty war story from Bob Powell's M. E. tenure, "The Doomed Patrol!" b&w, 52pg $6.95 FEMFORCE #115 by Various What do you do with a villain who has a crazy weapon, a gang of henchmen, and a motivation beyond a simple crime spree? See Stardust spattered with goo! See "Too Tall" Tara in bondage! See General Strock... out on a date?! Read "The Artiste," this issue's lead story, written and penciled by Stephanie Sanderson-Heike, and inked by Mark G. Heike. Also, Synn and Nightveil find themselves in some rather compromising positions in "Double Trouble" by writer/penciler Nick Northey and inker Bill Black! b&w, 44pg $5.95 MEN OF MYSTERY #35 One of the earliest adventures of Spy Smasher! Then see the way it all began for Magazine Enterprises' crimson-clad paladin of the Cold War in "The Birth of The Avenger," with art by Dick Ayers and story by Gardner Fox. From Prize Comics #1, comes the only appearance of the masked enigma called K, The Unknown! Bob Lubbers renders a spectacular episode of Fiction House's Captain Wings, and classic sleuth, Charlie Chan, makes his first MOM appearance. b&w, 52pg $6.95 BEST OF THE WEST #26 The Lazo Kid stops frontier train robbers in "Outlaw Trail," by longtime Jack Kirby associate, Marvin Stein! Artist Bob Powell throws The Lemonade Kid into a boxing ring to face "The Terrible Three!" and supplies art on "The Winged Men," as Cheyenne warrior Red Hawk meets Vikings in the Old West! Plus: The Haunted Horseman in "Death Raced The Wagon Train" (by Dick Ayers), Tim Holt as Redmask in "Tyrant of San Thomas," and The Durango Kid. b&w, 44pg $5.95 RETURN OF THE BLACK PHANTOM #1 by Various She wore a black mask and ebony outfit and was known as The Black Phantom! This Golden Age heroine originally appeared in the pages of comics published by Magazine Enterprises, and now the sexy blonde maverick joins the Femforce Universe in this Old West tale produced by contemporary creators Nick Northey, Nar Castro, Sonny de los Santos, Mark Heike, Bill Black and Chris Allen. A mysterious Native American deity watches over the Black Phantom as she faces savage raiders, ghostly conquistadors, bullets, arrows and a bizarre living Hell. b&w, 36pg $5.95 SCI-FI SCARES PACK #1 Here's 26 complete stories, with art by such Golden Age greats as Matt Baker, George Evans, Reed Crandall, Wallace Wood, Al Williamson, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Bernie Krigstein, Rueben Moriera, Bob Lubbers, Joe Doolin and more. Pack includes one copy each of Thrilling Science Fiction #1, Golden Age Greats Vols. 9 and 12, bagged together as a set. Pack (x3), b&w $29.75 ACG COMICS HERBIE ACTION PACK A special pack including Fat Fury #1, Time Traveler Herbie #1 and the Spaced Out Herbie #1 with the "Star Trek Spoof" cover. A classic from the ACG archives! Pack (x3)—b&w, 32pg $8.50 SWORD OF VALOR #1 A warehouse find! The first issue was published almost ten years ago with the famous Frazetta "Molly Hatchett" painting as a cover. Found in very limited quantities! A last chance to own a real classic cover by the best fantasy illustrator around. b&w, 48pg $2.50 ADVENTURES OF HERCULES #2 The classic series of the man-god is available again. ACG is proud to bring it back after 30 years since it was first produced by Charlton. Featuring a rare collection of the early Charlton stories. Read a story and discover the real inspiration that parked the popular TV series. b&w, 64pg $5.95 MEN OF HONOR TP A solid collection of stories of valor from our armed forces form the Charlton archives. Features Glanzman, Giordano, and more! SC, 160pg $10.95 CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT TP Another solid horror collection of the best stories published over the last 5 years. Included in this selection will be the color original and first appearance of Charlton's favorite Vampire Lady, the "Countess." SC, 160pg, PC $10.95 ACTIVE SYNAPSE COMICS THE SANDWALK ADVENTURES #2 by Jay Hosler From the Xeric Award-winning creator of Clan Apis! What mysteries await Charles Darwin in the Land of the Giant Sloths? His follicle mite Mara thinks she knows, but just how close she is to the truth remains to be seen. This issue follows the good Mr. Darwin on an expedition through Uruguay as he searches for some stones that will talk to him. Sound strange? Then wait until you hear what the stones actually have to say! The Sandwalk Adventures is suitable for readers of all ages! b&w, 24pg $2.95 ADHESIVE COMICS TOO MUCH COFFEE MAN MAGAZINE #14 by Shannon Wheeler The wildly successful Too Much Coffee Man is back with another shot of journalistic mayhem fueled by subversion, misinformation, huge egos and, of course, coffee. Charles Darwin's own great-grandson is used for mostly good but a little evil, and Shannon Wheeler has written a piece titled "Bio-Dad" for TMCM #14, which is the "Evolution" issue. This issue will also feature new works by Rick Geary, Graham Annabel, Sergio Aragones, Jay Stephens, Peter Kuper, Kieron Dwyer, Shannon Wheeler, and many more! b&w, 64pg $4.95 AIT/PLANETLAR COLONIA ISLANDS & ANOMALIES VOLUME 1 TP by Jeff Nicholson Collected in one graphic novel the first five issues of Jeff Nicholson's critically-acclaimed comic book series under an all-new wraparound cover. An adventure story that is by turns fantastic but straightforward, familiar but strange, and real but surreal, Colonia delivers true all-ages entertainment. Meet Jack and his two uncles, who wash ashore on an unfamiliar island after escaping the hands of the pirate Cinnabar. See Jack encounter a man made of fish, Spanish Conquistadors, and a talking duck named Lucy. SC, 144pg, b&w $12.95 STARS OF THE MONTH FOOT SOLDIERS VOLUME 1 TP by Jim Krueger, Michael Avon Oeming, Jason Martin; cover by John K. Snyder To those that lived in the age of heroes, this would be the future. To those that live here, there is no future. Life is merely existence, spent toiling in factories and huddled in ration lines — under the heel of the mechanical enforcers known as the Bio- Technic Law. That is, until the old man with the crutch emerges from the shadows, choosing mere boys to unearth a forgotten legacy (STAR12809) SC, 7x10, 112pg, FC $14.95 THE FOOT SOLDIERS VOLUME TWO TP by Jim Krueger & Phil Hester The next five chapters of Jim Krueger's cult-classic series. Featuring brand-new appendices to each chapter written by Jim Krueger, as well as a brand-new six-page story written by Krueger, penciled by Green Arrow artist Phil Hester, and inked by industry legend Bill Sienkiewicz for this very collection! (STAR14160) SC, 7x10, 152pg, b&w $14.95 *************** AMAZE INK/SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS Amaze Ink PATTY CAKE & FRIENDS VOLUME 2 #5 by Scott Roberts Phoebe's got a brand new bike, and she takes Patty-Cake for a wild ride. Too wild. Irving has trouble understanding make- believe, and Longo is stirring up trouble again. Another thrill packed issue of childhood angst from acclaimed creator Scott Roberts. b&w, 48pg $4.95 STAR OF THE MONTH SKELETON KEY TPB #3: TELLING TALES by Andi Watson With the new Skeleton Key series debuting this month, here's a great chance for new fans to pick up the old series. Volume three of the collected Skeleton Key gathers issues #19 - #24 into one handy book. (STAR12733) b&w, 96pgs $12.95 ******************* Slave Labor Graphics ROMAN DIRGE'S BETRAYAL FIGURINE Designed by Roman Dirge From the pages of Roman Dirge's graphic novel, The Monsters in My Tummy, comes this 8" figurine of Betrayal, the embodiment of universal human emotion. Betrayal comes with a removable knife for his back, and a heart you can pull out of his chest. He sits on a circular stand (not pictured). Designed by Dirge himself, and sculpted by Jean-Louis Crinon. Packaged in a specially-designed box with original Dirge artwork. (CAUT: 4) Figurine MSRP: $19.95 STAR OF THE MONTH MONSTERS IN MY TUMMY by Roman Dirge Anyone ever crushed by a loved one will instantly be able to relate to this inner saga. Brought to you by the 1999 triple Eisner nominated artist of Lenore, Roman Dirge. This book promises to be slightly disturbing yet funny in it's own special little odd way. (STAR14261) b&w, 48pg $5.95 *************** GLOOM COOKIE #11 by Serena Valentino & John GebbiaEver wonder what Vermilion does on Valentine's Day? Join Vermilion's Nosferatu game in the second installment of 'The Dark Brethren Cometh Part Two'. This year Vermilion has a vicious plot and Lex is apart of his scheme. And Join the Girls in another installment of 'Girl Talk' as they discuss past Valentine's Day dates and share some hilarious high school stories. NOTE: Beginning with this issue, Gloom Cookie will be bi-monthly and 24 pages. MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $2.95 A LOT OF LOVE GN by Geoff Watson & John Gebbia A Lot of Love is about a man named Jack Peoples. He has what many people would think of as a normal life: a high profile, well-paying job and a beautiful girlfriend. He owns his own home and car. But Jack is hiding what he truly wants. Although he can barely admit it to himself, Jack is attracted to extremely obese women. Deciding he can't live without one, Jack decides to risk everything to explore his obsession and try to make his dream come true. NOTE: This is a digest-sized graphic novel (5.5 x 8.5") from the artist of Gloomcookie. MATURE READERS SC $9.95 STARS OF THE MONTH GLOOM COOKIE VOLUME 1 TP by Serena Valentino & Ted NaifehContains issues 1-6 of the popular series, as well as some other ninja-type surprises, never before seen sketches, a cute Halloween story about The Monster entitled "Trick Or Treat," special guest artists thingies, Lex's vocabulary list, and lots of other squishy stuff. (STAR12671) SC $18.95 I FEEL SICK #1 by Jhonen Vasquez This is the latest printing of the mega-popular, full-color book from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Squee creator, Jhonen Vasquez! (STAR14165) b&w, 32pg $3.95 ********** SPARK GENERATORS TP edited by Jon "Bean" Hastings Twenty-six artists draw about their influences, reflecting on the creators whose talent sparked their own need to put pencil to paper and scribble out cartoons. The book features such creators as Jeff Smith, Bill Morrison, Scott Shaw, Trina Robins, Alex Robinson, C. Scott Morse, Donna Barr, Jon "Bean" Hastings and many more, with a cover by Will Eisner. All proceeds from Spark Generators will go to the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco. SC, 120pg $13.95 TRASHED GRAPHIC NOVELLA #1 True stories about a side of society most people try not to think about.Garbage collector turned comic artist Derf shares several tales about his experiences collecting garbage in a rural Midwest town after graduating from high school. Disgusting, fascinating, shocking and hilarious, Trashed shows readers a new world that words alone could never capture, but spares them the horrible smell. This one-shot comes in an oversize 8.5 x 11" format with a cardstock cover. 48pg $6.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A MILK & CHEESE'S FIRST NUMBER 2 by Evan Dorkin A carton of hate and a wedge of spite. We know people just can't get enough of this manic dairy duo. b&w, 24pg $2.75 ********** ANARCHY STUDIOS VAMPI #16 by David Conway & Kevin Lau Vampi faces death and is saved by the most unexpected ally, her ultimate adversary: Xenocide. The scene is set for the supreme, and decisive showdown with Archangel: a no-holds-barred blood-fest from which only one can claim victory. But there's something Vampi never anticipated: the truth of who and what she is! This arc: End Game, uncovers the true secret origin of Vampi! Written by David Conway, artwork by Kevin Lau. Regular cover by Kevin Lau, Limited Edition cover by Phil Noto (Birds of Prey). REGULAR—FC, 32pg $2.99 LIMITED—FC, 32pg $9.95 VAMPI DIGITAL COLLECTOR'S EDITION PACK WITH CD-ROM by Brian Haberlin & Avalon Studios The future is here. And comics will never be the same! Vampi Digital combines the look and feel of Final Fantasy's state of the art 3-D graphics, for a look that's never been seen in comics. 3-D art, rendering and story by Brian Haberlin and Avalon studios. This collector's pack includes the Limited Preview Edition, Vampi Digital #1 (signed and numbered by Brian Haberlin) and a special Cyber CD-ROM, featuring a video tutorial and step-by-step look at the making of this state-of–the-art comic. Also, an exclusive interview with creator Brian Haberlin explains how the models were "painted", and what programs went into their making. Plus: animated multimedia rotations of all models, design sketches, and an interactive game! (CAUT: 2) Pack w/CD-ROM $19.95 VAMPI VOLUME 1: SWITCHBLADE KISS/DARK ANGEL RISING by David Conway & Kevin Lau Alone in a terrifying and deadly world, surrounded by new and awesome threats, this is Vampi! Collecting the first six issues of the sold out Vampi monthly series, this trade paperback contains the entire "Switchblade Kiss" and "Dark Angel Rising" story arcs, written by David Conway, with artwork by Kevin Lau. Also still available is the limited hardcover edition, featuring an new explosive cover by Lau! SC, 7x10, 128pg, FC $14.95 HC, 7x10, 128pg, FC (STAR14364) $24.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A VAMPI POSTER V.2K1 by Kevin Lau A stunning Vampi poster image by Kevin Lau! This high-quality 24" x 36" poster is a must-have for any Vampi fan. Shipped in a protective poly-tube. FC, 24x36 $6.95 *********************** ANTARCTIC PRESS BATTLE GIRLZ #1 by Rod Espinosa Yunna used to be one of the best child mecha pilots in the universe, but the UEG replaced her with a faster android pilot. The young mech pilot, however, is in for more than she realizes: for Arlan sits at the edge of the universe, and enemy alien attacks are all too common there! A new series by the creator of The Courageous Princess, Rod Espinosa, Battle Girlz is a story of a team of Supreme Heroines from different backgrounds — Expert Mech Girl, Super Mighty Girl, Powerful Priestess, Nerdy Gadgeteer and Seductive Temptress — gathered together by a legendary goddess to live in her strange mansion and to fight evil across the universe and beyond. b&w, 24pg $2.99 GIGANTOR 6-PACK Getting into the spirit of Gigantor, Antarctic Press offers a six-pack of their Gigantor comic series! AP packages six different Gigantor issues together in an inexpensive set that should appeal to any Gigantor fan. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity to see where it all started! Set (x6), b&w $5.99 GOLD DIGGER #29 by Fred Perry AP Core Title! Gina, Penny, Charlotte and Brianna join forces to revisit Civ-Alpha, the prehistoric civilization created by the evolved but now extinct race of dinosaurs called the Saurians. In the process of exploring the ruins of Civ-Alpha, Gina finds that the Saurians' technology was copied from that of the enigmatic Nomad Artificers, who left some of their tools behind. Unfortunately, Gina accidentally reactivates some of these tools and must quickly find a way to shut them off before they remove a quarter of the Earth's surface...! FC, 24pg $2.99 HOW TO DRAW MANGA #12 Antarctic Press continues its series of How-To-Draw-Manga guidebooks! Ben Dunn, Fred Perry, and Joe Wight continue to present a comprehensive guide in mastering the manga style and will emphasize layout in this issue. Each featured artist will have his own exclusive special comments. Some topics we will cover in the series are advanced figure study, costumes, mecha, comic storytelling and composition. If you don't get it... you'll regret it! b&w, 32pg $4.95 LEGACY: FIRST INHERITANCE COLLECTION VOLUME 1 TP by Fred Perry Ages ago, a group of heroes joined together to combat the dark forces known as the Wrath, led by the incalculably evil and powerful Archessence. Unable to permanently defeat their foes, the valiant team members instead magically bequeathed their powers to future generations, sacrificing their own lives in the process. Now twins Joe and Vicky Dumar, aided by 8-year-old genius Shiva, struggle to accept reality as they deal with their dual inheritance SC, 6x8, 144pg, FC $16.95 MANGAZINE #30 All the hijinks of Ninja High School; all the action of the "Families of Altered Wars" saga; all the outlandish exploring of Gold Digger; and all the holy heroics of Warrior Nun Areala! All this, plus extra stories and art to round out the biggest package of anime and manga-inspired adventures in America! Wrap it up in a spectacular cover by Joe Wight (background painter for Star Wars: The Manga) and you've got Mangazine! As always, more than 100 pages of comics and new features every month! SC, 7x10, 140+pg, PC $8.99 NINJA HIGH SCHOOL #92 by Ben Dunn & Hiro-san AP Core Title! The Toughest Contest enters into its second round, and our heroes aren't doing very well against the new super-villain, Axe. Meanwhile, back in the real world, the Lotus Dragon's plan of world domination is in full swing. Her target: RNC Japan. And in this issue — not a hoax, not a dream — for the good of the many, a hero will die! FC, 24pg $2.99 TIGERS OF THE LUFTWAFFE #5 by Ted Nomura & Various AP Core Title! This fifth issue continues to feature Black Devil, the story of German ace Erich Hartmann. This time, Erich finds himself on the Russian front in 1943, finally getting into real combat. In Luftwaffe:1946, Dora desperately tries to train her girls well enough so they can avoid getting killed. In Tigers of Terra/Luftwaffe: 2040, the EVG attempts to fend off a new wave of Viragonian kamikazes. On top of all this, we round out the issue once again with more great story work Belgian talent Marcel Magnette and a tech section by Spain's Miranda/Mercado team! b&w, 48pg $5.95 WARRIOR NUN AREALA: BOOKS OF PERIL #4 by Craig Babiar AP Core Title! "Devil's Deal"—Even with two Books of Peril in Ivan Seethe's possession, his plans to possess the world's most omnipotent power cannot commence without the third and final component, which is now in Warrior Nun Areala's hands. With this in mind, Seethe uses his special "bargaining chip" to lure Areala and the Magic Priests to a secret volcanic island in the Pacific, where they must surrender the third book or suffer the dire consequences. Little do they know that the island is the sacred ground from which the three Books of Peril must be chanted in order to unleash their power! Either option Areala chooses is bound to cost her dearly! b&w, 24pg (4 of 4) $2.99 STARS OF THE MONTH CHRONICLES OF THE UNIVERSE COLLECTION #1 by Rod Espinoza The Darems are a mysterious race of super-beings; stronger, bigger and longer-lived than the average person. After saving the universe, they settle down to raise families. But all is not well — even after they destroy all their enemies and archenemies. Rivalries among the brothers soon arise… and their children face impossible pressures to grow and measure up to their heroic and legendary fathers. (STAR14119) SC, 7x10, 176pg, b&w $16.95 LUFTWAFFE: 1946 TECHNICAL MANUAL VOLUME 6 by Miranda, Mercado, & Nomura This final installment of the original Luftwaffe: 1946 Tech Manual consists of all the advanced "Turbojager" (jet fighter) projects, from the matured He-280 and Me-262s, to the desperate gamble of the He-162 "People's Fighters" to the advanced Ho-229 flying wing and the Focke-Wulf Ta-183, father of the MiG-15 and F-86 fighters of the Korean War. The main focus will be a profile of the vast list of advanced Turbojager projects. (STAR14206) b&w, 64pg (Note Price) $5.99 ****************************** ARCHIE COMICS ARCHIE #520 by Various & Stan Goldberg "Mr. Retro" (script by George Gladir): At first, Veronica finds Archie's fascination with the 1940's 'reet,' but when it becomes his obsession, she's ready to bid him 'twenty-three skiddoo!' "Four Wishes" (script by Hal Smith): Mr. Andrews decides to finally engage in all the daredevil pursuits he put off as a youth... until the pain kicks in and forces him to put them on the bad- backburner! "Hooray For Homework" (script by Gladir): Too much homework is a drag... unless you spend all your time studying with your girlfriends! "If the Shirt Fits" (script by Greg Crosby): Everyone agrees the shirt Archie's aunt gave him is a 'fashion don't' — until the latest hot band takes the stage in the very same threads! FC, 32pg $1.99 ARCHIE DIGEST #188 by Various The adventures of America's favorite teen continue with new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $2.19 ARCHIE'S DOUBLE DIGEST #132 by Various Double your pages, double your Archie and double your fun in this double digest full of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $3.29 BETTY #110 by Various & Stan Goldberg "Going to the Dogs" (script by George Gladir): Betty's excellence in caring for canines precedes her — so much so that the whole town's got her on a leash and poor Archie wonders when it will be his turn for a walk! Guest-starring popular supporting characters from recent issues including Uncle John and the Goodwill Girls. Also: "Quite a Bargain" (script by Kathleen Webb): Archie accompanies intrepid explorers Betty and her mom on a daring expedition to the wild jungles of garage and yard sales! FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA #172 by Various & Jeff Schultz "The Big Party" (script by George Gladir): Veronica, masquerading as a 1930s movie starlet, isn't the only one 'role playing,' as she throws a 'Come As You'd Like to Be' party. Don't leave before the final fadeout — this one's got a surprise ending! "Fantasy Time" (script by Gladir): Betty's fantasies mirror Veronica's realities almost to a tee... except Betty seems to be having more fun! "The Quitter" (script by Kathleen Webb): When Betty quits Archie, Veronica can't take the imbalance of no longer having a rival! FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA SPECTACULAR #53 by Dan Parent "It's About Time": Betty and Veronica take a wild trip through time, courtesy of Dilton's time machine! Along the way they encounter themselves at younger ages and even their parents before they were born! But when Veronica stays behind for a 1967 shopping spree, Dilton and Brigitte must help Betty rescue their friend from forever being lost to the ages! Of course, the time machine also goes forward, and when the girls find out Archie gets married, naturally they want to know who wound up being the bride... or do they?! FC, 32pg $1.99 BETTY & VERONICA DIGEST #128 by Various Bright and brassy, bold and beautiful, blonde and brunette — teen dream queens Betty & Veronica romp through this collection of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $2.19 JUGHEAD WITH ARCHIE DIGEST #173 by Various If you think Archie gets into trouble on his own, check out the action when he teams up with Jughead! Featuring new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $2.19 JUGHEAD'S DOUBLE DIGEST #84 by Various It's double decker sandwiches and double-trouble as the irrepressible Jughead tilts the laugh-o-meter in this uproarious collection of new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $3.29 PALS-N-GALS DOUBLE DIGEST #65 by Various The spotlight is on the wonderful cast of Archie supporting characters, in this double digest featuring new stories and classic tales! Digest, FC $3.29 SABRINA VOLUME 2 #30 by Mike Gallagher & Dave Manak Guest-starring The Jaguar from The Mighty Crusaders! "It's in the JAG!": The popular hero, The Jaguar — last seen fighting alongside his fellow Mighty Crusaders in Archie's Weird Mysteries #3 and #14 — is back... as a villain?! It seems he's up to no good, doing the bidding of the evil Rememberer, who believes himself to be the reincarnation of an Incan Sun-God — with plans to upend the jungle and rebuild the Incan Empire! He's using the Jaguar's ability to control all wild life to create an animal army that will shield him from those who oppose him. But is the Jaguar cooperating willingly? Sabrina and Salem, called into the fray by their South American friend Llandra, aim to find out! FC, 32pg $1.99 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #107 by Bollers, Lim, Eklund & Pepoy "Crouching Hedgehog, Hidden Dragon" Part Two: Things are heating up, as Sonic continues defending the Hidden City of the Ancients from the dragon that besieged it last issue! Meanwhile, the rest of the Freedom Fighters do their best to keep damage to a minimum — both to building and the citizenry, whose alliance the Freedom Fighters are counting on. It's not easy — someone or something is intent on keeping them from accomplishing their mission. Who could it be?! PLUS: Knuckles stars in "Reunification" Part Two (by Ken Penders & Dawn Best). FC, 32pg $1.99 VERONICA #124 by Dan Parent "Love is Blind": There's no 'love' lost between Veronica and the producers of a dating game show who insist on superimposing jokes and quips all over her segments! FC, 32pg $1.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ARCHIE'S SUPER TEENS #1-4 Fly into action with the Super Teens! Archie Comics re-offers these Super Teens specials in celebration of their recent triumphant return in Archie's Weird Mysteries #14! Join the heroic hi-jinks with Archie as Pureheart The Powerful, Betty as Super Teen, Jughead as Captain Hero, Reggie as Evilheart, and more! FC, 48pg $2.00Ea. ************************* SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 2-PACK Two collectible Sonic the Hedgehog comics are sure to please every fan of the blue blur! 2-Pack $2.49 ATOMIC BASEMENT ENTERTAINMENT MAC AFRO #2 by Troy Lewter, Luke Lizalde, & Mike Wellman The galactic funk sensation continues! Learn why Mac is on Caesar Brown's hit list. What did our cosmic soul brother do to wind up in the big house? Plus, a visit from Mac's main squeeze, Candy Kane! What is her deadly secret? MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (2 of 4) $2.95 AV PUBLICATIONS STAR OF THE MONTH LORI LOVECRAFT VOLUME 1 TP The world's sexiest B-movie actress is back, battling blood-sucking demons while trying to land a decent movie role. For the first time ever, all four issues of the groundbreaking Lori Lovecraft series are collected in one glorious volume. Plus, an all- new, full-length story and enough sexy Lori pin-ups to make you take a cold shower. Relive the magic, discover the adventure, and just plain stare in slack-jawed wonder at Hollywood's most voluptuous redhead — Lori Lovecraft. (STAR12153) MATURE READERS b&w, 160pg $11.95 *************** AVATAR PRESS ENNIS AND MCCREA'S BIGGER DICKS #1 by Garth Ennis & John McCrea Good lord, it's 10 ½" long and 48 pages thick! Garth Ennis and John McCrea, the creative team behind Hitman, unleash their sick, twisted minds to bring back Dougie and Ivor, the rotten scoundrels who fancy themselves private investigators known as the Dicks. This super-engorged monthly series features the original Dicks issues, with completely re-mastered lettering and artwork, and plenty of all-new material that Garth swears has assured his place next to the Dark Lord in the eternal flames of Hell. No semi-turgid comics here, just full-on, over-the-top, certain-to-offend-everyone humor that only these two bollocks could get away with! Also available with a special "Guaranteed to Offend" cover! MATURE READERS REGULAR CVR.—b&w, 48pg (1 of 4) $4.95 OFFENSIVE CVR.—b&w, 48pg (1 of 4) $4.95 WARREN ELLIS' STRANGE KILLINGS #2 by Warren Ellis & Mike Wolfer Warren Ellis and Mike Wolfer continue to unfold the adventures of the baddest man in comics, William Gravel! The situation must be grim at Wessex Prison; Not only has the SAS been brought in to quell one of the worst prison riots on record, but something has spooked these hardened veterans in the worst of ways. Disgraced SAS soldier and combat magician William Gravel is pulled away from his twilight existence committing deniable war crimes, to deal with this atrocity. There's another magician in the prison and William Gravel is being sent in to pull him out. There will be many strange killings before the night is out… and William Gravel may be one of them. Also available in a Wraparound cover version. MATURE READERS REGULAR CVR.—b&w, 32pg (2 of 3) $3.50 WRAPAROUND CVR.—b&w, 32pg (2 of 3) $3.95 WARREN ELLIS' BAD WORLD #1-3 BAGGED SET by Warren Ellis & Jacen Burrows If you missed its initial offering, here's your chance to get the complete set of Bad World, the critically-acclaimed three-issue series from the warped mind of Warren Ellis! Featuring stunning illustrations by the equally twisted Jacen Burrows, this special collector's pack is limited to just 300 bagged sets. MATURE READERS Set (x3), b&w $10.95 STAR OF THE MONTH WARREN ELLIS' DARK BLUE GN by Warren Ellis & Jacen Burrows Violent, disturbed cop Frank Christchurch has too many problems. He has a partner who's convinced he's mentally ill, a commanding officer on smack, and a killer whom no one else seems to want to catch. The pressure of his savage life is triggering murderous outbursts and hallucinations. (STAR13064) MATURE READERS SC, b&w, 72pg $8.95 ****************** TIM VIGIL'S WEBWITCH PREVIEW by Tim Vigil In summer 2002, Tim Vigil unleashes an all-new masterpiece, five years in the making! His three-issue Webwitch series is completely self-contained and totally accessible to the new reader. All three issues are already completely drawn and this special preview book gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how this brilliant work came together. With background and inking assists from Adam McDaniel (Witchblade) and Jeff Austin (Faust), the final pages are simply some of the finest of Tim Vigil's illustrious career! Fans of horror rejoice, because Vigil is back and better than ever! This special Preview edition is also available in a Nude cover variant. NOTE: The Nude Cover Edition is not available in Canada or Hong Kong. MATURE READERS REGULAR CVR.—b&w, 16pg $1.99 NUDE CVR.—b&w, 16pg (CAUT: 3) $6.00 ALAN MOORE'S GLORY #1 ANDY PARK COVER EDITION by Alan Moore & Marat Mychaels Andy Park (Tomb Raider) shows the softer side of Glory in this exclusive new cover illustration! Limited to just 2,000 copies. FC, 32pg $5.95 COVEN: TOOTH & NAIL WOMAN SCORNED COVER #½ by Robert Lugibihl & Ron Adrian Madman Matt Martin offers another stunning new cover! Superstar Ron Adrian (Witchblade, Darkchylde) provides the best looking pages of his career in this all-new issue that leads directly into issue #1. This exclusive new special edition is limited to just 1,250 copies! FC, 16pg $5.95 AVENGELYNE/SHI CROSS COVER #1/2 by Robert Lugibihl & Sean Shaw Sean Shaw provides this stunning new cover for the lead-in to the crossover of the year! This exclusive new special edition is limited to just 1,250 copies! FC, 16pg $5.95 AVENGELYNE: SERAPHICIDE RON ADRIAN COVER #1/2 by Robert Lugibihl & Rick Lyon Rising super-star Ron Adrian offers this beautiful exclusive new cover! This special edition cover edition is limited to just 1,000 copies! FC, 16pg $5.95 RAZOR: BLEEDING HEART "EVIL DUO" COVER #1 by Patrick Fillion Razor is unleashed in this frenzied one shot special! As her blood lust finally takes over, Razor fulfils her vampiric destiny to become a powerful daywalker! But this special trait has not gone unnoticed by a very powerful satanic cult who promptly dispatches their most powerful minion to capture Razor: the long-missing Hellina! This book serves as the re-launch of Hellina now firmly in the Avatar universe and back in touch with her heart-ripping roots. This special edition is limited to just 1000 copies. 1,000 copies. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $5.95 DEMONSLAYER: FUTURE SHOCK CHEERLEADER NUDE COVER #½ by Marat Mychaels SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL FC, 32pg $6.00 ALAN MOORE'S GLORY FINCH PRISM FOIL PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE COVER #0 by Alan Moore & Various A Previews Exclusive! Alan Moore's long-awaited Glory has come to Avatar, and this amazing #0 issue is one you'll not want to miss! This full-size, full-color book features the highly coveted 10-page introduction to the story by Alan Moore and Brandon Peterson, along with an all-star art gallery chronicling the key events that have shaped Glory's life. Featured artists include: Joseph Michael Linsner, Matt Haley, Ron Adrian, Marat Mychaels, Karl Waller and more! This Previews Exclusive Prism Foil edition is limited to just 500 copies, each shipped bagged and boarded with a Certificate of Authenticity. FC, 32pg $12.95 COVEN: TOOTH & NAIL ROYAL BLUE COVER #1 by Robert Lugibihl & Ron Adrian The Coven are back in their most action-packed epic yet! This ultra-limited Royal Blue Edition is limited to just 100 copies and every copy ships in a special protective case with a Certificate of Authenticity. FC, 32pg $75.00 FANTASTIC VISIONS: THE ART OF MATT BUSCH VARIANT COVER Matt Busch has emerged as one of the top entertainment illustrators of the 90s. He worked on movies like Con Air and The Matrix; painted covers for dozens of Star Wars books and magazines; and produced album cover art for the likes of the Beastie Boys and Garbage. He also teaches art and manages to do comic covers and trading cards as well! This luscious squarebound book features over 100 of his paintings, sketches, and drawings in both black-and-white and full-color, as well as an extensive, career-spanning interview. This special cover edition is limited to just 750 copies. SC, 7x10, 112pg, PC $15.95 BASEMENT COMICS/AMRYL ENTERTAINMENT CAVEWOMAN COVER GALLERY #1 by Devin Massey A fantastic compilation of every Cavewoman cover that Budd has drawn from 1993 to 2001. Over 8 full years of Cavewoman, with over 40 pictures of the busty babe! Budd has gone over every cover image and has made comments on each on for the reader. b&w, 48pg $4.50 CAVEWOMAN MERIEM'S GALLERY #2 by Budd Root The second in a two-volume set of pin-up books featuring the incredible artwork of Devon Massey. Every Massey piece was created specifically for this edition. Includes 24 new pieces, some in black & white, some in color of Meriem in all sorts of new poses, and many are mature-audience themed, considered too spicy and erotic to be seen printed in a regular edition of a Cavewoman book. MATURE READERS PC, 32pg $3.50 CAVEWOMAN: PANGAEAN SEA GREEN FOIL COVER #0 by Budd Root Only 300 copies have been produced of this Jungle Green Foil limited edition of the regular cover. This one is a personal favorite of Budd's. Each issue is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity, and is bagged and boarded for protection. b&w, 32pg SRP: $11.50 CAVEWOMAN PANGAEAN SEA ALTERNATE GOLD FOIL COVER #0 by Budd Root This collectible issue is the Gold Foil limited edition of the alternate Budd Root cover, and only 450 copies are available. Each issue is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity, and is bagged and boarded for protection. b&w, 32pg SRP: $11.50 DARKSHRINE: ROUGH CUT SPECIAL EDITION #1 by Shelby Robertson In this edition, we find Laeticia and her hidden past taking a violent turn to the Demi-realms; a place of monsters, demons, and forgotten tribes. Limited to only 650 copies worldwide, each issue is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity, and is bagged and boarded for protection. b&w, 24pg SRP: $8.95 FANTASTIC STORIES #2 by Don Marquez Issue #2 strip-mines even deeper into virgin retro-territory as Don dishes up "Lost Women of the Moon," featuring gorgeous Moon-Maids cloistered away in subterranean Moon cities, eagerly awaiting any rogue adventurers from Earth. A second saga sends Professor Challenger drilling a shaft deep down to the very living core of Mother Earth itself! b&w, 24pg $2.95 BALLAD OF UTOPIA #4 by Barry Buchanan & Mike Hoffman New issue! Discover what regular BOU readers knew all along — there's nothing quite like the eerie feeling up your spine that this critically acclaimed series provides! Join deputy Samuel David's search for a killer among the bizarre inhabitants of the town of Utopia—he's even enlisted the aid of an occultic bounty-hunter named Brigham Love. Equal parts Myth, Mystery, and Action, and amply endowed with the stunning art of renowned Fantasy great Mike Hoffman, you'll want to climb on board for the Gothic Western that refuses to lay down and die! RES. from Previews Vol. X #4 (APR001483) b&w, 24pg $2.95 BLACK LIBRARY WARHAMMER MONTHLY #52 It's Inquisitor War in this issue of the all-action monthly! It's the final showdown for Gravier and Defay in Inquisitor: Ascendant, where truths are revealed and lives are ended. The last adventure in the third book of Titan begins here where even the mighty God-Machine of Imperius Dictatio will be dwarfed by the power of the Chaos Gods! Plus, more Darkblade, and the vampire Helmar Von Carstein returns in "Of Ancient Blood." Dark and savage tales in the worlds of Warhammer from hot creative talent such as Dan Abnett (Legion, X-Men: Magick), Gordon Rennie (Missionary Man, Rain Dogs), Anthony Williams (X-Men, Deadpool) and Kev Hopgood (Iron Man). b&w, 40pg $2.95 BLUE LINE PRO COMICS BLOOD & ROSES: ADVENTURES 1 HC by Bob Hickey & Brad Gorby A collection of all four issues of the premiere mini-series "Future Past Tense" (by Bob Hickey and Brad Gorby), which serves as the foundation for the B&R universe and sets in motion the main story line, "Search for the Time Stone" (by Hickey, Smith, Martin and Gonzales). In addition, this collection includes 50+ pages of pin-ups, trading card artwork and more. This limited edition hardcover edition features a new wraparound dust jacket by series creator Bob Hickey. Also available signed by Bob Hickey! (CAUT: 4) HC, 7x10, 109pg, b&w $24.95 DLX, 7x10, 109pg, b&w $32.95 BONGO COMICS SIMPSONS COMICS #67 by Simone, Ortiz, & Morrison What do a packet of seeds, a credit card bill, and a "turn of the century" faire have in common? It's either Lisa's plan to beautify Springfield, Bart bringing the Simpsons to the brink of bankruptcy, or Mr. Burns' hay fever. Or maybe it's all of the above. FC, 32pg $2.50 BART SIMPSON COMICS #7 by Shaw!, Yambar, DeCarlo, Escobar, Morrison Bart and Lisa battle it out when the Android's Dungeon sponsors a science contest at Springfield Elementary. It's brain vs. Bart in a tale that leads to the deepest, darkest depths of scientific genius and depravity… kinda! Then, Lisa puts her super sleuthing to the test when she attempts to uncover the mystery behind Homer's missing breakfast. Finally, Bart's pet pachyderm, Stampy, returns! FC, 32pg $2.50 STARS OF THE MONTH SIMPSONS TP'S by Various Hilarious stories of Springfield's wackiest family are collected in these trade paperbacks! SC, 7x10, FC SIMPSONS COMICS EXTRAVAGANZA (STAR13633) $11.95 SIMPSONS COMICS SPECTACULAR (STAR01091) $10.00 SIMPSONS BARTMAN: BEST OF THE BEST (STAR01322) $10.00 SIMPSONS COMICS SIMPSORAMA (STAR12796) $11.95 SIMPSONS COMICS STRIKE BACK (STAR13634) $11.95 SIMPSONS COMICS WING DING (STAR06318) $11.95 SIMPSONS COMICS ON PARADE (STAR07712) $11.95 SIMPSONS COMICS BIG BONANZA (STAR08726) $11.95 SIMPSONS COMICS A GO-GO (STAR10559) $11.95 ******************* BON-VUE ENTERTAINMENT KOMIC FANTASIES VOLUME 2 #12 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC $6.95 BIZARRE COMIX #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC $9.95 BROADSWORD COMICS TAROT PIN SET ON LITHOGRAPH Collect them, trade them or frame them! Exquisite enamel pins featuring Tarot, her friends, and foes! The first to be presented in this series is Tarot herself, and the second is her mischievous familiar, Pooka the Bat Cat! Each pin measures approximately 1 ½" tall. Tarot and Pooka come mounted on a stunning pencil-art lithograph measuring 4 ½" x 6 ½", and depicting Jim Balent's character designs for both characters. Perfect for framing or gift-giving! These limited edition pins are scheduled for one print run only! SET (x2) $24.99 TAROT BOXERS SHORTS Be magickal all under! These white, 100% cotton boxers feature an enchanting, never-before-seen image of Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose! Great for Guys or Girls! Nothing will come between this Valentines' Gift and your sweetie! Available in sizes Medium and Large. M-LG $18.99 BOO CAT & LICKY-D BOXERS SHORTS Hugs and scratches for you or your special someone! These white, 100% cotton boxers feature Tarot's Boo Cat and Licorice Dust. Great for guys or girls! Tell your supernatural Valentines you love them! Available in sizes Medium and Large. M-LG $18.99 BROKEN TREES PUBLICATIONS INDUSTRIACIDE #2 Deep inside 'Cide, Inc. Natalie plans her revenge on the people that helped support her father's factory. Jake continues to struggle against his bear, and his conflict brings about the demise of someone who could have ultimately helped him. And Schamltz continues to spiral ever deeper into the mazes of his mind, seeking relief from a reality he cannot escape. NOTE: This issue contains previews of upcoming titles! b&w, 28pg $2.95 BUD PLANT OFFERED AGAIN O/A VADEBONCOEUR COLLECTION OF IMAGES #1 First issue of a brand new magazine, limited to 2,00 copies. The Vadeboncoeur Collection of Images reprints rare illustrations from old books and rare magazines full-size and in color — often reproduced better than in their original incarnation. ImageS is printed on superb quality 100lb coated stock, with large-size format. Images are chosen for their obscurity and striking content. The first issue spotlights the fantastic art of Heinrich Kley, with a dozen wonderful color graphics and numerous pen-and-ink drawings of nudes, dancing animals, and much more, from rare 1910 issues of the legendary German magazine, Jugend. It's Kley like you've never seen. Other marvelous color reproductions include Maxfield Parrish, Arthur Rackham, Vernon Grant, Alberto Vargas (from 1921!) and Lawson Wood. Also here is "The InkSpot," highlighting the work of classic pen-and-ink artist, T.S. Sullivant! The Editor is managing partner of Bud Plant Illustrated Books and creator of the popular artist biographer web site: SC, 9x12, 24pg, FC SRP: $20.00 ******************* VADEBONCOEUR COLLECTION OF IMAGES #2 The second expanded issue of the new magazine devoted to reprinting classic illustrations from the turn of the last century, in color throughout! Artists include Rolf Armstrong, John Bauer, Enoch Bolles, Rene Bull, Harvey Dunn (cover), Jessie M. King, Charles R. Knight, J.C. Leyendecker, Howard Pyle, Willy Pogany, Arthur Rackham, Haddon Sundblom, Gustaf Tenggren, and more. This issue's special "InkSpot" section profiles the beautiful pen-and-ink work of Orson Lowell. Over 85 images from 1900 to 1923 sources. Subscribers have raved about the reproduction quality in issue one… and issue #2 is even better — and bigger and more diverse! Limited printing of only 2,000 copies, on 100lb coated stock with heavy covers. SC, 9x12, 36pg, FC SRP: $20.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A AMUSES GUEULE BOX SET TP SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Set (x10) SC, 3x4, 64pg, PC SRP: $16.99 O/A ELMER BATTERS: LEGS THAT DANCE TO ELMER'S TUNE SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL HC, 10x14, 364pg, PC SRP: $29.99 O/A EXOTIQUE THREE-VOLUME SET SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, and the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL HC, 6x9, 244pg, PC SRP: $29.99 O/A FANTASY NUDES: DIGITAL TECHNIQUES IN PHOTOGRAPHY by Jim Zuckerman Originally published at $29.95! Explores the art of digital manipulation of female nude images. Interesting both for its subject matter, and as a collection of exotic, unusual nudes. A variety of styles and techniques are examined, including dropping a figure into imaginative backgrounds; repeating/mirroring figures; distorting the image; turning the photo into an impressionist painting and far more. Mostly uses Adobe Photoshop and MetaCreations Painter. Some topics covered are digitizing photographs, using imaging software, using digital filter effects, compositing photographs and marketing your digital images. MATURE READERS SC, 9x11, 160pg, FC SRP: $19.99 O/A HOGAN'S ALLEY THREE-ISSUE SET Originally published at $17.85! This set includes issues #3 or #4, plus #5 and #6. Edited by Rick Marschall, this is the magazine of cartoon arts. A thick journal devoted to comics, strips, and cartooning, thick with dozens of features. Issue #3 features: A Shazam/Captain Marvel retrospective, featuring C. C. Beck and Jerry Ordway; the death of Alex Raymond — was it an accident or suicide; and Chip Dunham on Overboard. Issue #4 features: Herriman's other strip, "Stumble Inn," Jeff Smith's Bone, Nancy, Li'l Abner, plus eight columns by top writers. Issue #5 includes: Disney animation legend Marc Davis; Barry Windsor-Smith on Storyteller; George Herriman's Krazy Kat; early influences on Harold Foster's Prince Valiant; and a Gasoline Alley interview. Issue #6 includes: Xenozoic Tales creator Mark Schultz; the history of Popeye as an animated cartoon: Tom Batiuk, creator of Funky Winkerbean and Crankshaft; Jack Cole's comic strip Betsy and Me; Gordo's Gus Arriola; and sports cartooning. Plus, The Gumps, Nancy, Little Lulu and more. Set (x3), b&w SRP: $12.99 *********************** CARTOON BOOKS STARS OF THE MONTH BONE TP'S by Jeff Smith Seven vlumes of the simple and charming stories that continue to surprise and delight readers the world over. The latest collection, Ghost Circles, chronicles the adventures of the Biones as they journey south to the ancient capital city of Atheia through the swirling ash of an exploded volcano. Always a perennial bestseller — make sure you have plenty in stock! VOL. 1: OUT OF BONEVILLE (STAR01700)––SC, 144pg, b&w $12.95 VOL. 2: THE GREAT COW RACE (STAR02377)––SC, b&w $14.95 VOL. 3: EYES OF THE STORM (STAR02559)––SC, b&w $16.95 VOL. 4: DRAGON SLAYER (STAR 06702)––SC, b&w $16.95 VOL. 5: ROCKJAW MASTER OF THE EASTERN BORDER (STAR07933)––SC, b&w $14.95 VOL. 6: OLD MAN'S CAVE (STAR09892)––SC, b&w $15.95 VOL. 7: GHOST CIRCLES (STAR13935)––SC, b&w $16.95 STUPID STUPID RAT TAILS (STAR10847)––SC, b&w $9.95 ******************** CHAOS! COMICS LADY DEATH: HEARTBREAKER #1 by John Ostrander, Romano Molenaar, Curtis Arnold, & colored by Hi-Fi Broken hearts…. Bloody revenge! This self-contained one-shot fits in Lady Death continuity and is a great starting point for new readers. He's small, he's round, and he shoots arrows into your heart. Cupid, right? Wrong! This is the opposite of Eros –– Sore –– and he's the Cherub of Hate! Every black arrow fans all the little resentment, petty jealousies, and minor grievances you feel to infernos of murderous hate. So what happens with one of the arrows hits Lady Death? Wait until you see! Lady Death: Heartbreaker gets just plain nasty! FC, 32pg $2.99 LADY DEATH: HEARTBREAKER #1 PREMIUM EDITION cover by Scott Lewis Don't be left broken hearted, make Lady Death your valentine this February. This passionately painted cover by fan-favorite Scott Lewis is one of Chaos!'s themed Heartbreaker covers this February showcasing the Diva of Death embodied in a heart shape with mighty swords behind her! One look and you can bet Lady Death will be a force this Valentine's Day. Printed on cardstock and limited to 2,000. FC, 32pg $9.99 LADY DEATH: HEARTBREAKER #1 SUPER PREMIUM EDITION Cover by Thomas Giorello Go chaotic this Valentine's with this ultra exclusive premium of Lady Death! Cute, sensual, sure –– but look out! This cover begs the question: is Lady Death a warm-hearted goddess or is that just a false façade? You be the judge! Limited to 1,000. FC, 32pg $20.00 CHASTITY: HEARTBREAKER #1 by Tom Sniegoski, Christopher Golden, Ron Adrian, & colored by Hi-Fi Broken hearts… bloody revenge! This Valentine's Day, come celebrate with Chastity… but do it quickly because Heartbreaker's on the way, and there's not going to be a whole lot of love in the air. Chastity is acting in an off-Broadway revival of "Aspects of Love," when a fellow cast member drags her into a horrible web of murder and mysticism that brings her face-to-face once more with the mysterious MidKnight! The twisted serial killer known as Heartbreaker is in town, folks, so keep the romance behind close doors. Cupid gives love… and she takes it away. FC, 32pg $2.99 CHASTITY: HEARTBREAKER #1 PREMIUM EDITION cover by Scott Lewis Spend time with Chastity, the sex, but deadly vampire assassin this Valentine's Day! The luscious premium cover painted by Scott Lewis is part of Chaos!'s Heartbreaker themed premium covers this February! See Chastity framed by a heart and surrounded by masquerade masks and bat wings! Is she a heartbreaker or heartmaker? Tune in and find out! Limited to 2,000 on cardstock. FC, 32pg $9.99 CHASTITY: HEARTBREAKER #1 SUPER PREMIUM EDITION cover by Brian Rood If you're looking for a super-sexy cover of Chastity… this is it! Hot painter Brian Rood paints up a striking image of Chastity for this Valentine's Day special. Why is it super premium? Your heart will pump faster and you'll get the picture! Limited to 1,000. FC, 32pg $20.00 PURGATORI: HEARTBREAKER #1 by Dan Jolley, Fabiano Neves, & colored by Colorgraphix Broken hearts…. bloody revenge! A kink in her plans leads Sakkura to the Spanish island Ibiza, the party capital of the world. There are a number of nasty surprises awaiting her, including a sadistic drug lord, a revolting, bloodthirsty demon, and a bizarre discovery concerning the very nature of her being. It's hot blondes, shootouts, and mortal terror as Dan Jolley brings you "Salt in the Wound," a Purgatori Valentine's Day special! FC, 32pg $2.99 PURGATORI: HEARTBREAKER #1 PREMIUM EDITION cover by Scott Lewis Let's see, enjoy Valentine's Day alone or spice it up with a vampire goddess?! The answer is simple as Scott Lewis shakes things up painting this Purgatori cover. It's one of three Valentine's Day themed covers celebrating Heartbreakers! But don't be confused, 'cause underneath that cute Purgatori façade is one tough cookie! Limited to 2,000. FC, 32pg $9.99 PURGATORI: HEARTBREAKER #1 SUPER PREMIUM EDITION illustrated by Monte Moore Is it possible to want a Blood Goddess as your valentine? With one look at Purgatori on this sexy Valentine theme painted pin- up… the answer is yes! Love her or hate her, Purgatori is quite a looker and definitely a heartbreaker! Limited to 1,000. FC, 32pg $20.00 THE HAUNTED #3 by Peter David, Nat Jones, Kevin Conrad, & Todd Broeker Peter David comes to Chaos! and is joined by fan-favorite Nat Jones (Hellspawn), Kevin Conrad (Kiss: Psycho Circus), and Todd Broeker (Spawn: Dark Ages). The forces of The Haunted are split. Half of them are wrestling with demons menacing the library! All this while the mystery of the Gary Cell deepens, an angry ex-boyfriend plots his revenge, Cross's sister wrestles with a drug problem, and Celia tries to decide whether to start sleeping around. Think your high school was rough? Think again! FC, 32pg (3 of 4) $2.99 THE HAUNTED #3 ALTERNATE COVER Raw and uncensored, high school gets supernatural in Peter David's The Haunted. If you thought you were different, this cover will make you think twice! This special variant cover has the five teen outcasts (with mysterious powers) trying to survive… but can they? Limited to 2,000. FC, 32pg $7.50 JADE: REDEMPTION #4 by Sniegoski, Golden, Tortosa, Balaos, De Lara, & Fotos At last, in this final anime installment of Redemption, all the strings are brought together as Jade's Triad enemies in China and America and the vampire hunting Progeny violently combine forces to hunt down the vampire sorceress whose struggle for redemption and righteousness has plagued them all! But this time, it's not only Jade and Silence whose lives are in the balance, but Kayleigh Foster (the Iron Racer) and her father Darius as well. FC, 32pg (4 of 4) $2.99 JADE: REDEMPTION #4 VARIANT COVER penciled and inked by Sigmund Torre Silence, Jade's mute, but deadly right hand assassin, gets her own taste of glory on this dynamic variant cover atop the cityscape. She's quick, stealth-like, but good luck trying to detect her! Brace yourselves evildoers, 'cause no one can stop the Silence! Limited to 2,000. FC, 32pg $7.50 LADY DEATH: THE GAUNTLET ASHCAN cover by Fabiano Neves; penciled by Carlos Mota All-new and improved ashcan, featuring an exclusive cover by Fabiano Neves (Purgatori)! Here's your chance to get a first look at Lady Death: The Gauntlet that will feature Lady Death's costume re-designed by J. Scott Campbell (Danger Girl)! Also includes intimate insights into the creative process, script notes, layouts, pencils, and character designs! Comes bagged with a Certificate of Authenticity on the back cover! Limited to 1,000. b&w, 12pg $6.00 PURGATORI: GOD HUNTER ASHCAN cover by Fabiano Neves; penciled by Romano Molenaar; inked by Curtis Arnold All-new and improved ashcan, featuring an exclusive cover by Fabiano Neves (Purgatori)! Get a sneak peek at writer Dan Jolley's (Obergeist) newest tale for Purgatori in God Hunter! Also includes intimate insights into the creative process, script notes, layouts, pencils, and character designs! Comes bagged with a Certificate of Authenticity on the back cover. Limited to 1,000. b&w, 12pg $6.00 CHASTITY: CRAZYTOWN ASHCAN cover by Fabiano Neves; penciled by Adriano Batista; inked by Cleber Salles All-new and improved ashcan, featuring an exclusive cover by Fabiano Neves (Purgatori)! So just what is Crazytown? It's Chastity's forthcoming series packed with over-the-top villains and much more insanity. Also includes intimate insights into the creative process, script notes, layouts, pencils, and character designs! Comes bagged with a Certificate of Authenticity on the back cover. Limited to 1,000. b&w, 12pg $6.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A LADY DEATH: LOVE BITES #1 by Len Kaminski & Peter Vale When love bites, love is dangerous! Join us this Valentine's Day as we look into Lady Death's past and uncover a secret story of forbidden romance. Learn about the fateful encounter between two forces of nature: the Diva of Death and the archangel Michael. Are these two destined to be soul-mates or mortal enemies? Cover by Romano Molenaar, Curtis Arnold, and Roy Young. FC, 32pg $2.99 O/A LADY DEATH: LOVE BITES PREMIUM EDITION #1 cover by Scott Lewis The perfect Valentine's Day gift for that special fiend! Lady Death gets your heart pumping with this painted cover for the premium edition of Lady Death: Love Bites #1. Shown against a heart-shaped background formed by two skulls attached to their bony spines, Lady Death teases your soul and captures your eyes! Limited to 2,500 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 O/A PURGATORI: LOVE BITES #1 by Kaminski, Rio, & Tie When love bites, love is deadly. In Purgatori's past lies a secret of dark romance. Peer into the savage courtship of the Goddess of Judgment, Purgatori, and the Father of Lies, Lucifer, and see a twisted romance that embraces the seven deadly sins! Can two creatures of darkness survive their unholy wedding night? FC, 32pg $2.99 O/A PURGATORI: LOVE BITES PREMIUM EDITION #1 cover by Scott Lewis Showcased against a heart background that's formed by two dueling dragons, Purgatori looks tantalizing in her cute pose — but never fear, this vampire goddess is still one tough broad underneath all that sweetness! Limited to 2,500 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 O/A CHASTITY: LOVE BITES #1 by Macek, L. Ross, & Laguna It's New York, 1980. Love is in the air. Chastity, the lovable vampire assassin, is touring with her boyfriend, Billy, leader of the punk-rock band The Nobs. When Billy learns that Chastity is a creature of the night, is it the end of their romance — or just the beginning? It's romance, Chaos! style! FC, 32pg $2.99 O/A CHASTITY: LOVE BITES PREMIUM EDITION #1 cover by Scott Lewis This Valentine's Day, say "I love you" with Chastity! This painted cover by Scott Lewis shows Chastity lying in a bed of colorful roses. What better way to say, "Take me, I'm yours!" Limited to 2,500 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 O/A INSANE CLOWN POSSE: THE PENDULUM #11 by Jesse McCann, Jerry Beck, Sandy Florea, & colored by Colorgraphix; cover by Jerry Beck, Sandu Florea, & Colorgraphix HOOO-yah! The penultimate (that means next-to-last, y'all) Pendulum issue comes at you like a flat-out kick in the face –– and it's so jam-packed with crotch-kickin', demon-stickin', finger-lickin' clown action, it's a wonder two staples can hold this stuff together! ICP and Jesus, along with an army of… well, you'll have to see them to believe them. They attack Killnor Industries in a frontal assault so wicked, it makes the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan look like a girlie tea party! Comes with an exclusive CD single unavailable in the known universe! FC, 32pg (11 of 12) $5.99 O/A PURGATORI: DARKEST HOUR #1 by Joshua Dysart, Fabiano Neves, Romano Molenaar, Phyllis Novin, &Colorgraphix The Los Angeles dawn breaks, a mortal woman lays dying in its golden light. Her name is Sakkara and she carries deep inside of her the sleeping demon Purgatori! Even now, as she struggles to live, fallen angels, powerful vampires, and a warrior from a once proud, now crumbling kingdom, are mobilizing to hunt down the woman who would be the Blood Goddess. FC, 32pg $2.99 O/A PURGATORI: DARKEST HOUR #1 PREMIUM EDITION cover by Ricky Carralero Ricky Carralero paints a stunning premium cover of Purgatori as her sultry human counterpart Sakkara –– in a pose reminiscent of Betty Page! Believe us, this painting is enough to kick start any man's heart into overdrive! Sexy and tasteful, it's limited to only 3,000 copies. FC, 32pg $9.99 ****************** STAR OF THE MONTH LADY DEATH'S BLACK BOOK VOLUME 1 by Ivan Reis, Joe Pimentel, & Roy Young. Own the perfect pocket-sized art book for Lady Death! A perfect stocking stuffer for the holidays! That's right, this "Black Book" contains a miniature gallery of 64 cover images and sexy pin-up shots of Lady Death collected in this flip-through, compact, square-bound book! Features gorgeous Lady Death art by Ivan Reis, Brom, Mike Deodato Jr., Steven Hughes, David Michael Beck, and Justiniano! The sweet part is Lady Death can go everywhere you go! (STAR14126) FC, 4x5, 64pg $9.99 ********************* CLIB'S BOY COMICS TRUE STORY SWEAR TO GOD #2 REUNION by Tom Beland After meeting each other at the Magical Kingdom, California cartoonist Tom Beland and Puerto Rican radio host, Lily Garcia, try to find some way of reuniting. This story deals with what happens when you meet the love of your life, and you live 15,000 miles apart. Thanks to a wedding in the family, a reunion is very well possible! b&w, 40pg $2.95 CLAYPOOL COMICS ELVIRA #106 by Frank Storm, Ronn Sutton, & Bruce Patterson Elvira is this book's headliner, and that means she'll always win –– or that's what Lord Harvest figures –– so he takes advantage of the Mistress of the Dark's career problems and lures her into his evil plan to expand his scarecrow-y song-and- dance continuum of B'olj'err into our dimension. Just how good is Elvira in coming up with super-villain master plans anyway? And if El's gone bad and Roz Wyck has replaced her on the air with Spooky Suzie, then has the world gone truly mad? Will a few musical numbers solve the conflict? It's all in the book-length classic, "Where Have all the Good Guys Gone?" b&w, 32pg $2.50 DEADBEATS #52 by David, Howell, & Leialoha The latest Deadbeat stalks with the group, but there is no joy in the event. Likewise, the latest addition to the vampire hunters has a personal interest in making sure that Southie pays for his crimes against Boelyn Bove and her daughter. Also, the bat cultists' full-scale attack against adventurer Adam Collier prompts a horrible realization about Adam's long-missing wife. It's all in, "Passion Play!" b&w, 32pg $2.50 COLBURN COMICS SAMURAI GUARD #4 by Kirk Abrigo In order to do away with Samurai dominance of Bushido Island, the Shuto Ninja Clan finally put into action their plan to resurrect the god of war, Hachiman. Raiden, the god of thunder and lightning, has vowed to stop this from happening. There's only one problem: Hachiman's body is on Nokami mountain, where all mystical and magical powers including those of a god are nullified, leaving Raiden to attempt to stop the Shuto Ninja Clan as a human along with all the weaknesses that come along with being one. He has enlisted the aid of the island's three greatest warriors. A plan that will lead to some of the most high- paced swordplay action seen in comics today. Can they stop the coming of the Hachiman or will their deaths be his first act of life? MATURE READERS FC, 32pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SAMURAI GUARD #1 & #2 by Kirk Abrigo Miamoto Shindo is captain of the Samurai Guard –– an elite team of samurai that police and protect Bushido Island. In their world of warrior monks, ninja, and magic, the Samurai Guard defends Bushido Island against both foreign and domestic threats. What results is the most action-packed, art-and-story driven Japanese sword-and-sorcery comic book yet! MATURE READERS #1—FC, 32pg $2.50 #2—FC, 32pg $2.50 ******************* COLONIA PRESS OFFERED AGAIN O/A COLONIA #6 by Jeff Nicholson Now the Colonia saga truly begins! You've met the cast and explored the strange world of Colonia, island hopping with Jack, his uncles, the pirate queens, Lucy the talking duck, and the old man-of-fish. Now join them on their first foray into mainland Colonia Norte (North America) and discover the secret that has baffled readers since the beginning. A 1999 Eisner Award nominee! b&w, 24pg $3.50 O/A THROUGH THE HABITRAILS CURRENT PRINTING by Jeff Nicholson Your cubicle will never look the same after you take this surreal guided tour through the world of the corporate employee. Jeff Nicholson (The Dreaming, Colonia, Father & Son) delivers fourteen tightly scripted short stories that re-introduce you to the all-too-familiar facets of life on the job, culminating in a harrowing downward spiral. Nicholson has pulled in five Eisner nominations, and this is his best-known work. A perennial seller for eight years running! Matte-laminated color covers. SC, 7x10, 144pg, b&w (Note Price) $9.95 ******************* STAR OF THE MONTH FATHER & SON: EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE SELL-OUT by Jeff Nicholson "Way back" in the mid-'90s it was Generation-X versus the Baby Boomers. Jeff Nicholson took this new generation gap and created one of the more popular series to come out of his varied career. Long out of print, these are the original four issues from Kitchen Sink Press that garnered Nicholson two Eisner nominations. Also included is a rare "lost episode" and previously unpublished pages. (STAR14196) SC, 7x10, 120pg, b&w $9.95 ******************** COMIC CAVALCADE COVEN: TOOTH & NAIL #1 "TROUBLE" EDITION by Robert Lugibihl & Ron Adrian Marat Mychaels (Glory) brings this sexy new cover to life! The Coven are back in their most action-packed epic yet! This special edition is limited to just 1,000 copies. Also available is a special "Ruby Red" foil edition, limited to just 250 copies, each packed in a protective bag and board. REG.—FC, 32pg $5.95 RUBY RED—FC, 32pg $29.95 TIM VIGIL'S WEBWITCH PREVIEW EMERALD CONVENTION EDITION by Tim Vigil This special Emerald convention edition is limited to just 1,000 copies, each of which ships in a protective bag and board. Fans of horror rejoice, because Vigil is back and better than ever! MATURE READERS b&w, 16pg $6.95 DEMONSLAYER: FUTURE SHOCK #1/2 "WARRIOR QUEEN" EDITION by Marat Mychaels Check out this all-new cover by superstar Marat Mychaels! This special edition is limited to 1,000 copies. FC, 16pg $5.95 AVENGELYNE PREMIERE ASHCAN SIGNED This special red cover ashcan was the very first Avengelyne book ever produced! They were printed to promote the new series, and Comic Cavalcade has unearthed a mere 100 copies, all signed by original series artist John Stinsman! This may be the rarest Avengelyne book ever! All copies ship with a Certificate of Authenticity and in a protective bad and board. b&w, 16pg $39.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A DARKNESS #32 "BLUE TEMPEST" EDITION David Finch provides this stellar new cover on this exclusive "Blue Tempest" edition. Limited to only 4,000 copies. All copies ship in a protective bag and board. FC, 32pg $5.95 ********************** COM.X PUNCTURE #4 by Russell Uttley & Ben Oliver Forge. The Dark Uncles 'open' Puncture. Adrift in the raging waters of The Blood Ocean, a thousand years denial tear at his assumed humanity. Transformed into a cursed myth, denied his mother and family, and reviled by his new nature, he rejects the Uncles pact—and in defiance suffers the ultimate tragedy. Shattered, he departs a ruined world. Destitute. The harrowing truth of Puncture's origins revealed! (CAUT: 4) RES. from Previews Vol. IX #6 (JUN012028) FC, 40pg $3.99 COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND POTLATCH 2001 ANTHOLOGY cover by Stan Yan What is a Potlatch? For many Native Americans, it's a gift, a festival of giving. And, with the new Potlatch 2001, that's what it means in comics too! This all-new comics anthology was produced to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, and all proceeds help protect free speech in comics. With more than 100 pages, Potlatch 2001 features a dynamic line-up of inspiring new creators, all donating their time and talent. b&w, 112pg $4.95 EXPO ANTHOLOGY SET You get not one, but two of the biggest and best anthologies comics has to offer! The annual EXPO books are a great way for readers to discover new comics by new and innovative creators, several dozen at a time! This set includes both the Harvey Award-nominated EXPO 2000, and the new and improved EXPO 2001. That's 720 pages in all, featuring works by Charles Burns, Dan Clowes, Bo Hampton, James Kochalka, Jimmy Palmiotti, Seth, Jeff Smith, Adrian Tomine, Craig Thompson, Rick Veitch, Chris Ware, and almost a hundred other great cartoonists. And, of course, all proceeds benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund! Squarebound. Set (x2), PC $13.95 STAR OF THE MONTH EXPO 2001 ANTHOLOGY Cover by Daniel Clowes Dan Clowes, the acclaimed cartoonist behind the movie Ghostworld, provides the cover for EXPO 2001. The annual EXPO anthologies are bursting at the seams with new and innovative talent. And this year's collection ups the ante with a new full- color section featuring Art Spiegelman, Dave Lasky, Ron Rege Jr., and more. Weighing in at a massive 368 pages, EXPO 2001 includes contributions from James Kochalka, Jimmy Palmiotti, Bo Hampton, Rene French, Thomas Ott, Dean Haspiel, Pete Sickman-Garner, and dozens more artists from the U.S. and abroad. EXPO 2001 is the best way to sample the incredible diversity that alternative, independent, and small press publishing has to offer. All proceeds benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and help protect free speech in comics. Squarebound. (STAR14195) SC, 7x10, 368pg, PC $7.95 ********** COMICS CONSPIRACY GENERIC COMIC #6 by Miers, Santos, Lean, & Thomas Pete the P.O.'d Postal Worker is back, delivering the mail with his characteristically chaotic insanity here in the pages of Generic Comic! Can our generic hero talk sense into this mail-minded madman? Can he dodge the bullets Pete delivers with the mail? Meanwhile, a costumed super villain is threatening to bring down the comics industry by destroying an entire week's shipment of comics, creating an irreplaceable gap in everyone's collection! But all those boxes of comics are mail, and Pete has other plans for them… b&w, 16pg $1.95 COMICSONE.COM WOUNDED MAN #6 GN by Kazuo Koike & Ryoichi Ikegami Keisuke needs some backup and he needs it fast. He hires Nick, a corrupt cop who'll do anything for money. He also hires JoJo, a car racer, as his chauffeur. Misty is still hot on his trail, but she can't shake her feelings for him growing inside of her... MATURE READERS SC, 200pg, b&w $9.95 REDMOON #6 GN by Mina Hwang Sadad is a trained fighter and highly educated. After spending great amounts of time in the computer library researching the "prophecy," he meets the scholar Kasham, who will change his life forever by showing him the truth of his past... an anguishing, painful lesson. But his tears must wait, because a series of world-shattering events loom on the horizon: love, hatred, kidnapping, betrayal and the stirrings of a war that threatens to rip their homeworld, Signus, apart. Don't miss a moment of this exciting volume that finally explains the events that bring Philaro to Earth! SC, 208pg, b&w $11.95 WILD 7 #3 GN by Mikiya Mochizuki Otto's mysterious past is revealed! Once a professional baseball player, Otto was kicked out of the league for cheating and now spends his time teaching golf… and occasionally hypnotizing people when he isn't riding for Wild 7. However, Otto's past comes back to haunt him when seven mysterious motorcycle knights attack him. He warns his comrades, "Watch out for the number 7." How does Wild 7 react to this cryptic message? Many mysteries abound in this volume... care to solve them? SC, 257pg, b&w $9.95 STORM RIDERS #3 GN by Wing-Shing Ma Finally, Conquer seizes Mud Buddha! Mud Buddha tells him that Cloud and Wind will become a threat to his future. To prevent Cloud and Wind from taking over his power, Conquer starts spreading rumors to split them up. Cloud finds and kills the trader and his clan. Cloud has become the ultimate fighter with no mercy for anyone; he seeks Kong-Chi, wife of Frost, his soul mate to comfort his mind. Wind accidentally finds out about this affair and suggests Cloud either leave her alone or get out of Kung Fu society with her forever. How can Wind, Cloud and Frost deal with this? Can they forgive each other? SC, 120pg, FC $11.95 STARS OF THE MONTH GOKU: MIDNIGHT EYE GN #1 by Buichi Terasawa Goku fights a crime syndicate and loses his left eye! A woman named Ryoko hires Goku and tells him to find her missing clone brother who's out of control! Leila Shinozuka, a famous rock star, hires Goku as a bodyguard. And Yuko Genjyo is a university physicist who specializes in supernatural phenomena, and who has been trying to investigate a mysterious girl who comes out of nowhere and flies around the night sky. (STAR14238) MATURE READERS SC, 294pg, b&w $11.95 JOAN #1 GN by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko Set in Medieval France during the Hundred Years War, Joan is the story of Emil, a young woman raised as a man by Baudricourt, the same man who took Joan of Arc under his wing. Guided by visions of La Pucelle (the name given to Joan by followers), Emil seeks to unite France under the divine rule of the King. Emil travels through many of the same landmark battlefields as Joan, and gains her own followers in the process. However, Emil is opposed by the dauphin Louis, a brute enforcer who fears no divine power and is making his own bid to rule the country! (STAR14247) SC, 192pg, FC $14.95 OFFERED #1 GN by Kazuo Koike Olympic track star. MIT whiz-kid. Adored by the beautiful co-ed's. Revered by classmates and teammates alike. Yu was sitting on top of the world. That is, until the evil seductress Payetta, leader of an outlaw gang of boozers and brawlers, kidnaps Yu at knifepoint and steals him away to her hideout. She hypnotizes Yu with the constant, burning thought of a quest in his mind: to locate the ancient city of Agarti and to become the modern-day Gilgamesh. (STAR14264) MATURE READERS SC, 400pg, b&w $14.95 SARAI VOLUME 1 #4 GN by Masahiro Shibata In the future, rampant genetic disorders wreak havoc on humankind. Teenagers turn into grotesque monsters when they hit 18, and growing old is no longer a luxury. There's only one kind of warrior who has the power to stop it! Trapped in the frozen north with homicidal animals and equally homicidal yeti, Sarai and Flicker must try to save a victimized shaman girl (and themselves) from certain death! Then, a corrupt baron marries a gorgeous girl for her Old-World wine, and a twisted black market sells children for elixirs of youth — and the two sexy maids are in the middle of everything! (STAR14271) MATURE READERS SC, 186pg, b&w $9.95 WEED VOLUME 1 #1 GN by Yoshihiro Takahashi Weed is a courageous little dog who believes he is the son of the legendary Boss Dog, Ginga. After his mother dies, Weed begins an adventurous journey to find his father in the Okubo Mountains. Accompanied by the cowardly but kind-hearted GB, and meeting other dogs along the way, Weed must fight wild packs of dogs, as well as deal with the humans he encounters. (STAR14081) SC, 238pg, b&w $9.95 ********************** CPM MANGA RECORD OF LODOSS WAR: CHRONICLES OF THE HEROIC KNIGHT BOOK 2 by Ryo Mizuno & Masato Natsumoto In this volume, Spark and his companions face the Dark Elf who has taken over the beautiful city of Roid. Instead of the end of the quest, they face new conflicts, and bring together new allies to help. Their mission to recover the Crystal Ball of Souls must wait because Roid and King Etoh need their help. The Dark Elf has led a band of skeletal warriors in taking over the city's Pharis monastery and together with the beautiful and magical Neece they face the Elf in the sacred inner sanctum. MATURE READERS SC, 176pg, b&w $15.95 ASTRA #8 by Jerry Robinson, Sidra Cohn, Ken-Ichi Oishi, and Shojin Tanaka It's the final issue in the great Astra series, starring the beautiful princess from the Planet Eros, who comes to Earth to find the precious bodily fluids her planet needs, only to get imprisoned and experimented on in the Ministry of Science labs with her hero, Yosuke, the tough and honest interstellar pilot who found her. Astra and her hero Yosuke are finally going to get some revenge on the evil Ministry henchmen, and Astra will end her quest successfully, with Yosuke's help! b&w, 32pg $2.95 GEOBREEDERS #36 by Akihiro Ito It's another blazing Geobreeders adventure, with gorgeous girls and supernatural action. In this issue, the current story arc climaxes as the girls of the Kagura Detective Agency finally come to a showdown with the latest group of Phantom Cats! It's a street fighting, gun-blazing issue as the Phantom Cats and their human allies meet and nearly defeat the Kagura girls. b&w, 32pg $2.95 LET'S STAY TOGETHER FOREVER #1 by Tomoko Taniguchi It's an all-new series from Tomoko Taniguchi, the Queen of Shoujo (women's and girls' comics). It's a great rock and roll series, the first time Tomoko has explored the world of young rock-and-roll fans who idolize their stars, fill their rooms with their posters, and live lives of love and loss to the soundtrack of the popular music they love. A young high school girl, shy and lovely, falls for the glittery, glamorous rock-and-roll type boy. Will she be able to overcome her shyness and talk to him? b&w, 32pg $2.95 RECORD OF LODOSS WAR: CHRONICLES OF THE HEROIC KNIGHT #18 by Ryo Mizuno & Masato Natsumoto Spark and his band of heroes face the Dark Elf who has taken over the beautiful city of Roid. In a fierce battle, the Dark Elf has brought out a new weapon –– he conjures up his own angel! The Guardian's magic is strong, and soon the brave fighters are at the mercy of this winged being! And the city explodes in flames, as the battle rages and evil magic comes close to destroying Roid! And most tragic of all, Neece falls into the clutches of the Dark Elf! b&w, 32pg $2.95 LODOSS WAR DEEDLITS TALE #7 by Ryo Mizuno & Setsuko Yoneyama Deedlit, the Elf heroine beloved by fans of the Lodoss anime and manga series, and Parn, the knight whom she loves, are reunited at last in this all-new, character-driven series. The villagers of Zaxon are oppressed by their aristocratic overlords, and they must decide whether to take up arms or lose their lives. Parn and Deedlit are trying to help, but everything is complicated by the appearance of another High Elf, Estas, who has long known Deedlit. Deedlit has come to understand the true depth of her own feelings for Parn, after Estas has confessed his love, and she returns to Parn with a new wisdom about her own emotions. b&w, 32pg $2.95 SLAYERS SPECIAL #3 by Hajime Kanzaka & Shoko Yoshinaka Exciting adventures! Strong, beautiful women! Hilarious comedy! And lots of treasure hunting, and wild and crazy eating! It must be the Slayers! It's an amazing new adventure of everybody's favorite comedy-adventure characters, the incredible, beautiful sorceress Lina Inverse, and her big, hulking, but loyal colleague Gourry Gabriev! Its an all-new series with all-new characters and adventures! She's absolutely gorgeous, she wears hot outfits, and she's a sorceress, too! She's Naga, who styles herself the foremost rival of the hot-tempered Lina Inverse, and follows Lina around to try to show her up. She also knows that Lina is a super hunter of treasures, and figures that if she follows her around, maybe some will come her way. b&w $2.95 SLAYERS: SUPER-EXPLOSIVE DEMON STORY #5 by Hajime Kanzaka & Shoko Yoshinaka The Slayers — starring some of the most popular characters in the history of anime and manga: the hot-headed, red-haired sorceress Lina Inverse, and the strong and bullheaded adventurer Goury Gabriev! The Slayers — the funniest Medieval fantasy every created anywhere, with dashing heroes, evil demons, princesses in danger, and wild jokes that everyone will love! And this is where it all began — the first Slayers comics. This series is the beginning of their fabulous adventures, and all the business that the fans have come to love is at it's best here. b&w $2.95 STARS OF THE MONTH DARK ANGEL VOLUME 3 TP by Kia Asamiya The beautiful Leen has undertaken a quest to recover the golden orb that was the rightful possession of her ancestors of the House of the Blue Dragon. But the gorgeous and deadly Nie, the Black Dragon, was secretly consumed with jealousy when Leen became Phantom Saint, and has conspired to murder Leen and take her kingdom! Asamiya brings in fascinating characters from Greek mythology, including and evil shifting-goddess who nearly defeats Leen and her friends. (STAR14155) SC, 7x10, 176pg, b&w $15.95 MIDNIGHT PANTHER BOOK 1: I'LL LOVE YOU TO DEATH TP by Yu Asagiri Sweeping the planet is a hot new sensation: all-female singing trio, The Pussycats. Lou, Kei and Sonya tour the country performing concerts and shows. However, these beautiful musicians have a deadly secret! Their singing act is only a disguise for their true profession — highly-paid undercover assassins. The Pussycats take on dangerous missions against impossible odds… and have fun doing it! (STAR14260) MATURE READERS SC, 160pg $15.95 ********************** Manga 18 DEMON BEAST INVASION: THE MANGA #6 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 48pg $2.95 FANTASY FIGHTERS VOLUME 1 TP SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. RES. from Previews Vol. X #9 (SEP001884) ADULT MATERIAL SC, 176pg, b&w $15.95 LA BLUE GIRL: THE MANGA #7 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 48pg $2.95 CROSSGEN COMICS MYSTIC #21 by Bedard, Fiorentino, Ryan, & Crossley With the war against Animora finished, Giselle returns to her old party-girl ways. But while she was gone, her friends got involved with dark forces on the wrong side of the law… and way out of their league. Now Giselle will discover the hard way why some call it the criminal "underworld." FC, 32pg $2.95 THE FIRST #16 by Kesel, Di Vito, Hunter, & Schwager Pyrem's been stolen, so his loyal friends Trenin and Yala put aside their differences to figure out a way to get him back. Persha has been searching for Altwaal, and now she's found a way to track him down. Ingra tries to decide how she should treat her "guest," and Gannish can't resist a return trip to "that world." FC, 32pg $2.95 NEGATION #3 by Waid & Bedard, Pelletier, Meikis, & Rochelle Obregon Kaine and his fellow escapees finally run into their first bit of luck when they meet a fellow fugitive from the Negation — Captain Fluxor. Aboard Fluxor's starship, they set a course to get as far as possible from the evil empire. But what they'll find will only deepen their predicament. FC, 32pg $2.95 SIGIL #21 by Dixon, Eaton, Hennessy, & Quintana Chuck Dixon explodes into the CrossGen Universe and takes over as new Sigil scribe with the adventures of Zanni, assassin! She's on a solo mission to save Delassia by taking out the man who ordered the siege on her world. Meanwhile, Roiya and JeMerik are all that's between the Union President and a deadly female Saurian hit team, and Sam is still... missing. FC, 32pg $2.95 SOJOURN #8 by Marz, Land, Geraci, & Rodriguez Arwyn and Gareth set out after the first of the Five Fragments, rumored to be part of a legendary dragon's treasure hoard. A mysterious woman appears, claiming to hold the key to their quest, but first Arwyn and Gareth will have to survive a roadside inn where the locals are anything but friendly. FC, 32pg $2.95 MERIDIAN VOLUME 2 TP by Barbara Kesel & Various Reprinting Meridian #8-14 plus CrossGen Chronicles #3, this trade paperback continues the adventures of Sephie, a young adventure hero. Sixteen-year old Sephie lives on a world where cities float in the sky and ships travel through the air. Her city, Meridian, is a city with an economy based on shipbuilding and made up of the finest craftsmen. She's on a journey home after surviving what should have been her death: falling from the sky, but the sigil has granted Sephie some wonderful powers and she is able to survive both the fall and the betrayal of the Minister of Akasia. Sephie is being held prisoner in the dye vats of that city, but manages to escape, facing monstrous dangers on her route back to Meridian. She narrowly avoids encountering her Uncle Ilahn, whose sigil blazes red as he destroys, while hers glows gold as she renews. When Sephie learns she can fly, a whole new range of possibilities for heroism are opened to her, and she rises to each occasion. SC, 7x10, 192pg, FC $19.95 CROSSGEN CHRONICLES #6 by Kesel, Maroto, & Troy The master of fantasy, Esteban Maroto (Atlantis Chronicles, The Sandman), illustrates a tale from Elysia's past. Everyone on Elysia knows that centuries ago, Ingra's baby was born. Not everyone knows of the other child born at the same time, or of the prophecy made at the time of their births that links them. FC, 48pg $3.95 CRUX #11 by Mark Waid & Jeff Johnson The disaster in Australia has catapulted Verityn and Danik back through the millennia to very familiar territory, giving them a chance to put right what once went wrong. Can they change the sequence of events that originally sank Atlantis... and, more importantly, should they? FC, 32pg $2.95 SAURIANS: UNNATURAL SELECTION #2 by Waid, Di Vito, Hunter, & Quintana Years ago, three holy men guided the Saurians towards their destiny — but for one of them, three was two too many! His actions changed the fate of two races — and his identity will shock you! FC, 32pg (2 of 2) $2.95 SCION #21 by Marz, Cheung, Hillsman II, & Ponsor While the war between the Herons and the Ravens continues, Ashleigh and Ethan have made their way to the undersea city of Haven in search of a new sanctuary for the Underground. Removed from the conflict above, will they finally be able to show their true feelings for one another? FC, 32pg $2.95 THE PATH PREQUEL by Marz, Sears, A. Smith, & Atiyeh The warlord Todosi has perished at the hands of the gods, but his brother the monk has taken up a divine weapon and sworn vengeance. CrossGen's newest monthly title begins here with a full 32 pages introducing a world of samurai warriors and sweeping battles! FC, 48pg $2.95 MERIDIAN #21 by Kesel, McNiven, Simmons, & Hollowell Until now, the only thing that could explode on Demetria has been the ore that makes the islands float. Sephie's world is about to change forever, and the cost will be more than she ever expected. FC, 32pg $2.95 RUSE #5 by Waid, Guice, Perkins, & DePuy With Simon missing following the events of last issue, Emma finds herself responsible for his vast network of agents, all of whom she gives the same assignment: find Simon. Now. FC, 32pg $2.95 SIGIL VOLUME 2 TP by Kesel & Waid, & Various Reprinting the stories contained in Sigil #8-14, plus CrossGen Chronicles #4, this trade paperback is the perfect collection for those who like sci-fi! The story of ex-Planetary Union soldiers Samandahl Rey and Roiya Sintor continues! A sigil appeared on Sam's chest, giving him the ability to morph all inorganic matter. Roiya's "death" separated her from her carbon-form body (which resides in stasis in their ship) and transformed her into a holographic form. Currently on the run from the Saurian empire and Sam's personal enemy, the Saurian Prince Tchlusarud, Sam, Roiya, Zanniati-(the runaway wife of the Sultan Ronolo of Tanipal), and JeMerik Meer (a member of the Sultan's Guardsmen), are headed "anywhere but here." That leads them to Delassia, where they discover Zanni's more than just a trophy wife, and Roiya discovers that there's more to JeMerik Meer than just a roguish smile and good timing. Sam, however, has a bigger problem than his jealousy of Meer: he's attracted the attention of two of the godlike First. SC, 7x10, 192pg, FC $19.95 STARS OF THE MONTH CROSSGEN TP'S If you haven't visited the CrossGen universe lately, now's your chance by picking up these essential trade paperbacks! SIGIL VOLUME 1 (STAR13230) $19.95 SCION VOLUME 1 (STAR13450) $19.95 MYSTIC VOLUME 1 (STAR13168) $19.95 MERIDIAN VOLUME 1 (STAR13509) $19.95 ***************** CRUSADE ENTERTAINMENT SHI: YEAR OF THE DRAGON TP by Tucci, Cohn, Perotta For the first time ever Crusade offers an all new trade paperback collection of Shi: Year of the Dragon. Set in the years before the Way of the Warrior storyline, Year of the Dragon tells the tale of an adolescent Ana Ishikawa as she battles the claws of drug addiction, and the murder of her best friend to the venomous Yakuza. Here we witness the madness that transforms an innocent teenager into the living embodiment of Death. As Shi, Ana must risk everything to save her life and more importantly, her soul. Bold, Nagel-esque art by Tucci, and Perotta, and a riveting story by Tucci and Cohn. Don't miss this mini-series that sheds light on a past filled with sorrow and revenge! New cover by Tucci, and an added bonus inset poster. SC, FC $9.95 SHI: WAY OF THE WARRIOR VOLUME 1 TP SIGNED EDITION by Tucci, Gutierrez, & Orkin As January brings in a new year, it's time to re-stock an old favorite. The critically acclaimed first four issues of the story that started it all for everyone's favorite Sohie Warrrior — Shi! The original issues are almost impossible to find and with the Billy Tucci's new Shi mini-series just over the horizon, this is a wonderful opportunity for retailers to introduce new customers to the award winning story arc rich in history, honor and sacrifice. As an added bonus all Way of the Warrior TP's will be by signed by Shi creator, writer and artist Billy Tucci! (CAUT: 2) SC, FC $14.95 DANCING ELEPHANT PRESS JACK STAFF #9 by Paul Grist Charlie Raven was the greatest ESCAPE ARTIST of the Victorian Age. No chains could bind him. No bonds could tie him. But when one of his stunts is sabotaged by an old foe, Charlie has to use every ounce of ingenuity to escape the trap. When he finally does, he finds himself waking up in a whole new world –– in a different millennium. But Charlie soon finds out that the past is one thing you can never escape. (CAUT: 4) b&w, 24pg $2.95 DORK STORM PRESS NODWICK #13 by Aaron Williams "Chains of Love": Never have romantic relations with your employees, especially if they're henchmen. Piffany tries her best not to break this cardinal rule, but something's compelling her to lay a smooch on one grapefruit-schnozzed hireling named Nodwick! But that's not all! What's the terrible secret that Piffany has been keeping about her love life? Why has she never pursued a romantic interest before, and why might the fate of the world ride on it? Pick up Nodwick #13, and read this Valentine's Day tale for yourself! b&w, 32pg $2.99 DORK TOWER #16 by John Kovalik The greatest super-hero team-up of all time! The battle of the century! Greg Hyland's Lethargic Lad becomes a regular back-up feature in Dork Tower, but how will our heroes react when they come face-to-face with the Lad of Steel? And where else are you gonna find a parody of the "Superman Vs. Mohammed Ali" cover, anyway? Plus, Mark Smylie's award-winning Artesia begins a three-issue back-up series in these very pages. And don't forget the return of Nodwick, PvP, and Wild Life. Say, did we mention this issue will also feature...uh...Dork Tower? Lots of Dork Tower? RES. from Previews Vol. XI #5 (MAY012158) b&w, 48pg $2.99 ****************** DRAWN & QUARTERLY RETURN TO NORMAL by James Sturm James Sturm (The Golem's Mighty Swing) offers this humble little pamphlet in the style of a children's picture book, featuring only six images, which moves you through a busy airport. These simple, almost coloring book-like, images take on a new context after September 11th, and asks the viewer to reflect upon this new narrative. All proceeds from the sale of this book will be contributed to disaster relief. MATURE READERS SC, 8x10, 12pg, b&w $4.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A HUNDREDS OF FEET BELOW DAYLIGHT by James Sturm Here's a rare chance to get James Sturm's pre-Golem's Mighty Swing work! This riveting story of voracious greed takes place in the 19th century against the backdrop of Soloman's Gulch, an Idaho mining town built on the blood of massacred Chinese. After the town has been overtaken, a group of miners stays behind in their desperate search for more gold. The story here is harrowingly real as told in James Sturm's bold drawings, reminiscent of wood block prints. An excellent companion to The Golem's Mighty Swing. MATURE READERS b&w, 48pg $3.95 ***************** STAR OF THE MONTH JAR OF FOOLS—NEW D&Q EDITION by Jason Lutes One of the best graphic novels of the past decade is offered again here in its first Drawn & Quarterly edition! Haunted by the death of his escape-artist brother and a failed romance, the remaining hope of washed-up magician Ernie Weiss lies in his aging mentor, Al Flosso. It's a dim hop, however, as Flosso is gradually slipping into senility. A compelling rumination on the nature of love, loss, magic, and memory, Jar of Fools is an excellent introduction to the work of Jason Lutes. (STAR13506) MATURE READERS SC, 142pg, b&w $14.95 ************ DYNAMIC FORCES THE DEFINITIVE DAWN CARDS & BINDERS Joseph Michael Linsner's Dawn has captured the hearts and minds of fans for the last 12 years. Few other creators in particular, match Joe's dedication to his work in general, and Dawn today. Dynamic Forces is proud to present the Definitive Dawn trading card series with all cards fully painted by Joseph Michael Linsnser! This series features some of Joe's best images over the years, but will also showcase 18 brand-new images fully painted by Joseph Michael Linsner created exclusively for the Definitive Dawn trading card series! This is a 72-card base set is comprised of seven cards per pack! Look for Chrome cards and cards signed by Joseph Michael Linsner! There are 10 different signed cards in all! And, as for Hand Drawn Sketch cards, Joseph Michael Linsner is personally drawing 500 Dawn "Eye" symbol hand-drawn sketch cards which will be randomly inserted into the series! Also available is the collector's edition binder, which comes with nine card pages to hold your awesome series and is available both signed and unsigned. The signed version will be limited and will include the first ever original Dawn image presented as a card signed by Joseph Michael Linsner which is exclusive to the binder! (CAUT: 4) BOX PI REG. BINDER $19.99 DLX. BINDER $39.99 EARTH X: DEATHLOK MEGA BUSTS In the original Marvel Universe Deathlok was Luther Manning! Now Alex Ross has taken this classic Marvel character and placed him in the future, the future known as Earth X! Dynamic Forces continues the extremely successful line Earth X busts with mega-detail from artist Alex Ross! You'll see why you check out the detail given to him all the way from his head to his body armor! With gun in hand, cocked and ready to go, Deathok doesn't let anything stop him! This beautiful bust is the baddest one of them all to date! Measuring in at 4 ½" plus base, this bad boy was designed by Alex Ross and sculpted and painted by Martin Canale! Also available as a variant bronze edition limited to only 1,200 in the world! This comes with a Certificate of Authenticity hand signed by designer/painter Alex Ross and sculptor Martin Canale! (CAUT: 4) REG.––Bust $45.00 VARIANT––Bust $60.00 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE FATHOM #14 ALTERNATE COVER The grand finale to this explosive crossover can finally be told! Aspen, Lara, and Sara must rescue Cannon and escape Vana's icy headquarters. It's going to take everything they've got. And Cannon's having trouble holding on to reality. Has Vana permanently damaged him? Find out as the tumultuous conclusion to Aspen's entanglement with Vana, joined by Tombraider's Lara Croft and Witchblade's Sara Pezzini, comes to an explosive end! Also available signed by creator/writer/artist Mike Turner! RES. from Previews Vol. XI #9 (Sep011175-6) REG.––FC $6.99 SIGNED––FC $29.99 DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE FATHOM #13 GOLD FOIL EDITION The DF Gold Foil limited edition cover with Fathom being featured! FC $10.00 OFFERED AGAIN O/A FATHOM FANTASTIC PREMIERE TRADING CARD SERIES This summer will sizzle when Dynamic Forces teams up with Michael Turner and Top Cow to present one of the most beautiful females in comic history in her Premiere Trading Card series — Aspen Matthews, a.k.a. Fathom! This trading card series will feature art drawn by some of the most popular artists in the comics industry today… and amazing set of 90 cards, featuring new artwork — appearing for the first time anywhere — along with classic Fathom images by creator and artist Mike Turner! Contributors include: Marc Silvestri, Keu Cha, David Finch, Jae Lee, Jose Villarrubia, Greg Horn, Joe Benitez, Talent Caldwell and many others! And if that isn't enough, this series also features at least two randomly inserted signature cards in every box, plus an original hand- drawn sketch card in EVERY box! This Premiere series will also feature six randomly inserted glow-in-the-dark chase cards, and six randomly inserted "Chrome" cards illustrated by Mike Turner himself! That's approximately three chromes and three glow-in-the-dark cards per box! And as a special, extra-added bonus, each full box will include an exclusive "Box Topper" — one of six different 4" x 6" cards featuring Fathom images by Mike Turner! These six Box Toppers will be randomly inserted and shrink-wrapped on top of each box! Don't miss getting the hottest new trading card series of this or any millennium! Six cards per pack. 36 packs per box. Limited to only 7,000 boxes! Box PI O/A FATHOM FANTASTIC TRADING CARD BINDER This binder features beautiful artwork by Top Ten artist Mike Turner, this fantastic binder is a "must have" addition to your Fathom Premiere Trading Card Set! As a bonus, you'll also find an exclusive Fathom Signature Series card signed by Mike Turner! This Signature Series card was created exclusively for this binder, limited to only 1,500 binders worldwide! Also included are 11 binder pages to safely hold your magnificent new cards! Binder $39.99 ******************** RISING STARS ACT 1 LEATHER BOUND EDITION One of the best read comic series today is collected in one of the most prestigious formats today –– the DF Leather Bound edition! Issues #1-8 encompass Act 1 of the Rising Stars trilogy, and here's your chance to get the extremely limited Leather Bound Edition! FC $59.99 RISING STARS LITHOGRAPH This ultra-limited Rising Stars premiere lithograph is printed on 80-pound gallerie art silk stock! It measures 11" x 17" high! Just the perfect dimensions to get this baby framed. But hurry, as there are only 199 of these unsigned lithos in the world! Lithograph $19.99 9TH B-DAY #1 PACK In honor of DF's 9th birthday is this package of random #1 books at the incredible low price of $19.93 (the year that they were born!) This package will have #1 titles from Top Cow to Marvel, from the X-Men to Lady Death! The books will be random, but there will be lots of fun in each pack! Package $19.93 MARVEL 40TH ANNIVERSARY ORIGINS SIGNED LITHOGRAPH Signed by Stan "The Man" Lee! Featuring Stan Lee's greatest co-creations from Peter Parker being bitten by a radioactive spider and swinging away as Spider-Man, Bruce Banner being bombarded by gamma rays and turning into the Incredible Hulk! Captain America being injected by the secret soldier serum (while Stan didn't co-create Cap, he did reinvigorate him in the '60s and bring Cap back to the level he deserves!), The Fantastic Four blasting off into space and being bombarded by cosmic rays and finally, the X-Men being summoned by Professor X! Your favorite Marvel Characters on one awesome image! Measuring twice the size of the normal DF litho and printed on 80-pound gallerie art silk stock! (CAUT: 2) Lithograph $199.99 X-MEN #1 "C" COVER RE-MARKED EDITION Signed and re-marked by original "new" X-Men artist Dave Cockrum! Limited to only 299 copies in the world, DF has been to get Dave to create a different sketch on each cover! Therefore, you might get Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Nightcrawler, or any one of the "new" X-Men that Dave drew when Marvel launched the New X-Men over 25 years ago! (CAUT: 2) FC $69.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A ALEX ROSS BATTLE OF THE PLANETS LITHOGRAPH The Battle of the Planets TV Show featured G-Force — a team comprised of five teenagers sworn to protect the Earth from all invaders! Each member has special skills, weapons, vehicles and a distinct personality. At most times they appear very mature for their age, at other times, the fact that they are teenagers sneaks through their tough facades. Alex Ross is a big fan of this anime classic, and this extra large litho measuring 20" x 28" really shows off Ross' love for these characters! (CAUT: 2) Lithograph, 20x28, FC $24.99 ****************** LADY DEATH: HEARTBREAKER #1 RUBY RED FOIL EDITION First up, Lady Death gets stung by Sore, the Cherub of Hate. Every black arrow sparks little resentment, petty jealousies, and minor grievances you feel to infernos of murderous hate. So drastic outcomes occur when one of the arrows hits Lady Death? Wait until you see! Also available signed by Lady Death Creator Brian Pulido. REG.––FC $16.99 SGN.––FC (CAUT: 2) $29.99 CHASTITY: HEARTBREAKER #1 RUBY RED FOIL EDITION For Chastity, there's not going to be a whole lot of love in the air. Chastity is acting in an off-Broadway revival of "Aspects of Love" when a fellow cast member drags her into a horrible web of murder and mysticism that brings her face-to-face once more with the mysterious MidKnight! The twisted serial killer known as Heartbreaker is in town, so keep the romance behind closed doors. Cupid gives love... and she takes it away. Also available signed by writers Christopher Golden and Tom Sniegoski. REG.––FC $16.99 SGN.––FC (CAUT: 2) $49.99 PURGATORI: HEARTBREAKER #1 RUBY RED FOIL EDITION For Purgatori, a kink in her plans leads Sakkara to the Spanish island Ibiza, the party capital of the world. There a number of number of nasty surprises await her, featuring a sadistic drug lord, a revolting, bloodthirsty demon –– and a bizarre discovery concerning the very nature of her being. It's hot blondes, shootouts, and mortal terror as Dan Jolley (Obergeist) brings you "Salt in the Wound," a Purgatori Valentine's Day special. FC $16.99 OFFERED AGAIN DYNAMIC FORCES EXCLUSIVE LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE ALTERNATE COVER Lady Death faces off with the Medieval Witchblade! This historic issue coincides with issue #50 of Witchblade to become on the hottest collectibles of the year! And to top it off, Dynamic Forces has a cover painted by Greg Horn! FC $6.99 DYNAMIC FORCES 9TH BIRTHDAY BIG BANG STARTER SET WOW! Nine years old! And they still feel like they're only 5! Must be all of the fun they have reading comics! To really celebrate, Dynamic Forces has brought together this big bash of books from DF's archives. That's nine books in total! You might get DF signed books, alternate covers, Chrome Editions, Sketch Books and more! It's their 9th B-Day, but you get the presents! Set (x9) $9.00 VAMPIRELLA SIGNED HC Signed by cover painter and Vampirella artist Tim Sale! The limited edition Vampirella hardcover is available as an ultra limited signed edition! This edition comes with a "Tip-In" sheet with art by fan-favorite Tim Sale! (CAUT: 4) HC $69.99 WIZARD ACE EDITION: INCREDIBLE HULK #181 DELUXE DOUBLE RE-MARKED EDITION Signed and double re-marked by original Wolverine artist Herb Trimpe! One of the hottest back issues of all time –– Incredible Hulk #181 with the first appearance of Wolverine –– is now commemorated as a Wizard Ace Edition! This sold-out bad boy is now available as a Dynamic Forces Deluxe Double Re-Marked Edition! Don't miss out as this limited edition has two hand drawn sketches on each cover –– one of The Incredible Hulk and the other, of Wolverine! (CAUT: 4) FC $99.99 ORIGIN #2 "THE WRITERS" DELUXE EDITION Signed by writer Paul Jenkins and original writer Len Wein! #2's are always harder to get! But now you can, and with twice the reason to get this one with two signatures! (CAUT: 2) FC $29.99 ORIGIN #2 "THE ARTISTS" DELUXE EDITION Signed by artist extraordinaire Andy Kubert and original artist from The Incredible Hulk #181 –– Herb Trimpe! History! Tragedy! Collectibility! Twice the excitement! Also available: Origin #2 DF Re-Marked Edition signed by artist Andy Kubert and original artist Herb Trimpe with a Wolverine head sketch on each cover (CAUT: 2) REG.––FC $39.99 DLX.––FC $89.99 WOLVERINE #166 DELUXE SIGNED EDITION Signed by writer Frank Tieri, artist Sean Chen and the longest running X-Men writer –– Mr. Chris Claremont! The sold out prelude to Origin is now available signed by the creators who brought you this tale, and to make this really limited, Chris Claremont has signed 99 of these little gems! (CAUT: 2) FC $69.99 SPIDER/MAN VERSUS DAREDEVIL CANVAS GICLEE SIGNED Signed by both artists that created this incredible masterpiece –– Marvel's Editor-In Chief Joe Quesada and painter extraordinaire Alex Ross! The sold out prelude to Origin is now available signed by the creators who brought you this tale, and to make this really limited, Chris Claremont has signed 99 of these little gems! One of the most high-end pieces of fine art available in the world is being offered here! The incredible piece combines the best of Joe Quesada and the best of Alex Ross! This piece is so amazing that it literally looks like the original –– from the vibrancy of the colors to the grooves in the canvas itself! Dynamic Forces is so proud of this Giclee that they wanted to give you the "Total Package!" This baby is printed on canvas, stretched and then framed to be placed on your wall! Now stop day dreaming about it, order now! There are only 99 of these high-end pieces of art, and once they're gone, they are gone forever! (CAUT: 4) FC $599.99 ULTIMATE X-MEN #1 COLLECTED EDITION SIGNED Signed by writer Mark Millar! Meet the new X-Men –– the Ultimate X-Men! From Jean Grey and Professor X to Magneto and Wolverine! Also available as a Deluxe signed edition with the signatures of cover artist and Marvel Editor-in-Chief… Mr. Joe Quesada! (CAUT: 2) REG.––FC $29.99 DLX.––FC $69.99 G.I. JOE #1 SPECIAL MISSIONS Signed by original artist Mike Zeck! This puppy was originally released in the '80s at the height of G.I. Joe's popularity! These #1 issues are almost impossible to get, but DF was able to and these gems are at your door signed by one of the hottest '80s artists –– Mike Zeck! (CAUT: 2) FC $29.99 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #30 DELUXE SIGNED EDITION Signed by writer Joe Michael Straczynski and Marvel Editor-In-Chief Joe Quesada! Part one of Joe Michael Straczynski's new direction for the wall crawler is sold out everywhere, but DF has a few left signed by JMS with Joe Q! (CAUT: 2) FC $69.99 BATMAN #600 SIGNED EDITION Signed by writer Ed Brubaker! Batman #600 is a special double-sized anniversary issue igniting a new storyline that ushers in a new era for the Dark Knight: "Bruce Wayne: Fugitive"! Also available as a Re-Marked signed version by writer Ed Brubaker with artist Andy Owen, limited to only 299 copies in the world! (CAUT: 2) REG.––FC $19.99 REMARKED––FC $69.99 BATMAN IN THE SIXTIES TP SIGNED Signed by 60's Batman actor Adam West! Batman in the 60s has some of the greatest stories from that era! But to make this a complete collection of the '60s, DC Comics was able to get actor Adam West –– the man who helped influence the '60s tales – – to write a foreward! And for those completists, Dynamic Forces is bringing you the signed version of this awesome collector's book! (CAUT: 2) TP $249.99 JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE WITH JOHN BYRNE CREATING ROBIN SIGNED EDITION From the mind of Stan Lee, beginning with a teen hero whose name is the only thing you'll recognize about him in Just Imagine Stan Lee With John Byrne Creating Robin! Just Imagine...Robin co-stars Stan Lee's version of Batman. (CAUT: 2) FC $149.99 FARSCAPE: WARTORN #1 SIGNED EDITION Signed by writer Marv Wolfman! Farscape, the Sci-Fi Network's hit television series, comes to comics courtesy of WildStorm Productions in Farscape: War Torn, a two-issue mini-series written by Marv Wolfman (Crisis on Infinite Earths) with art by Robert Teranishi (Star Trek: Voyager ––- Planet Killer) and featuring stunning photo covers. (CAUT: 2) FC $19.95 THE HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE TP SIGNED EDITION Signed by cover painter Alex Ross! History In The Making… In the wake of the universe-shattering events of Crisis On Infinite Earths, the main creators of that company-changing event –– writer Marv Wolfman and penciller George Perez –– were called upon to restructure and reorder the history of the DC Universe. Now that project, The History of the DC Universe, returns in a new 112-page trade paperback edition, featuring an all-new painted wraparound cover by Alex Ross (Kingdom Come)! (CAUT: 2) FC $99.95 THE FLASH ARCHIVES VOLUME 3 SIGNED HC Signed and re-marked by Silver Age Flash artist, Carmine Infantino! The first appearance of Barry Allen as the Flash is one of the most important moments in comics, as it is believed to be the birth of the Silver Age of comics! Now another history- making milestone of the Silver Age can be seen in The Flash Archives Volume 3, a 224-page hardcover reprinting The Flash (first series) #117-124, which includes the "Flash of Two Worlds" story (from #123) that re-introduced the Golden Age Flash and first mentioned the concept of an "Earth-Two!" To commemorate, DF was able to convince Carmine Infantino to sign this historic collection. Limited to 99 of these in the world! (CAUT: 4) FC $199.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A DIVINE RIGHT #1 VARIANT COVER SIGNED & NUMBERED Signed by Jim Lee, Scott Williams, and Travis Charest. Limited to 1500 copies w/certificate of authenticity and holograph sticker-seal. FC $14.99 ****************** TOM STRONG #1 SIGNED EDITION Signed by writer Alan Moore with artists Chris Sprouse and Al Gordon! The first printing of the sold-out first issue is available signed by the creators that made this title one of America's Best Comics! (CAUT: 2) FC $69.99 EDICIONES LA CUPULA S.A. FRENCH KISS #2 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, 8x12, 100pg, b&w $9.95 EL CAPITAN STRAY BULLETS #24 by David Lapham Stray Bullets is back! The acclaimed comic series continues its fourth arc of gut-wrenching tales –– an arc of stories full of kidnapping, obsession, and small confined spaces. Monster, Beth, Ian, Amelia, and Ricky Fish. These five very different people will sit down for one very bizarre dinner, and if they make it to dessert, what will happen is anYbody's guess! Looks like the big world of Stray Bullets is a small world after all. A bar, broken heart, a delicious mud pie, and nearly 30 pages of art –– all the elements needed for another brain-twisting Stray Bullets tale! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $3.50 STAR OF THE MONTH STRAY BULLETS VOLUME 1 TP by David Lapham Stray Bullets Volume 1 reprints the first four, hard-to-find issues of the critically acclaimed and Eisner Award winning series, Stray Bullets. These four stories will hook any new reader by giving them a feel for the many varied, emotionally charged stories fans have come to expect in every issue of Stray Bullets. (STAR08236) MATURE READERS, SC, 7x10, 120pg, b&w $11.95 *************** EXTRAVA-GANDT ENTERPRISES POWER PLAY PRESENTS BARKER THE BEAGLEMAN TP by Mike Kelly, Wendi Strang-Frost, & Karl Kesel Mike Kelly's scammer in the dog mask returns in four new adventures in graphic novel format. Personally, he'd prefer to quietly mind his bookstore, reading the stock and running off customers, but that's hard when friends keep seeking help with gullible thugs, violently oversensitive cultists, their self-proclaimed goddess, and the mystery of the Millennium Power People. SC, 96pg, b&w $9.95 EXTREME IMAGES OFFERED AGAIN O/A RICKY CARRALERO'S EYE CANDY COLLECTED WORKS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, FC $19.95 ********************* FALSE IDOL STUDIOS THE 7 GUYS OF JUSTICE #13 by Brian Joines & Joshua C. Rowe Johnny Explode takes the spotlight in a story taken from comic websites everywhere! During a field trip to the Big City Museum, Johnny becomes involved in a woman's quest to rescue a long-lost British hero held captive by a ruthless businessman. Will Johnny's "marvelous" skills be enough to pull off a "miraculous" rescue? FC (Note Price) $2.50 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS ALIEN APOCALYPSE 2006 by Kathy Glass, Spain & Harry S. Robins The transformation has been upon us for some time. The citizens of the world are being made into mindless drones to benefit the corporate leaders' bigger plan — changing the earth into an alien outpost! Kathy Glass uncovers the truth in this wildly imaginative, mildly paranoiac missive that ties all those stories about 'the greys' and environmental savagery into one super- theory. Follow Chrystal and Buzz, two marijuana farmers as their typical alien abduction from a California forest sparks a spiritual change that interrupts the master plan of an extraterrestrial race. Plus, a moving rant on the recent September 11th attack on the World Trade Center. Comically illustrated by Harry S. Robins and underground master Spain, this book is worth having for the images of George W. Bush and the pot-stealing aliens alone. MATURE READERS SC, 48pg, b&w $10.95 THE COMICS JOURNAL #241 Get rid of those winter blues with issue #241 of The Comics Journal! In February, CJ talks to the king cat of mini-comics, John Porcellino, whose seminal, minimalist and sincere King-Cat Comics and Stories has been running for over 57 issues, inspiring an up-and-coming generation of do-it-yourself creators. Plus, more reviews to boggle the senses and news to blow the mind! MATURE READERS Magazine, 120pg, b&w $5.95 ANGRY YOUTH COMIX #3 by Johnny Ryan What the world needs now is loads of bad-taste comics. And Johnny Ryan is just the man to give the world what it needs! In the third issue of this most talked-about series: Loady McGee's mother joins the Klan, Sinus O'Gynus dates a Flea Circus freak, and Loady McGee becomes a Peeping Tom. Also, introducing the newest AYC superstars: Blecky Yuckerella, Wedgie, Itsy Bitsy, Ched Chitwood, The Deaf Chef and Insanio! b&w, 24pg $2.95 EVIL EYE #9 by Richard Sala In the latest issue of the Eisner-nominated horror/noir/thriller series, the alter ego of the evil Aunt Azalea is finally revealed! Judy Drood, girl detective, has her hands full –– what with all the demented killers crawling out of the woodwork. Things are beginning to boil as the series nears its climax. Can you guess which characters won't survive this episode? Meanwhile, cover girl Peculia and her sometimes-nemesis Obscurus are trapped together in a hospital filled with rampaging lunatics and hideous freaks –– victims of botched medical experiments. Is this the end? b&w, 24pg $3.50 USAGI YOJIMBO BOOK 1: THE RONIN TP—7TH PRINTING by Stan Sakai With over 50 graphic novels in print, the samurai rabbit is more popular than ever! This is the seminal Usagi book, collecting all the classic original stories from Albedo, Critters, Doomsday Squad, and the Usagi Yojimbo Summer Special. Set in 17th century Japan, the age of civil wars has barely ended and the Shogun has established power. The samurai is the ruling class throughout the land, following a warrior's code of honor known as Bushido. Usagi Yojimbo Volume 1 chronicles this time of settling unrest and political intrigue, told through the story of a wandering and masterless samurai named Miyamoto Usagi, a.k.a. Usagi Yojimbo! SC, 144pg, b&w $15.95 R. CRUMB GERMAN SKETCHBOOK 1991-96 by R. Crumb Take an international trip through the head of underground master Robert Crumb in this inviting book of sketches. Reproducing portraits of his friends, sketches of landscapes, roughed out (and sometimes finished) strips, studies for commercial work, and of course, girls, girls, girls. This German-published sketchbook covers the years April 1991 to September 1996 and has not been reproduced anywhere. SC, 160pg, b&w $79.95 WALDO PACK by Kim Deitch With a frenzied Candyland style, underground master Kim Deitch takes you on a spectacular trip through these two handsome paperback editions. All-Waldo Comics reprints several obscure Waldo classics, plus his triumphant '80s return in the pages of RAW and Weirdo. A Shroud For Waldo collects the sacrilegious weekly strip Deitch did for the L.A. Reader in 1990. Pack (x2) $14.95 FEIFFER PACK by Jules Feiffer Jules Feiffer has been at the drawing board for over 40 years, turning out some of America's most brilliant and acid political and social satire. These volumes — now in one convenient pack — feature loads of unseen and rare work, including Clifford (a pre-Peanuts little-kids strip from the Spirit section) in Volume 1; the classic military satire Munro (reproduced from the original art for the first time in over a decade!) and never-before-printed syndicated samples in Volume 2; and the previously unpublished 10-page strip Rollie plus his earliest Village Voice strips in Volume 3! Three 96-page graphic albums. Pack (x3) $29.95 Eros Comix MARA COMPLETE GN SET by Dennis Cramer SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x3) $56.85 XXX FILES COLLECTION TP by Cris Peterson & Dan Schaefer SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 88pg, b&w $14.95 ALICE IN SEXLAND #2 by Mashumaro Jyuubaori SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $3.50 SILKY WHIP VOLUME 1 TP by Oh! Great SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 128pg, b&w $16.95 WERE-SLUT #5 by Chiba Jirö SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL RES. from Previews Vol. XI #8 (Aug012002) b&w, 24pg $3.50 STAR OF THE MONTH SPUNKY KNIGHT GN by Kozo Yohei SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR10093) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 144pg, b&w $19.95 ******************** SUPER TABOO EXTREME SET by Wolf Ogami SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x5) $17.50 WINGDING ORGY: HOT TAILS EXTREME SET by Toshiki Yui SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL Pack (x4) $15.80 SEX-PHILES PACKS by Benkyo Tamaoki SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL PACK #1-8 $31.60 PACK #9-17 $31.60 FOGELCOMIX Hippy Comix Local 69 SPAIN'S ZODIAC MINDWARP #1 by Spain Rodriguez, S. Clay Wilson, & Bob Callahan SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 48pg $5.95 FOOD CHAIN PRODUCTIONS WALKIE TALKIE #3 by Nate Powell Walkie Talkie #3 follows in suit with Nate Powell's previous efforts –– pensive, impressionistic tales of miscommunication, love, self-determination, and fear. This third issue is part one of a two-part story arc entitled, "Satellite Worlds," featuring a dozen main characters, a few mammals, and two little parakeets thrown in for good measure. A sweeping sense of understatement and the sweet sadness of people young and old looking for answers, for companionship, or for a line on their epitaphs carries half a dozen intermingled plotlines all working toward the same end. b&w, 32pg $2.95 FRONTLINE PRODUCTIONS SUPER DOOPER GROOVY SPACE CHICKS #0 by Trevor Jameus & Alex Hale Welcome to the groovy future of the universe where the planet Earth has begun to explore the great mysteries of space. To guard the planet from interstellar dangers, a special unit of space protectors was formed. Don't miss this spectacular introduction to the sexiest star fighters ever… the Super Dooper Groovy Space Chicks! b&w, 16pg $2.95 GEMSTONE PUBLISHING SPECIAL ADVANCE SOLICITATION! SHIPPING IN APRIL 2002! THE OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE #32 by Robert M. Overstreet The most respected price guide in the business is back with its spring 2002 edition! In addition to the traditional features such as the pricing, market report, key sales, and numerous other insights into the marketplace, The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide #32 includes a look at the 60th anniversary of Archie #1; Spider-Man's long journey to the silver screen; and a new look at Superman. CBPG #32 features the most complete listing of comics from the 1800s to present and will be available in hardcover or softcover editions, with your choice of cover images. All this and much more in The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide #32! Archie cover by Archie Americana series cover artist Rex Lindsey; Superman cover by Silver Age master Murphy Anderson! (CAUT: 2) SUPERMAN COVER—HC $30.00 SUPERMAN COVER—SC $22.00 ARCHIE COVER—HC $30.00 ARCHIE COVER—SC $22.00 STARS OF THE MONTH OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE VOLUME 31 by Robert M. Overstreet; Covers by Murphy Anderson & John K. Snyder III The 31st edition offers a choice of recreated covers by Silver Age legend Murphy Anderson (Bob Kane's Detective Comics #31 cover) and John K. Snyder III (Jack Kirby's Fantastic Four #1 cover), along with an amazing assembly of articles about the comics and their creators. Plus, market reports, key sales, grading tips, and the most complete record of comic books from the 1800s to the present! FANTASTIC FOUR COVER—HC (STAR13177) $30.00 FANTASTIC FOUR COVER—SC (STAR13178) $22.00 DETECTIVE COMICS COVER—HC (STAR13175) $30.00 DETECTIVE COMICS COVER—SC (STAR13176) $22.00 THE BIG, BIG OVERSTREET PRICE GUIDE VOLUME 31 It's the Overstreet Price Guide Volume 31 in a special 8 ½" x 11" edition version! Limited to 2,000 copies, this version features "stay-flat" spiral binding, larger print, and room for notes. It contains only the pricing, top ten charts, and selected glossary matter. This version of the Guide is essential for all comic book specialists! Features John K. Snyder III's Fantastic Four #1 recreation on the front cover and Murphy Anderson's Detective Comics #31 recreation on the back cover! (STAR13671) SC $35.00 EC Comics JOHNNY CRAIG PACK #1: THE VAULT OF HORROR Celebrate the legacy of comics great Johnny Craig with this special pack of individual issues! Get Vault of Horror #1-2 and #4-29, featuring some of the best horror work in the history of comics! Many familiar, classic stories and jolting covers! Pack (x28) $62.00 JOHNNY CRAIG PACK #2: TALES FROM THE CRYPT/HAUNT OF FEAR Johnny Craig's work on Tales from the Crypt and Haunt of Fear was also among the best ever in horror comics. In this pack you'll get a great sampling with Crypt #2, 4, 6-8 and Haunt #1, 3, 5-7. Don't miss out on this great body — so to speak — of work! Pack (x10) $18.50 GRAILWERKS BABEBARIANS: THE ART OF AXEBONE VOLUME 1 TP SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 64pg $6.95 HARRIS COMICS VAMPIRELLA: NOWHERESVILLE DELUXE HC by Mark Millar & Mike Mayhew Comics' sexiest heroine is back, and she's never been better! Mark Millar — the creative genius behind Ultimate X-Men and The Authority, brings Vampirella into the 21st Century. Joining him is new series artist, Mike Mayhew. This deluxe hardcover includes the first three issues of the all-new Vampirella series, featuring the critically-acclaimed "Nowheresville" story arc. Also included is another rare Vampirella story written by Mark Millar as an added bonus! Comes wrapped in a dustjacket featuring a new cover painting by Mike Mayhew. (CAUT: 4) HC, 7x10, 88pg, FC $19.95 VAMPIRELLA #7-10 PREVIEW EDITION by Smith & Millar, Mayhew, & Texeira Previewing the upcoming story arc starting in March with issue #7, written by John Smith, with artwork by Mike Mayhew! The next four chapters of Vampirella will include the return of Pantha in four 10-page back-up stories by Mark Millar and Mark "Tex" Texeira. This preview edition showcases both Vampirella and Pantha stories! FC, 16pg $2.95 VAMPIRELLA #1 GOLD FOIL COMMEMORATIVE GOLD EDITION by Various Limited to exactly 500 copies! The original Vampirella #1 reprinted for the first time in its entirety, using the original film from 1969! This 64-page magazine features the first appearance of Vampirella, and is replicated to the exact specifications as the original. Featuring a gold foil-enhanced cover and a Certificate of Authenticity. Magazine, 64pg, b&w $29.95 VAMPIRELLA: BARBARA LEIGH SIGNED CARD SET by Barbara Leigh This super limited collection of trading cards features photos of the original Vampirella model, Barbara Leigh. Each card in this three-card set is signed by Leigh, and includes a Certificate of Authenticity. Limited to a mere 300 sets. (CAUT: 2) Card Set (x3) $29.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A VAMPIRELLA FAN CLUB 2001 The 2001 Vampirella Fan Club Kit includes the exclusive Vampirella Sketchbook filled with never-before-seen artwork by Mike Mayhew! In addition, it includes an all-new 11" x 17" poster, a randomly-inserted exclusive holo-metal trading card, an all-new limited edition Vampirella Giant-Sized Ashcan, four quarterly fan club newsletters, registration certificate and membership card. The Deluxe Fan Club package includes all items above, plus a special bonus: the Vampirella Sketchbook signed by Mike Mayhew! REG.—Fan Club Kit $24.95 DLX.—Fan Club Kit $39.95 ******************** VAMPIRELLA T-SHIRTS & THONG The perfect Valentine's Day gifts! Produced by the Fine Company, these high-end women's fashions feature classic Vampirella artwork. Fashion top baby tees come in red and black, and each features different artwork and glitter design. Each is available in small, medium, and large. Also available is a red thong, also available in three sizes. All Fine products come with a collectible hang-tag featuring art by Gonzales. BLACK BABY TEE––S-L $24.99 RED BABY TEE––S-L $24.99 THONG––S-L $10.99 HEAVY METAL FREZZATO SKETCHBOOK HC Featuring artwork of Frezzato, from his initial sketches to his finished art. HC, 13x10, 88pg $19.95 HEAVY METAL MAY 2002 The fantasy comic for adults, paralled by none. This issue features the graphic novel, The Fairy." Also includes the next installment of "Fistful of Blood," short stories from Stan and Vince Gimenez, and much more! MATURE READERS Magazine $5.95 STARS OF THE MONTH THE KEEPERS OF THE MASER VOLUMES 1-3 HC'S by Massimiliano Frezzato Catch up on the previous volumes in Frezzato's fantasy adventure series with these first three chapters! MATURE READERS VOL. 1: THE SECOND MOON (STAR12237)—HC, FC $14.95 VOL. 2: ISLE OF THE DWARVES (STAR12236)—HC, FC $16.95 VOL. 3: EYE OF THE SEA (STAR12458)—HC, FC $14.95 MASER 4 IRON TOWER HC by Massimiliano Frezzato The crew has finally found the Tower. See what happens next in the newest graphic novel in the Keepers of the Maser series by Frezzato! (STAR12679) MATURE READERS HC $14.95 ******************* HUMANOIDS PUBLISHING EARLY SOLICITATIONS SHIPPING IN APRIL. THE INCAL #8 by Jodorowsky & Janjetov The story arc that leads to legendary artist Moebius' run on the series reaches a major turning point as John and his allies spark a revolution after uncovering the horrible truths behind the birth rate in the Red Ring prostitute district. Danger lurks around every corner as John risks a daring infiltration into enemy territory. And just when it seems like John's luck has run out, a character not seen since the beginning of the series makes a startling return to lend a hand. (CAUT: 2) MATURE READERS FC, 32pg $2.95 MEMORIES OF OUTER SPACE HC by Enki Bilal Humanoids Publishing is proud to present this collection of Enki Bilal's short stories. Taken from the years 1974-1977, these science fiction stories are from the beginning of this great artist's career, and show a very interesting evolution in his style. Memories Of Outer Space contains eight stories, all written and illustrated by Bilal. Fans of Bilal's work on the Nikopol Trilogy, Dormant Beast, The Town That Didn't Exist, and other Humanoids books, will be blown away by this very diverse and insightful gathering of his work! (CAUT: 2) MATURE READERS HC, 52pg, FC $15.95 SHIP OF STONE HC by Enki Bilal & Pierre Christin The Grand Large property developers are planning to build a large resort by Trehoet Castle and the tiny fishing village that lies by its shores. As the fishermen begin to realize the problems this poses to their life, the developers find out that the occupant who lives in the castle is the greatest danger. The castle is of great importance to the town's ancestry, and the old man who lives there will stop at nothing to keep it from being demolished. When the town's people learn of this protector, they are able to finally rally against the greedy developers. (CAUT: 2) RES. from Previews Vol. XI #3 (Mar015238) HC, 60pg, FC $14.95 THE METABARONS #1—CURRENT PRINTING by Jodorowsky & Gimenez Due to the success of this series, the first printing of Metabarons #1 has been sold out for some time. And Humanoids Publishing is offering this new printing of the first issue, which serves as a fantastic jumping-on point. Have you been meaning to check it out, but been unable to find the first issue? Here is your chance to find out why Metabarons is considered by many fans and creators one of the finest comics being published today. FC, 32pg $2.95 ********************** THE METABARONS #2-10 PACK by Jodorowsky & Gimenez To celebrate the release of the second printing of The Metabarons #1, Humanoids Publishing is putting together this special follow-up premium package. The individual issues of this comic series have proven to be perennial sellers, like Bone, Stray Bullets, and Hate. Here is your chance to satisfy your curiosity and find out what all the excitement is about! Pack (x9), FC PI STAR OF THE MONTH THE NIKOPOL TRILOGY DELUXE HC by Enki Bilal A must-have book for any real fan of modern sophisticated comic art. Experience the incredible journey of Alcide Nikopol, the vengeful Egyptian god Horus and the mysterious blue-haired woman as they travel from Paris to Berlin, Cairo to Equator City in a world threatened by political corruption and Papal lunacy. A one-of-a-kind mix of science fiction, anxiety, humor, and strangeness! (STAR10712) MATURE READERS HC, 176pg, FC $39.95 *********************** ICARUS PUBLISHING A-G: THE SUPER EROTIC ANTHOLOGY #1 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 64pg $4.99 ILLUSTRATION STUDIO Absolute Blue Graphics TRUE XXX-RATED BLUE #2 by Joseph Blau SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL RES. from Previews Vol. VIII #6 (Jun981008) b&w, 24pg $3.25 OFFERED AGAIN BETTY PAGE: THE 50'S RAGE #2B NUDE COVER This is Steve Woron's second issue of Betty Page. Illustrated in an all-pin-up, double-page layout style, this comic is one of the Studio's best sellers. This issue features the female fantasy talent of Don Paresi, who really does justice to this bratty 50's pin- up queen! Check out Betty in a myriad of poses through time; the Egyptian queen, the rock-n-roll diva, the surfer vixen, the tiger tamer and much more! This issue sports the Steve Woron classic "Betty Page: Sitting Pretty" adult cover edition. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Hong Kong. MATURE READERS b&w, 24pg $3.25 ********************** INSIGHT STUDIOS GROUP STAR OF THE MONTH FRANK CHO ILLUSTRATOR SC by Frank Cho Frank Cho's illustrations and comics have garnered awards. The result of all his success is this over-sized book with heavy art quality pages covered with glorious images of beautiful women, god-like men in primitive conflicts, and hilarious cartoons filled with wacky critters! Collected are images from the novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Talbot Mundy, and other lurid pulp stories. Also presented are sketches, paintings, and detailed illustrations. Color images are exhibited full size and with every shade preserved to see. See Frank's Cavewoman strips, his science fiction, and erotic fantasy art. Even select exceptional Liberty Meadows Sunday strips are included. (STAR12854) MATURE READERS SC, 9x11, 96pg, PC $19.95 ************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A HAMMER OF THE GODS #1-4 by Mike Oeming, Mark Wheatley; Cover By Frank Cho When you learn learn that your son is sick, you either pray for the gods to intervene or you curse them for torturing you. Curse or prayer, the gods will deliver an answer. Your son will live – as something more than a man. Forbidden to touch as a killing tool, he has become the most dangerous weapon ever created. You only want the best for him. Yet all he thinks about is why he can't play at war with the other boys. Hammer of the Gods is an epic tapestry woven from the threads of Viking myth and powerful modern storytelling. #1––SECOND PRINTING––b&w, 32pg (1 of 5) $2.95 #2––b&w, 32pg (2 of 5) $2.95 #3––b&w, 32pg (3 of 5) $2.95 #4––b&w, 32pg (4 of 5) $2.95 **************** IRONCAT FUTABA-KUN CHANGE VOLUME 8 #1 It seems that all Futaba's personal woes have finally caught up with him at school. His grades are slipping and there are still the growing difficulties of his complicated love life. Between Misaki getting jealous whenever Kurin fawns over Futaba-chan, and then Futaba's acting partner Ikuya pursuing Misaki, Futaba's got some maneuvering to do once the Christmas dance comes around! b&w, 32pg $2.95 VAMPIRE YUI VOLUME 4 #1 Nagi and Shiki have finally determined that Yui's been sent to the human world. However, before they can leave the spirit realm to locate their little vampires, Shiki and his forces appear before them. Meanwhile, Yui begins to meet several humans who are not quite what they seem… and may be a little dangerous as well. b&w, 32pg $2.95 STAR OF THE MONTH VAMPIRE PRINCESS YUI VOLUME 1 TP by Narumi Kakinouchi From esteemed artist Narumi Kakinouchi, who brought you New Vampire Miyu, comes the gothic tale of Vampire Princess Yui, a young half-human/half-vampire who does not yet understand her fate. Yui has been sick for some time and doesn't know why. It turns out that it is because of her cravings… for blood. Join Yui as she learns of her vampiric heritage, her relation for the vampire Miyu, and the mysterious Nagi, a young man who is not quite human himself… (STAR14078) SC, 7x10, 200pg, b&w $17.95 ******************** Sexy Fruit COOL DEVICES #4 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.95 OGENKI CLINIC VOLUME 8 #6 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.95 JAY COMPANY DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE #6 PLATINUM FOIL EDITION by Randy Queen & Ron Adrian Dreams of the Darkchylde mini-series closes with this final issue, and Jay Company Comics commemorates the event with a special Platinum Foil Premium! Limited to only 1,000 copies, each complete with a Certificate of Authenticity and sealed in a protective bag with board. NOTE: Book features a printed cover price of $2.95. FC, 22pg MSRP: $6.99 DREAMS OF THE DARKCHYLDE #6 SUN BURST FOIL EDITION by Randy Queen & Ron Adrian Jay Company Comics presents the conclusion of the Dreams of the Darkchylde series with this special orange foil, "Sun Burst" variant edition. Strictly limited to only 500 copies, it is one of the rarest finds for any Darkchylde collector! This Special Edition comic comes complete with Certificate of Authenticity and comes sealed in a protective bag and board. NOTE: Book features a printed cover price of $2.95. FC, 22pg MSRP: $12.99 TOMB RAIDER #3 SIGNED & NUMBERED ERROR EDITION by Dan Jurgens & Andy Park A rare warehouse find, these copies of Tomb Raider #3 Millennium were not the ones originally offered through an Internet promotion. These books have the foil seals omitted, but more importantly, these error editions number less than 200 copies in total existence worldwide! As a special offering from Jay Company Comics through Previews, these books are being offered signed & numbered by cover artist Keu Cha! FC, 22pg MSRP: $24.99 KEENSPOT ENTERTAINMENT BLACK PLAGUE #3 by Paul Southworth Find out if the newly transformed Doctor Yoonow will smash Plague's head flatter than Calista Flockhart's bony chest! Discover the fate of Jimmy the Leper, extremities strewn about in bloody piles, with his head stuck in a sewer grate! And most of all, find out who wants Plague's DNA with the introduction of a new character, further extending Black Plague and Jimmy's dysfunctional family into new realms of unsavory evil! Created by Paul Southworth, cartoonist of the popular Keenspot webcomic Krazy Larry. b&w, 24pg $2.95 L33T: COMICS FOR GAMERS #1 by Greg Dean & Various Some of the web's best gaming comics team-up under one cover in L33T: Comics for Gamers! This super-sized 48-page issue spotlights real life, a semi-autobiographical webcomic about your average everyday gamer fanatic. Greg's living in a not-so- average reality where he's the comic strip equivalent of a video game character, and the joystick is a pen held by his alter ego, cartoonist Greg Dean! There's also a barrel full of other sweet gaming comics, including new work by Carson Fire (Elf Life) and Paul Southworth (Black Plague, Krazy Larry). And, as a special bonus, L33T #1 comes polybagged with an additional 24- page comic book; a special gaming-related issue of Superosity (issue #7)! b&w, 48pg $4.95 ROOMIES! #3 by David Willis The crap hits the fan when Joyce decides she has to act more like Danny's ex-girlfriend, Sal, to win his attention. Also, Joyce bets macho pig Joe that he'll cry if he watches Titanic. Will "kissing to sappy music" turn Joe to a softy, or will he walk away with Joyce's weekly allowance? And who just showed up on Danny's doorstep? The heart doesn't "go on" in Roomies!… it merely flops around like a fish on the beach! b&w, 24pg $2.95 KENZER & COMPANY KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE #64 "Along Came a Dryder"—Knights of the Dinner Table is the longest running comic book on the subject of games and gamers. The principal characters — B.A., Brian, Bob, Dave, Sara and the dastardly Black Hands — play numerous characters in their role-playing games. But their essential characteristics and hilarious interactions always shine through whatever roles they're playing. In addition to the comics, KoDT features articles geared to a gamer's perspective. A fantastic and hilarious slice of (fantasy) life in strips! b&w $2.99 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: TEMPEST'S GATE #3 by S. Smith, Lilly, & Wiacek "Tempered In Fellowship" Part 3 (of 4)—The bold new era of Dungeons & Dragons continues! In the capital city, Aidus and Zed-Kraken continue to struggle against their mysterious and powerful attacker. Meanwhile, the rest of the fellowship bands together for a dangerous journey into the Barrier Peaks, hoping to bring an end to Mistress Flame's reign of destruction. Will anyone survive to reach the end of the story? And just who is the griffon-riding "Stealth" — a strange new ally, or a deadly new enemy? Find out – if you dare…. FC, 32pg (3 of 4) $2.99 KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE: ILLUSTRATED #11 by Mark Plemmons, Brendon & Brian Fraim Join the misadventures of Knuckles, El Ravager, Zayre and Teflon Billy as they wreak havoc with their unique brand of heroics! In this issue, the trio journey through a forest labyrinth in search of a long-lost dungeon. Can our heroes survive the ancient depths of this unopened vault of horror? Will Knuckles ever recover from the loss of his leg? And are wild squirrels really that hostile? Find out in the newest episode, "Wild Kingdoms!" This issue ties directly into the Knights of the Dinner Table: Illustrated/Travelers crossover. When laid side-by-side, these three issues make one large cover! b&w, 32pg $2.99 TONY DIGEROLAMO'S TRAVELERS #14 by DiGerolamo, Moreno, Dunn, & Moreno Visit the seedy underbelly of Beastlyville's underworld, where Elven gangsters, pixie prostitutes and gnomish thugs battle for control of the streets. Has Barbara joined them as a fugitive from justice? Will the Sarge be forced to arrest his friend? And, is Father Shambles going crazy or going sober? Find out in "Tony the Quick — and the Dead!" This issue ties directly into the Knights of the Dinner Table: Illustrated/Travelers crossover. When laid side-by-side, these three issues make one large cover! b&w, 32pg $2.99 KNIGHTS OF THE DINNER TABLE: ILLUSTRATED/THE TRAVELERS SPECIAL #1 by DiGerolamo & Plemmons, Brendon & Brian Fraim When the all-powerful gawds decide to hold a contest of champions, you'd think that neither the Untouchable Trio Plus One or the Travelers would be chosen — and you'd be right. But when all the real heroes are dead, only these two troublesome groups have a chance to decide the outcome of the "Contest of the Gawds!" Join the havoc as the last worst choices for peace come together in one climactic battle to end all battles! This issue ties directly into the Knights of the Dinner Table: Illustrated/Travelers crossover (all three issues of which will ship the same week). When laid side-by-side, these three issues make one large cover! b&w, 32pg $2.99 LANDWASTER BOOKS JAY'S DAYS VOLUME 2 GN by Jason Marcy Jay continues to give us the honest brutal truth that is life. In this volume, he comes to terms with turning 30, seeing the dentist for the first time in 10 years and the death of his beloved cat Chelsea. Plus Jay shows us how he deals with bums, Curt Kobain, and his best friend getting his nipples pierced. MATURE READERS SC, 170pg, b&w $16.95 LAST GASP ANIMA MUNDI: THE ART OF MARK RYDEN HC by Mark Ryden Composed of hundreds of color reproductions of Ryden's stunning artwork, The Art of Mark Ryden represents the scope of the artist's career from his earliest major work to the present, in a beautifully designed, full-color book. This title is certain to appeal to fans of Ryden, who have learned of his work from his popular gallery retrospectives, magazine articles, and album covers. Mark Ryden is a rising star in American art, whose work has been profiled in Juxtapoz, Raw Vision, and other key art magazines. This is the first book collecting his very popular work. (CAUT: 4) HC, 108pg, FC $40.00 DEVIL'S ADVOCATE: THE ART OF COOP HC Chris Cooper, better known as "Coop," began his career in Ohio designing posters and album art. By the early 1990s, he was producing silk-screened concert posters. Famous for his vast array of buxom, curvaceous women, Coop's style is highly original and perhaps the most recognizable of the current generation of poster artists. Well-known for his libidinous images on rock concert posters for bands such as Nirvana, The Urinals, Ministry, Everclear, Boss Hogg and The Foo Fighters, Coop's art is always in high demand. And don't forget his talent for producing monster and hot rod art. Coop's graphic, erotic art and attitude have landed him in articles featured in Hustler, Amazing Figure Modeler, Juxtapoz and Playboy. (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS HC, 10x10, 208pg, FC $39.95 BOTTOMLESS COCKTAIL: THE ART OF SHAG Blending cartoon, Tiki-aesthetic, and vintage illustration, Shag creates art that looks back on mid-20th century culture, with a touch of modern irony, humor, and joy. Retro on the surface, this art is a loving, fanciful paean to pop culture and consciousness. Carefully designed, and incorporating Shag's best work in a well-balanced overview of his work. (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, FC $24.95 THE LAST FILIPINO HEAD HUNTERS SC by David Howard The Last Filipino Headhunters is a fully illustrated account of the last days of tribal Filipino headhunter communities. Illustrated by pictures from the beginning of the 20th century to the present, with full commentary by a visitor who met the last survivors of the vanquished past, The Last Filipino Headhunters brings to light beliefs and a way of life that survived for millennia before being eradicated by colonial powers. Fully illustrated by 500 color photographs and 15 black and white archival photos, The Last Filipino Headhunters is a lush, captivating portrait of a culture now lost to history. (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 8x10, 180pg, FC $24.95 LASZLO PRESS STAR OF THE MONTH ALL THE WRONG PLACES TP by Tom Galambos This is the quiet, simple story of Nathan, a man who is caring for his ailing mother while wrestling with his own conflicting emotions towards his friend, Jessica. This book comprises the entire six-part story, including the final two previously unpublished chapters. Full-color painted cover! (STAR14141) SC, 152pg, b&w $14.95 ************* LIGHTSPEED PRESS FINDER VOLUME 3: THE KING OF THE CATS TP by Carla Speed McNeil This third trade paperback collects issues #15-18 of Carla Speed McNeil's award-winning series, Finder. Included is all-new material — scenes that didn't fit in the regular issues, exhaustive footnotes, new covers, and chapter-heading portraits. Jaeger Ayers doesn't take to crowds or conformity, and there's an abundance of both in Munkytown. There are also personal connections for him. Meet the Ascians, whose tribal culture is on display to visitors eager to spend and afternoon in Noble Savage Land; and the Nyima, the lion-people in danger of losing their pride the longer they stay in the theme park. (STAR14159) SC, 7x10, 120pg, b&w $13.95 LITTERATI BOOKS HOPPEL POPPEL KOSHER COMIX TP by Ken Eichenbaum Hoppel Poppel is an often irreverent, always entertaining, graphic novel that pokes fun at the foibles and fables of the Jewish community, then and now. Divided into a dozen strips and stories, it describes the adventures of Super Moyel, the circumcision specialist who adopts an unorthodox marketing strategy; the fundraising efforts of Beth Mehulh, a synagogue that wants to expand; the investment shenanigans that surround DerkTek's shaky IPO; and the saga of the kosher Rabbits and how their breeding put an unemployed shetl back to work. These and other episodes illustrate writer/cartoonist Ken Eichenbaum's fertile imagination, and his ability to caricaturize people we all love, disdain, or envy. SC, 120pg, b&w $16.00 LITTLE ROCKET PUBLICATIONS WILD STARS VOLUME 3 #4 by Tierney, Simons, & Smith; cover by Frank Brunner Threatened with torture, Georgian reveals exactly where and what the Wild Stars are while his Artomique associates arrive at the space city Magoria, searching for the time traveler and his reality weapon. There they encounter the Brothan Prophet—the man who wants to reduce Earth to a burning cinder. b&w, 32pg $2.95 LONE STAR PRESS FORCE SEVEN #7 by Michael Wright & Adam de Kraker Force 7 has been transported to an alternate timeline, thanks to the mastermind Atlas. Now, they have to figure out how to liberate the enslaved United States from the murderous K'strell, while they ponder a way to alter the timeline and restore the world they remember. For that, the team has joined up with the heroes of this reality, while Faith makes some discoveries about her alternate family, the timeline, and the leader of the resistance. Plus, what is Winter Knight doing under government observation? Is he the Winter Knight, or a different person all together? Is he the key to the mystery? b&w, 32pg $2.95 STRANGE HEROES #5 by Willingham, Diaz, de la Rosa, Clark, & Williams In "Otherland," Tankura, aka Richard Trent, and Mary Avarelo have been trapped underground in an ancient ruined temple while Tankura's wounds heal from his battle with the Temple Dragon. Now they are free, but it's out of the frying pan and into the fire when the Sky Pirates attack! In "Spellbinder," Tommy Bowen, apprentice sorcerer hero, discovered a nest of grendels living in a cave underneath Lake Travis. He defeated a number of them, using most of his best offensive spells in the process. One look at the sheer number of grendels was enough to convince him he was in way over his head. b&w, 32pg $2.95 STRANGE HEROES SUPER SAMPLER PACK by Bill Willingham & Various Now is your chance to get caught up on this fast-paced, uniquely different series with the Strange Heroes Super Sampler Pack! You get the first four issues of Strange Heroes, and each issue offers two ongoing adventures set in the modern world, but with the twists and turns that you've come to expect from Bill Willingham. Pack (x4) $8.95 MASTER COMICS MASTERS OF THE RING #1 by Maurer, Hislope, & Steward Masters of the Ring is a fantasy story set against the backdrop of the Independent Professional Wrestling industry. The story centers around Ruban Dane, a 10-year-old orphan, who can control the action on the ring through the use of his computer. Featuring several guest stars, including former WCW/ECW valet Missy Hyatt and UFC Triple Crown Champion Dan Severn. b&w, 32pg (1 of 8) $2.50 MEDIA MARKET GROUP Dojin2000 Series DANDI 2000 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 28pg $4.95 EXTRAG SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 28pg $4.95 HONEY QP SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 20pg $4.95 PANST SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 24pg $4.95 MID-WEST COMIC COMPANY ANGEL #1 PLATINUM FOIL VARIANT EDITION This rare exclusive variant cover features a platinum foil logo and foil stampings. Comes bagged and boarded. FC SRP: $9.99 FATHOM #1 MICHAEL TURNER EXCLUSIVE BLUE FOIL EDITION Fathom! Witchblade! Tomb Raider! All in one issue! What more could a comic fan want?! The first part to this incredible story arc, featuring an exclusive cover by Michael Turner with a blue foil-stamped logo! Extremely limited. Comes bagged and boarded. FC SRP: $9.99 LADY DEATH/MEDIEVAL WITCHBLADE MID-WEST EXCLUSIVE GOLD FOIL EDITION A super-tough-to-find alternate cover to the hot one-shot! Features gold foil stamping and is limited to just 500 copies! Comes bagged and boarded. FC SRP: $15.99 RISING STARS #1 BLACK-AND-WHITE CLASSIC CHA SIGNED EDITION A few months ago, Mid-West Comic Co. introduced its "Bargain Priced Signature" series. This month they have yet another addition to that line: the first issue of Rising Stars #1, in the classic format signed by series artist Keu Cha! FC MSRP: $12.99 RISING STARS #16 WIZARD WORLD VARIANT FOIL EDITION This variant cover was only available at the Wizard World Comic Con. If you were not able to attend then now is your chance to secure yourself a copy of this collectible issue. Features cover art by Gary Frank and is limited to just 2001 copies. Comes bagged and boarded. FC MSRP: $12.99 TOMB RAIDER #15 CANADIAN EXPO 2001 VARIANT EDITION David Finch provides an all-new variant cover for this Canadian Expo 2001 exclusive edition. Extremely limited. Comes bagged and boarded. FC MSRP: $12.99 WITCHBLADE #41 HOLO-PRISM VARIANT EDITION This rare Witchblade variant edition was previously available only on the Internet. The cardstock cover features all-new artwork by Keu Cha. Plus, the entire cover is one giant prism, reflecting light as it is turned. A very cool and unique collector's item issue! Comes bagged and boarded. FC MSRP: $19.99 MIGHTY FINE ****************** Check out Scary Miss Mary merchandise in the APPAREL and COLLECTIBLES AND NOVELTIES sections in this month's Previews! *************** SCARY MISS MARY: FUN WITH KNIVES #1 by Jill Friemark Enter the dark world of Scary Miss Mary, a young gal destined for greatness. At first, Miss Mary may seem like an average little girl, but once you see her toys, you'll want to run for cover! With an affinity for large bladed objects, playtime with Miss Mary can be sweet but deadly. She never means any harm, she just gives cute a razor-sharp edge. Also introducing Brussels the vegetarian vampire and Edward the living Voodoo doll. b&w, 32pg $2.95 MIRAGE STUDIOS TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES #2 by Peter Laird & Jim Lawson While Casey Jones and Raphael investigate Donatello's bizarre subway tunnel discovery, a bruised and battered Michelangelo runs into an old friend in a strange new place. Shadow has a rendezvous in the woods and the aliens on the moon continue their mysterious project! Full-color cover painting by Michael Dooney. b&w, 32pg $2.95 MONKEYSUIT PRESS STAR OF THE MONTH MONKEYSUIT VOLUME 1 by Various This critically acclaimed anthology showcases the talent of nine NYC cartoonists/animators in nine brand-new, innovative stories that include Tick creator Ben Edlund's return to comics. Includes Mike Foran's "Rover," Jonathan Royce's "Keef" and Bill Presing's "Rex Steele." This first volume is a groundbreaking cornucopia of Indy talent that undoubtedly has something for everyone. (STAR13953) MATURE READERS SC, 5x8, 128pg $9.95 ****************** MOONSTONE THE PHANTOM VOLUME 1: THE GHOST KILLER GN by Ben Raab & Fernando Blanco Since 1936, he has been thrilling his newspaper audience worldwide. Now, welcome the comics return of the first costumed adventure hero, The Phantom! Successful weapons-dealer, Solomon Bishop, has a problem: The Ghost Who Walks! The Phantom is the only thing stopping a multi-million dollar sale of rifles equipped with "re-positioning" technology. So what's a rich and evil businessman to do? Why, hire an exotic raven-haired killing machine to do your dirty work for you, of course! Phantom, please be careful — this woman's an "assassin's assassin," and she hasn't missed her mark yet! Cover by Joel Naprstek. Squarebound. MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 48pg, FC $5.95 WEREWOLF: THE APOCALYPSE VOLUME 2: BLACK FURIES GN by Joe Gentile & Eddy Newell In White Wolf's Gothic noir universe, the world of Werewolf is dying. Their own numbers are decreasing, while their enemy grows stronger. This book focuses on the Black Fury tribe: warrior women hell-bent on protecting the environment and women's rights. They say you can never go home again and pack leader Libra makes that her first mistake. She finds that her human sister is in an abusive relationship with a worthless human male. The pack hunts down the scum, ignorant to the dangers their prey may be leading them into. This is a tale of revenge, tragedy, and hope given life by the emotion-laden atmospheric gray-scale painting skills of Eddy Newell! Cover by Drew Tucker. Squarebound. MATURE READERS SC, 48pg, b&w $5.95 MPRINTS PUBLISHING ERNOR: DESTINY OF RAI GN by Patrick Keith & Vicky Morgan-Keith Hask, Flash, and Whitepaw return in this all-new Ernor story where the trio must deliver an odd hatchling to the mysterious bird-like araku far into the mountains. This 72-page graphic novel includes the 48 page digitally painted Rai story; a reworked version of the previously published "Hask's Trade"; "Hask's Egg" by Chris Kozloski; an Ernor gallery section including art by Megan Giles, Dark Natasha, Tiffany Ross and others; plus a special sneak preview of the upcoming Ernor: First Age sourcebook for the new d20 D&D 3rd Edition game system. SC, 72pg, b&w $7.95 NBM BOOKS THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS VOLUME 4: PANIC AT TOAD HALL by Kenneth Grahame & Michel Plessix In this concluding episode of the gorgeous adaptation of this classic, Toad, after escaping from prison, comes back to find his manor invaded by stoats, weasels and ferrets, who are having a party with his food and wine, and even endeavoring to take possession of his beloved home! Badger, Mole and Rat team up with Toad to take back Toad Hall by storm! An epic and hilariously depicted battle ensues. HC, 8x11, FC $15.95 STAR OF THE MONTH THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS VOLUMES 1-3 HC'S adapted by Michel Plessix The timid Mole decides to peep out of his den and eventually take a leisurely walk along the riverbank. He encounters the wiley Rat, who knows the surroundings like the back of his hand, and the boastful Toad, full of looney ideas. For Mole, a season of roller coaster events is about to unfold! Kenneth Grahame's beloved classic finds its first adaptation into sumptuous comic art. VOL. 1: THE WILD WOOD (STAR07195)––HC, 8x11, 32pg, FC $15.95 O/A VOL. 2: MR. TOAD (STAR14417)––HC, 8x11, FC $15.95 O/A VOL. 3: GATES OF DAWN (STAR14418)––HC, 8x11, FC $15.95 ******************* BONEYARD #1-4 SET by Richard Moore Get the complete first arc in a set of the first four issues of this best-selling horror spoof comic book. MATURE READERS Set (x4), b&w $11.80 SECRET MESSAGES #4: THE SILENT INVASION––ABDUCTIONS by Larry Hancock & Michael Cherkas The ultimate paranoid series, The Silent Invasion: Abductions, continues! So far, Phil Housley has been threatened, lied to, beaten, seduced, and abducted! In this issue, Housley discovers a mysterious complex beneath a nondescript downtown medical clinic, raising his suspicions of diabolical agreements between top-secret government agencies and aliens. And Arthur Forbes, leader of the sinister Council, threatens Meredith over a plate of apple pie and a hot cup of coffee! Quarterly. b&w (4 of 4) $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SECRET MESSAGES #1-3: THE SILENT INVASION—ABDUCTIONS by Michael Cherkas & Larry Hancock This popular, award-nominated series focuses on troubled, down-and-out private eye, Phil Housley. Racked with guilt over having to kill Matt Sinkage, Housley is reluctantly drawn into a missing person case involving philandering husbands, sexy housewives, UFOs, aliens, Matt Sinkage, and very top-secret government organizations! #1––b&w, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.95 #2––b&w, 32pg (2 of 4) $2.95 #3––b&w, 32pg (3 of 4) $2.95 ************************** STARS OF THE MONTH THE 101 BEST GRAPHIC NOVELS by Stephen Weiner Don't miss this essential guide to the best of all types of GNs! The noted guide 100 Graphic Novels for Public Libraries (Kitchen Sink Press) is brought back in a fully revised edition! With half the listings changed and books about comics listed separately, this updated edition serves as a guide to the best in this exploding new field of comics, one that may just be its savior! Good for the neophyte as well as the fan as either an introduction or a cataloging/checklist of the very best. Available in handy paperback or hardcover forms. O/A HC––6x9, 80pg, b&w $14.95 SC (STAR13553)––6x9, 80pg, b&w $8.95 A JEW IN COMMUNIST PRAGUE VOLUME 3: REBELLION by Vittorio Giardino Jonas Finkel is growing up in communist Czechoslovakia, son of a middle class formerly influential Jewish family, leading a regular life, bothering no one. Suddenly his father is arrested and disappears. His mother, left to fend for herself in an increasing array of bureaucratic entanglements forbidding her to even eke out a living, protests as best she can. The official reason is their bourgeois background. The real reason is anti-Semitic resentment, and the more she stirs things up, the more she and Jonas get in trouble. (STAR14087) MATURE READERS SC, 9x11, 48pg, FC $11.95 CITIES OF THE FANTASTIC: BRUSEL by Schuiten & Peeters Mr. Abeels runs a flower shop about to enter modernity. Imagine, through the miracle of plastics, flowers that never fade! His novelty is snatched up by the ambitious city planners of an all-new Brusel. No more lack of hygiene! No more dusty old buildings! All is razed, and enormous new skyscrapers are erected at blistering speed! Abeels falls in love with a renegade woman who fights the extensive redesigns and ends up having to play both sides carefully. Another retro, sci-fi city in the large inter-connected firmament created by Schuiten & Peeters, full of classic European elements a la Jules Verne, including amusingly idiosyncratic bureaucracies. (STAR14154) HC, 9x12, 120pg, FC $19.95 ******************** Eurotica LLISICA GN by Tim Fischer SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3)NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 48pg, b&w $9.95 SIZZLE #13 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3)NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, b&w $4.95 SIZZLE #8-11 SET SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. ADULT MATERIAL Set (x4), b&w $16.95 STAR OF THE MONTH CLICK VOLUME 1 GN by Milo Manara SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (STAR10428) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x11, 48pg, FC $10.95 ******************* NEKO PRESS THE NIGHT WRAITH: BOOK ALPHA #1 by Dave Wilkins Night Wraith is a look into the not-so-distant future, and a dark future it is. Vulcan Tech is taking part of a corporate conspiracy that may come back to haunt and hunt them down. See what one man will do to get back his life, his family, and take revenge on the very ones responsible. This book is jammed packed with action and adventure! Enjoy, you won't be sorry. b&w, 24pg (1 of 2) $2.95 WILDFLOWER: TRIBAL SCREAMS #2 by Billy Martinez & Mickey Clausen Cassandra decides to team up with Henna on pursuit of the dreaded dinosaur poacher, Poemar. While on their travels, Cassandra begins to take a liking to Henna's tribal art and decides she would like Henna to tattoo some on her as well. The bonding of a long lasting friendship begins in this issue and not to mention an appearance of a couple of surprise guests from out of this world. b&w, 24pg $2.99 ART OF FOO SWEE CHIN VOLUME 1 by Fsc Neko Press is proud to present one of Singapore's best kept secrets to emerge into the comic book industry. This collection contains two stories and some incredible full splash art pages of some of her newest works. Great for manga lovers or connoisseur of incredible art. b&w, 24pg $2.95 NEW ENGLAND COMICS INTRODUCING... THE TICK #1 by Silvia, Kazybrid, & Atkinson The Tick is the guest of honor on The City's new hit for the new TV season, Is THIS Your Life?! While a parade of special guest-stars and dramatic reenactments of dramatic stuff delights the audience and guests, something is seriously amiss at the television studio. And we don't just mean "a miss" — like that klieg light that just "a-missed" The Tick's head! And who exactly is that massively-muscled guy lurking in the shadows?! A great story for new and long-time Tick fans alike, the origins and history of The Tick, are explored, including more previously untold facts about The Tick's early days. It's a special one- shot issue of The Tick that, along with an exciting new story, provides an excellent introduction to The Tick for the legions of new fans who will pour into comic stores after watching the new Fox TV live-action Tick series premieres! FC, 32pg $3.95 ASSASSINATE HITLER! #2 by Ron Ledwell A timid but skilled clockmaker places a cunningly designed explosive device in a pillar in front of where Hitler is scheduled to give a speech! Two Wehrmacht colonels place a bomb (disguised as a liquor bottle) on the Fuhrer's plane! A highly decorated battalion commander plots to place Hitler under arrest and try him for "crimes against the German people!" And, the most famous and tragic attempt to kill Hitler: the "July 20th Bomb Plot" which led to the execution of thousands of people, including many innocent relatives and friends of the plotters! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Germany. b&w, 32pg (2 of 3) $3.75 OLIO STAR OF THE MONTH CASTLE WAITING: THE CURSE OF BRAMBLY HEDGE—THIRD EDITION by Linda Medley The prequel to the Eisner award-winning series Castle Waiting. Wittily reinterpreting a classic tale of love, enchantment, and sibling rivalry, Brambly Hedge sets the stage for the Castle Waiting series. In addition to the original story, this newly-lettered edition contains 32 pages of supplemental material for kids of all ages. Includes character profiles, storytelling activities, and resource lists suitable for library and classroom use. (STAR08724) SC, 7x10, 96pg, b&w $9.00 *********************** ONI PRESS MADMAN ODDITY ODYSSEY 10TH ANNIVERSARY TP by Mike Allred Ten years ago, Madman hit the comics scene like a quick, Three Stooges-style jab to the eye. Armed with a yo-yo and a slightly left-of-center attitude, Frank Einstein is Snap City's most impressive masked crime fighter. In fact, he's kind of the only one! In this wacky debut, meet the whole eccentric cast of characters from the goofy genius, Dr. Flem to the despicably evil Mr. Mondstadt. And, of course, don't forget Joe, the love of Frank Einstein's life. This fearless beauty is the only one who sees past Madman's hideously disfigured face to the person within, and wants to know the true story of how Frank Einstein became Madman! Long out-of-print, Madman: The Oddity Odyssey is a seminal work of graphic literature, bridging the gaps of mainstream superhero mythos and the no-holds-barred world of independent, creator-driven comics. Oni Press is proud to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this amazing comic book by returning it to its original glory. SC, 152pg, b&w $15.95 BLUE MONDAY: LOVECATS by Chynna Clugston-Major Love's cutest monkey, Chynna Clugston-Major, is descending on Fresburger like a cupid in a big dirty diaper! Romance is in the air in this all-new Blue Monday one-shot. And what's that sickeningly sweet smell? Could it be there is something going on between Clover and Victor? If there is, they aren't telling. The other kids didn't react so well when Bleu went on her date with Alan, and she didn't even like him. What's the gang going to think when the gooey feelings are for real? It's broken hearts, cheeky tarts, and false starts in a very special Blue Monday. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.95 THE MARQUIS: DEVIL'S REIGN: HELL'S COURTESAN #1 by Guy Davis The Marquis continues his crusade to hunt down the escaped souls of Hell that have possessed the townspeople of 18th century Venisalle. Mysteriously, the devils he seeks start turning up already vanquished, and all that remains are the crushed bodies of the possessed victims. What else is hunting the damned? A young courtesan holds the answers and perhaps the motives as well. The horror series continues with a special two part tale that leads into the upcoming "Devil's Reign" mini-series. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (1 of 2) $2.95 ALISON DARE & THE HEART OF THE MAIDEN #2 by J. Torres & J. Bone Alison, Wendy, and Dot have been on their share of adventures, but none of them have been this close to home! Warrior nuns, evil Nazis, and a mysterious apparition have all invaded St. Joan's Academy, and Alison and her pals are caught in the middle! What are all these people doing at a boarding school for girls? b&w, 32pg (2 of 2) $2.95 ALISON DARE: LITTLE MISS ADVENTURES TP by J. Torres & J. Bone Alison Dare is not your typical 12-year-old. The daughter of an archeologist/adventurer and the masked hero known as the Blue Scarab (and the niece of an international super-spy), Alison's life has always been different from other girls her age. A craving for danger is in her blood. Unfortunately, her parents have locked her away at the prestigious St. Joan of Arc Academy for Girls, hoping that this would lead to a more "normal" life for their daughter. But despite all the strict rules at the school, Alison and her best pals –– Wendy and Dot –– somehow manage to get into adventures that rival those of Alison's globetrotting, planet-saving relatives. SC, 104pg, b&w $8.95 KILLER PRINCESSES #2 by Gail Simone & Lea Hernandez What's more dangerous, more sexy, and more socially inept than three Killer Princesses? Why, FOUR Killer Princesses, of course! As the sorority of Tri-Omega welcomes a pledge into its ranks, Hope, Faith, and Charity have to balance initiating the new girl with taking on another dangerous mission for the mysterious sorority. It's another issue filled party gowns, pretty crowns, and a healthy dose of 'sploding and guys getting kicked courtesy of Gail Simone and Lea Hernandez! MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg (2 of 3) $2.95 KISSING CHAOS #7 by Arthur Dela Cruz Raevyn's looking to get off this crazy trip. It's time she goes her separate way from her fellow fugitives from justice, so Damien directs their car towards a train station just on the other side of the state line. It may not be as easy as all that, however, since the last stop on their way is crawling with cops and news reporters, a bad thing when you're the hottest thing on the nightly news. Arthur Dela Cruz is taking comics out on the open road and seeing how fast they can go! Digest size. MATURE READERS b&w, 16pg (7 of 8) $2.25 STARS OF THE MONTH THE MARQUIS: DANSE MACABRE TP by Guy Davis It was during the 18th century in theworld of the Marquis, faith is not only the religion, but also the strict law of life and death. It is into this world that the souls of Hell have escaped to sin, murder, and be free within the possession of the living. During this time, one man has been "blessed" with the ability to see into the very souls of the damned and fight the demons within. But as the Marquis begins his holy crusade to send back the escapees of Hell, the lines of good and evil begin to blur into a struggle between faith and sanity. Guy Davis paints a vivid portrait of a time not quite from our history, and reveals an evil hidden deep within the heart of man. Includes the grand finale in black-white-and-red, a brand-new prologue, never-before- seen character sketches, and reprints the original Marquis "Les Prelude" story. Introduction by Steve Seagle (House of Secrets, The Crusades). (STAR14259) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 192pg, b&w $18.95 FORTUNE & GLORY: A TRUE HOLLYWOOD COMIC BOOK STORY TP by Brian Michael Bendis Brian Michael Bendis puts his sold-out mini-series, Fortune & Glory, into one hefty volume! Marvel once again at the stupidity of Hollywood producers, the vanity of stars like Uma Thurman and Clint Eastwood, and the enthralling mood swings and ego nosedives of a little indie comic-book creator caught up in the maelstrom of the motion picture industry. Presented in a handy 6" x 9" format, this collection features brand-new pages left on the cutting-room floor and not included in the original comics. (STAR11570) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $14.95 FRUMPY THE CLOWN I: FREAKING OUT THE NEIGHBORS TP by Judd Winick Forget ponies, puppy dogs, and hamsters, a clown is the true prize. And not the creepy kind that's gonna freak you out and make you soil your shorts either, but a chain-smoking, cynical, anarchist clown who's more interested in sticking it to the stuffed-shirt establishment than getting a job or focusing on the finer points of personal hygiene. When Frumpy enters the home of a typical American family, the children, Brad and Kim, are ecstatic. Their parents, neighbors, and local law enforcement, on the other hand, wish he would go away. Sized at 9" x 10" to preserve the original newspaper proportions. (STAR12600) SC, 9x10, 136pg, b&w $15.95 SOULWIND I: KID FROM PLANET EARTH TP by Scott Morse Scott Morse's innovative, genre-crossing series is finally returning! Oni is kicking off the quarterly graphic novel series by bringing the original, Eisner-nominated storyline back into print. Nick is an average kid, and he wakes up to find himself on a strange, distant planet populated by cute woodland creatures and evil monsters. Little does Jack know, but he is the key player in a power struggle for control of the planet, and if he can maintain his righteous path, he could possibly win the war for good. (STAR10823) SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $8.50 THE LAND OF NOD TREASURY TP by Jay Stephens Nod is a place full of strange kids that like comic books, root beer, and going on surreal adventures. There's Merv and Dave, goofball buddies who spend their time playing mean tricks on each other and thwarting the invasions of Devil Martians; there's Val, the cute girl who woos all the boys in the clubhouse; Joey, the toothless expert on the greatest comic book ever, Jumbo Head; and Hector, the skeleton boy with the bad smell. There're giant bugs, talking dolphins, and Captain Rightful, the incompetent super-hero. And presiding over it all is Nod, the pointy-eared king with the Cheshire-Cat grin! (STAR13398) MATURE READERS SC, 7x10, 128pg, b&w $11.95 ********************* OFFERED AGAIN O/A TROUT #1 by Troy Nixey Not exactly a normal little boy, Trout lives above a turnip factory. He goes on surreal adventures. And when a devilish puppet show comes to town, Trout seems to be the only one not to be taken in by the soul-nabbing show. It's up to him to find the truth and save the town before the traveling entertainers get away for good. B&w, 32pg (1 of 2) $2.95 O/A MAGIC PICKLE #2 by Scott Morse Forget that other JoJo character! That monkey don't have nothin' on Ms. Wigman! With Weapon Kosher, the magic pickle, in the clutches of the rotten Brotherhood of Evil Produce, it's JoJo to the rescue! But will she be able to save him in time? How will she keep Weapon Kosher a secret from her annoying older brother? Includes a back-up story by Jim Mahfood, starring Smoke Dog! b&w, 32pg (2 of 4) $2.95 O/A KISSING CHAOS #2 by Arthur Dela Cruz The kids have been on the road nonstop for days now, and according to the news on the radio, the manhunt for them is only being intensified. This means they are stuck with each other, a harsh reality given that Damien and Raevyn are already starting to get on each other's nerves. Personal conflicts seem like peanuts when the accidental criminals meet the real kind! Also, more details of the traumatic past that's turned Angela mute begin to come to light. MATURE READERS b&w, 16pg, b&w (2 of 8) $2.25 O/A HOPELESS SAVAGES #3 by Jen Van Meter & Christine Norrie With all the Hopeless-Savage children back in the clan, it's time to start the hunt for their parents in extreme earnest. The best place to begin looking? Their back catalogue! It's a journey through punk rock's past, leading them to mom and dad's former management and friend. But are there snakes lurking about in the grass that they have yet to see? b&w, 32pg (3 of 4) $2.95 PAPYRUS MEDIA GROUP HEDG #1 by Patrick Sherman Though she is exhausted, Paige Edgley travels to Kyoto at the behest of a well-paying client. With her team in place, she anticipates an easy gig and good pay. Upon her arrival, she discovers that her client has much more sinister and far-reaching plans. MATURE READERS FC, 36pg $2.95 RADIO COMIX FURRLOUGH #110 by Various Furrlough — your only monthly source for anthropomorphics! This issue: Joe Rosales' historic Roman war-tale, Romanics, continues with plenty of epic adventure; Mark Moore delivers another of his classic war stories in Scavengers; and Christina Hanson & Ed Garcia serve up another helping of their delightful medieval romance, Ebin and May. Cover by Mark Moore. b&w, 32pg $2.99 WEIRDLAND #3 by Will Allison Hayden's been told the Earth is ruled by shadowy masters... and in this issue, we meet them! Colonel Sarah Cross is an agent for Grey Unit, a force that controls the world's flow of technology and information. This deadly soldier goes about her daily life, keeping the world safe from strangeness. However, the real truth of her mission would shock even herself! A pivotal, action-packed issue of Weirdland that will affect the entire direction of the series! Bimonthly. b&w, 32pg $2.99 Sin Factory BIG FUNNIES #4 by Kjartan Arnorsson SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 48pg $3.99 GENUS #52 by Various SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL b&w, 32pg $2.99 REBELLION 2000 A.D. #1277-79 Britain's cult horror, fantasy, and sci-fi action anthology celebrates its Silver Anniversary this month as 2000 A.D. is 25 years old! Progs #1277-79 see the current run of stories reach their explosive climaxes. There's more alien weirdness in Shakara, courtesy of Robbie Morrison and Henry Flint; Pete Milligan (X-Force, Shade, Enigma), Brett Ewins (Skreemer) and Jim McCarthy send future war into overdrive in Bad Company; and psychedelic superhero saga Storming Heaven enters the final freak-out, by Gordon Rennie and Frazer Irving. Plus, there's more head-breaking from future lawman Judge Dredd by John Wagner and various guest artists. (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 32pg, PC $3.25Ea. 2000 A.D. #1280 Prog 1280 is the special birthday issue! Kicking off with a 12-page opening episode of "Sin City" by John Wagner and Kev Walker, an epic new Judge Dredd story that sees the Mega-City cop investigating a floating pleasure island where anything goes; and finishing with the start of a new adventure for Russian rogue Nikolai Dante in "The Return of the Gentleman Thief" by Robbie Morrison and Simon Fraser. The centerpiece of this extraordinary edition is a 10-page "jam session" strip in which 2000 AD writers and artists come together to mark this epic milestone in the comic's long history. Featuring such writing talents as John Wagner, Garth Ennis, Pat Mills, Pete Milligan, Alan Grant, Gordon Rennie, Robbie Morrison, and John Smith; and artists including Cam Kennedy, Carlos Ezquerra, Steve Dillon, Dave Gibbons, Kev Walker, Frazer Irving, and Henry Flint; this collaborative tale set at the 2000 AD birthday party is populated by characters past and present, and is not to be missed! (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 32pg, PC $3.25 REDLIGHT MANGA SHIELA'S DIARY VOLUME 2 TP by Yuuki Ryoh SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 164pg, b&w $14.95 RED SUN PRODUCTIONS PROJECT 72 #1 by Jason Wright, Mike McDonnell, & Kris Justice The members of the Justice Foundation, the world's premier super-hero team, are dead and buried. All save one –– the crimefighter known as Rook. Now, as the mystery surrounding the demise of the world's greatest super-heroes is slowly unraveled, a band of metahuman adventurers join Rook in his struggle against greed, corruption, and the most dangerous enemies of them all –– ghosts of the past. MATURE READERS b&w, 32pg $2.50 RENAISSANCE PRESS AMELIA RULES! #5 by Jimmy Gownley Amelia's dad takes the entire gang camping in an effort to get to know his daughter's new friends. But he may get more than he bargained for during the 12-hour car ride with Rhonda, Pajamaman, and "Captain Amazing," let alone a few days out in the woods with this crew! Can the heroes survive a weekend of "roughing it?" Can Amelia and Rhonda spend the night in a tent without killing each other? How many times will Reggie have to pee during that car ride? Find out in issue #5 of this hilarious series that is getting rave reviews from readers, retailers, and critics alike! FC, 32pg $2.95 SATYR PLAY PRODUCTIONS SATYR #0 by Mike Indovina Silenus, wisest of satyrs, and his rowdy band of satyrs, centaurs, and nymphs, like a frolicsome life of frivolous revelry. In this issue, Silenus and company put on their own version of Sophocles' tragic play, Oedipus Rex. b&w, 16pg $2.00 SECOND TO SOME STUDIOS TWO OVER TEN #4 by Myatt Murphy & Scott Dalrymple Brenden Wynne reunites with Casey, only to find she's brought along a friend neither of them ever expected. The evil Donor makes Brenden an offer he can't refuse: help eliminate Casey or watch helplessly as he absorbs his son alive! His choice will startle you in Part Four: "The Promise!" Plus, Dorian comes face-to-breast (The guy's short!) with Project Bijou, the pole dancer who saves the cosmos when she's not wrestling $20s out of her G-string. Can she keep her streak going or will the unchosen angels rely on someone with more clothes to spare Mankind from total destruction? b&w, 40pg (4 of 5) $2.95 SHANDA FANTASY ARTS SFA'S ATOMIC MOUSE #2 by Curtis, Ettinger, Phillips, & Various The Mouse of Tomorrow returns to action with his second new issue! The city of Rodentia is under attack from the Death's Head Squadron as Atomic Mouse flies into battle! All this along with classic Vince Fago Atomic Mouse and the Legion of Almost Villains! b&w, 48pg $4.99 LAST KISS #3 by John Lustig, Dan DeCarlo & Various Can't get your better half to read comic books? Give him/her a kiss for Valentine's Day! A Last Kiss! This critically acclaimed series has managed the nearly impossible. It's a hit with guys and gals in almost equal numbers. Using classic romance comic art and combining it with twisted, new dialogue, John Lustig creates hilarious tales of temptation, lust, and love gone gonzo. This issue also features a story with new art by Dan DeCarlo — plus an interview with DeCarlo and the winning entry in the write-your-own Last Kiss contest. Cover by Dick Giordano. b&w, 48pg $4.99 THE EXTINCTIONERS VOLUME 2 #10 by Howard, Earle, & Addlesee With the combined power of both Phenix and Xenif, Phionix wreaks havoc and seeks revenge in the Garden of Eden. Hopelessly overmatched, can the Extinctioners find a way to both stop him and save Phenix's life? And will everyone survive the confrontation in one piece? The "Forbidden Love" storyline comes to a dramatic conclusion in this, the first 48-page quarterly issue! MATURE READERS RES. from Previews Vol. XI #6 (Jun012305) b&w, 48pg $4.99 SIRIUS ENTERTAINMENT POISON ELVES: PARINTACHIN #3 by the Fillbäch Brothers; Cover & Story by Drew Hayes At Blaque's Cirqus, things have gone straight to hell. Literally. While Charzinsinthine obeys the commands of her Satanic master and starts wreaking havoc in Lusiphur's mind, Parintachin fights for the very sanity of his beloved "ride." Lucky for the Jester-Imp he knows what has prompted this mayhem, and he seeks out a Fallen Angel who will either save the lives of Lusiphur, Jace, and everyone else at the Cirqus — or utterly destroy them! b&w, 24pg (3 of 3) $2.95 POISON ELVES POSTER MAP by Drew Hayes & Mark Smylie Ever wanted to chart Lusiphur and Jace's trek with the Elvin Fire from Port Grail to the First Step? And where exactly is Lusiphur's home city of Sarnwog located? Now you can finally find out with this poster-sized map of Amrahly'nn! Using Drew Hayes' copious notes and sketches of the Poison Elves world, Mark Smylie (Artesia) has painted the ultimate guide to the land of Elves. Use it to chart the travels of your favorite comic book characters or to create your very own Poison Elves role-playing game campaign setting. Or you can simply hang it on your wall. Printed on heavy bond paper. Comes rolled in a plastic tube. (CAUT: 4) Poster, 19x25, FC $6.95 AKIKO #47 by Mark Crilley The "Battle of Boach's Keep" story arc reaches its dramatic conclusion! When Ull H'rassook finally comes face-to-face with Kimbir Kriznik, there is a revelation that changes the course of the entire story. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? All is revealed in this issue! Meanwhile, Spuckler is confronted by Mr. Beeba in a heated exchange that makes their earlier squabbles seem like child's play. Will Spuckler be able to patch up things with Beeba and Gax? Or will he continue to be haunted by the ghosts of his own past? Quarterly. b&w, 24pg $2.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SCARY GODMOTHER: BLOODY VALENTINE #1 by Jill Thompson Scary Godmothers aren't just for Halloween any more! Max and Ruby, Scary Godmother's vampyric next-door-neighbors, are having marital problems. To help alleviate the situation, Scary Godmother and Mr. Pettibone show Ruby a good night out, while Hannah Marie teaches their son Orson all about Valentine's Day — a human holiday the inhabitants of the Fright Side don't usually celebrate. Now's your chance to get your very own copy of this Valentine's Day classic! b&w, 48pg $3.95 O/A SCARY GODMOTHER ACTIVITY BOOK #1 by Jill Thompson Comics, puzzles and games –– all with a spooky, fright-side twist! Join Scary Godmother, Hannah Marie, and all your favorite characters as they lead you through the first-ever Scary Godmother Activity Book! Make paper dolls from "Mr. Pettybone's Closet," solve the "Where's Harry?" puzzle by locating Harry the Werewolf underneath all the clutter in his room, learn how to make more treats and get brand-new ideas on improvisation from "Bug-A-Boo's Puppet Theatre." The activity book also includes a previously unpublished scrapbook photo album of Jill's original Scary Godmother character drawings! Loaded with laughs and Jill's signature artwork, this book is fun for young and old alike! b&w, 24pg $2.95 ****************** POISON ELVES: LUSIPHUR & LIRILITH SET by Drew Hayes & Jason Alexander Lusiphur & Lirilith is a "Year One" event that chronicles the relationship between a rugged street urchin and a prep-school debutant — both looking for something more out of life. This four-issue mini-series reveals how Lusiphur went from street punk to killer, and why Lirilith chose to leave her privileged life to become a healer. Also available in a limited edition pack, signed and numbered by Hayes and Alexander. REG.––Set (x4) $11.80 LTD.––Set (x4) PI STAR OF THE MONTH POISON ELVES: THE MULEHIDE YEARS TP by Drew Hayes Introducing the ultimate Poison Elves collection! This phonebook-sized trade paperback collects the entire 20-issue run of Drew Hayes' original self-published Poison Elves series. As an added bonus, Sirius has restored Drew's original versions of I, Lusihpur #1 and #2 to this collection — available for the first time in trade paperback form! It's like four trade paperbacks in one! Instead of trying to track down the first editions of Poison Elves Volumes 1 through 4, get 'em all in one place at one incredibly low price! If you've been looking for the perfect introduction to Poison Elves, this is the book for you. (STAR13974) SC, 7x10, 480pg, b&w $34.95 ******************** SORHENN GRAFIKS METROPOL COLLECTED EDITION VOLUME 5 TP by Ted McKeever A city stricken by a mysterious plague-like epidemic. People die in thousands. Chaos erupts as monsters and demons roam the streets killing even more humans. The apocalypse has begun. Yet salvation is here as the angels who watch come to fight the hordes of hell and protect mankind. This black-and-white collected edition contains the director's cut of Metropol and Metropol A.D. plus pages from Ted McKeever's sketchbooks. SC, 8x11, 96pg, b&w (5 of 5) $11.95 SQP OFFERED AGAIN O/A JUDGE DREDD: THE MEGA-COLLECTION Working within the confines of a very limited number of panels, John Wagner and Alan Grant created Judge Dredd, one of the most popular and enduring British comic characters ever! If you like your justice in highly-concentrated doses, then you must have this collection of small, self-contained tales of crime and punishment from the pages of 2000 AD! HC, 144pg, b&w $14.95 O/A JUDGE DREDD NO SMOKING SIGN Let the law-breakers beware: wherever this pup is posted, ya' better snuff those butts! Forget the Surgeon General — Dredd is the law! Laminated, for years of warning. Poster, 8x11, FC $2.00 ********************* STUDIO FOGLIO STAR OF THE MONTH WHAT'S NEW WITH PHIL AND DIXIE #2: SEX AND D&D by Phil Foglio This volume collects half of the episodes from the strips first run in Dragon Magazine, and focuses on role-playing games. It also includes a new six-page story that forever answers that old question about sex and D&D. Fans of other gaming comics such as Dork Tower and Knights of the Dinner Table should check this one out! (STAR14279) SC, 7x10, 48pg, FC $8.95 ****************** OFFERED AGAIN WHAT'S NEW WITH PHIL AND DIXIE #3: THE MAGIC YEARS by Phil Foglio From computers to role-playing to collectable cards, nothing is sacred as Phil and Dixie explore the bizarre and always exciting world of gaming with all the reverence and tact it deserves. This collection of the What's New cartoon strips from Duelist Magazine focuses on Magic: The Gathering and other trading card games, and includes a new eight-page story, plus some extra goodies. The What's New strip appeared in the entire run of the Duelist Magazine, and has now switched over to its original home at Dragon magazine. Printed on heavy paper. SC, FC, 64pg $10.95 ****************** STUDIO G SEVENTH SEA: ABSOLUTION #4 In the final chapter of this series, the action comes to a head! Cat Claw Fornier has discovered how to return to life and escape damnation on the Black Freighter. Determined to stop him, Sylvia and Luis chase him down, and confront the Freighter and her ghastly crew. Does Cat Claw succeed in his scheme? Will the heroes prevail and stop the coastal attacks by the cursed dead? This exciting conclusion has all the answers! Also available polybagged with an exclusive "Prelude to Ruin" promo card for the 7th Sea collectable card game expansion set by Alderac Entertainment. CCG ED.—b&w, 24pg (4 of 4) $2.95 REG.—b&w, 24pg (4 of 4) $2.95 SUNDRAGON COMICS THE MIGHTY 1 #1 by S. Jones, Arnold, Powell, C. Jones, Stegbauer, & Moy When a beautiful model decides to tackle the fashion world, that's hardly news. When she cold-cocks a 50-foot monster rampaging through New York City, that is news! Christina is the founder of Mighty Threads, a fashion designer to the super- hero set. Not only must she deal with her own super-powers, but also with some unscrupulous wrestlers who bounce a check on her after she designs their costumes. Although generally humorous, it also features moments of drama and pathos. b&w, 32pg $2.95 TITAN SLÁINE THE KING DELUXE HC by Mills, McMahon, & Fabry From writer Pat Mills (Marshal Law) and artist Glenn Fabry (Preacher cover artist), comes a world of mists, magic and the ultimate Celtic warrior, Slaine! This classic tale of sword-and-sorcery — the epic saga that introduced 2000 AD readers to a hero who made Conan look like a boy scout — is finally available again, this time in a deluxe collector's hardback edition! Exiled from his tribe, Slaine is forced to roam the land of Tir-Nan-Og with his dwarf, Ukko. Ahead of him lie terrifying ordeals that will require all of Slaine's famed warrior strength if he is to return victorious and claim his rightful place as King! (CAUT: 4) HC, 9x12, 144pg, b&w $24.95 JUDGE DREDD: HELTER SKELTER GN by Garth Ennis & Carlos Ezquerra Ten years after the acclaimed run on Judge Dredd that first bought him to brink of comics superstardom, writer Garth Ennis (Preacher) returns to Mega-City One for the ultimate Dredd saga. In Helter Skelter, the very structure of reality is altered in Mega-City One. When the walls between alternate dimensions are collapsing, unleashing other- Earth counterparts of his vilest villains, Dredd finds himself on the run, pursued by ghosts and demons from his own past! And in charge, the one man to comprehensively bring Mega-City One to its knees on a previous occasion, Chief Judge Cal. Dredd's only hope of saving the city lies in the reluctant warp specialist Darien Kenzie. All he's got to do is keep her alive. And himself, of course... (CAUT: 4) SC, 9x12, 144pg, FC $14.99 TOKYOPOP COWBOY BEBOP #1 by Yukata Nanten Based on the smash hit anime series, currently running on Cartoon Network's Toonami! Whenever Spike Spiegel, Jet Black, and Faye Valentine get together, trouble is sure to follow! But what's 5 million woolongs between friends, right? A lot. And who said anything about being "friends!?" When the three unexpectedly meet at a restaurant, each chasing after a different bounty, the egos and bullets start flying in this humorous outer space adventure. Printed in the original right-to-left format, the way the creator intended it! Cowboy Bebop is one of the top-selling anime series in America. Knockin' on Heavens Door, the Cowboy Bebop movie, premieres early in 2002. b&w, 32pg (1 of 4) $2.95 COWBOY BEBOP #2 by Yukata Nanten Some days, you just can't win. When Jet Black finds a bounty of 30 billion woolongs on a man named "Cidne," he thinks it's strange that Cidne's been put in jail for shoplifting. But what's even stranger is Cidne changes his appearance more times than Madonna changes outfits! If Spike wants to get this bounty, he's gonna have to get himself arrested to do it! Printed in the original right-to-left format, the way the creator intended it! b&w, 64pg (2 of 4) $2.95 RAGNAROK #1 by Myung Jin Lee; adapted by Richard A. Knaak The winds of change are blowing in Midgard. After a 1,000-year slumber, Fenris the wolf has been reincarnated in the body of a beautiful sorceress. As Fenris searches the land for the reincarnation of the god Balder, Sara Irene, leader of the fearsome Valkyries, hunts her. English version written by New York Times best-selling author, Richard A. Knaak, author of multiple Dragonlance, Warcraft, and Diablo novels. Covers colored by Dark Minds creator Pat Lee. TokyoPop's second Korean "Man- wha" from Daiwon, Korea's leading comics publisher. Loosely based on the Norse myth about the end of the world, Ragnarok is a beautifully drawn Korean comic in a tale of swordsmen and sorcerers that in a quest to change the world forever. b&w, 48pg (1 of 4) $2.95 CARDCAPTOR SAKURA #25 by CLAMP Despite being warned that she could become lost in the void of the Clow Card Dark forever, Sakura attempts to seal the card while lost in its endless night. When Kero and Ms. Mitsuki are also trapped in Dark's web, Kero senses that Sakura's substitute teacher, Ms. Mitsuki, isn't all that she appears to be. b&w, 48pg $2.95 DRAGON KNIGHTS #5 by Mineko Ohkami The quest to reach Draqueen with Nadil's head becomes messier when the Dragon Knights try and take a shortcut by consulting fortunetellers. The knights go to the famous Twin Star Sisters to bring themselves some luck, but instead almost lose their heads and Nadil's too. A face from the past is their only hope, but while this person might be their savior, they might also be another of the Dragon Knights countless enemies. b&w, 32pg (5 of 6) $2.95 GUNDAM WING: BATTLEFIELD OF PACIFISTS #5 by Yadate & Tomino, & Tokita Even though the Gundam pilots have taken control of Vulkanus, they must still root out those who threaten the Earth-Sphere's delicate peace. Public enemy # 1 is Gaintz, an ex-White Fang member, who is jealous of Zechs's power. Gaintz accuses the Gundam pilots of being no different from him. After all, without the threat of force their Gundams pose, they could not maintain their fragile peace. So, who watches the watchmen? b&w, 32pg (5 of 5) $2.95 KODOCHA #2 by Miho Obana; adapted by Sarah Dyer Sana gets a part in a TV movie, costarring with a hot new actress, but she'll never get to the studio if she can't survive the bullies at school. Akito "the Demon" Hayama continues his reign of terror, so Sana comes up with a crazy plot to put him in his place. Sana takes advantage of Akito's fear of heights and challenges him to a bungee jumping contest! Maybe the world's biggest bully will finally back down. Printed in the original right-to-left format, readers can experience Kodocha in the way the creator intended! b&w, 48pg (2 of 5) $2.95 MARMALADE BOY #3 by Wataru Yoshizumi There's a crisis in Miki's house. It's only been a month since Miki's and Yuu's parents switched partners, now they're saying they're ready to call it quits and go back to their old marriages. Miki has wanted this from the beginning, but if it happens, it means Yuu will have to leave too. b&w, 48pg (3 of 5) $2.95 MIRACLE GIRLS #17 by Nami Akimoto Mr. X has his mind set on obtaining Mika's psychic serum, but he has the wrong twin in captivity. After an explosive realization, Mr. X sets his sights on getting both the twins, but now Mason's turned against him. Things get uglier as Mr. X captures the twins' loved ones, and informs Mika and Toni that he will kill them if they don't turn themselves over to him. b&w, 48pg $2.95 SAINT TAIL #16 by Megumi Tachikawa Saint Tail's made a booboo. She agreed to go on a date with the school gossip and super-journalist, Sawatari the same day she promised to steal back a treasure from a Never Land toy store tree. Asuka Jr., in the meantime, dresses up in a silly fox costume to keep on the lookout for the wily thief, but he can't keep his eyes off of Meimi on her date. Meimi has her work cut out for her if she wants to pull off the heist while keeping her dream date. b&w, 48pg $2.95 SKULL MAN #4 by Shotaro Ishinomori & Kazuhiko Shimamoto When the Spider Man and Maria sneak into the Skull Man's hideout in order to attack him by surprise, they quickly find themselves going from hunters to the hunted! The Skull Man's previously battled them to a draw, but now that the Skull Man's right-hand man, Garo, has been added to the mix, Maria and the Spider Man may be overmatched. That's because the Skull Man's hideout is more than just a place for this anti-hero to hang his weary head at night, it's also a portal to hell! b&w, 32pg (4 of 5) $2.95 SMILE VOLUME 4 #3 by Various The critically acclaimed SMILE is the first all-shojo anthology in America! In this issue: Mars (by Fuyumi Soryo): Rei and Tatsuya forget their own issues for once when Harumi threatens Kira once again! But after the incident it's Harumi and Tatsuya who find themselves soul-searching, as it becomes clear that there is a depth in Kira and Rei's relationship neither had noticed before.; Planet Ladder (by Narushima Yuri): Kaguya finds herself in a world that she's never seen, but she's not alone. A boy-robot appears and seems friendly enough. She wants to get back home to her family, but feels she can't do it alone, so she finds herself having to trust this robotic being to take her back to safety; Peach Girl (by Miwa Ueda): Toji arrives at school with a buzz-cut to show that he is punishing himself for disappointing Momo. When Toji expresses his deep regrets for falling for Sae's deceptions, Momo gladly forgives him and they become a couple again, minus Sae.; Paradise Kiss (by Ai Yazawa): After initially turning down George and the Paradise Kiss club on their offer to make her a model, Yukari is starting to have second thoughts. While studying at the library she runs into George, who, she now sees, works just as hard as she does to succeed. Did she misjudge him? Maybe this fashion thing isn't just a silly game after all… Magazine, 128pg, b&w $4.99 Graphic Novels JULINE VOLUME 3 POCKET MIXX MANGA GN by Narumi Kakinouchi In a secluded valley in the shadow of Sleeping Dragon Mountain, Black Pearl arranges a competition to challenge the three princesses, Juline, Seika, and Bakuya. When her "envoys" are sent out to request the presence of the three girls, the princesses discover that this is one invitation they're unable to refuse… Created to wipe out the heirs to the Ivory Sword, Jeweled Mirror and Water Crystal, this tournament has more strings attached to it than a cheap marionette. From the creator of the hit anime series Vampire Princess Miyu comes Juline, a beautifully illustrated martial-arts adventure about a young princess. Narumi Kakinouchi's elegant brushstrokes give this manga a unique style, reminiscent of classical Japanese painting. SC, 168pg, b&w $14.95 PARASYTE VOLUME 9 POCKET MIXX GN by Hitosi Iwaaki What is Tamara Rockford up to? That's the question that everyone is asking in the latest installment of the sci-fi manga, Parasyte. The other Parasytes think she's conspiring against them. The detective Kuramori thinks she slaughtered his family; and Lefty suspects that she holds the key to bringing peace between Parasytes and humans. When everyone converges in the public park, things are bound to get nasty. Can Tamara's message of peace be heard in the midst of so much hatred? SC, 184pg, b&w $14.95 ISLAND VOLUME 2 POCKET MIXX TP by In-Wan Youn & Kyung-Il Yang Anybody need an exorcist? There's a new face in Cheju island, and he could be Miho's salvation… literally. John is a Catholic priest on a mission to find himself (and a little fun while he's at it). Miho just wants to save another girl from demonic possession. When Pan refuses to help her, perhaps the energetic John will be easier to convince. From Daiwon, Korea's leading manga publisher! Kyung-Il Yang is the artist of the very popular Japanese series Zombie Hunter! SC, 168pg, b&w $14.95 SORCERER HUNTERS VOLUME 8 POCKET MIXX GN by Satoru Akahori & Ray Omishi The Sorcerer Hunters think Carrot is shaken by the fact that he is the reincarnation of the God of Destruction. While this might be an existentialist crisis for most of us, Carrot is only worried about what it might do for his chances of getting babes. Meanwhile, Jingo Row used to be a kind magic carpenter who would care for the parsoners, but now he's building a giant labyrinth for an evil sorcerer. It's up to the Sorcerer Hunters to discover why Jingo has started working for their sworn enemy. Along the way, Carrot meets Crepe, Jingo's charming granddaughter, but Crepe supposedly died many years ago. SC, 5x8, 192pg, b&w $14.95 HARLEM BEAT VOLUME 9 POCKET MIXX GN by Yuriko Nishiyama It's the championship game against Hara Commercial High, and Nate Torres has sunk a 25-footer at the end of the first half to give Johnan High a commanding lead. The second half, however, remains to be played. Hara's defense has gotten them this far, so there's no reason to think that they wouldn't be bringing their "A" game with them in this final game of the season. But anyone who knows Harlem Beat should be familiar with the skills that Johnan's Shurman and Kobayashi bring to the table. And now that Nate Torres, with his amazing "high-loop lay-up," has come into his own, you can be sure that Johnan will play a tougher game in the second half as well. SC, 4x6, 184pg, b&w $9.95 Special Editions COWBOY BEBOP COMPLETE ANIME GUIDE #1 Cowboy Bebop has quickly become one of the most popular anime series of all time. With the series currently running on Cartoon Network, now is the perfect time to learn the details about Spike, Faye, Jet, and Ed (and let's not forget Ein!) that you might have missed in the fast-paced action. Featuring character bios, technical guides, behind-the-scenes photos, and story details, this is a guide that no fan should be without! Volume 1 covers the episodes "Asteroid Blues," "Stray Dog Strut," "Honky Tonk Women," "Gateway Shuffle," and "Ballad of Fallen Angels." SC, 5x7, 100pg, PC $12.95 TONY RAIOLA LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE VOLUMES 5 & 6 Features classic Depression era character by Harold gray, featuring storylines from the 1930s. VOL. 5: NEVER SAY DIE––b&w, 86pg $9.50 VOL. 6: SHIPWRECKED––b&w, 86pg $9.50 TOP SHELF PRODUCTIONS BAJA GN by Steve Lafler Bones the bass player, youngest member of premier jazz band Bughouse, is on the lam from the law! Framed by gangster Johnny Muggles, Bones heads south to Mexico while things cool off in Bugtown. Intrigue, romance, and some very funky rockin' blues ensue as our man Bones hooks up with a group of Mexican musicians. Throw in a spooky local legend about a seductive sorceress, and you have an edgy and illuminating coming of age story for Bones the bass player. SC, 96pg, b&w $14.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A BUGHOUSE GN by Steve Lafler Set in an "insect noir" Manhattan of the early '50s, BugHouse is the tumultuous story of tenor saxophonist Jimmy Watts leading his talented jazz band of "bugs" from the swing era into the uncharted maelstrom of Bop. As he and his band mates claw their way to the top of the jazz world, they must fight the temptation to be consumed by an addictive substance known as "bug juice." Never before has a more "human" portrait of drug addiction been depicted in comics. A completely redesigned and more comprehensive edition. SC, 192pg, b&w $14.95 ******************* STARS OF THE MONTH HEY, MISTER!: AFTER SCHOOL SPECIAL TP by Pete Sickman-Ganer Collecting all the Hey, Mister mini-comics that preceded the popular series, the After School Special follows the adventures of Young Tim, Mister, and Aunt Mary as they launch their guerrilla war against everything sacred and beautiful. (STAR14243) b&w, 96pg $7.95 HEY, MISTER! CELEBRITY ROAST TP by Pete Sickman-Garner This collection features the first four issues of Pete Sickman-Garner's regular series, Hey, Mister, topped off with three new stories and all of his anthology pieces from the last two years. Follow the adventures of Pete's hilarious cast of misfits, Young Tim, Mister, and Aunt Mary, as they continue their guerrilla war against everything sacred and beautiful. (STAR14244) SC, 6x9, 144pg, b&w $9.95 JAMES KOCHALKA'S MAGIC BOY & GIRLFRIEND TP by James Kochalka The comics that made the man a legend. That's right, collected for the first time ever are the greatest hits from the seminal mini-comic James Kochalka Superstar; all of which are now rare and out-of-print. James' comics have appeared virtually everywhere in the alternative comix scene, and this collection showcases a remarkable progression in comics craft by one of today's most unique American cartoonists. (STAR14246) SC, 120pg, b&w $8.95 ****************** TOMORROW'S PUBLISHING OFFERED AGAIN O/A PRIME8: CREATION #1 by Jon & Andrew Cooke, Knowles, & Quick Behind a spectacular Neal Adams wraparound cover, you'll discover the only survivors of Operation: Bruteforce Prime8, the ultimate simian fighting force! The Prime8 team is created by covert military operatives to serve as simple jungle grunts for foreign skirmishes. But problems arise when Silverbak, gorilla primutation leader, and his crew — Gltch, PrimusOne, Re:Jkt, Ryot, Imp, Jen-X, and Otto — become too smart for their "superiors." Narrowly escaping extermination, the group makes its way to New York City, where the stage is set for the ultimate confrontation in the world's greatest arena — Madison Square Garden! Created by the editor of the Eisner Award-winning magazine Comic Book Artist, and featuring Prime8 pin-ups by some of the greatest names in comics: Barry Windsor-Smith, Bruce Timm, Walter Simonson, and Sergio Aragonés! b&w, 64pg $3.95 ******************** TYNDALE HOUSE PUBLISHERS LEFT BEHIND VOLUME 4 GN by John Layman, Jeff Moy, & WC Carani The drama continues in this fast-paced four-color graphic novel based on the phenomenal best-selling series. In volume four, the Antichrist reveals his true sinister character as he eliminates political opposition and expands his evil plots to dominate the political world. Are these terrifying events the fulfillment of ancient biblical predictions that take humanity to the brink of annihilation? SC, 48pg, FC $5.99 VAMPEROTICA ENTERTAINMENT VAMPEROTICA: WHEN DARKNESS FALLS #1 Featuring the Vampress Luxura. This new mini-series from Vamperotica Entertainment delivers more of the heart-pounding photos, comics, and gothic art that readers have come to expect from Vamperotica. This issue features two Vamperotica comic stories: "Nights Down Under," an action-packed Luxura tale set in Australia and "Shepherd," an erotic twist of fate tale of a vicious vampire now forced to "help" humanity survive a nuclear holocaust. This issue's Vamp of the Month is Cynder Moon, an erotic performance artist who's sure to raise your blood pressure. Back by popular demand is the Digital Art of Dark Day Production's Tony Mauro featured on the cover. Tony is the cover artist from the Dark Fiction series. Also available in a Cynder Moon Photo Nude Cover Edition. NOTE: The nude cover edition is an adult item and is not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. MATURE READERS REG.––b&w, 32pg $2.95 NUDE––b&w, 32pg (CAUT: 3) $3.95 VANGUARD PRODUCTIONS STERANKO'S SPIRIT OF AMERICA PRINT In the wake of terrorist death and destruction, America has rallied with a renewed sense of patriotism and a powerful resolve to protect the nation's freedom. Heralded for his spectacular patriotic covers and action panoramas, Jim Steranko delivers the definitive image of the classic patriotic hero in The Spirit of America, a breathtaking vision celebrating the legend of comics' fighting Sentinel of Liberty. The painting has now been produced exclusively as a superb 18" x 24" limited edition print signed-and-numbered by the artist and reproduced on high-quality 100-pound archival matte paper stock. In a joint venture with Marvel Comics, Vanguard Productions, and Diamond Comic Distributors, Steranko has pledged a 100% donation to WTC charities with a goal of $100,000! Celebrate the spirit of America! REG.––Print, 18x24 MSRP: $29.99 DLX.––Print, 18x24 (CAUT: 2) MSRP: $59.99 SPACE COWBOY #1 WILLIAMSON VARIANT EDITION by Morrow, Wood, Frazetta, & Spurlock; cover by WIlliamson Vanguard's flagship retro sci-fi feature returns with a beautiful new alternate cover by Al Williamson! Space Cowboy creator David Spurlock enlisted the aid of the greatest sci-fi comics artists of all time to add to this collection. Star Wars' Al Williamson, Star Trek's Gray Morrow, Outland's Jim Steranko, all-time fantasy great Frank Frazetta, and a blast form the past by Weird Science great Wally Wood are all featured in this first issue. Prestige format. Glossy cardstock. PC, 48pg $4.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A AMAZING WORLD OF CARMINE INFANTINO REVISED EDITION by J. David Spurlock Carmine Infantino revolutionized DC comics with his Flash, "New Look" Batman, Elongated Man, Adam Strange, and Deadman. Infantino designed nearly every DC cover from the late 60s to the early 70s and helped write the films Superman and Superman II staring Christopher Reeve. Amazing World features page after page of classic, rare, and unpublished art spanning his career from pre-DC, through his DC years, and on to Warren, Marvel, and his most recent work. Infantino tells all in this heavily illustrated, autobiographic, career retrospective filled with his revolutionary accomplishments and anecdotes about his colleagues. Infantino enlisted J. David Spurlock to help put together this tour de force. Features 16 pages not found in the softcover edition, plus color endpapers, and a gold foil-stamp on white leatherette dustjacket. HC, 196pg, PC $29.95 ****************** STAR OF THE MONTH ECHOES: THE DRAWINGS OF MICHAEL WM. KALUTA HC Echoes collects drawings from Kaluta's stellar career! This treasury presents Kaluta's most memorable characters and illustrations, with new studies and projects, including motion-picture/TV and theatrical work. Writer/ Designer Dean Motter (Mister X, The Prisoner, Terminal City) has designed and annotated this provocative collection from Kaluta's personal archives, with the artist's full participation. Features a 100-word endorsement by Sandman author, Neil Gaiman! (STAR12035) HC, 112pg, PC $27.95 ****************** VEROTIK NEO SATANIKA: TALES #1 RETRO-LOVE FAN CLUB COVER by Glenn Danzig, Bill Sienkiewicz, Ted Naifeh & Various; cover by Jason Blood This brand-new Satanika one-shot features tales of future/past from the ever-spiraling Satanika mythos. Glenn Danzig and Bill Sienkiewicz bring a tale from out of a cruel page in Satanika's tormented future as orchestrated by the ever-malevolent Morella. Danzig and Ted Naifeh (Gloom Cookie) then tell a tale of Satanika past. A surprise retro-love story will round out this issue. MATURE READERS FC $10.00 SATANIKA SUPER D SOFT VINYL SET In a fully-painted, no-assembly required, and wrapped in a ghoul box are Satanika and her two most current villains Morella and Naekith. Sculpted by master Susumu Sugita. (CAUT: 3 & 4) MATURE AUDIENCES Set (x3) $24.95 STAR OF THE MONTH THE INTENSE ART OF SIMON BISLEY The first-ever mind-blowing collection of Bisley paintings and artwork! This beautiful coffee table book features some of Bisley's best paintings and also includes a section with some of his pen-and-ink and sketch work. Cardstock cover. (STAR07185) MATURE READERS SC, FC $24.95 ****************** VIGIL PRESS FISH 'N CHIPS #1 by Steve Hamaker Clave "Chips" Dyer is the hottest new action movie star. Currently he is working on Agent Action 2, and there's something suspicious going on. Meanwhile his police officer brother, Val Dyer, and partner, Jaxer "Fish" Fann, are fighting a strange new threat that is invading the city. Using their special powers, they take on the Vampyre scum that infects their society. The leader of the Vampyre underground is becoming impatient. Blood dealers that supply him with the valuable food his Vampyres need are being arrested and imprisoned at an increasing rate. He vows to stop the two police officers responsible for his supply shortage. Betrayal, loyalty and vengeance will propel Fish 'N' Chips into history as the saviors of Solomon City. b&w, 32pg $2.95 VIZ COMMUNICATIONS THE BIG 0 #1 by Hajime Yadate & Hitoshi Ariga Presenting Hitoshi Ariga's adaptation of Bandai's hit Cartoon Network TV series, a stylish "manga meets film noir" story which goes beyond the tantalizing TV series ending to tell the true climax of The Big O! Paradigm City is the city of amnesia – – 40 years ago, something happened that wiped out the memories of the residents, forcing them to recreate their culture from scattered fragments. In this world only 40 years old, Roger Smith is a "negotiator" –– a go-between for police, citizens and criminals in high-risk diplomatic situations. But something else survives from the forgotten past. They are the MegaDeus –– giant robots created by the city's former inhabitants, or perhaps by the forgetful citizens themselves. When crime and madness strike, Roger Smith brings the guilty to justice with the giant robot called The Big O. In this issue, a sad and mysterious woman attracts Roger Smith's eye, but she has no time for him — no time left for anyone. She and her partner are involved in a robbery plot that has been hatched by an underworld kingpin named Beck Gold! Will The Big O be able to stop the master criminal's plan? b&w, 48pg (1 of 5) $3.50 ANIMERICA VOLUME 10 #3 MARCH 2002 The best magazine for anime fans! Fascinating features on the latest and greatest anime, exclusive interviews, news on what's new in Japan, and what's arriving soon in America. Plus, exclusive columns, interviews with voice-actors, anime reviews, video games, model kits and how to build them, anime soundtracks, and Leiji Matsumoto's Galaxy Express 999 manga. Remember: if it's anime in America, it's gotta be Animerica! PC, 112pg $4.95 ANIMERICA EXTRA VOLUME 5 #3 The greatest shojo and shonen manga! A brave young swordswoman who wants to be a prince; an artist, his stepsister, and a doll that came to life; adventure in a fantasy world not unlike ancient China; crime and mystery in the Gothic metropolis of Steam City; and a girl who came from a video tape. 160 pages of beautiful art and stunning stories, plus fan art, manga features and more! Also included this month, a special Revolutionary Girl Utena short story! Anthy cooks up a special curry dish for Utena that blows both their minds…literally! Chicago: Uozumi and Rei finally arrive at the Chicago bar. What adventures await them? Fushigi Yûgi: Tamahome's family has been slaughtered…was it Amiboshi who committed the deadly deed? Marionette Generation: As the date between Kinoko and Anime Otaku winds down, the relationship between Izumi and Kozue comes to a head. Revolutionary Girl Utena: The duel begins between Miki and Utena, and Kozue is the ultimate prize! Steam Detectives: The Red Scorpion has her whip, Ling Ling has her steam detective's tools… time for the showdown! Video Girl Ai: An odd flashback: Yota wakes up with Ai in his bed… how did she get there, and why doesn't he remember? Magazine, 160pg, b&w $4.95 FUSHIGI YÛGI VOLUME 6: SUMMONER TP by Yû Watase Distraught over the apparent loss of Tamahome and the trouble she's caused Suzaku's warriors, Miaka attempts to drown herself only to have Hotohori come to her rescue. Meanwhile, Tamahome returns to Hong-Nan to complete his original mission — kill the priestess of Suzaku! Do any of the celestial warriors have the strength to stand up to this skilled martial artist? Then, the seven constellations are assembled and the ceremony to summon Suzaku has begun! Will Miaka's wish finally come true? SC, 200pg, b&w $15.95 STAR OF THE MONTH FUSHIGI YÛGI VOLUME 5 RIVAL TP by Yu Watase "Tainted Love"––Miaka's search for the last celestial warrior brings her and her escorts back to Tamahome's home village. After healing Tamahome's father of illness, an agent of Qu-Dong attacks Miaka, but a flute-playing warrior comes to her aid – – the seventh warrior of Suzaku, Chiriko! With all the celestial warriors accounted for, Miaka heads back to Hong-Nan to plan Tamahome's return. But Yui, jealous of Miaka, doesn't want to give up the warrior without a fight. When Miaka travels to the appointed meeting spot to take Tamahome back to Hong-Nan, all she finds is a group of soldiers waiting for her and Yui in command! Has Tamahome sold Miaka out? (STAR14236) SC, 200pg, b&w $15.95 ****************** MARIONETTE GENERATION VOLUME 2 TP by Haruhiko Mikimoto The quirky, beautifully drawn romantic comedy by Animerica Extra's popular anime character designer Haruhiko Mikimoto (Robotech, Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket)! One morning, illustrator Izumi Morino awakens to find himself in bed with a curious rag doll named Lunch who has special powers! Is she really alive, or just a schism of space/time? An old flame of Izumi's, Kozue, decides to crash at Izumi's apartment, much to Kinoko's irritation! With Kozue staying at Izumi's apartment, can Lunch pretend that she's just an ordinary inanimate doll? The mystery behind the origin of Lunch and her powers keep Izumi awake all night. SC, 136pg, b&w $14.95 VIDEO GIRL AI VOLUME 4: OFFLINE TP by Masakazu Katsura "Dateless" Yota is trapped in a love triangle between the woman he loves and his best friend. Then one day he rents a strange video starring the cute young idol Ai Amano, who comes to life from his TV! Ai is back but she doesn't remember Yota. Thinking that Ai is gone forever, Yota turns his attentions to a freshman named Nobuko, who decides to spend the night. Ai wants to believe that she's human but finds it difficult once she learns the true nature of her existence. Will she solve Yota's troubles before her time is up? SC, 208pg, b&w $15.95 PULP VOLUME 6 #3 The only true adult-oriented manga magazine in America! PULP has 168 pages of sexy, tough, surreal, violent, hilarious manga, plus columns and features written by some of the premier experts in Japanese pop culture. In this month's issue, a PULP exclusive interview with Dance Till Tomorrow's Naoki Yamamoto! Bakune Young: It takes a big man like Bakune to possess an even bigger man like Purima — but that's what it's going to take to break Bakune's comatose mass out of the Osaka Police Hospital. Banana Fish: Ash abandons his preppie disguise and descends back into the New York underworld… on a train to Times Square and 42nd, where a knife in the back awaits one of his thousand enemies. Cinderalla: Cinderalla always believed that some day her Prince would come — the rotting, fungous artist formerly known as a living being; but she didn't expect him to plummet onto her during his long-awaited stage show! Dance Till Tomorrow: It won't be two men in a tub, as the relentlessly heterosexual Aya and Suekichi play underwater rhymes in his new pad, while Aya's ex-husband Munakata stalks the lovers in the best slasher-movie manner! Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga: The Professor dares to suggest that anime characters look alike, even while showing you the true meaning of anthropomorphism and how to draw "funny" animals — haw! haw! Short Cuts: What's more bizarre: a Tokyo girl in an Egyptian middle kingdom dress or a Tokyo boy in a waistcoat and plus-fours? Fortunately, this is Short Cuts, so you can decide for yourself. Uzumaki: In the wake of the second hurricane, a battered Kurôzu-Cho has become cut off from the outside world, and when a TV news reporter drives into the disaster site, what she discovers may make her wish she had never come! MATURE READERS Magazine, 168pg, b&w $5.95 ANIME ART GALLERY: THE ART OF CERES CELESTIAL LEGEND by Yû Watase The Art of Ceres, Celestial Legend features original artwork by one of the most talented and prolific female comic artists ever, Yû Watase. Her works have been recognized worldwide and her reputation for excellence continues in this stunning art book collection. Included is information on nearly every character in this riveting series—Aya, Aki, Toya, Yuhi, Suzumi, and more! You'll find page after page features lush, full-color, full-page artwork as well as beautiful work in black and white of all of your favorite characters from her latest series. Also included are detailed charts on every relationship (and love triangle) within this engrossing storyline. Fans of Yu Watase or Ceres won't want to miss this! RES. from Previews Vol. XI #8 (Aug012199) SC, 120pg, PC $24.95 MAGICAL POKÉMON JOURNEY PART 6 #4 by Yumi Tsukirino "Raichu's Best Friend"––The Pokémon meet a Raichu trainer who actually lives in a Pokémon tower! Does that mean she's a ghost? And what else should they know about her? Then, Machamp tries to woo a finicky Vaporeon! Will its attempts prove successful this time around? (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America. b&w, 40pg (4 of 4) $4.95 POKÉMON ADVENTURES PART 6 #3 by MATO "Best Enemies"––Agatha's white Arbok seems powerful enough to defeat both Blue and Koga. Meanwhile, Green and Sabrina team up against Lorelei, and Bill and Lt. Surge face off against Bruno. Does that leave Yellow facing the worst Pokémon master of them all? (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America. b&w, 48pg (3 of 4) $4.95 INU-YASHA PART 6 #10 by Rumiko Takahashi The demon has slaughtered the entire village, but strangely enough, Inu-Yasha and Kagome have been invited to the demon's homestead, and must hear how his mother's desperate financial situation has not improved. Are the villagers ready to learn the demon is not as frightening as he seems… and can they forgive? b&w, 40pg (10 of 15) $2.95 RANMA 1/2 VOLUME 19 TP by Rumiko Takahashi Ranma Saotome never thought a martial arts training mission to China would end up like this! An accidental dunk in a cursed spring changes boy Ranma into a young girl, every time he is splashed with cold water. Hot water reverses the effect — but only until next time! Ranma and Genma are fighting about food (again), but this time it gets serious when Genma kicks Ranma out of the house! Then, "Sakura-mochi" has the power to indicate the true love of the maker of this sweet, and Akane's cooked up a batch! Will the mochi mark Ranma with the imprint of the cherry blossom? SC, 192pg, b&w $15.95 RANMA 1/2 PART 10 #11 by Rumiko Takahashi Mousse steals the brooch from slap-happy Shampoo, but somehow it winds up on Akane, and she tries it on for size! Which mood swing will Ranma favor? Then, Happosai goes searching for the perfect pair of panties! Can Ranma and Akane keep Gramps out of trouble? b&w, 32pg (11 of 11) $2.95 AQUA KNIGHT VOLUME 3 TP by Yukito Kishiro The conclusion of the long-awaited new series by Yukito Kishiro, creator of the cyberpunk manga classic Battle Angel Alita! Enter a whole new science fiction/fantasy cosmos of humor, wonder, and adventure: the world of Marmundo, where kings rule isles scattered in the great ocean and knights ride killer whales through the seas. Mad scientist Alcantara reaches his destination at last, only to find Aqua Knight Ruliya, who demands a duel to free Young Ashika from Alcantara's clutches! But Alcantara is no mere villain, and a flashback reveals his incredible past, and his true relationship with his minions Zycrow and Zykey. When the mysterious ghost-sorcerer returns to take the Light Orb, everything hits the fan in the grand finale of Aqua Knight! SC, 240pg, b&w $16.95 BASTARD!! #3 by Kazushi Hagiwara Out of the shadows steps the first of the bastard's four former allies — Ninja Master Gara, the commander of an army of hidden warriors! He kidnaps Tia Noto Yoko, thus eliminating the one person who can bring the power of Dark Schneider from 14-year-old Lucien's body! Will Dark Schneider be forever locked within his meek alter ego while the kingdom falls to the ninja and Tia Noto Yoko faces the horror of Gara's clothes-eating slime!? MATURE READERS b&w, 64pg (3 of 3) $3.95 CERES CELESTIAL LEGEND PART 2 #3 by Yû Watase The happy reunion between Aki and Aya is interrupted by the reemergence of Ceres, and she is out for Mikage blood! Can Tôya show up before Aki is dead and gone? And what other surprises are in store? b&w, 32pg (3 of 6) $2.95 DRAGONBALL PART 4 #7 by Akira Toriyama After Yamcha is defeated by the Mummy in a pitched battle above the bubbling wastes of the Devil's Toilet, Goku goes into the ring! Can he defeat the bandage-swaddled fighter? And waiting behind the Mummy is the next opponent in the supernatural tournament, with pitchforks and bat wings — the Devil! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside of North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. b&w, 48pg (7 of 10) $2.95 DRAGON BALL Z PART 5 #2 by Akira Toriyama Brought back to life and returned to his homeworld of Namek, Piccolo makes a pact with the fallen Nail — a bizarre way to combine their powers to defeat the enemy who has destroyed their world! Meanwhile, across the planet, the tyrant Freeza transforms into his gigantic battle form to deal with Kuririn, Gohan, and Vegeta! (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside of North America, Puerto Rico, the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. b&w, 48pg (2 of 12) $2.95 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM 0079 VOLUME 3 TP by Kazuhisa Kondo In the future, overpopulation drives the inhabitants of Earth to live in colonies in outer space. But when the Duchy of Zeon, a militant colonial group, declares independence from Earth, war breaks out with Zeon's army of Zaku mobile suits, until Amuro Ray, a young electronics wizard, inherits his father's top-secret invention, Mobile Suit Gundam! The official manga adaptation of the original Gundam TV series, as seen on the Cartoon Network! No longer able to handle the pressure of piloting the Gundam prototype, Amuro deserts the White Base and sets out on his own. But when Fraw Bow finds him sitting in a dusty ghost town bar with ace Zeon pilot Ranba Ral, the two get themselves into a situation they will soon regret. SC, 184pg, b&w $9.95 SILENT MÖBIUS: TURNABOUT #2 by Kia Asamiya In Hong Kong, Kiddy and Nami finally find the ancient and wise Avalanche Wong, but are they ready for his hot-headed granddaughter, the talking artifacts, and the attack of the Lucifer Hawks who followed them all the way from Tokyo? And find out who is the new president of Cheyenne Corporation! b&w, 40pg (2 of 6) $2.95 NO NEED FOR TENCHI! PART 12 #6 by Hitoshi Okuda When two alien manhunters try to recruit Ryoko for some piracy, she says she's retired. In response, the villains take Tenchi hostage! To save him, will she resume her old life of mayhem and terror? The final issue! Includes a special message from the artist! b&w, 32pg (6 of 6) $2.95 VAGABOND #4 by Takehiko Inoue As the relentless manhunt for Takezo continues, Tsujikaze Kohei also seeks out Takezo to avenge his brother Tenma's death. Meanwhile, the eccentric Zen monk Takuan pledges to capture Takezo aided only by mild-mannered Otsu. MATURE READERS b&w, 80pg $4.95 VIZ IN MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 2002 Your monthly guide to new releases from Viz Comics, Viz Video, and Viz Music, Viz-In Magazine is North America's manga and anime connection! Don't miss this free monthly full-color poster and sneak peeks at your favorite graphic novels, videos, music, and merchandise. Tabloid MSRP: $0.00 STARS OF THE MONTH BATTLE ANGEL ALITA TP'S by Yukito Kishiro These are the complete exploits of the cyborg girl without a past, who uses fighting abilities she gained during her previous "life" to battle for her friends, and her own freedom! From the ruined streets of Scrapyard to the deadly Motorball arena and beyond, Battle Angel Alita is sci-fi/adventure manga at its very best! VOL. 1 (STAR00919)—SC, 5x7, b&w $16.95 VOL. 2: TEARS OF AN ANGEL (STAR00844)—SC, 5x7, b&w $15.95 VOL. 3: KILLING ANGEL (STAR01086)—SC, 5x7, b&w $15.95 VOL. 4: ANGEL OF VICTORY (STAR01161)—SC, 5x7, b&w $15.95 VOL. 5: ANGLE OF REDEMPTION (STAR01663)—SC, 5x7, b&w $15.95 VOL. 6: ANGEL OF DEATH (STAR02331)—SC, 5x7, b&w $15.95 VOL. 7: ANGEL OF CHAOS (STAR06119)—SC, 5x7, b&w $15.95 VOL. 8: FALLEN ANGEL (STAR07111)—SC, 5x7, b&w $15.95 VOL. 9: ANGEL'S ASCENSION (STAR08070)—SC, 5x7, b&w $16.95 NO NEED FOR TENCHI! VOLUME 10 MOTHER PLANET TP by Hitoshi Okuda It came from beneath the waves! The science fiction comedy based on the anime series from Pioneer. A vacation to the beach is cut short when a local resident is assaulted while protesting a development agency's plan to build an aquatic amusement park. The woman claims that a great sea god will curse those who defile the shore, so Sasami and Ryoko decide to make this prophecy come true! Contains all of No Need For Tenchi Part 10. (STAR14177) SC, 184pg, b&w $15.95 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION BOOK 5 COLLECTOR'S EDITION by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto From the biggest anime phenomenon of the 1990s! In 2015, Earth faces a terrifying last judgment from mysterious giant "Angels." To combat the Angels in all their various shapes and sizes, the NERV creates the Evangelions — massive humanoids piloted by select teenagers. Now NERV will defy prophecy, and battle the forces of heaven with mankind's fate in the balance! (STAR14175) b&w, 40pg $15.95 *************** WARP GRAPHICS ELFQUEST READERS COLLECTION VOLUME 8B: IN ALL BUT BLOOD Four new tales take a look at the unique bond between Wolfrider chief Cutter and his lifelong companion Skywise. Each his own person, yet closer in way than bonded lifemates, these two have shared trials and adventures that have shaped the entire Wolfrider tribe –– and will shape the course of elfin history on the World of Two Moons. Learn how friendship survives in the face of magic-born madness, and how the extraordinary bond of brothers "in all but blood" came to be. And discover how one of Cutter's own children learns an unexpected lesson form Skywise in the ways of life and death. SC, 176pg, b&w $16.95 WHAT'S NEXT ENTERTAINMENT SMOKE VOLUME 1 GN After three issues, Jonathan Smoke, a black super-hero fighting terrorism and racism to secure peace and justice for all mankind, makes his graphic novel debut. Don't miss one of 2002's biggest books. The hero, Jonathan Smoke, trained by the Manjaro in an ancient form of martial arts, uses his powers to fight against the forces of evil as a commander in the most powerful military force on the planet, The Earth Security Agency. With technology decades ahead of the rest of the world, the ESA covertly neutralizes the worst situations around the globe without thanks or credit. MATURE READERS SC, 150pg, FC $19.95 XXXENOPHILE BOOKS XXXENOPHILE REPRINTS by Phil Foglio & inks by Various SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL #1, #2, #4––b&w, 24pg $2.95Ea. YOUNG-KINNAIRD PRODUCTIONS VILLIKON CHRONICLES #3 by Bryan Kinnaird & Roy Young Kort Villikon leads a pilgrimage for salvation to a region plagued by bitter cold and giant underground dwelling gastropods. The Porphyrian syndicate ruled by the evil Master Creighton, his succubus queen Sha'leste, and the insidious underlord Silas and Soloman jeopardize the crusade's quest for freedom. Amnesty, conspiracy, and catastrophic consequences are realized at the end of an adventure littered with blazing battles, seismic planetary quakes, startling revelations, illicit encounters, cave- dwelling leviathans, and a clandestine vampire hive. MATURE READERS SC, 72pg, FC (3 of 3) $7.99 MAGAZINES SECTION PREMIERE VENDORS GEMSTONE PUBLISHING COMIC BOOK MARKETPLACE #91 – JOHNNY CRAIG SPECIAL Comic Book Marketplace pays its respects to the legendary creator Johnny Craig, who passed away just a few months ago. Writer, editor, illustrator and comic book genius, Craig forever left his imprint on the medium we love. CBM takes a special look at his life and legacy in this issue. Each issue of CBM also features a wide-ranging selection of columns including: Nolan's Notebook by Michelle Nolan; Adventures Into Weird Words by Pat Calhoun; Inspiration Central by Bill Baker; Market Reports; New & Noteworthy; Statues, and much more! Comic Book Marketplace is the magazine for serious collectors of Platinum Age, Golden Age, Silver Age and Bronze Age comics! Don't miss an issue! Features Choice of Two Covers: Vault of Horror #28 and/or Vault of Horror #32. Magazine, PC (Vault of Horror #28 Cover) $5.95 Magazine, PC (Vault of Horror #32 Cover) $5.95 MAGAZINES SECTION COMIC MAGAZINES COMIC BOOK ARTIST #18 Issue #18 features the cosmic heroes of the 1970s! Get intergalactic by taking a trip to the far-out mind-blowing realms of Captain Mar-vell and Adam Warlock courtesy of the Cosmic Code of Authority! Come get experienced by way of the in-depth interviews with Jim Starlin, Steve Engelhart, Steve Leialoha, Alan Weiss, and Al Milgrom! Plus, your eyes will explode with the tons of unseen and rare art! And don't forget, Valentine's Day is coming, so what better way to celebrate than by sending a love letter with CBA's special '60s Marvel Bullpen Tribute featuring the favorite Marvel staffers at the House of Ideas! Flo Steinberg, Marie Severin, Herb Trimpe, Roy Thomas, and many other surprise guests share their Marvel Tales, al behind a brand-spankin' new Marie Severin cover! Hang loose, tune in and drop out, True Believer, and be there for the awesome, out- of-sight, 18th issue! Magazine, 8x11, 116pg, b&w $6.95 COMIC SHOP NEWS #764-767 Comic Shop News is the most popular weekly newsletter about comics. Each issue is full color, 8-12 pages with CSNsider, news, interviews, color art, and CSN Comics — an original Sunday-style comic. Only CSN has a complete monthly checklist, which includes Previews order numbers, plus exclusive CSN Hot Picks! "Fab Firsts," a monthly checklist of all the first issues due for the month, is also included. Sold in both 50-count and 100-count bundles. (Comic Shop News) Tabloid, FC PI Ea. COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE #1475 2002 is an anniversary year! Lots of classic Golden Agers are celebrating major milestones in 2002. Help them enjoy their birthdays in this issue with comics expert Ron Goulart! In addition, columns by Andrew Smith, Tony Isabella, Mark Evanier, and Peter David — plus lots of reviews — round out this issue! (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE #1476 DC in 2002! Detective Comics #1 was introduced 65 years ago. Wonder Woman came along 60 years ago. Mad began 50 years ago. The Swamp Thing crept out of the ooze 30 years ago. A decade ago, Superman bit the big one. So what's next for DC? Check out this issue of CBG. Plus you'll get Peter David's column and material from Mark Evanier, Andrew Smith, and Tony Isabella. Plus, of course, news and reviews. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE #1477 In the dark about Dark Horse's plans for spring and summer? Grab this issue and read all about 'em! With columns by Mark Evanier, Peter David, Tony Isabella, and Andrew Smith — not to mention lots of reviews plus news — this is one issue you can't afford to miss. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS BUYER'S GUIDE #1478 Marvel relaunches Cap! In April, Captain America moves under Marvel's Marvel Knights imprint with a new #1 drawn by John Cassaday. Here's your chance to learn the creative team's plans. In addition, columns by Peter David, Tony Isabella, Andrew Smith, and Mark Evanier make this issue hard to beat. And, of course, there's news. And reviews. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $3.50 COMICS INTERNATIONAL #142 Comics International is the news and comment bible for the comics industry! Includes hundreds of reviews of top titles, with plot synopses, plus an overview of scripts and art quality, as well as a directory of comic stores, specialists, events, and festivals. (Comics International) Magazine, PC $2.25 COMICS REVUE #191 Featuring: Tarzan at the Earth's Core by Burne Hogarth! Also featuring: Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray, Flash Gordon by Dan Barry, Casey Ruggles by Warren Tufts, Alley Oop by V. T. Hamlin, Modesty Blaise by Peter O'Donnell, Steve Canyon by Milton Caniff, Barnaby by Crockett Johnson, The Phantom by Lee Falk & Ray Moore, Gasoline Alley by Dick Moores, Krazy Kat by George Herriman, and Buz Sawyer by Roy Crane. (Manuscript Press) Magazine $5.95 FUNNY TIMES FEBRUARY 2002 Funny Times features the best cartoons and stories by America's funniest cartoonists and writers. Besides well-known features such as Dave Barry, Molly Ivins, Life in Hell, Lynda Barry, and Nicole Hollander, Funny Times also presents the most interesting and funny new talent. The monthly format allows for topical political humor and social satire. (Funny Times) Magazine $2.95 JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR #34 This is a slam-bang fighting americans themed issue of The Jack Kirby Collector! This issue celebrates Kirby's most hard- knuckled, all-American characters, including: that rough and tumble kid gang, the Newsboy Legion; Super-spy Nick Fury; the original "survivor," Green Arrow; and the Losers, inspired by Jack's own WWII experiences! Plus, there's an interview with Captain America's daddy Joe Simon about his copyright battle over the character (with plenty of Kirby Cap pencils), and a talk with Carmine Infantino about working for Simon & Kirby in the 1940s! There's also a Kirby-inked Captain America front cover, and an amazing Boys' Ranch back cover, penciled by Kirby and inked by legend Alex Toth! Also, unknown 1950s Kirby concepts, gobs of uninked Kirby pencils, and more, all in a "king"-sized tabloid format! (TwoMorrow's Publishing) Tabloid, 80pg, b&w $9.95 JOURNAL OF MADNESS #13 Kick-off MAD's 50th Anniversary celebration with "The Lighter Side of Dave Berg Interview!" In this issue, The Journal of MADness presents an interview with MAD's most popular artist and writer, Dave Berg. This may be the most comprehensive interview of Friend Berg's career, beginning with his early days with Wally Wood and Al Jaffee in the Will Eisner Studios and following him through World War Two and into his tenure at Marvel Comics. Berg also discusses his days at MAD and drops a bombshell about his relationship with Wally Wood. This interview examines how Berg's writing style went on to influence generations of stand-up comedians and changed the face of humor in every medium. This one is a classic! Foreign MAD: An interview with Australian MAD's Dave Williams on the successful Aussie MAD counterpart from The MAD Panic's notorious Ed Norris! Cover artist Kent Gamble is highlighted, including his artistic travels through MAD competitors Crazy and Cracked. Learn about the Marie Severin's connection to The Journal of MADness' great cover artist! Also in this issue, more original artwork from Kent Gamble, Steve Boswick, and Marten Jallad, and Jared Johnson's "Desperately Seeking Alfred." (Tool Publications) Magazine, 48pg, b&w $3.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A KIMOTA!: THE MIRACLEMAN COMPANION TP Alan Moore's Miracleman predated Watchmen and Dark Knight as the first of the grim, ultra-realistic strips that changed super-hero comics forever. But whatever happened to Miracleman? For the first time, this trade paperback tells all the behind- the-scenes secrets, from the character's start as the British strip Marvelman, to the legal and creative hurdles during its 24-issue run at Eclipse Comics, and why you never saw the final Neil Gaiman-scripted issue! Sporting a Mark Buckingham cover and an introduction and back cover by Alex Ross, this book features in-depth interviews with Alan Moore, John Totleben, Neil Gaiman, Mark Buckingham, Barry Windsor-Smith, Beau Smith, Cat Yronwode, Rick Veitch, and others! Plus, there's an amazing assortment of unpublished art, uninked pencils, sketches, and concept drawings (including unseen art from the never- published issue #25) by Totleben, Windsor-Smith, Buckingham, Mike Deodato, Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, and more! Also includes a never-before-published eight-page Moore/Totleben story, "Lux Brevis," and an unused Moore script! (A percentage of profits go to Miracleman artist John Totleben, who is battling the eye disease Retinitus Pigmentosa.) (TwoMorrow's Publishing) SC, 8x11, 148pg, b&w $12.95 ********************** SKETCH MAGAZINE #13 With artwork gracing the covers of the hot new G.I. Joe series, David Michael Beck has been a true American hero with his revolutionary presentation of some of pop culture's most fabled characters. Armed with his stylized realism, Beck has propelled to the front of the comic book world, bringing with him over 30 years of professional illustrating experience. David takes a break to sit down with Sketch and shares his feelings on his newly found status as a comic industry icon and discusses his career, influences, and his goal to remain on top of his skills and the times. As a bonus, Beck breaks down his latest cover piece, from concept to finish. In addition, Sketch will supply all the "How To's" and fill the niche of comic creation with columns on digital coloring, illustrating, writing, etc…Sketch Magazine –– the comic industry's trade magazine! (Blue Line) Magazine, 64pg $5.95 TRIPWIRE MAGAZINE #10 Wildstorm's revamp kicks in this year and Tripwire's got it covered. In this Wildstorm Mature Readers special, a chat with Ed Brubaker, Brian Azzarello, Sean Philips, Joe Casey, Dusty Nguyen, and more to get the lowdown on this line. Plus, Tripwire's revamp continues, with the music replaced with more independent comics coverage, "10 Questions," "Sounding Off," "Outside The Tent," animation column "Getting Animated," film news "Flickering Images," "Le Charcuterie Mechanique," and reviews of the latest graphic novels and comics. (Tripwire Comics & Music) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 48pg $3.95 COLLECTOR MAGAZINES ACTION FIGURE NEWS & TOY REVIEW #113 Lee's marches to NYC Toy Fair 2002! This issue features a special pull-out guide and the next episode of A.E.S.O.P. Also, the next installment of the Hot Wheels casting call, giveaway, and price guide; breaking news on Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Image, G.I. Joe action figure lines; and all the regular AFN monthly features! (Lee's Action Figure News & Toy Review) Magazine, FC $5.95 BECKETT SPORTS CARDS MAGAZINES These magazines cover the superstars of sports and sports-card collecting with insightful articles and colorful action photos. Regular features include looks at the most popular players and cards; tips on card collecting; and "Readers Write," a forum for readers. Plus, one of the hobby's most reliable and relied-upon price guides for cards. (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) BASEBALL (#204)—Magazine, FC $4.99 BASKETBALL (#140)—Magazine, FC $4.99 FOOTBALL (#144)—Magazine, FC $4.99 HOCKEY (#137)—Magazine, FC $3.99 RACING & MOTORSPORTS (#91)—Magazine, FC $3.99 SPORTS COLLECTIBLES & AUTOGRAPHS (#131)—Magazine, FC $3.99 BECKETT DRAGONBALL Z COLLECTOR #16 The latest issue of Beckett Dragonball Z Collector magazine is here! Each issue includes price guides and checklists, new release information, video game tips and tricks, coverage of all characters, contests, web site reviews, merchandise and cartoon reviews, and much more! (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 94pg $4.99 BECKETT POKÉMON COLLECTOR #31 Each issue of Beckett Pokémon Collector offers fresh, creative, and fun articles and columns on the latest and greatest Pokémon products on the market. Fans and collectors will be able to find out not only the value of their collectibles, but also where to find conventions and shows at which they can buy, sell, or trade them, and tournaments where they can play Pokémon! Plus, readers are offered words of wisdom from some of the best and most knowledgeable writers in the toy industry. Monthly. (Beckett's Publications) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 72pg, FC $4.99 DIE-CAST DIGEST FEBRUARY #13 Die-Cast Digest is the best racing collector magazine around, dedicated to racing die-cast and Hot Wheels collectors. DCD features the latest pricing in the monthly "Price Guide Pull-Out" section, along with articles and news from the world of imports, Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning, and what's new in Nascar and other types of racing. (Die-Cast Digest) Magazine $4.50 SPORTSCARD MARKET REPORT APRIL 2002 From collector profiles, auction action, and vintage player perspectives, to a complete and comprehensive price listing of the hottest and most-sought-after rare, out-of-print, and contemporary sports cards in the collectable arena to-date, everything a serious sports card enthusiast and collector needs to keep up with the latest market trends can be found within the pages of Sportscard Market Report. An extensive autograph guide is also included to accurately appraise properly authenticated items. (Odyssey Publications) Magazine $5.95 TOMART'S ACTION FIGURE DIGEST #97 This issue features more on-site coverage of Toy Fair 2002, with a look at some of the best lines of 2002. Plus, AFD's regular departments on new product announcements, international markets, Action News Briefs, and the Star Wars Update are all included in this issue. (Tomart Publications) Magazine, FC $5.95 TOY CARS AND MODELS MAGAZINE VOLUME 5 #4 Toy Cars & Models provides comprehensive coverage of the model car hobby without bias toward scale, subject, manufacturer, or material. Each month, Toy Cars & Models offers columns and news stories featuring models made of die- cast, white metal, plastic, resin and more while bringing readers in touch with the manufacturers, distributors and retailers who sell these model cars. Monthly giveaways, reader polls, and an active letters column give readers a chance to participate in their hobby. From model kits to die-cast, Toy Cars & Models will satisfy even the most discriminating collector. (Krause Publications) Magazine, FC $4.99 TOY SHOP #274-275 Find the toys you want, from vintage tin and character toys to actions figures, die-cast cars, model kits, and more in each biweekly issue! You'll find classified ads indexed alphabetically by category, making it easy for you to locate items of interest. Through editorial coverage and more than 115 separate advertising classifications, Toy Shop puts the entire spectrum of collectible toys and models at your fingertips every issue. (Krause Publications) Tabloid $4.50Ea. TUFF STUFF APRIL 2002 The monthly price guide contains prices for sports cards in singles, packs, boxes, and sets, along with prices for racing, draft picks, limited edition collectibles, and promo cards. Plus, autographs and memorabilia, as well as a "Starting Line-up" section. Also, lively feature stories, the latest in hobby news, top ten lists, market reports in all four major sports, and regular monthly columns from experts in the field. (Krause Publications) Magazine $4.99 GAME MAGAZINES DRAGON #294 Dragon Magazine is the only magazine solely dedicated to D&D, so there's no coincidence that it's the finest role-playing game magazine in the industry! This magazine features things that are sure to excite D&D fans. (Curtis Circulation) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 GAMES UNPLUGGED MAGAZINE #16 This full-color, 64-page entertainment magazine is for the adventure gamer. Provides current news and reviews, with entertaining features covering a variety of games. Covers role-playing games, card games, board games, miniatures, tabletop miniatures games, novel based on game worlds, game-related accessories, and new SnarfQuest comics! (Dynasty Presentations, Inc.) Magazine, 64pg, FC $2.99 NEXT GENERATION MAGAZINE #14 APRIL 2002 The most complete source for video gamers! Includes articles and reviews on the newest video games, covering the various outlets, including PlayStation, Dreamcast, Xbox, and PC games, along with company and technology news. (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC $5.99 PC GAMER MAGAZINE WITH CD-ROM APRIL 2002 The world's best-selling PC games magazine! This is the ultimate strategy and tips guide, with over 392 cheats, codes, and tips for all the latest games. Plus, reviews and previews of games, as well as articles covering everything in the PC game field. This issue comes with a special 2001 calendar from Empire Earth, along with a CD-ROM that has demos of eight games! (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC w/CD-ROM $7.99 PSM MAGAZINE #4 APRIL 2002 100% Playstation… 100% Independent! PSM Magazine is the place to turn to for everything in the world of PlayStation and PlayStation2! Each issue include the latest news from the U.S. and Japan, software reviews and previews, strategy guides to the hottest games, cheats and codes, letters, and exclusive covers illustrated by some of the comic industry hottest creators! (Imagine Publishing, Inc.) Magazine, FC $4.99 WHITE DWARF #270 White Dwarf is Games Workshop's premier magazine, crammed with news, gaming articles, pictures of great painted Citadel Miniatures, and much more! Each month, White Dwarf contains all the latest information about the Games Workshop hobby including the latest news releases of Citadel Models, in-depth features on armies, painting guides, modeling tips, rules clarifications, battle reports, and loads more. White Dwarf is the guide to the Games Workshop hobby, and always contains news and views of use to beginners and seasoned gamers alike. (Games Workshop) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Magazine $4.99 GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINES 3D WORLD MAGAZINE #23 3D World is the international magazine for 3D artists. Every issue covers film and game projects from Dinosaur to Myst III: Exile and features tutorials for every aspect of the 3D market. Industry experts line up to tell readers what they should be doing in 3D and how to do it. Every issue also has a CD full of demos and full versions of new software and plug-ins, showreels from both up and coming artists, and established companies along with a lot more. For people who want hard information about 3D. (Future Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $13.95 BITE ME MAGAZINE Bite Me is the U.K.'s only magazine for people who like vampires, the supernatural, and things that go bump in the night. In this issue, a Queen of the Damned Anne Rice special, Scotland's most famous poltergeist, interviews with vampire and paranormal experts, an interview with Victoria Price, on the trail of the Welsh Werewolf, devil masks, and more. Includes regular reports on horror-related events throughout the U.K. and the world, including the London Vampire Group and Scottish Vampyre Society. Plus, all the best in the world of scare: usual news, film, books, internet, event, music, and competitions. (Diamond U.K.) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $6.95 CINESCAPE APRIL 2002 Cinescape Magazine has always been a favorite of the genre entertainment fan, and now it promises to deliver more! The issue includes reviews of the top spring movies, videos, and DVDs, and will also feature inside information on what's new and what's hot in books, music, and comics! (Mania Entertainment) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 CULT TIMES #78 The month ahead of cult TV starts here! Plan your viewing with Cult Times' "Out of the Box" –– the indispensable listing guide of cult television programs to watch out for on terrestrial, cable, and satellite. Read interviews with the stars and features on shows currently airing in the U.K. Take a light-hearted but informative look at a classic series in the "Instant Guide" and review the highlights of the previous month's viewing in "Times Past." Cult Times is the complimentary magazine to TV Zone, and together they provide the ultimate guide to the many worlds of cult television. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE #314 For over 21 years, Doctor Who Magazine has been the only official source for news, features, interviews, and comic strip action devoted to BBC Television's immortal traveler in time and space! This issue's comic strip is "Children of the Revolution" Part Three! (Diamond U.K.) Magazine $6.80 DREAMWATCH #91 Bringing you all the spring's sci-fi and fantasy releases, plus news on forthcoming films, TV, games, and books. And, there are loads of interviews with the most prestigious figures in the industry and loads of fascinating features! Dreamwatch is the number one source of knowledge and entertainment on everything sci-fi and fantasy. (Titan Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 ENTERTAINMENT SHOWCASE NEWSLETTER Entertainment Showcase provides special reports that give a deeper look at topics of interest. These tailored features cover a wide range of topics including: regional reports on local organizations; industry outlooks on comic books, films, toys, television, video games, and animation; industry awards; markets and festivals; film and television reviews; and current information on industry-related grand openings and special events. (Entertainment Showcase) Tabloid PI Ea. FEMME FATALES VOLUME 11 #1 Featured in this issue are the erotic thriller films of B-movie director J.R. Bookwalter. Look at his latest movie Witchouse 3, and spotlights on his earlier films. Also profiled are Witchouse 3 stars Brinke Stevens and Tina Krause, along with J.R. Bookwalter protégé Danny Draven and his film Horrorvision. Also, the Canadian horror/comedy film Graveyard Alive is featured, and a retrospect on the career of Poltergeist actress-turned-director Jo Beth Williams. Only Femme Fatales brings you the latest news, profiles, and pictorials on the luscious ladies of horror, fantasy, and science fiction. (Cinefantastique) MATURE READERS Magazine $5.95 FEMME FATALES VOLUME 11 #2 Only Femme Fatales can bring you this rare and very exclusive interview with the infamous director of such films as Nude on the Moon, Bad Girls go to Hell, and Double Agent 73 with Chesty Morgan. Doris Wishman's latest hit Satan was a Lady features and exclusive on-the-set diary from star Honey Lauren. Also featured is Emanuelle 2000 leading lady Holly Sampson, and a Troma retrospect featuring rising star Tiffany Shepis. You won't want to miss this one! (Cinefantastique) MATURE READERS Magazine $5.95 FORTEAN TIMES #156 Become a student of American iconoclast Charles Fort with this expansive guide to the bizarre. Features news, reviews, and research on strange phenomena, experiences, and curiosities from the intricacies of crop circles to phantom hitchhikers. It's wild, it's funny, it's open-minded yet skeptical — and it's true! (I Feel Good) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 100pg $4.95 GIANT ROBOT #24 Giant Robot is the ultimate guide to Asian pop culture. In this issue, Hon Kong's Eric So breaks down the art of Bruce Lee, old ladies yell at Gedde Watanabe for being Sixteen Candle's Long Duk Dong. Taiwanese director Tsai Min-Liang soaks in a New York City retrospective, and Japanese pro snowboarder Tomo Yamakoshi returns from Chile. Also, get pick-pocketed in Spain, meet the guy who dubs bad martial arts movie dialog, and rock out to Cambodian psychedelic pop. Plus, there's serious skateboarding, bad junk food, and 88 things everyone needs to know. (Giant Robot) Magazine, 88pg, FC $4.95 HIGH TIMES MARCH 2002 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (High Times) ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, 134pg, FC $4.99 THE BEST OF HIGH TIMES VOLUME 30 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Trans-High Corp) ADULT MATERIAL Magazine $5.99 ILLUSTRATION #1 This is the first magazine devoted exclusively to the fine art of illustration in America. The first issue features articles on Haddon H. Sundblom, creator of the Coca-Cola Santa Claus images, James Avati, the King of paperback book illustration in the 1950s, and Jack Faragasso, illustrator of over 1,000 science fiction book covers. Also featured in this issue are rare, never- before-published photographs of Bettie Page (taken by Jack Faragasso when Bettie was an unknown model struggling in New York) as well as book reviews, a calendar of upcoming exhibitions, and more! Illustration is printed in full color throughout and features over 100 full-color reproductions taken directly from the original art. (Sounds of Death) Magazine, 52pg, FC $7.00 LOCUS #493 The science fiction and fantasy community's journal, with news and reviews on new and upcoming releases, as well as articles and columns by noted authors. (Locus Magazine) Magazine, 70pg, b&w $4.95 NEWGRAVE #4 Newgrave delivers a diverse content covering all aspects of dark and gothic culture. This issue takes a special journey into the most extreme and visually stunning fashion designs within this dark subculture. In addition to this issue's fashion focus, there is the unusual content Newgrave readers have come to expect, such as feature-length articles and reviews of music, art, photography, anime, toys, and movies. (Newgrave) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $2.99 PENTHOUSE MAY 2002 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (General Media Publishing Group) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. ADULT MATERIAL Magazine, FC $7.99 PLAYBOY MAGAZINE & SPECIALS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (Warner Publisher Services) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico. ADULT MATERIAL PLAYBOY (APR)––Magazine $4.99 PRESENTS (APR/MAY)––Magazine $6.99 PRIVATE (#29)––Magazine $6.99 PROTOCULTURE ADDICTS #70 Protoculture Addicts is one of the main anime and manga magazines in North America, and also the oldest –– around for over 14 years! It is dedicated to keeping fans informed about what is going on in the anime industry and to help them choose the best titles. It's the best guide to anime culture. In this issue, a spotlight on Heavy Gear, giving an overview of the series, character and mecha files, as well as synopses for the first 26 episodes. Also features the movie Spriggan, the TV series Angelic Layer, Initial D, and interview with ADV's Matt Greenfield, the usual "Anime World" articles, reviews of recent anime and manga-related products, and the latest news. (Protoculture) Magazine, 72pg, PC $4.95 SCARY MONSTERS 2002 YEARBOOK: MONSTER MEMORIES #10 This yearbook brings alive your monster memories as you read all the fascinating memories sent in by monster fans around the world. With articles like, "My Monster Memories of Shock Theatre," "Monster Memories of Getting Monstrous Back Issues in the Mail," "Mid-'60s Monster Memories: Remembering the KFDA-TV's Weekend Creature Features," "TV Monster Memories of the '70s," "South Australian Monster Memories," and "My Ten Minutes with Cash Flagg." This issue features all-new material, with a wraparound cover by Terry Beatty! (Dennis Druktenis Publishing) Magazine $7.95 SCREEN POWER THE OFFICIAL JACKIE CHAN MAGAZINE VOLUME 4 #4 Featured in this fully-endorsed publication spanning the immensely popular film career of martial-arts and international film star Jackie Chan, you'll find an exclusive interview with the main man himself: Jackie Chan! Screen Power travels to Dublin to talk to him about his latest Hong Kong movie, Highbinders, and his 2001 success with Rush Hour 2. Get the full report on Jackie's Christmas party in Hong Kong; exclusive photos and reports on the Jackie/Spielberg movie shooting in Toronto for Tuxedo; and exclusive interview with John Rhys-Davies (Lord of the Rings, Raiders of the Lost Arc), Jackie's latest co-star in Highbinders; and behind-the-scene info on the new Jackie Chan PlayStation game! Plus extensive details on all the new DVDs hitting the market, new merchandise, news, reviews, competitions, and all the happenings in the Jackie Chan world! (Screen Power) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.95 SFX #89 The smashing, spirited sci-fi magazine from Britain! This magazine asks and answers the burning questions on all sci-fi fans' minds. And, late-breaking news; in-depth interviews; behind-the-scene reports; multi-media reviews (books, comics, games, videos, TV); and much more. What more could a sci-fi fan want? (Future Publishing) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $7.75 SFX SCI-FI AND VAMPIRES SPECIAL From the makers of SFX comes their first special of 2002, Sci-Fi/Vampires! This special is packed with features, pictures, interviews and reviews on all the best vampire TV shows, films and books; so think Buffy, Angel, Dracula, Blade, Blade II (out in 2002) and much much more! In addition, this special will be boxed and promoted with art prints, making it a must-have item for collectors! (Future Publishing) Magazine $11.00 SIRENS OF CINEMA #2 This issue features an in-depth look at the women behind the hit TV series V.I.P.: Pamela Anderson, Molly Culver and Natalie Raitano. Also, an exclusive interview with Hong Kong actress, model, and fitness expert Almen Wong, star of action film Her Name is Cat. Plus, reviews, news and up-to-date information on actresses from TV, cable and video! (Draculina) Magazine, FC $5.95 SOUNDS OF DEATH #18 SOD, the ultimate death metal magazine, is back, bigger and better than ever! SOD #18 features a spectacular cover painting by up and coming fantasy artist Paul Lesch. Band features this issue include Six Feet Under, Emperor, Satan's Blood, Pyaemia, Cianide, Thy Infernal, and tons more. SOD #18 also features an expanded "Hate Mail" section as well as dozens of album, demo, and horror movie reviews from around the world. And, as a special bonus, each copy includes a stunning compilation CD from Quadrivium Records featuring 70 minutes of the best death metal from around the world including tracks from Resuscitator, Morbosidad, Legions, Eternal Conspiracy, Enthroned, and many more. (Sounds of Death) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $6.66 STAR WARS INSIDER #59 The most informative Star Wars fanzine around! With in-depth coverage of the movies, stories, art, and the people that make the Star Wars universe so amazing — you will always be an insider with Star Wars Insider! (Curtis Circulation) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. Magazine, FC $5.95 STARBURST #283 With nearly 25 years of publishing behind it, Starburst continues to offer its unique blend of the latest news, features, and interviews combined with a look back at science fiction classics of the past. Plus, the finest reviews section known to man, with the cream of films, books, soundtracks, television, comics, and DVDs all scrutinized for you. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 STARBURST SPECIAL #51 Starburst prides itself on the most intelligent and well-informed commentary on science fiction and fantasy to be found anywhere. With Star Trek X on the horizon, Starburst Special looks at the TV sci-fi series that have found success on the big screen, and the movies that have found new life on television. In-depth coverage, probing interviews, and dazzling new photos make this an unmissable issue! Plus, exclusive features on Angel, Star Wars Episode II, Farscape, Buffy, Stargate, Roswell, and much more! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $9.99 STARLOG #296 For 25 years, Starlog has taken readers behind the scenes, previewing the latest sci-fi and fantasy movies, TV series, and literature with the writers, artists, directors, special FX wizards, and actors who create them. Starlog explores the science fiction universe like no other magazine. In this issue, director John McTierman takes it to the limit with the remake of Rollerball, director Simon Wells wonders just what his great grandfather H.G. Wells would have wrought with The Time Machine, and meet two more members of The Lord of the Rings heroic Fellowship: Billy Boyd (Pippin) and Sean Bean (Boromir). Get a preview of A Wrinkle in Time and Firestarter, as well as the top TV shows like Enterprise, Andromeda, Mutant X, and amazing interviews with heroes and anti-heroes from Roswell, Smallville, and Special Unit 2. (Starlog Group) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.99 THAWK #2 This second installment of mayhem from the unstable minds that brought you Thwak #1 includes more ridiculous nonsense from talent around the country. Dave Newton explores a Thwak parody of super-heroes with his wonderful cover and interior pages. Marty Hirchak takes a look at baseball in his own twisted way and Marten Jallad takes a peek at the appropriateness of uttering simple words in "It's OK-It's not Ok," and lots more. Enjoy! (Tool Publications) Magazine, 32pg $3.99 TV WRESTLER #103 TV Wrestler is bigger and better than ever! This issue features a four-color, exclusive center spread pullout. TV Wrestler covers the WWF and its on-going struggle with the WCW/ECW Alliance. Every issue contains exclusive photos obtained by George Napolitano, ringside and behind-the-scenes photographer. TV Wrestler also covers the members of the wrestling community during their non-arena events, revealing their little-seen personal sides. Bi-monthly. (Starlog Group) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 TV ZONE #148 Up to the minute news, features and interviews, plus continuing coverage of popular cult TV shows like Stargate SG-1, Xena: Warrior Princess, Angel, Star Trek: Voyager, Farscape, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lexx, and Doctor Who. Also, our ongoing episode guides to popular series and answers to readers' questions in "Memory Alpha," along with regular news, reviews, and interviews. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 ULTIMATE DVD #27 As the DVD market continues to grow, Visual Imagination's entertainment magazine —now in its second year — is devoted solely to this format. Every issue contains the latest news, DVD reviews, star interviews, production notes, and a diary of forthcoming releases. Plus, a look at the latest players. Not to be missed! Now includes more Region 1 discs! (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $7.99 VIDEO WATCHDOG #81 If you're into horror, science fiction, or fantasy films; Hong Kong action cinema; '60s sexploitation; or other cult movies with an alternative bend, Video Watchdog is the magazine for you! Each 80-page issue is jam-packed with in-depth reviews of all the latest releases on VHS, DVD, and LaserDisc, including coverage of rare mail-order and import titles. Want to know if a new release is complete, correctly letterboxed, or otherwise worth your investment? Only Video Watchdog gives you the lowdown — regularly comparing new releases to earlier versions, and illustrating reviews with actual frame enlargements to show you what you're getting! And each issue is built around compelling feature articles about exciting releases, restored footage, lost classics, career interviews, and other essential reading! Now monthly! (Video Watchdog) Magazine, 80pg $6.50 WWF MAGAZINE APRIL 2002 The official magazine of the WWF is for anyone who can smell what The Rock is cooking! Want the latest scoop on Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and all of your favorite WWF superstars? The background on the hottest feuds? An update of WWF news, tours, and merchandise? Then turn to the WWF Magazine, your pipeline to the World Wrestling Federation. (Kable News Company) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, FC $4.99 WWF RAW MAGAZINE APRIL 2002 Exploring the rawer side of the WWF! Featuring the stunts they can't show on TV, backstage info on the wrestlers, pin-ups of stars like The Undertaker, Mankind, and HHH, plus bonus provocative pin-ups of the ladies of wrestling. Hey, why should wrestlers get all the posters? So are you man enough for Raw? Officially licensed by the WWF — and that's the bottom line! (Kable News Company) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS Magazine, FC $3.99 WRAPPED IN PLASTIC #57 The world's longest-running David Lynch/Twin Peaks magazine features an interview with Lynch by David Hughes (author of The Complete Lynch); coverage of Mulholland Drive; and part one of a new Twin Peaks episode guide! Also, X-Files news, and the usual letters and news updates about all things Lynchian! (Win-Mill Productions) Magazine, b&w $4.95 XPOSÉ #65 Interviews, features, and news from the world of fantastic movies and TV, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stargate SG-1, Roswell, Smallville, and The X-Files. Plus, all the latest movies and TV episodes reviewed. (Visual Imagination) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $5.99 BOOKS SECTION ANIME STARS OF THE MONTH ANIME ENCYCLOPEDIA TP by Jonathan Clements & Helen McCarthy Here is the long awaited, most comprehensive guide ever; the absolute must-have for every fan, collector, library, and video- store browser. Over 2,000 Japanese animation films from today's Pokémon, Tenchi Muyo, and Sailor Moon to the classic Tetsuwan Atomu ("Astro Boy"), plus little-known artistic gems like the anime life of Mozart with key personnel, running time, studio, alternative titles, cross references, critical comment, and sex/violence warnings.(Consortium Book Sales) (1-880656- 64-7) (STAR14227) TP, 7x9, 592pg, b&w $24.95 HAYAO MIYAZAKI MASTER OF JAPANESE ANIMATION TPB by Helen McCarthy Mixing first-hand interviews and personal insights with critical evaluations of art, plot, production qualities, and literary themes, McCarthy provides a film-by-film appraisal that examines technique as well as message. She reveals Miyazaki to be not just a master of the art of animation, but a meticulous craftsman who see his work as a medium for shaping the humanistic and environmental concerns of our times. Includes 8 color pages and 60 b/w illustrations. (Consortium Book Sales) (1-880656- 41-8) (STAR10142) TP, 7x9, 220pg $18.95 *********** ART BOOKS ALIEN HORIZONS: FANTASTIC ART OF BOB EGGLETON text by Nigel Suckling A four-time Hugo Award winner, Bob Eggleton conjures highly detailed and vibrant artwork for book covers of such prominent authors as Greg Bear, Issac Asimov, and Authur C. Clarke. To complement the more than 100 pages of colorful illustrations, a comprehensive interview between Nigel Suckling and Eggleton provides snippets about the painter's background and techniques as well as his views on everything from aliens and science to love and death. (Sterling Publishing) (1-85028-336-2) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic book specialty shops. TP, 8x11, 128pg, FC $21.95 ALASTAIR: ILLUSTRATOR OF DECADENCE TP by Victor Arwas A pseudonym for Hans Henning Voight (1887-1969), Alastair's unmistakably original illustrations, inspired by Aubrey Beardsley, have surfaced in plays, novels, and short stories from such celebrated authors as Oscar Wilde (Salome, The Sphynx), Choderlos de Laclos (Les Liaisons Dangereuses), Edgar Allen Poe (Fall of the House of Usher) and other writers of the fin-de- siecle period. NOTE: Allocations may occur. (CAUT: 4) TP, 8x11, 100pg, PC $10.99 ART OF DAN FRAZIER: TOUCH OF FANTASY TP by Dan Frazier Recognized for his vast array of work gracing Magic: The Gathering during its early inception, particularly art from Magic: The Gathering's infamous MOX series, Dan Frazier's trademark humorous trolls, gnomes, and odd assortment of creatures are captured in this selection of exquisite portraitures and inspiring visions of fantasy. Illustrations for The Hobbit, self- promotional pieces, and several unpublished works are also included, as well as plenty of background information on Frazier, and tips for breaking into the adventure game market as an artist. (Bud Plant) TP, 8x11, 80pg, PC $8.99 ART OF MATTHEW STAWICKI HC by Matthew Stawicki This beautiful hardcover collection showcases the finest work of Matthew Stawicki, a modern fantasy artist best known for his paintings for The Franklin Mint, Bantam, Wizards of the Coast, and others. With a forward by Margaret Weis and descriptive notes by Stawicki, this book is not only a visual feast, but also an intelligent, entertaining inside look at the world of one of today's top visual fantasists. (Steve Jackson Games) (1-55634-579-8) (CAUT: 4) HC, 112pg $29.95 (ART FROM APRIL 2001) COVEN: SISTERHOOD OF THE DARK VOLUME 2 SC The women of the coven remove all outer garments, and enter the circle. They evoke the ancient words, and chant together. Soon, their skin crackles with the life forces that rule every living thing. They are one with the universe, and can now channel its great power. Explore the sexier side of the dark arts, in this second collection of gorgeous incantations! These alluring, arcane visions are culled from the illustrative minds of Daniel Pascarelli, Tomas Giorello, Arantza, James Ryman, Meriggi, Maraschi, DelRivero, Boada, and many more! Full-color cover painting by Tomas Giorello. (SQP) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS RES. from Previews Vol. XI #4 (APR012523) SC, 8x11, 64pgs, b&w $9.95 FAMOUS AMERICAN ILLUSTRATORS HC by Arpi Ermoyan The Society of Illustrators bestows its highest honor each year upon those artists recognized for their distinguished achievement in the art of illustration. This lavish volume gathers together all 87 recipients of the Hall Of Fame Award since its inception in 1958, and features short biographical sketches and several major examples of award-winning work by such American illustrative icons as Pyle, Wyeth, Clement Coll, Flagg, Rockwell, Parrish, Remington, and Christy. (CAUT: 4) HC, 12x12, 224pg, FC $49.99 FRANK KELLY FREAS: AS HE SEES IT HC by Frank Kelly Freas & Laura Brodian Freas Hugo Award-winning artist Frank Kelly Freas has been painting prolifically for almost 50 years and is a legend in the history of science fiction and fantasy art. The gritty realism of his early work in the 1950s redefined art during that decade and set a new agenda for book and magazine covers. Much of his work now has a relaxed humor and is full of cheeky scoundrels and personable aliens. His images are timeless and used extremely diversely, from pulp-era magazines to modern science fiction books, games, motion pictures, and advertising. A new volume of his art is always something to celebrate, and this one, containing Freas' best work from 1984 on, is no exception. (Sterling Publishing) (1-85585-848-7) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic book specialty shops. HC, 9x12, 112pg, FC $29.95 Rodney Matthews IN SEARCH OF FOREVER: ART OF RODNEY MATTHEWS TP by Rodney Matthews & Nigel Suckling The images of Rodney Matthews' fantasy world flood forth in bright, vivid abundance, boasting a miraculous collection of strange bugs, supernatural landscapes, and a palette that ranges from burning hot orange to delicate pale blue. With entertaining narration by Nigel Suckling and Matthews himself, this compilation of his posters, book covers, record sleeves, and calendars reveal how he goes from sketch to finished work, demonstrating both his techniques and his affinity for detail. (Sterling Publishing) (1-85028-003-7) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic book specialty shops. TP, 11x11, 144pg, FC $21.95 LAST SHIP HOME: ART OF RODNEY MATTHEWS TP by Rodney Matthews Whether he's illustrating a timeless novel by Tolkien or Frank Herbert, a children's classic, magazine, album sleeve, or poster, Rodney Matthews' images explode with fantasy and joy. Color, movement, and a host of whimsical, personality-filled figures please the eye. The richly detailed paintings and preliminary sketches gathered here include The Hop, featuring an irresistible group of jazzy insects; the subtly glowing cover to C.S. Lewis's The Silver Chair; and the fanciful, slightly disturbing The Spud Snuzzler. (Sterling Publishing) (1-85028-095-9) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic book specialty shops. TP, 11x11, 136pg, FC $21.95 INNER VISIONS: ART OF RON WALOTSKY by Ron Walotsky Ron Walotsky's art has an undeniable appeal, a fact acknowledged when he received the Frank R. Paul Award for Outstanding Achievement in Illustration. This gifted painter and raconteur presents an anthology of his best works, including the haunting, unnerving cover for Rachel Pollack's Temporary Agency, giving the history behind them and relating anecdotes about the many creative people whose books he's illustrated. (Sterling Publishing) (1-85585-774-X) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic book specialty shops. TP, 8x11, 112pg, FC $21.95 JOURNEYMAN: ART OF CHRIS MOORE HC by Stephen Gallagher In the field of hi-tech sci-fi art, Chris Moore is without peer. His paintings have graced novels by such prestigious authors as Issac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, and Arthur C. Clarke, as well as posters, game cards, and advertising. Acclaimed thriller writer Stephen Gallagher (Chimera, Oktober) tells the story of this modern-day journeyman and along the way reveals fascinating insights into the process of creating great art. (Sterling Publishing) (1-85585-849-5) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic book specialty shops. HC, 8x11, 112pg, FC $29.95 Jim Burns LIGHTSHIP: JIM BURNS MASTER OF SF ILLUSTRATION TP By Jim Burns & Chris Evans Science fiction imagery can open our minds to unimagined worlds, especially when the painter has an unbridled, rare vision, and Jim Burns is such an artist. His intriguing illustration for The Ceremonies, which combines human figures with an evocative landscape, resonates powerfully with eerie lighting, unusual colors, beautifully characterized faces, and multiple narrative levels. Other fascinating works include the gold-toned cover for Born with the Dead, the sleek spinner in the hit film Blade Runner, and the mystical alien cityscape for Rendezvous with Rama 3. (Sterling Publishing) (1-85028-011-8) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic book specialty shops. TP, 10x11, 128pg, FC $21.95 TRANSLUMINAL: THE PAINTINGS OF JIM BURNS TP by Jim Burns For over 25 years, Jim Burns' imaginative book covers have delighted the giants of the science fiction genre – Ray Bradbury, Issac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke among them. In witty, informative commentary, filled with anecdotes and reminiscences, Burns explains the concepts and the process behind the creation of his spellbinding paintings. (Sterling Publishing) (1-85585- 678-6) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic book specialty shops. TP, 8x11, 112pg, FC $21.95 MERMAIDS AND MAGIC SHOWS: THE PAINTINGS OF DAVID DELAMARE TP by David Delamare & Nigel Suckling In ancient folk tales and films like Splash!, mermaids entice children and adults alike. In artist David Delamare's richly imaginative paintings, they appear as never before, captured in a dreamy, wonderful sea world. You'll also find deadly sirens swimming about amidst Delamare's magical gallery paintings and book illustrations. (Sterling Publishing) (1-85028-249-8) NOTE: This item may be available through other retail outlets before shipping to comic book specialty shops. TP, 9x12, 128pg, FC $21.95 OLIVIA BOOK SET WITH COLLECTIBLE SIGNED POSTCARD Sexy, sultry, wildly erotic, in-your-face sexuality and fetish touches, from leather and high heels, black stockings, and lingerie, no one can render seductive, exotic women like Olivia De Berardinis. For those of us who cherish Olivia's gift for conjuring the sensuality, personality, and erotic essence of women through her masterful illustrative craft and paintings, these genuinely insightful, provocative art books offer an extensive glimpse into the delectable world of Olivia, revealing the secrets, techniques, and the creative process in how she captures the aspects of beauty from her models. This set features the Art of Olivia: Let Them Eat Cheescake HC, Art of Olivia: Second Slice, Olivia's Cheescake Chronicles #1 SC, and a rare, signed collectible postcard – together, that's over a $100 value! Without a doubt, this definitive collection will sate the cravings for any serious Olivia aficionado! (O Card Corporation) SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Set $70.00 STAR OF THE MONTH TESTAMENT: THE LIFE AND ART OF FRANK FRAZETTA HC Edited by Arnie & Cathy Fenner The final entry in Arnie and Cathy Fenner's Frazetta trilogy features 150 full-color paintings by the renowned artist and illustrator! Frank Frazetta's 50-year career is celebrated through museum-quality reproductions of his art as well as photos from his personal archives. Featuring works not published in either Icon or Legacy, this collection also includes comments and anecdotes by the artist and the editors. (Underwood Books) (STAR14361) HC, 9x12, 160pg, PC $35.00 *************** COLLECTING TOMARTS DISNEYANA GUIDE TO PIN TRADING TP by Tom Tumbusch The Millenium Pin Celebration at Disney theme parks for the year 2000 reawakened a hobby that dates back to 1930. Now, more than 3,000 collectible Disney pins are represented in this comprehensive value guide, all in full-color, complete with information on the hobby market and direct connections to the Disney pin trading world. (Tomart Publications) (0-914293-51-6) (CAUT: 4) TP $14.95 COMIC THEMES STAR OF THE MONTH ARTISTS ON COMIC ART SC by Mark Salisbury Some of today's most respected comic book artists discuss the secrets of translating comics script into graphic storytelling. For the first time ever, this book features in-depth and revealing interviews with comic legends such as Brian Bolland, John Byrne, Steve Dillon, Dave Gibbons, Jim Lee, Frank Miller, Alex Ross, and others. Technique, style, layouts, approach, penciling, inking… no facet of the artist's craft is left unexplored, and this is just the beginning. Author Mark Salisbury gets to grips with the lovely creative genius behind the pencil and ink, presenting an unparalleled insight into the widescreen mind of the comic book artist. Revealing, instructional, shocking, and humorous, Artists on Comic Art has something for comics fans, budding artists, and hardened professionals. (Titan) (STAR12440) SC, 256pg $23.99 ************* COMIC FANDOM READER TP edited by Bill Schelly Acclaimed fandom historian Bill Schelly (author of The Golden Age of Comic Fandom) has compiled his ultimate book, presenting never-before-reprinted text and art from classic 1960s fanzines Alter Ego, Comic Art, Batmania, Xero and more, as scribed by fandom's top writers Roy Thomas, Richard Kyle, Dick Lupoff, Tom Fagan, John Ryan, Raymond Miller, and Malcolm Willits. Also included is a fantastic Fanzine Index (1947-1975), a special section reprinting the best of Schelly's own fanzine Sense of Wonder, the complete text of the long out-of-print Ronn Foss Retrospective, and transcripts of the best interviews Schelly conducted while researching prior books.(Hamster Press) (CAUT: 4) TP, 8x11, 224pg, b&w $19.95 STARS OF THE MONTH LITTLE LIT: FOLKLORE & FAIRY TALE FUNNIES edited by Art Spiegelman & Francoise Mouly It's a treasure and a treasury — a Raw for kids and imaginative adults. Innovative cartoonists and renowned children's book artists from around the world have gathered to bring you the magic of fairy tales through the wonder of comics. The stories range from old favorites to new discoveries, from the profound to the silly. A treat for all ages, these picture stories unlock the enchanted door into the pleasures of books and reading! Those contributing include Art Spiegelman, William Joyce, Joost Swarte, Walt Kelly, Daniel Clowes, Lorenzo Mattotti, David Mazzucchelli, Chis Ware, Charles Burns, and many more! And as an added bonus, a story-telling board game is included. (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06-028624-5) (STAR14250) SC, 9x14, 64pg, FC $19.95 LITTLE LIT: STRANGE STORIES FOR STRANGE KIDS HC edited by Art Spiegelman & Francoise Mouly The second groundbreaking anthology from the New York Times bestselling team of Art Spiegelman and Francoise Mouly! The everyday world is turned upside down and the ordinary becomes the extraordinary in this collection of strange tales featuring stories and games from celebrated, award-winning comics artists from around the world as Maurice Sendak (Where The Wild Things Are), Jules Feiffer, Kim Deitch, Kaz, Richard McGuire, Martin Handford (Where's Waldo?), plus a selection from Barnaby by Crockett Johnson, comics by literary giants Paul Auster and David Sedaris, and many others. (Raw Books and Graphics) (0-06-028626-1) (STAR14251) HC, 9x13, 64pg, FC $19.95 ************ Michel Gagné THE BIRD, THE SPIDER, AND THE OCTOPUS HC written & illustrated by Michel Gagné A little on the darker side, this book doesn't give us the expected redemption or insight into a richer meaning in life. The stories here explore the burdens of greed and revenge and the hopelessness of self-destructive behaviors behind the guise of three lovable little creatures. Beware! The whimsical yet affecting illustrations may trigger tears, laughter, and horror. (Gagne International Press) (0-9666404-3-8) HC, 11x11, b&w $24.95 THE GREAT SHADOW MIGRATION HC written & illustrated by Michel Gagné The Great Shadow Migration is a sophisticated and mystical tale that will definitely give you something to think about. Follow the evolution of two diverse beings as they struggle to inhabit one world. Your eyes will feast at the beautiful and imaginative illustrations as your mind wanders through this poetic tale. (Gagne International Press) (0-9666404-2-X) HC, 11x11, b&w $24.95 THE MYSTERY OF HE HC written & illustrated by Michel Gagné He is an unusual creature with a strange origin and wonderful destiny. Follow him along his path of life with all of its mysterious twists and turns. He meets both friend and foe and struggles with adversity in an ageless story of acceptance and brotherhood. (Gagne International Press) (0-9666404-1-1) HC, 11x11, b&w $24.95 FANTASY / SCI-FI ABU AND THE SEVEN MARVELS HC by Richard Matheson, with illustrations by William Stout Lavishly illustrated by acclaimed artist William Stout and scribed by Richard Christian Matheson, this fantasy tale revolves around the illustrious quest for the Seven Marvels of the world, which Abu must find to win the hand of the princess he loves. Thwarted every step of the way by the evil Vicar, Abu is aided by an ancient genie whose best days are far behind him. A crotchety old codger, the genie nevertheless meets Abu's needs, though the accommodations are often not first class (a magic rug that unravels and a swaybacked horse just to name a few). Matheson's fertile imagination shines in this wonderful tale that is bound to become a timeless classic. (Gauntlet Press) (CAUT: 4) HC $21.95 ALFRED HITCHCOCK IN THE VERTIGO MURDERS MMPB by J. Madison Davis The year is 1957. Alfred Hitchcock is immersed in the production of his latest film, Vertigo, when he receives a macabre present: the severed ear of a woman. Joining forces with retired L.A.P.D. detective Chess Slattery, Hitch decides to investigate, following a trail that takes the pair from the mansions of Bel Air to the degraded haunts of Hollywood wannabes to the shabby bungalows of Venice. What they discover puts them in the path of a twisted killer hell-bent on ruining the famous Hitchcock profile. A relentless series of events threaten to spiral out of control and into disaster, until Hitch masterminds a thrilling finale worthy of Vertigo itself! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3496-X) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 304pg $6.99 WARHAMMER 40K: GREY HUNTER MMPB by William King The Space Wolves are headstrong warriors of legend in a dark galaxy of faceless war. Their strength and ferocity is such that the entire chapter would take the field together only in times of direst threat or greatest peril. Such a time has arisen. Now Ragnar, the young Blood Claw, full of fire and eager for glory, must prove his worth and seize his destiny if he is finally to earn the honor of the title of Grey Hunter. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-4300-4) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 288pg $6.95 WARHAMMER: SHADOWBREED MMPB by David Ferring Introducing Book 2 of the Konrad trilogy by David Ferring. Five years ago, the boy Konrad first saw the Bronze Knight, harbinger of destruction and death for his true love and those dearest to him. Now, Konrad is no longer a child, but a hardened mercenary confounded by dreams of the legendary hero Sigmar and fighting in a land far from his devastated home. And now, when the evil warrior reappears, with him rides Konrad's chance at vengeance. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-4301-2) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 256pg $6.95 HOW-TO STAR OF THE MONTH BRIDGMAN'S COMPLETE GUIDE TO DRAWING FROM LIFE SC by George B. Bridgman Over 1,000 fine illustrations of the human anatomy appear in a single volume, accompanied by detailed explanatory text – an entire education in artistic anatomic structure. Originator of the system of drawing known as constructive anatomy, George B. Bridgman, legendary teacher at New York's Art Students' League, carefully analyzes, clarifies, and illustrates the complex movements of the human figure. From eyes to toes, including all the body's muscles and bones, you'll find more than 200 illustrations of the hand, 35 pages of drapes and folds, and hundreds of images of arms, shoulders, heads, torsos, legs, knees, and feet. An essential resource for painters, sculptors, and graphic artists, professional and amateur. (Sterling Publishing) (0- 8069-3015-2) (STAR14187) SC, 8x11, 352pg, b&w $17.95 ************ HUMOR GARFIELD BIGGER THAN LIFE TP by Jim Davis Born in the kitchen of Mama Leone's Italian restaurant in 1978, Garfield has grown into worldwide celebrity status. His antics with his feckless owner, Jon Arbuckle, his drooling doggy pal, Odie, and his beloved teddy bear, pooky, have brought laughter to millions daily. Now, the world's most beloved, wisecracking, nap-taking, lasagna-loving, Monday-hating fat cat is back in this third compilation of classic Garfield cartoons published in a new oversized, splashy, full-color format. (Random House) (0-345-45027-2) (CAUT: 4) TP, 8x9, 96pg, FC $9.95 MAD READER MMPB by Various In celebration of MAD's 50th Anniversary comes this "facsimile edition" of the first MAD paperback! Chock full of rich satire, parody, and social commentary, this reprint collects all the original cartoons, humor, and utter mayhem from the initial 1954 publication. Now you, too, can be a MAD Reader! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3491-9) (CAUT: 4) MMPB $9.99 SILICON FOLLIES: A DOT.COMEDY SPECIAL by Thomas Scoville Welcome to Silicon Valley, where fortunes are fast, dating's dysfunctional, and computer geeks rule. Welcome to TeraMemory, the tech behemoth where a daily cyber-soap opera of e-mail fiascoes, corporate conniving, and digital angst play out for Barry, the arrogant CEO, Paul, the humble engineer, Liz, the brainy marketing associate, and Steve, the subversive hacker. Welcome to Silicon Follies! With this hilarious novel of ambition and disillusionment in a land of luck, loss, and occasional love, Scoville demonstrates a mastery of the thinking person's parody.(Pocket Books) (0-7434-1121-8) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 336pg $12.00 STAR OF THE MONTH SIMPSONS TREEHOUSE OF HORROR SPOOKTACULAR TP by Matt Groening Matt Groening, the creator of television's longest running "re"-animated series, The Simpsons, serves up another tantalizingly tasty tome of terror that will rattle your funny bones and leave you screaming with laughter. Crazed Christmas trees, tattooed circus freaks, school dances, flying monkeys, intergalactic rebellion, teenage acne, giant cockroaches, and vegetarian chili. From the morbid to the mundane, the cryptkeeper of comedy tells tales of heart-pounding hilarity guaranteed to leave you in stitches! (Harper Collins Publishers) (0-06-093714-9) (STAR14272) TP, 8x11, 144pg, FC $15.95 *********** MOVIES / TV / MUSIC STARS OF THE MONTH CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON MOVIEBOOK TP Winner of four Academy Awards, including "Best Foreign Language Film," Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is a timeless story set in feudal China, in a world where miracles are credible and spirits and gods walk among man. Pain, revenge, and duty are the stuff that binds us in this world and are at the root of the main plot, but in the afterlife love and faith linger on. Directed by Ang Lee, with impeccable production and costume design by Tim Yip and sweeping cinematography by Peter Pau, this moviebook offers an endearing portrait of the awe-inspiring feature film, including the complete screenplay, and forward and notes by Ang Lee and Executive Producer/Screenwriter James Schamus. (Newmarket Press) (1-55704-457-0) (STAR14312) TP, 8x9, 144pg, PC $19.95 THE ENCHANTED WORLD OF RANKIN/BASS TP by Rick Goldschmidt This is the authorized history of Rankin/Bass Productions and the complete reference to their animated films, TV series, and TV specials. The author documents every Rankin/Bass production, including such classics as Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and The Year Without a Santa Claus. Also covered are Saturday morning cartoon series such as The Jackson Five and ThunderCats and theatrical features such as Mad Monster Party. Includes more than 400 black and white illustrations and 16 pages of full color photos. (Tiger Mountain Press) (0-9649542-8-1) (STAR14288) TP, 8x11, 176pg $18.95 PLANET OF THE APES RE-IMAGINED BY TIM BURTON TP by Mark Salisbury With over 200 photographs, drawing, storyboards, and the complete screenplay, this magnificent visual book on Twentieth Century Fox's Planet of the Apes, as re-imagined by visionary director Tim Burton, offers a candid glimpse of the brilliant filmcraft of today's most acclaimed creator of cinematic worlds and the state-of-the-art production team that helped bring his concepts to vivid life. This book reveals the brilliant film-craft of Tim Burton's envisioning of this classic story, from preliminary production designs and character sketches to fully realized scenic art and blueprints, and the final sets and action as photographed. (Newmarket Press) (1-55704-486-4) (STAR14345) TP, FC, 9x11, 160pg $22.95 ************ POP CULTURE ABBIE HOFFMAN STEAL THIS BOOK TP by Abbie Horman, with illustrations by R. Crumb A driving force behind the social revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, Hoffman inspired a generation to challenge the status quo. Meant as a practical guide for the aspiring hippie, Steal This Book captures Hoffman's puckish tone. Outrageously illustrated by R. Crumb, it nevertheless conveys a serious message to all would-be revolutionaries: You don't have to take it anymore. (Publishers West Group) (1-56858-217-X) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 308pg, b&w $14.00 CLUE MYSTERIES TP by Nigel Tappin Based on the grand success of Five-Minute Mysteries, this collection of 20 taut tales to solve in ten minutes or less features familiar characters from the classic CLUE board game. Set in fictional Cluholme Manor, these stories recall the literary stylings of the great English mystery writers, while involving Colonel Mustard, Professor Plumb, Mrs. Letitia Peacock, and the others in all manner of fun-to-solve intrigues. (Running Press) (0-7624-1208-9) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 160pg $9.95 FETISH FASHION TP by Larry Utley Blending fashion with eroticism, this lavishly illustrated book illuminates why people still love to wear corsets as a fetish accessory and a form of sexual expression. Photographer Larry Utley's inspired work with shape, shadow, texture, light, and digital effects invites the reader to step into this often clandestine world. The introduction by Dark Garden custom corset designer Autumn Carey-Adamme gives an overview of the corset's century-old presence, and suggests reasons for the garment's allure. (Publishers Group West) (1-931160-06-6) SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. ADULT MATERIAL TP, 9x11, 120pg, PC $21.95 JACK KEROUAC ORPHEUS EMERGED HC WITH CD-ROM By Jack Kerouac Recently discovered by Kerouac's estate, and the first full-length work to be published since his death in 1969, Orpheus Emerged chronicles the passions, conflicts and dreams of a group of bohemians searching for truth while studying at a university. This volume also includes the acclaimed interactive e-book version on CD-ROM, enhanced with hypertext timeline, audio and video clips, footnotes, rare photographs, and journal entries all offering a view into the window of Jack Kerouac's world. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3484-6) (CAUT: 4) HC, 6x8, 224pg $24.00 STAR OF THE MONTH LOVE VOODOO KIT by Lou Harry Voodoo Lou is back with another batch of spells, this time focusing on love, sex, marriage, and romance. This latest kit in the wildly popular series takes a playful look at the good and bad sides of love, with a unique interactive aspect in the form of a voodoo doll – tons of fun as a party game or a source of solitary, pin-sticking vengeance. For those looking to match-make, match-break, or put a hex on their ex, Voodoo Lou provides just the right tongue-in-cheek spell, along with romantic insight that can't help but bring comic relief. Each kit contains a 64-page book plus a beautifully designed voodoo doll, complete with stickpins. (Running Press) (0-7624-1064-7) (STAR14205) Kit $9.95 *************** SEX TAKE A WALK ON THE WILD SIDE TP by Tony Mitchell Sex: Take a Walk on the Wild Side is a provocative historical photographic survey of "the whole thrilling predicament" of bondage, domination, and discipline. Fetishism, bondage, and sadomasochism are prime examples of previously taboo areas of sexuality that are now being reevaluated by mainstream society, and Sex dances along those boundary lines through the eyes of fifty talented photographers including Helmut Newton, Irving Klaw, John Sutcliffe, Suze Randall, Alwyn Coates, Erik Hansen, and Bob Zak. (Publishers Group West) (1-56025-363-0) SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. ADULT MATERIAL TP, 9x11, 224pg, PC $29.95 PULP FICTION BAD GIRLS OF PULP FICTION MINI HC Bright, lurid, and enormously entertaining, the covers of adult pulp novels published from the '40s through the '60s constitute a pop-art genre of enduring appeal. This "Miniature Edition" collection of 60 pulp fiction book covers includes such kitschy classics as Tomcat in Tights, She Couldn't Be Good, and Sex-A-Go-Go. (Running Press) (0-7624-1256-9) (CAUT: 4) HC, 2x3, FC $5.95 SPIDER-MAN BEHIND THE MASK OF SPIDER-MAN TP by Mark Cotta Vaz Featuring hundreds of never-before-seen photos, design illustrations, costume sketches, interviews with all the major filmmakers and stars, and most of the actual shooting script, this book will reveal what it felt like to create Spider-Man, to film Spider-Man, and to be Spider-Man! Directed by Sam Raimi (Army of Darkness, Quick and the Dead, The Gift) and boasting an explosive story, incredible visual effects, and a stellar cast including Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, and James Franco, this is the one and only book that will take you for the thrill ride of the year: the making of Spider-Man! (Random House) (0-345-45004-3) (CAUT: 4) TP, 8x10, 224pg, PC $20.00 SPIDER-MAN MOVIE NOVELIZATION MMPB by Peter David, based on the screenplay by David Koepp. The official novelization of the blockbuster movie! It begins with an orphan named Peter Parker, raised by his beloved Aunt May and Uncle Ben in Queens, New York. A quiet student, he works diligently at his studies and pines for the beautiful Mary Jane Watson. But this ordinary teenage boy is about to have his life turned upside down, when he is bitten by a genetically altered spider. Suddenly, he finds himself in possession of spectacular powers. He is now and forever Spider-Man! (Random House) (0-345-45005-1) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 256pg $6.99 STAR OF THE MONTH SPIDER-MAN: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE HC A must-have for all comic book fans! View never-before-seen artwork, behind-the-scenes facts, and special foreword by Stan Lee, one of the founders of Marvel Comics and the creator of Spider-Man. This incredible guide allows young readers to learn more about Spider-Man's super-human powers, read vital information about all of his enemies, and get more facts about his alter ego, Peter Parker. Includes over 700 full-color illustrations. (DK Publishing Co.) (0-7894-7946-X) (STAR14275) HC, 10x12, 128pg $19.95 ************** STAR TREK ENTERPRISE: BY THE BOOK MMPB by Dean Wesley Smith & Kristine Kathryn Rusch In their first few weeks in space, Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the Enterprise have already discovered several new species and explored strange new worlds. But each planet brings new discoveries and new dangers! The Fazi, whose ultraregulated culture ranges from strict conversation protocols to unvarying building designs, inhabit half of a planet discovered by the Enterprise. But after a disastrous first contact with the ruler of the Fazi, Archer must depend on Vulcan science officer T'Pol and communications specialist Ensign Hoshi Sato to help him mend relations with the people of this planet, and unravel the mystery of the other creatures living on the world. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-4871-5) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 272pg $6.99 STAR TREK: STARFLEET YEAR ONE MMPB by Michael Jan Friedman In the wake of the Romulan defeat by the Earth Command and its allies, the Neutral Zone was established. Out of that necessary and uneasy collaboration came the United Federation of Planets and its combined forces, Starfleet. A powerful new class of starship, the Daedalus, flagship of the new Federation fleet, is up for grabs, and Admiral Ed Walker is determined to keep this jewel, and all of Starfleet, under military command and away from the scientists. Choosing Captain Aaron Stiles as his protégé in the endeavor and facing stiff resistance from Walker's rebellious space jock nephew Dane and scientist Captain Bryce Shumar, they must set about their differences as Starfleet's first threat arises in the form of an unknown alien race that is destroying the bases of the Oreias system. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3788-8) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 304pg $6.99 STAR TREK TNG: HARD RAIN MMPB by Dean Wesley Smith Captain Jean-Luc Picard has long enjoyed playing the role of Dixon Hill, a hard-boiled private eye conjured from his holographic excursions into 1940s San Francisco, providing a welcome diversion from his hefty responsibilities as a Starfleet captain. But not this time. The Starship Enterprise is now a derelict ship tossed into a dangerous zone of warped space and time, and the only way to solve this tangled mystery and save the lives of everyone aboard is hidden somewhere in the mean streets and back alleys of old Frisco. But so is a cold-blooded murderer. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1926-X) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 STAR WARS USING THE FORCE: CREATIVITY, COMMUNITY AND STAR WARS FANS HC by Will Brooker In this intelligent and entertaining study of fandom at its most intense, Will Brooker examines the Star Wars phenomenon from the audience's perspective, and discovers that the saga exerts a powerful influence over the social, cultural, and spiritual lives of those drawn into its myth. Serving as a testament to the extraordinary power of the Star Wars films and the Expanded Universe that surrounds them, Using the Force explores what it means to be a "fan", as Brooker unearths a seemingly endless array of admirers who use and interpret the saga in a number of creative ways, thus binding established communities together that are "legion". (Continuum) (0-8264-5287-6) (CAUT: 4) HC, 288pg, b&w $27.95 STAR OF THE MONTH THE WILDLIFE OF STAR WARS: A FIELD GUIDE HC by Terryl Whitlatch & Bob Carrau Designed as a naturalist's sketchbook and featuring meticulous illustrations by Star Wars artist Terryl Whitlash, The Wildlife of Star Wars is truly the definitive guide to the creatures of George Lucas' mega creation. Thorough, precise, and totally entertaining, this reference book to the nonsentient inhabitants of this galaxy captures the unusual anatomy, the extraordinary behavior, and the rainbow hues of the most interesting wildlife on Naboo, Hoth, Endor, and other planets in a galaxy far, far away. (Chronicle Books) (0-8118-2869-7) (STAR14280) HC, 10x12, 176pg, FC $40.00 *************** SUPER-HEROES FIVE DECADES OF THE AVENGERS TP edited by Stan Lee The Avengers, a collection of Earth's mightiest heroes, and the greatest super-team ever assembled. From the incredible Hulk to the amazing Spider-Man, almost every hero and heroine in the Marvel Universe has been a member at one time or another. Featuring interior art by some of Marvel Comics' hottest artists, Five Decades of the Avengers showcases an all-star cast of Marvel's greatest super heroes as they battle against the most notorious super villains, set against the backdrop of some of the most important events in Avengers history. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-3511-7) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 400pg $14.95 JLA BATMAN: THE STONE KING MMPB by Alan Grant Superman. Batman. Wonder Woman. The Flash. Green Lantern. They are the world's greatest super heroes, fighting endlessly against corruption and injustice. Each of them alone is a formidable opponent of evil, but banded together their powers are unmatched. Ever ready, they stand united as the Justice League of America! Now, drawn to the eye of an arcane storm of supernatural energies unleashed by an ancient pyramid unearthed in Gotham City, the heroes of the JLA become caught in the grip of a force far beyond their extraordinary powers. Only Gotham's protector, the Batman, manages to escape. But to free his allies and stop the chaos that is fast engulfing the world, the Dark Knight must somehow unlock the pyramid's secret curse. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-1710-0) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 320pg $6.99 STARS OF THE MONTH SUPERMAN RADIO SCRIPTS VOLUME 1 TP Compiled and edited by DC Comics, and offered for the first time in a published format, this book showcases scripts from the smash-hit Superman radio series, featuring 16 pieces of classic art from legendary cartoonist, Joe Shuster. Volume 1 contains the classic 1964 broadcast Superman vs. the Atom Man. Also included are 16 sidebars offering readers inside stories about the characters, actors, and even the impact the radio shows had on the American listeners. (Watson Guptill Publications) (0-8230- 8423-X) (STAR14359) TP, 8x11, 208pg, b&w $19.95 WONDER WOMAN MASTERPIECE EDITIONS by Les Daniels The Golden Age of the Amazon Princess is explored by Les Daniels. The small format edition includes action figure only. (Chronicle Books) (0-8118-324-22) (STAR14281) SMALL SET, HC, 7x10, 96pg $40.00 ************* TUBE ANGEL: THE CASEFILES VOLUME 1 TP by Nancy Holder, Jeff Mariotte, & MaryElizabeth Hart Everyone's got their demons. For a hundred years, Angel offered an ugly death to everyone he met. A gypsy curse put a stop to his rampage, but his doomed love of Buffy the Vampire Slayer drove him from Sunnydale to Los Angeles on his own quest for redemption. Now, go behind the scenes with your favorite broody vamp in this official companion sourcebook to the hit show Angel, featuring exclusive in-depth interviews with the cast and crew, episode dossiers, character files, notable quotes, and more! (Pocket Books) (0-7434-2414-X) (CAUT: 4) TP, 7x9, 368pg, PC $16.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: TEMPTED CHAMPIONS MMPB by Yvonne Navarro Buffy's shaken to learn that Celina, the new girl in town, is actually a vamp who's heard of Buffy's rep and seeking to challenge her. But, Celina is no mere vampire, as she was once a Slayer herself! If Celina turned Buffy, and Willow restored Buffy's soul, could she possibly find love with Angel at last? And, more importantly, would she still be a hero? (Pocket Books) (0-7434-0036-4) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 384pg $6.99 FARSCAPE: SHIP OF GHOSTS MMPB by David Bischoff Lost and alone in unknown territory, astronaut John Crichton has found a refuge of sorts aboard Moya, a vast living starship sheltering a fractious band of bizarre alien fugitives. Now Moya and her squabbling inhabitants have run afoul of a mysterious space vessel that only seems deserted. Desperate to fulfill an ancient prophecy, the strange astral inhabitants of the ghost ship will stop at nothing to escape their limbo-like existence, forcing Crichton and the others to brave the mystic terrors of an alien realm in order to free the restless spirits, not to mention themselves! (St. Martins Press) (0-765-34002-X) (CAUT: 4) MMPB, 288pg $6.99 NEW YORK TIMES ON THE SOPRANOS 2002 EDITION TP From the pages of the New York Times comes the full story of a television phenomenon, The Sopranos. Updated and expanded for the third season, this companion book traces the history of the show, provides a guide to the major cast and characters, and takes you behind the scenes to learn about the author of the series, David Chase, a veteran of such programs as The Rockford Files. (Pocket Books) (0-7434-4467-1) (CAUT: 4) TP, 5x8, 228pg $9.99 STARGATE SGI ILLUSTRATED COMPANION VOLUME 2 TP by Thomasina Gibson Colonel Jack O'Neill, leader of an elite military team, endeavors to learn the secrets of the Stargate, a mysterious ancient portal that allows instantaneous travel to remote planets throughout the universe. This official companion to seasons 3 and 4 of the hit series spin-off of the blockbuster action-adventure movie Stargate details all 44 episodes with complete story synopses, complemented by extensive commentary and behind-the-scenes information, plus interviews with the producers, directors, writers, SFX crew, and stars. (Diamond Comic Distributors – England) (1-84023-355-9) (CAUT: 4) TP, 6x9, 160pg $16.99 INTERNATIONAL SECTION BRITISH IMPORTS FATHOM VOLUME 2: CHILD OF TWO WORLDS TP by Michael Turner, Bill O'Neil, & Joe Weems From the depths they rose in search of the child who walked among the air-breathers, but was part of the world below. Her name is Aspen Matthews, and they showed her her heritage, the beauty of the oceans. But behind their concern lurked a darker agenda, a brewing war with mankind and an ancient mystery! Aspen is the key, a vessel of immense power, and she stands at a crossroads… torn between the world that birthed her and the world that raised her. Guest-starring Witchblade and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider! English text. (133/1-84023-292-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 152pg, FC $18.99 WITCHBLADE FEATURING TOMB RAIDER VOLUME 2: CEREMONY TP by Christina Z., Wohl & Turner In this second Titan Books collection (featuring an all-new variant cover), Witchblade once again joins forces with Lara Croft, Tomb Raider! The action sizzles as archaeologist Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) and NYPD cop Sara Pezzini (Witchblade) team-up to combat a mystical menace born of ancient Egypt. Plus, more of Witchblade's incredible origin! English text. (133/1-84023- 093-2) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 128pg, FC $14.99 FRENCH IMPORTS FRENCH PIN-UPS HC by Hubert de Lartigue SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (5053/9782951720305) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL HC, 10x13, 100pg, FC $44.99 GERMAN IMPORTS FINAL FANTASY IX TETRA MASTER CARD GAME GERMAN EDITION This German edition includes 120 cards, 20 chips, two 10-sided dice, a rulebook, and game plan. German text. (888/40220731920200) (CAUT: 4) Game $16.99 SPANISH IMPORTS EL VIBORA #258, #259 & ESPECIAL VICIO SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (9046) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL #258—Comic, 68pg, PC $7.99 #259—Comics, 68pg, PC $7.99 ESPECIAL VICIO—Comic, 68pg, PC $7.99 KISS COMIX #118 & #119 SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (9046) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL #118—Comic, PC $7.99 #119—Comic, PC $7.99 ANIME BOOKS INITIAL D SHUICHI SHIGENO ARTWORK SC by Suichi Shigeno This special edition Initial D book has loads of illustrations, character sketches, manga excerpts, and photographs from the increasingly popular series. Fans of import racing should really check out this series! Japanese text. (42/4-06-330120-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 234pg, PC $54.99 INU YASHA ANIME COMIC #6 by Rumiko Takahashi When Japanese schoolgirl Kagome stumbles through a boarded-up well within an ancient shrine, she falls back in time to monster-infested sixteenth-century Japan, where awaits the legendary dog-like half-demon Inu-Yasha, serving a term of eternal imprisonment for the crime of stealing the magical Shikon Jewel. There he waits, till Kagome frees him... and becomes the unwitting master of the rebellious, super-strong dog-boy! Together, Kagome and Inu-Yasha must fight against wicked monsters with the magical sword "Tetusaiga" and reclaim the shattered Shikon Jewel! Reproduces cels from the anime in fumetti style. Japanese text. (7819/4-09-126756-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 206pg, FC $16.99 REFRAIN BLUE & KOIHME OVA BOOK SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (8193/4-87709-543-8) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 8x12, 95pg, FC $44.99 YOU'RE UNDER ARREST 2ND SEASON ANIME COMIC #1 by Kosuke Hujisjima Based on the animated TV series You're Under Arrest. This full-color book features an all-new character and comes with a full-color trading card! Reproduces cels from the anime in fumetti style.Japanese text. (7819/4-06-310139-8) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 142pg, FC $17.99 HOW TO DRAW MANGA COLOR MAKER ILLUSTRATION START-UP GUIDE SC From the publishers of the art instruction magazine Comickers! This guide introduces you to the art of illustrating using pens. Kazuya Minekura, Jun Tsukasa, and other illustrators share their techniques. Japanese text. (7819/4-568-50229-2) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 102pg, FC $29.99 COMICKERS QUARTERLY #30 Japan's quarterly magazine of comic art and illustration returns with a new issue of galleries, how-to tips, and artist profiles, including Junko Kitano, Yowkow Fujiwara, Komako Sakai, Mizuiro Moufu, Kouji Ogata; a section on Korean illustrators; Françis Bouq, Yuh Kagei, Hirofumi Fuziko, Shigeru Kato, and more! Japanese text. (7819/T-110761211205) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 172pg, PC $25.99 HOW TO DRAW MANGA: DIGITAL COMICS VOLUME 2 The latest in the "How to Draw" series teaches you how to illustrate using computers, providing all the basic information and techniques. Japanese text. (42/4-7661-1216-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 130pg, PC $29.99 SCREEN TONE ENCYCLOPEDIA SC Part of the Comickers Bible series! The Screen Tone Encyclopedia tutorial book shows you how to use screen tones to render many different objects and scenery, and also shows various techniques for getting professional results. Japanese text. (42/4- 568-50186-5) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 124pg, b&w $39.99 ILLUSTRATION BOOKS MECHAMAN ARTWORKS by Mitsuki Nakamura Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Tatsunoko Studios, this book introduces you to illustrator and movie director Mitsuki Nakamura's work. Enjoy his designs and artwork for Gundam, Nausicca, Speed Racer, Crusher Joe, Gatchaman (known in the U.S. as Battle of the Planets), and others. Japanese text. (7819/4-8402-1986-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x10, 110pg, FC $62.99 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS HISTORY OF KAMEN RIDER 30TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SC Celebrating 30 years of the Kamen (Masked) Rider, this book introduces you to the Masked Riders, from 1971 to 2001. See many kinds of Riders, from the first to Masked Rider Agito. Japanese text. (7819/4-19-720172-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 110pg, FC $33.99 KAMEN RIDER CHRONICLES SC by Take Shobo This chronicle contains over 1,100 characters and 3,000 photos of Masked Riders and enemies, from the first Rider to Rider Kouga. Celebrating 30 yearsof Ishinomori Shotaro's legendary hero! Japanese text. (7819/4-8124-0783-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x8, 253pg, FC $54.99 YU GI OH DUEL MONSTERS CARD GAME GUIDE BOOK Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsters Card Game Guide Book is based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! comic series from artist Kazuki Takahashi that appears in Shonen Jump, Japan's largest weekly comic book. Since Yu-Gi-Oh! first appeared in Jump in 1996, the comic has spawned a hit cartoon show, a hugely popular collectible card game, several Game Boy Color and PlayStation games. Yu-Gi- Oh! follows the adventures of Yuugi, a young boy who possesses the "Millennium Puzzle" that allows him to transform into the Game King whenever he is challenged. Look for the Yu-Gi-Oh! cartoon premiering on Kids WB! this fall! Japanese text. Includes a mini fold-out poster! (42/4-08-782761-X) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 138pg, FC $13.99 VIDEO GAME BOOKS GUILTY GEAR X DRAFTING ARTWORKS SC Featuring nearly all of the artwork used in the development of the ground-breaking 2D fighter, this book includes sequentially drawn pose sketches, color illustrations, screen shots, and even game backgrounds. Japanese text. (42/4-7577-0301-5) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x10, 248pg, PC $26.99 OUJISAMA LEVEL ONE SC Featuring 91 full-color pages, the book includes character designs and information, background sketches, story information, and CG artwork. Also comes with a large fold-out poster. Contains shounen ai (boy x boy love). Japanese text. (8193/4-89490- 361-X) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, PC $42.99 TOKIMEKI MEMORIAL SUPER COLLECTION 3 HC A Konami Official Book! This third, full-color collection book contains a wide array of Tokimeki Memorial goods, ranging from cups, games, and cards. Tokimeki Memorial is a "dating simulation" video game, great for fans of bishoujo (pretty girl) manga and anime. (8193/4-7753-0012-1) (CAUT: 4) HC, 8x12, 260pg, FC $89.99 MANGA AMON: THE DARK SIDE OF THE DEVILMAN #2 & #3 The latest Devilman manga written by Go Nagai with art by Yuu Kinutani. Akira Fudo (a.k.a. Devilman) has transformed into a more evil Amon after his heroine Miki is murdered by the same humans he has been protecting. Akira's faithful friend tries to rescue Akira's consciousness from Amon, but meets with resistance. Beautiful, subtle yet nightmarish manga art by Kinutani gives a fresh touch to Nagai's story. Includes a color foldout poster. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS #2––SC, 5x7, 212pg, b&w $10.99 #3––SC, 5x7, 212pg, b&w $10.99 ANGEL HEART MANGA #1 by Tsukasa Hojo This brand-new comic from Tsukasa Hojo uses the same characters only named in City Hunter. Meet the beautifu lady with the codename "Glass Heart." Japanese text. (7819/4-10-771001-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99 ANGELIC LAYER #5 From the pages of the monthly Shonen Ace magazine comes CLAMP's (Magic Knight Rayearth) latest series! Meet Misaki, 14 year-old girl, who moves to Toyko to live with her aunt. Upon arriving, she's soon attracted to the "Angelic Layer" — a high- tech customizable mecha costume based on a popular video game. Soon she joins the national tournament and is pitted against other "angels" on a far away planet. Recommended for all shojo manga fans. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713454-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99 CAT'S EYE MANGA #10 & #11 by Tsukasa Hojo Michael Heinz, a German painter and art collector disappears, and his priceless collection is cast to the four winds, landing in the collections of his competitors. Years later, his daughters Ai, Hitomi, and Rui, decide to find out what became of their father, and become a cat burglar team, Cat's Eye, to recover his lost artwork and to search for clues regarding his disappearance. By Tsukasa Hojo, creator of City Hunter! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) #10 (4-10-770051-8)—SC, 5x7, 188pg, b&w $6.99 #11 (4-10-770055-0)—SC, 5x7, 188pg, b&w $6.99 CHOBITS #3 by CLAMP The latest work by popular manga artist group CLAMP (Cardcaptor Sakura). In this world, CLAMP ventures into a market quite new to them: young male readers. It's a near future where personal computers are shaped into beautiful androids. One day, a poor young student Hideki finds a super-cute bishojo PC in a dumpsite. The only sound the girl PC can make is "Chii…," so Kideki names her Chii. Chii has no OS, and no software. In this issue, Chii gets a part time job to make Hideki happy. Japanese text. (7819/4-06-334460-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99 CITY HUNTER MANGA #17 & #18 by Tsukasa Hojo Ryo Saeba, a famous and talented detective, is very nice and loves women. Along with his assistant Karoi, they take upon the task of solving many cases. The classic manga series is re-presented in a new, lower priced format! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) #17 (4-10-770053-4)––SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 #18 (4-10-770057-7)––SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 CROSS RANGER #1 by Natauki Matsuzawa The brilliant scientist Amaharu Tendo invented a special suit called "Cross Ranger Suits," which makes the wearer's power increase. Youji and his younger sister embark on sentai-esque adventures in the suits and fight against enemies. Japanese text. (7819/4-7575-0537-X) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 188pg, b&w $8.99 DARK ANGEL: PHOENIX RESURRECTION #1 JAPANESE VERSION From creator Kia Asamiya, creator of Steam Detectives, Nadesico, Silent Mobius and more! Dark Angel: Phoenix Resurrection was an full-color comic series produced for the U.S. market through Image Comics, and this volume collects all four Image Comics issues for the Japanese market. Also included is a cover gallery! Japanese text. (7819/4-7577-0547-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 120pg, FC $19.99 DARK ANGEL PERFECT GUIDE BOOK Includes an overview of the world of Dark Angel, including colored artwork, story information, figure models information ,characters, creator interviews, and a Dark Angel dictionary. Japanese text. (7819/4-7577-0548-4) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 80pg, PC $15.00 DN ANGEL #5 by Yukiru Sogisaki Niwa Daisuke is a rather normal, nothing-really-special kind of 14-year-old boy who has a crush on his classmate, Risa Harada. Naturally, Risa doesn't think of him as more than just a friend. Daisuke is thus rejected right on his 14th birthday, and to make matters worse, finds out that he turns into the legendary phantom thief Dark Mousy whenever he feels emotions of love! This comedic love story/comedy is a huge hit in Japan. It's now ready to entertain the world at large! Japanese text. (7819/4-07-924851-4) (CAUT: 3 & 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $8.99 FIST OF THE NORTH STAR MANGA #17 & #18 by Tetsuo Hara One of the strongest fighters, Kenshiro fights to save the weak and defenseless, who fall prey to the scavengers and warlords who rule the post-apocalyptic wastelands of the not-too-distant future. This is the original manga serial, first published by Shuei-sha, which introduced the "Fist of the North Star" and the Road Warrior-inspired dark future that would later inspire a hit anime and follow-up manga by Buronson. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) #17 (4-10-770052-6)—SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 #18 (4-10-770056-9)—SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $5.99 HIGH SCHOOL LADY PATTY by Haruka Inui SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-8211-9903-3) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 5x7, 198pg, b&w $10.99 JINKI #3 by Shirou Tsunashima The latest manga by Shirou Tsunashima (Life Errors)! Aoba is a lonely teenage girl who is good at building plastic model robots. One day, she is kidnapped by her own mother to the jungles of South America, where an organization called "Angel" is preparing a robot named Moribito ("the Guardian") against ancient jin-ki ("human machines"). Follow Aoba's exciting adventure! Great shonen manga with a classic robot anime taste! Japanese text. (7819/4-7575-0542-6) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $11.99 KISHIN #5 Here's the latest manga by Go Nagai (Mazinger Z) which takes place in the future where people are oppressed by samurai-like androids and live in misery. One day, a beautiful swordswoman named Laia meets Zanger, an android samurai who fights for humanity. Follow the exploits of Laia and Zanger as they rebel against oppressive androids. Includes a color foldout poster. Japanese text. (7819/4-06-349069-6) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 5x7, 216pg, b&w $10.99 LOVE HINA IRO HINA VERSION WITH CD-ROM #2 A re-presentation of issue #2 in two colors, plus a new story in the popular manga series is presented on an exclusive CD- ROM. Also included are an illustrated mousepad, and sticker. Japanese text/language. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC w/CD-ROM $29.99 LUNA SHAFT #1 & #2 by Kyoji Yamaguchi Hiroto joins a new, secret project to fight against a mysterious planet on a crash course with Earth. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99Ea. NEW TENCHI MUYO MANGA #1 by Hitoshi Okuda This new Tenchi Muyo series started with the OVA, was made into a motion picture, as well as novels. Japanese text. (7819/4- 04-712277-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $11.99 OH MY GODDESS! #1 BILINGUAL EDITION by Yukou Osada Keiichi Morisato is an engineering student who has never had a relationship with a girl. A strange phone call changes his life. The minute he answers a call from the "Helping Goddess Office," the Goddess Belldandy appears before him. Belldandy offers to grant him one wish and Keiichi asks her to stay with him forever. The wish is granted by the gods, and Keiichi and Belldandy's strange love life together begins. The consequence of the granted wish causes frequent trouble for the couple. Japanese and English bilingual text. (42/4-7700286-X) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $16.99 PSYCHIC ACADEMY ORA BANSHO #6 by Aki Katsu Set in a not-so-distant future, where the power of the ordinary aura is generally accepted, Ai Shiomi, a hereto-ordinary kid passes the aptitude test to enter the special aura high school. At his new school, he meets Myu, a mysterious, yet beautiful girl, a rabbit with aura powers, and is reunited with his old friend, Orina. Enter Ai's brother, Zero, who complicates Ai's new school life. Zero is a boy with special powers among the world's aura users for being the "man who stopped the Evil Lord." Ai's classmates treat him with respect and also with some envy, because he is Zero's kid brother. Too much is expected of Ai, who has yet to work out how to use his own powers. Moreover, will his encounter with two beautiful girls, Myu and Orina, lead to love? Japanese text. (7819/4-06-349068-8) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 5x7, 182pg, b&w $9.99 SAKURA TSUSHIN MANGA #3 by Yujin SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 6x8, 218pg, b&w $16.99 SCRIDE #1 by Yasunari Toda Scride is a story of people who possess special powers in their bodies. One man, Kazuma has a strange power, which he uses to fight against his enemies. Because of his power, he is called Betrayer. (7819/4-253-20101-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $8.99 SHADOW SKILL MANGA #1 by Megumu Okada Based on one of the most famous lines in Japanese animation –– Shadow Skill! Follow the adventures of Ella Ragu, her adopted kid brother Gau Ban, and their friends as they confront Ella's big brother, Dias Ragu, the legendary fighter of Kurda. Great artwork. With numerous battle scenes, this series is recommended for all martial arts manga fans. Japanese text. (7819/4- 06-334457-6) (CAUT: 4) SC, 6x8, 280pg, b&w $19.99 SISTER VICE #1 by Kiyoshi Haraguchi SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (7819/4-253-14731-3) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99 SLAYERS SPECIAL #4 Follow the misadventures of a super-powerful young sorceress named Lina Inverse along with her busty companion Naga the Serpent with this collection of exciting short manga stories. The sword and sorcery exploits are in abundance with this collection and are presented by Hajime Kanzaka, Tommy Ohtsuka, and Rui Araizumi. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-712279-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 164pg, b&w $10.99 SPACE ADVENTURE COBRA #1 by Buichi Terasawa This full-color comic features Cobra, a thief with a "psycho-gun" in his left arm. Illustrated to look like anime cells. Japanese text. (7819/4-08-859252-2) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 192pg, FC $15.99 STEEL ANGEL KURUMI #7 Set in the early 20th century, Nakahito, a son of a Shinto family, accidentally awakens one of the "steel angels" — beautiful female robots with exceptional powers. The "steel angel" is in fact a militaristic secret weapon, which is a blend of Western technology and Asian spiritual power. Soon Nakahito and his angel are being hunted down by the military, but catching them is easier said than done! Features excellent bishojo artwork. Japanese text. (7819/4-04-713458-9) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 164pg, b&w $10.99 VANDREAD MANGA #1 & #2 by Kotetsu Akane This new series by Gonzo (Gatekeepers, Blue Submarine 6), directed by Takeshi Mori, consists of 13 chapters. Vandread uses CGI for every battle and space scene, and they are beautiful combined with the 2D traditional animation used for the characters. The story takes place in the midst of space colonization. A ship gets lost and their crewmen and women divide their societies, colonizing a planet of each sex. Later, an interstellar war breaks out between the sexes. During the battle, the female pirates, the ships, and the three men that were made prisoners are launched several years away of from their planets. They are unknowingly placed in a battle against a new enemy, one much more powerful than they've ever faced. They realize the threat that this new enemy represents for their home planet, and men and women decided to join forces to return to their planets and give the word of alarm. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) #1—SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $11.99 #2 (4-04-712278-5)—SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $11.99 WORLDEND FAIRYTALE #2 & #3 Maki Hakoda (Fire Emblem) presents this story about transfer student Morisaki who keeps having this reoccurring dream of a far away enchanted land. One day he wanders into the "Worldend" — the exact place that has been depicted in his dreams. Now he must explore this strange and mysterious world and discover why he was pulled into it. Excellent artwork. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) #2––SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99 #3 (4-7575-0541-8)––SC, 5x7, 180pg, b&w $10.99 YOU'RE UNDER ARREST! MANGA #6 Natsumi and Miyuki are police ladies. As beautiful as they look, they are equally gifted. They have enormous powers, and it makes for wild and crazy hijinks in this sexy, funny comic! Japanese text. (7819/4-06-334423-1) (CAUT: 4) SC, 5x7, 186pg, b&w $8.99 JAPANESE TOY PUBLICATIONS DENGEKI HOBBY MARCH 2002 This magazine features illustrated articles on scratch-building and customizing model kits of robots, figures, military vehicles, and more. Also covered are current toy releases from the U.S. and Japan, convention coverage, and more! Japanese text. Monthly. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 290pg, PC $15.99 FIGURE MANIACS SPECIAL #2 From the publishers of Dengeki Hobby! Thrill to a host of superbly crafted and painted sexy anime and manga girl figures, statues, and garage kits in this Figure Maniacs special. Includes figure kits from Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ah! My Goddess, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, the video game hit Dead or Alive 2, and many more! Japanese text. (8193/4-8402-1962-1) (CAUT: 4) MATURE READERS SC, 8x11, 110pg, PC $29.99 FIGURE KING ENCYCLOPEDIA #54 The latest issue covering American and Japanese figures, toys, and various premium/crane toy items. Each issue is jam-packed with the latest release information, plus interviews, anime reviews, figures, and more! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, FC $18.99 HOBBY JAPAN FEBRUARY 2002 The key source for modeling in Japan (where the art of model kit building and customizing has reached an art form in itself), Hobby Japan covers almost every aspect of modeling in every issue. Filled with hundreds of full-color pictures and illustrations. Japanese text. (5008) (CAUT: 4) SC, 7x10, 400pg, PC $14.99 HOBBY JAPAN: ALL THAT FIGURE 2001 Hobby Japan presents this overview of figure kits and statues released during the year 2001. Fully illustrated throughout. Japanese text. (7819/4-89425-259-7) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 135pg, FC $28.99 HYPER HOBBY VOLUME 43 Japan's monthly magazine on toys, models, and collectibles! Packed with full-color pictures of the latest and greatest toy and action figure releases from some of Japan's favorite manufacturers. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 138pg, FC $13.00 KAIYODO MINI-FIGURE CATALOG by Asahi Sonorama This "catalog" showcases famous Japanese toy manufacturer Kaiyodo's Omake ("Extra") figures. Omake figures are the hidden figures found in the popular chocolate eggs sold in stores throughout Japan. The collecting of these tiny animals and characters has become one of the most popular toy fads to hit Japan in years, with sales of choco-eggs nearing one million units per month! This book shows high-quality photographs of the various series of mini figures, such as animals, endangered species, sea creatures, and more! Japanese text. (7819/4-257-13042-3) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x12, 114pg, FC $18.99 MODEL GRAPHIX MARCH 2002 A monthly Japanese magazine for modeling fans. Tons of cool super car and robot models. Now available through Previews every month! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) SC, 8x11, 168pg, PC $15.99 MAGAZINES ANIMAGE FEBRUARY 2002 Animage is an excellent source for all the latest news on Japanese anime. Each issue is packed with full-color and black-and- white pages, giving you the latest scoops on the hottest anime around. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $11.99 MONTHLY COMIC DRAGON MARCH 2002 Here's a new monthly manga anthology featuring some of the most exciting manga stories around today! Read the latest stories such as "Olfina" by Kitsune Tennoji, "Tenchi Muyo!," "Ranto Mashoroku," and more. Printed on traditional multi- colored paper in black-and-white (and some full-color pages), each issue averages about 400 pages. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10 $12.50 MONTHLY MAGAZINE Z MARCH 2002 Here is another big, beautiful phonebook-style monthly manga anthology featuring manga stories such as "Kamen Rider Spirits," the Devilman "Amon," "Chic Academy," "Wildarms," and many more! Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine, 7x10, 670pg, b&w $9.99 NEWTYPE MARCH 2002 Newtype has been covering the anime scene for over 10 years now, and the magazine remains a must for serious anime fans. Covers everything new and cool that's happening in the world of anime. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $10.99 SHONEN ACE MAGAZINE MARCH 2002 A monthly manga anthology magazine featuring some of the finest Japanese manga stories being produced today. The line-up includes such popular titles as Macross 7 Trash, CLAMP's new Angelic Layer, MPD-Psycho, Welcome to Lodoss Island, B'T X, and many more. Printed on traditional multi-colored paper in black-and-white (and some full-color pages), each issue averages about 500 pages. Japanese text. (7819) (CAUT: 4) Magazine $8.99 MAGAZINES (ADULT) All Adult Magazines feature Japanese text: SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the U.K. ADULT MATERIAL BUG BUG CG MARCH 2002 $14.99 CANDY CLUB FEBRUARY 2002 $7.99 LEMON CLUB MARCH 2002 $7.99 PA PI PO MARCH 2002 $8.99 PENGUIN CLUB MARCH 2002 $8.99 ********************* APPAREL DARK ANGEL: PHOENIX RESURRECTION T-SHIRT From the full-color comic series Dark Angel: Phoenix Resurrection by one of Japan's most popular manga creators –– Kia Asamiya! Asamiya has brought fans Steam Detectives, Nadesico, Silent Mobius, and others, and now his art from his newest series is captured on this black T-shirt! This classy tee features the logo on the breast pocket with three small images on the back! (4368) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.00 FIST OF THE NORTH STAR "BURNING RAGE" T-SHIRT Kenshiro has every right to be angry as he searches through the barren landscape for his loved one taken by his enemy. He must fight foe, friend and family alike before his quest is over. His rage burns through his mind and body and seeks release through his fist as he faces the next opponent in this full frontal design. (133/KETS02) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 SANPEI: THE FISHERMAN "BIG ONE" T-SHIRT Fishing as a combat sport! That's how young Sanpei Nihira sees it. A gifted teenage fisherman, this is the story of his struggles to always capture a bigger and meaner aquatic opponent. Here we see him casting his line for "the big one." Sure to be a big hit with sports people of any kind. Where did he get that hat?! Originally a massive 67 volume manga by Takao Yaguchi in the early '70s, it was transformed into 109 TV anime episodes broadcast on Fuji TV between '80 and '82. Full frontal design on a black, 100% cotton shirt. (133/SATS01) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 TIGER MASK "END OF AN ERA" T-SHIRT Naoto Date has a secret identity as a masked wrestler, "Tiger Mask," part of a crude school of fighting –– Tiger's Cave –– run by Mr. X, who practices more violence than skill. Naoto is overcome with guilt when an opponent's death puts the son into the Chibikko House Orphanage. He goes against the Tiger's Cave, sending purse money to save the orphanage and fighting to turn wrestling into an honorable art. He faces many challenges on the way and not all of them in the ring. Years ahead of the current wrestling craze this 14 volume 1968 manga by Ikki Kajiwara (story) and Naoki Tsuji (art) spawned an anime of over 100 episodes. Full frontal design on a black, 100% cotton shirt. (133/TMTS01) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 KEYCHAINS DRAGONBALL Z KEYCHAINS Which Z fighter do you want protecting your keys? Saiyan Goku or Trunks? It's a tough call… Each rubber keychain measures approximately 2" tall. (4632) SAIYAN GOKU (3257) —Keychain $4.50 TRUNKS (3258) —Keychains $4.50 SAILOR MOON KEYCHAINS Cute and tough — what a combination! It's Sailor Chibi, coming at ya as the Sailor Chibi in Pink keychain, or in the regular version, standing, winking at you. Or, get your hands, or keys rather, on Sailor Neptune! Each rubber keychain measures approximately 2" tall. (4632) (CAUT: 4) SAILOR CHIBI IN PINK (3249)—Keychain $4.50 SAILOR CHIBI (3247)—Keychain $4.50 SAILOR NEPTUNE (3248)—Keychain $4.50 MERCHANDISE DRAGONBALL Z TUMBLER This 8" tall tumbler features incredible art from one of the most popular mangas today ---- Dragonbabll Z! You'll turn Super Saiyan when you lay your eyes on this! Features a slot that opens for sipping or to insert a straw, and closes to keep your beverage the desired temperature. (4632/8115) (CAUT: 4) Tumbler $12.99 FIST OF THE NORTH STAR MUGS Ken won't touch your vulnerable spots to make you 'already dead' nor will he let the marauding hordes from the dead cities harm you if you take the time to drink with him. Let Ken protect you while you imbibe and let his pure power keep the liquid hot (very hot). Keep the desolation out and your favorite beverage in with these great 11oz. decal mugs. (133) (CAUT: 4) DEAD CITY (KEMU02)––Mug $7.99 YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD (KENU01)––Mug $7.99 RANMA 1/2 RANMA 1/2 MUGS Akane hugs her pet black pig PChan knowing little of his other identity and his love for her. Meanwhile, that really is what they call a mug shot! Remember that your favorite hot liquid goes inside these delightful 11oz. decal mugs. Don't let it spill over onto PChan because it could have transforming results! (133) (CAUT: 4) AKANE (RAMU01)––Mug $7.99 PCHAN (RAMU02)––Mug $7.99 RANMA 1/2 PCHAN COIN HOLDER Shaped like the cute piglet with two zips. One hides a two-pocket coin compartment, the other contains four keychains. Easy on the pocket. (133/RAWA01) (CAUT: 4) Holder $7.99 RANMA 1/2 "PCHAN FACE" T-SHIRT Akane would love to take this shirt home with her since it has a full frontal image of her adorable pet black piglet PChan. But don't let on that this is really Ryoga, her fiancée's long term rival, and don't, whatever else happens, let Ranma throw hot water over it! Full frontal design on a black, 100% cotton shirt. (133/RARS01) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.99 RANMA 1/2 PCHAN WALLETS Both wallets contain a zippered compartment for coins etc., pockets for bills and loads more pockets. They may carry your photos, credit cards, business cards etc. Woman's is a single fold button fastening while the man's is a two fold velcro fastening. (133) (CAUT: 4) MEN'S (RAWA03)––Wallet $9.99 WOMEN'S (RAWA02)––Wallet $9.99 RANMA 1/2 PCHAN RESIN BANK Ryoga Hibiki's first encounter with Ranma was in junior high when Ranma always stole the last piece of bread, leaving Ryoga to go hungry. Since then, Ryoga has been more frugal with valuables. One day Ryoga had a showdown planned with Ranma but missed it through getting lost. So he followed Ranma to a training school in China where he "accidentally" fell into the cursed "Spring of Drowned Black Piglet" where he turned into a black pig. But despite the trauma of transformation, he kept his sense of the valuable and will hold your coins safe for you whatever his incarnation. Made of handmade polyresin and hand painted for that personal finish. Measures approximately 9". (133/RARE03) (CAUT: 4) Bank $24.99 RANMA 1/2 SUPER DEFORMED RESIN FRAME This diorama is in super deformed style showing Ranma that he is still no match for the old perverted Happosai even when Akane lends a helping hand. PChan and other characters look on. This doubles as a delightful 6" x 4" photo frame made of handmade polyresin and hand painted for a superb appearance. Total exterior dimensions approximately 9" x 7" x 3". (133/RARE01) (CAUT: 4) Frame $29.99 TRADING CARDS SECTION COOL COLLECTIBLES 2001 KEEBLERS SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS CARD SET Here are 28 different full-color 2 ½" x 3 ½" cards that include the new Single Season Homerun Champion Barry Bonds! Plus, Jeff Kent, Ellis Burks, Robb Nen, J.T. Snow, Shawn Estes, Dusty Baker, and 21 other Keebler San Francisco cards. (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x28) PI GENE RODDENBERRY'S ANDROMEDA SEASON 1 SET A 90-card full-color set that features episodic coverage, character profiles, and "insider" information about the making of the show. Set features Kevin Sorbo as Captain Dylan Hunt. Plus, a special premier Andromeda Promo Card! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x90) PI ANDROMEDA CREW OF ANDROMEDA CHASE CARD SET A full-color set of 2 ½" x 3 ½" chase cards, featuring a nine-card foil-puzzle "The Crew of Andromeda" set, six unique cards entitled "Diaries of the Mad Perseid," and "The Three Faces of Rommie" card. (5120) (CAUT: 4) Set (x16) PI OFFICIAL BUFFY THE STORY FAR CARDS Originally not available in North America! This definitive series follows Buffy The Vampire Slayer from Season 1 through Season 4. Packs feature cards of the world's favorite vampire slayer along with her friends and foes! Plus, there are three levels of chase cards and one exclusive Box Topper! 7 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. (145) (CAUT: 4) Box PI LORD OF THE RINGS FELLOWSHIP OF THE RINGS CARD SET Here's a 90-card set of 2 ½" x 3 ½" foil-stamped cards capturing all the magic of the epic fantasy adventure brought to life by New Line Cinema. Follow Frodo, Bilbo, the Wizard Gandlf, and the Fellowship in the ultimate tale of good and evil! Includes 1 Topps Promo Card. (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x90) PI X-FILES SEASON 6 AND 7 TRUTH IS REVEALED CARD SET Another look behind the curtain of lies with a card set that gives you images from Seasons 6 and 7 of The X-Files. In "Truth Is Revealed," you get 3 foil puzzle chase cards. (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x3) PI X-FILES SEASON 6 AND 7 INSIDE THE SYNDICATE CARD SET Peeking past the smokescreen is this card set that gives you images from Seasons 6 and 7 of The X-Files. "Inside the Syndicate" gives you get 6 foil-embossed chase cards! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x6) PI STAR TREK 35TH ANNIVERSARY MORFEX CARD SET Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek, this full-color 2 ½" x 3 ½" 72-card set of super-glossy high-quality holofex cards features Captain Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy, Captain Pike, Sulu, Uhura, Scotty, Chekov, friends, and foes, plus exciting scenes from your favorite original Star Trek episodes! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x72) PI STAR TREK 35TH ANNIVERSARY BEST OF BONES CARD SET This 9-card chase set will appeal to all fans of the cranky medical practitioner who was not only James Kirk's confidant, but also the thorn in Spock's side. (145) (CAUT: 4) Set (x9) PI BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: STORY SO FAR LIMITED CHASE CARD & SET Choose from two different, hard-to-find Buffy chase card sets: "Sunnydale Evil" (a set of 9 silver foil cards of Buffy's most evil foes) or the Buffy Holo Embossed Card featuring the Slayer herself! (145) (CAUT: 4) SUNNYDALE EVIL—Set (x9) PI BUFFY HOLO CHASE—Card PI BEST OF PIONEER ENTERTAINMENT CARD SETS Some collector cards that you won't want to miss! Here's a complete mint-condition 72-card set of trading cards, featuring nine hit anime titles, including TriGun, Tenchi Muyo, Armitage III, Serial Experiments Lain, Gate Keepers, Soul Taker, and more! Also available is the 9-card chase set from the series! (4630/) (CAUT: 4) CARD SET (HG12101) PI CHASE SET (HG12102) PI XENA SEASON 6 TRADING CARD SET Don't pass up this 2 ½" x 3 ½" full-color 72-card set that features scenes from Xena's thrilling 6th Season. The set features Lucy Lawless as Xena, Renee O'Connor, Hudson Leick, Alexandra Tydings, Kevin Smith, and more. (145) (CAUT: 4) Set PI XENA SEASON 6 BUSTING LOOSE CHASE CARD SET A hot chase card set featuring 9 special cards of Xena and Gabrielle! (145) (CAUT: 4) Set PI XENA SEASON 6 GOD OF WAR CHASE CARD SET A smoking set featuring 9 cards of … Ares! Who else? (145) (CAUT: 4) Set PI SPORTS CARDS CARDS, INC. PREMIER LEAGUE GOLD 2002 CARDS Features 40 game-used jersey cards and 40 autograph cards to collect! Each box guarantees one autographed and one jersey card! 8 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. (CAUT: 4) Box PI HIGHLAND MINT NFL PIN COLLECTION PHOTO MINT This new Series for 2001 football features new images, matting, and includes a collector team pin, a 24kt gold-plated coin, an 8" x 10" action photo, a team collector pin, and a Certificate of Authenticity. Each item is individually numbered to match and is double matted in team colors and framed with a glass panel ready to hang measuring 12"x 15". Choose from Brett Favre, Brian Urlacher, Corey Dillon, Daunte Culpepper, Donavan McNabb, Doug Flutie, Jerry Rice, Kurt Warner, and Randy Moss. (CAUT: 4) Photomint PI Ea. PHOTOFILE BARRY BONDS HITS 73 FRAMED PHOTO AND EVENT COVER Barry Bonds sets the single season home run record on the final day of the season. The event cover pictures Barry Bonds hitting #73 postmarked by the United States Postal Service October 7, 2001. Custom framed and ready to display! Frame size measures 12" x 16". (CAUT: 4) Photo PI TOPPS COMPANY TOPPS 2002 HERITAGE MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL CARDS This 450-card base set includes 350 regular cards featuring Veteran, Rookie, and other prospect players on 1953 Topps Design. Sequentially-numbered parallels of 100 cards use Chrome technology. Inserts include 15 "New Age Performers," 10 "Then And Now," 10 "Classic Renditions." Also includes "Real One" and "Real One Special Edition Autographs," "Autoproofs," "Clubhouse Collection Autographs," and "Team Topps Legends Autographs." Relic Cards include "Clubhouse Collection," "Clubhouse Collection Dual Relic," and "Grandstand Glory." 8 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $3.00 per pack. (963- 02H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI TOPPS 2001-2002 HERITAGE NBA CARDS A 264-card set featuring 165 NBA Veteran Stars, 40 NBA Rookies, 15 NBA cards, 1 Checklist, 6 League Leaders, 8 Playoff Cards, and 29 Team Leaders. Insert sets include "Air Alert," "Out of Bounds," and "Crossover." Also includes "Autographs," "Articles of the Arena" relic cards, 15 "Ball Basics," "Competitive Threads," featuring 15 game-worn jerseys of top NBA competitors, and "Competitive Threads Autographs." 8 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $3.00 per pack. (827-01H) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Box PI UPPER DECK 2002 AUTHENTICS MLB CARDS Introducing UD Authentics, an all-new brand that will bring you back to the early days of the Upper Deck Company baseball cards. The 200-card base set uses the same design that was used in the ground-breaking 1989 Upper Deck Baseball set. Included in that set are 30 Authentic Star Rookies, seeded at 1:24. As for inserts, each box of Authentics will include at least three memorabilia cards, including "Retro UD Star Rookie" jerseys (1:16), "Retro UD Jerseys" (1:16), "Sluggers of '89" jersey cards (1:16). In addition, look for all sorts of nostalgic inserts, like "UD Heroes of Baseball," which feature Ichiro, Griffey, Jr., and A-Rod. Each of those players will also have a signed version as well. Also, look for a complete parallel of the base set called "Reverse Negatives," which will feature a reversed image of the featured player, reminiscent of the days when those errors were common. Finally, every case (1:216) will feature a redemption card good for a piece of signed UDA memorabilia. 5 cards per pack. 18 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2002 HONOR ROLL MLB CARDS These cards feature the nine hottest players in the game today at their respective position. Players currently scheduled to be featured are Ichiro, McGwire, Sosa, A-Rod, Ivan Rodriguez, Clemens, Chipper Jones, Bret Boone, and Griffey, Jr. Every box contains a memorabilia card of one of these players, and the 100-card base set consists only of cards of these nine players. Memorabilia cards will consist of jersey cards, bat cards, and batting glove cards. Every memorabilia card will have a numbered parallel version as well. 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 PLAYMAKERS NHL CARDS Here's the premiere edition of Upper Deck Playmaker Hockey, featuring an NHL Playmaker figure in every box. In addition to one of 12 different Playmakers in each box, collectors can expect a base set of 145 cards, including 45 rookies numbered to 1,250 with the rookies falling at least two per box. Each box will also contain at least one memorabilia card, which will be either a jersey card, a practice jersey card, a combo jersey card, or a signed version of these. Includes one signed Playmaker in every case! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 HONOR ROLL NHL CARDS This base set focuses mostly on the lineups of five different teams to ensure the highest amount of star content possible. Includes 30 rookies numbered to 1,499, plus an additional 10 numbered to only 1,000 that will also contain a piece of game- used memorabilia. There's one memorabilia card in every box from one of the following: Grade A jerseys, Honor Society, Distinctive Pucks, Premier Playoff Matchup, plus gold and platinum versions of all the above. Each memorabilia card is serially numbered, with none higher than 225. 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 PLAYMAKERS NBA CARDS Features an NHL Playmaker figure in every box. In addition to one of 12 different Playmakers in each box, collectors can expect a base set of 145 cards, including 45 rookies numbered to 1,250, with the rookies falling at least two per box! Each box will also contain at least one memorabilia card, either a jersey card, a practice jersey card, a combo jersey card, or a signed version of one of these. Includes one signed Playmaker in every case! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI UPPER DECK 2001-2002 HONOR ROLL NBA CARDS Every box of Honor Roll basketball will include at least one serially numbered rookie and one memorabilia card per box! Rookies are broken into two categories: the first 30 will be serially numbered to 2,999 and the second 10 will be numbered to 1,000, and will be a combo memorabilia card featuring a rookie and a veteran player! Inserts include All-NBA Authentics jersey cards (1:88), All-NBA Authentics Combo jersey cards (1:240), Fab Floor Duos (1:96), Fab Floor Triples (1:240), Autographed Fab Floor (1:480). On the autographed Fab Floor, the signature is actually on the piece of floor! 5 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 3 & 4) Box PI NON-SPORTS CARDS ABSOLUTE BLUE GRAPHIX BABEWATCH CARD SET SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL REG.––Set PI SIGNED––Set PI ARTBOX ENTERTAINMENT DRAGONBALL Z SERIES 4 CARDS The legacy continues with the brave Goku, his powerful son Gohan, and their friends as they battle the fierce and evil Saiyans for the fate of the Earth. This set is comprised of 72 new cards plus 10 gold metallic cards and 4 special chase cards, which are randomly inserted into the packs! Each pack has 9 cards from the regular set plus 1 of the gold metallic cards. 10 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (14050) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America. Box PI DRAGONBALL Z CARDS 3-RING BINDER The perfect theme binder to hold the Dragonball Z Series 4 Cards! Only 500 binders will be produced! (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America. Binder MSRP: $19.95 CARDS, INC. CAPTAIN SCARLET CARDS This definitive collection is based on the popular Gerry Anderson TV series. From the creators of Thunderbirds, it's Captain Scarlet! And here's a 72-card series to collect in a set with 3 autograph cards, 1 sketch card, 6 embossed cards, and a box loader. (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Not available in Hong Kong. Box PI CAPTAIN SCARLET BINDER Limited to a production run of only 500 copies, this binder is ideal for display the trading card collection! (CAUT: 4) Binder PI FUTERA RED DWARF COLLECTION CARDS Spanning all eight series of the internationally popular TV show, Red Dwarf, Futera's collection features unique memorabilia insert cards and all manner of spaced-out oddities taken from actual production of the series are available. Pieces of costume — including the famous Kryten mask — sit alongside cherished props ranging from a Dibbley family mop-head wig and Leopard Lager labels to covers of Rimmer's cherished Morris Dancer Monthly magazine and Red Dwarf banknotes. Plus, behind-the- scenes images and exclusive artwork! Gladiator storyboard artist Sylvain Despretz's own Red Dwarf artwork also is featured. Also, on five exclusive cards, the never-before-seen alternative ending to season VIII's climax Only the Good is brought to life from Doug Naylor's script, accompanied by previously unreleased images. 6 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. (CAUT: 4) Box PI INKWORKS X-FILES SEASON 8 CARDS Focusing on the re-energized Season 8 episodes, this 90-card series is filled with Doggett's first full season, and all the strange and insightful storylines of Season 8. Includes 3 "Believe To Understand" foil bonus cards. These cards complete the 9-card puzzle that was inserted in Season 4 & 5, and Season 6 & 7 Inkwork releases. Also included is the a 6-card bonus "The Search For Mulder," 2 "Piecework Cards," and "Autograph Cards." 9 cards per pack. 24 packs per box. MSRP: $2.99 per pack. (12120) (CAUT: 4) Box PI X-FILES SEASON 8 TRADING CARD COLLECTOR ALBUM The best way to sport an X-Files theme for the new Season 8 series trading cards! Keep searching for the truth! MSRP: $19.95 (12130) (CAUT: 4) Album PI X-FILES SEASON 8 I WANT TO BELIEVE MINI-PRESS SHEET This uncut mini-press sheet features all 9 cards distributed in Season 4 & 5, Season 6 & 7, and Season 8! Only 500 sequentially numbered sheets produced! MSRP: $69.95 per sheet. (12125) (CAUT: 4) Sheet PI PRINT & SHIP BEST DEFENSE SERIES 1 COLLECTOR CARDS This first 90-card foil set features a combination of the various types of equipment used by today's military. From the newest prototypes to everyday equipment, Best Defense features the most powerful aircraft, land vehicles, & ship-faring weapons on the planet. Card fronts feature the military manufacturer's hardware. The card backs feature more photos with bullet points of information. A foil-stamped chase card set highlights the power of the United States military. 9 cards per pack. 36 packs per box. (CAUT: 4) Box PI RITTENHOUSE ARCHIVES STARGATE SG1 SEASON 4 CARDS This 72-card base set features 3-card subsets for each of the show's 22 episodes from Season 4. Includes one Autographed Card and one Costume Card per box. Plus, a Bonus Autograph Card Case Topper! Only 8,000 Sequentially Numbered Boxes will be produced! 9 cards per pack. 40 packs per box. MSRP: $2.00 per pack. (CAUT: 4) Box PI STARGATE SG1 SEASON 4 COLLECTOR'S ALBUM This custom-designed album is perfect for storing the entire Season 4 Cards! Each album comes complete with 12 plastic sheets, plus a bonus costume card! (CAUT: 4) Album PI XENA: A TASTE OF HONEY CEREAL CARD SET Showcasing a set of 12 cards with full fronts and backs, this set presents artwork based on the 3 different boxes (Xena, Callisto, & Gabrielle) produced for the Xena: A Taste of Honey Limited Edition Cereal! (CAUT: 4) Set PI SERIOUS USA, INC. OFFERED AGAIN O/A BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER CD CARDZ SET These CD Cardz introduce you to Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Spike's they dispel many worthy foes. Each CD Card contains episode clips, character profiles, photogallery, screensaver, and interactive trivia. Designed for the basic computer user. All software and plug-ins are programmed on the CD card, so there are no installation requirements. (10004) (CAUT: 4) Set MSRP: $19.95 ****************** LORD OF THE RINGS FELLOWSHIP OF THE RINGS CD CARDZ SET Behold the world of J.R.R. Tolkien like never before! This CD Cardz include character profiles, photo gallery video clips, screensavers, and an interactive game! (10003) (CAUT: 4) Set MSRP: $19.95 JURASSIC PARK 3 CD CARDZ SET Take a close look at the dinosaur residents of Jurassic Park 3 with these CD Cardz that get you closer to a Stegosaurus, T-Rex, Pteranodon, and Velociraptor! (10005) (CAUT: 4) Set MSRP: $19.95 STELLAR COLLECTIBLES OFFERED AGAIN O/A PLAYBOY CENTERFOLD UPDATE CARDS BOX SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Box PI Set PI *************************** APPAREL SECTION PERMIERE VENDORS GRAPHITTI DESIGNS BLUNTMAN & CHRONIC POSTER BLUNTMAN &CHRONIC T-SHIRT With the release of the 'Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back' DVD scheduled for February 12, be on the cutting edge with the new Bluntman & Chronic Poster and Bluntman & Chronic T-shirt. The poster features the art of Michael Avon Oeming with Pat Garrahy, giving us all a taste of what the art from the Image trade paperback. Each poster measure approx. 36" x 24" and will be individually rolled and shrinkwrapped. The new Bluntman & Chronic T-shirt also features the art of Oeming & Garrahy, screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Be prepared for the renewed interest the movie creates with these cool items that capture the attitude of Kevin Smith's ViewAskewniverse. Snootch! Poster, 36x24, FC $6.95 S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 TAROT: WITCH OF THE BLACK ROSE T-SHIRT Broadsword Comic's Witch of the Black Rose takes center for the new Tarot T-shirt. Features the art of Jim Balent screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Catch the magick on both the comic and the new've been warned!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 GREEN ARROW II T-SHIRT Two Emerald Archer's take the center stage on the new Green Arrow II T-shirt. Features the Painted art of Matt Wagner screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Take aim at this cool shirt!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 NEW SUPERMAN SYMBOL T-SHIRT You can share in the new look for the Man of Steel with the New Superman Symbol T-shirt. Features a darker version of the classic "S" symbol screen-printed in red and black on a navy blue 100% cotton shirt. New symbol, same hero!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 FLASH SYMBOL WOMEN'S TOP Impress the guys with your speed while wearing the new Flash Symbol Women's Top. Features a tastefully sized and placed Flash bolt screenprinted in yellow and black on a white 100% cotton women's top. The women your mom warned you about are here!! XS-L $17.95 SGT. ROCK T-SHIRT The battle continues with the new Sgt. Rock T-shirt. Features the art of Joe Kubert screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Watch for the cold-cast statue and Archieves available from DC Comics. S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 DEADMAN T-SHIRT Neal Adams provides the art for the new Deadman T-shirt. Screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton shirt, Deadman is living proof that you just can't keep a good man down. Deadman lives!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 JOKER/HARLEY QUINN III T-SHIRT Catch the makings of a real domestic feud on the new Joker/Harley Quinn III T-shirt. The art of Joe Chido is reproduced in full color on a dark grey 100% cotton heavyweight shirt. Love is in the air! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 CAPTAIN AMERICA V T-SHIRT It's a patriotic moment all the time with the new Captain America V T-shirt. Features the art of Gene Ha screenprinted in full color on a navy blue 100% cotton shirt. Wear the colors with pride!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN IV T-SHIRT Spidey has a new perspective on the situation on the Ultimate Spider-Man IV T-shirt. Features Mark Bagley artwork screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Regardless of the angle, Spider-Man is here!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 WOLVERINE/ALPHA FLIGHT T-SHIRT The Canadian mutant contingent are all present on the new Wolverine/Alpha Flight T-shirt. Features the art of Sean Chen and Norm Rapmund screenprinted in full color on a dark grey 100% cotton shirt. Oh Canada! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 X-FORCE: DOOP! T-SHIRT Mike Allred performs his magic to create the new X-Force: Doop! T-shirt. Features Mike's art screenprinted in color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Both the shirt and the comics from Marvel are guaranteed to blown your mind! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 SPIDER-MAN WEB LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT SPIDER-MAN WEB T-SHIRT Spidey show off his cool new toy on the new Spider-Man Web Long-Sleeve Shirt. Feature the art of J. Scott Campbell screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton long-sleeve shirt. Perfect for the winter, but if you're looking for something a little cooler, a short-sleeve version is also available. Take your pick!! L-XL $23.95 (long-sleeve) XXL $26.95 S-XL $17.95 (short-sleeve) XXL $20.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A KABUKI II T-SHIRT Features David Mack's art delicately screenprinted in full-color on a white 100% cotton shirt. This is 'the" must-have Kabuki design!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 O/A JAY & SILENT BOB: FAT ASS T-SHIRT O/A CLERKS I T-SHIRT O/A JAY & SILENT BOB I T-SHIRT Be prepared for the release of the 'Jay & Silent Bob Strikes Back' DVD with some of the top selling View Askew we've produced. Jay & Silent Bob: Fat Ass features the silhouettes of Jay & Silent Bob screenprinted in shades of black, white and blue on a navy blue 100% cotton shirt. The art of Jim Mahfood has all of the help covered on the Clerks I T-shirt screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Jay & Silent Bob I features the art of Matt Wagner screenprinted in full color on a black 100% cotton shirt...with a special mini-design screenprinted on back. All shirts are available and ready for immediate delivery!! S-XL $17.95 (all other shirts) XXL $20.95 S-XL $19.95 (Jay & Silent Bob I) XXL $22.95 O/A DK2: COMING SOON T-SHIRT Features the symbolic fist of Batman by Miller, screenprinted in white and orange on a black 100% cotton heavyweight shirt. The Dark Knight is here!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 O/A JOKER III T-SHIRT Features the brilliant art of Brian Bolland screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Follow the bouncing ball!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 O/A ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN III T-SHIRT Features a full-color screenprint on a stone-washed blue 100% cotton shirt. Ultimate Spider-Man's time has come!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 O/A ULTIMATE WOLVERINE II T-SHIRT Features the art of Andy Kubert screenprinted in full-color on a black 100% cotton shirt. Claws are extended and ready for action!! S-XL $17.95 XXL $20.95 ****************** APPAREL SECTION BETTIE PAGE BUNNY YEAGER AND BETTIE PAGE 1954 T-SHIRT Glamour photographer Bunny Yeager met Bettie Page in Miami in 1954, and photographed her almost immediately. During the period when Betty lived in Miami, Bunny shot almost a thousand negatives of her. This white 50/50 poly cotton T-shirt features a color image of the ladies together, with wild animals on either side. (8884) (CAUT: 4) XL $20.00 BUILDING BLOCKS BUILDING BLOCK PEOPLE DRAGON MR. KELLY T-SHIRT Based on a certain classic film featuring a certain martial arts master and inventor of Jeet Kune Do, sporting the chocolate- colored Mr. Kelly 100% cotton T-shirt is sure to make you the coolest kid on the block! (911/AC1006) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $19.95 BUILDING BLOCK PEOPLE GAMES A FOOT T-SHIRT This is one Building Block person who doesn't take guff from anybody! With a foot emblazoned on his chest, it's highly unlikely that you've got anything for him that he can't easily handle. This red 100% cotton T-shirt is all you need to step out in style! (911/AC1004) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $19.95 BUILDING BLOCK PEOPLE MR. CLAW T-SHIRT Mr. Claw is a bad man. With a big metal claw for a hand, he admonishes all those who disobey him! He hates the good guys! Pay homage to villains the world over by wearing this black, 100% cotton T-shirt! (911/AC1005) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $19.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER BEEN THERE KILLED THAT T-SHIRT This black T-shirt features some of Buffy's most memorable battles against demons and vampires. Gun drawn, Buffy aims at a ghoul with "Been there, killed that" scrawled beneath her. (6028/080045A) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER BUFFY LIVES T-SHIRT At the shocking conclusion of last season's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it looked as if Buffy had died. Did she? This shirt doesn't seem to think so, as "Buffy Lives" is proudly etched across it, with her eyes below that. This red T-shirt will proudly let the world know where you stand when it comes to Buffy being alive or dead! (6028/080044A) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 COMIC THEMES SCARY MISS MARY PLAYTIME WOMEN T-SHIRT & SOCKS Enter the dark world of Scary Miss Mary, a young gal destined for greatness. At first, Miss Mary may seem like an average little girl, but once you see her toys, you'll want to run for cover! With an affinity for large bladed objects, playtime with Mary can be sweet but deadly! She never means any harm. She's "cute" with a razor-sharp edge. A black, 50/50 cotton and polyester women's T-shirt features Mary with one of her favorite toys, while a pair of red-toed, once-size-fits-all, white socks feature the same image! (5145) (CAUT: 4) L (JPLA01)—Shirt $19.00 SOCKS $5.00 CROW CROW FAREWELL PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE COLOR T-SHIRT James O'Barr's Crow stands in a bedroom, facing a woman on this black 50/50 cotton and polyester T-shirt. (350) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $19.95 DC COMICS BATMAN HI-DENSITY LOGO T-SHIRT Holy 100% cotton, Batman! This black T-shirt features the campy Batman logo from the hit television show, in high-density silver! (559/48338146) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SUPERMAN BLACK EMBOSSED RAISED SHIELD LEATHER JACKET Need to be one of the Supermen of America? Want to join the ranks of supporters who help the last American boy scout in his quest for justice and equality? Well, now you can wear Big Blue's trademark "S" symbol on this beautiful, black leather jacket with a supple fashion body. Raised embossing on the back features a metal "S" shield, and "The Man of Steel" phrase across the left chest. The polyester filled body is professionally leather dry cleaned. (4880/0800) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. L-XL $320.00 XXL $350.00 ************************************** SUPERMAN DENIM JACKET This heavyweight washed 100% cotton blue denim jacket has leather appliqué and embroidery. Heavy-duty swivel buttons make this a traditional favorite among the faithful! Professionally leather dry cleaned, here's one jacket that will not only stand out in the crowd, but it'll help keep the chill off your bones as well! (4880/0801) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside the U.S. S-M $110.00 L-XL (O/A) $110.00 XXL (O/A) $119.00 SUPERMAN HI DENSITY LOGO T-SHIRT He's called "The Man of Steel." What more needs to be said? Will this black, 100% cotton T-shirt make you any stronger than you are? No. But it will certainly make you cooler, and there's nothing wrong with that. (559/23338219) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 DRAGONBALL Z DRAGONBALL Z DOMINATION T-SHIRT Dragonball Z is one of the hottest animated television series in the last 5 years. You might say they dominate other shows. Well, how about picking up a Dragonball Z Domination T-shirt then? They dominate TV, and now they can help you dominate fashion! This charcoal 100% cotton T-shirt features images on the chest and back. (7296/2417411) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 DRAGONBALL Z EDGE LONG SLEEVE T-SHIRT This navy, 100% cotton long sleeve T-shirt features images from Dragonball Z on the back, chest, and sleeve, so people from any angle can get a glimpse of what you're up to these days! (7296/2415512) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $20.95 XXL $21.95 DRAGONBALL Z SAIYAN BLOOD T-SHIRT The warriors of Dragonball Z strike an offensive pose on this red, 100% cotton T-shirt, with images on both the chest and the back for added effect! (7296/2416611) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 FINAL FANTASY X FINAL FANTASY T-SHIRTS These black, 100% cotton T-shirts each feature a different, dynamic character image from FFX, along with Japanese language characters describing the subject's "overdrive" attack on the back (printed on the shirt's lower hem). (4898) (CAUT: 4) IFRITE L-XL $17.99 IXION L-XL $17.99 HORROR ARMY OF DARKNESS WITH ASH BASEBALL JERSEY From the cult-classic horror film comes this cool baseball jersey! Grey with black sleeves, this is one shirt that's a home run all the way! (6028/024-003-A) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $21.95 XXL $22.95 ARMY OF DARKNESS HAT This polyester/cotton/spandex blend cap has everything you need to look cool and stay that way! Black and embroidered with Army Of Darkness on the front in gold metallic stitching, this flexfit hat is perfect for any size head! Wear it proudly! (6028/024-001-HA) (CAUT: 4) Hat $22.95 EVIL DEAD LOGO BASEBALL JERSEY Step up to the plate and put fear in the pitcher with the Evil Dead Baseball Jersey! Grey with black long sleeves, for extra long swings! (6028) (CAUT: 4) L-XXL $22.95 EVIL DEAD HAT The Evil Dead logo is embroidered on this black poly/cotton/spandex blend cap in a red and white 3-dimensional design. Once you wear this flexfit hat, you'll wonder how you ever got by without it! (6028) (CAUT: 4) Hat $22.95 GOTH PENTACLE DE FLEUR PENDANT This pendant is meant to protect, heal, and attract positive energy. Made of solid sterling (.925) silver, and uniquely hand- polished, the Pentacle de Fleur comes ready to wear on a black cord. (8343/6097) (CAUT: 4) Pendant $19.95 SACRED TALISMANS CELTIC ANKH PENDANT To some, the Ankh represents the circle of life. To you it may mean something else. In any event, the Celtic Ankh Pendant is breathtaking, made of pewter with a black cord for easy transport. (8343/1434) (CAUT: 4) Pendant $12.95 SACRED TALISMANS DRAGON PENDANT Two dragons are intertwined, forming a heart between them, with a jewel in the center. Pewter with a black cord. (8343/1440) (CAUT: 4) Pendant $14.95 GUNDAM GUNDAM DEATHSCYTHE DESTRUCTION T-SHIRT This black 100% cotton T-shirt features images on the back and chest from Gundam. There are few images more imposing then when Deathscythe is bearing down on you. (7296/2602411) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 GUNDAM ZEON FIGHTERS T-SHIRT Guns are drawn and ready for battle on this white 100% cotton T-shirt, with hi-density images on the back and chest! (7296/2602211) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 LOONEY TUNES LOONEY TUNES HEADS LEATHER JACKET This leather-lined jacket is perfect for the Looney Tunes maniac in you! Big pictures of Tweety Bird, Tazmanian Devil, Marvin the Martian, and Bugs Bunny are featured on the back of this number, with smaller pics of the characters rolling down both sleeves! (4880/0639) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $300.00 LOONEY TUNES CHARACTERS T-SHIRT This 100% cotton, black T-shirt features a multitude of characters from the great Looney Tunes cartoons, including Bugs Bunny, Roadrunner, Tweety Bird, and more! (6242/LWPC11B) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 LOONEY TUNES MARVIN MARTIAN WORLD DOMINATOR T-SHIRT Marvin the Martian likes to think of himself as a conqueror of planets, a tyrant of massive proportions. On the front of this green, 100% cotton T-shirt, the mini despot stands ready to plant his flag into the ground of yet another conquest. (6242/LWLV11G) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $17.95 MARVEL MARVEL SUPERHEROS WITH AMERICAN FLAG T-SHIRT The Hulk, Thing, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and the Sentinel of Liberty himself, Captain America, hold an American flag aloft on this patriotic grey shirt. (559/21-301-393) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 PUNISHER HI DENSITY LOGO T-SHIRT The imposing Punisher logo is emblazoned in white on this black 100% cotton T-shirt. Vigilante justice never looked so good. (559/21-338-384) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 XXL $17.95 PUNISHER POLO SHIRT This black polo shirt is perfect for the clubs! A tribal design runs down the left side of this shirt, with the Punisher skull in the middle of it all. (559/21-850-360) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America, South America, and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case/assortment lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Shirt SRP: $40.00 SPIDER-MAN HI DENSITY LOGO T-SHIRT Spider-Man's main influence, the spider, is featured in red on the front of this black 100% cotton T-shirt. (559/21-338-383) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 SPIDER-MAN POLO SHIRT This hip grey polo shirt features a web design spread across, with Spider-Man zipping across the front, on his way to spoiling another criminal's caper! (559/21-850-359) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America, South America, and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case/assortment lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Shirt SRP: $40.00 MOVIES & TV PEZ BLACKLIGHT T-SHIRT You loved the candy when you were younger, and you still love it today. Pez! This black 100% cotton shirt with hi density ink will allow your Pez logo to shine proudly, even in the event of being around a blacklight! No one is safe from your love of Pez! (7280/744-A01) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 PEZ T-SHIRT Pez has always delivered what you wanted from it. Candy. No bells and whistles. The same ethic applies to this shirt. Bright colors, with the Pez logo on front. Available in orange, red, yellow, and blue. Let the world know about your love of Pez. (7280/PEZPACK) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case/assortment lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Shirt SRP: $16.95 YU-GI-OH TONAL YU-GI MONTAGE T-SHIRT This light blue, 100% cotton shirt has the Yu-Gi-Oh hi-density logo on front, with a character montage above it. Not to be missed! (CAUT: 4) (4YUM5000YAN) L-XL $17.95 YU-GI-OH TONAL YUGI BURST T-SHIRT The Yu-Gi-Oh logo on this black 100% cotton T-shirt is highlighted by a metallic silver inner circle ring and metallic shimmer! Stunning! (CAUT: 4) (4YUM5000YAH) L-XL $17.95 SIMPSONS SIMPSONS I BENT MY WOOKIE T-SHIRT Poor Ralph Wiggum! There he was, minding his business, thinking about his award-winning Star Wars diorama, when trips and bends his wookie! Wearing this royal blue shirt will help you remember this awful incident for eternity. (559/95-301-111) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 SIMPSONS SOFARIDER T-SHIRT Based on the hit television show Survivor, this Sofarider 100% cotton shirt features a competition of a different sort. The "Challenge of the Laziest!" Can you out-drink and out-eat Homer Simpson? Good luck! (559/95-301-92) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $16.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A SIMPSONS PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE IRON-ON TRANSFERS If you're a fan of the Springfield lunacy on Fox, then you'll flip over these latest iron transfers that feature the Comic Book Guy! (4731) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case/assortment lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. COMIC BOOK GUY—Iron Transfer SRP: $4.85 COMIC BOOK GUY W/LOVE TESTER—Iron Transfer SRP: $4.85 ****************************************** STAR TREK STAR TREK ENTERPRISE "ENTERPRISE" T-SHIRT This black 100% cotton T-shirt features the word "Enterprise" screened in blue and silver on the upper center of the shirt. (870/SNT-T2) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $20.00 STAR TREK ENTERPRISE NX-01 EMBROIDERED LOGO T-SHIRT "NX-01," the call letters of the latest ship in the Star Trek mythology, are embroidered on the left chest of this black T-shirt, in red and silver thread. You can't watch the new series without one of these! (870/ENT-T1) (CAUT: 4) L-XL $20.00 STAR TREK ENTERPRISE NX-01 EMBROIDERED HAT This black twill hat features "NX-01" in red/silver embroidery on the front, and "Enterprise" in silver on the back. Brass closure! (870/ENT-HAT1) (CAUT: 4) Hat $19.00 TOYS SECTION ANIME OFFERED AGAIN O/A BANDAI'S ANIME COLLECTOR FIGURES SERIES 1 Some of your favorite anime characters and mecha will soon be yours as this new series of detailed toy figures. Each set includes two human figures (measuring approximately 4 ½" tall) and a larger, mecha or spacecraft figure (measuring 7" in height/length). This first series features character from three fan-favorite series: The Big O (featuring Roger Smith, Dorothy, and The Big O), Escaflowne (featuring Hitomi, Van, and Mechanical Suit Escaflowne), and Outlaw Star (featuring Gene, Melfina, and their spacecraft, which transforms into grappler mode). Available now! (9036/15070) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure Set MSRP: $19.99 O/A ORIGINAL GUNDAM DELUXE TRANSFORMING FIGURE The classic Mobile Suit Gundam robots are now collectible action figures, each featuring over 14 points of articulation and various weapons and accessories. Blister card packaging. Available now! (9036/11290) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $38.00 ******************** BARBIE BARBIE PRINCESS OF CHINA DOLL An exotic beauty inspired by the princesses of China. Barbie wears a traditional gown of the Qing dynasty, the last dynasty to rule China from the city of Peking. Her pink gown is decorated with a lotus design. Here shiny black hair is worn up in a traditional Chinese style. Befitting her royal rank, she wears a golden crown, inspired by the wife of emperor Hsuan T'sung. Scheduled to ship in February 2002! (744/53368) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $25.00 LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD & WOLF This 4 ½" doll carrying her basket of "apples" wears a charming outfit in blue gingham print, accented with an attached floral- patterned vest and white apron. True to the story, she encounters a gray wolf disguised as Grandmother, dressed in a pink and white bonnet and glasses. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002! (744/52899) (CAUT: 1 & 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $21.00 BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER MAC BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: VAMPIRE DRUSILLA FIGURE A Previews Exclusive! Moore Action Collectibles presents this vamped-out version of one of Buffy's most dangerous female foes, Drusilla! Although Buffy and the rest of the Scooby gang may loathe and despise her, fans of the show have developed a soft spot for the vampire vixen! Her quirky commentary and off-the-wall observations add a humorous appeal to the unremorseful killer. This Previews Exclusive figure comes clad in white a white dress and top, and features a fully sculpted display base. Figure stands approximately 6 ½" tall. Blister card packaging. Shipping in February 2002. (4151) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Australia. Figure $13.95 MAC BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SERIES 3 CORDELIA CHEERLEADER FIGURE Previously an Internet Exclusive! Previously only available online through Action Figure Express, this variant figure sculpted by Clayburn Moore is now available to all Previews readers! It's current Angel co-star Cordelia from her days in Sunnydale, decked out in her Sunnydale High School cheerleader uniform. Accessories include a base, pompoms, megaphone, tombstone, and two stakes. Blister card packaging. Shipping in February 2002! (5168/CM0032) (CAUT: 4) Figure $16.99 COMIC BOOK HEROES BATMAN DELUXE FIGURES More awesome action figures of Gotham's #1 defender, Batman! Not only does this series feature our modern day Batman, but it also features his future replacement from Batman Beyond! Each figure comes with deluxe crime-fighting accessories (featuring light and/or sound) for maximum play and display! This series is scheduled to include: Plugged-In Bruce Wayne, Cyclone Skate Batman (Beyond), and Fire Wing Batman. Blister Card packaging. Scheduled to ship in March 2002. (309/64485) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots—please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $12.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A BONE 2000 ACTION FIGURES Includes Phoney Bone, Gran'Ma Ben, and The Hooded One. Each figure is loaded with accessories like Smiley Bone's "Mystery Cow" Suit, included with Gran'Ma Ben, that fits over the existing Smiley toy! The Hooded One comes with a soft hooded cloak that can be peeled back to reveal the evil beneath! Phoney Bone has several accessories, including Smiley and Phoney puppets that really fit over his hands! Each figure comes with an exclusive comic book featuring brand new art! Available now! (117) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots—please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $12.99 ******************* MAC MAGDALENA SUMMER CONVENTION 2001 VARIANT ACTION FIGURES Previously San Diego/Chicago Comic Con Exclusives! She hunts in the same streets as hitman Jackie Estacado, a.k.a. The Darkness. But she's not part of an extensive crime family. Her roots are in the holy church. She is Magdalena. And now she's available to you as these articulated variant figures! Choose from: Magdalena Silver or Magdalena Turquoise, both originally offered exclusively at the 2001 San Diego and Chicago comic conventions! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (CAUT: 4) SILVER VARIANT—Figure $12.99 TURQUOISE VARIANT—Figure $12.99 MAC VAMPIRELLA GOLD SUMMER CONVENTION 2001 VARIANT ACTION FIGURE Previously San Diego/Chicago Comic Con Exclusives! The beautiful lady from the planet Draculon can now be yours as this variant gold action figure, originally offered exclusively at the 2001 San Diego and Chicago comic conventions! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (CAUT: 4) Figure $12.99 SHI ACTION FIGURES All-new! Billy Tucci's kabuki-faced, katana-wielding Samurai warrior is now ready to set wrongs right as a part of this new line of action figures from N2 toys! Expertly sculpted and detailed, these figures bring Billy Tucci's stunning warrior woman to life! Choose from: Shi or Tomoe. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4387/6000) (CAUT: 4) SHI—Figure SRP: $8.50 TOMOE—Figure SRP: $8.50 DIE-CAST JOHNNY LIGHTNING DIE-CAST KITS RELEASE 4 Johnny Lightning die-cast cars you build! This new series of kits is scheduled to include: 1940 Ford F-1 Pickup Truck, 1959 Chevy El Camino, 1971 Dodge Demon, 1987 Buick Grand National, 1996 Dodge Viper, and a Fireball 500. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (6243/48440) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Die-Cast SRP: $5.59 JOHNNY LIGHTNING REPLICAS 4-CAR BOX SET These four-car sets feature reproductions of classic Johnny Lightning designs, available in an assortment of color variations. Window box packaging. (6243/24702) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Die-Cast SRP: $10.50 JOHNNY LIGHTNING CUSTOMIZING KIT RELEASE 4 Now you can play master mechanic with these cool Customizing Kits, allowing you to build your very own Johnny Lightning miniature car! Each Kit includes enough variant parts to create hundreds of different versions! This fourth release is scheduled to include: black 1967 and 1968 Firebirds, and a White 1964 GTO! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (6243/48204) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Die-Cast SRP: $10.99 JOHNNY LIGHTNING THUNDER WAGONS SERIES 2 This isn't your family station wagon… these are Thunder Wagons! The old reliable family-mover gets a make-over in this series, scheduled to include: 1954 Corvette Nomad (Gold Rush), 1955 Chevy Nomad (Cobalt Blue), 1956 Chevy Nomad (Coral), 1957 Nomad (Black), 1950's Custom Chevy Wagon (White), and a 1950's Custom Rambler Wagon (Orange). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (6243/457-02) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Die-Cast SRP: $3.50 JOHNNY LIGHTNING T-BIRDS RELEASE 1 Johnny Lightning pays homage to one of the most enduring and popular car makes ever, the Thunderbird! These T-Birds come in a variety of models and colors, and are waiting to take roost in your die-cast collection! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (6243/45510) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Die-Cast SRP: $3.50 JOHNNY LIGHTNING CLASSIC GOLD 2 SERIES 13 Johnny Lightining takes a whole new approach to classic cars in their "Classic Gold" Series. It features cars of all models and makes, from all eras, and will come from various design groups. Unlike other JL series, each car featured in the "Classic Gold" series will have a style all its own. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (6243/40413) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Die-Cast SRP: $4.49 JOHNNY LIGHTNING COVER CARDS SERIES 12 America loves Chevy, and this series continues this love affair with authentic replicas of Chevy cars from Super Chevy magazine. Featuring 100% die-cast metal bodies and chassis, each 1:64 scale model also comes with an exclusive cover card. This release may include: Malibu, Chevelle, Camaro, Corvette, Nova, and Bel Air. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (6243/29112) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Die-Cast SRP: $3.50 SCOOBY-DOO DIE CAST FANTASY 5-PACK This 1:64th scale boxed set comes with 5 vehicles to help you catch spooks and poltergeists! Shaggy, Thelma, Fred, Daphne, and Scooby each have a road hog to use when its time to bolt from the chasing ghouls! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (476/76178) (CAUT: 4) 5-Pack SRP: $7.25 PLAYBOY CELEBRITY SERIES SIGNED DIE-CAST CARS A Previews Exclusive! Now available personally signed by the Playboy Playmates! Each sultry, 1/64 scale die-cast car pictures a different Playmate on its hood and side panels, features an opening hood and real rubber tires on chromed wheels, and comes packaged with one of three different centerfold trading cards. And best of all, the blister card packaging comes signed by the Playmate! (CAUT: 4) BERNAOLA TWINS—Die-Cast $24.99 NEFERTERI SHEPHERD—Die-Cast $14.99 NICOLE LENZ—Die-Cast $14.99 SHANNON STEWART—Die-Cast $14.99 SUZANNE STOKES—Die-Cast $14.99 HORROR ON THE EDGE RAT FINK 11-INCH STUFFED LATEX FIGURINE Here's something Ed "Big Daddy" Roth fans will not want to miss! The 11" tall Rat Fink figure features poseable arms and tail, which means he's able to quick-shift with the best of 'em! The original hot-rod monster can now be yours, but don't even think about sticking him in the back-seat! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4128) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figurine SRP: $20.99 MOVIES & TV ANDROMEDA 12-INCH FIGURES The newest sci-fi hit from the late great Gene Roddenberry, Andromeda, premiered in 2000, and has since been captivating sci- fi TV viewers. Choose from: Captain Dylan Hunt (Kevin Sorbo), First Officer Beka Valentine (Lisa Ryder), Nietzschean Tyr Anasazi (Keith Hamilton Cobb), and the ship's resident scientist, sociologist, and linguist, the alien Rev Bem (Brent Strait). Each 1/6-scale scale figure features a cloth uniform and measures approximately 12" tall. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4851/A020008) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $29.99Ea. OFFERED AGAIN O/A PLANET OF THE APES 6-INCH FIGURES The next in Hasbro's line of Planet of the Apes 6" figures are here, featuring figures that will not be offered in most mass- market outlets! Based on the characters in Tim Burton's "re-imagining" of the sci-fi classic, these figures captures the look of the make-up designs as created by Oscar-winning make-up artist, Rick Baker! This series is scheduled to include: Commander Leo Davidson, Krull, Ape Commander, and Pericles (Chimp w/Space Pod). Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (309) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure SRP: $11.99Ea. ******************** MONTY PYTHON DEAD PARROT PLUSH A Previews Exclusive! Whether you're told he's "just sleeping" or "pining for the fjords," one thing is abundantly clear: this an ex-parrot; one passed-on polly! Following hot on the heels of the Monty Python Killer Rabbit comes the latest Python-inspired plush, the Dead Parrot! Based on the classic Monty Python "pet shop" sketch, this is one polly who won't be wanting a cracker anytime soon! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in March 2002. (4231) (CAUT: 4) Plush SRP: $16.95 THE SIMPSONS: WORLD OF SPRINGFIELD WAVE VII FIGURES Springfield's own come alive in the next wave of interactive, talking figures! When placed on a compatible World of Springfield playset, each figure says one of their several random phrases. Standing approximately 5" tall, each figure comes with exclusive accessories. This wave includes: Dolph, Cletus, Mrs. Krabappel, Officer Lou, Hans Moleman, and Officer Marge. Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in January 2002. (222) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $6.00Ea. THE WORLD OF SPRINGFIELD WAVE VI ENVIRONMENTS Since you can't go to Springfield, it'll come to you! Collect all the environments and you'll create the entire town! Choose from: Simpsons Kitchen (with Muu Muu Homer) or Krusty Burger (with Pimply-Faced Teen). Each playset is a detailed re- creation from the TV show and has several readers that identify compatible Simpsons figures and then play back a random phrase specific to that character. Comes with an exclusive articulated figure, available nowhere else, and three AAA batteries. Window box packaing. Scheduled to ship in January 2002. (222/140680) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Playset SRP: $24.00Ea. BRUCE LEE 11.5-INCH ACTION DOLLS Martial Arts legend Bruce Lee can now be yours as on of these 11 ½" tall action dolls, sculpted by the inmates of The Art Asylum! This series depicts the master in three different incarnations: The Legend, The Master, and The Warrior, all replicating his appearance from one of his classic films! Each figure features a cloth outfit and lots of articulation. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4850/75100) (CAUT: 4) Dolls SRP: $15.99Ea. OFFERED AGAIN O/A STAR TREK 35TH ANNIVERSARY 6-INCH FIGURE TWO-PACK Celebrate the 35th anniversary of Star Trek by owning this unique action figure set! For the first time ever, Star Trek creator Gene Rodenberry is immortalized as an action figure. The Great Bird of the Galaxy stands watch over the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise, along with its most famous captain, James T. Kirk. Limited to only 35,000 pieces worldwide, this two-pack is sequentially numbered for authenticity. Each action figure features over 16 points of articulation and lifelike detailing. Kirk also comes with a detachable hand phaser and a hinged communicator. Available now! (8644/12090) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: Previously offered in Previews Update #498! Two-Pack SRP: $24.99 ****************** STARS OF THE MONTH FUTURAMA TIN WIND-UP FIGURES Packaged like classic wind-up toys of the '50s, this pair of all-new tin collectibles brings two of the lovable characters from Matt Groening's Futurama home to your toy collection! Bender (stands 8½" tall) walks with swinging arms, features poseable eyes and cigar, opening chest door (w/bottle of Fortran Malt liquor!), and a rotating mouth with two expressions. Nibbler's (stands 6" tall) mouth opens and closes, and his feet move up and down as he moves forward. Retro-style window box packaging with fifth panel. Window box packaging. Available now! NOTE: The Nibbler figure is not available in the U.K. NIBBLER (STAR12895)—Figure (CAUT: 3) SRP: $21.99 BENDER (STAR13153)—Figure SRP: $21.99 ******************** OFFERED AGAIN O/A LEGACY OF KAIN: SOUL REAVER ACTION FIGURES Based on the hit video game from Eidos Interactive! This series of figures captures the video game characters perfectly, each with multiple points of articulation, accessories/weapons, and display bases. This series includes: Raziel and Kain. Blister card packaging. Available now! (4851/34270) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $24.99Ea. ****************** SPIDER-MAN SPIDER-MAN MOVIE SERIES 1 ACTION FIGURES It's Spider-Man every which way possible! This new series of figures will satisfy any Spider-Fan's hunger for Spider-Movie stuff! This series is scheduled to include: Super-Poseable Spider-Man, Green Goblin, Norman Osborne, Battle-Ravaged Spidey, and J. Jonah Jameson! Blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (49/43705) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $9.99Ea. SPIDER-MAN MOVIE 12-INCH ROTO FIGURES These big collector figures are roto-cast from hollow vinyl, and come expertly painted! Choose from Spider-Man and Green Goblin. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (49/43720) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $10.99Ea. SPIDER-MAN MOVIE 13-INCH BATTLE-ACTION FIGURE Now you can put Spidey through his paces with this 13" tall "Battle-Action" figure, featuring several special fighting actions! Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (49/43731) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $15.99 SPIDER-MAN MOVIE 14-INCH ULTRA POSE FIGURE The ultimate Spider-Man, with the ultimate poseability! Standing an impressive 14" tall, this Ultra-Pose Spider-Man figure is ready to fight crime and strike a pose! Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (49/43730) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Figure SRP: $17.99 SPIDER-MAN MOVIE 12-INCH COLLECTOR'S FIGURES Look out collectors! These foot-tall figures are just the thing to make your Spider-Man collection complete! Choose from the wall-crawler himself, Spider-Man; nasty villain the Green Goblin; or Spidey's girlfriend, Mary Jane Watson. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (49/43760) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $22.99Ea. MORE MOVIES & TV OFFERED AGAIN RESERVOIR DOGS FIGURES This series may include: Mr. White/Harvey Keitel (with pistol & lighter), Mr. Orange/Tim Roth (with badge & pistol), Mr. Blonde/Michael Madsen (pistol, straight razor, drink cup), and Mr. Pink/Steve Buscemi (with satchel & pistol). Each figure features removable sunglasses and 18 points of "attitude articulation!" Blister card packaging. Available now! (4830) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures $13.99 ******************* POPEYE 12-INCH FIGURES Everyone's favorite spinach-chompin' cartoon sailor is now a 12" tall, fully articulated collector's figure! Dressed in a cloth costume, Popeye comes complete with pipe, hat, and a can of Spinach! Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4830/44600) Figure $18.00 WHITE WOLF/WORLD OF DARKNESS VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE FIGURES A Diamond Select Offering! Based on White Wolf Publishing's Vampire: The Masquerade Role-Playing Game, these figures stand over 5" tall and expertly replicate three of the World of Darkness' most popular Vampire characters. This series is scheduled to include: Beckett (w/Book of Nod, satchel, and fedora), Lucita (w/Sabbat Anhk and base), and Theo Bell (w/shotgun, baseball cap, and stop sign weapon). These awesome night-stalkers were sculpted by Gabriel Marquez, and are the first in an ongoing series of White Wolf figures. Blister card packaging featuring exclusive new artwork by classic Vampire artist, Tim Bradstreet. Guaranteed to ship in March 2002! (4667/71769) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figures SRP: $10.99Ea. STATUES & MODELS COMIC BOOK HEROES STAR OF THE MONTH CHAOS! EVIL ERNIE ORB A Diamond Select Offering! He's young! He's in love! He's dead! Chaos! Comics' Lady Death-lovin', mega-death committin', would-be world conqueror has been immortalized for all to fear and loathe as this hand-painted glass orb, measuring approximately 4 ½" (6 ½" including stand), showcasing the cover art from Evil Ernie #1 in all its gory glory! This unique, handcrafted specialty item is mounted on a free-spinning mahogany wood stand with 360-degree rotation, and comes complete with a Certificate of Authenticity. Available now! (4667/STAR14158) Orb $99.00 ************************ OFFERED AGAIN O/A LUCIFER BUST A Diamond Select offering! Lucifer, the Father of Lies! He is known by many names and many faces, but to those whose lives are sworn to evil and whose heart is dark and cold, he is lord and master. Lucifer is the ultimate villain in Chaos! Comics universe, and now you can own his likeness with this highly-detailed, meticulously crafted bust sculpted by the renowned Shiflett Brothers. Standing a full 6 ½" tall, this menacing masterpiece details a contemplating Lucifer clutching an ancient skull, as the lingering sneer splayed across his diabolical façade projects a sense of utter dread and loathing. Strictly limited to a 3,000 unit casting. Comes packaged in a custom box with a Certificate of Authenticity. Fully painted and ready for display. Available now! (4667) Bust $45.00 ********************* STAR OF THE MONTH CHAOS! REAPER BUST A Diamond Select/Eternal Toys Offering! The Reaper. Observer… chronicler. But to those in their last moments of life, he is better known as Death. He has made many appearances in the pages of Lady Death comic books, but now you can own his likeness in this latest offering from Eternal Toys and Diamond Select! The Reaper Bust is a highly detailed creation designed by master sculptor Sam Greenwell. Standing 7" tall, the Reaper eerily stares at you while holding an hourglass and scythe, seemingly waiting for the final moments of time to pass by. Comes in a custom box with a Certificate of Authenticity. Painted and ready to display. Available now! (4667/ STAR12754) Bust $39.99 ******************** FATHOM STATUE Moore Creations is thrilled to announce the release of the long awaited Fathom statue, the newest addition to the Top Cow collection. Sculpted by the talented Clayborn Moore and based on artist Michael Turner's popular comic, Fathom's alluring, deep-sea heroine, Aspen Matthews, is now immortalized in 3D form. This mystical, underwater beauty stands 15" tall and comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in March 2002. (8734) (CAUT: 4) Statue $175.00 KABUKI SNAPDRAGON MASK This mask is the sixth in a series from Moore Creations based on David Mack's Kabuki NOH assassin, Snapdragon. This elegantly streamlined mask will enhance the look of any wall, and is a great addition to the already popular line of Moore Creations' Kabuki-based masks. Hang them up or set them out for your viewing pleasure! Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in March 2002. (8734) (CAUT: 4) Mask $24.95 STAR OF THE MONTH TENTH ESPERANZA STATUES A Previews Exclusive! This beautiful pose of Esperanza in a pensive mood sits on a 1 ½" brick wall base. Espy herself measures 5 ½" high bringing the total height to 7". The total length of the base is 9" long. Also available in a Previews Exclusive white edition! Available now! (691) REG. (STAR13752)––Statue $89.99 O/A WHITE ED.––Statue $89.99 ***************** FANTASY ICE DRAGON FOUNTAIN STATUE As the Ice Dragon overlooks his domain, water flows out of his mouth into the waiting pool below and then roars down the icy cliffs into the ocean below. Stands 14" tall and 9" wide. This extraordinary piece is made of hand painted polyresin and comes with an electric water pump. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4432/FG-1394) (CAUT: 4) Statue $75.00 HORROR ON THE EDGE OFFERED AGAIN O/A VAMPIRA STATUE Before Vampirella! Before Elvira! There was… Vampira! She may have gained local notoriety through her gig as the popular hostess of a Los Angeles TV horror movie show, but it was her role in Ed Wood's Plan 9 from Outer Space that earned her a place in cinematic and pop-cultural immortality! Now, Bowen Designs captures the vampish vixen in all her glory as this 14" tall statue, sculpted by Thomas Küntz and strictly limited in its production run. Fully painted and ready to display. Available now! (8824) Statue $150.00 ********************** MARVEL COMICS X-MEN: CYCLOPS RESIN STATUES Scott Summers, better known as Cyclops, was the first X-Man. Devastating energy beams are released from his eyes, for which he wears special ruby-quartz glasses to contain power. This leader of the X-Men comes in two different statue versions: Classic, the John Byrne version, and Modern, the Jim Lee version with hair. Both stand approximately 12" tall and are painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (8824) (CAUT: 4) CLASSIC—Statue $155.00 MODERN—Statue $155.00 KRAVEN MINI-BUST A famous big game hunter, Kraven had successfully tracked every animal on the planet, but was unable to catch Spider-Man despite his unnatural strength and unbreakable grip. Depicted with his trademark clothing, this 5" mini-bust was designed by Randy Bowen and sculpted by Thomas Kurtz. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (8824) (CAUT: 4) Mini-Bust $40.00 MOVIES & TV ANGEL: THE HOST RESIN BUST What's green with red eyes and horn, and can tell your whole life's story by simply hearing you sing a few measures of your favorite tune? Give up? It's the Host (Lorne) from 20th Century Fox's hit TV series Angel. This outrageously outfitted demon, played by Andy Hallett, can awe the crowd with his sensational singing ability, and now, Moore Creations aspires to do what they do best with a 6" bust resembling the upbeat karaoke host of Caritas, the popular demon hangout. Painted and ready to display. Limited to 3,000. Scheduled to ship in March 2002. (8734) (CAUT: 4) Bust $45.00 FACTORY X DRACULA REPLICAS Own weapons of the world's most notorious vampire Dracula! From Factory X come these replicas, each extremely detailed. Choose from the sword, sword cane, and rhino bowie knife, which have false edges, so they only look extremely sharp. The sword measures 37 ¾" long while the bowie knife measures 20" long. Also available is the cane, which also measures 44" long, as does the sword cane. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4759) (CAUT: 4) NOTE: The sword cane is not available in California or Wisconsin. SWORD (18981)––Replica $269.95 SWORD CANE (18984)––Replica $199.95 CANE (18993)––Replica $159.99 BOWIE KNIFE (18982)––Replica $199.95 DRAGONBALL Z SUPER SAIYAN GOKU BUST Palisades presets the first in their Super Saiyan series, continuing their highly collectible line of resin -busts based wildly on the successful anime television program Dragonball Z. This new series of busts focuses on the awesome and powerful versions of these defenders of the Earth. Starting off the series is Super Saiyan Goku, one of the most powerful fighters the Earth has ever known! This cold-cast resin bust measures approximately 5" tall and comes on a beautifully sculpted base, all packaged in a collector window box. Each is individually numbered and comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in March 2002. (8644/20228) (CAUT: 4) Bust $45.00 GODZILLA POLAR LIGHTS 2001 MODEL KIT The King of Monsters wreaks havoc on the unsuspecting city! Godzilla, the largest and most feared cinematic reptile, makes his 2001 debut as this 16" model kit by Polar Lights! Assembly required. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (6243/5046) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Kit $27.99 THE SWORD OF THE SCORPION KING A seen in The Mummy Returns! From the summer blockbuster film, The Mummy Returns, comes this breathtaking reproduction of "The Sword of the Scorpion King!" Working exclusively from the actual studio prop, Factory X has accurately replicated this most stunning of all movie swords. The piece measures a full 34" in length, and is manufactured of highly polished, high carbon spring steel. The entire handle section is plated in mirrored brass. To display this menacing blade, a wooden, silk-screened walll plaque is included. This sword has a false edge, so it only appears very sharp. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4759/19351) (CAUT: 4) Replica $299.95 OFFERED AGAIN O/A FRAZETTA'S BARBARIAN RESIN STATUE Moore Creations releases the second of its Frazetta Masterpiece series, The Barbarian. Based on one of the most famous images in fantasy art by the grand master himself, The Barbarian arrives as a 13" tall Frazetta reality because of the talented delicate hands of wonder sculptor Clayburn Moore. Complete with voluptuous slave girl, skulls, carnage, and the detritus of war, we hope you'll agree that this sculptural tour de force is absolutely stunning. Painted and ready to display. Available now! (CAUT: 2 & 4) Statue $250.00 ******************* NASCAR NASCAR LEGENDS 7: BUDDY BAKER CHARGER MODEL KIT This car leaves all the others in the dust! It's #71 –– Buddy Baker's Charger, and it can be yours, without needing garage space! This model of the Nascar legend requires assembly, so get to it and you'll find yourself a winner every time! Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (6243/6607) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Kit $17.99 NOSTALGIA KNIGHT RIDER PLASTIC MODEL KITS The famous talking car, K.I.T.T., the black Pontiac Trans Am seen in the '80s hit TV series Knight Rider is here! Available in the original and 2000 version, this car is as cool as ever! Both are 1:25-scale model kits and require painting and assembly. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (476) (CAUT: 4) REG. (31538)—Kit SRP: $9.25 2000 (31359)—Kit SRP: $9.25 DAISY'S JEEP PLASTIC MODEL KIT It's a model kit of the jeep driven by Daisy Duke –– the girl responsible for starting the fashion trend named in her honor: the short shorts called daisy dukes! Who could forget the brunette from the popular TV show Dukes of Hazzard? This 1:25-scale kit requires painting and assembly. Scheduled to ship in January 2002. (476/31535) (CAUT: 4) Kit SRP: $9.25 GENERAL LEE PLASTIC MODEL KIT You know a car is hot when it has a name! The General Lee, seen on the Dukes of Hazzard, is one of the most popular cars ever to appear on TV! The bright orange 1969 Dodge Charger had as many close brushes with the law as the Dukes themselves! This 1:25-scale model kit requires painting and assembly. (476/8597DP) (CAUT: 4) Kit SRP: $9.25 STAR TREK STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION CAPTAIN'S YACHT REPLICA Previously a Star Trek Fan Club exclusive! Direct from John Yeaves, Senior Star Trek Illustrator, comes Captain Picard's personal yacht! This exclusive Captain's Yacht sculpture was built from the original ILM casting, making the finished piece a 1:1-scale model of the shooting miniature created for Star Trek: First Contact and seen in Star Trek: Insurrection. The yacht's display stand is cast from the dedication plaque made for Star Trek: Insurrection, states the ship's name and registration, and includes a quote from its namesake, explorer Jacques Cousteau. Limited to 5,000. Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by John Eaves. Measures 5 ½" x 5" x 4" attached to the 10" x 7" plaque base. Requires some assembly. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (261) (CAUT: 4) Replica $25.00 TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMERS MEGATRON BUST Megatron, evil leader of the Decepticons and arch-enemy of Optimus Prime, is the second in the Transformers bust series produced by Hard Hero. Made of cold-cast porcelain, this 6 ½" tall bust is sculpted by Jason Ray and is strictly limited. Scheduled to ship in January 2001. (4372) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. Bust $49.95 IMPORT TOYS & MODELS Unless otherwise noted, all IMPORT TOYS & MODELS listings are: (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, or Malaysia. ANIME JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE: BRUNO BUCCIARATI & STICKY FINGERS FIGURE 2-PACK Imported from Japan! The second in the series from the Fifth Generation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Bruno Bucciarati is the leader of the pack, with two points of articulation. His Stand, Sticky Fingers, on the other hand, has 22 points of articulation! The joints utilized in this figure allows almost 360-degree movement in most joints, allowing the figure to take any type of pose, remaining faithful to the character's features, whose special powers are the power to turn itself into a zipper to get out of any sticky situation! Bruno was sculpted by Tsunehisa Namimatsu; Sticky by Makoto Kobayashi. The Bruno figure is a 6" tall semi-articulated PVC; Sticky Fingers is a fully articulated 7" tall figure. Variant parts included. Original Japanese window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4898) Figure 2-pack $29.99 OH MY GODDESS: RED BELLDANDY PREVIEWS EXCLUSIVE PVC STATUE Imported from Japan! The lovely goddess, Belldandy, from the hilarious Oh My Goddess anime series, is beautifully captured as this fully painted, 1/6th scale, 6" tall PVC statue. There's no need to pick up the phone, as this goddess will always be there when you need her! This Previews Exclusive version features Belldandy in a red costume. Pre-painted and ready for display right out of the box. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4368/311428) Statue $34.99 TENCHI MUYO 5-INCH LYING BEANBAG Imported from Japan! Ryo-Ohki and Ken-ohki, the lovable and fluffy "Cabbits", can be yours as these new beanbag-style plush toys! Choose from Ryo-Ohki (dark brown) or Ken-Ohki (light brown). Scheduled to ship in April 2002. (5124) NOTE: Orders for the Ryo-Ohki 5" Lying Plush offered last month (NOV013245) have been cancelled. KEN-OHKI (HS201717)—Plush $5.99 RYO-OHKI (HS2011189)—Plush $5.99 SPECIAL ADVANCED SOLICITATION! SHIPPING IN JUNE 2002! VAMPIRE HUNTER D: MEIER LINK RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! Based on the new theatrical feature film (offered on VHS and DVD in this month's Videos Section!), this is the second statue from Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. It depicts the vampire Meier Link and his love, Charlotte, seen in this memorable pose from the movie. Sculpted by Kenji Ando, the statue measures 11" tall and 7" wide, and features a fully sculpted, highly detailed display base. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in June 2002. (4818) (CAUT: 2) Statue $149.99 *********************** EUROPEAN IMPORTS CHRIS ACHILLEOS' THE SENTINEL RESIN STATUE Imported from England! Presenting The Sentinel, the third statue based on the paintings of world-renowned fantasy artist, Chris Achilleos, personally overseen by the artist in its development. This magnificent dragon sits atop his lofty perch, and guards his rider's territory against invaders. Cast in solid resin (with cast metal parts) and mounted on a bronzed resin base, this figurine oozes quality and is the ultimate centerpiece for collectors of mythical dragons! The Amazon rider is detachable, and The Sentinel stands just over 24" high, with an approximate wing-length 14", and wingspan of just over 17" from tip to tip. Includes an autographed Certificate of Authenticity. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in April 2002. (133) Statue $400.00 HARRY POTTER & HEDWIGE RESIN STATUE Imported from the France! It's J.K. Rowling's eponymous boy wizard, Harry Potter, this time posing with his owl familiar, Hedwige. Fully painted and ready to display right out of the box, this resin statue measures approximately 9" tall. Scheduled to ship in April 2002. (133/V15Z25) NOTE: Not available in France. Statue $99.99 MILO MANARA'S APHRODITE RESIN STATUE SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (133/VL17L) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Canada or Hong Kong. ADULT MATERIAL Statue $99.99 FANTASY OFFERED AGAIN EDWARD SCISSORHANDS JAPANESE ACTION FIGURE Imported from Japan! This Edward Scissorhands Action Figure from Yellow Submarine of Japan was sculpted by Taishiro Kiya, and masterfully replicates the intricate leather outfit as seen in the cult classic film. Covered in detailed belts and buckles, the figures' "scissor-hands" are fully articulated, with each "finger" capable of free movement. Standing 7" tall, the figure features articulation points at the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and mid-thigh of the left leg. Original Japanese packaging. Available now! (4813) Figure $12.99 ********************* GREAT MYSTERY MUSEUM COLLECTION SERIES TWO PVC FIGURES Imported from Japan! Take another journey into our planet's greatest mysteries… replicated as these collectible PVC figures! These are precise replicas selected from Estrine Dou Bledongue's The Great Mystery Museum Collection, each "mystery" packaged in a closed box—you won't know which legend you'll uncover until you open the box! This series will include: The Long Head People (ancient aliens?), UFO in EDO period (Samurai Saucer?), Black Hell Hound (Devil Dog?), Bulldozer of Maya (Earth Movers of the Gods?), Large-Winged Dragon of Texas (Mythical Beast), 20-meter Ancient Shark (Megalodon), Shaded Figurine (Ancient Astronaut?), The Stone Face of Mars, Alien & Men in Trenchcoats, Big Foot (another witness depiction), The Jersey Devil, and Moai (Stone Sentinels of Easter Island). Unique collectibles from the master toy makers at Medicom! Scheduled to ship in April 2002. (4239) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. PVC Figurine SRP: $3.75Ea. FINAL FANTASY X FINAL FANTASY X: AURON 12-INCH VINYL STATUE Imported from Japan! Once one of the chief bodyguards of Yuna's father, Auron is a samurai-sword wielding guard. Famous for being strict and by the book, his nihilistic features have made Auron popular among players. Auron stands approximately 12" tall and comes with his sword and detachable sunglasses. Sculpted by ArtFx. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4898) Vinyl Statue $24.99 FINAL FANTASY X: KIMAHRI 14-INCH VINYL STATUE Imported from Japan! This vinyl statue of the spear-wielding Kimahri, Guardian of Yuna, stands a little over 14" tall. Sculpted by Junichi Taniguchi, Kimahri's lion-like features have been faithfully reproduced, and includes a spear accessory. This piece comes painted and ready to display. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4898) Vinyl Statue $29.99 FINAL FANTASY X: LULU 11-INCH VINYL STATUE Imported from Japan! LuLu is Yuna's Master, but seems to play more of a sisterly role to the young Summoner. Shunji Hagii has faithfully reproduced not just the detail in her clothing and her accessories, but those of Mog, one of her animated dolls that she uses as a weapon to attack her enemies. Standing 11 ¼" tall, the detail and accuracy that can only be achieved in soft vinyl has been masterfully re-created. This piece comes painted and ready to display. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4898) Vinyl Statue $24.99 FINAL FANTASY X 10-INCH PLUSH TOYS Imported from Japan! Choose from two different 10" tall plush monsters from FFX. Choose from: Cactuar and Chocobo. Each cuddly and collectible plush features soft body construction and FFX hang tag. Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4898) CACTUAR—Plush $21.99 CHOCOBO—Plush $21.99 GHOST IN THE SHELL MASAMUNE SHIROW'S MAN/MACHINE INTERFACE RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! Man/Machine Interface, he long-awaited sequel to Ghost in the Shell (serialized in the pages of Japan's Young Magazine since 1991), is almost here, and leading the way is this exquisite new resin statue of Motoko Aramaki. Standing approximately 7" tall, this all-new, fully painted resin statue depicts Motoko in her metallic "Fire Wall" suit, and features removable VR goggles. The kneeling figure comes mounted on a detailed display base. Window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in April 2002. (4368/YMJVC) Statue $99.95 KUBRICKS JIN ROH KUBRICK Imported from Japan! From the powerful and beautifully animated Japanese anime, Jin Roh, comes this Kubrick figure of the "Big Bad Wolf" himself, Kazuki Fuse. This brand new version of the "Panzer Cop"-style Kubrick features many small details not usually found on your typical Kubrick, and for good reason: these were originally limited edition items available exclusively through the Medicom Toy Collectors Club. Featuring removable body armor pieces and a machine gun accessory, the Jin Roh Kubrick also features two different head modes — with helmet (a 2-piece helmet) or without helmet (with molded hair). Each figure is individually boxed. Scheduled to ship in March 2002. (4239) Figure $8.99Ea. KUBRICK BE@RBRICK SERIES 2 FIGURES Imported from Japan! Shipped in the same format as the Special Forces Kubrick series (randomly packaged in single-figure boxes), the cool new Be@rbricks are collector pieces specially designed by Medicom and some of Japan's coolest artists! This second series of Be@rbricks is available in nine different randomly packed designs: Basic, Jellybean, Pattern, Flag, Horror, Sci-Fi, Cute, Animal, and two Artist Series Be@bricks designed by Noriya Takeyama and Mori-Chack. Scheduled to ship in March 2002. (4239) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. Figure $3.75Ea. KUBRICK TOFU-BRICKS SERIES 1 & 2 FIGURES Imported from Japan! They're Kubricks… with cubes of Tofu for heads! Tofu, of course, is bean curd, a very common Japanese food. These Tofu-Bricks were designed by "Devil Robots," a group of Japanese graphic and visual designers. Each features a standard Kubrick body, with a large plastic Tofu-shaped head. There are two series from which to choose, each featuring five different designs. And unlike other Kubrick releases, these figures are clearly marked so collectors can find the whole series with ease. Series One includes: Tofu Oyako (Mother), Tofu Oyako (Child), Egg Tofu (Yellow), Poison Tofu, and Tofu America; Series Two includes: Tofu Bros. 1, Tofu Bros. 2, Egg Tofu (White), Tofu China, and Hot Tofu. Scheduled to ship in March 2002. (4239) NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in case lots. Please check with your retailer for availability. SERIES 1 (TOFU1)—Figure $3.75Ea. SERIES 2 (TOFU2)—Figure $3.75Ea. MANGA DARK ANGEL EXCLUSIVE ACTION FIGURES Imported from Japan! Previously a San Diego ComiCon Exclusive! Based on the Image comic book Dark Angel: Phoenix Resurrection by Kia Asamiya, these highly-detailed 7" tall action figures are fully poseable with 12 points of articulation each (neck, wrists, elbows, waist, and ankles)! This series includes: Dark (with clear Kyo and the Sword of the Red Phoenix) and Leen (with clear Shiki and the four Sacred Orbs of the Blue Dragon) — both cast in transparent plastic (Dark/Red, Leen/Yellow). Every aspect of the design and production of these figures was personally approved by Kia Asamiya. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4368) NOTE: Limited quantities available. Allocations may occur. DARK—Figure $12.99 LEEN—Figure $12.99 OFFERED AGAIN O/A FUTARI OMAKASE RESIN STATUES Imported from Japan! If you like his illustrations, these statues from Futari Omakase, by the author of G-Taste, will not disappoint! Each Statue stands 8" tall and comes painted and ready to display. Choose from Jun Kusakabe or Sayuri Kawamura. Scheduled to ship in April 2002. (4818) JUN KUSAKABE—Statue $69.99 SAYURI KAWAMURA—Statue $69.99 *********************** MASAKI MIZUHARA SERIES: MOEY RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! Similar in theme to the G-Taste series, the all-new "Masaki Mizuhara Series" features original designs from one of Japan's most famous erotic/fantasy artists, available to American collectors for the first time! "Moey" is part of Mizuhara's Sexy Maids series, and stands approximately 14" tall. Painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4818) Statue $125.00 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION NEON GENESIS EVANGELION: MATSUMURA EVA FIGURE Imported from Japan! This is a unique EVA figure, sculpted by Mr. Shinobu Matsumura, a popular Japanese artist, well known for his outstanding skills when sculpting animal figures and models. The "Matsumura EVA" figure is the artist's version of EVA Unit 01 as seen through his unique vision. It features four points of articulation (Shoulders & Wrists), but the real draw for this amazing figure is its removable armor! You can remove the shoulder plates as well as change the head, revealing the organic creature hidden beneath the armor! The EVA's left shoulder is equipped with a knife that is removable, and can be held in the right hand. There are also die-cast details on the legs, and a die-cast chest plate is removable to expose the EVA's core (a red "gem"). Figure stands approximately 7" and includes a detailed display base. Original Japanese packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4673) Figure $16.99 NEON GENESIS EVANGELION EVA FIGURES IN LAUNCH TUBE PACKAGING Imported from Japan! The awesome EVAs of Neon Genesis Evangelion are back in all-new packaging, re-designed by Art Asylum to resemble the "Launch Tubes" that house these massive biomechanical giants at NERV. This month we offer EVA Unit-00 (blue) and Unit-02 (red), complete with all of the same great accessories, wild articulation, and metallic paint! Don't miss the re-launch! Original Japanese blister card packaging. Scheduled to ship in February 2002. (4673) UNIT-00 BLUE—Figure $14.99 UNIT-02 RED—Figure $14.99 NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS STARS OF THE MONTH NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS JACK SKELLINGTON ACTION FIGURES A Previews Exclusive! Imported from Japan! These Jack Skellington action figures feature multiple points of articulation and authentic detailing and design. This month, we're re-offering all six different Jack figures (each with a different head sculpt), accompanied by two NBX collectible PVCs! Choose from: Jack #1 (w/Werewolf & Vampire #1), Jack #2 (w/Easter Bunny & Corpse Boy), Jack #3 (w/Behemoth & Vampire #2), Jack #4 (w/Oogie Boogie & Mummy), Jack #5 (w/Vampire #3 & Zero), and Jack #6 (w/Mayor & Batboy). Measuring 12" tall, each Jack is cast in high-impact plastic and comes carded with a figure stand! Blister card packaging. Available now! (4672) JACK #1 (STAR13352)—Figure $28.99 JACK #2 (STAR13353)—Figure $28.99 JACK #3 (MAR012841)—Figure $28.99 JACK #4 (MAY013145)—Figure $28.99 JACK #5 (JUL012941)—Figure $28.99 JACK #6 (AUG012925)—Figure $28.99 ************************** SAMURAI X/RUROUNI KENSHIN SAMURAI X/RUROUNI KENSHIN OVA PVC FIGURES Imported from Japan! Based on the popular Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin OVA (Original Video Anime), these PVC figures capture the look and spirits of these characters from the ancient samurai world. Choose from: Hajime Saito, Soushi Okita, Tomoe Yukishiro, and Kenshin Himura, each mounted on a display base. Sculpted by Makoto Sakurai (Okita and Saito) and Keisuke Sawada (Tomoe and Kenshin). This series of figures are non-articulated and stand approximately 7" tall. Original Japanese window box packaging. Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4368) HAJIME—Figure $11.99 KENSHIN—Figure $11.99 SOUSHI—Figure $11.99 TOMOE—Figure $11.99 SAMURAI X/RUROUNI KENSHIN: TOMOE'S DEATH RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! Live by the sword, die by the sword. Tomoe Yukishiro lies in a pool of her own blood in this diorama based on a scene from the Samurai X OVA. Kenshin Himura kneels beside her on a snow-swept field, Tomoe's broken sword still gripped in her hand. Fully painted and ready to display, this resin diorama measures approximately 12" long overall. Scheduled to ship in April 2002. (4368) Statue $89.99 VIDEO GAMES BERSERK: FEMTO RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! From the video game, Berserk, (based on the cult-classic manga of the same name) comes Femto, the final member of the God Hand. Previously, he was known as Griffith, leader of the "Band of the Hawk." With Femto's entry to the God Hand, they become complete, and their agenda begins to unfold... Fully painted and ready to display, Femto stands approximately 8" tall. Scheduled to ship in April 2002. (4368/27213-2) Statue $99.95 GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES—ROCK HOWARD RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! From Garou: Mark of the Wolves, the ninth installment in SNK's Fatal Fury video game series, comes the powerful fighter, Rock Howard! Standing approximately 8" tall, Howard comes with a clear-cast "energy" burst effect! Fully painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4818) Statue $69.99 GUILTY GEAR X: MAY RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! From Guilty Gear X (coming to the U.S. on Playstation 2 in 2002) comes the sexy lady pirate, May! Wielding a ship's anchor, this is one sexy little gal who'll have you grinning like a Jolly Roger! This fully painted 1/8th scale statue stands approximately 8" tall and comes ready for display. Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4818) Statue $74.99 TRON BONNE & KOBUN RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! From Capcom's hit video game, The Misadventures of Tron Bonne comes the title character and three of her Servbot assistants! This 1/7th scale statue stands approximately 8" tall and comes painted and ready to display. Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4818) Statue $69.99 VAMPIRE SAVIOR LILLITH RESIN STATUE Imported from Japan! Here's one vampire statue that doesn't suck! It's the sexy title character from the Japanese video game, Vampire Savior, with a flowing cape and bat-wing ears! And check out those stockings with the overall bat printing! Lillith measures 8" tall and comes pre-painted and ready to display! Scheduled to ship in May 2002. (4818) Statue $74.99 PREVIEWS TOY STORE BACKLIST Previews Title SRP Item#/Star Code AUSTIN POWERS 18 INCH MINI-ME IN SPACESUIT ULTRA ACTION FIGURE PI MAR000897 AUSTIN POWERS DLX FIGURES SERIES 2 DIRTY ASST PI STAR11084 BEATLES: YELLOW SUBMARINE 2 SGT. PEPPER ACTION FIGURES PI STAR12841 BLAIR WITCH PROJECT 2 KUBRICK BOX SET A $16.99 DEC005115 BRUCE LEE KUBRICK BOX SET A $12.99 DEC005014 BTVS WILLOW 9 INCH FIGURE $14.99 STAR10638 CHAOS LADY DEATH SWORD #1 DARKNESS $75.00 STAR12273 DANGER GIRL ABBEY CHASE FIGURE PI MAY015170 DANGER GIRL ACTION FIGURES SERIES 1 PI STAR10745 DANGER GIRL: MAJOR MAXIM FIGURE PI MAY015173 DANGER GIRL: NATALIE KASSLE FIGURE PI MAY015172 DANGER GIRL" SYDNEY SAVAGE FIGURE PI MAY015171 DARK ALLIANCE SERIES 1 JADE SAN DIEGO COMICON EXCLUSIVE EMERALD FIGURE $14.99 APR015097 DAWN ACTION FIGURE PI STAR10086 DOCTOR OCTOPUS MINI-BUST $45.00 APR013172 EDWARD SCISSORHANDS ICE VERSION PX ACTION FIGURE $12.99 FEB015092 EDWARD SCISSORHANDS JAPANESE ACTION FIGURE $12.99 FEB015014 GIANT MAN & WASP MINI-BUST $55.00 STAR13575 GOLDEN AGE BATMAN MEDIUM RESIN STATUE $35.00 SEP005026 GOLDEN AGE CATWOMAN MEDIUM STATUE $35.00 MAY015093 GOLDEN AGE JOKER MEDIUM STATUE $35.00 MAY015094 GOLDEN AGE PENGUIN MEDIUM RESIN STATUE $35.00 SEP005032 GOLDEN AGE SUPERMAN MEDIUM RESIN STATUE $35.00 JUL002830 GREEN GOBLIN MINI-BUST $40.00 JAN013014 INSANE CLOWN POSSE SHAGGY 2 DOPE 9" FIGURE $19.99 STAR12861 INSANE CLOWN POSSE VIOLENT J 9" FIGURE $19.99 STAR12862 IRON MAN GREY RESIN STATUE $140.00 STAR10751 KING KONG DLX ACTION FIGURE PI STAR12196 LADY DEATH BUST $40.00 STAR13902 MAC BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER SERIES 3 FIGURES $12.95 STAR13951 MCFARLANE'S 3D ANIMATION SERIES 2 ACTION FIGURES PI JUL011272 MOVIE MANIACS SERIES 4 ACTION FIGURES PI JUL011273 NIGHTMARE BEFORE XMAS JACK SUMMER 2001 CON PX ACTION FIGURE $24.99 DEC005116 SABRETOOTH MINI-BUST $40.00 SEP003101 SILENT SCREAMERS GOLEM DELUXE FIGURE $24.99 MAY013056 THE SIMPSONS: EVIL KRUSTY THE CLOWN DOLL $36.99 AUG012808 SIN CITY: MARV ACTION FIGURE BLACK & WHITE PI STAR09580 SIN CITY: MARV II DELUXE ACTION FIGURE PI FEB015993 SPACE GHOST CLEAR INVISIBLE EXCLUSIVE FIGURE $14.99 STAR12118 SPAWN SERIES 18: INTERLINK-6 ACTION FIGURES PI SEP001225 SPAWN ULTRA ACTION FIGURES SERIES 19 PI STAR14020 SPECIAL FORCES SERIES 3 KUBRICKS $3.99 MAY013141 SPIDER-MAN MINI-BUST $40.00 DEC003053 WOLVERINE BROWN COSTUME MINI-BUST $35.00 OCT003191 PRINTS & POSTERS SECTION ADULT IRWIN BOMB PRINTS SEE PREVIEWS ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. (5187) (CAUT: 4) ADULT MATERIAL BLUE SATIN SHEETS—Print, 24x36, FC $22.50 FORBIDDEN FRUIT—Print, 24x36, FC $22.50 GIRL WITH LIZZIE—Print, 24x36, FC $22.50 LADY KAYLA #1—Print, 24x36, FC $22.50 ANIME LOVE HINA #1 POSTER Guaranteed to ship in February 2002! Ken Akamatsu's enchanting art for the black and white Love Hina comic can now be yours to mount on a wall via this large 24" x 36" 100% satin full-color poster! This scroll features cover art from Volume 2 of the DVD collection. (133/MEP798) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Spain. Poster, 24x36, FC $6.00 MASAMUNE SHIROW MAN MACHINE INTERFACE Eye-catching art from Masamune Shirow adorns this full color 24" x 36" poster that captures the hard body essence of his fan- favorite anime, Man Machine Interface! (133/MEP797) (CAUT: 3 & 4) NOTE: Not available in Spain. Poster, 24x36, FC $6.00 CARTOONS BATTLE OF THE PLANETS WALL SCROLL A Diamond Select Release! The classic G-Force team from your youth is back! Return to those classic days of cartoon action when the G-Force team were the coolest Space Ninjas around! The classic TV series — known as Gatchaman in Japan — is back, and in a big way! The first in a series from Diamond Select, this image was taken from the second volume of the recently released DVD collection from Rhino Home Video, and depicts Mark and Jason at their heroic best. Sure to be sought-after by fans of all ages, this wall scroll measures 27" x 34" and is printed on 100% Satin for longer life and more vibrant colors! (4667) Wall Scroll, 27x34, FC $14.99 POWERPUFF GIRLS AT WORK POSTER These cute and cuddly girls aren't crawling back to their mommas every time they fall down and scrape their knees. They're out to bust some chins on this large 24" x 36" full-color poster! (4138/PPG018) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36, FC $4.99 COMIC ART CHARLES VESS SPIDER-MAN SIGNED & NUMBERED LIMITED EDITION LITHOGRAPH SET Charles Vess has a love of women, and it prompted him to create a two-part print set showing Spider-Man reflecting on his past memories. From his journeys on rooftops to his interludes with the Black Cat, these images are made even more collectible as the set bears the signatures of both Stan Lee and Charles Vess! Prints measure 23" x 17". Limited to only 2,500 copies. (CAUT: 4) Set (x2) $99.99 HULK DESERT ENCOUNTER LITHOGRAPH Fan-favorite artist Graham Nolan renders a picture whereby today's modern prospector learns of the Hulk's unpredictable nature on a moonlit night. The man has disturbed the peace of the Hulk's desert domain, and now he can only hope he escapes with his life on this full-color 23" x 17" lithograph! (350) (CAUT: 4) Lithograph, 23x17, FC $19.99 FANTASY BROM PRINTS Brom's talent lies in capturing the horrific, bizarre, and surreal. On these prints, he pictures people in a land far removed from the terra firma we walk on today. See a winged beauty, superimposed against a barren wasteland in need of an armored protector. Gaze into the deep, brooding eyes of an Elf warrior contemplating deeds most dastardly. Shiver at the sight of a seductive enchantress who reserves a taste of her blade for your lips only! Moving and moody images that only our beloved Brom could deliver! (207) (CAUT: 4) BLACK WING (0877)—Print, 25x21, FC $30.00 DARK ELVE (0871)—Print, 19x14, FC $30.00 GHOUL QUEEN(0870)—Print, 26x17 $40.00 DRAGON MOUNTAIN POSTER Here be a dragon from "The Aquarius Collection," proving how the winged lizards are majestic, threatening creatures better appreciated from atop snow-covered mountains! (4945/24002) Poster, FC $5.99 DRAGON MASTER POSTER If the spell-weaving sorcerer pictured isn't the dragon's master, he might as well be sprinkled in seasonings and dipped in butter. Just hope the winged beast's appetite isn't kicking! (4945/24065) Poster, FC $5.99 DRAGON ATTACK POSTER Death comes from above when the dragon is on the attack! Run to the hills, because once the scaly beast is fired up, there's little you can do but go down with both guns blazing! (4945/24003) Poster, FC $5.99 DEATH'S END POSTER Artist Ken Kelly paints a picture that summarizes the end-all moment when all killing is finished for the reaper. The last breath of victims is released from the pile of skulls crushed under Death's heavy combat boots. The killing has come to a closing on this full-color poster. (4945/24044) Poster, FC $5.99 JOHN ZELEZNIK ORCHID GLOW PRINT A lady of distinct beauty is captured in a stunning profile shot that is printed on 100 lb. acid free cover stock. This 11" x 17" print is signed and numbered by John Zeleznik, and is accompanied by a signed Certificate of Authenticity. Limited to only 350 prints. (8234) Print, 11x17, FC $9.99 FINAL FANTASY X FINAL FANTASY X WALL SCROLLS The latest batch of Final Fantasy Wall Scrolls are here for all those fans who are determined to have a comprehensive shrine before another FF game debuts! Beautiful CGI artwork taken directly from the hit Playstation 2 RPG makes these 31" x 43" wall scrolls a must-have for Final Fantasy die-hards everywhere! (4898) (CAUT: 4) KIMAHRI—Wall Scroll $17.99 RIKKU—Wall Scroll $17.99 FINAL FANTASY X POSTERS If framed Final Fantasy X art is what you need for that long hallway gallery, then we suggest you check out these full-color posters, each featuring a stunning image taken directly from FFX's fully animated CGI cut-scenes! This month, choose from: Seymour & Yuna (in what appears to be a grand wedding ceremony), and Yuna & her Summon Monsters. Each poster measures 24" x 36" and comes rolled and bagged. (4898) (CAUT: 4) SEYMOUR & YUNA—Poster, FC $5.99 YUNA & MONSTERS—Poster, FC $5.99 GREAT EASTERN SAMURAI X ATTACK WALL SCROLL If you're a fan of kimota-swinging adventure, then Samurai X has definitely caught your attention this past year. It's on the tip of everybody's tongue. And now you can get even more pumped with this 31" x 43" wall scroll. (4632/GE1507) Wall Scroll, 31x43, FC $19.95 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM 08TH MS TEAM SMOKING GUN WALL SCROLL There's no mercy in sight. No words of comfort to be offered. No sanctuary to hide you. The deed has been done, as made obvious by the smoking gun on this large 31" x 43" full-color wall scroll! (4632/GE1419) Wall Scroll, 31x43, FC $19.95 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM 08TH MS TEAM READY TO GO WALL SCROLL The gang's all here. Assembled. Trigger itchy. And ready to go at a moment's notice. The team's set to go full steam ahead on this beautiful 31" x 43" full-color wall scroll! (4632/GE1461) Wall Scroll, 31x43, FC $19.95 FUSHIGI YUGI ORANGE ROBES WALL SCROLL The FY cast strike the pose for you in their orange robes on this 31" x 43" full-color wall scroll. (4632/GE1340) Wall Scroll, 31x43, FC $19.95 DRAGONBALL Z WALL SCROLLS High-kicking energy radiates from these wall scrolls that add color to your life and the walls, which seclude you. Surround yourself with such wall scroll décor when you're zoning on your Dragonball Z video marathons! (4632) TRUNKS CAPSULE CORP. (GE1561)—Wall Scroll, 31x43, FC $19.95 QUINTET (GE1479)—Wall Scroll, 31x43, FC $19.95 COWBOY BEBOP WALL SCROLLS If you wanna be a cowboy, too, then look no further than these cool wall scrolls that are nothing short of essential for the Cowboy Bebop buff in all of you! (4632) RED HUE (GE1542)—Wall Scroll, 31x43, FC $19.95 GOT A LIGHT? (GE1475)—Wall Scroll, 31x43, FC $19.95 BLUE HUE (GE1540)—Wall Scroll, 31x43, FC $19.95 MOVIES & TV BRUCE LEE ENTER THE DRAGON WHITE BACKGROUND POSTER This was the film to end all chop-sockey flicks. This is the actual film poster used to promote the 1970s blockbuster hit Enter The Dragon is now available for your nostalgia collection! This was the film that shoved Bruce Lee in the spotlight for American audiences. And, sadly, it was Lee's only hit in America, as the martial arts master died soon after making it! (4138/F044) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 27x39, FC $10.50 LEON THE PROFESSIONAL MOVIE POSTER Even the most professional hitman can fall for the charms of a cute little girl. As seen in the movie The Professional, here is Leon and his little lady on a large 27" x 39" full-color poster commemorating the cute and high-octane action flick that also starred Gary Oldman as a psycho! (4138/F156) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 27x39, FC $10.50 LORD OF THE RINGS CLASSIC POSTER The classic Rings art we've all come to love is now available on a large 27" x 39" full-color poster commemorating Tolkien's epic fantasy masterpiece! (4138/F272) Poster, 27x39, FC $10.50 MONSTERS INC. POSTERS Billy Crystal and John Goodman lend their voices to the latest film by Pixar, the same magicians who brought you Toy Story! These posters remind us of the hilarious hijinks from the highly anticipated animation movie. (4264) SCARE TEAM (2393)—Poster, 24x36, FC $5.99 WE CARE (2396)—Poster, 24x36, FC $5.99 TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE MOVIE POSTER What will be left of the victims who suffer at the chainsaw of Leatherface? Boasting chilling art from the horror film classic, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, this 24" x 36" poster brings to your house the smell of kills on a meat hook. (4138/M548) (CAUT: 4) Poster, 24x36, FC $4.99 COLLECTIBLES & NOVELTIES SECTION CANDY OFFERED AGAIN O/A TRUE CONFECTIONS CANDY If its sweets that you need, then True Confections is the way to go. Not only do they give you the goodies you want, but packaged in wrappers based on pop culture icons! (4505) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America and Puerto Rico. BUFFY—Candy Box SRP: $2.00 LADY DEATH—Candy Box SRP: $2.00 SCOOBY DOO—Candy Box SRP: $2.00 WWF BAD GUYS—Candy Box SRP: $2.00 WWF GOOD GUYS—Candy Box SRP: $2.00 SPIDER-MAN MINT—Candy Box SRP: $1.99 X-MEN MINT—Candy Box SRP: $1.99 ****************************8 CARTOONS CARDCAPTOR SAKURA MAGNET PUZZLES It's a magnet. It's a puzzle. It's both! Put these Cardcaptor cut-ups on your refrigerator, locker, or any metal surface and have a "puzzling" good time! (4122) (CAUT: 3) NOTE: Not available outside North America. PUZZLE #1 (MPCC3) $3.99 PUZZLE #2 (MPCC4) $3.99 SCOOBY DOO SWITCHPLATE COVER This 5 ½" x 1 ¼" x 6" h switchplate features the timeless talking canine detective who works for as little as a box of Scooby Snacks. It's Scooby Doo, and he's now available to help add to your house décor as a switchplate. (6500/16088) (CAUT: 4) Switchplate $13.50 SCOOBY DOO SCULPTED RESIN LAMP If it's a Scooby Doo theme you're looking to create for your bedroom or home office, you'll want to consider starting things off by picking up this 6" x 6" x 16 ¾" h sculpted lamp. The van's roof lifts off to reveal a hidden compartment that lets you easily store your keys or pocket change. (6500/16043) (CAUT: 4) Lamp $44.99 SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS LICENSE PLATE FRAME Here's a Spongebob collectible you'll want for your road rod. This plate frame sports the phrase "Bring It Around Town," and is made of tough plastic to stand up to the outside elements. Features a silkscreened Spongebob logo! Fits most cars and trucks. (4122/LSB1) Frame $5.50 YOSEMITE SAM PORCELAIN STEIN Great Horny Toads! He sure does hate that rabbit! He's the rowdy, mustached half-pint gunslinger that's everybody's favorite Looney Tunes rough guy. He's Yosemite Sam, and he's not the milk and cookies type! Use him as an appropriate drinking stein the next time you walk into the Red Eye saloon and order a cold one! (4205/5003) (CAUT: 4) Stein $159.99 CHARMED CHARMED LONG STEM ROSE PHOTO SET Rose McGowan is the new kid on the set of Charmed, and this set of five 8" x 10" photos from the series shows the attractive long-stemmed beauty in all her glory! (870/CHRMDSET4) (CAUT: 4) Set $29.99 CLASSIC FILM AND TELEVISION POPEYE BRUTUS PEWTER BOTTLE OPENER He's the burly bad guy who's got a thing for Olive Oyl. And he wants nothing more than to pummel the squinty-eyed sailor. He's Brutus, the barroom bully that's not ashamed to fight dirty and get his knuckles dirty. He'll lend you the extra muscle you need when it's time for opening bottles of cool refreshments. (5063) (CAUT: 4) Bottle opener $43.99 POPEYE PEWTER CORKSCREW Popeye may always have one hand in his can of spinach, but he can nonetheless help you out when it comes time to open up some bottles of bubbly. Made out of fine pewter, the Popeye Corkscrew doesn't shy away from party time! (5063) (CAUT: 4) Corkscrew $35.00 LONE RANGER CERAMIC BOBBING HEAD The famed masked rider atop his trusty steed Silver makes for a timeless conversation piece as the Lone Ranger sports a wacky bobbing head! A nostalgia buff will always think the holiday season came early when he's handed this 4" x 4" x 7.5" h ceramic collectible! (6500/19053) Bobbing Head $18.99 LONE RANGER TV TIN TOTE Here's something you don't see every day — which makes it an even hotter ticket! If it's a portable TV funhouse you're looking for, then gaze no further than this 7 ¾" x 3 ½" x 6 ¼" h tin tote that's shaped like a classic TV set, with Clayton Moore as the Lone Ranger featured on the tin's "TV screen"! (6500/19069) (CAUT: 4) Tin Tote $12.99 ROY ROGERS TV TIN TOTE Roy and Trigger may not be on prime time any more, but that doesn't mean the memories have to fade. Display this 7 ¾" x 3 ½" x 6 ¼" h TV Tin Tote of the great American cowboy and the smartest horse in movies! It's vintage memorabilia that shows you know your Westerns! (6500/23069) (CAUT: 4) Tin Tote $12.99 CLASSICS BETTY BOOP DOME LUNCH TIN Lunch is kept hot or cold for you in this 8" x 4 ¼" x 6 ¾" lunch tin that sports hot vintage Chevy car art, and the timeless dance girl, Betty Boop. No need to brown bag it when this cute and fresh baby doll is around to play hostess! (6500/10876) Lunch Tin $12.50 COCA COLA PUZZLE TINS One of the most successful beverages to be poured into a can or bottle, Coca Cola has established itself as one of the world's favorite drinks of choice. If you're a Coke aficionado, and always looking for the next collectible bearing the soft drink's logo and dress, then these puzzle tins are at the top of your wish list. The Skiing Bears 8-Piece tin measures 4" x 6" when complete; the completed Igloo 75-Piece Travel puzzle measures 7" x 9"; the collage of Coke Nostalgia 700-Piece puzzle measures 12" x 34"; and the Coca Cola Polar Bear Look 1000-Piece puzzle featuring the familiar CGI–animated polar bears measures 20" x 27". (6146) (CAUT: 4) SKIING BEARS 8-PIECE (SKIINGBEARS)—Puzzle Tin $1.99 IGLOO 75-PIECE TRAVEL(110382)—Puzzle Tin $3.25 NOSTALGIA 700-PIECE (200045)—Puzzle Tin $6.99 POLAR BEAR LOOK 1000-PIECE (110726) —Puzzle Tin $10.99 PEANUTS SNOOPY & WOODSTOCK COOKIE JAR Snoopy and his sidekick, Woodstock, have eluded Charlie Brown's eyes long enough to partake in some baked cookie dough! You should join them! This 12" tall cookie jar is perfect for holding handfuls of chocolate, peanut butter, and oatmeal goodies. Why not share a smile with man's best friend and his bird? (4198/PNTT9510) Cookie Jar $58.99 PEANUTS SNOOPY & WOODSTOCK SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS If it's your turn to prepare a feast for the Peanuts gang, you can stay in good company by showing off these neat Snoopy and Woodstock salt and pepper shakers that are sculpted in the likeness of Charlie Brown's canine companion, and the little bird who had a rock concert named after him. "Snoopy" is 4" tall, and "Woodstock" is 2 ¾" tall. (4198/PNTT2730) (CAUT: 4) Salt and Pepper Shakers $10.99 COMIC BOOK HEROES DAWN LUNCHBOX The dazzling art of Joseph Michael Linsner adorns this metal lunch box! Dawn looks her best so that you can enjoy your soup and sandwich with a smile. (4667) (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $14.99 JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER'S DAWN TIN SIGNS Provocative, tempting, sultry … all good words to describe Mr. Linsner's red-headed fantasy creation. But "necessary" is a word that also comes to mind if you're a collector of all things Dawn. Here on these 11" x 17" tin signs, the bombshell shows off her physique, capable of melting glaciers. (4870) PORTABLE DAWN (DAWN2)—Tin Sign $13.50 LUCIFER'S HALO (DAWN1)—Tin Sign $13.50 CRYPT OF DAWN (DAWN4)—Tin Sign $13.50 JIM SILKE'S RASCALS IN PARADISE TIN SIGN The cheesecake art of Jim Silke is taken to the next level with this 11" x 17" tin sign that showcases Rascals in Paradise. If you've got a bare wall that's looking for some personality, we can't suggest a better alternative to that Britney Spears poster. (4870/RIP) Sign, 11x17 $13.50 SCARY MISS MARY COLLECTIBLE DRINKING GLASSES Here is a set of 2 "Playtime" and "Thinking of You" Scary Miss Mary drinking glasses. Great collectibles to add to your glassware for fans both young and old alike! (5145) Glasses $8.00 SCARY MISS MARY PLAYTIME KEYCHAIN A Scary Miss Mary "Playtime"–themed keychain for those of you who want to hit the road in style! (5145) Keychain $4.50 DC HEROES DC HEROES MINI TV TOTES Here's something cool to catch if you're a frequent visitor to the DC Universe. These 4-piece miniature totes are shaped like television sets, featuring logo and character art of the classic DC heroes. Both the Batman and Superman totes measure 5 ½" x 2 ½" x 6" h. (6500) BATMAN (76069)—Tote $7.99 SUPERMAN (74069)—Tote $7.99 WONDER WOMAN (75069)—Tote $7.99 WONDER WOMAN CERAMIC SALT & PEPPER SHAKERS If you want to serve a banquet fitting for an all-star DC lineup, then you should feature tableware that shows your appreciation for the Amazon princess, Wonder Woman! These salt and pepper shakers are a cut above all others! (6500/WWLBSP) (CAUT: 4) Salt and Pepper Shakers $15.25 WONDER WOMAN DOME LUNCHBOX She's queen of the hill, buddy. Her strength, magic lasso, and compassion truly earn her the title of Wonder Woman. Take her with you to lunch via this 8" x 4.25" x 6.75" h lunch box sporting cool character art! (6500/75076) Lunchbox $13.99 WONDER WOMAN LIDO LAMP This one's a keeper. Here's a 10" lamp that shows Princess Diana, aka Wonder Woman, in all her glory. See images of Diana transforming into her costumed alter ego! See the Invisible Plane! See Wonder Woman deflecting bullets with her wristbands! No one messes with this chick! (6500) Lamp $18.99 FANTASY GARGOYLE BOX Everyone needs more space to store his or her stuff. Face it: you have an abundance of stuff, and you don't know where to put it all. Using this ominous 5.5" x 5" x 4.75" Gargoyle box, it'll send a message that is crystal: keep your hands off this stuff! (6500/38227) Box $22.50 GARGOYLE INCENSE BURNER Need to clear the room of those annoying household odors? Burning incense is the key. But you can't hold a stick in your hand all day. You need a way to light up and go. This winged 8" x 4 ¼" x 5" h Gargoyle Incense Burner is the solution to your problem. We dare you to tell us it doesn't look tough! (6500/38217) Incense Burner $17.99 RINGS, KINGS, AND THINGS LUNCH BOX Magic and monsters, oh my! This collector's metal lunchbox features 2 VHS products plus an inflatable sword! These products dive headfirst into the adventure, complex themes, and characters to explore fantasy literature and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. (5189) Lunchbox $29.99 WIZARDS SOURCE BEANBAG CHARACTERS Let the story of Wizard's Source come to life with these highly detailed and huggable beanbag characters. Each character has a name and story. Collect up to nine characters! Choose from Darcadia the Blue Wizard, Horatio the Red Wizard, Alchemor the Purple Wizard, Cantro the Green Wizard, Wrangell and Kelowna the Rocky Mountain Sawtooths, Aligash and Florissant the Acadian Whipsnouts, and Ula the Owl. (5137/01900000) Beanbag SRP: $5.50 FINAL FANTASY X LUNCHBOXES If you're into the sci-fi madness that is Final Fantasy X, then you'll flip over these lunchboxes that sport high-quality character graphics and action sequences based on the hit videogame! (4898) (CAUT: 4) #1—Lunchbox $7.99 #2—Lunchbox $7.99 HELLO KITTY HELLO KITTY HULA DANCE FIGURE Her hula dance is activated by music or a friendly voice. She's Hello Kitty, and she's here to shake her moneymaker for you! A cute and cuddly keepsake! (4968/H4150) (CAUT : 4) Figure $18.50 HELLO KITTY LARGE INFLATABLE A great party table topper or decoration for any occasion! This large inflatable Hello Kitty doll measures a full 27" tall! Squeezable! (4968/H4145) (CAUT : 4) Figure $9.25 HELLO KITTY NERVOUS KINGDOM CLIP-ON PLUSH If you're looking to get decked out for a special outing to the mall, then wearing a clip-on Hello Kitty plush will help give you the extra attachments needed for jamming. Note how the Hello Kitty clip-on vibrates with excitement! (4968/H4140) (CAUT: 4) Plush SRP: $3.25 HEROES AND VILLAINS DRAGOON SABRE Here's a prize for all you fans of the blade. This sabre is made of polished high carbon steel, with a 33 ¾"blade length. The handle is wood with imitation leather wrap and brass wire. Solid brass guard. Rat-tail tang. The scabbard is polished metal with hanger rings. (4792/UC886) Sabre $51.99 VOLKOTH BATTLE SWORD Strictly limited to just 2,400 copies, this adult collectible fantasy sword has a 9" blade length. It's constructed of tempered 420 J2 stainless steel, designed for alien warrior combat. Features include a braided genuine leather-wrapped grip, Damascus etched blades, and a cast metal ornament. Includes a wood display stand with black lacquered finish that can be displayed on a table or mounted to a wall. (4792/UC1270) Sword $174.99 MARVEL HEROES X-MEN CANDY CATCHER Each refillable candy dispenser comes packaged with .32 oz. of candy to enjoy! Bend the character down into the base to retrieve the treat they hand to you! Choose from Magneto, Storm, Cyclops, and Wolverine candy catchers. (5137) Candy Catcher $3.25 X-MEN EVOLUTION PINBALL MACHINE Bring arcade excitement into the home with this free-standing electronic pinball machine (with mountable legs for tabletop play). With working lights, bumpers, ramps, and spinners, it also features LED electronic scoring for one or two players. Live action sound, multi-skill levels and tilt function add to realistic gameplay. Includes one 9" AC adaptor. Machine measures 32" x 20" x 11". (5179/72812) (CAUT: 4) Pinball Machine $159.99 X-MEN STAMPER CANDY TOPPERS These tubes hold 1.5 ounces of Sour Bombs candy! That's a lot of goodies for your mouth! Each 2.5" stamper head sits on a tube, and has its own unique self-inking stamp featuring an image of the character. Twist the stamper off of the 6.5" tube to taste the treats! Choose from Magneto, Storm, Cyclops, and Wolverine stamper candy toppers. (5137/01802000) Candy Catcher $3.50 MOVIES AND TV BRUCE LEE AIR FRESHENER A 3.5" air freshener perfect for cars, trucks, RVs, boats, home, or office use. Anywhere you're subject to unpleasant odors, this is a handy air freshener with class. (4122) (CAUT: 4) Air Freshener $3.05 EVIL DEAD SHOOTER SET Knock back one with the Dead via this set of 2 shooter glasses perfect for slinging back the spirit or your choice. Packaged in a custom Evil Dead box! (4122/GS7) Set $9.50 EVIL DEAD STICKERS This set of 2 stickers gives you ghoulish, blood-spattered Evil Dead art that's timeless! The films that made Bruce Campbell a cult legend are captured forever on these sticky stickers of doom! (4122) Stickers $4.99 XENA TASTE OF HONEY LIMITED EDITION CEREAL Available in three different limited edition collector's box versions, these boxes of cereal containing 10 essential vitamins and minerals feature photo art of Xena, Gabrielle, and Callisto! Only 6,000 copies are produced of each box! Each box has 4 different trading cards printed on the back. 12 cards total. (4629) (CAUT: 4) Cereal SRP: $10.99 SIMPSONS SIMPSONS HOMER BOTTLE STOPPER Not ready to polish off that bottle, but somebody already threw away the cork? Keep your drink from being tainted by using Homer Simpson as your bottle stopper! (133/S001) (CAUT: 4) Bottle Stopper $15.99 SIMPSONS HOMER CORKSCREW When it's time to pop the bubbly, do the honors with Springfield's king doofus. Homer excels at party time. It's the best way to blow off work! Let him be the corkscrew responsible for letting the good times flow. (133/S002) (CAUT: 4) Corkscrew $25.99 SIMPSONS HOMER AND MARGE SALT AND PEPPER SET Husband and wife, night and day, salt and pepper. He's the yin to her yang. And that's what makes them work. So let these two adorn your dining room table, and supply the necessary seasonings you need to make your meal pleasant. (133) (CAUT: 4) Set $19.99 SIMPSONS RALPH WIGGUM AIR FRESHENER The favorite nerd to pick on, here's Ralph Wiggum picking on something, too. His nose! Nasty, and sure to attract attention, use Ralph as a 3 ½" tall cinnamon scent air freshener to get rid of the odors around you. (4122) Air freshener $3.05 SPIDER-MAN SPIDER-MAN BODYCALS SKIN STICKER PACK Looking to wear a Spidey tattoo, but don't want the permanence of ink in your pores? These skin stickers will let you sport temporary cool Spidey art, without having to sweat the needle! (491) (CAUT: 4) Pack PI SPIDER-MAN UMBRELLA It's not made of spider webs, but it will keep you dry from the rain nonetheless. This full-size umbrella comes with a 3-D molded head handle! It's uptown Spidey merchandise that will keep you smiling past the thunderclouds! (4617/112912883) (CAUT: 4) Umbrella $9.99 SPIDER-MAN COTTON CANDY Spidey has thoughts of opening his own amusement park! His first task: to sell you on his cotton candy. Take a big ol' bite of Spider-Man Cotton Candy, and then tell us if you want to ride the Spidey Slide! (491/55583) (CAUT: 4) Cotton Candy SRP: $1.50 SPIDER-MAN SOUR GUMMI MUTANT SPIDERS Adding to the variety of his concession stand, Spidey puts his webshooters aside to get behind the refreshment counter and serve up some sour gummi candy! Try not to make a face! (491/55590) (CAUT: 4) Gummi Spiders SRP: $1.50 SPIDER-MAN STATIC CLING STICKER PACK Complete with a Collector's Booklet, this sticker pack will let you spread pictures of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man wherever Static Cling stickers are welcome! Help keep the wallcrawler vigilant by spreading him throughout areas where crime is heaviest. (491) (CAUT: 4) Sticker Pack PI SPIDER-MAN TRI-FOLD WALLET If you can't trust the wallcrawler to watch over your cash without getting sticky fingers, then you can't trust anyone! Let Spidey hold your billfold as a neat tri-fold wallet! (4617/112911962) (CAUT: 4) Wallet $5.50 STAR TREK ENTERPRISE CAST AND CREW PHOTO SET Be the first to collect six official 8" x 10" photos from Paramount's latest and greatest science fiction release, Enterprise, with a brand new photo set of the cast and crew members! (870/ENTSET1) (CAUT: 4) Set $35.99 ENTERPRISE NX01 MUG The iconic Star Trek universe enters a fifth installment with the latest and greatest series — Enterprise. Grab one of these two- sided black 11 oz. mugs, emblazoned with the NX-01 screen in red/silver on front and Enterprise screen in silver on back! (870/ENTMUG1) (CAUT: 4) Mug $9.99 LAST MINUTE ADDITIONS JAWS LUNCHBOX Be afraid of the water. Very afraid. Especially since Bruce the Shark lurks beneath the surface. You'll find him on this lunchbox, too — snatching away your tuna fish sandwich! (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $17.99 SLEEPY HOLLOW LUNCHBOX Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, and Christopher Walken as the Horseman helped make the Tim Burton film an instant classic. Here's a collectible lunchbox commemorating that spooky Halloween masterpiece! (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $17.99 SPIDER-MAN LUNCHBOX #1 Peter Parker is always on call. Ever since that fateful day when his Uncle Ben was killed by a robber, Pete's been after criminals with a vengeance. With this commemorative lunchbox sporting cool Spidey graphics, show the world that Peter Parker, the spectacular Spider-Man, is a hero not to be tested (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $17.99 TRON LUNCHBOX Jeff Bridges starred in the pioneering Disney film about video game heroes in their sequestered computer universe. The film was called Tron, and 20 years later, it's still a cult phenomenon. Celebrate this cinema classic with a cool commemorative lunchbox! (6338) (CAUT: 4) Lunchbox $17.99 SUPPLIES SECTION E. GERBER PRODUCTS OFFERED AGAIN O/A ACID-FREE BOXES CURRENT – GOLD These white boxes with lids comply with strict government standards for acid-free construction. They are made of virgin wood cellulose, the acid-free corrugated cardboard maintains a minimum alkaline pH 7.5. Their easy, snap assembly requires neither glue nor tape. Sold in quantities of 5; ship flat. BOX (20/SUPPLY596)—15 x 8 x 11½ PI O/A ACID-FREE BOXES CURRENT – GOLD DOUBLEWALLED This is the top of the line comic storage box. Made from the same material currently used by the Library of Congress preservation department, these tan-colored boxes are perfect for any discriminating collector's comics. These boxes are made of acid-free, lignin-free, high-alpha cellulose board with a 3% buffer to maintain a pH of 8.5 and feature alkaline sizing; no alum rosin sizing. They pass the photo activity test (ANSI IT9.2) and their easy, snap assembly requires neither glue nor tape. One piece construction with a flip top lid with heavy, double-walled corrugated construction, with triple-walled ends. Sold in quantities of 5; ship flat. BOX (22/SUPPLY597)—15 x 8 x 11½ PI O/A ACID-FREE BOXES SILVER/GOLD Grey corrugated boxes with lids that are acid-free with a 3% buffer. They have 200 lbs. strength and a minimum pH. of 8.5. SILVER/GOLD BOX (13/SUPPLY598)—15 x 8 ½ x 11 ½ PI SUPER GOLD/MAGAZINE BOX (15/SUPPLY599)—15 x 9 ¼ x 12 ½ PI O/A ARCHIVE SLEEVES These bags with their trademark 'S'-shaped flaps, "ease in" comics, holding them tightly to protect edges and corners. The flaps are 2" high, and do not fold over. The sleeves are made from pure 4 mil. thick Mylar; naturally resistant to moisture, mildew, acids, insects, rodents, mold, and decomposition; and are sold in packs of 50. Portfolio Art sold in packs of 10. PHOTO POSTER (1518R/SUPPLY605)—15 ½ x 18 ½ PI CURRENT (700R/SUPPLY606)—7x10½ PI GOLD (800R/SUPPLY607)—8 x 11 PI LEGAL SIZE (914R/SUPPLY609)—9 x 14 ½ PI LOBBY CARDS & PHOTOS (1114R/SUPPLY610)—11 ½ x 14 ½ PI PLAYBOY (1013R/SUPPLY618)—10 x 13 PI PORTFOLIO ART (1117R/SUPPLY619)—11 ½ x 17 ½ (no flaps) PI POSTERS (2436R/SUPPLY616)—24 ½ x 36 ½ PI READER'S DIGEST PBS (625R/SUPPLY621)—6 ¼ x 8 5/8 PI SILVER/GOLD (775R/SUPPLY623)—7 ¾ x 10 ½ PI STANDARD (725R/SUPPLY624)—7 ¼ x 10 ½ PI MAGAZINE (900R/SUPPLY625)—9 x 12 PI SUPER GOLD (825R/SUPPLY626)—8 ¼ x 11 PI TABLOID ART (1218R/SUPPLY627)—12 ½ x 18 ½ PI O/A FULL-BACKS ACID FREE BOARDS Full-Backs offer the extra rigidity you need for those irreplaceable comics! These are the highest quality boards found anywhere! The boards are made from 100% acid-free, virgin wood, cellular fiber, 42 mil. thick cardboard; contain 3% alkaline buffer and a pH content of 8.0-8.5; are twice as thick as regular backing boards; and sold in packs of 50. CURRENT (675FB/SUPPLY583)—6 ¾ x 10 3/8 PI GOLD (758FB/SUPPLY584)—7 5/8 x 10 ½ PI LG COMIC MAG & LETTER (825FB/SUPPLY585)—8 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI MAGAZINES (858FB/SUPPLY582)—8 5/8 x 11 ½ PI SILVER/GOLD (750FB/SUPPLY586)—7 ½ x 10 ½ PI STANDARD (700FB/SUPPLY587)—7 x 10 3/8 PI SUPER GOLD (778FB/SUPPLY588)—7 7/8 x 10 ½ PI O/A HALF-BACK ACID-FREE BOARDS Half-Backs are perfect for your more common comics where extra rigidity is not needed. Boards are made from 100% acid- free virgin wood, cellular fiber, 24 mil. thick cardboard; contains a 3% alkaline buffer and a pH content of 8.0-8.5; and are sold in packs of 100. CURRENT (675HB/SUPPLY590)—6 ¾ x 10 3/8 PI GOLD (758HB/SUPPLY591)—7 5/8 x 10 ½ PI LG COMIC MAG & LETTER (825HB/SUPPLY592)—8 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI MAGAZINES (858HB/SUPPLY589)—8 5/8 x 11 ½ PI SILVER/GOLD (750HB/SUPPLY593)—7 ½ x 10 ½ PI STANDARD (700HB/SUPPLY594)—7 x 10 3/8 PI SUPER GOLD (778HB/SUPPLY595)—7 7/8 x 10 ½ PI O/A MINI-ARCHIVE SLEEVES These mini-archive sleeves are just the right size for all of the smaller items that need to be stored. They are made from 4 mil. thick Mylar and do not have flaps. BOWMAN BASEBALL CARD (278R/SUPPLY656)—2 7/8 x 4 PI SPORT & GAME (275R/SUPPLY662)—2 ¾ x 3 ¾ PI O/A MYLITES SLEEVES 2 The best raw plastic material available for permanent protection and storage! At 2 mil, these are twice as thick as ordinary Mylites! They are resistant to aging, decomposition, moisture, oxygen, and gas penetration; not affected by fungus, mold, or mildew; and immune to insect and rodent attack! Sold in packs of 50. (4670) CURRENT (700M2/SUPPLY668)—7 x 10 ¾ PI GOLD (800M2/SUPPLY669)—8 x 10 ¾ PI PLAYBOY (1013M2/SUPPLY673)—10 x 13 PI SILVER/GOLD (775M2/SUPPLY677)—7 ¾ x 10 ¾ PI STANDARD (725M2/SUPPLY678)—7 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI MAGAZINE (900M2/SUPPLY679)—9 x 12 PI SUPER GOLD (825M2/SUPPLY680)—8 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI O/A MYLITES SLEEVES The best raw plastic material available for preservation and storage! These are the lightest and most affordable comic sleeves made entirely from Mylar! They are made from 1 mil. thick Mylar type "D"; naturally resistant to aging, decomposition, moisture, oxygen, and gas penetration; not affected by fungus, mold, or mildew, and immune to insects and rodent attack; sold in quantities of 100, not shrinkwrapped; and have a 1" fold over flap can be tucked in or taped closed. CURRENT (700M/SUPPLY665)—7 x 10 ¾ PI SILVER/GOLD (775M/SUPPLY664)—7 ¾ x 10 ¾ PI STANDARD (725M/SUPPLY666)—7 ¼ x 10 ¾ PI ************************ GAMES SECTION ALLIANCE GAME DISTRIBUTORS LLC GAME TRADE MAGAZINE #24 Features include Star Legions, Precedence's science fiction tabletop miniatures game, excerpts from the Call of Cthulhu RPG, introduced into the D20 System arena by Wizards of the Coast, and an exclusive first of four parts Sovereign Stone Anthology. Release Date: February, 2002. GTM 24 $1.99 ADEPT PRESS SORCERER RPG: SORCERER'S SOUL Introduced in this supplement for the Sorcerer RPG, you'll find advanced themes in role-playing through the use and abuse of the game-mechanic called "Humanity". Rules applications include multiple options and consequences for defining Humanity, humans as demons, demons as humans, angelics to go with the demonics, and an original method for preparing scenarios based on the limits of morality. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSO ADP1003 $15.00 AGENTS OF GAMING MINBARI ARMORED COMPANY AOG GP-5209 $59.99 MINBARI MECHANIZED INFANTRY COMPANY AOG GP-5210 $59.99 fleet action Miniatures Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) FAS ABBAI SQUADRON BOX AOG FA-2652 $29.99 Ships Of The Fleet Book Ii With Cd Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) AOG BW-123 $29.99 SNARF QUEST MINIATURES BOX SET Great for collectors and fans of Elmore's Snarfquest, this box set contains 1 each of the Snarfquest miniatures introduced in the card game, a total of 9 miniatures. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) AOG SN-1099 $16.99 ALDERAC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP 7TH SEA: SWORDSMAN GUILD En garde! Twenty years ago, three men met and made a pledge to uphold the traditions of chivalric combat. From their pact rose the Swordsman's Guild, fencers, duelists and adventurers who live and die by the strength of their steel. Now, for the first time, learn what it takes to join their elite ranks, and find out just how far a good blade can take you. Draw your weapon if you're a man of honor: the Swordsman's Guild demands satisfaction! Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) AEG 7152 $24.95 LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS: WAY OF THE SAMURAI Discover the "powerups" and "finishing moves" of Rokugan! Set in the Legend of the Five Rings Gold Edition timeline, this sourcebook introduces new skills, feats, weapon specializations, and prestige classes for the samurai of the Great Clans, detailing "samurai paths" and kata as introduced in Time of the Void, making non-linear samurai advancement available in the D20 System. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) AEG 3104 $24.95 WARLORD CCG: TOOTH AND CLAW Tooth and Claw is the third expansion in the popular Warlord: Saga of the Storm CCG series, introducing a horde of Monsters and creatures of all myriad shapes and sizes to join the armies of the Accordlands. A veritable bestiary of other worldly creatures, the series contains over 150 new cards and 4 new decks featuring the most powerful beasts and those that hunt them. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) STARTER DISPLAY AEG 6107-D $99.90 STARTER DECK AEG 6107-S $9.99 BOOSTER DISPLAY AEG 6108-D $133.92 BOOSTER PACK AEG 6108-S $2.79 AMARILLO DESIGN BUREAU STAR FLEET BATTLE MINIATURES Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) LYRAN FLEET BOX ADB 1100 39.95 LYRAN TIGER HEAVY CRUISER ADB 1104 7.95 LYRAN WAR CRUISER & WAR DESTROYER ADB 1113 14.95 ATLAS GAMES BACKDROPS Backdrops presents a collection of ready-to-use locations for your D20 System fantasy campaign. Each set, fourteen total, is detailed in a two-page spread featuring a scale map and descriptive text to enrich your adventures wherever they take place. Link the sets to scope a single city, or scatter them across your campaign world. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) ATG 3210 $8.95 EBON MIRROR Caught in the wake of a wizard's mystical experiments, the adventurers are drawn into a mirror world where the laws of reason and magic have been dramatically twisted. Feral gnomes and savage halflings prowl the forests alongside warlike humans and elves, while peaceful goblins, orcs, and ogres farm the land, always fearful of another brutal attack. Only the divine protection of the sacred undead keeps this bloodthirsty horde at bay. The Ebon Mirror is a D20 System adventure designed for characters of 8th-10th level. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) ATG 3211 $16.95 SEVEN STRONGHOLDS Have your players wandered off the beaten path yet again? Just open Seven Strongholds to devise forts, castles, and other well- fortified locations, fully detailed and ready for insertion into your game world. Seven Strongholds introduces material adaptable to any fantasy campaign, whether it be a published setting or a world of your own creation. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) ATG 3212 $20.95 UNKNOWN ARMIES: ASCENSION OF THE MAGDALENE In a great city of magic and enlightenment, a notorious painting, said to be a powerful artifact, has vanished, and the trail leads to the palace of the mad emperor, where it lies guarded by clockwork monsters of steam and iron. Now, your adventurers must enter the emperor's subterranean wunderkammer, do battle with its magical guardians, and recover the mysteries of the ascended Magdalene, or die trying. Ascension of the Magdalene is a dual-system supplement for D20 and Unknown Armies. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) ATG 3401 $13.95 AVALANCHE PRESS, LTD. SEA & FOAM From the Origins Award winning designers of The Great War At Sea naval board game series, comes this 64-page, perfect bound D20 System sourcebook featuring definitive rules for naval combat, as well as new feats for sailors and pirates, ship schematics, weapons, and equipment. For use with Black Flag: Pirates Of The Caribbean and Dungeons & Dragons, 3rd Edition. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) APL 910 $16.95 SOLDIER KINGS Take control of one of Europe's warrior monarchs as they struggle to dominate the entire world in this exciting strategy game rooted in the Seven Years War. Components include (305) playing pieces, two 17" x 22" maps, and an 8-page rulebook. For 2- 6 players, ages 10 & up. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) APL 014 $39.95 CHEAPASS GAMES SAVE DOCTOR LUCKY ON MOON BASE COPERNICUS Save Doctor Lucky on Moon Base Copernicus is an 8-section expansion board with complete rules packaged in Cheapass Games' standard black & white envelope. A copy of the Save Doctor Lucky game is required to play. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) CAG 408 $3.00 CRYSTAL CASTE 7 CUBE TRANSLUCENT DICE Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) BLUE CYC 06403 $4.50 GREEN CYC 06402 $4.50 ORANGE CYC 06405 $4.50 PURPLE CYC 06404 $4.50 RED CYC 06401 $4.50 D20 OTHERWORLD Mix Giant Dice Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) CYC 06940 $3.00 D6 5MM DICE MIX Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) TRANSLUCENT CYC 08050 $.12 D6 10MM DICE MIX Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) IVORY CYC 08111 $.25 SATIN CYC 08105 $.25 TRANSLUCENT CYC 08100 $.30 D6 12MM DICE MIX Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) ICE CREAM CYC 08126 $.40 OTHERWORLD CYC 08124 $.40 PEARL CYC 08121 $.40 SATIN CYC 08127 $.40 SILK CYC 08125 $.40 SPECKLED CYC 08123 $.40 TRANSLUCENT CYC 08120 $.40 D6 36 BRICK DICE MIX Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) ICE CREAM CYC 07860 $.40 OTHERWORLD CYC 07840 $.40 PEARL CYC 07810 $.40 SATIN CYC 07870 $.40 SILK CYC 07850 $.40 SPECKLED CYC 07830 $.40 TRANSLUCENT CYC 07800 $.40 DREAM POD 9 GEAR KRIEG: SNECMA SE-500 Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) DPN 626 $7.95 HEAVY GEAR MINIATURES Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) SHADOW DRAGONS DPN 272 $27.95 TACHIS RATTLESNAKE DPN 270 $5.95 VANGUARD/JUSTICE DPN 271 $27.95 JOVIAN CHRONICLES Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) MERCURY PLANET BOOK This game supplement for Jovian Chronicles explores the history, organization and resources of both Mercury and the shadowy Merchant Guild, and features numerous pre-generated campaign and adventure seeds. DPN 325 $17.95 STORMRIDER DPN 431 $8.95 FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES VORTEX: STORM BATTLE KIT The Storm Battle Kit provides a perfect introduction to the unique customizable boardgame of strategy, planning, and fantasy warfare, Vortex, providing two pre-constructed decks showcasing The Necris and Gaian factions. Easy-to-learn rules, complete listings of every Vortex tile in print, plus 6 brand-new exclusive Vortex tiles are featured in this introductory boxed set. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) FFG VR-07 $24.95 FAST FORWARD ENTERTAINMENT RINGS OF POWER HARDCOVER This 160-page D20 System accessory introduces eighty-four enchanted rings, detailing their origins, the extent of their unique powers, and the dreaded guardians that one must contend with to attain them. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) FAF 2005 $26.99 SWORDS OF POWER HARDCOVER Magical swords are the stuff of legends, and you can cull forth details on over a hundred enchanted blades within this 224-page D20 System sourcebook. Learn the mythic origins, mystical enchantments, and powerful guardians of these rare, exotic weapons. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) FAF 2006 $29.99 LORD OF THE RINGS Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) DWARF KING You get two Dwarf Kings per blister and there are four different Dwarf King miniatures to collect and add to your games. GAW 05-56 $8.99 GALADRIEL AND CELEBORN Galadriel is the mighty sorceress Queen of Lothlorien. To mortals she is both mighty and terrifying. Celeborn is one of the ancient immortals who still lives in Middle-earth, and Elf Lord of old and one of the wisest and most powerful of his race. He is second only in power to Galadriel. GAW 05-57 $14.99 GIL-GALAD Gil-galad was the mightiest warrior of his age and the leader of the Elves in the Last Alliance of Men and Elves against Sauron. GAW 05-55 $7.99 HALDIR Haldir is the vigilant Elf warrior whose watch over the boundaries of Lothlorien keeps the foul Orcs from intruding upon the realm of Celeborn and Galadriel. GAW 05-53 $7.99 LORIEN ELF BOWMEN The Wood Elves are more lightly armored than their High Elf cousins. Like them they are proficient with swords, spears, bows and combine their skills at arms with great bravery. GAW 05-54 $8.99 WARHAMMER 40K Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) CHIMERA BUNKER GAW TBA003 $19.99 INDEX ASTARTES This compilation book collects select Adeptus Astartes articles detailing the most famous Chapters and Legions as featured in issues of White Dwarf Magazine. GAW TBA002 $19.99 WARHAMMER FANTASTY BATTLE Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) HIGH ELF ELLYRIAN REAVER COMMAND GAW 8508N-N $7.99 HIGH ELF PHOENIX GUARD GAW 8506A-N $5.99 HIGH ELF PHOENIX GUARD COMMAND GAW 8506S $9.99 HIGH ELF PRINCE IMRIK DRAGONLORD GAW TBA004 $44.99 HIGH ELF SHADOW WARRIORS GAW 8506C-N $5.99 HIGH ELF TECLIS HIGH ELF WIZARD LORD GAW 8599C $12.99 HIGH ELF TYRION HIGH ELF PRINCE GAW TBA001 $24.99 GEO-HEX BATTLEGROUND TERRAIN SYSTEM Light weight and durable, each diorama quality, urethane cast Battleground Terrain System piece is fully-finished and ready- to-use. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) DESPOILED HILLTOP CEMETERY (DESERT) GHX GH-9042 $16.95 DESPOILED HILLTOP CEMETERY (GRASS) GHX GH-8042 $16.95 RUINED FORTRESS (DESERT) GHX GH-9044 $27.95 RUINED FORTRESS (GRASS) GHX GH-8044 $27.95 RUINED HILLTOP TEMPLE (DESERT) GHX GH-9041 $16.95 RUINED HILLTOP TEMPLE (GRASS) GHX GH-8041 $16.95 VILLAGE RUINS (DESERT) GHX GH-9043 $27.95 VILLAGE RUINS (GRASS) GHX GH-8043 $27.95 GREY GHOST GAMES GAME MASTERING SECRETS 2ND EDITION Never game mastered before? Then, this is the perfect book for you! Gaming professionals Aaron Rosenberg, Hillary Doda, Matt Forbeck, Kenneth Hite, and others offer their insights, pointers, and personal experiences on creating and running roleplaying games. Learn from the masters themselves on how to encourage the best gaming experience for everyone involved and spice up any campaign. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) GGG 4010 $24.99 GUILD OF BLADES PUBLISHING GROUP EMPIRES OF HISTORY: BATTLE FOR THE FALKLANDS BOX SET An expansion for the Empires of History boardgame series. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) GUI 0052-1 $14.95 THE WORLDS OF HEROES & TYRANTS: ALONE CARD SET A card expansion for The Worlds of Heroes & Tyrants Fantasy Board Game. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) GUI 0504 $5.95 HOLISTIC DESIGN FADING SUNS RPG: SECRET SOCIETIES 2 — HERETICS & OUTSIDERS The Emperor's spymaster releases more dossiers on underground groups. From Kurgan agents to Vau infiltrators, this cryptic report details the heretical cults, psychic revolutionaries and foreign spies that plague the Fading Suns RPG universe. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) HDI 0250 $18.00 INTERACTIVITIES INK RULES TO LIVE BY: THE FINAL VOYAGE OF THE MARY CELESTE In November 1872, the brigantine Mary Celeste was found adrift at sea, suddenly abandoned. No trace of her crew has ever been found. Over the years, many theories arose as to the mysterious events that caused the crew to abandon ship, theories ranging from Atlantis, to sea monsters, to visitors from another planet. But what if they were all true? Using the Rules To Live By system of live action roleplaying and designed for three GMs and thirteen to eighteen players, The Final Voyage of the Mary Celeste endeavors to explore that fateful day. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WZA IAI0004 $15.00 LEPTOPUS GAMES CRUSOE'S PLANET GAME Stranded on a deserted planet, players take on the role of astronauts held captive by a mad robot, forced to re-live the various economic theories of history. Can you eat well and stay alive long enough to signal a passing spaceship to whisk you away to freedom? For players ages 10 and up. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSO LEP2501 $17.95 LOONEY LABS EMPTY CITY This volume collects the entire fictional "Icehouse" origin E-Book as chronicled by Andrew Looney, advancing the theory that Icehouse was actually played a thousand centuries ago, in the ancient crystal cities of the planet Mars. Release Date: February, 2002. LOO 016 $12.00 ICEHOUSE CHESSBOARD BANDANA Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) LOO 018 $8.00 ICEHOUSE PIECES Introducing 15 pyramids collected in a single stash for use with any Icehouse game. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) BLACK LOO 015BK $8.00 BLUE LOO 015BU $8.00 CLEAR LOO 015CL $8.00 GREEN LOO 015GR $8.00 ORANGE LOO 015OR $8.00 PURPLE LOO 015PU $8.00 RED LOO 015RD $8.00 WHITE LOO 015WT $8.00 YELLOW LOO 015YL $8.00 NANOFICTIONARY CARD GAME Using four unique "Plot Device" cards (Character, Setting, Problem, and Resolution) and select Action cards, players seek to "build" a short story from the series of cards introduced into play. Through creative thinking and a vast imagination, players embellish on their story and gain or lose favorable points through a series of "voting" rounds initiated by the players on whether the story stinks or rocks. The player who weaves the best yarn is thus favored to win, although crafty play can still allow a player with a lackluster story to emerge as the victor. Release Date: February, 2002. LOO 017 $14.00 PLAYING WITH PYRAMIDS Introducing the perfect book for both novice and veteran Icehouse players and fans of martian chess. Playing With Pyramids features complete rules for 12 of the most popular Icehouse games: Gnostica, Icehouse, Ice Towers, Ice Traders, Martian Backgammon, Martian Chess, Pikemen, RAMbots, Thin Ice, Volcano, Zagami, and Zendo. Release Date: January, 2002. LOO 014 $12.00 MONGOOSE PUBLISHING QUINTESSENTIAL ROGUE Taking an in depth look at Rogues in the D20 system, this 128 page sourcebook is dedicated to players interested in running Rogue-type characters. A wealth of new skills, feats and prestige classes are included, as well as many new universal character options that any Rogue may attempt. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WZA MGP4002 $19.95 SLAYER'S GUIDE TO SAHUAGIN The Slayer's Guide to Sahuagin D20 sourcebook expands this sea-dwelling race of "Sea Devils" as never before, introducing extensive background information, new spells, sahuagin-only prestige classes and feats, as well as detailing the deadly Royal Guard. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WZA MGP0006 $9.95 MYSTIC EYE GAMES WITCH OF LOCH DURNAN Once again, terrifying evil comes to the small mining community of Loch-Durnan. The lake has turned dark and sinister, spewing forth a putrid evil that threatens the entire land. Some think that this is the work of a vengeful foe returned, others are not so sure, but like before, nothing appears as it seems and the mists of the Loch conceal something that none could have imagined. More terror awaits in this adventure for 8th-9th level characters in the lands of Gothos and the Hunt: Rise of Evil D20 system fantasy setting. Release Date: January, 2001. (CAUT:4) WZA MYG0008 $11.95 OSPREY PUBLISHING 25-POUNDER FIELD GUN 1939-72 Of all the British guns in use during the Second World War, the 25 pounder is the gun that best represents Britain's armed forces. It was adaptable, it packed a powerful punch, and above all it was reliable. This book provides a full combat history of a gun that was used in every theatre of the Second World War and saw extensive service in the postwar years, particularly in Korea and during the Malaysian emergency. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP V-048 $14.95 354TH FIGHTER GROUP Aviation Elite 7 charts the career of the 354th FG or "Pioneer Mustang Group", the group responsible for debuting the Merlin- engined P-51B in the European Theatre of Operations (ETO) in December 1943. The 354th FG was to subsequently spend the first seven months of its time in the ETO protecting Eighth AF bombers, and many pilots became aces during this period. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP AE-07 $19.95 88MM FLAK 18/36/37 & PAK 43 The German 88mm was by far the most famous and versatile artillery weapon of World War II. It was first used as an anti- aircraft weapon by the Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War and saw further service in the German invasions of Poland and France, where it was first used in its anti-tank role. This role was particularly successful and the 88 became feared by tank crews from North Africa to Russia. This book covers all these variants, explaining their design, development and operational use. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP V-046 $14.95 FIRST WORLD WAR: EAST FRONT 1914-18 This book unravels the complicated and tragic events of the Eastern Front in the First World War. The author details Russia's sudden attack on German forces, despite her inadequate resources. A crushing defeat at Tannenburg was followed by Germany inflicting humiliation after humiliation on desperate Russian troops. Morale plummeted, the army began to disintegrate, and the Tsar was forced to abdicate, paving the way for the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP ESS-13 $17.95 FIRST WORLD WAR: WEST FRONT 1914-16 More than 80 years on, the Great War continues to fascinate us and to cast long shadows over the world in which we live. For Britain, the effort and sacrifice involved in creating and sustaining its first-ever and biggest-ever mass citizen army, and in helping to defeat the main enemy in the decisive theatre of operations, left deep emotional and psychological scars that have influenced much of the nation's subsequent history and that are still felt today. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP ESS-14 $17.95 FUENTES DE ONORO 1811 In 1811, the French again took the offensive in the peninsula. Soult moved to Badajoz and Massena advanced to relieve Almeida which Wellington had besieged. At Fuentes de Onoro, Massena and Wellington's armies clashed, and the attacks of the French cavalry were thwarted by the stalwart resistance of the British infantry in square. This title describes this hard fought encounter and its aftermath. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP CS-99 $18.95 GERMANY'S EASTERN FRONT ALLIES The Baltic nations - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - enjoyed a brief independence between the World Wars before being annexed by the USSR in 1940. After the German invasion of Russia in 1941 they fought beside the Wehrmacht against the Red Army, even as 'Forest Brother' guerrillas continued to fight against hopeless odds for years after the second Soviet occupation. This extraordinary story is illustrated here with rare photos, insignia charts, tables of units and detailed uniform plates. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP 0363 $14.95 GLOSTER GLADIATOR ACES Never before has a single volume been devoted exclusively to the intrepid and disparate band of pilots who could claim to be Gladiator aces. Flying the ultimate British biplane fighter, the likes of Sheen, Tuck and Carey are featured in this volume, as they were among the many early war acers who cut their teeth in Fighter Command on the Gladiator. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP AA-44 $18.95 JAPANESE ARMY 1931-45 This first of two titles on the Japanese ground forces of 1931-45 covers in concise detail the organisation, equipment, uniforms and character of this army in the Chinese and early Pacific campaigns, illustrated with insignia charts, many rare photographs, and eight meticulous uniform plates. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP 0362 $14.95 MATCHLOCK MUSKETEER The Matchlock Musketeer follows the lives of soldiers armed with this weapon from its adoption by the English in Queen Elizabeth's reign until its replacement with the flintlock at the end of the 17th century. The musketeer's experience in battle, skirmish, siege and camp saw both change and continuity during this period, with the common factors of firing and fighting hand to hand, the hardships of sieges, digging trenches, storming a breach, and life on campaign. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP W-043 $16.95 P-40 WARHAWK ACES OF THE MTO Thrown into action following the Torch landings of late 1942, the "green" American pilots flying the obsolescent P-40F suffered cruelly at the hands of seasoned German fighter pilots flying superior machines. This book charts the careers of the 23 men who succeeded in making ace during that time, despite the advent of much better P-47 and P-51 fighters. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP AA-43 $18.95 REDCOAT OFFICER 1740-1815 This title looks at the enlistment, training, daily life and combat experiences of the typical British officer in the crucial periods of the North American conflicts, the American Revolution, and the Napoleonic Wars. Particular emphasis is placed on the experiences and activities in North America in the late 18th century. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP W-042 $16.95 SECOND MANASSAS 1862 The Second Manassas campaign was a military masterpiece in which Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia came as close as they ever would to exterminating their Federal opponents and ending the war. In so doing Lee confirmed himself as the South's pre-eminent military leader and helped forge his Army into the formidable force it would remain for the rest of the war. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP CS-95 $18.95 SIEGE WEAPONS OF THE FAR EAST (2) A.D. 960-1644 Increasingly from the 11th century AD, East Asian armies used exploding missiles and siege cannon to reduce the fortifications of their enemies. These ranged from heavy siege cannon such as those used during the siege of P'yongyang with the Japanese invasion of the late 16th century. This book details the design and use of the wide range of weaponry available during this period. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP V-044 $14.95 UNION MONITOR 1861-65 The first seagoing ironclad was the USS Monitor, and its profile has made it one of the most easily recognised warships of all time. Following her inconclusive battle with the Confederate ironclad Virginia on March 9, 1862, the production of Union monitors was accelerated. Further technological advancements were included in subsequent monitor designs, and by the end of the war the US Navy possessed a modern coastal fleet carrying the most powerful artillery afloat. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP V-045 $14.95 US NAVY IN WORLD WAR II In 1941 the US Navy had 17 battleships - of which eight would be knocked out on the first day of the war - four aircraft carriers, and about 340,000 men including reservists. By 1945 it was the strongest navy the world had ever seen! This extraordinary story is illustrated here with dramatic photos, and nine meticulous colour plates showing a wide range of USN uniforms. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP E-080 $14.95 VIKING LONGSHIP This title traces the evolution of the Viking longship from the one-man canoe of the Scandinavian Stone Age, through the wood-built-ships of 200 BC into the recognisable longboats of the 4th century AD. This title also covers Norman vessels, including the invasion fleet of William the Conqueror. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP V-047 $14.95 WORLD WAR I TRENCH WARFARE (1) 1914-16 This first of two richly illustrated studies explains in detail the specifics of the extraordinary transformation to trench warfare, complete with ten full colour plates of uniforms and equipment. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) OSP E-078 $16.95 PINNACLE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP DEADLANDS: LONE STARS TEXAS RANGERS "Shoot it or recruit it," that's the Texas Rangers' motto. The Rangers are the toughest SOBs in the Weird West, roaming the Haunted High Plains alone, righting wrongs and fighting evil with little more than their trusty Colts and a bad attitude. Whether you're a Marshal looking for source material or a player looking to be one of the elite Rangers, this 128-page sourcebook for use with Deadlands or the D20 System is a must-have, examining the Rangers' Bible and their relationship with the rest of the Weird West, be they friend, foe, or abomination! Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) PIN DL-1040 $25.00 GREAT RAIL WARS: RAID ON ROSWELL Strange lights have been seen in the sky over Roswell, New Mexico and rumors of little green men abound. Have the Rebs cooked up a new mad science super weapon or have extraterrestrials been sticking their noses into the Rail Wars? There's only one way to find out, attack the Confederate base and take a look for yourself. Raid on Roswell features a campaign of linked battles for the Origins Award Winning Great Rail Wars. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) PIN DL-5005 $15.00 HOSTILE CLIMES #1: DEPTHS OF DESPAIR Hostile Climes are independent settings in dangerous, isolated locations that can be dropped into any existing D20 System fantasy campaign. The first setting, Depths of Despair, by Matt Forbeck, explores a city at the bottom of a mammoth whirlpool, populated by thieving cutthroats and surrounded by savage sahaugin and other merfolk embroiled in a savage civil war beneath the briny depths. Depths of Despair features rules for boats, underwater travel and combat, new skills, feats, prestige classes, weapons, equipment, and monsters! Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) PIN DL-10001 $20.00 PLACEBO PRESS BIG AISLE SMALL CART Welcome to Japan's #1 rated grocery combat game show, Happy Fun Shopping Battle! Compete with your fellow contestants to win the game by completing your shopping list with items like Cheesy Juicy Otter Pops and Hola Kitty Adult Diapers. Use the items you don't need to destroy your opponents' carts and remove them from the game. Only one shopper can win, so go forth and shop with honor. A riotous card game for 3-6 players. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) PPS 014 $5.95 PRECEDENCE PUBLISHING RIFTS CCG: GARGOYLE EMPIRE The New German Republic (NGR). The dreaded Gargoyle Empire. The menacing Brodkil. The heroics of New Camelot. Four new factions assault the European Front in this first expansion for the Rifts CCG. Additionally, new game features include optional ways to achieve victory, increased Counter-Attack possibilities, and new nation-specific cards for the eight nations featured in the premiere release. Rifts: Gargoyle Empire is introduced in 6-count displays containing 80-card starter decks , and 28-count displays of 12-card booster packs. NOTE: This item is sold to retailers in full displays. Please check with your retailer for availability. (CAUT:4) BOOSTER DISPLAY PRE 90005 $97.72 BOOSTER PACK PRE 90005-S $3.49 STARTER DISPLAY PRE 90007 $89.94 STARTER PACK PRE 90007-S $14.99 REAPER MINIATURES CAV MINIATURES Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) BORSIG-SPLINE SPIDER RPR 07038 $9.99 BORSIG-SPLINE WYVERN RPR 07036 $9.99 POLTERGEIST TANK RPR 07035 $10.99 SYRAM TALON RPR 07037 $9.99 DARK HEAVEN 25 MM HEROIC SCALE FANTASY MINIATURES Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) DEATH SHROUD RPR 02546 $3.99 ELISHA LIGHTEDGE FEMALE ELVEN WIZARD RPR 02552 $2.99 FEMALE SORCERESS & SKELETAL SERVANT RPR 02553 $5.99 FITCH COINCATCHER HALFLING THIEF RPR 02545 $2.99 LOGAR THE EXECUTIONER RPR 02547 $2.99 MERCHANT & HENCHMAN RPR 02548 $6.99 MONIQUE DENOIR FEMALE VAMPIRE RPR 02551 $2.99 MOUSLINGS BOX SET This Dark Heaven boxed set contains (8) new mousling figures, including the mousling monk, musketeer, and wizard. RPR 10015 $19.95 NARTHALYSSK GREEN DRAGON RPR 02549 $13.99 ORC WAR PARTY RPR 02550 $7.99 TREASURES RPR 02554 $4.99 RIO GRANDE GAMES MEXICA First players explored Tikal, next they developed Java, and now they can help build Mexica. Founded on an island in Lake Texcoco as foretold in Aztec prophesy, and implementing dams and the natural landscape, players seek to devise a city with districts separated by arteries of water and connected by bridges. For 2-5 players, aged 10 and up. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) RGG 192 $34.95 R. TALSORIAN GAMES MEKTON ZETA RPG: QUICKSILVER BLUES Anime gaming at its best, this series of linkable adventures showcases enough versatility and flavor to spice up your Mekton Zeta RPG campaign experience. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSO AM1014 $12.00 STEVE JACKSON GAMES CAR WARS DIVISION 10 Car Wars launches with three Division 10 sets, each featuring complete rules, full-color 2-sided counters, a turning key, and two evenly matched car designs. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) ERADICATOR VS BLITZ SJG 40-1103 $5.95 FIREDEMON VS HAMMER SJG 40-1101 $5.95 SPAC VS SCRAMBLE SJG 40-1102 $5.95 GURPS: RELIGION Everything you need to delve into the mysteries of creation and divine power can be culled forth in this 176-page GURPS sourcebook. Create gods from fantasy and myth, design your own pantheon and clerical characters, and learn the magical powers granted to the faithful. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) SJG 6510 $28.95 GURPS: SPEC OPS There is a violent world just on the edge of war - the world of special operations. GURPS Special Ops puts you into this world. All the violent action - and all the planning, organization and coordination necessary to bring off an operation successfully - are in your hands. This revised edition covers the new nations and alignments of the post-Soviet era, and updates the rules for creating special-ops soldiers with the new GURPS template system. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) SJG 6029 $19.95 GURPS TRANSHUMAN SPACE: ORBITAL DECAY This 32-page book presents a research station nestled in Earth orbit, introducing both a great setting for all kinds of campaigns, and a sinister mystery for characters to solve. Why has the station gone silent, where did all the bio-tech researchers go, and what's that clawing at the airlock door? Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) SJG 6705 $8.95 GURPS: TRAVELLER DECK PLAN 6 The Dragon-class 400-ton system defense boat is the most commonly encountered SDB in the Imperium. Dragons are used for customs patrol, piracy supression, search & rescue operations, and many other missions. This set also features deck plans for the 200-ton clamp-on jump shuttle, and includes 10 double-sided hexagonal/square sheets and a set of Cardboard Heroes miniatures. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) SJG 7506 $19.95 GURPS WORLD WAR II: HAND OF STEEL Set Europe ablaze with the special forces of World War II! Enter the world of the Commandos, Rangers, Brandenburger, and other special units as they undertake training nearly as dangerous as combat, then embark upon some of the war's most perilous and important missions! Includes unit histories, descriptions of special equipment, and much more! Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) SJG 8002 $8.95 MUNCHKIN 2: UNNATURAL AXE Steve Jackson and illustrator John Kovalic conjure 112 more cards for the Munchkin slay-field! Play a new race: Orcs! Face new foes like the Hydrant and the Tentacle Demons. Equip yourself with dread armor like the Spiked Codpiece. Recruit allies like the Shoulder Dragon. Wield mighty weapons like Druid Fluid, the Catapult and, of course, the dread Unnatural Axe, and show them who's the greatest munchkin of all! Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) SJG 1410 $16.95 OGRE: COMBINE SET 8 DIVISIONAL ASSETS Introducing four structures to give your army something to fight for in the Ogre conflict: a regular Command Post, hardened Command Post, radar to see them coming, and jamscreen to ward off enemy Cruise Missiles. All these buildings except the regular CP are brand new structures sculpted by Phil Miller. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) SJG 10-2108 $19.95 TORCHLIGHT GAMES DANGER QUEST GM SCREEN This sturdy, comprehensive 3-fold game screen showcases pertinent charts and tables to help game masters run Danger Quest adventures, and boasts evocative art to ignite the players' imagination and interest. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT:4) TOR TGO201 $12.95 TROLL LORD GAMES ST. ANTON'S FIRE The town of St. Anton lies quiet. Through back alleyways and cobblestone streets, along the castle walls amidst the core of the town, all seem transformed into a dreamlike lull. There is evil afoot in St. Anton. The Duke's son is dead, murdered by some eldritch power. Yet there are darker plots brewing in this D20 System adventure. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WZA TLG1901 $6.95 UPPER DECK GREGORY HORROR COLLECTIBLE CARD GAME The Gregory Horror Collectible Card Game experience is unlike anything you have ever seen or played before. Unique and unpredictable twists and turns will keep you on the edge of your seat as you battle a legion of super cool Monsters. Included in each Starter Deck are 90 cards featuring Judgement, Monster, and Mystery cards, one (1) Exclusive Roaming Monster Miniature, one (1) large Gregory House Game Mat, four (4) Guest Markers, Spooky Strength, Death-O-Meter and Room Control Markers, a 20-sided die, and House Rules. Release date: February 2002. DISPLAY UDC 19884-D $89.94 SINGLE UDC 19884-S $14.99 GREGORY HORROR MONSTER MINIATURES These Monster Miniature expansion packs for the Gregory Horror game feature two (2) Roaming Monster Miniatures per pack. Collect all 24 unique Monsters! Release date: February 2002. DISPLAY UDC 25779-D $79.80 PACK UDC 25779-S $24.99 WHITE WOLF PUBLISHING EXALTED: CASTE BOOK ZENITH Caste Book: Zenith is the next in the Caste Book series for Exalted books detailing the game's different character types. Within its pages are all the secrets of the Zenith Caste, from their fragmentary memories of the First Age to the shared visions of the Unconquered Sun that unite them. The book contains new Charms, rules, spells and artifacts to help them carry out their holy mission. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WWP 08831 $14.95 HUNTER THE RECKONING: HUNTER BOOK WAYWARD A new force emerges among hunters, a new creed never seen before. These chosen are bent on obliterating the supernatural and anyone who gets in their way. Are these wanton killers the world's messiahs, or destroyers? Hunter Book: Wayward is part of a Hunter: The Reckoning series dedicated to the creeds, the character types of the imbued. Waywards are one of the two lost hunter creeds, a group of maniacs and psychopaths, even by monsters standards. Learn what it takes to drive these hunters over the edge, or to make them the most prophetic among the chosen. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WWP 08113 $14.95 KINDRED OF THE EAST: DHARMA BOOK RESPLENDENT CRANES Dharma Book: Resplendent Cranes is the fifth and final Dharma Book for Kindred of the East. It is a complete guide to playing the harsh and wise leaders of the Hungry Dead. The details of the harrowing Eight Lotus Path await, along with many new rites and powers, prominent characters and new facts about the Asian World of Darkness. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WWP 02908 $14.95 MIND'S EYE THEATRE: LAWS OF ASCENSION COMPANION Here you'll find supplemental material for Mind's Eye Theatre's Laws of Ascension, covering such topics as creating Technocracy characters and chronicles, traveling the Umbral byways, fighting the wiles of mythic creatures and dealing with the lost Disparate magical orders. Plus, a ton of new rotes and some additional rule options to expand the potential of live- action Mage games. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WWP 05033 $17.95 SCARRED LANDS: BUROK THORN CITY UNDER SIEGE Tempered in the forge of battle, the dwarves of Burok Torn now face their deadliest threat ever. Having held off the legions of Calastia, King Thain's warriors are forced to contend with a foe that comes from an unexpected quarter below. Assaulted by the mysterious dark elves of Dier Drendal, Burok Torn fights for its very existence. But now, as all seems doomed, is it possible that Thain can turn to the heroes of the surface world to save his people? A region sourcebook for the Scarred Lands compatible with 3rd Edition rules and the D20 System. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WWP 08326 $17.95 SWORD & SORCERY: BEYOND ALL REASON Monsters have been acting strangely, working together with their natural enemies. Controlled by a powerful mind, striving toward an unknown purpose, they have ravaged the natural landscape and destroyed several small settlements. Investigation reveals a very unusual beehive with a powerful queen bent on domination! A mid-level fantasy adventure compatible with 3rd Edition rules and the D20 System. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WWP 16003 $9.95 VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE: GUIDE TO THE ANARCHS Following the lead of the Guide to the Camarilla and Guide to the Sabbat, the Guide to the Anarchs explores what it means to be a part of one sect, yet rebel against everything it stands for. This indispensable hardcover core rulebook for Vampire: The Masquerade gives players a chance to explore the politics of undead reform, from fist-shaking iconoclasts to reasoned intellectuals and everyone in between. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WWP 02424 $25.95 WIZKIDS LLC MAGE KNIGHT DUNGEONS: ARTIFACTS SET 1 These pre-painted, 3-dimensional dungeon accessories include two tables, four chairs, a clock trap, three columns, a throne and a rune stone, and can be incorporated into any Mage Knight Dungeons or miniatures game setting. All Mage Knight Dungeons Artifacts possess unique powers you can unleash upon your game, and the set comes complete with separate rules for each artifact. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WIZ 904 $14.95 MAGE KNIGHT DUNGEONS: ARTIFACTS SET 2 These pre-painted, 3-dimensional dungeon accessories pose as the perfect accessory to add flavor (and danger) to your Mage Knight Dungeons or miniatures arena. This set, featuring a fountain, large pool, small pool, altar, idol, statue, and healing goddess, comes complete with rules for each uniquely powerful artifact. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) WIZ 905 $14.95 WIZARDS OF THE COAST DRAGON LANCE: BEST OF TALES VOLUME 2 PAPERBACK Edited by bestselling authors and frequent collaborators Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, The Best of Tales, Volume Two is a 416-page collection of some of the most well-known and popular stories published in Dragonlance anthologies over the past 15 years. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSR 88546 $6.99 DRAGON LANCE: DRAGONS OF SUMMER FLAME PAPERBACK The War of the Lance is long over. Yet, chaos stirs during a hot parched summer such as no one on Krynn has ever experienced. Distraught, the young mage Palin Majere seeks to enter the Abyss in search of his lost uncle, the infamous archmage Raistlin. Meanwhile, The Dark Queen has found new Knights of Takhisis anxious to follow the Vision to victory, as the dark paladin, Steel Brightblade, rides to attack the High Clerist's Tower. And, on a small island, the mysterious Irda captures an ancient artifact and use it to ensure their own safety, even as her daughter, Usha, arrives in Palanthas claiming that she is Raistlin's daughter. The summer will be deadly. Perhaps it will be the last summer Ansalon will ever known. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSR 88551 $7.99 DRAGON LANCE: SECOND GENERATION PAPERBACK This collection of short stories features the children of the stalwart Companions featured in Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman's Dragons of Autumn Twilight, and includes the story of Steel Brightblade, the son of Kitiara and Sturm Brightblade. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSR 88543 $7.99 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: BASTION OF BROKEN SOULS Bastion of Broken Souls, which follows in the tradition of The Sunless Citadel, is a Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Adventure for 18th-level characters. This adventure is the latest element in a collection of adventures designed to take characters from beginner to advanced levels of play. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSR 88167 $9.95 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: MASTERS OF THE WILD — BARBARIANS, DRUIDS, & RANGERS The ultimate guide to customizing barbarians, druids, and rangers for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, Masters of the Wild contains strategies for creating specific types of characters, as well as advice for Dungeon Masters and players on how these types of characters could impact a campaign world. This volume contains details of skills, feats, and equipment for players who want to play a specific type of character beyond the information available in the Player's Handbook. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSR 88164 $19.95 FORGOTTEN REALMS: DUNGEON MASTER'S SCREEN The first Dungeon Master's screen made for running a Forgotten Realms campaign! Every Dungeon Master needs a screen to conceal notes and dice rolls, and to have valuable charts and information close at hand. And because the Forgotten Realms campaign setting is the most expansive fantasy world ever created, there's a lot of information. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSR 88686 $12.95 FORGOTTEN REALMS: JEWEL OF TURMISH PAPERBACK The third title in the Forgotten Realms Cities series, this novel explores the Vilhon Reach, an area of the Forgotten Realms world that previously had little information written about it.The Jewel of Turmish is the first Forgotten Realms novel from popular author Mel Odom since his trilogy of titles in The Threat from the Sea series. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSR 88545 $6.99 GREYHAWK: TOMB OF HORRORS PAPERBACK The Tomb of Horrors is the latest title in the Greyhawk Classics series, a set of novels that revisits the most popular adventures of the original Dungeons & Dragons game. This novel will appeal to current Greyhawk readers, and to anyone who has played the adventure or has taken an interest in the latest release of the game. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSR 88547 $6.99 STAR WARS RPG: NEW JEDI ORDER SOURCEBOOK HARDCOVER The first sourcebook on the popular New Jedi Order, this invaluable 160-page resource provides a wealth of pertinent information on weapon, ship, and nonplayer character statistics. It also includes a brief history and current state of the galaxy. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT:4) TSR 88658 $29.95 VIDEOS SECTION ANIME 9 O'CLOCK WOMAN DVD SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (MDB KVD-0203) $29.95 ASTROBOY NEW ADVENTURES VOLUME 1 & 2 VIDEOS DUBBED From Manga Entertainment! Set in April 2003, Professor Tenna designs a robot in the likeness of his young son, tragically killed in an automobile accident. Disappointed in the robot child's inability to nurture and grow, he sells it to a robot circus. Christened Astro Boy, he quickly becomes a public spectacle, experiencing humiliation and distress in the process. In the midst of his despair, a sympathetic professor at the circus seeking to save the boy robot from his plight, takes Astro Boy under his wing, educating him and introducing a robot family to his life. With a new, strong sense of self, Astro Boy overcomes contradictions and discrimination in human society by fighting for justice and peace for mankind. Volume 1 contains episodes 1-5, while Volume 2 showcases episodes 6-10. Approximate running time: 150 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. VOLUME 1 (MGA 4084) VHS $14.95 VOLUME 2 (MGA TBA003) VHS $14.95 BEAST CITY DVD SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (CPM A18-1834) $29.99 BOOGIEPOP PHANTOM DVD & VIDEO DUBBED BOX SETS From Right Stuf International! Boogiepop. Nothing more than an urban myth used to frighten the ignorant, Boogiepop exists on the fringe where strange things appear just below the surface. Yet, more frightening things linger in the dark… at least, they did five years ago, when a serial killer held the city in fear, slashing and murdering seemingly at random. Then, without a hint of a whisper, they stopped. Then came the flash of light in the darkness. A momentary glitch. For some, panic and death stalked the streets again. The shadow had a face. Boogiepop. But she is not the only one. Collecting all 4 volumes of the critically-acclaimed anime series of urban horror and supernatural terror! Approximate running time: 360 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD BOX SET (RST RDVD2020) $99.95 VHS BOX SET (RST RS9020) $69.95 BRIDE OF DARKNESS DVD SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (MDB KVD-0204) $29.95 CERES CELESTIAL LEGEND VOLUME 7 DVD & VIDEO DUBBED From Viz Communications! Approximate running time: 78 minutes. Release Date: March, 2002. DVD (VIZ ACV-07) $29.95 DUBBED (VIZ ACD-07) VHS $24.95 DIRTY PAIR FLASH VOLUME 3: RANDOM ANGELS DVD From A.D. Vision! Kei and Yuri are back in five new, collateral damage-filled episodes! Fearless, ruthless and completely clueless, the Lovely Angels are ready to tackle their most dangerous cases ever. It's every sentient being for itself when the 3WA's universal wrecking crew takes to the spaceways in Random Angels! Approximate running time: 125 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (ADV DVDDF003) $29.98 GUNDAM MS 08TH TEAM: MILLER'S REPORT DVD From Bandai Entertainment! Universal Century 0079. Federation Intelligence Officer Alice Miller has been assigned to investigate Shiro Amada, Commander of the 08th MS Team. Her mission: to uncover details of his mysterious prolonged absence after the last battle and to determine whether or not he is a spy for the Zeon forces. Facing the potential end of the his military career, Shiro must finally choose between military duty and his relationship with Aina as the 08th MS Team strives once more to prove itself in battle. Approximate running time: 50 minutes Release Date: March, 2002. DVD (PNE BN-1714V) $29.98 JIN-ROH WOLF BRIGADE DVD From Bandai Entertainment! From the creators of Ghost in the Shell and Akira! Set in an alternate history of Japan, Constable Fuse is part of an elite Special Forces unit known as the Capital Police whose mission is to maintain peace during a time of civil unrest. Entangled within a web of intrigue and politics between the Capital Police, the government intelligence bureau, and a secret society known as Jin-Roh - the Wolf Brigade, Fuse's decisions will determine the ultimate fate of the Capital Police and those around him. Also introduced in a "Special Edition DVD" format which features Special Edition Slip Case Packaging, the Jin-Roh Original CD Soundtrack, interviews with cast and creators, a 12-Page Jin-Roh Booklet, Theatrical Trailers, and more! Approximate running time: 102 minutes. Release Date: March, 2002. DVD (PNE BN-1881V) $29.98 S.E. DVD (PNE BN-1882V) $59.98 KUROGANE COMMUNICATION VOLUME 1: WASTELAND PARADISE DVD & VIDEO DUBBED From Anime Works! In the near future, earth has been devastated by an immense war. Haruka, one of the few lone survivors, lives in the ruins of Japan with five robots. Spike, the youngest robot, serves as her best friend, Cleric advises her, and Angela destroys her enemies. With Toriga, the world's angriest and least effective combat robot, and Reeves, the meanest-looking machine ever to wear a frilly pink apron, they protect her and search for other survivors. Contains episodes 1-4. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (MDB AWD-0210) $24.95 DUBBED (MDB AW-0209)—VHS $19.95 LABYRINTH OF FLAMES DVD & VIDEO DUBBED From U.S. Manga Corp! Director Katsuhiko Nishijima (Project A-ko, Agent Aika) brings animated life to the zany antics of Galan, a spastic geek who'd do anything to be a real, live samurai. That's just an impossible dream until he gets his hands on a strange sword, and stranger people begin to attack. Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (CPM USM-2151) $29.99 DUBBED (CPM USM-2094)—VHS $19.99 LANDLOCKE DVD From Manga Entertainment! The land of Zer'lue is in turmoil, ravaged by the technological might of Chairman Sana'ku and his evil, militaristic Zul'earth forces. In a rapidly unfolding story of treachery, deceit and betrayal, only one boy holds the power to defeat such overwhelming odds... a boy named Leu'der, who possess a mysterious red eye and the ability to control the power of the wind itself. Featuring character designs by the world-renowned Masamune Shirow (Ghost in the Shell). Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. DVD (MGA TBA002) $29.95 MACROSS PLUS THE MOVIE DVD From Manga Entertainment! From director Shoji Kawamori comes the Top Gun of Japanese animation! In 2040 A.D. on the colonial planet Eden, the Ministry of Defense is testing and developing a transforming aircraft, a new advanced defense to counter alien attacks. Enter Isamu Dyson. An extrovert jet fighter maverick assigned to the project Super Nova. Competition heats up as his old rival Guld surfaces in a competing project, while the arrival of Myung, a mutual ex-girlfriend, adds more tension to the brewing conflict. This DVD offering includes 15-minutes of additional, unseen footage. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT: 4) DVD (MGA TBA003) $29.95 MAGIC USERS CLUB TV VOLUME 3: MAGIC KISS DVD & VIDEOS From Anime Works! It's time for the school festival, where each club gets a chance to show their stuff to the entire school. The Magic User's Club is no exception, but they do have one complication. They're not allowed to let anyone see their magic! Sae decides that Tarot reading is a good idea, but things don't go as planned and the Magic Club ends up strutting their stuff in auditions for the drama club instead. Then, Sae spots the mysterious sprite-like person who's been appearing when her magic backfires who seeks to teach her about a new kind of magic. It's the magic of a first kiss! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (MDB MTD-4017) $24.95 DUBBED (MDB MT-4015)—VHS $19.95 SUBTITLED (MDB MT-4016)—VHS $19.95 METROPOLIS DVD From Columbia Tristar! Directed by anime veteran Rintaro, with a script scribed by Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira) based on a classic manga by Osamu Tezuka, the anime Metropolis is set in the future, centralized in the grand city-state of Metropolis, a region populated by humans and robots, the cohabitants of a strictly segmented society. Amidst the chaos created by anti-robot factions, detective Shunsaku Ban and his sidekick Ken-ichi are searching for rebel scientist Dr. Laughton, to arrest him and seize his latest creation, Tima, a beautiful young girl. When they locate them, Shunsaku quickly comes to realize that the eccentric scientist is beyond their reach, protected by a powerful man and his fierce desire to reclaim a tragic figure from his past. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (DIA 077966) $27.96 MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM 0083 VOLUME 2 DVD From Bandai Entertainment! Pursuing the stolen Gundam, Federation pilot Kou Uraki and his comrades follow Anavel Gato into space. Here Kou experiences a crushing defeat, and must turn to the unlikeliest of mentors to regain his confidence - a former Zeon soldier, whose own destiny will bring him into a fatal collision with Kou. Approximate running time: 120 minutes. Release Date: March, 2002. DVD (PNE BN-0366V) $29.98 ONI TENSI BLOOD AND INK VOLUME 2 VIDEO DUBBED SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL VHS (MDB KV-0205) $24.95 PILOT CANDIDATE VOLUME 3: WORKING TOGETHER DVD From Bandai Entertainment! The importance of teamwork is finally bearing fruit as Pilot and Repairer Candidates alike defend against the onslaught of Victim together. But the price of victory is high when an Ingrid pilot is seriously wounded in combat. Will one of the new Pilot Candidates be called upon to take his place? Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: March, 2002. DVD (PNE BN-1857V) $24.98 PLASTIC LITTLE DVD From A.D. Vision! Enter Tita, 17-year old captain of the Cha Cha Maru. Together with her crew, Tita specializes in capturing Yietta's exotic life forms for intergalactic pet shops, but through plain bad luck she finds herself, instead, at the core of a sinister plot to take over Yietta! By rescuing 16-year old Elysse from the very clutches of the military, Tita puts the lives of both herself and her crew in mortal peril. As the plotters mobilize their forces in a desperate bid to retrieve Elysse, whom they believe possesses a vital computer code, Tita must play a dangerous game of tag with an entire army of professional killers! Approximate running time: 50 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (ADV DVDPL001) $24.98 POWERSTONE VOLUME 2 DVD DUBBED From A.D. Vision! Falcon finds himself in serious girl trouble with the beautiful Cassie. But is she after Falcon's heart, or his power stone? Then, when Falcon's father sends him another stone with a surprising power, it leads to an exciting battle with the warrior Wang Tang. Falcon then sets off for the mysterious Mt. Min-min to steal a magical eagle's egg. And, just wait until the unsuspecting heroes meet up with a giant black octopus and the metal-clawed, skeleton-faced pirate, Kraken! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. DVD (ADV DVDPS002) $19.98 POWERSTONE VOLUME 3 DVD DUBBED From A.D. Vision! Falcon's dangerous quest to locate more mysterious Power Stones heats up as he journeys to Fire Land, and forced to fight fire with fire as he makes his way through the treacherous volcanic terrain. But soon it's out of the frying pan and into an ice storm as he travels to Cold Land to find his father, Pride. And, if that's not bad enough, Falcon finds himself buried in an avalanche of trouble when he ends up at Mystery Mountain. Approximate running time: 125 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (ADV DVDPS003) $19.98 PSYCHIC WARS DVD From Manga Entertainment! Brilliant surgeon Ukyo Retsu performs an operation to remove a cancer from a mysterious old woman. The cancer turns out to be a 5000 year old demon, a dark messenger from Japan's ancient past heralding a demonic invasion of the Earth. Ukyo travels to the remains of an ancient city where he finds a gateway into the fabric of time which enables him to travel back 5000 years. There in Earth's past, he discovers a race of demons who are planning to use the gateway to travel to the present in order to destroy mankind and make the Earth their own. Can Ukyo defeat the ancient race of demons and save the Earth, or will mankind be wiped out? Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (MGA D4059) $29.95 ROBOTECH NEW GENERATION VOLUME 11: NEXT WAVE DVD From A.D. Vision! The powerful third act of Robotech begins as the Robotech Defense Force, exhausted by years of intergalactic warfare, is finally defeated by mysterious aliens known as Invid. The fate of mankind rests in the hands of a few brave resistance fighters who will stop at nothing until the Earth is free once again. Approximate running time: 175 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (ADV DVDRT011) $14.98 ROBOTECH NEW GENERATION VOLUME 12: COUNTER STRIKE DVD From A.D. Vision! Forced to journey to Reflex Point, the small band of resistance fighters, led by Scott Bernard, are confronted with powerful enemies, mysterious allies and an over-riding sense of helplessness. Along the way, Scott and the others learn the true meaning of survival as they each face their own darkest fears. Approximate running time: 150 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (ADV DVDRT012) $14.98 ROBOTECH NEW GENERATION VOLUME 6 DVD BOX SET From A.D. Vision! This special 3-disc collector's edition includes both Volumes 11 & 12 of the New Generation saga, as well as the sixth installment in the indispensable Elements of Robotechnology Extras Series. The bonus disc features a selection of animation drawings and comic book covers from Robotech: The New Generation, a series of international clips, promotional films never-before-seen by the general public, and the home video premiere of the unaired English language pilot for Genesis Climber Mospeada - the first episode of one of the original Japanese series which came together to create Robotech. Approximate running time: 405 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. BOX SET (ADV DVDRTBX6)—DVD $44.98 RUROUNI KENSHIN VOLUME 15: FIREFLY'S WISH DVD AND VIDEOS From Anime Works! Introducing the first volume of Tales of the Meiji, the third arc of the Rurouni Kenshin story. After returning from Kyoto, Kenshin, Sanosuke and the others are looking for a rest from the ghosts of the Revolution. Despite Yahiko being mistaken for a foreign prince and Sanosuke finding a treasure-hiding dog, peace prevails at the Kamiya dojo. During this breather, Kenshin and Karou think back to the one moment they had together among the fireflies. Kenshin may still be haunted by the love he buried in the past, but now he has the chance for a wish for the future. Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (MDB RKD-2014) $29.95 DUBBED (MDB RK-0328)—VHS $24.95 SUBTITLED (MDB RK-0329)—VHS $24.95 SHERLOCK HOUND CASE FILE 1 DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! 221 B Baker Street has gone to the dogs! Based upon the detective stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Hound delivers an inspiring introduction of these classic mysteries to new audiences. The wonderful story telling and signature directing styles from Hayao Miyazaki (Totoro, Princess Mononoke) complete this package. Approximate running time: 125 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. Resolicited from Game Trade Magazine #16. DVD (PNE TBA002) $29.98 SOUL HUNTER VOLUME 2: ALL THE QUEEN'S MEN DVD From A.D. Vision! Daji's terrifying grip on the empire strengthens itself on the blood of the people and the destruction of its provinces. When they aren't being hunted by the minions of the evil puppet master, refugees swarm the Chinese countryside. With weary eyes they look to the horizon for a savior. But now Taikun has arrived! So, they're looking even harder! Approximate running time: 100 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (ADV DVDHT002) $29.98 SOUL TAKER VOLUME 1: MONSTER WITHIN DVD From Pioneer Entertainment! Kyosuke's normal life shatters with the knife's sharp entry into his heart. Why did mom do it? As Kyosuke recovers, his body reveals a dangerous secret...a secret proving his past is a lie! Kyosuke now searches for Runa, the sister he never knew, and the truth about his ability to transform into the powerful Soultaker! But, Kirihara Heavy Industries and mutants from the mysterious Hospital will prevent Kyosuke from learning anything with as much violence as possible! Approximate running time: 75 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (PNE 11698V) $29.98 STRANGE LOVE DVD From U.S. Manga Corp! Yoshida Chizuru is the sexiest co-ed in her class. Secretly, she's been appearing in TV commercials - despite the fact that students are forbidden from working. But one of her professors has uncovered her secret and hopes to use this information to his advantage. Yoshidas got plans of her own and has no intention of giving up her acting career. Approximate running time: 80 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (CPM USM-1746) $29.99 THOSE WHO HUNT ELVES VOLUME 2 DVD From A.D. Vision! Martial arts expert Junpei, superstar Airi and machine gun toting tomboy Ritsuko continue their quest to find the fragments of the spell that will send them home. They'll strip every elf in the land if they have to, and despite the protests of the newly naked elves, Celcia, the elves' elder, continues to aid them. Because the naked truth is that if the elf hunters aren't sent back, both worlds may cease to exist in a bang of cosmic proportions! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (ADV DVDDVDTW) $29.98 TOKYO REVELATION DVD From Manga Entertainment! A satanic program is activated aboard a crowded commercial flight headed for Tokyo, releasing a swarm of invisible demons that send the aircraft plunging to a fiery doom. Everyone aboard is killed instantly - except Akito Kobayashi - owner of the devilish program and sworn ally of hell itself! Upon returning to school, Akito's old friend, Kojiro Soma, stumbles upon his plans for the human race, which revolve around magnetite, the mysterious element that forms the living essence of every living human soul. That source exits in Kojiro's class, but when the evil plan expands beyond even Akito's grasp, it is Kojiro who must find the ultimate power within himself, and go head-to-head with the greatest demon of all! Approximate running time: 60 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. (CAUT: 4) DVD (MGA D4082) $29.95 VAMPIRE HUNTER D BLOODLUST DVD & VIDEO DUBBED From Urban Vision! When the sun sets, the hunt goes on! Written and directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri (Ninja Scroll, Wicked City), based on a novel by Hideyuki Kikuchi, the story revolves around D, the infamous "dunpeal" (born of a vampire father and a human mother) outcast and renowned vampire hunter. His prowess at hunting the creatures of the night allowing him acceptance among humans, he is called upon to locate Charlotte Elbourne, the lovely daughter of an affluent family who has been mysteriously kidnapped. Charlotte's father offers a rich bounty, be she dead or alive, a task D willingly accepts, even with the notorious Markus brothers and their gang of bounty hunters seeking the prize as well. Amidst the chase and unknown to all lurks a sinister evil which has been secretly manipulating their every move and has set a chilling trap that none will expect and few will survive. With the tables turned and the secrets revealed, the hunters could quickly become the hunted! Approximate running time: 103 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (URB UV-1093) $29.95 DUBBED (URB UV-1094)—VHS $19.95 ZENKI SAGA 2 DVD From Enoki Films! Zenki and Chiaki encounter a new threat, as the evil Karma awakens Anju's true power. Only the mysterious sorcerer, Sohma Miki, is able to stand against Anju in her new form. The secrets of Sohma and Anju are revealed as the final battle with Karma's forces draws near. However, to achieve victory, Chiaki and Zenki must travel back in time 800 years to challenge her own ancestors. Only then will Zenki's second transformation occur, giving him the strength to challenge Karma's ancient powers. Contains episodes 14-26. Approximate running time: 325 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (MDB EFD-8907) $39.95 Z-MIND DVD From Bandai Entertainment! Old school is back! And girl power reigns supreme! Ayame, Sumire, Renge, and Satsuki are charged with the protection of the Earth from a powerful new enemy. But these girls may be in for more than they've bargained for! They'll have to not only master the experimental mobile armor Z-Mind, but also hold down their part time jobs, all the while keeping their lives normal! But will this be enough to stop the forces of evil from conquering the Earth? Approximate running time: 150 minutes. Release Date: March, 2002. DVD (PNE BN-1570V) $34.98 ANIMATION ATLANTIS THE LOST EMPIRE DVD & VIDEO From Disney Home Video! Circa 1914: Milo Thatch, linguist and grandson of the great adventurer Thaddeus Thatch, knows that Atlantis exists. Thus, with the mysterious Shephards journal to guide him, a revolutionary submarine at his disposal, and a ragtag crew of misfits to guide her, so begins Milo's quest for the mythical lost continent of Atlantis! Michael J. Fox, James Garner, Cree Summer, Claudia Christian, and Leonard Nimoy are just a few of the talented actors who bring this sweeping animated epic to life. The "2-Disc Collector's Edition" contains additional "Disney Firsts" as a Multiple Platform Navigation System (3-D Menus), exclusive visual commentary by Directors Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise, plus special features as a virtual tour of CG Models of the Ulysses and Leviathan, a two-hour "Submersive" DVD experience, and extensive details on the story and editing, art direction, character designs, music and sound, and more! Approximate running time: 96 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. DVD (DIA BV23835) $29.98 DVD C.E. (DIA BVE24084) $39.99 VHS (DIA BVH23822) $26.99 PEANUTS: BE MY VALENTINE, CHARLIE BROWN VIDEO By Paramount Home Video! It's Valentine's Day again and Charlie Brown dreams the seemingly hopeless dream of receiving a valentine from anyone in this 1975 timeless animated classic featuring Charles Shultz's beloved Peanuts gang. Approximate running time: 25 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. VHS (DIA 837423) $12.95 STARSHIP TROOPERS: ROUGHNECKS DVDS From Columbia Tristar! Get ready for more explosive adventures with Rico's Roughnecks as they battle deadly arachnids in their fight to keep mankind alive. Based on the book that inspired the hit movie, the Emmy-nominated Roughnecks: Starship Trooper Chronicles is acclaimed for both the purity of its sci-fi vision and for gorgeous, innovative computer-generated visuals. Approximate running time: 94 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. HYDORA CAMPAIGN DVD (DIA 074958) $24.95 HYDORA CAMPAIGN VHS (DIA 076686) $14.95 TOPHET CAMPAIGN DVD (DIA 074965) $24.95 TOPHET CAMPAIGN VHS (DIA 076679) $14.95 ASIAN CINEMA ARMAGEDDON WIDESCREEN DVD From Tai Seng Marketing! From acclaimed director Gordon Chan (Fist of Legend, First Option) comes this spiritual and imaginative supernatural thriller. As the end of the millennium approaches, the world's top scientists are mysteriously incinerated one by one. As Dr. Ken (Andy Lau) desperately tries to solve the unsolvable, he is haunted by the sudden reappearance of his dead fiancé, Adele (Michelle Reis). Suspecting that the strange happenings are harbingers to the end of the world, Ken now realizes that he's the only one who can save the human race from total annihilation. Approximate running time: 112 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. DVD (DIA 90734) $29.98 DUEL WIDESCREEN DVD From Tai Seng Marketing! Andrew Lau, sensational director of The Storm Riders, lends his incredible visionary eye to this jaw-dropping martial arts fantasy extravaganza. The elusive "Sword Saint" (Andy Lau) requests a duel with "God of Sword" (Ekin Cheng) at the apex of the Forbidden City, to see who is the world's finest swordsman. Yet, danger ensues amidst the epic confrontation as a deadly conspiracy befalls the emperor and Imperial town…a conspiracy whose dark secret surfaces only after the final clash of swords sounds. Approximate running time: 106 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. DVD (DIA 92814) $29.98 GONIN 2 DVD & VIDEO DUBBED From Tokyo Shock! Masamichi Toyama is a loyal husband with a bad gambling debt. Mobsters out for the money track him down, beating him and raping his wife. Desperate for revenge, he makes himself a sword and sets out to wreak havoc. Unfortunately, when he meets the Gonin, a group of five female thieves, his luck only gets worse. They've accidentally stole the ring Masamichi wanted for his wife, and now he's more likely to hunt them than join their cause. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB TSD-0205) $29.95 DUBBED (MDB TS-0204)—VHS $19.95 J IDOLS DVD'S From Tokyopop! J-Idols DVD's offer you an intimate, up-close and personal look at Japan's most beautiful, sexy, talented and renowned supermodels! From exotic locales as the paradise of Phuket, Thailand, to the black-topped streets of import car racing, these stunning beauties tantalize and titillate in their most stylish clothes, swimsuits, and uniforms… all for you! Release Date: February, 2002. JUN DVD (DIA TPDV1062) $19.98 MIHO DVD (DIA TPVD1052) $19.98 ROBOTRIX DVD From Tokyo Shock! Selina was a beautiful detective in Hong Kong, until she was brutally murdered by an android stalker. The robot is out of control, raping and killing every prostitute he can get his hands on. Dr. Sara, an eminent roboticist, brings Selina back as Robotrix! She has the body of a voluptuous prostitute, the mind and instincts of a seasoned detective, and the strength of a killing machine. Created to track down the runaway android, she is powered by the ultimate fuel, revenge! Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB TSD-0206) $29.95 TOKYO MAFIA: WRATH OF THE YAKUZA DVD From Asia Pulp Cinema! From the dark past of the Tokyo Mafia, an old friend returns as a deadly enemy. Violence explodes as betrayal rips mafia loyalties apart in this guns-a-blaring martial arts blowout starring Riki Takeuchi of Dead or Alive. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (CPM APC-2152) $29.99 CLASSIC FILM AND TELEVISION DICK FRANCIS DUO DVD From Lance Entertainment! Introducing gripping mysteries from the best-selling pen of Dick Francis, a former champion jockey turned mystery writer. He sets the action in a world of high-stakes racing, where horses run hot, murder runs cold, and Jockey Club investigator David Cleveland bets against the odds. Ian McShane (Lovejoy, Dallas) stars as David Cleveland, with Patrick MacNee (The Avengers). Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. DVD (MDB ) $14.99 HAUNTING PASSION DVD From Lance Entertainment! Jane Seymour and Gerald McRaney star in a sensual and mysteriously unique love story. A couple moves into their seaside dream home, only to discover that supernatural happenings begin to encroach upon their life together. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB ) $14.99 THE SAINT SET 3 & 4 DVD & VIDEO PACKS From A&E Home Video! He's one of the most popular of all fictional heroes--Simon Templar, the daredevil Saint immortalized forever by the legendary Roger Moore in one of the most beloved cult television series of all time. The Saint's explosive blend of thrilling action, daring adventure and dashing style captivated TV audiences on both sides of the Atlantic, and these collector's sets each include seven more episodes from the 1966-7 season, the first to be filmed in color. Digitally re- mastered and presented uncut and in their original broadcast order, this collection is what fans have long been waiting for, and includes great bonus features, including a bio of the saint, production stills and more. Approximate running time: VHS: 156 minutes / DVD: 312 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. SET 3 DVD (DIA AAE70347) $39.95 SET 3 VHS (DIA AAE18262) $29.95 SET 4 DVD (DIA AAE70350) $39.95 SET 4 VHS (DIA AAE18266) $29.95 SECRET AGENT MAN SET 2 & 3 DVD PACKS From A&E Home Video! American audiences welcomed the dashing secret agent John Drake (Patrick McGoohan) into their homes when CBS ran the unique spy series known as Secret Agent in 1965. Drake was a moral secret agent, using brains instead of guns to get the job done. Now, A&E Home Video presents rarely-seen, classic episodes of this exciting international spy thriller, digitally restored re-mastered and for the best possible viewing experience. All episodes are complete and uncut, and presented in their original CBS broadcast order. Approximate running time: 312 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. SET 2 DVD (DIA AAE70387) $39.95 SET 3 DVD (DIA AAE70390) $39.95 SPACE 1999 SET 5 & 6 DVD PACKS From A&E Home Video! When Earth's moon is blasted out of orbit by a spectacular series of nuclear explosions, the men and women of Moonbase Alpha embark on the greatest adventure of their lives. In each episode they must fight to survive amid bizarre life forms, undreamed-of civilizations, hostile environments and mystic phenomena. Premiering after Star Trek and before Star Wars, SPACE: 1999 offered TV audiences cinema-style special effects, grand set design and sleek, ultra-modern costumes. Each DVD set contains 6 complete episodes. Approximate running time: 312 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. SET 5 DVD (DIA AAE70403) $39.95 SET 6 DVD (DIA AAE70406) $39.95 COLLECTOR'S EDITION OLIVER STONE'S JFK 2-DISC SPECIAL EDITION DIRECTOR'S CUT DVD From Warner Home Video! The 2-time Academy Award winning Oliver Stone directed JFK offers a riveting blend of fact and opinion as to the events surrounding the proposed conspiracy of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner) probes into the actions of the F.B.I. and other officials of whom he suspects were covering up information that could lead to evidence of multiple shooters. Extremely suspicious of the official story presented by the FBI, and contradicting what he already knows, what Garrison subsequently learns leads him to suspect that there is more to the story than the public is being told. Special features include a feature-length audio commentary by Oliver Stone, deleted/extended scenes, multi-media essays updating the debate on the Kennedy Assassination, original theatrical trailers, and more. Approximate running time: 205 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. DVD (DIA DVD18646) $24.98 THE SIXTH SENSE VISTA SERIES 2-DISC DVD From Ingram Entertainment! M. Night Shyamalan writes and directs this stylish psychological thriller that follows disheartened child psychologist Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) as he investigates the horrifying events haunting Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment), an 8-year-old boy with a unique "gift" for communicating with spirits. Introduced in this special edition DVD set are several never-before-scene documentaries including "Reflections From The Set","M. Night Shyamalan: Storyteller", and "Documentary on the Paranormal Hosted By M. Night Shyamalan". Approximate running time: 107 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. DVD (DIA BVE22819) $24.98 TOMBSTONE VISTA SERIES 2-DISC DVD From Ingram Entertainment! Kurt Russell, Bill Paxton, Val Kilmer, and Dana Delany star in this exciting Hollywood account of Former lawman Wyatt Earp and friend Doc Holliday who settle in the town of Tombstone, but soon come into conflict with the Cowboys, a band of outlaws led by the Clanton brothers. This special edition DVD set includes several never-before-scene Production Features as "Making An Authentic Western", "An Ensemble Cast", and "The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral", plus audio commentary by Director George Cosmatos, a Tombstone Timeline, original storyboards, "Faro At The Oriental: Game Of Chance" DVD-ROM, and more. Approximate running time: 130 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA BVE23118) $24.98 FANTASY 2069 A SEXY ODYSSEY DVD & VIDEO SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (DIA 2069DVD) $19.98 VHS (DIA 2069VHS) $19.98 MUMMY RAIDER DVD & VIDEO SEE PREVIEW ADULT FOR MORE INFORMATION. NOTE: Not available in Canada, Hong Kong, or the UK. Release Date: January, 2002. (CAUT: 3) ADULT MATERIAL DVD (DIA MUMMYDVD) $19.98 VHS (DIA MUMMYVHS) $19.98 HORROR BEYOND THE DARKNESS: BUIO OMEGA DVD & VIDEO DUBBED From Shriek Show! On a luxurious estate in the Italian countryside, Francesco mourns his deceased lover. Soon pain and loss turn to madness and violence, as this troubled young man decides he cannot part with his love just yet. Excavating her corpse, he preserves her body with excruciating attention to detail. That, however, is only the beginning. Soon he is overcome with rage, murdering innocent young women and anyone else who infringes on the privacy of his estate! The legendary Joe D'Amato's most infamous movie, it features an acclaimed score by the Italian rock band, Goblin. Available for the first time ever completely uncut! Approximate running time: 73 minutes. Release Date: February, 2002. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (MDB SSD-0204) $24.95 VHS (MDB SS-0203) $19.95 HANNIBAL SPECIAL EDITION DVD & VIDEO From Ingram Entertainment! Break the silence! Following in the wake of Silence of the Lambs, director Ridley Scott follows the trail of Dr. Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), who slips into hiding in Florence, Italy. Meanwhile, the hunt is on as Mason Verger (Gary Oldman), an old victim of the doctor's, yearns for revenge. Disfigured and confined to a life-support system, he plans to draw Lecter out of his hiding place, using the one thing he truly cares for: Clarice Starling (Julianne Moore). This Special Edition offering features 4 hours of extras, including an alternate ending, deleted scenes, 5 "Making-Of" featurettes, and more! Approximate running time: 131 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. MATURE AUDIENCE DVD (DIA 1002321) $29.98 VHS (DIA 1002318) $14.95 HOW-TO PROS GUIDE TO COMIC ART TECHNIQUES VIDEO From Whizbang Productions! Packed with behind-the-scenes info, over-the-shoulder penciling and inking demos, industry tips, and revealing interviews with industry greats as Adam Hughes and Bernie Wrightson, this video seeks to bring you 'up close' with comic book professionals as they demonstrate and explain the techniques used to create your favorite comics! Approximate running time: 80 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. VHS $24.95 PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING FMW DVDS & VIDEOS From Tokyopop! Uncut and fully uncensored, FMW showcases the world's wrestling masters as East meets West in these spine-shattering matches with America and Japan's living legends of hardcore! Among the blood-spilling, body-slamming, head-cracking gladiators featured in this selection of volumes include Mike Awesome, Masato Tanaka, Kudo Fuyuki, Sabu, and Flying Falcon Hayabusa. Approximate running time: 90 minutes. Release Date: January, 2002. VOLUME 11 DVD (DIA TPVD1152) $24.99 VOLUME 11 VHS (DIA TPVD1153) $19.99 VOLUME 12 DVD (DIA TPVD1162) $24.99 VOLUME 12 VHS (DIA TPVD1163) $19.99 VOLUME 13 DVD (DIA TPVD1172) $24.99 VOLUME 13 VHS (DIA TPVD1173) $19.99 VOLUME 14 DVD (DIA TPVD1182) $24.99 VOLUME 14 VHS (DIA TPVD1183) $19.99 AUDIO ALIENS DELUXE SOUNDTRACK CD From Supertracks! Academy Award-winning Titanic composer James Horner's score is featured in this CD compilation of newly remastered and previously unreleased music from James Cameron's ALIENS blockbuster movie. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA 30206624) $17.99 AVENGERS TELEVISION SCORE CD From Supertracks! Composer Laurie Johnson takes the stage with this selection of music created for the cult television series, The Avengers, and features additional tracks from The First Men In The Moon and Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA VSD5501) $17.99 FINAL FANTASY X OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK CD From Tokyopop! With amazing music composed by Nobuo Uematsu, Junya Nakano, and Masashi Hamauza, the Final Fantasy X Official Soundtrack is the ultimate music CD compilation! Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA TPCD2112) $14.98 FROM HELL SCORE CD From Supertracks! Having written music for Merlin, Excalibur, and Dark City, composer Trevor Jones conjures the haunting score for the motion picture based on Alan Moore's acclaimed graphic novel, which also features a song performed by Marilyn Manson. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA 30206629) $17.99 GODZILLA VS. MEGAGUIRUS CD From GNP Crescendo Records! Godzilla returns in all his glory in Godzilla vs. Megaguirus, the fourth release in the jolly green lizard's series of feature films. Michiru Ohshima writes and composes the music for this epic undertaking, complemented with the original Godzilla theme by Akira Ifukube. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA GNPD8072) $12.98 GREATEST SCI-FI HITS VOLUME 4 CD From GNP Crescendo Records! This fourth edition features 28 tracks of new and pivotal Sci-Fi music as composed by Neil Norman and his Cosmic Orchestra, and includes such classic scores from the likes of Babylon 5, Buckaroo Banzai, Men in Black, Predator, Stargate SG-1, Xena: Warrior Princess, The X-Files, and many others. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA GNPD2258) $12.98 IRON MONKEY ORIGINAL MOVIE SCORE CD From GNP Crescendo Records! Featuring the original score from the Hong Kong martial arts thriller Iron Monkey, as composed by James L. Venable, whose work has appeared in Samurai Jack and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA GNPD8076) $12.98 JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK MOVIE SCORE CD From Supertracks! James Venable (Samurai Jack, Powerpuff Girls) composes this selection of music taken from the final installment of Kevin Smith's acclaimed New Jersey chronicles. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA 30206627) $17.99 LOTR FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING MOVIE SOUNDTRACK CDS From Rhino Audio! The soundtrack to the most anticipated film of the holiday season boasts 20 tracks of music produced by The London Philharmonic Orchestra, The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, and The London Voices, with a featured score by Howard Shore (Silence of the Lambs, Ed Wood) and two new songs by Enya. Also introduced in a "Limited Edition" format which includes a special film booklet and leatherette packaging. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA CD248110) $18.98 LTD ED CD (DIA CD248238) $29.98 THE OMEN DELUXE EDITION CD From Supertracks! Jerry Goldsmith's Oscar-winning score to the horror classic directed by Richard Donner showcases groundbreaking choral chants and driving rhythms, and is produced in all its glory with newly remastered and previously unreleased music. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA 30206628) $17.99 TOTAL RECALL DELUXE EDITION CD From Supertracks! Academy Award-winning composer Jerry Goldsmith's high adrenalin score to the science fiction classic directed by Paul Verhoeven and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger is captured in this deluxe CD offering, newly remastered with additional previously unreleased music. Release Date: January, 2002. CD (DIA 30206619) $17.99 VIDEO SHELF BACKLIST Star Code Previews Title SRP STAR13886 AKIRA 2-DISC SPECIAL ED. DVD SET (Non-Tin Packaging) $39.98 STAR14116 APOCALYPSE ZERO 1 & 2 DVD $24.95 STAR14045 ARC THE LAD VOLUME 4 ALLIANCE DVD $29.98 STAR14046 BLOOD, THE LAST VAMPIRE DVD $24.95 STAR14090 BLOOD, THE LAST VAMPIRE VIDEO/DUBBED $19.95 STAR13995 BLUE SEED VOLUME 2: DESCENT INTO TERROR DVD $29.98 STAR14048 BUBBLEGUM CRISIS 2040 VOLUME 5 DVD $29.98 STAR14091 CARDCAPTOR SAKURA VOLUME 5: VACATION DAZE DVD/SUBTITLED $29.98 STAR14092 CARDCAPTORS VOLUME 5: FIRESTORM DVD/DUBBED $24.98 STAR14093 CREST OF THE STARS VOLUME 2: POLITICS OF WAR DVD $29.98 STAR14094 DETONATOR ORGUN DVD $29.99 STAR14052 DRAGONBALL Z: FRIEZA — CLASH DVD $24.95 STAR14096 ELF PRINCESS RANE DVD $24.95 STAR14055 FARSCAPE VOLUME 6 DVD $24.98 STAR14099 GARAGA DVD $29.99 STAR14056 GETTER ROBO VOLUME 2: ARMAGEDDON DVD $29.98 STAR14058 GREMLINS DVD $19.98 STAR14100 GUNDAM: THE 08th M.S. TEAM VOLUME 2 DVD $24.98 STAR14060 INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES OF WALLACE AND GROMIT DVD $24.98 STAR14008 KIMAGURE ORANGE ROAD: SUMMER'S BEGINNING DVD $29.98 STAR14009 MACROSS PLUS VOLUME 1 SOUNDTRACK CD $14.98 STAR14010 MACROSS PLUS VOLUME 2 SOUNDTRACK CD $14.98 STAR14102 MASQUERADE DVD (A) $29.99 STAR14013 OFFICE & CO-ED AFFAIRS DVD (A) $39.95 STAR14130 OH MY GODDESS! VOLUME 1 DVD $24.95 STAR14062 ORPHEN VOLUME 2: SUPERNATURAL POWERS DVD $29.98 STAR12418 PRINCESS MONONOKE DVD $32.99 STAR14131 PUPPET PRINCESS DVD $24.95 STAR14067 RANMA ½, RANDOM RHAPSODY VOLUME 2: THE WAY WERE NOT DVD $29.95 STAR14132 RUROUNI KENSHIN VOLUME 10: BETWEEN LIFE & DEATH DVD $29.95 STAR14103 RUROUNI KENSHIN VOLUME 10: BETWEEN LIFE & DEATH VIDEO/DUBBED $24.95 STAR14069 SAILOR AND THE 7 BALLZ DVD/SUBTITLED (A) $24.95 STAR14133 SAILOR MOON: THE RETURN OF SAILOR MOON VIDEO/DUBBED $12.98 STAR14134 SAILOR MOON: TREE OF DOOM VIDEO DUB $12.98 STAR14135 SAINT TAIL VOLUME 1: THIEF OF HEARTS DVD $29.98 STAR14136 SORCERER HUNTERS VOLUME 3: MAGICAL CONTESTS DVD $29.98 STAR14137 STARBLAZERS: THE QUEST FOR ISCANDAR PART 6 DVD $29.95 STAR14076 TOKIO PRIVATE POLICE COMPLETE DVD (A) $29.95 STAR14111 TRIGUN OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK CD $14.98 STAR14079 VERY PRIVATE LESSON DVD $24.95 STAR14080 VOOGIES ANGEL DVD $29.95 STAR13924 VOTOMS VOLUME 11 DVD $29.95 STAR13925 VOTOMS VOLUME 12 DVD $29.95 STAR13926 VOTOMS VOLUME 13 DVD $29.95 STAR13835 VOTOMS VOLUME 14 DVD $29.95 STAR13836 VOTOMS VOLUME 15 DVD $29.95 STAR14028 VOTOMS VOLUME 16 DVD $29.95 STAR14029 WEATHER REPORT GIRL DVD (A) $24.95